investigación en la cunicultura de las américas
investigación en la cunicultura de las américas
INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS 0 AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Yazmín Elizabeth Felipe Pérez Compiladora y Editora 1 FACULTAD DE MEDICINA VETERINARIA Y ZOOTECNIA, UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DEL ESTADO DE MÉXICO RAMA AMERICANA DE LA ASOCIACIÓN CIENTÍFICA MUNDIAL DE CUNICULTURA INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS TÍTULO DE LA OBRA: INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS © 1ª. Edición, 2015 EDICIÓN PUBLICADA POR: © Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, UAEM Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Campus “El Cerrillo” © Rama Americana de la Asociación Mundial de Cunicultura, AB- WRSA American Branch of the World Rabbit Science Association COMPILADORA Y EDITORA: Yazmín Elizabeth Felipe Pérez MVZ., Dra. en C., Departamento de Reproducción Animal, Laboratorio de Biología de la Reproducción, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México PROPIEDAD DE: © Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, UAEM Instituto Literario 100. Colonia Centro. Toluca Estado de México. México. C.P. 5000 Reservados todos los derechos. No se permite la reproducción total o parcial de este libro, sin el permiso previo y por escrito del titular del copyright. ISBN: 978-607-422-594-5 Hecho en México DIRECTORIO DIRECTORY UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DEL ESTADO DE MÉXICO Dr. En D. Jorge Olvera García Rector Dr. Alfredo Barrera Baca Secretario de Docencia Dra. Ángeles Ma. Del Rosario Pérez Bernal Secretaria de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados José Benjamín Bernal Suárez Secretario de Rectoría Ivett Tinoco García Secretaria de Difusión Cultural Ricardo Joya Zepeda Secretario de Extensión y Vinculación Javier González Martínez Secretario de Administración FACULTAD DE MEDICINA VETERINARIA Y ZOOTECNIA UAEM Dr. en C. José Mauro Victoria Mora Director M. en C. Arturo Luna Blasio Subdirector Académico Dr. José Antonio Ibancovichi Camarillo Subdirector Administrativo Dr. Octavio Alonso Castelán Ortega Coordinador de Investigación LCP. y AP. Elder Higuera Vázquez Coordinador de diseño editorial INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS DIRECTORIO RAMA AMERICANA DE LA ASOCIACIÓN CIENTÍFICA MUNDIAL DE CUNICULTURA 2010-2014 AMERICAN BRANCH – WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE ASSOCIATION DIRECTORY Ing. Agr. María Laura Cumini Presidenta / President Departamento de Producción Animal, Facultad de Agronomía Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Dr. María Elena Cossu Vice Presidenta / Vice-President Departamento de producción Animal, Facultad de Agronomía Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Dr. James McNitt Secretario y Tesorero / Secretary / Treasurer Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center LA, USA DIRECTORIO ASOCIACIÓN CIENTÍFICA MUNDIAL DE CUNICULTURA – RAMA AMERICANA 2014-2018 AMERICAN BRANCH – WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE ASSOCIATION DIRECTORY Dra. en C. Yazmín Elizabeth Felipe Pérez Presidenta / President Departamento de Reproducción Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México MVZ. Teresita del Niño Jesús González Carrasco Vice Presidenta / Vice-President Productor Independiente, México Professor Dr. Luiz Carlos Machado Secretario y Tesorero / Secretary / Treasurer Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais Campus Bambuí, Brasil COMITÉ CIENTÍFICO Y EDITORIAL SCIENTIFIC & EDITORIAL COMMITTEE UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DEL ESTADO DE MÉXICO FACULTAD DE MEDICINA VETERINARIA Y ZOOTECNIA CAMPUS “EL CERRILLO” Y CENTRO DE INVESTGACIÓN Y ESTUDIOS EN SALUD ANIMAL Dra. Uxúa Alonso Fresan M. en A. José Mendoza Becerril Dr. Ernesto Morales Almaraz Dr. Pedro Sánchez Aparicio Dr. Simón Martínez Castañeda Dr. Juan Carlos Vázquez Chagoyán Dr. Raúl Fajardo Muñoz Dr. Manuel González Ronquillo Dr. León Gildardo Velázquez Beltrán Dr. Rafael Cano Torres Dra. Yazmín Felipe Pérez UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA METROPOLITANA, UNIDAD IZTAPALAPA Dr. Juan Gabriel Rivera Martínez INSTITUTO FEDERAL DE CIÊNCIA Y TECNOLOGIA DE MINAS GERAIS BRAZIL Dr. Luiz Carlos Machado Prof. Dr. Adriano Geraldo DEPARTAMENTO DE PRODUÇÃO ANIMAL, FACULDADE DE MEDICINA VETERINÁRIA E ZOOTECNIA, UNESP, CEP - BRAZIL Prof. PhD. Ana Silvia A. M. T. Moura MINAS GERAIS FEDERAL INSTITUTE - BAMBUÍ CAMPUS – BRAZIL Prof. Maria Cristina de Oliveira INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS NOTA La redacción del trabajo escrito, sus contenidos y la interpretación de los resultados, es total y completa responsabilidad de los autores. NOTE The grammar of the manuscrips, their content and interpretation of the results, is total and complete responsibility of the authors. CONTENIDO CONTENT Página Page Capítulo Chapter ALIMENTOS Y ALIMENTACIÓN FEED EVALUATION AND FEEDING 2 INFLUENCE OF SUBSTITUTION OF ARTICHOKE LEAVES FOR CLOVER HAY ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND DIGESTIBILITY IN RABBITS FAWZIA A HASSAN 20 NUTRITIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF Salvinia auriculata FODDER, GROWN IN AQUAPONICS FOR RABBIT FEED, PRELIMINARY RESULTS GUERRERO CEM, ALBERTOS APJ, MARTÍNEZ YR, MAGAÑA RJJ, GUZMÁN MR, PARADA HR 26 EVALUATION OF KOMBUCHA TEA NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT AND Saccharomyces cerevisiae SC47 ON PRODUCTION PARAMETERS IN NEW ZEALAND RABBITS DURING THE FATTENING STAGE PÉREZ SL, DE LA CRUZ BA, DÍAZ GONZÁLEZ BA, LAGUNAS BS, FAJARDO MR 34 EFFECTS OF FEED RATIONING, FASTING AND A HERBAL SUPPLEMENT ON MORTALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF FATTENING RABBITS IN ERE CONDITIONS DUPERRAY J., GRAND E., WEISSMAN D., LAURENT J.M., LAUNAY C., BELTRAN J. 50 NUTRIENT DIGESTIBILITY STUDIES IN RABBITS INTAKE DIETS WITH THE ADDITION OF PROBIOTIC SUBTILPROBIO ® (BACILLUS SUBTILIS AND ENDOSPORES) DIHIGO LE, RUBIO SH, RONDON AJ, DOMINGUEZ AND SARDUY ML 56 STUDY OF THE CONSUMPTION EFFECT OF PROBIOTICS IN THE COLIFORMS DYNAMICS IN RABBIT'S DIGESTIVE TRACT LAGUNAS BS, PÉREZ SL, OSORIO MJ, FAJARDO MR, DE LA CRUZ BA, DÍAZ GONZÁLEZ BA 64 GROWTH PROMOTERS USED FOR WEIGHT GAIN IN RABBITS MEANT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION VALLADARES-CARRANZA B, VELÁZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V, ALONSO-FRESÁN MU, ZAMORA-ESPINOSA JL, RODRIGUEZ-CORREA JL, DOMÍNGUEZ-VARA IA 72 EFFECT OF DIETARY PROTEIN CONTENT ON SECOND REPRODUCTION CYCLE OF LOCAL RABBIT DOES AND THEIR LITTERS SAIDJ D, AINBAZIZ H, DAHMANI Y, ILES I, BENALI N, CHIRANE M, MOULA N 74 EFFECTS OF INTERACTION BETWEEN ENERGY CONTENT OF DIET AND PARITY ON PERFORMANCE OF LOCAL RABBIT DOES SAIDJ D., AINBAZIZ H. , SALHI O. , BENALI N. , LEROY P., MOULA N INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS CALIDAD DE LA CARNE E INOCUIDAD ALIMENTARIA MEAT QUALITY , SAFETY & DINING 78 EFFECT OF GENETIC LINE ON CARCASS FEATURES IN NEW ZEALAND vs. CALIFORNIA RABBITS SÁNCHEZ AP, FLORES PCS, MERCADO MC, MORA VJM, CORTES AJL 86 DIFFERENT TIMES OF SUPPLYING A DIET RICH IN FISH OIL IN FATTENING RABBITS AND HIS IMPLICATION ON MEAT QUALITY LAMANNA ML, COSSU ME, PICALLO A, GAMBETTI P Y TORASSO P 96 CARCASS INDEX OF NEW ZEALAND WHITE, CALIFORNIA, CHINCHILLA AND BLACK AZTEC AT CENTRO NACIONAL DE CUNICULTURA, MEXICO. MARTÍNEZ YR , MAGAÑA RJJ , GUERRERO CEM , ALBERTOS APJ , PARADA HR 106 SENSORY MEAT QUALITY: INFLUENCE OF DIET SUPPLEMENTED WITH OIL AND ANTIOXIDANTS IN FATTENING RABBITS LAMANNA ML, COSSU ME, PICALLO A, GAMBETTI P, CUMINI ML AND GRIGOLI MC 116 EFFECT OF DIETARY OIL FISH AND VITAMIN E ON THE FATTY ACID COMPOSITION AND MEAT QUALITY LAMANNA ML, COSSU ME, GAMBETTI P, GRIGOLI MC AND IGLESIAS MF 126 CONTRIBUTION TO THE SAFETY OF MEAT RABBIT WITH THE DETECTION OF AFLATOXIN B1 IN BALANCED FOOD FOR RABBITS GARCÍA SEGURA F, VILLARREAL ESPINO BARROS OA., HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ J, BECERRA CASTRO E 136 MEAT QUALITY OF RABBITS FED FEATHER MEAL TRIGO MS, BORRÁS MM, CORDIVIOLA CA, ANTONINI AG, CUMINI ML, COSSU ME ETOLOGÍA, ALOJAMIENTO Y BIENESTAR ANIMAL ETHOLOGY, HOUSING & WELFARE 142 INTELLIGENT CAGE FOR GROWING OR ADULT MALE PET RABBITS MACHADO LC, RIBEIRO BPVB, GERALDO A, HEKER MM, NORONHA CMS, PIMENTEL FE, SILVA IM 150 USE OF DIFFERENT MATERIALS FOR NEST BEEDING OF PREGNANT DOES OLIVEIRA MC, MESQUITA SA, SILVA TR, LIMA SCO, MACHADO LA, OLIVEIRA HC, OLIVEIRA JC, OLIVEIRA ES 156 INTELLIGENT CAGE WITH NESTING CHAMBERS FOR DOES MACHADO LC, RIBEIRO BPVB, GERALDO A, HEKER MM, NORONHA CMS, PIMENTEL FE, SILVA IM 164 INFLUENCE OF ENVIROMENTAL ENRICHMENT COMPOSITION OF SOCIAL GROUP AND AGE ON MAINTENANCE AND COMFORT BEHAVIORS IN GROWIN RABBITS ANA SILVIA A.M.T. MOURA, THAIS F.M. BOZICOVICH, SIMONE FERNANDES, EDSON R. DE SIQUEIRA 168 EVALUATION OF ANXIETY OF GROWING RABBITS IN ENRICHED CAGES THAIS FMBOZICOVICH, PAMELA A GELIER, SIMONE FERNANDES, EDSON R. SIQUEIRA, ANA SILVIA A.M.T. MOURA 172 PERFORMANCE OF RABBITS BORN IN NESTS LINED WITH DIFFERENT MATERIALS OLIVEIRA MC, SILVA TR, LIMA SCO, SILVA JA, MESQUITA SA, MACHADO LA, OLIVEIRA JC, OLIVEIRA ES 176 ANALISYS OF SEASON EFFECTS ON WEIGHT GAIN ON MEAT RABBITS CORDIVIOLA CA, CALONGE FS, TRIGO MS, ARIAS RO, MARTINO P, ANTONINI AG 180 EFFECT OF DIFFERENT MATERIALS FOR BED OF NEST TO PREGNANT DOES ON THE NEST BUILDING PATTERN OLIVEIRA MC, LIMA SCO, SILVA TR, SILVA JA, MESQUITA SA, OLIVEIRA HC, OLIVEIRA JC, OLIVEIRA ES GENÉTICA GENETICS 186 PERFORMANCE OF NEW ZEALAND WHITE, CALIFORNIA, CHINCHILLA AND BLACK AZTEC AT CENTRO NACIONAL DE CUNICULTURA, MEXICO. MAGAÑA R. JOSÉ DE JESÚS, GUERRERO C. EMILIA MAGDALENA, ALBERTOS A. PEDRO J. , MENDOZA C. MARIO, MARTÍNEZ Y. ROSARIO, PARADA H. ROCÍO 196 DEVELOPMENT OF MOLECULAR TESTS FOR IDENTIFICATION AND STUDY OF GENETIC DIVERSITY OF EIMERIA SPP. IN RABBITS FROM THE SOUTH EAST OF MEXICO STATE JÍMENEZ RA, BAUTISTA GL, MARTINEZ CJ, GARCÍA RV, ROMERO NC, HUITRÓN TG 202 MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION AND PHYLOGENETICS ANALYSIS OF PASTEURELLA SPP. IN RABBITS FROM THE SOUTH EAST OF MEXICO STATE BAUTISTA G.L., GARCÍA R. V., MARTINEZ C.J., ROMERO N.C., JIMENEZ R. A., REYNOSO U.E., LOPEZ AUGADO A. G., HUITRON T. G 208 MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS OF ROTAVIRUS IN RABBITS, IN THE SOUTHEAST OF MEXICO STATE REYNOSO UE, GARCÍA RV, MARTINEZ CJ, ROMERO NC, LOPEZ-AGUADO AG, BAUTISTA GL 218 IDENTIFICATION AND CULTURE OF Eimeria spp FROM RABBITS WITH GASTROENTERIC SIGNS IN SOUTH-EAST OF MEXICO STATE TREJO HG, BAUTISTA GL, MARTINEZ CJ, GARCÍA RV, ROMERO NC GESTIÓN SOCIAL Y ECONÓMICA MANAGEMENT, SOCIAL & ECONOMICS 224 THE SMALL-SCALE RABBIT PRODUCTION MODEL: A GUIDE TO HUMAN DEVELOPMENT LUKEFAHR SD 238 ORGANIZATION AND STRATEGIES OF BRAZILIAN RABBIT PRODUCTION - A SEARCH FOR SOLUTIONS MACHADO LC INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS 300 IS BACKYARD RABBIT PRODUCTION A DEVELOPMENT OPTION FOR SMALL HOLDERS IN MEXICAN SOUTHEAST? CRUZ-BACAB LE, SANDOVAL CCA, AGUILAR CAJ 314 RABBIT PRODUCTION IN COSTA RICA: BREAKING WITH TRADITION BRENES S ANDREA 324 STRATEGIES FOR COLLECTIVE ACTION: PRODUCTION-COOPERATIVE “CONEJOS ANDINOS DE MENDOZA QUAGLIARIELLO S GABY 364 LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT FROM PRODUCTION OF ONE KILOGRAM OF RABBIT MEAT VERSUS CHICKEN RAMÍREZ GL; RAMÍREZ GG AND GÜERECA LP PATOLOGÍA E HIGIENE PATHOLOGY & HYGIENE 374 STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF Saccharomyces cerevisiae AND TEA KOMBUCHA ON THE INTESTINAL MICROBIOTA OF RABBITS PÉREZ SL, LAGUNAS BS, DE LA CRUZ BA, FAJARDO MR, DÍAZ GONZÁLEZ BA 384 CADMIUM EXPOSURE IN RABBITS: RENAL AND HEPATIC EVALUATION ALONSO-FRESÁN MU, BARBABOSA-PLIEGO A, VALLADARES-CARRANZA B, VELÁZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V, REYES-ÁNGELES JF, CASTRO-GANDARILLA J, FELIPE-PÉREZ YE, LEE-MORENO JL, TREMARI-TRUEBA RM 392 PERIODONTAL MANDIBULAR OSTEOMYELITIS IN TWO NEW ZEALAND RABBITS FAJARDO MRC, ALPÍZAR PA, HERNÁNDEZ MH, FERNÁNDEZ RP, ORTEGA SC, MARTÍNEZ CJS 402 Bordetella bronchiseptica IN RABBITS SUBMITTED FOR DIAGNOSIS: CLINICALPATHOLOGICAL STUDY VALLADARES-CARRANZA B, ZAMORA-ESPINOSA JL, ALONSO-FRESÁN MU, VELÁZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V, GUTIÉRREZ-CASTILLO A, CASTRO-MARURI J, ORTEGA-SANTANA C, PEÑA-BETANCOURT SD 410 METICILLIN RESISTANT Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) IDENTIFIED IN A SMALLHOLDER RABBIT FARM GARCIA-GAMA A, VELAZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V, ALONSO-FRESÁN MU, VALLADARES-CARRANZA B, JUAREZ-TRUJILLO JC, RODRIGUEZ-CORREA JL, TALAVERA-ROJAS M, FELIPE-PÉREZ YE 420 PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF A NON INVASIVE METHOD FOR DETECTION OF BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION BY Staphylococcus aureus IN RABBIT CARCASSES FROM HIGH VOLUME SLAUTHTERHOUSES ALONSO-FRESÁN MU, GARDUÑO-GUADARRAMA V, VELÁZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V, ZAMORA-ESPINOSA JL, TALAVERA-ROJAS M, DÍAZ-ZARCO S, MENDOZABECERRIL J 430 PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF Staphylococcus aureus CONTAMINATION IN RABBIT CARCASSES FROM SMALL HOLDERS BY SUPERFICIAL SAMPLING AND TOTAL IMMERSION VELAZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V, RODRIGUEZ-CORREA JL, VALLADARES-CARRANZA B, ALONSO-FRESÁN, MU, DÍAZ-ZARCO S, TALAVERA-ROJAS M, ZAMORAESPINOSA JL, MENDOZA-BECERRIL J 438 PREVALENCE STUDY OF EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL PARASITES IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF RABBITS IN LIBRES, PUEBLA, MEXICO GARCÍA SEGURA F, ARANDA ABURTO MS, ESPINO BARROS OSCAR AGUSTÍN, HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ J, CAMACHO RONQUILLO JC, PORTILLO MONROY A 450 DISEASES DIAGNOSED IN RABBITS SENT TO CIESA COMING FROM THE VALLEY OF TOLUCA DURING 2004 TO 2013 ZAMORA E JL, VALLADARES C B, FAJARDO MRC 456 USE OF RECORDS TO DETERMINE THE CAUSE OF MORTALITY IN RABBITS AT DIFFERENT TIMES OF THE YEAR IN UNIT EXPERIMENTAL COLLEGE AUTONOMOUS CHAPINGO HERNANDEZ HR, RIVERA MJ, HERRERA BJ, NICOLAS GA GONZALEZ SJ 468 RABBIT (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) AS A MODEL FOR ANIMAL SURGICAL PROCEDURE OSTEOSYNTHESIS VICTORIA MJM, IBANCOVICHI CJA,SÁNCHEZ AP 482 PHYSIOPATHOLOGY IN RABBITS DUE TO DIETS WITH INCREASED COPPER CONCENTRATION ALONSO-FRESÁN MU, VALLADARES-CARRANZA B, VELÁZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V, BARBABOSA-PLIEGO A, CASTRO-GANDARILLA J, REYES-ÁNGELES JF, LEEMORENO JL, TREMARI-TRUEBA RM, ORTEGA-SANTANA C REPRODUCCIÓN REPRODUCTION 491 EFFECT OF DIFFERENT GNRH ANALOGUE TREATMENTS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF LACTATING RABBITS EIBEN CS, SÁNDOR M, SÁNDOR F, TOKAI A, KUSTOS K 502 WEIGHT GAIN IN REPRODUCTIVE RABBITS THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF A SELECTION SYSTEM AND BREEDER IN A CLOSED POPULATION MELÉNDEZ TC 526 REPRODUCTIVE MANAGEMENT OF RABBIT BACKYARD PRODUCTION IN THE AREA OF VOLCANOES IN THE STATE OF MEXICO RIVERA MJ, NICOLAS G A, HERRERA BJ, HERNANDEZ RM, ALMARAZ AR AND GONZALEZ SJ 536 Chenopodium ambrosioides ADDED TO RABBIT SEMEN DILUENTS FOR CRYOPRESERVATION GUADARRAMA VALDES II, VELÁZQUEZ CASTAÑEDA S, GUTIÉRREZ DE HONOR A, CANO TORRES R, PESCADOR SN, FELIPE-PÉREZ YE 548 HISTOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE RABBIT (Oryctolagus cuniculus) EPIDIDYMIS AND TESTICLES ZAMORA E JL, FELIPE-PÉREZ YE, VELÁZQUEZ CASTAÑEDA S, VALLADARES CB, FAJARDO M RC, QUEZADA-BARRERA KCH, CANO TR, PEREZ S L, DIAZ GBA INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS 564 PIOMETRA INFECTION: FINDINGS IN RABBITS FELIPE-PÉREZ YE, ZAMORA E JL, QUEZADA BARRERA KC, VELÁZQUEZ CASTAÑEDA S, CANO TORRES R 566 ABDOMINAL ULTRASOUND FOR PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS IN RABBITS: IS IT AN INTERESTING ALTERNATIVE? KASSY GS; UBIRAJARA IT; SAULO HW; LUIZ FCG 570 REPRODUCTIVE PARAMETERS OF RABBITS UNDER TROPICAL CONDITIONS: CASE TUXTEPEC, OAXACA TREJO A, RAMIREZ S, ANTONIO CM, MEZA VM 574 COMPARISION OF RABBIT SPERM VIABILITY EVALUATION USING EOSINNIGROSIN AND TRIPLE- STAINING FELIPE- PEREZ YE, SOTO MARQUEZ V, CASTAÑEDA VELASQUEZ S, GUADARRAMA VALDES II, CANO TORRES R, PESCADOR SN 578 RABBIT TESTICULAR AND INGUINAL CHANNEL SAC MORPHOMETRIC FINDINGS FELIPE- PEREZ YE, CASTAÑEDA VELÁZQUEZ S, CANO TORRES R, PESCADOR SN 582 CRYOPRESERVATION OR ORNAMENTAL RABBIT SPERM (LION HEAD) GONZÁLEZ SJA, JIMÉNEZ SE, GONZÀLEZ GAN, HERRERA BJA, ÁVALOS RA, RIVERA MJG 584 MORPHOMETRIC CHARACTERIZATION SPERM IN THREE LINES OF RABBITS ORNAMENTS RIVERA MJG, LÓPEZ RO, RAZO CV, MARTÍNEZ PES, GONZÀLEZ GAN, HERRERA BJA, ÁVALOS RA, GONZÁLEZ SJA PRESENTACIÓN El presente texto tiene como objetivo compartir el conocimiento y las experiencias generadas durante los últimos años, tanto entre los socios de la Rama-Americana de la Asociación Científica Mundial de Cunicultura, como entre los investigadores que trabajan en América y en todo el mundo en los diversos aspectos científicos de la producción cunícola. Los lectores objeto del presente son todos los interesados en los avances científicos, la aplicación del conocimiento generado en los diferentes países para mejorar la producción cunícola, por lo que está dirigido a académicos, investigadores y productores involucrados en la cría, producción e industrialización de la carne de conejo y sus derivados. Los temas abordados en el presente texto, incluyen las distintas áreas del conocimiento aplicado a la cunicultura desde diferentes disciplinas, cuya importancia radica en la optimización de los recursos, tomando en cuenta el bienestar de los conejos tanto a nivel productivo a pequeña o a grande escala, así como aquellos conejos que hoy en día se adquieren como mascotas. Dado que actualmente el inglés es considerado como el idioma universal entre la sociedad científica, los textos recopilados se presentan en inglés con su resumen en español, y en algunos casos se encuentran totalmente traducidos al español. Además de encontrar los trabajos desarrollados, también se incluyeron algunos avances de investigación en forma de resúmenes en las diferentes áreas que son abordadas en este libro. Dra. en C. Yazmín Elizabeth Felipe Pérez PRESENTATION The aim of this text is to share the knowledge and experiences generated in recent years, both among members of the American Branch of the World Rabbit Science Association, and among researchers that work in America and around the world in the various scientific aspects of rabbit production. Object readers of the present, are all those interested in scientific developments, the application of knowledge generated in different countries to improve rabbit production, therefore it is directed to academics, researchers and producers involved in the breeding, production and industrialization of rabbit meat and its derivatives. The topics discussed herein include the various areas of knowledge applied to rabbits from different disciplines, which importance lies in the optimization of resources, taking into account the welfare of rabbits, including the small scale production, as well as large farms and those rabbits that today are acquired as pets. Since English is now considered as the universal language among the scientific community, the collected texts are presented in English with the abstracts in Spanish, and in some cases are fully translated to Spanish. Besides finding the full developed text, some research advances are included as abstracts in the different areas addressed in this book. Dra. en C. Yazmín Elizabeth Felipe Pérez INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Agradecimientos Al MVZ. y M. en A. José Mendoza Becerril, por todo el esfuerzo realizado durante toda su trayectoria profesional dedicada por completo a la cunicultura en México. A todos los socios de la Rama Americana de la Asociación Científica Mundial de Cunicultura; especialmente a los Doctores Steven Lukefahr y Luiz Carlos Machado, por todas sus valiosas aportaciones para que se lograra conjuntar en un solo texto todas sus experiencias científicas, y poder compartirlas con los diferentes lectores interesados en la Cunicultura de las Américas. Acknowledgments To DMV and MrS José Mendoza Becerril, for all his efforts throughout his professional career devoted entirely to rabbit production and development in Mexico. To all the members of the American Branch of the World Rabbit Science Association; especially to Doctors Steven Lukefahr and Luiz Carlos Machado, for all their valuable contributions which could be gathered into a single text, combining all their scientific experiences, also to give us the opportunity to share it with the readers interested in the Rabbit Production in the Americas. ALIMENTOS Y ALIMENTACIÓN FEED EVALUATION AND FEEDING INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS INFLUENCE OF SUBSTITUTION OF ARTICHOKE LEAVES FOR CLOVER HAY ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND DIGESTIBILITY IN RABBITS FAWZIA A. HASSAN Animal Production Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, 12618 Cairo, Egypt *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Seventy five New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits, 5 weeks of age with 700±1.4 g average live body weight (LBW) were allotted at random to five experimental groups (of 15 rabbits each). The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of partial or complete substitution (0, 25, 50, 75 or 100%) of artichoke leaves (AL) for clover hay on growth performance and nutrients digestibility in rabbits. Results indicated that rabbit fed 50% artichoke leaves recorded the highest (P<0.05) final body weight (2.148 kg) followed by rabbit fed 75% (2.046 kg). Average daily feed intake increased significantly (P<0.05) with the increase of the level of artichoke leaves inclusion throughout the experimental periods. Group fed 50% AL recorded the best FCR throughout the whole period (W5-W12). In addition to the highest nutrients digestibility values were recorded for diets contained 50% AL followed by diet contained 75% AL, while the lowest values were obtained for diet contained 100%AL in comparison to the basal diet. Data also showed that 50% and 75% AL recorded the highest (P<0.05) value of Digestible crude protein and Digestible Energy, while rabbit fed diets contained 100% recorded the lowest (P<0.05) DCP.50% AL recorded the highest total VFA concentration, cellulolytic bacterial count (8.08 log cfu/ml) and Fibrolytic activity. It could be concluded that substitution of AL in the diet of NZW rabbits at 50% of clover hay had the best growth performance and digestibility of all nutrients. Key words: rabbits, feeding, digestibility, growth, Artichoke leaves. 2 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS INFLUENCIA DE LA SUBSTITUCIÓN DE HOJAS DE ALCACHOFA POR HENO DE TRÉBOL SOBRE EL CRECIMIENTO Y DIGESTIBILIDAD EN CONEJOS FAWZIA A. HASSAN Animal Production Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, 12618 Cairo, Egypt *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen Setenta y cinco conejos Nueva Zelanda blancos (NZB) de cinco semanas de edad y con peso vivo promedio (ALW) de 700±1.4 g, se distribuyeron al azar en cinco grupos experimentales con quince conejos cada uno. El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar los efectos de la sustitución parcial o completa de la sustitución (0, 25, 50, 75 o 100%) de hojas de alcachofa (AL) por heno de trébol sobre el crecimiento y digestibilidad de nutrientes en conejos. Los resultados indican que el grupo alimentado con el 50% de hojas de alcachofa alcanzaron el mayor peso corporal final (2.148 kg) (P<0.05), seguido del grupo con el 75% (2.046 kg). El consumo diario de alimento incrementó significativamente (P<0.05) de acuerdo con el incremento en la inclusión de las hojas de alcachofa a lo largo del experimento. El grupo alimentado con el 50% AL presentó el mejor FCR en todo el periodo (W5-W12). Además, en este grupo se tuvieron los valores más altos con respecto a la digestibilidad, seguidos por la dieta con el 75% AL, mientras que los valores menores se obtuvieron con la dieta que contenía 100% AL en comparación con la dieta base. Los resultados muestran que las dietas con el 50% y 75% AL presentaron el valor mayor en proteína digerible cruda y de energía digerible (P<0.05), mientras que los conejos alimentados con las dietas al 100% mostraron los valores menores de DCP (P<0.05). Con la dieta del 50% AL se obtuvo la mayor concentración en el VFA, conteo bacteriano celulolítico (8.08 log cfu/ml) y actividad fibrolítica. Se puede concluir que la dieta con substitución de AL y 50% de heno de trébol contribuye con un mejor crecimiento y digestibilidad de nutrientes en conejos Nueva Zelanda. Palabras clave: conejos, alimentación digestibilidad, crecimiento, hojas de alcachofa Introduction Waste vegetable materials could be formed the basis of diets for the small scale production of meat rabbits. Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) leaves could be used as roughage feedstuffs for rabbits and contributed in lowering the feeding cost and hence increasing the economic efficiency. FAO (2005) reported that Egypt is the second world leader in production of artichoke. Artichoke by-product is available in plenty during January to April in Egypt. FAOSTAT (2012) reported that the area harvested with artichoke in Egypt was around 9,476,0 Ha, the yield was 213,65,44 (Kg/Ha). While, the production quantity was 202,458,0 tonnes. Gul et al. (2001) indicated the possibility of using green forage of artichokes in the diet including cereals and other sources of fiber for feeding of rabbits, pigs and poultry as part of a balanced diet. Radwan et al. (2007) reported that artichoke leaves meal contained on air dry basis (as fed), 7.7% moisture, and 9.5% CP, 1.5% EE, 28.0% CF, 6.9% ash, 46.4% NFE, 46.3% NDF, 32.2% ADF, 21.6% cellulose, 14.1% heimicellulose, 10.6% ADL and 2484 Kcal ME/Kg. Bonomi (2001) reported that the substitution of artichoke leaf meal at 5 and 10% of total feed in rabbits diet increased the body weight by 4 and 7%, respectively, after 60 days. The author did not notice any adverse effects on animal health. Several studies have been suggested that use of the artichoke by-products (Cynara scolymus), as agricultural wastes in livestock feeding may provide alternative substrates for alfalfa hay (Sallam et al., 2008; Meneses et al., 2007; Ghanem 2006 and Sallam, 2005). De Blas (2013) reported that fibre is the main chemical constituent of rabbit diets, Cell wall constituents are not well digested in rabbits, but this effect is compensated by its stimulus of gut motility, which leads to an increasing rate of passage of digesta, and allows achieving an elevated dry matter intake. Moreover, the use of diets with high soluble fibre concentrations (141 g/kg) and low starch concentrations (130 g/kg) enhanced the digestive efficiency, growth performance, and caecal fermentation of growing rabbits (Trocino, 2013). 4 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Total dietary fibre is the major fraction of commercial diets for rabbits. Its importance is related to the influence on the rate of passage of digesta and the function as substrate for microbiota, which in turn affects and regulates rabbit growth performance and digestive health (Gidenne et al., 2010). The main objective of the present experiment was to investigate the effect of different replacement levels (25, 50, 75 and 100%) of dried Jerusalem artichoke leaves for clover hay in growing rabbits diets on the growth performance and digestibility coefficients. Materials and methods Diets, animals and experimental design The experimental work was carried out at Borg El-Arab Experimental Station, Alexanderia. Animal Production Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Cairo, Egypt. The first group of rabbits was fed on diet contained a corn, clover hay, soy bean meal and wheat as a basal diet. The other four groups were fed on the diets contained artichoke leaves at 25, 50, 75 and 100% substitution of clover hay. All the experimental diets were formulated to be iso-nitrogenous, iso-caloric and adequate in all nutrients requirements for growing rabbits, as recommended by Lebas (2004) as shown in Table 1. Table 1: Feed ingredients and chemical composition of experimental diets (%DM basis). Substitution level of clover hay by Artichoke leaves Feed Ingredients (%) Basal diet 25%AL 50%AL 75%AL 100%AL Clover hay 34 25.5 17 8.5 -- Artichoke leaves -- 8.5 17 25.5 34 Yellow corn 21 21 20 19 25 Soybean meal (44%CP) 16 16 17 17 17 Wheat bran 24 24 25 25 25 Molasses 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Di- Ca- phosphate 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Dl-Methionine 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Salt Vit.-Min. premix * Chemical composition(%DM basis) DM 88.90 88.20 88.68 87.98 87.88 OM 91.99 91.88 91.60 91.79 91.40 CP 17.09 17.00 17.18 17.07 17.08 CF 13.48 13.13 13.09 13.01 13.00 EE 2.47 2.46 2.45 2.44 2.43 NFE 60.21 60.10 59.95 60.27 60.03 Ash 8.01 8.12 8.40 8.21 8.60 NDF 29.93 30.33 30.42 30.49 30.57 ADF 16.67 16.94 17.11 17.27 17.44 3.64 3.71 3.74 3.78 3.82 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 0.68 0.66 0.65 0.65 0.65 2650 2648 2600 2601 2600 ADL 1 Methionine 2 Lysine 3 Calcium Total Phosphorus 4 5 Digestible energy (Kcal/Kg DM) *Each kg vitamins and minerals premix contains: Vit. A. 2.00000IU,10.000mg, B 1400mg, B21200mg, B6,400mg, B12.2mg, K3 400 mg, D3 200000IU, Choline chloride 240mg pantothenic acid 400mg, Niacin 1000mg, Folic acid 1000 mg, Biotin 40 mg, Manganese 1700 mg, Zinc 14000 mg, Iron 1500mg, copper 500 mg, selenium 20 mg, Iodine 40 mg and Magnesium 8000 mg. 1,2,3,4,5 Calculated on the basis of the ingredient composition. Seventy five weaned New Zealand white rabbits, six weeks old with an average live body weight 728.2 g were allotted randomly to five groups (fifteen rabbits each). Experimental diets (as pellets) and fresh water (through stainless steel nipples) were offered for all rabbits ad libitum consumption throughout the experimental period (8weeks), from 5 to 12 weeks old. 6 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Feed intake and weight gain were recorded weekly, while feed conversion was calculated as a ratio of gram of feed per gram of gain. The composition and chemical analysis of the experimental diets are shown in Table 1. Digestibility trial A digestibility trial was performed on twenty five male New Zealand White rabbits (5 rabbit for each treatment), 7 month of age with an average live body weight ranged from 3520 to3750g determine the digestibility’s coefficients and the nutritive values of the experimental diets according to European reference method for rabbit digestibility trials (Perez et al., 1995) of the five experimental diets. Rabbits were housed in individual metabolism cages that allowed separation of feces and urine. Feces produced daily were collected in polyethylene bags and stored at - 20ºC. Feces were collected every 24 hours for five consecutive days (collection period). Total digestible nutrients (TDN) were calculated as follows: % digestible crude protein + % digestible crude fiber + % digestible nitrogène free extract (NFE) + 2.25 % digestible ether extract (EE). Digestible energy (DE, Kcal/Kg diet) was calculated as follow: TDN × 44.3 according to Schneider and Flatt (1975). Cecum fermentation After slaughter, gastrointestinal tracts were individually removed from five animals from each group, the cecum was weighted and the pH of the caecal content was measured using pH-meter, pH-meter, HANNA Instruments (Italy), Woon Socket, R102895 pHep® Pocket-sized. Then the caecal content was collected and divided into two samples, one of them was for the cecal appendix fluid and stored at -20°C until estimation of cecum microflora ( cellulytic bacteria) by Standard method according to British Standards Institution (1991) and determined the fibrolytic activity according to Chao and Li (2008). The other sample was filtered through four folds of gauze, and used for dertermination of NH3-N concentration by applying Conway method (1958).The total volatile fatty acids (VFA) were determined by steam distillation according to Eadie et al. (1967) using Micro Kjeldahl's distillation unit, fraction values of VFA were determined using KNAUER HPLC pump 64.UV.Detector, column Rezex organic acid. Chemical analysis The following chemical analyses were carried out on feedstuffs, diets, and feces according to A.O.A.C. (2000) and EGRAN (2001), while fiber fractionations, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and acid detergent lignin (ADL) were determined according to the sequential method of Van Soest et al. (1991). Tannins were determined using vanillin hydrochloric acid method as described by Burn (1971) Statistical Analysis The results of experimentation were statistically analyzed using GLM (general linear models) procedure of SAS (2000) by one-way ANOVA, The significant differences among treatment means were compared Using Duncan’s multiple range of test (Duncan, 1955). Results and discussion Chemical evaluation of Artichoke leaves Results in Table 2 indicated that both clover hay (CH) and artichoke leaves (AL) are equal in DM while CH was higher in CP and CF content. The chemical composition of AL is similar to that reported by Ghanem (2006) who found that the chemical analysis of artichoke by-products was 90.93, 92.52, 11.43, 1.70, 23.95, 55.44 and 7.48 for DM, OM, CP, EE, CF, NFE, ash, respectively. Also Sallam et al., (2008) who reported that chemical composition (g/kg DM) of artichoke by-product was 150.1, 524.1 and 411.7 for CP, NDF and ADF, respectively. On the other hand, (Abdo et al. 2007) found that 8 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS artichoke leaves meal contained 9.5% CP, 28.0% CF, 46.3% NDF, 32.2% ADF and 10.6% ADL. Concerning to fiber fractionation content, Clover hay had lower NDF, ADF and ADL content than artichoke leaves, values of AL are comparable to those values reported by Ghanem (2006) who found that AL hay contained 52.49%, 41.27 and 6.89% for NDF, ADF and ADL, respectively. Artichoke leaves contained high content of tannins 2.58 g/100g DM for AL. These results are nearly in agreement with those obtained by Schutz et al., (2004) who reported that the total phenolic content was approximately 12 g/kg on a dry matter basis in artichoke pomace. The presence of tannins found to decrease the nutritional value of feedstuffs for non-ruminant animals by reducing retention of protein, digestibility of dry matter and metabolic rate of gross energy as well as inhibition of digestive enzyme activity (Li and Zahang, 1998). Table 2. Chemical analysis of Artichoke leaves on dry matter basis Items (% ) CH AL DM 90.3 5 OM CP 87.17 90.3 92. 0 32 CH: Clover hay CF AD EE NFE Ash NDF ADF 13.40 26.03 4.03 43.71 12.83 43..20 30.06 5.54 11.52 23.99 1.75 55.46 7.28 50.39 40.17 7.01 AL: Artichoke Leaves L Growth performance Table 3. Growth performance of the experimental growing NZW rabbits. Substitution level of clover hay by Artichoke leaves Item Initial bodyweight, g Final body weight, g Basal diet 25%AL 50%AL 75%AL 100%AL 723.55 724.0 725.33 723.55 727.67 1969.67c 1974.78c 2148.89a 2046.33b 2025.00 bc RMSE* Pr<F 55.48 0.999 66.82 0.0001 Average Weight daily gain, g/d/rabbit 5 to 8 weeks old 9 to 12 weeks old 5 to 12 weeks old 23.13 22.17 23.88 22.75 22.13 2.23 0.442 21.59 c 22.88 b c 26.98 a 24.49 b 24.83 ab 2.43 0.0005 22.36 b 22.53 b 26.43 a 23.62 b 23.49 b 1.40 0.0003 80.44c 81.94 bc 84.47a 85.14 a 83.51 ab 2.47 0.001 99.67 b 99.80 b 105.69 a 101.20 b 99.29 b 2.67 0.0001 90.06 c 90.87 c 95.08 a 93.17 b 91.40 bc 1.89 0.0001 Average Feed intake, g/d/rabbit 5 to 8 weeks old 9 to 12 weeks old 5 to 12 weeks old Feed Conversion Ratio (g feed / g gain) 5 to 8 weeks old 9 to 12 weeks old 5 to 12 weeks old 3.51 3.80 3.56 3.75 3.79 0.46 0.537 4.70 a 4.39 ab 3.94 b 4.16 b 4.04 b 0.48 0.011 4.05 a 4.05 a 3.74 b 3.95 ab 3.90 ab 0.29 0.157 a,b,c,… Means values with the same letter within the same row did not differ significantly (P>0.05). *RMSE=root mean square error (n=15 rabbits per treatment). The effect of feeding treatments on growth traits is illustrated in Table 2. Data showed that rabbit fed 50% artichoke leaves recorded the highest (P<0.05) final body weight (2148.89g) followed by rabbit fed 75% (2046.33g). the rabbits group fed 50%AL recorded the highest (P<0.05) body weight gain at the second periods (W9-W12) and at the whole period (W5-W12) ,while the lowest was with rabbits group fed the basal diet. in this connection El-Sayaad et al. (1995) who incorporated artichoke bracts at 0, 10 or 20% in rabbit diets, and found that rabbits fed 10% artichoke bracts recorded the highest final body weight (2355.0 g) and daily gain (25.75 g) at 16 weeks age average, while no significant differences were noticed between rabbits fed 10% and 20% artichoke bracts. 10 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Rabbits fed 0% artichoke bracts recorded the lowest (P<0.05) final body weight (2238.3 g) and average daily gain (23.63g). Also, Bonomi, (1989) used dehydrated artichoke leaf meal in rabbit rations at levels of 5% and 10%, in substitution of dehydrated lucerne meal and found an improvement in weight gain 4% and 7%, resp. and the feed utilization 3% and 5%, resp. These findings disagreed with, Zeweil (1992) found that the body weight or body weight gain was significantly (P<0.05) depressed when the rabbits received diets contained high level of artichoke by-products (36%) compared to the other tested levels (0, 12, 24%). Average daily feed intake increased significantly (P<0.05) with the increase of the level of AL inclusion throughout the experimental periods. These resulta are in agreement with that obtained by Bonomi, (1989). Data showed that the inclusion of AL at 50, 75 and 100% levels recorded higher (P<0.05) FCR than the basal diet at the second period the rabbits group fed 50% AL recorded the best FCR throughout the whole period (W5-W12). Generally, These findings were in agreement with El-Sayaad et al. (1995) found that rabbits fed 20% artichoke bracts had the best feed conversion (2.76 g feed/ g gain), while the rabbits fed 10% artichoke bracts showed the worst feed conversion (3.74 g feed/ g gain). Accordingly, it was observed that the AL inclusion had a positive effect with all the tested levels on growth performance of experimental rabbit. Digestibility and nutritive values The results obtained on nutrients digestibility of the experimental diets are presented in Table 4. Data revealed that the highest nutrients digestibility values were recorded for diets contained 50% AL followed by diet contained 75% AL, while the lowest values were obtained for diet contained 100%AL in comparison to the basal diet. This could be attributed to polyphenolic compounds in artichoke leaves. These results are confirmed by Huisman and Tolman (1992) who reported that polyphenolic compounds considered as an anti-nutritional factors that have a depressive effect on protein digestion. Table 4. Digestion coefficients and nutritive value of rabbit diets. Substitution level of clover hay by Artichoke leaves Item Basal Diet RMSE Pr<F * 25%AL 50%AL 75%AL 100%AL Digestibility coefficients DM 66.99 b 68.00 ab 70.08 a 69.99 a 67.54 ab 1.31 0.047 OM 68.09 b ab 72.17 a ab 67.98 b 1.36 0.017 65.95 c 71.03 a 70.32 a 65.50 c 1.04 0.0002 45.49 c 51.74 a 45.51 c 2.37 0.028 74.71 a 68.34 b 2.45 0.021 72.43 c 1.13 0.003 CP CF EE NFE 74.28 70.08 bc 67.91 b 47.09 bc 76.49 a 75.46 ab 50.20 ab 72.85 ab 77.31 a 70.46 71.95 ab 76.29 ab Nutritive Values DCP 11.46 c 11.79 b 12.33 a 12.24 a 10.44 d 0.17 0.0001 TDN b ab a ab c 0.85 0.0011 30.98 0.0009 65.55 66.69 68.19 67.03 63.87 DE(kcal/kg DM) 2909 cd 2960 bc 3026 a 2975 ab 2868 d a,b,c,… Means values with the same letter within the same row did not differ significantly (P>0.05). *RMSE=Root Mean Square Error (n=15 rabbits per treatment). Data also showed that digestibility of DM, CP and CF were significantly (P<0.05) increased with replacing clover hay AL at 50% and 75% levels compared to the basal diet. On the other hand, DM, OM, CF, EE and NFE digestibilities not significantly affected (P<0.05) when AL was replaced by AL at 25 and 100%. Zeweil (1992) who stated that the rabbits receiving diets contained 0, 12 or 24% artichoke by-product recorded similar values of digestibility OM, CP, EE and NFE %, being 75.19, 78.11 and 76.07; 86.93, 87.64 and 87.07; 82.55, 81.53 and 80.20 and 75.51, 78.99 and 76.17%, respectively. However the values decreased significantly (P<0.05) in the group received 36% artichoke by-products being 69.99, 83.75, 44.39, 74.90, 69.54 and 56.87% in the same order. 12 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Digestibility of crude fiber increased with increasing level of artichoke by-products in the diet. In this connection, Bonanno et al. (1994) incorporated dried artichoke bracts in New Zealand White rabbit diets at 15 or 30% for 56 days and found a decrease in nutrients digestibility with 30% dried artichoke bracts, while 15% dried artichoke bracts did not significantly affect nutrients digestibility. El-Sayaad et al. (1995) reported that feeding growing rabbits on 10% or 20% artichoke bracts resulted in insignificant differences in OM, CP, CF and NFE digestibilities, but there were significant differences (P<0.05) for EE digestibility among all treatments. Concerning to the nutritive values, rabbit fed diets contained 50% and 75% AL recorded the highest (P<0.05) value of DCP, TDN and DE, while rabbit fed diets contained 100% recorded the lowest (P<0.05) DCP. These results due to the high proportion of lignin in AL, forming lignifications, and decrease the total protein digestibility (Perez, 1989). These results are in good agreement with those obtained by Zeweil (1992) who found that rabbits fed 12% artichoke by-product diet recorded the best TDN (65.71%) followed by the control group (63.64%) then rabbits fed 24% artichoke by-product (62.21%) and group fed 36% artichoke by-product (56.87%). It is clearly to notice that improvement of digestibility of all nutrients for the three inclusion levels of AL (25, 50 and 75%) may be due to a better digestion as a result from a combination of fiber sources. Consequently, the improving in the digestibility of nutrients and nutritive value may be reflected on better growth performance. Cecum fermentation Data in Table (5) indicated that the caecum weight, empty caecum (%) were not affected by inclusion levels of artichoke leaves. The NH3-N concentration dropped with the increasing of the inclusion level of AL. While, 50% AL recorded the highest total VFA concentration increased. This increase in total VFA may be related to higher fiber digestibility and higher cellulolytic count for these experimental diets compared to the control diet. In this connection, Trocino et al. (2011) stated that the increase of dietary soluble fibre decreased pH (5.88–5.70), total VFA concentration tended to increase (73.8–82.8 mmol/L). In addition 50% and 75% AL group were the highest (P<0.05) Acetic and propionic (%) concentration while the experimental groups did not significantly different in butyric acid (%). Results of caecum microbial counts (Fibrolytic activity and cellulolytic bacterial counts) revealed that 50%AL group recorded the highest (P<0.05) cellulolytic bacterial count (8.08 log cfu/ml) and Fibrolytic activity. While, Tao and Li (2006) reported that the fibroltic activity of the caecum in 2-3 month rabbits ascended when the dietary NDF increased and it was consistent with NDF digestion. It could be concluded that incorporating (AL) as fiber sources in rabbit diets stimulating the maturation of cecal flora especially cellulolytic bacteria which secretes enzymes capable of hydrolyzing the cellulose as the main components of dietary fiber. These results are confirmed by those of Gidenne et al. (1998), Gidenne and LeBas, (2002) and (Trocino et al., 2013). 14 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Table 5. Effect of the experimental diets on cecum characteristics of growing rabbits Substitution level of clover hay by Artichoke leaves Items Basal diet 25%AL 50%AL 75%AL 100%AL RMSE* Cecum weight (%) 9.39 8.06 9.06 8.03 7.97 2.33 Empty cecum weight (%) 2.68 2.30 2.59 2.30 2.38 0.66 Ph 6.99 a 6.54 ab 6.32 ab 6.58 ab 6.24 b 0.37 0.20 NH3-N (mg/100ml) 12.83a 12.30b 11.15 c 10.47d 10.45d 0.23 0.0001 5.46b 5.15b 6.08a 5.26b 5.01b 0.26 Acetic Acid (% total VFA) 48.80 c 48.83 c 51.52 a 50.24 ab 49.01 bc 0.74 Propionic Acid (% total VFA) 21.50 ab 21.20 b 22.47 a 21.51 ab 20.02 c 0.57 19.43 19.32 19.86 19.19 19.47 0.37 31.87 d 35.20 c 41.92 a 39.93 ab 38.64 b 0.28 7.10c 7.70 ab 8.08a 7.29bc 7.59abc 1.39 Pr<F 0.90 0.90 Volatile Fatty Acid TotalVFA (mleq/100ml) Butyric Acid (% total VFA) 0.005 0.004 0.006 0.32 Cecum microbial counts (log cfu/ml) Fibrolytic activity (IU/g) Cellulolytic count 0.01 0.0001 (log cfu/ml) *RMSE=Root Mean Square Error (n=5 rabbits per treatment). Conclusion Artichoke leaves could be used successively in formulating diets for weaning rabbits up to 25.5 and 34% of diets without adversely affecting on performance and nutrients digestibility. From nutritional points of view, artichoke leaves may become a new feed ingredient for rabbits. Acknowledgements Author thanks the technical staff of each experimental site for valuable help. References AOAC, 2000. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official Methods of Analysis. 16th Ed. Volume 2, Washington D.C., USA. Bonanno, A.; Alicata, M.L.; Alabiso, M. and Leto, G. 1994. Dried artichoke bracts in the feeding of meat rabbits. Rivista-di-Coniglicoltura, 31:35-40. Bonomi, A. 1989. The use of dehydrated artichoke leaves meal (Cinara scolymus L.) in animal feeding (experimental contribution). Rivista della Societa Italiana di Scienza dell'Alimentazione, 18(5):365-378. Bonomi, A. 2001. Dehydrated artichoke leaves in feed for small species. Informatore Agrario, 57(46):41-43. 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NUTRITIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF Salvinia auriculata FODDER, GROWN IN AQUAPONICS FOR RABBIT FEED, PRELIMINARY RESULTS GUERRERO CEM1, ALBERTOS APJ 1, MARTÍNEZ YR*1, 3, MAGAÑA RJJ1, GUZMÁN MR1, PARADA HR2. 1.- Departamento de Agronomía, División de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad de Guanajuato. 2.-Centro Nacional de Cunicultura, México. 3 *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract The aim of this study was to characterize nutritionally fodder Salvinia auriculata grown in aquaponics systems as alternative forage for rabbit feeding. The control diet was Medicago sativa, and both fodders were fed as hay (85 and 89% dry matter, respectively). Voluntary feed intake and apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM) were evaluated. For the study 24 specimens of Oryctolagus cuniculus Californian breed were used (48 to 53 days old, 1079 ± 73 g, 50% males and 50 % females) which were obtained from females in the Centro Nacional de Cunicultura (CNC, México) animal nucleus and reproduced in controlled conditions. Study was carried out in the CNC premises. The animals were individually kept in galvanized cages (60 x 90 x 40 cm), with basket for forage feeders and automatic water dispensers. The experiment lasted 11 days, 7 for forage adaptation and the last 4 for sampling. Every day at 9 am fodder (S. auriculata and M. sativa, 60 and 90 g, respectively) was offered, 24 h later refusals and feces were collected. Data were analyzed using Student’s T-test. Preliminary results indicate that S. auriculata hay has a lower DM intake compared to M. sativa, 24.94 ± 2.8 and 48.72 ± 2.9 g day-1 , respectively (mean ± SE). DM digestibility was lower for S. auriculata than M. sativa, however, the possibility of using this fodder cannot be ruled out completely, because DM digestibility values of 45.35 and 70.33 % for S. auriculata and M. sativa respectively were observed. Keywords: Alternative fodder, aquaponic, feed intake, dry matter digestibility. 20 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS CARACTERIZACIÓN NUTRICIONAL DEL FORRAJE Salvinia auriculata CULTIVADA EN ACUAPONÍA PARA LA ALIMENTACIÓN DE CONEJOS, RESULTADOS PRELIMINARES GUERRERO CEM1, ALBERTOS APJ 1, MARTÍNEZ YR*1, 3, MAGAÑA RJJ1, GUZMÁN MR1, PARADA HR2. 1.- Departamento de Agronomía, División de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad de Guanajuato. 2.-Centro Nacional de Cunicultura, México. 3 *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen El objetivo de presente estudio fue realizar la caracterización nutricional de Salvinia auriculata cultivada en sistemas de acuaponía como una alternativa forraje para alimentación en conejos. La dieta control fue Medicago sativa, y ambos forrajes fueron suministrados en forma de heno. Se evaluaron el consumo voluntario y la digestibilidad aparente de materia seca (MS). Para esto, fueron utilizados 24 especímenes de Oryctolagus cuniculus raza California (48 a 53 días de edad, 1079.25 ± 73.49 g, 50% machos y 50% hembras), los cuales, fueron obtenidos de hembras del núcleo de animales del Centro Nacional de Cunicultura y Especies Menores (CNCG, México) y reproducidas en condiciones controladas. Es estudio se llevó a cabo en el mismo CNCG. Los animales fueron alojados individualmente en jaulas galvanizadas (60 x 90 x 40 cm), con comederos de tipo canasta para el forraje y bebederos automáticos. El experimento tuvo una duración de 11 días, 7 de adaptación al forraje y 4 de muestreo. Diariamente, a las 9 am fue ofrecido el forraje y 24 h posteriores recolectado el rechazo y recolectadas las heces. Los datos fueron analizados por medio de “t” de Student. Los resultados preliminares indican que heno de S. auriculata presenta un menor consumo de MS en comparación con M. sativa, 24.94 ± 2.8 y 48.72 ± 2.9 g respectivamente (media ± EE). Sin embargo, la posibilidad del uso de éste forraje no se puede descartar por completo, debido a que se observaron valores interesantes de digestibilidad de MS, de 45.35 y 70.33 %, para S. auriculata y M. sativa, respectivamente. Palabras clave: Salvinia auriculata, consumo, digestibilidad. Introduction Aquatic fern Salvinia auriculata, has been listed as an invasive plant due to its adaptability and fast reproduction León, 2013) and has potential as fodder (Banerjee y Matai, 1990). Plants from the genus Salvinia have been used as fish feed (Ray y Das, 1992) and according to Henry-Silva and Monteiro (2002), can be alternative fodder for ruminant. However to date, according to the literature, this plant has not been evaluated for rabbit consumption. Aquaponics has been proposed as a sustainable alternative to control the accumulation of waste produced by fish farming, and can be defined as the integration of production plants hydroponically a recirculating aquaculture system (Parker, 2002; Van Gorder, 2000). Californian breed rabbits have unique features such as the production of high quality meat and high commercial value skin, therefore, are considered dual purpose breed. It is characterized as white with black markings on muzzle, ears, paws and tail and reaches in adulthood a weight of 4.1 kg for males and 4.3 kg for females (Martinez, 2004). The aim of this paper is to present the preliminary results of a study of S. auriculata grown in aquaponics as an alternative fodder for rabbits. Material For the study 24 specimens of Oryctolagus cuniculus California breed were used (48 to 53 days old, 1079 ± 73 g, 50% males and 50 % females) which were obtained from females in the Centro Nacional de Cunicultura (CNC, México) animal nucleus and reproduced in controlled conditions. Study was conducted in the CNC premises. All the animals were randomly placed and kept individually in galvanized cages (60 x 90 x 40 cm), with basket for forage feeders and automatic water dispensers. Salvinia auriculata plants were obtained from the Experimental Aquaponic Unit of the Agronomy Department at the Life Sciences Division (DICIVA), Campus Irapuato-Salamanca of the Universidad de Guanajuato, which were dried for 48 h in plastic mesh boxes (1 x 1 m) that were built for hay production. The control diet was Medicago sativa (acquired from a commercial store) and both fodders were fed as hay (85 and 89% dry matter, respectively). 22 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Methodology Preliminary results of voluntary feed intake and apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), are presented because to date has not yet completed the full study of the nutritional characterization. Upon entering the production shed, individuals were weighed (scale TECNOCOR Mod PPN-30). The experiment Lasted 11 days, 7 for forage adaptation and the last 4 for sampling. Every day at 9:00 a.m. fodder (S. auriculata and M. sativa, 60 and 90 g, respectively) was offered and 24 h later, refusals and feces were collected. The evaluated variables were consumption and apparent digestibility of DM. Data were analyzed using Student's T-test. Results and discussion Preliminary results indicate that S. auriculata hay has a lower DM intake compared to M. sativa, 24.94 ± 2.8 and 48.72 ± 2.9 g day-1, respectively (mean ± SE). DM digestibility was lower for S. auriculata than M. sativa, 45.35 and 70.33 %, respectively. According to Leterme et al. (2009), Salvinia is a good source of minerals and essential amino acids, however, its use in pig feeding is limited due to their fiber content, resulting in low digestible energy and protein content, so that, due to fiber requirements in rabbits, could be an alternative fodder. Conclusion The possibility of using this fodder for rabbits cannot be ruled out completely, because DM digestibility values of S. auriculata observed in the present study. References Banerjee, A. y Matai, S. (1990). Composition of indian aquatic plants in relation to utilization as animal forage. J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 28: 69-73. Henry-Silva, G.G. y Monteiro, C.A.F. (2002). Nutritive value of free-floating aquatic macrophytes (Eichhornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes and Salvinia molesta), used in aquaculture waste treatment. Acta Scientiarum – Biological and Health Sciences. 24(2): 519-526. León, Á. (2013). Las 100 especies más invasoras: Salvinia molesta, Boletín Drosophila. Recuperado de: Leterme, P., Londoño, A.M., Muñoz, J.E., Súarez, J., Bedoya, C.A., Souffrant, W.B. y Buldgen, A. (2009). Nutricional value of aquatic ferns (Azolla filiculoides Lam. and Salvinia molesta Mitchell) in pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 149(1-2): 135-148. Martínez, C.M. A. (2004). Cunicultura. México, D.F. 2da. Edición. Editorial FMVZ.UNAM Parker, R. (2002). Aquaculture Science. 2a. edición. Delmar. Albany, NY. USA. Ray, A.K. y Das, I. (1992). Utilization of diets containing composted aquatic weed (Salvinia cuculata) by the Indian major carp, rohu (Labeo rohita ham.), fingerlings. Bioresource Technology. 40(1): 67-72. Van Gorder, S.D. (2000). Small scale aquaculture. The Alternative Aquaculture Association. Breinigsville, PA, USA. 24 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS EVALUATION OF KOMBUCHA TEA NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT AND Saccharomyces cerevisiae SC47 ON PRODUCTION PARAMETERS IN NEW ZEALAND RABBITS DURING THE FATTENING STAGE PÉREZ SL, DE LA CRUZ BA, DÍAZ GONZÁLEZ BA, LAGUNAS BS, FAJARDO MR Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal (CIESA), Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia (FMVZ), Universidad Autónoma de México (UAEMex). Carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco Km. 15.5. CP. 50200. Toluca, México. Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract This is the first report of the effects of Kombucha tea (KT) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc47) probiotics in rabbit production. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the effect of KT supplement, which is only used for humans, as well Sc47 yeast strain, during the fattening phase in New Zealand rabbits. In a first experiment, 30 four-week age weaned rabbits were used. They were distributed randomly into three treatments: KT A, Sc47 B and Control C with 10 repetitions each. In the other research, 30 five-weeks age rabbits with the same distribution characteristics than the first experiment were used, regardless sex in both research. KT was provided in drinking distilled water during the treatments at doses of two ml/Kg. In the treatment B, Sc47 was added at doses of two ml with a yeast concentration of 0.014g containing 77,000 CFU per ml, diluted in drinking water. For the group C, food and water were only supplied. For both experiments, a commercial diet free of additives was used. The results in total food intake, weight gaining, nutritional conversion and carcass yield, were not statistically significant (P>0.05). However, the analysis of the production parameters at the time when the animals of group A reached the 2kg weight, there were statistically significant differences in the above-mentioned parameters (P<0.05); because the animals reached the goal of the two kg four days earlier than the control group. Furthermore, the KT doses used in treatment A, did not represent a health risk to the experimented rabbits. Key words: probiotic, rabbit, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kombucha tea, production parameters. 26 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS EVALUACIÓN DEL SUPLEMENTO ALIMENTICIO CON TÉ KOMBUCHA Y SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE SC47 SOBRE PARÁMETROS PRODUCTIVOS EN CONEJOS NUEVA ZELANDA DURANTE LA ETAPA DE ENGORDA PÉREZ SL, DE LA CRUZ A, DÍAZ GONZÁLEZ AE, LAGUNAS BS, FAJARDO MR* Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal (CIESA), Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia (FMVZ), Universidad Autónoma de México (UAEMex). Carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco Km. 15.5. CP. 50200. Toluca, México. *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen Los efectos de estos probióticos y específicamente del té Kombucha se desconocen en la cunicultura. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo consistió en evaluar el efecto del suplemento vía oral de Té Kombucha hasta ahora de uso en humanos y de levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae cepa Sc47, durante la etapa de engorde en conejos Nueva Zelanda. En un primer experimento (α), se utilizaron 30 conejos destetados de cuatro semanas de edad, se distribuyeron de forma aleatoria en tres tratamientos ((A) Té Kombucha, (B) Sc47 y C (Control)) con 10 repeticiones. Segundo experimento (β), se utilizaron 30 conejos de 5 semana de edad con las mismas características de distribución, sin considerar el sexo en ambos. En los tratamientos recibieron Té Kombucha en agua de bebida a dosis de 2 ml/Kg. de peso, los tratamientos B recibieron Saccharomyces cerevisiae cepa Sc47 a dosis de 2 ml. de agua destilada con .014g de levadura a una concentración en ambos tratamientos no menor de 77000 UFC por mililitro y diluidos en el agua de bebida, los tratamientos C solo recibieron alimento y agua, se utilizó un alimento comercial peletizado sin aditivos. Los resultados en consumo de alimento ganancia de peso, conversión alimenticia y rendimiento en canal de los experimentos α y β, no son estadísticamente significativos (P<0.05). La dosis de Té Kombucha utilizada en los tratamientos A del presente trabajo no representó peligro alguno para la salud de los conejos, las dosis utilizadas en los tratamientos A y B se considera que fueron bajas para ocasionar efectos en parámetros productivos. Palabras clave: probiótico, conejo, Kombucha, Saccharomyces, coliformes. Introduction Currently seeking alternatives to promote animal growth through a more secure way, not only for the animal, but also to preserve human health, this phenomenon has led to the investigation of various products among which the acidifying food, symbiotic, prebiotic and probiotic. The latter are a live microbial feed supplement that makes a profit in the animal by improving its intestinal microbiota balance. Some known mechanisms are: probiotic act on cells of the innate immunity and adapted immunity; stimulating macrophages, NK cells, T lymphocytes, increasing release of cytokines as γinterferon, interleukins 1 and 12, resulting in an increase of specific IgA antibodies (13). When probiotics are added to food, they increase digestibility, the synthesis of B vitamins (15, 18) and the production of organic acids, such as lactic acid, which decrease the pH, regulate the growth of E. coli and Salmonella spp and stimulate the intestinal peristaltic movements (14). Kombucha Tea (KT) is made with black tea (Camellia sinensis) containing caffeine and polyphenol (22, 24) and is fermented by the Kombucha culture, which is used as an alternative therapy. Hartman et al. (2000) have found that it is composed of a symbiosis between bacteria Acetobacter xylinum, Acetobacter Bacterium Schizosaccharomyces xylinoides pombe, or gluconicum Saccharomycodes and ludwigii, various yeast kombuchaensis Zygosaccharomyces, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, predominantly Brettanomyces yeasts (7). It has also been attributed an antimicrobial activity (Sreeramulu et al., 2000). Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a probiotic yeast colonizing mucosal surfaces and is considered non-pathogenic for immunocompetent patients; in immunocompromised patients can cause infection. (1, 4). The strain of S. cerevisiae Sc47, has not been studied as much as others, is a selected strain of the baking industry, has been used commercially for feeding pigs (1) and other farm animals (6, 13) . In the field, trials have been shown effective for control growth of E. coli and Isospora suis in pigs (13). The benefits of supplementation feed yeast relate to an anti-adhesive effect of pathogens, stimulating non-specific immunity and the inhibition of the action of microbial toxins (13). The objective of the present study is to evaluate the effect of KT supplement, as well Sc47 yeast strain, during the fattening phase in New Zealand rabbits. Materials and methods 28 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS In this experiment, 30 four-week age weaned rabbits were used. They were distributed randomly into three treatments: KT A, Sc47 B and Control C with 10 repetitions each. KT was provided in drinking distilled water during the treatments at doses of two ml/Kg. In the treatment B, Sc47 was added at doses of two ml with a yeast concentration of 0.014g containing 77,000 CFU per ml, diluted in drinking water. For the group C, food and water were only supplied. For the experiment, a commercial diet free of additives was used. To assess the weight gains during the fattening stage weighing animals was performed every seven days until the animals reached 75 days of life, to refine feed intake the amount of food offered and refused was weighed daily the three groups. At the end of the experiment, three groups were weighed and sacrificed according to NOM-033ZOO-1995 (5) and later to get headless and gutted carcasses and thus obtain the yield carcass by the formula (12): Hot carcass yield = live weight headless carcass weight X100 Body weight Feed conversion was obtained according to the formula: feed intake / weight gain (19). For the analysis of the results of weekly weight gain, average daily gain, weight and hot carcass yield, feed intake and feed conversion; parametric statistics were used by analysis of variance with a significance level of 0.95%. The differences between means were compared with Tukey's test. Results The results in total food intake, weight gaining, nutritional conversion and carcass yield, were in this order: group A, follow by group B and C, but there were not statistically significant (P>0.05) (Table 1). However, the analysis of the production parameters at the time when the animals of group A reached the 2kg weight, demonstrated that, group A had got the goal of two Kg, four days before B group and five days before C group (Figure 1). In spite of these differences, there were not statistically significant differences in the above-mentioned parameters (P<0.05). Discussion and conclusions Differences between the groups are possibly due to higher feed intake and content of Kombucha Tea yeast involved to improve the utilization of the diet (3, 7, 10). Furthermore, the content of KT (sugars, vitamins and amino acids) contribute to get daily higher gains in live weight than B and C groups. However, these weight gains were among the highest compared to the gains reported by other authors (Table 1). Regarding food intake, no significant differences (P> 0.05) were observed until the 5th week, where treatment with KT consumed more food than treatment B and C (P= 0.0005), the mechanism of this modification feed intake associated with long-term supply of KT is not well defined. According to the results, it is concluded that nutritional supplementation with KT and Sc47 can improve food consumption and shortening the period of fattening to get the market weight in rabbits, so it is recommended to continue such studies. Furthermore, the KT and Sc47 doses used in treatment A, did not represent a health risk to the experimented rabbits. References 1. Auclair E. 1997: Mechanisms of action of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Biosaf Sc47 in monogastric species. Microbiology Applied to animal nutrition. México, D.F. 2. Bennett, B. (1987): Cria Moderna Del Conejo. 2 imp. Edit. Continental S. 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Vol. 13, N° 4. pp. 2939. 32 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS EFFECTS OF FEED RATIONING, FASTING AND A HERBAL SUPPLEMENT ON MORTALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF FATTENING RABBITS IN ERE CONDITIONS * DUPERRAY J1, GRAND E1, WEISSMAN D1, LAURENT JM1, LAUNAY C1, BELTRAN J2 1.- EN VIVO NSA, Talhouët, P.E. 234, 56006 Vannes Cedex, Francia. 2.- MALTA CLEYTON, Poniente 134, N ° 786, Colonia Industrial Vallejo, México DF CP 02300. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Rabbit breeders use a range of strategies in their attempt to minimise the digestive problems caused by ERE (Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy). Feed rationing is one practice that effectively reduces health problems of a digestive nature. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of two studies conducted in ERE conditions. Restricted feeding was compared to ad libitum feeding. Some animals on a restricted intake were also subjected to a fast, and some of the ad libitum fed animals received Vegeplus, a plantbased supplement, added to their feed. Rabbits were fattened up in ERE conditions to the age of 67 days. They were weighed individually at 53 and 67 days and the consumption of each cage was determined at these same ages. Mortality was monitored daily. Some of the animals were necropsied at different points of the fattening, the diagnosis was death from digestive disorders, with most animals being diagnosed with ERE. These studies in ERE conditions have shown the health benefits of feed restriction for fattening rabbits. Imposing a fast on animals already on restricted intake provides no additional health benefits, rather it severely penalises the growth performance of the rabbits. Although this technique is often practised by breeders who feed their animals ad libitum, it has less of a place in restricted intake techniques where the most effective way of imposing a fast has yet to be determined. Adding the natural plant extract Vegeplus to feed reduces mortality and improves production. When a health risk is present, the digestive security it provides reduces the need of feed restriction. Key words: Rabbit– Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy– Feeding management– Health status– Fattening performances 34 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS EFECTOS DEL RACIONAMIENTO DE ALIMENTO Y AYUNO CON UN SUPLEMENTO HERBÁCEO SOBRE LA MORTALIDAD Y RENDIMIENTO DE LOS CONEJOS ENGORDE EN CONDICIONES DE ERE * DUPERRAY J1, GRAND E1, WEISSMAN D1, LAURENT JM1, LAUNAY C1, BELTRAN J2 1. EN VIVO NSA, Talhouët, P.E. 234, 56006 Vannes Cedex, Francia. 2. MALTA CLEYTON, Poniente 134, N ° 786, Colonia Industrial Vallejo, México DF CP 02300. * Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen Criadores de conejo utilizan una serie de estrategias en su intento de reducir al mínimo los problemas digestivos causados por el ERE (Enteropatía- epizoóticadel conejo). RSS racionamiento es una práctica que reduce los problemas de salud de carácter digestivo. El objetivo es proporcionar una visión general de dos estudios llevados a cabo en condiciones de ERE. Se comparó alimentación restringida con alimentación ad libitum. Algunos animales con ingesta restringida se sometieron a ayuno, y algunos de los animales alimentados ad libitum recibieron Vegeplus, un suplemento herbáceo, añadido a su alimento. Los conejos fueron engordados en condiciones de ERE a la edad de 67 días, fueron pesados individualmente a los 53 y 67 días y el consumo de cada jaula se determinó en estas mismas edades. La mortalidad se monitoreó diariamente. Algunos de los animales fueron necropsiados en diferentes puntos del engorde, el diagnóstico fue la muerte por trastornos digestivos, en la mayoría diagnosticadas con ERE. Estos estudios en condiciones de ERE han demostrado los beneficios de la restricción de alimento para los conejos de engorde. La imposición de un ayuno en los animales que ya están en la ingesta restringida no proporciona beneficios adicionales para la salud, sino que penaliza severamente el desempeño del crecimiento de los conejos. Aunque esta técnica es practicada por los criadores que alimentan a sus animales ad libitum, las técnicas de ingesta restringida donde la forma más efectiva de imponer un ayuno aún no se ha determinado. La adición de extracto de la planta Vegeplus en el alimento reduce la mortalidad y mejora la producción. Cuando un riesgo para la salud está presente, la seguridad que proporciona este digestivo reduce la necesidad de restricción de alimento. Palabras clave: enteropatía-epizótica del conejo, alimentación, engorde, manejo sanitario 36 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Introduction Rabbit breeders use a range of strategies in their attempt to minimise the digestive problems caused by ERE (Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy). Feed rationing is one practice that effectively reduces health problems of a digestive nature. Gidenne et al. (2008) have in fact shown that a 25% reduction in dietary intake leads to a significant fall in mortality of 46% (from 19.9% to 10.7%). In another article, he demonstrated that once intake is restricted by 20%, the benefits of rationing on mortality rates and health risks become significants (Gidenne et al., 2003). In an attempt to reduce the reliance on medical methods, research is now being conducted into different breeding techniques and natural products that could help improve the digestive health of young fattening rabbits. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of two studies conducted in ERE conditions at the In Vivo NSA Research Center (Vannes, FRANCE). Restricted feeding was compared to free feeding (ad libitum). Some animals on a restricted intake were also subjected to a fast in order to determine whether this strategy, which is sometimes found in the field, is yet better still for the health compared to traditional feed restriction. Finally, some of the ad libitum fed animals had Vegeplus, a plant-based supplement, added to their feed. Material and method Animals For the first trial, 336 rabbits were allotted into groups upon weaning based on their weight at 31 days and litter. For the second trial, 384 young rabbits were allotted in the same manner. The animals were weaned at 32 days and housed in cages containing 8 rabbits each in a fattening unit at the In Vivo NSA Research Centre in Saint Nolff, which meets Good Laboratory Practice standards. For the first trial, a ninth rabbit was introduced into each cage at 33 days of age and inoculated with 500 µl TEC4, then removed at 47 days old. For the second trial, all animals were inoculated with 50 µl TEC4. TEC4 is an inoculum manufactured by INRA and used to reproduce ERE in test conditions via the oral inoculation of rabbits. The rabbits were fattened up to the age of 67 days. They were weighed individually at 53 and 67 days and the consumption of each cage was determined at these same ages. Mortality was monitored daily. Treatment Both trials involved a comparison of four groups. The AL group of rabbits was fed ad libitum. The R group was rationed at 75% of theoretical intake. The R+Fast group received the same ration as the R group, but a 48-hour fast was imposed after the second death in this group. These three groups were fed on the same commercial fattening diet. The AL+Vegeplus group was fed ad libitum. The feed given to this group was a diet similar to that given to the other three groups but with the addition of Vegeplus, a natural plant-based product. Statistical analysis The mortality data were compared using a Chi-squared test. The growth data were compared using analysis of variance for a linear model. For each endpoint, the trial effect, the treatment effect and their interaction were studied. Results Health status The mortality results are given in Table 1. The incidence of animal deaths observed in each of the groups differed to a statistically significant degree (P=0.00062). The mortality rate in the AL group was 12.5%. Feed restriction reduced mortality by 63%, since only 4.7% of the animals in the R group died. The 48-hour fast was imposed during the first two weeks of fattening. The rationed animals that had undergone the fast presented a mortality rate of 9.7%, this figure lying between that of the rationed animals and that of the animals that were fed ad libitum on the same feed. Imposing a fast on already rationed animals does not therefore seem to achieve any health improvements compared to traditional feed restriction. 38 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The results show that with free feeding, adding Vegeplus to the feed produces a very significant improvement in the health status of the animals. In fact, mortality was 79% lower in the AL+Vegeplus group than in the AL group, with only 2.6% of the Vegeplus animals having died in ERE conditions. Some of the animals were necropsied at different points of the fattening, all groups combined. The diagnosis was death from digestive disorders, with most animals being diagnosed with ERE. Table 1: Cumulative mortality at the end of the fattening period initial number AL R R+Fast AL+Vegeplus 192 192 144 192 P. Chi² 0.00062 mortality rate % 12.5 c 4.7 ab 9.7 bc 2.6 a Graph 1 shows the change in mortality throughout the fattening period. Mortality peaked at 40 days i.e. approximately one week post-inoculation. Graph 1: Change in cumulative mortality during the fattening period, by group Body weight and growth The body weight and ADG (Average Daily Gain) results are given in Table 2. The body weight and ADG figures are from the surviving animals and provide good morbidity indicators. 40 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Table 2: Growth performance, by group Body weight (g) ADG (g/day) 31 days 53 days 67 days 31-53 days 53-67 days 31-67 days 818 1,768 a 2,385 a 43.2 a 45.3 a 44.0 a (+/-72) (+/-184) (+/-182) (+/-6.5) (+/-7.6) (+/-4.3) 818 1,611 b 2,205b 35.8 b 44.0 a 38.9 b (+/-71) (+/-103) (+/-133) (+/-3.9) (+/-4.5) (+/-3.2) 805 1,477 c 2,101 c 30.7 c 47.0 b 36.6 c (+/-69) (+/-139) (+/-171) (+/-5.0) (+/-4.7) (+/-4.0) 819 1,764 a 2,378 a 43.3 a 46.1 a 44.1 a AL+Vegeplus (+/-73) (+/-166) (+/-187) (+/-5.3) (+/-5.9) (+/-4.3) P trial <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 NS P treatment NS <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0002 <0.0001 P trial *treatment NS 0.0074 NS NS <0.0001 NS AL R R+Fast NS: Not significant at the 5% level, mean (+/- standard deviation) Free feeding resulted in a significantly higher body weight at the end of the fattening period than restricted feeding (P<0.0001). The average weight of the animals at 67 days was 2,835 g in the AL group compared to 2,205 g in the R group i.e. 180 g higher (Graph 2). This meant an average growth of 5.1 g/day i.e. 13.1% higher between days 31-67 (P<0.0001) (Graph 3). Imposing a fast between days 32 and 53 caused a significant fall in body weight of 137 g on average at 53 days, compared to the rationed group (P<0.0001), with the resulting impact of an average loss of 104 g in body weight at 67 days (P<0.001). The animals in the R+Fast group therefore never recovered from the growth retardation caused by the fasting. Throughout the fattening period, this growth retardation meant a fall in ADG of 2.3 g/day (P<0.0001) i.e. 5.9% between days 32 and 67 compared with the R group. Finally, adding Vegeplus to the feed of fattening rabbits in ERE conditions produced animals whose growth and weight at slaughter are comparable to those of the AL group (2,378 g vs. 2,385 g at 67 days). Graph 2: Change in average weight between days 32 and 67, by group The significant crossover observed in weight at 53 days is due to the fact that for trial 1, the AL group weighed 25 g more than the AL+Vegeplus group, whereas it weighed 23 g less for trial 2. 42 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Graph 3: Change in ADG during the fattening period, by group Feed intake and feed conversion ratio (FCR) The intake and FCR figures are taken from the zootechnical study of the living animals. Intake and FCR, accounting for dead animals, is discussed in another chapter. The intake of the R group was 16% lower than the AL group (P<0.0001) over the whole of the fattening period (Table 3), resulting in a significant improvement in FCR of 0.11 points over this same period (P<0.0001). The ERE-induced morbidity resulted in a fall in intake by the freely-fed animals compared to what would be expected in their healthy counterparts. Therefore, the rabbits in group R consumed only 16% less than the animals in group AL and not 25% less. The 25% intake restriction we applied was, in fact, calculated based on the theoretical intake of animals fed ad libitum in good health conditions. Imposing the fast meant an average reduction of 8.9 g/day (9.6%) in feed intake between days 32 and 53 compared to the rationed group (P<0.0001). This fall in postweaning consumption had significant repercussions on the whole of the fattening period (P<0.0001), since the animals who had fasted during the initial period never compensated for this during the second period. The animals in the AL+Vegeplus group consumed more than those in the AL group over the whole fattening period (140.6 g/day vs. 132.0 g/day; P<0.0001) and their feed conversion ratio was not as good (3.21 vs. 3.01; P<0.0001), probably due to the low mortality rate observed in this group and the morbidity observed in all animals. Table 3: Feed intake and consumption intake results, by group intake (g/day) AL R R+Fast AL+Vegeplus P trial P treatment P trial *treatment feed conversion ratio 32-53 days 53-67 days 32-67 days 32-53 days 53-67 days 32-67 days 107.3 b 170.8 a 132.0 b 2.55 a 3.68 b 3.01 b (+/-9.1) (+/-30.3) (+/-11.9) (+/-0.15) (+/-0.57) (+/-0.22) 92.8 c 140.2 b 111.4 c 2.66 b 3.22 a 2.90 a (+/-2.4) (+/-5.3) (+/-2.5) (+/-0.11) (+/-0.26) (+/-0.07) 83.9 d 138.6 b 105.2 d 2.78 c 3.00 a 2.92 a (+/-2.2) (+/-3.7) (+/-2.5) (+/-0.26) (+/-0.19) (+/-0.15) 116.8 a 177.8 a 140.6 a 2.75 c 3.90 c 3.21 c (+/-9.0) (+/-9.7) (+/-8.3) (+/-0.19) (+/-0.25) (+/-0.12) NS NS NS <0.0001 0.01 NS <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 NS NS NS 0.0037 NS NS mean (+/- standard deviation) 44 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Economic analysis Table 4 gives the economic analysis for the four trial groups. The results have been extrapolated in order to estimate performance figures for 1,000 weaned rabbits. Revenue has been calculated based on slaughter weight at 67 days and a price of €1.85 kg/body weight (source: RENACEB/RENALAP 2012, published by ITAVI).Feed expenditure has been calculated based on the total feed consumed (including by the rabbits that died during the fattening period). The cost of the feed was taken from the 2012 figures published by ITAVI in its RENACEB/RENALAP report i.e. €277/tonne. The economic analysis provides an overview of the zootechnical results and the mortality results, looking at the animals as a whole, including those that died during fattening. Table 4: Economic comparison of the four test methods For 1,000 weaned rabbits Weaned number AL 1,000 R 1,000 R+Fast 1,000 AL+Vegeplus 1,000 Slaughtered number 875 953 903 974 Total weaned weight (kg) 817 817 804 817 Total slaughtered weight (kg) (base 100) 2,062 100 2,086 101 1,882 91 2,302 112 Weight gain (kg) (A) 1245 1270 1078 1485 Total feed intake (kg) (B) 4,252 3,792 3,374 4,856 FCR (B/A) (base 100) 3.41 100 Revenue (€) (C) 3,753 Revenue (base 100) Feed expenditure (€) (D) IOFC (base 100) 88 3,797 100 1,178 Feed expenditure (base 100) IOFC/1,000 weaned rabbits (€) (C-D) 2.99 101 100 91 89 96 112 1,466 79 2,490 107 3.27 4,190 935 2,747 100 92 3,425 1,050 2,575 3.13 124 2,724 97 106 The AL group had the lowest slaughter number, and the AL+Vegeplus group had the highest (875 animals slaughtered vs. 974). Total slaughtered weight, extrapolated to 1,000 weaned rabbits, ranged from 1,882 kg for the R+Fast group to 2,302 kg in the AL+Vegeplus group. Of the various feeding methods used, the R+Fast group had the lowest feed intake. The animals in this group consumed 11% less than the R group, 21% less than the AL group and 31% less than the AL+Vegeplus group. The feed conversion ratio represents the ratio between the total weight gain between weaning and slaughter, and total intake, including the feed consumed by the animals that died during the fattening period. The feed restriction method resulted in the lowest FCR (3.13), whilst the AL group had the least efficient FCR (3.41). Our economic simulation shows that breeders wishing to maximise their revenue should use the AL+Vegeplus method. This is because it allows the most rabbits to be slaughtered at a good weight. Revenue was 12% higher for the AL+Vegeplus group than for the AL group, with the R group generating a revenue similar to that of the AL group. The R+Fast group generated the lowest revenue, 9% less than the AL group. Thanks to its lower feed cost and lower mortality rate, the R group gave an Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) that was 7% higher than the AL group. Fasting the rationed animals reduced the IOFC, not only compared to traditional rationing but also compared to free feeding (-3%). Finally, despite the additional cost, adding Vegeplus to the feed of animals fed ad libitum resulted in an increase in IOFC with a 6% financial gain compared to free feeding, due to the lower mortality rate in the AL+Vegeplus group. Discussion These results confirm the benefits of restricting feed to 75% of theoretical intake in order to minimise the health problems of ERE in test conditions. This initial observation, along with the necropsy diagnoses, lead us to conclude that the method for reproducing ERE in test conditions as used at the In Vivo NSA Research Station (St Nolff, FRANCE) is valid. The feed restriction method achieved a 49% drop in mortality during the fattening period in these conditions. 