Around the Vineyard Alrededor de la Viña
Around the Vineyard Alrededor de la Viña
Around the Vineyard Alrededor de la Viña -John 15:1-5 February 2009 Memo from Michelle I recently attended the membership meeting for the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry and in December attended NCCYM with a delegation from our diocese. In both arenas the conversation around Adolescent Catechesis continued both in formal presentations and informal conversation. I want to draw your attention to the recently released executive summary of the November Symposium around Adolescent Catechesis. It is a very quick read and I strongly encourage you to take a moment to review and to Office of Youth & Young Adult 407-246-4867 [email protected] share this information with your parish staffs and ministry team members. Summary.htm I would like to highlight here the main themes of the conversation as it continues forward, themes echoed in our local virtual symposium conducted in November. I offer also my own brief reflection on each theme. Collaboration - the symposium’s success flowed from the cooperation of NCCL, NCEA and NFCYM. This model is essential to the dialogue and work at diocesan and local levels as well. We must recognize this work as shared and IN THIS ISSUE: † Vineyard Prayers † Dr. Robert McCarty Presentation † Advisory Board † Summer Peer Leadership † NCYC † CRS Training (Food Fast) † CMD Adolescent Catechesis † CMD Certificate Classes † Resources † Vineyard Happenings Diversity – our catechesis must reflect the tapestry of our † Foco Hispano † Deanery Meetings Comprehensive- catechesis must invite the young person to † Sharing the Vision Trainings look to those in religious education and schools for the wisdom they bring to this conversation. church, diverse in culture, economics and settings. true active discipleship rooted in a relational and intellectual knowing of Jesus Christ; we seek nothing less than - 1 transformation than of hearts and lives. Supporting and forming family faith – our homes are truly called to be domestic churches and we must be empowering our families to engage in family faith rituals and remain in engaged in formation from their involvement in marriage preparation processes forward. Formation of Catechists - given the importance, depth and breadth of this mission we must be intentional on a local and national level on providing solid formation for those engaged in forming our youth, families and parishioners. Challenging the Status Quo - the cultural Catholic ‘marinade’ that existed when the CCD model and parish school took on the primary formational role no longer exists in the same way. We must re-imagine the structures needed to invite our youth to an encounter with the living Lord and to walk with them as they strive to accept the challenge of daily discipleship. I find this to be an exciting and challenging discussion. I am happy to have a conversation with parishes as to how they can take part in this national conversation at a local level as we seek to form young disciples within our parish family. Know that my heart, head and hands are committed to the challenge of this dialogue both within our diocese and nationally. Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry News and Events Oficina del Ministerio de la Juventud y Jóvenes Adultos Noticias y Acontecimientos Vineyard Prayers As a diocese we share together in the ministry to and with our youth and young adults. There will be an e-mail prayer chain for those serving in this ministry. Those choosing to be a part of this ministry will receive a monthly e-mail with the prayer requests of the ministers and ministries we serve. If you are interested in being a part of this prayer chain, or if you wish to -2- submit a prayer request for an event, project or the ministry/ministers of your parish please contact Michelle ([email protected]). It is a special blessing and privilege to lift one another in prayer. Dr. Robert McCarty Presentation – June 3, 2009 “Engaging Youth, Parishes and Parents: Developing a New Map for a Changing Territory” 9am – 1pm in the Chancery Courtroom Speaker: Dr. Robert McCarty, D.Min is the Executive Director of the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry. Who is invited: All parish ministers – Directors of Youth Ministry, Directors of Religious Education, Family Life