i n t e r n at i o n a l s o c i e t y f o r p h a r m a c o e c o n o m i c s a n d o u t c o m e s r e s e a r c h ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 HIlton Buenos Aires • Buenos Aires, Argentina Challenges for Health Care Systems in Latin America: Changing Models of HTA, Priority Setting, and Health Rights PROGRAM and SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Organized by: International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) and the ISPOR Latin America Consortium, in coordination with the ISPOR Argentina Regional Chapter CONFERENCE SUPPORTING INSTITUTIONS Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Argentina General Coordination for HTA, Department of Science and Technology (DECIT-CGATS), Ministry of Health, Brazil National Commission for the Incorporation of Technologies (CONITEC) in the Unified Health Care System (SUS), Brazil Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil Interdepartmental Center for Health Economics (CRIDES), Brazil The National Center for Health Technology Excellence (CENETEC), Mexico WWW.ISPOR.ORG ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina CONFERENCE AT-A-GLANCE Please note: Sessions may be presented in EITHER English, Spanish, and/or Portuguese. THURSDAY, 12 SEPTEMBER 8:00-17:00 ALL DAY SHORT COURSES Separate short course registration required Introduction to Health Economics for Decision Makers Buen Ayre A (2nd) Introduction to Modeling Pacará A (5th) 8:00-12:00 MORNING SHORT COURSES Separate short course registration required Extracting Cost Data for Economic Analysis in Latin America Buen Ayre B (2nd) Applied Modeling Buen Ayre C (2nd) Lunch – Attendees on their own 13:00-17:00 AFTERNOON SHORT COURSES Separate short course registration required Health-Related Quality of Life / Utility Measures Buen Ayre B (2nd) Budget Impact Analysis Buen Ayre C (2nd) 17:15-18:15 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Buen Ayre C (2nd) 17:30-18:30 RESEARCH PODIUMS - II Cancer Outcomes Research Buen Ayre C (2nd) Formulary Development and Publication of Cost Studies Quebracho A (5th) Pricing Studies Buen Ayre B (2nd) Cost, Risk Factor & Universal Coverage Studies Buen Ayre A (2nd) Trends in Health Care Studies Quebracho B (5th) 18:30-19:30 POSTER AUTHOR DISCUSSION HOUR - I Pacífico A (-2nd Underground) 19:30-20:30 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Buen Ayre C (2nd) The Role of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and Reimbursement Decision Making In Latin America 20:30-22:30 WELCOME RECEPTION Terrace (7th) All attendees welcome! FRIDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 8:30-20:00 RESEARCH POSTERS - I Pacífico A (-2nd Underground) 8:30-9:00 WELCOME ADDRESS & OPENING REMARKS Buen Ayre BC (2nd) 9:00-10:30 FIRST PLENARY SESSION Buen Ayre BC (2nd) Assigning Regional Priorities & the Use of HTA & Economic Evaluations in Latin America: How Far Have We Come? 10:30-11:00 BREAK, EXHIBITS & RESEARCH POSTERS - I Pacífico A (-2nd Underground) 11:00-12:00 ISSUE PANELS - I IP1: Evaluación económica en Latinoamérica: ¿El análisis de costo-efectividad responde nuestras necesidades? Buen Ayre B (2nd) IP2: Eficácia quanto aos custos da MRI (ressonância magnética) na descoberta precoce de reocorrência de câncer de mama em pacientes submetendo-se ao tratamento de cirugia preservativa: É praticável na América Latina? Quebracho A (5th) IP3: ¿Cuál es el panorama económico de los biosimilares en Latinoamérica? Quebracho B (5th) IP4: Aplicación de la evidencia de costo-efectividad y costo-utilidad a los procesos de toma de decisión sobre precio y cobertura de nuevos medicamentos: ¿Existe un umbral de costo-efectividad en Latinoamérica? Buen Ayre A (2nd) IP5: What Are the Implications of Generic Drug Policies for Health Care Systems and Individual Patients in Latin America? Buen Ayre C (2nd) 12:00-15:00 LUNCH, EXHIBITS & RESEARCH POSTERS - I Pacífico A (-2nd Underground) 12:30-13:30 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Buen Ayre C (2nd) In Latin America, Should We Assess Value or Use Reference Pricing? Both or Neither? 13:45-14:45 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Buen Ayre C (2nd) Managing Diabetes in Latin America – The Role of Innovative Medicines 15:00-16:00 WORKSHOPS & ISPOR REGIONAL CHAPTER FORUM - I W1: Adapting Global Pharmacoeconomic Models to the Latin American Context - Key Challenges and Considerations Buen Ayre C (2nd) W2: How to Handle the Lack of Information in Emerging Markets: A List of Opportunities from Latin America Buen Ayre A (2nd) W3: Esquemas de precios y reembolsos: La política de precios basada en el valor, ¿Es viable en los países de Latinoamérica? Buen Ayre B (2nd) W4: Toma de decisiones en salud: Una mirada de investigadores y decisores desde el instrumento EVIDEM Quebracho B (5th) W5: Como medir utilidade e envolver o público no processo de avaliação de tecnologias de saúde Quebracho A (5th) Forum: Health Technology Assessment and Health Prosecution: A Dialogue between Two Worlds Jacaranda (5th) 16:00-16:15 BREAK, EXHIBITS & RESEARCH POSTERS - I Pacífico A (-2nd Underground) 16:15-17:15 RESEARCH PODIUMS - I Budget Impact Studies Buen Ayre B (2nd) Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes Research Quebracho A (5th) Health Care Expenditure Studies Buen Ayre A (2nd) Health Technology Assessment Studies Buen Ayre C (2nd) Infectious Disease Studies Quebracho B (5th) EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Buen Ayre C (2nd) Working with Health Technology Assessment (HTA) in Latin America: Challenges and Opportunities SATURDAY, 14 SEPTEMBER From Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio to Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Range: Adjusting the Threshold for Latin American Countries 18:30-20:30 Pacífico A (-2nd Underground) 18:30-20:00 RESEARCH POSTERS & EXHIBITORS’ RECEPTION 7:45-8:45 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Buen Ayre BC (2nd) Determining the Value of Medicine –The Perspective of HTA, Government, and Private Insurance in Latin America 8:30-15:45 RESEARCH POSTERS - II Pacífico A (-2nd Underground) 8:30-9:00 EXHIBITS & RESEARCH POSTERS - II Pacífico A (-2nd Underground) 9:00-10:30 WELCOME & SECOND PLENARY SESSION Buen Ayre BC (2nd) HTA as a Tool to Inform Pricing and Coverage Policies in the National Context: Case Studies from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Uruguay 10:30-11:00 BREAK, EXHIBITS & RESEARCH POSTERS - II Pacífico A (-2nd Underground) 11:00-12:00 ISSUE PANELS - II IP6: Are Local Quality of Life Data Needed to Guide Reimbursement Decisions in Latin America? Buen Ayre C (2nd) IP7: Access to Innovative Medicines in Latin America – What is the Solution? Quebracho A (5th) IP8: The Role of Globalization in Drug Development and Access to Orphan Drugs in Latin America Quebracho B (5th) IP9: Acceso al mercado por vía judicial: ¿Necesidad o amenaza? Buen Ayre B (2nd) IP10: ¿Estamos procediendo demasiado rápido con la evaluación de la tecnología sanitaria en Latinoamérica? Buen Ayre A (2nd) 12:00-14:30 LUNCH, EXHIBITS & RESEARCH POSTERS - II Pacífico A (-2nd Underground) 12:30-13:30 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Buen Ayre C (2nd) Practical Application of Real-World Evidence to Health Technology Assessment and Decision Making in Latin America: Moving Beyond the Theory to Practice 13:30-14:30 RESEARCH POSTER AUTHOR DISCUSSION HOUR - II Pacífico A (-2nd Underground) 14:30-15:30 WORKSHOPS & ISPOR REGIONAL CHAPTER FORUM - II W6: Advances in Meta-Analysis: Incorporating Multiple Treatments, Multiple Endpoints, and Multiple Study Designs Buen Ayre A (2nd) W7: ISPOR-SMDM Guidelines for Good Modeling Practices Buen Ayre C (2nd) W8: Usando evidencia obtenida de expertos en la toma de decisiones Buen Ayre B (2nd) W9: ¿Cómo y por qué es necesario que los mercados en latinoamérica tengan sus propios umbrales de costoefectividad? Quebracho A (5th) W10: Generación y uso con éxito de datos del mundo real: Exploración de los principios de la política, el marco operativo y las consideraciones analíticas Quebracho B (5th) Forum: The Role of HTA in the Brazilian Pricing & Reimbursement Process: Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead Jacaranda (5th) 15:30-15:45 BREAK, EXHIBITS, & RESEARCH POSTERS - II Pacífico A (-2nd Underground) 15:45-16:45 WORKSHOPS & ISPOR REGIONAL CHAPTER FORUM - III W11: Meta-análisis de comparaciones indirectas: ¿Y si no hay comparaciones cabeza a cabeza? Buen Ayre B (2nd) W12: From Head-to-Head Comparisons to Network Meta-Analysis: Crossing the Bridge between Clinical and Economic Outcomes Research in Latin America Quebracho A (5th) W13: Transferability of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Requirements to Improve Decision Making in Latin America Buen Ayre C (2nd) W14: The Role of HTA in Determining Orphan and Specialty Drug Coverage in Latin America Buen Ayre A (2nd) W15: Desafíos para los dispositivos médicos en evaluaciones económicas: Una perspectiva de Latinoamérica Quebracho B (5th) Forum: Challenges for the Implementation of an ETESA System in Chile: Political Tensions between Players and the Possibilities of Constructing an Agenda Jacaranda (5th) 17:00-17:30 ISPOR RESEARCH PRESENTATION AWARDS & CLOSING REMARKS & RECEPTION Buen Ayre C (2nd) ISPOR REGISTRATION HOURS: Thursday, 12 September: 7:00-18:00 / Friday, 13 September: 7:00-18:00 / Saturday, 14 September: 7:30-17:00 ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina KEY INFORMATION CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES Participants will be able to: • Learn new pharmacoeconomic methodologies and outcomes research techniques; • Improve the quality of their decision making by better utilization of pharmacoeconomic studies; and • Learn the latest about measuring quality of life and selecting appropriate survey instruments. CONFERENCE LANGUAGES/INTERPRETATION Official Conference languages are Spanish, Portuguese & English. Plenary Sessions will be presented with simultaneous interpretation. Session languages are indicated next to the session title in the Program & Schedule of Events. Sessions with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation are indicated by GUIDE TO THE PROGRAM & SCHEDULE OF EVENTS For your convenience, this Program & Schedule of Events has been printed in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Podium and poster abstracts are included in the language submitted by the authors. REGISTRATION MATERIALS The following materials are included in your registration envelope: • Short Course ticket for each Short Course for which you are registered (you MUST bring your Short Course ticket to the room to collect your materials); • One complimentary drink ticket to the Welcome Reception: Thursday, 12 September 20:30-22:30; • One complimentary drink ticket to the Research Poster Presentation & Exhibitors’ Reception: Friday, 13 September 18:30-20:00; • Attendee list which includes attendee name, organization, and country, based on the data collected at the time of registration; and • Other promotional information PLEASE NOTE: Registration bags are available for pick-up near ISPOR registration. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION/SESSIONS Separate registration is required for all Short Courses (Thursday, 12 September). Please see ISPOR Registration for details. Conference registration is inclusive of symposia and the Welcome Reception on Thursday, 12 September and all sessions Friday and Saturday, no pre-registration is required. ISPOR CONFERENCE PERSONAL SCHEDULER We encourage use of the ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference Personal Scheduler (at schedule/index.cgi or scan this QR code) which enables you to select the sessions you wish to attend and create a personal daily meeting itinerary. ISPOR SOCIAL MEDIA Be part of the live discussion! • Tweet your comments to @ISPORorg during the meeting using #ISPORBuenosAires • Access expert insights and share your views on meeting sessions at the ISPOR LinkedIn Discussion Group • Network with your peers on the ISPOR Facebook page RESEARCH PODIUM & POSTER PRESENTATION ABSTRACTS Abstracts for all research podium and poster presentations given at the ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference will be published in Value in Health Volume 16, Issue 7. Value in Health Volume 16, Issue 7 will be available to ISPOR members and ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference registrants on-line at: valueinhealth_index.asp in October 2013. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE INFORMATION Research podium & poster presentation financial disclosure information will be available online in October 2013 at: asp and in Value in Health Volume 16, Issue 7. Presenters are required to disclose all real or apparent commercial financial affiliations related to conference content. This information can also be requested at the ISPOR Registration Desk. PRESENTATION SLIDES/POSTERS & HANDOUTS PRESENTATION SLIDES/POSTERS Conference plenary session, issue panel, workshop, and symposia slides will be available at after the conference, subject to speaker approval. Podium & poster presentation abstracts and released slides or poster PDFs are available at the ISPOR Outcomes Research Digest (a searchable database of over 23,500 research papers presented at ISPOR meetings) at research_study_digest/index.asp or scan this QR code. HANDOUTS • Plenary Sessions Handouts for the plenary session are available in the session room at the time of the presentations. • Research Presentations, Workshops & Issue Panels Handouts for research (podiums and posters), workshops, and issue panels are the sole responsibility of the presenting author(s). ISPOR requires all contributed presenters to provide at least 200 copies of their handouts. • Educational Symposia Handouts for symposia are the sole responsibility of the host organizations(s). ISPOR suggests all symposium hosts provide at least 200 copies of their handouts. • All Remaining & Additional Handouts All remaining or additional handouts will be made available at the handout table near ISPOR Registration. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION HISTORICAL INFORMATION During the ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference, 320 posters, 39 research podiums, 15 workshops, and 10 issue panels will be presented. Year Research Workshop Issue Panel Case Total Studies Not Accepted (%) 2007117 2009256 2011212 2013400 - 8 4 - 7.8% 7.2% 4.3% 11.2% 12 8 14 30 - 5 5 26 129 277 235 456 SPEAKER INFORMATION All speakers are requested to arrive at their presentation room 15 minutes prior to the session start time. Speakers should have the final version of their presentation on a USB/flash drive and the required handouts. ISPOR staff will be available in the session room to assist the presenter. Please note that all presentations submitted to ISPOR by the specified advance deadline will be pre-loaded onto the computer in the session room. EXHIBITS Exhibits will be on view in Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) Friday, 13 September 2013: 8:30-20:00 Saturday, 14 September 2013: 8:00-15:45 ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina KEY INFORMATION CONTINUED RESEARCH PODIUM PRESENTATIONS Outcomes research (clinical, economic, and patient-reported), health policy research and research on methods for the following topics will be presented as 15 minute oral presentations: BU – Budget Impact Studies CA – Cancer Outcomes Research CV – Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes Research FD – Formulary Development and Publication of Cost Studies HC – Health Care Expenditure Studies HT – Health Technology Assessment Studies IN – Infectious Disease Studies PR – Pricing Studies RF – Cost, Risk Factor & Universal Coverage Studies TR – Trends in Health Care Studies RESEARCH PRESENTATION AWARDS Awards are given for the Best Research Podium Presentations (up to 6) and for the Best Research Poster Presentations (up to 6). All research podium presentations are considered for an award. Research poster presentations in the top 10%, based on abstract review score, are considered for a poster presentation award. These are identified with a rosette and will be judged during the conference. ISPOR Research Awards Presentation will be presented on Saturday, 14 September at 17:00 in Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) INTERNET ACCESS/BUSINESS SERVICES Complimentary wi-fi, provided by the Hilton Buenos Aires, is available in the main hotel lobby. Guests may purchase internet access online using their room number; attendees not staying at the Hilton can purchase internet access at the hotel front desk. A business center is available in the Hilton Buenos Aires with the following opening hours: Thursday 12 September: 7:00-20:30 Friday 13 September: 7:00-20:30 Saturday 14 September: 8:00-16:30 CONFERENCE PROGRAM WARNING & USE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGES Please be advised that recording, by any means (including photography), of conference presentations is prohibited. The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) will strictly enforce its rights as the exclusive licensee of all publication and reproduction rights to each presentation, and no presentation, in whole or in part, may be reproduced without approval from ISPOR. Registration and attendance at the ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference constitutes an agreement by the registrant to ISPOR’s use of their image (photograph and video) now and in the future. QUESTIONS & INFORMATION Please ask ISPOR staff members for any additional information about the conference or about ISPOR. ISPOR staff can be identified by their black shirts with ISPOR logo. The hotel concierge and front desk will be able to provide information about hotel services and about Buenos Aires to help you enjoy your stay. RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATIONS Poster presentations will be on view in Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) Student Research Posters (all research posters where the first author is a student) are identified on the poster codes. POSTER PRESENTATION SESSIONS POSTER DISPLAY HOURS SESSION I: Friday, 13 September8:30-20:00 AUTHOR DISCUSSION HOUR* 18:30-19:30 PRESENTER SET UP TIME 8:00-8:30 PRESENTER DISMANTLE TIME** 20:00 13:30-14:30 8:00-8:30 15:45 PHP: HEALTH CARE USE & POLICY STUDIES PCN: CANCER PDB: DIABETES/ENDOCRINE DISORDERS PGI: GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS PMH: MENTAL HEALTH PSS: SENSORY SYSTEMS DISORDERS PUK: URINARY/KIDNEY DISORDERS SESSION II: Saturday, 14 September8:30-15:45 PRM: RESEARCH ON METHODS PCV: CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS PIH: INDIVIDUAL’S HEALTH PIN: INFECTION PMS: MUSCULAR-SKELETAL DISORDERS PND: NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS PRS: RESPIRATORY-RELATED DISORDERS PSY: SYSTEMIC DISORDERS/CONDITIONS *Presenters are required to be at their posters during the Poster Author Discussion Hour. **Posters that are not removed at the scheduled dismantle time will be discarded. ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina SHORT COURSE PROGRAM THURSDAY, 12 SEPTEMBER ALL DAY COURSES (8:00-17:00) INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH ECONOMICS FOR DECISION MAKERS (Presented in Spanish) Buen Ayre A (2nd Floor) TRACK: Economic Methods LEVEL: Introductory. This course is suitable for those with little or no experience with pharmacoeconomics. RosselliPichon-Riviere FACULTY: Diego Rosselli, MD, MEd, MHP, Associate Professor, Health Economics, Javeriana Catholic University, Bogota, Colombia; Andrés Pichon-Riviere, MD, MSc, PhD, Executive Director & Director of Health Technology Assessment & Economic Evaluations, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness & Health Policy (IECS); Vice-Chair, International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA); Board of Directors Member, Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi); and Professor of Public Health, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to teach clinicians and new researchers how to incorporate pharmacoeconomics/health economics into study design and data analysis. Participants will learn how to collect and calculate the costs of different health care or health care economic evaluation alternative treatments, determine the economic impact of clinical outcomes, and how to identify, track, and assign costs to different types of health care resources used. The development of economic protocols and data collection sheets will be discussed. Different health economic models and techniques will be demonstrated, including: cost-minimization, cost-of-illness, cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit, and cost-utility analysis. Decision analysis, sensitivity analysis, and discounting will also be demonstrated. Participants will learn to compare and evaluate interventions such as drugs, devices, and clinical services. INTRODUCTION TO MODELING (Presented in Spanish) Pacará A (5th Floor) TRACK: Modeling Methods LEVEL: Introductory. This introductory course requires a familiarity with decision analysis. FACULTY: Federico Augustovski, AugustovskiCaro MD, MSc, PhD, Director, Economic Evaluations and HTA Department, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Professor of Public Health, University of Buenos Aires, and Staff Physician, Family and Community Pichon-RiviereMartí Medicine Division, Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; J. Jaime Caro, MDCM, FRCPC, FACP, Adjunct Professor of Medicine & Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada; Andrés Pichon-Riviere, MD, MSc, PhD, Executive Director & Director of Health Technology Assessment & Economic Evaluations, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness & Health Policy (IECS); Vice-Chair, International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA); Board of Directors Member, Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi); and Professor of Public Health, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Sebastián García Martí, MD, MSc, Economic Evaluations and HTA Coordinator, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Buenos Aires, Argentina COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course includes a review of Markov models, discrete event models, and other modeling techniques and their appropriate applications, and will review the seven ISPOR Good Research Papers in Modeling Methods published in 2012 ( workpaper/Modeling-Good-Research-Practices-Overview.asp). Using a series of related examples, the course will carefully review the practical steps involved in developing and using these kinds of models. Instructors will cover the practical steps involved in the selection and modeling of data inputs and practical aspects related to the determination of when, why, and how to handle stochastic (i.e., first order Monte Carlo Simulations) and probabilistic (i.e., second order Monte Carlo Simulations) uncertainty. MORNING COURSES (8:00-12:00) EXTRACTING COST DATA FOR ECONOMIC ANALYSIS IN LATIN AMERICA (Presented in Spanish) Buen Ayre B (2nd Floor) TRACK: Economic Methods LEVEL: Intermediate. FACULTY: Nelson Alvis Guzmán, MD, MPH, PhD, Professor & Director, Health Economics Research Group (GIES), School GuzmánCáceres of Economic Sciences, University of Cartagena and Director, Center for Research and Teaching (CID), Napoleón Franco Pareja Children’s Hospital, Cartagena, Colombia; Heidy Alexandra Cáceres, MD, MHE, Market Access Manager, Biopas Laboratories, Bogota, Colombia COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will focus on practical aspects of cost development for pharmacoeconomic studies. The objective is to help the participant bridge the gap between understanding pharmacoeconomic theory and the practice of developing cost estimates. Factors to consider when costing pharmacoeconomic analyses, such as perspective, data sources, data classification systems, developing resource use profiles, obtaining unit costs, and making cost adjustments, will be presented. Examples of issues encountered when identifying and extracting cost data will be discussed. APPLIED MODELING (Portions presented in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, with simultaneous interpretation provided) Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) TRACK: Modeling Methods LEVEL: Advanced. PREREQUISITE: This course is suitable for those who are familiar with modeling methods and/or those who have previously taken the ISPOR Short Course, “Introduction to Modeling.” FACULTY: Manuel Antonio Espinoza, MD, MSc, PhD, Health Economist, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Catholic University of Chile and Scientific Advisor, Department EspinozaSculpher BriggsSaramango ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina short course program continued of Scientific Affairs, Institute of Public Health of Chile, Santiago, Chile; Mark Sculpher, PhD, MSc, Professor of Health Economics, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, Heslington York, UK; Andrew Briggs, DPhil, MSc, William R Lindsay Chair of Health Economics, Health Economics & Health Technology Assessment, Institute of Health & Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK; Pedro Saramago, PhD, MSc, Research Fellow, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, Heslington, York, UK COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a hands-on introduction to the use of software in the creation and analysis of cost-effectiveness decision models. The basics of cost-effectiveness decision making as well as building and analyzing a simple decision tree will be discussed. Markov modeling and Monte Carlo simulation will be introduced. All participants must bring a Windows laptop computer with Microsoft Excel® 2007 installed and running. AFTERNOON COURSES (13:00-17:00) HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE / UTILITY MEASURES (Presented in Spanish) Buen Ayre B (2nd Floor) TRACK: Patient-Reported Outcomes / Preference Methods LEVEL: Introductory/Intermediate. This course is for those with some experience AlfonsoCabra with quality-of-life measures in health economic evaluation. FACULTY: Rafael Alfonso, MD, MSc, PhD, Scientific Director, Surgical Outcomes Research Center & Comparative Effectiveness Translation Network & Research Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; Hermilo Arturo Cabra, MSc, Senior Market Access Manager (Global), Global Strategic Marketing, Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc., Cincinnati, OH, USA COURSE DESCRIPTION: Conceptual, methodological, and practical methods for measuring quality of life, health status, and other types of health outcomes will be presented. Utility measurement, a method of determining an individual’s preference for a certain outcome represented by a quantitative score (utility), will also be reviewed. Methods for measuring preference-based outcomes like the standard gamble, time trade-off, and visual analogue scale will be demonstrated. Additionally, utility-based instruments such as EQ-5D, HUI, QWQ, and SF-36 will be briefly discussed. Utility measurement however is not only about mastering these techniques; it is about using them in such a way that health care decision makers can apply the results, for instance in cost-per-QALY analyses. For this purpose, one needs to be aware of shortcomings of the available utility measures and potential solutions. Furthermore, one should be aware of the decision-making context and the way results are interpreted. To equip participants with expertise in the field of utility measurement, the most important issues will be discussed, such as potential insensitivity of generic instruments for particular disease specific problems, and to what extent adaptation of generic or disease-specific quality of life instruments may offer a solution. Also the issue of “whose values count: patient values or values from the general public?” will be discussed. Finally, we turn to interpretation in the context of resource allocation. BUDGET IMPACT ANALYSIS (Presented in English with simultaneous interpretation to Spanish & Portuguese) Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) TRACK: Economic Methods LEVEL: Intermediate. This course is designed for those with some experience with pharmacoeconomic analysis. FACULTY: C. Daniel Mullins, PhD, Professor & Chair, Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, University of Mullins Maryland School of Pharmacy, Baltimore, MD, USA COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will describe methods to determine the costs associated with a health condition and the budget impact of new technologies for that condition. The course will present incidenceand prevalence-based costing strategies. Treatment algorithms and event-based approaches will be demonstrated for disease-specific costs from different decision-maker perspectives. Both static and dynamic methods for estimating the budget impact of adding a new drug to a health plan formulary will be presented. Issues related to imputing missing data will also be discussed. ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina Program & SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY, 12 SEPTEMBER 8:00-17:00 PRE-CONFERENCE SHORT COURSES Separate short course registration required. Lunch – Attendees on their own 17:15-18:15 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) (Presented in English and Spanish with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) FROM INCREMENTAL COST-EFFECTIVENESS RATIO TO INCREMENTAL COST-EFFECTIVENESS RANGE: ADJUSTING THE THRESHOLD FOR LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES Sponsored by Pfizer 18:30-20:30 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) (Presented in English with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) THE ROLE OF MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION ANALYSIS (MCDA) IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT (HTA) AND REIMBURSEMENT DECISION MAKING IN LATIN AMERICA Sponsored by Amgen 20:30-22:30 WELCOME RECEPTION Terrace (7th Floor) All attendees welcome! Network with other conference attendees while enjoying music, drinks, and appetizers on the rooftop terrace of the Hilton Buenos Aires. In the event of adverse weather the reception will be held in the Buen Ayre Foyer (2nd Floor). FRIDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 8:30-20:00 RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATIONS VIEWING - SESSION I Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) 8:30-9:00 WELCOME ADDRESS & OPENING REMARKS Buen Ayre BC (2nd Floor) (Presented in English, Spanish, and Portuguese with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) WELCOME FROM ISPOR PRESIDENT & presentation of ispor distinguished service awards William H. Crown, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, Optum Labs, Cambridge, MA, USA WELCOME FROM ISPOR LATIN AMERICA CONSORTIUM EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAIR Gabriela Tannus Branco de Araújo, MBA, MSc, Owner & Health Economics Director, Axia.Bio Consulting, São Paulo, Brazil WELCOME FROM PROGRAM COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRS Federico Augustovski, MD, MS, PhD, Director, Economic Evaluations and HTA Department, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Professor of Public Health, University of Buenos Aires, and Staff Physician, Family and Community Medicine Division, Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Crown Tannus Augustovski Williams Guillermo Williams, MD, Director, National Board of Health Regulation and Quality Health Care, Ministry of Health, Buenos Aires, Argentina 9:00-10:30 FIRST PLENARY SESSION Buen Ayre BC (2nd Floor) (Presented in Spanish and English with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) ASSIGNING REGIONAL PRIORITIES & THE USE OF HTA & ECONOMIC EVALUATIONS IN LATIN AMERICA: HOW FAR HAVE WE COME? Various initiatives currently exist in Latin America and the Caribbean at a regional level dedicated to promoting the adequate use of health care technologies. Some of these initiatives (for instance, the Pan American Health Organization ProVac initiative [Promotion of Evidence-Based Decision Making for the Introduction of New & Underutilized Vaccines], dedicated to new and underutilized vaccines) focus on the incorporation of economic evaluations using common tools for health care decision making at the country-level. Others (such as RedETSA, the HTA Network for the Americas) bring together various health technology assessment (HTA) agencies and institutions throughout the Americas to work together as a network in advancing the diverse aspects of HTA. Still Augustovski others (such as the World Bank Institute’s Priority Setting and Constitutional Mandates in Health) concentrate on the importance of interactions