04/10/2016 - St. John`s Catholic Church
04/10/2016 - St. John`s Catholic Church
ST. JOHN CATHOLIC CHURCH, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND April 10th 2016 We thank Mr. Paul Gallagher and his RCIA team for their great effort to invite people. We thank Fr. Gonzalo Cadavid for his ministry to our Hispanic Community. We also thank Ms Jordan Tippet for her help with preparing the youth received into the Church. Mon., Apr. 11- Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 7:00 a.m. - Vince Maggio 8:00 a.m. - Mary Sheridan 3:00 p.m. - Roy Steven Baklarz (CLV) Tues., Apr. 12 - Acts 7:51-8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 7:00 a.m. - Clotilde Drechsler 8:00 a.m. - Peter & Grace Marie Mincieli Wed., Apr. 13 - Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 7:00 a.m. - Donna M. Strasavich 8:00 a.m.- Patrick Thorn Thu., Apr. 14 - Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 7:00 a.m. - Gloria Reitz 8:00 a.m. - Diane Littrell Fri., Apr. 15 - Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 7:00 a.m. - Megan Riggie & Daughter 9:30 a.m. - Lorraine Murphy Duex Sat. Apr. 16 - Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; Jn 6:60-69 8:00 a.m. - Terri Miller 4:30 p.m. - Katherine Torbeck Sun., Apr. 17 - Acts 13:14, 43-52; Ps 100:1-2, 3, 5; Rv 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 7:15 a.m. - Donald LeBrun 8:45 a.m. - Parishioners of St. John 10:30 a.m. - Rosa DeRosa 12:15 p.m.- Marleny Henao 6:00 p.m. - Patrick Riley Dear Parishioners, In Christ, LITURGY WORSHIP PERPETUAL ADORATION UPDATE… We are in need of Adorers for the following hours: Sunday 2-3 a.m.; 3-4 a.m.; 4-5 a.m. and 10-11 a.m.; 4-5 p.m. Monday 1-2 a.m.; 10-11 a.m., 1-2 p.m. and 11-12 p.m. Tuesday 12 midnight -1 a.m. & 10-11 p.m. Wednesday 2-3 p.m. & 11 p.m.- midnight Friday 2-3 a.m. , 2-3 p.m., 6-7 p.m. and 7-8 p.m. Saturday 3-4 p.m.; 6-7 p.m. and 11-12 midnight. Call Dawn at the Parish Center, 410-848-4744 if you can fill any of these hours. THE ROSARY is prayed every Sunday following the 8:45 a.m. Mass approximately (~9:50 a..m. ) all are welcome to join in. DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION is held weekly Thursday, at 3:00 p.m. in the Church. WE ASK YOUR PRAYERS for all who are homebound or in nursing homes and for all the sick, especially John Hattrup, Karen Traband, Jack Davis, Jim Roenick, Ester Ocasio, Deacon Don Miller, Catherine Dodd, Mary Schwaab, Gil Seibel and Fanny Usech. The Peace of the Lord Be With You! Jesus said: “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matt. 2:17-20) The beautiful words of Jesus give us both a challenge and hope. We are blessed at St. John Parish to have new people join our parish at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, March 26th. We welcome our new brothers and sisters to our parish. Each of them is a gift from God and a ray of hope for us. These 27 new members of our parish joined us because someone invited each of them. People are waiting to be invited. Are we willing to invite? Are we willing to share our gift of faith with other people. People in our families need to be invited. Neighbors and coworkers are waiting to be invited. Each of us needs to be evangelists. This year many Hispanic people entered the Church at the Easter Vigil. We are blessed by their presence in our parish. WE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE of the souls Deacon Nick Feurer , Ellie Stacy, Harry Eugene Miller, Marian Holmes, Dorothy Wonilowicz and Joan Perry. \BAPTISMS....Congratulations and welcome Brayden Mariano RosaCarrera, son of Erlin Noe Voyat-Rosa & Edith Emerita Carrera Rosales; Dayana Angelique Carrera, daughter of Erlin Noe Voyat-Rosa & Edith Emerita Carrera Rosales; Mia McKinley Concha-Reyes, daughter of David Concha-Fuentes & Emiliana -Castelan and Lillianose Oberst, daughter of Jonathan & Megan Oberst. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER The St. John School 150th Anniversary Ball will take place on April 23, 2016 from 6:30pm-11:00pm. This once in a lifetime event will be filled with live music, wonderful dinner and dancing as well as a memorable walk back through time! Please join us in celebrating this historic milestone. The evening will take place in The Portico and will feature a fabulous culinary experience, created and catered by ROUGE Fine Catering including passed hors d'oeuvres, cocktail dinner stations, fantastic desserts and an open bar. Live music will be provided by The Hepcats! Tickets are now on sale. $100 per person with special pricing for tables. Please contact Anniversary Ball Chair, Sharon Bryan or St. John School for more information or to purchase tickets . [email protected], (410) 848.7455 X222. St. John School is conducting it's 1st annual Monsignor Arthur F. Valenzano St. John School Annual Fund. The annual fund campaign will go on through the end of the school year. Please contact [email protected] for a remittance envelope and help support the only Catholic school in Carroll County, MD. Gifts can be made in honor of a loved one, restricted to a specific purpose, or generally given to support the mission of the school. Please prayerfully consider giving. Congratulations and best of luck to Christopher Magaha, St. John School 5th Grade student, who will be competing in the World Robotics Competition taking place in KY later this week. placed 1st in statewide robotics competition. Best of luck to St. John School Gear Grinders I and II as they compete on April 30, 2016 in the Johns Hopkins Robo Challenge. (410-484-8443) ATTENTION PARISHIONERS! There will be 5 Masses throughout the month of April that will be First Communion Masses! There will only be one First Communion Mass every weekend. Please be advised that we will have higher attendance, several visitors and many reserved pews during these Masses. Thank you in advance for your patience. Please pray for all those students who have spent this past year preparing to receive this most precious Sacrament! The dates are as follows: Sunday, Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, April 10th at the 10:30am Mass April 17th at the 10:30am Mass April 23rd at the 4:30pm Mass April 24th at the 12:15pm Mass April 30th at the 4:30pm Mass TRENT HORN FROM CATHOLIC ANSWERS: Trent is a Nationally-known speaker from Catholic Answers. He will be coming to St. John to talk about ‘Jesus: Lord of Legend’ and ‘Talking About the Tough Moral Questions.’ This will be TWO NIGHTS . . . TWO DIFFERENT TALKS! April 11th & 12th. THERE IS NO COST. Light refreshments will be provided and door prizes will be given! WHEN: APRIL 11th and 12th from 7:30-8:30pm WHERE: Portico TIME: Each night includes. . . 7:00pm– Come Early to meet Trent 7:30pm– TALK by Trent Horn! 8:30pm– Q & A RSVP: We need a count for seating and refreshments/ Call 410848-4744 OR email Jordan Tippett at [email protected] ADULT CONFIRMATION: We know that many adults, for whatever reason, did not receive the Sacrament of Confirmation as children. In order to help you receive this wonderful Sacrament, Catholics over 18 are invited to join us for our next five week Adult Confirmation Session, which will start on April 12th from 7:00 pm—8:30 pm in the Emmaus Room. Those completing all sessions will be confirmed by Archbishop Lori on Pentecost Sunday, May 15th, 2016. For more information, please email Paul Gallagher at [email protected]. The RCIA team would like to thank the Knights of Columbus for their help with the Easter Vigil reception. Given the thirtytwo people who were received into the Catholic Church, we had a large crowd at the reception, and the Knights stayed until almost midnight to clean up. We are very grateful for their service. It is never too early to begin thinking about inviting someone to participate in the next session of RCIA, which will begin in September. Many people from this year’s group came initially because of the personal invitation of a friend, coworker, neighbor, or