September 15, 2013 -
101-41 91st Street, Ozone Park, New York, 11416 Tel: 718.845.3691 • Fax: 718.845.8978 Email: [email protected] Website: Fr. Paul C. Palmiotto, Pastor Rev. Charles Fermeglia, Parochial Vicar Rev. Andrzej Salwowski, Parochial Vicar Rev. Reinaldo Saldarriaga, Parochial Vicar Rev. Angelo B. Pezzullo, Retired & In Residence Deacon Andrew A. Marchello, Retired Deacon Edward J. Guster, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Perretta, Religious Education Director Michael Zabrocki, Director of Music Ministry Marylou Bermingham, Parish Secretary MASS SCHEDULE Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church Sunday Masses: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM (Italian), 10:30 AM 12:00 PM, 1:30 PM (Filipino 3rd Sunday of ea. month) & 6:30 PM Daily Mass: 7:00 AM, 8:00 & 9:00 AM (No 8:00 Mass in July & August) Saturday Mass: 9:00 AM • Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 PM, 7:00 PM (Spanish) Holy Days of Obligation: As announced in the bulletin St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Church Location-Rockaway Bld. & 88th St. Sunday Masses: 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM (Polish) & 12:30 PM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Daily 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM & 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Saturday and Sunday by appointment only SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: We celebrate this sacrament on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at Nativity and the 2nd & 3rd Sundays at St. Stanislaus (must have original birth certificate an must be a parishioners (receive envelopes for at least 6months). Please call the Rectory to make arrangements. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Parishioners who are intending to marry must contact the Rectory at least six months before the date on which they wish to marry to begin their pre-marital preparation for this sacred event in their lives. ANYONE WHO INTENDS TO RECEIVE THE SACRAMENT OR MATRIMONY MUST BE A PARISHIONER WITH ENVELOPES SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: This Sacrament is offered every Saturday from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM at Nativity only. For confession at other times please contact one of the priests, for an appointment. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please notify a priest whenever anyone is seriously ill and wishes to receive this special sacrament. Anyone can receive this sacrament on the First Saturday of each month during the 9:00 AM Mass at Nativity BVM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: This office provides for the Religious formation, and also the sacramental preparation for children of our parish who wish to receive First Penance, First Eucharist and Confirmation must be a parishioner (receive envelopes.) To register or for any further information, please call the Religious Education Director (718-845-1524). SCHOOL: Divine Mercy Catholic Academy 101-60 92nd Street, Ozone Park, NY 11416 Tel: 718-845-3074 • Fax: 718-845-5068 Sister Francis Marie, C.S.F.N., Principal Mary Romanello, Secretary, Ext. 110 Mission Statement: The Parish of Nativity of the BVM –St. Stanislaus B&M is a community of diverse cultures and backgrounds. Our purpose is to evangelize and to provide a home for all who seek to deepen their Faith . We will continue to respect our cultural traditions while responding to the changing needs of our community. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday,September 14th-Exaltation of the Cross 5:30pm Margaret Ferrara By family Anthony Evangelista By Dad & Angie 7:00pm Intentions of the Priest Sunday, September 15th -Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am Katherine Woods By family 9:00 am Sacred Heart By Gio & Tina Arena 10:30am Angelo Bezzarro By Angela Battista & family 12:00noon Bishop Ignatius Catanello By Ursida family 1:30pm Filipino Mass 6:30pm Elizabeth Timchak By daughter Monday, September 16th– St. Cornelius 7:00am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am Haven Hobbs (Healing) By family 9:00am Christopher Riccardi By Divine Mercy Catholic Academy Tuesday, September 17th-St. Robert Bellarmine 7:00 am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am Intentions of the Priest 9:00am Intentions of the Priest Wednesday, September 18th7:00am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am Intentions of the Priest 9:00am Intentions of the Priest 7Thursday, September 19th.– St. Januarius 7:00am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am Intentions of the Priest 9:00am Intentions of the Priest 7:15pm Confirmation Practice Friday, September 20th-St. Andrew Kim 7:00am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am Intentions of the Priest 9:00am Intentions of the Priest Saturday, September 21st-St. Matthew 9:00am Adolfo Cirilli By wife , Maria 5:30pm John Halpin-By Cullen family Donald Carey– By wife 7:00pm Intentions of the Priest Sunday, September 22nd–Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am Ancieta Ugarte By Victor, Mary & family 9:00am Donato & Paolina DeVito By daughter & grandchildren 10:30am Fr. Joseph Nosser By Ursida family 12:00noon Michael Ciulla By Vita & Felicia 6:30pm Lucia & Michelle Bianco By family St Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Sunday, September 15th–Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00am 11:00am 12:30pm Gloria Eastman By Alina Jacob & Aniela Ploszaj By niece, Helen Vincent Attanasio By children Sunday, September 22nd–Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00am 11:00am 12:30pm Margaret Traina By son & husband Adam Adamczyk By Rodzina Confraternity of Christian Women By members Stewardship Collection for the weekend of September 7th & 8th Nativity Church Saturday 5:30pm 7:00pm Sunday 7:30am 9.00 am 10:30am 12:00pm 1:30[pm 6:30pm Total Donations 427 213 539 102 1,060 1,140 St Stanislaus Church Sunday 9:00am 11:00am 12:30pm Total Donations 742 690 199 $ 1,631 211 $3,692 Attention! Meeting of the Confraternity of Christian Women of St. Stanislaus will host a meeting on Sunday, September 22 @10:30am and Mass will follow at 12:30pm. Bring a friend Divine Mercy Catholic Academy Will be holding a car wash on Saturday, September 21 in the church parking lot. Cars $6 Vans $8 Please come and let us clean your vehicle . Attention As a result of the Auto give back program by the St. Vincent ad Paul Society, our Parish received a check in the amount of $175. If you have a old none working car or one you wish to dispose of. Call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at (718) 491-2525. to participate. The Sick of Our Parish Tara Sanfillipo John Moretto Alexander Brook John Croce Anthony Madonna Autilia Polisi Angela Barillaro Anthony Cappiello Virginia Conti William Sepe Gladys Helguero Adele Milano Nicole Carlino Mary Kiely Anne Zaremski Joseph Kellen Desirene Gomez Anne Liotta Concetta Grabowski Patricia Popik Vito Vendegna Haven Hobbs Marie Costigliola Rachel’s Helpers Two 10 weeks bible-study programs will begin for those women and men who are seeking a spiritual healing from an abortionrelated experience. Small group sessions for women begins Monday, September 23, 7:30-9:30pm, and conclude on December 9. Call (718) 296-7969 Confidential, light refreshments, no fee, Family, Marriage and Individual Therapy Provided by New York State licensed therapists and are available to our parishioners at 147 other parishes. This program under the direction of Dr. George Giuliani, has been conducted in the diocese for the past 39 years for the convenience of Parishioners. It is provided by the Catholic Counseling Center, a proprietary professional corporation , which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or diocese. Most insurance policies including Medicare are honored. For confidential information and appointments, please call Dr. Giuliani at the Catholic Counseling Center at (631) 243-2503 or go to our websites at: NATIVITY-ST. STANISLAUS SENIORS Padre Pio Trip Monday September 23rd To commemorate the 45th anniversary of his death Visit the Shrine of Padre Pio In Barto Pennsylvania, Bus leaves at 8:15am from Nativity Church $55 for members $65 non members For more information, call Joe Caruana at 917-5895555 or email [email protected] Emily Gargiulo Marianne Puglia Alfonsina Miller Mary Kinsky Stella Viscardi Mary Maletta Barbara Martuscello Eleanor Martuscello Anthony Marsicano Elizabeth Smith Cecylia Frankowska Linda Greco Ed Szarek Anne Marie Vayda Isha Omrow Mary Ann Franzese Freida Pastore Wailani Torres Karina Puleo J Christian Burial Please pray for those recently passed, Steve Buscemi Regis High School Of Manhattan An all scholarship Jesuit school for talented and gifted Catholic boys. Invites students and their parents to its Queens Admissions Information Night Tuesday October, 1st @7pm at Resurrection Ascension School, 85 –25 61st Rd, Rego Park For information, contact Eric DiMichele, Director of Admissions, Regis H.S., 55 E. 84th St., New York, NY 10028 (212) 288-1100; [email protected] In addition Open House for 8th graders and their parents, to occur on Columbus Day, Monday, October 14th, from 1:00-4:00pm Regis High School , 55 East 84th St. New York, New York 10028 (212) 288-1100 or email [email protected] Summit Saturday, October 26 noon to 5p.m. Church of the Holy Child of Jesus Msgr. Murray Hall .