46 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS However, imposing a fast on the animals on top of the feed restriction did not produce any improvement in the animals' health if imposed following the second death. This strategy is sometimes used in practice to restore digestive balance. Nevertheless, we found that fasting does not carry any additional benefits compared to feed restriction alone. Not only were no health benefits observed, but this practice has a clear negative impact on the growth of the animals, reducing weight at 67 days by 104 g compared to the animals on restricted feeding but no fast. It may initially appear that a 48-hour fast is too long. Shortening it to 24 hours may limit the negative effects on growth. The fasting technique may also be more effective with freely fed animals. However, since fewer and fewer breeders are using this technique, it was not included in our study. It would nevertheless be interesting to compare this practice in free feeding and restricted feeding conditions in order to determine the conditions in which it may be most effective. In fact, if this technique is being used in practice by breeders who feed their animals ad libitum during the fattening period, could it still pose benefits for breeders who practice restricted feeding? The immune system needs nutrients such as certain amino acids in order to function and ensure the synthesis of the proteins involved in immune defence. If the body cannot obtain the necessary amino acids from its food intake, they are produced from muscular catabolism (Le Floc'h et al., 2004). Stopping the feed of rabbits when they become ill can therefore weaken the animal and slow down the immune defence mechanism. Finally, adding Vegeplus to freely-provided feed guarantees the fattening process from a health standpoint by significantly limiting mortality in ERE conditions compared to a Control feed. The mortality rate of the animals fed ad libitum but including a Vegeplus supplement was numerically less than that of the animals on restricted feed. Therefore, in ERE conditions, Vegeplus provides health protection equivalent to a restricted diet, whilst at the same time allowing free feeding which provides better growth. Vegeplus is a natural product made from plant extracts and is therefore consistent with current attempts to reduce the use of antibiotics in the rabbit husbandry sector. Conclusion These two studies in ERE conditions have shown the health benefits of feed restriction for fattening rabbits. Imposing a fast on animals already on restricted intake provides no additional health benefits, rather it severely penalises the growth performance of the rabbits. Although this technique is often practised by breeders who feed their animals ad libitum, it has less of a place in restricted intake techniques where the most effective way of imposing a fast has yet to be determined. Adding the natural plant extract Vegeplus to feed improves production even when a health risk is present since the digestive security it provides means the need for feed restriction is lessened. References Gidenne T., Feigier A., Jehl N., Arveux P., Boisot P., Briens C., Corrent E., Fortune H., Montessuy S., Verdelhan S. 2003. Un rationnement quantitatif post-sevrage permet de réduire la fréquence des diarrhées, sans dégradation importante des performances de croissance : résultats d’une étude multi-site. 10èmes Journées de la Recherche Cunicole, Paris, 29-32. Gidenne T., Murr S., Travel A., Corrent E., Foubert C., Bebin K., Mevel L., Rebours G., Renouf B. 2008. Effet du niveau de rationnement et du mode de ditribution de l’aliment sur les performances et les troubles digestifs post-sevrage du lapereau, Journée Nationale du Lapin de Chair, 33-40 Le Floc’h N., Melchior D., Obled C. 2004. Modifications of protein and amino acid metabolism during inflammation and immune system activation, Livestock Production Science, 87, 37-45. 48 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS NUTRIENT DIGESTIBILITY STUDIES IN RABBITS INTAKE DIETS WITH THE ADDITION OF PROBIOTIC SUBTILPROBIO ® (BACILLUS SUBTILIS AND ENDOSPORES) 1 DIHIGO LE, 2HILDA SR, 3RONDON AJ, 1DOMINGUEZ M, 1SARDUY L 1.- ICA, Institute of Animal Science. CC. km 47 ½ San José de las Lajas. Cuba 2.- LABEX, Laboratories Biological Pharmaceutical. Santiago de Cuba. Cuba 3.- UM, University of Matanzas " Camilo Cienfuegos. Matanzas, Cuba *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract The use of probiotics in rabbits can improve feed efficiency by improving gut integrity, nutrient absorption and digestive behavior. In order to determine the digestibility of nutrients in rabbits intake diets with a probiotic mixture of Bacillus subtilis endospore (Subtilprobio®), 20 male rabbits of New Zealand white breed with 90 days of age and an average weight of 2.2 Kg housed in individual metabolism cages were used. They were distributed according to a completely randomized design in two experimental groups: Control and experimental without probiotic, with ten repetitions each. The probiotic was mixed in the diet at a rate of 1 l per ton of feed. During the 15 days that lasted the experiment, the last five days intake and fecal excretion were measured. Digestibility of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and Ash (C) were measured. Differences for intake, excretion g of DM and OM digestibility were not observed. Rabbits who consumed the probiotic significantly improved (P<0.05) and (P< 0.01) digestibility of DM and NDF values of 72.79 % vs 77.98 % and 54.26 % vs 64.11 %, respectively. Similarly, the greater digestibility (P<0.001) of CP was observed in animals fed the probiotic with values 79.14 % vs 87.38 %, respectively. It was concluded that the use of Subtilprobio ® in rabbit diets improved indicators of digestibility for DM, NDF, and CP. Key words: rabbits, probiotic, Bacillus subtilis, digestibility. 50 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS ESTUDIOS DE DIGESTIBILIDAD DE NUTRIENTES EN CONEJOS QUE CONSUMEN DIETAS CON LA ADICIÓN DEL PROBIOTICO SUBTILPROBIO® (Bacillus subtilis Y SUS ENDOSPORAS) 1 DIHIGO LE, 2HILDA SR, 3RONDON AJ, 1DOMINGUEZ MY, 1SARDUY L 1.- ICA, 1Instituto de Ciencia Animal. CC. km 47 ½ San José de las Lajas. Cuba 2.- Laboratorios Biológicos Farmacéuticos LABEX. Santiago de Cuba. Cuba 3.- UM, Universidad de Matanzas “Camilo Cienfuegos”. Matanzas, Cuba *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen Con el objetivo de determinar la digestibilidad de nutrientes en conejos que consumen dietas con mezcla probiótica a base de Bacillus subtilis y sus endospora, Subtilprobio®. Se utilizaron 20 conejos machos de la raza Nueva Zelanda Blanco con 90 días de edad y un peso promedio de 2.2 Kg alojados en jaulas de metabolismo individual. Se distribuyeron según diseño completamente aleatorizado en dos grupos experimentales. Control sin el probiótico y experimental con probiótico, con diez repeticiones cada una. El probiótico se mezcló en la dieta a razón de 1l por tonelada de pienso. Durante los 15 días que duro el experimento, los últimos cinco días se midió el consumo y la excreción de heces fecales. Se midieron la digestibilidad de la materia seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), materia orgánica (MO), Fibra detergente neutra (FDN) y ceniza (C). No se observó diferencias para el consumo, excreción de los g de MS y ni para la digestibilidad de la MO. Los conejos que consumieron el probiótico mejoraron significativamente (P<0.05 y (P<0.01) la digestibilidad de la MS y FDN con valores de 72,79% vs 77,98 % y 54,26% vs 64,11 % respectivamente. De igual forma la mayor digestibilidad (P<0.001) de la PB se observó en los animales que consumieron el probíotico con valores de 79,14% vs 87,38 % respectivamente. Se concluye que el uso del probiótico Subtilprobio® en dietas para conejo mejoró los indicadores de digestibilidad para MS, FDN y PB. Palabras clave: conejos, probiótico, Bacillus subtilis y digestibilidad. Introduction Worldwide probiotic preparations are used with satisfactory results to improve the production and health of animals´ behavior (Swientek, 2003). This result is an overall enhanced health as a result of improved nutrition, increasing the rate of growth and production (Berg, 1998). In rabbits, microbial cultures are used to reduce the incidence and death from diarrhea and to increase production efficiency. The studies were directed toward the control of intestinal pH using outside microflora rabbit bacteria (Cheeke et al.1989). The use of Bacillus subtilis not only improves health but promotes intestinal digestion processes by matching nutrient and productivity of rabbits. That is why the objective of this study was to determine the digestibility of nutrients in rabbits that consumed diets with probiotics based on mixture of Bacillus subtilis and endospores, Subtilprobio®. Materials and methods Chemical properties determination The diets were prepared at the National Center for Laboratory Animal Breeding CENPALAB). The chemical composition of the diets and feces was determined by the method described by the AOAC (1993) for dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP) and ash (C). Fractions of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose were determined by Goering and Van Soest (1993). Dietary analysis determined containing: DM (88.02 %), CP (22.50%), ash (7.78 %), OM (92.21 %) and NDF (43.94 %) which were performed at the Laboratory of analytical services of the Institute of Animal Science. Experimental Procedure Twenty white Semigiant New Zealand commercial hybrid male rabbits of 4.5 months of age and 2.4 kg average weight were used. The animals were allocated in individual metabolism cages. They were distributed in a completely randomized design in two groups: A control group and the second was added Subtilprobio ® at a dose of 1l/1000kg of food. Each group had ten repetitions and 12h periods of light and darkness. Feeding was restricted to 120g per animal, shaped pellet during the 14 52 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS days of the experiment. During the last four days the feces were weighed and dry matter was determined at 105 oC. Feces were stored at -20 ° until analysis. Calculation of apparent digestibility coefficient of nutrients For the calculation of average coefficient apparent digestibility, nutrient formula described by Perez et al was used (1995). ADNutrients Ingested nutrients (g) - Nutrients in feces (g) *100 Ingested nutrients (g) Statistical Analysis The analysis of variance was carried out according to the SPSS system for Windows version 1.0 and INFOSTAT (2001 ) indistinctly, where necessary Duncan (1955). Results and discussion Table 1 shows the results of intake, fecal excretion of DM and CP digestibility, NDF, OM and A were observed in rabbit. A higher digestibility (P < 0.05) for DMN was observed in rabbits fed the diet with the probiotic . This improvement in DM digestibility is due to a significant increase (P<0.01) that had the NDF digestibility. This may be determined by a stimulation of cecal microbiological activity (Kimura et al. 1997), which favors higher digestion of cell wall constituents and other nutrients. In rabbits the digestion of cell wall components is limited by a poor retention of food in the cecum and the same characteristics of fermentible substrate. Stimulation with microbial content in these processes are favoured, increasing the digestibility and the final products of the fermentation. Table 1. Effects of Subtilprobio® adding intake and fecal excretion Indicators Control White Probiotic Sig/EE± Intake (g of DM/ animal/day) 130,66 145,36 7,68 Fecal excretion g of DM/ animal/day) 35,81 31,41 3,47 DM D (%) 72,79 77,98 1,70* CP D (%) 79,14 87,38 1,47*** OM D (%) 72,94 78,05 1,67 NDF D (%) 54,26 64,11 2,12** ASH D (%) 70,94 77,17 2,41 (g dm / animal / day, and the digestibility of DM, CP, NDF, OM and C (%) in rabbits. *(P<0,05)**(P<0,01)***(P<0,001) Similarly, the digestibility of CP was favoured (P<0.001). Samanya and Yamauchi (2002) and Teo and Tan (2007) determined that the use of Bacillus subtilis in the diet of rabbits promotes intestinal integrity and increases the efficiency of utilization and absorption of nutrients. Hence, the productive and reproductive performance of rabbit intake in this type of probiotic with liveweight exceeding 225 g in the control and no death in rabbits at the lactation stage with weaning weights of 1.09 kg per group, improved (Rubio 2012 ). No differences for consumption, fecal excretion, OMD and ashD in rabbits that consumed diets with or without probiotic were observed. The trend was to increase consumption and decrease the fecal excretion of DM, which showed the highest degree of utilization of nutrients, mainly starch, as a feature of this probiotic in producing enzymes like amilasa (Asgher et al 2006). We conclude that the use of diets with Bacillus subtilis and endospores in the diet of rabbit, improved the indicators of digestibility for DM, NDF and the CP without causing changes in the digestibility of A, OM and intake and excretion g of DM. 54 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS References Kimura, K., McCartney, A., Conell, M .1997: Analysis of fecal populations of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli and investigation of inmunological response of their human host to predominan strains. Appl. Environ. Microbial. 63:9: 3394. Samanya, M., Yamauchi, K., 2002: Histological alterations of intestinal villi in chickens fed dried Bacillus subtilis var. natto. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 133: 95.Teo, A., Tan, H.M. 2007: Evaluation of the performance and intestinal gut microflora of broiler fed on corn-soy diets supplemented with Bacillus subtilisPB6, CloSTAT. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 16:296. Rubio,S.R: 2012: Estudio del efecto del probiótico Bacillus subtilis y sus endosporas en el comportamiento productivo y reproductivo de conejos de la raza Nueva Zelanda. Berg, R. D. 1998 ¨Probiotics or conbiotics¨Trends Microbiol.Donalson International Livestock. 2005. Ganado porcino Canadiense de pura raza. RR#2, Tavistock,Notario Canada NOB2RO. Email: [email protected] Web Site: http://www. 6, 89 -92 Swientek, B.2003. Beneficial Bacteria. Prebiotics and probiotics work in tandem to stimulate a healthy microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. Food productdevelopment. tm (5/2/03) Cheeke PR, Hollister AG, Robinson KL. Improving feed efficiency and reducing mortality in rabbits: A case study for use in all species. In: Lyons TP, editor Biotechnology in Feed Industry. Nicholasville Kentuky USA: Alltech Technical Publications, 1989: 253-259.AOAC. 1995. Official Methods of Analysis. Ass. Off. Agric. Chem. 16th ed. Washington, D. C. Goerin & Van Soest, J.P. 1993. Cell Wall matrix interactions and degradationSession synopsis. In Forage Cell Wall Structure an Digestibility Amarican Siciet of Agronomy.377-395 Pérez,J.M., Lebas,F., Gidenne,T., Maestens.L, Xiccato,G., Parigi-Bini,R., Dalle zotte, A& Coccu,M .E 1995.Eurtopean reference method for in vivo determination of diet digestibility in rabbit. World Rabbit Sci.,3(1):41-43 STUDY OF THE CONSUMPTION EFFECT OF PROBIOTICS IN THE COLIFORMS DYNAMICS IN RABBIT'S DIGESTIVE TRACT LAGUNAS BS, PÉREZ SL, OSORIO MJ, FAJARDO MR*, DE LA CRUZ BA, DÍAZ GONZÁLEZ BA, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal (CIESA), Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia (FMVZ), Universidad Autónoma de México (UAEMéx). Carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco Km. 15.5. CP. 50200. Toluca, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract In a previous work, we demonstrated that Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kombucha tea probiotics enhanced some productive parameters in rabbits, and modified the intestinal coliform microflora, but the modified bacteria population strains remain unidentified. The aim of this study was to identify the intestinal bacteria strains that changed under the effect of probiotic oral supply. This work was carried out under an observational descriptive design in 30 New Zealand white rabbits, divided into in three treatments groups of ten animals each, during 75 days of experiment, using a commercial food additive free. Group A was supplemented with KT. Group B with Sc47 and group C served as control. Stool samples from anal sphincter were taken and seed on selective media for coliforms. A number of 61 bacterial colonies was isolated and identified as: 27 Gram-positive diplococci and cocci, 34 Gram-negative coliform, identified as, three Citrobacter intermedius colonies, three E. coli, one Alcaligenes faecalis, two Yersinia, one Salmonella arizonae, 13 Serratia marcescens, one Flavobacterium spp, three Vibrio cholerae, three Serratia liquefaciens, one Erwinia herbicola, two Aeromonas spp. and one Proteus vulgaris. These results show a bacterial intestinal modulation induced by probiotic consumption. Keywords: Kombucha Tea, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Dynamics of coliforms, bacteriology identification. 56 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS ESTUDIO DEL EFECTO DEL CONSUMO DE PROBIÓTICOS EN LA DINÁMICA DE COLIFORMES DEL TUBO DIGESTIVO DEL CONEJO LAGUNAS BS, PÉREZ SL, OSORIO MJ, FAJARDO MR*, DE LA CRUZ BA, DÍAZ GONZÁLEZ BA, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal (CIESA), Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia (FMVZ), Universidad Autónoma de México (UAEMéx). Carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco Km. 15.5. CP. 50200. Toluca, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen En el presente trabajo se utilizaron dos probióticos Saccharomyces cerevisiae cepa Sc47, que es una levadura comercial, que ha sido empleada en diversas especies animales domésticas y Té Kombucha (TK) bebida ligeramente dulce y ácida, fabricada a partir del té verde (Camellia sinensis) con azúcar y que es fermentado por los microorganismos del cultivo Kombucha. Este último se ha utilizado en humanos como terapia alternativa y se considera que puede tener beneficios profilácticos y terapéuticos. Ambos probióticos favorecen algunos parámetros productivos en conejos, así como la estimulación del sistema inmunológico, pero se desconocen sus mecanismos de acción. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el efecto del TK y Sc47 en la dinámica bacteriana del tubo digestivo del conejo. Se utilizó un diseño de estudio descriptivo observacional en 30 conejos Nueva Zelanda Blancos, los cuales fueron divididos en tres grupos de diez animales en tres tratamientos durante 75 días, al grupo A se le suplementó con TK, al grupo B con Sc47 y el grupo C fungió como control, se tomaron muestras de heces del esfínter anal y se cultivaron en placa con medios selectivos para coliformes. Se aislaron 61 colonias bacterianas de las cuales 27 fueron cocos y diplococos Gram+ y 34 coliformes Gram-, identificando: tres colonias de Citrobacter intermedius, tres de E. coli, una de Alcaligenes faecalis, dos de Yersinia, una de Salmonella arizonae, 13 de Serratia marcescens, una de Flavobacterium sp, tres de Vibrio cholerae, tres de Serratia liquefaciens,una de Erwinia herbicola, dos de Aeromonas spp y una de Proteus vulgaris, en ellas se observó la dinámica de crecimiento bacteriano, encontrando que algunas decrecieron y otras aumentaron, por lo tanto, podemos mencionar que al adicionar los probióticos en la dieta de los conejos, estos los conejos modificaron el crecimiento de las poblaciones bacterianas de coliformes patógenos y comunes. Palabras clave: Té Kombucha, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, dinámica de coliformes, bacteriología. 58 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Introduction The use of probiotics has targeted the human and animal health. In human, it has highlighted its use in diarrhea control of nonspecific origin, even in treating of some antibiotic-resistant agents (Kirchelle et al., 1996). Beneficial effects of probiotic are very specific, and not all species are efficacious. Strains of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S. boulardii, Lactobacillus casei Shirota and Bifidobacterium animalis (Bb12) are the most studied in animal and human health. In animal production, the importance of probiotics lies in the properties to improve the efficiency of feed conversion and growth promoters (Rosmini, 2004). Studies in pigs supplemented with Sc47, showed a gradual decrease in total fecal coliform counts, these changes were apparently not associated to the activation of the systemic immunity (Pérez–Sotelo et al., 2011). In previous studies in our laboratory, TK and Sc47 suministrated in water in a rabbit model, both probiotics demonstrated faster growth of the animals associated with a decrease in the total number of fecal coliforms and a slight decrease in feed intake (De la Cruz et al., 2008). Based on these studies, the present study aimed to determine the effect of KT and Sc47 on coliform population dynamics identified in the digestive tract of the rabbit. Material and methods This work was carried out under an observational descriptive design in 30 New Zealand rabbits, divided into in three treatments groups of ten animals each, during 75 days of experiment, using a commercial food additive free. Group A was supplemented with TK. Group B with Sc47 and group C served as control. The used doses in both experimental groups A and B were in the water under the recommendations of commercial labs. Stool samples from anal sphincter were taken and seed on selective media for coliforms. The fecal samples were performed on experimental days 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75; aseptically plastic gloves, anal stimulation by obtaining 2 g per rabbit, the individual stool samples were pooled for each treatment. Coliforms isolation was undertaken on nutrient agar, brilliant green agar, Mc Conkey agar and Salmonella- Shigella agar. Cultures were incubated at 35° C for 24 hrs. Isolated suspicious colonies were identified based on routine microbiological protocols. The used biochemical tests were: Simmon's citrate, Catalase, Methyl Red Voges Proskauer and Urea, TSI and SIM (Murray, 1995). Statistical analysis was conducted using tests of least squares trend lines. Results In the group A, six bacterial genera were isolated: Yersinia sp., Vibrio cholerae, Flavobacterium sp., Serratia marcescens, Serratia liquefaciens y Citrobacter intermedius. Among these, Yersinia sp, Flavobacterium sp and Vibrio cholerae, showed a downward trend while Serratia marcescens, Serratia liquefaciens and Citrobacter intermedius showed an upward trend. In the group B, six bacterial genera were isolated: Vibrio cholerae type, Serratia marcescens, Erwinia herbicola, Proteus vulgaris, Serratia liquefaciens and Citrobacter intermedius. Which Vibrio cholerae, Erwinia herbicola and Serratia marcescens presented downtrend while, Proteus vulgaris, Serratia liquefaciens and Citrobacter intermedius showed an upward trend. In the group C, six bacterial genera were isolated: Citrobacter intermedius, E. coli, Alcaligenes faecalis, Yersinia sp., Serratia marcescens and Salmonella arizonae. Which Citrobacter intermedius, E. coli and Alcaligenes faecalis, showed a downward trend, while Yersinia sp. and Salmonella arizonae showed an upward trend, and Serratia marcescens remained unchanged. Discussion In the normal rabbit´s gut biome, coliform Gram- trends to be downward. These changes could be explained by some known mechanisms like: cellulose consumption in the feed increases the number of Gram+ cellulolytic bacteria which suppress the Grambacteria (Hernández and Cobos, 2001). Furthermore, the gastric pH tends to be acidified with age. Thus, food and bacterial colonies can regulate other bacterial growths; these mechanisms are known as bio-regulation or competitive bacteria exclusion (Ron, 2003; Carrizo, 2003). In group A, a downward trend was observed in the number of colonies Gram-, more evident than that of group C, this may be due to the composition of TK containing some metabolites; one usnic acid, which has antimicrobial properties on 60 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Gram- bacteria (Bargellini, 1946). Another metabolite is glucuronic acid, which induces IFNɣ, which regulate the bacterial infections by activation of macrophages (Vega et al., 2005). In group B, a decrease of Gram- bacteria was observed; when Sc47 is constantly providing, some mannan-dependent bacterial colonies can be removed by cytoadhesion and form clusters that are expelled with the feces, thereby regulating ecosystem biome (Pérez-Sotelo, 2011). Another possible mechanism of action could exercise the KT and Sc47 probiotics on bacterial colonies is that they can produce antimicrobial molecules and inducing competitive exclusion among species (Fernández, 2005). It has been observed an antimicrobial effect in vitro of KT on some bacterial genera: Plesiomona spp, Serratia spp, Salmonella spp, Yersinia spp, Acinetobacter spp, Pseudomonas spp, Actinobacillus spp, Moraxella sp and Alcaligenes spp (De la Cruz et al., 2012). In evaluating the supernatant in liquid media Sc47 no inhibitory effect of bacterial growth was observed by assuming the absence of these metabolites, suggesting that other mechanisms were involved in microbiota modulation. Another possible mechanism of intestinal bacterial modulation is the innate immune response through to α-defensins produced by stimulation of the Panneth cells in response to certain microbial probiotics products (Mc. Dermott, 2007). These results showed a bacterial intestinal modulation induced by probiotic consumption in both KT and Sc47. References Bargellini G., del Pianio E. G., Martini-Bettólo B. 1946. SuU'attivitá antibatterica di duc acidi lichcnici: acido usnico ed acido vulpinico. «Attt delia Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei», vol. I, fase. 12, págs. 1252-1205. Carrizo M. J. 2003. Equilibrio en la Flora Intestinal del Conejo, Cunicultura, Madrid España, 323-326 pp. De la Cruz B. A., Pérez S. L. S., Díaz G. B. A. E., Fajardo M. R. C. 2008. Efecto del suplemento de los probióticos Té Kombucha y Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc47 sobre parámetros productivos en conejos Nueva Zelanda durante la etapa de engorda, Tesis de Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria Y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. De la Cruz B. A., Pérez S. L. S., Díaz G. B. A. E., Fajardo M. R. C. 2012. Efecto de Saccharomyces cerevisiae y Te Kombucha sobre poblaciones de coliformes en conejos, Tesis de Maestría en Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Fernández D. A. 2005. Producción inducible de lactococina A, pediocina PA-1, colicina V e interleuquina-2 en cepas de Lactococcus lactis productoras de nisina, Tesis Doctoral. Hernández S. D., Cobos P. M. A. 2001. Digestibilidad in vitro, población de bacterias celulolíticas y totales del apéndice cecal, ciego y colon del conejo. Técnica Pecuaria 9 (3). Kirchelle A., Fruhwein N., Toburen D. 1996. Treatment of persist diarrhea with S. boulardii in returning travelers. Results of prospective study. Fortschr Medicine 114(11): 136-140. Mc. Dermott A. M. 2007. Péptidos catiónicos antimicrobianos. ¿Una futura opción terapéutica? Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol 2007; 82: 469-470. Murray P. D. 1995. Manual de Clinical Microbiology. American Society of Microbiologists. 6° ed. Estados Unidos Americanos. Pérez S. L., Vaughan G., Fajardo R., Gonzalez Y., Monroy H., Vazquez J. C. 2011. Modulator effects of dietary supplementation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae on coliform counts, adaptive general immunologic response and growth-performance in pigs. Indian J. Anim. Nutr. 28 (2): 191–197. Ron R. D. 2003. Rabbit gastrointestinal physiology. Rev. Vet. Clin. Exot. Anim. 6: 129– 156. 62 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Rosmini M. R., Sequeira G. J., Guerrero Legarreta I., Martí L. E., Dalla Santina N., Frizzo L., Bonazza J. C. 2004. Producción de prebióticos para animales de abasto: Importancia del uso de la microbiota intestinal indigena., Rev. Mex. de Ing. Quim. 3(2): 181-191. Vega M., Valderrama S., Moya G., Ferrero J., Castiñeira M., Quintana M. 2005. Establecimiento de un material de referencia para interferón gamma humano recombinante. Centro de ingeniería genética y biotecnología. Rev. Cubana Farm. 39(2). GROWTH PROMOTERS USED FOR WEIGHT GAIN IN RABBITS MEANT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION VALLADARES-CARRANZA B¹*, VELÁZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V¹, ALONSO-FRESÁN MU1, ZAMORA-ESPINOSA JL1, RODRIGUEZ-CORREA JL2, DOMÍNGUEZ-VARA IA3 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Km 15.5 carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco, Estado de México. Cuerpo Académico en Salud Animal (UAEM-CA-3 Salud Animal). 2. Programa de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos Naturales – UAEM. Área Salud Animal. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Km 15.5 carretera TolucaAtlacomulco, Estado de México. 3. Departamento de producción animal FMVZ-UAEM. Cuerpo Académico en Producción Animal. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Food increasing demand has originated the use of growth promoters in animal meat production. In animals meant for feeding, these not only contribute to the increase in total weight gain but to food conversion as well. Nandrolone laurate and clenbuterol clorhydrate, which have been illegally used in animal meat production have sanitary and safety restrictions. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of these substances in the productive parameters of rabbits meant for human consumption, in which total weight gain and food conversion were measured. Fifteen hybrid, male and female rabbits were used, divided into two groups (n = 5 each): group 1 (0.20μg/kg NL intramuscularly administered every 20 days); group 2 (16 μg/kg/d CBL orally administered in drinking water); and a control group which received 1 mL intramuscularly given saline solution as placebo every 15 days. Rabbits were observed for 30 days in which food and water was given ad libitum. Results were analyzed using variance analysis (P<0.05). Total weight gain and food conversion according to the treatments were: group 1, 1.535 kg and 9.94; group 2 1.335 kg and 10.72 and for control group 1.188 kg and 13.40 respectively. 64 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The use of nandrolone laurate and clenbuterol clorhydrate as promoters showed a slight effect on daily and total weight gain, with counterindication for rabbit production, affecting not only rentability but food safety as well. Key words: Nandrolone laurate, clenbuterol clorhydrate, weight gain, food conversion, food safety PROMOTORES DE CRECIMIENTO UTILIZADOS PARA GANANCIA DE PESO EN CONJEJOS DESTINADOS AL CONSUMO HUMANO VALLADARES-CARRANZA B¹*, VELÁZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V¹, ALONSO-FRESÁN MU1, ZAMORA-ESPINOSA JL1, RODRIGUEZ-CORREA JL2, DOMÍNGUEZ-VARA IA3 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Km 15.5 carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco, Estado de México. Cuerpo Académico en Salud Animal (UAEM-CA-3 Salud Animal). 2. Programa de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos Naturales – UAEM. Área Salud Animal. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Km 15.5 carretera TolucaAtlacomulco, Estado de México. 3. Departamento de producción animal FMVZ-UAEM. Cuerpo Académico en Producción Animal. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen La creciente demanda de carne de conejo requiere de una alta producción de carne para consumo humano. El uso de promotores de crecimiento contribuye a la ganancia de peso y disminuye costos de producción. Algunos promotores como el laurato de nandrolona y el clenbuterol muestran restricciones sanitarias y de inocuidad para su administración. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los parámetros ganancia de peso total (GPT) y conversión alimenticia (CA) en conejos, administrando laurato de nandrolona y clenbuterol como promotores de crecimiento. Se formaron tres grupos experimentales de 3 conejos. Los grupos fueron T1 con clenbuterol 16 mg/kg vía oral por día, T2 con laurato de nadrolona inyectado 1 mg/kg cada 20 días y T3 control, el experimento duro 30 días. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante la prueba ANOVA con una significancia de P < 0.05 comparando las unidades experimentales sometidas a tratamiento. Los resultados obtenidos por tratamiento fueron: T1: GPT 1.53, CA 9.94 kg, T2: GPT 1.335, CA 10.72kg y T3: GPT 1.188, CA 13.40 kg respectivamente. La comparación entre los promotores de crecimiento mostró una ganancia de peso y conversión alimenticia significativa en el T1 y T2, obteniendo un mejor índice de beneficio- costo para la producción. 66 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Sin embargo el uso de laurato de nandrolona y el clembuterol, además de afectar a la salud pública, es un fármaco prohibido bajo las normas sanitarias federales en la producción pecuaria. Por lo anterior no se recomienda el uso de la nandrolona y el clenbuterol como promotores de crecimiento. Palabras clave: laurato de nandrolona, clorhidrato de clenbuterol, ganancia de peso, conversión alimenticia, inocuidad alimentaria Introduction Animal protein consumption is necessary for healthy human feeding, therefore the interest on increasing meat production from traditional species (hen, beef, pork and sheep) as well as other not so common species such as rabbit, duck or ostrich. Regarding rabbits, they have numerous advantages due to their easy handling and high reproductive efficiency, as well as their elevated productivity rate when compared to other species. Moreover, rabbit meat is high in protein and low in sodium, fat and cholesterol which makes it an excellent choice for human diet due to its high nutritional content (Santos et al., 2010). Food additives allow the improvement of production and reproductive efficiency in farms. Nevertheless, they do not improve productivity when there is defficiency on productive handling and feeding and genetics of species meant for meat production (Chávez et al., 2012). Recently, anabolic and promoter use in animal production have had serious consequences in public health (Bandala et al., 2007). Moreover, when sanitary regulations as well as good production practices are not followed, health, animal welfare and food safety may be compromised. The lack of technical and economical information for producers, make them susceptible of mistakes in sanitary handling and poor production practices that may have legal implications (Ley Federal de Sanidad animal, 2012; Directive 64/433/EEC). The use of food additives and growth promoters are classified as risky in several countries (Directive 64/433/EEC). Clenbuterol has been employed as growth promoter, but its use is banned in Mexico (NOM-065-ZOO-2003). Nandrolone laurate is used to improve beef meat quality. It should be retired in a rigorous period of time (NOM-004-ZOO-1994). The last improves weight gain and as well as clenbuterol may diminish production costs in production units (Morales et al., 2010). Nandrolone is an steroidal androgenic anabolizer which promotes growth, with no collateral effects, that stimulates weight gain, bone formation and improvement of body condition. It stimulates the formation of muscle, by retaining nitrogen and promotes calcium and phosphate retention and at the same time, stimulates and maintains sodium and potassium levels without water retention and fat in tissues (Veloz, 2005). Clenbuterol is an adrenergic β-agonist which was first used as drug in animals due to its bronchodilating and tocolytic action. Afterwards, it was discoved that when used at ten times more than therapeutical dosis, it showed an anabolizing action, favouring protein synthesis and diminishing fat, which gave their name as energy share out agents. This effect was proven in different species 68 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS such as bovines, ovines and pigs (Olaya, 2012). Due to its effect as growth promoter, its illegal use has increased because it speeds up production with lower resource use (Chávez et al., 2012). The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of NL and CBL on total weight gain (TWG) and food conversion (FC) in rabbits used for human consumption by following meat production regulations. Material and Methods Fifteen hybrid, thirty days old, male and female rabbits with an average live weight of 0.600 Kg were used. Each rabbit was individually penned and identified. Commercial food containing 17% crude protein, 15% crude fiber, 2% crude fat, 12% moisture, 8% ashes and 46% nitrogen free extract as well as drinking water was given ad libitum for thirty days. Three experimental groups were formed divided into two treatment groups (n=5 each): T1 (0.20μg/kg NL intramuscularly (IM) administered every 20 days); T2 (16 μg/kg/d CBL orally administered in drinking water); and a control group (CG) which received 1 mL IM saline solution as placebo every 15 days. Rabbits were weighed evey week to measure weight gain and the relationship between treatents and humanitarily sacrificed following NOM-033-ZOO-1995 protocol. To determine total weight gain (TWG), rabbits were weekly weighed using a digital toploading balance. Food consumption was undertaken by weighing the daily food amount divided by the number of rabbits per group, as a follow up to growth promoter administration. Food conversion (FC) was calculated based on daily consumption and the weekly increase using the formula: Food consumed/Weight gain. Results were analyzed using analysis of variance (P<0.05) in a random block experimental design using Megastat for Microsoft Office Excell 2007. Results and Discussion TWG and FC according to the treatments were: T1 1.335 kg and 10.72; T2 1.535 kg and 9.94 and for CG 1.188 kg and 13.40 respectively, demonstrating that in rabbits there is not an adequate weight gain when using CBL and NL. Carcass at slaughter did not show weight or volume increase. Nevertheless, there was less fat deposition in animals when CBL was used, when compared to T2 and CG. There are no reports of the use of these promoters in rabbits, which are widely used in bovines with significant anabolic effect, but representing a food safety and health problem nowadays because the dosis used are unknown. There was no growth promotion effect shen using CBL and NL in rabbits in the evaluated parameters, which could be associated to the rabbit’s physiology and maybe due to hepatic and other systemic alterations. It would be important to evaluate functional parameters and correlate them to dilucidate what is happening in species where these anabolic are commonly used (Chávez et al., 2012). Conclusion It is concluded that the use of nandrolone laurate and clenbuterol clorhydrate did not show effect on total weight gain and food conversion. The use of these additives as growth promoters is unnecessary for intensive rabbit production because it represents an important risk in food safety References Bandala A.C., Valladares C.B., Villeda M.C.U., Toral P.Y., Velázquez O.V., Pedraza S.F. Zamora E.J.L., Castro M.J. 2007. Alteraciones histológicas y niveles de de clorhidrato de clenbuterol inducidos experimentalmente en perros. XVI congreso nacional de patología veterinaria. Mazatlán Sinaloa pp434-48 Chávez A.L., Díaz O.J., Pérez C.B., Alarcon R.M. 2012. Tendencia de 2005 a 2010 de los niveles de Clenbuterol en muestras de bovinos en Guerrero.Rev. Cienc. Pec., 3(4):449-458. Ley Federal de Sanidad Animal. 2012. Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación. Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-033-ZOO-1995, Sacrificio humanitario de los animales domésticos y silvestres. Morales A., Sánchez V., García F., Coronado R., Latouche O., Rivero L., Leal L., López P., Rodríguez C. 2010. Hipersensibilidad Tipo I asociada a la administración de nandrolona, boldenona y dexametasona en un equino pura sangre de carrera. Arch. Ven. De Farmacol y Ter., 29 (2): 25-27. Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY-NOM-065-ZOO-2003. Especificaciones técnicas para la erradicación del uso de betaagonistasno autorizados en los animales. 2004. Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-004-ZOO-1994, Grasa, hígado, músculo y riñón en aves, bovinos, caprinos, cérvidos, equinos, ovinos y porcinos. Residuos tóxicos. Límites máximos permisibles y procedimientos de muestreo. Official Journal of the European Communities 2001. Directive 64/433/EEC on health conditions for the production and marketing of freshmeat. L 165/48. 70 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Official Journal of the European Communities. 2001. Directive 71/118/EEC on health problems affecting the production and placing on the market of fresh poultry meat. L 165/48. Olaya F.E. 2012. Residuos de Clenbuterol en tejidos comestibles de bovino. Departamento de enseñanza, investigación yservicio. En zootecnia. Chapingo, Estado de México. =show&id=137. (04/04/2014). Olivares P.R, Gómez C. M., Schwentesius R.R. 2009. Alternativas a la producción y mercadeopara la carne de conejo en Tlaxcala, México. Santos L.E.M., Jiménez S.P., Sánchez O.I., Castro R.J., Zúñiga E.A. 2010. Aplicación de Sales de Ácidos Orgánicos en la Conservación de Carne de Conejo. XII Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos. Guanajuato, Gto. Veloz I.R.L. 2005. Evaluación del Efecto del Laurato de Nandrolona (Laurabolin) en el Crecimiento y Engorde de Cuyes Machos (Cavia Porcellus). Proyecto de Investigación. Escuela Politécnica del Ejército Facultad De Ciencias Agropecuarias IASA “Grad Carlomagno Andrade Paredes” Sangolquí - Ecuador EFFECT OF DIETARY PROTEIN CONTENT ON SECOND REPRODUCTION CYCLE OF LOCAL RABBIT DOES AND THEIR LITTERS SAIDJ D*1, AINBAZIZ H1, DAHMANI Y1, ILES I1, BENALI N1, CHIRANE M1, MOULA N2 Research Laboratory “Animal Health and production”, High National Veterinary School, ElHarrach PB 161, 16200, Algiers, Algeria 2 Départment of Animals Productions, Faculty of veterinary Medicine, University of Liège, Boulevard de Colonster, 20 bâtiment B43, 4000 Liège, Belgium. *Corresponding author: [email protected] 1 Abstract The influence of diet protein content on reproductive performance and milk production was studied in forty six local rabbit does with effect on their litters during the second lactation. Does were divided into three groups offered one of three diets formulated to give the same digestible energy (DE) content (2600 kkal) and different digestible protein (DP) content (15, 17 and 19 % DP for diet T, A and B respectively). Diets were supplied ad libitum between parturition and weaning. The use of high protein diets don’t show effect in does weight at partum and between partum and weaning, consecutively does’ weight gain during second lactation. Does given B diet showed significantly higher protein intake a day at lactation (58.08g for group B vs 52.94g for group A vs 44.34g for group T) (p<0.01), but no difference was detected in the digestible energy intake a day and the feed intake a day between partum and weaning (294.5g for group T vs 311.1g for group A vs 305.8g for group B). The litters size and weight at partum and at weaning were not affected by the diets but the effect of litter size in milk production during 21 days post partum (three weeks of second lactation) was cleared in the three diets (p<0.0001). There was no significant difference on milk production between the three diets. Key words: Rabbit doe, local population, diet, digestible protein, reproductive performance 72 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS EFECTO DEL CONTENIDO DE PROTEÍNA EN LA DIETA EN EL SEGUNDO CICLO DE REPRODUCCIÓN DE CONEJAS LOCALES Y SUS CAMADAS SAIDJ D*1, AINBAZIZ H1, DAHMANI Y1, ILES I1, BENALI N1, CHIRANE M1, MOULA N2 Research Laboratory “Animal Health and production”, High National Veterinary School, ElHarrach PB 161, 16200, Algiers, Algeria 2 Départment of Animals Productions, Faculty of veterinary Medicine, University of Liège, Boulevard de Colonster, 20 bâtiment B43, 4000 Liège, Belgium. *Corresponding author: [email protected] 1 Resumen En el presente trabajo se estudió la influencia del contenido de proteína en la dieta en el desempeño reproductivo y producción de leche en cuarenta y seis conejas y su efecto en las camadas durante la segunda lactación. Las conejas se dividieron en tres grupos de acuerdo con la formulación de la dieta, que contenía la misma energía digerible (DE, 2600 kcal) y diferente contenido de proteína digerible (DP: 15, 17y 19 % DP para las dietas T, A y B respectivamente). Las dietas se suministraron ad libitum entre el parto y el destete. El uso de dietas altas en proteína no muestró efecto en el peso de la coneja al parto ni entre el parto y destete, y en consecuencia tampoco durante la segunda lactación. Las conejas del grupo de la dieta B mostraron el mayor consumo de alimento diario durante la lactación (58.08 g para el grupo B, 52.94 g para el grupo A y 44.34 g para el grupo T) (p<0.01), sin diferencia detectable en cuanto al consumo diario de energía digerible y el consumo diario durante el parto y destete (294.5 g para el grupo T, 311.1 g para el grupo A y 305.8 g para el grupo B). Las dietas no tuvieron efecto sobre el tamaño de la camada ni el peso al parto y destete, pero el efecto del tamaño de la camada con respecto a la producción de leche durante 21 días postparto (tres semanas de la segunda lactación) fue claro en las tres dietas (p<0.0001). No existe diferencia significativa en la producción de leche con respecto a las dietas ofrecidas. Palabras clave: Coneja, población local, dieta, proteína digerible, desempeño reproductivo EFFECTS OF INTERACTION BETWEEN ENERGY CONTENT OF DIET AND PARITY ON PERFORMANCE OF LOCAL RABBIT DOES SAIDJ D1*, AINBAZIZ H 1, SALHI O 1, BENALI N 1, LEROY P2, MOULA N² 1.- Research Laboratory “Animal Health and production”, High National Veterinary School, ElHarrach PB 161, 16200, Algiers, Algeria 2.- Départment of Animals Productions, Faculty of veterinary Medicine, University of Liège, Boulevard de Colonster, 20, bâtiment B43, 4000 Liège, Belgium. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Sixty one (61) nulliparous local rabbit does were used to study the effect of different energy content in diet and his interaction with parity on their performances and their litters at the first and second lactation. Does were received one of the three experimental diets with the same protein content (15% CP) and different digestible energy content (2300, 2450 and 2600 kcal/kg) for T, A and B diets respectively. Weight of rabbit does and their litters were controlled at parturition and each week post partum. Weaning was done at 28 days of age. Diets were supplied ad libitum between parturition and weaning. Rabbit does were submitted to mating at 10 days post partum for second parturition. The use of high energy diets didn’t show effects in does live weight between parturitions and weaning, does live weight gain at lactation and their milk yield, but diet with higher energy content decrease significantly (p<0.0001) feed intake at lactation and daily feed intake. There was no significant differences between diets for size and litter weight from birth to weaning, against by, interaction between diet and parity was significant (p<0.05). Mortality at partum and at birth to weaning didn’t differed significantly (p<0.05). There was significant difference between parities on the main parameters of reproduction (p<0.05). Key words: Rabbit doe, diet, energy, reproductive performance 74 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS EFECTOS DE LA INTERACCIÓN ENTRE EL CONTENIDO DE ENERGÍA EN LA DIETA Y LA PARIDAD SOBRE EL DESEMPEÑO REPRODUCTIVO DE LA CONEJA LOCAL SAIDJ D1*, AINBAZIZ H 1, SALHI O 1, BENALI N 1, LEROY P2, MOULA N² 1.- Research Laboratory “Animal Health and production”, High National Veterinary School, ElHarrach PB 161, 16200, Algiers, Algeria 2.- Départment of Animals Productions, Faculty of veterinary Medicine, University of Liège, Boulevard de Colonster, 20, bâtiment B43, 4000 Liège, Belgium. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen Sesenta y un (61) conejas nulíparas locales se utilizaron para estudiar el efecto de diferentes contenidos de energía en la dieta y su interacción con la paridad en su desempeño reproductivo y sus camadas en la primera y segunda lactancia. Las hembras recibieron una de las tres dietas experimentales con el mismo contenido de proteína (15% PC) y diferente contenido de energía digestible (2300, 2450 y 2600 kcal / kg) para dietas T, A y B, respectivamente. El peso de las conejas y sus camadas fueron evaluados en el parto y cada semana después del parto. El destete se realizó a los 28 días de edad. Las dietas se suministraron ad libitum entre el parto y el destete. Se realizaron los apareamientos de las conejas a los 10 días post-parto para el segundo parto. El uso de dietas de alta energía no mostraron efectos entre el peso vivo, entre partos y destete, ni entre la ganancia de peso vivo en la lactancia y la producción de leche de las conejas, pero la dieta con el más alto contenido de energía disminuyó significativamente (p <0,0001) el consumo de alimento durante la lactancia y el consumo de alimento diario. No hubo diferencias significativas entre las dietas para el tamaño y peso de la camada desde el nacimiento hasta el destete, al contrario, la interacción entre la dieta y la paridad fue significativa (p <0,05). La mortalidad al parto y del nacimiento a destete no difirieron significativamente (p <0,05). Hubo diferencia significativa entre las paridades de los principales parámetros de la reproducción (p <0,05). Palabras clave: coneja local, dieta, energía, desempeño reproductivo CALIDAD DE LA CARNE E INOCUIDAD ALIMENTARIA MEAT QUALITY SAFETY & DINING 76 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS EFFECT OF GENETIC LINE ON CARCASS FEATURES IN NEW ZEALAND vs. CALIFORNIA RABBITS *1SÁNCHEZ AP, 2FLORES PCS, 3MERCADO MC, 1 MORA VJM, 4CORTES AJL 1.-Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Bioterio del Hospital Veterinario para pequeñas especies, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México- UAEMex. México. 2.-Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán, Departamento Ciencias Pecuarias, UNAM. México. 3.-Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán, Departamento Ciencias Pecuarias, Unidad de Aislamiento y Bioterio. UNAM. México. 4.-Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. UNAM., México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Probably the rabbit is the domestic mammal has the highest production potential for the supplying of meat, being this lean and with a high percentage of polyunsaturated oils. The composition of meat varies according to age of the animal and the feed system. However, it has not evaluated the effect of breed on the morphometry and carcass yield in adult rabbits. For that reason, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of breed on morphometry, carcass yield and meat-fat-bone ratio in New Zealand vs. California rabbits. The experiment was performed in the meat workshop of Center Teaching Faculty of Cuautitlán, UNAM. 30 rabbits of New Zealand breed and 30 of the California breed were used, the rabbits were sacrificed upon reaching 77 days. For the experiment was taken slaughter weight, hot carcass weight and cold carcass weight of the rabbits of the two respective breeds: 15-18 h post-slaughter and refrigerated at 2±2 °C. The rabbits were desensitized, disjointed cervically and then sacrificed by exsanguination according to NOM-033-ZOO-1995. After slaughters the rabbits were deboned manually, weighing meat bone and fat and carcasses were evaluated separately, and the values were recorded. Findings from the experiment indicate that the rabbits of the New Zealand line have better carcass weight hot and cold when compared with the California breed. The commercial performance in this genetic line also happens to be greater, with an interesting feature that in the thoracic region is the site where most meat is deposited. Key words: Morphometrics, Performance, Carcass, Rabbits. 78 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS EFECTO DE LA LÍNEA GENÉTICA EN FUNCIÓN DE LA CANAL EN CONEJOS NUEVA ZELANDA vs CALIFORNIA *1SÁNCHEZ AP, 2FLORES PCS, 3MERCADO MC, 1 MORA VJM, 4CORTES AJL 1.-Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Bioterio del Hospital Veterinario para pequeñas especies, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México- UAEMex. México. 2.-Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán, Departamento Ciencias Pecuarias, UNAM. México. 3.-Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán, Departamento Ciencias Pecuarias, Unidad de Aislamiento y Bioterio. UNAM. México. 4.-Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. UNAM., México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen Probablemente, el conejo es el mamífero doméstico tiene el potencial de producción más alta para el abastecimiento de carne, siendo este delgado y con un alto porcentaje de aceites poliinsaturados. La composición de la carne varía según la edad del sistema de alimentación y. Sin embargo, no ha evaluado el efecto de la raza sobre la morfometría y rendimiento en canal en conejos adultos. Por esa razón, el propósito de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la raza en la morfometría, rendimiento de la canal y la relación carne-grasa-hueso en conejos Nueva Zelanda vs. California. El experimento se realizó en el taller de la carne de Centro Docente Facultad de Cuautitlán, UNAM. Se utilizaron 30 conejos de la raza Nueva Zelanda y 30 de la raza California, los conejos fueron sacrificados al llegar a 77 días. Para el experimento se tomó el peso masacre, peso de la canal caliente y peso de la canal fría de los conejos de las dos razas correspondientes: 15-18 h después de la masacre y refrigerado a 2 ± 2 ° C. Los conejos fueron insensibilizados, desarticulado cervical y luego sacrificados por desangramiento de acuerdo a la NOM-033-ZOO-1995. Después de matanzas los conejos fueron deshuesados manualmente, con un peso de hueso y grasa de la carne y las canales se evaluaron por separado, y se registraron los valores. Los resultados del experimento indican que los conejos de la línea de Nueva Zelanda tienen mejor peso de la canal caliente y fría en comparación con la raza California. El rendimiento comercial en esta línea genética también pasa a ser mayor, con una característica interesante que en la región torácica es el sitio donde se deposita la mayor parte de la carne. Palabras clave: morfometría, desempeño, canal, conejos. Introduction Probably the rabbit is the domestic mammal with higher potential for self-sufficiency in meat, this being lean and with a high percentage of polyunsaturated oils (Shimada, 2003). The composition of meat varies with the age of the animal and the feeding system (Sandford, 1988). Despite these favorable characteristics, the popularity of the species is very low especially in developing countries that have a high percentage of rural population. In Latin America there are some commercial farms producing moderate volumes of meat and skins. n the United States breeding stock produced to be designed as companion pet while in backyard waste are utilized as fertilizer for planting fields (Shimada, 2003). Due to the characteristics of its production, raising rabbits could be the answer to the problems of hunger, malnutrition and rural poverty in developing countriesbecause it is possible to obtain more than 50 kg of meat in a year with only one pup rabbit. Habits in consumption of rabbit meat are still rising in countries where it is not traditionally consumed, due, among other factors, the demand for meat with improved nutritional characteristics, this may represent potentially the opportunity to increase consumption this type of meat as a healthy food (Ramírez, 2004). In Mexico it is common to market entire rabbit carcass moreover rabbit meat is not marketed in pieces so it has not arisen interest in assessing the various parts of the carcass (Flores-Peinado, 2009). The carcass assessment can be obtained by the chemical composition, for classification. The classification of the carcass determines the productive efficiency of rabbits during the growth phase and its correlation with environmental factors to determine their influence on the performance of the various parts of the carcass (Barrón y Zamora 2004). The objective was to assess the effect of race on the morphometry, carcass yield and meat-fat-bone in rabbits slaughtered at 77 days of age (New Zeland vs California). 80 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Material and methods The present study was performed in rabbits in the Meat Workshop module located in the Agricultural Education Centre School of Advanced Studies Cuautitlán (FES-C, field 4) in the State of Mexico. Number of animals and location The cunicultura module had 40 breeding does, 20 of the New Zealand line and 20 of the California line. All females were gestated and pups to their growth rate was performed 8 days after the birth. at 30 days of age, a total of 80 rabbits were separated from their mothers. the rabbits were brought to feedlots area, where given food type fattening. Throughout the experiment, animals were kept in cages ladder style California. With the aim to differentiate immediately between 2 genetic lines, 2 colors of boxes and paper labels were used. The rabbits of both strains were fed with the same food and similar amounts. During fattening, death of 20 animals was reported, 10 New Zealand genetic line and 5 of the California line, causes of deaths were parasitic, otitis and cannibalism. 5 more animals were excluded from the study for to have the same number of animals in the study. At the end of 77 days of age, the slaughter of 60 animals was performed (30 New Zealand, 30 California). Procedure During the experimental phase control birth dates, birth, end the growth stage was performed sacrifice, trying to bring a synchrony during the execution of the experiment to the fattening and slaughter dates fall in the same season exist and prevent the least amount of factors that could affect the results of the project. The animals under study were brought to the slaughter room. Initially, the live weight of pre-slaughter animal was assess in a digital scale (Tor Rey tipo PCL, México, capacity of 20 kg). Subsequently the animals were scored into the left ear with the help of a permanent marker and numbering was consecutive from 1 to 60, the numbers 1 to 30 correspond to the race of New Zealand and 31 to 60 correspond to California breed. Slaughter The rabbits were desensitized by the method of the dismantling of cervical vertebrae and subsequently killed by a process of exsanguination in accordance with the provisions of the Official Mexican Norm (NOM-033-ZOO-1995) which refers to the domestic animals Slaughter. The 4 limbs were removed, skinning and gutting was done, leaving only carcass attached to the kidneys and liver. The hot carcass weight was obtained at that time and using the same digital scale. Moments later a plastic plate was placed at each of the carcass at the level of the tibia and fibula allowing the identification of breed, kept order in the slaughter line. Morphometry of the carcass Carcasses were washed, placed approximately 10 minutes at room temperature and mobilized to a cooling chamber with controlled temperature ± 2 °C. The carcasses were placed in stainless steel tables and covered with plastic. During 24 hours, the carcasses were brought to a cold room under the same conditions of temperature to obtain the weight of the carcass in cold and morphometric measures between which they emphasize the length of the channel (LC = anterior border of the isqueo first rib to the symphysis), chest depth (PT = the lower part of the sternum to the middle of the back) and roundness of the right ham (RJ = determined at the widest part of the leg or height of the femoral-tibial-patellar joint). All morphometric mediated were performed with the help of a measuring tape and plastic vernier, according to the provisions of the methodology previously described by Becerril (2004). Relationship Fat-Meat-Bone The separation of the head, liver and kidney was performed, then its weight was obtained individually. The carcass was cut in 3 fractions the first region included the neck, forelegs and rib 1 to 8, the second fraction only included the trunk, and the third fraction hindlimbs and pelvic region. 82 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Results The results indicate that the weight of the slaughtering G1 and G2 showed no statistically significant differences. In this sense, after performing the slaughter process, it was identified that the hot carcass weight was statistically higher in New Zealand line rabbits (G1) on the California line rabbits (G2). The same trend was observed when the weight of cold carcass was obtained. During the cooling process of the channels which arises immediately after the slaughter process, the study has shown that California line rabbits lose more weight, same to be related to the loss of water by oreo. It is appreciated that the rabbits of the New Zealand line have a higher carcass yield (P 0.0226) compared with the California Online rabbits. Discussion For weight of hot carcass it was observed that rabbits of New Zealand breed was higher than in the California breed, Dalle describe (2002) that one of the principles factors affecting carcass weight and quality of the caraṇe rabbit is the adult weight which is very important in the growth rate, earlier maturity and body composition of rabbit. This explains the higher carcass weight from the New Zealand because this breed has the highest adult weight. And which states that the carcass weight (CW) was different between genotypes, results that are similar to the effect of genotype observed by Ouyed and Brun (2008) they reported CW similar between pure New Zealand rabbits and genotypes ZL-F1 and NZ-CH CL CN 1235.2G 1242.7 And 1207.6g respectively. Larzul et al (2005) found that the genetic group was important to determine the CW in rabbits. For the weight of the cold channel effect observed differences between genotype, New Zeland again between genotypes were higher than those of the genotype California. The difference in cooling rate between genotypes losses probably due to differences in the proportion of type I and type II fibers between breeds of rabbits, the increase in the percentage of fibers II has been associated with changes in characteristics oganoleptics flesh as best conservcion time, lighter meat color, less water retecion less tenderness, among others (Arnal and Lopez 2001). Greater efficiency in the New Zeland line (P 0.0226) compared to californa was observed. Suarez (2009) observed difference due to genotype and age, results that are similar to those observed by Evans et al (1997) who found differences in carcass yield between genetic groups of two lines of rabbits. Some authors propose a classification in which the carcass with a yield of 55% are considered of good quality, which derive more than 60%, are of excellent quality (Ortiz 2001), so that under these criteria carcasses analyzed in this study would be within the high range selection as similar yields were obtained. As for the morphometric cracteristicas was observed that the New Zealand breed has a greater depth of chest this because in their phenotypic selection reflected by the external formation earliness of development, developing a good production of meat body shape, short neck , chest deep and long, well developed back, muscular, glossy hair and a full sexual development. In short, present an adequate standard morphological (Roca, 2008). References Shimada, M. A. 2003. Nutrición Animal. México. Primera Edición. Editorial Trillas. 267 p. Sandford, J. C. 1988. El Conejo Doméstico: Biología y Producción. Zaragoza: Primera Edición. Editorial Acriba. pp. 203. Ramírez, T. J. A. 2004. Tesis Doctoral: Características bioquímicas del músculo, calidad de la carne y grasa de los conejos seleccionados por velocidad de crecimiento. España .Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Flores, Peinado. Salvador. 2009. Tesis de Maestria: Efecto del periodo de ayuno y método de aturdimiento sobre el bienestar y características físico-químicas de la carne de conejo. México. FES-C. Barrón, G. M., Zamora. M. 2004. Características de la canal de tres razas de conejos Revista FES-C. Divulgación científica multidisciplinaria. 4(11): 7-12. Becerril, H. M. 2004. Tesis de Maestría: Crecimiento y calidad de la canal de cerdos Pelón Mexicano y York-Landrace en confinamiento y pastoreo. FMVZ-UNAM. 84 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Dalle, Z. A. 2002. Perception of rabbit meat quality and major factors influencing the rabbit carcass and meat quality. Livest. Prod. Sci. 75: 11-32. Ouyed A., and Brun J.M..2008. Comparison of growth performances and carcass qualities of crossbred rabbits from four sire lines in quebec. Proceedings of 9ª World Rabbit Congreso. June 10-13 Verona, Itly. Larzul, C. Y. Rochambeau, H. de 2005. Selecction for residual feed consumption in the rabit. Livestocck Productio Science, 95: 67-72 Arnal, C. y López, M. 2001. Efecto de la raza y de la edad sobre el porcentaje de fibras musculares en el Conejo: resultados preliminares IX jornadas sobre producción animal. ITEA. Vol. Extra No. 22 Tomo II 685-687. Suarez, J. R. 2009. Tesis Doctoral. Calidad de los Alimentos Comerciales y Genotipos de Conejo para la producción de Carne en México. Mexico Campus Montecillo. Colegio de Postgraduados. Espinoza, F.F., Espnoza, V.J., Pró, M.A., Becerril, P.C. y Torres, H.G. 1997. Postweaning performance of two New Zelanda Whuite lines an their reciprocal crosses fed a high forage diet. World Rabbit Science. 1997 Vol. 5 (4) 149-154. Ortiz-Hernández, S. A., y Rubio-Lozano, M.S. 2001 Effect of reed and sex on rabit carcass yield and meat quality. World Rabbit Science, 9 (2), 51-56. ROCA, T. 2008 Razas de conejos (en linea) http://www.conejos- DIFFERENT TIMES OF SUPPLYING A DIET RICH IN FISH OIL IN FATTENING RABBITS AND HIS IMPLICATION ON MEAT QUALITY *LAMANNA ML, COSSU ME, PICALLO A, GAMBETTI P Y TORASSO P Departamento de Producción Animal, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Av. San Martín 4453. CABA. Bs.As. Argentina. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Rabbits allow through changes in diet, get changes in the lipid profile of meat. Different strategies are used to achieve an improvement in the content of omega 3 fatty acids and the omega-6/3 ratio (use of flax, chia, fish oil) modifying its physical, chemical and sensory quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate sensory and physical quality of rabbit loin using different periods of supplying a diet with fish oil to modify the lipid profile. Thirty (30) rabbits (NZxC,45 days age) were bred for 30 days (10animals/treatment). Two diets were used, commercial feed and the same diet with addition of fish oil (1.8%). Treatments were: control (C) commercial feed; initial fish (IF), fish oil dietprovided from 45 to 60 days of age + C diet from 60 to 75 days age, and final fish treatment (FF) conversely to previous. After slaughtering (24h) loin muscle were used to determinate pH (Testo230), color (CIELAB system, MinoltaCR300) and fatty acid composition. Loins were cooked in a double contact grill (71ºC±1ºC in the centre of the sample). Samples were analyzed by an analytical panel of 8 trained assessors. The following descriptors were evaluated: overall color; intensity and typicity of odor/flavor; fat taste and juiciness, using an unstructured linear scale of 10cm. Statistical analysis was performed using the Proc Mixed of SAS (2004) for unvariete ANOVA. Differences between treatments were analyzed by Tukey test (p<0.05). No differences were found for productive parameter, slaughter weight and carcass yield (%), nor pH and color parameters (p>0.05). Sensory results were similar for color, odor, off-odor and characteristic odor, but smell-taste variables like characteristic flavor and off-flavor were influenced by diets. 86 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Control diet had higher ‘rabbit flavor’, followed by IF but they were not different on off-flavor parameter (p>0.05). FF had more off-flavor and less characteristic flavor. Treatments with fish oil (IF and FF) had a lower ratio n6/n3 with higher content of EPA and DHA than control. The early assignation of fish diet improved the n6/n3 ratio without negative effects on the sensory and physical meat quality, neither the productive parameters. Key words: ratio n6/n3, sensory, EPA, DHA. DIFERENTES TIEMPOS DE SUPLEMENTACIÓN DE ACEITE DE PESCADO EN DIETAS DE CONEJOS EN ENGORDE Y SU IMPLICANCIA SOBRE LA CALIDAD DE CARNE *LAMANNA ML, COSSU ME, PICALLO A, GAMBETTI P, TORASSO P Departamento de Producción Animal, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Av. San Martín 4453. CABA. Bs.As. Argentina. *Autor Correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen Los conejos permiten, a través de cambios en la dieta, mostrar cambios en el perfil lipídico de la carne. Diferentes estrategias pueden ser utilizada a fin de lograr una mejora en el contenido de ácidos grasos omega 3 y en la relación omega-6/3 (uso de lino, chía, aceite de pescado) modificando sus propiedades físicas, químicas y de calidad sensorial. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la calidad sensorial y física de lomos de conejo utilizando diferentes períodos de suministro de una dieta con aceite de pescado usada para modificar el perfil lípico. Treinta (30) conejos (NZxC, 45 días de edad) fueron criados durante 30 días (10animals / tratamiento). Se utilizaron dos dietas, alimentación comercial y la misma dieta con adición de aceite de pescado (1,8%). Los tratamientos fueron: control (C) alimento comercial; Pescado inicial (SI), dieta con aceite de pescado provista de 45 a 60 días de edad + dieta C de 60 a 75 días de vida, y el tratamiento Pescado final (FF) con tiempos de suministro contrario al anterior. Después del sacrificio (24h) se extrajeron los lomos para determinar el pH (Testo230), color (sistema CIELAB, MinoltaCR300) y la composición de ácidos grasos(GC Shimatzu 14B). Los lomos se cocinaron en una parrilla de doble contacto (71°C ±1°C en el centro de la muestra). Las muestras fueron analizadas por un panel analítico de 8 asesores entrenados. Se evaluaron los siguientes descriptores: color general; intensidad y tipicidad de olor/sabor; sabor a grasa y jugosidad, usando una escala lineal no estructurada de 10 cm. El análisis estadístico se realizó utilizando el Proc Mixed de SAS (2004) para ANOVA univariada. Las diferencias entre los tratamientos fueron analizadas por test de Tukey (p <0,05). No se encontraron diferencias para los parámetros productivos, peso a faena y rendimiento de la canal (%), ni para el pH y los parámetros de color (p> 0,05). Los resultados sensoriales fueron similares para el color, olor, off olor y olor característico, pero las variables olfativas-gustativas como el sabor característico y el sabor fueron influenciados por las dietas. 88 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS La dieta control mostró mayor ‘sabor a conejo', seguido por IF pero no fueron diferentes en el parámetro de sin sabor (p> 0,05). La dieta FF mostró más sin sabor y menor sabor característico. Los tratamientos con aceite de pescado (IF y FF) tuvieron una menor relación n6/n3 con mayor contenido de EPA y DHA respecto al tratamiento control. En conclusión, la asignación temprana de la dieta de pescado mejora la relación n6/n3 sin efectos negativos sobre la calidad física y sensorial de la carne, ni sobre los parámetros productivos. Palabras clave: relación n6/n3, sensorial, EPA, DHA. Introduction It is widely recognized the beneficial effects of omega-3 family fatty acids in human health. In animal nutrition, different sources of omega-3 are used to achieve a favorable change in the meat lipid profile (flaxseed, chia seed, oil fish, fish and algae meals). The lipid composition of rabbit meat greattly affects its organoleptic propieties by modifying flavour and juiciness (Ouhayoun et al., 1987, Cambero et al., 1991, Parigi Bini et al., 1992). Also, diet supplementation with sources of omega 3 fatty acids represent an increase in the cost such affect the sustainability of production. One alternative could be the supplying of an enriched omega 3 diet for short periods of time. Barro et al. (2006) found that the minimum feeding time required to achieve substantial fatty acid (FA) modification in thigh and loin meat was one and two weeks before slaughtering respectively. In pigs, only twenty days were required to increase significantly the amounts of omega 3 FA into animal’s products (Romans et al., 1995; Kouba et al., 2003). These studies showed that short term diet manipulation can be a practical reality for meat industry. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensory and physical quality of rabbit loin using different periods of supplementation of a diet with fish oil, intended to modify the lipid profile. Materials and methods Thirty rabbits (New Zeeland x Californian, 40 days aged) were placed in individual cages at the experimental Unit of the Animal Production Department of the Faculty of Agronomy, UBA. Two different diets were used, Control (C; commercial diet) and Fish (F; commercial diet + 1.8% of oil fish) randomly distributed in three treatments: Control (C) commercial diet from 40 to 75 days of age; Initial Fish (IF): fish oil diet provided from 45 to 60 days of age + C diet from 60 to 75 days of age, and Final Fish (FF), conversely to previous. At 75 days of age rabbits were weight and slaughtered and the carcasses carcass yield was estimated. After 24 hours of refrigeration (chamber, 4±1ºC) carcasses were transferred for analyses to the Meat Quality Laboratory of FAUBA. The pH value 90 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS (Testo 230) and color parameters (L* (lightness), a* (redness), b* (yellowness) and C* as (a*2 + b*2), Minolta Chroma Meter-CR300) were determined on right loin. The fatty acid composition was analyzed by gas chromatography (Shimatzu 14B, flame ionization detector, fused-silica capillary column Restek SP 2560). Left loins were cooked in a double contact grill (71ºC±1ºC in the centre of the sample). Samples were analyzed by an analytical panel of 8 trained assessors using an unstructured linear scale of 10cm. The following descriptors were evaluated: overall color; intensity and typicity of odor/flavor; fat taste and juiciness. Statistical analysis was performed using the Proc Mixed of SAS (2004) for univariate ANOVA. Differences between treatments were analyzed by Tukey test (p<0.05). Results and discussion Table 1 presents the effect of treatments on carcasses yield (%) and meat quality parameters. Not differences were found on carcasses yield for the different treatments (p<0.05), and the values were similar to those shown by Gigaud and Combes (2008). Also meat quality parameters, pH and color, were similar for C, IF and FF. These results would suggest similar physical quality of meat for the two diets and showed no differences due to the treatments. Table1: Effect of treatments on rabbit carcass yield (%) and meat quality parameters of loin Treatments Prob. DSM R2 C IF FF Carcass Yield % 57.7 56.5 57.1 NS 2.05 0.09 pH 5.80 5.74 5.67 NS 0.24 0.06 L* 52.7 53.4 53.6 NS 1.93 0.06 a* 5.91 5.03 5.73 NS 1.23 0.12 b* -1.09 -1.61 -0.39 NS 1.88 0.09 C 6.19 5.46 5.92 NS 1.42 0.06 Color Table 2 showed the fatty acid profile of right loin rabbits according with the three treatments The C14:0, C18:1 (cis9) and MUFA content (% FA tot) were not significantly different. The PUFA content was higher (p <0.0001) in the two diets with fish oil (IF and FF treatments) compared to the control while SFA concentration was higher in the control diet (p <0.0001). Moreover, fish oil treatments showed lower trombogenic index respect control diet (0.75 vs 0.88 respectively), due to the higher omega 3FA concentration. Similar results were found for Dal Bosco et al. (2004) using flaxseed in rabbit’s diets. Treatments including fish oil achieved higher PUFA and omega 3 FA and lower n-6/n-3 ratio than the control treatment. The highest concentration of omega 3 family fatty acids was not due to changes in the level of linolenic acid (18:3 n-3), but was due to increases in the content of EPA and DHA, supplied already performed by fish oil . No differences were found according to the feed time of the diet with fish oil. Gigaud and Combes (2008), obtained similar results when the omega 3 enriched diets were fed only in the finish period; in this case, the only fifteen days supplementation was enough to increase omega 3 FA concentration in rabbits meat, regardless of the time of supply. 92 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Table 2. Level of fatty acids (% of total fatty acids) in muscle tissue of right loin. Item Treatments Prob. DSM R2 C IF FF C14:0 1.76 1.82 1.78 NS 0.32 0.01 C16:0 25.3 b 23.1 a 23.8 ab 0.0046 1.46 0.4 C18:0 7.02 b 6.01 a 6.64 ab 0.0145 0.80 0.33 C18:1 cis9 24.2 23.8 22.5 NS 2.36 0.14 C18:2 n-6 28.5 a 31.6 b 29.2 a 0.0071 2.35 0.38 C18:3 n-3 2.28 2.68 2.38 NS 0.41 0.24 C20:4 n-6 2.45 ab 1.76 a 2.59 b 0.0275 0.77 0.29 C20:5 n-3 0.33 a 0.57 b 0.75 c <0.0001 0.18 0.62 C22:6 n-3 0.25 a 1.19 b 1.38 b <0.0001 0.30 0.84 SFA 34.2 a 30.9 a 32.2 ab <0.0001 1.10 0.73 MUFA 28.7 28.78 27.7 NS 1.62 0.14 PUFA 34.0 a 38.7 b 36.7 c <0.0001 1.60 0.72 n-6 31.0 a 33.6 b 31.0 a <0.0001 1.89 0.43 n-3 2.95 a 4.45 b 4.58 b <0.0001 0.56 0.76 n-6 / n-3 10.7 a 7.62 b 6.8 b <0.0001 1.32 0.75 Trombogenic index 0.88 a 0.7 b 0.75 b <0.0001 0.06 0.78 SFA: Saturated Fatty Acid. MUFA: Monounsaturated Fatty Acid, PUFA: Polyunsaturated fatty acid. Means with different letters differ significantly at p<0.05. In the sensory analysis, were not found any differences (p <0.05) on color, odor, rabbit typical odor, rabbit typical flavor, juiciness and fat taste parameters (table 3) but Control diet flavor intensity was higher than in fish oil diets (p < 0.05). The fish oil addition in diets resulted in more off flavor only in the FF treatment while IF treatment was similar to the Control diet. Table 3. Sensory analysis of rabbit meat, with oil fish diets Treatments C IF Prob. DSM R2 FF Color 4.33 3.33 4.1 NS 1.42 0.17 Odor intensity 6.06 5.87 4.78 NS 1.98 0.05 Rabbit typical Odor 3.97 2.83 4.13 NS 1.79 0.19 Rabbit typical flavor 0.73 1.23 1.41 NS 1.68 0.06 Flavor intensity 5.4 a 3.7 b 3.13 b 0.0226 1.96 0.12 Off flavour 0.64 a 0.65 a 2.95 b 0.0022 2.23 0.12 Juiciness 3.6 5.46 4.61 NS 2.56 0.16 Fat taste 1.5 1.74 0.81 NS 1.56 0.12 The strategy of supplementation with fish oil diets at the beginning of the fattening period resulted in meat with a higher content of omega 3 FA and less omega 6/3 ratio (30% less) respect to the control, without negative effects on sensory evaluation. Conversely, the supplementation at the end of the fattening period, also allowed to improve the lipid profile but with greater presence of off flavor, significantly compromising its sensory quality. Conclusions The results obtained suggest that 15 days supplementation was enough to achieve an improvement in the meat fatty acids profile, reducing the omega 6/3 ratio, without affecting the physical quality of meat or productive performance. As the time of supply of the enriched diet could modify the sensory quality of the meat, seem advisable to offer the diet in the first phase of the fattening period. 94 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Acknowledgments We would like to thank the staff from ‘Three balance’ producer group for his unconditional cooperation. This project received financial support from UBACyT 201114 00958. References Barroeta, A. C. "Nutritive value of poultry meat: relationship between vitamin E and PUFA." World's Poultry Science Journal 63.02 (2007): 277-284. Cambero, Maria I., et al. "Lipid and fatty acid composition of rabbit meat: Part 2.— Phospholipids." Meat science 29.2 (1991): 167-176. Dal Bosco, A., Castellini, C, Bianchi, L., Mugnai, C. Efect of dietary α-linolenic acid and vitamin E on the fatty acid composition, storage stability and sensory traits of rabbit meat. Meat Science 6, (2004), 407-413. Gigaud, V. and Combes, S. The effect of decresing omega 6/omega 3 ratio in feed on fatty acid content of rabbit meat to meet human dietary recommendations. 9th World Rabbit Congress, June 2008, Verona, Italy. Kouba, M., et al. "Effect of a high-linolenic acid diet on lipogenic enzyme activities, fatty acid composition, and meat quality in the growing pig." Journal of Animal Science 81.8 (2003): 1967-1979. Ouhayoun, J., Kopp, J. Bonnet, M., Demarne, Y. and Delmas, D. Sciences des Aliments, 7 (1987), p. 521 Parigi-Bini, R., et al. "Energy and protein utilization and partition in rabbit does concurrently pregnant and lactating." Animal Production 55.01 (1992): 153-162. Romans, John R., et al. "Effects of ground flaxseed in swine diets on pig performance and on physical and sensory characteristics and omega-3 fatty acid content of pork: I. Dietary level of flaxseed." Journal of Animal Science 73.7 (1995): 1982-1986. CARCASS INDEX OF NEW ZEALAND WHITE, CALIFORNIA, CHINCHILLA AND BLACK AZTEC AT CENTRO NACIONAL DE CUNICULTURA, MEXICO MARTÍNEZ YR1, 3, MAGAÑA RJJ1, GUERRERO CEM1, ALBERTOS APJ 1, PARADA HR2. 1.- Departamento de Agronomía, División de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad de Guanajuato. 2.-Centro Nacional de Cunicultura, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Rabbit carcass index from animals at the Centro Nacional de Cunicultura (CNC, México) was evaluated comparatively. According to CNC managers, no new breeder animals have been introduced in the last 20 years, due this mainly as a result of sanitary barriers that have occurred during these years. Therefore, it is important to conduct performance evaluations of animals and carcass index evaluations. The evaluated breeds were New Zealand white, California, Chinchilla and Black Aztec; the evaluations were conducted in the CNC, Mexico’s premises. 240 just weaned rabbits (35 d) were used, 60 rabbits per breed, 50 % females and 50 % males, which were individually tattooed for identification, all were kept in American traditional type cages (6 specimens per cage ).Carcass weight and yield, and quartering hot carcass weight (forelimbs, hind limbs, loin and head) were evaluated. The live weight values for California, New Zealand, Chinchilla and Black Azteca were 1.801 ± 0.023, 1.800 ±0.023, 1.776 ± 0.025 y 1.598 ± 0.024 g (mean ± SE) , respectively. The carcass yield values were for New Zealand 55.40 ± 0.27 %, Chinchilla 55.21 ± 0.27 %, Black Aztec 55.04 ± 0.24 % and 53.47 ± 0.24 % for California. For the quartered, the values by breed were, New Zealand, California, Chinchilla and Black Aztec respectively forelimbs: 315.09 ± 5.04, 287.45 ± 6.43, 284.40 ± 6.38 and 284.43 ± 5.39, hind limbs: 359.09 ± 6.14, 326.66 ± 6.03, 314.61 ± 6.92 and 320.66 ± 5.67. On the loin: 265.00 ± 5.71, 252.80 ± 5.74, 239.61 ± 6.12 g and 235.56 ± 4.64 g head weight: 140.72 ± 1.96, 142.89 ± 2.04, 129.13 ± 2.17 and 129.05 ± 1.93 g. It is necessary further research on the Black Aztec breed which showed a good carcass index. California breed scored the lowest carcass index data. Keywords: Carcass yield, hot carcass weight, quartering. 96 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS PRODUCCIÓN DE CANAL DE LAS RAZAS NUEVA ZELANDA, CALIFORNIA, CHINCHILLA Y AZTECA NEGRO DEL CENTRO NACIONAL DE CUNICULTURA. MARTÍNEZ YR1, 3, MAGAÑA RJJ1, GUERRERO CEM1, ALBERTOS APJ 1, PARADA HR2. 1.- Departamento de Agronomía, División de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad de Guanajuato. 2.-Centro Nacional de Cunicultura, México. 3 *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen En el Centro Nacional de Cunicultura y Especies Menores (CNCG, México), se evaluó de forma comparativa el rendimiento a la canal de los animales del mismo CNCG. De acuerdo a los directivos CNCG, desde hace 20 años no se han introducido nuevos animales como reproductores. Por lo cual, es importante realizar evaluaciones del performance de los animales. Las razas evaluadas fueron Nueva Zelanda variedad blanco, California, Chinchilla y Azteca Negro y fue realizado en las instalaciones del CNCG. Se utilizaron 240 gazapos destetados (35d), 60 gazapos por cada raza, 50% hembras y 50% machos, estos fueron tatuados e identificados individualmente y alojados en jaulas tipo tradicional americano (6 especímenes por jaula). Los animales fueron sacrificados a los 70 días de edad. Se evaluó peso, rendimiento de canal, peso canal caliente y troceado (miembros anteriores, miembros posteriores, lomo y cabeza). Para el peso vivo los valores fueron para California, Nueva Zelanda, Chinchilla y Azteca Negro de 1.801 ± 0.023, 1.800 ±0.023, 1.776 ± 0.025 y 1.598 ± 0.024 g (media ± EE), respectivamente. Para rendimiento de canal Nueva Zelanda 55.40 ± 0.27 %, Chinchilla 55.21 ± 0.27 %, Azteca Negro 55.04 ± 0.24 % y California 53.47 ± 0.24 %. En despiece, los valores son de acuerdo a la raza, Nueva Zelanda, California, Chinchilla y Azteca Negro, respectivamente, miembros anteriores: 315.09 ± 5.04, 287.45 ± 6.43, 284.40± 6.38 y 284.43 ± 5.39, miembros posteriores: 359.09 ± 6.14, 326.66 ± 6.03, 314.61 ±6.92 y 320.66 ± 5.67. En el lomo: 265.00 ± 5.71, 252.80 ± 5.74, 239.61 ± 6.12 g y 235.56 ± 4.64 g y peso de la cabeza: 140.72 ± 1.96, 142.89 ± 2.04, 129.13 ± 2.17 y 129.05 ± 1.93 g. Es necesario seguir realizando investigación en la raza Azteca Negro al mostrar un buen rendimiento de canal. La raza California obtuvo los datos más bajos de rendimiento de canal. Palabras Clave: Rendimiento de canal, Peso canal caliente, Troceado. 