Authors - Papeles de Población


Authors - Papeles de Población
Elvio Accinelli
B. Sc. In Mathematics by the University of the Republic of Uruguay, and Ph. D.
in Sciences by the IMPA, Brazil. From January 2006 is member of the National
Research System of Conacyt, Level 2. Dr. Accinelly has published the book
Elementos de la teoría de conjuntos y de la topología en la teoría del
equilibrio general, México, 2005; and articles in specialized magazines:
Structural stability in economies on banach's spaces, co-authoring with
Martin Puchet Anyul, 2006. Current research lines: evolution games: dynamic of
symmetric evolution games, applications of the catastrophe in economy theory,
it is tried to classify different kinds of walraisian equilibrium varieties from the
classification of the singularities, application of the estocastic analysis to the
general equilibrium, it is tried to analyze economies where there are options,
whose prices can be modelled as estocastic processes. Dr. Accinelly has
worked as a professor of the Faculty of Economic Sciences in the University of
the Republic of Uruguay.
E-mail: [email protected]
Julio Boltvinik
Formed as an economist, he considers himself a "poortologist". He is, since 1992,
research-professor of the Sociologic Studies Centre of the Colegio de Mexico.
He is member of the National System of Research since 1993. He collaborates
with La Jornada, where he weekly publishes the column on Economía Moral,
he also collaborated with Radio Imagen, with a weekly spot of the same name.
He has spend over 20 years to study and fight against poverty. His three books
are Índice de progreso social. Una propuesta (co-authoring with Amartya
Sen and Meghnad Desai), 1992, PNUD, re-edited by UNAM in 1998; Pobreza
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Papeles de POBLACIÓN No. 47
y estratificación social en México, 1995, INEGI, and Pobreza y distribución
del ingreso en México (co-authoring with Enrique Hernández Laos, 1999, Siglo
E-mail: [email protected]
Juan Gabriel Brida
Ph. D. in Economy by the University of Siena. B. Sc. In Mathemathics by the
University of the Republic, Uruguay. Recent publications: A review on the
notion of economic regime, 2006, co-authoring with Martin Puchet Anyul and
Lionello F. Punzo; "The Ramsey model with logistic population growth", 2006,
co-authoring with Elvio Accinelli, publicado in Economic Letters; "A basic
learning cycle", 2006, co-authoring with Debora Di Caprio and Francisco J.
Santos-Arteaga, published in Economics Letters. Currnely he is Assistant
Professor in Mathematics for Economics, School of Economics and Management,
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano; he has also lectured in macro economy and
micro economy in the Faculty of Economy of the Siena University.
E-mail: [email protected]
Fernando Cortés Cáceres
Economist by the University of Chile and Ph. D. in Social Sciences with a
specialty in Social Anthropology by the Social Anthropology Higher Studies and
Research Centre (CIEASAS, Occidente). He has worked as a professor in
several academic institutions. He is external member, since 1998, of the Social
Researches Reporting Commission of the National Autonomous University of
Mexico. Among his most recent publications are "Algunos aspectos de la
controversia entre investigación cualitativa e investigación cuantitativa", in
Argumentos: estudios críticos de la sociedad, núm.36, agosto 2000 and
"Acerca de la reforma y la desigualdad económica", in Pobreza, desigualdad
social y ciudadanía, Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (Clacso),
Buenos Aires, March 2001.
E-mail: [email protected]
Ana María Chávez Galindo
Ph. D. in Demography by the University of Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, M. Sc.
In Demography by El Colegio de Mexico and B. Sc. In actuary by the UNAM.
Currently is Director of the Regional Center of Multidisciplinary Research of the
UNAM, institution to which she has been part as researcher and functionary
since 1983. Dr. Chávez is member of the National Research System, Level II.
She has been functionary and professor of different institutions such as the
Autonomous University of the State of Morelos and the National Institute of
Public Health, of the UNAM. She has directed and advised eleven bachelor ,
masters and doctorate dissertation theses. Dr. Chávez is author or co-author of
eleven books and 12 articles of different subjects related to Demography. Her
main research subjects are indigenous population, internal and international
migration, fecundity, mortality, poverty and employment.
E-mail: [email protected]
René Flores Arenales
Physical Anthropologist by the ENAH and demographer by the Colmex. Public
functionary of Conapo and the Federal District government. He has participated
in different research projects on diverse sociodemographic aspects of Mexico
City and of the whole country within research projects of some of the main
universities of the country such as the UNAM, UAM and the Colmex. Among
the most important are the Mortalidad Materna Indígena en México, Los Indios
de México en el Siglo XXI, La Vivienda en México, Escenarios Demográficos
y Urbanos de la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México, 1990-2010, Fuerza de
Trabajo en México projects, etc. He has partcipated in the elaboration of diverse
articles on the subject of demographic dynamics in Mexico and the Metropolitan
Zone of Valle de Mexico. Similarly, he has taken part of the Technical Evaluation
Committees of the Electoral Census of the Federal Census Institute in 2002-2003
and 2006.
E-mail: [email protected]
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Papeles de POBLACIÓN No. 47
Silvia E. Giorguli Saucedo
She is a professor of the Demographic, Urban and Environmental Studies Center
of El Colegio de Mexico and current Academic Coordinator of the Doctorate in
Population Studies in the same institution. She obtained the M.Sc. in demography
in El Colegio de Mexico (1997) and the Doctorate in Sociology at Brown
University (2004). Her research lines are on international migration (impact in
the origin communities, gender and family, transnationalism), family studies and
transitions to the adult life (about work and education). Among her most recent
publications stand out the chapter of the book "Deserción escolar, trabajo
adolescente y estructuras familiares en México", in José Luis Lezama y José
Morelos, Población, ciudad y medio ambiente en el México Contemporáneo,
2006; and "Les conséquences sociales de la migration mexicaine aux Etats-Unis
dans les communautés d'origin", in Migrations et Societé, vol. 102, 2005.
Similarly, she has published in other national and international specialized
E-mail: [email protected]
Adrián González Romo
He is a full-time professor-researcher level B and Coordinator of Postgraduate
Studies in Development of El Colegio de Tlaxcala. He has got B. Sc. Studies in
Economy from the Faculty of Economy of the Autonomous University of Puebla,
M.Sc. in Economic Geography by the Colegio de Puebla and Ph. D. in Strategies
for the Regional Agricultural Development by El Colegio de Postgraduados,
Campus Puebla, Mexico. Dr. González is member of the National Research
System Level I for the period January 2005 to December 2007. He has published
the book El combate a la pobreza en los pueblos indígenas totonacos de
Puebla, edited in 2005 by El Colegio de Tlaxcala in Co-dition with the Colegio
de Postgraduados and the Research System Ignacio Zaragoza-Conacyt, and the
book La pobreza en el medio rural is in press at the moment. The research line
he develops is directed to the analysis of the poverty problems of the Mexican
population, mainly in the rural sector (for both the impact of the public policies,
the motifs that lead to migration as well as the search for strategies for life
improvement). Currently Dr. González is directing and participating in the
research project called 'Migración y Pobreza: Remesas, Condiciones de Vida y
Trayectorias Laborales de Migrantes Tlaxcaltecas en Estados Unidos y Canadá',
financed by Fomix-Conacyt.
E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]
Héctor Hiram Hernández Bringas
Ph. D. in Social Sciences with specialty in Population Studies by the Demographic
and Urban Studies Centre of El Colegio de Mexico, B. Sc. In Sociology by the
UNAM and M. Sc. In Demography by the Demographic and Urban Studies
Centre of El Colegio de Mexico. Currently Dr. Hernández is Coordinator of
Liaison with the Higher University Council of the National Autonomous
University of Mexico, member of the National Research System. He is a
specialist on mortality studies. Among his publications are Las muertes violentas
en México, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias, 1989; coauthor of "Un panorama de la mortalidad infantil en México", in Aportes de
Investigación, núm. 48, CRIM, 1993 and coordinator of La población en
México al final del siglo XX, V Reunión Nacional de Investigación Demográfica
en México, vol. I. Sociedad Mexicana de Demografía, CRIM, 1998.
E-mail: [email protected]
Ignez H. O. Perpétuo
She is a doctor in Demography by the Centre of Regional Planning and
Development (Cedeplar). Visiting researcher of the London School of Hygiene
and Tropical Medicine, London University, 1999-2000. Currently she is researcher
at the Cedeplar and professor of the Demography Department of the Federal
University of Minas Gerais (Brazil). Areas of interest: population and health,
especially reproductive health. Among her most recent publications related to the
fecundity transition and its characteristics are Inequities and policy dilemmas
in the course of on unregulated, spontaneous fertility transition: the case
of Brazil, co-authoring with Joseph Potter and Elza Berquó in XXIV/ IUSSP
General Conference, 2001, Salvador, Anais do XXIV/IUSSP General Conference,
2001, "A fecundidade no Nordeste: uma revisão bibliográfica e breves notas
sobre necessidades de pesquisa", en Encontro sobre saúde reprodutiva, 2001,
Natal. "Raça e Acesso às Ações Prioritárias na Agenda Reprodutiva", in XII
Encontro Nacional de Estudos Populacionais, 2000, Caxambu-MG. Anais
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Papeles de POBLACIÓN No. 47
do XII Encontro Nacional de Estudos Populacionais, 2000, Barries to widening
the method mix: doctors family planning trainning in Brazil, in co-authoring
with Joseph Potter, Elza Berquó y Ondina Fachel Leal, in PPA 1999.
