01/26/2016 - South Strabane


01/26/2016 - South Strabane
January 26, 2016
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of South Strabane
Township took place on the above date in the Mae C. Reynolds
Meeting Room of the Municipal Building, 550 Washington Road,
Washington, PA 15301-9622 at 7:00 P.M.
Present for the meeting were: Mr. John Keisling, Chairman; Mr.
Robert Weber, Vice-Chairman; Mr. Edward Mazur, Ms. Laynee
Zipko and Mr. Thomas Moore, Supervisors; Mr. John Cambest,
Solicitor and Mr. John Stickle, Manager.
A Visitor’s List is on file. There were approximately eighteen (18)
persons in the audience.
Mr. Keisling called the meeting to order and led the group in the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Keisling announced that the Board met in Executive Session prior
to tonight’s meeting to discuss a legal matter.
Mona Gray, 2299 Flint Drive, reported that a neighbor of hers, at
Strabane Manor, has a Christmas decoration that includes a spotlight
which shines on her house. She asked that the Board consider
adopting an ordinance which would prohibit one neighbor from
shining a spot light on another neighbor. Ms. Gray further reported
that after contacting the Homeowner’s Association about the
spotlight, that it was removed.
Judi Panasik, 35 Green Crescent Drive, reported that a discussion of
contributions to the Citizens Library is on tonight’s agenda. She
reported that she has learned that the Township Library representative
has been removed from being on the Library’s Finance Committee.
Ms. Panasik recommended that as a result of the Township’s Library
representative being treated unfairly, that the Township should
consider reducing its contribution to the library to the minimum
amount possible. She further reported that South Strabane currently
makes the largest contribution to the library, of all the municipalities
and school districts that contribute to the library.
Ms. Panasik stated that she believes it is the ethical thing to do, for the
Supervisor who currently serves on the Planning Commission, to
resign their position with such Planning Commission.
Mr. Mazur reported that the Second Class Township Code allows for
up to two (2) Supervisors to serve on the Planning Commission.
Jerry Angelo, 421 Rankin Road, raised the issue of the proposed truck
route for the proposed Zediker Station West Well Pad to be located
off Mitchell Road. He recommended that the preferred truck route
could be from Route 136 to Mitchell Road to the site. He stated
another route from Route 40 to Zediker Station Road to Rankin Road
to Mitchell Road would have the advantage of having Range
resurface that portion of Rankin Road from Zediker Station Road to
Mitchell Road, that is in need of resurfacing. He further
recommended against using the Route 519 to Rankin Road to
Mitchell Road truck route.
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Mr. Angelo recommended that the Township consider ways of
retaining Part-Time Police Officers. He also asked about lowering the
speed limit on Rankin Road to 25 MPH.
Cynthia Rossi, 99 Zediker Station Road, reported that she was out on
Friday afternoon January 22 during the snowstorm. She further
reported that fortunately, she was able to follow a South Strabane
truck back to Zediker Station Road from East Maiden Street, so she
could get home safely. She noted that the Public Works Department
did a great job in plowing and salting the Township roads during the
January 22-23 snowstorm.
The Scheduled Visitors were Public Safety Director James Barnes and
Fire Chief Scott Reese. Mr. Barnes reported on the status of the
current and proposed building activities in the Township.
Chief Reese reported that the Fire Department was able to conduct
training as part of the demolition of the Sharp’s Furniture Building on
Washington Road. He also reported that the Manifold Road Water
Line Replacement Project is almost complete, including the
installation of new fire hydrants.
Chief Reese reported that most residents heeded the call to stay home
during the recent snowstorm.
In response to a question from Mr. Keisling, Chief Reese explained
that the pre-emption system on the Township’s traffic signals, helps
the fire trucks get to the scene of an emergency as quickly as possible.
General Fund……………Cks. #31983-32043…….$169,713.36
Pay of January 22, 2016…Ck. #31981…………….$103,476.84
Mr. Mazur made a motion, seconded by Mr. Moore, to approve the
preceding Bills and Payroll. Motion carried.
Ms. Zipko made a motion, seconded by Mr. Weber, to approve the
minutes of the January 7, 2016 Supervisor’s Special Meeting. Motion
Ms. Zipko asked that a clarification be made on page 14 of the
January 12, 2016 Supervisor’s meeting minutes, to state that the
Manifold Road Water Line Replacement Project involved the
contractor using jackhammers for several days.
After further discussion, Ms. Zipko made a motion, seconded by Mr.
Weber, to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2016 Supervisor’s
meeting, including the correction as requested by Ms. Zipko. Motion
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The one item under Unfinished Business was to adopt Resolution 616 appointing the Delegate and Alternate Delegate to the Washington
County Tax Collection District Board of Delegates. Mr. Mazur made
a motion, seconded by Ms. Zipko to adopt Resolution 6-16 appointing
the Delegate (Mr. Moore) and Alternate Delegate (Mr. Stickle) to the
Washington County Tax Collection District Board of Delegates.
Motion carried.
The first item under New Business was to approve a change in the
Firefighter Pension Plan as set forth in the Firefighter’s Arbitration
Award. Mr. Stickle reported that an Arbitration Award was received
by the Township dated December 18, 2015 which includes a
requirement that the Township shall implement Proposal No. 1 from
the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System’s actuary study dated
October 27, 2014, which will result in a pension plan upgrade for the
members of the Firefighter’s Pension Plan.
In addition to the plan upgrade, all of the firefighters will contribute
5% of their pay toward such pension plan.
Mr. Cambest noted that once PMRS receives notification from the
Township, they will prepare a sample ordinance and contract for the
Board to adopt and enter into, regarding the pension plan change.
After further discussion, Ms. Zipko made a motion, seconded by Mr.
Keisling to approve a change in the Firefighter Pension Plan as set
forth in the Firefighter’s Arbitration Award. Motion carried with Mr.
Keisling, Mr. Weber, Ms. Zipko and Mr. Moore voting yes and Mr.
Mazur voting no.
Next was to accept a letter of resignation from Bob Weber resigning
from the Planning Commission. Mr. Keisling thanked Mr. Weber for
his service on the Planning Commission. Mr. Mazur then made a
motion, seconded by Mr. Moore, to accept a letter of resignation from
Bob Weber resigning from the Planning Commission. Motion
Next was a discussion of the contribution to Citizens Library. Mr.
Stickle reported that Mr. Keisling had requested that this matter be
placed on tonight’s agenda for a discussion. He further reported that
the amount of $26,800 was included in the 2016 Budget for a
contribution to the library, which is made on a quarterly basis. Mr.
Stickle also reported that due to a concern the Board had regarding
how the Library Board pays its bills, that the Board withheld the 3rd
and 4th quarter contributions in 2015.
Mr. Keisling recommended that the Township at least contribute a
minimal amount to the library, so that the Township can maintain
representation on the Library Board.
In response to a question from Mr. Keisling, Ms. Rossi advised that
an annual contribution of $4,000 would be the minimal contribution
necessary, to maintain a Township representative on the Library
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A discussion then took place regarding correspondence received from
Kenneth Baker, Solicitor for Citizens Library regarding the
procedures the Library Board follows to pay their bills. Further
discussion then took place regarding this matter.
Ms. Zipko then made a motion, seconded by Mr. Weber, to approve
the first quarter contribution to Citizens Library, in the amount of
$6,700, subject to the library providing the requested information to
the Township regarding how the library pays its bills, in advance of
such contribution being made. Motion did not carry with Ms. Zipko
voting yes and Mr. Keisling, Mr. Weber, Mr. Mazur and Mr. Moore
voting no.
After further discussion, Mr. Mazur made a motion, seconded by Mr.
Weber, to approve the first quarter contribution to Citizens Library, in
the amount of $4,000. Motion carried with Mr. Keisling, Mr. Weber
and Mr. Moore voting yes and Mr. Mazur and Ms. Zipko voting no.
Next was a discussion of forming a committee to begin work on an
update of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Keisling reported that the
Board had previously discussed the need to update the Township’s
Comprehensive Plan, which was last updated in 1994. He
recommended that a committee be formed consisting of two (2)
Supervisors, two (2) Planning Commission members, the Manager,
Lynne Finnerty and Carolyn Yagle, in order to get the process started
for the preparation of an updated Comprehensive Plan.
Discussion then took place regarding Mr. Keisling’s recommendation
to form a committee. Ms. Zipko recommended that the entire
Planning Commission should be involved in the process, not just two
(2) members to serve on a committee.
Mr. Weber recommended that members of the public could also serve
on the proposed committee.
Mr. Stickle recommended that Planning Consultant Carolyn Yagle
could offer suggestions to the Board, on the various options to
consider to begin the process of updating the Comprehensive plan.
Mr. Moore recalled that at the last Supervisor’s meeting, that the
installation of a public address/speaker system in the Meeting Room
was discussed. In response to a question from Mr. Moore, Mr. Stickle
reported that he had received a proposal from Guitar Center in
Pittsburgh to purchase seven (7) lavalier microphones, including a
power conditioner and rack case, in the amount of $3,999.37. Mr.
Stickle further explained that Mr. Reese has offered to allow the
Board to use his amplifier/mixer to try out the lavalier microphones at
Supervisor meetings. Mr. Stickle also noted Mr. Reese hopes to be
able to use the existing speakers in the ceiling of the Meeting Room.
Ms. Zipko agreed for the need for an amplification system in the
Meeting Room, especially for public hearings.
In response to a question from Mr. Mazur, Mr. Weber reported that
the proposed sound system will enhance the webcast videos of the
Supervisor meetings.
Mr. Moore then made a motion, seconded by Mr. Weber, to approve
the purchase of seven (7) lavalier microphones, including power
conditioner and rack case from Guitar Center of Pittsburgh in the
amount of $3,999.37. Motion carried with Mr. Keisling, Mr. Weber,
Ms. Zipko and Mr. Moore voting yes and Mr. Mazur voting no.
