May, 2012
May, 2012
Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 From the Principal…. Summer School Information Frequently Asked Questions 2012 Monday through Friday, June 18 – July 27 (no classes July 4) • How will my child get to and from summer school? Transportation will be provided within each summer school attendance area for those students who live more than 1.5 miles from the summer school site. Pickup and drop off sites will be at corner stops, not door to door. The bus stop for summer school may not be the same as the bus stop your child uses during the school year. If you live outside of the Summer School attendance areas, no transportation will be provided unless your child is participating in one of the specialized programs (Bilingual or 8th grade promotion). The bus routine takes a few days to establish. Your child may arrive home late from Summer School the first three days. • Can we have different pick up and drop off sites? Yes; however, for MMSD to transport, the drop off site must be within the attendance areas of the schools that feed into the summer school site. If not, you must provide your own transportation to your child’s afternoon drop off site. MMSD requires that the child have the same pick up or drop off address for the entire 6 weeks of summer school. Please include the details on the enrollment form showing the morning address and a different afternoon address. My child will be living at a different address in the district this summer (or we will be moving in June). Where should my child attend summer school? Your child could attend the summer school site where they are living during the summer and MMSD will provide transportation if the address is more than 1.5 miles from that site. Alternatively, your child may attend summer school at the site based on where you are currently living; you would have to provide transportation. Please fill out the transportation section on the enrollment form based on your summer address. • My child has an IEP and meets summer school criteria. What level of support will he/she receive during the summer? Due to the voluntary nature of ELSS, the district does not implement Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities and is unable to offer the same level of support your child receives during the school year. However, the district will provide reasonable accommodations based on the unique needs of your child to participate in the ELSS program. Eligibility for the ELSS program is based on academic criteria. Extended School Year (ESY) services are different than Extended Learning Summer School (ELSS). ESY is an extension of the student’s IEP. Noelle Sapiro coordinates the summer ESY program (663-8485). • Grades 4 - 6: My child is eligible for one academic class. Can he/she take the other academic class even if he/she doesn’t qualify? Students in grades 4 – 6, who qualify for attendance in one academic area, will automatically be enrolled into an available enrichment course. • • Who do I contact for more information about summer school if I still have questions ?Summer School • information line 663-1914 or [email protected] Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 • Is there a website that I can find out more information ? • MSCR AFTERNOON RECREATIONAL PROGRAM AT SUMMER SCHOOL SITE (SREC) You may enroll your child in the Summer Recreation & Enrichment Center (SREC) program at the summer school site your child will attend. The program runs from 12-4 p.m., and includes lunch, afternoon snack and a variety of recreation and enrichment activities (outdoor and large group games, science, art, music and more). Students who live more than 1.5 miles from the summer school site will be transported home. The program ends when summer school ends on July 27. Please select this option on your enrollment form if you would like your child to attend both the morning programming and MSCR in the afternoon. For more information on the elementary MSCR afternoon programs (SREC programs), contact Michelle Borkovec, MSCR Pre-K and SREC Program Coordinator, at 204-4583. • Is there an afternoon program for my middle school child? You may enroll your child in an MSCR Youth Resource Center (YRC). This program includes lunch and ends at 4 p.m. Students who live more than 1.5 miles from the summer school site will be transported home. Please select this option on your enrollment form if you would like your child to attend YRC programming. YRC programs are available until July 27. Afternoon recreational programs are available to all middle school students as outlined in the grid below. Some students will be transported from their summer school site to the afternoon MSCR recreation site and then transported home. You may choose to pick up your child at 12:00 noon and not participate in lunch or the afternoon program. There will be a place on the enrollment form to make this choice. For more information on middle school afternoon programs, contact Ian Hannah at 204-3052. Morning summer school site Afternoon MSCR recreation site Hamilton ? All students participate in YRC at Hamilton O’Keeffe ? Sherman students bussed at Noon (12PM) to Sherman YRC All other students? Transportation provided home at 4:00 p.m. from the MSCR site YES YES Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Del Director……….. Director……….. Información de Escuela de Verano Preguntas más frecuentes de 2012 De lunes a viernes, desde el 18 de junio – 27 de julio (No habrá clase el 4 de julio) ¿Como ira y llegara de la escuela a mi casa, hijo/a durante la escuela de verano? El transporte será proporcionado dentro de cada área de asistencia a la escuela de verano para aquellos estudiantes que viven más de 1.5 millas de la escuela de verano. Los puntos de recogida y regreso serán en las paradas de la esquina, no de puerta en puerta. La parada de autobús para la escuela de verano puede que no sea la misma parada de autobús que su hijo/a usa durante el año escolar. Si usted vive fuera de las áreas de asistencia de la escuela de verano, no se proveerá transportación a menos que su hijo/a este participando en uno de los programas especializados (la promoción de grado bilingüe u octavo grado). La ruta del autobús tarda unos cuantos días para que se establezcas. Puede que su hijo/a llegue a casa tarde de la Escuela de Verano los primeros días. ¿Podemos tener diferentes sitios de recoger y dejar? Si, sin embargo, para que MMSD transporte, el regreso debe estar dentro del área de asistencia de las escuelas de veranos. Si no, usted debe proporcionar su propio transporte por la tarde a donde desea. MMSD requiere que su hijo/a tenga la misma dirección por las seis semanas de escuela de verano de recoger y dejar. Por favor, incluya los detalles en el formulario de la inscripción que muestra la dirección de la mañana y la dirección de regreso por la tarde si es diferente a la de la mañana. Mi hijo/a estará viviendo en una dirección diferente en el distrito este verano (o vamos a mover en junio). ¿Donde debe asistir mi hijo/a para escuela de verano? Su hijo/a puede asistir a la escuela de verano donde ellos están viviendo durante el verano y MMSD proveerá la transportación si la dirección es más de 1.5 millas de ese sitio. Por otra parte, su hijo/a puede asistir a la escuela de verano en el sitio en función de donde viven actualmente, usted tendría que proporcionar el transporte. Por favor llene la sección de transporte en el formulario de inscripción sobre la base de su dirección de verano. Mi hijo tiene un IEP (Plan de Educación Individualizado) y cumple los criterios de la escuela de verano. ¿Que nivel de apoyo él/ella recibirá durante el verano? Debido a la naturaleza voluntaria de ELSS, el distrito no implementa Programas de Plan de Educación Individualizada (IEP) para estudiantes con discapacidades y no pueden ofrecer el mismo nivel de apoyo que su hijo/a recibe durante el año escolar. Sin embargo, el distrito proveerá ajustes razonables basados en las necesidades únicas de su hijo/a a participar en el programa de ELSS. La elegibilidad para el programa de ELSS se basa en criterios académicos. El Año Escolar Extendido (AEE) es diferente a la Escuela de Verano de aprendizaje extendido (ELSS). AEE es una extensión del IEP del estudiante. Noelle Sapiro coordina el programa de ESY en el verano (663-8485). Grados 4-6: Mi hijo es elegible para una clase académica. ¿Puede él/ella tomar otras clases académicas, incluso si él/ella no cumple los requisitos? Los estudiantes en los grados 4-6, que cualifiquen para asistir en las áreas académica, serán matriculados automáticamente en clases disponibles de enriquecimiento. ¿Con quien puedo ponerme en contacto acerca de escuela de verano si aun tengo mas preguntas? Con la línea de Información de Escuela de Verano al 663-1914 o [email protected] ¿Existe alguna página donde puedo encontrar más información? Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 PROGRAMA DE REGREACION POR LAS TARDES EN ESCUELA DE MSCR EN LA ESCUELA DE VERANO (SREC) Usted puede inscribir a su hijo/a en los Programa de Verano, de Recreación y el Centro de Enriquecimiento (SREC) en el sitio que su hijo/a asistirá. El programa comienza de 12-4 p.m., e incluye almuerzo, merienda y una variedad de actividades recreativas y de enriquecimiento (juegos en grupos al aire libre, ciencia, arte, música y mucho más). Los estudiantes que viven a más de 1.5 millas del sitio de escuela de verano serán transportado a la casa. El programa termina cuando la escuela de verano finalicé el 27 de julio. Por favor seleccione esta opción en el formulario de inscripción si desea que su hijo/a asita tanto al programación de la mañana y de MSCR por la tarde. Para más información sobre los programas elementar de MSCR por de la tarde (SREC), comuníquese con Michelle Brokovec, y la Coordinadora del Programa de MSCR Pre-K en SREC al 204-4583 ¿Existe un programa de la tarde para mi hijo/a de escuela Intermedia? Usted puede inscribir a su hijo/a en un Centro de Recursos Juvenil MSCR (YRC). Este programa incluye el almuerzo y termina a las 4pm. Los estudiantes que viven más de 1.5 millas de la escuela este verano serán transportado a su casa. Por favor, seleccione esta opción en el formulario de inscripción si desea que su hijo/a asista a la programación de YRC. El programa de YRC está disponible hasta el 27 de julio. Los programas de la tarde de recreación están disponibles para todos los estudiantes de escuela intermedia como se indica en la tabla de abajo. Algunos estudiantes serán transportados desde su sitio de la escuela de verano al programa de recreación MSCR y después transportado a su casa. Usted puede optar por recoger a su hijo/a a las 12:00 medio día y no participar en el almuerzo o el programa de la tarde. Habrá un lugar en el formulario de inscripción para tomar decisiones. Para más información sobre los programas escolares de escuela intermedia por la tarde, póngase en contacto con Ian Hannah al 204-3052 Sitio de Escuela de verano por la mañana Sitio de Recreación MSCR por la tarde Se provee transportación a la casa a las 4:00 p.m. del sitio de MSCR Hamilton ? Todos los estudiantes participan en el programa de YRC en la escuela Hamilton SI O’Keeffe ? Los estudiantes de Sherman toman el autobús al medio día(12PM) para ir al programa de YRC de Sherman SI ? Todos los otros estudiantes participan en el programa de YRC en O’Keeffe Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 School Phone Numbers Safe Arrival Safe Arrival – Spanish Main Office Nurse Emergencies Social Worker Counselor Psychologist Principal Assistant Principal Learning Coordinator PBS AVID/TAG MSCR Cherokee Middle School 4301 Cherokee Drive Madison, WI 53711 204-1247 204-1242 204-1240 204-1263 204-1241 204-1269 204-1276 204-1257 204-1240 204-1250 204-1275 204-1264 204-1240 204-1321 Información de Contacto: Asistencia 204-1247 Asistencia en Español 204-1242 Secretarias 204-1240 Enfermera .204-1263 Trabajadora Social 204-1269 Consejero 204-1276 Psicólogo 204-1257 Director 204-1240 Sub-Director 204-1250 Coordinadora de Aprendizaje 204-1275 PBS 204-1264 AVID/TAG 204-1240 MSCR 204-1321 Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee 4301 Cherokee Drive Madison, WI 53711 Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 2012 -2013 Calendar May 3 May 7 May 9 May 10 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 19 May 21 May 23 May 23 May 28 May 29 May 30 June 8` June 11 June 11 June 11 June 12 3 de mayo 7 de mayo 9 de mayo 14 de mayo 16 de mayo 19 de mayo 21 de mayo 23 de mayo 28 de mayo 29 de mayo 30 de mayo 11 de junio 12 de junio Staff Appreciation Luncheon Early Release 1:37 p.m. Professional Collaboration Time PTO Board Meeting - 6:30 p.m. LMC Cherokee Shape Up Day Early Release 1:37 p.m. Professional Collaboration Time th Parent Orientation for Incoming 6 graders –Cherokee LMC 6:30-8:30 7th Grade Band, Chorus and Orchestra Concert 7:00 p.m. Spring Grounds Clean-up 9:00-11:00 a.m. Early Release 1:37 p.m. Professional Collaboration Time 6th Grade Band, Chorus and Orchestra Concert 7:00 p.m. th 8 Grade Track Meet @ Memorial No School - Memorial Day 8th Grade Band, Chorus and Orchestra Farewell Concert Nighttime Drama 8th Grade field trip to Mt. Olympus th 6 Grade field trip to Kalahari th 7 Grade field trip to Mt. Olympus 8th Grade Farewell Ceremony End of semester/Last Day of School Cherokee Heights Middle School 2011-2012 Calendario Almuerzo de Agradecimiento para el Personal Salen temprano a las 1:37 p.m. Tiempo de capacitación profesional Reunión de la Junta Directiva