between the health care system and the judicial system, since the majority of countries in Latin America guarantee health care as a universal right within their national Constitutions. In this session, speakers will discuss the achievements and challenges of each of these regional initiatives. Moderator: Federico Augustovski, MD, MS, PhD, Director, Economic Evaluations and HTA Department, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Professor of Public Health, University of Buenos Aires, and Staff Physician, Family and Community Medicine Division, Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina PROGRAM & SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Friday, 13 SEPTEMBER (CONTINUED) FROM GLOBALIZATION TO REGIONALIZATION OF HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT AND HEALTH ECONOMIC EVALUATIONS: AN OVERVIEW OF GLOBAL INSTITUTIONS (ISPOR, HTAI, INAHTA, WHO) AND REGIONAL INITIATIVES (EUNEHTA, HTASIA LINK NETWORK, ISPOR CONSORTIA) Speaker: Andrés Pichon-Riviere, MD, MSc, PhD, Executive Director & Director of Health Technology Assessment & Economic Evaluations, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness & Health Policy (IECS); Vice-Chair, International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA); Board of Directors Member, Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi); and Professor of Public Health, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Pichon-Riviere Lemgruber THE HTA NETWORK FOR THE AMERICAS (REDETSA): GATHERING HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT AGENCIES AND INSTITUTIONS IN THE AMERICAS TO ADVANCE DIFFERENT ASPECTS AND FUNCTIONS OF HTA; CURRENT CLIMATE Speaker: Alexandre Lemgruber, MSc, Regional Advisor, Health Technologies, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Washington, DC, USA GLOBAL HEALTH AND PRIORITIZATION OF EVIDENCE-BASED HEALTH POLICIES INFORMED BY HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT AND ECONOMIC EVALUATIONS Speaker: Jon Andrus, MD, Deputy Director, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Washington, DC, USA Andrus Cubillos THE RIGHT TO HEALTH AND HEALTH PRIORITIES: THE NATIONAL CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE ON THE RIGHT TO HEALTH AND ITS CONSEQUENTIAL IMPACT ON HEALTH CARE BUDGETS, EFFICIENCY, AND EQUITY Speaker: Leonardo Cubillos, MD, MPH, Senior Health Specialist, World Bank Institute (WBI), Washington, DC, USA 10:30-11:00 BREAK, EXHIBITS & RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATIONS VIEWING - SESSION I Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) 11:00-12:00 ISSUE PANELS - SESSION I IP1: EVALUACIÓN ECONÓMICA EN LATINOAMÉRICA: ¿EL ANÁLISIS DE COSTO-EFECTIVIDAD RESPONDE NUESTRAS NECESIDADES? (Presented in Spanish) Buen Ayre B (2nd Floor) Moderator: Federico Augustovski, MD, MSc, PhD, Director, Economic Evaluations & HTA Department, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), and Professor of Public Health, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Panelists: Guillermo Meléndez, MD, MSc, Consultant, Fundación Mexicana para la Salud AC, Mexico City, Mexico; Manuel Antonio Espinoza, MD, MSc, PhD, Health Economist, Department of Public Health, Papal University of Chile and Scientific Advisor, Institute of Public Health of Chile, Santiago, Chile; Marcelo Fonseca, MD, MSc, Professor, Health Technology Assessment and Clinical Research, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP); Director, Axia.Bio; Pediatrician, Private Practice; and Assistant Physician, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Federal University of São Paulo Faculty of Medicine Clinics Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil IP2: EFICÁCIA QUANTO AOS CUSTOS DA MRI (RESSONÂNCIA MAGNÉTICA) NA DESCOBERTA PRECOCE DE REOCORRÊNCIA DE CÂNCER DE MAMA EM PACIENTES SUBMETENDO-SE AO TRATAMENTO DE CIRUGIA PRESERVATIVA: É PRATICÁVEL NA AMÉRICA LATINA? (Presented in Portuguese) Quebracho A (5th Floor) Moderator: Elide Sbardellotto Mariano da Costa, MD, Cardio Audit, Curitiba City Health Institute, Curitiba, Brazil Panelists: Adriano Hyeda, MD, Audit, Santa Casa De Misericordia Hospital, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil; Elio Tanaka, MD, Oncologist, Health Economics Researcher & Head, Audit Department, Curitiba City Health Institute, Curitiba, Brazil IP3: ¿CUÁL ES EL PANORAMA ECONÓMICO DE LOS BIOSIMILARES EN LATINOAMÉRICA? (Presented in Spanish) Quebracho B (5th Floor) Moderator: Andrea Puig, PhD, Senior Manager, HE&MA LA Region, Johnson and Johnson World Headquarters, New Brunswick, NJ, USA Panelists: Gilberto Castañeda, PhD, Researcher, Pharmacology Department/CINVESTAV, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico; Ricardo Garcia, PhD, Director, Centro Latinoamericano de Expertos en Investigación de Biológicos (CLAPBio), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Eduardo Fabián Mysler, MD, Co-Director, Organización Médica de Investigación, Buenos Aires, Argentina IP4: APLICACIÓN DE LA EVIDENCIA DE COSTO-EFECTIVIDAD Y COSTO-UTILIDAD A LOS PROCESOS DE TOMA DE DECISIÓN SOBRE PRECIO Y COBERTURA DE NUEVOS MEDICAMENTOS: ¿EXISTE UN UMBRAL DE COSTO-EFECTIVIDAD EN LATINOAMÉRICA? (Presented in Spanish) Buen Ayre A (2nd Floor) Moderator: Andrés Pichon-Riviere, MD, MSc, PhD, Executive Director & Director of Health Technology Assessment & Economic Evaluations, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Buenos Aires, Argentina Panelists: Clarice Petramale, PhD, Director, Department of Health Technology Management and Incorporation, Brazilian Ministry of Health, Brasilia, Brazil; Marianela Castillo, MSc, Economista de la Salud, Ministerio de Salud de Chile, Santiago, Región Metropoli, Chile; Pedro Rizo Ríos, MD, Director General Adjunto de Priorización, Consejo de Salubridad General, Mexico D.F., Mexico IP5: WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS OF GENERIC DRUG POLICIES FOR HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS AND INDIVIDUAL PATIENTS IN LATIN AMERICA? (Presented in English with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) Moderator: Anke-Peggy Holtorf, MBA, PhD, Managing Director, Health Outcomes Strategies GmbH, Basel, Switzerland Panelists: Rafael Alfonso-Cristancho, MD, MSc, PhD, Scientific Director, Surgical Outcomes Research Center & Comparative Effectiveness Translation Network and Research Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; Marcos Bosi Ferraz, MD, PhD, Professor, Centro Paulista de Economia da Saúde (CPES), Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil 12:00-15:00 LUNCH, EXHIBITS & RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATIONS VIEWING - SESSION I Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina PROGRAM & SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Friday, 13 SEPTEMBER (CONTINUED) 12:30-13:30 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) (Presented in Spanish) IN LATIN AMERICA, SHOULD WE ASSESS VALUE OR USE REFERENCE PRICING? BOTH OR NEITHER? Sponsored by Merck Sharp & Dohme 13:45-14:45 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) (Presented in Spanish and Portuguese with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) MANAGING DIABETES IN LATIN AMERICA – THE ROLE OF INNOVATIVE MEDICINES Sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company 15:00-16:00 WORKSHOPS & ISPOR REGIONAL CHAPTER FORUM - SESSION I W1: ADAPTING GLOBAL PHARMACOECONOMIC MODELS TO THE LATIN AMERICAN CONTEXT - KEY CHALLENGES AND CONSIDERATIONS (Presented in English with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) Discussion Leaders: Michael Drummond, PhD, Professor of Health Economics, Centre for Health Economics, University of York and Principal & Consultant, OptumInsight, Heslington, York, UK; Ximena Burbano-Levy, MD, International Research Director, Zilonis Health, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, USA; Jennifer Haig, BSc, Research Analyst, Product Value Strategy Consulting, Optum, Burlington, ON, Canada W2: HOW TO HANDLE THE LACK OF INFORMATION IN EMERGING MARKETS: A LIST OF OPPORTUNITIES FROM LATIN AMERICA (Presented in English/Spanish) Buen Ayre A (2nd Floor) Discussion Leaders: C. Daniel Mullins, PhD, Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, Baltimore, MD, USA; Rafael Alfonso-Cristancho, MD, MSc, PhD, Scientific Director, Surgical Outcomes Research Center & Comparative Effectiveness Translation Network and Research Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; Gerardo Machnicki, MSc, PhD, Director, Global HE&OR, Novartis Latin America & Canada, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Rosina Hinojosa, MSc, Access Manager, Pfizer Inc., Lima, Peru W3: ESQUEMAS DE PRECIOS Y REEMBOLSOS: LA POLÍTICA DE PRECIOS BASADA EN EL VALOR, ¿ES VIABLE EN LOS PAÍSES DE LATINOAMÉRICA? (Presented in Spanish/English) Buen Ayre B (2nd Floor) Discussion Leaders: Manuel Antonio Espinoza, MD, MSc, PhD, Health Economist, Department of Public Health, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile; Carla Castillo, MSc, Health Economist, Departamento de Metodologías, División de evaluación social de inversiones, Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, Santiago, Chile; Nicolás Silva, MD, Academic, School of Public Health, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile; Mark J. Sculpher, MSc, PhD, Professor of Health Economics, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, Heslington, York, UK W4: TOMA DE DECISIONES EN SALUD: UNA MIRADA DE INVESTIGADORES Y DECISORES DESDE EL INSTRUMENTO EVIDEM (Presented in Spanish) Quebracho B (5th Floor) Discussion Leaders: Luis Alberto Vera-Benavides, MD, MEBPH, Coordinador Salud Pública, Escuela de Medicina, Universidad Autonoma de Chile, Talca, Chile; Claudio Vega Sandoval, PhD, Encargado Sistema Control de Gestión Intendencia de Prestadores, Superintendencia de Salud, Santiago, Chile; Clarice Petramale, PhD, Director, Department of Health Technology Management and Incorporation, Brazilian Ministry of Health, Brasilia, Brazil W5: COMO MEDIR UTILIDADE E ENVOLVER O PÚBLICO NO PROCESSO DE AVALIAÇÃO DE TECNOLOGIAS DE SAÚDE (Presented in Portuguese) Quebracho A (5th Floor) Discussion Leaders: Marisa S. Santos, Doutora, Médica, Coordenadora, NATS, INC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Helena Cramer V Rey, MD, MSc, Researcher, Brazilian Ministry of Health, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Monica A de C T Cintra, MD, MSc, Resarcher, Brazilian Ministry of Health, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Aline Silveira Silva, MSc, Consultant, Brazilian Ministry of Health, Brasilia, Brazil ISPOR REGIONAL CHAPTER FORUM: Health Technology Assessment and Health Prosecution: A Dialogue between Two Worlds (Presented in Spanish) Jacaranda (5th Floor) The world of HTA is meant to provide adequate information for decision making at the population level. However, in many countries in Latin America, where the right to health is constitutional, legal resources at the