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HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE Maria Ines Matiz 13 may 2014, Norway HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE Research institute that belongs to the University El Bosque research Vice-rectory The projects seek to establish the relationship between health and environment Work focuses on rural areas especially rural schools The Institute has two research lines: - Ecological sanitation - Health and environmental ORGANIZATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE Vice-rector Research Dr. Miguel Otero Director Maria Ines Matiz Secretary Olga Quimbayo Health area Environment area Sandra Vargas Juan Felipe Jaramillo Biological area Victor Alberto Olano Social area Diana Sarmiento Field team: Field coordinator, technical staff or research assistants are hired directly by each project WORK AREAS Fuente: Web Servicie Feature (WFS) del Instituto Agustín Codazzi. Cartografía Básica escala 1:500.000 (Cubrimiento Nacional) Characteristics Apulo Anapoima La Mesa Population 2013 7.813 12.908 30.441 % rural population 59.6% 57.2% 44.5% Altitude 400 masl 700 masl 1200 masl Temperature 28° C 24°C 22°C Source: DANE, Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística , proyecciones demográficas ,2013. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RURAL SCHOOLS One teacher per classroom gives all the subjects Students are between 5 to 16 years From 0 to 5 grade Student average per school is 25 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RURAL SCHOOLS There is a person in charge of the kitchen Children receive a meal each day They perform the cleanliness of school School schedule: the mornings START POINT: ENVIRONMENTAL DIAGNOSIS IN RURAL SCHOOLS Critical points were evident: Water: Quality and Quantity Basic sanitation infrastructure Solid waste disposal WATER PATH WITHIN THE SCHOOL Arrival: Rain water, aqueduct, tank truck Storage: tanks of different materials and shapes, often without cover Destination and use: is common to find pipe connections shabby After use: septic tank INFRASTRUCTURE Sinks and toilets in poor conditions not allowed to be carried hygiene practices correctly. This situation increases when there is insufficient water availability. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT The non-collection of solid waste in rural areas forces communities to throw or burn waste INTEGRATED PARTICIPATION RESPONSIBILITIES Mayor Secretary of Health PIC, coordinator Health Promoters Secretary of Education Municipality Rectors, teachers and students of schools and rural schools Educational Sector COMMUNITY AND SCHOOLS Universidad El • Research Vicerectory Institute of Health and Environment Professional Team Bosque Fundación Lazos de Calandaima, Universities, other NGOs, private companies President Executive Director WATER FILTERS PROJECTS Estudio comparativo de 2 modelos de filtros caseros “Comparative study of two models of household filters” Mejoramiento del desempeño de un filtro en punto de uso utilizado como tecnología de tratamiento de agua en las escuelas rurales del municipio de Apulo, Cundinamarca “Improving performance of a filter used in a point of use water treatment technology in rural schools from Apulo municipality, Cundinamarca” Análisis del desempeño en campo de un filtro casero para el tratamiento del agua domiciliar “Analysis of field performance of a filter for household water treatment” INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS Improvement of hydro sanitary infrastructure in rural schools in Apulo Phase 1, 2 and 3 Improvement of hydro sanitary infrastructure in urban- rural big schools in Anapoima ECOLOGICAL SANITATION PROJECTS Implementación de huertas escolares en las escuelas rurales de Apulo, Cundinamarca “School gardens Implementation in rural schools in Apulo, Cundinamarca” Implementación de compostaje en las escuelas rurales de Apulo, Cundinamarca. “Composting implementation in rural schools in Apulo, Cundinamarca” Piloto demostrativo para el uso y mantenimiento del sanitarioecológico-seco en dos escuelas rurales del municipio de Apulo, Cundinamarca. “Demonstration pilot for the use and maintenance of drytoilet in two rural schools in the municipality of Apulo, Cundinamarca”. DENGUE PROJECTS Prevención del dengue y control del Aedes aegypti en el área rural del municipio de Anapoima, Cundinamarca “Dengue Prevention and control of Aedes aegypti in the rural area of Anapoima, Cundinamarca” Residuos sólidos como criaderos potenciales de Aedes aegypti en escuelas y viviendas aledañas en el área rural del municipio de Apulo, Cundinamarca “Solid waste as potential breeding sites of Aedes aegypti in schools and surrounding homes in the rural area from the municipality of Apulo, Cundinamarca” Relación entre la presencia del mosquito Aedes aegypti vector del dengue y variables climáticas temperatura, precipitación y humedad relativa en escuelas rurales de los Municipios de Anapoima y la Mesa (Cundinamarca, Colombia) “Relationship between the presence of the Aedes aegypti, dengue mosquito vector, and climate variables as temperature, precipitation and relative humidity, in rural schools in the municipalities of Anapoima and Mesa (Cundinamarca), Colombia.” “Determinantes de la transmisión del dengue en el área rural”. “Determinants of dengue transmission in rural areas”. REDUCING DIARRHEA IN CHILDREN AND CONTROLLING DENGUE VECTOR Aedes aegypti IN RURAL SCHOOLS IN TWO MUNICIPALITIES IN COLOMBIA INTERNATIONAL TEAM Principals investigators Thor-Axel Stenstrom (1) Institutions Hans Overgaard (1) Entomological issues support: 1. NMBU- Norwegian University of Life Sciences Audrey Lenhart (2) 2.Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Statistical support: Neal Alexander (3) Water issues support: Razak Seidu (1) 3. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine NATIONAL GROUP Absences registers Dr. Miguel Otero Nacional director María Inés Matiz Components coordinators Juan Felipe Jaramillo Víctor Alberto Olano Diana Sarmiento Sandra Vargas Field researchers Luz Marina Contreras Esmeralda González Data bases + GIS Laura Cabezas Paola Moreno Rosa Pulido Field Coordinator Humberto Mosquera Field assistants Nancy Herrera Rosa Silva Digitador Samantha Tovar Accounting support Olga Lucia Quimbayo OBJECTIVES Reduce diarrheal disease and infestation by the vector of dengue in rural schools by applying a set of integrated interventions. Additional results are improving drinking water quality, reduction of school absence episodes and improving knowledge and practices related to dengue and diarrhea in teachers and pupils. STUDY DESIGN AND POPULATION 2×2 factorial cluster randomized controlled trial 850 children aged 5 to 15 years, 45 teachers and 35 schools. Trial protocol published in: Overgaard HJ, Alexander N, Mátiz MI, Jaramillo JF, Olano VA, Vargas S, Sarmiento D, Stenström TA, Seidu R, Lenhart A, Seidu, R, Stenström TA. Diarrhea and dengue control in rural primary schools in Colombia – study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2012 Oct 3; 13:182. RANDOMIZATION OF SCHOOLS IN THE FOUR ARMS OVERALL TIMELINE FIELD WORK 2010 • 1° International workshop (Sep.) 2011 • Forms and Surveys • Base line • Interventions design • Educational Component • KAP children 2012 •Interventions implementation •1° data collection (MayJune) • Household visits KAP •2° data collection (Oct.Nov.) •Follow-up Educational Component •KAP children. 2013 •KAP children •3° data collection (May-June) •Follow-up Educational Component •4° data collection (Oct. Nov) 2014 • Data analysis Last International seminar (May) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Economical support International Team Municipalities University El Bosque Research Vice-rectory Professional team Field group Donors Bayer, OXFAM, Vector& Management Prof. Thor-Axel Stenstrom Dr. Hans Overgaard Dr. Miguel Otero