Ministers; Principals and Campus Ministers Registration: Registration form will be posted in April – there will be a small fee for the day and lunch will be included. Comprehensive youth ministry envisions the involvement of the entire parish community in the formation of our youth. Dr McCarty will examine several models of Catholic Youth Ministry through the lens of new insights regarding the possibilities of engaging whole parish communities in formation. With well-formed ministers coordinating the gifts of the parish family the young church will be witnesses to the “body of Christ” at work as they are invited to share the mission and life of that body. Dr Mc Carty will be with the priests of our Diocese on June 2 and we look forward to the intra-parish dialogue which will flow from his time with us. Advisory Board Work is well underway as priorities are surfaced and both the Policy and Procedure Committee and the Peer Leadership Committee are in full swing. Over the last 3 meetings a discernment of priorities has focused on sharing an understanding of the vision for both youth and young adult ministries with pastors, parishes, ministry teams and parishioners as the highest priority. This is seen as the most effective manner to advocate for qualified lay ministers in youth and young adult ministry and for youth and young adult friendly parishes as well as resulting in the most comprehensive formation for youth and young adults. This is -3- followed by the need for strong formation for coordinators, directors and ministry team members as they begin in ministry and on an ongoing basis. For this reason, direct ministry with youth and young adults on a diocesan level is a priority that is seen as surfacing from these foundations in an organic way over the next year, rather than as an immediate priority to plan “events”. There is certainly a patience required with laying solid foundations and allowing the ministry to flow from that work. Summer Peer Leadership Training The Peer Leadership committee is in the process of re-visioning peer leadership training and opportunities at the Diocesan level. During this process the Diocese will suspend the previous summer training, Catholic Leadership Alive. This year we strongly encourage your parishes to participate in a program facilitated by Donna Cooper, who has extensive experience with St Leo’s leadership training, and Terri Seitz. Details are as follows - Raise the Bar – God Can Use You Dates: June 7-11, 2009 Location: FFA Leadership Training Center in Haines City Cost: $250 Focus: Servant Leadership & Discipleship Audience: All peer leaders – there will be 2 training levels, one for those new Contact: Donna Cooper at [email protected] NCYC in Kansas City MO November 19-21, 2009 Initial Parish Registration by: March 1, 2009 Parish Leader Meeting: March 9, 2009 Cost: $450/person We begin preparation for next years Diocesan Pilgrimage with the theme of the upcoming NCYC,“Christ Reigns”, in our hearts and minds. The promotional video can be found at: Diocesan packet and registration information can be found at: The -4- Diocesan package covers registration fee, all transportation once in Kansas City, 3 nights of hotel (Thurs – Sat), 3 breakfasts and1 dinner, trading items, and Diocesan ‘identity’ items. FORMATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES OPORTUNIDADES DE FORMACIÓN Catholic Relief Services Training – Day or Evening Options Thursday – February 12, 2009 9am – Noon at the Chancery 7pm – 9:15pm at Sts. Peter & Paul (English and Spanish) Training in the use of Operation Rice Bowl and Food Fast resources for the youth of your parish. Mark your calendars now to join us for this morning. Adolescent Catechesis Workshop by Center for Ministry Development (CMD) April 28, 2009 in Chancery Courtroom Registration 8:30am; Workshop 9am – 3:00pm Who: Pastors, Coordinators of Youth Ministry, Directors of Religious Education, Coordinators of Confirmation Preparation, and members of ministry teams. What: Discover ways to help youth encounter Jesus Christ and grow in faith. Explore the world of the adolescent faith learner and the ways that they grow in faith. Find new and innovative practices in adolescent catechesis that effectively engage youth in knowing, learning, living, and loving their Catholic faith. Experience practical methods for catechesis