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Mr. Moore recalled that the Board has previously discussed possible
renovations to the Municipal Building, including use of the former
Police Station space, as well as the possibility of having an LED
display sign installed in front of the Municipal Building.
Mr. Moore spoke in support of having an LED display sign installed
in front of the Municipal Building. He noted that such display sign
could announce Township events, meetings, etc.
Discussion took place regarding the proposal to install an LED
display sign at the Municipal Building. Mr. Mazur felt that a better
use of such monies, would be to pay down the debt incurred by the
Township to construct the Police Building and Public Works
Ms. Zipko noted that not all residents drive by the Municipal
Building, so the Township may need to continue to place ads in the
Observer-Reporter, to notify the public of Park-Recreation events.
Mr. Keisling stated that for those residents interested in being
considered to fill vacancies on the Park-Recreation Council and the
Zoning Hearing Board that he would recommend that a committee of
two (2) Supervisors be asked to conduct interviews with such
candidates. Ms. Zipko recommended that the Board continue its
previous practice, to have such candidates interviewed by the entire
After further discussion, Mr. Mazur made a motion, seconded by Ms.
Zipko authorizing the manager to schedule interviews with the
candidates seeking to be considered for the vacancies on the ParkRecreation Council and the Zoning Hearing Board, with the
Supervisors prior to the Supervisor’s Regular Meeting. Motion carried
with Mr. Weber, Mr. Mazur, Ms. Zipko and Mr. Moore voting yes
and Mr. Keisling voting no.
Mr. Stickle provided his Treasurer’s Report. He reported that the
December 2015 Financial Report had been provided to the
Supervisors. He further reported that such report indicates that at the
end of the year, both revenues and expenditures were slightly higher
than budgeted amounts, but that overall the Township is in good
financial condition.
Mr. Stickle then provided his Secretary’s Report:
Receive PSATS News Bulletin for December 2015
Received correspondence from the PA Public Utility Commission
regarding I-70 bridge project
Received copy of correspondence from the County Conservation
District regarding EQM gathering NIMA S001-S003 Pipeline Project
Received correspondence from Gwin Dobson and Foreman regarding
application to the PADEP for the Lakeview Drive Waterline
Relocation Project
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Received Meeting Packets for January 19 Park-Recreation Council
and January 20 Sanitary Authority meetings
Received from the County Conservation District copies of Earth
Disturbance Inspection Reports for the Tower Access Group Tower at
Tanger and the Manifold Road Waterline Project
Received correspondence from Rice Energy regarding proposed well
pad site in North Bethlehem Township
Received notice from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding I70 / R. 519 Project
Received monthly Financial Report from Citizen’s Library
Received correspondence from PennDOT regarding Public Officials
Briefing to be held on Wednesday February 10, 2016 at 3:30 p.m. at
South Strabane Fire Department No. 2 Re: I-70 Widening project.
Received from Solicitor Jack Cambest Defendant’s Brief in
opposition to the Plaintiff’s motion for Peremptory Judgement Re:
Range vs. South Strabane Case (Baumel application)
Mr. Weber reported that he recently met with Mr. Stickle, Mr. Grego
and Veronica Bennett and Bob Robinson from KLH Engineers
regarding plans for the Community Park Phase 5 project. He further
reported that based on input from the Park-Recreation Survey and the
Park-Recreation Council, that he has asked KLH Engineers to prepare
a conceptual plan for the next phase at Community Park to consist of
restrooms, a concession stand and an additional walking trail around
the Multi-purpose field.
Additionally, Mr. Weber reported that he is reviewing the draft
Ballfield Use Policy and the current Pavilion Rental Policy. He
further reported that he is looking into the possibility of locating a
playground area in the North West section of the Township.
Mr. Weber asked that the matter of the agreement between the
Township and the Trinity Area School District for the use of the
Community Park Ballfield, be placed on the next Supervisor’s
meeting agenda for a discussion.
Ms. Zipko asked that those present at tonight’s meeting observe a
moment of silence for the recent passing away of a spouse of a Police
Ms. Zipko commended the Public Works Department for the good job
of plowing and salting of the roads during the January 22-23
Mr. Moore also commended the Public Works Department for their
efforts during the recent snowstorm. Mr. Moore asked that Mr. Stickle
check into updating the Community Map and Municipal Directory for
the Township.
Mr. Moore also asked that Mr. Stickle provide a new member of the
Park-Recreation Council with a copy of the Park-Recreation
In response to a question from Mr. Keisling, Mr. Stickle reported that
the Cameron Road Slide Repair Project is continuing with the
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contractor beginning to install the redesigned retaining wall. He
anticipates that the work will be done by Mid-February. Mr. Keisling
asked that the proposed amendment to the Township Zoning
Ordinance regarding oil and gas activities be placed on the next
Supervisor’s meeting agenda for a discussion.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Ms. Zipko
made a motion, seconded by Mr. Weber and carried to adjourn the
meeting at 8:35 p.m.
Submitted by,
John J. Stickle
January 26, 2016
Page 24

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