del PTO (Organización de Padres e Maestro)- a las 6:30 p.m. en la biblioteca (LMC) Salen temprano a las 1:37 p.m. Tiempo de capacitación profesional Concierto de 7o Grado de Banda, Coro y Orquesta a las 7:00 p.m. Limpieza de Primavera de lo alrededores de la escuela de 9:00-11:00 a.m. Salen temprano a las 1:37 p.m. Tiempo de capacitación profesional Concierto de 6o Grado de Banda, Coro y Orquesta de 7:00 p.m. No hay clases – Día de Conmemoración/Memorial Day Concierto de 8o Grado de Banda, Coro y Orquesta Drama Nocturno (Nighttime Drama) Ceremonia de Despido de Octavo Grado Final del semestre/ Ultimo Día de Clases Traducido por: JDS-LYA08Cherokee Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 The Wisconsin Dental Association and WDA Foundation will provide FREE dental care through a Mission of Mercy (MOM) program. DATE :Friday, June 29 and Saturday, June 30, 2012 WHERE :The Exhibition Hall at Alliant Energy Center, 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison TIME: Doors open 5:30 a.m. Patients seen on first-come, first-served basis with approximately 1,750 patients treated each day. Our patient quota typically reached before noon, so come early! WHO: Adults and children of all ages with limited financial resources or otherwise unable to visit a dental office and who do not have a medically-compromising condition that prohibits safely receiving care are welcome. Children under age 18 must be accompanied by parent or guardian. CARE: Cleanings, fillings, extractions and limited treatment partials offered. All work is provided for free by 1,800 volunteer dental professionals and community helpers donating their time and skills. NOTE: Photo identification, social security number or other personal ID/documentation is NOT required. Interpreters will be available to assist patients who speak Spanish, Hmong or Albanian. Please do NOT wait for the WDA Mission of Mercy to seek care for dental pain, as this could signal a serious condition. Visit for a list of low-cost dental clinics and other information. If dental pain is severe and accompanied by a fever or swelling, go to a hospital emergency room immediately! It’s the smiles – not the miles – that make it a mission! Lub Koom Haum Kho Hniav Wisconsin thiab Lub Chaw Pab Nyiaj WDA yuav muab kev pab saib xyuas kho hniav DAWB los ntawm txoj haujlwm ntawm Qhov Chaw Muab Kev Hlub Tshua (MOM). HNUB TIM Hnub Tsib (Friday), Lub Rau Hli 29 thiab Hnub Rau (Saturday), Lub Rau Hli 30, 2012 QHOV CHAW TWG Lub Tsev Loj Tso Khoom Rau Neeg Saib (The Exhibition Hall) ntawm Alliant Energy Center, 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison LUB SIJHAWM Lub qhov rooj qhib thaum 5:30 sawv ntxov.Cov neeg mob uas tuaj uantej thawj tus, tau pab uantej tshaj ib hnub muaj cov neeg mob tuaj txog li thaj tsam 1,750 leej. Peb cov neeg mob yuav tsum tuaj uantej thaum tav su, yog li ntawd yuav tau tuaj thaum ntxov! LEEJ TWG Cov neeg loj thiab cov menyuam yaus txhua lub hnub nyoog uas tsis muaj feem nyiaj txiag tsawg lossis tsis tuaj yeem tuaj ntsib chav lis haujlwm kho hniav tau thiab cov uas tsis muaj kev pom zoo khomob los ntawm ob tog los yeej zoo siab tos txais thiab yuav saib xyuas kom muaj kev nyab xeeb. Cov menyuam yaus hnub nyoog qis dua 18 xyoo yuav tsum tuaj nrog niam-txiv lossis tus neeg saib xyuas menyuam. KEV SAIB XYUAS Kev tu cov hniav kom huv, txaws hniav, rho hniav tawm thiab kho hniav raws li xav tau. Txhua yam kev saib xyuas yog pab dawb los ntawm 1,800 tus kws kho hniav pab dawb thiab cov neeg pabcuam hauv lub zej lub zos uas muab lawv lub sijhawm thiab qhov kev paub tuaj pabcuam. CEEBTOOM Kev txheeb xyuas daim duab, tus nab npawb neeg txom nyem (social security number) lossis lwm yam ntawm tus kheej daim ID/ cov ntaub ntawv uas TSIS tas yuav tsum muaj. Cov kws txhais lus yeej muaj pab rau cov neeg mob uas hais lus Spanish, lus Hmoob thiab lus Albanian. Thov tsis TXHOB tos WDA Qhov Chaw Muab Kev Hlub Tshua nrhiav kev saib xyuas pab kho hniav mob rau koj, vim tias qhov no tuaj yeem yuav tshwm sim qhov mob hnyav tau. Mus saib hauv cov npe tsev khomob hniav me uas pheej yim thiab lwm yam ntaub ntawv ntxiv. Yog qhov hniav mob ua rau mob hnyav thiab ua npaws lossis o loj, yuav tau mus tom tsev khomob ntawm chav khomob kub ntxhov kiag tamsis ntawd! Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Nws yog kev luag ntxhwb ntxhis – tsis yog qhov kev ntsuas deb ua mais- uas tsim nws ua ib lub luag! haujlwm! La Asociación Odontológica de Wisconsin y la Fundación WDA ofrecerán atención odontológica GRATUITA a través de un programa de Mission of Mercy (MOM). FECHA Viernes 29 y sábado 30 de junio de 2012 LUGAR Sala de exposiciones del centro Alliant Energy Center, 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison HORA Las puertas abren a las 5.30 a.m. Se atenderá por orden de llegada, aproximadamente 1.750 pacientes cada día. Se suele llegar al cupo de pacientes al mediodía, ¡así que llegue temprano! PARA QUIÉNES Se invita a los adultos y niños de todas las edades, que posean recursos financieros limitados o que no puedan visitar un consultorio dental, y que no tengan un padecimiento médicamente comprometedor que impida la recepción segura de atención. Los menores de 18 años deben ir acompañados de un padre o tutor. ATENCIÓN Los procedimientos que se ofrecen son: limpiezas, amalgamas, extracciones y prótesis parciales de tratamiento limitado. Todo el trabajo es gratuito y está en manos de 1.800 profesionales de la odontología voluntarios y auxiliares comunitarios, que donan su tiempo y sus conocimientos. AVISO NO se necesita identificación con fotografía, número de seguridad social ni otras identificaciones ni documentación. Habrá intérpretes para audar a los pacientes que hablen español, miao o albanés. NO espere que Mission of Mercy de WDA busque atención para el dolor de dientes, ya que esto podría ser señal de un padecimiento grave. Visite para obtener una lista de clínicas odontológicas de bajo costo y otra información. Si el dolor de dientes es grave y acompañado de fiebre o inflamación, acuda de inmediato a la sala de urgencias de un hospital. ¡Son las sonrisas, no las millas, lo que la convierten en una misión! This is not a school district sponsored activity and the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the district or its personnel. 4/20/12 Art News MarciaYapp, a Madison mosaic artist will be coming to work with two 6th grade classes this spring. Students will be learning about cutting glass, tile, different mosaic art styles . Then, working with the artist, they will create their own mosaic piece. This opportunity is funded through an arts access grant by the MMSD school district. WANTED for the Art Classes at Cherokee old scratched cd's or old software cd's small scrap pieces of metal; keys, wire, junk from your junk draw Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Spring Nighttime Drama a Hit! Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, the March 13 Show rocked the house. As temperatures soared outside, students soared inside, entertaining family and friends with their favorite monologues, dialogues and skits. The shortest piece was 30 seconds; the longest piece was twelve minutes! Fifty-four students’ lives were transformed as they took to the stage and stretched their acting abilities. What an extraordinary night it was! Many people deserve to be thanked: all parents and family members as well as staff in attendance and performing students, the gracious, supportive audience, and Overture for allowing us to perform at this wonderful venue. In addition, I thank Ms. Cohen, microphone helper extraordinaire, Ms. Holt, our still photographer, Mr. Hamann, our cameraman, and last but not least, Brandon Hasz who comes early and stays late to set up our sound system, do the sound work during the program and take it down at the end. Thanks, too, to all cast members and all students in attendance as well as those who couldn’t make it but who have made my quarter a delight. How lucky I am to be your teacher. You all rock! The next Nighttime Drama is Wednesday, May 30th, 2012, Overture’s Rotunda Stage, 201 State Street. We hope to see you there! Fourth quarter students will surprise you! ~ Ms. Hamann Have trouble remembering someone's phone number? Your locker combination? Just ask Julian Garcia how it's done. Julian broke the Cherokee Heights record by memorizing 137 digits of pi in honor of pi day, March 14th. Ask your student to tell you where pi comes from, but if you want to know the 137th digit of pi, ask Julian. Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 End of the Year Field Trips Dear Cherokee Parents/Guardians, Cherokee 6th, 7th, and 8th grade staff are planning a year-end field trip. 6th grade –June 11th to Kalahari Waterpark in the Wisconsin Dells 7:45am – 2:40 pm 7th grade –June 11th to Mount Olympus Park in the Wisconsin Dells 7:45am – 2:40 pm 8th grade- June 8 to Mount Olympus Park in Wisconsin Dells - 7:45am – 2:40 pm. The cost of the trip will be $30 per student. This includes transportation, park admission and a lunch. Your child will need to bring a swimsuit, change of clothes, and sunscreen. Towels are provided by the park. Students may bring additional money. Your child must be dressed for the weather. There is an indoor park so we will go rain or shine, hot or cold. Please remind students that they must be back on the bus by 1:15 in order to return on time. There are deep water areas in the Mount Olympus Park. Please discuss water safety with your child. The Cherokee grade staff hopes to include all students on this trip. Unsafe students will be held back at the discretion of the principal and assistant principal. We prefer not to exclude a child from the trip due to financial reasons. Parents may send smaller amounts in once per week. The trip needs to be funded by Thursday, May 24 for it to happen. Families are encourage to pay by May 24 . If we do not collect enough money by May 24 a school site-based picnic and activity will be scheduled and money submitted for the field trip will be returned to the respective families. Students can bring in field trip money a portion at a time if that is easier. All trip money must be received by May 24. Students must have their trip paid for by May 24 so that we can reduce the number of buses if necessary. If your child will attend the year-end field trip, he/she must return the written form below. No other forms of permission can be accepted. Sincerely, The Cherokee Staff Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Excursión de Fin de Año Estimados Padres / Encargados Legales, El personal de 6º, 7º, y 8° grado de Cherokee esta planificando una excusión de fin de año. 6º grado –11 de junio al parque de Kalahari en Wisconsin Dells 7:45am – 2:40 pm 7º grado –11 de junio al parque de Mount Olympus en Wisconsin Dells 7:45am– 2:40 pm 8° grado- 8 de junio al parque Mount Olympus en Wisconsin Dells - 7:45am – 2:40 pm. El costo del viaje será de $30 por estudiante. Esto incluye la transportación, la entrada al parque y un almuerzo. Su hijo/a necesita traer un traje de baño o ropa apropiada, toalla, un cambio de ropa y protector para el sol. Los estudiantes pueden traer dinero extra, si lo desean. Su hijo/a debe vestirse apropiadamente para el tiempo que vaya hacer. Hay un parque bajo techo así que iremos con sol o con lluvia, con calor o con frió. Por favor, reacuérdele a su hijo/a que debemos regresar al autobús para la 1:15 de esa manera podremos regresar a tiempo para tomar los autobuses de regreso a casa. En parque de Mount Olympus hay áreas profundas. Por favor hable con su hijo/a acerca de la seguridad en el agua. El personal de Cherokee espera poder incluir a todos los estudiantes en esta excursión. Los estudiantes que causen inseguridad se quedaran en la escuela a la discreción de los directores. Nosotros preferimos no excluir a ningún estudiante a esta excursión por razones financieras. Los padres pueden enviar dinero cada semana para ahorrar dinero para este viaje. Para que este viaje suceda debe ser financiado para el 24 de mayo. Animamos a las familias que paguen para el 24 de mayo. Si no colectamos suficiente dinero para el 24 de mayo en ves de ir a la excursión haremos una actividad o picnic en la escuela y el dinero será devuelto a las familias respectivas que pagaron. Los estudiantes también pueden traer porciones del dinero pero todo el dinero debe ser recibido para el 24 de mayo. Los estudiantes deben tener pagado su viaje para el 24 de mayo, de esa manera podemos reducir el numero de autobuses innecesarios. Si su hijo/a asistirá al viaje de fin de año él/ella debe regresar la forma de abajo. Ninguna otra planilla o forma de permiso puede ser aceptada. Atentamente, El personal de Cherokee Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 8th Grade Farewell Ceremony: Important Reminder Planning is underway for the eighth grade farewell ceremony in the Cherokee gym on June 11 at 6:00 pm. Due to a lack of sufficient seating space and crowded conditions in the past, there is an attendance limit of two family members only. Each eighth grader will be issued two tickets for two family members to attend the ceremony. This practice has worked well over the past few years, and has made the special event safe for everyone. Questions about this procedure can be directed to Rick Reynolds at 204-1250. Thank you in advance for your cooperation MMSD Middle School Farewell Ceremony Criteria Parents of Eighth Grade Students: The following criteria have been established in all Madison middle schools for participation in end-of-the-year farewell ceremonies. In order to participate in the farewell ceremony and farewell activities, a student must have: 4 A 1.67 grade point average in all four core content areas (social studies, math, language arts, science) or; 4 A score of basic, proficient, or advanced on the WKCE in respective core content areas or; 4 Met promotion criteria via their Individualized Education Plan or; 4 The student must have signed up to attend summer school in June, 2012. Please contact David Watkins if you have questions about this policy. He can be reached via e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 204-1248. Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 CEREMONIA DE DESPEDIDA DE OCTAVO GRADO: Recordatorio Importante Han comenzado las planificaciones para la ceremonia de despedida de octavo grado para la tarde del 11 de junio a las 6:00 pm en el gimnasio de Cherokee. Debido a la falta de suficientes espacio de asientos y condiciones de aglomeración en el pasado, hay un límite de asistencia de solamente dos miembros de familia. Se le proporcionara a cada estudiante de octavo grado dos boletos para dos miembros de su familia asistir a la ceremonia. Esta práctica ha funcionado muy bien en los pasados años, y ha permitido que la despedida de octavo grado sea un evento especial y seguro para todos. Si usted tiene preguntas acerca de este procedimiento pueden hablar directamente con Rick Reynolds al 204-1250. Muchas gracias en avance por su cooperación. Criterio para la Ceremonia de Despedida de la Escuela Intermedia de MMSD Para los Padres de los Estudiantes de Octavo Grado: Los siguientes criterios han sido establecidos en todas las escuelas intermedia de Madison para la participación de la ceremonia de despedida de final del año escolar. Para poder participar en la ceremonia o actividades de la despedida, el estudiante debe tener: 4 Un promedio acumulativo de calificación de 1.67 en cada una de las áreas académica de (estudios sociales, matemática, literatura, ciencias) o; 4 Un total básico, proficiente o avanzado en el examen de WKCE en cada una de las cuatro áreas académicas o; 4 Llenar los criterios de la promoción por la vía del Plan de Educación Individualizado o; 4 El estudiante debe de estar matriculado/a para asistir a la escuela de verano en junio del 2012. Por favor comuníquese con David Watkins si usted tiene alguna pregunta acerca de esta política. Por vía de correo electrónico a [email protected] o por teléfono` al Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Cherokee Students Make Books for the Guinea Kids Education Fund For the second year, Cherokee seventh and eighth grade students from Ms. Blanchard’s and Ms. Kadakia’s classes created simple concept books to donate to the homework center of the Guinea Kids Education Fund. Ms. Kadakia delivered the books in person when she visited Guinea over winter break. The Guinea students were delighted with the unique, colorful books produced by their Wisconsin counterparts. Take a look at some of the books here: Set 1 or Set 2 Guinea is a country in West Africa whose literacy rate is about 30% and many children are unable to afford school. The Guinea Kids Education Fund is an organization devoted to assisting and empowering the community by increasing the percentage of children attending and succeeding in school. Participating students receive funding for educational resources, school tuition, school supplies, uniforms, and shoes. For more information, see their website: Seventh Grade Social Studies Classes Read to Feed Ms. Kadakia and Ms. Tangen’s seventh grade social studies classes spent most of second quarter studying how the world is interconnected. Students learned how overpopulation and environmental problems contribute to increased poverty, disease, and illiteracy around the world. One fact that astonished students was that 75 percent of the world’s population lives on less than two dollars per day. Throughout the unit, students were challenged to think of ways to change their own consumption habits to help alleviate some of these problems. Students also wanted to make real change right now for people living in poverty. The students decided to do a fundraiser for Heifer International. For more than sixty years, Heifer has helped more than four million impoverished families in 128 countries move away from poverty toward self-reliance. The goal was to raise money to buy gifts of livestock and training for struggling families who have few resources and need an ongoing source of income. Heifer is the gift that keeps on giving. Families who receive an animal promise to “pass on the gift” by giving the animal’s first offspring to another family in the village. Students asked their family and friends to pledge an amount of money for each minute they read over a one-month period. At the end of the month many students had read hundreds, even thousands, of minutes and collected what was due. Students raised over $1180 for livestock gifts! After weighing the costs and benefits of different types of animals, the students decided to buy sheep, goats, llamas, rabbits, and flocks of chickens and ducks. These gifts will provide a source of food, income, fertilizer, raw goods (e.g. wool), and most importantly, a ladder out of poverty, for families in need. Way to go Cherokee students and families! Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 African American History Bowl Challenge On April 14, Jordan Smith, Quentin McNeal, and Markeith William-Lawrence, represented Cherokee in the African American History Bowl Challenge, advancing into the quarter finals. The team prepared for the jeopardy-style competition over lunch hours and through independent studies. Claire and Allie Chandler, Chloe Robinson and Nora Ghandhi, participated in the Future Problem Solving (FPS) State Bowl in Green Lake in April . The topics this year were: All in a Day's Work, Coral Reefs, Human Rights and Trade Barriers. In addition to their banner, they wrote an FPS booklet on trade barriers and performed a skit on their action plan. Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 On March 31, 2012 , Rachel Peaslee won 1st place in a creative writing contest sponsored locally by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. First place winners received a prize of a Kindle Fire. Congratulations Rachel! On April 25th, 12 students represented Cherokee Middle School at the Madison Middle School Science Symposium. Students designed, researched, and presented their findings at the symposium at the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery on the UW Madison campus. Students attending the symposium were: Julia Russell, Molly Hill, Molly Jetzer, Andrey Vorontsov, Sid Raman, Franny Tyska, Grace Montgomery, Ellie Hodgson, Bledat Gjinolli, Chris Bajek, Winor Chen, and Christian Lamberty. Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Spanish Spelling Bee Cherokee Middle School held its first Spanish Spelling Bee on April 26, 2012 for grades 6, 7 and 8. Nearly thirty 6th, 7th and 8th graders participated in the Spanish Spelling Bee with a great deal of enthusiasm! Ms. Faye, Ms. Buehler and Ms. Scott read the words, and the students performed admirably! This cultural event, was completed by hosting a post-bee “fiesta” with chips, salsa and Latin music! Jimena Cabeza Guerra was our winner, and Amy Morales our alternate. Jimena will compete in the District Bee on May 10 at 4:30 in McDaniels Auditorium of the Doyle Administration Building at 545 West Dayton Street. The bee is open to the public, but children under five will not be permitted entry. It was a great academic/cultural event, and we were very proud of all of our students! La Escuela Cherokee tuvo su primer Concurso de Deletreo el 26 de abril. Casi treinta alumnos del sexto, séptimo y octavo grados participaron—¡y cayeron con mucho entusiasmo! ¡Que orgullo! Ya que consideramos el concurso un evento cultural y académico, organizamos una fiesta latina con chips, salsa y música latina, la cual tuvo lugar al fin del concurso. Jimena Cabeza fue nuestro ganador, y Amy Morales nuestro suplente. Jimena representará nuestra escuela en el concurso a nivel del distrito escolar. Se les invita a los padres a asistir a ese concurso, lo cual tendrá lugar el 10 de mayo a las 4:30 de la tarde. Estará abierto al público. Niños menores de cinco años no estarán permitidos entrar. Mc Daniels Auditórium , 545 West Dayton St. Madison, WI ¡Felicitaciones, Jimena, y a todos nuestros participantes! ¡Otro ejemplo del orgullo Cherokee! Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Hello Families! Spring is here and so begins our request for help in the school garden this summer. The Greiling family has kindly rototilled the garden and Ms. Schmid’s classes have been busy planning and planting seeds. It worked well last year. Several families and staff signed up. Your duties entail taking a couple of days of the week to water and weed. If it rains, not need to water. The benefits of volunteering are helping out your school and bringing home some fresh produce as the season progresses. If you are interested in caring for the garden, please contact Jo Jensen at 204-1283 or through school email [email protected] . Many thanks to those who helped out last year! Jo Jensen and Dawn Schmid ¡Saludos Familias! La primavera esta aquí y comienza nuestra petición de ayuda para el jardín escolar este verano. La familia Greiling ha tenido la amabilidad de preparar la tierra del jardín y la clase de la Sra. Schmid’s ha estado ocupada planificando y sembrando. Funciono bien el año pasado. Varias familias y el personal se registraron. Sus funciones implicarán ayudar con un par de días a la semana para reglar el jardín y quitar las malas hierbas. Si llueve, no necesita regar. Los beneficios de ser voluntario/a ayuda a nuestra escuela y puede llevar a la casa algunos productos frescos mediante avanza la temporada. Si usted esta interesado/a en ayudar en el jardín, por favor contacte a Jo Jensen al 204-1283 (para español 2041242) o por e-mail [email protected] Muchas gracias a los que ayudaron el año pasado Jo Jensen and Dawn Schimid Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Food and Nutrition is happy so many of our students are really enjoying the new entree items at include roasted chicken with mashed potatoes and sweet and sour chicken over brown rice. Food and Nutrition is excited about the new salads we are adding to our menu starting on April 30: La Alimentación y Nutrición esta feliz, mucho de nuestros estudiantes están disfrutando de los platos principales nuevos que incluyen pollo asado con puré de papas y polo agridulce sobre el arroz integral. Estamos muy entusiasmados con las nuevas ensaladas que se suman a nuestro menú a partir del 30 de abril. Monday (lunes) Tuesday (martes) Wednesday (miércoles) Thursday (jueves) Friday (viernes) Chicken Caesar Salad Wisconsin Turkey Salad Buffalo Chicken Sald Sesame Chicken Salad Southwest Chicken Salad Veggie Salad Mediterranean Veggie Salad Veggie Salad Mediterranean Veggie Salad Veggie Salad The food service staffs were able to sample these salads and say that they're fantastic! We look forward to seeing you in the Cafe! El personal de servicios de alimentos pudo probar estas ensaladas para decir que son fantásticas. Esperamos verte en el la cafetería. Student Council HELP!! Req Request…. uest…. The CHMS student council is seeking donations for a used book sale. Proceeds will be used to send books to Guinea, Africa. Book donations should be in good condition and geared toward children and/or young adults. Please drop your donations off in the LMC by Friday, May 25. Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Help Your Student Beat the Summer Reading Slump The summer reading slump is the deterioration of a student’s reading skills over the summer months. The slump and how to prevent it have been hot topics among reading experts. Not surprisingly, their studies suggest that less access to books and less time spent reading are factors in the loss of reading achievement during the months away from school. Harvard’s Dr. Jimmy S. Kim recommends that students read at least four to five books over the summer to maintain their end-of-the-school-year reading levels. There are several ways you can fight the slump: • Encourage your student to take time for reading. Like any skill, reading gets better with practice and rusty with disuse. • Model reading. Students who see adults reading on a regular basis tend to have higher reading scores than those who don’t. • Read together. My summer reading lists, out later this month, will include a section on books for families to enjoy together. The lists will also include some of the excellent recommendations made by students this year. • Become regular users of the public library! Madison Public Library and Fitchburg have great summer reading programs and volunteer opportunities for teens. Public libraries are free and have loads to offer in addition to books. • Share books with others. If you have high-interest books in good condition gathering dust at home, please consider donating them to our used books sale. Our goal is to make sure every student has books to read this summer. For more on the summer reading slump: Submitted by Laura Holt, library media specialist Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 In the LMC…. by Laura Holt Students have been busy with research and multimedia projects in third quarter. Topics of inquiry included ancient