After the performance there will be a social gathering organised by
After the performance there will be a social gathering organised by
Vicente Aleixandre State Primary School is pleased to invite you to the 7th edition of the Annual Bilingual Festival at the Auditorio de los Servicios Centrales de Caja Rural at 2, Don Bosco Avenue. Telephone number: 958 242 400. After the performance there will be a social gathering organised by parents and teachers at the playground of Vicente Aleixandre School (6, Beethoven Street). Organised VICENT E A LE IXA N DRE S TATE P RI MA RY S CHO OL 6, Beethoven Street. Telephone: 958 893 574 Fax: 958 893 574 Web: C.E.I.P. Parque de las Infantas The Dispute of Colours The Future Sun (by Marem Yara Sakhjo Calero- 4º ESO) Performed by Years 2nd, 3rd & 4th E.S.O. Performed by Years 2nd & 3rd Primary Performed by Years 1st & 2nd Primary