Mrs. Amelia Bertero de Romano - ISA – International Sunflower


Mrs. Amelia Bertero de Romano - ISA – International Sunflower
Mrs. Amelia Bertero de Romano
Mrs. Romano is highly recognized in the study of sunflower diseases and
improvement of sunflower crop. She developed her career into
governmental and private scope. Among her achievements, we can
mention the development of base genetic material for its use in
improvement plans, commercial hybrids for Argentina and other countries
and diseases studies including diseases effects on yield and diseases
control by using resistance sources. The summary of these works was
reflected in several publications. She has participated in National and
International Symposiums and Congresses, being currently the leader of
the FAO Working Sub-group on Verticillium dahliae Kleb. She continues
working as sunflower researcher and breeder into an Argentine company.
Mrs. A. Romano was born on March 8th, 1946 in Santa Fe Province,
Argentina. She is married and she lives in Junín city, Buenos Aires
Province, Argentina. She got the Agricultural Engineer Certificate from the
University of Esperanza, Santa Fe Province, Argentina, on March, 1969.
From 1969 to 1979 she worked as researcher in the Instituto Nacional de
Tecnología Agropecuaria (National Institute of Agricultural Technology),
Pergamino Experimental Station, dedicated to the study of oilseed crop
diseases and incorporation of genetic resistance to them. During this
period, she has studied the modification of the raciale population
of Puccinia helianthi in Argentina, and she has done a complete description
of the sunflower main diseases in Argentina. Romano is also co-author of
the Guayacán II INTA cultivar, and also she has participated in the
improvement of populations, Aguaribay INTA and Charata INTA cultivars,
and lines, standing out among these the line 71538, a Puccinia
helianthii differential.
In 1980 she jointed to the Sunflower Research Center of Continental
Company at Junín, with responsibilities on sunflower pathology research. At
the same time she collaborated in the improvement and development of
new hybrids, such as Contiflor 3, Contiflor 9 and Contiflor 15. All of them
have been extensively grown in Argentina and bordering countries.
Since 1980´s Mrs. A. Romano has determined a new race of Verticillium
dahliae Kleb for Argentina and has studied yield losses due to this disease.
She participated in heritability studies of the sunflower osmotic adjustment
capacity, with colleagues from the University of Buenos Aires.
Since 1988 up today Mrs. Romano works as a researcher in Nidera S.A.
company, where she studies the effects of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on
sunflower yield, and new methodology for Verticillium dahliae Kleb
inoculation. She developed lines with Plasmopara halstedii,Verticillium
dahliae Kleb, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Puccinia helianthii resistance,
which are in the hybrids currently sown by Argentine sunflower growers.
Since 1998 Mrs. Romano is leader of the FAO Working Sub-group
on Verticillium dahliae Kleb, developing a fruitful activity in the coordination
of this group.
During this year (2003) she has written, together with another colleague, a
work about the "Origin of the Argentine Sunflower Varieties", which was
sent to be published in HELIA magazine.
Following are the creations and realisations of sunflower cultivars of Mrs.
Creations and Realisations - co-author
Varieties: "Guayacán II INTA" 1977
Hybrids: "Contiflor 3" 1983
"Contiflor 4" 1985
"Contiflor 5" 1985
"Contiflor 6" 1985
"Contiflor 8" 1985
"Contiflor 7" 1988
"Contiflor 9" 1988
"Contiflor 10" 1988
"Contiflor 15" 1988
"Paraíso 4" 1993
"Paraíso 6" 1993
"Paraíso 7" 1993
"Paraíso 11" 1993
"Paraíso 5" 1994
"Aromo" (High Oleic) 1995
"Paraíso 20" 1996
"Patio" (Confectionary) 1996
"Ibiza 1996 Registered in France
"Aromo 10" (High Oleic) 1998
"Paraíso 30" 1999
"Paraíso 40" 2000
"Paraíso 50" 2000
"Paraíso 101CL" (Clearfield) 2003 In procedure at
Creations and Realisations - author
Hybrids: "Paraíso 22" 2003 In procedure at SAGPyA
"Paraíso 27" 2003 In procedure at SAGPyA
"Paraíso 33" 2003 In procedure at SAGPyA
"Paraíso 35" 2003 In procedure at SAGPyA
Bertero de Romano, A.B. 1978. Modificación de la población racial de
la roya negra de girasol. Puccinia Helianthi Schw. Información N° 6.
Carpeta de Producción Vegetal INTA Pergamino.
Bertero de Romano, A.B. 1978. Principales enfermedades de girasol.