relative. Please pray about who you might invite. MAKING ALL THINGS NEW RETREAT: Summer is a great time to learn something new, and the Making All Things New retreat (May 27-29) at Bon Secours Retreat Center in Marriottsville, MD will provide you with plenty of tools to improve your health, deepen your faith, and enjoy life to the fullest. This healthy living retreat led by Paul Gallagher is rooted in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, and focuses on a whole person approach to wellness: body, mind and spirit. To register or get more info, please call Bon Secours at 410-4423120 or visit their website, www.RCCBonSecours.com Cost before 3/27 $220, after 3/28 $240 ST. JOHN CATHOLIC CHURCH, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND (For all 6th-8th graders) (We gather in the St. John cafeteria from 7-9 pm, unless otherwise specified) FRIDAY, APRIL 15th: I BROUGHT YOU INTO THIS WORLD! This evening is a great opportunity for every middle schooler to truly appreciate where they came from. It’s going to be a good one! Parents, you’ll want your kids to be there. (For all 9th-12th graders) (We gather in the St. John cafeteria from 7-9 pm, unless otherwise specified) SPONSORS NEEDED FOR STEUBENVILE YOUTH CONFERENCE: St. John youth ministry is trying to fill a bus for the trip to Steubenville, OH for one of the most amazing opportunities our teens have. The youth conference is a powerful experience where teens can come face to face with Christ and really strengthen and deepen their faith. We always have a number of teens who would love to attend, but due to finances are not able to. We are asking for your help in supporting our youth. The cost is $210.00 per teen. If you are able to sponsor a teen in need or partially sponsor a teen we would be very grateful. Even if you are not able to support a teen financially, please pray for our youth, which truly is the MOST (not the least) you can do. Please contact Kevin Brown at 410-848-8448 x239 or [email protected] if you can give or with any questions or concerns. Thank you very much. SUNDAY, APRIL 10th: DISCOVER THE SACRED: Are you able to do this or are you even sure what we are referring to? Be sure to join us for this night and some amazing videos shot by your fellow teens. SUNDAY, APRIL 17th: TREAT YOURSELF: Who doesn’t like ice cream sundaes with more toppings than you can imagine? Come and enjoy a special night with our very own Young Apostles! SUNDAY, APRIL 24th: HEROIC VIRTUE: Truly being virtuous, especially in our world today, requires heroism. Please join us for an evening of fun as we look at this topic. We will gather in the cafeteria after the 6pm Mass as usual. See you there! JULY 15th -17th: STEUBENVILLE YOUTH CONFERENCE!!! We have our dates for one of the best youth conferences ever. We’ll be taking a bus to Steubenville, Ohio to join thousands of other teens in growing in our faith and worshipping the Lord with amazing speakers and a great band. Applications will be in the back of church and the parish office. Cost will be $210.00 for the weekend. I don’t want money to be the only reason you don’t come, though, so please let me know if this is an issue and I will do everything I can to get you there! Contact Kevin Brown at 410-848-8443 or [email protected] with any questions. April 10th 2016 TRENT HORN- On April 11th and 12th Trent Horn, a regular guest on Catholic Answers Live, will be coming to St. John. He will give two weeknight talks on ‘How to Handle Tough Moral Issues”. Trent is a convert to Catholicism and has a master's degree in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. He is currently pursuing a graduate degree in philosophy from Holy Apostles College. Trent is a lecturer who speaks across the country on issues related to the Catholic Faith, and is the author of two books, Answering Atheism and Persuasive Pro-life. SIXTH ANNUAL SOCK HOP AT THE PORTICO AT ST. JOHN. Saturday, April 16, 2016; 7 - 11 PM.