( 111-02 86th Ave, Richmond Hill ) Special Guest Mother Dolores Hart, O.S.B. Prioress of Regina Abbey, she will share her thrilling life’s journey with us … from movie star to cloistered nun. Tickets are $15.(includes lunch & Summit) Please call : Ann @718-846-7809 or Pat 718-847-4134 or Marie @718-544-5510 or Joan 718-805-1749 (10am –8pm) Zebranie Tow: Serca Jezus September 22 . St. Stanioslaus’ Sacred Heart Society meeting September 22 in the Church Hall. 2013 Annual Catholic Appeal Nativity of the BVM/St. Stanislaus B&M is once again please to participate in the Brooklyn diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal. Our goal for this year is $58,850. To date our Parish has achieved : Pledged $51,805- 88.0% Received $46,149– 78.4% Donors 265 –27.4% of Parishioners Special Mass In Honor of Padre Pio St. Helen’s Church (157-10 83rd St. , Howard Bch) Monday, September 23 at 7:30pm Veneration of St. Pio’s Relic will follow the Mass. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP To be held at St. Elizabeth’s Church, 94-20 85th Street, in the rectory basement (enter through the passageway to the right of the rectory front door) Beginning in September 2013-1:30-2:30pm, on the fourth Sunday of each Month. Sept. 22nd-Oct. 27th-Nov. 24thDec.22nd-Jan 26th-Feb. 23rd March 23rd-April 27th-May 25th and final June 22nd. For more information call Sister Jareth at 718-296-4900 RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA is the process by which an Adult (18years or older) is brought into the Catholic faith and is received into the Church, by Baptism. Communion and Confirmation. The Program also welcomes adults who were Baptized, but did not complete their Sacraments of Initiation of First Communion and / or Confirmation. If you would like to find out more about this Program, please contact Deacon Ed Guster, a the rectory @(718) 845- 3691,ext 10. Registration will be held on Tuesday, Sept 17th 2013 at 7:30pm, in the rectory basement. There is no charge for these classes. The sessions will begin October 8, 2013 at 7pm also in the rectory basement. The Ursuline Sisters Annual Luncheon Honoring Sister Carmel Ruth and Mr. & Mrs. Frank Quatrale Sunday, Sept 22, 2013 1-4PM Strathmore Vanderbilt Country Club 260 Country Club Drive, Manhasset, NY For more information call 631-363-2422 x2060 O email [email protected] All proceeds will benefit the Retirement Fund f or the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk. RCIT Rite of Christian Initiation of Teens RCIT is the process in which a teen(13 and older) is brought into the Catholic faith and is received into the Church. The program prepares one for all the sacraments; Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation or the of sacraments they have not yet completed. There is no charge for this program. For More information contact Walter Strack, Lay Minister, at 347-652-5120 or the rectory (718) 845-3691 Registration will be September 22, in St. Stanislaus Hall –8810 102 Avenue from 1130am-12:15am or after the 12:30 mass. Holy Name Society October 13, 9am meeting 10:30am Mass to follow Pasta dinner Hosted by Columbiettes On Saturday, September 20 In Nativity Church Hall $10.00pp For more information contact Pat Kistner at 718-835-6853 Respeto al Santísimo Sacramento "Su conversación no tiene ninguna amargura y su compañía ningun tedio" Los amigos de la tierra encuentran tanto placer de estar juntos que pierden días enteros en la compañía del otro. Los que aman a Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento, lo visitan frecuentemente no se cansan de veisitarlo una y otra vez. Para toda alma que visitan a Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento, El les dice: alma "Levántate" de tus miserias, yo estoy aquí para enriquecerlos con las gracias. "¡Rápido", ven cerca de mí, deja el miedo, estoy aqui para darte confianza. Mi amado "ya no eres mi enemigo ,si no mi amigo, por que me quieres y yo te amo. Mis hermanos, mi gracia los ha hecho justos, vengan, acérquense, echence en mis brazos con la mayor confianza estoy aqui para lo que quieras. Santa Teresa dice que este gran Rey de la Gloria se ha