Ventilation When designing the ventilation in the transformer´s room, it must be taken in account its loosses: Pt Wo + Wcc These losses are manifested as heat, modifying the ambient temperature of the room. The standards IEC 60726 – IRAM 2276 set the Dry Transformers´ normal conditions of service. For an altitude above 1000m above sea. The cooling air´s temperature wont be in any case above 40°C nor less than -25°C for outdoors transformers or 5°C for indoor transformers. • • 30° C for average daily temperature 20° C for average anual temperature The most simple and reliable solution is to achieve a natural ventilation of the room, allowing the entry of fresh air in the bottom and an exit in the opposite top. If the natural ventilation was insufficient, fans could be installed increasing this way the airflow keeping the environmental conditions within the standards. Natural Ventilation H Flow Calculation In order to calculate the required airflow and the size of the openings in the rooms, there will be used the following expresions, taking 15°C as the difference between the incoming and otucoming air. S = 0,22 . PT Q = 3,5 . PT H PT: Total disipated losses at 75 °C [kW] Q: Flow of renewal air [m3/min.] S: Net area of the upper and lower openings [m2] Argentine made products with international quality standards. Forced Ventilation Ventilation Further, the air temperature wont be in any case above: