Enrique Albarran Resume


Enrique Albarran Resume
Enrique Albarran
High school, Colegio Franco Espano!, Mexico D.F.
Civil Engineer Universidad Regiomontana, Monterrey N.L.
Surface Blast Design and Control, Cleveland Ohio, USA
Computers & Instrumentation for Blast Design and Control, Cleveland Ohio,
Blast Design and Explosive Handling, Cleveland Ohio, USA
License Number 13596
St. John's Military Academy, Delafield WS.,
Precision Blasting Services Inc., USA
Physical Measurement Technologies Inc., USA
Coauthor of book "Diseno de Voladuras"
Grupo Constructor Acropolis S.A. de C.V.
Coleqio de Ingenieros Civiles del Estado de
Mexico A.C.
Comision del Canal de Panama
Grupo Constructor Barrenacion y Caminos S.A. de
Construcciones Mineras y Civiles S.A. de C.V.
Blasting of 20,000 m 3 for aggregate production in the
construction of “Jardines de la Vida Eterna" cemetery
in Huixquilucan, State of Mexico.
2 seminars in explosives introduction for the annual
certification of the society members.
2 surface and underwater blast design seminars for the
drilling, blasting and dredging division.
Opening and blasting of a limestone quarrv near
Lazaro Cardenas, Mich. With an initial volume of
50,000 m3.
Blast design and supervision for 70,000 m 3 of granite
in the construction of the Uruapan-Lazaro Cardenas
Blast design and seismic monitoring in a limestone
quarrv in Monterrey, N.L.
Construcciones Mineras y Civiles S.A. de C.V.
Blast design and seismic monitoring in a limestone
quarry in Monterrey, N.L.
Perforaciones y Tuneles S.A. de C.V.
Consulting and blast design for the production of
200,000 metric tons per month in Ramos Arizpe,
lnstituto de Capacitacion de la Industria de la
Blast design seminar.
Construcciones Ingenieria y Desarrollo de
lnfraestructura S.A. de CV.
Blast design and consulting for the production of
rip-rap in granite in Salina Cruz, Oaxaca.
Triturados Basalticos y Drivados S.A. de C v.
Blast design and seismic monitoring in the production
of 120, 000 m 3 for the construction of the Tulacingo,
Hgo turnpike.
Construcciones Ingenieria y Desarrollo de
Infraestructura S.A. de C.V.
Hacienda de La Luz S.A. de C.V.
Blast design and consulting for the production of riprap in granite in Salina Cruz, Oaxaca.
Blasting for reforestation of 600 Ha. In San Jose
ranch, Aculco County, State of Mexico.
Construcciones Ingenieria y desarrollo de
Infraestructura S.A. de C.V.
Cales de Pueblo S.A. de C.V.
Blast design and supervision for the production of
95,000 ton. Of rip-rap in Salino Cruz, Oaxaca.
Seismic monitoring and blast consulting to
increase production and cost reduction.
Cementos Mexlcanos S.A. de C.V
Minera Carbonifera Rio Escondido S.A. de C.V
Installation and training in the use of blast design
software. Consulting in blast design to improve
fragmentation and cost reduction.
Blast consulting and seismic monitoring for the
opening of pit 3.
Instituto de Capacitacion de la Industria de
la Construccion
Implementos Mlneros S.A. de C.V.
Cales de Pueblo S.A. de C.V.
Blast deslgn seminar for the GUTSA construction
company Uruapan Mich., BlasT Blast design
seminar a S well aS Installation and training in blast
design software.
Seismic monitoring and blast consulting to increase
production and reduce costs.
Minera Carbonifera Rio Escondido S.A. de C.V.
Installation and training in blast design software.
Blast consulting to increase fragmentation and cost
reduction. Consulting for vibration and air blast
control generated by blasting in pit 2.
Cales de Pueblo S.A. de C.V.
Seismic monitoring and blast consulting to increase
production and reduce costs.
Operadora de Explosivos S.A. de C.V.