Rome, biographies, culture studies, the Holocaust, invertebrates, Mesopotamia, poetry, battles of the Revolutionary War, and women leaders. Project highlights included culture identity boxes and multimedia presentations based on The Outsiders. On March 21, forty students and several staff members converged on the LMC after school in high spirits for a Hunger Games party. Students were divided into districts and moved as teams through a series of trials, including the race to the Cornucopia, poison plant identification, Hunger Games trivia, and Nerf weapons challenges. The adults had as much fun as the students as we shared our appreciation for the most-talked about book—and most eagerly awaited movie—of the year. Staff and students collectively read over 1000 books during the Reach for the Stars Reading Challenge in March. At the spring assembly, they were treated to a star performance by our own Aretha Franklin (Mr. Porter), boppers Ms. Schmid and Ms. Uebersetzig, musicians Ms. Riley, Ms. Hanes, and Mr. Johnson, and a string of enthusiastic back-up dancers. We celebrated Poetry Month in April with a variety of activities, including a week of shout-outs in poetic form, a poetry scavenger hunt designed by Ms. Tangen and Ms. Jo Jensen, a poem-making wall created by Ms. Mietzel, and a Poem-inYour-Pocket contest encouraging students to share poems. One of the shout-outs, written in haiku form by Ms. Kamp, was dedicated to Cherokee’s passionate readers: Bibliophiles Books topple by bedside Characters slip from pages Invading our dreams Special events coming up in May: Visits from Jane Kelly, youth services librarian from Fitchburg Public Library, and a used book sale to raise money for the Guinea Students Education Fund Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Need a quiet place to study? Try the Fitchburg Public Library near the Fitchburg City Hall on Lacy Road. If you come to FPL during finals week from June 2-11 and register for Teen Summer Reading, we will give you a free study survival kit with a candy bar, a coupon for a coffee drink and other goodies. One kit per teen and supplies are limited. Win an iPod Touch – Join the FPL Teen Summer Reading Program. At the end of summer, we will raffle off an iPod touch, free pizzas, smoothies, and many more fun prizes. The more you read and participate, the better your chances are of winning. There are many ways to enter, stop by the Youth Services desk at FPL for more information Looking for something to do for the rest of summer? Check out these Monday afternoon programs: June 11 @ 4:00pm - Teen Movie June 18 @ 4:00 pm - Teen Summer Volunteer Workshop June 25 @ 3:00 pm - Self Defense for Teens - Registration Required. July 2 @ 4:00 pm - Teen Movie July 9 @ 4:00 pm - Video Game Tournament - wii bowling with the Fitchburg Senior Center July 16 @ 4:00 pm - Light Painting for Teens July 23 @ 4:00 pm - How to Be a Private Eye for Teens - Registration Required. July 30 @ 3:00 pm - Sidewalk Chalk Extravaganza Fitchburg Public Library – Youth Services 5530 Lacy Road 729-1762 MSCR Summer Programs for Middle School Students Do you like to stay active? Do you like to play sports of various kinds? If so, sign up for MSCR's Mad Youth Volunteer Camp or Mad City Summer Sports Camp. Each week will include a variety of sports, games, community service projects, team building designed for participants to have fun, stay healthy and learn new skills. To register see Robin Davis or stop by the MSCR office or come to the after school program. Want to know what it's like to be an NBA player? Join Devin Harris (Point Guard) of the Utah Jazz NBA Team at La Follette High School for a FREE baskEDball Camp and learn how to play like the pros! NBA All-Star Devin Harris will host this fun-filled 1-day event (middle school girls and boys)! The day will consist of physical as well as mental activities, conditioning, skills & drills and games. Come join Devin for this special Camp Saturday, July 14, 2012 9am-4pm. Registration is due Friday, June 1, 2012. Please stop by the MSCR office or after school program to pick pick the registration & waiver forms.ook border Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH KIDS? Need a little extra cash? Then we want you as our new recruit! Are you or someone you know looking for a part-time 10-15 hour per week job? As a Crossing Guard, you will be providing great service to your community as well as earning $14.39 per hour plus retirement benefits. Health and life insurance may also available. The City of Madison is looking for interested and responsible individuals who enjoy working outdoors to provide safety for our school children for the 2012-2013 school year. Most shifts are 1 - 1 ¼ hours and fall between the hours of 7:00-8:45 a.m. and 2:30-4:00 p.m. with an earlier shift Monday afternoons. Work is scheduled Monday through Friday with no weekend, evening or holiday work. Some flexibility is required due to early release dates. A job description and application will be available online at: beginning in early to mid-July. Interviews will be scheduled beginning Monday, August 20 and employment beginning approximately August 29, 2012. For more information, please contact the City of Madison Police Dept. Traffic Bureau at 266-4703 (Patti Knoche or Bob Olson). Would you like an easy way to find out what is going on at Cherokee ? The calendar is now online at our website : Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 HOST FAMILIES NEEDED Dear Student and Parents, The ECI summer French Exchange Program is a very successful program operating in the Madison area for over 20 years. I’ve been working with ECI for 17 years and watched many wonderful lasting friendships develop. This is a well organized, controlled, three week stay with a host family; that brings knowledge of each others culture along with many great memories. Dates for this summer are July 9 – 29, and August 4 – 23, 2012. For information call Nancy Foust ECI WI Director 608 836-0365 or 608 212-7090 (cell) [email protected] This is not a school sponsored activity and the Madison Metropolitan School District does not approve or support or endorse this program/activity Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Cherokee PTO May 2012 THE PTO NEEDS YOU! Get Involved! The tables below details the open positions within the PTO for the 2012-2013 school year. Many of the very active parents have current 8th graders and will be leaving our school at the end of the school year. The PTO desperately needs your help to continue the support we have provided to the students and staff of Cherokee in the past. PTO Board Members NEEDED 2012-2013 Cherokee Middle School Title Job Description 2012-2013 Status Co-President Schedule, run and attend meetings, liaison with school, parent communication VOLUNTEER NEEDED Co-President Same as above * Current co-president has a current 8th grader and will be leaving VOLUNTEER NEEDED * Current co-president has a current 8th grader and will be leaving Treasurer Pay bills and deposit fundraising proceeds, report to board on financial status monthly Current Treasurer will become a Co-President if a new Treasurer can be found Secretary Take notes at PTO meetings and distribute to board Current Secretary will become the Fundraising Chair if a new Secretary can be found Fundraising Chair Coordinate the 3 major fundraising efforts: Magazine, Wisconsin Homegrown, and Cookie Dough sales with committee chairs VOLUNTEER NEEDED Board members have a monthly board meeting with the principal. * This position has been open for over a year!!!! Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Cherokee PTO PTO Committee Chairs NEEDED Committee Job Description 2012-2013 Status Magazine Sales An easy fundraiser – distribute order forms, collect orders, distribute prizes VOLUNTEER NEEDED 8th Grade Party Organize volunteers and coordinate subcommittees of the event VOLUNTEER(S) NEEDED *** Contact the PTO at [email protected] if you are willing to help improve your child’s school. *** Thank You! Annette Montgomery (Co-President 2010-2012), Kelly-Anne Robert (Grant VP 2008-2012) and Linda Welch (CoPresident 2008-2012) will be retiring from the Cherokee PTO Board at the end of this school year. These wonderful women have worked determinedly to make Cherokee a better place for all of our children. Their enormous contribution to Cherokee is greatly appreciated and they will be missed. Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Cherokee PTO 8th Grade Celebration Planning is Underway! Parents are needed to help plan for this year's 8th grade Farewell Celebration on Monday, June 11th at 7:00 pm. Further details about the event will be coming soon in an invitation to parents/guardians. Volunteers are needed to help decorate the gym and prepare refreshments for the dance afterwards. If you want to help with decorations, please contact Kelly-Anne Robert, or Annette Montgomery. We particularly need help decorating the gym during the afternoon of June 11. We will be asking for food, drink or monetary donations for the dance. Tammy Klaproth is coordinating this part of the celebration and will be sending out an email soon. We also need some assistance from 7th Grade Parents. After the ceremony, there is an informal reception for parents and 8th graders in the cafeteria. Traditionally, 7th grade parents have donated baked goods for this reception. 7th grade parent, Tracy Pajewski, is coordinating this event. Please contact her at [email protected], if you would be willing to donate some cookies or bars. Feel free to contact Kelly-Anne Robert ([email protected] or 288-1194) or Annette Montgomery ([email protected] or 277-7548) if you have any questions or to volunteer. Celebración de 8vo Grado ¡La Planificación esta en marcha! Se necesita la ayuda de los padres para planificar la celebración de la Despedida de Octavo grado, del 11 de junio a las 7:00 pm. Más detalles sobre el evento será enviada pronto en una invitación para los padres / encargados legales Estaremos pidiendo donaciones de alimentos, bebidas o monetarias para el baile. Tammy Klaproth esta coordinando esta parte de la celebración ella va a enviar un correo electrónico pronto. También necesitamos la ayuda de los padres de 7 º grado. Después de la ceremonia, habrá una recepción informal para los padres y alumnos de 8 º grado en la cafetería. Tradicionalmente, los padres de 7 º grado han donado productos horneados para esta recepción. Los padres de 7 º grado, Tracy Pajewski, esta coordinando este evento. Por favor, póngase en contacto con ella en [email protected], si estarían dispuestos a donar algunas galletas o dulces. Si tiene alguna otra pregunta o desea ser voluntario/a siéntase libre de contactar a Nelly-Anne Robert ([email protected] o 2881194) o Annette Montgomery ([email protected] o 277-7548). Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Grounds Clean-up- Saturday, May 19 Help us Spruce up the School Grounds! Please join our volunteer crew Saturday, May 19th from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. for the annual spring grounds clean-up. Feel free to send your kids alone—though parental help is ALWAYS welcomed! Please send your child with a rake, shovel, work gloves, etc. We’re also looking for donations of annuals and perennials. And if anyone has an electric hedge trimmer, we would appreciate borrowing that. We are having mulch delivered from MMSD and we need lots of people, shovels and wheelbarrows to help spread it around the school grounds. We’re looking for people to make muffins, bread, etc. and to send drinks. Please let us know if you’re able to send a snack or drink for our hungry workers. If you have any questions or can donate snacks or plants, please contact Tammy Klaproth (at [email protected] or 233-1032) or Michelle Frehner (at [email protected]). Limpieza de Terreno –sábado 19, de mayo Ayúdenos arreglar los terrenos Escolares! Por favor, únase a nuestro equipo de voluntarios el sábado 19, de mayo de 9:00-11:00 a.m., para nuestra limpieza anual de primavera. No dude en enviar a sus hijos solos, aunque la ayuda de los padres SIEMPRE es bienvenidas. Por favor envié a su hijo con un rastrillo, una pala, guantes de trabajo, etc. También estamos buscando donaciones de plantas anuales y pre-anuales. Y si también tienen un cortaseto eléctrico, le agradeceríamos que no los preste. El MMSD nos enviara abono para las plantas y necesitamos muchas personas, palas y carretillas para ayudarnos a regarlo alrededor del terreno escolar. También estamos buscando a alguien que quisiera cocinar muffins, pan, etc. y enviar algunos refrigerios o aperitivo para los trabajadores. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o puede donar bocadillos o plantas, por favor póngase en contacto con Tammy Klaproth (en [email protected] o 233-1032) o Frehner Michelle (en [email protected]) Cherokee Heights Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Heights Spring 2012 - Primavera 2012 Cherokee PTO Order all year long! Magazine Sales Benefit Cherokee You can order or renew subscriptions and still benefit the Cherokee PTO any time during the year! Access your hundreds of options at and use our school ID# 661835 and your online payment will be credited to Cherokee. Cougar Spiritwear Juli Moen, Spiritwear Chair, has a good amount of Spiritwear stock in select colors. She can special order items, but must have 12 items in the order to get the best pricing. Contact Juli at [email protected] if you are interested in purchasing Spiritwear.