E-mail: [email protected]
José Itzigsohn
He is a Sociology professor at Brown University. Itzigsohn received his
doctorate degree from Johns Hopkins University in 1995 and he is the author of
Developing Poverty (Penn State, 2000). This book compares the informal
economies of Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic and analyzes the effects
of different public policies on the labour market structure and poverty. He has
published several articles and books chapters on racial and ethnic identities of the
Latin American migrants and on the migrants' trans-national links. Currently Dr.
Itzigsohn is writing a book on Dominican migration to Providence, Rhode Island.
This book studies the incorporation processes of the immigrants and their transnational practices. He is also doing some research on the recovered enterprises
in Argentina, analyzing how democracy operates in an enterprise ruled by the
workers and what kind of solidarity the recuperation of enterprises generate.
E-mail: [email protected]
Elaine Levine
She coursed the studies of B. Sc. and M. Sc. in the United States and she has
got a doctorate in Economy by the Faculty of Economy of the UNAM. Dr.
Levine is a titular researcher of the Research Centre of North America
(CISAN) of the UNAM. She is also a professor of the Postgraduate program
on Political and Social Sciences of UNAM and member of the National
Research System. She is a specialist on American economy with special interest
in the labour market, income distribution and the socioeconomic status of the
Latin American population in that country. During the school year 2000-2001 she
was a visiting researcher of the University of Los Angeles, CA., with the support
of a Fulbright-García Robles scholarship. She has published several articles in
specialized magazines and chapters of collective books. Her book Los nuevos
pobres de Estados Unidos, los hispanos, was published in 2001 by Editorial
Miguel Ángel Porrúa, in co-edition with the Economic Research Institute and the
E-mail: [email protected]
Joaquín Alfonso Macias Laylle
Professor Macías is titular researcher of the Postgraduate Collegue asigned to
Campus Puebla. He has got studies of Agronomy Engineering, specialist on soils,
by the National Agriculture School, Chapingo, Mexico, M.Sc. in Sciencies with
the specialty on soils, by the Postgraduate College, Chapingo, Mexico, and he
obtained his Ph. D. on Soils Fertility and Crop Production, at the Iowa State
University, US. Dr. Macías is specialist on subjects related to the rural
development; he has been distinguished with several directive positions at the
Postgraduate College, the National Directive Council of the Agronomy Engineers
College of Mexico, the Socioeconomy, Statistics and Informatics of the
Government of Tlaxcala and until 2005 he was president of the College of
Tlaxcala. He is counsellor of 14 bachelor dissertation theses, 5 master theses and
7 doctorate theses. He has participated in Fomix-Conacyt Projects as Project
Director and research collaborator. Dr. Macías is co-author of the book El
combate a la pobreza en los pueblos indígenas totonacos de Puebla, edited
in 2005.