Información N° 5. Carpeta de Producción Vegetal INTA Pergamino.
Bertero de Romano, A.B. 1979. Pérdidas en el stand de plántulas de
girasol y su relación con insectos y patógenos. Información N° 8.
Carpeta de Producción Vegetal INTA Pergamino.
Bertero de Romano, A.B.; Oliva, C. 1979. Efecto de la podredumbre
negra de tallos (Sclerotium bataticola Taub) sobre el rendimiento de
híbridos comerciales de girasol. Información N° 9. Carpeta de
Producción Vegetal INTA Pergamino.
Bertero de Romano, A.B. 1979. Principales enfermedades del girasol.
Reunión de actualización en producción de girasol. INTA Balcarce.
Bertero de Romano, A.B.; Linares E.; Bisaro V.; Pecorari, C. 1980.
Interacción entre algunos factores ambientales y severidad
de Sclerotium bataticola Taub en girasol. Informe Técnico N° 159
INTA Pergamino.
Bertero de Romano, A.B. & Vazquez, A. 1982. Nueva raza
de Verticillium dahliae Kleb. Proc. X Int. Sunflower Conf. Australia
Bertero de Romano, A.B. & Vazquez, A. 1985. Verticillium
dahliae Kleb, estimación de pérdidas de rendimiento para distintas
intensidades de ataque. Proc. XI Int. Sunflower Conf. Mar del Plata,
Bertero de Romano, A.B.; Vazquez, A.; Piubello, S.; Sala, C.A. 1992.
La verticilosis del girasol en Argentina. Oleaginosos 4: 124-128.
Bertero de Romano, A.B.; Sala, C.A.; Vazquez, A.N.; Piubello, S.
1993. Variabilidad entre híbridos comerciales de girasol para la
resistencia a la verticilosis. Oleaginosos 5: 31-33.
Bertero de Romano, A.B.; Vazquez, A.; Piubello, S.; Sala, C.A. 1994.
Quantifying the relationship between verticillium wilt intensity and
yield loss of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and feasbility of
utilizing the hypodermic inoculation technique as a selection method.
Helia 20: 49-54.
Bertero de Romano, A.B. 1999. Verticillium wilt. Progress Report.
Working Sub-Group on Verticillium dahliae Kleb (1998-1999). FAO
Technical consultation of the European Research Network on
Sunflower (Dobrich- Bulgaria, July 27-30, 1999). Helia, 22:279-281.
Bertero de Romano, A.B. & Vazquez, A.N. 1999. Sunflower diseases
in Argentina up today. FAO Technical consultation of the European
Research Network on Sunflower (Dobrich- Bulgaria, July 27-30,
1999). Helia, 22:282-291.
Bertero de Romano, A.B.; Vazquez, A.; Piubello, S.; Sala, C. 1999.
Verticillium wilt / leaf mottle. FAO Technical consultation of the
European Research Network on Sunflower (Bucharest, 1998). Helia,
Bertero de Romano, A.B. & Vazquez. A.N. 1999. Proposed
methodologies for inoculation of sunflower with Verticillium
dahliae Kleb., and for disease assessment. FAO Technical
consultation of the European Research Network on Sunflower
(Bucharest, 1998). Helia, 22:329-330.
Bertero de Romano, A.B.; Vazquez, A.N. 2003. Origen de las
Variedades argentinas de Girasol. Segundo Congreso Argentino de
Girasol. ASAGIR. 12 y 13 de Agosto. Buenos Aires. Argentina. This
work has been also sent to HELIA for its publication on May, 16th.
Bruni, O.; Bertero de Romano, A.B.; Rojo N.; Davreaux, M. 1971. La
Roya negra (Puccinia helianthi Schw) amenaza nuevamente al
girasol. Boletín de divulgación técnica N° 4 INTA Pergamino.
Bruni, O.; Bertero de Romano, A.B.; Rojo, N.; Davreaux, M. 1971. La
Roya internacional 3 Puccinia helianthi en la Argentina. Primera
Reunión Nacional de Girasol. 5-10.
Sackston, W.E.; Bertero de Romano, A.B.; Vazquez, A. 1985. Race
formulae to designate races of Puccinia helianthi on sunflower. Proc.
XI Int. Sunflower Conf. Mar del Plata, 385-389.
Sala, C.A.; Vazquez, A.; Bertero de Romano, A.B.; Piubello, S. 1994.
Sclerotinia mid-stalk rot of sunflower: effect on yield components and
oil content. Helia 17: 41-44.