with adolescents and their families that can be implemented within parish youth ministry and religious education. Registration Form: (CMD) – Certificate Classes Orlando CMD Certificate Courses – summer 2009 July 13-14, 2009 Principles of Youth Ministry Tom East July 15-16, 2009 Practices of Youth Ministry Deacon John Ashmore -5- August 10-11, 2009 Foundations of Ministry Leadership Ann Marie Eckert August 12-13, 2009 Skills for Christian Leadership Ann Marie Eckert Cost: The cost for each course will be $200. Early Bird Discount: If you register for all four courses by June 1, 2009 you will receive $100 your summer course fees. Team Discount: FirstTwo team members: $300 (share materials); all additional team members $100 (sharing 1 set of materials. Additional material sets: $50) There will be a meal package available for all participants. Please contact Michelle for additional information ([email protected]) Jacksonville CMD Certificate Courses The Diocese of St Augustine is hosting CMD certificate classes this year. For further information please contact Dewey Szarkowski by phone (904.262.3200 ext 112) or e-mail ([email protected]). The final class for this year is: March 28-29 (Prayer and Worship) RESOURCES RECURSOS Sharing the Vision Resources CMD Parish Training Resources The office of Youth and Young Adult ministry has recently purchased 10 resources for catechetical leaders to use that assist parishes in implementing the vision the USCCB articulated in “Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry” (1997). Each of the resources includes the following: a trainer’s outline for a 2 hour session for use with parish leaders, parishioners, parents and/or youth ministry teams; a power point presentation; participant handouts. A complete list of these resources can be found at: s.php Please e-mail Michelle ([email protected]) if you wish to have on-line access to these resources. To schedule a training please download the detailed brochure found at: e.pdf -6- Young Neighbors in Action “The concerns for non-violence, sustainable development, justice and peace, and care for our environment are of vital importance for humanity. They cannot, however, be understood apart from a profound reflection upon the innate dignity of every human life from conception to natural death: a dignity conferred by God himself and thus inviolable.” --Benedict XVI, World Youth Day, July 17, 2008 These words inspire us at Center for Ministry Development to continue to serve our brothers and sisters in need and to remind us of how important it is to learn more about the vision that compels us to do this service. Young Neighbors in Action is the premiere national week-long service learning experience designed to help teams of older adolescents and their adult leaders grow in their catholic faith while serving their brothers and sisters in need. Call The Center for Ministry Development at (203)723-1622 or look us up online at for all the registration information you will need. Totally Catholic Fundraising If you are looking for a new fundraiser you may wish to consider selling Christian jewelry, rosaries and even t-shirts through this organization. More information on this organization can be found at VINEYARD HAPPENINGS The events in this section are not sponsored by the Diocese but have been submitted by parishes and organizations within the Diocese. Youth 2000 Retreat – Holy Name of Jesus in Indialantic February 20-22 A retreat for High School Students Retreat led by the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Renewal from New York and Mass with Bishop Wenski, Diocese of Orlando For more information please contact Julie Ann Walker by email:[email protected] Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church -7- FOCO HISPANO HISPANIC FOCUS 3er Taller de la Pascua Juvenil 2009 - Auspiciado por SEPI para la entrega del nuevo libro de la Pascua Juvenil 2009 en la Diócesis de San Agustín, Florida 21 y 22 de febrero del 2009 desde las 12:00 m Los libros ayudarán a la celebración de la cuaresma para los jóvenes. Para información, favor de llamar a Rey Malavé al 407-293-2269 o envíe un correo electrónico: [email protected] Expe r i e n c i a C r i s t o # 7 5 ( C h r i s t E x p e r i e n c e # 7 5 ) Experiencia Cristo, establecido en el año 1981, es un retiro hecho por jóvenes católicos para jóvenes. El