98 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Introduction At the Centro Nacional de Cunicultura (CNC) posts weaning growth and carcass yield for hybrid animals have been previously comparatively evaluated in animals obtained from the CNC. According to the directors of the CNC, no new breeder animals have been introduced for 20 years, as a result of sanitary barriers that have arisen in recent years for importing animals; this suggests the need for new assessments to determine if it has emerged in improving of the CNC animals. The breeds that are counted are New Zealand White (NZ), Californian (Ca), Chinchilla (Ch), Azteca Black (AN), English Spot and Rex, being the subject of this work the first four breeds. Because of its composition, consumption of rabbit meat plays an important role in the control of cardiovascular and chronic diseases because compared with other species contains less cholesterol and high levels of protein with essential amino (Dalle, 2011; Martínez, 2004), due to the increasing demand for food that will improve the life quality, containing low amount of cholesterol and high in protein, rabbit is an excellent choice, because if this, it is necessary to evaluate breeds to identify which gives us more meat in the shortest possible time with maximum weight gains and carcass yield (Flores, 2013). Material This experiment was conducted at the CNC premises located on the Irapuato-Salamanca road Km 4, Colonia Rafael Galván in the city of Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico. A total of 240 just weaned rabbits 5 weeks old, 60 rabbits per breed (50% female and 50% male) were used. All of them were kept in traditional American type galvanized cages (60 x 90 cm). Methodology All rabbits were individually tattooed for identification, and kept 6 specimens per cage. Daily (9:00 am), 1 Kg of commercial rabbit feed was supplied per cage (88% Dry Matter, Crude Protein 16%, Crude Fat 2% Crude Fiber 15% and 13% ash), removing the following morning the remnant and providing again one kg of fresh feed. Water was provided ad libitium. All animals were humanely slaughtered, being desensitized using electric shock. Final weight (70 days fattening), carcass yield, hot carcass weight, liver weight and cutting (forelimbs, hind limbs, loin and head) were evaluated. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, after review of homogeneity of variances and the difference between means with a Tukey test. Results y Discussion For weight at 70 days, the Ca breed obtained a value of 1.801 ± 0.023 kg which is higher than reported by Zuñiga (2009), followed by the NZ race with 1,800 ± 0.023 kg, the Ch breed with 1.776 ± 0.025 kg and AN with 1.598 ± 0.024 kg was the breed with the lower weight. NZ breed showed a lower value than reported in 2009, however, for Ca and AN breeds an improvement in the 70 d weight has been shown. The final weight value is lower in all breeds compared with the Egypt V-line rabbit used by Elmaghraby (2011), however the final weight reported by this author was at 77 d of age while in this study CNC breeds slaughter weight is at 70 d of age. The highest carcass yield was the NZ breed with a value of 55.40 ± 0.27%, followed by the Ch breed with 55.21 ± Ch 0.27%, AN 55.04 ± 0.24% being the lowest value Ca with 53.47 ± 0.24%. As for the carcass weight, the heavier breed was NZ ith 1025.27 ± 17.99 g, followed by Ca with 946.22 ± 17.97 g, for Ch 921.63 ± 20.07g and AN with 917.26 ± 15.31 g. The Ca despite having obtained the second highest value for weight at 70 d showed a lower carcass yield having an approximate 53%yield when the other breeds regardless of weight at 70 d obtained yields close to 55%. In carcass cuts the forelimbs obtained weights of 315.09 ± 5.04g, 287.45 ± 6.43g, 284.43 ± 5.39 g and 284.40 ± 6.38 g; hind limbs values of 359.09 ± 6.14g, 326.66 ± 6.03g, 320.66 ± 5.67 g and 314.61 ± 6.92 g for NZ, Ca, AN and Ch, respectively. For loin weights were 265.00 ± 5.71 g for NZ, 252.80 ± 5.74 g for Ca, Ch with 239.61 ± 6.12 g and for AN 235.56 ± 4.64 g. Weight of the head showed the highest weight for Ca with 142.89 ± 2.04 g, followed by NZ with 140.72 ± 1.96 g, Ch with 129.13 ± 2.17 g and AN with 129.05 ± 1.93 g. In a study conducted by Flores (2013), in which hybrids rabbits were used mentioned data are higher than those obtained in this work, showing the carcass yields 57.22%, hid limbs weight of 373.66 ± 10.69 g. Standing out the NZ breed with the highest carcass yield percentage and carcass cuts weight. AN breed despite a lower weight at 70 d showed a carcass yield higher than 55% similar to the NZ and Ch breeds behavior. Ca breed showed a lower behavior than NZ in carcass cuts, but higher than Ch and AN breeds despite having a lower carcass yield. 100 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Conclusion Further research is needed in AN breed which showed good performance in the carcass yield despite a lower weight. It is possible that Ca breed requires a diet change and research the effect of it, due to the differences found between carcass yield and weight at 70 d, probably a higher viscera volume is formed. References Dalle, Z.A., Szendrő, Z. 2011. The role of rabbit meat as functional food. Meat Science 319-331 Elmaghraby, M.M.A. 2011. Effect of restricted Access to drinking wáter on growth, feed efficiency and carcass characteristics of fattening rabbits. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences 5 (2): 136-144 Flores, P.S.C. 2013. Efecto del género en el rendimiento y calidad instrumental de la carne de conejo. UNAM. Martínez, C.M.A. 2004. Cunicultura Segunda edición. México, D.F. Editorial UNAMFMVZ. Pp: 3-24 Zúñiga, M.A.M. 2009. Estimación de algunos efectos genéticos en el conejo doméstico presentes al realizar un cruzamiento dialélico completo de cuatro razas. Tesis de Licenciatura. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Pp: 2-12. PRODUCCIÓN DE CANAL DE LAS RAZAS NUEVA ZELANDA, CALIFORNIA, CHINCHILLA Y AZTECA NEGRO DEL CENTRO NACIONAL DE CUNICULTURA MARTÍNEZ YR1, 3, MAGAÑA RJJ1, GUERRERO CEM1, ALBERTOS APJ 1, PARADA HR2 1.- Departamento de Agronomía, División de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad de Guanajuato. 2.-Centro Nacional de Cunicultura, México *Corresponding author: [email protected] Introducción En el Centro Nacional de Cunicultura y Especies Menores (CNCG, México) se ha evaluado de forma comparativa el crecimiento posdestete y rendimiento a la canal de animales híbridos obtenidos del CNCG. De acuerdo a los directivos CNCG, desde hace 20 años no se han introducido nuevos animales como reproductores, esto como resultado principalmente de los cercos sanitarios que se han presentado en los últimos años para la exportación de animales. Esto sugiere la necesidad de realizar nuevas evaluaciones para determinar si se ha trascendido en el mejoramiento de los animales del CNCG, las razas con las que se cuentan son Nueva Zelanda variedad blanco (NZ), California (Ca), Chinchilla (Ch), Azteca Negro (AN), Mariposa y Rex, siendo objeto de evaluación de este trabajo las cuatro primeras razas. Por su composición, el consumo de carne de conejo juega un papel importante en el control de enfermedades cardiovasculares y crónicas debido a que en comparación con otras especies contiene menos colesterol y altos niveles de proteínas con aminoácidos esenciales (Dalle, 2011; Martínez, 2004), debido a la creciente demanda de alimentos que mejoren la calidad de vida, que contengan baja cantidad de colesterol y altos niveles de proteína, el conejo es una excelente opción, debido a esto es necesario evaluar las razas para identificar cual nos aporta mayor cantidad de carne en el menor tiempo posible, con máximas ganancias de peso y alto rendimiento a la canal (Flores, 2013). Material El presente experimento se realizó en las instalaciones del CNCG, ubicado en la carretera Irapuato-Salamanca Km. 4 Colonia Rafael Galván, en la ciudad de Irapuato, Guanajuato, México. Se utilizaron 240 gazapos de 5 semanas de edad, 60 gazapos por 102 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS cada raza (50% hembras y 50% machos). Se utilizaron jaulas galvanizadas tipo tradicional americano (60 x 90 cm). Metodología Los conejos fueron tatuados e identificados individualmente, y alojados a razón de 6 especímenes por jaula. Diariamente (9:00 am), fue suministrado un kg de alimento comercial específico para la especie (Materia Seca 88%, Proteína Cruda 16%, Grasa Cruda 2%, Fibra Cruda 15% y Cenizas 13%) por jaula, retirándose al día siguiente el remanente y suministrando nuevamente un kg de alimento nuevo. El agua se proporcionó ad libitium. Los animales fueron matados de forma humanitaria, siendo insensibilizados con choque eléctrico. Se evaluó peso final (70 días de engorda), rendimiento de canal, peso canal caliente, peso del hígado y troceado (miembros anteriores, miembros posteriores, lomo y cabeza). Los datos fueron analizados por medio de un ANOVA de una vía, previa revisión de homogeneidad de varianzas y la diferencia entre medias con una prueba de Tukey. Resultados y Discusión Para el peso a los 70 días, la raza Ca obtuvo un valor de 1.801 ± 0.023 kg el cual es superior a lo reportado por Zuñiga (2009), seguido por la raza NZ con 1.800 ±0.023 kg, la raza Ch obtuvo 1.776 ± 0.025 y la AN 1.598 ± 0.024 kg fue la raza con menor peso. La raza NZ mostró un valor inferior al existente en 2009, sin embargo, para las razas Ca y AN se observa una mejora en el peso a los 70 d. El valor de peso final es inferior en todas las razas comparadas, con la Linea V egypt utilizadas por Elmaghraby (2011), el peso final no se puede considerar superior a las razas NZ y Ca ya que el peso es considerado a los 77 d de edad mientras que en las razas del CNCG el peso al sacrificio es a los 70 d. El rendimiento a la canal más alto fue de la raza NZ con un valor de 55.40 ± 0.27 %, seguido de la raza Ch con 55.21 ± 0.27, AN 55.04 ± 0.24 siendo la del valor más bajo Ca con 53.47 ± 0.24 %. En cuanto a la canal, la raza de mayor peso fue NZ con 1025.27 ± 17.99 g, seguido de Ca con 946.22 ± 17.97 g, para Ch 921.63 ± 20.07 y la AN 917.26 ± 15.31 g. La Ca a pesar de haber obtenido el valor más alto para peso a los 70 d muestra un rendimiento a la canal inferior teniendo un rendimiento aproximado al 53% cuando las otras razas independientemente del peso a los 70 d obtuvieron rendimientos cercanos al 55%. En el despiece los miembros anteriores obtuvieron un peso de 315.09 ± 5.04, 287.45 ± 6.43, 284.43 ± 5.39 y 284.40± 6.38 g y los valores de miembros posteriores 359.09 ± 6.14, 326.66 ± 6.03, 320.66 ± 5.67 y 314.61 ±6.92 g para NZ, Ca, AN y Ch, respectivamente. Para la parte de lomo los pesos fueron 265.00 ± 5.71 g para NZ, 252.80 ± 5.74 g para Ca, para Ch 239.61 ± 6.12 g y para AN 235.56 ± 4.64 g. Para el peso de la cabeza el Ca presentó mayor peso con 142.89 ± 2.04 g, seguido de NZ con 140.72 ± 1.96 g, para Ch 129.13 ± 2.17 g y AN 129.05 ± 1.93 g. En un trabajo realizado por Flores (2013), en donde se utilizaron conejos híbridos menciona datos que son superiores a los obtenidos en este trabajo, mostrando rendimientos a la canal de 57.22% un peso para piernas de 373.66 ± 10.69 g. Destaca la raza NZ debido a que presenta el % más alto para rendimiento a la canal y pesos para troceado. La raza AN, a pesar de obtener un menor peso a los 70 d mostró un rendimiento a la canal superior al 55% teniendo un comportamiento similar al de la raza NZ y Ch. La raza Ca mostró en la parte de troceado un comportamiento inferior a la raza NZ pero superior a las razas Ch y AN a pesar de tener un rendimiento a la canal menor. Conclusión Es necesario seguir realizando investigación en la raza AN ya que mostró un buen rendimiento a la canal a pesar de menor peso. Es posible que la raza Ca requiera un cambio de dieta e investigar el efecto de ésta, probablemente se forme mayor cantidad de vísceras, debido a las diferencias encontradas entre el rendimiento a la canal y su peso a los 70 d. 104 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Bibliografía Dalle, Z.A., Szendrő, Z. 2011. The role of rabbit meat as functional food. Meat Science 319-331 Elmaghraby, M.M.A. 2011. Effect of restricted Access to drinking wáter on growth, feed efficiency and carcass characteristics of fattening rabbits. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences 5 (2): 136-144 Flores, P.S.C. 2013. Efecto del género en el rendimiento y calidad instrumental de la carne de conejo. UNAM. Martínez, C.M.A. 2004. Cunicultura Segunda edición. México, D.F. Editorial UNAMFMVZ. Pp: 3-24 Zúñiga, M.A.M. 2009. Estimación de algunos efectos genéticos en el conejo doméstico presentes al realizar un cruzamiento dialélico completo de cuatro razas. Tesis de Licenciatura. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Pp: 2-12. SENSORY MEAT QUALITY: INFLUENCE OF DIET SUPPLEMENTED WITH OIL AND ANTIOXIDANTS IN FATTENING RABBITS *LAMANNA ML, COSSU ME, PICALLO A, GAMBETTI P, CUMINI ML, GRIGOLI MC Departamento de Producción Animal, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Av. San Martín 4453.BsAs. Argentina. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract As consumers are becoming conscious of their diets and the impact on their health, there has been a shift to eating white meat by its lower fat content. Meat from rabbits fed commercial diets show a greater n6/n3 ratio than those of health recommendations (n6/n3<5); a tool to improve the lipid quality is to add fish oil, rich in n-3FA, these changes can affect consumer acceptability as nutrition influence the sensory quality of meat. The objective of this study was to compare the effect of adding fish oil and two types of antioxidants in fattening rabbit diets on sensory quality of loin and thigh meat. Eighty NZxC rabbits were fed ad libitum(35-70d) with 4 diets: ‘C’, commercial diet; ‘F’, fish diet with addition of 1.8% of oil fish; ‘V’, vitamin diet (F+200ppm vit.E as an industrial antioxidant) and ‘A’, algae diet (9% dry algae as a natural antioxidant). After 24hs of slaughter (2,5kg live weight; chilling chamber, 2±0.5ºC), loin and thigh portions were removed and cooked in a double contact grill (71ºC±1ºC) after deboning. Samples were analyzed by an analytical panel of 8 trained assessors for overall color; intensity and typicity of odor/flavor; fat taste and juiciness, using an unstructured linear scale of 10cm, without anchorage (lower limit: 0; upper limit: 10). Statistical analysis of data was performed using the Proc Mixed (SAS, 2004). Differences among treatments were analyzed by Tukey test (p<0.05).For both the loin and the thigh, only smell-taste variables as the characteristic odor, off odor and off flavor were influenced by diets; Control diet had higher ‘rabbit odor’ and less off odor / flavor compared to diets with added fish oil (p<0.05). 106 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS For both cuts of meat, between experimental diets, the presence of algae determined quantitatively higher values of off odor/flavor but no differences in characteristic odor while diets F and V were similar. In conclusion the fish oil and antioxidants addition in fattening rabbit diets, provides meat with same color, flavor, juiciness and untuosity respect a commercial diet, but more presence of off odor/flavor, being stronger in thigh than loin and especially for algae’s diet. Key words: fish oil, algae, vit.E, sensory parameters CALIDAD SENSORIAL DE LA CARNE: INFLUENCIA DE LA DIETA SUPLEMENTADA CON ACEITE DE PESCADO Y ANTIOXIDANTES EN CONEJOS DE ENGORDE *LAMANNA ML, COSSU ME, PICALLO A, GAMBETTI P, CUMINI ML, GRIGOLI MC Departamento de Producción Animal, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Av. San Martín 4453.BsAs. Argentina. *Autor corrspondinete: [email protected] Resumen Dado que los consumidores están tomando conciencia del impacto de sus dietas sobre la salud, se ha producido un cambio hacia el consumo de carnes blancas por su menor contenido de grasa. La carne de conejos alimentados con dietas comerciales muestran una proporción n6/n3 mayor que la recomendada para la salud humana (n6 / n3 <5); una herramienta para mejorar la calidad de los lípidos es agregar aceite de pescado, rico en ácidos grasos n-3; estos cambios pueden afectar la aceptabilidad del consumidor debido a que la nutrición influye en la calidad sensorial de la carne. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el efecto de la adición de aceite de pescado y dos tipos de antioxidantes en la dieta de conejos de engorde sobre la calidad sensorial de lomos y muslos. Ochenta (NZxC) conejos fueron alimentados ad libitum de 35 a 70 días de edad, con 4 dietas (20 animales / tratamiento): ‘C’, dieta comercial; ‘F’, dieta pescado con adición de 1,8% de aceite de pescado; ‘V’, dieta vitamina (F + 200 ppm vit E como antioxidante industrial) y ‘A’, dieta 'algas' (9% de algas Macrocystis, secas como antioxidante natural). Después de 24 horas de la faena (2,5kg de peso vivo; cámara refrigerada 2±0.5ºC), se extrajeron los lomos y los muslos derechos (deshuesados) y se cocinaron en una plancha de doble contacto (71ºC±1ºC). Las muestras fueron analizadas por un panel entrenado de 8 evaluadores, para el color global; intensidad y tipicidad de olor / sabor; gusto a grasa y jugosidad, utilizando una escala lineal no estructurada de 10 cm, sin anclaje (límite inferior: 0; límite máximo: 10). El análisis estadístico de los datos se realizó utilizando el Proc Mixed (SAS, 2004). Las diferencias entre tratamientos fueron analizadas por el test de Tukey (p <0,05). Tanto para lomo como para muslo, sólo las variables olfativas como el olor característico y los olores/flavores anómalos fueron influenciados por la dieta; la dieta Control mostró mayor 'olor a conejo' y menor off olor/flavor en comparación con las dietas con adición de aceite de pescado (p <0,05). 108 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Para ambos cortes de carne, entre las dietas experimentales, la presencia de algas determinó los valores más altos de off olor/flavor, pero sin diferencias en el olor característico, mientras que las dietas F y V resultaron similares. En conclusión, la adición de aceite de pescado y antioxidantes en las dietas de conejo en engorde, proveen carnes con el mismo color, sabor, jugosidad y untuosidad respecto de la dieta comercial, pero con mayor presencia de off olor/flavor, siendo más apreciable en el muslo que en lomo y especialmente para la dieta con algas. Palabras clave: aceite de pescado, algas, vit. E, parámetros sensoriales Introduction Today's consumers are more concerned with the qualitative characteristics of food, causing a growing demand for more selective food and an increasing need of its differentiation. As consumers are becoming conscious of their diets and the impact on their health, there has been a shift to eating white meat by its lower fat content. Meat from rabbits fed commercial diets show a greater n6/n3 ratio than those of health recommendations (n6/n3<5; British Nutrition Foundation 1992); a tool to improve the lipid quality is to add fish oil, rich in n-3 fatty acids (n-3FA). These dietary changes can affect consumer acceptability as nutrition influence the physico-chemical and sensory quality of meat. By the high proportion of PUFA, the enriched rabbit meat will be more susceptible to lipid oxidation. From the sensory point of view, color stability, taste and smell, by the presence of volatile compounds, will be the most affected parameters. In order to limit the presence of oxidized compounds, several studies were performed with the addition of antioxidants in diets (‘natural’ as fresh fodder and ‘artificial’ as vitamin E), achieving extend shelf life and the retardation of oxidation (Corino et al., 1999; Dal Bosco, et al., 2004; Álvarez et al., 2006; Hernández et al., 2007, Cossu et al., 2008). The addition of natural antioxidants would have better consumer acceptance regarding artificial sources. The objective of this study was to compare the effect of adding fish oil and two types of antioxidants (natural and artificial) in fattening rabbit diets on sensory quality of loin and thigh meat. Material and methods The experimental work was performed in the rabbit Unit of the Animal Production Department of Faculty of Agrony, UBA. Eighty New Zeeland x Californian rabbits were fed ad libitum (35 to 70 days of age) with 4 diets (20 animals/treatment): one control diet with vegetable oil and 3 experimental diets containing fish oil and with/without presence of antioxidants. Treatments were randomized and named as ‘C’, commercial diet; ‘F’, fish diet with addition of 1.8% of oil fish with 35% of HPUFA (replacing commercial diet corn oil); ‘V’, vitamin diet (‘F’+200 ppm tocopherol, as an industrial antioxidant) and ‘A’, algae diet (‘F’ + 10% of dry Macrocystis algae as a natural antioxidant (partially replacing the alfalfa meal). All diets were isoproteic (20 %) and isoenergetic (4050 Mcal /Kg) 110 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Animals were slaughtered at commercial weight (2,5 kg live weight). After 24 hours of slaughter (chilling chamber, 2±0.5◦C), loin and thigh portions were removed. The meat was cooked in a double contact grill to reach 71ºC ± 1ºC in the centre of the sample (cold point, monitored by thermocouples) after deboning. Samples were analyzed by an analytical panel of 8 trained assessors according to international standards and experience in sensory analysis of meat (ISO 1987, 1992, 1994). Each assessor received the samples (cubes: 1x1x1cm) in Petri dishes coded with three-digit, randomized numbers. The following descriptors were assessed: overall colour; intensity and typicity of odour/flavour; fat taste and juiciness, using an unstructured linear scale of 10cm, without anchorage where the ends of the scales corresponded to the intensity of the attribute: light pink, extremely soft, dry, not oily (lower limit: 0) and red, extremely strong (intense), juicy, very oily (upper limit: 10). Statistical analysis of data was performed using the Proc Mixed of SAS (2004)]. Differences among treatments were analyzed by Tukey test (p < 0.05). Result and discussion The influence of diets on rabbit meat sensory parameters is shown in Table 1. Although each cut own intrinsic characteristics, sensory parameters measured on loin and thigh showed a similar response in both diets. Evaluating fresh meat, the color, the odor intensity and juiciness were not altered and, as more important fact, the fishy taste and fat taste was not transmitted. Comparing loin and thigh, the thigh was evaluated with more color, typical flavor and juiciness respect rabbit loin but they showed no differences for the intensity of smell and taste to fat. Table 1. Influence of fish oil diets, with or without adding antioxidants, on rabbit loin and thigh sensory parameters Parameters control Color Odor intensity Rabbit typical Odor Off odor Rabbit typical flavor Off flavor Juiciness Fat taste Color Odor intensity Rabbit typical Odor Off odor Rabbit typical flavor Off flavor Juiciness Fat taste 4,74 5,85 Treatments: diets Fish Vitamin Loin 5,29 5,95 4,90 6,00 probability error algae 5,35 5,62 0,3765 0,4001 1,60 1,69 5.52 a 3.49b 3.32b 3,73b 0.0023 1,41 0,85a 4,75 1,68ab 5,22 2,51bc 4,97 3,20c 5,79 <.0001 0,4567 1,10 1,57 1.63a 3,29 2,81 3,16ab 2,59 2,98 3,74b 2,96 3,90 0,0191 0,6591 0,0501 1,54 1,34 1,85 5,27 5,23 5,98 6,05 2,70ab 3,11 3,93 Thigh 6,33 6,06 6,88 4,52 0,0662 0,3696 1,46 1,50 5,17 a 2,68b 3,07b 3,17b 0,0021 1,62 1,52a 5,65 3,27b 6,53 3,91b 6,18 6,23b 6,20 0,0002 0,5042 1,54 1,42 0,38a 3,98 3,32 4,41b 3,68 4,34 4,44b 3,73 4,04 6,00b 2,88 3,24 <,0001 0,2929 0,2021 1,62 1,46 1,48 a, b: p<0,01 For both the loin and the thigh, only smell-taste variables as the characteristic odor, off odor and off flavor were influenced by diets; Control treatment had higher ‘rabbit odor’ and less off odor / flavor compared to diets with added fish oil with or without antioxidants (p<0,05). For both cuts of meat, between experimental diets, the presence of algae determined quantitatively higher values of off odor / flavor but no differences in characteristic odour regarding diets F and V. From the sensory characteristics point of view, analyzed in fresh meat, the addition of an antioxidant in the form of vit. E, seem not to be necessary because both diets, F (fish oil addition) as diet V ( fish oil addition + vitamin E) show the same results. Evidently the normal amount of vitamin E present in the vitamin-mineral nucleus of the diet would be sufficient to control oxidative processes when meat is consumed before 3 days post slaughter. 112 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The presence of algae as an antioxidant, it would not be necessary either if the meat is eaten fresh and, as a negative factor, transmitted odor/flavor not typical. Conclusions In conclusion the fish oil and antioxidants addition in fattening rabbit diets, supplied in order to increase the content of omega 3 fatty acids, provides meat with same color, flavor, juiciness and untuosity respect a commercial diet, but more presence of off odor/flavor (but still acceptable for consumption), being stronger in thigh than loin and especially for algae’s diet. Acknowledgments We would like to thank the staff from ‘Three balance’ producer group for his unconditional cooperation. This project received financial support from UBACyT 201114 00958. References Álvarez L., Cañeque, V., De La Fuente, J., Álvarez, S., Pérez, C., Lauzurica, S. and Silva, M.T., (2006). Effect of vitamin E supplementation on evolution of meat fatty acid composition during storage in high oxygen packs. 52 rd ICOMST Corino C., Oriani G., Pastorelli G., Pantaleo L. and Pizzuti G. and Salvatori G. (1999). Effects of dietary vitamin E on the colour stability of rabbit meat. Simposio Intern. della Soc. per il Progresso della Zootecnia. Milano, 29 sett-10H. Cossu, M.E., Lamanna, M.L., Picallo, A., Cumini, M.L.,Cervini, L., Coste, B. y Lazzari, G., (2008) Vida útil de hamburguesas de carne de conejo proveniente de distintos sistemas productivos. 33º AAPA, Mendoza. Argentina Dal Bosco,A., Castellini,C., Bianchi,L. and Mugnai,C.,(2004).Effect of dietary αlinolenic acid and vitamin E on the fatty acid composition, storage stability and sensory traits of rabbit meat. Meat Sci.66: 407-413. Hernández,P., Cesari,V .and Pla,M.,(2007).Effect of the dietary fat on fatty acid composition and oxidative stability of rabbit meat. 53 rd ICOMS ISO5496 : 1992. Sensory Analysis Methodology Initiation and training of assessors in detection-recognition of odors ISO 4121:1987. Sensory Analysis - Methodology - Evaluation of products by methods using scales. ISO 11036:1994 Sensory analysis. Methodology. Texture Profile. 114 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS EFFECT OF DIETARY OIL FISH AND VITAMIN E ON THE FATTY ACID COMPOSITION AND MEAT QUALITY *LAMANNA ML, COSSU ME, GAMBETTI P, GRIGOLI MC, IGLESIAS MF Departamento de producción Animal, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Av. San Martín 4453.BsAs. Argentina. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract The current search for food of high nutritional value is growing; consumers are aware to new products that help to improve the healthy lifestyle. Nowadays diets are unbalanced in fatty acid omega 6 and 3. One way of approaching the recommended ratio (n6/n3<5) is include omega 3 fatty acid on animal feed. Particularly, the most bioactive compounds for human system are EPA and DHA but the elongation capacity of linolenic fatty acid on over 20 carbons polyunsaturated FA is limited. The aim of this work was to increase EPA and DHA in rabbit meat with a low n6/n3 ratio, according with health recommendations. Eighty (80) growing rabbits (New Zeeland x Californian) were fed ad libitum from 35 to 70 days old, with four diets (20 animals/treatment), commercial diet (C) and three diets whit addition of 1.8% of oil fish: diet ‘fish’ (F), diet ‘vitamin’ (V: F+200 ppm vit. E) and diet ‘algae’ (A: 10.0%dry Macrocystis algae). The final weight and carcass yield were determined at slaughter time (2.5 kg live weight). After of 24 hours of slaughter, the measurements of pH (Testo 230), color (CIELAB system, Minolta-CR300), lipid oxidation (TBARS) and fatty acids profile (by GC) were determined on the right loins. Statistical analysis was performed using the Proc Mixed of SAS (2004) for univariate ANOVA; differences between treatments were analyzed by Tukey test (p<0.05). The slaughter weight was heavier for the control and fish treatments (P<0.05) but not differences were found in carcasses yields (mean 59.3%). The carcass traits, pH and color did not differ significantly according to diets, as well as TBARS values. 116 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The use of fish oil determined a lower n6/n3 ratio (4.5 for F, V and A) respect the control diet (15.1), in accordance to the limits recommended for human consumption. Furthermore, higher content of EPA (mean 1.09%) and DHA were found on F, V and A (3.38, 3.37 and 4.54 %FAtot, respectively). In conclusion, the use of fish oil addition in fattening diets of rabbits, provides high content of n-3 in meat, particularly of EPA and DHA FA content and lipid oxidation in fresh meat is not observed. Key words: Algae, oxidation, omega 3, EPA, DHA EFECTO DEL AGREGADO DE ACEITE DE PESCADO Y VITAMINA E EN LA DIETA SOBRE LA COMPOSICIÓN DE ÁCIDOS GRASOS Y CALIDAD DE CARNE *LAMANNA ML, COSSU ME, GAMBETTI P, GRIGOLI MC, IGLESIAS MF Departamento de producción Animal, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Av. San Martín 4453.BsAs. Argentina. *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen Los consumidores son conscientes de la existencia de nuevos productos que ayudan a mejorar un estilo de vida saludable; la búsqueda de alimentos de alto valor nutricional es cada vez mayor. Hoy en día las dietas están desequilibradas en su relación entre ácidos grasos omega 6 y 3 Una forma de aproximarse a los valores recomendados (n6 / n3 <5) es incluir ácidos grasos omega 3 en la alimentación animal. En particular, los compuestos más bioactivos para el sistema humano son el EPA y el DHA pero la capacidad de elongación del ácido graso linolénico en ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de más de 20 átomos de carbono es limitada. El objetivo de este trabajo fue incrementar el contenido de EPA y DHA en la carne de conejo con una menor relación n6 / n3, de acuerdo con las recomendaciones para la salud. Ochenta (80) conejos en crecimiento (Nueva Zelanda x California) fueron alimentados ad libitum de 35 a 70 días de edad, con cuatro dietas (20 animales / tratamiento), dieta comercial (C) y tres dietas con adición de 1,8% de aceite de pescado: dieta 'pescado' (F), la dieta 'vitamina' (V: F + 200 ppm vit e.) y la dieta 'algas' (A: 9% de algas Macrocystis secas). El peso de la canal y rendimiento de res se determinó en el momento de faena (2,5 kg de peso vivo). Después de 24 horas de la faena, se determinó el pH (Testo 230), color (sistema CIELAB, Minolta-CR300), la oxidación lipídica (TBARS) y el perfil de ácidos grasos (GC) sobre los lomos derechos. El análisis estadístico se realizó utilizando el Proc Mixed de SAS (2004) para ANOVA univariado; las diferencias entre los tratamientos fueron analizadas por el test de Tukey (p <0,05). El peso a faena resultó mayor para los tratamientos control y pescado (P <0,05), pero no se encontraron diferencias en los rendimientos de las canales (media 59,3%). Las características de la canal, el pH y el color no difirieron significativamente de acuerdo a las dietas, así como tampoco los valores de TBARS. 118 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS El uso de aceite de pescado determinó una menor relación n6/n3 (4,5 para F, V y A) respecto a la dieta control (15.1), de acuerdo con los valores recomendados para el consumo humano. Por otra parte, se encontró un mayor contenido de EPA (media 1,09%) y DHA en F, V y A (3,38, 3,37 y 4,54% AGtot, respectivamente). En conclusión, la adición de aceite de pescado en las dietas de engorde de conejos, proporcionó un alto contenido de n-3 en la carne, en particular de ácidos grasos EPA y DHA, sin aparición de oxidación lipídica en carne fresca. Palabras clave: Algas, oxidación, omega 3, EPA, DHA Introduction Meats with functional properties take more importance in today's market, comprising consumers demanding healthy products or with nutritional characteristics that provide some kind of health benefit. At present, many studies have shown that consumption of unsaturated fatty acids may play a role in protecting against obesity, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Besides PUFA content, it’s also important the ratio between the omega 6/3’s family fatty acids; recommendations lean toward of 5:1 ratio (Simopoulus, 2009). In the omega-3 family of fatty acids, the most bioactive compounds the high PUFA fatty acids (EPA y DHA) and their supply is of great importance due to the low capacity of 18:3 elongation to EPA and DHA in the human body (17:1) (Dalle zotte and Szendro 2011, Barceló-Coblijn and Murphy 2009). Different strategies have been applied to manipulate the meat lipid profile, such as the use of flax or chia seeds in diets (Bernardini et al. 1999, Dal Bosco et al., 2004, Peiretti and Meineri, 2008) in order to obtain meats reach in omega 3 fatty acids and an omega 6/3 ratio closer to the nutritional recommendations for humans. Another strategy for manipulating the meat lipid profile aimed at increasing long-chain fatty acids (EPA and DHA) by use of fish oil or algae, where already been performed (Navarrete et al., 2007). The aim of this study was to evaluate the productive results, carcass and meat quality of animals fed fattening diets rich in omega 3 long-chain fatty acids, and the effect of the addition of artificial ( tocopherol) and natural (algae) antioxidants, on the oxidative stability of the loins. 120 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Materials and methods The experimental work was performed in the rabbit Unit of the Animal Production Department of Faculty of Agronomy, UBA. Eighty New Zeeland x Californian rabbits, individually housed, were fed ad libitum (35 to 70 days of age) with 4 diets (20 animals/treatment): one control diet with vegetable oil and 3 experimental diets containing fish oil and with/without presence of antioxidants. Treatments were randomized and named as ‘C’, commercial diet; ‘F’, fish diet with addition of 1.8% of oil fish with 35% of HPUFA (replacing commercial diet corn oil); ‘V’, vitamin diet (‘F’+200 ppm tocopherol, as an industrial antioxidant) and ‘A’, algae diet (‘F’ + 10% of dry Macrocystis algae as a natural antioxidant (partially replacing the alfalfa meal). All diets were isoproteic (20%) and isoenergetic (4050Mcal/Kg). Individual live weights of each rabbit were evaluated weekly in order to control the normal growth, health status of the animals and the occurrence of enteric disturbances. The slaughter was performed at a commercial weight without fasting (2,5 kg live weight) following the scientific recommendations (Blasco and Ouhayoun, 1996). The chilled carcasses (24h post slaughter, 4-5°C) were transferred to the Meat Laboratory of the Faculty of Agronomy for its qualitative analysis. On the right loin, color (CIELAB System, L* (lightness), a* (redness), b* (yellowness) and C* as (a*2 + b*2); Minolta Chroma Meter-CR300), pH (Testo 205) and lipid oxidation (TBAR’s index; µg of malonaldehyde/g meat; Robards et al., 1988) were determined. Fatty acids were extracted (Folch et al, 1957) and analyzed as methyl esters by gas chromatography (Shimatzu 14-B, capillary column Restec SP2560). Productive performance, carcass and meat quality traits data were analyzed by univariete ANOVA (GLM, SAS 2004). Differences between treatments were analyzed by Tukey test (p < 0.05). Results and discussion Table 1 showed the effect of diets on rabbit slaughter weight and loin characteristics. The addition of fish oil in the ‘P’ diet did not affect final weight of the animals, while treatment ‘V’ (P diet with added vitamin E) showed lower growth rates, differing significantly from the control treatment (p> 0.05 ). The same grow ratio of ‘P’ indicated that there were not negative effects in the preference of diets with oil fish for animal intake. The growth performance of rabbits fed diet A was seen strongly committed, being the group with the lowest final weight and higher morbidity (60%), probably due to the size of the ground dried algae that affect the digestive system causing enteric problems. The carcass yield was not significantly different for the treatment and was similar to that found by other authors (Dal Bosco et al., 2004). Respect to the meat quality, the pH value, the chroma and the level of oxidation of loins were not significantly different, with similar physical and chemical characteristics for the four treatments. In fresh meat, the effect of added antioxidants was not evident. Table 1. Effect of diet on final live weight and loin meat quality of rabbits Diet C 2335 a P 2300 ab V 2155 b A 2069 cb Root MSE 196.0 P-value * * Slaughter weight (g) Carcass yield 59.3 59.6 60.1 58.5 2.429 ns (%) pH 5.73 5.81 5.73 5.80 0.085 ns C* 6.64 6.33 6.53 5.94 0.885 ns TBARs 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.042 ns Means with different letters on the same line differ significantly, *=P<0.05 ,**=P<0.0001 In table 2, the effect of fish oil added diets, with o without antioxidants, on fatty acid profile of rabbit loin, was shown. Both the content of saturated fatty acids as the thrombogenic index (IT, According to Ulbricht and Sothgate 1991) of the experimental diets were significantly different (p <0.05) from the control. The IT, associated with cardiovascular disease risk factor, was favorably reduced in the case of P, V and A diets; similar results were obtained with the use of chia seeds (Peiretti and Meineri, 2008). 122 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Table 2. Effect of fish oil added diets on fatty acid profile of rabbit loin (% of total acids) Diet Pvalue * Saturated FA % 33.9 a 33.5 a 34.3 a 35.6 b 1.015 ** MUFA % 23.1 23.3 24.1 23.0 1.348 ns PUFA % 40.4 40.5 38. 8 39.8 1.448 ns EPA (C20:5) % 0.32 a 1.13 b 0.99 b 1.16 b 0.84 ** DHA (C22:6) % 0.20 a 3.38 b 3.36 b 4.54 c 0.89 ** Omega 3 % 2.48 a 6.64 b 6.37 b 7.36 c 0.720 ** Omega 6 % 36.8 a 32.8 b 30.7 c 31.1 c 1.335 ** omega 6/3 ratio 15.1 a 4.86 b 4.63 b 4.04 b 0.970 ** IT 0.85 a 0.65 b 0.69 b 0.67 b 0.825 ** Means with different letters on the same line differ significantly, *=P<0.05,**=P<0.0001 C P V A Root MSE The content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) was not significantly different between treatments; Gigaud and Combes (2008) and Peiretti and Meineri (2008) using vegetable sources to modify the lipid profile of the meat, obtained an increase in the content of PUFA due to experimental diets, although in both cases, the quantity of PUFA in control diets was lower than that obtained in this work for diet C. The largest significant differences were evident in the content of omega 3 and omega 6 in the enriched with fish oil treatments. These changes in the concentration of omega-3 were mainly due to the increase in the content of EPA and DHA (3:1 for EPA and 16:1 in the case of DHA for P, V and A vs C). In particular, the loins from treatment A showed the highest content of DHA (4.54%) compared to the other treatments with the addition of fish oil; this response could be due to the additional contribution of HPUFA by algae (Dantagnan et al., 2009). Regarding the omega-6/3, it was significantly lower (p <000.1) in the case of diets were included fish oil respect C diet, reaching the nutritional recommended values for human (Barceló-Cobijn and Murhy 2009). Conclussion The addition of fish oil in the diet allows obtaining nutraceutical meat by the highest content of omega-3 and the omega 6/3 ratio value according to medical recommendations, without affecting the parameters of growth and carcass yield. For fresh consumption, the addition of antioxidants would not be necessary. The sensory evaluation of the obtained products, in order to ensure the absence of off flavors that condition consumer acceptance, should be done. Acknowledgments We would like to thank the staff from ‘Three balance’ producer group for his unconditional cooperation. This project received financial support from UBACyT 201114 00958. References Barceló-Coblijn G, Murphy EJ. Alpha-linolenic acid and its conversion to longer chain n-3 fatty acids: benefits for human health and a role in maintaining tissue n-3 fatty acid Prog Lipid Res. 2009 Nov;48(6):355-74. doi: 10.1016/j.plipres.2009.07.002. Epub 2009 Jul 18. Bernardini, M., Dal Bosco, A., Castellini, C. Effect of dietary n3/n-6 ratio on faty acid composition of liver, maet and perirenal fat in rabbits. Animal Science 68, (1999), 647654. Dal Bosco, A., Castellini, C, Bianchi, L., Mugnai, C. Efect of dietary α-linolenic acid and vitamin E on the fatty acid composition, storage stability and sensory traits of rabbit meat. Meat Science 6, (2004), 407-413. Blasco, A., and J. Ouhayoun. "Harmonization of criteria and terminology in rabbit meat research. Revised proposal." World Rabbit Sciences 4.2 (1996): 93-100. Dalle Zotte, A. and Szendrö Z. The role of rabbit meas as functional food. Meat Science 88 (2011), 319-331. Dantagnan, P., Hernandez, A, Borquez, A. and Mansilla, A. Inclusion of macroalgae meal (Macrocystis pyrifera) as feed ingredient for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): effect on flesh fatty acid composition.Aquaculture Research, 2009, 41, 87-94. 124 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Gigaud, V. and Combes, S. The effect of decresing omega 6/omega 3 ratio in feed on fatty acid content of rabbit meat to meet human dietary recommendations. 9th World Rabbit Congress, June 2008, Verona, Italy. Navarrete, C., Martínez, E., Ródenas, L., Moya, V. J., Pascual, J. J., Blas, E., & Cervera, C. (2007). Empleo de destilados de palma y de aceites de pescado en piensos de conejo. In Proc. II Congreso Ibérico de Cunicultura, 2007 May, Vila-Real, Portugal, 173 (Vol. 181). Peiretti, P.G and Meineri, G. Effects on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and the fat and meat fatty profile of rabbit fed diets with chia (Salvia hispanica L.) seed supplements. Meat Science 80 (2008) 1116-1121. Simopolus, A, P. The Importance of the Omega-6/Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio in Cardiovascular Disease and Other Chronic. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2008 233: 674, DOI: 10.3181/0711-MR-311. Ulbricht, T. L. V., and D. A. T. Southgate. "Coronary heart disease: seven dietary factors." The Lancet 338.8773 (1991): 985-992. CONTRIBUTION TO THE SAFETY OF MEAT RABBIT WITH THE DETECTION OF AFLATOXIN B1 IN BALANCED FOOD FOR RABBITS GARCÍA SEGURA F*., VILLARREAL ESPINO BARROS O.A., HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ J., BECERRA CASTRO E. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract The aim of this project was to detect the B1 Aflatoxin, in balanced food for rabbits, distributed by different commercial brands, using as method of investigation the chromatography in fine layer, by means of the use of acetonitrilo to obtain the substratum of the food. Once prepared one preceded the plate, it was immersed in a mixture of 98 ml of Tetrachloride of Carbon (CHCl3) + 2 ml of Methanol (Ac2O). It was done by the ascending method, this allows that the thinner ascend for the plate almost vertically for the action of capillarity. The plate was revealed by a lamp of ultraviolet light to a wave of excitation of 254 nm. Observing the plate, the results obtained in the first 6 points, the B1 aflatoxin appeared since they were exposed to different concentrations of B1 aflatoxin, in order that they were serving us as witnesses and in the last three points that correspond to our samples there was not the B1 aflatoxin. Therefore, our results were negative to B1 aflatoxin for three different commercial brands of balanced food for rabbit that were analyzed. Key words: Aflatoxin, balanced food, rabbit, chromatography in fine layer, ultraviolet light. 126 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS CONTRIBUCIÓN A LA SEGURIDAD DE LA CARNE DE CONEJO CON LA DETECCIÓN DE AFLATOXINA B1 EN ALIMENTO BALANCEADO PARA CONEJOS GARCÍA SEGURA F*, VILLARREAL ESPINO BARROS OA, HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ J, BECERRA CASTRO E Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen El objetivo de este proyecto fue detectar la aflatoxina B1, en alimento balanceado para conejos, distribuidos por las diferentes marcas comerciales, utilizando como método de investigación de la cromatografía en capa fina, mediante el uso de acetonitrilo para obtener el sustrato de la comida. Una vez preparada se precedió a la placa, se sumergió en una mezcla de 98 ml de tetracloruro de carbono (CHCl3) + 2 ml de metanol (Ac2O). Fue hecho por el método ascendente, esto permite que el ascenso a la capa más delgada para la placa sea casi verticalmente por la acción de capilaridad. La placa se reveló por una lámpara de luz ultravioleta a una onda de excitación de 254 nm. En la observación de la placa, los resultados obtenidos en los primeros 6 puntos, la aflatoxina B1 aparecieron desde que fueron expuestas a diferentes concentraciones de aflatoxina B1, con el fin de que nos estaban sirviendo como testigos y en los últimos tres puntos que corresponden a nuestras muestras no había la aflatoxina B1. Por lo tanto, nuestros resultados fueron negativos a la aflatoxina B1 para tres diferentes marcas comerciales de alimento balanceado para conejos que fueron analizadas. Palabras clave: aflatoxinas, comida equilibrada, de conejo, de cromatografía en capa fina, la luz ultravioleta. Introduction It is mentioned in some studies that rabbit meat is a meat lower levels of mycotoxins because the food is balanced primarily forage and lipids, starches are substrates for fungal growth, and the possibility of its presence is low and sometimes null. But there are few studies to investigate the safety, and order to verify the absence of contamination by mycotoxins in this species, this study aimed to conduct a study to determine the state of Aflatoxin B1 contamination in feed in using different proprietary chromatography method thin layer for detection (DIRECTIVE 2002/32/EC). Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites produced by some of the Aspergillus species that grow in food products, and which in turn consumption can affect the metabolism of almost all living things. the Aflatoxins are considered as the most potent carcinogen produced in nature and are also considered mutagenic agents, teratogenic and hepatotoxic for many living species including both humans and animals, so we need to be protected maximum consumption or contact with these mycotoxins (Mariscal 1997 Q. Jaime Cornejo, 2004). Aflatoxins have been associated with various diseases, such as aflatoxicosis in livestock, domestic animals and humans. the Aflatoxins have received more attention than any other mycotoxicosis due to its potent carcinogenic effect, which was found in susceptible laboratory animals and their acute toxicological effects in humans human (primary liver cancer) (Avila. 2000). There are four major aflatoxins: B1, B2, G1, G2. Aflatoxin B1 is the most potent agent among all carcinogenic aflatoxins; most available toxicological data related to Aflatoxin B1 (Alberto G., 2009). The objective of this study was to determine by thin layer chromatography the presence of aflatoxin B1 contaminating the feed for rabbits, in different brands of commercial meals distributed in the region. 128 for rabbits INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Justification In rabbits mentioned that rabbit meat is the healthiest because it has not klenbuterol and mycotoxin-free food is still the most reliable in meat products for this reason this research was designed to determine the level of contamination by aflatoxin B1 in commercial rabbit feed. Materials and methods The method is based respecting the Mexican Official Standard NOM-188-SSA1-2002 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. AFLATOXINS IN CONTROL GRAINS FOR HUMAN AND ANIMAL CONSUMPTION. Specifications health. (5). We went to commercial establishments located in Tehuacan Puebla, to buy 5kg bags of rabbit feed, in order to collect the amount of different trademarks that offer balanced rabbit feed. Figure 1. Local Animal Food Markets. In our gathering we obtained different trademarks; NUTREL, PABSA and PURINA. Following the collection of the samples was carried out to prepare to do the technique of thin layer chromatography. Sample Preparation The samples were ground until they were fully powder 50 g was weighed. of each sample and ground, they added 200 ml acetonitrile as a solvent, perfectly mixed, and the mixtures were filtered to obtain the extracts. This procedure was repeated exactly in triplicate and the three samples of each food. Figure 2. Samples of feed and filtrate Preparation of plates Figure 3. Points Board On each plate we proceeded to make a line on the bottom line and divide by 9 points, as shown in the picture. The nine points were identified Figure 4. Marc to 9 points 130 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS At points 1, 2 and 3 are placed with a micro syringe extract Nutrel sample of Purina + Pabsa and 20 ng of aflatoxin B1 respectively. In paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 were placed with a micro syringe 30 ng, 20 ng and 10 ng aflatoxin B1 respectively. In paragraphs 7, 8 and 9 are placed with a micro syringe extract Nutrel sample of Purina Pabsa and respectively. Figure 5. Application to board balanced food Once prepared, it was plaque proceeded to immerse into a mixture comprises from 98ml of carbon tetrachloride (CHCl3) + 2 ml of methanol (Ac2O) was performed by the rising method, that is to allow the diluent ascend plate almost vertically by capillary action. Figure 6. Plates immersed in CHCl3 Read plates Subsequently the plates get thinner, the reading was done by developing the ultraviolet (UV) at an excitation wavelength of 254 nm. Figure 7. Revealed plates with ultraviolet light The development was carried out in a dark room watching aflatoxin B1, which is in our interest, which is observed in a blue color. Results Looking at the plate have resulted in the first 6 points, ran aflatoxin B1, as these points were exposed to concentrations of aflatoxin B1 and the last three points correspond to our samples, ran no aflatoxin. Therefore, our result is negative for the different Aflatoxin B1 trademarks of balanced rabbit food analyzed thin layer chromatography. 132 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS POINT 1 Nutrel + 2 Pabsa + 3 Purina + April 30 May 20 June 10 7 8 9 Purina Negative CONTAINS ng of Aflatoxin ng of Aflatoxin ng of aflatoxin of aflatoxin of aflatoxin of aflatoxin Nutrel Pabsa 20 20 20 ng ng ng B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 RESULTS Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Negative Negative Figure 9. Results and revealed SPECIES (µg / kg) micrograms / kg SHEEP GOAT CHIKEN PIG MILK BOVI NE MEAT BOVINE TERNE RAS RABBITS El Salvador 20 20 20 20 20 20 _ ? Chile Colombia MEXICO NORMA OFICIAL MEXICANA NOM-188SSAI-2002 10 _ _ _ 30 _ _ _ 30 20 _ 100 Except o pollos de engord a 10 50 200 25-45 kg. 100 Mayor 45 kg. 200 Reprod uct ores 100 10 50 _ _ 30 50 200 Maduros destinados a reproducto res 100 De engorda en etapa de finalizació n 300 _ _ _ _ ? LATIN AMERICA ? ? Discussion The above table shows that there are no studies of aflatoxin B1 in food for rabbits, for that reason this study was conducted, and rabbit meat is an alternative for human consumption. Conclusion According to the rules, regulations and consulted research made reference to the concentration of aflatoxin B1 in balanced feed for rabbit, it is concluded that Nutrel, Pabsa and Purina brands, which were analyzed by the method of thin layer chromatography are free of aflatoxin B1. References AVILA. Organic Chemistry: Experiments with an ecological approach. UNAM, 2000: ~ fercor/dqo/manuales/1311/p7.pdf Jaime Cornejo, Villarroel Orialis: General background on aflatoxins and other Mycotoxins and elements to consider in the design of good practices cultivation and processing of nuts: 2004: Alberto Gimeno. Veterinary Albéitar 2009 Maximum tolerable MYCOTOXIN IN FOR Expert in the field of mycotoxins, technical consultant 2766 Douglas Road, Miami, Florida, 33133 USA. MERGER REVIEW CERTAIN FOOD Special Nutrients, Inc., DIRECTIVE 2002/32/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL OF 7 May 2002 on undesirable substances in animal feed: 2002: Monica G. Mariscal Quintanar, Rosa Garcia Escamilla Ma: Effects of ingestion inoculum of A. flavus and F. moniliforme citomorfologuia in blood, marrow bone and concentration of serum albumins and globulins in rabbits: 1996: Official Mexican Standard NOM-188-SSA1-2002, Goods and Services. Control aflatoxins in cereals for human and animal consumption. Sanitary specifications: 2002 134 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS MEAT QUALITY OF RABBITS FED FEATHER MEAL TLC: 1,2 TRIGO MS, 1BORRÁS MM, 1CORDIVIOLA CA, 1,2ANTONINI AG, 3 CUMINI ML, 3COSSU ME 1. Curso de Introducción a la Producción Animal, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, UNLP. 60 y 119, La Plata, Argentina. 2. IGEVET, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, UNLP. 60 y 118, La Plata, Argentina. 3. Dpto. de Producción Animal, Facultad de Agronomía, UBA. Av. San Martín 4453, Bs. As. Argentina. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of an alternative protein source (feather meal instead of meat meal) and the inclusion levels (170 and 140 g CP) on meat quality traits in rabbits. The trial was conducted in the Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, National University of La Plata, Argentina. Forty New Zealand x Californian rabbits, weaned at 28 days of age, were used. Animals were randomly distributed into individual cages. The experimental design was a 2x2 factorial: two sources of animal protein (MM = meat meal as the control diet and FM = hydrolyzed feather meal) and two levels of crude protein (17% and 14% as ‘control’ and alternative lower protein requirement in the finishing period). All diets had equal energy content (DE= 2,500kcal/kg). Food was supplied ad-libitum. At 75 days of age, the rabbits were slaughtered, following the standard procedures of rabbit slaughter and carcass dissection by Blasco and Ouhayoun (1996); the weight of the hot carcass (30 'post-mortem) was determined. On the longissumus muscle of refrigerated carcasses (24h post-slaughter, 4±1° C), the pH value (pH-meter Hanna, Ingold 406 M3) and Colour (L*, a*, b*; CR300 Minolta Chromameter) were measured; the Chroma was calculated as C=(a*)2+(b*)2. Left Longissimus muscle weight (%cold carcass), cooking losses (water bath, 50’ at 70°C), hardness (Warner-Bratzler on Instron 1114), were determined. Collected data were analyzed by ANOVA using the GLM procedure of SAS (2004) for a factorial model (sources and levels of protein and their interaction). Mean differences between treatments were compared using the Tukey test (P<0.05). 136 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The protein level of diet significantly influenced slaughter weight, % hot carcass, parameters a*, b* and C*, and cooking losses. The protein source of diet had less influence, and only affected the meat/bone ratio. In conclusion, the protein level was significant in the development of the rabbits while the inclusion of hydrolyzed feather meal did not affect the meat performance traits. Therefore the inclusion of feather meal in rabbit finishing diets is conditioned by the cost and availability of this by-product. Key words: rabbits, protein source, protein level, meat quality CALIDAD DE LA CARNE DE CONEJOS ALIMENTADOS CON HARINA DE PLUMAS 1,2 TRIGO MS, 1BORRÁS MM, 1CORDIVIOLA CA, 1,2ANTONINI AG, 3 CUMINI ML, 3COSSU ME 1. Curso de Introducción a la Producción Animal, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, UNLP. 60 y 119, La Plata, Argentina. 2. IGEVET, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, UNLP. 60 y 118, La Plata, Argentina. 3. Dpto. de Producción Animal, Facultad de Agronomía, UBA. Av. San Martín 4453, Bs. As. Argentina. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de una fuente alternativa de proteína (harina de plumas en lugar de harina de carne) y los niveles de inclusión (170 y 140 g CP) sobre la calidad de la carne de conejos. El ensayo se realizó en la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Cuarenta conejos Nueva Zelanda x California, destetados a los 28 días de edad, se utilizaron. Los animales se distribuyeron al azar en jaulas individuales. El diseño experimental fue un factorial 2x2: dos fuentes de proteína animal (MM = harina de carne como la dieta de control y FM = harina de plumas hidrolizadas) y dos niveles de proteína cruda (17% y 14% como "control" y requerimiento de proteína inferior alternativa en el período de finalización). Todas las dietas tuvieron contenido de energía equivalente (DE = 2,500kcal / kg). La comida fue suministrada ad-libitum. A los 75 días de edad, los conejos fueron sacrificados, siguiendo los procedimientos estándar de sacrificio de conejo y la disección de la canal por Blasco y Ouhayoun (1996); se determinó el peso de la canal caliente (30 'post-mortem). En el músculo longissumus de las canales de refrigeración (24 horas post-sacrificio, 4 ± 1 ° C), el valor pH (pH-metro Hanna, Ingold 406 M3) y de color (L *, a *, b *; CR-300 de Minolta Chromameter ) se midieron; el Chroma se calculó como C = (a *) 2 + (b *) 2. Peso Izquierda músculo Longissimus (% de la canal fría), pérdidas por cocción (baño de agua, 50 'a 70 ° C), dureza (Warner-Bratzler en Instron 1114), se determinaron. Los datos recogidos fueron analizados por ANOVA utilizando el procedimiento GLM de SAS (2004) para un modelo factorial (fuentes y niveles de proteínas y su interacción). 138 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Las diferencias medias entre tratamientos se compararon mediante la prueba de Tukey (P <0,05). El nivel de proteína de la dieta influyó significativamente sobre el peso al sacrificio, % de la canal caliente, los parámetros a *, b * y C *, y las pérdidas de cocción. La fuente de proteínas de la dieta tuvo menos influencia, y sólo afectó la relación carne / hueso. En conclusión, el nivel de proteína fue significativa en el desarrollo de los conejos mientras que la inclusión de la harina de plumas hidrolizada no afectó a las características de rendimiento de carne. Por lo tanto, la inclusión de la harina de plumas en las dietas de finalizado está condicionado por el costo y la disponibilidad de este subproducto. Palabras clave: conejos, fuente de proteína, nivel de proteína, calidad de la carne ETOLOGÍA, ALOJAMIENTO Y BIENESTAR ANIMAL ETHOLOGY, HOUSING & WELFARE 140 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS INTELLIGENT CAGE FOR GROWING OR ADULT MALE PET RABBITS 1 MACHADO LC*, 2RIBEIRO BPVB, 1GERALDO A, 3HEKER MM, 1 NORONHA CMS, 2PIMENTEL FE, 2SILVA IM 1. Professor Minas Gerais Federal Institute - Bambuí Campus – Brazil 2. Student of Animal Science at Minas Gerais Federal Institute - Bambuí Campus – Brazil 3. Ph.D. Student from São Paulo State University (UNESP), Aracatuba Campus - Brazil *Correspondig author: [email protected] Abstract Nowadays animal welfare is becoming a major concern for society. Pet rabbit breeding is expanding in Brazil and no type of enclosed environment that provides comfort and welfare for these animals is available. If loose, rabbits can dig holes, chew on furniture, eat plants and urinate/defecate in inappropriate places. This paper describes the development of an enclosed environment (intelligent cage) for growing or adult male rabbits and presents results from a study of their behavior. The cage was built with dimensions 0,90 x 0.78 m (0.70 m2). For environmental enrichment, a PVC pipe, a platform, a wood swing, a hanging plate, some dangling chains and a place for treats were added. The cage was set 1.20m above the ground, with a bottom easily sliding out tray o allow cleaning and scrubbing when needed. A camera with infrared light was used to monitor the animals for 24 hours for 50 minutes periods during seven days so that all 24 hours were registered. A Fuzzy Lop male was observed every 30 seconds, with a total of 2400 records. To observe the animal's preference in the cage, eight separate locations were named and eighteen different types of behavior were considered. For statistical analysis, each six-hour shift (00:00-06:00, 06:00-12:00, 12:00-18:00 and 18:00-24:00) was considered as treatment and each week day consisted of a replicate. A high frequency of playful and exploratory behavior was observed in addition to interaction with environmental enrichment. The most frequent behavior was to lie down (41.47%) and the most popular places in the cage were: the sides of the cage (61.70%) and treat region (12.58%). Considering the shifts, a higher incidence of licking/scratching behavior was observed in the morning (06:00-12:00). 142 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The animals moved around, more frequently, during the morning (00:00-06:00) and evening (18:00-24:00) and gnawed the cage bars more frequently in the morning (00:00-06:00), probably due to the expected human presence. Studies with intelligent cages should be improved to provide greater comfort and convenience for the animals. Keyword: Pet rabbits, welfare, rabbit breeding JAULA INTELIGENTE PARA CONEJOS MASCOTA EN CRECIMIENTO O ADULTOS 1 MACHADO LC*, 2RIBEIRO BPVB, 1GERALDO A, 3HEKER MM, 1 NORONHA CMS, 2PIMENTEL FE, 2SILVA IM 1. Professor Minas Gerais Federal Institute - Bambuí Campus – Brazil 2. Student of Animal Science at Minas Gerais Federal Institute - Bambuí Campus – Brazil 3. Ph.D. Student from São Paulo State University (UNESP), Aracatuba Campus - Brazil *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen Hoy en día el bienestar animal se está convirtiendo en una gran preocupación para la sociedad. La cunicultura de mascotas se está expandiendo en Brasil y ningún tipo de ambiente cerrado que proporciona comodidad y el bienestar de estos animales está disponible. Si está suelto, los conejos pueden cavar hoyos, masticar muebles, comer plantas y orinar / defecar en lugares inapropiados. En este trabajo se describe el desarrollo de un ambiente cerrado (jaula inteligente) para conejos machos en crecimiento o adultos y se presentan los resultados de un estudio de comportamiento. La jaula estaba construida con dimensiones 0,90 x 0,78 m (0,70 m2). Para el enriquecimiento del medio ambiente, se añadieron un tubo de PVC, una plataforma, un columpio de madera, una placa colgante, algunas cadenas colgantes y un lugar para los premios. La jaula se colocó a 1,20m por encima del suelo, con una parte inferior fácilmente deslizable fuera de la bandeja y permitir la limpieza y lavado cuando sea necesario. Una cámara con luz infrarroja se utilizó para controlar los animales durante 24 horas por periodos de 50 minutos durante los siete días, se registraron todas las 24 horas. Un macho Lop Fuzzy se observó cada 30 segundos, con un total de 2.400 registros. Para observar la preferencia del animal en la jaula, ocho lugares separados fueron nombrados y se consideraron dieciocho tipos diferentes de comportamiento. Para el análisis estadístico, cada turno de seis horas (00: 00-06: 00, 06: 00-12: 00, 12: 00-18: 00 y 18: 00-24: 00) fue considerado como el tratamiento y cada día de la semana consistió en una réplica. Se observó una alta frecuencia de comportamiento lúdico y exploratorio, además de la interacción con el enriquecimiento ambiental. El comportamiento más frecuente fue a acostarse (41,47%) y los lugares más populares de la jaula fueron: los lados de la jaula (61.70%) y la región de los premios (12,58%). 144 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Teniendo en cuenta los cambios, una mayor incidencia del comportamiento de lamido/rascado se observó por la mañana (06: 00-12: 00). Los animales se movían alrededor, más frecuentemente, durante la mañana (00: 00-06: 00) y por la tarde (18: 0024: 00) y mordían los barrotes de la jaula con mayor frecuencia por la mañana (00: 0006: 00), probablemente debido a la presencia humana esperada. Los estudios con jaulas inteligentes deben ser mejorados para proporcionar un mayor confort y conveniencia para los animales. Palabras clave: conejos de mascotas, bienestar, cunicultura Introduction Research evaluating the behavior and welfare of rabbits are very important to ensure the improvement of life in environments different from the natural habitat. In Brazil, these studies are recent. Barros et al. (2012), realized that environmental enrichment improved play behavior and reduces the incidence of fights. Heker (2013) found that young rabbits with tactile stimulation perform more activities, are more cooperative and docile , show less fear and deal easier with new situations. Rabbits respond well to external stimuli as well as the introduction of environmental enrichment. In Brazil the use of rabbits as pets has grown, with shortages of specific materials and equipment. If kept loose the rabbits dig holes, chew furniture, can eat poisonous plants and urinate / defecate in inappropriate locations. Moreover, there are no cages suitable for rabbits in the Brazilian market that provides space and activities, this contributes to laziness, therefore the development of new technologies in this area, becomes essential (Machado, 2012). Objective This paper aimed to develop and evaluate a cage for growing or adult male rabbits which associates comfort and welfare as well as identifies the behavior of the animal in these conditions. Material and Methods The intelligent cage was built with internal dimensions of 90 cm x 78 cm x 50 cm. For environmental enrichment, a steel chain, an enameled plate and wooden swing, a raised platform, a basket to offer hay, a place for treats and a PVC pipe of 150 mm diameter for hiding were added. The cage was placed on a steel base with 120 cm of height with a tray lined with sawdust to collect excreta. Observations of behavior were made in a restricted room at IFMG -. Campus Bambuí, Brazil, from June to July 2013 The room temperature recorded was 26.9 ° C (maximum) and 11.7 ° C (minimum). To ensure the brightness of the room, the windows were opened during the day. To monitor the behavior of the rabbit an infrared camera (with night vision) was installed. A year old Fuzzy Lop male was the subject of the research. Daily, three periods of 50 minutes each were evaluated for eight days, totaling 24 periods. The views were made every 30 seconds, resulting in 100 views per period giving a total of 2400 views. The regions of 146 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS the cage considered were: feeder / drinker, inside the pipe, side of the cage, treat area, on the platform, beneath the platform and toy area. The behaviors considered were: walking, playing with the chain, playing with the swing, running, drinking, gnawing the cage, the pipe, binky (happiness leap), standing, stretching, sniffing, having treats, cecotrophy, digging the cage, eating, lying, licking/scratching and siting. The day was divided in four periods, from 00:00-06:00, 06:00-12:00, 12:00-18:00 e 18:00-24:00. The data was evaluated descriptively and comparisons were made between the four shifts considered, using the resources of the computer program MINI TAB, with comparisons made by the nonparametric Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney tests. Results and discussion The most frequent behaviors were lying and siting, which shows that mosto f the time, the rabbit remained at rest, this result was also observed by Gunn e Morton (1995) that found 56% of inactivity. It was found that the animal stayed on top of the platform hen he licked himself. A behavior that suggests stress or anxiety, gnawing on the cage/pipe, was observed only at 0,80% of the time, which may suggest that there is satisfaction of the animal in relation to the environment, this value, was considerably lower than the one observed by Schepers et al. (2009), which was of 17%. Attention is drawn to the high frequency of "binky", behavior which suggests sufficient space for the act. Exploratory behaviors such as sniffing the environment and standing were observed in 2.84% which suggests high curiosity of the animal in relation to the environment. It was noticed that there was a great variety of behaviors in the intelligent cage. Table 01 - Fuzzy Lop rabbit behavior in smart cage Behavior (%) behavior (%) behavior (%) Walking 1,66 Sniffing 2,27 Stretching 0,66 Playing with chain 0,21 Eating treats 3,05 Standind 0,57 Playing with swing 0,11 Cecotrophy 0,08 “Binky” 0,21 Playing with plate 0,04 Digging the cage 0,04 Lickimg 30,38 Drinking 0,26 Eating 3,13 Siting 14,87 Gnawing cage/pipe 0,80 Lying 41,47 Running 0,19 Regarding the shifts, significant differences (P <0.05) were observed in some behaviors. The animal has lower frequency of licking / scratching behavior in the 18:00-00:00 period, he walked more in the morning (06:00 to 12:00) and evening (18:00-00:00) and bit more the cage / pipe in the period 06:00 to 12:00, this might have occurred due to anxiety, waiting for human presence to open the windows, the rabbit presented restlessness after his presence. The area most frequented by the animal was the side of the cage (61.70%), but one must draw attention to the time the animal spent on the platform (13.53%) licking himself. The region of toys was visited 2.11% and the animal remained in the pipe only in 0.90% of views. Significant difference was observed between shifts in relation to the toy region, in the afternoon (12:00 to 18:00) the rabbit did not use this area, probably because it is a time to rest, which results in less activities. It was noticed that the rabbit explored every area of the intelligent cage, but showed preference for the sides of the cage. Conclusions The way in which the cage was built contributed to the rabbit’s interaction with the structure as well as environmental enrichment, a great variation in exploratory behavior and entertainment was observed. Furthermore, the rabbit visited every area of the cage, showing preferences for the sides. 148 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Other studies need to be done to better understand the behavior of these animals in environmental friendly conditions. References Barros, T. F. M., Moura A. S. A. M. T., Fernandes S., Oliveira L. V. D., Siqueira E. R. 2012. Comportamento em bem estar de coelhos em gaiolas enriquecidas. In: Proc. 49th Reunião Anual da SBZ, Brasília, Brasil, CD-Rom. Gunn, D., Mortan, D. B. 1995. Inventory of the behaviour of New Zealand White rabbits in labboratory cages, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 45, 277-292. Heker, M. M. Estimulação tátil em coelhos do grupo genético Botucatu e seus efeitos no desempenho, temperamento e reprodução. Dissertação, Mestrado em Zootecnia. Jaboticabal, 2013, 97p. Machado, L. C. Opinião: Panorama da Cunicultura Brasileira. Revista Brasileira de Cunicultura, v. 2, n. 1, 2012. Disponível em: < mid=71>. Schepers, F.; Koene, P.; BeerdA, B. 2009. Welfare assessment in pet rabbits. Animal Welfare, 18, 477-485. USE OF DIFFERENT MATERIALS FOR NEST BEEDING USE OF DIFFERENT MATERIALS FOR NEST BEEDING OF PREGNANT DOES OF PREGNANT DOES OLIVEIRA MC1, MESQUITA SA1, SILVA TR1, LIMA SCO1*, MACHADO LA1, OLIVEIRA HC1, OLIVEIRA JC2, OLIVEIRA ES1 1. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO, 75.901-910. Brazil. 2. Federal Center of Technological Education of Minas Gerais, Divinópolis, MG, 35503-822. Brazil. * Scientific Initiation Fellow from CNPq. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract This study was carried out to evaluate the pregnant doe nest characteristics with different bedding material and its effect on the litter size and weight at the birth and the weaning and on the nest material use by the doe. Thirty does were used in a randomized block design with three treatments and ten replicates each. The treatments consisted of the nest bedding with wood shavings (280 g), Tifton hay (220 g) and chopped newspaper (200 g). The nest state was evaluated in relation to the material mixture level with the fur, to the fur presence and to the preservation of the original material put in the nest, beyond the litter size and weight at the birth and weaning. There was not effect (P>0.05) of the bedding material type on the litter size and weight at the birth and weaning and on the mixture level with the fur, the fur amount in the nest and on the preservation of the original material put in the nest. It was concluded that the Tifton hay and chopped newspaper may be used as bedding nest to pregnant does replacing the wood shaving without impairing the litter performance. Keywords: doe behavior, nest for does, rabbit production 150 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS USO DE DIFERENTES MATERIALES PARA LA CAMA DE CRÍA DE CONEJAS GESTANTES OLIVEIRA MC1, MESQUITA SA1, SILVA TR1, LIMA SCO1*, MACHADO LA1, OLIVEIRA HC1, OLIVEIRA JC2, OLIVEIRA ES1 1. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO, 75.901-910. Brazil. 2. Federal Center of Technological Education of Minas Gerais, Divinópolis, MG, 35503-822. Brazil. * Scientific Initiation Fellow from CNPq. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen Este estudio se llevó a cabo para evaluar las características de los nidos de las conejas gestantes con diferente material de cama y su efecto sobre el tamaño de la camada y el peso al nacimiento y destete y el uso del material de los nidos por la coneja. Treinta conejas fueron utilizadas en un diseño de bloques al azar con tres tratamientos y diez repeticiones cada una. Los tratamientos consistieron en construcción de la cama del nido con virutas de madera (280 g), heno Tifton (220 g) y periódico picado (200 g). El estado del nido se evaluó en relación con el nivel de mezcla de material con el pelo, la presencia de pelo la preservación del material original puesto en el nido, además del tamaño de la camada y el peso al nacimiento y destete. No hubo efecto (P> 0,05) del tipo de material de cama sobre el tamaño de la camada y el peso al nacimiento y el destete en el nivel de mezcla con pelo, la cantidad de pelo en el nido y en la preservación del material original puesto en el nido. Se concluyó que el heno Tifton y el periódico picado se pueden usar como material de cama para el nido para conejas gestantes, sustituyendo la viruta de madera sin perjudicar los parámetros de la camada. Palabras clave: comportamiento de conejas, nido para conejas, producción de conejos Introduction Rabbits have the habit of nest building and the doe use to visit the nest, after the birth, to nurse the kits (Baumann et al., 2005). The nest is also a favorable environment to newborn development, since they still not have thermoregulation ability. Thus, the nest material should provide comfort to the doe and kits, minimize ammonia production and must not be a powder (Lanteigne & Reebs, 2006), as the powder can irritate nostrils and eyes of the doe and kits. Wood shavings is the most used material for nest bedding in Brazil, but due its scarcity in some regions, it is necessary the study of other materials that can be used with no negative effects on the kits performance. In addition, it is possible that there is a doe preference for some materials, since they will use the nest for several days. Thus, this study was carried out to evaluate the characteristics of nest for pregnant does, lined with different materials and its effect on the kit size and weight at birth and weaning, and on the nest material use by the doe. Material and methods Thirty rabbit does were housed in cages that contained beside the nest, a feeder and a drinker, both made from ceramic. The animals were five months old and primiparous. The experiment was carried out in randomized blocks design, with three treatments and ten replicates each one. Treatments consisted of the nest bedding based on wood shavings (280g), Tifton hay (220g) and chopped newspaper (200g). Nests were made from wood and the measures were 34 x 40 x 30 cm in height, length and width, respectively. They were placed in the cages three days before the expecting birth and were taken out at 20 days after the birth (Figure 1). 152 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS (a) (b) (c) Figure 1: Nest lined with wood shavings (a), Tifton hay (b) and chopped newspaper (c) on the day that were placed in the cages. Since the nest placement in the cages, its status was determined by one observer twice a day (8:30 and 16:30 h, to evaluate the nest as close as possible to the birth moment). The evaluation of the nest status consisted of qualitative analysis, as follow (Blumetto et al., 2010): - mixture of the material and rabbit fur (1 – with no mixture, 2 = a little bit of mixture and 3 – almost all the material mixed with the fur); - presence of fur (1 – there was no fur in the nest, 2 – more than 50% of the nest still had visible material, 3 – more than 50% of the nest had material covered by the fur and 4 – only fur were seen on the material); - preservation of the original material placed in the nest (1 – less than 30% was kept, 2 – between 30 and 60% was kept and 3 – more than 60% was kept). These evaluations were finished when the birth occurred, since the nest building ceases after the birth (Hudson et al., 2000). Kit size and weight were recorded after the birth, and they were weighed again at 35 days of age, in order to obtain the weaning weight. The average initial body weight was 53.93 ± 1.28g. Data were submitted to analysis of variance, and kit size and weight means at the birth and at the weaning were compared by t test, and the nest evaluation means were compared by the Kruskal-Wallis test, both at 5% of probability. The newborn number was used as a co-variable to the statistical analysis of the birth and weaning weight. Results and discussion There was no effect (P>0.05) of the bedding material type on the kit size and weight at the birth and at the weaning (Table 1), what indicates that all the materials provided appropriate conditions to the nest for the kit rearing since the birth up to the 35th day of age, when they were weaned. There was no effect (P>0.05) of material type on the mixture level with the fur, on the fur amount in the nest, and on the preservation of the material placed in in the nest (Table 2), however, the smaller fur amount was noted in the nest lined with chopped newspaper, possibly due the its softness, providing a higher comfort level to the doe. Table 1: Size and weight, at the birth and at the weaning, of kits reared in nest lined with different material types Nest bedding material CV Wood shavings Tifton hay Chopped newspaper (%)1 Kit size at the birth 8.87 9.50 8.10 6.14 Kit weight at the birth (g) 56.02 52.65 52.84 5.52 Kit size at the weaning 7.50 8.12 7.50 6.65 Kit weight at the weaning (g) 733 756 750 5.10 Parameter 1 CV = coefficient of variation. Table 2: Nest bedding material evaluation at the birth day Nest bedding material Parameter Wood shavings Tifton hay Chopped newspaper Fur and material mixture level 2.28 2.14 2.11 Fur presence in the nest 2.43 2.57 2.00 Preservation of the material placed in the 2.71 2.28 2.89 nest 154 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS At the day of birth, nest lined with Tifton hay showed a smaller original material amount. These results may indicate that the Tifton hay has been, probably, the less comfortable to the rabbit doe, and this material was ingested or thrown out of the nest in a higher amount than the wood shavings and chopped newspaper. These results are similar to Blumetto et al. (2010). These authors evaluated the straw and wood shaving use in the nests, and did not noted differences on the kit size and weight at the birth and at the weaning, and on the material and fur mixture level, fur presence in the nest and preservation of the original material placed in the nest. Conclusion Tifton hay and chopped newspaper may be used as nest bedding for pregnant rabbit does replacing the wood shavings without impairing to the kit performance since the birth up to the weaning age. References Baumann P., Oester H., Stauffacher M. 2005. Effects of temporary nest box removal on maternal behavior and pup survival in caged rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 91, 167-178. Blumetto O., Olivas I., Torres A.G., Villagrá A. 2010. Use of straw and wood shavings as nest material in primiparous does. World Rabbit Sci., 18, 237-242. Lanteigne M., Reebs S.G. 2006. Preference for bedding material in Syrian hamster. Lab. Anim., 40, 410-418. Partridge G.G., Foley S., Corrigall W. 1981. Reproductive performance in purebred and crossbred commercial rabbits. Anim. Prod., 32, 325−331. INTELLIGENT CAGE WITH NESTING CHAMBERS FOR DOES 1 MACHADO LC*, 2RIBEIRO BPVB, 1GERALDO A, 3HEKER MM, 1 NORONHA CMS, 2PIMENTEL FE, 2SILVA IM 1. Professor Minas Gerais Federal Institute - Bambuí Campus – Brazil 2. Student of Animal Science at Minas Gerais Federal Institute - Bambuí Campus – Brazil 3. Ph.D. Student from São Paulo State University (UNESP), Aracatuba Campus - Brazil *Correspondig author: [email protected] Abstract In Brazil, mini rabbit breeding is expanding. It is important to investigate their welfare in cages. The cages available in the market are small, without attraction, which leads the animals to laziness. If loose they can make holes in the ground. Moreover, in Brazil, there are no nests that simulate the natural conditions. This work describes the development of an enriched environment (intelligent cage) for rabbits, identifies behaviors and verifies the possibility of a nesting chamber. The cage was built using materials easily found in the market, with dimensions 1.20 x 0.80m (0.96 m2). For environmental enrichment, a PVC pipe, a platform, a wood swing, a hanging plate, some dangling chains and a place for treats were added. Before the doe's due date, a nesting chamber was included. An infrared light camera was used to monitor the animals for 24 hours during seven days, for 50 minutes periods, so that all 24 hours were registered. A Mini Lion head female was observed every 30 seconds, with a total of 2400 records. To observe the animal's preference in the cage, eight separate locations were named and sixteen different types of behavior were considered. For statistical analysis, each six-hour shift (00:00-06:00, 06:00-12:00, 12:00-18:00 and 18:00-24:00) was considered as a treatment and each week day consisted of a replicate. The use of the nesting chamber was monitored for four consecutive births. A high frequency of exploratory behavior was observed in addition to interaction with environmental enrichment. The animal remained lying almost half of the time and presented higher incidence of licking/scratching at the 06:00-12:00 period. The animal remained in the sitting position more frequently in the morning (06:0012:00) and evening (18:00-24:00). Regarding the use of the nesting chamber, in the first 156 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS parity, although the doe prepared the nest, the parturition occurred in the cage, a normal behavior in young does (first labor). In the second, third and fourth parities, the doe prepared the nest and gave birth inside it. New experiments involving intelligent cages should be performed to improve welfare technology for these animals. Keyword: rabbit pets, welfare, rabbit breeding JAULA INTELIGENTE CON CÁMARA DE NIDO PARA CONEJAS 1 MACHADO LC*, 2RIBEIRO BPVB, 1GERALDO A, 3HEKER MM, 1 NORONHA CMS, 2PIMENTEL FE, 2SILVA IM 1. Professor Minas Gerais Federal Institute - Bambuí Campus – Brazil 2. Student of Animal Science at Minas Gerais Federal Institute - Bambuí Campus – Brazil 3. Ph.D. Student from São Paulo State University (UNESP), Aracatuba Campus - Brazil *Correspondig author: [email protected] Resumen En Brasil, la cría de conejos miniatura se está expandiendo. Es importante investigar su bienestar en jaulas. Las jaulas disponibles en el mercado son pequeñas, sin atracción, lo que lleva a los animales a la pereza. Si los sueltas que pueden hacer agujeros en el suelo. Por otra parte, en Brasil, no hay nidos que simulen las condiciones naturales. Este trabajo describe el desarrollo de un ambiente enriquecido (jaula inteligente) para los conejos, identifica comportamientos y verifica la posibilidad de una cámara de anidación. La jaula fue construida con materiales fáciles de encontrar en el mercado, con dimensiones de 1,20 x 0,80 m (0,96 m2). Para el enriquecimiento del medio ambiente, se añadieron un tubo de PVC, una plataforma, un columpio de madera, una placa colgante, algunas cadenas colgantes y un lugar para los premios. Antes de la fecha de parto de la coneja, se incluyó una cámara de anidación. Una cámara de luz infrarroja se utilizó para monitorear a los animales durante 24 horas durante siete días, por periodos de 50 minutos, por lo que se registraron las 24 horas. Una hembra Mini cabeza de León se observó cada 30 segundos, con un total de 2,400 registros. Para observar la preferencia del animal en la jaula, ocho lugares separados fueron nombrados y se consideraron dieciséis tipos diferentes de comportamiento. Para el análisis estadístico, cada turno de seis horas (00: 00-06: 00, 06: 00-12: 00, 12: 00-18: 00 y 18: 00-24: 00) fue considerada como un tratamiento y cada semana día consistió en una réplica. El uso de la cámara de anidación se controló durante cuatro nacimientos consecutivos. Se observó una alta frecuencia de la conducta exploratoria, además de la interacción con el enriquecimiento ambiental. El animal permaneció acostado casi la mitad del tiempo y presentó mayor incidencia del comportamiento de lamido/arañando en el periodo de las 00: 00-12:00. El animal se mantuvo en posición sentada con mayor frecuencia por la mañana (06: 00-12: 00) y por la tarde (18: 00-24: 00). 