thirtieth sunday inordinary time october23,2016 year ofmercy
thirtieth sunday inordinary time october23,2016 year ofmercy
THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 23, 2016 YEAR OF MERCY DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 5:00 PM †Filomena Kalata in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Mary Ann Kalata) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 7:30 AM †Ana Julia Cruz – 4 años de fallecida (Blanca Cruz) 9:00 AM †Grzegorz Karkoszka (Family) 10:30 AM †Mary & Edward Prokop (Machovsky Family) *Health & God’s blessings for Maria & Frank th Mazurek on their 35 Wedding Anniversary †Walenty Lorenc (Monika & Walenty Bryja) 12:00 PM *Spanish Mass MONDAY, OCTOBER 24 8:00 AM *For the people of the parish TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 8:00 AM †Jennie Melnik (Daniel Petrasek) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26 8:00 AM *For the sick and homebound 7:00 PM *Por los enfermos THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27 8:00 AM †Walenty Lorenc (Lorenc Family) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 8:00 AM *For deceased parishioners 7:00 PM *Por los difuntos SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 5:00 PM †Henry Martineau Jr. (Mary Pelletier) †Santa Bongiovi (Vargas Family) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30 7:30 AM *Spanish Mass 9:00 AM † Filomena Kalata in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Mary Ann Kalata) 10:30 AM †Helena Lichak (Louis & Mary Machovsky) th *In thanksgiving for the 40 Wedding Anniversary of Michael & Helen Zihal 12:30 PM *Spanish Mass *The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass can be offered for your loved one during the week for a $10 donation per intention and weekend for a $20 donation. The Sanctuary Lamp (Eternal Light) can be offered for a $15 donation. Please keep in prayer the following parishioners: Barbara Gurcak Trudy Lucas Dominik Kollar Jeanette Rosario Gloria Linares Maria Vargas READINGS Sunday Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18, Lk 18:9-14 Monday Eph 4:32—5:8; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday Eph 5:21-33; Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday Eph 6:1-9; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday Eph 6:10-20; Lk 13:31-35 Friday Eph 2:19-22; Lk 6:12-16 Saturday Phil 1:18b-26; Lk 14:1, 7-11 A FRESH PERSPECTIVE ON THE SUNDAY READINGS HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly “The Lord is not deaf to the wail of the orphan, nor to the widow when she pours out her complaint. The one who serves God willingly is heard, his petition reaches the heavens. The prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds; it does not rest until it reaches its goal, nor will it withdraw till the Most High responds, judges justly and affirms the right…” Why pray? God does not care! He seems to be deaf. How often we have felt this way? How frequently we are tempted to give up? Somehow the grace of God revives me, reminds me, and restores me as a person of faith and prayer. When Pope Francis was asked ‘who are you?’ he replied by saying ‘I am a sinner.’ It is the sinner person who approaches the Lord with confidence, eyes down, asking ‘O God be merciful to me a sinner.’ Perhaps our approach to God in prayer is not to be limited to what I want, though I am told to ask, but to ask God for what I need most from His point of view. The prayer of mercy ‘Jesus I trust in you’ can take on even greater meaning. My petition reaches the heaven and pierces the clouds, and reaches its goal. 30. nedeľa v Cezročnom období Parish News & Events RESPONZÓRIOVÝ ŽALM Úbožiak zavolal a Pán ho vyslyšal. Počas Svätého Roku milosrdenstva sa v našom kostole budeme modliť Korunku Božieho milosrdenstva v čase vyloženia Prevelebnej sviatosti oltárnej každú prvú nedeľu v mesiaci. Najbližšia adorácia a modlitby budú 6. novembra o 3.00 hodine popoludní. Všetci ste vítaní. UNA FRESCA PERSPECTIVA DE LAS LECTURAS DOMINICALES SU PALABRA HOY por el Reverendo William J. Reilly “El Señor no desoye la plegaria del huérfano, ni a la viuda, cuando expone su queja. El que rinde el culto que agrada al Señor, es aceptado, y su plegaria llega hasta el cielo. La súplica del humilde atraviesa las nubes y mientras no llega a su destino, él no se consuela: no desiste hasta que el Altísimo interviene, para juzgar a los justos y hacerles justicia.” ¿Por qué orar? ¡A Dios no le importa! Pareciera estar sordo. ¿Qué tan a menudo nos sentimos así? ¿Qué tan a menudo estamos tentados a darnos por vencidos? Pero de alguna manera la gracia de Dios me revive, me recuerda, me restaura como persona de fe y de oración. Cuando se le preguntó al Papa Francisco ¿Quién eres? Él respondió: ‘Soy un pecador’. Es el pecador quien se acerca al Señor con confianza, con los ojos bajos, pidiendo: ‘Oh Dios, sé misericordioso conmigo, un pecador.’ Quizá nuestro acercamiento a Dios en oración no debe limitarse a lo que quiero, a pesar de que me dice que pida, sino pedir a Dios que me de lo que más necesito de acuerdo a El. La oración de misericordia: ‘Jesús, en tí confío’ puede tener aún más significado. Mi petición alcanza el cielo y atraviesa las nubes hasta llegar a su destino. AVISOS PARROQUIALES Solemnidad de Todos los Santos Misa de Vigilia – Día de obligación lunes, 31 de octubre – 7:00 PM Intenciones de Misa - 2017 El libro de intenciones de misa del 2017 ya está disponible. Por favor pasen por la oficina parroquial para anotar sus intenciones. El estipendio de las intenciones de las misas es $10 lunes a viernes y $20 sábado a domingo - por intención. Church Support for October 15–16, 2016 Regular Collection: $1,877.00 Fuel Collection: $1,007.00 Thank you for your generosity! MASS SCHEDULE (Holy Day of Obligation) Monday, October 31st (Vigil) 7:00 PM – Spanish Tuesday, November 1st 8:00 AM – English 5:00 PM – English 7:00 PM – Slovak If you or someone you know is ill and would like their name added to the prayer list please call the Parish Office: 973-546-4390. 2017 Mass Intention Book The 2017 Mass Intention Book is now open. Mass stipends remain at $10 Monday–Friday and $20 Saturday–Sunday per intention. Holy Year of Mercy Join us for Eucharistic Adoration, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy & the Holy Rosary every first Sunday of the month at 3:00 PM. Special Collection At this time we are asking each family to make a sacrifice and donate $100 to help with church repairs. The special collection envelopes are available on the tables in the back of the church. Thank you to those who have already contributed! “It helps to preserve our faith in God, and to trust in Him even when we do not comprehend His will. In this, Jesus himself who prayed so much, is the example.” – Pope Francis THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 23, 2016 YEAR OF MERCY *Front Cover Announcement Section SCHEDULE (7:15 PM) NO Bingo: Sat., 10/22 Bingo: Mon., 10/24 & Sat., 10/29 FIRST COMMUNION CLASS Saturday, October 29th 10:00 – 11:30 AM .
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intenciones. El estipendio de las intenciones de las misas es $10 lunes a viernes y $20 sábado a domingo - por intención.
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