Blast design and supervision for the production of
100,000 m 3 in the construction of the Ruiz Cortines
avenue in Atizapan de Zaragoza, State of Mexico.
Cales de Pueblo S.A. de c.v.
Seismic monitoring and blast consulting to Increase
production and reduce costs.
Transformadores y Equipos S.A. de C.V.
Blast design for the excavation of the foundation of
the transmission line towers from Iguala to
Seismic monitoring and blast consulting to increase
Cales de Pueblo S.A. de C.V
Consorcio Minero Benito Juarez Pena Colorado S.A.
de c.v.
Triturados y Derivados del Centro S.A. de C.V.
Dupont de Mexico S.A. de c.v.
production and reduce costs.
Installation and training in blast design software.
Blast consulting to increase fragmentation and cost
Seismic monitoring and blast consulting to increase
production fragmentation and reduce costs.
Technical review for the new explosives
seminar in
coordination with Gregory Lorsbach. Underground
blast seminar in coordination with Dr. Calvin
Surface blast design in coordination with Dr. Calvin
Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico
Introduction to explosives seminar for the civil
engineer students.
Operqdorq de Explosivos S.A de C.V.
Consulting for the production of 100,000 m 3 per
month in Apaxco, State of Mexico.
Distribuidora de Explosivos Jesus Oviedo S .A .de
Dupont de Mexico S.A. de c.v.
Installation and training in blast design software and
seismic equipment.
seminar in
coordination with Gregory Lorsbach.
Seismic monitoring and blast consulting in the
Orizaba, Ver., plant.
Seismic monitoring and blast consulting to increase
production and reduce costs.
Cementos Apasco S.A. de C.V
Cales de Pueblo S.A. de c.v.
Surface blast design in coordination with Dr. Calvin
Blast design and seismic monitoring in blast quarry.
Dupont de MexIco S.A. de C.V.
Operadora de Explosivos S.A. de C.V.
Constructora Vita S.A. de C.V.
Blast design for the production of 35,000 m 3 in the
construction of the Malinalco-Tenancingo highway.
DYCISA Construcciones S.A.de c.v.
Blast design and supervision for the excavation of
18,000 m 3 in Cuernavaca Mor.
Design of a crushing plant and blast design for the
Ejido Jonacapa Hgo.
Seismic monitoring of the vibration caused by heavy
traffic on the colonial structure of the Queretaro city
Installation and training in blast design software and
seismic equipment.
Consulting, training and development of blasting
methods in the quarry located In Ixtapaluca, State of
Seismic monitoring and blast consulting to increase
production, fragmentation and reduce costs for the
aggregate plant in Perote Ver.
Empresas de Solidaridad
Gobierno del Estado de Queretaro
F.M. Construcciones S.A. de
Grupo Corporativo Interestatal S.A. de
Materiales Circulo Azul S.A. de c.v.
Triturados y Derivados del Centro S.A. de C.V.
Blast consulting in their quarries in Queretaro and
Concretos Asfalticos del Bajio S.A. de C.V.
Consulting and blost design in their quarry in
Leon Gto.
Installation and training in blast design software for
the construction of the Tecate-Tijuana highway.
Installation and training in blast design software.
La Nacional Cia. Constructora S.A. de c.v
Construccion e Infraestructura Mexicana S.A. de C.V.
Constructora T.A.P.S.A.
Dupont de Mexico S.A. de C.V.
Blast design and supervision for the production of
33,000 m 3 in San Martin Obispo, State at Mexico.
Installation and training in blast design software.
Sistemas Planeacion y Control S.A. de C.V.
Supervision manager.
Evaluation and supervision of the construction
project of the Inguaran and Colon branches of
the Banco Nacional de Mexlco S.N.C.
Supervision programming and construction of 47
houses in Mexico City for the habitation
renovation program after the 1985 earthquakes.
Supervision and follow up of 42 studies and
projects for the law and procedures
subcommittee of the Mexico City government.