158 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS En cuanto al uso de la cámara de anidación, en el primer parto, aunque la coneja preparó el nido, el parto se produjo en la jaula, un comportamiento normal en animales jóvenes (primerizas). En el segundo, tercero y cuarto parto, la hembra preparó el nido y dio a luz en su interior. Nuevos experimentos con jaulas inteligentes se deben realizar para mejorar la tecnología de bienestar de estos animales. Palabras clave: animales domésticos conejo, el bienestar, la cunicultura Introduction In Brasil, few are the studies in lodging, behavior and rabbit welfare, and there is a lapse of equipments and utensils specific for pet rabbits. The presence of this animal as pets grew a lot recently and if the rabbits are loose around the house, many are the inconveniences related to wellbeing. For example, the existing cages are small and without attractions for the rabbits which leads to laziness, reduction in life’s quality and duration. The lack of nesting chambers, which would be placed below the cages’ floor, would be a situation more similar to the natural scenery. Good results were verified by Barros et al. (2012) and Heker (2013) when different techniques to improve welfare and comfort for rabbits were adopted. Objective In this paper, the development of a different cage for reproductive does, that provides comfort, entertainment and welfare, that includes a nesting chamber and the identification of behavior of the does in this condition was done. Material and Methods The intelligent Cage has internal dimensions of 120 cm x 80 cm x 50 cm. The environment was enriched with, a metal chain, a hanging plate, a wood swing, an elevated platform was added, a basket for hay, a place for treats and a OVC tube with diameter of 150 mm for hiding. The cage was placed on a steel base with 120cm of height, with a tray containing wood chips to collect excrete. The nesting chamber was made with 30 cm of diameter, 48 cm of length and four steps. The behavior observations were made at a restricted room from IFMG - Campus Bambuí – Brazil, from June to July of 2013, and the windows were opened during the day. The environmental temperature was of 27,0º C (maximum) e 11,6º C (minimum). To monitor the behavior filming equipment with night vision was installed. 160 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS A female Mini Lion Head rabbit, with 14 months of age was evaluated daily for three periods of 50 minutes, during eight days, in a total of 24 periods. The visualizations were made at every 30 seconds, resulting in 100 visualizations in each period which led to 2400 in total. Various regions in the cage were considered such as: feeder/ drinking area, inside the pipe, cage sides, treat area, on the platform, in the nesting chamber, under the platform and toys. The behaviors considered were: walking, playing with the chain, playing with the swing, running, drinking water, biting the cage/tube; binky (happiness leap), standing, stretching, sniffing, eating treats, pulling out fur, making the nest, cecotrophy, digging the cage, eating, lying, licking/scratching and sitting. The day was divides in four shifts as follows: 00:00-06:00, 06:00-12:00, 12:00-18:00 and 18:0024:00. To verify the use of the nest by the doe, the four first parities were considered, being the last three observed after the period of the research. To the data descriptive evaluations were made as well as non parametric comparisons using Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney’s tests. Results and discussion The most frequent behavior were lying and sitting, which shows thar during mosto f the period the doe remained resting, this result was also found by Gunn and Morton (1995) Who identified 56% of inactivity. Behaviors such as “binky”, biting the cage/tube, running or digging the cage were not observed. Exploratory behaviors such as sniffing and standing were observed in 3,07% of the time, which suggests high curiosity of the animal in relation to the environment. One can see that 0,62% of the time the doe played with the items added for environmental enrichment. A variety of behaviors was noted (Table 1) in the intelligent cage. Table 01 – Behavior of the Mini Lion Head doe in the intelligent cage. Behavior (%) Behavior (%) Behavior (%) Walking 3,58 Sniffing the environment 1,97 Streching 0,57 Playing with chain 0,28 Eating treats 1,57 Standing 1,10 Playing with swing 0,13 Cecotrophy 0,34 “Binky” 0,00 Playing with plate 0,21 Digging the cage 0,00 Licking 12,65 Drinking 0,74 Eating ration 4,51 Siting 20,86 Biting the Cage/tube 0,00 Lying 47,77 Running 0,00 Pulling out fur 0,40 Preparing the nest 3,10 - The doe remained seated for the longest time (P< 0,05) during the periods of 00:0006:00h and 18:00-24:00h and licked herself with more frequency during the period of 06:00-12:00h. Regarding the usage of the nesting chamber, the pregnant doe used it 3,10% of the time to prepare the nest. It was observed that during the first labor, it happened out side of the nest, a normal behavior at first labor (Ferreira et al., 2012). During the second, third and fourth labor, the doe prepared the nest and gave birth in it. At 18 days the babies started to leave the nest and showed preference for PVC tube. The does preference for the platform was verified, since she remained there 45,57% of the time, which shows the importance of a second plan (Hoy, 2008). The doe remained 15,10%, below the platform, 12,87% in the eating/drinking area 11,39% at the sides of the cage, 7,45% in the toy reagion, 3,85% in the treat region and 0,66% inside the PVC tube. The doe explored all the regions of the intelligent cage, maintaining the preference for the elevated platform. 162 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Conclusion The way in which the Cage was built, helped the doe to get interested with the structure as well as the environmental enrichment, being observed great variation of exploratory behaviors. The doe visited all the places in the cage, showing higher preference for the platform in the second plane (second floor). The nesting chamber was well prepared and used by the doe. Other studies must be developed for better comprehension of the behavior of the animals in these conditions. References Barros, T. F. M., Moura A. S. A. M. T., Fernandes S., Oliveira L. V. D., Siqueira E. R. 2012. Comportamento em bem estar de coelhos em gaiolas enriquecidas. In: Proc. 49th Reunião Anual da SBZ, Brasília, Brasil, CD-Rom. Ferreira W. M., Machado L. C., Jaruche Y. G., Carvalho G. G., Oliveira C. E. A., Souza J. D. S., Caríssimo A. P. G. 2012. Manual Prático de Cunicultura,75p. Gunn, D., Mortan, D. B. 1995. Inventory of the behaviour of New Zealand White rabbits in labboratory cages. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 45: 277-292. Heker, M. M.2013. Estimulação tátil em coelhos do grupo genético Botucatu e seus efeitos no desempenho, temperamento e reprodução. Dissertação, Mestrado em Zootecnia. Jaboticabal, 97p. Hoy, St. 2008. Guidelines for minimum standards on rabbit housing in Germany. In: Proc. 9th World Rabbit Congress, Verona, Ilaty, 1183-1188. INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENRICHMENT, COMPOSITION OF THE SOCIAL GROUP AND AGE ON MAINTENANCE AND COMFORT BEHAVIORS IN GROWING RABBITS ANA SILVIA AMT MOURA, THAIS FM BOZICOVICH, SIMONE FERNANDES, EDSON R DE SIQUEIRA Departamento de Produção Animal, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, UNESP, CEP: 18618-970, Botucatu, SP, Brasil (Financial support: FAPESP and CNPq) *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract The objective was to investigate if an environmental enrichment and the composition of social group would affect the frequency of maintenance and comfort behaviors in growing rabbits. The experiment was initiated at weaning with five weeks and finished at 11 weeks of age, involving 144 rabbits from the Botucatu genetic group, 72 males and 72 females. The animals were assigned to a completely randomized design, in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement (with or without cage enrichment and three compositions of social groups – males, females, or mixed genders) with repeated measures (weeks) and four replicates. Stocking density was six rabbits per cage (0.48 m2). Two eucalyptus sticks were hanged to the cage ceiling in enriched cages. Six cameras were used for image recording during 24 h, once a week, on weeks 7, 10 and 11. The behavioral activities were “feeding” (eating or drinking), “resting” (sitting, lying or sleeping) and “grooming” (licking, scratching or nibbling of the body). Cages were scanned once every 20 minutes for registration of these behaviors. The numbers of occurrences per day were summed up on a cage basis. A social group x age interaction effect was found on feeding: on week 7, female groups showed higher frequency of feeding behavior than male and mixed groups; this difference disappeared on weeks 10 and 11. 164 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS An enrichment x age interaction effect was found on grooming: on weeks 10 and 11 rabbits in enriched cages showed lower frequency of grooming, but this difference was absent on week 7. As age progressed, feeding decreased and grooming increased. Resting was more frequent on week 10 than on weeks 7 and 11. Environmental enrichment and composition of the social group changed maintenance and comfort behaviors in growing rabbits. Keywords: behavior, environmental enrichment, feeding, grooming, resting, welfare INFLUENCIA DE ENRIQUECIMIENTO AMBIENTAL, COMPOSICIÓN DEL GRUPO SOCIAL Y EDAD EN LAS CONDUCTAS DE MANTENIMIENTO Y CONFORT EN CONEJOS EN CRECIMIENTO ANA SILVIA AMT MOURA, THAIS FM BOZICOVICH, SIMONE FERNANDES, EDSON R DE SIQUEIRA Departamento de Produção Animal, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, UNESP, CEP: 18618-970, Botucatu, SP, Brasil (Financial support: FAPESP and CNPq) *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen El objetivo fue investigar si un enriquecimiento ambiental y la composición del grupo social afectarían la frecuencia de las conductas de mantenimiento y confort en conejos en crecimiento. El experimento se inició en el destete con cinco semanas y terminó a las 11 semanas de edad, con la participación de 144 conejos del grupo genético Botucatu, 72 machos y 72 hembras. Los animales fueron asignados a un diseño completamente al azar, en un arreglo factorial 2 x 3 (con o sin enriquecimiento jaula y tres composiciones de grupos sociales – machos, hembras o grupos mixtos) con medidas repetidas (semanas) y cuatro repeticiones. La densidad de población era de seis conejos por jaula (0,48 m2). Dos palos de eucalipto fueron colgados en el techo de la jaula en jaulas enriquecidas. Seis cámaras se utilizaron para la grabación de imágenes durante 24 h, una vez a la semana, en la semana 7, 10 y 11. Las actividades de comportamiento fueron "alimentación" (comer o beber), de "reposo" (sentado, acostado o durmiendo) y "acicalamiento" (lamer, arañar o mordisquear del cuerpo). Las jaulas fueron escaneadas una vez cada 20 minutos para registro de estos comportamientos. El número de apariciones por día fueron resumidos en forma de jaula. El efecto de interacción de un grupo social por edad fue encontrado en la alimentación: en la semana 7, los grupos de hembras mostraron una mayor frecuencia de la conducta alimentaria que los grupos masculinos y mixtos; esta diferencia desapareció en las semanas 10 y 11. Un efecto de interacción por edad debido al enriquecimiento fue encontrado en el aseo: en las semanas 10 y 11 los conejos en jaulas enriquecidas mostraron una menor frecuencia de arreglarse, pero esta diferencia estuvo ausente en la semana 7. 166 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS A medida que avanzaba la edad, la alimentación disminuyó y el acicalamiento aumentó Descansar fue más frecuente en la semana 10 que en las semanas 7 y 11. El enriquecimiento ambiental y composición del grupo social cambió las conductas de mantenimiento y confort en los conejos en crecimiento. Palabras clave: comportamiento, enriquecimiento ambiental, alimentación, aseo, descanso, bienestar EVALUATION OF ANXIETY OF GROWING RABBITS IN ENRICHED CAGES THAIS FM BOZICOVICH, PAMELA A GELIER, SIMONE FERNANDES, EDSON R SIQUEIRA, ANA SILVIA AMT MOURA Departamento de Produção Animal, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, UNESP, CEP: 18618-970, Botucatu, SP, Brasil, (Financial support: FAPESP and CNPq) *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract The level of adaptation of growing rabbits to housing and management conditions may be evaluated through their behavioral response to reactivity tests, in which their reaction to and fear of a new environment are assessed. This study aimed to evaluate the anxiety of rabbits that had (or not) access to an enriched environment. A total of 32 male rabbits from the Botucatu genetic group were involved from weaning at 35 days up to 79 days of age. The animals were assigned to a completely randomized design with two treatments (with or without access to environmental enrichment) and allocated to eight wire cages, four animals per cage. Two eucalyptus sticks (15 x 3 x 3 cm) hanging from the cage ceiling were used as enrichments. Anxiety-related (freezing) and locomotion behaviors were evaluated using the elevated plus-maze, in which the animals were allowed to explore two elevated open and two elevated closed arms. Two observations of 5 min each, at 49 and 79 days of age, were carried out. At the beginning of the test, each animal was placed in the center of the apparatus. The latency time to enter the open and closed arms, the number of entries and the time spent in open and closed arms, the frequency of head dipping and of standing up were registered. Growth performance of animals was recorded from 35 to 77 days of age. On day 49, the latency to the first open arm entry was shorter in animals from enriched cages. On day 79, the animals from non-enriched cages stayed longer in the open arms and showed higher frequency of head dipping than the animals in enriched cages. The animals in enriched cages, on the other hand, stayed longer in the closed arms. 168 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Feed conversion was poorer in enriched than in non-enriched cages (2.91±0.06 vs. 2.64±0.06, P=0.03), other performance traits (final weight, average daily gain and feed consumption) did not differ between groups. The environmental enrichment had a positive effect on the behavior of young rabbits by reducing their anxiety. Keywords: behavior, elevated plus maze, environmental enrichment, performance, welfare EVALUACIÓN DE LA ANSIEDAD EN CONEJOS EN CRECIMIENTO EN JAULAS ENRIQUECIDAS THAIS FM BOZICOVICH, PAMELA A GELIER, SIMONE FERNANDES, EDSON R SIQUEIRA, ANA SILVIA AMT MOURA Departamento de Produção Animal, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, UNESP, CEP: 18618-970, Botucatu, SP, Brasil, (Financial support: FAPESP and CNPq) *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen El nivel de adaptación de la crianza de conejos a las condiciones de vivienda y de gestión se puede evaluar a través de su respuesta conductual a pruebas de reactividad, en el que su reacción ante y el miedo a un nuevo entorno se evalúan. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la ansiedad de conejos que tenían (o no) el acceso a un ambiente enriquecido. Un total de 32 conejos machos del grupo genético Botucatu estuvieron involucrados desde el destete a los 35 días hasta 79 días de edad. Los animales fueron asignados a un diseño completamente al azar con dos tratamientos (con o sin acceso al enriquecimiento ambiental) y asignado a ocho jaulas de alambre, cuatro animales por jaula. Dos palos de eucalipto (15 x 3 x 3 cm) que cuelgan del techo jaula fueron utilizados como enriquecimientos. Comportamientos relacionados con la ansiedad (congelación) y locomoción se evaluaron utilizando el laberinto elevado, en el que se permitió a los animales explorar dos laberintos elevados abiertos y dos elevados cerrados. Dos observaciones de 5 min cada uno, en 49 y 79 días de edad, se llevaron a cabo. Al comienzo de la prueba, cada animal fue colocado en el centro del aparato. El tiempo de latencia para introducir los brazos abiertos y cerrados, el número de entradas y el tiempo pasado con los brazos abiertos y cerrados, la frecuencia de mojar la cabeza y de pie se registraron. El crecimiento de los animales se registró 35 a 77 días de edad. El día 49, la latencia a la primera entrada con brazos abiertos fue menor en los animales de las jaulas enriquecidas. En el día 79, los animales de las jaulas no enriquecidas permanecieron más tiempo con los brazos abiertos y mostraron una mayor frecuencia de inmersión cabeza que los animales en jaulas acondicionadas. Los animales en jaulas acondicionadas, por otro lado, se quedaron más tiempo con los brazos cerrados. 170 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS La conversión alimenticia fue peor en jaulas enriquecidas que en jaulas no enriquecidas (2,91 ± 0,06 vs. 2,64 ± 0,06, p = 0,03), otros rasgos de comportamiento (peso final, ganancia diaria de peso y consumo de alimento) no difirió entre los grupos. El enriquecimiento ambiental tuvo un efecto positivo en el comportamiento de los gazapos al reducir su ansiedad. Palabras clave: comportamiento, laberinto más elevado, enriquecimiento ambiental, rendimiento, bienestar PERFORMANCE OF RABBITS BORN IN NESTS LINED WITH DIFFERENT MATERIALS OLIVEIRA MC, SILVA TR, LIMA SCO*, SILVA JA, MESQUITA SA, MACHADO LA, OLIVEIRA JC, OLIVEIRA ES 1. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO, 75.901-910. Brazil. 2. Federal Center of Technological Education of Minas Gerais, Divinópolis, MG, 35503-822. Brazil. * Scientific Initiation Fellow from CNPq. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Wood shavings is the most used material for nest bedding, however, it had become scarce in some regions, resulting in a need for studies about alternative materials for nest bedding. Since the rabbits born in an immature state and with a low thermoregulatory ability, the comfort and the body temperature maintenance are related to the quality of the material placed in the nest, and it will interfere on the kit survival during the lactation period. Due the lack of information about the different materials use as bedding nest, this study was carried out to evaluate the performance of kits reared in nests lined with different materials, since the birth until the weaning. Thirty rabbit does were used in a randomized block design, with three treatments and ten replicates each. The treatments consisted of the nest lining with wood shaving (280 g), Tifton hay (220 g) and chopped newspaper (200 g). Body weight, daily weight gain and survival rate were weekly evaluated from the birth to the weaning. There was no effect (P>0.05) of the material type used as nest bedding on the body weight, daily weight gain and survival rate. It suggest that both, Tifton hay and chopped newspaper, may be used for replacing the wood shavings for bedding nest, by offering similar comfort to the kits, from birth up to their weaning. 172 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The survival rate was not affected (P>0.05) by the treatments, but it was observed that the mortality occurred until the third week of life in the nests lined with wood shavings and Tifton hay, and until the second week of life in the nests lined with chopped newspaper, possibly because the chopped newspaper provided a more comfortable and warmer environment for the kits. It was concluded that the Tifton hay and the chopped newspaper may be used replacing the wood shaving with no negative effect on the litter performance. Keywords: building nest, doe in lactation, kit growth DESEMPEÑO DE LOS CONEJOS NACIDOS EN NIDOS CON DIFERENTES MATERIALES DE CAMA OLIVEIRA MC1, SILVA TR1, LIMA SCO1*, SILVA JA1, MESQUITA SA1, MACHADO LA1, OLIVEIRA JC2, OLIVEIRA ES1 1. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO, 75.901-910. Brazil. 2. Federal Center of Technological Education of Minas Gerais, Divinópolis, MG, 35503-822. Brazil. * Scientific Initiation Fellow from CNPq. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen La viruta de madera es el material más utilizado como material de cama para los nidos, sin embargo, en algunas regiones se escasea, resultando en la necesidad de estudiar materiales alternativos para la cama de los nidos. Dado que los conejos nacen en un estado inmaduro y con una baja habilidad para la termorregulación, la comodidad y el mantenimiento de la temperatura están relacionados con la calidad del material colocado en el nido, y tendrá influencia sobre la sobrevivencia de los gazapos durante el periodo de lactancia. Debido a la falta de información acerca de los diferentes materiales utilizados para la cama de los nidos, este estudio fue realizado para evaluar el desempeño de los gazapos criados en nidos con camas de diferentes materiales, desde el nacimiento hasta el destete. Se utilizaron treinta conejas en un diseño de bloques al azar, con tres tratamientos y diez repeticiones cada uno. Los tratamientos consistieron en proporcionar el material de cama para nidos con viruta (280 g), heno Tifton (220 g) y periódico picado (200 g). El peso corporal, ganancia diaria de peso y tasa de sobrevivencia fueron evaluadas semanalmente desde el nacimiento al destete. No hubo efecto (P> 0,05) del tipo de material utilizado como cama para el nido sobre el peso corporal, ganancia diaria de peso y el índice de supervivencia. Se sugiere que ambos, heno Tifton y periódico picado, se pueden utilizar para sustituir las virutas de madera para cama del nido, ofreciendo comodidad similar a los gazapos, desde su nacimiento hasta su destete. 174 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS La tasa de supervivencia no se vio afectado (P> 0,05) por los tratamientos, pero se observó que la mortalidad se produjo hasta la tercera semana de vida en los nidos alineados con virutas de madera y heno Tifton, y hasta la segunda semana de vida en los nidos forrados con periódico picado, posiblemente porque el periódico picado proporciona un entorno más cómodo y cálido para los gazapos. Se concluyó que el heno Tifton y el periódico picado se pueden utilizar en sustitución de la viruta de madera sin ningún efecto negativo en el rendimiento de la camada. Palabras clave: la construcción del nido, conejas en lactancia, gazapos en crecimiento. ANALISYS OF SEASON EFFECTS ON WEIGHT GAIN ON MEAT RABBITS 1 CORDIVIOLA CA*, 1CALONGE FS, 1TRIGO MS, 1ARIAS RO, 3 MARTINO P, 2ANTONINI AG 1. Introducción a la Producción Animal, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Calle 60 y 119, La Plata. Argentina 2. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina. Calle 60 y 119, La Plata. Argentina. 3. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Calle 60 y 119. La Plata. Argentina. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Rabbit production is highly influenced by weather conditions (Cabrero Saenz et al., 1982). Production parameters such as milk production and reproductive efficiency are often affected. (Baltazar, 2012; Cordiviola et al, 2014). The aim of this research was to evaluate weather factors upon meat rabbit performance. In this study, parameters as weight and age in days for slaughter were analyzed, including temperature measures, averaged temperature, maximum and minimum and relative humidity. Data was analyzed by statistical analysis (ANOVA) and simple regression of temperatures. Also, comparisons of correlation coefficient of temperatures were made. Moreover, months were separated by average temperature according to rabbit comfort temperature in hyperthermic (> 20°C), isothermal (18°C-20°C) and hypothermic (<20°C) and analyzed by ANOVA. This month separation was determinate according to Cervera et al, 1998. Data was recorded at experimental barn of rabbit breeding in Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales of Universidad Nacional de La Plata, recording 920 newborn and slaughtered rabbits in one year, mix of breeding between Californian and New Zealand crosses. Weather data was provided by climatic station situated in experimental field “Julio Hirschhorn” of Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales of Universidad Nacional de La Plata, located 10 kilometers away from experimental barn. Results indicated that average temperature was the most influential than minimum and maximum temperature; relative humidity was not influential. Besides, isothermal and hypothermic months not revealed significant differences. Nonetheless, hyperthermic months revealed significant differences. 176 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS This study proved that rabbit production is most influenced by weather factors as heat rather than frosting environments. Also, relative humidity resulted not influential due to averaged values and the absence of epidermal diseases. This results are according to local weather conditions in this region (Lat. 34º54’31,09’’S Long. 57º55’56,37’’W). Keywords: weather, days to slaughter, averaged temperature, rabbit breeding. ANALISIS DE LOS EFECTOS ESTACIONALES SOBRE LA GANANCIA DE PESO EN CONEJOS DE CARNE 1 CORDIVIOLA CA*, 1CALONGE FS, 1TRIGO MS, 1ARIAS RO, 3 MARTINO P, 2ANTONINI AG 1. Introducción a la Producción Animal, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Calle 60 y 119, La Plata. Argentina 2. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina. Calle 60 y 119, La Plata. Argentina. 3. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Calle 60 y 119. La Plata. Argentina. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen La producción de conejos está muy influenciada por las condiciones climáticas (Cabrero Sáenz et al., 1982). Los parámetros de producción, tales como la producción de leche y la eficiencia reproductiva son a menudo afectadas. (Baltazar, 2012; Cordiviola et al, 2014). El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de los factores climáticos sobre la producción de carne de conejo. En este estudio, se analizaron parámetros como el peso y la edad en días al sacrificio, incluidas las medidas de temperatura, la temperatura promedio, máxima y mínima, y humedad relativa. Los datos se analizaron mediante un análisis estadístico (ANOVA) y la temperatura por regresión simple. Además, se hicieron comparaciones del coeficiente de correlación de las temperaturas. Por otra parte, se separaron los meses por la temperatura media, de acuerdo a la temperatura de confort para el conejo en hipertérmica (> 20 ° C), isotérmica (18 ° C-20 ° C) y con hipotermia (<20 ° C) y se analizaron mediante ANOVA. Esta separación por mes fue determinada de acuerdo a Cervera et al, 1998. Los datos se registraron en la granja experimental de cría de conejos de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, registrando 920 conejos recién nacidos y sacrificados en un año, crías de la cruza entre California y Nueva Zelanda. Los datos del clima fueron proporcionados por la estación climática situada en el campo experimental "Julio Hirschhorn" de Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, ubicado a 10 kilómetros de distancia de la granja experimental. Los resultados indicaron que la temperatura media fue más influyente que la temperatura mínima y máxima; la humedad relativa no era influyente. 178 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Además, los meses isotérmicos e hipotermicos no revelaron diferencias significativas. Sin embargo, meses de hipertermia revelaron diferencias significativas. Este estudio demostró que la producción de conejo está más influenciada por factores meteorológicos en forma de calor en lugar de ambientes que hielan. Además, la humedad relativa no resultó influyente debido a los valores promedio y la ausencia de enfermedades epidérmicas. Estos resultados están de acuerdo con las condiciones climáticas locales en esta región (Lat. 34º54’31,09’’S Long. 57º55’56,37’’W). Palabras clave: clima, días al sacrificio, temperatura promedio, cría de conejos. EFFECT OF DIFFERENT MATERIALS FOR BED OF NEST TO PREGNANT DOES ON THE NEST BUILDING PATTERN OLIVEIRA MC1, LIMA SCO1*, SILVA TR1, SILVA JA1, MESQUITA SA1, OLIVEIRA HC1, OLIVEIRA JC2, OLIVEIRA ES1 1. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO, 75.901-910. Brazil. E-mail: 2. Federal Center of Technological Education of Minas Gerais, Divinópolis, MG, 35503-822. Brazil. * Scientific Initiation Fellow from CNPq. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract This research was carried out to evaluate the effect of different bedding nest materials for pregnant does on the nest building pattern. Thirty does were used in a randomized block design with three treatments and 10 replicates each. Treatments consisted of the nest lined with wood shavings (280 g), Tifton hay (220 g) or chopped newspaper (200 g). The nests were put inside the cage three days before the birth and were taken out at 20 days after the birth. The evaluation of the nest status consisted of qualitative analysis, being the mixture level of the material with the fur, the presence of fur in the nest and the preservation of the original material put inside initially. These observations finished at the birth day. Data were submitted to the Spearman correlation, on which was applied the t test at 5% of probability. Correlations between fur presence, mixture level of fur and material, and amount of material present in the nest at the birth were not significant (P>0.05). Since there was no correlation among the used materials and the fur amount, mixture and material amount in the nest, it is possible to infer that there was no difference for the rabbit doe in relation to the comfort obtained with the used materials. 180 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS There was not a significant correlation (P>0.05) between material type and total born number, what was already expected, however there was a correlation between fur presence in the nest and mixture level (P<0.001) and between mixture level and amount of material in the nest at the birth (P<0.05) ), what means the higher the fur amount in the nest, the more mixture level with the material placed previously and, in the nests where the rabbit does took the higher material amount out, the doe also placed a higher fur amount, possibly to maintain the comfort in the nest. It was concluded that Tifton hay and chopped newspaper may be used as nest bedding for pregnant does replacing the wood shavings with no negative effect on the nest building pattern. Keywords: doe behavior, nest for does, rabbit production EFECTO DE DIFERENTES MATERIALES PARA LA CAMA DEL NIDO DE CONEJAS GESTANTES SOBRE EL PATRON DE CONSTRUCCIÓN DEL NIDO OLIVEIRA MC1, LIMA SCO1*, SILVA TR1, SILVA JA1, MESQUITA SA1, OLIVEIRA HC1, OLIVEIRA JC2, OLIVEIRA ES1 1. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Rio Verde, Rio Verde, GO, 75.901-910. Brazil. E-mail: 2. Federal Center of Technological Education of Minas Gerais, Divinópolis, MG, 35503-822. Brazil. * Scientific Initiation Fellow from CNPq. *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen Esta investigación se llevó a cabo para evaluar el efecto de diferentes materiales de para cama de nidos para hembras gestantes sobre el patrón de la construcción del nido. Treinta conejas fueron utilizadas en un diseño de bloques al azar con tres tratamientos y 10 repeticiones cada uno. Los tratamientos consistieron en el nido forrado con virutas de madera (280 g), heno Tifton (220 g) o periódico picado (200 g). Los nidos fueron puestos dentro de la jaula tres días antes del nacimiento y se sacaron a los 20 días después del nacimiento. La evaluación del estado de nido consistió en el análisis cualitativo, siendo el nivel de mezcla del material con pelo, la presencia de pelo en el nido y la preservación del material original puesto dentro inicialmente. Estas observaciones terminaron en el día del nacimiento. Los datos fueron sometidos a la correlación de Spearman, en la que se aplicó la prueba t con el 5% de probabilidad. Las correlaciones entre la presencia de pelo, nivel de mezcla de pelo y material, y la cantidad de material presente en el nido en el nacimiento no fueron significativas (P> 0,05). Puesto que no había correlación entre los materiales utilizados y la cantidad de pelo, mezcla y la cantidad de material en el nido, es posible inferir que no había ninguna diferencia para la coneja en relación con el confort obtenido con los materiales utilizados. 182 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS No hubo correlación significativa (P> 0,05) entre el tipo de material y número total de nacidos, lo que ya se esperaba, sin embargo, hubo correlación entre la presencia de pelo en el nido y el nivel de la mezcla (P <0,001) y entre el nivel de mezcla y la cantidad de material en el nido al nacimiento (P <0,05), lo que significa que cuanto mayor sea la cantidad de pelo en el nido, mayor fue la mezcla con el material colocado previamente y, en los nidos donde la coneja sacó una mayor cantidad de material, la coneja también colocó una mayor cantidad de pelo, posiblemente para mantener la comodidad en el nido. Se concluyó que el heno Tifton y el periódico picado se pueden usar como cama para el nido de las conejas gestantes, en sustitución de las virutas de madera sin ningún efecto negativo en el patrón de la construcción del nido. Palabras clave: comportamiento de la hembra, nido para coneja, producción de conejos GENÉTICA GENETICS 184 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS PERFORMANCE OF NEW ZEALAND WHITE, CALIFORNIAN, CHINCHILLA AND BLACK AZTEC RABBITS AT THE CENTRO NACIONAL DE CUNICULTURA, MEXICO MAGAÑA RJJ1, GUERRERO CEM1, ALBERTOS APJ 1, MENDOZA CM1, MARTÍNEZ YR1, 3, PARADA HR2. 1. Departamento de Agronomía, División de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad de Guanajuato. 2. Centro Nacional de Cunicultura, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract At the Centro Nacional de Cunicultura (CNC, México) post weaning growth was evaluated comparatively. According to CNC managers, no new breeder animals have been introduced in the last 20 years, mainly as a result of sanitary barriers. Therefore, it is important to conduct performance evaluations of their animals. The evaluated breeds were New Zealand White, Californian, Chinchilla and Black Aztec; the evaluations were conducted at CNC, Mexico’s premises. A total of 240 just weaned rabbits (35 d) were used, 60 rabbits per breed, 50 % females and 50 % males, which were individually tattooed for identification, all were kept in cages (90 x 60 cm, 6 specimens per cage). Daily (9:00 am), a kilogram of commercial rabbit feed was supplied. All animals were weighed weekly and slaughtered at 70 days of age. Weaning weight, weight at 70 d, feed efficiency, feed intake and specific growth rate (SGR) were evaluated. The values of weaning weight in Black Aztec, New Zealand White, Californian and Chinchilla breeds the means ± SE were 0.831, 0.815, 0.749 and 0.697 ± 0.002, respectively. For weight at 70 days 1.598 ± 0.024, 1.800 ± 0.023, 1.801 ± 0.023 and 1.776 ± 0.025 kg, respectively. The means for feed efficiency were 0.271 ± 0.006, 0.289 ± 0.006, 0.315 ± 0.007 and 0.315 ± 0.007 kg gain / kg feed, respectively. For the variable SGR 2.00 ± 0.05, 2.32 ± 0.05, 2.45 ± 0.04 and 2.53 ± 0.05 % animal per day following the breeds order mentioned above. Chinchilla breed can still be considered a dual purpose breed. We cannot rule out the Black Aztec breed for meat production, and further research on productive behavior is needed. Keywords: Initial weight, final weight, feed efficiency. 186 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS CRECIMIENTO POST-DESTETE DE LAS RAZAS NUEVA ZELANDA, CALIFORNIA, CHINCHILLA Y AZTECA NEGRO DEL CENTRO NACIONAL DE CUNICULTURA MAGAÑA RJJ1, GUERRERO CEM1, ALBERTOS APJ 1, MENDOZA CM1, MARTÍNEZ YR1, 3, PARADA HR2. 1. Departamento de Agronomía, División de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad de Guanajuato. 2. Centro Nacional de Cunicultura, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen En el Centro Nacional de Cunicultura y Especies Menores (CNCG, México) se evaluó de forma comparativa el crecimiento posdestete de los animales del mismo CNCG. De acuerdo a los directivos CNCG, desde hace 20 años no se han introducido nuevos animales como reproductores, esto como resultado principalmente de los cercos sanitarios que se han presentado en los últimos años. Por lo cual, es importante realizar evaluaciones del performance de los animales. Las razas evaluadas fueron Nueva Zelanda variedad blanco, California, Chinchilla y Azteca Negro y fue realizado en las instalaciones del CNCG. Se utilizaron 240 gazapos destetados (35 d), 60 gazapos por cada raza, 50% hembras y 50% machos, los cuales, fueron tatuados e identificados individualmente, fueron alojados en jaulas tipo tradicional americano (6 especímenes por jaula). Diariamente (9:00 am), fue suministrado un kilogramo de alimento comercial específico para la especie. Los animales fueron pesados semanalmente y sacrificados a los 70 días de edad. Se evaluó peso al destete, peso a los 70 d, la eficiencia alimenticia, el consumo de alimento y la tasa específica de crecimiento (TEC). Los valores de peso al destete en las razas Azteca Negro, Nueva Zelanda, California y Chinchilla las medias ± EE fueron 0.831, 0.815, 0.749 y 0.697 ± 0.002, respectivamente. Para el peso a los 70 días 1.598 ± 0.024, 1.800 ±0.023, 1.801 ± 0.023 y 1.776 ± 0.025 g, respectivamente. La eficiencia alimenticia las medias fueron 0.271 ±0.006, 0.289 ± 0.006, 0.315 ± 0.007 y 0.315 ± 0.007 g, respectivamente. Para la variable TEC 2.00 ±0.05, 2.32 ±0.05, 2.45 ± 0.04 y 2.53 ± 0.05 % animal día, siguiendo el orden de razas mencionado anteriormente. La raza Chinchilla se puede seguir considerando una raza de doble propósito. No se puede descartar a la raza Azteca Negro para la producción de carne, y es necesario nuevas investigaciones sobre su comportamiento productivo. Palabras Clave: Peso Inicial, Peso Final, Eficiencia Alimenticia. 188 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Introduction At the Centro Nacional de Cunicultura (CNC) post weaning growth and carcass yield for hybrid animals have been previously comparatively evaluated in animals obtained from the CNC (Puón, 2013; Zúñiga, 2009), currently, it has been decided to produce only pure breeds. According to the directors of the CNC, no new breeder animals have been introduced for 20 years, as a result of sanitary barriers that have arisen in recent years for importing animals (Ruiz, 1993); this suggests the need for new assessments to determine if it has emerged in improving of the CNC animals. The breeds that are counted are New Zealand White (NZ), Californian (Ca), Chinchilla (Ch), Azteca Black (AN), English Spot and Rex, being the subject of this work the first four breeds. Materials This experiment was conducted at the CNC premises located on the Irapuato-Salamanca road Km 4, Colonia Rafael Galván in the city of Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico. A total of 240 just weaned rabbits 5 weeks old, 60 rabbits per breed (50% female and 50% male) were used. All of them were kept in galvanized cages (60 x 90 cm). Methodology All rabbits were individually tattooed for identification, and kept 6 specimens per cage. Daily (9:00 am), 1 kg of commercial rabbit feed was supplied per cage (88% Dry Matter, Crude Protein 16%, Crude Fat 2% Crude Fiber 15% and 13% ash), removing the following morning the remnant and providing again one kg of fresh feed. Water was provided ad libitium. Initial weight, gain weight, total feed intake (TFI), feed efficiency (FE= net weight gain / consumed feed) and specific growth rate (SGR (% animal day-1) = [(LnPh2-LnPh1) / t] * 100 (where: Ph2 and Ph1 are final weight and initial weight of each rabbit, Ln is the natural logarithm and t is the number of days in the experimental period) were all evaluated. All animals were weighed weekly and slaughtered at 70 days of age. Final weight, hot carcass weight (considering a hot carcass weight as the carcass weighed immediately after the skinned and eviscerated processes), cold carcass weight (considering cold carcass as the carcass after the washing and cutting processes 1 hour post-slaughter) were evaluated. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, after review of homogeneity of variances and the difference between means with a Tukey test. Data are shown as means ± SE. Results y Discussion Weaning weight in NZ breed showed a weight of 0.815 ± 0.002 and 0.831 ± 0.002 kg AN showing a similar behavior between these two breeds, Ca and Ch breeds showed a weight of 0.749 ± 0.002 and 0.697 ± 0.002 kg, respectively, these weights are higher than those reported by Ponce 2002 for Ca, Ch & NZ breeds with a weaning weight of 0.536, 0.559 and 0.570 kg, respectively. Compared to a study conducted by Zuñiga (2009), in the same CNC, the Ca and AN breeds have increased weaning weights, the NZ breed held a similar behavior and Ch breed showed that there is no improvement. For weight at 70 days, the Ca breed obtained a value of 1.801 ± 0.023 kg which is higher than Zuñiga (2009), NZ breed followed with 1,800 ± 0.023 kg, Ch breed obtained 1.776 ± 0.025 kg and 1.598 ± 0.024 kg by the AN breed with the lower weight value. NZ breed showed a lower value than the existing in 2009, however, for Ca and AN breeds an improvement in is observed at 70d weight. The initial weight and final weight values are lower in all breeds compared with the Egypt V-line rabbit used by Elmaghraby (2011), however, we should consider the genetic improvement developed in this line. CTA was higher in the NZ bred with 3497.27 ± 81.5953 g followed by Ca breed with 3235.55 ± 101.031, Ch 3146.88 ± 63,281 g and AN with 3095.93 ± 68,792 g. FE for Ca and Ch breeds shown to be more efficient with 0.315 ± 0.007 kg both races, the NZ and AN breeds showed an efficiency of 0.289± 0.006 kg and 0.271 ±0.006 kg respectively. The SGR was higher in Ch breed with 2.53 ± 0.05% followed by the NZ breed with 2.32 ± 0.05% for Ca breed the value was 2.45 ± 0.04% and for AN was 2.00 ± 0.05% animal day-1. Conclusion For productive indicators FE and SGR Ch race scored the highest values so we could see that this breed can still be considered dual purpose (skin and meat). AN breed could not be dismissed as meat producer, and further research on productive behavior is needed. 190 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Bibliography Elmaghraby, M.M.A. 2011. Effect of restricted Access to drinking wáter on growth, feed efficiency and carcass characteristics of fattening rabbits. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences 5 (2): 136-144 Ponce de León R., Guzmán G., Pubillones O., García J., Mora M. 2002. Comportamiento de razas de conejos importadas. Evaluación del crecimiento posdestete. Revista cubana de Ciencia Agrícola, Vol. 36, núm. 4, 2002, pp.323-329. Puón Peláez X.D. 2012: Comparación de la calidad de la carne de conejos híbridos de las razas Nueva Zelanda variedad Blanco, Chinchilla y California. Tesis de licenciatura. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: 3-4. Ruiz Lang, G. 1993. Aparición de la enfermedad vírica hemorrágica en México y su erradicación (EHVC), Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. 240-242 En línea, Recuperado: 25 de marzo del 2013. v18n104p240.pdf Zúñiga Muñoz A.M. 2009. Estimación de algunos efectos genéticos en el conejo doméstico presentes al realizar un cruzamiento dialélico completo de cuatro razas. Tesis de Licenciatura. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: 2-12 CRECIMIENTO POSTDESTETE DE LAS RAZAS NUEVA ZELANDA, CALIFORNIA, CHINCHILLA Y AZTECA NEGRO DEL CENTRO NACIONAL DE CUNICULTURA MAGAÑA RJJ1, GUERRERO CEM1, ALBERTOS APJ 1, MENDOZA CM1, MARTÍNEZ YR1, 3, PARADA HR2. 1. Departamento de Agronomía, División de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad de Guanajuato. 2. Centro Nacional de Cunicultura, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Introducción En el Centro Nacional de Cunicultura y Especies Menores (CNCG, México) se ha evaluado de forma comparativa el crecimiento posdestete y rendimiento a la canal de animales híbridos obtenidos del CNCG. De acuerdo a los directivos CNCG, desde hace 20 años no se han introducido nuevos animales como reproductores, esto como resultado principalmente de los cercos sanitarios que se han presentado en los últimos años para la exportación de animales. Esto sugiere la necesidad de realizar nuevas evaluaciones para determinar si se ha trascendido en el mejoramiento de los animales del CNCG, las razas con las que se cuentan son Nueva Zelanda variedad blanco (NZ), California (Ca), Chinchilla (Ch), Azteca Negro (AN), Mariposa y Rex, siendo objeto de evaluación de este trabajo las cuatro primeras razas. Por su composición, el consumo de carne de conejo juega un papel importante en el control de enfermedades cardiovasculares y crónicas debido a que en comparación con otras especies contiene menos colesterol y altos niveles de proteínas con aminoácidos esenciales (Dalle, 2011; Martínez, 2004), debido a la creciente demanda de alimentos que mejoren la calidad de vida, que contengan baja cantidad de colesterol y altos niveles de proteína, el conejo es una excelente opción, debido a esto es necesario evaluar las razas para identificar cual nos aporta mayor cantidad de carne en el menor tiempo posible, con máximas ganancias de peso y alto rendimiento a la canal (Flores, 2013). Material El presente experimento se realizó en las instalaciones del CNCG, ubicado en la carretera Irapuato-Salamanca Km. 4 Colonia Rafael Galván, en la ciudad de Irapuato, Guanajuato, México. Se utilizaron 240 gazapos de 5 semanas de edad, 60 gazapos por cada raza (50% hembras y 50% machos). Se utilizaron jaulas galvanizadas tipo tradicional americano (60 x 90 cm). 192 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Metodología Los conejos fueron tatuados e identificados individualmente, y alojados a razón de 6 especímenes por jaula. Diariamente (9:00 am), fue suministrado un kg de alimento comercial específico para la especie (Materia Seca 88%, Proteína Cruda 16%, Grasa Cruda 2%, Fibra Cruda 15% y Cenizas 13%) por jaula, retirándose al día siguiente el remanente y suministrando nuevamente un kg de alimento nuevo. El agua se proporcionó ad libitium. Los animales fueron matados de forma humanitaria, siendo insensibilizados con choque eléctrico. Se evaluó peso final (70 días de engorda), rendimiento de canal, peso canal caliente, peso del hígado y troceado (miembros anteriores, miembros posteriores, lomo y cabeza). Los datos fueron analizados por medio de un ANOVA de una vía, previa revisión de homogeneidad de varianzas y la diferencia entre medias con una prueba de Tukey. Resultados y Discusión Para el peso a los 70 días, la raza Ca obtuvo un valor de 1.801 ± 0.023 kg el cual es superior a lo reportado por Zuñiga (2009), seguido por la raza NZ con 1.800 ±0.023 kg, la raza Ch obtuvo 1.776 ± 0.025 y la AN 1.598 ± 0.024 kg fue la raza con menor peso. La raza NZ mostró un valor inferior al existente en 2009, sin embargo, para las razas Ca y AN se observa una mejora en el peso a los 70 d. El valor de peso final es inferior en todas las razas comparadas, con la Linea V egypt utilizadas por Elmaghraby (2011), el peso final no se puede considerar superior a las razas NZ y Ca ya que el peso es considerado a los 77 d de edad mientras que en las razas del CNCG el peso al sacrificio es a los 70 d. El rendimiento a la canal más alto fue de la raza NZ con un valor de 55.40 ± 0.27 %, seguido de la raza Ch con 55.21 ± 0.27, AN 55.04 ± 0.24 siendo la del valor más bajo Ca con 53.47 ± 0.24 %. En cuanto a la canal, la raza de mayor peso fue NZ con 1025.27 ± 17.99 g, seguido de Ca con 946.22 ± 17.97 g, para Ch 921.63 ± 20.07 y la AN 917.26 ± 15.31 g. La Ca a pesar de haber obtenido el valor más alto para peso a los 70 d muestra un rendimiento a la canal inferior teniendo un rendimiento aproximado al 53% cuando las otras razas independientemente del peso a los 70 d obtuvieron rendimientos cercanos al 55%. En el despiece los miembros anteriores obtuvieron un peso de 315.09 ± 5.04, 287.45 ± 6.43, 284.43 ± 5.39 y 284.40± 6.38 g y los valores de miembros posteriores 359.09 ± 6.14, 326.66 ± 6.03, 320.66 ± 5.67 y 314.61 ±6.92 g para NZ, Ca, AN y Ch, respectivamente. Para la parte de lomo los pesos fueron 265.00 ± 5.71 g para NZ, 252.80 ± 5.74 g para Ca, para Ch 239.61 ± 6.12 g y para AN 235.56 ± 4.64 g. Para el peso de la cabeza el Ca presentó mayor peso con 142.89 ± 2.04 g, seguido de NZ con 140.72 ± 1.96 g, para Ch 129.13 ± 2.17 g y AN 129.05 ± 1.93 g. En un trabajo realizado por Flores (2013), en donde se utilizaron conejos híbridos menciona datos que son superiores a los obtenidos en este trabajo, mostrando rendimientos a la canal de 57.22% un peso para piernas de 373.66 ± 10.69 g. Destaca la raza NZ debido a que presenta el % más alto para rendimiento a la canal y pesos para troceado. La raza AN, a pesar de obtener un menor peso a los 70 d mostró un rendimiento a la canal superior al 55% teniendo un comportamiento similar al de la raza NZ y Ch. La raza Ca mostró en la parte de troceado un comportamiento inferior a la raza NZ pero superior a las razas Ch y AN a pesar de tener un rendimiento a la canal menor. Conclusión Es necesario seguir realizando investigación en la raza AN ya que mostró un buen rendimiento a la canal a pesar de menor peso. Es posible que la raza Ca requiera un cambio de dieta e investigar el efecto de ésta, probablemente se forme mayor cantidad de vísceras, debido a las diferencias encontradas entre el rendimiento a la canal y su peso a los 70 d. Bibliografía Dalle, Z.A., Szendrő, Z. 2011. The role of rabbit meat as functional food. Meat Science 319-331 Elmaghraby, M.M.A. 2011. Effect of restricted Access to drinking wáter on growth, feed efficiency and carcass characteristics of fattening rabbits. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences 5 (2): 136-144 Flores, P.S.C. 2013. Efecto del género en el rendimiento y calidad instrumental de la carne de conejo. UNAM. Martínez, C.M.A. 2004. Cunicultura Segunda edición. México, D.F. Editorial UNAMFMVZ. Pp: 3-24 Zúñiga, M.A.M. 2009. Estimación de algunos efectos genéticos en el conejo doméstico presentes al realizar un cruzamiento dialélico completo de cuatro razas. Tesis de Licenciatura. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Pp: 2-12. 194 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS DEVELOPMENT OF MOLECULAR TESTS FOR IDENTIFICATION AND STUDY OF GENETIC DIVERSITY OF Eimeria spp., IN RABBITS IN THE SOUTH EAST OF MEXICO STATE 1* JÍMENEZ RA, 1*BAUTISTA GL, 2MARTINEZ CJ, 1GARCÍA RV, 3 ROMERO NC, 1 HUITRÓN TG 1. Laboratorio de Biotecnología, Biología Molecular y Genética. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. 2. Laboratorio de Biología Molecular, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, C.P. 50090, Estado de México, México. 3. Clínica Veterinaria de Animales de Compañía. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected]; [email protected] Abstract Poverty is one of the great challenges to be solved by the State, 47 % of the Mexican population is in some degree of food poverty, capacity or equity, SEDESOL (2008) mentions that more than 86% of the poor are in rural areas. Rabbitry is a livestock activity that has been shown to be important in the last four decades, has established itself as an alternative to solve problems of food and poverty in rural and suburban society. Production of rabbit noted for its easy productive and reproductive management, quality of derivative products and the beneficial characteristics of meat. However, there are significant economic losses in the rabbit production, due to the presence of infectious agents causing a great number of diseases, one of the most important, Coccidioses are infections caused by obligatory intracellular protozoan parasites belonging to the genus Eimeria and considered as major causes of significant morbidity and mortality in rabbits. The eimeriosis has two presentations; hepatic and intestinal infections caused by eleven species of Eimeria, of which only E. stiedae is causing liver eimeriosis which causes stunted growth and loss of weight, the other species are causing the eimeriosis in the intestinal manifestation , causing mortality even with a low level of infestation. 196 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The identification of each Eimeria species is characterized by morphological characters and micrometer, however the implementation of more sensitive diagnostic methods that allow us to timely and accurate identification of the agent is necessary, therefore, the objective of this studied was to identify the species of Eimeria spp. present in the stool samples of rabbits with enteric signology on the south east of the Mexico State, sampling was performed in rabbits from one to three months old, that had not been treated with coccidiostats, regardless of race, sex or type of unit rabbit production, a total of 72 samples were collected and analyzed by microscopy, was obtained a 8.66 % of samples positive for Eimeria spp , the collected samples were analyzed by means of chain reaction (PCR ) using primers ITSF 5 ' GGGAAGTTGCGTAAATAGA 3' , ITSR 5 ' CTGCGTCCTTCATCGAT 3' ( Oliveira et al. , 2010 ) that amplify a fragment of 400-600 bp of the ITS1 region of Eimeria spp, whereby the percentage increase at 16.6 % , the molecular identification of Eimeria, identified the species found in positive samples, finding E. stiedai, E. performans, E. magna, E. coecicola, E. flavescens and E. exigua, the results obtained are of great importance because the literature reports E. stiedai as the most pathogenic species that affects rabbits. It is noteworthy that the phylogenetic analysis of the sequences obtained in this study show genetic diversity of Eimeria species reported here as described worldwide. Keywords: Eimeria spp , enteropathy , molecular diagnostics , genetic diversity. DESARROLLO DE PRUEBAS MOLECULARES PARA LA IDENTIFICACIÓN Y ESTUDIO DE LA DIVERSIDAD GENÉTICA DE Eimeria spp., EN CONEJOS EN EL SURESTE DEL ESTADO DE MEXICO 1* JÍMENEZ RA, 1*BAUTISTA GL, 2MARTINEZ CJ, 1GARCÍA RV, 3 ROMERO NC, 1 HUITRÓN TG 1. Laboratorio de Biotecnología, Biología Molecular y Genética. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. 2. Laboratorio de Biología Molecular, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, C.P. 50090, Estado de México, México. 3. Clínica Veterinaria de Animales de Compañía. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected]; [email protected] Resumen La pobreza es uno de los grandes retos a resolver por el Estado, el 47% de la población mexicana se encuentra en algún grado de pobreza alimentaria, de capacidades o la equidad, la SEDESOL (2008) menciona que más del 86% de los pobres están en las zonas rurales. La cunicultura es una actividad ganadera que ha demostrado ser importante en las últimas cuatro décadas, se ha consolidado como una alternativa para resolver los problemas de la alimentación y la pobreza en la sociedad rural y suburbana. La producción de conejo destaca por su fácil gestión productiva y reproductiva, calidad de los productos derivados y las características beneficiosas de la carne. Sin embargo, hay importantes pérdidas económicas en la producción de conejo, debido a la presencia de agentes infecciosos que causan un gran número de enfermedades, uno de los más importantes es la coccidiosis, son infecciones causadas por parásitos protozoarios intracelulares obligatorios que pertenecen al género Eimeria y considerados como importantes causas de morbilidad y mortalidad en conejos. 198 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS La eimeriosis tiene dos presentaciones; hepática e infecciones intestinales causadas por once especies de Eimeria, de los cuales sólo E. stiedae está causando eimeriosis en hígado que provoca retraso en el crecimiento y la pérdida de peso, las demás especies están causando la eimeriosis en la manifestación intestinal, causando mortalidad incluso con un bajo nivel de infestación. La identificación de cada especie de Eimeria se caracteriza por análisis morfológicos y micrómetricoso, sin embargo, es necesaria la aplicación de métodos de diagnóstico más sensibles que nos permiten la identificación oportuna y precisa del agente, por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudió fue identificar las especies de Eimeria spp. presentes en las muestras de heces de conejos con signología entérica en el sureste del Estado de México, el muestreo se realizó en conejos de uno a tres meses de edad, que no habían sido tratados con coccidiostáticos, sin importar la raza, el sexo o el tipo de producción de conejos en la unidad , se recogieron un total de 72 muestras y se analizaron por microscopía, se obtuvo un 8,66% de muestras positivas para Eimeria spp, las muestras recogidas se analizaron por medio de la reacción en cadena (PCR) utilizando cebadores ITSF 5 'GGGAAGTTGCGTAAATAGA 3', ITSR 5 'CTGCGTCCTTCATCGAT 3 '(Oliveira et al., 2010) que amplifican un fragmento de 400-600 pb de la región ITS1 de Eimeria spp, por lo que el porcentaje aumento en el 16,6%, en la identificación molecular de Eimeria, identificado a las especies encontradas en las muestras positivas, se identificaron E. stiedai, E. performans, E. magna, E. coecicola, E. flavescens y E. exigua, los resultados obtenidos son de gran importancia debido a que los informes de la literatura señalan a E. stiedai como la especie más patógena que afecta a los conejos. Es de destacar que el análisis filogenético de las secuencias obtenidas en este estudio, muestran la diversidad genética de las especies de Eimeria reportados aquí como se ha descrito en todo el mundo. Palabras clave: Eimeria spp, enteropatía, diagnóstico molecular, diversidad genética Introduction Poverty is one of the great challenges to be solved by the State, the 47 % of the Mexican population is in some degree of food poverty, capacity or equity, SEDESOL (2008) mentions that more than 86% of the poor are in rural areas. The rabbit is a livestock activity has been shown to be important in the last four decades, has established itself as an alternative to solve problems of food and poverty in rural and suburban society. Production of rabbit noted for its easy productive and reproductive management, quality of derivative products and the beneficial characteristics of meat. However, there are significant economic losses in the rabbit production, due to the presence of infectious agents causing a great number of diseases, one of the most important, is the diarrhea, where the Eimeria spp. are the major causative agent . In the rabbit, the eimeriosis has two presentations; hepatic and intestinal infections caused by eleven species of Eimeria, of which only E. stiedae is causing liver eimeriosis which causes stunted growth and loss of weight, the other species are causing the eimeriosis in your intestinal manifestation , causing mortality even with a low level of infestation. The identification of each Eimeria species is characterized by morphological characters and micrometer, however the implementation of more sensitive diagnostic methods that allow us to timely and accurate identification of the agent is necessary, therefore, the objective of this studied was to identify the species of Eimeria spp. present in the stool samples of rabbits with enteric tables on the south east of the Mexico State. Material and Methods Coproparasitoscopic study Sampling was enhanced convenience in rabbits from one to three months old, which had enteric cases of diarrhea and were not treated with coccidiostats, regardless of race, sex or type of unit rabbit production in the period May to October 2013, with a total sample of 72 rabbits. 40 grams of fresh feces were collected, taken under the rabbit cages which were stored in bags duly identified polyethylene, were transported in a cooler at 4 ° C, for immediate processing Amphitheatre Bachelor Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Mc Master technique (INIFAP, 2010) was used to detect qualitatively and quantitatively, Eimeria spp oocysts present in the sample and the results were expressed in oocysts per gram of faeces (OPG). 200 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Molecular identification The positive samples by coproparasitoscopic, was used for the extraction of total genomic DNA directly from 200mg of the stool, using the Extraction Nucleic Acid Isolation Norgen® Stool kit, according to manufacturer's instructions. To perform the PCR, one fragment of the 400- 600bp from the ITS1 region, was amplified using the primers; ITSF 5'GGGAAGTTGCGTAAATAGA 3 ', ITSR 5'CTGCGTCCTTCATCGAT 3' (Oliveira et al. 2011). The amplified fragments were purified with the kit Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery TM® and sequenced to perform phylogenetic analysis. Results and Conclusion: From the 72 samples collected, the 8.66% was positive by microscopy for Eimeria spp, whereby by PCR the percentage increase at 16.6%. The molecular identification of Eimeria species found in the positive samples, E. stiedai, E. performans, E. magna, E. coecicola, E. flavescens and E. exigua, the results obtained are of great importance because the literature reports as E. stiedai and E. magna, like the most pathogenic species that attacks rabbits. It is noteworthy that the phylogenetic analysis of the sequences show genetic diversity of Eimeria species obtained in this study, compared by the worldwide reported. MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION AND PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS OF Pasteurella spp. IN RABBITS FROM THE SOUTH EAST OF MEXICO STATE 1* BAUTISTA GL, 1GARCÍA RV, 2MARTINEZ CJ, 3ROMERO NC, 1 JIMENEZ RA, 1REYNOSO UE, 1LOPEZ AUGADO AG, 1HUITRON TG 1. Laboratorio de Biotecnología, Biología Molecular y Genética. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. 2. Laboratorio de Biología Molecular, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, C.P. 50090, Estado de México, México. 3. Clínica Veterinaria de Animales de Compañía. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract One factor that affects the efficient development of rabbits in Mexico is the high mortality rate in rabbit farms (SAGARPA, 2012). Pasteurella multocida is responsible for the most economically important diseases in animals in both developed and developing countries (Dziva, et al., 2008). The objective of this study is to perform molecular identification and phylogenetic of Pasteurella multocida on rabbits that present respiratory symptoms of all ages as well as in apparently healthy individuals who are in the same units of rabbit production where they are presenting respiratory symptoms. A total of 49 samples of rabbits were collected for bacteriological procedures. Molecular identification was performed with a commercial kit and amplification of Pasteurella multocida has been implemented by the PCR. Keywords: Pasteurella multocida, molecular diagnostics , genetic diversity. 202 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS IDENTIFICACIÓN MOLECULAR Y ANÁLISIS FILOGENÉTICO DE Pasteurella spp. EN CONEJOS DEL SURESTE DEL ESTADO DE MEXICO 1* 1 BAUTISTA GL, 1GARCÍA RV, 2MARTINEZ CJ, 3ROMERO NC, JIMENEZ RA, 1REYNOSO UE, 1LOPEZ AUGADO AG, 1HUITRON TG 1. Laboratorio de Biotecnología, Biología Molecular y Genética. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. 2. Laboratorio de Biología Molecular, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, C.P. 50090, Estado de México, México. 3. Clínica Veterinaria de Animales de Compañía. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen Uno de los factores que afecta el desarrollo eficiente de la cunicultura en México es la alta tasa de mortalidad en las granjas cunícolas (SAGARPA, 2012). Pasteurella multocida es responsable de la mayoría de las enfermedaedes de importancia económica en los animales, tanto en los países desarrollados como en los países en vías de desarrollo ( Dziva, et al., 2008). El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar la identificación molecular y la filogenia de Pasteurella multocida en conejos que presentan signos respiratorios de todas las edades, así como en los individuos aparentemente sanos que están presentes en las mismas unidades productivas Palabras clave: Pasteurella multocida, diagnóstico molecular, diversidad genética. Introduction Poverty is one of the great challenges to be met by the State, that 47% of the Mexican population is in some degree of food poverty, capacity or equity, SEDESOL (2008) mentions that more than 86% of the poor are located in rural areas. The rabbit is a livestock activity has been shown to be important in the past four decades, the business has established itself as an alternative to solve food problems and poverty in rural and suburban society. The production of rabbit noted for its productive and reproductive easy handling, quality of derived products, the beneficial characteristics of meat and integration and acceptance in markets (Garcia et al., 2005). One factor that affects the efficient development of rabbits in Mexico is the high mortality rate in rabbit farms (SAGARPA, 2012). Pasteurella multocida is responsible for the most economically important diseases in animals in both developed and developing countries (Dziva, et al., 2008). It is the most common pathogen reported in rabbits, lodges in the nasal cavity causing rhinitis and chronic asymptomatic infections, resulting in a variety of clinical manifestations including pneumonia, otitis media, conjunctivitis, abscesses, respiratory tract infections and septicemia (De Long, 2012). As discussed above, the objective of this study is to perform molecular identification and phylogenetic of Pasteurella multocida on rabbits that present respiratory symptoms of all ages as well as in apparently healthy individuals who are in the same units of rabbit production where they are presenting respiratory symptoms. Material and Methods Bacterial ID The sampling was a convenience, in rabbits with respiratory clinical symptoms and apparently healthy, who is housed in the same facilities and conditions of different units of rabbit production in the south east of the State of Mexico. A total of 49 samples of rabbits from Tlalmanalco Amecameca, Atlautla and Ozumba municipalities, were collected from January to September 2013. Isolates have been recovered from nasal passages, in live animals, and in the case of dead rabbits, the trachea and lungs was recovered using sterile swabs. 204 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Sampling was performed using swabs, these are placed in Stuart transport medium (Difco-BBL) and maintained under refrigeration until analysis. Each swab is sown in Petri dishes containing blood agar (Difco-BBL) with 5% whole sheep blood and incubated at 37 ° C for 24 hours, then the routine bacteriological procedures for isolation is used, including biochemical tests catalase, oxidase, indole, urease activity, production of ornithine decarboxylase and carbohydrate fermentation. Molecular identification A colony from blood agar cultures (Difco-BBL) with 5% sheep whole blood and incubated at 37 ° C for 24 hours. It was processed for extraction of DNA using the Wizard ® Genomic DNA Purification Kit PROMEGA. A fragment of 520pb of hyaChyaD (access number AF067175) gene was amplified using the primers RGPMA6 and RGPMA5 described by and Gautam, et al., 2004. The amplified fragments were purified from gel and sequenced for phylogenetic analysis. Multiple sequence alignment was performed using the MEGA 6 software(Tamura et al. 2007). Results and Conclusion The presence of Pasteurella multocida in 37% of the isolates were found. Of the 49 samples collected from rabbits of the Tlalmanalco, Ozumba, Amecameca and Atlautla municipalities, 18 isolates corresponded to Pasteurella multocida. Other bacteria identified in the sample were Manhemia haemolitica, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, and Bordetella bronchiseptica . The program for amplification of Pasteurella multocida has been implemented by the PCR technique, which seeks to determine from these 18 isolates of P. multocida rabbit, The amplified fragments were purified from gel and sequenced for phylogenetic analysis comparing the sequences obtained with the seven reported worldwide, from the United States, Germany, Czech Republic and Australia, using the 6 MEGA software (Tamura et al., 2007). In Figure 1, is shown the phylogenetic tree constructed with the Neighbor Joining method for the first two isolates sequenced. It can be seen that the strains isolated in this region belong to capsular type A and are genetically closer to those reported for isolates from pigs in the United States than those reported in other countries like Germany, Czech Republic, Australia, however remain in an independent branch of the isolated from other species. Suggesting the relative specificity of the bacteria host and those variants in the State of Mexico, but it is necessary to enrich the tree to get a larger number of sequences P multocida strains isolated in this study, order to confirm whether the bacteria found maintain diversity to those reported to worldwide level. It is important to highlight the genetic distance giP7 strain, also isolated from rabbit Czech Republic. Which is of interest to know to implement prevention strategies has considered strains to be included in the development of biological for use in cunícolas units in the region under study. Figure 1. Phylogenetic Three of Pasteurella multocida. GBP1 isolated Pasteurella multocida strain pig US isolate GBP2 bovine Germany, United States giP3b strain without host reported, gigb4 isolate mouse without the country reported, without strain giP5 host country or reported, GBP6 avian strain US giP7 rabbits strain isolated in the Czech Republic, giP8 turkey isolate US giP9 without host strain reported from Australia, P10 strain isolated rabbit Mexico, P11 strain isolated rabbit Mexico. gigbP4 giP5 giP3 gbP2 gbP6 giP7 giP8 giP9 P10 P11 gbP1 20 206 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS OF ROTAVIRUS IN RABBITS, IN THE SOUTH-EAST OF MEXICO STATE 1* REYNOSO UE, 1GARCÍA RV, 2MARTINEZ CJ, 3ROMERO NC, 1 *LOPEZ-AGUADO AG, 1BAUTISTA GL 1. Laboratorio de Biotecnología, Diagnóstico Molecular y Genética. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. 2. Laboratorio de Biología Molecular, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, C.P. 50090, Estado de México, México. 3. Clínica Veterinaria de Animales de Compañía. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected]; [email protected] Abstract In our country, the Mexico State is the major rabbit production entity, has a 45,000 bellies (does) of inventory and here is produced about 2340 tons. Enteric diseases have an important role in rabbit production, because they cause severe economic losses due to mortality, growth depression and worsening of conversion index. Rotaviruses (RV) are members of the Reoviridae family, are non-enveloped viruses with a segmented double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) genome, is considered the main cause of acute viral gastroenteritis in different animals including rabbits. This agent is also a zoonotic disease. Among all enteric pathogens in humans, Rotavirus is the leading cause of severe acute gastroenteritis in infants and young children worldwide affect 95% of children under 5 years of age and cause 453,000 infant deaths annually. Group A rotavirus, Lapine strain (infecting rabbits), has been isolated by investigators in Europe, Japan, and the United States, however there are no studies that identified molecularly Lapine Rotavirus strain in our country, for this reason, in this study we develop a molecular diagnostic of Rotavirus through the Reverse Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR), which will allow genotyping of strains that infect rabbits meat producers in the South-East of the State of Mexico. 208 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The molecular diagnosis was carried out through the use of the VP6 primers (VP6-F [sense] 5’ GACGGVGCRACTACATGGT 3’ and VP6-R [antisense] 5’ GTCCAATTCATNCCTGGTGG 3’) reported by Gómara., et al (2002). Viral RNA was extracted using the GeneJET Viral DNA and RNA Purification kit of Thermo Scientific according to the manufacturer’s instructions. As a positive control was used the RotaTeq vaccine. Has been performed the standardization and has been achieved the amplification of a 379pb region of VP6. The results show the presence of rotavirus in rabbits in the study region. We provide the first data on rotavirus in rabbits in Mexico. Data collected may contribute to avoiding economic loss, development of a vaccine and will assist in the resolution of public health problems. Keywords: Rotavirus, gastroenteritis, rabbits, zoonotic, molecular diagnostic, genotyping. DIAGNÓSTICO MOLECULAR DE ROTAVIRUS EN CONEJOS, EN EL SURESTE DEL ESTADO DE MÉXICO 1* REYNOSO UE, 1GARCÍA RV, 2MARTINEZ CJ, 3ROMERO NC, 1 *LOPEZ-AGUADO AG, 1BAUTISTA GL 1. Laboratorio de Biotecnología, Diagnóstico Molecular y Genética. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. 2. Laboratorio de Biología Molecular, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, C.P. 50090, Estado de México, México. 3. Clínica Veterinaria de Animales de Compañía. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected]; [email protected] Resumen En nuestro país, el Estado de México es la principal entidad de producción de conejo, tiene 45,000 vientres de inventario y aquí se producen aproximadamente 2,340 toneladas. Las enfermedades entéricas tienen un papel importante en la producción de conejo, porque causan graves pérdidas económicas debido a la mortalidad, depresión del crecimiento y el empeoramiento del índice de conversión. Los rotavirus (RV) son miembros de la familia Reoviridae, son virus no envueltos con un ARN de doble cadena (dsRNA) genoma segmentado, se considera la principal causa de gastroenteritis viral aguda en diferentes animales incluyendo conejos. Este agente es también una enfermedad zoonótica. Entre todos los agentes patógenos entéricos en los seres humanos, el rotavirus es la principal causa de gastroenteritis aguda grave en lactantes y niños pequeños en todo el mundo, afecta al 95% de los niños menores de 5 años de edad y causa 453,000 muertes infantiles por año. El rotavirus Grupo A, la cadena Lapine (infectante de conejos), ha sido aislada por los investigadores en Europa, Japón y los Estados Unidos, sin embargo se carece de estudios que identifiquen molecularmente la cepa Lapine del rotavirus en nuestro país, por esta razón, en este estudio desarrollamos un diagnóstico molecular de rotavirus mediante la Reacción en cadena de la Polimerasa inversa (RT-PCR), que permitirá a la genotipificación de cepas que infectan conejos productores de carne en el sureste del Estado de México. 210 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS El diagnóstico molecular se llevó a cabo mediante el uso de los cebadores VP6 (VP6-F [sentido] 5 'GACGGVGCRACTACATGGT 3' y VP6-R [antisentido] 5 'GTCCAATTCATNCCTGGTGG 3') reportados por Gómara., et al (2002). El ARN viral se extrajo utilizando el kit de GeneJET Viral ADN y ARN Purificación de Thermo Scientific de acuerdo con las instrucciones del fabricante. Como se utilizó un control positivo la vacuna RotaTeq. Se ha realizado la estandarización y se ha logrado la amplificación de una región de 379pb VP6. Los resultados muestran la presencia de rotavirus en conejos en la región de estudio. Proporcionamos los primeros datos sobre el rotavirus en conejos en México. Los datos recogidos pueden contribuir a evitar la pérdida económica, el desarrollo de una vacuna y se contribuiría a la resolución de problemas de salud pública. Palabras clave: Rotavirus, gastroenteritis, conejos, zoonóticas, diagnóstico molecular, genotipificación. Introduction Rotaviruses (RV) are members of the Reoviridae family, Sedoreovirinae subfamily, are non-enveloped viruses with a segmented double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) genome, cause severe diarrheal disease in various species of birds and mammals, including humans. Among all enteric pathogens in humans, Rotavirus is the leading cause of severe acute gastroenteritis in infants and young children worldwide, affect 95% of children under 5 years of age, although the main impact of rotavirus disease occurs in developing countries, where it causes over 453.000 deaths annually. Different Rotavirus strains infect particular species, however occasionally happens, for genetic reassortment, interspecies transmission, evidence of this is exposed in a study (Matthijnssens et al., 2006), demonstrating transmission Lapine Rotavirus (which affects rabbits) to the human species, which gives Rotavirus infection, classification of zoonotic disease. Moreover, enteric diseases have an important role in rabbit production, because they cause severe economic losses due to mortality, growth depression and worsening of conversion index. Group A rotavirus, is considered the main cause of acute viral gastroenteritis in different animals including rabbits. The Lapine strain (LRV) is considered slightly pathogenic, however it can primarily cause enteric disease in post-weaning rabbits, in addition it could also be involved in the etiology of severe enteritis outbreaks in association with bacteria, parasites and other viruses. Rabbits become infected by the oro-fecal route and the extension and the severity of the lesions (microvillus degeneration, malabsorption and diarrhoea) are dose dependent. The Rotavirus infection is characterised by a high rate of morbidity and not specific clinical signs such as diarrhea, anorexia, depression, etc. Diarrhoea appears at the beginning of viral excretion that lasts for 6-8 days, and is generally followed by constipation. Lesions observed at necropsy are not constant: catarrhal, haemorrhagic or necrotic entero-tiflitis and caecal impaction. Rabbits patients may die due to dehydration and secondary infections while those that recover from the infection commonly show a decrease in productivity due to reduced absorption capacity. 212 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Materials and methods For the molecular identification of Rotavirus, Polymerase Chain Reaction Inverse technique was performed, wherein were used the primers designed and reported by Gómara., et al (2002), for amplification of a 379 bp fragment of the structural protein VP6 (VP6-F [sense] 5’ GACGGVGCRACTACATGGT 3’ and VP6-R [antisense] 5’ GTCCAATTCATNCCTGGTGG 3’). Standardization was carried out using the pentavalent vaccine RotaTeq (live attenuated Rotavirus), which contains the humanbovine rotavirus strains variants: G1, G2, G3, G4 and P1A (genotype P1 [8]), same that was used as a positive control in all experimentation. Viral RNA was extracted using the GeneJET Viral DNA and RNA Purification kit of Thermo Scientific according to the manufacturer’s instructions. After obtaining the viral RNA, RT (reverse transcription) was performed using the ImProm-II Reverse Transcription System, of Promega, whose final solution was 20 μl, the details are shown in Table 1. The PCR was performed in a final volume of 25 μl, the conditions and the result of standardization process are shown in Table 2. Table 1. Components and volumes of the mixture to RT. Mixture 1 Mixture 2 Final volume RNA Oligo DT Improm II 5x Cl Mg dNTP´s RNA sin RT H2O 3 μl 2 μl 4 μl 4.6 μl 2 μl 0.5 μl 1 μl 2.9 μl 20 μl Table 2. Final features of standardization process of PCR for amplification of VP6. Lement H2O Buffer Cl Mg dNTP´s VP6 Forward VP6 Reverse Taq cDNA Final volume Volume 7.7 μl 5 μl 4 μl 1 μl 2 μl 2 μl 0.3 μl 3 μl 25 μl Program features of PCR Temperature Time 96° 10m 96° 45s 61° 45s 72° 45s 72° 5m 4° 10m Cycles 45 - Once obtained the reaction, it was placed in an agarose gel 3% and the electrophoresis was performed, with a time of 30 minutes at 100 ° C. Finished the standardization for amplification of the desired fragment, 7 samples of intestines of rabbits from the zootechnical place from Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca were processed, aged approximately 45 days, 3 of which were positive for Rotavirus. Results and discussion Thanks to standardization process, we have achieved amplify a fragment of 379 bp of VP6 from RotaTeq vaccine (Figure 1). Same way, amplification was obtained in 3 of 7 processed samples (Figure 2). Figure 1. Amplified fragment of 379pb Rotavirus VP6 from RotaTeq vaccine 214 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Figure 2. Amplified fragments of VP6 of 379pb: A and C; samples from asymptomatic rabbits. B; sample from rabbit with gastroenteric signs. By the characteristics of the rabbits from which the samples were taken, the results show that rabbits can be asymptomatic carriers of Rotavirus, or their presence is determined by the dose and may be a transient infection with short periods of excretion. The pathogenic role and importance of rotavirus as primary aetiological agent rabbit enteritis is questioned. Conclusions Starting from multiple modifications in the protocols for the molecular identification of Rotavirus, we have achieved standardize the technique for the amplification of a fragment of 379pb of VP6. Rotavirus has been identified in asymptomatic rabbits and in one rabbit with gastroenteric signs, this being the first report of the presence of rotavirus in rabbits in Mexico. Bibliography Gómara M. I., Wong C., Blome S., Desselberger U., Gray J. 2002. Molecular Characterization of VP6 Genes of Human Rotavirus Isolates: Correlation of Genogroups with Subgroups and Evidence of Independent Segregation. J. VIROL., 76, 6596–6601. Lavazza A., Cerioli M., Martella V., Tittarelli C., Grilli G., Brivio R., Buonavoglia C. 2008. Rotavirus in diarrheic rabbits: prevalence and characterization of strains in Italian Farms. Pathology and Hygiene. 993-998. 216 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS IDENTIFICATION AND CULTURE OF Eimeria spp FROM RABBITS WITH GASTROENTERIC SIGNS IN SOUTH-EAST OF MEXICO STATE 1* TREJO HG, 1BAUTISTA GL*, 2MARTINEZ CJ, 1 GARCÍA RV, 3ROMERO NC 1. Laboratorio de Biotecnología, Diagnóstico Molecular y Genética. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. 2. Laboratorio de Biología Molecular, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, C.P. 50090, Estado de México, México. 3. Clínica Veterinaria de Animales de Compañía. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract The rabbit production is a livestock industry in recent years has become more important in our country, mainly due to the ease of handling of the species and the relatively short time for recovery of investments, which has led to a large number of small and medium rural producers are dabbling in the exploitation of this species. The Mexico State is the first entity of rabbit production in our country, for this reason the identification of pathogens that affect this activity becomes a priority. The Eimeriosis is a parasitic disease caused by protozoa of the genus Eimeria, depending on the species of this parasite can be located in the intestine and liver of their hosts. Among the species most pathogenic intestinal location include, in order of predominance, E. perforans, E. magna, E. intestinalis, E. media, E. piriformis, E. irresidua, E. flavescens, E. exigua and E. neoleporis, while the pathogenic specie of liver location is E. stiedae; which can be associated or not to intestinal forms depending pathogenicity infective dose and age of the host. The eimeriosis is one of the most important parasitic disease in farm rabbits, may be able to cause significant economic losses and gener. 218 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The aim of this study is to identify the presence of Eimeria spp in rabbits that present enteric signs in the south east of the Mexico State, for this, it´s necessary implement in vitro culture to achieve isolate the species present in the region of this way will can study the pathogenicity of each variant found and the molecular characterization of the same. Keywords: Eimeria spp, Gastroenteritis, Molecular Diagnosis. IDENTIFICACIÓN Y CULTIVO DE Eimeria spp DE CONEJOS CON SIGNOLOGÍA GTROENTERICA EN EL SURESTE DEL ESTADO DE MÉXICO 1* TREJO HG, 1BAUTISTA GL*, 2MARTINEZ CJ, 1 GARCÍA RV, 3ROMERO NC 1. Laboratorio de Biotecnología, Diagnóstico Molecular y Genética. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. 2. Laboratorio de Biología Molecular, Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, C.P. 50090, Estado de México, México. 3. Clínica Veterinaria de Animales de Compañía. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca. Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Carretera Amecameca-Ayapango km 2.5, Amecameca, CP. 56900, Estado de México, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen La producción de conejos es una industria ganadera que en los últimos años se ha vuelto más importante en nuestro país, debido principalmente a la facilidad de manejo de la especie y el tiempo relativamente corto para la recuperación de la inversión, lo que ha llevado a que un gran número de productores rurales pequeños y medianos estén incursionando en la explotación de esta especie. El Estado de México es la primera entidad de producción de conejos en nuestro país, por esta razón, la identificación de los agentes patógenos que afectan a esta actividad se convierte en una prioridad. La eimeriosis es una enfermedad parasitaria causada por protozoos del género Eimeria, dependiendo de las especies de este parásito se puede situar en el intestino y el hígado de sus anfitriones. Entre las especies de localización intestinal más patógena incluyen, en orden de predominio, E. perforante, E. magna, E. intestinalis, E. media, E. piriforme, E. irresidua, E. flavescens, E. exigua y E. neoleporis, mientras que la especie patógena de ubicación hígado es E. stiedae; que puede estar asociada o no a las formas intestinales dependiendo de la dosis infecciosa, patogenicidad y la edad del huésped. La eimeriosis es una de las enfermedades parasitarias más importantes en conejos de granja, puede ser capaz de causar importantes pérdidas económicas y generar un retraso del crecimiento, empeoramiento de las tasas de transformación e incluso aumento de la mortalidad. 220 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS El objetivo de este estudio es identificar la presencia de Eimeria spp en conejos que presentan signos entéricos en el sureste del Estado de México, para esto, es necesario implementar el cultivo in vitro para lograr aislar las especies presentes en la región del este manera se puede estudiar la patogenicidad de cada variante encontrada y la caracterización molecular de la misma. Palabras clave: Eimeria spp, gastroenteritis, Diagnóstico Molecular. GESTIÓN SOCIAL Y ECONÓMICA MANAGEMENT, SOCIAL & ECONOMICS 222 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS THE SMALL-SCALE RABBIT PRODUCTION MODEL: A GUIDE TO HUMAN DEVELOPMENT LUKEFAHR S D Dept. of Animal, Rangeland and Wildlife Sciences, MSC 228, Texas A&M University, Kingsville, TX 78363, USA Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract One of the challenges in developing successful meat rabbit projects for people living in poverty (representing about half of the human population) is the reality that many factors must be considered. Across countries and cultures, some factors are very critical (e.g., suitable breeds, feedstuffs, housing, marketing, and training methods); however, in others the choices or decisions may be very different. The implication is that there are very few, if any, general recommendations that are appropriate for all situations. The impetus for developing the Small-Scale Rabbit Production Model (SSRPM) was to serve primarily as a tool for project managers to address key issues, especially when planning and implementing projects. In brief, for the sake of simplicity the model is divided into three dimensions: internal, intermediate, and external aspects, which relate to farmers, project managers, and the environment, respectively. At the internal level, farmers make decisions with regards to appropriate choice of breed-types, feedstuffs for diets, materials for housing, etc. In contrast, at the intermediate level, managers (i.e., usually representing a development organization) embrace the project components of feasibility, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, all of which guide or direct the project. This includes the clear establishment of a project goal with specific objectives. The external level of the environment encompasses ecological, market, social aspects. In other words, to be successful the rabbit project must benefit the environment, increase farmer’s income, and be supported at every stage by the local community. 224 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Of course, much flexibility should exist when applying the SSRPM. However, there are certain basic essentials such as farmers receiving training by a competent expert (ideally on demonstration farms), frequent on-farm visits following training, rabbit production being sustained on small farms with minimal off-farm inputs, regular family consumption of rabbit meat, maintenance of records, and active markets for surplus rabbits. Another key aspect is the training and development of local farmer leaders who will ultimately continue the project after phase-out, and that the project has a multiplication effect by spreading to other communities in time. Key words: Appropriate technology, Development, Poverty alleviation, Rabbit, Sustainability EL MODELO DE PRODUCCIÓN DE CONEJO A PEQUEÑA ESCALA: UNA GUÍA PARA EL DESARROLLO HUMANO LUKEFAHR S D Dept. of Animal, Rangeland and Wildlife Sciences, MSC 228, Texas A&M University, Kingsville, TX 78363, USA Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen Uno de los retos en el desarrollo de proyectos exitosos de producción de conejo para carne para las personas que viven en la pobreza (que representan alrededor de la mitad de la población humana) es la realidad de que muchos factores deben ser considerados. En todos los países y culturas, algunos factores son (por ejemplo, razas adecuadas, los piensos, los métodos de la vivienda, de marketing y de formación) muy críticos; sin embargo, en otros las decisiones o elecciones pueden ser muy diferentes. La implicación es que hay muy pocos, si los hubiere, las recomendaciones generales que son apropiados para todas las situaciones. El impulso para el desarrollo de la pequeña escala Conejo Producción Modelo (SSRPM) era servir principalmente como una herramienta para administradores de proyectos para abordar cuestiones clave, sobre todo en la planificación y ejecución de proyectos. En resumen, en aras de la simplicidad del modelo se divide en tres dimensiones: aspectos internos, intermedios y externos, que se refieren a los agricultores, gestores de proyectos, y el medio ambiente, respectivamente. A nivel interno, los agricultores toman decisiones con respecto a la elección apropiada del tipo de raza, alimentos para dietas, materiales para vivienda, etc. Por el contrario, en el nivel intermedio, los directivos (es decir, por lo general representan a una organización de desarrollo) abrazar los componentes del proyecto de viabilidad, diseño, implementación, monitoreo y evaluación, todos los cuales guían o dirigen el proyecto. Esto incluye el claro establecimiento de un objetivo del proyecto con objetivos específicos. El nivel externo del medio ambiente abarca, mercado, aspectos sociales ecológicos. En otras palabras, para tener éxito el proyecto de conejo debe beneficiar al medio ambiente, aumentar los ingresos de los agricultores, y contar con el apoyo en todas las etapas de la comunidad local. Por supuesto, debería existir gran flexibilidad al aplicar el SSRPM. 226 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Sin embargo, hay ciertos productos de primera necesidad, como los agricultores que recibieron capacitación por un experto competente (idealmente en las granjas de demostración), frecuentes visitas en las fincas siguientes, formación, producción de conejos que se sustenta en las pequeñas explotaciones con un mínimo de insumos no agrícolas, el consumo regular de la carne de conejo por la familia, el mantenimiento de registros, y los mercados de activos para conejos excedentes. Otro aspecto clave es la formación y el desarrollo de los líderes locales de agricultores que en última instancia puedan continuar el proyecto después de la eliminación, y que el proyecto tenga un efecto multiplicador mediante la difusión a otras comunidades en el tiempo. Palabras clave: la tecnología apropiada, Desarrollo, Alivio de la pobreza, Conejo, Sostenibilidad Introduction For rabbit scientists who are engaged in development projects with the aim of alleviating poverty, it is a challenge to know how to best approach each new project because every project has a unique set of conditions. However, a set of guidelines for making critical decisions at either the planning or implementation stage of project development has both been recommended and adopted, which is known as the SmallScale Rabbit Production Model (SSRPM). This model was proposed by Lukefahr (2004) at the 8th World Rabbit Congress which was held in Puebla, Mexico. In Section 1 of the second edition of the book by Lukefahr (2010), Developing Sustainable Rabbit Projects, a detailed description of the SSRPM is provided for the reader. One recent paper by Oseni and Lukefahr (2014) extolled the appropriateness of this model for projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, which is the poorest region of the world. Likewise, certain aspects of the SSRPM have been applied in the form of project monitoring and refresher training of farmers in Haiti, which is the poorest country of the Western Hemisphere (Lukefahr et al., 2012). In addition, SSRPM aspects involving community participation and farmer training were adopted in Indonesia where an ambitious and highly successful rabbit programme has been developed for rural families at the level of small- and medium-scale production (Raharjo, 2010). The purpose for this paper is to provide an overview of the SSRPM. The Small-Scale Rabbit Production Model (SSRPM) As a brief overview, the SSRPM is divided into three dimensions: internal, intermediate, and external, which are a set of aspects that relate to farmers, project managers, and the environment, respectively. In the book, Developing Sustainable Rabbit Projects, by Lukefahr (2010), figures and tables that relate detailed information to the internal, intermediate, and external dimensions of the SSRPM are available. At the internal level, farmers make decisions with regards to appropriate choice of breed-types, feedstuffs for diets, materials for housing, etc. In contrast, at the intermediate level, managers (i.e., usually representing a development organization) embrace the project components of feasibility, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, all of which guide or direct the project. This includes the clear establishment 228 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS of a project goal with specific objectives. The external level of the environment encompasses ecological, market, social aspects. In other words, to be successful the rabbit project must benefit the environment, increase farmer’s income, and be supported at every stage by the local community. A schematic of the SSRPM is shown below in Figure 1 (Lukefahr, 2010). An analogy is made to that of a wheel because even one weak inter-connective link or spoke could likely, albeit sooner or later, cause the project to fail. The SSRPM is described below by each of its dimensions. Internal level of the SSRPM The internal dimension lies at the core of the SSRPM. The more lug nuts that are used to secure the wheel best ensure that the farmer’s enterprise moves forward to achieve more progress. This level relates directly to the farmer involving decisions that are important to the farmer to realize both a sustainable and successful operation. More specifically, the decisions revolve around the availability and use of local resources that include breeding stock, feedstuffs, materials for hutches and other equipment, remedies to prevent and treat diseases, etc. Ideally, these resources should be available locally and at low cost. This important aspect cannot be overemphasized. In my first programme experience in Cameroon (1983-85), this low-cost feature was realized which made rabbit production not only a low-risk, investment enterprise but a very profitable one for experienced farmers (Lukefahr and Goldman, 1985). Initially, the feasibility study should determine (conducted by a programme staffperson or hired consultant), among other things, that critical resources are locally available and accessible to farmers at low cost. Through training, farmers are taught how to best utilize local materials (such as bamboo or raffia palm to construct hutches) and sound management practices to prevent diseases and local remedies to treat diseases. Breeding stock should be provided after training on an in-kind loan basis so that farmers do not have to pay cash. Hardy crossbred rabbits found in villages tend to be more suitable for backyard production than recently imported purebreds. Later, they will pass-on on young rabbits to other trained farmers as the programme expands. Farmers should also be trained on how to establish forage plots using species that are adaptable to the region. Some rabbit projects have integrated rabbit production with gardening (i.e., rabbit-garden model), involving the recycling of gardens and kitchen “wastes” as rabbit feed and rabbit manure as organic matter. A successful feeding programme also requires good planning. The farmers should use several different feeds (e.g., several forage species, edible weeds, garden wastes, and kitchen scraps) on a given day, which will vary from season to season. In addition, alternate feedstuffs requiring processing (e.g., hay, silage, and molasses blocks) may also be important which will also need to be taught during training. Of relevance, the trainer could either be a competent rabbit expert or a highly successful rabbit producer who is capable of teaching. 230 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Intermediate level of the SSRPM Between the internal and external levels of the SSRPM exists the role of programme management or the project manager (i.e., usually representing a private or governmental development organization) who guides the farmer’s project and connects (like a tire with solid spokes) the activities of farmers within the context of ecological, social, and market environments. Specifically, one set of farmer’s decisions concerns those that involve the environment, hopefully benefiting rather than harming her. Through training, programmed staff will teach farmers about appropriate practices that enhance sustainability of local resources. Also, programme staff will closely involve the community (e.g., mostly through regular meetings) to ensure that the project is fully accepted. Of course, the programme must also take measures to open and(or) expand markets for rabbits, well before farmers have rabbits to sell. More details are provided in the next section. A major role of project managers is to execute the project components of feasibility, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, all of which guide or direct the project. This includes the clear establishment of a goal with specific objectives for the project’s participants. Lukefahr (2007) published a paper exclusively on the stages of project development. This paper was previously presented in 2006 on the occasion of the 3rd Rabbit Congress of the Americas held in Maringa, Brazil. Any potential project must be initiated with the full support of the community. Ideally, the community held meetings where it was discussed and later decided that a rabbit project was the best solution to improve the quality of their lives (Bunch, 1982). With the community’s blessings, the development organisation should then conduct a feasibility study to determine that the project is indeed justified. Many developmental organisations like Heifer International have developed feasibility or standard proposal forms which are available upon request ( Herein, many relevant factors, such as suitable feedstuffs, sustainable practices, technical support, role of women, and potential markets are considered. One important consideration is that the project directly involves women. In the state of Querétaro, Mexico, Gomez (2008) reported on a women’s rabbit project that, following training, provided packages of 5 does/1 buck and 15 cages. In this novel project, women were the heads of households. Rabbit meat was regularly served to their families and income was increased. If the report reveals that no major constraints exist, then starting a rabbit project is justified. Next, the project is designed on paper, referred to as the project blue-print. A written plan for many major activities is drafted, for example, training, stock distribution, production, marketing, and farmer leader development as well as a budget and an activity timetable. This detailed plan should be flexible so that necessary changes can later be made. Once the project is designed on paper and later approved for funding through a grant, it can be implemented. Typically, the first activity is for the community to decide which farmers should first be trained. Many books and website resources are available that provide useful information on appropriate limited resource, farmerfocused training methods (Finzi, 2000; Djago et al., 2007; Lukefahr, 2010). Following training, farmers establish a unit for their rabbit enterprise. Once approved, stock is provided and later production ensues. Here the next phase is critical which is project monitoring. Close and regular supervision of farmers is no doubt paramount to project success. Needless to say, well experienced staff should be involved in this activity. (If extension agents are involved they should first be properly trained and have actual rabbit raising experience.) Early problems must be quickly identified and solved before they become major problems that could lead to project failure. Also, farmers should keep good records so that later the nutritional and economic impact can be accurately determined by the development organization in their evaluation report. Upon formal termination of the project when funding ends, programme staff should perform a project evaluation report. This report makes a critical determination as to whether or not the project goal was realized; for example, for 100 families to consume rabbit meat on a weekly basis and increase their income by 50% by the end of two years. In addition, what lessons were learned in terms of what worked well and what did not work well so that future projects can be designed to achieve even greater impact. In some lesser developed countries, research and development centres have been established by governments where staff perform the role of training farmers, providing breeding stock and technical support, etc. (Oseni and Lukefahr, 2014); however, the 232 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS historic record of such centres in general is that were initially successful but were shortlived. Typically, governments later close the centres due to a budget crisis. External level of the SSRPM The external dimension is analogous to the rubber tire of a wheel. This is where the “rubber meets the road” in terms of project support. In brief, the project must be supported by natural and renewable resources in the environment. It must also be supported by the community so that it will later expand and benefit more families. And the project must monetarily reward farmers for their efforts through strong markets. If this external level bears any weaknesses (like a thin tread of a tire), the project will likely eventually fail. Again, the initial feasibility study should have also closely examined the quality or merit of these external factors. In more detail, the environment is a major consideration for farmers to maintain low feed costs. Of course, this potential is much higher in a lush tropical vs. an arid desert environment. It is fortuitous that most developing countries exist in the (sub)tropical regions of the world. In addition, functional integration is a key approach to the recycling of nutrients among various agricultural enterprises on the farm in a conscientious effort to protect the environment. A key point is that subsistence farmers should not be dependent on expensive commercial feeds. Successful projects are community-based or people-centered, according to Aaker (2007). Hence, social support by the local community is critical. As stated previously, the project should be community owned in the sense that the people feel fully responsible for the progress (or lack thereof) and anticipated impact or success of the project. If this is not the case, then when a problem occurs it is likely that the community will quickly abandon the project. Of course, the development organization should work closely with the community (usually through special and regular meetings) at every project stage. Eventually after the formal project is terminated, a project leader (i.e., a successful rabbit farmer) who was groomed by programme staff should emerge who will further multiply the project as it is introduced to more farmers both within and beyond the community (Lukefahr, 2010). In terms of economic support, farmers will not be interested in a rabbit project if there is no economic incentive. Examples of economic support are as follows. First, it is paramount that the programme takes necessary steps to expand markets by creating strong market demand. In some countries, even governments have sensitised the general populace on the health attributes and profit-potential of rabbit meat production as reported by Oseni and Lukefahr (2014). In Haiti, tremendous efforts have been taken to both create awareness and increase demand for rabbit breeding stock and meat which has been successful (Lukefahr et al., 2012). The use of surveys has also been widely used in Mexico (for example, Olivares et al., 2004; Rivera et al., 2004). An obvious point is that it is desirable that markets be gradually expanded to keep pace with the increasing supply. Likewise, it is not desirable if the market becomes flooded with rabbits that exceed market demand. A last point is that the price of rabbit meat should be competitive with other meats such as broiler chickens and ducks to attract new consumers. Conclusions The impetus for developing the Small-Scale Rabbit Production Model (SSRPM) was to serve primarily as a tool or guide for project managers to address key issues, especially when planning and implementing projects. Of course, much flexibility should exist when applying the SSRPM because every project represents a unique local situation. 234 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS References Aaker, J. 2007. Heifer Model. Cornerstones Value-based Development. Heifer International Publishers, Little Rock, AR, U.S.A. Bunch R. 1982. Two Ears of Corn. World Neighbors Publishers, Oklahoma City, OK, U.S.A. Djago Y.A., Kpodekon M., Lebas F. 2007. Le Guide pratique de ĺéleveur de lapins en Afrique de ĺOuest (Practical manual for rabbit breeding in West Africa). (2nd Edition). Available at: Accessed: July 24, 2014. Finzi A. 2000. Integrated Backyard Systems. FAO Publications Division. Available at: Accessed: July 24, 2014. Gomez G.G. 2008. Meat production of rabbit: an alternative for the semidesert Queretano and people in extreme poverty. In: Proc. 9th World Rabbit Congress, Verona, Italy, 1539-1543. Lukefahr S.D. 2004. Sustainable and alternative systems of rabbit production. In: Proc. 8th World Rabbit Congress, Puebla, Mexico, 1452-1464. Lukefahr S.D. 2007. Strategies for the development of small- and medium-scale rabbit farming in South-East Asia. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 19, Article #138. Accessed: July 8, 2014. Lukefahr S.D. 2010. Developing Sustainable Rabbit Projects. (2nd Edition). Heifer International Publishers, Little Rock, AR, U.S.A. Lukefahr, S.D., Goldman M. 1985. A technical assessment of production and economic aspects of small-scale rabbit farming in Cameroon. J. Appl. Rabbit Res. 8:126-135. Lukefahr S.D., Kaplan-Pasternak M., Jasmin B., Olivier M., McNitt J.I. 2012. Present status of the WRSA-supported rabbit development project in Haiti. In: Proc. 10th World Rabbit Congress, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 833-837. Olivares R., Soriano R., López M., Rivera J., Losada H. 2004. Consumption patterns of rabbit meat in the metropolitan area of Mexico City. In: Proc. 8th World Rabbit Congress. Puebla, Mexico, 1152-1156. Oseni S.O., Lukefahr, SD. 2014. Rabbit production in low-input systems in Africa: situation, knowledge and perspectives – a review. Wld. Rabbit Sci. 22:147-160. Raharjo Y.C. 2010. Micro and small scale rabbit farming based on farmers cooperation as a mean to build rural enterprise. In: Proc. Intern. Seminar-Workshop on the Utilization of Native Animals in Building Rural Enterprises in Warm Climates Zones, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, 19-33. Rivera J., López M., Losada H., Soriano R., L. Arias, Cortés J. 2004. Backyard rabbit production as a sustainable system in the urban and peri-urban area of Xochimilco region. In: Proc. 8th World Rabbit Congress. Puebla, Mexico, 1488-1494. 236 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS ORGANIZATION AND STRATEGIES OF BRAZILIAN RABBIT PRODUCTION - A SEARCH FOR SOLUTIONS * MACHADO LC1, FERREIRA WM2 1. Professor Minas Gerais Federal Institute - Bambuí Campus – Brazil 2. Professor Minas Gerais Federal University - Brazil *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Brazil is an emerging country with great potential for rabbit production. However, the history of this activity has been marked by ups and downs. The Brazilian rabbit population has decreased over the last few years despite the considerable increase of pet rabbits. It is not possible estimate the exact amount of meat produced, because most of it happens in informal conditions. We know that the demand for meat is greater than the supply. Pet rabbit production has grown in recent years and attracted the interest of new breeders. There is a great market to be explored considering items and services for pet rabbits. There are a lot of institutions that research and teach rabbit science. It has been noted that several renowned researchers are retiring and new researchers are needed. There are over 40 factories of rabbit feed, but few present quality and good prices. There are many problems that affect Brazilian rabbit breeders, with emphasis to the lack of specific public policies to support this activity, the work of breeders without organization, the need to improve the available genetic material, the lack of slaughterhouses and lack of meat processing plants, the lack of specialists in rabbit production, the lack of good quality materials and equipment, the lack of public information about the nutritional quality of rabbit meat and the high price of meat to the final consumer. In addition, Brazilian law is extremely strict for slaughterhouse installation. 238 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Actions have been implemented by the Brazilian Rabbit Science Association (ACBC) such as: the creation of discussion groups in the internet aimed at the improvement of the dialogue, the publication of a new webpage to disseminate technical information and activities, the organization and distribution of a CD with publications, the development of teaching materials such as feed formulation manual and supplements for rabbits, a publication with applied rabbit production and technical notes, events such as rabbit production mini courses, rabbit breeder day, national seminars of science and technology in rabbit science, the creation of a national magazine. Information and support for rabbit breeders and people interested in the matter, encouragement for the formation of cooperatives and associations of breeders and the institution of an award for professional notoriety. Besides these actions the implementation of courses for initial and ongoing training in rabbit production and the divulgation of this activity, highlighting its benefits to society and the development of an explanatory videos on the Internet have been planned. In the last two years, an increase in demand of meat production has been noted. The organization of the industry should be prioritized so that dialogue can occur and the management of buying and selling can happen through a proper channel. Key words: rabbit production, organizational problems, public politics, Brazilian Rabbit Science Association (ACBC ORGANIZACIÓN Y ESTRATEGIAS DE LA CUNICULTURA BRASILEÑA LA BÚSQUEDA DE SOLUCIONES MACHADO LC1, FERREIRA WM2 1. Professor Minas Gerais Federal Institute - Bambuí Campus – Brazil 2. Professor Minas Gerais Federal University - Brazil *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen Brasil es un país emergente con un gran potencial para la actividad de cunicultura. Sin embargo, la historia de esta actividad siempre ha estado marcada por altibajos. La población brasileña de conejos ha venido disminuyendo en los últimos años, aunque nota que la cantidad de conejos mascotas está aumentando considerablemente. No es posible hacerse la estimativa de la cantidad de la carne producida, ya que la mayoría se hace en condiciones de informalidad. Se sabe que la demanda de carne es mayor que la oferta. La creación de mascotas ha crecido significativamente en los últimos años y despertado el interés de los nuevos creadores. Hay un gran mercado para ser explorado con respecto a los accesorios y servicios para las mascotas. Hay una gran cantidad de instituciones que hacen investigación y docencia en cunicultura aunque se dio cuenta de que varios investigadores de renombre se están jubilando, sin renovación adecuada. Aunque haga más de 40 fabricantes de piensos para conejos, pocos son de buena calidad, siendo comercializados a precios elevados. Muchos son los problemas que afectan a los criadores brasileños, con énfasis para la falta de políticas públicas específicas para fomentar la actividad, el trabajo de los criadores en forma aislada sin organización, la necesidad de mejorar el material genético disponible, la falta de mataderos y la falta de procesamiento de carne, la falta de expertos en cunicultura, la falta de equipos de buena calidad, la falta de información a la población en relación con las cualidades nutricionales de la carne y el elevado precio de la carne para el consumidor final. Además, la legislación brasileña es muy rigorosa para el montaje de nuevos mataderos. 240 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Se han implementado acciones por la Asociación Científica Brasileña de Cunicultura que fueran la creación de grupos de discusión para la mejora del diálogo, la creación de nueva página web para difundir información técnica y las actividades, la organización y distribución de un CD con publicaciones diversas, elaboración de materiales didácticos como un manual de formulación de piensos y suplementos, un manual práctico de cunicultura y notas técnicas, la realización de eventos tales como talleres de cunicultura, día del cunicultor, seminarios nacionales de ciencia y tecnología en cunicultura, la creación de una revista nacional, atendimiento a los criadores y interesados de todo el país, apoyo a la formación de cooperativas de criadores y la creación de una premiación para un profesional en cunicultura. Además de estas acciones también se han previsto para implementar un curso de formación inicial y continua en cunicultura, la divulgación de esta actividad, destacando sus beneficios para la sociedad y la creación de un canal para la difusión de vídeos explicativos en internet. Durante los últimos dos años, se observó aumento de la demanda por parte de los mataderos. La organización de los criadores de conejo se debe priorizar para que haga un mayor diálogo. El mercado es carente de una entidad que haga la gestión de la compra y venta de animales. Palabras clave: cunicultura, problemas organizacionales, políticas públicas, Asociación Científica Brasileña de Cunicultura Introduction Brazil is a developing country that has excellent conditions for rabbit production. However, this activity went and still goes through numerous difficulties related to production technology, and organizational deficiency in the production chain and lack of specific policies for the sector, which raises the costs of production. The proper structuring of the production chain, as well as the promotion of dialogue among actors is very important to the activity so it can be performed safely and profitably. This work presents information about the rabbit industry in Brazil, structure, strengths, limitations and challenges for the Brazilian rabbit production. It can be an attractive activity that generates a quantity of goods and services to the society. Also presents some actions implemented by national scientific association in order to improve the dialogue between those involved in rabbit production, thus seeking to contribute to the improvement of the structure of this activity. Brazil, an emerging country with agricultural vocation Today, Brazil is an emerging country and presents favorable conditions for the development of rabbit production. Its area of 8 514 million km2, with a population that exceeds 200 million, with most of the territory of cultivable areas, presenting predominantly tropical climate although presents other types of weather throughout the vast territory. Nowadays Brazil is considered the world's seventh economy. Some Brazilian indexes can be seen in Table 01 and reflects the views of an emerging country. 242 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Table 1. General Brazilian Indices Indices Life expectancy* Illiteracy* HDI* GDP Growth in 2013** Inflation in 2013** Unemployment rate in 2013** HDI in 2013** Value 73,4 years 9,6% 0,73 2,5% 5,9% 5,4% U$ 2,07 trillion** * Data obtained from IBGE (2010) ** Data obtained from different sources Brazilian economy is based on agricultural products, livestock, mining and manufacturing and consumer durables. In livestock production poultry, beef cattle, dairy cattle and swine production stand out, with smaller scale production there are sheep, goats, horses, buffaloes and rabbits. Even in a period of crisis and low global growth in 2013, there was an increase of 2.5% of GDP and 4.45% of agribusiness. However, forecasts made by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and published in July 2014 show that Brazil will grow only 1.3% in 2014 and 2.0% in 2015, suggesting that the country is going through a slight recession. World crisis is also affecting all emerging countries. Brazil is a country that is emerging to be the largest agricultural exporter in the world. Projections made by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA, 2013) for the years the 2012/13 - 2022/23, refer to a situation where Brazil will be the largest producer and exporter of meat in the world by 2023. According to Roppa (2008), the most consumed meat is poultry (43.0 kg/inhabitants year), followed by beef (42.2 kg/inhabitants year) and pork (14.8 kg/inhabitants year). When compared to the consumption of such meat, consumption of rabbit is insignificant. Data from FAOSTAT (2014) shows that the production of rabbit meat in Brazil is 1 635 ton/year, which would result in an estimated consumption of 0.008 kg/ inhabitants year. It is known that most animals are slaughtered without inspection and these records are not computed in the official data. Anyhow, one can imagine the large expansion capacity of rabbit production in Brazil. A brief history of Brazilian rabbit production - past and present The history of rabbit production in Brazil has ups and downs, resembling the story of this activity in some neighboring countries, such as Uruguay (Denes, 2006). In the 60s and 70s, there were investments for the production of angora mohair, as well as for breeding young rabbits for the production of vaccines against FMD. As new technologies for the production of synthetic materials have been developed, as well as new ways to produce vaccine for the prevention of FMD were created, rabbit breeders had to adapt the use of animals for meat production and aggregate other products. By the final years of the '80s, rabbit breeding for meat production, was very encouraged by some state governments, such as the Our Rabbit Program in the Paraná State, aiming among others, the strengthening of family farming. For several reasons, including the lack of infrastructure and public policy and support of the sector, the system has been disrupted (Ferreira and Machado, 2007; Ferreira et al, 2010). Looking at the estimates of rabbit population in the past few decades, we can see a gradual reduction over the years (IBGE, 2006; FAOSTAT, 2014). In 1992 there was a population of 593 000 animals, reduced to 350 000 in 2002 and 205 000 in 2012. It is necessary to consider that a portion of the population does not enter in the count, as emphasized by Machado (2012). Anyway, we can verify that in recent years the rabbit population has been slowly recovering its growth in some regions of Brazil. There was a slight increase in counted population between the years 2010 and 2011, although the population has decreased in 2012, mainly due to problems occurring in state of São Paulo. As remembered by Moura (2010) recent health problems related to outbreaks of bird flu and swine flu, may have contributed to the rise in demand for rabbit meat. During the years 2013 and 2014, all major slaughterhouses of Southeast Brazil demonstrated interest in the purchase of animals for slaughter, suggesting that progressively, the rabbit production will recover. It must also be emphasized that the Pet Rabbit Production, which provides pets with high value added, have been growing in recent years. This activity represents a significant portion of the rabbit production in the present market and is also an activity of extreme importance for the generation of income for small breeders. 244 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Current Brazilian market of rabbit production a) Statistical data of rabbits in Brazil In Brazil, data of the rabbit population and rabbit meat produced are scarce, unsafe, slightly outdated, and lead to numerous questions. The agricultural sense 2006 (IBGE, 2006) outlined a total population of 295 584 animals, over 17 615 farms with an average of 17 animals per establishment. One must remember that most of these establishments is not commercial. Analyzing the groups of economic activity, it appears that most of the farmers also work with "Livestock and breeding of other animals" and "production of temporary crops". Indeed, one realizes that there are few stores that deal exclusively with rabbits and that the vast majority of rabbit breeders work with this activity secondarily. The data also show that most animals are in small properties, with dimentions up to 10 hectares. In 2006, it was verified that most of the animals were located in the southern region. Currently, even without official data, it is observed that the proportion of rabbits in the southeastern region increased considerably, mainly from the expansion of the rabbit production in the state of São Paulo. Most of the rabbit breeders are small producers (20 to 100 does) and work mainly for the production of meat or pet rabbits, although fur production, manure, animals for research, craftwork take place these products have little evaluations. It should be noted that many livestock supervision agencies, which make the actual count of the animals do not do so in appropriate manners and in many cities where there are rabbits, there are no records of these animals. In addition, several pet rabbits are not considered. Therefore, we believe that the rabbit population reported in the 2006 census, and the population estimated by the FAOSTAT system, are underestimated, as mentioned by Moura (2010) and Machado (2012). 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Graph 1. Evolution of the population of rabbits in Brazil – Source: Adapted from Considering rabbit meat, the actual total production in Brazil in unknown. Some more experienced breeders reported a production 20-25 tons per month, this being, perhaps, the amount produced and inspected in the state of São Paulo. It must be remembered that the rabbit is created in other parts of Brazil and the largest amount of animals is slaughtered without supervision and sold regionally by rabbit breeders. Data from FAOSTAT (2014) system point to production of 1 635 tons for the year 2012 and that, as also commented by Moura (2010), Brazil is among the seven Latin American countries that produce more than 1 000 tons/year of rabbit meat. Although there had growth in the production of rabbit meat in global and Latin America levels, in recent years the Brazilian production of rabbit meat are decreasing (Moura, 2010). b) Organization of the industry The productive sector of rabbits in Brazil is, in general, poorly organized. There are some local initiatives, which include breeders, slaughterhouses, feed factories, distribution, etc (Machado, 2012). Today there are few associations and cooperatives, consisting of less than ten structured groups in activity. It should be noted that the organization of rabbit breeders in little groups is the key for the success for entrepreneurs (Machado, 2013). The rabbit breeder is the weakest link in the production chain, so he is the one who gets the smallest share of the profits. It must be considered that the breeders work alone and hardly seek help 246 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS from organizations, partnerships, institutions etc. The organization of the productive chain actors, as well as dialogue and collaboration between them, would be very important for sector growth. It is necessary to emphasize that there is the work of some isolated rabbit breeders seeking alternatives to get government funding or in the organization of rabbit breeders groups. It is also essential that the academic sector works together with the productive sector, seeking improvements applicable to the problems and challenges of the farms. These improvements cannot be proposed only for the scientific community. The information generated by research must be disseminated in an easy to understand way and must provide and applicability. c) Rabbit Meat Breeders Most Brazilian rabbit breeders raise animals for slaughter. The slaughterhouse prefers animals weighing from 2.3 to 3.0 kg providing carcasses ranging from 1.2 to 1.6 kg. Most of the meat is sold in as whole rabbit. Furthermore there is no sale of special cuts, processed meat and products such as sausages, ham, meatballs, hamburgers etc., which would be very important to increase the demand. Most meat rabbit breeders are located in central and south of Brazil, but close to other urban centers in other regions of the country there are rabbit breeders also. São Paulo state has the most slaughterhouses, and there resides the only one qualified for export. In this state, especially in the years 2010, 2011 and 2012, the rabbit production was greatly stimulated, through various campaigns, mainly through television. Currently, a group of rabbit breeders in the region of Brasilia verified with the Federal Government, the possibility of inclusion of rabbit meat in school lunches. The breed most used for slaughter in Brazil is the White New Zealand, other breeds of medium size, as the Californian, Chinchilla, and mixed breeds are used also. Only one lineage has been developed in Brazil, Botucatu, with high potential for meat production and maternal ability. There was no introduction of new genetic material in recent years, as has happened in Uruguay, reported by Denes (2006). In the production of animals for slaughter, the profit margin is very low, mainly due to high production costs involved in the activity and the risk is very high because the rabbit breeders are dependent of factors such as acceptance by the slaughterhouses, transportation, feed, among others. The price paid per kilogram of live animal costs around R$ 5.10 (U$ 2.30), often being unfeasible considering the transportation and feed costs, among other factors. The current price of July/2014 released by the largest Brazilian slaughterhouse is R$ 5.60 (U$ 2.53), being this the highest price ever recorded. Many rabbit breeders slaughter the animals and sell on their own, being this situation inconsistent with Brazilian law, which is extremely strict and bureaucratic in relation to meat commercialization. Moreover, it is not a common practice amongst Brazilian breeders the signing of contracts between those involved. In this sense, at all times, caution has been the key word for the new business in rabbit production. The production of rabbits with an integrated system, model similar to the one used in the poultry industry, has been done in southern Brazil a few years ago, as shown by Militão (2011). In this model the breeder invests in the construction of rabbitry, purchases equipment and the integrator provides technical assistance and other inputs, ensuring the commercialization of the product. Although interesting, the system was unsuccessful. Regarding the demand for animals for slaughter, the slaughterhouses have been increasing it, and there is also demand from the international market. It is verified that although there are a few breeders in Brazil, the quantity demanded is much higher than quantity produced. In addition to producing animals for slaughter, most rabbit breeders take a byproduct for activity, even in an informal way (handmade), although the degree of utilization is less than ideal. Some breeders sell the skin in natura or processed, although most rabbit breeders eliminates this material because of lack of conditions and minimum volume to store and deliver. Except for a few exceptions, there are practically no farms that work with skin production, using specific breeds. There are still interested people that buy the raw skin at an average price of R$ 2.00 (U$ 0.90). When this skin is processed it 248 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS reaches greater value, being sold at a higher price. One should note that there is great demand for Brazilian skins in the international market. It is not possible to export yet, mainly for logistical problems because the amount needed to close a container would be approximately 70 000 skins, being above of the production capacity of the cooperatives, centers and associations of rabbit breeders. Other breeders have diversified the benefits from the activity. The most traditional way has been the sale of breeding animals that are normally sold at a minimum price of R$ 100.00 (U$ 45.00). The market for the sale of fur is highly restricted, existing in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, where very few breeders who do so. Rabbit manure is a byproduct highly valued mainly by the gardeners and florists. Many rabbit breeders sell this material, being one important source of supplementary income. From the slaughter of animals, few breeders and slaughterhouses holds the information about the sale of other products such as bowels, blood, eyes, brain etc. The laboratories pay well for animals intended for studies and thus some breeders have achieved good profits offering animals for this purpose. This activity is performed with high bureaucracy by companies that buy, because the Brazilian law is very strict. Thus, favoring middlemen that go through all this documentation. There is an urge regarding the adoption of a certification of quality and food safety in the rabbit production and there are no governmental policies. Although there are reports of problems with myxomatosis in 2008 in the state of Rio de Janeiro (Bruno et al., 2008), there are no vaccines for rabbits in the market. There are no other serious problems compared to what happened in Uruguay, which had serious problems with viral haemorrhagic disease (Denes, 2006). Differently as occurred in Argentina, as reported by Douna (2007) and Moura (2010), in Brazil there is no regular export of rabbit meat. There is only a slaughterhouse located in the state of São Paulo, enabled for exports. Probably the tariff conditions and monetary conversion practiced in Brazil are not attractive or favorable in this moment, as in the neighboring country. In addition, the volume produced in Brazil is still very small. There are prospects for growth in the production of rabbit meat, considering the aging of population, the greater concern with high quality products, being yet a sustainably correct activity (Ferreira and Machado, 2007; Ferreira et al,. 2010). One should also consider that several studies have pointed to Brazil as the future global food supplier , which will contribute to growth in all activities of animal production. However, the Brazilian market is in need of coordination to make the sales and marketing to facilitate contact between breeders and slaughterhouses, and perform sales and logistic. d) Producers of pet animals The production of pet animals is of great importance for the Brazilian rabbit production. One cannot disregard that a rabbit owner is also a consumer of inputs with ample purchasing power, although it is uncertain that the same would constitute a consumer of meat rabbit. In Brazil there is ample space for growth of the two lines (slaughter and pet), without any competition between them or inhibition by consumers. Data from the Brazilian Association of Products for Pet Industry revealed that in 2012, Brazil was the 4th largest country in the world in number of pets, with 2.17 million of “other animals”, including rabbits, reptiles and small mammals and excluding the aquarium fish. Still in 2012, the sector of pets moved about R$ 14.2 billion (U$ 6.62 billion) being the second largest market, together with Japan, accounting for about 8.0% of global turnover. Attention is drawn to the fact that it has been requested to the competent organ, that from 2016, the rabbit count may be carried out in separate way. In recent years, particularly since the popularization of the internet, the pet rabbit production increased very significantly (Ferreira et al., 2010). In modern times, families are increasingly reduced, the number of people living alone is rising and the number of pets is growing. The pet rabbit have high added value, mainly arising from dwarf breeds. The sale price is varied and is common an animal be marketed on the average for about R$ 80.00 (U$ 36.30) to R$ 150.00 (U$ 67.87). The most used breeds for this purpose in Brazil are Mini Lyon Head, Mini Fuzzy Lop, Netherland Dwarf, Mini Rex, Mini Dutch, White Hotot, Hermelin, Polish among others on a smaller scale. Many breeders entered recently the market, stimulated by the high sale value of these animals, 250 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS getting good profits from a relatively small number of animals. Besides the animals, many sell accessories such as cage, clothes, toys, feed and packaged hay, this being essential for raising the profit and success of the activity. The sale and marketing of pet rabbits is mainly done through the internet, through particular sites, sales sites or social networks. Marketing is also done through outdoor fairs and pet shops. Creativity is essential to the pet breeder and location close to urban centers is prereferable. It is also important that there is a commercial airport nearby to the breeder so that the animals may be transported by air. To estimate the potential of this market in Brazil nowadays, when entering the key words "Mini Rabbit", in a traditional search site 7 750 000 results appeared. Also on specific sites for selling the amount of animals supplied is too large. When you consult the Facebook with the words "Mini Rabbit" the amount of profiles and groups is immense and the count is not possible. Of the 35 breeders indexed on the ACBC website, 26 are selling breeds of pet rabbits. However, there is a big market for specific items and services to be explored for the pet rabbits. There are few shops, services or products specific to these animals. There are no cages with appropriate size for housing or with items of environmental enrichment. There is no specific feed technically formulated for this situation. Attention is drawn to the fact that in 2013, there was the creation of a small business for rabbit grooming, located in Salvador, state of Bahia. It was also found that there are other websites that sell specific items, such as clothing, accessories and treats. Recently a website for buying and selling animals (Figure 01) was developed, and this idea initiated by traditional rabbit breeders from São Paulo. Figure 1. Specific Site for buying and selling of pet animals, created by traditional rabbit breeders e) Educational and research institutions Brazil is a country with many higher education institutions and maintains several of these courses in agricultural and livestock sciences offered at public and private universities, colleges and federal institutes. Over the last thirty years, the research groups of the Federal Universities of Ceará (UFC), Lavras (UFLA), Minas Gerais (UFMG), the Rural of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and Santa Catarina (UFSC) and State Universities of Maringa (UEM) and Paulista (UNESP / Botucatu Campi and Jaboticabal) have gained prominence furthermore there are so many other good researchers in at least thirty institutions. It appears today that the specific subjects of rabbit science are invariably offered as electives and the teachers also work with others species in the research and teaching. The ACBC has assisted in the distribution of bibliographic and support materials open to consultation by the academic community. As discussed by Machado (2012) in recent years there was a reduction in the percentage of courses in Animal Science that maintains a structured rabbitry. In 2001, 63.4% of the courses had this sector and in 2011, only 42.0% of the courses held. It should be emphasized that the main reason for that was the amazing growth in the number of graduation courses in Animal Science in Brazil and usually less traditional livestock sectors, such as rabbit sector, are not prioritized in the early years of recently created courses. A worrying situation in research in rabbit science is expected for the coming years. Some recognized researchers are retiring without preparing a new generation of 252 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS researchers, which may result in a significant impact on research as well as the number of papers published in rabbit science. f) Feed manufacturers There are over 40 companies that produce feed for rabbits in Brazil. Do not know exactly the total volume of ration produced annually, but from personal information obtained, the quantity produced is much higher than the necessary to feed the rabbit population estimated by the national census. The rabbit ration is also used for other small herbivores. Although much has been produced scientific knowledge about nutrition of rabbits in Brazil, most of this information "has not come to the feeder of animals", i.e., many manufacturers still fail in producing correct formulation of commercial rations for rabbits. Some manufacturers report that the volume demanded in the market is very low which discourages interest in investing in the quality of this product. Most rations are sold at high prices. Many do not consider the inclusion of a fibrous source of good quality. In the market basically three types of ration are found: for little productions, usually with low quality and sold in pet stores and supermarkets, two industrial types one for growth and another for reproduction, which are of better quality, obtained from a commercial dealer. There is still a growing segment that is the ration for pet rabbits, of high added value, being sold at high prices without any apparent justification. Brazilian law is absent with regard to the requirement of adequate nutrient levels in diets and declaration of minimum and maximum levels of nutrients. To exemplify this situation, it is required that the ration labeling displays the highest level of fibrous matter, while for rabbits should be necessary to show the minimum level associated with energy concentration. Few are the rabbit breeders that negotiate larger amounts of ration directly from the manufacturer or its representatives, or even produce their own rations; these situations could reduce prices and provide greater feasibility of the system. 5) Understanding the problems In Brazil, there have always been many problems for rabbit production. Most are related to the lack of structure and organization of the sector, aggravated by the lack of dialogue between the actors of the production chain. Duarte (2011) points out that if the consumption of meat in Brazil is insignificant due to the low quantity, on the other hand production is low due to the little consumption which becomes a vicious cycle. The author also notes that the breeder is the weakest actor and burdened in the supply chain, because is dependent of the production inputs besides being a simple supplier of feedstock for industry. Thus, the breeder is subjected to a very high risk. There is not an institution that to deal with commercialization and marketing which would stimulate contact between producers and slaughterhouses, plus the ability to make sales and coordinate deliveries. Although there is lack of a specific policy for the rabbit production in Brazil, there are of many options of loans for small investments. The Federal Government provides funds to start the activity at very low rates, provided that all documentation has been fulfilled. However, due to the high risk of the activity, most rabbit breeders feels insecure to access these resources. But then, how could these problems be minimized? As appointed by Ferreira and Machado (2007) and Ferreira et al. (2010), the following critical issues stand out, especially considering the breeders than work with the production of animals for slaughter: lack of specific public policies to encourage the activity; the rabbit breeders have been working in isolation without organization; need for improvement of genetic material available; lack of slaughterhouses and meat processing; lack of specialists in rabbit science; lack of materials and equipment of good quality, especially cages; prejudice and lack of knowledge of the population in relation to the nutritional quality of rabbit meat; lack of investment and studies referred to the promotion of animal health and at last the meat high price to the final consumer. It should be emphasized that the 254 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS rabbit meat in Brazil is still an elitist commodity, which has a high cost to sell, and most often sold as exotic meat. A kilo of rabbit meat arrives cost about R$ 35.00 (U$ 15.83) in some supermarket chains. If sold at a more affordable price, the quantity of sales could be much larger. Another point to be noted is that the chicken meat competes directly with rabbit meat and is much cheaper. It is common a kilo of chicken meat being sold at prices below to R$ 5.00 (U$ 2.26). In a research presented at conducted a rabbit forum held in 2012 and unpublished, with 12 involved people from several Brazilian states, it was confirmed the observations made by Ferreira and Machado (2007), and five main problems were pointed out: the lack of certified slaughterhouses; lack of skilled health professionals in rabbit science as well as studies in the area; high acquisition cost of feed and manufacturing difficulties in the farm; lack of opportunities for funding or government support and difficult to access the specific literature, with little information for the breeders. Besides these, the lack of supply of good quality ration; lack of adequate technical assistance; difficulty in acquiring of genetically superior breeding; difficulty in the sales of products; difficulties of legalization and poor dissemination of the activity were other issues identified. It should be emphasized that the activity of rabbit production presents high risk. In the state of São Paulo, in recent years there has been a large drop in the production level after several failed investments. Some rabbit breeders reported that they had to reduce the number of animals, which contributed to the reduction of the production. Associated with this, feed price has risen too, being common prices of R$ 1.50 (U$ 0.68) per kg. One cannot forget the high rigor and bureaucracy of Brazilian law for the construction of a legalized slaughterhouse, which greatly contributes to the increase informal slaughter of animals. To get an idea of the problem, there are practically no legalized rabbit meat in southern Brazil, a region that is identified with highest number of rabbits according to IBGE (2006). In addition, the new legislation on animal welfare has collaborated with new barriers to be dealt by rabbit breeders whom provide animals to laboratories. Thus, it is clear the scale of the problems of Brazilian rabbit production. It will not be easy to resolve the majority of them in the short term. It is necessary for the sector to be organized in order to gradually minimize these problems. Collective interests should be prioritized over individual interests. An agent to coordinate sales and marketing is also crucial. 6) The Scientific Brazilian Rabbit Science Association (ACBC) The ACBC has focused on the promotion and dissemination of rabbit production. It plays today an outstanding role in establishing dialogue between all sectors of the industry. It was formed in 1996 by teachers and researchers of rabbit science, currently being an affiliation of the World Rabbit Science Association, global entity that seeks to put together those interested in the art and science of rabbit science. Figure 2. Historic photo of the ACBC meeting held in 1996, carried by Dra. Marilia Padilha Although currently it counts with few associates, among teachers, researchers, students and rabbit breeders, the ACBC are seeking and enabling a greater understanding of rabbit agribusiness in Brazil, having an important role in the sector dialogue, discussion of problems, as well as providing information about the rabbit science. Apart from scientific meetings, it has promoted important events, supports and provides free technical support for rabbit breeders in online discussion forums, keeps an important site ( with various information available to all interested parties, distributes a free compilation of many publications and publishes semiannually the Brazilian Journal of Rabbit Science (RBC). 7) Actions performed by the ACBC 256 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS During the last years, the ACBC sought to encourage the dialogue between the various production agents, as well as assist the rabbit breeders as best as possible. The association encouraged the organization of new associations and cooperatives. Furthermore the ACBC has been sought after by several people in various companies, institutions or interested in the activity. Questions originated from foreign, ministry of agriculture and livestock, recreation magazine, newspapers, Foreign Ministry, rabbit breeders in general, sites and others with interest in the activity, were received. Thus, it is believed that the ACBC currently plays important role as a consultative body, emphasizing also the role of interlocutor, promoting improvements in the understanding and dialogue, assisting in the resolution of problems relating to the rabbit production. The Following are the main actions taken by the ACBC since 2010. a) Creation of discussion groups for improvement of dialogue In 2010 a list of emails contacts from some teachers dedicated to rabbit science or took in scientific works was created. From there, the following months, the list increased with several emails obtained from schools. The movement gained strength whit the entry of the rabbit breeders, intensifying discussions on various issues and problems. Currently this list contains over 300 names, between rabbit breeders, students, teachers, researchers, staff and others interested in the activity. A more specialized group “Brazilian Rabbit Production” was created in googlegroups. This group has about 100 people, mostly rabbit breeders. Since its creation, we discussed various topics of interest to rabbit science, such as use of heated nests, prevention of myxomatosis, prevention and treatment of scabies in rabbit, animal sales, assembly of slaughterhouses - documentation and structure, legislation and registration of new developments, lines of credit and government support for small entrepreneurs, quality of rations, registration and documentation for farms, mortality of young rabbits etc. It seems that the group is very important in helping rabbit breeders for resolving questions and problems, although in recent years there has been a gradual reduction in participation. We notice also that after 4 years, these strategies have been key to improving the dialogue between the actors of the productive chain, since most of the breeders already know where to search for new information. The forum is also essential for those beginners in rabbit science. b) Creation of a webpage to disseminate technical information and activities The ACBC had a website when its office was located in the city of Maringá. However, the update was difficult and the site was very limited, considering that it was linked to the general site of the State University of Maringá. In 2011, the new management of ACBC started a website with specific domain (.org), which favored the updating and dissemination of information. Today the site accumulates approximately 300 000 page views, getting about 400 of these per day and is the first site to be located by google from the key word "rabbit production". The site features news, technical notes, information about the sector, information about the association, publications, materials for download, interesting links, being extremely important for information dissemination in rabbit science. Among the news, rabbit breeders' creativity is always highlighted, and also reported intentions to purchase, research results, curious facts, as well as various information about rabbit production. Through the website the ACBC has also given support to slaughterhouses to disseminate purchase intentions and opportunities. 258 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Figure 3. Website of the Brazilian Scientific Rabbit Science Association c) Organization and distribution of one CD of publications In 2010 the direction of the ACBC began an activity of compilation of technical papers and others academics works for free distribution, the upgrade held every two years. This material was combined on a CD, which is sent free to interested people. During this time they were scanned and retrieved many old and valuable materials. Over 300 units of this material had been distributed for the whole country. d) Preparation of teaching materials - Guidebook for formulation of ration and supplements Whereas almost no standardization of rabbits rations in Brazil and that most diets do not meet the nutritional requirements of the specie, the ACBC drafted in 2011, a guidebook of feed formulation and supplements to these animals, providing information about the requirements, nutritional value of ingredients, inclusion levels as well as practical strategies for preparation of rations and supplements. A second edition of this material, revised and enlarged, was published in 2014. - Practical guidebook of rabbit production Whereas there was a great shortage of materials easy to read for the breeders, the ACBC drafted in 2012, a practical guidebook on rabbit production, which is available on the ACBC website and is highly sought by all segments. - Technical Notes Technical notes try to meet the gaps and problems that are observed in the daily farms. Are prepared by professionals and placed on the ACBC website. Examples of how to elaborate techniques notes and already available: "Transport of rabbits to the slaughterhouse", "PET rabbits, mini or dwarf", "Cost management" and "Mortality of young rabbits", the latter being drawn from the collaboration of 12 people among teachers, students and breeders, seeking to understand and propose solutions to the problem of high mortality of young rabbits. e) Holding events As noted by Machado (2013), the events in rabbit science are extremely important to promote dialogue between the various involved, as well as to present and discuss new proposals and technologies for the sector. There should be events where all segments can participate. Some events held in Brazil in recent years are presented next: - Short courses of rabbit production The short courses are essential for dissemination of activity and professional training. They are held in different cities and states in most cases independently. In recent years were performed short courses in Uberaba (MG), Viçosa (MG), Lavras (MG), Cuiabá (MT), Foz do Iguaçu (PR), Botucatu (SP), Areias (PB) etc. It is necessary to increase the number of short courses as well be offered to the less traditional areas. - Rabbit breeder day The rabbit breeder day was an event held in 2011 in the city of Esteio-RS, during the EXPOINTER, the largest livestock fair in Latin America. On this occasion, we tried to resume the performance of specific events in rabbit science, which are essential to promote improvements in the dialogue between everyone involved in the rabbit 260 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS production, as well as presenting new technologies. There were about 70 people between breeders, students, professionals and professors. It was noticed that the event was very important for mobilization of the sector as well as served as a stimulus for rabbit breeders continue in the activity beyond the elevation of self-esteem. Figure 4. Rabbit breeder day held in 2011 in Esteio - RS. - National Seminar of Technology and Rabbit Science National seminars of technology and rabbit science (SENACITEC) are events that seek to present and discuss general issues of interest to the sector. In the late of 90s, 3 editions were held. In 2012, the IV SENACITEC was held in the city of Botucatu-SP, being very important for the promotion and dissemination of rabbit science because it provided extensive dialogue, publication of papers, conferences, short course and one homage. In 2013, the V SENACITEC was held concurrently with the ZOOTEC 2013 being the largest multi event of Brazilian Animal Science, held in Foz do Iguaçu-PR. Currently the ACBC are studying the best way to hold this event, together with a multi event or not. Figure 5. Opening the IV SENACITEC, occurred in 2012 in the city of Botucatu - SP - Meetings of the productive sector Although ACBC does not directly organize the meetings between breeders, it supports them, which is essential for further dialogue in the sector in addition to identifying problems and possible solutions. In August 2010, about 12 people, mainly breeders attended the first meeting. After several discussions of different matters the main goal of the meeting, which was the formation of the national confederation was not achieved. In 2011, on the occasion of the rabbit breeder day, a new meeting took place the issue was discussed and a new business proposed. Figure 6. First meeting of the rabbit productive sector, held in 2010 in Esteio-RS - Fairs organized by breeders 262 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The ACBC supports the divulgation of fairs organized by rabbit breeders on their own as well as events organized by associations and cooperatives. These fairs are key to marketing of animals and for the dissemination of the activity. Figure 7. Exposure of rabbits in EXPOINTER in Esteio-RS, competing as the largest fair, exhibition and judgment of rabbits Brazil. f) Creation of a national magazine The creation of a scientific journal was an aspiration of the association. From the ACBC meeting held in 2011, on the occasion of the rabbit breeder day, we chose to implement a magazine to publish general issues about the market in rabbits, in addition to scientific articles and literature review. This decision was extremely important to the growth of the magazine. Thus, in 2012, the first edition of the Brazilian magazine of rabbit science (RBC) was published and is available on line on the address Figure 8. Web site of the Brazilian magazine of rabbit science During these years, the RBC was approached by various interested people, especially professors, researchers, students and rabbit breeders. A total of 11 scientific papers, six articles of literature review, one article of extension, two opinion articles and four patterns racial (New Zealand, Castor Rex, Chinchilla and California), and other miscellaneous information about the sector has been published in five editions. g) Service for rabbit breeders and interested people from around the country In addition to organizing the academy, the ACBC tries to promote the rabbit science through dialogue and guidance to producers and interested. The attending to these people has been held by phone or e-mail and has been performed widely. This advice is very important for the promotion of rabbit production in a cautious manner and with greater security. h) Encouraging the formation of cooperatives and associations of rabbit breeders The ACBC has spurred the organization of rabbit breeders through associations and cooperatives, as it believes that one of the outputs for successful activity is the union of breeders, as also highlighted by Machado (2013). A group will be much stronger and more stable, forward market fluctuations when compared to a breeders in isolation. In January 2014, met rabbit breeders, representatives from academic and livestock support, for the creation of Brazilian Association of rabbit breeders. This association will play a key role in organizing of the Brazilian rabbit breeders, it also helps to improve dialogue between those involved in the activity. Currently, the elected council has faced many bureaucratic problems to the registration, which has contributed to discourage and delay to the start of the activities. The name of this association is being changed to "Rabbit breeders association of pet and slaughter” (ACPEC). 264 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Figure 9. First meeting for the formation of the new rabbit breeders association i) Institution of one award for a feature professional To recognize people who have dedicated much of their life to the promotion of rabbit science, in 2012 a recognition of dedication award was established. For the name of the award, the name of Dr. Laura de Sanctis was chosen; she was an extensionist who served in rabbit production in the 80s and 90s, being a person intensely dedicated to the development of this activity. The award has already taken place in the years 2012 and 2013. 8) Recent changes in demand for animals for slaughter At the end of 2013 and early 2014, it was realized that the main slaughterhouses of the Brazilian southeast increased demand for live animals for slaughter. A related news was reported in the media and linked to the ACBC website (Figure 09). The four main slaughterhouses in southeastern expressed interest in the purchase of live animals for slaughter. Some of them are paying R$ 6.00 (U$ 2.71) per kilogram of live animal. In the Federal District, some breeders reported that are getting R$ 8.00 (U$ 3.62) per kilo, being this the highest value ever reported. The organization of rabbit breeders in small cooperatives is very important to meet the demands of these slaughterhouses. Figure 10. News reports that the great demand for live rabbits for slaughter in the ACBC web site 9) Upcoming challenges There are many challenges for the rabbit production to become an organized activity, generating large amounts of goods and services. New ideas to be developed by the ACBC for future implementation are: a) Courses of initial and continuing training It is one of the future projects of the ACBC, the promotion of courses of initial and continuing training in rabbit science. This initiative is very important to improve the qualification of the breeders, being necessary the professionalization of those involved in the activity. Currently, the syllabus of these courses are already being drafted, and should be done by 2017. It is also important also that there are more professional practice opportunities in commercial farms for interested students. b) Divulgation of the activity of rabbit science For the association it will be important to invest in publicizing the activity of rabbit production as well as its benefits to society. Thus, the ACBC plans to print information for distribution. Besides printed material, this campaign will be done also through websites, e-mails or social networks, and may also be initiated in 2014. c) Creating a channel for the dissemination of explanatory videos 266 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Leveraging the popularity and ease of "You tube" the ACBC plans to create a channel for the dissemination of explanatory videos on rabbit science as well as treat a simple and objective way some problems of productive activity. It is thought in creating of a program called "Dr. Cuni", where various experts could make their contribution. This activity can be implemented by 2018. Final considerations Brazil presents great conditions to support the growth of rabbit production. However, the difficulties encountered by rabbit breeders are still persistent, highlighting mainly the strictness of the Brazilian legislation. There is need for an entity to organize the purchase, sale and delivery of animals nationwide. Identified problems should be solved by improving the dialogue between all actors involved in the production chain, and the union of the breeders should be prioritized. In addition, the breeders should increase their production, diversifying and commercializing more than live or slaughtered animals, the others products and sub products of the activity must become real alternatives. References BRUNO S.F., SANCHEZ C.M.S., MATIAS A.S.A. 2008 Mixomatose: uma doença emergente no Estado do Rio de Janeiro e suas implicações na cunicultura nacional. Revista do Conselho Federal de Medicina Veterinária. v. 45, p. 68-71, 2008. DENES D. W. Políticas y estrategias de desarrollo de la cunicultura en los países Americanos: Informe Uruguay. In: Congreso Americano de Cunicultura, Anales… 3. Maringá - Brasil, 2006. DOUNA E. Historia y situación actual de la cunicultura en Argentina. Articulos Técnicos, 2007. Disponible en FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS. Faostat – Production: livestock primary: rabbit meal, 2012. - consultado em 02/07/2014 FERREIRA W. M., MACHADO L. C. Perspectivas da Cunicultura Brasileira. Revista Veterinária e Zootecnia em Minas, p. 41-44, 2007. FERREIRA W. M.; MACHADO L. C.; RAMIREZ M. A.; FERREIRA S. R. A. The Rabbit Production in Brazil. In: Congreso Americano de Cunicultura, Proceedings... 4. Cordoba - Argentina, 2010. 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SIDRA: Sistema IBGE de Recuperação automática. Disponível em: <www.sidra.ibge.>. Acesso em 16 de Julho de 2014. 268 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS ORGANIZACIÓN Y ESTRATEGIAS DE LA CUNICULTURA BRASILEÑA LA BÚSQUEDA DE SOLUCIONES MACHADO LC1, FERREIRA WM2 1. Professor Minas Gerais Federal Institute - Bambuí Campus – Brazil 2. Professor Minas Gerais Federal University - Brazil *Corresponding author: [email protected] Introducción Brasil es un país en desarrollo que cuenta con excelentes condiciones para la cría de conejos. Sin embargo, esta actividad ha pasado y pasa hoy por numerosas dificultades relacionadas con la tecnología de producción, la deficiencia de la organización en la cadena productiva y la falta de políticas específicas para el sector, que aumenta el costo de producción. La estructuración adecuada de la cadena de producción, así como la promoción del diálogo entre los actores son fundamentales para que la actividad sea realizada de forma más segura y rentable. En este estudio se presenta informaciones sobre el sistema de producción de conejos en Brasil, la estructura, las fortalezas, limitaciones y desafíos para que la cunicultura Brasileña sea una actividad atractiva y que pueda generar una mayor cantidad de bienes y servicios a la sociedad. Brasil, un país emergente con vocación agrícola Actualmente Brasil es un país emergente y presenta condiciones favorables para el desarrollo de la cunicultura. Su extensión territorial es de 8.514.000 km2, con una población que supera los 200 millones de habitantes. La mayor parte de su territorio es de zonas cultivables, siendo un país de clima predominantemente tropical aún que se ocurre la presentación de otros tipos de clima en todo su territorio. Actualmente Brasil es considerado la séptima economía del mundo. Algunos índices brasileños se presentan en la Tabla 01 y reflejan la posición de país emergente. Tabla 01 - Índices generales brasileños Índices Esperanza de vida* Analfabetismo* IDH* Crecimiento del PIB en 2013** Inflación en 2013** Tasa de desempleo en 2013** PIB en 2013** Valor 73,4 anos 9,6% 0,73 2,5% 5,9% 5,4% US$ 2,07 trillones*** * Datos obtenidos a partir de IBGE (2010) ** Los datos obtenidos de diferentes fuentes La economía brasileña se basa en la producción agrícola, la minería y la manufactura, y bienes de consumo y duraderos. En la ganadería se han destacado la producción de pollos y huevos, ganado de carne y leche y la producción de cerdos, con una producción a menor escala de ovejas, cabras, caballos, búfalos y conejos. Aún que hubo un período de crisis y de bajo crecimiento mundial en el 2013, hubo un aumento del 2,5% del PIB y el 4,45% del agronegocio. Sin embargo, las previsiones realizadas por el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) y publicadas en julio 2014 muestran que Brasil crecerá sólo un 1,3% en 2014 y 2,0% en 2015, lo que sugiere que el país está pasando por un momento de leve recesión. La crisis del mundo también está afectando a todos los países emergentes. Brasil es un país que está emergiendo como el mayor exportador de alimentos del mundo. Las proyecciones realizadas por el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Abastecimiento (MAPA, 2013) para los años 2012/13 a 2022/23, se refieren a una situación en la que Brasil será el mayor productor y exportador de carne del mundo en el año 2023. Como ha sido reportado por Roppa (2008), la carne más consumida es el pollo (43,0 kg / hab.año), seguido de la carne de vacuno (42,2 kg / hab.año) y cerdos (14,8 kg / hab. años). Cuando se compara con el consumo de dichas carnes, el consumo de carne de conejo es insignificante. Datos de FAOSTAT (2014) muestran que la cantidad de carne de conejo producida en Brasil es de 1.635 ton / año, lo que daría un consumo estimado de 0.008 kg/hab.año. Se sabe que la mayoría de los animales son faenados sin inspección y esos registros no alcanzan la unidad de control. De toda manera, se puede imaginar, la gran capacidad de expansión de la cunicultura brasileña. 