individual level generally hinder the definition of coverage and benefit policies, leading to a high degree of prosecution. This session attempts to describe these two worlds and evaluate possible solutions for this issue. Presented by the ISPOR Argentina Regional Chapter. Moderator: Dr. Federico Augustovski, MS, PhD, Director, Department of Economic Evaluations and HTA, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Professor of Public Health, University of Buenos Aires, and Physician, Family and Community Medicine Service, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Speakers: Marisa Aiznberg, Director, Observatory on Health Law, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Juan Pablo Denamiel, MD, Superintendence of Health Services, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Mariana Glanszpigel, Director, 3Eff SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Jorge A. Gomez, PhD, Senior Project Manager of Health Economics for Vaccines, Latin America & Caribbean, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Buenos Aires, Argentina 16:00-16:15 BREAK, EXHIBITS & RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATIONS VIEWING - SESSION I Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) 16:15-17:15 RESEARCH PODIUM PRESENTATIONS - SESSION I BUDGET IMPACT STUDIES (BU1 and BU3 presented in Spanish; BU2 and BU4 presented in Portuguese) Buen Ayre B (2nd Floor) Moderator: Pablo Anaya, MPH, HE&OR Manager, Novartis Oncology, Mexico City, Mexico pg 130 BU1 TREATMENT OF TYPE-2 DIABETES WITH SAXAGLIPTIN/METFORMIN EXTENDED-RELEASE (XR): BUDGET IMPACT ANALYSIS IN ARGENTINA 16:15-16:30 Elgart J1, Gonzalez L1, Aiello EC2, Gagliardino JJ1, 1CENEXA - Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicada (UNLP-CONICET La Plata), La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2Bristol-Myers Squibb, Buenos Aires, Argentina ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina PROGRAM & SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Friday, 13 SEPTEMBER (CONTINUED) pg 130 BU2 ANÁLISE DE IMPACTO ORÇAMENTÁRIO: QUANTO CUSTARIA AO SISTEMA PÚBLICO DE SAÚDE BRASILEIRO INCREMENTAR, POR MEIO DE 16:30-16:45 TRANSPLANTES, O TRATAMENTO DA DOENÇA RENAL CRÔNICA TERMINAL? Alvares J, Falleiros DR, Barbosa MM, Almeida AM, Araujo VE, Guerra Junior AA, Cherchiglia ML, Acurcio FDA, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil pg 130 BU3COSTO E IMPACTO PRESUPUESTAL DEL TRATAMIENTO DE LA ARTRITIS REUMATOIDE MODERADA Y SEVERA CONSIDERANDO EL USO DE 16:45-17:00 TERAPIAS BIOLÓGICAS EN MÉXICO Aguirre A1, Peniche-Otero G2, Jiménez I2, Baeza G2, Muciño-Ortega E3, Galindo-Suárez RM3, 1UCB de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., México D.F., Mexico, 2Customized Premium Products S.A. de C.V., Mexico City, Mexico, 3Pfizer S.A. de C.V., México D.F., Mexico pg 130 BU4BUDGET IMPACT ANALYSIS OF ABIRATERONE ACETATE IN METASTATIC CASTRATION-RESISTANT PROSTATE CANCER PATIENTS PREVIOUSLY 17:00-17:15 TREATED WITH DOCETAXEL FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE BRAZILIAN PRIVATE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Vitale V, Asano E, Pereira ML, Janssen Cilag Farmaceutica, São Paulo, Brazil CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE OUTCOMES RESEARCH (Presented in Spanish) Quebracho A (5th Floor) Moderator: Nelson Alvis Guzmán, MD, MPH, PhD, Professor & Director, Health Economics Research Group (GIES), School of Economic Sciences, University of Cartagena and Director, Center for Research and Teaching (CID), Napoleón Franco Pareja Children’s Hospital, Cartagena, Colombia pg 131 CV1 UTILIDAD DE BIOMARCADORES CARDÍACOS (POINT OF CARE TESTING) EN EL AREA DE URGENCIAS Y SU IMPACTO ECONÓMICO 16:15-16:30 Contreras I1, Lopez-Perez A2, Mendez GF3, Mejia-Arangure E4, 1Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, México D.F., Mexico, 2Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Los Reyes La Paz, Mexico, 3Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Jalapa, Mexico, 4HOS Health Outcomes Solutions S.A de C.V., México D.F., Mexico pg 131 CV2 ESTIMATION OF THE COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF APIXABAN IN NON-VALVULAR ATRIAL FIBRILLATION IN ARGENTINA 16:30-16:45 Giorgi MA1, Caroli C2, Micone P3, Giglio ND4, Aiello EC5, Donato BMK6, Mould JF7, Radero G8, Casas M8, 1CEMIC, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 3Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutierrez, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 5Bristol-Myers Squibb, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 6Bristol-Myers Squibb, Wallingford, CT, USA, 7Pfizer, Inc., New York, NY, USA, 8Pfizer, Inc., Buenos Aires, Argentina pg 131 CV3 PULSE PRESSURE AND STROKE RISK: DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF A STROKE RISK EQUATION 16:45-17:00 Ayyagari R1, Vekeman F2, Lefebvre P2, Ong SH3, Faust E1, Trahey A1, Machnicki G4, Duh MS1, 1Analysis Group, Inc., Boston, MA, USA, 2Groupe d’analyse, Ltée, Montréal, QC, Canada, 3Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland, 4Novartis Latin America & Canada, Buenos Aires, Argentina pg 131 CV4 ANÁLISIS DE COSTO-EFECTIVIDAD DEL USO DE ESTATINAS EN LA PREVENCIÓN DE EVENTOS CARDIOVASCULARES EN COLOMBIA 17:00-17:15 Mould J1, Ordoñez J2, Gutierrez-Ardila MV3, Vargas Zea N3, 1Pfizer, Inc., New York, NY, USA, 2Universidad CES, Medellin, Colombia, 3Pfizer S.A.S., Bogota, Colombia HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURE STUDIES (HC1, HC2, HC4 presented in Spanish; HC3 presented in English) Buen Ayre A (2nd Floor) Moderator: Yajaira Bastardo, PhD, Professor and Chair of Pharmacoeconomics & Pharmacy Administration, Central University of Venezuela, School of Pharmacy, Caracas, Venezuela pg 132 HC1 ADDRESSING CHILDHOOD OBESITY IN MEXICO: SAVINGS ON HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURES FROM REGULATING FOOD AND BEVERAGE SALES 16:15-16:30 IN BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOLS Guajardo V1, Gutierrez C1, Rivera G2, 1Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, México D.F., Mexico, 2Secretaría de Salud, México D.F., Mexico pg 132 HC2 EFFECT OF HEALTH SPENDING, INCOME INEQUALITY AND MARGINATION INDEX ON THE EFFICIENCY OF THE HEALTH SYSTEM IN MEXICO 16:30-16:45 Pinzon Florez CE1, Reveiz L2, Idrovo AJ3, Reyes H4, Diaz de Leon C1, 1Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 2Organización Panamericana de la Salud, Washington, Mexico, 3Fundacion Cardiovascular de Colombia, Bucaramanga, Colombia pg 132 HC3 PAYERS’ AND PHYSICIANS’ EVIDENCE AND DISCOUNT EXPECTATIONS FOR BIOSIMILARS IN SIX LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES 16:45-17:00 Sandorff E1, Severi Bruni D2, Halbert R3, 1ICON, Blue Bell, PA, USA, 2ICON, El Segundo, CA, USA, 3ICON, PriceSpective LLC, El Segundo, CA, USA pg 132 HC4ANÁLISIS DE COSTO-EFECTIVIDAD DE LAS VACUNAS NEUMOCÓCICAS 13-VALENTE Y 23-VALENTE PARA ADULTOS DE ALTO RIESGO EN 17:00-17:15 COLOMBIA Ordoñez Molina JE1, Gutierrez-Ardila MV2, Vargas Zea N2, 1CES University, Medellin, Colombia, 2Pfizer S.A.S., Bogota, Colombia HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT STUDIES (HT1, HT3, HT4 presented in Portuguese; HT2 presented in English; with simultaneous English/Spanish/ Portuguese interpretation) Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) Moderator: Rafael Alfonso, MD, MSc, PhD, Scientific Director, Surgical Outcomes Research Center & Comparative Effectiveness Translation Network and Research Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA pg 133 HT1 EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF NEW ANTICOAGULANTS IN THE TREATMENT OF ATRIAL FIBRILLATION: A HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT 16:15-16:30 Buehler AM, Suzumura EA, Figueiró MF, Cavalcanti AB, Berwanger O, Hospital do Coração, São Paulo, Brazil pg 133 HT2 HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT REPORT FOR POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY IN PATIENTS WITH CANCER 16:30-16:45 Alcaraz A, Meza V, Glujovsky D, Romano M, Morelli D, Comandé D, Garcia Marti S, Pichon Riviere A, Augustovski F, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Buenos Aires, Argentina pg 133 HT3 FORMULATIONS OF AMPHOTERICIN B FOR THE TREATMENT OF FUNGAL INFECTIONS IN PATIENTS WITH HIV/AIDS 16:45-17:00 Costa JO, Lemos LLP, Gomes RM, Guerra Junior AA, Acurcio FA, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil pg 133 HT4 EFICÁCIA E SEGURANÇA DE RANIBIZUMABE E BEVACIZUMABE NO TRATAMENTO DE DEGENERAÇÃO MACULAR RELACIONADA A IDADE 17:00-17:15 Saturnino LTM1, Silveira MR2, Guerra Junior AA3, Acurcio FDA3, 1Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 3Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil INFECTIOUS DISEASE STUDIES (Presented in Spanish) Quebracho B (5th Floor) Moderator: TBD pg 134 IN1 ASSESSMENT OF BURDEN OF ILLNESS DUE TO HERPES ZOSTER IN ARGENTINA: A PROSPECTIVE OBSERVATIONAL STUDY 16:15-16:30 Vujacich C1, de Wouters L2, Margari A3, Gordóvil M2, Kawai K4, Lemos E5, Rampakakis E6, Pollock C7, White R8, Acosta CJ8, Sampalis JS6, 1Fundación Centro de Estudios Infectológicos (FUNCEI), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2Hospital Privado de la Comunidad, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 3Hospital Naval, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4Merck/Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 5MSD Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, 6McGill University & JSS Medical Research, St. Laurent, QC, Canada, 7JSS Medical Research, St. Laurent, QC, Canada, 8Merck & Co., West Point, PA, USA ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina PROGRAM & SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Friday, 13 SEPTEMBER (CONTINUED) pg 134 IN2 COSTO EFECTIVIDAD DEL USO DE PRUEBAS TREPONÉMICAS RÁPIDAS PARA LA DETECCIÓN Y TRATAMIENTO TEMPRANO DE SÍFILIS 16:30-16:45 GESTACIONAL EN COLOMBIA Castañeda Guerrero C1, Eslava J1, Ruiz A1, Diaz J1, Prieto V1, Lemos EV2, 1National University of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, 2Fundacion para el Desarrollo y Apoyo en Salud Internacional (FUDASAI), Bogotá, Colombia pg 134 IN3ANÁLISIS COSTO EFECTIVIDAD DE INTERVENCIONES PARA EL MANEJO DEL TRASTORNO DEPRESIVO MAYOR (TDM) EN PACIENTES CON VIRUS 16:45-17:00 DE LA INMUNODEFICIENCIA HUMANA (VIH+) QUE INICIAN TRATAMIENTO ANTIRRETROVIRAL DE GRAN ACTIVIDAD (TARGA) Lemus F*, National Institute of Public Health, Naucalpan, Mexico pg 134 IN4COSTO-EFECTIVIDAD DE TRES ESTRATEGIAS DIAGNÓSTICAS PARA LA IDENTIFICACIÓN DE INFECCIÓN BACTERIANA SEVERA EN LACTANTES 17:00-17:15 FEBRILES SIN FOCO Buendia JA1, Urman G2, Urman E2, Grosman A2, 1Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia, 2Universidad Maimonides, Buenos Aires, Argentina 17:30-18:30 RESEARCH PODIUM PRESENTATIONS - SESSION II CANCER OUTCOMES RESEARCH (CA1 and CA3 presented in Spanish; CA2 presented in Portuguese; CA4 presented in English; with simultaneous English/Spanish/ Portuguese