—Sponsored by Westminster Council Knights of Columbus. Tickets are $25.00 per person or $40.00 per couple. Contact Ralph Peters for tickets at 443-340 -4763. ST. JOHN LADIES SODALITY—Sunday, April 10th, 2016…..We are a spiritual group dedicated to the devotion of Our Blessed Mother. Meetings are held on the second Sunday of every month in the Parish Center after the 8:45 a.m. Mass and Rosary. For more information, please call Pat DiPietro at 443 821 3038. SAVE THE DATE…..ANNUAL MAY PROCESSION— SUNDAY, May 1st at the 10:30 a.m. mass COMING SOON! Parish Carnival will be held May 18th thru May 21st. Wristband tickets for rides will be available at the Book Store, Parish Center or the School beginning April 4th. Advance purchase price for a wristband is $15, and can be used any one night of the carnival. Please be aware there is a savings of $10/wristband when they are purchased prior to the start of the Carnival. Wristbands purchased at the carnival will be $25. Wristbands are good for unlimited rides on any one night of the Carnival. “FORE”-come join Msgr Farmer on the course. The Annual St. John Church Golf Tournament is fast approaching June 10, shotgun start at 8:30 at Westminster National GC. This tournament has raised over $150,000 over the last 23 years for the Church and School. We need sponsors, Gold and Bronze. We need golfers to celebrate the fun and sun, and of course win our great prizes. Tournament is sponsored by your Knights of Columbus. Please contact Bill Adams 410-259-3486 or Joe Langan 443-791-2195 for an entry form or sponsor sheet INTERESTED IN CATHOLIC HOMESCHOOLING? Find out more about the St. John Homeschool Group by attending our next meeting on April 21st at 7pm in the Parish Center. Our group meets regularly on the 3rd Thursday of each month. For more information, please contact Rosalie Seeley at [email protected]. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER ATTENTION ‘NEW GREETER MINISTRY’ VOLUNTEERS “GREETER MINISTRY TRAINING” Training meetings have been scheduled in the month of April as follows: Monday, April 11th @ 9:00 am Tuesday, April 12th @ 7:00 pm Both meetings will be in the “St. Therese “ Room at the Parrish Center. Only one meeting is required. Please plan to attend either Monday or Tuesday. MORE VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED FOR THE GREETER MINISTRY. If you are interested in bringing others to Christ more fully and to put into action our desire to “Welcome” all who worship at St John’s weekend masses please contact Sharon Underkoffler @ 410-517-1035 or Bob Repsher @ 443-789-1307 . We are in need of more volunteers for all the scheduled masses; especially youth volunteers for the 6pm Mass. RANGER ROSARY...We in the Army know that the training can only go so far. During difficult times in training and in battle it is often faith that carries the day. There are no words to describe the inner strength and conviction that your Rosaries give our soldiers. We hope you keep on sending them as they are the most sought after religious item that we have. Chaplain US Army, Ft. Benning GA. INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL IS COMING!: On May 22nd in The Portico from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.. We are inviting all St. John parishioners to join us and share information about your culture. We will provide a booth per country. If you are interested in being part of this event, please contact Fr. Gonzalo CadavidRivera (410-848-4744 ext. 241) or Lina Ocasio (410-848-4744 ext. 226). THE LOAVES AND FISHES SOUP KITCHEN, part of St. John's St. Vincent de Paul Conference, is in need of a meal coordinator for the 5th Wednesday. The 5th Wednesday occurs on average four times a year. Our parish sponsors the weekly Wednesday soup kitchen held at the Church of the Ascension. No experience is necessary just a desire to help the less fortunate of our community. If you are interested in being a coordinator, helping out in the SVDP office in our Parish Center or learning more about the duties please call the St Vincent de Paul Office at 410-848-8693 for additional information.. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP...Sunday, April 17th. This spiritually based ministry is for those grieving the loss of a loved one. We meet in the Parish Center from 10-11:30 a.m. No registration required. Contact Janet Tenney at 410-833-1542. VOLUNTAS DEI SPIRITUAL TEAM…Sunday, April 17th. Team will meet with Fr. Gerard from 1:30-3:00 pm in the Emmaus Room at the Parish Center. If you have not signed up we encourage you to “SIGN UP” for Flocknote to receive St John parish information emails and/or text msgs on your cell, smartphone, or PC, and to MyParish App for smartphone real time access to parish schedules, daily scripture readings, and much, much more. To Signup for Flocknote, Text: SJWEST to 84576 on your cellphone, or just go to Flocknote.com/sjwest on your PC or smartphone. To Signup for MyParish App: Download our free app at MyParishapp.com Spiritual Adoption Program continues.. Are you praying for your baby? She is moving and swimming in her watery environment and growing rapidly. Please take a moment to view her "photo" on the church bulletin boards, and read about her progress. Thank you for your prayers and participation. Respect Life Group will offer spring and summer plants for sale on May 7th and 8th after all Masses. Plants will be on display outside the Portico, and proceeds will benefit the Tender Care Pregnancy Center. Payment will be accepted by cash or check. Your patronage is appreciated. W/E of Apr. 2nd & 3rd, 2016 Envelopes $23,652.00 Loose: $ 3,878.00 Elec. Debit $ 4,573.77 TOTAL $32,103.77 Attendance 3152 Poor Box: $ 1,668.00 W/E of Apr. 4th & 5th, 2015 Envelopes $52,426.00 Loose $ 8,134.00 Elec. Debit $ 4,659.15 TOTAL: $65,219.15 Attendance 4805 Poor Box: $ 2,548.00 This year’s budget is based on a weekly offering of $31,000. Last year’s budget was based on a weekly offering of $32,200. Our current weekly average is $31,559.74 Last year’s weekly average was $31,116.25. ELECTRONIC GIVING is available to any newly interested parishioners. Visit our website at www.sjwest.org and click on the “on-line giving” button on the lower right hand corner. Follow prompts. Once registered on-line, it will be necessary to contact the Parish Center if you do not wish to receive envelopes. When we, or our loved ones, pass away there is often an opportunity to honor that person’s life with donations to a favored charity. Please remember St. John Church when asked to name a charitable organization for memorial gift giving...and please remember St. John in your will. THE ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY In this Sunday’s Gospel, the disciples in their struggle finally recognize Jesus and proclaim “It is the Lord!” Have you considered answering the call to “help the poor recognize the Lord in their life” by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Please remember the poor as you leave Church today! Office Phone 410-848-8693 Office hours: Monday 6-8 PM Tuesday thru Friday 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM ST. JOHN CATHOLIC CHURCH, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND April 10th 2016 Queridos hermanos y hermanas, La paz del Señor este con ustedes! Jesús dijo: “Todo el poder en el cielo y en la tierra ha sido dado a mi. Sin embargo vayan, y hagan discípulos de todas las naciones, bautícenlos en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, enséñenles a cumplir todo lo que les he mandado Y he aquí que yo estoy siempre con ustedes, hasta el fin del mundo.” (Mateo 2:17-20) Las palabras lindas de Jesús nos dan un desafío y una esperanza. Estamos bendecidos en la iglesia de St. John al tener nuevas personas que se unieron a nuestra parroquia en la Vigilia Pascual el sábado 26 de Marzo. Damos la bienvenida a nuestros nuevos hermanos y hermanas a nuestra parroquia. Cada uno de ellos es un regalo de Dios y un rayo de esperanza