Nota de prensa Frames on Canvas en


Nota de prensa Frames on Canvas en
“Frames on Canvas”
Abdoul Ganiou Dermani / Irina Gabiani / Laura Celada / Michele Manzini /
Davinia Martínez / Ella / SeRGioSVoX / Nicolás Rico / Pixel in Fact / Fernando
García Malmierca / Frederico Evaristo
Screening: October 20th, 2016, from 8pm
Frames on Canvas
We live fascinated by the image and the cult of beauty. "Frames on Canvas" is an international
video art program based on frames that are expressed on the canvas of the screen.
Pictorial images transporting the viewer into the artwork. Visual poetry and sequences that inspire
and expire beauty in motion.
Collective Levirage and Kisito Assangni, in collaboration with the h2o Gallery, invite the viewer to
reflect during the viewing of the program the following issues;
Is there anything behind the preciousness in video creation? What hides or shows the resolution in
the moving image? How many pixels needs a concept to be expressed? What moves the artist in
his expression?
( I ) 25´
Ega // Abdoul Ganiou Dermani
Exquisite Form // Irina Gabiani
Femme // Laura Celada
Snags in Palladio // Michele Manzini
Envidia // Davinia Martínez
Sombra Sagrada // Ella
( II ) 21´
Kandinsky Improvisation // SeRGioSVoX
Paper Rolls // Nicolás Rico
Draw // Pixel in Fact
Fortress Utopia // Fernando Malmierca
Rastros // Frederico Evaristo
Levirage Collective_ We are interesting in art as a tool of driving thoughts and ideas and
multidimensional dialogue established between the work and the viewer in a common space. We
build as a collective specializing in video art and performance in 2010. LeVirage manufactures its
programs and weaves them in relation to the concepts of identity and mass culture. LeVirage is an
open collective to promote the dissemination of culture and critical thinking.
Kisito Assangni, (guest curator)_ French-Togolese curator, producer and consultant who studied
museology at Ecole du Louvre in Paris. Currently living between London and Paris, his research
primarily focuses on psycho-geography and post-globalisation impact on contemporary cultures.
Assangni is the founder/curator of Time is Love Screening and selected some of the program to
this event.