interpretation) Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) Moderator: Stephen Doral Stefani, MD, Medical Auditor, Head of Oncology Unit, UNIMED, Porto Alegre, Brazil pg 135 CA1IMPLICATIONS OF GLOBAL PRICING POLICIES OF PHARMACEUTICALS FOR ACCESS TO INNOVATIVE DRUGS: THE CASE OF TRASTUZUMAB IN 16:15-16:30 SEVEN LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES Pichon Riviere A1, Garay U1, Augustovski F1, Vallejos C2, Huayanay L3, Navia MDP4, Rodríguez A5, Oliveira C6, Andrade CJ7, Buendia JA8, 1Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile, 3Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru, 4Universidad de San Andres, La Paz, Bolivia, 5Fondo Nacional de Recursos, Montevideo, Uruguay, 6ANVISA, Brasilia, Brazil, 7INC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 8University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia pg 135 CA2 NATIONAL SPENDING WITH SCREENING, DIAGNOSIS, AND TREATMENT OF CERVICAL CANCER: ESTIMATES BASED ON HEALTH INFORMATION 16:30-16:45 SYSTEMS IN BRAZIL, 2006 Novaes HMD1, De Soarez PC1, Itria A2, azevedo e Silva G3, Sartori AMC4, Rama C5, 1University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal de Goiás - Pesquisador do Instituto de Avaliação de Tecnologia em Saúde (IATS), Goiânia, Brazil, 3Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 5Secretaria do Estado de Saúde de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil pg 135 CA3ANÁLISIS DE COSTO-EFECTIVIDAD DE ESTRATEGIAS DE PREVENCIÓN PRIMARIA Y SECUNDARIA PARA CÁNCER DE CUELLO UTERINO EN 16:45-17:00 COLOMBIA Gamboa OA, Murillo RH, González M, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Bogotá, Colombia pg 135 CA4 EMERGING CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TARGETED ANTICANCER DRUGS: PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF A CARE LINE’S 17:00-17:15 PROGRAM BASED ON AUDIT VIGILANCE IN A PRIVATE HEALTH CARE IN BRAZIL Tanaka E1, DA Costa ESM2, Santos GL2, Michaelis W2, Miguel Neto C2, Ribas KMDG2, Mischiatti E2, Kotze OH2, 1Curitiba City Health Institute, Curitiba, Brazil, 2 ICS, Curitiba, Brazil FORMULARY DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLICATION OF COST STUDIES (FD1, FD2, FD3 presented in Spanish) Quebracho A (5th Floor) Moderator: Alarico Rodríguez de León, MD, Medical Director, Uruguayan National Agency for Highly Specialized Medical Procedures (FNR – Fondo Nacional de Recursos), Montevideo, Uruguay pg 136 FD1RESULTADOS DE LA ENCUESTA “CHANGE PAIN” LATINOAMERICANA: DIAGNÓSTICO Y TRATAMIENTO ACTUAL DE LOS PACIENTES CON DOLOR 16:15-16:30 CRÓNICO Amescua C1, Berenguel M1, Silvan R2, 1Grunenthal, Latinoamérica, México D.F., Mexico, 2Independent Consultant, México D.F., Mexico pg 136 FD2 ESSENTIAL MEDICINE LIST (CUADRO BÁSICO) IN MEXICO: IS IT A GUIDELINE FOR DECISION MAKING ON THE CURRENT AND FUTURE HEALTH 16:30-16:45 NEEDS? Lemus A1, Marquez R1, Jimenez P2, 1Universidad de La Salle, México D.F., Mexico, 2Independent Consultant, México D.F., Mexico pg 136 FD3 ¿PUEDE UN CAMBIO DEL 2003 EN EL REGLAMENTO EN EL CUADRO BÁSICO (CBM) EN MÉXICO IMPACTAR LA CANTIDAD DE ESTUDIOS 16:45-17:00 CIENTÍFICOS PUBLICADOS DE EVALUACIÓN ECONÓMICA COMPLETOS DE MEDICAMENTOS (EECM) EN LOS ÚLTIMOS 10 AÑOS? Márquez Cruz M1, Peralta Bácenas LA1, Ibarra Cázares AE1, Rodriguez Mendoza MM1, Pizarro Castellanos M2, Soto Molina H1, 1Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México D.F., Mexico, 2Hospital Infantil Federico Gomez, México D.F., Mexico 17:00-17:15 FD4 WITHDRAWN PRICING STUDIES (Presented in Spanish) Buen Ayre B (2nd Floor) Moderator: Diego Fernando Guarin Garcia, MD, MPH, MA, Director, Market Access Latin America, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Mexico City, Mexico pg 136 PR1 ANÁLISIS DEL IMPACTO EN LA DEMANDA DE TECNOLOGÍAS INCLUIDAS EN EL PLAN DE BENEFICIOS COLOMBIANO (POS) POSTERIOR A SU 16:15-16:30 ACTUALIZACION EN 2012 Romero M1, Acero G1, Marrugo R1, Alvis N2, Arango C1, 1Fundacion Salutia, Bogotá, Colombia, 2Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia pg 137 PR2 ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF AN URINE CLOSED COLLECTION SYSTEM VERSUS A TRADITIONAL OPEN DEVICE IN NON-PREGNANT WOMEN 16:30-16:45 Cardona DP1, Burbano-Levy X2, Palacios E3, Zapata L3, 1Universidad de Antioquia-Facultad De Quimica Farmaceutica, Medellín, Colombia, 2Zilonis Health, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, USA, 3Guia Mark, S. A. de C. V., México D.F., Mexico pg 137 PR3 ANÁLISIS COSTO-EFECTIVIDAD DE LINEZOLID COMPARADO CON VANCOMICINA EN EL MANEJO DE LA NEUMONÍA ASOCIADA A LA 16:45-17:00 VENTILACIÓN MECÁNICA EN COLOMBIA Varon FA1, Londoño D2, Álvarez C2, Taborda A2, Prieto Martinez V3, 1Fundación Neumológica Colombiana, Bogotá, Colombia, 2Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia, 3Pfizer S.A.S., Bogotá, Colombia ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina PROGRAM & SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Friday, 13 SEPTEMBER (CONTINUED) & Saturday, 14 SEPTEMBER pg 137 PR4ESTUDIO TRANSVERSAL DEL PROCESO DE ACTUALIZACIóN DE MEDICAMENTOS EN EL CUADRO BáSICO Y CATáLOGO DE INSUMOS DEL 17:00-17:15 SECTOR SALUD Rizo Ríos P, González Rivera A, Rivas Oropeza I, Rivas Bocanegra R, Melchor Martínez F, Ruíz Pérez LC, Consejo de Salubridad General, México D.F., Mexico COST, RISK FACTOR & UNIVERSAL COVERAGE STUDIES (RF1, RF2, RF3 presented in Spanish; RF4 presented in Portuguese) Buen Ayre A (2nd Floor) Moderator: Rosa María Galindo-Suárez, MA, Deputy Director General, General Health Council, Mexico City, Mexico pg 137 RF1 EFECTO DEL SEGURO POPULAR SALUD SOBRE LA DEMANDA DE SERVICIOS PRENATALES EN EL CONTEXTO DE LA COBERTURA UNIVERSAL, 16:15-16:30 MÉXICO 2012 Servan-Mori E, National Institute of Public Health, Cuernavaca, Mexico pg 137 RF2 EPIDEMIOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACT OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN PATIENTS WITH HYPERTENSION AND DIABETES IN COLOMBIA 16:30-16:45 Carrasquilla-Sotomayor M, Santos-Ochoa JJ, Alvis-Zakzuk J, Alvis-Zakzuk N, Paternina-Caicedo A, Alvis-Guzmán N, Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia pg 138 RF3 FACTORES PREDICTORES DE OBSTRUCCIONES CORONARIAS SIGNIFICATIVAS EN PACIENTES ADULTOS CON CINEANGIOCORONARIOGRAFÍAS 16:45-17:00 REALIZADAS EN URUGUAY FINANCIADAS POR EL FONDO NACIONAL DE RECURSOS Fernandez G, Morales M, Lombide I, Perna A, Fondo Nacional de Recursos, Montevideo, Uruguay pg 138 RF4COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF VARIOUS COMBINATIONS OF HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS (HPV)-BASED PRIMARY SCREENING TESTING, INCLUDING 17:00-17:15 GENOTYPING FOR HPV 16/18, FOR CERVICAL CANCER SCREENING IN MEXICO Corro A1, Ramirez A1, Williams E2, Huang J3, Souza FH4, 1Roche Diagnostics, Mexico City, Mexico, 2Xcenda, Palm Harbor, FL, USA, 3Roche Molecular Diagnostics, Pleasanton, CA, USA, 4Roche Diagnostics, Sao Paulo, Brazil TRENDS IN HEALTH CARE STUDIES (Presented in Spanish) Quebracho B (5th Floor) Moderator: Guillermo Meléndez, MD, MSc, Consultant, Fundación Mexicana para la Salud AC, Mexico City, Mexico pg 138 TR1SELF-REPORTED HEALTH STATUS AND EQ-5D-3L VALUES OF THE ARGENTINE POPULATION: COMPARING 2005 VERSUS 2009 NATIONAL RISK 16:15-16:30 FACTOR SURVEYS Augustovski F, Rey Ares L, Gibbons L, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Buenos Aires, Argentina pg 138 TR2 ANÁLISIS BIBLIOMÉTRICO DE LA PRODUCCIÓN CIENTÍFICA EN ECONOMÍA DE LA SALUD EN LATINOAMÉRICA 16:30-16:45 Simbaqueba E*, Romero M, Fundacion Salutia, Bogotá, Colombia pg 139 TR3 A MULTI-NATIONAL SURVEY ASSESSING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROPHYLAXIS TREATMENT AND HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE 16:45-17:00 AMONG SEVERE HEMOPHILIA A PATIENTS IN LATIN AMERICA Perez Bianco PR1, Berges A2, Linares A3, Moreno B4, Arvizu J5, Brabata C5, Xiong Y6, Ito D6, 1Instituto de Investigaciones Hematologicas - Academia Nacional de Medicina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social/Centro Medico Nacional La Raza Hospital General, Azcapotzalco, Mexico, 3Clinica Infantil Colsubsidio, Bogotá, Colombia, 4Fundacion Panamena de Hemofilia/Hospital del Nino, Panama City, Panama, 5Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Miami, FL, USA, 6Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Westlake Village, CA, USA pg 139 TR4 LA PROTECCIÓN FINANCIERA Y EL GASTO DE BOLSILLO EN SALUD DE LA POBLACIÓN MEXICANA 2002-2010 17:00-17:15 Rivera G1, Guajardo V2, Gutierrez C2, 1Secretaría de Salud, México D.F., Mexico, 2Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, México D.F., Mexico 18:30-19:30 RESEARCH POSTER AUTHOR DISCUSSION HOUR - SESSION I Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) 18:30-20:00 RESEARCH POSTERS & EXHIBITORS’ RECEPTION & RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATIONS VIEWING - SESSION I Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) 19:30-20:30 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) (Presented in English & Portuguese with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) WORKING WITH HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT (HTA) IN LATIN AMERICA: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Sponsored by Double Helix Consulting SATURDAY, 14 SEPTEMBER 7:45-8:45 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Buen Ayre BC (2nd Floor) (Presented in English with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) DETERMINING THE VALUE OF MEDICINE –THE PERSPECTIVE OF HTA, GOVERNMENT, AND PRIVATE INSURANCE IN LATIN AMERICA Sponsored by Optum 8:30-15:45 RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATIONS VIEWING - SESSION II Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina PROGRAM & SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Saturday, 14 SEPTEMBER (CONTINUED) 8:30-9:00 EXHIBITS & RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATIONS VIEWING - SESSION II Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) 9:00-10:30 WELCOME & SECOND PLENARY SESSION Buen Ayre BC (2nd Floor) (Presented in Spanish and Portuguese with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) WELCOME Gabriela Tannus Branco de Araújo, MBA, MSc, 2012-2014 ISPOR Latin America Consortium Chair and Owner & Health Economics Director, Axia.Bio Consulting, São Paulo, Brazil Tannus HTA AS A TOOL TO INFORM PRICING AND COVERAGE POLICIES IN THE NATIONAL CONTEXT: CASE STUDIES FROM ARGENTINA, BRAZIL, CHILE, COLOMBIA, MEXICO, AND URUGUAY During this plenary session, speakers will review different case studies from select Latin America countries regarding the use of health technology assessment (HTA) and economic evaluations (EE) at the public/government level. These countries are considered to be among those successfully advancing towards systems where economic considerations (i.e., economic evaluations, budget impact analysis, etc.) are routinely utilized in public health care decision making. Issues Williams discussed will include: the incorporation of health technologies into the