para nosotros. Estos nuevos 27 miembros de nuestra parroquia se unieron porque alguien invito a cada uno de ellos. La gente esta esperando ser invitada. ¿Estamos dispuestos a invitar? ¿Estamos dispuestos a compartir nuestro regalo de la fe con otras personas? Las personas en nuestra familia necesitan ser invitadas. Vecinos y compañeros de trabajo están esperando ser invitados. Cada uno de nosotros necesita ser un evangelista. Este año muchas personas de la comunidad Hispana entraron en la iglesia en la Vigilia Pascual. Estamos bendecidos por su presencia en nuestra parroquia. Agradecemos al Sr. Paul Gallagher y a su Grupo de RICA por su gran esfuerzo al invitar a las personas. Agradecemos al padre Gonzalo Cadavid-Rivera por su ministerio en nuestra comunidad Hispana. Agradecemos a la Sra. Jordan Tippett por su esfuerzo en preparar a los jóvenes que se unieron a nuestra parroquia. . En Cristo, SERVICIOS A LA COMUNIDAD Actividades Sock Hop –Abril 16 de 7-11 p.m. en el Pórtico. Buena oportunidad para compartir con su pareja y amigos. Baile informal con música de los 50 y 60’s . Pueden venir vestidos con trajes de esa época pero no es mandatorio. Boleta por persona $25 y por pareja $40. Incluye bebidas y comida. Para la compra de boletas llamar al 410-848-474 Ext 226. Carnaval - 18 al 21 de Mayo en las instalaciones de la Iglesia. Ya están los tiquetes a la Venta en la Librería del Pórtico, en las oficinas de la iglesia o en Educación Religiosa cuando sus hijos tengan clase. Si lo compran ahora es $15 la pulsera y se puede usar un solo día cualquiera de los días del Carnaval. El costo en el carnaval es de $25 cada uno. Se pueden ahorrar $10. Inviten a sus amigos y familiares. Viene el festival Internacional el 22 de Mayo en el Pórtico de 9:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m. Estamos invitando a todos los feligreses de St. John para que se unan y compartan información sobre su cultura. Tendremos una mesa por país. Si desea participar y dar información de su país por favor comunicarse con la Sra. Norma Zurita al teléfono 443-547-3363. Tendremos música y comida para degustar. Abril 24: de 9:00 a 5:00 p.m. Quinto Encuentro de Mujeres Latinas en el Convention Center 801 Mt. Vernon PI NW, Washington, DC 2001. Para registrarse llamar al 443-676-4050 o al 240-4263756 El padre Gonzalo estará disponible durante la semana para cualquier necesidad. Excepto los días martes. Teléfono 410-848-4744 Ext 241. Confesiones: Los domingos a las 11:40—Antes de misa. Si necesitan tiempo adicional o conversar con el Sacerdote llamen al 410-848-4744 Ext. 241. Bautizos: Hacer una cita previa con el P. Gonzalo llamando al 410 848 4744, ext. 241 o 226. Los bautizos se celebran el primer sábado de cada mes a las 10:30 AM Charlas para Bautizos : Se realizan el cuarto Jueves de cada mes a las 7:00 PM. Favor llamar a la oficina para registrarse. 410 848 4744 Ext. 241 0 226. Matrimonios: Se les anima e invita a todas las parejas que están interesadas o desean arreglar su situación matrimonial ( sacramental) por favor acercarse y hablar con el padre Gonzalo o llamar al 410-848-4744 Ext 241 para mayor información. Todos ustedes están invitados. Primeras Comuniones y Confirmaciones para niños y adultos : Comunicarse con la oficina de Educación Religiosa al 410-848-8443. Presentaciones de los niños: Se realizan el segundo y cuarto domingo después de la misa. Hablar con el Padre Gonzalo para coordinar la fecha. Intenciones: Para los familiares enfermos o que hayan fallecido por favor Llamar a la parroquia antes del viernes de cada semana Sacramentos Los niños que están participando del programa de Educación Religiosa para recibir su Primera Comunión por favor tengan en cuenta la ceremonia se realizara el 24 de Abril en la misa de las 12:15 p.m. Si necesitan vestidos para niños y niñas de Primera Comunión nosotros tenemos en las oficinas de Educación Religiosa que pueden ser prestados para esta ceremonia. Cualquier pregunta llamar al 410-848-4744 Ext. 226