270 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS 3) Una corta historia de la cunicultura en Brasil - pasado y presente La historia de la cunicultura brasileña tiene altibajos, se asemeja mucho con la historia de la cunicultura de algunos países vecinos, como Uruguay (Denes, 2006). En los años 60 y 70, hubo inversión para la producción de pelo, así como para la producción de gazapos para la producción de vacunas contra la fiebre aftosa. Como las nuevas tecnologías para la producción de materiales sintéticos fueron desarrollados, así como se crearon nuevas formas de producir la vacuna para la aftosa, los criadores de conejo tuvieron que adaptarse a la utilización de animales para la producción de carne y coproductos agregados. A finales de los años 80, la cría de conejos para la producción de carne, fue muy estimulada por algunos gobiernos estatales, como el programa Nuestro Conejo en el Estado de Paraná, con el objetivo, entre otros, del fortalecimiento de la agricultura familiar. Por varias razones, incluyendo la falta de infraestructura, las políticas públicas y la financiación del sector, el sistema se interrumpió. (Ferreira y Machado, 2007; Ferreira et al, 2010.). Mirándose las estimaciones de población de conejos las últimas décadas, se observa una reducción gradual en los últimos años (IBGE, 2006; FAOSTAT, 2014). En 1992 tenía una población de 593 000 animales, reducidos a 350.000 en 2002 y 205.000 en 2012. Se debe tener en cuenta que gran parte de la población no se entra en la encuesta, como subrayó Machado (2012). Todavía, se advierte que en los últimos años, la cunicultura ha recuperado lentamente su crecimiento en algunas regiones de Brasil. Hubo un ligero incremento de la población entre los años 2010 y 2011, aunque la población ha disminuido en 2012, debido principalmente a los problemas que han ocurrido en São Paulo. Como recordado por Moura (2010) recientes problemas de salud relacionados con la gripe aviar y la fiebre porcina, pueden haber contribuido al aumento de la demanda de carne de conejos. Durante los años 2013 y 2014, todos los principales mataderos del sudeste brasileño demostraron interés en la compra de animales para la faena, lo que sugiere que progresivamente, el sector se recuperará. Cabe también destacar que el uso de conejos para mascotismo, que prevé la producción de animales de alto valor agregado, creció en los últimos años. Esta rama de la actividad del sector representa una parte significativa de la producción de conejos en el mercado actual y es también una actividad de suma importancia para la generación de ingresos para los pequeños agricultores. Actual mercado de cunicultura en Brasil a) Datos estadísticos de la cunicultura brasileña En Brasil, los datos sobre la población y cantidad de carne de conejo son escasos, inseguros, poco actualizados, y proporcionan numerosas dudas. El censo agrícola de 2006 (IBGE, 2006) describió una población total de 295 584 animales, más de 17.615 propietarios con un promedio de 17 animales por establecimiento. Hay que recordar que la mayoría de estos establecimientos no es comercial. Analizando los grupos de actividad económica, parece que la mayoría de los criadores también trabaja con "Ganadería y cría de otros animales" y "producción de cultivos temporales". De hecho, se admite que hay pocos criadores que se ocupan exclusivamente con conejos, y que la gran mayoría de ellos trabajan de forma secundaria con esta actividad. Los datos también muestran que en la mayoría de las propiedades, su dimensión es de pequeña escala, hasta 10 hectáreas. En 2006, se dio cuenta de que la mayoría de los animales se encontraban en la región sur. En la actualidad, aún sin datos oficiales, se observa que la proporción de conejos en la región sureste aumentó considerablemente, principalmente debido a la expansión de la cunicultura en el estado de São Paulo. La mayoría de las granjas de conejos es pequeño (20 a 100 hembras) y trabajan principalmente para la producción de carne o de mascotas, aunque hay de forma secundaria la producción de pieles, estiércol, animales para la investigación, la artesanía etc., siendo eses coproductos poco explotados. Llama la atención sobre el hecho de que muchas agencias oficiales de inspección, que hacen las encuestas de los animales, no la realizan de la forma adecuada y en muchas 272 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS ciudades donde hay conejos, no hay registro de estos animales. Además, varios conejos mascotas no son considerados. Se cree que la población de conejos reportados en el censo de 2006, y la población estimada por el sistema FAOSTAT, está subestimada, como también comentado por Moura (2010) y Machado (2012). 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Gráfico 01 - Evolución de la población de conejos en Brasil Fuente: Adaptado de Teniendo en cuenta la cunicultura para la producción de carne, en la actualidad no se sabe su producción total real en Brasil. Algunos criadores más experimentados reportaron una producción de 20-25 toneladas por mes, y tal vez esa cantidad es la producida e inspeccionada en el estado de São Paulo. Hay que destacar que el conejo se crea en otras partes de Brasil y la mayor cantidad de animales son faenados sin supervisión, fuera de los mataderos oficiales, y se comercializa regionalmente por los criadores. Los datos del sistema FAOSTAT (2014) apuntan a la producción de 1.635 toneladas para el año 2012 y como también comentado por Moura (2010), Brasil está entre los siete países latinoamericanos que producen más de 1.000 toneladas de carne de conejo al año. A pesar de que tuvo un crecimiento en la producción de carne de conejo en el mundo y el América Latina, en los últimos años la producción de carne de conejo producida en Brasil se está disminuyendo (Moura, 2010). b) Organización del sector El sector productivo de cunicultura en Brasil es, en general, mal organizado. Hay algunas iniciativas locales, que incluyen productores, mataderos, fábricas de piensos, distribución, aprovechamiento de los coproductos etc. (Machado, 2012). Existen pocas asociaciones y cooperativas. Actualmente hay menos de diez grupos estructurados en esta actividad. Cabe señalar que la organización de productores de conejo en los núcleos es clave para el éxito de la actividad de cunicultura (Machado, 2013). El cunicultor es el eslabón más débil de la cadena de producción y por lo tanto es quién se quedará con la parte más pequeña de las ganancias. Debe tenerse en cuenta que los productores trabajan de manera individualista y aislada, así casi no recurren a organizaciones, asociaciones e instituciones de apoyo. La organización de los enlaces, así como el diálogo y la colaboración entre ellos, sería fundamental para el crecimiento de la industria de cunicultura. Es necesario enfatizar el trabajo de algunos criadores, que de forma aislada, buscan alternativas para obtener financiación del gobierno o trabajan por la organización de criadores en pequeños grupos. También es esencial que el sector académico pueda trabajar conjuntamente con el sector productivo, buscando mejoras aplicables a los problemas y desafíos del campo. Estas mejoras no podrán ser propuestas sólo para la comunidad científica. La información generada por la investigación debe ser difundida de manera que proporciona un fácil entendimiento y aplicación. c) Los productores de animales para la faena La mayoría de los productores de conejos brasileños cría los animales para la faena. Los mataderos tienen preferencia para la adquisición de animales con peso vivo entre 2,33,0 kg, que proporcionan carcasas entre 1,2 y 1,6 quilos. La mayor parte de la carne se vende en forma de conejo entero. Prácticamente no hay cortes para la venta, procesamiento de carne y venta de material procesado como salchichas, jamón, salsa de carne, hamburguesas etc., lo que sería muy importante para facilitar las ventas. 274 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS La mayoría de los productores de carne se encuentra en el centro-sur de Brasil, pero cerca de centros urbanos de otras regiones existen criadores de conejos. Cabe destacar la provincia de São Paulo, donde se encuentra el matadero con mayor potencial para la faena de conejos y es el único autorizado para la exportación de carne. En esta provincia, sobre todo en los años 2010, 2011 y 2012, se estimuló la cría de conejos en gran medida, a través de diversas campañas, principalmente en la televisión. En la actualidad, un grupo de criadores de conejo en la región de Brasilia ha verificado con el Gobierno Federal, la posibilidad de inclusión de la carne de conejos en las comidas escolares. La raza más utilizada para la producción de carne en Brasil es la Nueva Zelanda Blanca. Hay también un buen efectivo de animales de otras razas de tamaño mediano, como la Californiana y Chinchilla además de animales mestizos. Sólo una raza comercial fue desarrollada en Brasil, la Botucatú, con un alto potencial para la producción de carne y habilidad materna. No hubo introducción de nuevo material genético en los últimos años, como ocurrió en Uruguay, según lo informado por Denes (2006). En la producción de animales para la faena, el margen de beneficio es muy bajo, debido principalmente a los altos costos de producción involucrados en la actividad y al elevado riesgo debido a que los criadores dependen de factores tales como la aceptación por parte de los mataderos, transporte, compra de piensos, entre otros. El precio pagado por kilo de animal en pie en la región sureste varía generalmente alrededor de R$ 5,60 – R$ 6,00 (U$ 2,30 - U$ 2,71), y es a menudo inviable teniendo en cuenta gastos de transporte y alimentación, entre otros factores. Recientemente, algunos criadores en la región de Brasilia - DF, informaron que han alcanzado un precio de R$ 8,00 (U$ 3,62) por kg de conejo en pie, siendo el valor más alto jamás registrado. Todavía en Brasilia otros criadores de conejo pagan R$ 4,50 (U$ 2,03) para los servicios del matadero, y después han vendido la carne del animal por su cuenta. Muchos criadores de conejo faenan a los animales y se venden por su cuenta. Esta situación es incompatible con la legislación brasileña, que es extremadamente estricta y burocrática en lo que respecta a la comercialización de la carne. Por otra parte, no es una práctica común en la cunicultura brasileña la celebración de contratos entre los involucrados. En este sentido, en todo momento, la precaución ha sido la palabra clave para los nuevos emprendimientos en cunicultura. La producción de conejos con un sistema integrado similar al utilizado en la producción de pollos, se realizó en el sur de Brasil hace unos años, como declarado por Militão (2011). En este modelo, el productor invierte en la construcción de galpones, compra de equipo y el integrador proporciona asistencia técnica y otros insumos, lo que garantiza la comercialización del producto. Aunque interesante, el sistema no tuvo éxito. En cuanto a la demanda de animales para la faena, los mataderos incrementaran las compras. Hay también demanda por parte del mercado internacional. Se dio cuenta de que, aunque hay pocos criadores en Brasil, la cantidad demandada es mucho mayor que la oferta actual. Además de la producción de animales para la faena, la mayoría de los criadores aprovechan algunos subproductos de la actividad, aunque el grado de utilización sea menor que el ideal. Algunos venden la piel in natura o trabajada, aunque la mayoría de los productores de conejos elimina este material porque no poseen las condiciones y el volumen mínimo para almacenar y comercializar. Con algunas excepciones, prácticamente no hay explotaciones destinadas exclusivamente a la producción de pieles, utilizando razas específicas. Todavía hay interesados en comprar las pieles in natura, a un precio promedio de R$ 2.00 (U$ 0,90). Esta piel se procesa para que se pueda vender a un precio más alto. Debe llamar la atención sobre el hecho de que hay una gran demanda de pieles brasileñas en el mercado internacional, no siendo posible la exportación, principalmente debido a problemas logísticos y a la cantidad necesaria de pieles para llenar un contenedor de carga, que sería de aproximadamente 70.000 unidades. Esta cantidad está por encima de la capacidad de producción de las cooperativas, centros y asociaciones de productores nacionales. Otros productores de conejos diversifican los beneficios de su actividad. Los más dedicados comercializan animales para la reproducción que normalmente son vendidos a un precio mínimo de R$ 100,00 (U$ 45,00). El mercado para la venta de la lana Angora es muy restringido, solo existente en la provincia del Rio Grande do Sul, donde 276 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS muy pocos criadores que aún ejercen esta actividad. El estiércol de conejo es un subproducto muy valorado, principalmente por los jardineros y los floristas. Muchos criadores de conejo venden este material que es una importante fuente de ingresos complementarios. Desde la faena de los animales, pocos criadores y mataderos tienen la información sobre la venta de otros productos, como los despojos, sangre, ojos, cerebro etc. Laboratorios pagan bien por los animales destinados a los estudios y por lo tanto los criadores han conseguido buenos beneficios en la venta de animales para este propósito. Esta actividad se realiza con la alta burocracia de las empresas que compran, debido a la legislación brasileña ser muy estricta. Por lo tanto, hay favorecimiento de los intermediarios que trabajan muy bien toda la documentación. Hay escasez en cuanto a la adopción de una certificación de calidad y seguridad alimentaria en la producción de carne de conejos y no hay exigencias de parte de las políticas gubernamentales. Aunque hay informes de problemas con la mixomatosis que se han producido en 2008, en la provincia de Río de Janeiro (Bruno et al., 2008), no existe vacunas para conejo en el mercado. No hay otros problemas graves en comparación con aquellos que ocurrieran en Uruguay, donde tuvo serios problemas con la enfermedad hemorrágica viral (Denes, 2006). Diferentemente de lo que ocurre en Argentina, según lo informado por Douna (2007) y Moura (2010), en Brasil no hay exportación regular de carne de conejo. Sólo hay un matadero ubicado en la provincia de São Paulo, habilitado para las exportaciones. Es probable que las condiciones arancelarias y la conversión de moneda que se practican en Brasil no están en momento atractivo o favorable como en el país vecino. Además, el volumen de carne de conejo producido en Brasil es aún muy bajo. Hay perspectivas de crecimiento en la producción de carne de conejos, debido a una mayor preocupación con productos de alta calidad e interés en actividades sostenibles (Ferreira y Machado, 2007; Ferreira et al, 2010). También hay que tener en cuenta que varios estudios han señalado Brasil como el futuro granero mundial, lo que contribuirá al crecimiento en todas las actividades de producción animal. Sin embargo, el mercado brasileño está escaso de coordinación para hacer las ventas y la comercialización, lo que sería muy importante para facilitar el contacto entre productores y mataderos. d) Los productores de animales de compañía (mascotas) La producción de los animales de compañía (mascotas) es de suma importancia para la cunicultura brasileña. No se puede ignorar que un propietario de conejo es también un consumidor de insumos con un amplio poder adquisitivo, aunque no tiene muy claro si la misma constituiría un consumidor de carne de conejo. En Brasil existe un amplio margen para el crecimiento de las dos líneas (conejos para la faena y mascotas), sin ningún tipo de competencia entre ellas o la inhibición por los consumidores. Los datos de la Asociación Brasileña de la Industria de Productos para Mascotas revelaron que en 2012, Brasil fue el cuarto país más grande del mundo en número de animales de estimación, con 2,17 millones de “otros animales”, incluyendo conejos, reptiles y pequeños mamíferos. Todavía en 2012, el sector de animales de estimación manejó alrededor de 14,2 mil millones de reales (U$ 6.620.000.000) y fue el segundo mercado más grande, junto con Japón, que representó aproximadamente el 8,0% de la facturación global. Se llama la atención sobre el hecho de que ya ha sido solicitado al órgano competente, para que en el año 2016, la encuesta sea llevada a cabo, con el conteo de conejos de forma separada. En los últimos años, especialmente desde la popularización de Internet, el número de conejos como mascotas aumentó muy significativamente (Ferreira et al., 2010). En la actualidad, las familias están cada vez más reducidas, el número de personas que viven solas está aumentando y el número de mascotas también. Los conejos mascotas tienen elevado valor añadido, principalmente los derivados de las razas enanas. El precio de venta es muy variado y un animal se comercializa a un promedio de R$ 80,00 (U$ 36,30) a R$ 150,00 (U$ 67,87). Las razas más utilizadas para este fin en Brasil son Mini Head Lyon, mini Fuzzy Lop, Netherland enano, mini rex, mini holandés, Blanco de 278 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Hotot, Hermelin, Polaco, entre otros en menor escala. Muchos criadores de conejo recientemente entraran en el mercado, estimulados por el alto valor de la venta de estos animales, obteniendo buenas ganancias desde una producción de pequeña escala. Además de los animales, muchos productores comercializan accesorios tales como jaulas, ropas, juguetes, piensos y henos embalados. Estas ventas son fundamentales para incrementar el beneficio y el éxito de la actividad. La venta y comercialización de conejos se realiza principalmente por la Internet, a través de los sitios particulares, sitios de ventas o las redes sociales. La comercialización se realiza también a través de mercados al aire libre y tiendas de mascotas. Es esencial que este cunicultor sea creativo y preferentemente este situado cerca de un gran centro urbano. También es importante que haya un aeropuerto comercial cerca, para que el envío de animales por vía aérea sea facilitado. Con el fin de estimar el potencial de este mercado en Brasil en la actualidad, al entrar las palabras claves "Mini conejo", en un buscador tradicional de internet, son localizados 7.750.000 resultados. También en sitios específicos de venta, la cantidad de animales suministrados es demasiado grande. Al consultar el Facebook con las palabras "Mini conejo" la cantidad de perfiles y grupos es inmenso, no siendo posible el recuento. De las 35 propiedades listadas en el sitio web de la ACBC, 26 trabajan con razas de conejos mascotas. Sin embargo, hay un gran mercado de artículos específicos y servicios para conejos mascotas a ser explotado. Hay muy pocas tiendas, servicios o productos específicos para estos animales. No hay jaulas para la vivienda con el tamaño adecuado y enriquecimiento ambiental o piensos específicos, técnicamente formulados para estos animales. Se llama la atención sobre el hecho de que, en 2013, se ha llevado a cabo la creación de una tienda de estética de conejos, con sede en la ciudad de Salvador - Bahia. Hay otros sitios que venden artículos específicos, tales como ropa, accesorios y otros. También se ha establecido recientemente un sitio de compra y venta de animales (Figura 01), siendo esta idea iniciada por dos tradicionales criadores de conejo de la provincia de São Paulo. Figura 01 - Sitio Brasileño Específico para la compra y venta de macotas, creado por dos criadores tradicionales de conejo e) Las instituciones de enseñanza e investigación Brasil es un país con muchas instituciones de educación superior y mantiene varios cursos en el área de ciencias agrícolas y ganadería que son ofrecidos en las universidades públicas y privadas e institutos federales. Durante los últimos treinta años, se destacaron los grupos de investigación de las Universidades Federal de Ceará (UFC), Lavras (UFLA), Minas Gerais (UFMG), Rural de Río de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Santa Catarina (UFSC) y Viçosa (UFV) y Universidades Provinciales de Maringá (UEM) y Paulista (UNESP/ campus Botucatu y campus Jaboticabal), además de que hay muchos otros buenos investigadores en al menos treinta instituciones de enseñanza, investigación y extensión. Se verifica que hoy por hoy las disciplinas específicas de cunicultura son ofrecidas siempre como optativas y los profesores encargados también realizan actividades de investigación y de enseñanza con la producción de otras especies. La ACBC ha colaborado en la distribución de los materiales bibliográficos y de apoyo para consulta abierta a la comunidad académica. Como se discutió por Machado (2012), en los últimos años se ha verificado una reducción en el porcentaje de cursos de Zootecnia que mantienen un sector estructurado de cría de conejos. En 2001, el 63,4% de los cursos tuvo este sector estructurado y en 2011, sólo el 42,0% de los cursos lo tenían. Debe hacerse hincapié en que la principal razón de eso es el increíble crecimiento en el número de cursos de graduación en 280 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Zootecnia en Brasil y por lo general, los sectores menos tradicionales de la ganadería, como la cunicultura, no son una prioridad en los primeros años de las nuevas carreras creadas. Una situación preocupante en la investigación en cunicultura se espera para los próximos años, ya que reconocidos investigadores se están jubilando sin que se observe llegar una nueva generación de investigadores, lo que puede resultar en un impacto significativo en la investigación, así como en el número de artículos de cunicultura publicados en periódicos especializados. f) Los fabricantes de piensos Hay más de 40 diferentes fabricantes de piensos para conejos en Brasil. No se conoce exactamente el volumen total de piensos producido anualmente, pero desde informaciones personales obtenidas, la cantidad producida es mucho más grande que la necesaria para alimentar a la población de conejos estimado por las encuestas. Hay que se considerar que los piensos para conejos son también utilizados para otros pequeños herbívoros. Aunque mucho se ha producido en conocimiento científico acerca de la nutrición de los conejos en Brasil, la mayor parte de esta información "no ha llegado a los comederos de los animales", o sea, muchos fabricantes todavía pecan en la correcta formulación de las dietas comerciales para conejos. Algunos fabricantes afirman que el volumen de demanda en el mercado es muy baja, lo que desalienta su interés en invertir en la calidad de este producto. La mayoría de las raciones se venden a precios elevados. Muchos no consideran la inclusión de una fuente de fibra de buena calidad. Se encuentran en el mercado, básicamente tres tipos de raciones: una casera, para productores no comerciales, de baja calidad que se venden en pet shops y supermercados, las industriales para el crecimiento y la industrial para la reproducción, que son de mejor calidad, obtenidos a partir de un distribuidor comercial. Todavía hay un segmento creciente, que es de alimentación de los conejos mascotas, de alto valor agregado, que se venden a precios elevados sin ninguna justificación aparente. La ley brasileña está ausente en lo que respecta à la exigencia de los niveles de nutrientes adecuados en la alimentación y la declaración de los niveles mínimos y máximos de nutrientes en los piensos. Para ejemplificar esta situación, se requiere que el etiquetado contiene el nivel máximo de materia fibrosa, mientras que para los conejos debería ser necesario hacer constar el nivel mínimo asociado con la concentración de la energía. Pocos son los criadores de conejo que han negociado cantidades más grandes o directamente del fabricante o sus representantes. Pocos son los que han producido sus propios piensos, situaciones donde se podría reducir los precios y ofrecer una mayor viabilidad del sistema. 5) Buscando el entendimiento de los problemas En Brasil, los problemas de la cunicultura siempre han sido y siguen siendo muchos. La mayoría están relacionadas con la falta de estructura y organización del sector, agravados por la falta de diálogo. Duarte (2011) señala que si por un lado el consumo de carne en Brasil es insignificante debido a la baja producción, por otro lado la producción es baja debido al bajo consumo, lo que se convierte en un círculo vicioso. El autor también señala que el cunicultor es lo más débil de la cadena, ya que por un lado es dependiente de los insumos de producción y el otro se convierte en mero proveedor de materias primas para la industria. Así siendo, el productor se somete a un riesgo muy alto. No hay una institución que haga la comercialización y el marketing lo que facilitaría el contacto entre productores y mataderos, además de la posibilidad de realizar ventas y coordinar entregas. Aunque no haya una política específica para la cunicultura en Brasil, hay muchos préstamos y oportunidades de crédito para pequeñas inversiones. El Gobierno Federal provee fondos para el inicio de actividades con interés muy bajos, a condición de que toda la documentación se cumple. Sin embargo, debido al alto riesgo de la actividad 282 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS productiva, la mayoría de los interesados se sienten inseguros para acceder a estos recursos. Pero entonces, ¿cómo se pueden minimizar estos problemas? Como señala Ferreira y Machado (2007) y Ferreira et al. (2010), hay que destacar las siguientes cuestiones fundamentales, teniendo en cuenta especialmente los criadores de conejo que trabajan para producir animales para la faena: la falta de políticas públicas específicas para fomentar la actividad; trabajo de la mayoría de los cunicultores en forma aislada y sin organización; la necesidad de la mejora del material genético disponible; falta de mataderos y la falta de procesamiento de carne; la falta de especialistas en cunicultura; la falta de materiales y equipos de buena calidad, especialmente jaulas; la superstición y el desconocimiento de la población en relación con la calidad nutricional de la carne de conejo; la falta de inversión y estudios que se refiere a la promoción de la salud de los animales; carne de alto precio para el consumidor final. Debe hacerse foco en que la carne de conejo en Brasil sigue siendo un producto elitista, que tiene un alto costo para la venta, y más a menudo se vende como carne exótica. Un quilo de carne de conejo llega costar alrededor de R$ 35,00 (U$15,83) en las principales cadenas de supermercados. Si se vende a un precio más asequible, la cantidad de carne comercializada podría ser mucho más larga. Otro punto a destacar es que la carne de pollo compite directamente con la carne de conejo, la primera de las cuales se muestra el valor de venta muy bajo. Es muy común que un quilo de carne de pollo sea vendido a un precio inferior a R$ 5,00 (U$ 2,26). En una investigación llevada a cabo en el foro de discusión en cunicultura, no publicada, que se celebró en 2012 con 12 colaboradores de varios estados brasileños, se confirmó las observaciones formuladas por Ferreira y Machado (2007), y se nombró a los cinco problemas principales que son: la falta de mataderos certificados ; la falta de profesionales de la salud especializados en el sector de cunicultura, así como estudios del área; alto costo de adquisición de los piensos y dificultades de fabricación en la granja; la falta de oportunidades para la financiación o el apoyo del gobierno; la falta de acceso a una bibliografía específica con poca información de los criadores. Además de estos cinco, también se han destacado la baja disponibilidad de piensos de buena calidad a un precio accesible; la falta de asistencia técnica adecuada; dificultad en la adquisición de animales genéticamente superiores; dificultad en la comercialización de productos; dificultades y escasa difusión de las informaciones acerca de la legalización de la actividad. Es necesario destacar que la actividad de cunicultura se hace con alto riesgo. En la provincia de São Paulo, en los últimos años ha habido un gran descenso de la producción después de varias inversiones fallidas. Algunos criadores de conejo tuvieran que reducir sus rebaños, lo que contribuyó con la reducción de la producción. Asociado a esto, el costo de los piensos ha aumentado, siendo común la comercialización a un precio de R$ 1,50 (U$ 0,68) por kg, así se presentando muy elevado. Cabe destacar la alta severidad y la burocracia de la legislación brasileña para la construcción de un matadero legalizado, lo que contribuye en gran medida al aumento del sacrificio clandestino de animales. Para tener una idea del problema, prácticamente no hay carne de conejo sacrificado legalmente en el sur de Brasil, una región que se identifica con el número más alto de conejos según el IBGE (2006). Además, la nueva legislación en materia de bienestar de los animales ha colaborado para que se tengan nuevas barreras a los criadores de conejo que venden los animales a los laboratorios. Por lo tanto, es evidente la magnitud de los problemas de la cunicultura brasileña. No va a ser fácil la resolución de la mayoría de ellos en el corto plazo. Es necesario que el sector este organizado para poco a poco reducir gradualmente estos problemas. Intereses colectivos deberían ser priorizados a los intereses individuales. Un agente para coordinar las ventas y el marketing también podría ser crucial. 284 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS 6) La Asociación Científica Brasileña Cunicultura (ACBC) La ACBC se ha centrado en la promoción y difusión de la cunicultura brasileña y hoy posee un papel destacado en la construcción de un diálogo entre todos los involucrados. Fue formada en 1996 por algunos profesores e investigadores cunículas y es actualmente una afiliación (rama) de la Asociación Mundial de Cunicultura, entidad global que busca reunir a los interesados en el arte y la ciencia cunícola. Figura 02 - Foto histórica de la reunión ocurrida en 1996, presidida por la Profa. Dra. Marilia Padilha Aunque se encuentre actualmente con pocos asociados, entre profesores, investigadores, estudiantes y productores de conejos, la ACBC viene buscando y permitiendo una mayor comprensión de la cunicultura en Brasil, asumiendo un papel importante en el diálogo entre los sectores, la discusión de los problemas, así como el suministro de información relacionada a esta actividad. Además de las reuniones científicas, se han promovido eventos importantes, apoya y ofrece asistencia técnica gratuita para los criadores del conejo en los foros de discusión on line, mantiene un importante sitio ( con gran cantidad de información a disposición de todas las partes interesadas, distribuye una compilación de diversas publicaciones y publica semestralmente la Revista Brasileña de Cunicultura (RBC). 7) Acciones de la Asociación Científica Brasileña de Cunicultura (ACBC) Durante los últimos años, la ACBC trató de fomentar el diálogo entre los diferentes actores de la cadena de producción, así como ayudar a los criadores de conejo como sea posible. La asociación animó a la organización de nuevas asociaciones y cooperativas. Además la ACBC ha sido buscada por varias personas en diversas empresas, instituciones o interesados en la actividad. Preguntas fueran originadas del extranjero, del ministerio de la agricultura y ganadería, de revistas y periódicos diversos, del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, de página de internet, de los criadores de conejo en general y de otros interesados en la actividad. Por lo tanto, se cree que la ACBC actualmente tiene un importante papel como órgano consultivo. También hay que destacar el papel de interlocución, habiendo la promoción de un mejor diálogo, ayudando en la resolución de problemas relacionados con la cunicutura. Las siguientes medidas han sido adoptadas por la ACBC a partir de 2010: a) Creación de grupos de discusión en internet para la ampliación del diálogo En 2010 se creó una lista de contactos de correos electrónicos, desde algunos profesionales que trabajaban con la cunicultura o obtenidos en algunos trabajos científicos. A partir de ahí los siguientes meses, la lista se incrementó de varios correos electrónicos obtenidos en el ámbito académico. El movimiento ha ganado fuerza a partir de la entrada de los criadores, habiendo gran intensificación de los debates sobre diversas cuestiones y problemas. Actualmente esta lista contiene más de 300 nombres, entre criadores, estudiantes, profesores, investigadores e interesados en la actividad. Un grupo más especializado fue creado en google groups siendo llamado de cunicultura brasileña. Este grupo cuenta con cerca de 100 personas, en su mayoría productores que trabajan con animales para la faena o mascotas. Desde su creación, hemos discutido varios temas de interés para los criadores de conejo, como el uso de nidos con calefacción, la mixomatosis en conejos - la prevención, la sarna en conejos - la prevención y el tratamiento, venta de animales, montaje y legislación en mataderos, la legislación y registros de nuevas empresas, líneas de crédito y el apoyo gubernamental para los pequeños empresarios, la calidad de las raciones, la mortalidad de los gazapos etc. 286 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Se dio cuenta de que el grupo es muy importante para ayudar a los criadores de conejo, para la resolución de dudas y problemas, aunque en los últimos años ha habido una reducción gradual de la participación. Notamos también que después de 4 años, estas estrategias han sido la clave para mejorar el diálogo entre el sector de cunicultura, ya que la mayoría de los criadores de conejo ya saben dónde buscar la nueva información. El foro es también esencial para los principiantes en cunicultura. b) Creación de una página en internet para divulgación de la cunicultura e informaciones técnicas La ACBC tenía una página en internet cuando su sede estaba ubicada en la ciudad de Maringá. Sin embargo, la actualización era difícil y la página era muy limitada, teniendo en cuenta que estaba vinculada con el sitio general de la Universidad Estadual de Maringá. En 2011, la nueva junta directiva de la ACBC comenzó una página con dominio específico (.org), lo que favoreció la actualización y difusión de la información. Hoy en día el sitio acumula alrededor de 300.000 visualizaciones, obteniendo alrededor de 400 al día y es el primer sitio que se encuentra por google a partir de la palabra clave "cunicultura". La página cuenta con noticias, notas técnicas, informaciones diversas sobre el sector, publicaciones, materiales descargables, enlaces de interés, siendo de gran importancia para la difusión de información en la cunicultura. Entre las noticias, la creatividad de los criadores siempre se pone de relieve. También se ha informado sobre las intenciones de compra, resultados de investigaciones, datos curiosos, así como otras informaciones variadas. A través de la página web de la ACBC también se ha dado apoyo a los mataderos, para la divulgación de las intenciones de compra y oportunidades. Figura 3. Página WEB de la Asociación Científica Brasileña de Cunicultura Disponible en c) Organización y distribución de un CD de publicaciones En 2010, la junta directiva de la ACBC comenzó una actividad de compilación de documentos técnicos y académicos en CD. La distribución del trabajo se haría con gratuidad y el proceso de actualización se realizaría cada dos años. Durante este tiempo se escanearon y se recuperan muchos documentos antiguos y valerosos. Ya ha sido enviado más de 300 unidades del CD para todo el país. d) Elaboración de materiales didácticos - Manual para la formulación de piensos y suplementos para conejos En vista de que casi no hay estandarización de los piensos para conejos en Brasil y que la mayoría de las dietas no cumplen con los requerimientos nutricionales de la especie, la ACBC ha redactado en 2011 un manual de formulación de piensos y suplementos para conejos, presentando informaciones acerca de las necesidades nutricionales, el valor nutricional de los alimentos, los niveles de inclusión de los alimentos, así como estrategias prácticas para la preparación de piensos y suplementos. Una segunda edición de este material, revisada y ampliada, se ha publicado en 2014. 288 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS - Manual práctico de cunicultura En vista de que había una gran escasez de materiales para los criadores, que sean fáciles de leer, la ACBC redactó en 2012, un manual práctico sobre cunicultura, que está disponible en la página web. Este material es muy solicitado por todos los segmentos. - Notas Técnicas Notas técnicas tratan de satisfacer las deficiencias y problemas diarios que son observados en las granjas. El material es elaborado por profesionales y se coloca en el sitio web de la ACBC. Son ejemplos de notas técnicas elaboradas ya disponibles: "transporte de conejos al matadero", "conejos mascotas, mini o enano", "gestión de costos", "mortalidad de los gazapos", esta última se extrae a partir de la colaboración de 12 personas entre los profesores, los estudiantes y los productores, que buscan entender y proponer soluciones al problema de la elevada mortalidad de los gazapos. e) La realización de eventos Como señaló Machado (2013), los eventos en cunicultura son muy importantes para promover el diálogo entre las distintas partes interesadas, así como para presentar y discutir nuevas propuestas y tecnologías para el sector. Deben ser hechos eventos para la participación de todos los segmentos de la cunicultura. Los siguientes eventos fueran realizados en Brasil en los últimos años: - Talleres de cunicultura Los talleres son esenciales para la difusión de la actividad y la formación de mano de obra calificada. Se celebran en diferentes ciudades y provincias, en su mayoría de forma independiente. En los últimos años los talleres de cunicultura se realizaran en Uberaba (MG), Viçosa (MG), Lavras (MG), Cuiabá (MT), Foz do Iguaçu (PR), Botucatu (SP), Areias (PB) etc. Es necesario aumentar el número de talleres así como llevar a locales menos tradicionales. - El día del cunicultor El día del cunicultor fue un evento que tuvo lugar en 2011 en la ciudad de Esteio, provincia de Rio Grande do Sul, durante la realización de la EXPOINTER, la más grande feria agrícola y de ganadería en América Latina. En esta ocasión, hemos tratado de reanudar la ejecución de eventos específicos en cunicultura, que son esenciales para promover la mejora del diálogo entre la cadena de producción, así como la presentación de las nuevas tecnologías. Había cerca de 70 personas entre productores, estudiantes, profesionales y profesores. Se dio cuenta de que el evento fue muy importante para la movilización del sector, así como sirvió de estímulo para los criadores de conejo, más allá de la elevación de la autoestima. Figura 04 – El día del cunicultor, realizado en 2011 – Esteio – Rio Grande do Sul. - Seminario Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología en Cunicultura Los Seminario Nacionales de Ciencia y Tecnología en Cunicultura (SENACITEC) son eventos nacionales que tratan de presentar y discutir temas generales de interés para el sector. A finales de los años 90, se realizaron tres ediciones. En 2012, el IV SENACITEC se celebró en la ciudad de Botucatu y fue muy importante para la promoción y difusión de la cunicultura, ya que proporcionó un amplio diálogo, la publicación de artículos, conferencias, taller de cunicultura y un homenaje. En 2013, el V SENACITEC se llevó a cabo simultáneamente con el ZOOTEC 2013, el más significativo multi evento brasileño de Zootecnia, en la ciudad de Foz do Iguaçu, provincia de Paraná. Actualmente se estudia la mejor manera de celebrar este evento, sea de manera conjunta o un gran evento o de forma aislada. 290 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Figura 05 - Apertura del IV SENACITEC que se realizó en 2012 en la ciudad de Botucatu - SP - Reuniones del sector productivo Aunque no organiza directamente, la ACBC apoya reuniones del sector productivo, que son esenciales para la promoción del diálogo en el sector con el fin de identificar los problemas y las posibles soluciones. En agosto de 2010, se llevó a cabo la primera reunión, donde cerca de 12 personas asistieron, en su mayoría productores. Después de varias discusiones fuera del foco principal no se logró su objetivo principal, que era la formación de la confederación nacional. En 2011, con motivo del día de cunicultor, hube una nueva reunión, donde discutieron y propusieron nuevos negocios. Figura 06 – Primera reunión del sector productivo celebrada en 2010 - Esteio-RS. -Ferias organizadas por los criadores La ACBC apoya la divulgación de las ferias organizadas por los criadores del conejo, así como por las asociaciones y cooperativas. Estas ferias son clave para la comercialización de los animales y para la difusión de la actividad. Figura 07 - La feria de conejos en EXPOINTER en Esteio – RS, siendo la más grande exposición de la América Latina, habiendo también juzgamiento de animales f) Creación de una revista nacional de cunicultura La creación de una revista científica era una aspiración de la asociación. Desde la reunión celebrada en 2011, con motivo del día del cunicultor, se optó por implementar una revista para publicar temas generales sobre el mercado de cunicultura, además de artículos científicos y de revisión de la literatura. Esta decisión fue extremadamente importante para el crecimiento de la revista. Así, en 2012, se publicó el primer número de la Revista Brasileña de Cunicultura (RBC). La revista es publicada on line y está disponible en la página 292 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Figura 08 – Página web de la Revista de Cunicultura Durante estos años, la RBC fue abordada por diversas partes interesadas, especialmente los profesores, investigadores, estudiantes y criadores de conejo y tuvo cinco ediciones. Hube la publicación de 11 artículos científicos, seis artículos de revisión de la literatura, un artículo de extensión en cunicultura, dos artículos de opinión y cuatro patrones racial (Nueva Zelanda Blanca, Castor Rex, Chinchilla y California), además de otras informaciones diversas sobre el sector. g) Asistencia a los productores de conejos e interesados de todo el país Además de organizar el entorno académico, la ACBC trata de promover la cunicultura a través del diálogo y la orientación a los productores y otros actores de la cadena productiva. El atendimiento de estas personas, ya sea por teléfono o por correo electrónico se ha realizado ampliamente. Este trabajo es muy importante para la promoción de la cunicultura de una manera prudente y con mayor seguridad. h) Apoyo para la formación de cooperativas y asociaciones de criadores La ACBC ha intentado impulsar la organización de criadores de conejo a través de asociaciones y cooperativas, ya que considera que una de las salidas para el éxito de la actividad es la unión de los productores, como también comentado por Machado (2013). Un grupo será mucho más fuerte y más estable frente a las fluctuaciones del mercado, en comparación con un cunicultor de forma aislada. En enero de 2014, se reunieron algunos productores de conejos, representantes de la academia y del sector de apoyo a la ganadería para la creación de la Asociación de Criadores de Conejo de Brasil (ACBRA). Esta asociación tendrá un papel clave en la organización de los criadores brasileños, ayudando también a mejorar el diálogo entre los agentes involucrados en la actividad. Actualmente, la junta directiva elegida ha tenido muchos problemas con los registros burocráticos, lo que ha contribuido a desalentar y postergar el inicio de la actividad. El nombre de esta asociación está siendo cambiado a "Asociación de Criadores de Conejos Mascotas y de Carne” (ACPEC). Figura 09 - Reunión para la formación de la nueva Asociación Brasileña de Criadores de Conejos i) Institución de premiación para profesionales de destaque Para la valoración de las personas que han dedicado gran parte de su vida a la promoción de la cunicultura, en 2012 se estableció un premio para una persona de reconocida dedicación a esta actividad. Para el nombre del premio, fue elegido el nombre de la Dra. Laura de Sanctis, que era un profesional de extensión en cunicultura que trabajó en los años 80 y 90, siendo una persona intensamente dedicada al desarrollo de esta actividad y apoyo a los criadores. El premio ya ha ocurrido en los años 2012 y 2013. 294 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS 8) Los cambios recientes en la demanda de animales para la faena A finales de 2013 y principios de 2014, se dio cuenta de que los principales mataderos del sudeste brasileño aumentaran la demanda de animales en pie para la faena. Una noticia relacionada ha sido publicada en los medios de comunicación y fue vinculada a la página de la asociación (Figura 10). Los cuatro principales mataderos en el sudeste de Brasil expresaron su interés en la compra de animales vivos para la faena. Algunos de ellos están pagando R$ 6.00 (U$ 2,71) por kilogramo de animal en pie. En el Distrito Federal, algunos criadores han informado de que están recibiendo R$ 8,00 (U$ 3,62) por kilogramo, siendo el valor más alto jamás registrado. Figura 10 – Información vinculada a la página da ACBC, que habla de la gran demanda de conejos vivos para la faena. 9) Próximos desafíos Hay muchos desafíos para que la cunicultura se convierta en una actividad organizada, generando grandes cantidades de bienes y servicios. Las siguientes ideas están siendo desarrolladas por la ACBC para su aplicación futura: a) Cursos de formación inicial y continuada Es uno de los proyectos de la ACBC para el de futuro. Se desea promover cursos cortos de formación inicial y continuada en cunicultura, para la mejor cualificación de criadores y personal de campo, porque la profesionalización de todos los envueltos es muy importante. En la actualidad, los proyectos pedagógicos de estos cursos ya se están elaborando y se debe comenzar en 2017. Es importante también que haya más oportunidades de pasantías en las granjas comerciales para los estudiantes interesados. b) Divulgación de la actividad de cunicultura Es muy importante que la asociación trabaje por la difusión de la cunicultura, así como se haga la divulgación de sus beneficios para la sociedad. De este modo, la ACBC planea imprimir información para distribución en forma de folders. Además de este material impreso, esta campaña se llevará a cabo también a través de páginas web, mensajes de correo electrónico o redes sociales. El trabajo ya se puede comenzar aún en 2014. c) La creación de un canal para la difusión de vídeos explicativos Aprovechando la popularidad y la facilidad del sitio "Youtube", la ACBC tiene previsto crear un canal para la difusión de vídeos explicativos sobre la cunicultura, así como el tratamiento de una manera simple y objetiva de algunos problemas de la actividad productiva. Se piensa en la creación de un canal llamado "Dr. Cuni ", donde varios expertos podrían hacer su contribución. Esta actividad se llevará a cabo hasta 2018. 296 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Consideraciones finales Brasil tiene condiciones excelentes para el crecimiento de la cunicultura. Sin embargo, las dificultades encontradas por los productores son aún persistentes, destacándose el alto rigor de la legislación brasileña. Existe la necesidad de una entidad para organizar la compra, venta y entrega de los animales a nivel nacional. Los problemas identificados deben ser resueltos a partir de la mejora del diálogo entre todos los actores involucrados en la cadena de producción, y la unión de los criadores debe ser priorizada, en comparación con el individualismo. Por otra parte, el cunicultor debería aumentar su producción, diversificando y comercializando otros coproductos y subproductos de la actividad, además de los conejos vivos. Referencias BRUNO S.F., SANCHEZ C.M.S., MATIAS A.S.A. 2008 Mixomatose: uma doença emergente no Estado do Rio de Janeiro e suas implicações na cunicultura nacional. Revista do Conselho Federal de Medicina Veterinária. v. 45, p. 68-71, 2008. DENES D. W. Políticas y estrategias de desarrollo de la cunicultura en los países Americanos: Informe Uruguay. In: Congreso Americano de Cunicultura, Anales… 3. Maringá - Brasil, 2006. DOUNA E. Historia y situación actual de la cunicultura en Argentina. Articulos Técnicos, 2007. Disponible en cunicultura/articulos/historia-situacion-actual-cunicultura-t1788/p0.htm FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS. Faostat – Production: livestock primary: rabbit meal, 2012. - consultado em 02/07/2014 FERREIRA W. M., MACHADO L. C. Perspectivas da Cunicultura Brasileira. Revista Veterinária e Zootecnia em Minas, p. 41-44, 2007. FERREIRA W. M.; MACHADO L. C.; RAMIREZ M. A.; FERREIRA S. R. A. The Rabbit Production in Brazil. 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Cunicultura em Foco, v. 1, p. 9-10, 2011. 298 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS MILITÃO L. Entrevista. . Cunicultura em Foco, v. 1, p. 11-12, 2011. SIDRA: Sistema IBGE de Recuperação automática. Disponível em: <www.sidra.ibge.>. Acesso em 16 de Julho de 2014. IS BACKYARD RABBIT PRODUCTION A DEVELOPMENT OPTION FOR SMALL HOLDERS IN MEXICAN SOUTHEAST? *CRUZ-BACAB LE, SANDOVAL CCA, AGUILAR CAJ 1. Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, División Académica de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Carretera Villahermosa-Teapa, km 25, R/A. La Huasteca 2ª Sección, CP 86280. Villahermosa, Tabasco, México. 2. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán – Campus de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias. Carretera Mérida-Xmatkuil Km. 15.5 Mérida, Yucatán, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract This paper reviews the characteristics of rural backyard production in Mexican southeast as well as the opportunities to include rabbits as a productive animal in backyard productive system. Animal husbandry as a production system has an important role to improve the quality of life of those rural communities. Backyard livestock production is an important activity for rural communities around the world, representing a constant source of food, income, savings, as well as providing social status within the community. In Mexico at least 90 % of rural families develop this type productive activity, meanwhile in Mexican southeast is developed by 60 – 85 % of rural families. Mexican Southeast region is characterized by tropical conditions where wide varieties of plant species represent sustainable alternatives for animal production, especially herbivore species. Rabbit´s ability to consume fodder and convert it into high quality protein products represents a potential alternative for traditional productive systems in tropical areas maintaining a synergistic combination among animal – crop. In conclusion, in Mexican southeast there are conditions to include rabbits as a productive alternative for rural communities. The existence of a wide variety of plants and fibrous resources with potential for rabbit meat production would benefit southeastern rural population by improving nutrients intake. However, further research is needed to characterize rabbit utilization and keeping in order to developing efficient strategies for its successful incorporation to rural backyards of Mexican southeast. Key words: Rabbit, opportunities, rural, backyard, Mexican southeast. 300 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS ¿ES LA PRODUCCIÓN CUNÍCOLA DE TRASPATIO UNA OPCIÓN PARA EL DESARROLLO DE PEQUEÑOS PROPIETARIOS EN EL SURESTE MEXICANO? *CRUZ-BACAB LE, SANDOVAL CCA, AGUILAR CAJ 1. Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, División Académica de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Carretera Villahermosa-Teapa, km 25, R/A. La Huasteca 2ª Sección, CP 86280. Villahermosa, Tabasco, México. 2. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán – Campus de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias. Carretera Mérida-Xmatkuil Km. 15.5 Mérida, Yucatán, México. *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen El presente trabajo revisa las características del traspatio en el sureste mexicano, así como las oportunidades para incluir al conejo como un animal productivo en el sistema de traspatio. La cría de animales como un sistema de producción tiene un rol importante en la calidad de vida de las comunidades rurales. La producción animal de traspatio es una actividad importante para las comunidades rurales alrededor del mundo, representando una fuente constante de alimentos, ingresos, ahorros, así como estatus social dentro de las comunidades. En México al menos el 90 % de las familias rurales desarrollan esta actividad productiva, mientras que en el sureste mexicano se desarrolla por el 60 – 85% de las familias rurales. El sureste mexicano es una región caracterizada por condiciones tropicales donde una gran variedad de especies de plantas representan alternativas sustentables para la producción animal, especialmente con especies herbívoras. La habilidad de los conejos para consumir forrajes y convertirlos en proteína de alta calidad, representa una alternativa potencial para los sistemas productivos tradicionales en las áreas tropicales manteniendo una combinación sinérgica entre animales – cultivos. En conclusión en el sureste mexicano existen condiciones para incluir a los conejos como una especie alternativa de producción para comunidades rurales. La existencia de una amplia variedad de plantas y recursos fibrosos con potencial para la producción de carne de conejo podría beneficiar a la población rural del sureste mexicano al mejorar el consumo de nutrientes en la dieta. Sin embargo, se requiere investigación para caracterizar la utilización y crianza de los conejos, para desarrollar estrategias eficientes de inclusión del conejo al traspatio rural sureste mexicano. Palabras clave: conejo, oportunidades, rural, traspatio, sureste mexicano 302 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Introduction SMALL-SCALE ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND BACKYARD PRODUCTION In rural areas worldwide, the lack of economic resources and small land properties, among other factors make difficult to develop large-scale production systems for peasants and small farmers. Integrated production systems, such as backyard system, play an important role for rural families in terms of sustainability, protection of the environment and biodiversity conservation, improve living conditions by eliminating poverty. The use of resources available the tropics can help to meet the increasing demand of food for human consumption (Preston 1994). Utilization of solar energy and efficient nutrient fluxes among components reduce dependency of external inputs (commercial feeds, fertilizers, grains, pesticides) while reducing the capital investments (Rodríguez et al. 1993; Acosta 2004). Animals can transform low nutritional value materials such as fibrous plants into high quality products; such capacity represents a tool to improve the sustainability in rural productive systems (Marsh and Hernández, 1996; Chantalakhana and Skunmun, 2002; Lukefahr 2007; Pok Samkol et al. 2007). The use of smaller species in animal production such as sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits etc. have been an important issue in recent years as they emerge as a viable alternative for those producers who lack or have limited capital for investment of animal production or reduced land availability. Nevertheless, the main reason for choosing small species husbandry goes beyond the classical arguments (low investment, facility to market products); their physiological characteristics, in particular with regard to feeding habits and the nature of their digestive tracts are important when selecting suitable species for small scale production (Devendra and Ibrahim, 2004). In the tropics it is necessary to study breeds and species able to use efficiently the available resources (fibrous) within the traditional backyard production or small scale production systems in order to improve nutritional and economic status for rural population (González et al. 2000; Devendra and Ibrahim, 2004; Nieves et al. 2005; Sarmiento et al. 2009). THE MEXICAN BACKYARD SYSTEM Backyard productive system is characteristic in Mexican villages; it is defined as, a system of cultivation and rising of several species that are developed in a specific and delimited space usually located in the same area of the family house. Backyards have been an essential part of peasant household agricultural systems in Latin America since pre-Columbian times (In Mexico 90 % of rural families develop backyard livestock production). This system is integrated by animal and vegetable species which are used to supply the different needs of the family and includes special constructions (generally handmade) used for animal and vegetable production. This system has several names such as “patio”, “traspatio” and “huerto familiar”. Backyards are ecologically sustainable systems that generate household savings on food, medicine, supplementary income, improve the nutritional quality of the families’ diet through livestock production and minimize economic risks. (Rodríguez et al.1993; Acosta 2004; Kumar 2004). Backyard livestock production is classified as a complementary activity to the household economy, income originating from trading animals or animal products (from 28 – 36 % of total household income). Backyard livestock production is mainly integrated by cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry; besides these species, it is possible to find others such as honey bees, cats and dogs. Sometimes there are other animals present such as White Tail Deer (Odocoileus virginianus yucatanensis), wild rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus), parrots (Amazona albifrons) and stingless bees known as Xunancab (Melipona beecheii) which were part of the animals that Mayan civilization used to kept in pre-Hispanic times. These animals are raised especially to prepare special dishes for social and religious celebrations or as a kind of “savings account” of the productive family unit. These animals are fed mainly with plants considered plagues or cultivated specifically for this purposes. Occasionally and when the economic situation allows it the animals receive maize and commercial feeds. Additionally, a backyard provides 9 % of the calories, 10 % of protein, 47 % of fat and 10 % of riboflavin, niacin, and Vitamin A of household dietary requirement. Within this production system, animals can transform plants with low nutritional value as human food transforming this resource into high quality products such as meat. 304 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS This capacity represents a tool to improve animal production sustainability, considering that in backyard productive systems the highest cost are associated with the maintenance of the animal component (mainly feeds) (Marsh and Hernández, 1996; Chantalakhana and Skunmun, 2002; Lukefahr 2007; Pok Samkol et al.,. 2007). RABBIT CONTRIBUTION TO BACKYARD PRODUCTION IN TROPICAL COUNTRIES Rabbits are specie, which satisfies several of the desirable characteristics mentioned by Cheeke (1986) for being incorporated into smallholder production systems, has been recently promoted in some countries from Africa and Asia. Several studies mentioned that rabbit production has brought benefits for rural communities in less developed countries. A small rabbit production unit (10 females) could produce 86 fattened rabbits (2.5 kg each) and generate US$ 262 additional income to the farmer, considering US$ 1.22/Kg market price, increasing households income from 19.8 % up to 87.3 % as reported in several countries such as Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Alternatively, it can provide at least 2 -5 fattened rabbits on a weekly basis which would be available for family self-consumption and depending of family size, can also results in surplus meat available for sale (Lukefahr and Cheeke, 1991; Lukefahr, 2007; Nguyen Ky Son, 2008; Kariaki and Asare 2009; Olagunju and Sanusi 2010). Rabbits can be incorporated into the household not only from a small production system, but also from other sources such as hunting. For example, in rural communities from Chile rabbit meat is obtained by means of hunting (72.7 % of total rabbit meat consumption), an activity carried out by a diverse set or reasons: entertainment activity (44 %), because it is a healthy food (20 %) or both (24 %), to protect their crops (8 %) and traditional activity (4 %). In Chile, rabbit hunting has a recognized season according to the community, providing up to 11.3 % of the family annual income (Isla and Kantunaric, 2006). Despite in rural Mexico there is not recent information about the management utilization of rabbits or rabbit meat consumption; there is a historical precedent related to the Pre-Hispanic times where Guerra and Naranjo (2003) and Emery (2008) declared that rabbit was part of the preferred hunting prizes of Mayan civilization as a source of food for human population. RABBIT PRODUCTION IN MEXICAN SOUTHEAST Rabbit production in Mexico is clearly a small scale activity; 94.6 % of rabbit producers perform this activity as a complement of the main income source, meanwhile only 5.4 % of rabbit producers have this activity as the main household income source (representing 10 % of national production). This activity has tied itself directly with adults and young, the latter being on their majority men (75.4%), while women represent only 24.6%. Since 2001, the Mexican federal government classified rabbit production as a productive activity which should be encouraged and promoted due to an increase in rabbit meat demand. For this reason some states such Puebla, Tlaxcala, Guanajuato and the State of Mexico destined financial support for training the producers and to promote the activity (Clavel 2004, Mendoza 2008) according to this Central Mexico rabbit production has had greater development, while other regions in the country have lower participation in this activity (Clavel et al. 2004), specially the southeast region. Meat production in Mexican southeast has been mainly focused on poultry and pork. During 2011, poultry and pork production in Yucatan were estimated to be 119 193 tons and 91 397 tons (50.4% and 38.6% of total meat production respectively), meanwhile cattle production participated with 24 879 tons (10.6%) and sheep with 876 tons (0.4%). In the case of rabbit production it does not is listed in the agriculture yearbook report as its participation in the regional market was very low (Toledo, 2011). However during the past decades, rabbit production was promoted specifically in Yucatan State as a strategy to help sisal producers to maintain a productive activity due to declining of the sisal industry (Canto et al. 1975; Toledo 2011). According to the agriculture census report (INEGI, 2007), rabbit population in Yucatan in 2007 was 2 745 heads, from which 37.99% (1043 heads) were found in formal production units (14 farms). The Northwest region had the highest population density for the aforementioned year, with 1382 total heads. Accordingly, the economic contribution of rabbit production during the same year (2007) was reduced as total sales accounted for 1275 heads in the state (Canto et al., 1975; INEGI, 2007). Regarding to sales in 2007 the most active regions were northwest, south and northeast (618, 236 and 200 heads sold respectively) (INEGI 2007). 306 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Despite that the potential of rabbits as productive specie (meat production) is confirmed in a recent survey by Cruz-Bacab et al. (2012) (table 1) which shows the interests in two the rural communities to learn about rabbits and incorporate it as a component of the backyard production system as well as the availability of several potential feeding sources within the backyard system, this activity is not common in Mexican Southeast. Table 1. Knowledge about rabbits in Ucu and Santa Elena, Yucatán, México. Ucú Frequency Knowledge about rabbits 216 Previous experience in rabbit keeping Previous consumption of rabbit meat Interest in rabbit keeping 86 Santa Elena % 95.15 a 37.89 a CI (95%) CI Frequency % (95 P-value %) ±2.43 90.8 92.6ª ±4.93 0.3704 ±5.48 55.1 56.2b ±9.35 0.0021 104 45.81ª ±5.62 61.2 62.4b ±9.12 0.0060 135 59.47ª ±5.54 75.5 77.0b ±7.93 0.0023 n = 227 for Ucu, n = 98 for Santa Elena; Letters in the same row = P<0.05. Frequency: afirmative answers to each question. CI: Confidence interval. POTENTIAL FEEDING RESOURCES IN SOUTHEASTERN BACKYARDS FOR RABBITS In general forages and high fiber resources has been associated with ruminant species, meanwhile little advance has been done with non – ruminant animals, because according to their digestive physiology high fiber levels in diet cannot be degraded affecting the performance. Physiological characteristics of rabbits allows including fibrous sources in its diet, due to the high fiber levels which are required for a correct function of rabbit´s digestive tract. This condition represent a favorable scenario to include rabbit production in diversified systems (based on animal–crop integration), representing a low-cost alternative for meat production in rural areas (Nieves, 2009). Mexican rural communities use a wide variety of plants with nutritional potential for animal feeding, including rabbit feeding. In the Yucatan peninsula peasants cultivate and maintain some trees and shrubs for a constant supply of forage for animals, usually managed with a cut and carry method (Acosta et al. 1998; Martínez et al. 2010). Several studies around Latin America and around the world allow considering the inclusion and utilization of a wide variety of tropical forages at different inclusion levels obtaining satisfactory results in growing rabbit performance (Table 2). Eighty four plant species have been identified in southeastern backyards as potentially useful sources for livestock feeding, representing 64.1 % of forage species reported in Yucatan State and the 53.5 % of forage species reported for Yucatan peninsula (Acosta et al. 1998; Martínez et al. 2010). The existence of local resources for rabbit feeding could allow the implementation of backyard production with low dependence of external inputs such as grains and cereals. In other way the presence of some sectors of the population coming from central Mexico or even foreign countries with rabbit meat consumption tradition in Mexican southeast would stimulate the demand for rabbit products and promote the growth of rabbit meat market in this region. Table 2. Studied forages in rabbit feeding in Latin America Common name Scientific name Author Guandul Cajanus cajan Quintero, 2003 Maní forrajero Arachis pintoi Nieves, 2009 Batata Ipomea batata Nieves, 2009 Yuca Manihot sculenta crantz Nieves, 2009 Matarratón Gliricidia sepium Naranjillo Trichanchera gigantean Nieves et al. 2009 Huaxim Leucaena leucocephala Nieves et al. 2009 Morera Morus alba Nieves et al. 2009 Ramon Brosimun alicastrum Quintero, 2003; Nieves, 2009 Rojas, 2008; Cruz – Bacab, 2009; Martínez et al. 2010 Cayena Hibiscus rosas Arnica Tithonia diversifolia Martínez et al. 2010 Nieves et al. 2011 308 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Conclusion In Mexican southeast there are conditions to include rabbits as a productive alternative for rural communities. The promotion of rabbit meat consumption would benefit southeastern rural population by improving nutrients intake and reducing livestock production cost. However, further research is needed to characterize rabbit utilization and keeping in order to developing efficient strategies for its successful incorporation to rural backyards of Mexican southeast. References Acosta B.L., Flores J.S., Gómez – Pompa A. 1998. Uso y manejo de plantas forrajeras para la cria de animales dentro del solar en una comunidad maya en Yucatán. Etnoflora Yucatanense. Fascículo N° 14. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Mérida, Yucatán, México. Acosta C.M. 2004. Caracterización del sub-sistema de ganadería de traspatio en 33 comunidades del estado de Yucatán. Tesis de licenciatura. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Mérida, Yucatán, México. Canto M.C., Chi P.C., Gónzalez F.J., Murillo J.A., Ojeda P.A., Pool M.G., Rivero M.J. 1975. Situación de la producción cunícola en la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán. Tesis de licenciatura. Universidad de Yucatán. 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NACAMEH. 5, 69 – 83. 312 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS RABBIT PRODUCTION IN COSTA RICA: BREAKING WITH TRADITION *BRENES S. ANDREA Professor and Researcher. Área de Especies Alternativas, Escuela de Zootecnia, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Rabbit production should be recognized as an activity with low ambient impact and that can be associated to other productive activities using agro industry residues and other agricultural byproducts. The Costa Rican rabbit meat production is carried out through small/average farms, but the absence of an efficient productive chain causes producers to commercialize their products in informal markets. In the other hand, with this system, farmers can count on a better quality protein source and, at the same time, commercialize the surpluses in the markets and another part of the population mainly the urban has access to this. Costa Rica decided to enter in international markets exporting meat to some countries in Central, North and South America, even, Asia, from 2003 to 2008, but important difficulties related to the commercialization appeared because of the falling demand of rabbits for exportation and a domestic market without development. For that reason, the target market in Costa Rica then changed trying to enhance national consumption. At this moment, 20% of the total market belong to two big farms which sell meat to two big chains of supermarkets and keeping farms with an average of 300 does and a meat production around 450 kg meat/month; 60% of farms have between 25 to 60 does, distributing the product in restaurants, hotels and retail, meanwhile the remaining 20% belongs to small systems with 5-10 does. Medium and small farmers can obtain 20 -200 kg/month. Recently a flagrant demand from high cuisine and touristic industry claimed market organization and suggest production growth. 314 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Although there´s not a national policy established to stimulate the rabbit production, the Rabbit Research Program of the University of Costa Rica is working to improve the use the rabbit as a meat source, thorough projects in reproduction, developing bucks andrologic studies, nutrition trials, tasting sessions, manure used as organic fertilizers, and also educating the consumers about the differences between rabbits for meat production and rabbits for keeping as pets, trying to exceed the current barriers starting with marketing politics for the sector and quality product improvement in the market, with added information for cooking. Key words: Costa Rica, rabbit, research, reproduction, nutrition. PRODUCCIÓN CUNÍCOLA EN COSTAR RICA: ROMPIENDO CON LA TRADICIÓN *BRENES S. ANDREA Professor and Researcher. Área de Especies Alternativas, Escuela de Zootecnia, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen La producción de conejos es reconocida como una actividad de bajo impacto ambiental, la cual puede estar asociada con otras actividades productivas, utilizando residuos agroindustriales y otros subproductos. La producción cunícola en Costa Rica se ha desarrollado mayoritariamente en granjas pequeñas, pero la ausencia de una cadena productiva eficiente ha ocasionado que la carne se comercialice en mercados informales. Por otro lado, con este tipo de sistemas, los productores ofrecen una proteína de buena calidad, y al mismo tiempo, comercializan los excedentes en mercados urbanos. Costa Rica entró en el mercado internacional exportando carne de conejo hacia países de Centro, Norte y Suramérica, incluso Asia, en el periodo comprendido entre 2003 y 2008, pero aparecieron algunas dificultades relacionadas con la baja en la demanda internacional de exportaciones y el mercado nacional sin desarrollo. Por esa razón, el mercado meta de Costa Rica cambió, tratando de estimular el consumo nacional. En este momento, un 20% del mercado total está abarcado por dos grandes granjas las cuales venden carne a dos grandes cadenas de supermercados, con una cantidad promedio de 300 hembras y una producción de alrededor de 450 kg por mes; 60% de granjas poseen entre 25 y 60 hembras, mientras que el 20% restante corresponde a granjas pequeñas, con 5 a 10 hembras. Las granjas medianas y pequeñas producen entre 20 y 200 kg de carne por mes. En los últimos años, la demanda creciente de carnes estilo gourmet y la industria turística, los cuales requieren de grupos organizados de productores, sugiere que se puede dar un aumento de la producción nacional. 316 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Aunque no hay en el país una política nacional que estimule el consumo de carne de conejo, la investigación que desarrolla la Universidad de Costa Rica se centra en aspectos tales como aumentar la utilización del conejo como fuente de carne, a través de investigaciones en reproducción, estudios andrológicos, pruebas nutricionales, sesiones de degustación, uso de la conejaza como abono orgánico, así como educando a los consumidores sobre las diferencias entre los conejos para carne y los conejos de mascota, y evaluando alternativas para establecer políticas que apoyen al sector, además de ofrecer información sobre las formas de preparar la carne para su consumo. Palabras clave: Costa Rica, conejo, investigación, reproducción, nutrición. Introduction Rabbit is aspecie with good potential to raise in productive systems, with an excellent reproductive output and fast growth and performance (Centro para el Desarrollo Agropecuario y Forestal, 1998). The use of rabbit as a feeding alternative has many nutritional advantages, including high biological value protein compared to turkey and chicken, less fat and cholesterol than traditional meats, higher iron, zinc, magnesium, niacin, vitamins B6 and B12, lower levels of sodium and high digestibility (CIBA-GEIGY, 1990. Adaptado por Cordero R, 2003, Dihigo, 2010). In Costa Rica rabbit production is not well established yet. There have been some farms which tried to enter in commercial meat market, however, the activity haven´t been successful at all due to some factors that have affected the production. Rabbit meat demand in Costa Rica had increased during the last years, but there are some myths related to its consumption, due mainly to the feelings that keep the idea that rabbit can be only a pet. In the last six years, rabbit meat have been entering strongly in the national market, as an exotic meat, and now can be found in supermarkets, hotels and restaurants, becoming a good quality protein source for the population as well as proving extra income by commercialization of surplus meat; the country stopped the meat imports few years ago. Taking into account this situation, six years ago the Alternative Livestock Area of Animal Science Department have evaluated the rabbit meat production and use in Costa Rica, trying to get tools to decide the best management system and enhancing its use as a source of animal protein and being a rentable activity to stimulate its farming. Knowing the kind of systems used in the country, it is easy to decide what areas are needed to explore for research to obtain information and improve the national rabbit farming. 318 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Methods We have revised the lists of registered rabbit farms from the database of National Health Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, and then they were classified in three categories depending of their quantity of does and objective of the farm, among others. Two of those commercial farms were completely characterized, determining its productive parameters, nutrition, reproduction and manure disposition. Also other farms were visited, including one of the biggest one, other specialized in genetics and another that use rabbits as laboratory animals. An analysis of market behavior along the time was done, evaluating the exports and imports in the last years, and the actual situation of the trading. All those information was evaluated and analyzed to establish the lines of research of our department, that began three years ago with a small nutritional trial using a tropical forage in diets for fattening rabbits, the productive characterization of commercial farms, and starting this year with a four-year research project determining reproductive output, feeding management, quality of manure and meat characterization. Results and discussion Respecting to trading, in 2000 was registered the largest export of rabbit meat sent to Nicaragua and Hong Kong, due mainly to the establishment of a group which got some markets out of the country. But unfortunately, that initiative wasn´t successful, and almost all the farmers abandoned the activity and closed their farms. According to PROCOMER (2014), the last exports of rabbit meat were registered in 2008 (14.6 ton) and 2009 (1.8 ton) sent to the United States. The farms were classified depending of its main activity; results are showed in figure 1. Series1; Genetic; 13; 12% Series1; Laboratory; 7; 6% Series1; Pet; 20; 19% Pet Meat Series1; Meat; 67; 63% Genetic Figure 1. Classification of rabbits farms according to their activity. The majority of farms are dedicated to meat production, this is a good signal of the current situation, followed by the pet production, genetic farms and laboratories. The commercial farms were divided according to the number of does, as showed in figure 2. Figure 2. Classification of rabbits farms in Costa Rica. For our conditions, most of the farms are medium (60%), maintaining 25-60 does, 20% large (≥300 does), both types producing 210-450 kg meat per month, and 20% are small (5-10 does) with a meat production of 20-80 kg/month. 320 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Large farms distribute their meat in two big supermarket chains, meanwhile the rest of production goes to hotels, restaurants and retail sales. These large farms work with high production standards and disease control; feeding is mainly based on concentrates. Medium and small farms include forages in the feeding, and don´t have an established genetic management; however, the systems work with intensive facilities and reproduction. Concerning to pet production, farms have around 30 to 240 does and sell the animals (21 days old) to pet shops and agricultural fairs in the country. Laboratory farms are located in universities and research centers; the production in these systems is less intensive in terms of breeding, weaning age and use of does, but they use high genetic standards. Some problems that farmers should face are the fluctuant market, low availability of allstages concentrates, high production costs and lack of government policies and support, as well as low research in rabbit production. Besides, the farmers are not organized at this moment. Based on these results, we do have a good initial photography of the current situation in Costa Rica, and the Animal Science Department have started to enhance the activity and improve research to obtain useful information for farmers and consumers, making the information more accessible to the society and explaining them that there are breeds specialized for meat production and other for pet use. Now we are developing research in animal nutrition, using of forages in diets, making andrologic evaluation of bucks related to does performance, analyzing the manure and its potential as organic fertilizer, and determining meat quality. In addition, we organize tasting sessions, talks and scientific and informal publications about rabbit farming and benefits of the meat as a protein source; some countries are working in the same way (Dihigo, 2010, Motta et al., 2010). References Centro para el Desarrollo Agropecuario y Forestal. 1998. Crianza de Conejos. Guía Técnica No. 6. Serie Pecuaria. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, 46 p. Cordero, R. 2003. Módulo de Conejos. Versión preliminar. Universidad Estatal a Distancia. San José, Costa Rica, 48 p. Dihigo L. 2010. Impact of rabbit rearing on a Cuban social development. En: Memorias del 4to Congreso de Cunicultura de Las Américas. Córdoba, Argentina, 1-7. Motta, W., Machado, L.C., Anchieta, M., Andrade, S. 2010. The rabbit production in Brazil. En: Memorias del 4to Congreso de Cunicultura de Las Américas. Córdoba, Argentina, 8 p. Promotora de Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica (PROCOMER). 2014. Portal Estadístico. Consultado el 15 de julio de 2014. 322 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS STRATEGIES FOR COLLECTIVE ACTION: PRODUCTIONCOOPERATIVE “CONEJOS ANDINOS DE MENDOZA *QUAGLIARIELLO SG INTA EEA Mendoza. San Martín 3853. Luján de Cuyo. Mendoza. Argentina *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract This work tackles the development of collective actions taken by Mendoza Rabbit Production-Cooperatives, associated to Rural Extension activities implemented between 2002 and 2014 by INTA, the National Institute of Agricultural Technology in Mendoza. Collective action is the theoretical approach used in the project, which, among its various definitions, is considered as the ability of a group to manage common resources. Moreover, collective action is the result of interactions between the interests of the group and the individual strategies of the actors. Two types of collective action are recognized: the structural form, which only considers the existence of organizations, and the functional form, which considers the work of the organizations. The goals of this study are to identify and analyze the factors (internal, as well as external) that promote and deter the development of collective action taken by the members of cooperative associations. The methodology is based on the handling of quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data was obtained from secondary sources, while the qualitative data came from semi-structured interviews conducted with several rabbit producers who are active at the local level. Factors that mobilize collective action are associated to the trust ties arising from the economic and socio-cultural homogeneity of the actors, as well as their geographical proximity, the pursuit of technical knowledge and the genetic improvement by staff members, the need for marketing strategies and economic resources, and their interest in participating in governance processes; on the other hand the factors which undermine collective action are connected to pluriactivity, the tensions built in those processes meant to articulate their own interests to the interests of the group as well as the phenomena of disaggregation (conflicts, exclusion) that lead the organization members to act individually. 