World Economy
World Economy
World Economy UFV CODE: 4311 ECTS: 6.0 TYPE OF COURSE: T, 2C HOURS: 60 INTERNATIONAL CODE: ECO4311 YEAR: 2 REQUIREMENTS: OBJECTIVES: To acquaint the students with the realities of world economy. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Sectory by sector analysis of world economy. BIBLIOGRAPHY: ALONSO, J.A.: Lecciones sobre economía mundial .Civitas, Madrid 2003. MUÑOZ, C.: Las Cuentas de la Nación. Nueva Introducción a la Economía Aplicada.Civitas, Madrid 2000. METHODOLOGY: Theoretical and practical classes, encouraging interaction between student and teacher. EVALUATION: The final mark will be the result of various factors: exam: 80%; attendance and participation: 10%; written report and oral exposition: 10%. PROFESSOR: Gloria Claudio Quiroga. LANGUAGE: Spanish.