objetivo es crear una experiencia de fe y conversión que lleve a un compromiso auténtico con Jesús y con su Reino. Van a conocer otros jóvenes que viven en la búsqueda de Jesús y viviendo su Fe católica. Requisitos: Jóvenes que deseen conocer y tener un encuentro con Cristo. Cuándo: 27, 28 de febrero-1 de marzo del 2009 (7:30 pm) Dónde: Central Florida Bible Camp (23813 County Road 44, Eustis, FL 32736) Inscripción y Costo: $65.00 por cada joven (incluye alojamiento, comida y materiales) Cosas para traer: Ropa apropiada, sábanas, almohada, toalla y artículos personales Se invita a todos los que han hecho Experiencia Cristo para celebrar la No. 75. Todos están invitados a la gran misa de clausura y celebración a las 3:30 pm. Para información o inscripción, favor de llamar a Rey Malavé al 407-293-2269 o envíe un correo electrónico: [email protected] Curso Pastoral: Liturgia Básica -8- sábado, 14 de marzo del 2009 8:30 am-2:00 pm Parroquia San Francisco de Asis (834 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FL 32703) Conferenciante: Padre Tomás Hurtado Donativo: $5.00 Le invita la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis de Orlando Para información e inscripción, llamar al 407-246-4933 / 30 o envíe un correo electrónico al [email protected] Reflexión de Cuaresma sábado, 21 de marzo del 2009 Parroquia Santa Catalina de Siena (2750 E. Osceola Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34743) Conferenciante: Padre Héctor Vázquez 8:00 am-1:00 pm Le invita la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis de Orlando Para información e inscripción, llamar al 407-246-4930 / 33 o envíe un correo electrónico: [email protected] Gran Celebración de La Pascua Juvenil Sábado Santo , 11 de abril del 2008 Central Florida Bible Camp (23813 County Road 44, Eustis, Florida 32736) desde la 1:00 pm con la celebración de la Misa de Sábado Santo Liturgia con jóvenes y para jóvenes. Para información o inscripción, favor de llamar a Rey Malavé al 407-293-2269 o envíe un correo electrónico: [email protected] -9- Curso Pastoral: Ecumenismo sábado, 30 de mayo del 2009 8:30 am-2:00 pm Parroquia San Isaac Jogues (4301 S. Chickasaw Trail, Orlando, FL 32829) Conferenciante: Rogelio Manrique Donativo: $5.00 Le invita la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis de Orlando Para información e inscripción, llamar al 407-246-4933 / 30 o envíe un correo electrónico al [email protected] Retiro de Adviento Dirigido a todos los jóvenes adultos sábado, 22 de noviembre del 2009 Comenzando a las 9:00 pm Misión San José (165 Emporia Road, Pierson, FL 32105) Para más información, favor de llamar a la Misión San José al 386-749-9372 - 10 - DEANERY MEETINGS Youth and Young Adult ministers in each deanery are asked to gather 5-6 times throughout the year for networking, planning of collaborative efforts and sharing of information from the diocesan level. Below you will find the contacts and meeting schedules for the Deaneries. North Central Deanery Northern Deanery Contact: Jennifer Chellberg Contact: Julie McAllister E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Next Meeting Date: TBA Next Meeting Date: TBA Time: Time: Location: Location: South Central Deanery Southern Deanery Contact: Mary Klemm Contact: Terri Tagye E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Next Meeting Date: Feb. 23 Next Meeting Date: TBA Time: 8:30Mass – 1pm (breakfast included) Time: Location: St Isaac Jogues Location: RSVP: [email protected] Western Deanery Eastern Deanery Contact: Maggie McGowan Contact: Christine Hinton E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Next Meeting Date: March 19 Next Meeting Date: March 17 Time: Noon Time: 10am – Noon, lunch follows Location: St. John Newman Location: Our Lady of Lourdes - 11 - SHARING THE VISION TRAININGS Ministers and ministry teams are encouraged to attend the Sharing the Vision trainings being offered throughout the Diocese. SESSION DATE TIME LOCATION & REGISTRATION Day Long Training with 3 Feb. 21, 8am –3pm Place: St Joseph, sessions: with lunch WinterHaven 2009 † Overview of Youth included. Contact: Colleen Tinney Ministry † Planning [email protected] Meaningful Prayer Experiences † Understanding Youth Today Involving Youth in Service March 6:30pm 18, 2009 Place: St John the Evangelist in Viera Contact: Terri Tagye [email protected] - 12 -