324 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Although historical and contextual factors, prior to the formation of the ‘Conejos Andinos de Mendoza’ Production Cooperative have had a strong impact on the dynamics of the collective action at this stage, the capacity of these actors to organize around some common goals, produced a process of collective learning and development of social capital connected to productive, technological and organizational issues. Key words: rabbit production, production cooperative, collective action, rural extension. ESTRATEGIAS PARA LA ACCIÓN COLECTIVA: PRODUCCIÓN COOPERATIVA "CONEJOS ANDINOS DE MENDOZA *QUAGLIARIELLO SG INTA EEA Mendoza. San Martín 3853. Luján de Cuyo. Mendoza. Argentina *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen Este trabajo aborda el desarrollo de acciones colectivas adoptadas por la “Producción Cooperativa Conejos Andinos de Mendoza”, asociados a las actividades de extensión rural implementadas entre 2002 y 2014 por el INTA, el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria en Mendoza. La acción colectiva es el enfoque teórico utilizado en el proyecto, el cual, entre sus diversas definiciones, se considera como la capacidad de un grupo para administrar los recursos comunes. Por otra parte, la acción colectiva es el resultado de las interacciones entre los intereses del grupo y las estrategias individuales de los actores. Se reconocen dos tipos de acción colectiva: la forma estructural, que sólo tiene en cuenta la existencia de las organizaciones, y la forma funcional, que considera el trabajo de las organizaciones. Los objetivos de este estudio son identificar y analizar los factores (internos, como externos) que promueven e impiden el desarrollo de la acción colectiva adoptada por los miembros de las asociaciones cooperativas. La metodología se basa en el tratamiento de los datos cuantitativos y cualitativos. Los datos cuantitativos se obtuvieron de fuentes secundarias, mientras que los datos cualitativos provienen de entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas con varios productores de conejos que están activos en el ámbito local. Los factores que movilizan la acción colectiva se asocian a los lazos de confianza derivados de la homogeneidad económica y socio-cultural de los actores, así como su proximidad geográfica, la búsqueda del conocimiento técnico y la mejora genética de los miembros del personal, la necesidad de estrategias de marketing y recursos económicos, y su interés en participar en los procesos de gobierno; por otra parte los factores que socavan la acción colectiva se conectan a la pluriactividad, las tensiones construidas en aquellos procesos destinados a articular sus propios intereses a los intereses del grupo, así como los fenómenos de disgregación (conflictos, exclusión) que llevan los miembros de la organización para actuar individualmente. Aunque los 326 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS factores históricos y contextuales, antes de la formación de la “Producción Cooperativa Conejos Andinos de Mendoza” han tenido un fuerte impacto en la dinámica de la acción colectiva en esta etapa, la capacidad de estos actores a organizarse en torno a algunos de los objetivos comunes, produjo un proceso de aprendizaje colectivo y el desarrollo de capital social conectada a cuestiones productivas, tecnológicas y organizativas. Palabras clave: producción de conejos, cooperativa de producción, la acción colectiva, la extensión rural Introduction The present research work deals with the development of actions taken by the Rabbit Production Cooperatives in Mendoza, linked to the Rural Extension activities implemented between 2002 and 2014 by the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) in Mendoza, Argentina. The task in progress from the extension area is focused on the ‘Cooperativa de Conejos Andinos de Mendoza’, which was founded in 2012 by a group of rabbit producers connected to INTA EEA1 Mendoza, through a Project called PROFAM2, which was developed at a time of simultaneously growth and crisis of the rabbit industry in the 2005. This production cooperative is created by rabbit producers from different departments in the province (Figure 1), who own rabbit farms with an average of 60 females in production, under intensive production system, selling their products in the domestic market. Working with production cooperatives is a longstanding type of action carried out by Public Extension; however it constantly faces obstacles linked to social, commercial, political, technical issues, and other obstacles which deter dynamic development of collective action. In order to describe the historical context of the rabbit industry in Mendoza, at the beginning of the 90’s, the implementation of neo-liberal measures resulted in changes in the country´s economy which had an influence on rabbit production, particularly because Argentina was able to enter the international rabbit meat market. Thereafter, the industry went from a domestic market production to a more intensive production system. Numerous domestic consumption productions were transformed into commercial farms and new producers emerged from the private sector. The increase in production for export was observed at the beginning of the 90’s with the opening of the Argentine economy, with a peak between the years 2002-2005. The growth during that period occurred due to the influence of other external factors, such as the restrictive measures that rabbit-importing European countries imposed on China- which in that period was leading the export market-, as well as internal factors, such as the modification of the exchange rate in Argentina as well as social policies with productive content that were applied as a consequence of the country´s crisis in 2001-2002. Both 1 National Institute of Agricultural Technology. Experimental Agricultural Station, Mendoza 2 Family Producers Program. It belongs to PROFEDER (Federal Support Program for Sustainable Rural Development, INTA 328 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS national and international contexts favored a very dynamic growth in the Argentine rabbit production during that time, which was also perceived in Mendoza. When exports began to decline, most of the new enterprises were gradually closed down because the rabbit meat produced could not be wholly sold within the domestic market. After a few years, producers who remained in the industry regrouped in the aforementioned Cooperative association. Área de estudio Argentina Las Heras Luján de Cuyo Lavalle Guaymallén Maipú Mendoza -Zona Norte- Graph Map 1. Research Area: Northern Mendoza Province. Collective action is the theoretical approach used in the project, which, among its several definitions, is considered as the ability of a group to manage common resources. On the other hand, collective action is the result of the interactions between the interests of the whole and the individual strategies of the actors. Two types of collective action are recognized: the structural form and the functional form. The structural form only considers the existence of organizations; while the functional form, apart from its existence, considers the work of the organizations. Collective actions must consider the relationship between structural organization and individual strategies. In this sense, it is important to consider the tensions between: (i) the adhesion phenomena and processes that motivate individuals to subordinate / articulate their own interests to the interests of the group, (ii) the disaggregation phenomena (conflicts, exclusions) which lead members of the organization to individual practices that weaken collective organization. Organizations are thought and built in a process of negotiation and recognition of different identities and complementary / conflicting interests (Muchnik, 2006). Methodology The methodology used consists of two complementary parts: first, the analysis of quantitative and qualitative date on the basis of access to secondary sources and primary data of the rabbit industry survey. A review and critical analysis on the existing secondary date were carried out, including historical documents, articles previous work statistical data, etc.. In the second part, semi-structured interviews were conducted with key actors working in areas of social and economic development of municipal governments in the northern part of Mendoza and in the Provincial Directorate of Livestock. Groups of rabbit producers and some local organizations were also interviewed, including fieldtrips and observation at selected projects. Those interviews include managerial, economicproductive, commercial and social aspects in order to identify situations and key points of local activity development. Finally the participant observation technique was used in workshops where the producers and institutions worked together in order for producers to get organized and towards the formation of the Provincial Rabbit Production Council. 330 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Findings and Debate: Rabbit Production in Mendoza Socio-Productive System Organization During the last decade, rabbit production in generally comprised several and small farms with an average of 50 females by producer. From the productive system perspective, rabbit producers worked in small and medium-sized farms. A limiting factor to its development was the scarce tradition that had rabbit production in our country and particularly in Mendoza. Most of the producers developed this economic activity as a complement to another major activity. Between the years 2002 – 2005, due to the ease of the incoming money - even with little capital a person was able to begin the production –and with good prospects in terms of profitability, many producers without knowledge or prior experience entered the industry. This marked the necessity of continuous training programs and the search for local professionals and supplies during that stage of production. Another difficulty for rabbit production development was the lack of business training producers had; however there was an emerging need to differentiate their products through the creation of brands, adoption of quality systems along with other issues. Nevertheless, and despite the difficulties described, the number of producers kept growing, as well as their level of organization. Towards the end of 2004, it is estimated that the number of producers was 300, generally organized for the sale of "live rabbit meat" to export oriented cold storage plants and the purchase of some supplies and balanced feed. Chart 1: Farms Number and Size. June 2005 Percentage Rabbit Farms Number of Number Female * Small 240 80% 20 to 60 Medium 30 10% 60 to 100 Large 30 10% > 100 Total 300 100% Source: Mendoza Rabbit Production Council. 2005 References: * According to number of female Between 2002 and 2005, the rabbit industry gradually improved its infrastructure and the achieved higher genetic quality. Although the progress made in genetics was limited compared to countries of greater tradition in rabbit production, the cooperative association worked with enhanced lines of greater productivity. In addition, the producers had technological and technical support plus analysis of local updated costs at their dispose, resulting from the training improvement and the inter-institutional coordination achieved in the last years of the stage under analysis. Despite these progresses and considering that the transfer of feed and animals added costs to the production, in Mendoza, as well as in other provinces in the Western part of the country, the rabbit industry was at a disadvantage in terms of prices related to animal feed and other supplies compared to those provinces which had grains and forage production and export oriented for cold storage plants. It was clear that the production was geographically dispersed; however, until the beginning of 2005, the activity was economically justified due to its high profitability. In 2006, a diagnosis on rabbit producers settled in the North Oasis of Mendoza confirmed that in all departments the production was family-based. Rabbit farms were small, with an average of 54 reproductive females for production. This report confirmed the need for the producers to gather in associations or cooperatives in order to cope with the market difficulties and achieve lower costs of production. (Chaxel and Quagliariello, 2006). 332 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS From the collective action and the producers’ organization approach, one of the problems which arose at that time, was the diversity of exploitation forms. From producers who barely exceeded self-consumption, to those who exceeded a business unit (between 100 and 300 females according to the geographical region), there existed numerous intermediate gradients between the two of them. Beyond the difference in investment grade, they also differed in training, experience, technology and labor invested. At that time, important developments relating to farm management and structural collective action were achieved, which should be taken as the creation of cooperative associations; in almost all cases, an important technological component was incorporated thus leveling management, food, facilities and rabbit breeds in many farms. Producers who arrived at the end of this first stage (2002-2009) and kept working, managed to overcome a long period of commercial crisis and remained in the industry. It can be said that these producers, improved their technical and management issues, and that they found commercialization alternatives in the domestic market, in general working individually and with some level of informality, which allowed them to continue. However, the mechanisms of collective action were limited to a minimum, due to the business activity abandonment, their discouragement, and the dissolution of cooperative associations which had been created. Until the sudden drop in the industry, which began in 2005, these rabbit producers had reached an interesting degree of Group organization, existing not only in more informal groups, but also in cooperatives. At least five groups were created: the Caye Cooperative Association (from Lavalle Department); another group of rabbit breeders who operated with the above mentioned cooperative from Maipú Department as Caye controlled association; the Sumampa Cooperative and Conecuy Cooperative (both in Guaymallén Department) and finally, another independent group in Maipú Department. At that time collective action in general reflected a fledgling organization and was primarily due to the need to operate in the export market (live rabbit meat). Sales were carried out weekly; in order to transfer the animals, a truck was sent by the cold storage plant or hired by the associated producers and animals were loaded at some encounter point, usually the farm of some producer. It is important to look into the networks created by various organizations and those governance processes that come into play, since both municipal governments and other institutions participated in the development of rabbit production, with different degrees of commitment. This inter-institutional coordination and the network formation with producers is essential in development programs as the structure of regulation and actor coordination, both in the productive sector and the institutional support system. In regards to the socio-institutional organization, when the participation of government agencies on rabbit development plans is analyzed, it can be said that, between the years 2002 to 2005, State support was important, achieving a certain impact. There was a significant presence in and promotion spirit of the activity involving various government agencies at the national, provincial and municipal level through a range of actions. Subsequently, between 2005 and 2009, the institutions dissociated from the activity, unable to find valid answers for the sector. The crisis exceeded all foreseeable issues in a process involving the entire country. Overview of the Cooperatives “Cooperativa “CAYE” de Lavalle” “CAYÉ” Production Cooperative, Lavalle It was created towards the end of 20023, by a group of small-scale producers from Lavalle department, who held subsidies from “Plan Manos a la Obra” and the PSA4. It was incorporated as “Cooperativa de Cunicultores Lavallinos de Provisión, Transformación y Comercialización”, but it became known by its fictitious name, “CAYÉ”5 . 3 Source: Directorate of Cooperatives and Mutual Societies, Ministry of Human Development, Family and Community, Mendoza Province. Rabbit production database (10 June, 2011). “Getting down to Work” Program and the Farming Social Program, respectively. CAYÉ: a term taken from the Huarpe language, meaning Big Heart. The Huarpe people are the native inhabitants of the Cuyo region. 4 5 334 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The social and economic characteristics of this group were different from those of previous undertakings, who were mostly made up of peri-urban producers. Lavalle’s rabbit producers were mostly rural farmers of scarce resources. The cooperative was actively promoted and supported by the Municipality, which committed itself to the local development of the rabbit production industry. “Of course, in 2003 there was money for Lavalle …the dough for Lavalle came in and the Lavalle cooperative was created, in 2003.” (New producers from Maipú department) Since its creation, this cooperative became a benchmark in the process of developing collective actions, as it attracted a group of producers from the province’s Northern area who were not reaching the level of institutionalization required to enter the rabbit export market. “… we used to go to meetings in Lavalle, and there were always …(problems), as Lavalle producers would …buy our rabbits at lower prices and would not act as intermediaries with the cold storage plants …” (New producers from Maipú department) “I re-create the Lavalle Cooperative. The Lavalle cooperative is an old cooperative.” (Longstanding commercial producer from Guaymallén department) “Cooperativa de Provisión Agropecuaria CARNES LASHERINAS Limitada” Farming Production Cooperative “CARNES LASHERINAS” Limited It was created mainly by unemployed urban and peri-urban producers, who received subsidies from the municipal government of Las Heras department. This cooperative, promoted by the municipality, was first incorporated in and then unregistered from the Directorate of Cooperatives. Its emergence was mainly due to the initiative of the local government and it only achieved formal structure as a cooperative, without accomplishing the development of functional collective actions. “It emerged in 2002; everything was organized by B., with the support of A. (the mayor), so, well, the first thing we had to do was to get some sort of legal entity, in order to bring producers together; so from then on I set to create the famous cooperative (…), which we never managed to set in motion.” (Longstanding commercial producer. President of the cooperative) “Cooperativa de Provisión, Transformación y Comercialización “Agropecuaria SUMAMPA” Limitada Cooperative for Provision, Transformation and Commercialization “Agropecuaria SUMAMPA” Limited It began its activities in 2004. It was a small cooperative comprised of longstanding commercial farmers from Guaymallén’s peri-urban region. It emerged as a result of the conjunction of community, individual and institutional interests. These producers had developed strong horizontal relations among themselves as well as strong ties with the municipal government and the provincial Directorate of Cooperatives. This strategy allowed them to gain access to important subsidies for projects they had submitted, and hence they were able to purchase machinery for making their own balanced feed. Following the crisis, the cooperative was able to remain functioning due to its activities in the internal market, as its producers had their own customer base. This cooperative experienced conflicts with another group from Guaymallén over positions of power in the department’s council. 336 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS “…in 2004 we set to create the cooperative with C. and there were us and I can’t recall who else, who wanted to establish the federation, we were actually trying to get the two cooperatives to work together but it was a failure, we just couldn´t achieve that.” (New producers from Maipú department) “In C.’s cooperative, we were there for a short time, because it ended up being an odd business, something a friend of his had put together…it was a rather bogus cooperative…” (New producers from Maipú department) “It was good because we did a lot of advocacy; we were at the Industrial Fair. We had a stand there backed by Guaymallén’s municipal government…Of course, Sumampa cooperative had lots of contacts.” (New producers from Maipú department) “Cooperativa Agropecuaria de Provisión, Transformación y Commercialización “CONECUY” Limitada” Farming Cooperative for Provision, Transformation and Commercialization “CONECUY” Limited Created in 2005 by producers from Guaymallén department, its characteristics were similar to the abovementioned: small in size, comprised by longstanding peri-urban commercial producers. However, unlike the others, which were promoted by local governments, this cooperative was established as an initiative of independent producers with political ties. A strength that set this cooperative apart is that it worked in an organized manner for some time after the crisis of the external market, selling its products in the domestic market. For this purpose, the slaughter was carried out in a small room with municipal authorization from Maipú department, leased by the cooperative. They managed to sell their products to a supermarket chain through an intermediary who was selling chicken; unfortunately, the profitability was very limited and the cooperative was unable to sustain itself; hence, the farmers began to quit producing. There were heavy conflicts within the cooperative (2006). “Surely, it was meant for export. But we wanted the domestic market…We did create Conecuy cooperative…we had been weekly slaughtering and delivering seven hundred units in the Greater Mendoza area. We had even reactivated a cold storage plant with the members of the cooperative.” (Longstanding commercial producer. President of the cooperative) “Absolutely not, no subsidies. Not even for commercialization. As for the genetic part, whatever you may have contributed, in your role at INTA.” (Longstanding commercial producer. President of the cooperative) “Cooperativa Agropecuaria de Provisión, Transformación y Commercialización “MENDOCINA DE CUNICULTORES (COMECU)” Limitada” Farming Cooperative for Provision, Transformation and Commercialization “MENDOCINA DE CUNICULTORES (COMECU)” Limited It emerged in 2005 with an initial core comprised of a fraction of the first rabbit farmers association of the northern region. It had begun producing and selling in the beginnings of the cycle; in 2004, it issued its invoices through Lavalle’s cooperative (“Cayé”). “…we weren’t sure whether to make it a controlled cooperative of Lavalle’s cooperative or to remain independent but working together. We were planning to create a federation…(…) It remained independent.” (New producers from Maipú department) COMECU became an actual cooperative after the crisis, in mid-2005. It is the only cooperative that tried to develop agro-industrial products using rabbit meat –it sought to produce pickled rabbit and pâté. However, the commercial failure of this endeavor and the difficulties for selling these products in the domestic market led to the withdrawal of the group’s leader and the eventual inactivity of the cooperative. 338 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS “…a mistake made by the producers was to have…that business only and…having aimed at exports only; because those products…in 2004, 2005 were sold in huge amounts, thus none of us considered the domestic market.” (New producers from Maipú department) “Cooperativa Agropecuaria“CONEJOS ANDINOS” Limitada” Farming Cooperative “CONEJOS ANDINOS” Limited It was established in 2012, through the actions of the rural extension program of INTA (National Institute of Agricultural Technology) in Mendoza, bringing together producers from several departments throughout the province, many of whom had been members of the abovementioned cooperatives that were dissolved due to commercial issues. All of its members have their own narrow commercialization circuits; however informal these slaughter and sales circuits were, they have operated as resilience mechanisms for sustaining the activity after the crisis. Collective action is also incipient in this case, even though the members have a longstanding experience in rabbit production. Most of them are multi-active farmers, i.e. they combine more than one productive activity, which sometimes undermines collective action –due to the multiplicity of interests- but other times it turns out beneficial as an income diversification strategy. One of the objectives longed by this cooperative is the development –in collaboration with INTAof a pelletizer machine that would enable the manufacturing of balanced feed, hence lowering costs, making better use of local agro-industrial by-products, and enhancing feed quality. The factors that mobilize this cooperative’s collective action include the trustful ties among producers, resulting from their economic, social and cultural homogeneity; the geographic proximity of most producers –even though some of them are located 200kms away-; the staff’s need for technical knowledge and genetic enhancement; the commercialization, selling of rabbit fur and buying of balanced feed and medication; the limitations of economic resources; and the interest in participating in governance processes through meetings with the provincial and national authorities. On the other hand, the factors that restrain collective action processes are related to multi-activity, as previously pointed; to the tensions emerging in the process of making individual interests compatible with group interests, as well as the disaggregation phenomena (conflicts, exclusions) that lead members to individualized practices; to the age group involved, as these producers are mostly 55 years and older; and to the lack of family continuity as new generations do not take part in the activity. Conclusions In the first stage of the analysis, there was a favorable context of demand of rabbits in the international market and competitive prices resulting from the currency reform, which motivated public actors to launch projects, based on the allocation of subsidies for the rural and peri-urban low-resource population, and led private actors to enter this activity. As a response to the social and economic crisis that the country experienced at the time (2001-2002), producers became dynamic and achieved a high level of participation and, hence, significant results in both structural and functional collective action (2002 - 2004). Rabbit Production Development Programs require thorough planning as well as continuous evaluation encompassing issues of production, industrialization, commercialization, training, technical assistance, organization and provision of critical supplies. Taking these factors into account would yield adequate answers to the needs of the sector, helping it achieve sustainable production systems and social equity. The weakness of collective actions aimed at the institutionalization of the local rabbit industry promoted by government organisms (represented by the Rabbit Industry Provincial Advisory Board and the Provincial Rabbit Industry Law) shows that they were mostly driven by the juncture rather than by a historical process of rabbit production consolidation in Mendoza. The convergence of different technological models for rabbit production –one tied to traditional methods and the other one based on intensive methods, promoted by public organisms, private companies and investors- gave rise to conflicts and tensions that undermined collective action in its first stage. 340 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS This was due to the perceived competition of these two models: one of them based on small-scale production using simple low-cost technology, with personalized management, associated to domestic consumption and/or informal trade in narrow circuits, oriented to the local market; and the other, based on larger-scale, intensive production, highly productive, with a more impersonal management of animals, embedded in the agro-exporting chain and driven by an entrepreneurial logic. As time went by and export prices dropped, the traditional model proved more sustainable in the long term. With regard to the development of collective actions in the 2002-2004 period, they were prompted by the rapid growth of production and by the concepts of participatory governability and public policy governance, especially encouraging the formation of cooperatives. Most of these were founded with the aim of responding to the demand of high volumes of live rabbit meat by export-oriented cold storage companies. The fast move from collective activities to structural collective actions was also a response to a need of the market (having legal entity to issue invoices) and a way to take advantage of public subsidies (creating groups that could benefit from social policies that promoted the formation of associations). There is a general informality regarding slaughtering and a difficulty to generate collective action to tackle this problem. The various stages of industrialization of smallscale production reflect the lack of regulation of manufacturing processes. Regulations should be adapted to each phase of industrialization -most importantly to slaughtering, packaging of whole and chunked rabbit, and manufacturing of by-products such as pickled rabbit, pâté, and so on- for medium-scale production processes. Another aspect related to the implementation of development programs is that they should incorporate, as a key objective, the creation of solid institutional networks comprising public and private organizations, with a structure that allows for the handling of critical moments with integrity and backing producers in the search for the most adequate solutions. The history of local rabbit production tells us that there has been insufficient support from state organizations and structures during periods of crisis. There was an evident lack of planning in the evaluation and follow-up stages of existing programs. This problem was intensified by producers’ limited capacity to integrate, organize and manage their common interests, particularly when commercialization conflicts emerged. Generating collective action processes implies overcoming the structural weakness of producers’ organizations and bestowing them with the capacity to interact on equal terms with the state and with other actors; for this to be accomplished, state support is essential. That is how the growth and consolidation of their entities and associations in the various production chains may be achieved, including cooperatives, peasant organizations, associations, consortiums, etc. The consolidation of local rabbit production and the construction of an incipient knowledge system, as well as the production, commercialization and distribution of this kind of meat, and the new market niches, allow us to claim that we are entering a new stage of local development of the rabbit industry. It is also necessary to make a final remark on the need for a strategic shift aimed at increasing the participation of public research and development (R+D) entities in the local dynamics of technological change. The production of scientific and technological knowledge should be aligned with local social needs and know-hows, understanding social inclusion as a scientific-technical challenge, i.e. striving to find the social application of the scientific and technological knowledge generated locally, particularly in the field of family-based agriculture. References Barros Biscari, R. 2010. “Los saberes colectivos locales como factores del anclaje territorial. El SIAL de la rosa mosqueta rubiginosa de la patagonia argentina”. [Collective knowledges as factors of territorial anchorage. The SIAL of rubiginosa rosehip from Argentina’s Patagonia]. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM) EAAE-SYAL International Seminar on Spatial dynamics of the food and agricultura systems: implications for sustainability and consumers’ wellbeing. Italy, Parma. (Avalaible in CD) Bocco, A. 2005. “Análisis participativo del proceso de transformación productiva e institucional en el departamento de LAVALLE, provincia de Mendoza” [Participatory analysis of the productive and institutional transformation process in Lavalle department, Mendoza province]. Rimsip – Latin American Center for Rural Development. 145p. 342 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Boucher, F; Muchnik, J.; Requier Desjardins, D. 2004. Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados: agroindustria rural, valorización de recursos locales y dinámicas territoriales. Los desafíos de los Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados [Localized Agricultural and Food Systems: rural agro-industry, appreciation of local resources and territorial dynamics. The challenges of Localized Agricultural and Food Systems]. SIAL Network’s International Congress. Rural Agro-industry and Territory. ARTE. Toluca, Mexico, December 2004. (Avalaible in CD). Chaxel, S; Quagliariello, G. 2006: “Diagnóstico de la producción de carne de conejo zona norte de la provincia de Mendoza” [Diagnosis of rabbit meat production in Mendoza’s Northern region] INTA EEA Mendoza. Rural Outreach Agency of Rural Luján de Cuyo deparment. Rabbit production Project Report. National Forum of Family-based Agriculture. 2006. “Lineamientos generales de políticas públicas orientadas a la elaboración de un plan estratégico para la agricultura familiar” Fortalecimiento de las organizaciones [General Guidelines for public policies aimed at the formulation of strategic plans for family-based agricultura. Strengthening organizations]. González,D.; González,D.J.; García V.; Ramírez, H. 2010. Productores de flor de corte de la comunidad de Francisco Zarco, en el municipio de Tenancingo, Estado de México: ¿Un caso exitoso de acción colectiva? [Flower producers at Francisco Zarco community, Tenacingo municipality, Mexico State: a successful case of collective action?] International Seminar on Spatial dynamics of the food and agricultural systems: implications for sustainability and consumers’ wellbeing. Italy, Parma. (Avalaible in CD) Muchnik, J. 2006. Sistemas agroalimentarios localizados: evolución del concepto y diversidad de situaciones [Localized Agricultural and Food Systems: evolution of the concept and diversity of situations]. SIAL Network’s 3rd International Congress “Local Agricultural and Food Systems” Food and Territories “ALTER 2006”. Spain Local Development and Social Economy Program. “Getting down to Work”. Ministry of Social Development. (accessed on May 27, 2009) PSA- Farming Social Program: “10 años de Política Social con Pequeños Productores Minifundistas” [10 years of Social Policy with Small-scale Producers], document by SAGPyA, PROINDER-BIRF and PSA, Buenos Aires, 2003. Schejtman, A.; Berdegué, J. 2004. Desarrollo Territorial Rural [Rural Territorial Development]. RIMISP. Latin American Center for Rural Development. Ediciones Rimisp March 2004. 53p. Thomas, H. 2008. De las tecnologías apropiadas a las tecnologías sociales. Conceptos / estrategias / diseños / acciones [From appropriate technologies to social technologies. Concepts / Strategies / Designs / Actions]. Group for the Social Study of Technology and Innovation. IEC/UNQ. CONICET. [online]. Vargas, M. 2007. “Analisis de rentabilidad de un pequeño productor de conejos” [Profitability analysis of a small-scale rabbit producer]. Luján de Cuyo Municipality, Sub-directorate of Socio-productive Development. Directorate of Family and Social Development. 344 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS ESTRATEGIAS PARA LA ACCIÓN COLECTIVA: PRODUCCIÓN COOPERATIVA "CONEJOS ANDINOS DE MENDOZA *QUAGLIARIELLO SG INTA EEA Mendoza. San Martín 3853. Luján de Cuyo. Mendoza. Argentina *Corresponding author: [email protected] Introducción El presente trabajo de investigación aborda el desarrollo de acciones colectivas por parte de Cooperativas Cunícolas de Mendoza, vinculadas al ejercicio de actividades de Extensión Rural implementadas desde el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria en Mendoza, Argentina, entre los años 2002 y 2014. La tarea actual desde el área de extensión está centrada en la Cooperativa Conejos Andinos de Mendoza, que fue constituida en 2012 por un grupo de productores de conejos vinculados a INTA EEA Mendoza6 a través de un Proyecto PROFAM7, que surgió a partir de la coyuntura de crecimiento y crisis de la cunicultura del 2005. Esta Cooperativa está conformada por cunicultores de distintos departamentos de toda la provincia (Figura 1), que poseen criaderos que cuentan con un promedio de 60 hembras en producción, bajo sistema de cría intensiva, y realizan la comercialización en el mercado interno. El trabajo con cooperativas es una modalidad de larga trayectoria implementada desde la Extensión Pública, sin embargo se enfrenta permanentemente con obstáculos vinculados con aspectos sociales, comerciales, políticos, técnicos y otros, que entorpecen el desarrollo dinámico de la acción colectiva. A fin de describir el contexto histórico de la cunicultura en Mendoza, a comienzos de la década de los ’90, la aplicación de medidas neoliberales produjo cambios en la economía del país que influyeron en la producción cunícola, especialmente porque Argentina tuvo la posibilidad de insertarse en el mercado internacional de carne de 6 7 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza. Programa para Productores Familiares. Pertenece a PROFEDER (Programa Federal de Apoyo al Desarrollo Rural Sustentable de INTA). conejo. A partir de entonces, la actividad comienza a convertirse de una cría destinada al autoconsumo a sistemas de producción más intensivos. Numerosas producciones de autoconsumo se transformaron en explotaciones comerciales y surgieron nuevos productores desde el sector privado. Este crecimiento de la producción para exportación se observó a principios de los ’90 con la apertura de la economía argentina, y muy marcadamente en el período 2002-2005. Este último se produjo debido a la influencia de otros factores externos, como las medidas de restricción de los países europeos, importadores de carne de conejo, impuestas a China que en ese periodo lideraba el mercado exportador; y factores internos, como la modificación de la paridad cambiaria en Argentina y las políticas sociales con contenido productivo que se aplicaron por efecto de la crisis de 2001-2002 en el país. Estos contextos nacional e internacional favorecieron un crecimiento muy dinámico de la cunicultura argentina en ese período, que se manifestó también en la provincia de Mendoza. Posteriormente a la caída de la exportación, la mayor parte de los nuevos emprendimienos paulatinamente fueron cerrando, debido a que la carne de conejo que se producía no podía ser comercializada en el mercado interno en su totalidad. Los productores que permanecieron en la actividad después de algunos años volvieron a reagruparse en la Cooperativa citada. 346 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Área de estudio Argentina Las Heras Luján de Cuyo Lavalle Guaymallén Maipú Mendoza -Zona Norte- Figura 1. Zona de estudio: Norte de la provincia de Mendoza. El enfoque teórico utilizado en este trabajo es el de acción colectiva. Este enfoque si bien tiene varias definiciones, se toma como la capacidad que poseen los grupos para manejar recursos comunes. Por otra parte, la acción colectiva es el resultado de las interacciones entre los intereses del conjunto y las estrategias individuales de los actores. Se reconocen dos tipos de acción colectiva: la de tipo estructural y la de tipo funcional. La estructural considera únicamente la existencia de organizaciones; mientras la funcional implica además de la existencia, muestras la labor de las organizaciones. Las acciones colectivas deben contemplar las relaciones entre la organización estructurante y las estrategias individuales. En este sentido es importante tener en cuenta las tensiones entre: (i) los fenómenos y procesos de adhesión que motivan a los individuos para subordinar / articular sus intereses a los de un grupo, (ii) los fenómenos de desagregación (conflictos, exclusiones) que llevan a los integrantes de la organización a prácticas individuales que debilitan la organización colectiva. Las organizaciones se piensan y se construyen en un proceso de negociación y reconocimiento de identidades diferentes y de intereses complementarios / contradictorios ( Muchnik, 2006). Metodología La metodología usada abarcó dos partes complementarias. En primer lugar, el análisis de información cuantitativa y cualitativa en base a recopilación de fuentes secundarias y relevamiento de datos primarios del sector cunícola. Se realizó una revisión y análisis crítico de información secundaria existente al respecto: documentos históricos; artículos; trabajos previos; datos estadísticos; etc. La segunda parte fueron entrevistas semiestructuradas a actores claves de las áreas de desarrollo social y económico de los gobiernos municipales de la zona norte de la provincia de Mendoza y de la Dirección Provincial de Ganadería. También se realizaron entrevistas a grupos de productores cunícolas y organizaciones locales, que incluyeron visitas y observación de emprendimientos cunícolas seleccionados en la nona norte. Estas entrevistas abarcan aspectos organizacionales, económico-productivos, comerciales y sociales para identificar momentos y puntos clave de desarrollo de la actividad en lo local. Por último se utilizó la técnica de la observación participante en talleres con productores e instituciones realizados para la organización de los productores y la constitución del Consejo Cunícola provincial. 348 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Resultados y Discusión: La cunicultura en Mendoza Organización del sistema socio-productivo En Mendoza, durante la última década, la actividad se desarrolló en general, en numerosos y pequeños establecimientos con una media apenas superior a las 50 hembras por productor. Desde la perspectiva del sistema productivo, los cunicultores trabajaron en establecimientos agrícolas pequeños y medianos. Un factor limitante al desarrollo de la actividad fue la escasa tradición que tenía la cunicultura en nuestro país y en Mendoza en particular. La mayor parte de los productores, desarrollaba esta actividad económica como complemento de otra principal. Debido a la facilidad de ingreso- aún con escaso capital se puede comenzar a producir- en el período 2002-2005 y de las buenas perspectivas en cuanto a la rentabilidad, se incorporaron numerosos productores sin conocimientos ni experiencia previa. Esto marcó la necesidad de contar con programas permanentes de capacitación y la búsqueda de profesionales e insumos locales para esta producción, en esa etapa. Otra dificultad para el desarrollo de la actividad, fue la falta de formación empresarial de los productores; aunque existió una incipiente necesidad de diferenciación del producto a través de la creación de marcas, adopción de sistemas de calidad y otros. Sin embargo, y a pesar de las dificultades descriptas, tal y como se mencionó anteriormente, la cantidad de productores fue creciendo, como así también su nivel de organización. Hacia fines de 2004, se estima que la cantidad de productores llegó a 300, en general organizados para la venta del producto “conejo vivo” a los frigoríficos exportadores y para la compra de algunos insumos y alimento balanceado. Cuadro Nº 1: Cantidad y tamaño de criaderos. Junio 2005 Número de Cantidad de criaderos Porcentaje Hembras* Pequeño 240 80% 20 a 60 Mediano 30 10% 60 a 100 Grande 30 10% > 100 Total 300 100% Fuente: Consejo Provincial Cunícola de Mendoza. 2005. Referencias: * Tamaño medido en número de hembras Paulatinamente, entre 2002 y 2005, se fue mejorando la disponibilidad de infraestructura y de genética de mejor calidad que en los años previos, para desarrollar la actividad. Si bien los avances conseguidos en cuanto a la genética fueron limitados comparado a los países de mayor tradición en cunicultura, se trabajó con líneas mejoradas, de productividad mayor. Asimismo, se dispuso de apoyo tecnológico y técnico, análisis de costos locales actualizados, a partir de los avances en capacitación y la articulación interinstitucional conseguidos en los últimos años de la etapa de análisis. A pesar de estos avances, la cunicultura se presentaba en Mendoza, como así también en otras provincias del oeste del país, en una situación de desventaja, en lo referente a precios de alimentos balanceados y otros insumos con respecto a otras provincias que contaban con producción de granos y forrajes y donde tenían asiento los frigoríficos exportadores, ya que el traslado de alimentos y animales sumaba costos a la producción. Era claro que la producción se encontraba deslocalizada territorialmente, sin embargo la alta rentabilidad permitió, hasta principios de 2005, que la actividad se encontrara justificada económicamente. Un diagnóstico sobre los cunicultores en el Oasis Norte de Mendoza, realizado en 2006, confirmó el carácter familiar de la actividad en todos los departamentos. Los criaderos eran de pequeña escala, con un número medio de 54 hembras reproductoras por criadero. Este informe confirmaba la necesidad de los productores de agruparse en 350 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS asociaciones o cooperativas a fin de hacer frente a las dificultades del mercado y lograr bajar los costos de producción (Chaxel y Quagliariello, 2006). Desde el enfoque de la organización de los productores y de la acción colectiva, uno de los inconvenientes que se presentó en ese momento, fue la diversidad de formas de explotación. Desde productores que escasamente excedían el autoconsumo, hasta aquellos que superaban la unidad de negocio (según la región geográfica entre 100 y 300 hembras), existiendo numerosos gradientes intermedios entre unos y otros. Así como el grado de inversión era diferente en uno y otro caso, también lo era la capacitación, la experiencia, la tecnología y la mano de obra invertidos. En esos años se lograron importantes avances referidos al manejo de los criaderos y a la acción colectiva estructural, entendida como conformación de cooperativas; incorporando en casi todos los casos, un componente tecnológico importante, con lo cual el manejo, la alimentación, las instalaciones y las razas empleadas se nivelaron en gran parte de los criaderos. Los productores que llegaron al final de esta primera etapa (2002-2009) y siguieron trabajando, lograron superar una larga etapa de crisis comercial y permanecieron en la actividad. Se puede afirmar que estos productores, mejoraron aspectos técnicos y de gestión, como así también encontraron alternativas de comercialización en el mercado interno, en general individuales y con cierto nivel de informalidad, que les permitieron continuar. Sin embargo los mecanismos de acción colectiva se vieron limitados a una mínima expresión, debido al abandono de la actividad, el desánimo y la disolución de las cooperativas que se fundaron. Hasta el periodo de caída brusca de la actividad, que comenzó en 2005, estos cunicultores habían logrado alcanzar interesantes grados de organización grupal, existiendo desde grupos más informales, hasta cooperativas. Se formaron, al menos, cinco grupos definidos: la Cooperativa Cayé (del departamento Lavalle); otro grupo de cunicultores que operaba con la anterior desde el departamento Maipú tal como una filial de la Cooperativa Cayé; la Cooperativa Sumampa y la Cooperativa Conecuy (ambas pertenecientes al departamento Guaymallén) y finalmente, otro grupo independiente en el departamento Maipú. La acción colectiva en general reflejaba en ese momento una incipiente organización y obedecía primordialmente a la operatividad en la comercialización del producto para exportación (conejo vivo), durante este período. La venta se realizaba semanalmente; para retirar los animales, un vehículo de carga era enviado por el frigorífico o contratado por los productores asociados y los animales eran cargados en algún punto de encuentro, generalmente el criadero de algún productor. Resulta importante ahondar en el concepto de la conformación de redes formadas por diversas organizaciones y los procesos de gobernanza que se ponen en juego, ya que tanto los gobiernos municipales como otras instituciones participaron en el desarrollo de la cunicultura, con diferentes grados de compromiso. Esta articulación interinstitucional y la formación de una red con los productores es indispensable en los programas de desarrollo, como estructura de regulación y coordinación de actores, tanto del sector productivo como del sistema institucional de apoyo. En lo que respecta a la organización socio-institucional, al analizar la participación de los organismos gubernamentales en los planes de desarrollo cunícola, se puede afirmar que, entre los años 2002 a 2005, el apoyo del Estado fue importante, consiguiendo un cierto impacto. Existió una significativa presencia y espíritu de promoción de la actividad en el que se involucraron distintos organismos de gobierno a nivel nacional, provincial y municipal, a través de variadas acciones. Posteriormente, entre los años 2005 y 2009, las instituciones se fueron desvinculando de la actividad, ante la imposibilidad de encontrar respuestas válidas para el sector. La crisis sufrida superó todo lo previsible en un proceso que comprendió a todo el país. 352 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS La conformación de Cooperativas Cooperativa “CAYÉ”, de Lavalle Quedó conformada hacia fines de 20028, por pequeños productores del departamento de Lavalle, subsidiados desde el Plan Manos a la Obra y desde PSA9. El nombre con que se inscribió fue “Cooperativa de Cunicultores Lavallinos de Provisión, Transformación y Comercialización Limitada”, sin embargo era conocida por su nombre de fantasía: “CAYÉ”10 . Las características económico-sociales de este grupo eran distintas a los anteriores (fundamentalmente productores periurbanos). Los cunicultores de Lavalle eran, en su mayoría, productores rurales de escasos recursos. La Cooperativa tuvo gran impulso y apoyo desde el Municipio, que hizo una fuerte apuesta local al desarrollo de la actividad cunícola. “Claro, en el 2003 apareció plata para Lavalle… apareció guita para Lavalle y se formó la cooperativa de Lavalle, en el 2003” (Productores nuevos de Maipú). Esta Cooperativa se constituyó, desde sus inicios, como un referente en el proceso de desarrollo de acciones colectivas y atrajo a una serie de productores de la zona norte que no llegaban al nivel de formalización necesario para integrarse a la cadena de conejos para exportación. “… íbamos a las reuniones en Lavalle, siempre había… (problemas), que los de Lavalle… eh nos compraban los conejos más baratos, y que no nos intermediaban con los frigoríficos…” (Productores nuevos de Maipú). “Yo refundé la Cooperativa de Lavalle. La cooperativa de Lavalle es una cooperativa vieja” (Antiguo productor comercial de Guaymallén). 8 Fuente: Dirección de Cooperativas y Mutuales. Ministerio de Desarrollo Humano, Familia y Comunidad. Provincia de Mendoza. Base Cunicultura (10/06/2011). 9 Programa Social Agropecuario. 10 CAYÉ: término de origen Huarpe que significa Corazón Grande. La comunidad Huarpe habitó y habita en la región de Cuyo. Cooperativa de Provisión Agropecuaria “CARNES LASHERINAS” Limitada Fue constituida principalmente por productores urbanos y periurbanos desocupados, subsidiados del departamento de Las Heras. Esta cooperativa, impulsada desde el Municipio, se dio de alta y de baja en Dirección de Cooperativas. Respondió principalmente a una iniciativa del gobierno local y sólo logró constituirse formalmente como cooperativa sin llegar al estadio de desarrollo de acciones colectivas funcionales. “Ahí surgió, en 2002, y lo organizaba todo B., con el apoyo de A. (el intendente), entonces, bueno, lo primero que había que hacer era tener alguna persona jurídica, para poder agrupar a los productores, de ahí, bueno, me puse en campaña para hacer la famosa cooperativa (…), que es la que nunca pudimos hacer funcionar” (Antiguo productor comercial. Presidente de la Cooperativa). Cooperativa de Provisión, Transformación y Comercialización “Agropecuaria SUMAMPA” Limitada Inicia sus acciones como tal en 2004. Era una cooperativa pequeña, formada por Antiguos Productores Comerciales periurbanos del departamento Guaymallén, fruto de la interacción de intereses comunitarios, individuales e institucionales. Los productores habían desarrollado fuertes relaciones horizontales entre ellos y a nivel local, con la Municipalidad y, provincial, con la Dirección de Cooperativas. Esta estrategia les permitió acceder a importantes subsidios por proyectos que presentaron, y poder comprar maquinaria para la elaboración propia de alimento balanceado. Después de la crisis, la Cooperativa se sostuvo vinculada al mercado interno, porque estos productores contaban con una cartera propia de clientes. Esta cooperativa tuvo algunos conflictos por espacios de poder, vinculados con otro grupo de Guaymallén, en el seno del Consejo Departamental. 354 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS “…en el 2004 nos fuimos, nos fuimos nosotros a armar la cooperativa con el C. y estábamos nosotros y no me acuerdo quién más que queríamos armar la federación con el Coco, en realidad íbamos a las dos cooperativas intentando juntarlos pero fue un fracaso, no se pudo” (Productores nuevos de Maipú). “Y en la del C. estuvimos ahí poco tiempo, porque después terminó siendo un negocio medio raro, que armó… la amiga del C., era una cooperativa medio fantasma…” (Productores nuevos de Maipú). “Estuvo bueno porque hicimos mucha promoción, en la FIA estuvimos. Pusimos un stand ahí que lo bancó la Municipalidad de Guaymallén… Claro, lo que tenían era muchos contactos la Sumampa” (Productores nuevos de Maipú) Cooperativa Agropecuaria de Provisión, Transformación y Comercialización “CONECUY” Limitada Conformada en 2005 por algunos productores del departamento de Guaymallén y con ciertas características similares a las anteriores, de tamaño pequeño, constituida por algunos Antiguos Productores Comerciales periurbanos. A diferencia de las anteriores, que fueron promovidas por los gobiernos locales, esta cooperativa se formó por iniciativa de productores independientes aunque vinculados políticamente. Una fortaleza que caracterizó a esta cooperativa es que trabajó en forma organizada durante algún tiempo después de la crisis del mercado externo, para vender al mercado interno. Para ello, se faenaba en una sala pequeña con habilitación municipal, de Maipú, que la cooperativa alquilaba. Consiguieron realizar ventas a una cadena de supermercados a través de un intermediario que comercializaba pollos, lamentablemente la rentabilidad era muy acotada y no logró sostenerse, por lo que los productores fueron dejando la actividad. Hubo fuertes conflictos internos en el seno de la cooperativa (2006). “Claro, era para exportación. Pero nosotros queríamos el mercado interno… La Conecuy, la armamos sí,…veníamos entregando semanalmente setecientas unidades en el gran Mendoza, faenando. Hasta un frigorífico, llegamos, llegamos a reactivar un frigorífico con la cooperativa” (Antiguo productor comercial. Presidente de la Cooperativa). “Nooo ¿subsidios?, no. Ni en la comercialización. En la parte genética, lo que puedas haber aportado vos concretamente, en el INTA” (Antiguo productor comercial. Presidente de la Cooperativa). Cooperativa Agropecuaria de Provisión, Transformación y Comercialización “MENDOCINA DE CUNICULTORES (COMECU)” Limitada Surge en 2005 y el núcleo inicial de esta Cooperativa fue una fracción de la primer Asociación de Cunicultores de la zona norte. Producía y comercializaba desde los inicios del ciclo; en 2004, facturaba a través de la Cooperativa de Lavalle (“Cayé”). “…no sabíamos si hacerla subsidiaria de la cooperativa de Lavalle o independiente, pero que se… que se juntaran. Una federación íbamos a hacer… (…) Quedó independiente” (Productores nuevos de Maipú). La COMECU llega a constituirse como cooperativa después de la crisis, a mediados de 2005. Es la única Cooperativa que intentó el desarrollo de productos agroindustriales en base a carne de conejo; intentó elaborar escabeche y paté. Pero el fracaso comercial de esta experiencia, sumado a las dificultades de la venta en el mercado interno de la carne, llevó a que se retirara el líder del grupo y la Cooperativa dejara de funcionar. 356 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS “…un error de los productores fue tener ese eh... ese negocio nada más no? y... haber apostado a la exportación y nada más; porque eso... en el 2004, 2005 que se vendió muchísimo, este ninguno de nosotros pensó en el mercado interno” (Productores nuevos de Maipú). Cooperativa Agropecuaria “CONEJOS ANDINOS” Limitada. Conformada en 2012, a partir de acciones de extensión rural de INTA Mendoza, con productores de distintos departamentos de toda la provincia, muchos de los cuales pertenecieron a las Cooperativas anteriormente descriptas y que se disolvieron por cuestiones comerciales. Todos sus integrantes poseen circuitos cortos propios de comercialización, si bien son circuitos de faena y venta informales, les ha servido como mecanismo de resiliencia para continuar en la actividad después de la crisis. La acción colectiva es incipiente también en este caso, aunque son productores de larga trayectoria en la producción de conejos. La mayor parte de ellos son agricultores pluriactivos, es decir que combinan más de una actividad productiva, lo cual si bien en ciertas ocasiones desfavorece la acción colectiva, debido a la multiplicidad de intereses, también resulta positivo si es considerado como estrategia de diversificación de ingresos. Un sentido objetivo para esta Cooperativa es el desarrollo en forma conjunta con INTA Mendoza, de una máquina pelletizadora con el objetivo de fabricar alimento balanceado y de este modo disminuir costos, aprovechar subproductos agroindustriales locales y mejorar la calidad del alimento. Los factores que movilizan la acción colectiva de la cooperativa están vinculados con relaciones de confianza provenientes de la homogeneidad económica, social y cultural de los actores; la proximidad geográfica de la mayoría, si bien hay productores a más de 200km de distancia; la necesidad de conocimiento técnico y de mejora genética de los planteles; la comercialización, venta de cueros y compra de alimentos balanceados y medicamentos; las limitaciones de recursos económicos; y el interés en la participación en procesos de gobernanza, participan en reuniones con el Estado a nivel Provincial y Nacional. En tanto aquellos factores que detienen los procesos de acción colectiva se vinculan con la pluriactividad, como fue señalado; las tensiones en procesos para articular los intereses propios a los del grupo, los fenómenos de desagregación (conflictos, exclusiones) que llevan a los integrantes de la organización a las prácticas individuales; el grupo etario, ya que son productores mayores a 55 años en su mayoría; la falta de continuidad familiar generacional en la actividad. Conclusiones En una primera etapa del análisis, el contexto favorable de demanda de conejos en el mercado internacional y su competitividad por la reforma de la paridad cambiaria, motivaron a actores públicos a formular proyectos sobre la base de entregas de subsidios para la población rural y periurbana de escasos recursos y a actores privados a iniciarse en esta actividad. Como respuesta a la crisis social y económica que transitaba el país en ese momento (20012002), los productores fueron dinámicos y se logró un alto nivel de participación en los procesos y en consecuencia importantes resultados en la acción colectiva estructural y funcional (2002 a 2004). Los Programas de Desarrollo Cunícola requieren minuciosas planificaciones con evaluaciones continuas que abarquen los aspectos de producción, industrialización, comercialización, capacitación, asistencia técnica, organización y provisión de insumos críticos. De esta manera se podrá obtener respuestas adecuadas a las necesidades que plantea el sector, logrando la sostenibilidad de los sistemas productivos, y la equidad social. La debilidad de las acciones colectivas promovidas por los organismos gubernamentales para la institucionalización de la cunicultura local (Consejo Asesor Cunícola Provincial y Ley Provincial Cunícola), muestra que fueron también un producto de la coyuntura y no de un proceso histórico de anclaje de la cunicultura en Mendoza. La confluencia de distintos modelos tecnológicos para la cría de conejos, uno vinculado a un modelo tradicional, y el otro difundido por los organismos estatales, empresas 358 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS privadas e inversionistas, de características más intensivas, produjeron la emergencia de conflictos y tensiones, que dificultaron la acción colectiva en una primera etapa. Esto se debió a que entraron en competencia estos dos modelos: uno, sustentado en una producción de pequeña escala, con una tecnología simple y de bajo costo en insumos, con un manejo más personal y artesanal, asociado a una cunicultura de autoconsumo y/o comercial informal de circuitos cortos, orientada al mercado de consumo local; y, otro, sustentado en una producción de mayor escala, intensiva, de alta productividad y de manejo más impersonal del animal, asociado a una cadena agroexportadora y a una lógica más empresarial. El paso del tiempo y la caída de los precios de las ventas para exportación demostraron que en el largo plazo el modelo artesanal fue el más sustentable. Con relación al desarrollo de acciones colectivas, en la etapa de 2002 a 2004, la rapidez del crecimiento de la producción y los conceptos de gobernabilidad participativa y de gobernanza en las políticas públicas, dieron un fuerte impulso a las mismas, especialmente a las vinculadas con la formación de cooperativas. La mayoría de ellas se fundaron, sobre un objetivo coyuntural como era lograr los volúmenes comerciales de conejos vivos que demandaban los frigoríficos exportadores. El rápido pase de actividades colectivas a acciones colectivas estructurales también respondió a una necesidad de mercado (tener la figura lícita para facturación) y de aprovechamiento de los subsidios públicos (llegar a la conformación de grupos para ser beneficiarios de las políticas sociales que promovían el asociacionismo). En general, con respecto a la informalidad de la faena y la dificultad de generar procesos de acción colectiva que den solución a ello, se observa en la fase de industrialización de distintas producciones de pequeña escala un vacío con respecto a las reglamentaciones en la elaboración. Se debería promocionar la adecuación de la normativa vigente respecto de la fase de industrialización (faena principalmente, envasado del conejo entero y trozado, y elaboración de subproductos como escabeche, paté, etc.) para escalas intermedias de producción. Otro aspecto vinculado con la implementación de Programas de Desarrollo, es que deberían tener como uno de los objetivos centrales la conformación de sólidas redes institucionales de organizaciones públicas y privadas, con una estructura tal que pueda asumir los momentos críticos con integridad y sea capaz de acompañar al productor en la búsqueda de las soluciones más adecuadas. La historia de la cunicultura local nos indica que existió un insuficiente acompañamiento por parte de las organizaciones y estructuras del Estado en el momento de la crisis. Existió una evidente falta de planificación en los programas en las etapas de evaluación y seguimiento. Lo cual fue agudizado por una limitada capacidad de integración, organización y gestión de los productores, especialmente a partir del momento de conflicto en la comercialización. Generar procesos de acción colectiva supone como resultado superar la debilidad estructural de las organizaciones de productores y dotarlas de la capacidad necesaria para interactuar con el Estado y demás actores en condiciones de equidad; para lo cual es necesario apoyo desde el mismo Estado. De este modo, puede lograrse el crecimiento y la consolidación de sus entidades y asociaciones que integran distintas cadenas de producción, tales como cooperativas, organizaciones campesinas, asociaciones, consorcios, etc.85 El anclaje de la cunicultura local logrado y la construcción incipiente de un sistema de conocimientos, unidos a la producción, comercialización y distribución de esta carne, articulada con el consumidor local y los nuevos nichos de mercado, permiten afirmar que se entró en una nueva etapa del desarrollo cunícola local. Cabe también, como reflexión final, asumir que es necesario un viraje estratégico para aumentar la participación de las unidades públicas de investigación y desarrollo (I+D), en las dinámicas de cambio tecnológico local; alinear la producción de conocimiento científico y tecnológico con las necesidades sociales y saber-hacer locales y comenzar a plantearse la inclusión social como desafío científico-técnico; es decir, buscar una utilidad social de los conocimientos científicos y tecnológicos localmente generados, especialmente en el campo de las agriculturas familiares. 360 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Bibliografía Barros Biscari, R. 2010. Los saberes colectivos locales como factores del anclaje territorial. El SIAL de la rosa mosqueta rubiginosa de la patagonia argentina. Universidad autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM). Seminario internacional EAAESYAL. Dinámicas espaciales de los sistemas agroalimentarios: implicaciones para la sustentabilidad y el bienestar del consumidor. Italia, Parma. En CD. Bocco, A. 2005. Análisis participativo del proceso de transformación productiva e institucional en el departamento de LAVALLE, provincia de Mendoza. Rimisp - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural. 145p. Boucher, F; Muchnik, J.; Requier Desjardins, D. 2004. Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados: agroindustria rural, valorización de recursos locales y dinámicas territoriales. Los desafíos de los Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados. Congreso Internacional de la Red SIAL. Agroindustria Rural y Territorio. ARTE. Toluca, México, diciembre 2004. En CD. Chaxel, S; Quagliariello, G. 2006: “Diagnóstico de la producción de carne de conejo zona norte de la provincia de Mendoza” INTA EEA Mendoza. Agencia de Extensión Rural Luján de Cuyo. Informe Proyecto Cunícola. Foro Nacional de la Agricultura Familiar. 2006. “Lineamientos generales de políticas públicas orientadas a la elaboración de un plan estratégico para la agricultura familiar”. Fortalecimiento de las organizaciones. González,D.; González,D.J.; García V.; Ramírez, H. 2010. Productores de flor de corte de la comunidad de Francisco Zarco, en el municipio de Tenancingo, Estado de México: ¿Un caso exitoso de acción colectiva? Seminario Internacional EAAE-SYAL. Dinámicas espaciales de los sistemas agroalimentarios: Implicaciones para la sustentabilidad y el bienestar del consumidor. Italia, Parm. En CD. Muchnik, J. 2006. Sistemas agroalimentarios localizados: evolución del concepto y diversidad de situaciones. III Congreso Internacional de la Red SIAL “Sistemas Agroalimentarios Locales” Alimentación y Territorios “ALTER 2006”. España Plan de Desarrollo Local y Economía Social. Manos a la obra. Ministerio de Desarrollo Social. (consulta: 27 de Mayo de 2009) PSA-Programa Social Agropecuario: “10 años de Política Social con Pequeños Productores Minifundistas”, documento de la SAGPyA, PROINDER-BIRF y PSA, Buenos Aires, 2003. Schejtman, A.; Berdegué, J. 2004. Desarrollo Territorial Rural. RIMISP. Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural. Ediciones Rimisp Marzo 2004. 53p. Thomas, H. 2008. De las tecnologías apropiadas a las tecnologías sociales. Conceptos / estrategias / diseños / acciones. Grupo de Estudios Sociales de la Tecnología y la Innovación. IEC/UNQ. CONICET. [en línea]. Vargas, M. 2007. “Analisis de rentabilidad de un pequeño productor de conejos”. Municipalidad de Luján de Cuyo Subdirección de Desarrollo Socio-productiva. Dirección de Desarrollo Familiar y Social. 362 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT FROM PRODUCTION OF ONE KILOGRAM OF RABBIT MEAT VERSUS CHICKEN RAMÍREZ GL1*, RAMÍREZ GG1**, GÜERECA LP2 1.-Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Ciudad de México. Calle del Puente #222 Col. Ejidos de Huipulco, Tlalpan C.P. 14380, México D.F. 2.-Instituto de Ingeniería Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Circuito Escolar s/n Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán. México D.F. CP 04510. *Corresponding autor: [email protected] **Corresponding autor: [email protected] Abstract Both rabbit and chicken are white meat and part of the Mexican diet. Today environmental concerns of consumers encourage companies to minimize the environmental impacts of their products. ISO 14040 describes the principles and framework for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) which is a technique to assess the environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with a product, process, or service. Therefore we decided to use this methodology in order to analyze the supply chain of both meats. The functional unit considered is one kilogram of meat rabbit or one kilogram of chicken meat in order to provide a basis for the establishment of good practices by Mexican farmers. Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and Other Environmental Impacts (TRACI) software was used. The boundaries of the system analyzed in the process were animal feeding, meat processing, consumption and waste disposal. The methodology consisted on compiling an inventory of energy and materials evaluating the environmental impacts associated with each unit. Data measurements: faeces, urine, water and energy of machinery, were made on the rabbit farm Los Tíos and UNAM’s chicken farm. 364 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The life cycle impact categories analyzed were eutrophication, global warming, use of fossil fuels, water use and land use as impacts from the production of one kilogram of chicken meat and rabbit. We conclude chicken meat production requires larger amounts of energy and water. Machinery used to slaughter, freeze and clean assigned chicken meat a higher impact. Manure, especially rabbit’s, causes eutrophication and land impact when penetrates soil and water ground. Use of wastewater treatment plants, rainwater, low power cleaning machines, digesters and other technologies were suggested in order to mitigate meat production environmental impacts. Key words: Life cycle assessment, environmental impact, supply chain, rabbit farm. VALORACIÓN DEL CICLO DE VIDA PRODUCTIVO DE UN KILOGRAMO DE CARNE DE CONEJO VERSUS POLLO RAMÍREZ GL1*, RAMÍREZ GG1**, GÜERECA LP2 1.-Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Ciudad de México. Calle del Puente #222 Col. Ejidos de Huipulco, Tlalpan C.P. 14380, México D.F. 2.-Instituto de Ingeniería Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Circuito Escolar s/n Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán. México D.F. CP 04510. *Corresponding autor: [email protected] **Corresponding autor: [email protected] Resumen Tanto el conejo y el pollo son la carne blanca y parte de la dieta de los mexicanos. Hoy las preocupaciones ambientales de los consumidores animan a las empresas a minimizar el impacto ambiental de sus productos. ISO 14040 describe los principios y el marco para la Evaluación del Ciclo de Vida (ACV), que es una técnica para evaluar los aspectos ambientales y los impactos potenciales asociados a un producto, proceso o servicio. Por lo tanto hemos decidido utilizar esta metodología con el fin de analizar la cadena de suministro de ambas carnes. La unidad funcional es considerada un kilogramo de carne de conejo o un kilogramo de carne de pollo con el fin de proporcionar una base para el establecimiento de buenas prácticas por parte de los agricultores mexicanos. Se utilizó la herramienta para la Reducción y Evaluación de la Química y otros impactos ambientales software (TRACI). Los límites del sistema analizados en el proceso fueron la alimentación animal, procesamiento de carne, el consumo y la eliminación de residuos. La metodología consistió en elaborar un inventario de energía y materiales que evalúan los impactos ambientales asociados a cada unidad. Mediciones de datos: las heces, la orina, el agua y la energía de la maquinaria, se hicieron sobre la granja de conejos Los Tíos y granja de pollos de la UNAM. 366 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Las categorías de impacto del ciclo de vida analizadas fueron la eutrofización, el calentamiento global, el uso de combustibles fósiles, el uso del agua y uso de la tierra como los impactos de la producción de un kilogramo de carne de pollo y conejo. Concluimos que la producción de carne de pollo requiere grandes cantidades de energía y agua. Maquinaria usada para matar, congelar y limpiar la carne de pollo asignando un mayor impacto. El estiércol, especialmente de conejo, provoca la eutrofización y el impacto de la tierra cuando penetra tierra del suelo y el agua. El uso de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales, agua de lluvia, máquinas de limpieza de baja potencia, digestores y otras tecnologías se sugirieron con el fin de mitigar los impactos ambientales de producción de carne. Palabras clave: evaluación del Ciclo de vida, de impacto ambiental, la cadena de suministro, granja de conejos. Introduction Environmental concerns of consumers encourage companies to create sustainable products. In other words, producers are willing to minimize environmental impacts caused by the manufacturing process without compromising its quality. Industries today have a linear supply chain, however, there are methodologies that analyze beyond these limits and make it a cycle from obtaining raw materials to waste management. According to the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a process by which we evaluate as objectively as possible the environmental burdens associated to a product by quantifying the use of material and energy discharged to the environment. Aware of the importance of the production and consumption of rabbit meat and chicken in Mexico we conducted a LCA in order to compare the production of one kilogram of New Zealand rabbit meat against Ross chicken. This publication encourages farmers in the establishment of better practices and helps mitigate its environmental impacts. Objective To assess the environmental impacts related to the production of one kilogram of rabbit meat compared to one kilogram of chicken meat to establish sustainable practices. Material Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and Other Environmental Impacts (TRACI) assisted LCA by interpreting the inventory into different impact categories. Measurements to inventory were made on Los Tíos farm, located in Xochimilco, for meat rabbit and in UNAM’s farm, located in Tláhuac, in the case of chickens. Data for inventory were provided by these farms in order to support the sustainable production of both types of meat. Unknown data were estimated for both farms; measurements used the international system and equipment such as scales, tape measures and datasheets in the case of electricity. Electricity was turned into coal, oil, natural gas, hydro and nuclear according to the production of electricity in Mexico (BUWAL, 2000). 368 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Method ISO 14040 standard for LCA states that is necessary to determine the boundaries of the system. Our system includes animal feeding, meat processing, consumption and waste disposal. Animal feeding Growth of animals considers food and water supply, manure and its cleaning. Food supply was considered by land impact and water consumption was 103 l/kg for chicken and 40.5 l/kg for rabbit. Measurement of feces and urine estimated that one kilogram of rabbit meat produced a total of 18.52 kg of manure, 16.2 kg of urine and 2.3 kg of feces; while the chicken meat only produced 4.9 kg of manure. Chemical analysis of the excrement in various species (Miani, 1990) was used to quantify dry matter, organic matter, total nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen, phosphorus pentoxide, potassium oxide, calcium oxide and magnesium oxide. Meat processing Slaughter in both cases is done by shocking with electric current to desensitize the animal. This is the methodology that avoids rigor mortis and keeps flesh soft. Blood is drained and viscera are deposed from the carcass. It was also considered water usage for cleaning both rabbit and chicken meats. Packages are an input to the process which produces no impact at this stage. Consumption In the process of use of the product was not considered any variable, since it depends on the way people prepare meat. Waste disposal Plastic bags and post-consumer organic waste was taken into account. Limitations of LCA Data collection had different obstacles; the main one was the lack of records related to the flow of materials within the farm. Water, gas and supplies necessaries for animal growth weren’t measured and had no inventory mostly because its production was not the same each month. Some electrical appliances had no datasheet or were too old to know the model. Also the tools to process an LCA don’t have databases in Mexico; therefore the results are approximate since the impacts vary by region according to its regulations and climate. Result and Discussion TRACI displayed results classifying impacts by ecotoxicity, eutrophication, fossil fuels, global warming, human health noncancerogenic, land use, photochemical smog and water use. Rabbit meat and chicken meat were compared in each of these impacts, obtaining percentages and then changed into a scale of 0 to 10 to facilitate analysis. Figure 1 show below the final results by comparing both meats. 45,0 40,0 Water Use 35,0 Photochemical Smog Land Use 30,0 25,0 Human Health Noncancerogenic Global Warming 20,0 15,0 Fossil Fuel 10,0 Eutrophication 5,0 Ecotoxicity 0,0 Rabbit Chicken Figure 1. Comparison of impacts. Environmental impacts for production of one kilogram of rabbit and chicken meat 370 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The biggest difference between the two productions was the use of fossil fuels with 9.5 points for chicken versus 0.5 points for rabbit, this is due to the great distances used to transport chickens from its birthplace to the area of production, unlike the rabbits that didn’t require the transport as they are born within the farm. Electrical equipment for sacrifice also influences fossil fuels, not only for electrocution or plucking, but for cooling in ice tubs and long term storage in freezers. Land use is greater for rabbits than chickens since the rabbit farm is not filled to capacity, therefore, rabbits have further extension to produce a kg of meat. In the case of water use, chickens production requires considerably more water for growing and processing. Slaughter occupies larger amounts of water for cooling and defeathering, also machinery requires deep cleaning after process. Comparative ecotoxicity value comes from using plastic bags; chicken meat distributes its weights since carries more kg per bag compared to rabbit. Photochemical smog reflects air pollution caused by both meat productions, there’s a slightly difference because of the amount of NOx emitted to the atmosphere. Human health effects vary from respiratory issues to permanent lung damage if prolonged exposure to ozone occurs. Human Health Noncancerogenic difference is caused by the content of ammonia in both animals’ manure. Rabbit manure contains 0.439 kg while chicken only 0.22 kg, in other words, chicken releases about half ammonia compared to rabbit. Conclusions Chicken meat production reflects a higher rate of environmental impacts; the biggest difference derives from fossil fuel required to supply energy demanded. Rabbit meat can be done manually due to the size of farm production which is reflected in low power consumption. Chicken use larger amounts of water in cleaning, drinking and processing. Correct disposal of viscera, blood and manure is imperative. Principally in rabbits, manure is important due to the high content of elements that enter ground water causing eutrophication and soil damage. Since main impacts were on energy and water some suggestions to the current agricultural production are: -Use Wastewater Treatment Plants to mitigate their impact and promote water reuse within the same process. -Promote the collection of rainwater for cleaning and other activities. -Use all output as raw material and create a closed loop or industrial symbiosis to improve eco-efficiency. -Automating only if its production is constant and wide. -Breeding animals within the farm if possible. -Search alternatives to emit heat in brooders as digesters or solar cells. It’s important to remember that LCA varies according to the region and analyzed system. However, the earlier study aims to improve current practices towards sustainable production. References Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2011. Global Guidance Principles for Life Cycle Assessment Databases. UNEP, 41-51. Gabor D. 2000. Database for Energy Production. BUWAL Miani A. 1990. Las deyecciones de un conejo; un fertilizante a valorar. Cunicultura, 199-202 372 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS PATOLOGÍA E HIGIENE PATHOLOGY & HYGIENE STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF Saccharomyces cerevisiae AND TEA KOMBUCHA ON THE INTESTINAL MICROBIOTA OF RABBITS PÉREZ SL, LAGUNAS BS, DE LA CRUZ BA, FAJARDO MR*, DÍAZ GONZÁLEZ BA Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal (CIESA), Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia (FMVZ), Universidad Autónoma de México (UAEMex). Carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco Km. 15.5. CP. 50200. Toluca, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc47) yeast has been used in the feeding of several domestic animal species and humans, and symbiotic Kombucha tea (TK) has been used in humans, both as alternative therapy and health-enhancing. The mechanisms of these effects are not known, and it is thought that might be associated with a modification of the intestinal flora. In this work, the effects of these probiotics on the fecal coliform populations isolated rabbit was evaluated. The experimental model was three groups of adult rabbits, without contact with probiotics. The Sc group which received 0.3% commercial Sc47, the TK group received two ml / kg body weight of commercial TK: A stool sample from all animals in the experimental group on days 0, 7, 14 and 21 were taken; seed on selective media for coliform per g. of faeces; isolation, counting and identifying of bacterial species was made using samples of the experimental days 0 and 21. The results showed that both probiotics increased faecal coliform populations (P <0.05). The culture supernatants of Sc47 had no antimicrobial effect on the isolated bacterial genera. Kombucha supernatant had an inhibitory (P <0.05) effect on the genera E. coli, Plesiomona spp, Serratia spp, Salmonella spp, Yersinia spp, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas spp, Actinobacillus spp, Moraxella spp, Alcaligenes spp, Pasteurella spp. 374 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Both probiotics modulated faecal coliform populations in rabbits by different mechanisms; antimicrobial and / or by competitive exclusion. Although it has been reported that some probiotics can modulate the intestinal microbiota by acidification of the medium, in this study no changes in pH were observed. Mechanisms of intestinal microbiota modulation induced by probiotics are poorly understood, so further studies are required. Keywords: Saccharomyces, kombucha tea, coliforms, rabbits. EFECTO DE Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y TÉ KOMBUCHA SOBRE POBLACIONES DE COLIFORMES EN CONEJOS PÉREZ SL, LAGUNAS BS, DE LA CRUZ BA, FAJARDO MR*, DÍAZ GONZÁLEZ BA Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal (CIESA), Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia (FMVZ), Universidad Autónoma de México (UAEMex). Carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco Km. 15.5. CP. 50200. Toluca, México. *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen La levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc47) ha sido empleada en la alimentación de diversas especies animales domésticas y en humanos y el simbiótico té Kombucha (TK) se ha empleado en humanos ambos como terapia alternativa ya que mejoran la salud. Los mecanismos de estos efectos no se conocen y se piensa que podrían estar asociados a una modificación de la flora intestinal. En este trabajo se evaluó los efectos de estos probióticos sobre poblaciones coliformes aisladas de heces de conejo. El modelo experimental fue el conejo adulto, sin previo contacto con probióticos. Se formaron tres grupos experimentales: el grupo Sc quien recibió 0,3% de Sc47 comercial, el grupo TK recibió 2 ml/kg de peso vivo de TK comercial. Se tomó una muestra de heces de todos los animales por grupo en los días experimentales 0, 7, 14 y 21; se sembraron en medios de cultivo selectivos para coliformes fecales/g de heces; se realizó el aislamiento, conteo e identificación géneros bacterianos utilizando muestras de los días experimentales 0 y 21. Los resultados mostraron que los dos probióticos aumentaron las poblaciones de coliformes fecales (P<0,05). Los sobrenadantes de los cultivos de Sc47 no tuvieron efecto antimicrobiano sobre los géneros bacterianos aislados, el sobrenadante del té Kombucha tuvo un efecto inhibidor (P<0,05) sobre los géneros E coli, Plesiomona spp, Serratia spp, Salmonella spp, Yersinia spp, Acinetobacter, Pseudomona spp, Actinobacillus spp, Moraxella spp, Alcaligenes spp, Pasteurella spp. Ambos probióticos modularon las poblaciones de coliformes fecales en conejos a través de diferentes mecanismos; antimicrobiano y/o por exclusión competitiva. 376 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Aunque se ha reportado que algunos probióticos pueden modular la microbiota por acidificación del medio intestinal, en este estudio no se observaron cambios del pH. Los mecanismos de modulación de microbiota intestinal inducidos por los probióticos están poco conocidos, por lo que se requieren más estudios. Palabras clave: Saccharomyces, Té kombucha, coliformes, conejos Introduction Among the most used as probiotic microorganisms used in pigs and other farm animals, is the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, this not colonizes the digestive tract, but adheres to mucosal surfaces and is considered non-pathogenic for immunocompetent human patients (Czerucka et al., 2007). The inclusion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the diet of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) promotes increased food intake and growth of rabbits (Maertens and Ducatelle 1996). Kombucha (TK), tea has been used as an alternative therapy in humans and is believed to have prophylactic and therapeutic benefits in physiological disorders such as: arthritis, premature aging, gastroenteric diseases and immune system stimulation (Kurtzman et al, 2001). The KT contains elements from the tea plant and some metabolites from fermentation of the culture as: sugars, proteins, vitamins, caffeine and polyphenol (Vidjaya et al, 2007). The culture is considered a symbiosis of bacteria and yeasts, in which among the yeasts predominate Brettanomyces. In addition, the KT has antimicrobial activity in vitro (Sreeramulu et al., 2000). Recent researches feeding two productive species: pigs and rabbits, supplemented with S. cerevisiae (Sc47) in the diet of pigs, improved feed efficiency of the animals treated (Pérez-Sotelo et al., 2005). Meanwhile, De la Cruz and Col. (2008), observed in rabbits that consumed Sc47 and Kombucha tea in the drinking water, improved feed efficiency in the treated groups compared to control group. By measuring the behavior of populations of fecal coliforms, it was demonstrated a decrease in the number of fecal coliform CFU of supplemented pigs (Pérez-Sotelo et al., 2005). Furthermore, after supplementing with Sc47 and KT in the feed of rabbits for four weeks, it was observed that the group nourished with Sc47 slightly increased the number of CFU of coliforms in the feces, and for the group fed with KT has reduced the number UFC coliform (De la Cruz et al., 2008). 