disfrazado en el sacramento bajo las especies de pan y de vino y a ocultado su majestad, para estar al alcance de todo el que lo quiera recibir. Animemonos acercarnos a su corazón divino con mayor confianza. Vamos, pues a Jesús con fe y cariño unamonos a El, y pidámosle las gracias que El tiene para nosotros. Oh Verbo eterno, hecho hombre, presente para mí en este sacramento, qué alegría siento en mi corazon, ahora que estoy delante de Ti, que eres mi Dios, que estás en infinita majestad y bondad y por Ti siente un gran afecto mi alma. Gracias mi amado Jesucristo por tu gran amor entrega y sacrificio para salvar mi alma, ayudame a cumplir con tus preceptos y asi salvaar almas para Ti, con mi ejemplo de ayuno oracion y penitenia. Amen La reina se arrodilla para recibir a su rey Para aquellos que recuerdan a la estrella de Hollywood Grace Kelly en su Misa Matrimonial con el Rey Rainiero de Mónaco, la futura reina de Mónaco se arrodillo para recibir a Nuestro Señor, ¿por qué entonces los católicos reciben en uniformes de fútbol, pantalones rasgados, correas del sujetador a la vista , en sus manos. Si una reina se arrodilla para recibir nuestro señor nosotros también podriamos hacerlo? Si: La Sagrada Escritura nos dice que en el nombre de Jesús toda rodilla se doble, por su misma presencia real? Venga y únase a los católicos tradicionales que se arrodillan para recibir a su rey! ; en la lengua y de la mano de un sacerdote! NEW FALL SERIES ON EWTN: New series and new epi- sodes of your favorite series are heading your way this Fall on EWTN! Don’t miss the premiere of EWTN News Nightly with Colleen Carroll Campbell, “ the first global Catholic news program! Airs weeknights at 6p.m. ET. We’ve also got shows on Mother Teresa, on using the Examen of St. Ignatius Loyola to find God, on the struggle for religious freedom after the French Revolution and more. We’ve even got the President of the USCCB talking about issues from your local church to the Vatican! Free Hearing Aid help, as well as, Speech and Hearing Screening The St. John’s University Speech and Hearing Center will be offering Hearing Aid help from September 16, through December 12, 2013. This is a Free service and is available for anyone who has a hearing aid and may be experiencing some difficulty caring for it and using it. Please call the center at 718-9906480 to schedule an appointment. The Speech and Hearing Center is located at 152-11 Union Tpke. Flushing . In addition the Center will be offering Free Speech and Hearing screenings for the same period , please call the above number for an appointment. Altar Breads In Loving Memory of Richard Martuscello May he Rest in Peace Donated by Mom & Sister Reprezentanci Parady Pulaskiego z Ozone Park 2013: Marszalek Parady Pulaskiego z Ozone Park 2013 - Maria i Tadeusz Dworniczak Miss Polonia 2013 â Aleksandra Kryla Junior Miss Polonia 2013 - Patrycja Lis Little Miss Polonia 2013 â Julia Halewska, Izabela Lis Serdecznie gratulujemy naszym reprezentantom. Vacation to Villa Roma Resort The American Martyrs Church Seniors of Bayside would like to invite you to join them on a week-Long trip to th Villa Roma Resort. Departure is on Monday, November 11 and return on Friday, November 15th. The rate per person which includes gratuities, is $360 for double occupancy and $480 for single occupancy. Bus pickup at St. Helen’s can be arranged if there are enough people. The bus fee will be determined by the total number of person on Board. For additional details, call Rose at 718-776-4636 . 76TH ANNUAL PULASKI DAY PARADE SET FOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2013 IN NYC The Honorable Michal Kulawik, 2013 Grand Marshal (a parishioner at our Parish) Queens of Angels Church In Sunnyside New York, will be holding its 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner, on Saturday, October 27, from 4 to 9p.m. at Antun’s (96-43 Springfield Blvd, Queens Village. The event will be catered dinner and an open bar and live band. For more information, visit our website, www.Queenof or call the rectory @ (718) 392-0011 during normal business hours. Nativity St. Stanislaus Seniors Monthly meeting are on the first and third Thursday of each month. The next meetings will be at 12 noon Sept. 19th (Hot Dog Party). Cost free for members & $3 for non members. ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY Monday, September 16, 2013 12 noon Mass Welcome back meeting in the Church hall to follow SUNDAE on Monday! New Members welcome
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