health care system; pricing negotiations for the incorporation of new health care technologies; and the design and revision of public health care benefit packages. Moderator: Guillermo Williams, MD, Director, National Board of Health Regulation and Quality Health Care, Ministry of Health, Buenos Aires, Argentina ARGENTINA: THE USE OF HTA AND EE IN ARGENTINA TO INFORM HEALTH POLICY Speaker: Jaime Lazovski, MD, PhD, MPH, MSc Health Policy, Undersecretary of Health Relations and Research, Ministry of Health of Argentina, Director, National Administration of Health Institutions and Laboratories, and Director General, Journal of Public Health of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina BRAZIL: PRICING FOR NEW DRUGS IN BRAZIL: THE USE OF HTA, EE, AND BUDGET IMPACT ANALYSIS (BIA) FOR DECISION MAKING; PAST EXPERIENCES TO CURRENT DAY Speaker: Clarice Petramale, MD, Director, Department of Health Technology Management & Incorporation (DGITS), Secretary of Science, Technology, & Strategic Inputs (SCTIE), Unified Health System (SUS – Sistema Único da Saúde), Ministry of Health, Brasilia, Brazil LazovskiPetramale Castillo Castro RiquelmeJaramillo CHILE: THE CURRENT STATUS OF HTA IN CHILE: THE ROLE OF THE NATIONAL COMMISSION ON HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT (ETESA) AND OTHER ASPECTS OF ITS DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION Speaker: Marianela Castillo Riquelme, MSc, Health Economics Consultant, Department of Health Economics & Technical Coordinator, National Commission on Health Technology Assessment, Ministry of Health, Santiago, Chile COLOMBIA: THE NEW COLOMBIAN INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT (IETS): BACKGROUND AND CURRENT González Pier Rodríguez FUNCTION Speaker: Hector Eduardo Castro Jaramillo, MD, MSc, Executive Director, Institute for Health Technology Assessment (IETS - Instituto de Evaluación Tecnológica en Salud), Bogotá, Colombia MEXICO: THE USE OF HTA FOR PRIORITY SETTING IN HEALTH: PAST EXPERIENCES AND FUTURE CHALLENGES Speaker: Eduardo González Pier, MD, PhD, MEcon, Executive Director, National Health Foundation (FUNSALUD) and former Director of Finance, Mexican Institute for Social Security (IMSS), Mexico City, Mexico URUGUAY: EXAMPLE OF AN AGENCY THAT OFFERS UNIVERSAL COVERAGE IN URUGUAY FOR SELECT HIGH-COMPLEXITY HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES Speaker: Alarico Rodríguez de León, MD, Medical Director, Uruguayan National Agency for Highly Specialized Medical Procedures (FNR – Fondo Nacional de Recursos), Montevideo, Uruguay 10:30-11:00 BREAK, EXHIBITS & RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATIONS VIEWING - SESSION II Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) 11:00-12:00 ISSUE PANELS - SESSION II IP6: ARE LOCAL QUALITY OF LIFE DATA NEEDED TO GUIDE REIMBURSEMENT DECISIONS IN LATIN AMERICA? (Presented in English with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) Moderator: Andrew J. Lloyd, DPhil, Vice President, Patient Reported Outcomes, Oxford Outcomes Ltd., an ICON PLC Company, Oxford, Oxon, UK Panelists: Federico Augustovski, MD, MSc, PhD, Director, Economic Evaluations & HTA Department, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) and Professor of Public Health, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Pedro Rizo Ríos, MD, Director General Adjunto de Priorización, Consejo de Salubridad General, Mexico D.F., Mexico; Vijayveer Bonthapally, PhD, Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA IP7: ACCESS TO INNOVATIVE MEDICINES IN LATIN AMERICA – WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? (Presented in English) Quebracho A (5th Floor) Moderator: Michelle L. Sotak, MPH, MBA, Associate Director, Product Value Strategy, Optum, Chicago, IL, USA Panelists: Otávio Augusto Camara Clark, MD, PhD, Director, Evidencias, Campinas, Brazil; Leon Zapata, QF, Director, Guia Mark, S. A. de C. V., Mexico, D.F., Mexico IP8: THE ROLE OF GLOBALIZATION IN DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND ACCESS TO ORPHAN DRUGS IN LATIN AMERICA (Presented in English) Quebracho B (5th Floor) Moderator: Renee J. G. Arnold, PharmD, RPh, President & CEO, Arnold Consultancy & Technology LLC and Adjunct Associate Professor, Master of Public Health Program, Department of Preventive Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA Panelists: Michelle Ann Soriano, PhD, Engagement Manager, IMS Health, México City, México; Dalia Mahmoud, MBA, Director, Pricing & Market Access, Celgene Corporation, Summit, NJ, USA; Gabriela Tannus, MBA, MSc, President, Axia.Bio, São Paulo, Brazil ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina PROGRAM & SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Saturday, 14 SEPTEMBER (CONTINUED) IP9: ACCESO AL MERCADO POR VÍA JUDICIAL: ¿NECESIDAD O AMENAZA? (Presented in Spanish) Buen Ayre B (2nd Floor) Moderator: J. Jaime Caro, MDCM, FRCPC, FACP, Profesor en Medicina y Epidemiologia y Bioestadistica, McGill, Montreal, QC, Canadá Panelists: Rodrigo Salinas, MD, Profesor Asistente, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile; Román Navarro, LLM, Miembro de la Comisión de Derecho de la Salud, del Colegio de Abogados de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica; Roberto Iunes, PhD, Economista Senior en Salud, Instituto del Banco Mundial, Washington, DC, EUA IP10: ¿ESTAMOS PROCEDIENDO DEMASIADO RÁPIDO CON LA EVALUACIÓN DE LA TECNOLOGÍA SANITARIA EN LATINOAMÉRICA? (Presented in Spanish) Buen Ayre A (2nd Floor) Moderator: Diego Guarín, MD, MPH, Manager, HEMA, Merck & Co, Inc., Mexico City, Mexico Panelists: Leonardo Cubillos, MD, MPH, Manager, World Bank, Washington, DC, USA; Rafael Alfonso-Cristancho, MD, MSc, PhD, Scientific Director, Surgical Outcomes Research Center & Comparative Effectiveness Translation Network and Research Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 12:00-14:30 LUNCH, EXHIBITS & RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATIONS VIEWING - SESSION II Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) 12:30-13:30 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) (Presented in English with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF REAL-WORLD EVIDENCE TO HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT AND DECISION MAKING IN LATIN AMERICA: MOVING BEYOND THE THEORY TO PRACTICE Sponsored by IMS Health 13:30-14:30 RESEARCH POSTER AUTHOR DISCUSSION HOUR - SESSION II Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) 14:30-15:30 WORKSHOPS & ISPOR REGIONAL CHAPTER FORUM - SESSION II W6: ADVANCES IN META-ANALYSIS: INCORPORATING MULTIPLE TREATMENTS, MULTIPLE ENDPOINTS, AND MULTIPLE STUDY DESIGNS (Presented in English) Buen Ayre A (2nd Floor) Discussion Leaders: Maria-Cecilia Vieira, MSc, Associate Director, MAPI, Boston, MA, USA; Issa Dahabreh, MD, Assistant Professor, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA; Shannon Cope, MSc, Associate Director, MAPI, Boston, MA, USA; Jeroen P. Jansen, PhD, Vice President, Health Economics & Outcomes Research, MAPI and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA W7: ISPOR-SMDM GUIDELINES FOR GOOD MODELING PRACTICES (Presented in English with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) Discussion Leaders: J. Jaime Caro, MDCM, FRCPC, FACP, Professor in Medicine, Epidemiology, and Biostatistics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canadá; Andrew Briggs, DPhil, MSc, William R. Lindsay President of Health Economics, Department of Health Economics & Health Technology Assessment, Institute of Health & Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK; Karen Kuntz, ScD, Professor, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MM, USA; Uwe Siebert, MD, MPH, MSc, ScD, Professor, Department of Public Health and Health Technology Assessment, UMIT / Oncotyrol / Harvard University, Hall i.T., Innsbruck, Austria W8: USANDO EVIDENCIA OBTENIDA DE EXPERTOS EN LA TOMA DE DECISIONES (Presented in Spanish/English) Buen Ayre B (2nd Floor) Discussion Leaders: Sebastián García Marti, MD, MSc, Coordinator, HTA & Economic Evaluation, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Pedro Saramago, PhD, Research Fellow, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, Heslington, York, UK; Mark J. Sculpher, MSc, PhD, Professor of Health Economics, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, Heslington, York, UK; Manuel Antonio Espinoza, MD, MSc, PhD, Health Economist, Department of Public Health, Papal University of Chile and Scientific Advisor, Institute of Public Health of Chile, Santiago, Chile W9: ¿CÓMO Y POR QUÉ ES NECESARIO QUE LOS MERCADOS EN LATINOAMÉRICA TENGAN SUS PROPIOS UMBRALES DE COSTO-EFECTIVIDAD? (Presented in Spanish) Quebracho A (5th Floor) Discussion Leaders: Otávio Augusto Camara Clark, MD, PhD, Director, Evidencias, Campinas, Brazil; Pedro Rizo Ríos, MD, Director General Adjunto de Priorización, Consejo de Salubridad General, México D.F., México; Rosa María Galindo-Suárez, MA, Deputy Director General, General Health Council, Mexico City, Mexico; Lautaro Renati, BL, MA, Jefe de Departamento de Auditoría Prestacional, Instituto Nacional de Servicios Sociales para Jubilados y Pensionados - Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina W10: GENERACIÓN Y USO CON ÉXITO DE DATOS DEL MUNDO REAL: EXPLORACIÓN DE LOS PRINCIPIOS DE LA POLÍTICA, EL MARCO OPERATIVO Y LAS CONSIDERACIONES ANALÍTICAS (Presented in Spanish) Quebracho B (5th Floor) Discussion Leaders: Fernán González Bernaldo de Quiroz, MD, MSc, FACMI, Associate Director, Strategic Planning, Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Daniel Ferrante, MD, MSc, Coordinator, National Cardiovascular Program and Non Communicable Diseases Surveillance, Ministry of Health, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Gerardo Machnicki, MSc, PhD, Director, Global HE&OR, Novartis Latin America & Canada, Buenos Aires, Argentina ISPOR REGIONAL CHAPTER FORUM: THE ROLE OF HTA IN THE BRAZILIAN PRICING & REIMBURSEMENT PROCESS: LESSONS LEARNED AND CHALLENGES AHEAD (Presented in Portuguese) Jacaranda (5th Floor) Pricing and reimbursement are real challenges for anyone who wants to achieve success in the Brazilian market, currently one of the largest markets in the world. This forum will discuss how HTA, a mandatory step in the pricing and reimbursement process, came about in the Brazilian market, changed the local landscape, and the resulting issues that arose. Future trends will also be discussed from the local perspective. Presented by the ISPOR Brazil Regional Chapter. Moderator: Stephen Doral Stefani, MD, Medical Auditor, Head of Oncology Unit, UNIMED, Porto Alegre, Brazil Speakers: Gabriela Tannus Branco de Araújo, MBA, MSc, Owner & Health Economics Director, Axia.Bio Consulting, São Paulo, Brazil; Marcelo Fonseca, MD, MSc, PhD, Professor, Health Technology Assessment and Clinical Research, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Director, Axia.Bio, Pediatrician, Private Practice, and Assistant