E-mail: [email protected]
Elizabeth Maier
She is a Sociologist with a speciality in the area of women and gender studies:
sexual and reproductive health, indigenous women; women and migration;
building of gender identity; socio-political participation of women; women and
human rights. She studied the doctorate in Latin American studies at the
Autonomous National University of Mexico. Currently she works as a professorresearcher of the Cultural Studies Department of El Colegio de la Frontera
Norte, in Tijuana, Baja California. She is member of the National Researchers
System. Among her academic production stand out the books: De lo privado a
lo público: 30 años de lucha ciudadana de las mujeres en América Latina,
Elizabeth Maier and Natalie Lebon comps., México, 2006; Nicaragua: la mujer
en la revolución, Ediciones de Cultura Popular, México, 1980; Las Sandinistas,
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Ediciones de Cultura Popular, México, 1986; ¿A poco las mujeres tenemos
derechos?, Servicio Universitario Mundial, México, 1990; Género femenino,
pobreza rural y cultura ecológica, ECOSUR-ediciones potrerillos, México,
1998; Las madres de los desaparecidos: ¿Un nuevo mito en América
Latina?, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana,
Ediciones La Jornada, México, 2001
. E-mail: [email protected]
Laura Rodríguez Wong
She Lodz a Ph. D. in Medical Demography by the London School of Hygiene
and Tropical Medicine, London University. She has studies equivalent to a
Masters Degree by the Latin American Demography Centre. Currently she is
a researcher from the Regional Planning and Development Centre (Cedeplar)
and professor of the Demography Department of the Universidad Federal de
Minas Gerais (Brazil). Her main area of professional performance is the
demographic analysis and among her recent publications related to the fecundity
transition and the new Latin American demographic pattern are: Age structural
transitions: challenges for development, Cicred, 2005, Age structural transition
in Brazil, demographic bonuses and emerging challenges, "El camino hacia
la estabilización demográfica y el proceso de envejecimiento en América Latina:
una ilustración a partir de algunos países seleccionados", co-authoring with
Moema G. Fígoli in Papeles de Población, Nueva Época año 9, núm. 35 (l)
Janeiro a Março, 2003.
E-mail: [email protected]
Jaime Ornelas Delgado
Economist with Master and Doctorate degrees in urbanism by the National
Autonomous University of Mexico; he currently works as a professor-researcher
at the Faculty of Economy of the Autonomous University of Puebla. His last two
books El neoliberalismo realmente existente and Guía para la elaboración
y presentación de trabajos de investigación en ciencias sociales, are in the
second and third edition, respectively. He is member of the National Research
System and his researches are currently about the impact of the neoliberal
globalization has over the production and realignment of the regional and urban
territory, particularly from the integration processes in Latin America. His most
recent articles, El mundo de la globalización neoliberal (2004), La integración
latinoamericana (2004) and Nueva modalidad de la expansión capitalista
(2004), Express his interest for understanding and explaining the way the city and
the region are built under the new conditions of the capitalist development.
E-mail: [email protected]
Gabriela Ponce Sernicharo
Sociologist, master in Demography and candidate to Doctorate in Social
Sciences by El Colegio de Mexico. Her fields of study and teaching are labour
market, dwelling quality, sociodemographic studies of the indigenous population
and family. Among her most recent publications are Mujeres jefas de hogar
en la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México, work that co-authred with
María Teresa Esquivel and René Flores Arenales; Dinámica poblacional y
transformaciones socioeconómicas en el municipio de Chimalhuacán (in
co-authory with: Mayra Mena and Irma Kanter), Publicación del Coespo,
Estado de México; La investigación social en planificación familiar, Tomo
I, FONUAP-OPS-Secretaría de Salud (various authors); Diagnóstico de la
vivienda en el Distrito Federal, UAM-A and PUEC (various authors, in
press); La evolución de la vivienda en México y los cambios que se
requieren para mejorar su habitabilidad, El Colegio de México, UAMAzcapotzalco and Comisión Nacional de Fomento de la Vivienda (various
authors, in press).
E-mail: [email protected]
Benito Ramírez Valverde
Engineer Agronomist specialized in Fitotechnics by the Universidad Autónoma
Chapingo. He coursed the Masters Degree in Statistic Sciences in the Colegio
de Postgraduados and the Masters Degree in Latin American Studies in Tulane
University. He is a professor-researcher by El Colegio de Posgraduados
ascribed to Campus Puebla. Since 1991 he lectures postgraduate subjects as
Statistics, Regional Analysis, Sampling, and Experimental Designs. He is author
and co-author of several scientific articles, extensive memoirs, and books
chapters. He has participated in 11 international congresses and 24 at a national
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level. He was awarded with the Premio Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnología 2004
(Science and Technology State Award).
E-mail: [email protected]
Nestor Gabriel Estrella Chulim
Engineer Agronomist specialist in soil by the Escuela Nacional de Agricultura.
Chapingo. Master in Sciences by Colegio de Postgraduados, Chapingo. Ph.D.
in Soil Fertility, Agronomy Department, State University of Iowa, Ames, Iowa,
US. He is a professor-researcher by El Colegio de Posgraduados ascribed to
Campus Puebla. He is author, co-author and compiler of 125 publications,
including scientific articles, technical and information leaflets, internal reports
and congresses' memoirs. He has participated as a lecturer in 140 scientific
events, seminars, technical and gremial events. He was awarded with the
Premio Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnología 2002 (Science and Technology State
E-mail: [email protected]