Physician, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, University of São Paulo Faculty of Medicine Clinics Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil; Clarice Petramale, MD, Director, Unified Health System (SUS – Sistema Único da Saúde), Brazilian Ministry of Health, Brasilia, Brazil ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina PROGRAM & SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Saturday, 14 SEPTEMBER (CONTINUED) 15:30-15:45 BREAK, EXHIBITS, & RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATIONS VIEWING - SESSION II Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) 15:45-16:45 WORKSHOPS & ISPOR REGIONAL CHAPTER FORUM - SESSION III W11: META-ANÁLISIS DE COMPARACIONES INDIRECTAS: ¿Y SI NO HAY COMPARACIONES CABEZA A CABEZA? (Presented in Spanish) Buen Ayre B (2nd Floor) Discussion Leaders: Sebastián García Marti, MD, MSc, Coordinator, HTA & Economic Evaluation, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Agustín Ciapponi, MD, MSc, Coordinator, Southern American Branch of the Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Buenos Aires, Argentina; Demian Glujovsky, MD, MSc, Médico Staff, Centro de Estudios en Ginecología y Reprodución, Buenos Aires, Argentina W12: FROM HEAD-TO-HEAD COMPARISONS TO NETWORK META-ANALYSIS: CROSSING THE BRIDGE BETWEEN CLINICAL AND ECONOMIC OUTCOMES RESEARCH IN LATIN AMERICA (Presented in English) Quebracho A (5th Floor) Discussion Leaders: Marcelo Fonseca, MD, MSc, Professor, Health Technology Assessment and Clinical Research, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP); Director, Axia. Bio; Pediatrician, Private Practice; and Assistant Physician, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Federal University of São Paulo Faculty of Medicine Clinics Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil; Gabriela Tannus, MBA, MSc, Owner & Health Economics Director, Axia.Bio Consulting, São Paulo, Brazil; David Thompson, PhD, Senior Vice President, Health Economics & Outcomes Research, Quintiles, Cambridge, MA, USA W13: TRANSFERABILITY OF COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS: REQUIREMENTS TO IMPROVE DECISION MAKING IN LATIN AMERICA (Presented in English with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) Discussion Leaders: Manuel Antonio Espinoza, MD, MSc, PhD, Health Economist, Department of Public Health, Papal University of Chile and Scientific Advisor, Institute of Public Health of Chile, Santiago, Chile; Mark J. Sculpher, MSc, PhD, Professor, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, Heslington, York, UK; Federico Augustovski, MD, MSc, PhD, Director, Economic Evaluations & HTA Department, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) and Professor of Public Health, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Andrew Briggs, DPhil, MSc, William R. Lindsay President of Health Economics, Department of Health Economics & Health Technology Assessment, Institute of Health & Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK W14: THE ROLE OF HTA IN DETERMINING ORPHAN AND SPECIALTY DRUG COVERAGE IN LATIN AMERICA (Presented in English) Buen Ayre A (2nd Floor) Discussion Leaders: Mónica Martín de Bustamante, AB, BE, Managing Director, Latin America, CBPartners, Basel, Switzerland; Rachel Beckerman, PhD, Principal, Value Demonstration, CBPartners, New York, NY, USA; Cyrus A. Chowdhury, MS, Chief Executive Officer, CBPartners, New York, NY, USA; Corinna Sorenson, MPH, MHSA, Research Fellow in Health Policy, Health & Social Care, London School of Economics and European Health Technology Institute for Socio-Economic Research, London, UK W15: DESAFÍOS PARA LOS DISPOSITIVOS MÉDICOS EN EVALUACIONES ECONÓMICAS: UNA PERSPECTIVA DE LATINOAMÉRICA (Presented in Spanish) Quebracho B (5th Floor) Discussion Leaders: Diana Téllez, MD, MPH, Senior Health Economics Manager Latin America, Baxter Corporation, Bogotá, Colombia; Pablo Anaya, MPH, HE&OR Manager, Novartis Oncology, Mexico City, Mexico; Hermilo Arturo Cabra, MSc, Senior Market Access Manager, Global Strategic Marketing, Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc, Cincinnati, OH, USA ISPOR REGIONAL CHAPTER FORUM: CHALLENGES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ETESA SYSTEM IN CHILE: POLITICAL TENSIONS BETWEEN PLAYERS AND THE POSSIBILITIES OF CONSTRUCTING AN AGENDA (Presented in Spanish) Jacaranda (5th Floor) The relationship between players involved in the ETESA practice shall be discussed in the context of the challenges facing health systems in relation to the access and coverage of healthcare technologies. By means of a presentation of the ISPOR-Chile chapter and the moderator’s action, representatives from the public sector, industry, academia, and Parliament will share their viewpoints and interact with each other and the audience in order to create a forum for open dialogue which provides guidance on strategies for paving a path towards the implementation of a National Healthcare Technology Evaluation System in Chile. Presented by the ISPOR Chile Regional Chapter. Moderator: José Luis García, QF UCH, PhD in Public Health, School of Public Health, UCH, Santiago, Chile Panelists: Monica Aravena, Head of the Health Economics Department, Health Planning Division, Ministry of Health, Santiago, Chile; Jean-Jacques Duhart, MA, Executive Vice President of the Council of Pharmaceutical Innovation (CIF, Cámara de la Innovación Farmacéutica) of Chile, Santiago, Chile; Rony Lenz Alcayaga, MA, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, UCH, Santiago, Chile; Alvaro Erazo, Former Minister of Health, Santiago Chile; Karla Rubilar, MD, Member of Parliament for the Republic of Chile, Santiago, Chile 17:00-17:30 ISPOR RESEARCH PRESENTATION AWARDS & CLOSING REMARKS & RECEPTION Buen Ayre C (2nd Floor) (Presented in English and Spanish with simultaneous English/Spanish/Portuguese interpretation) Moderated by: William H. Crown, PhD, 2013-2014 ISPOR President and Chief Scientific Officer, Optum Labs, Cambridge, MA, USA ISPOR RESEARCH AWARDS PRESENTATION Presented by: Federico Augustovski, MD, MS, PhD, Director, Economic Evaluations and HTA Department, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Professor of Public Health, University of Buenos Aires, and Staff Physician, Family and Community Medicine Division, Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Crown Guillermo Williams, MD, Director, National Board of Health Regulation and Quality Health Care, Ministry of Health, Buenos Aires, Argentina Augustovski Williams ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina ISPOR Latin America Consortium & Regional Chapter Meetings ISPOR Regional Consortia and Chapters encourage the geographical development of pharmaceconomics and the global flow of ideas and information related to health care decision making. Membership is open to all, based on geographical location. The following is a listing of the ISPOR meetings being held during the ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference. Please note that these meetings are by prior invitation only. However, ISPOR encourages your future involvement in ISPOR’s Consortia and Chapters. LATIN AMERICA CONSORTIUM MEETINGS Thursday, 12 September 10:00-11:00 ISPOR Latin America Consortium Health Technology Producers Steering Committee Pacará B (5th Floor) 18:30-20:00 ISPOR VIHRI Editorial Board & Editorial Advisory Board Pacará B (5th Floor) Friday, 13 September ISPOR Health Technology Producers (Industry) Committee Pacará AB (5th Floor) 7:15-8:30 12:15-13:15 ISPOR Health Technology Assessment Agencies, Policy Makers & Payers Committee Pacará B (5th Floor) 13:45-14:45 ISPOR Latin America Consortium Education Committee Pacará A (5th Floor) 13:45-14:45 ISPOR Latin America Consortium Health Service Providers (Clinicians) Committee Pacará B (5th Floor) 19:30-21:00 ISPOR Latin America Consortium Executive Committee Jacaranda (5th Floor) Saturday, 14 September 12:00-13:00 ISPOR Publications Committee Pacará B (5th Floor) 13:30-14:30 ISPOR Latin America Consortium Advisory Committee Pacará B (5th Floor) Sunday, 15 September ISPOR HTA Latin America Roundtable Jacaranda (5th Floor) 9:00-13:00 Latin America Consortium membership is open to all in and outside of Latin America, who are interested in advancing the science of Pharmacoeconomics (health economics) and outcomes research and its use in healthcare decisions in Latin America. For information: >> Regional Consortia >> Latin America Consortium LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL CHAPTER MEETINGS Friday, 13 September 10:00-11:00 ISPOR Colombia Chapter Pacará AB (5th Floor) 15:00-16:00 ISPOR Ecuador Chapter Pacará A (5th Floor) 15:15-17:15 ISPOR Brazil Chapter Pacará B (5th Floor) 17:30-18:30 ISPOR Chile Chapter Pacará A (5th Floor) Saturday, 14 September ISPOR Mexico Chapter Pacará A (5th Floor) 12:00-13:00 Regional Chapter membership is open to all who reside in the country/area the Chapter represents. For information: >> Regional Chapters & Networks >> ISPOR Regional Chapters P LEASE NOTE: INVITEES WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL REMINDER AND NOTIFICATION OF ANY CHANGES TO THESE SCHEDULED MEETINGS ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATIONS OVERVIEW Over 300 poster presentations will be on display during the conference in Pacífico A (-2nd Underground Floor) • Research poster presentations are organized by topic and poster code, please reference the poster layout maps and signage • Abstracts for all research poster presentations are published in Value in Health Volume 16, Issue 7, available to ISPOR members and 4th Latin America Conference registrants online at: valueinhealth_index.asp in October 2013. POSTER PRESENTATION SESSIONS • All poster presenters are requested to provide handouts. Research poster presentation abstracts and released poster PDFs are available at the ISPOR Outcomes Research Digest (a searchable database of over 23,500 research papers presented at ISPOR meetings) at http://www. or scan this QR code. POSTER DISPLAY HOURS AUTHOR DISCUSSION HOUR Meet the Author! SESSION I: Friday, 13 September 8:30-20:00 18:30-19:30 8:30-15:45 13:30-14:30 PHP: HEALTH CARE USE & POLICY STUDIES PCN: CANCER PDB: DIABETES/ENDOCRINE DISORDERS PGI: GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS PMH: MENTAL HEALTH PSS: SENSORY SYSTEMS DISORDERS PUK: URINARY/KIDNEY DISORDERS SESSION II: Saturday, 14 September PRM: RESEARCH ON METHODS PCV: CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS PIH: INDIVIDUAL’S HEALTH PIN: INFECTION PMS: MUSCULAR-SKELETAL DISORDERS PND: NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS PRS: RESPIRATORY-RELATED DISORDERS PSY: SYSTEMIC DISORDERS/CONDITIONS ISPOR 4th Latin America Conference 12-14 September 2013 • Buenos Aires, Argentina conference room floor plan 5th Floor Pacará A Pacará B Jacaranda Quebracho A Quebracho B 2nd Floor Buen Ayre A Foyer ISPOR Registration Buen Ayre B Buen Ayre C -2nd Underground Floor Pacífico A < Entrance Exhibits & Poster Presentations