378 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS These findings could be related to the effects seen in the production parameters, which imply the interest to know the behavior of the intestinal microbiota during the use of probiotics. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of Sc47 and KT on populations of coliform bacteria isolated from rabbit feces and to identify populations of bacteria isolated from feces. Material and methods 18 New Zealand White breed rabbits, with no previous contact with probiotics were used; all rabbits received amoxicillin at a dose of 15mg/kg of body weight (BW) before starting the treatments in drinking water for three days. Three experimental groups were formed; Control, Sc and KT; the Sc group received 24x109 CFU of Sc47; the KT group received 2mL/kg (BW). Both treatments were administered in the drinking water for 21 days. In a first phase of this work, stool samples from all rabbits from the three groups on days 0, 7, 14 and 21 were taken and seed on selective media. To know about the total load of bacteria and coliforms per gram of feces; Isolation and identification of bacterial genera on days 0 and 21 were performed. Statistical analysis of total bacterial count in feces and the fecal coliform counts were performed using analysis of variance with a significance level of 0.95%. Results In the first sampling, it was observed in the Sc group a high number of CFU of coliforms compared to the groups A and C, and remained higher throughout the experiment. In the KT group, an increase of coliform CFU was recorded after the third sampling. In the control group, the number of coliforms remained low. These differences are statistically significant (P <0.05). The isolation and identification of bacterial agents before probiotics delivery were: in the control group: Acinetobacter, Actinobacillus spp, Serratia spp. In the Sc group: Serratia spp, Actinobacillus spp, Pseudomonas spp, Alcaligenes spp, Pasteurella spp. In the TK group: Serratia spp, Salmonella spp, Pasteurella spp, Actinobacillus spp, Yersinia spp. After probiotics supply, the bacterial growths were for the control group: Actinobacillus spp, Serratia spp, Alcaligenes spp, Salmonella spp, Yersinia spp, Pasteurella spp. For the Sc group: Serratia spp, Actinobacillus spp, Pseudomonas spp, Alcaligenes spp, Plesiomona spp, Salmonella spp, Moraxella spp, Escherichia coli and for the TK group: Serratia spp, Salmonella spp, Actinobacillus spp, Escherichia coli. The results showed that, both probiotic increased bacterial populations in feces (P <0.05). Supernatants of Saccharomyces cultures had no antimicrobial effect on the tested bacterial species, while the Kombucha tea supernatant had an inhibitory effect on Escherichia coli, Plesiomona spp, Serratia spp, Salmonella spp, Yersinia spp, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas spp, Actinobacillus spp, Moraxella spp, Alcaligenes spp, Pasteurella spp (P <0.05). Discussion The numerical results of the bacterial total count did not differ statistically among the groups: Sc, TK and control (P> 0.05). In a study by Hernandez and col, (2004) where Clostridium sordellii and Peptostreptococcus tetradius were supplemented in the diet rabbits, it demonstrated that, the total bacteria in the colon increased in the treated groups (P <0.05), compared to the control group. These results and those in this study differ because of the samples analyzed, and the methodology used in both studies. In this study, we observed from the first week until the end of the experiment, the number of CFU of bacterial agents increased more in the supplemented groups than the control group (P <0.05). Furthermore, it is known that, some factors alter the gastrointestinal ecosystem, by changing the bacterial metabolic activity, or changing the local distribution of the microbiota; this process is known as dysbiosis (Prakash et al., 2011). It may be caused using antibiotics, prebiotics, probiotics, physical stress, 380 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS radiation, altering the intestinal peristalsis and nutritional diet changes (Hawrelak and Myers, 2004). In this sense, the nutritional content of Sc47 and nutrient content of KT (sugars and amino acids (Teoh et al., 2004)) could be important in promoting the increase of some bacteria in the treated groups. These mechanisms could explain the increase in coliforms counts recorded from the second sampling until the end of the experiment in the groups receiving Sc or KT, both composed of yeasts. It is possible that other compounds of KT as acetic acid, lactic acid or usnic helped to get the results of the coliform count in the supplemented groups (Teoh et al., 2004). In the case of the bacteria isolated here as Salmonella spp, Actinobacillus, Pasteurella spp, Escherichia coli, these are considered important because of its impact on public health. Other genres such as Serratia spp, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas spp, Alcaligenes spp, Moraxella spp and Plesiomona spp often are commensal organisms in the gut. However, under certain physiological conditions and immune host, these organisms may be highly pathogenic (Straw, 1998). In confirmation of this, it has been found that the antimicrobial activity of KT is due largely to acetic acid (Greenwalt et al., 2000). No studies relating to microorganisms Kombucha Tea with the effects seen in the Saccharomyces reported, but could relate because yeast found in the KT. References Czerucka D, T Piche, P Rampal. 2007. Review article: yeast as probiotics, Saccharomyces boulardii. Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. 26: 767-78. De la Cruz BA, Fajardo MR, Pérez-Sotelo LS, Lagunas BS, Díaz GBA. (2008): Efecto del suplemento de los probióticos té Kombucha y Saccharomyces cerevisiae sc47 sobre parámetros productivos en conejos Nueva Zelanda. Tesis de Licenciatura. FMVZ. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Toluca, México. Greenwalt CJ, KH Steinkraus, RA Ledford. 2000. Kombucha, the Fermented Tea: Microbiology, Composition, and Claimed Health Effects. J Food Prot 63, 976-981. Hawrelak JA, Myers SP. 2004. The causes of intestinal dysbiosis: A review. Altern. Med. Rev. 9: 180–197. Hernández SD, Cobos PMA, González MS, Bárcena GR, Arcos GJL, Gallardo GL. 2004. Poblaciones microbianas y fermentación en el ciego de conejo en conejos alimentados con inóculos de bacterias cecales. Interciencia. 29(8): 442 – 446. Kurtzman PC, JC Robnett, E Basehoar-Powers. 2001. Zigisaccharomyces kombuchensis, a new ascosporogenous yeast from Kombucha tea. FEMS Yeast Res 1, 133-138. Maertens L, R Ducatelle. 1996. Tolerance of rabbits to a dietary overdose of live yeast (Biosaf Sc47). Resumenes del 6th World Rabbit Congress, Toulouse, France, Vol. III Pp 95-98. Pérez-Sotelo LS, Talavera RM, Monroy SHM, Lagunas BS, Cuarón IJA, Montes de Oca JR, Vázquez CJC. 2005. In vitro evaluation of the binding capacity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sc47 to adhere to the wall of Salmonella spp. Rev Latinoam Microbiol 47 (3-4), 70-75. Prakash S, Rodes L, Coussa-Charley M, Tomaro-Duchesneau K. (2011): Gut microbiota: next frontier in understanding human health and development of biotherapeutics. Biologics: Targets and Therapy. 5: 71 – 86. Sreeramulu G, Y Zhu, W Knol. 2000. Kombucha fermentation and its antimicrobial activity. J Agric Food Chem. 48(6): 2589-94. Straw TE. 1988. Bacteria of the rabbit gut and their role in the health of the rabbit. J. Appl. Rabbit. Res. 1: 142–146. 382 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Teoh AL, G Heard, J Coxa. 2004. Yeast ecology of Kombucha fermentation. Int J Food Microbiol. 95: 119–126. Vidjaya LP, PK Venkata, C Mohan, D Prathiba, Y Hara, S Nagini. 2007. Comparative evaluation of antiproliferative, antiangiogenic and apoptosis, inducing potencial of black tea polyphenols in the hamster bucal pouch carcinogenesis model. J Carcinog. 6(16): 1-13. CADMIUM EXPOSURE IN RABBITS: RENAL AND HEPATIC EVALUATION ALONSO-FRESÁN MU1, BARBABOSA-PLIEGO A1*, VALLADARESCARRANZA B1, VELÁZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V1, REYES-ÁNGELES JF 1*, CASTRO-GANDARILLA J1, FELIPE-PÉREZ YE2, LEE-MORENO JL3, TREMARI-TRUEBA RM3 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. UAEM. Km 15.5 Carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco, Toluca, Estado de México, C.P. 50200, México. 2. Departamento de Reproducción Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Campus “El Cerrillo”. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. 3. Servicio Geológico Mexicano, Centro Experimental de Oaxaca, Desviación a San Lorenzo Cacaotepec S/N, San Pablo Etla, Oaxaca. C.P. 68258. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Cadmium is regarded nowadays as an environmental pollutant. Epidemiological studies have demonstrated the association between its exposure and functional alterations, due to high atmospheric levels, low biodegradability and longlasting persistence. The aim of this study was to screen and analyze the renal and hepatic physiology due to drinking water pollution (well source) in a rabbit farm near the industrial zone in Mexico City. Five periods were sampled, in which 6 rabbits were randomly selected, collecting 4 mL of blood from the marginal auricular vein in tubes with and without anticoagulant. The first samples were taken when the rabbits aged 8 weeks and on days 15, 30, 45 and 60. Samples were centrifuged and serum obtained to measure hematocrit, total proteins, ALT (alanine aminotransferase), AST (aspartate transferase), GGT (gamma glutamyl transferase), urea and creatinine. Hematocrit significantly decreased from 42 ± 4.31% down to 30 ± 13.23 % in the fourth period. Total proteins slightly increased from 6.2 ± 0.46 to 6.5 ± 1.06 g/dL in the last period. An initial ALT activity of 63 ± 8.87 U/L was found, in the first period 93 ± 12.62 U/L, in the second, 95 ± 6.11 U/L, in the third, 112 ±10.58 U/L, and in the fourth, 68 ± 19.55 U/L. Regarding GGT and AST, values were reported within normal ranges. Urea showed an increasing value up to 29 ± 3.18 mmol/L, with an initial value of 20 ± 7.30 mmol/L. 384 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Creatinine initial concentration was 111 ± 13.57 µmol/L increasing up to 118 ± 8.99 µmol/L in the last period. These parameters show that rabbits which have been exposed to cadmium suffer physiological changes that may permanently alter hepatic and renal funcion. Key words: Bioaccumulation, cadmium, physiopathology, pollute, toxicity. EXPOSICIÓN DE CONEJOS A CADMIO: EVALUACIÓN RENAL Y HEPÁTICA ALONSO-FRESÁN MU1, BARBABOSA-PLIEGO A1*, VALLADARESCARRANZA B1, VELÁZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V1, REYES-ÁNGELES JF 1*, CASTRO-GANDARILLA J1, FELIPE-PÉREZ YE2, LEE-MORENO JL3, TREMARI-TRUEBA RM3 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. UAEM. Km 15.5 Carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco, Toluca, Estado de México, C.P. 50200, México. 2. Departamento de Reproducción Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Campus “El Cerrillo”. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. 3. Servicio Geológico Mexicano, Centro Experimental de Oaxaca, Desviación a San Lorenzo Cacaotepec S/N, San Pablo Etla, Oaxaca. C.P. 68258. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen Actualmente se reconoce al Cadmio (Cd) como un contaminante ambiental; estudios epidemiológicos han demostrado la asociación de las alteraciones funcionales de organismos que han estado expuestos a este metal, debido a los niveles de contaminación atmosférica, por no ser biodegradable y por su persistencia durante largos periodos de tiempo, por lo que el objetivo del presente estudio fue monitorear y analizar la funcionalidad renal y hepática, debida a la contaminación del agua de uso por este metal (agua extraída de pozo), en una explotación cunícola cercana a la zona industrial en el valle de México. Se realizaron 5 muestreos en 6 conejos que fueron escogidos aleatoriamente al azar, colectando 4 mL de sangre en tubos de vidrio sin anticoagulante, de la vena marginal auricular; el primer muestreo se realizó a partir de las 8 semanas de edad y posteriormente a los 15, 30, 45 y 60 días, cada una de las muestras se centrifugaron y se dividieron en alícuotas para su posterior análisis para determinar ALT, AST, GGT, urea, creatinina, hematocrito y proteínas totales, y los valores obtenidos de las muestras clínicas se compararon con los reportados en la literatura. 386 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Se obtuvo un valor inicial de ALT de 63 ± 8.87 UL , al primer periodo 93 ± 12.62 UL, en el periodo 2 de 95 ± 6.11 UL, en el periodo 3 de 112 ±10.58 UL, y en el periodo 4 de 68 ± 19.55 UL; para el caso de GGT y AST los valores estuvieron en rangos reportados como normales; la urea mantuvo un aumento creciente hasta 29 ±3.18 mmol/L, con un valor basal de 20 ±7.30 mmol/L; en los valores de creatinina el valor inicial fue de 111 ±13.57 µmol/L hasta 118 ± 8.99 µmol/L en el último periodo; el hematocrito presentó un descenso significativo de 42 ± 4.31% a 30 ± 13.23 % el periodo 4, y las proteínas totales solo presentaron un ligero aumento de 6.2 ± 0.46 a 6.5±1.06 g/dL en el último periodo. Los parámetros encontrados muestran que los organismos expuestos al Cadmio sufren cambios fisiológicos que pueden alterar de manera permanente la funcionalidad hepática y renal. Palabras clave: Bioacumulación, cadmio, fisiopatología, contaminación, toxicidad. Introduction Due to natural causes as well as to anthropogenic activities, there is important pollutant production nowadays. When they are eliminated to the environment without previous treatment, they may accumulate or scatter to different places. Such is the case for cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) which have been referred as capable of producing irreversible damages to organisms which have been exposed to them, in which slight cellular damages have been produced (in red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets) or mortality reported. Exposure continues and the quantity of substances in water, air and soil determine the extent of the physiological problems in animals, meanwhile the route of exposure as well as their susceptibility determine the course of the lesions due to environmental pollution. Cadmium (Cd) in particular, as an environmental pollutant, can provoke functional alterations in organisms which have consumed contaminated food. In herbivores, an important source for cadmium intoxication is the ingestion of forages or soil. In humans, the main source of exposure is occupational, in which renal disfunctions, osteomalacia and osteoporosis are found. Other processes which have been chronically identified are proteinuria, hepatic damage, emphysema (when inhaled), neurologic deterioration, testicular, pancreatic, adrenal disfunction and anemia, and in laboratory animals carcinogenic effects have been reported (ATSDR, 2012). It is one of the most toxic elements. Its accumulation is gradual and increases with age. Intestinal absorption is due to the divalent metal transporter (DMT-1) located in the duodenum, erythrocytes, liver and proximal convoluted tubules. It is an Fe transporting protein with great affinity towards Cd. When Fe and Zn ingestion is decreased, DMT-1 expression increases, increasing the intestinal absorption of Cd and therefore its toxicity. The aim of this study was to screen through clinical enzymology the renal and hepatic function in rabbits, due to the detection of cadmium in drinking water in a rabbit farm near the industrial zone of Mexico Valley, where respiratory problems and renal ilnesses with no aparent cause were found. 388 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Material and Methods In a rabbit farm near the industrial zone in Mexico Valley, with a population of 40 animals, cases of respiratory disease as well as sudden death in stage of completion were previously reported. Food was based on commercial feed and water from a near well. Cadmium concentration in water was reported as 16,5 g/kg. When direct information was gathered, growth, bone and dehydration were detected. Six rabbits meant for human consumption were sampled to demostrate and assess physiological alterations in liver and kidney, by collecting blood samples with and without anticoagulant in different periods. The first sample was taken when the rabbits aged eight weeks, and then on days 15, 30, 45 and 60. Each sample was centrifuged to obtain serum and analysed. Hematocrit was measured using heparinized capilar tubes by centrifugation at 5000 rpm, for 5 minutes and total protein through refractometry (Veterinary Refractometer 10436, Reichert® g/%). ALT, AST and urea activities were measured at a wavelength of 340 nm, using an spectrophotometer with specific reactives and GGT activity using the Szazs/Persijn method at 405 nm; for creatinine the absorbance was read at 510 nm (Clinical Chemistry-Instrumentation Laboratory®). Results and Discussion The results obtained for hematocrit were: it decreased from 42 ± 4.31% to 30 ± 13.23 % in the fourth period and total proteins showed a slight increase from 6.2 ± 0.46 up to 6.5±1.06 g/dL on the last period. Results for ALT were: during the first period 63 ± 8.87 UL, 15 days afterwards 93 ± 12.62 UL, for the third one 112 ±10.58 UL, and during the rest, the enzyme decreased (Table 1). Increasing ALT values show specific hepatic lesion due to degeneration changes up to necrosis, which is different from the increase in AST values that show hepatocelular or muscular (either skeletal or cardiac) lesion. A GGT increase in values may indicate hepatic disease. In this research, its values were stable during the sampling periods, just as what happened with AST. Urea gradually increased, from 20 ±7.30 mmol/L up to 29 ±3.18 mmol/L. For creatinine the initial value was 111 ±13.57 µmol/L and increased up to 118 ± 8.99 µmol/L in the last period (Table 1). Table 1. Pysiologic parameters for renal and hepatic evaluation in rabbits. Parameter / Day 0 Day 15 Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 values Period HEMATOCRIT 42 ± 4.31 42 ± 1.94 39 ± 3.21 40 ± 2.00 (%) TOTAL Reference 30 ± 40.5 ± 2.11 13.23 6.2 ± 0.46 6.3 ± 0.06 6.6 ± 0.36 7.2 ± 0.35 6.5 ± 1.06 5.7 ± 0.6 ALT (U/L) 63 ± 8.87 93 ± 12.62 95 ± 6.11 112 ± 10.58 68 ±19.55 79 AST (U/L) 55 ± 7.23 43 ± 11.36 49 ± 5.79 49 ± 5.20 42 ± 4.58 47 UREA (mmol/L) 20 ± 7.30 21 ± 2.76 26 ± 3.06 24 ± 1.66 29 ± 3.18 3.45 ± 0.85 CREATININE 111 ± 13.57 103 ± 9.04 106 ± 10.64 122 ± 13.52 118 ±8.99 70.7-227.2 12.17 ± 0.75 7.67 ± 1.37 7.00 ± 0.89 8.33 ± 2.08 7.00 ± 0 9 PROTEINS (g/dL) (μmol/L) GGT (U/L) Regarding the enzymatic values in the rabbits, it can be assumed that pollutant effects such as the ones produced by cadmium may be altering the optimal functionality of these animals, and that the presence of pathologies in the farm may not only be due to cadmium exposure but to the existence of other elements that may be harmful to the rabbits’ health. When cadmium is metabolized in the liver, it joins to low molecular weight proteins (<10kD) named metallothioneins (MT), distributed all over the organism, cysteine rich, with high reactive and storage affinity which participate on free radical elimination, and cellular repairing and regeneration. An increase in Cd intracellular levels rises MT expression, therefore increasing susceptibility in toxicity regarding these kinds of metals. It may also join to albumin in circulation, and is transported to the liver where it may join to glutathione (GSH) and metallothionein-1 (MT1) (Liu, 2001). 390 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS There was no severe damage in the renal system that could cause proteinuria, maybe due to the fact that the evaluation period was too short to provoke tubule lesions, which may be found in chronic cases and to the quantity of Cd consumed as well. Conclusions The parameters found in the rabbits exposed to cadmium show that they suffer physiological changes which may permanently alter hepatic and renal functionality. ALT and urea levels progressively rised, indicating important hepatic and renal damage due to cadmium exposure. References ATSDR. 2012. Resumen de Salud Pública. Cadmio EE.UU. KANEKO, J.J. 2008. Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals, 6th ed. Blood Analyte Reference Values in Small and Some Laboratory Animals. Elsevier. UK. Liu Y., Liu J., Klaassen C.D. 2001. Metallothionein-null and wild-type mice show similar cadmium absorption and tissue distribution following oral cadmium administration. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 175, 253-9. Olayemi, F.O. and Nottidge, H.O. 2007. "Effect of Age on the Blood Profiles of the New Zealand Rabbit in Nigeria". African Journal of Biomedical Research, 10, 73-76. SCHALM'S Veterinary Hematology. 2010. Weiss D.J. and Wardrop K.J. editors. 6th ed. Reference Erythrocyte Parameters of the New Zealand White (NZW) Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Wiley-Blackwell. USA. Thrall M.A., Baker D.C., Campbell T.W., DeNicola D., Fettman M.J. 2006. Veterinary hematology and clinical chemistry. Blackwell, USA. PERIODONTAL MANDIBULAR OSTEOMYELITIS IN TWO NEW ZEALAND RABBITS FAJARDO MRC*, ALPÍZAR PA, HERNÁNDEZ MH, FERNÁNDEZ RP, ORTEGA SC, MARTÍNEZ CJS Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal (CIESA), Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia (FMVZ), Universidad Autónoma de México (UAEMex). Carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco Km. 15.5. CP. 50200. Toluca, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Mandibular osteomyelitis is an inflammation of all structures of the jawbone caused by microorganisms that enter through the tooth decay (odontogenic) or the periodontal tissues. The odontogenic form is more common in humans and originates from decayed teeth where infection can reach the bone and cause osteomyelitis. Periodontic mandibular osteomyelitis originates from the tissues that surround and support the teeth: gingiva, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone, due to the accumulation of plaque and tartar that may form a dental abscess. In rabbits, mandibular odontogenic osteomyelitis is rare and may be related to the diet of pet rabbits. However, periodontal osteomyelitis is common and develops due to the weakness of the periodontal ligament in rodents that allows continuous tooth growth. We did not find reports in scientific journals of this condition, but it has been clinically described in some books. The descriptions in these documents refer purulent osteomyelitis associated to other microorganisms. The aim of this paper is to present and discuss the pathologic findings, etiology and nomenclature of these cases. Two New Zealand rabbits were submitted to the CIESA-FMVZUAEMex due to the presence of bilateral submandibular nodes. These cases were characterized by a granulomatous osteomyelitis with a high number of epithelioid cells and lymphocytes in the bone marrow in the lower jaw which agents were involved Pasteurella multocida and Bordetella bronchiseptica. 392 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS In all cases of osteomyelitis, it should be inspected the dental injuries to determine the origin of this disease and so diagnose it properly. Else, the term periodontal or odontogenic as the case must be added to the name of this disease. Keywords: periodontal mandibular osteomyelitis, rabbits, Pasteurella multocida, Bordetella bronchiseptica. OSTEOMIELITIS PERIODONTAL MANDIBULAR EN DOS CONEJOS NUEVA ZELANDA FAJARDO MRC*, ALPÍZAR PA, HERNÁNDEZ MH, FERNÁNDEZ RP, ORTEGA SC, MARTÍNEZ CJS Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal (CIESA), Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia (FMVZ), Universidad Autónoma de México (UAEMex). Carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco Km. 15.5. CP. 50200. Toluca, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen La osteomielitis mandibular es una inflamación de todas las estructuras de la mandíbula causada por microorganismos que entran a través de la caries dental (odontogénico) o los tejidos periodontales. La forma odontogénica es más común en los seres humanos y se origina en dientes cariados donde la infección puede alcanzar el hueso y causar osteomielitis. La osteomielitis periodontal mandibular se origina en los tejidos que rodean y sostienen los dientes: encía, ligamento periodontal y hueso alveolar, debido a la acumulación de placa y el sarro que pueden formar un absceso dental. En conejos, la osteomielitis mandibular odontogénica es rara y puede estar relacionada con la dieta de los conejos. Sin embargo, la osteomielitis periodontal es común y se desarrolla debido a la debilidad del ligamento periodontal en los roedores que permite el crecimiento continuo de los dientes. No hemos encontrado informes en revistas científicas de esta condición, pero se ha descrito clínicamente en algunos libros. Las descripciones de estos documentos se refieren a la osteomielitis purulenta asociada a otros microorganismos. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar y discutir los hallazgos patológicos, etiología y la nomenclatura de estos casos. Dos conejos de Nueva Zelanda se presentaron a la CIESA-FMVZ-UAEMex debido a la presencia de ganglios submandibulares bilaterales. Estos casos se caracterizan por una osteomielitis granulomatosa con un alto número de células epitelioides y linfocitos en la médula ósea de la mandíbula inferior, en la que los agentes involucrados fueron Pasteurella multocida y Bordetella bronchiseptica. 394 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS En todos los casos de osteomielitis, se debe inspeccionar las lesiones dentales para determinar el origen de esta enfermedad y así diagnosticar correctamente. De lo contrario, el término periodontal u odontogénico en su caso hay que añadir al nombre de esta enfermedad. Palabras clave: osteomielitis mandibular periodontal, conejos, Pasteurella multocida, Bordetella bronchiseptica. Introduction Mandibular osteomyelitis is an inflammation of all structures of the jawbone caused by microorganisms that enter through tooth decay or periodontal tissues. The mandibular osteomyelitis can be classified according to pathogenesis in periodontal and odontogenic (6). The odontogenic form is more common in humans and originates from decayed teeth where infection can reach the bone and cause osteomyelitis. Periodontal type, originates from the periodontal tissues, including tissues that surround and support the teeth: gingiva, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone, due to the accumulation of plaque and tartar that may form a dental abscess (6). In veterinary, oral and dental diseases have been studied in small animals such as dogs and cats, periodontal disease is very common and associated factors is the accumulation of plaque on the tooth surface, among the predisposing factors are age, nutrition and genetic predisposition (3). In rabbits, mandibular odontogenic osteomyelitis is rare and may be related to the diet of pet rabbits. However, periodontal osteomyelitis is common and develops due to the weakness of the periodontal ligament in rodents that allows continuous tooth growth (1, 5, 7). Normal rabbit dental anatomy and ethological behavior are essential for the development of this pathology. The permanent dentition has the feature to continue to grow throughout the lifetime. However, progressive growth is not very evident due to continuous tooth wear in the feed, which may favor the development of peridontals disease (1, 5, 7). In this study, the etiology and pathological findings of two cases of periodontal bilateral granulomatous osteomyelitis in rabbits from the same farm are reported. The terminology is also discussed, and it is proposed that the term of periodontal disease be used in this disease of rabbits, because in the few reports of osteomyelitis in rabbits, this disease has not been well described. 396 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Materials and methods Two New Zealand rabbits about 2.5 months old, weighing approximately 1,500 kg, from a family backyard rabbit farm in the State of Mexico. The animals were sent to CIESA, FMVZ, UAEMex, for diagnosis by the appearance of the submandibular nodes. Necropsy was performed on both rabbits and samples for histopathology, and bacteriology was collected. For histopathology, craneal and caudal cuts of the injury from the lower jaw bones were performed in order to include the full node of each rabbit. Nodes were fixed for 48hrs in 10% buffered formalin, subsequently. They were washed under tap water and decalcified with EDTA for 48hrs, included in paraffin, cut at 6 µm thick and stained with H&E. For bacteriology, samples were taken from the exudate using a sterile swab and bacteriological loop, from the left mandible of the rabbits. Samples were seed in blood agar with 5% sheep blood and in MacConkey agar, incubated at 37 °C for 24 hrs. The isolates were passed on blood agar for purification. The identification and differentiation were determined by biochemical tests as catalase, oxidase, nitrite reduction, Indole, TSI, SIM, MIO, urea and confirmation of the isolates was performed by the API 20NE system. Results During the necropsy, at the external inspection showed a rabbits moderate body condition. Internal inspections of the oral cavity were found two nodules in both lower jaws, located just below the molars without evidence of caries, tartar or plaque. Palpation consistency was hard as stone and immobile, approximately 2 cm in diameter (Figure 1). At-cut, yellowish-white nodules of firm consistency containing cheesy material was found. Samples for bacteriology and histopathology were collected for. The histopathology reveled a severe gingivitis as peridontals gingival epithelial ulcerations and intense granulomatous osteomyelitis in the bone marrow of the lower jaw; characterized by the presence of a large amount of epithelioid cells and lymphocytes. Plates were reviewed to verify and identify bacterial colony's growth; in blood agar, two types of colonies morphologically different were identified, in MacConkey agar, there was not bacterial growth. From the exudate, a combination of Pasteurella multocida and Bordetella bronchiseptica was isolated. The final diagnosis was severe periodontal mandibular granulomatous osteomyelitis associated to Pasteurella multocida and Bordetella bronchiseptica. Figure1. Rabbit lower jaw showing whitish nodules. 398 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Discussion Most reports of mandibular osteomyelitis in rabbits are clinical studies describing the injury as purulent osteomyelitis, associated with various etiologic agents such as Staphylococcus aureus, Bacteroides, Pseudomonas, Proteus, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Prevotella heparinolytica, Prevotella spp., Peptostreptococcus micros, Streptococcus milleri group, Actinomyces israelii and Arcanobacterium haemolyticum (4, 8). However, this case was characterized by a granulomatous osteomyelitis, a lot of epithelioid cells and lymphocytes in the bone marrow of the lower jaw bone in which, the agents involved were Pasteurella multocida and Bordetella bronchiseptica. The combined presence of these bacteria is so common in the respiratory tract of healthy rabbits and ill (2). However, there are no reports in which these agents are involved in the development of osteomyelitis in rabbits. This injury could have been caused by a chronic infection due to the type of diet and dentition of rabbits that favored infection. Conclusions The oral and dental diseases are one of the most studied in humans, but in animals has been little studied. In the naming task as accurately and clearly, it must use a nomenclature describing oral diseases in animals, in this case in rabbits. As in all cases of mandibular osteomyelitis should inspect dental injuries, performed histopathological and bacteriological examination to make a good diagnosis. References 1) Coudert P, Lebas F, Rochambeau H, Thébault RG. El conejo cría y Patología. Capítulo 2. Nutrición y alimentación. FAO, 1996. 2) Deeb BJ, DiGiacomo RF, Bernard BL, Silbernagel SM (1990): Pasteurella multocida and Bordetella bronchiseptica Infections in Rabbits. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 28(1): 70-75. 3) Dogan E , Okumus Z, Latif Yanmaz LE (2007): Periodontal Diseases in Pet Animals. Veterinary Research. 1 (1): 17-22. 4) Harcourt BF. Textbook of rabbit medicine. Capítulo 7. Dental disease. Reed Educational and Professional Publishing. 2002, Pp. 165-205. 5) Meredith A. (2007): Rabbit dentistry. EJCAP, 17 (1): 55-62. 6) Moran LE, Cueto SA (2001). Osteomielitis. Criterios actuales e importancia para el Estomatólogo. Rev Cubana Estomatol, 38 (1): 52-66. 7) Reiter MA (2008): Pathophysiology of Dental Disease in the Rabbit, Guinea Pig, and Chinchilla. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine. 17 (2): 70–77. 8) Tyrrell KL, Citron DM, Jenkins JR, Goldstein EJ. (2002): Periodontal bacteria in rabbit mandibular and maxillary abscesses. J Clin Microbiol. 40(3):1044-7. 400 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Bordetella bronchiseptica IN RABBITS SUBMITTED FOR DIAGNOSIS: CLINICAL-PATHOLOGICAL STUDY VALLADARES-CARRANZA B.1*; ZAMORA-ESPINOSA JL. 1; ALONSO-FRESÁN MU.1, VELÁZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V. 1, GUTIÉRREZ-CASTILLO A. 1, CASTROMARURI J. 2, ORTEGA-SANTANA C. 2, PEÑA-BETANCOURT SD. 3 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Km 15.5 carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco, Estado de México. Cuerpo Académico en Salud Animal (UAEM-CA-3 Salud Animal). 2. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal (CIESA). Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Km. 15.5 carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco. Estado de México, México. C.P. 50200. 3. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco. Laboratorio de Toxicología. México, D.F. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Bordetella bronchiseptica has been recognized as a cause of respiratory disease en domestic animals, as a primary agent it can cause several diseases in animals as: kennel cough (dogs), snuffles (rabbits) and atrophic rhinitis (pigs). According to the important implications it has to human health, we expose a case report of a rabbit farm with 2000 animals where 35-60 days old rabbits were affected, showing respiratory signs (dyspnea, serous nasal secretion) and green diarrhea. At necropsy the most revealing findings were severe pulmonary congestion in craneoventral regions, suppurative and fibrinous exudates with presence of adherences to the thoracic wall and suppurative secretion when sliced. Microscopic changes include severe congestion, haemorraghia, great amounts of edema and fibrinous material with neutrophils and macrophages infiltration and an interstitial thickening by accumulation of mononuclear cells infiltration. The lung bacteriological isolation reported Bordetella bronchiseptica (++). The importance of this case is based on the repercussions to public health, considering that some human infections for this agent have been related to human contact with infected rabbits. Key words: rabbits, health public, Bordetella bronchiseptica. 402 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Bordetella bronchiseptica EN CONEJOS ENVIADOS PARA DIAGNÓSTICO: ESTUDIO CLINICOPATOLÓGICO VALLADARES-CARRANZA B.1*; ZAMORA-ESPINOSA JL. 1; ALONSO-FRESÁN MU.1, VELÁZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V. 1, GUTIÉRREZ-CASTILLO A. 1, CASTROMARURI J. 2, ORTEGA-SANTANA C. 2, PEÑA-BETANCOURT SD. 3 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Km 15.5 carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco, Estado de México. Cuerpo Académico en Salud Animal (UAEM-CA-3 Salud Animal). 2. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal (CIESA). Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Km. 15.5 carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco. Estado de México, México. C.P. 50200. 3. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco. Laboratorio de Toxicología. México, D.F. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen Bordetella bronchiseptica es reconocida como un patógeno primario inicial del tracto respiratorio en animales domésticos, puede provocar tos de las perreras (perro), respiración ruidosa (en conejos) y rinitis atrófica (en el cerdo). De acuerdo a la importancia de esta implicación en la salud humana, exponemos un caso reportado de una granja de conejos, con 2.000 animales, donde se vieron afectados animales de 35 a 60 días de edad, mostrando signos respiratorios (disnea, secreción nasal serosa) y diarrea verde. En la necropsia los hallazgos más relevantes fueron congestión pulmonar severa en la región craneoventral, con presencia de exudado purulento al corte y fibrina en la superficie pulmonar con adherencias a la pared torácica. Los cambios microscópicos incluyeron congestión severa, hemorragias, presencia de material fibrinoso y edema, con infiltración de neutrófilos y macrófagos, engrosamiento de paredes alveolares con infiltración de células mononucleares. Al aislamiento bacteriológico de pulmón se aisló Bordetella bronchiseptica (++). La importancia de este caso se basa en la repercusión en salud pública, considerando que algunas infecciones humanas por este agente se han relacionado con el contacto humano con conejos Palabras clave: Conejos, salud pública, Bordetella bronchiseptica. infectados. Introduction There are four species in the genus Bordetella: B. pertussis, B. parapertussis, B. bronchiseptica and B. avium. The general characteristics of this genus are: Gramnegative coccobacilli, it could be mobile or non-motile, strictly aerobic, metabolism respiratory, never fermentative (Gueirard et al., 1995; Staveley et al., 2003). B. bronchiseptica is closely related to Bordetella pertussis, the agent of whooping cough, as shown by DNA hybridization, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, and sequence analysis. The abilities of these species to colonize and to establish upper respiratory tract infection depend on the formation and production of several virulence factors. B. bronchiseptica synthesizes all of the factors implicated in B. pertussis virulence, except for pertussis toxin. These factors include adhesins, such as: filamentous hemagglutinin (it causes hemagglutination), fimbriae and pertactins; and toxin such as dermonecrotic toxin tracheal cytotoxin (induces epitelial damage) and adenylate cyclase-hemolysin (increases the cAMP levels in the target cell, modify the cell function or destroy it); those factors confer the lethality characteristic of this respiratory tract pathogen. In accordance with some reports there is evidence using pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) that some human Bordetella bronchiseptica infection was related to contact with infected rabbits (Binns et al., 1998; Gore et al., 2005; Gueirard et al., 1995). B. bronchiseptica has been recognized as a respiratory tract pathogen of domestic animals. Evidence suggests that the agent may occasionally colonize the human respiratory tract and cause infection implicating their health. In some cases infected animals were found in the patients’ environment, but direct transmission was never demonstrated (Gore et al., 2005; Gueirard et al., 1995; Snyder et al., 1993). According to the pathologic lesions described by Dungworth (1993), a severe suppurative and fibrinohemorrhagic broncopneumonia in rabbits remitted to the diagnostic laboratory CIESA was diagnosed, by isolation of B. bronchiseptica from lungs. Here is the report case. Take this pathogen human risk transmission into account. There have been reports of domestic and farm animals incriminated. 404 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Clinical history Rabbit farm with over 200 population for meat. Six animals, 40 days old, were remitted for anatomopathological study. The most common features found were: dark-green diarrhea, dyspnea, gasping and serous nasal discharge. External inspection showed conjunctival deshidratation and evidence of feces in perineal region. Results Lesions found at necropsy were: in the respiratory system, nasal cyanosis, hydrothorax, severe cranioventral pulmonary congestion (Figure 1), fibrinous adhesions to the thoracic wall and suppurative exudate on cut surface. In the digestive system: hepatomegaly, fibrinous exudate in intestinal serosa, whitish spots on the liver parenchyma and severe intestinal congestion. Regarding the heart: hydropericardium and myocardial softness. In the nervous system: mild leptomeningeal congestion. Microscopic lesions in tissues stained with Hematoxilin-Eosin were: in the lung, severe congestion, hemorrhage, pulmonary edema, pulmonary fibrin deposition with great amount of neuthophils and macrophages, mononuclear infiltration of alveolar walls (Figure 2); in the heart, mild congestion, focal hemorrhages, nuclear pleomorphism and wavy myocites; in the intestine, mild congestion and lymphocytic and eosinophilic infiltration in the lamina propria. Figure 1. Macroscopic aspect of Bordetella infected rabbit lung. Additional studies Bacteriological examination of the pneumonic lung reported isolation of B. bronchiseptica by conventional methods (API 20E system). The complete blood count interpretation reveals a chronic active inflammatory process and hemoconcentration, severe dehydration and a normocytic normochromic anemia. The parasitological study reported mild coccidiosis. The most important finding was the purulent and fibrinohemorrhagic broncopneumonia caused by Bordetella bronchiseptica. Figure 2. Microscopy the Bordetella infected rabbit lung: pulmonary edema, pulmonary fibrin deposition. (20X) Discussion Based on the bacteriological isolation from lung of B. bronchiseptica (++) as only agent isolated, it matches with lesions and damage described in pulmonary tissue by others authors. There was no presence of other pathogens as P. multocida, which has been described in several reports of rabbits affected (Dungworth 1993; Leman and Straw 1994). Reports of clinical adult rabbits infection related a concurrent presence of P. multocida and B. bronchiseptica, aging increases susceptibility to infection in this specie. Bordetella bronchiseptica show a high affinity for attaching to the ciliated epithelial cells that paralyze the cilia of mucociliary clearance apparatus. Ciliary stasis caused by B. bronchiseptica can induced P. multocida adhesion and loss of macrophages activity (Tuomanen et al., 1993; Zeligs et al., 1986). 406 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS This pathogen transmition is circumstantial. Pets and farm owners (cats and dogs, laboratory animals, or pigs) are at risk of get opportunism infection. Some circumstances as: bad ventilation, dampness, incorrect temperature, overcrowding and bad cleaning may favor its transmition and spreading (Pajuelo et al., 2002; Schipper et al., 1994; Woolfrey and Moody 1991). The zoonotic role of B. bronchiseptica infection is important, and common in children and inmunocompromised adults. There is an important risk of getting infection in people with immunodeficiency related to alcoholic malnutrition, hematologic malignant disease, long course glucocorticoids therapy, pregnancy, and tracheostomy patients or those with endotracheal intubation. Patients with respiratory tract disease such as chronic bronchitis and pneumonia are especially susceptible (Gueirard et al., 1995; Shipper et al., 1994). Latent infections can be activated under certain circumstances. According to some authors 0.1% of clinical cases of human whooping cough are caused by B. bronchiseptica; and laboratory staff sometimes gets a chronic pharyngitis from B. bronchiseptica infected lab animals (Burns et al., 2003; Carlyle and Duncan 1990; Zeligs et al., 1986). Gueirard et al., (1995) epidemiological and bacteriological investigation documented a woman with respiratory infection. The recurrent bronchopneumonia was related to contact with infected domestic animals (rabbits and cats); the patient has no response to treatment with recurrence of pneumonia. Cultures from the upper respiratory tract of the animals were sterile (nasal and pharyngeal swabs), but B. bronchiseptica (strain L2) was isolated in pure culture from the hilus and bronchi. A third and a fourth episode of disease in the patient appeared when she was no longer in contact with infected animals, suggesting persistence of the bacteria, despite a 5-week course of treatment with minocycline. She needed two 5 weeks long identical courses to eradicate the bacteria. A long duration of antibiotic therapy, especially in compromised patients, seems to be important for a definitive cure. This is the reason why this report aims as an alert for farm staff, on account of the many times biosecurity measures are not followed by workers, veterinary surgeons or even family. Therefore, it is important to consider the risk of respiratory infections on staff who have been exposed to diseased animals in which Bordetella bronchiseptica may be implicated. References Angus J.C., Jans S. and Mirsh D.C. 1997. Microbiological study of transtracheal aspirate from dogs with suspected lower respiratory tract disease: 264 cases (19891995). J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 210: 55-58. Burns V. C., Pishko E.J., Preston A., Maskell D.J. and Harvill E.T. 2003. Role of Bordetella bronchiseptica O antigen in respiratory tract infection. Infect. Immun. 71: 86-94. Binns S.H., Dawson S., Speakman A.J., Morgan K.L. and Gaskell R.M. 1998. Prevalence and risk factors for feline Bordetella bronchiseptica infection. Vet. Rec. 144: 575-580. Carlyle J.T. y Duncan H.R. 1990. Patología veterinaria. Hemisferio sur. Vol. 2. pp 1227- 1230. Dubuisson F.J., Kehoe B., Willery E., Locht C. and Relman D.A. 2000. Molecular characterization of Bordetella bronchiseptica filamentous haemaglutininand its secretion machinery. Microbiol., 146:1211-1221. Dungworth D.L. 1993. The respiratory system. In: Jubb, K.V.F; Kennedy, P.C. y Palmer, N.C. Pathology of Domestic Animals. 4ª ed. Vol 1. Academic Press, USA. pp 640-641. Dworkin M.S., Sullivan P.S., Buskin S.E., Harrington R.D., Olliffe J., MacArthur R.D. and Lopéz C.E. 1999. Bordetella bronchiseptica infection in human immunodeficiency virus- infected patients. Clin. Infec. Dis., 28:1095-1099. Gore T., Headley M., Laris R., Bergman E.J.G.H., Sutton D., Horspool I.L. and Jacobs C.A. 2005. Intranasal kennel cough vaccine protecting dogs from experimental Bordetella bronchiseptica challenge within 72 hours. Vet. Rec. 156: 482-483. Gueirard P. and Guiso N. 1993. Virulence of Bordetella bronchiseptica: Role of adenylate cyclase-hemolysin. Infect. Immun., 10: 4072-4078. Gueirard P., Weber C., Le Coustumier A. 1995. Human Bordetella bronchiseptica infection related to contact with infected animals: Persistence of bacteria in host. J. Clin. Microbiol. 8: 2002-2006. 408 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Hibrand O.L., Raze D., Locht C. 2005. Role of Bordetella bronchiseptica adenylate cyclase in nasal colonization and in development of local and systemic immune responses in piglets. Vet. Res. 36: 63-77. Leman A.D. and Straw B.E. 1994. Bacterial diseases. In Taylor, D.J.: Diseases of swine. 8ª ed. Academic Press, USA. pp. 355-384. Ner Z., Ross L.A., Horn M.V., Keens T.G., Starnes V.A. 2003.. Bordetella bronchiseptica infection in pediatric lung transplant recipients. Pediatr. Transplant. 7: 413-417. Pajuelo L.B., Villanueva J.L., Vergara I.N., García C.A. 2002. Cavitary pneumonia in an AIDS patient caused by an unusual Bordetella bronchiseptica variant producing reduced amounts of pertactin and other major antigens. J. Med. Microbiol. 40 (9): 31423154. Schipper H., Krohne G.F. and Gross R. 1994. Epithelial cell invasion and survival of Bordetella bronchiseptica. Infect. Immun. 62: 3008-3011. Snyder S.B., Fisk S.K., Fox J.G. and Soave O.A. 1994. Respiratory tract disease associated with Bordetella bronchiseptica infection in cats. J. Anim. Vet. Med. Assoc. 163 (3):293-294. Staveley M.C., Register B.K., Miller A.M., Brockmeier L.S., Jessup A.D. 2003. Molecular and antigenic characterization of Bordetella bronchiseptica isolated from a wild southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) with severe suppurative bronchopneumonia. J. Vet. Diagnos. Invest. 15: 570-574. Tuomanen I.E., Nedelman J., Owen H. J. 1993. Species specificity of Bordetella adherent to human and animal ciliated respiratory epithelial cells. Infect. Immun. 2: 692-695. Woolfrey B.F. and Moody A.J. 1991. Human infections associated with Bordetella bronchiseptica. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 3: 243-255. Zeligs J.B., Zeligs J.D. 1986. Functional and ultrastructural changes in alveolar macrophages from rabbits colonized with Bordetella bronchiseptica. Infect. Immun. 3: 702-706. METICILLIN RESISTANT Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) IDENTIFIED IN A SMALLHOLDER RABBIT FARM GARCIA-GAMA A.1; VELAZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V.2*; ALONSO-FRESÁN M.U.2; VALLADARES-CARRANZA B.2, JUAREZ-TRUJILLO J.C. 3, RODRIGUEZ-CORREA J.L.1, TALAVERA-ROJAS M.3; FELIPE-PÉREZ YE.4 1. Programa de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos Naturales – UAEM. Área Salud Animal. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Km 15.5 carretera TolucaAtlacomulco, Estado de México. 2. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal.Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Cuerpo Académico en Salud Animal (UAEM-CA-3 Salud Animal). Km 15.5 carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco, Estado de México. 3. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México 4. Departamento de Reproducción animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Campus “El Cerrillo”. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Staphylococcus aureus infection may economically affect rabbit production due to superficial and deep dermal infections, mastitis, pododermatitis and septicaemia. ORSA/MRSA antibiotype represents a potential risk for public health regarding live animal MRSA strains. The aid of this work was to identify ORSA/MRSA S. aureus antibiotype in a rabbit farm. An ulcerative dermatitis case was studied, from a farm located in Toluca Valley in which the rabbit population had dermal infections and chronic abscesses. Swabs were taken and a biopsy performed for histopathologic examination, after sedation with xylacine - ketamine (0.1mg/kg/25mg/kg) and butorfanol (0.4 mg/kg) intramuscullarly. 410 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Manitol salt agar plates were cultured at 37° C for 24 hrs. S. aureus was identified using bacteriological routine procedures. Gram stain, catalase and coagulase tube tests using rabbit plasma, Voges Proskauer, nitrate broth, anaerobic manitol fermentation and aerobic maltose tests were performed. In vitro sensibility tests to β-lactamic antibiotics were evaluated through difussion method in Mueller-Hinton (MH) agar using amoxicillin/clavulanic acid unidiscs (10/20mg), which were incubated at 37°C (NaCl 4%) and oxacillin-meticillin unidiscs (1μg and 6μg) incubated at 35 and 42°C. Results showed S. aureus in vitro resistance to all antibiotics. Histopathologically, a proliferative granulomatose reaction was observed, tissue necrosis and capilar neoformation. It is concluded that S. aureus ORSA/MRSA antibiotype was present in the rabbit farm, therefore representing a public health risk dute to the possibility of developing human infections from animal sources. Key words: Staphylococcus aureus, antibiotype, resistance, ORSA/MRSA Staphylococcus aureus METICILINA RESISTENTE (MRSA) IDENTIFICADO EN UNA GRANJA PEQUEÑA DE CONEJOS GARCIA-GAMA A.1; VELAZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V.2*; ALONSO-FRESÁN M.U.2; VALLADARES-CARRANZA B.2, JUAREZ-TRUJILLO J.C. 3, RODRIGUEZ-CORREA J.L.1, TALAVERA-ROJAS M.3; FELIPE-PÉREZ YE.4 1. Programa de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos Naturales – UAEM. Área Salud Animal. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Km 15.5 carretera TolucaAtlacomulco, Estado de México. 2. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal.Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Cuerpo Académico en Salud Animal (UAEM-CA-3 Salud Animal). Km 15.5 carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco, Estado de México. 3. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México 4. Departamento de Reproducción animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Campus “El Cerrillo”. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen Staphylococcus aureus puede afectar la economía de la producción cunícola debido a infeccines cutáneas superficiales o profundas, por mastitis, pododermatitis y septicemia. El antibiotipo ORSA/MRSA representa un riesgo potencial en salud pública. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar el antibiotipo ORSA/MRSA de S. aureus en una granja cunícola. Se estudió un caso de dermatitis ulcerativa en una granja del Valle de Toluca, en el que la población presentaba infecciones dérmicas y abscesos crónicos. Se tomaron hisopos y se realizó una biopsia para examen histopatológico, después de sedar al conejo con xilacina-ketamina (0.1mg/kg/25mg/kg) y butorfanol (0.4 mg/kg) intramuscular. Se cultivaron placas de agar sal y manitol a 37°C durante 24 hrs. Se identificó S. aureus a través de técnicas bacteriológicas de rutina. Se realizó la tinción de Gram, pruebas de catalasa y coagulasa en tubo utilizando plasma de conejo, Voges Proskauer, nitrito en caldo, fermentación anaeróbica del manitol y pruebas de maltosa aeróbica. Se realizaron pruebas de sensibilidad in vitro para antibióticos β-lactámicos a través del método de difusión en agar Mueller-Hinton (MH), utilizando unidiscos de amoxicilina/ácido clavulánico (10/20mg), que se incubaron a 37°C (NaCl 4%) y de oxacilina-meticilina (1μg and 6μg) incubando a 35 y 42°C. Los resultados muestran que el S. aureus fue resistente a todos los antibióticos. 412 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Al estudio histopatológico se observó una reacción granulomatosa, necrosis del tejido y neoformación capilar. Se concluye que el antibiotipo ORSA/MRSA de S. aureus estaba presente en la granja cunícola, representando un riesgo a la salud pública, debido a la posibilidad de provocar infecciones en humanos a partir de fuentes animales. Palabras clave: Staphylococcus aureus, antibiotipo, resistencia, ORSA/MRSA Introduction In the farms, two types of infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) LAMRSA strains may be distinguished. The first one, caused by low virulence strains, is limited to a small number of animals. In the second one, produced by highly virulent strains, disseminates through the farm, causing production loss (Hermans et al., 2003). The State of Mexico is ranked in the first place regarding rabbit production and consumption. 80% of the meat production comes from small family holder farms and only 5% from technified ones (SAGARPA, 2012). S. aureus in humans and animals may produce a broad variety of infections from superficial ones in the skin up to deep ones as well as septicaemia (Peton and Le Loir, 2013). In rabbits, S. aureus infections produces similar signs such as pododermatitis lesions, subcutaneous abscesses and mastitis. Abscesses are present in internal organs such as lungs, liver and uterus causing production problems, infertility and death (Meulemans et al., 2007). Studies have demonstrated a high proportion of S. aureus associated to pathologic processes in intensive breeding rabbit farms, thus deserving special attention from the sanitary point of view, due to the fact that it is pathogenic not only for animals but for humans too, which could affect animal and public health (Ortega et al., 2009). S. aureus meticillin resistant strains (MRSA) is nowadays one of the most problematic antibioresistant bacteria. Added to meticillin resistance, it is also resistant to other antibiotics, with the possibility of cross transmission between humans and animals and therefore potential risk for public health (Morales and Chaves, 2006). The objective of this study was to detect S. aureus MRSA in small holder rabbit farms from the Toluca Valley. 414 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Material and Methods An isolated case from a rabbit presenting skin lesions in a farm in Toluca Valley was studied. After sedation with xylacine - ketamine (0.1mg/kg/25mg/kg) and butorfanol (0.4 mg/kg) intramuscullarly, swab samples and a biopsy of the affected region were taken, for further analysis (Bimonte et al, 2007). for S. aureus bacteriological identification, manitol salt agar plates were incubated at 37°C for 24 hrs. For S. aureus identification, CFU were observed and identified through routine bacterilogical procedures. Gram stain, catalase and coagulase in tube using rabbit plasma tests were performed, as well as Voges Proskauer and nitrate broth, anaerobic manitol and aerobic maltose fermentations (Manjarrez et al., 2012). In vitro sensibility to β-lactamic antibiotics was evaluated through the difussion method in Mueller-Hinton (MH) agar, using using amoxicillin/clavulanic acid unidiscs (10/20mg), which were incubated at 37°C (NaCl 4%), oxacillin-meticillin and cephotoxin unidiscs (1μg and 6μg) incubated at 35 and 42°C (López et al., 2011). Results and Discussion Results showed that the S. aureus isolated from the farm was resistant to all antibiotics, suggesting an MRSA and ORSA/MRSA phenotype. Histopathologically, a proliferative granulomatose reaction was observed, tissue necrosis and capilar neoformation, which indicate chronic inflammation and infection. S. aureus may cause infections in animals and humans due to its capacity of colonizing skin as well as other tissues, producing acute and chronic infections in humans that may recquire treatment and hospitalization if more virulent strains produce them such as MRSA strains (Díaz et al., 2006). Mammals as carriers of S. aureus represent an infection source for animals as well as a potential risk for cross infections between animals and humans, through direct contact or animal cohabitation (Weese et al., 2006). In this sense, MRSA strains constitute an important worldwide epidemiolgical alert due to the fact of producing severe infections which could compromise health and life (Kim et al., 2014) by epidemic clone existance affecting humans and animals in acute and chronic infection. Live animal MRSA strains from animal origin have been identified in humans (Peton and Le Loir, 2013). In rabbits, low and high pathogenic strains have been identified, which could affect humans from rabbit carriers of S. aureus (Ortega et al., 2009). This microorganism has been initially considered as a nosocomial pathogen. Isolations are multiresistant to several antibiotic groups incluiding betalactamics. During the last decade, numerous colonization and infection reports due to MRSA in community members have been published, including people without previous hospital contact, with prevalence in several body zones including skin, perineum, underarm and inner thigh (Fosch et al., 2012). An increasing phenomenon is the pathogens’ resistance to conventional antibiotics considered as a public health problem, due to the turning up of multiresistant strains, which makes them difficult to treat and reducing therapeutical options (Acosta et al., 2012). Conclusion It is concluded that S. aureus ORSA/MRSA phenotype was present in the small holder rabbit farm, which might have been associated to the chronic granulomatose skin lesion. References Acosta P.G., Rodriguez A.G., Longoria R.E. Castro M.M.E. 2012. Evaluación de cuatro métodos para la detección de Staphylococcus aureus meticilino-resistente de muestras clínicas en un hospital regional. Salud Pública de México. 54 (1): 1-6. Bimonte P.D., Rodríguez N.C., Vedovatti M.E. 2007. Anestesia general en el conejo (General Anaesthesia in rabbit) RED. VET. 1695-7504. VIII. 6. 10/05/2014 Díaz J. A, Rios D, Gaona M. A, Matheus L. M. 2006. Apoptosis de células endoteliales inducida por aislamientos colombianos de Staphylococcus aureus. BISTUA. 4(1): 21-28. Fosch S., Yones C., Trossero M., Grosso O., Nepote A. 2012. Fosch S., Yones C., Trossero M., Grosso O., Nepote A. 2012. Portación nasal de Staphylococcus aureus en individuos de la comunidad: factores epidemiológicos. ABCL. 46(1): 59-67. 416 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Hermans K., Devriese L.A., Haesebrouck F. 2003. Rabbit staphylococcosis: difficult solutions for serious problems. Vet. Mic. 91: 57–64 Jordá B.G., Marucci S.R., Guida M.A., Pires S.P, Manfredi A.E. 2012. Portación y caracterización de Staphylococcus aureus en manipuladores de alimentos. Revista Argentina de Microbiología (2012) 44: 101-104 Kim, H.K., Missiakas D., Schneewind O. 2014. Mouse models for infectious diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus, J. Immunol. Methods (2014), López V.M., Velázquez O.V., Alonso F.M.U., Díaz Z.S., Pulido G.G. 2011. Identificación de cepas de Staphylococcus aureus resistentes a la meticilina (ORSA/MRSA) y con resistencia borderline (BORSA) aisladas de vacas lecheras en el valle de Toluca. XXXV Congreso Nacional de Buiatría. Manjarrez L.A.M., Díaz Z.S., Salazar G.F., Valladares C.B., Gutiérrez C.A.C., Barbabosa P.A., Talavera R.M., Alonso F.M.U., Velázquez O.V. 2012. Identificación de biotipos de Staphyloccocus aureusen vacas lecheras de producción familiar con mastitis subclínica en la región centro-este del Estado de México. Rev.Mex. 3: 265-274. Morales M.M., Ruiz de Chávez R.C. 2006. Diferencias en la resistencia a los antimicrobianos de cepas de Staphylococcus aureus obtenidas de diversas fuentes de aislamiento Rev. Centro de Investigación. Universidad la Salle. 7(25): 45-64. Meulemans L., Hermans K., Duchateau L., Haesebrouck F. 2007. High and low virulence Staphylococcus aureus strains in a rabbit skin infection model. Vet. Microbiology 125: 333–340 Peton V, Le Loir Y. 2014. Staphylococcus aureus in veterinary medicine. Infect Genet Evol. 21:602-615. Ortega C., Simón M.C., Alonso J.L., Mateo A., 2009. Caracterización y riesgos para la salud pública de la antibiorresistencia de Staphylococcus aureus en la cunicultura intensiva. Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 2009, 28 (3), 1119-1128 SAGARPA. 2012. Delegación en el Estado de México comunicación social. Weese J.S., Dick H., Willey B.M., McGeer A., Kreiswirth B.N., Innis B., Low D.E. 2006. Suspected transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus between domestic pets and humans in veterinary clinics and in the household. Veterinary Microbiology 115. 148–155 418 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF A NON INVASIVE METHOD FOR DETECTION OF BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION BY Staphylococcus aureus IN RABBIT CARCASSES FROM HIGH VOLUME SLAUTHTERHOUSES ALONSO-FRESÁN MU1, GARDUÑO-GUADARRAMA V2, VELÁZQUEZORDOÑEZ V1, ZAMORA-ESPINOSA JL1, TALAVERA-ROJAS M3, DÍAZZARCO S4, MENDOZA-BECERRIL J4 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Cuerpo Académico en Salud Animal (UAEM-CA-3 Salud Animal). 2. Programa de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos Naturales – UAEM. Área salud animal. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Km 15.5 carretera TolucaAtlacomulco, Estado de México. 3. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal.. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. 4. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal.. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Campus “El Cerrillo”. El Cerrillo Piedras Blancas, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Microbial counts are worldwide accounted for food meat safety. There is not an specific method to determine the superficial microbial count in rabbit carcasses. Therefore, a non invasive surface sampling method had to be developed taking into consideration the sampling method intended for other food animal species to determine microbial counts for Staphylococcus aureus. S. aureus is an important pathogen that may be involved in food poisoning and represents a public health risk regarding antibiotic resistant strains. Rabbit carcasses were sampled, taking a different surface sample per group. Wet swabs with 2% peptone water were scrubbed in different regions: in the thigh, back, ribs and shoulder. The surface sampled for Group 1 was 2.5 X 2,5 cm; Group 2, 5 X 5 cm and Group 3, 10 X 10 cm. Serial decimal dilutions were made and cultured in Baird Parker Agar for Staphylococcus aureus plate counts. The most feasible and representative surface for sampling of the rabbit carcass was the smallest for S. aureus contamination. CFU/cm2 in the samples exceeded the national and international maximum limits, representing a hygiene alert due to possible S. aureus strain dissemination. 420 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Key words: surface sampling, non destructive method, Staphylococcus aureus, rabbit carcass, CFU/cm2. ESTUDIO PRELIMINAR DE UN MÉTODO NO INVASIVO PARA DETERMINAR LA CONTAMINACIÓN POR Staphylococcus aureus EN RASTROS CON ALTO VOLUMEN DE SACRIFICIO ALONSO-FRESÁN MU1, GARDUÑO-GUADARRAMA V2, VELÁZQUEZORDOÑEZ V1, ZAMORA-ESPINOSA JL1, TALAVERA-ROJAS M3, DÍAZZARCO S4, MENDOZA-BECERRIL J4 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Cuerpo Académico en Salud Animal (UAEM-CA-3 Salud Animal). 2. Programa de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos Naturales – UAEM. Área salud animal. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Km 15.5 carretera TolucaAtlacomulco, Estado de México. 3. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal.. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. 4. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal.. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Campus “El Cerrillo”. El Cerrillo Piedras Blancas, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen Como bien se sabe, la carne de conejo se consume cada día más por la población mundial. Sin embargo, se desconoce ampliamente las propiedades microbiológicas de este alimento y sumado a ello en la actualidad no existe un método específico para determinar la carga bacteriana en la canal de conejo sin que esta se vea afectada. Por tal razón se implementó el método no destructivo de toma de muestra en superficie que se utiliza para grandes especies, aplicado al canal de conejo con la finalidad de determinar la carga bacteriana, para este caso de Staphylococcus aureus. Se muestrearon 15 conejos de un rastro ubicado en el Valle de Toluca, divididos en tres grupos, cada uno de 5 conejos, a los cuales se realizó una toma de muestra en superficie diferente para cada grupo; la muestra se tomó con hisopo humedecido en solución de agua peptonada y de diferentes regiones de la canal del conejo; en el grupo uno se muestreo una superficie de 2.5cm2 por 2,5cm2; en el grupo dos una superficie de 5cm2 por 5cm2; y en el grupo tres una superficie de 10cm2 por 10cm2. Posteriormente se realizaron distintas diluciones y se inoculo en cajas Petri con medio de Agar Baird Parker específico para crecimiento de Staphylococcus aureus. Dentro de los resultados no se encontró diferencia significativa entre el muestreo por región individual en comparación con el análisis de las cuatro regiones en un solo 422 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS muestreo; se trabajó mejor con la superficie de menor tamaño, sin embargo, se encontró que la presencia de UFC/cm2 de S. aureus presentes en esta investigación, sobrepasan los límites mínimos permisibles de legislación nacional y extranjera, representando una alerta sanitaria por la posible diseminación de cepas de S. aureus a causa de la manipulación de las canales de conejo en sus diferentes centros de distribución. Palabras Clave: muestreo en superficie, método no destructivo, Staphylococcus aureus, canal de conejo, CFU/cm2. Introduction Over the years, it has been undoubtable the people’s interest on achieving and maintaining a healthy life according to today’s needs and demands, through the implementation of optimal diet strategies directed towards disease prevention. Therefore, it has been necessary to look for new food sources, as well as screening their microbiological quality. Meat is one of the main foods providing nutrients such as proteins, lipids and vitamins amongst others. Nevertheless, there are controversies nowadays regarding its nutritional role, due to the fact that consumers consider that high ingestion is correlated with health problems, including obesity and cardiovascular diseases, therefore reducing its consumption (Schönfeldt and Gibson, 2008). This is the reason why people tend to modify their lifestyle by exploring new healthy diet habits, in which rabbit meat (Oryctolagus cuniculus), stands out as a nutritious and healthy election (Hu and Willett, 2002; Hernández, 2008; Hernández and Dalle, 2010; Simonová et al., 2010). Nevertheless, there has not been developed specific sampling methods to determine its bacterial load without affecting the carcass presentation quality. Several pathogens which could be present in raw meat might as well contaminate the workers’ hands during processing and handling of the meat, with posterior transmission to other food, equipment and other workers as well (Rodríguez, 2002). To guarantee the microbiological quality of rabbit’s meat, a screening program should be followed, in compliance with microbiological criteria which could demonstrate that the implemented measures for quality assurance in meat maintains an adequate control of microorganisms. There is not an specific method to determine the superficial microbial count in rabbit carcasses. Therefore, a non invasive surface sampling method had to be developed taking into consideration the sampling method intended for other food animal species to determine microbial counts for Staphylococcus aureus. 424 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Material and Methods Fifteen rabbit carcasses were randomly selected in a slaughterhouse in Toluca Valley to carry out surface sampling using different area templates. Baird Parker medium was prepared as established in NOM-115-SSA1-1994, (DOF, 1995a). In the same way, peptone water was prepared, which was used as moisturizing solution for the swabs used when sampling (10 mL per sample), from which different dilutions were prepared according to NOM-110-SSA1-1994, (DOF, 1995b). Samples were taken from different carcass regions: thigh, back, ribs and shoulder (one rabbit per region) according to the European Union approved method (European Directive 2001/471/EC) (U.E., 2001). This sampling technique was performed in three groups with 5 rabbits each, limiting the sampling surface area per group. In the first one, a surface area of 2.5 X 2.5 cm was sampled, rubbing this area in a different region per rabbit: R1 in the thigh, R2 in the back, R3 in the ribs and R4 in the shoulder. In the fifth rabbit the sample was taken by rubbing the same area in the four regions. This same procedure was followed for the other two groups with the difference of sampling surface in group 2 (5 X 5 cm) and group three (10 X 10 cm). Serial decimal dilutions were performed in accordance to NOM-115-SSA1-1994, (DOF, 1995a), from which 0.1mL of each dilution was cultured in Baird Parker agar, which was distributed using a 90º sterile glass rod. Plates were incubated at 35°C for 48 hours to determine CFU counts in the carcasses. Results were analyzed using variance analysis (P<0.05) in a random block experimental design using Megastat for Microsoft office Excell 2007. Results and Discussion In Table 1 the microbial contamination is shown at CFU 10-4 dilution. Calculation for CFU/cm2, was obtained according to the formula: Ns = (N*F/A) * D established by MAP-SOIC (2004). Table 1. CFU counts from rabbit carcasses according to sampled area Sampled Area (cm) 2.5 X 2.5 5X5 10 X 10 Region CFU/cm2 CFU 10-4 1 2 3 4 4 REGIONS 1 2 3 4 4 REGIONS 1 2 3 4 4 REGIONS 320000 640000 480000 780000 520000 80000 40000 160000 120000 90000 20000 3000 70000 70000 40000 20000 40000 30000 60000 130000 20000 10000 40000 30000 90000 20000 30000 70000 70000 160000 The microbial contamination found in all regions and sampled surfaces were different (P<0.05), with the highest numbers probably representing the zones with more exposure to the environment or handling. Nevertheless, regarding the sampling template area, we suggest as the most suitable one 2.5 X 2.5 cm, due to the rabbit´s size. There were some handling problems when sampling with the 5 X 5 cm template, and the 10 X10 cm template was simply too big for the rabbit carcass. There may have been more sampling errors when using the mid-size or biggest one, and less when using the smallest. A previous study in which microbial load in popular markets was performed, only 1 cm2 was sampled from the right dorsal region of the carcass, finding 36% of the carcasses contaminated with S. aureus (Velázquez et al., 2008). Based on our results, there is a high contamination of the carcasses by Staphylococcus aureus. Mexican legislation establishes a minimal detection count of 100 CFU/g for solid foods or 10 CFU/mL for liquid ones. Nevertheless, the maximum limits per cm2 have not been established, but when comparing our results with the limits stated in different international legislations they are above 106 CFU/g in food according to Mexican legislation (DOF, 1995a), 103 UFC/g according to Venezuelan legislation (MSAS, 1996) and 105 CFU/g according to Northamerican legislation (Jablonkin y Bohach, 2001). Heinz and Hautzinger (2007) recommendations for microbiological criteria in fresh meat (total plate counts/cm2) are: 426 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS good with less than 10000, critical between 10000 and 100000 and not acceptable with more than 100000. The microbiological counts found in this study might have resulted from rabbit carcass mishandling, representing a potential public health risk if the strains are capable of producing enterotoxins. Exotic S. aureus strains from humans and rabbits can be present in the slaughterhouse’s environment or may reach the carcass via cross contamination (USDA, 2005). These results in the sacrifice line suggest a potential risk for meat safety and for public health. Conclusions Based on these results, it can be inferred that the surface method used for the analysis of big species carcasses can be used for small ones, such as the rabbit carcass, with slight modifications according to surface sampling, concluding that the most feasible one for rabbit carcasses is 2.5 X 2.5 cm specially when a large number of rabbits are sacrificed. The other two are discarded due to the small surface area of the whole rabbit. References DOF. 1995a: Diario Oficial de la Federación. Publicación de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-115-SSA1-1994. Bienes y Servicios. Método para la Determinación de Staphylococcus aureus en alimentos, México. DOF. 1995b: Diario Oficial de la Federación. Publicación de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-110-SSA1-1994, Bienes y Servicios. Preparación y Dilución de Muestras de Alimentos para su Análisis Microbiológico. México. Heinz, G. and Hautzinger, P. 2007. Meat processing technology for small-to medium-scale producers. FAO. Bangkok. Hernández, P. 2008. Enhancement of nutritional quality and safety in rabbit meat. In: Proc. 9th World Rabbit Congress, Verona, Italy. p. 1287-1299. Hernández, P. and A. Dalle Z. 2010. Influence of diet on rabbit meat quality. In: C. De Blas and J. Wiseman (Eds). Nutrition of the rabbit. 2nd edition. CPI Antony Rowe Ltd. p. 163-178. Hu, F. B. and Willett W. C. 2002. Optimal diets for prevention of coronary heart disease. J. American Med. Assoc., 288 (3), 2569-2578. Jablonskin L.M. and Bohach G.A. 2001: “Staphylococcus aureus” In:Doyle M. Beuchat. L:R. & Montville T:J. (Eds.) Food Microbiology Fundamentals & Frontiers. ASM. USA: 411-434. MAP-SOIC. 2004: Manual de Procedimientos para Muestreo Microbiológico en Establecimientos Certificados. Departamento de Productos Cárnicos y Mataderos. Sistema Oficial de Inspección de Carnes. Dirección de Inocuidad de los Alimentos. Gobierno de Guatemala. MSAS. 1996: Ministerio de Sanidad y Asistencia Social. Buenas prácticas de fabricación, almacenamiento y transporte de alimentos para consumo humano. Ministerio de Sanidad y Asistencia Social, Gaceta Oficial de la República de Venezuela Nº 36.081. Caracas, Venezuela. NOM-110-SSA1-1994. 1995. Preparación y Dilución de Muestras de Alimentos para su Análisis Microbiológico. Diario Oficial de la Federación. Publicación de la Norma Oficial Mexicana, Bienes y Servicios. México. NOM-115-SSA1-1994. DOF. Método para la Determinación de Staphylococcus aureus en alimentos, México. 1995. Diario Oficial de la Federación. Publicación de la Norma Oficial Mexicana Bienes y Servicios. México. Rodríguez P. H. 2002. El Sacrificio y Procesamiento del Conejo Para el Autoconsumo. Departamento de Industrias Pecuarias. Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez. Servicio de Extensión Agrícola. Universidad de Puerto Rico. 428 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Schönfeldt, H. and Gibson N. 2008: Changes in thenutrient quality of meat in an obesity context. Meat Sci, 80 (1), 20-27. Simonová, M., Chrastinová L., Mojto J., Lauková A., Szabóová R. and Rafay J. 2010: Quality of rabbit meat and phyto-additives. Czech J. Food Sci, 28 (3), 161167. Rodríguez P. H. 2002: El Sacrificio y Procesamiento del Conejo Para el Autoconsumo. Departamento de Industrias Pecuarias. Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez. Servicio de Extensión Agrícola. Universidad de Puerto Rico. U.E., 2001: Unión European Directive 2001/471/EC. Reglamentos del Consejo y Parlamento de la Unión Europea 178/2002, 882/2004, 852/2004, 853/2004, 854/2004, 2073/2005 y Directivas 2002/99 y 2004/41; por los que se establecen la nueva normativa relativa en materia de higiene de los alimentos de origen animal denominada “Paquete de Higiene”. USDA.2005. Meat and poultry hazards and controls guide. Food Safety and Inspection Service. USA. Velázquez OV, Alonso FMU, Lagunas BS, Díaz ZS, Gutiérrez CA, Monroy SH, Mendoza BJ. 2008. Microbial contamination levels in rabbit carcasses obtained from popular markets in Toluca Valley. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9th WORLD RABBIT CONGRESS. ITALY. PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF Staphylococcus aureus CONTAMINATION IN RABBIT CARCASSES FROM SMALL HOLDERS BY SUPERFICIAL SAMPLING AND TOTAL IMMERSION VELAZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V.1, RODRIGUEZ-CORREA JL.2, VALLADARESCARRANZA B.1, ALONSO-FRESÁN, MU.1*, DÍAZ-ZARCO S.3; TALAVERAROJAS M.4, ZAMORA-ESPINOSA JL.1, MENDOZA-BECERRIL J.3 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Cuerpo Académico en Salud Animal (UAEM-CA-3 Salud animal). 2. Programa de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos Naturales – UAEM. Área salud animal. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Km 15.5 carretera TolucaAtlacomulco, Estado de México. 3. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Campus “El Cerrillo”. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. 4. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Staphylococcus aureus is widely distributed in production animals. It is considered as an opportunistic pathogen, which causes multiple deep skin infections as well as abscedative processes and mastitis. Regarding food contamination it causes food poisoning through enterotoxins and by exotic strains such as MRSA foodborne strains. In this study, two methods were compared to estimate S. aureus microbial load in rabbit carcasses. Sampling was undertaken in the sacrifice area of a small holder rabbitry in Toluca Valley. Fifteen rabbits per group were tested in 3 repetitions of five rabbits each per method: 1, in which an area of 2.5 X 2.5 cm was delimited in four zones of the carcass, and a swab was scrubbed vertically and horizontally. Swabs were placed in 10 mL 2% peptone water. In method 2, the carcass was washed in 400 mL of peptone water, from which 30 mL were taken. Baird Parker agar plates were inoculated and placed at 37°C for 48 hrs. to determine S. aureus microbial load in colony forming units (CFU). Results for method A were 4.8X10-4 CFU/cm2 and B 5.0X10-4 CFU/mL (P > 0.05). There was no statistical difference within methods to estimate carcass microbial load, therefore suggesting the use of superficial sampling due to sampling feasibility and lower cost. Key words: Staphylococcus aureus, sampling, surface, microbial load, carcass. 430 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS ESTUDIO PRELIMINAR DE LA CONTAMINACIÓN POR Staphylococcus aureus EN CANALES DE CONEJO DE GRANJAS FAMILIARES UTILIZANDO MUESTREO DE SUPERFICIE E INMERSIÓN TOTAL VELAZQUEZ-ORDOÑEZ V.1, RODRIGUEZ-CORREA JL.2, VALLADARESCARRANZA B.1, ALONSO-FRESÁN, MU.1*, DÍAZ-ZARCO S.3; TALAVERAROJAS M.4, ZAMORA-ESPINOSA JL.1, MENDOZA-BECERRIL J.3 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Cuerpo Académico en Salud Animal (UAEM-CA-3 Salud animal). 2. Programa de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos Naturales – UAEM. Área salud animal. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Km 15.5 carretera TolucaAtlacomulco, Estado de México. 3. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Campus “El Cerrillo”. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. 4. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen El Staphylococcus aureus está ampliamente distribuida en la industria alimentaria y en animales para abasto. El crecimiento del S. aureus en los alimentos es de relevancia para la salud pública, por producir enterotoxinas que al ser ingeridas son responsables de un alto porcentaje de los brotes de intoxicación alimentaria a nivel mundial. En el presente estudio se compararon dos métodos para estimar la carga microbiológica en unidades formadoras de colonia (UFC) en la canal de conejos y determinar cuál es el más apropiado para la realización de la toma de muestra. El muestreo se realizó al azar en el área de sacrificio de una unidad de producción familiar. Se probaron 3 muestras con tres repeticiones para cada uno de los siguientes métodos: Método A, delimitando un área con una placa de 2.5X2.5 cm esterilizada en cuatro zonas de la canal, se colocó sobre la superficie a muestrear, con un hisopo se frotó 10 veces en forma horizontal y 10 veces de forma vertical, y se colocó en un tubo con 10 mL de agua peptonada. En el Método B, la canal completa sin eviscerar se lavó con 400 mL de agua peptonada, y se tomaron 30 mL para el análisis. Se inocularon placas de agar Baird-Parker y se incubaron a 37ºC por 48 h para determinar la carga microbiana por S. aureus (CFU). Las UFC se contabilizaron a partir de la 3ra. dilución. Los resultados obtenidos con el Método A fue 4.8, y en el Método B fue de 10 UFC/cm2 de S.aureus respectivamente. Los resultados fueron: MA 4.8X10-4 CFU/cm2 y MB 5.0X10-4 CFU/mL (P>0.05). No existe diferencia significativa entre los métodos utilizados en este estudio para estimar la carga microbiana, en donce se sugiere el uso del muestreo por superficie por facilidad. Palabras clave: Staphylococcus aureus, muestreo, superficie, carga microbiana, canal. 432 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Introduction Foodborne diseases are a priority in public health; foodborne intoxications caused by S. aureus (Jordá et al., 2012) are usually atributted to enterotoxin producing strains (SEs), which may be isolated from milk, milk products, meat and meat products (Velázquez, 2005). Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is an important pathogen not only for humans but for animals as well (Morales and Ruiz, 2005). It colonizes skin, contaminates medical-surgical material, infects wounds, with the possibility of producing superficial and deep infections, and mastitis (Díaz et al., 2006; Viana et al., 2011). It may contaminate meat and other foods from animal origin (López et al., 2011). Carcasses contaminated with S. aureus may be carriers of foodborne infections, due to deficient hygiene and sanitary quality during sacrifice and meat handling (Hernández et al, 2007). S. aureus contaminates meat via surfaces, tools or by handling. because of its capacity for environmental and food workers’ skin colonization. S. aureus in meat is frequently related to human and environmental contamination (Yasser et al., 2009). In rabbits, S. aureus is responsible for several infectious processes, and has been frequently isolated from their skin, producing staphylococcosis which affects a limited number of animals by low virulence strains. Another type of infection is caused by high virulent strains which can infect a large number of animals and disseminate to other communities such as LA-MRSA (live animal MRSA) and FB-MRSA (foodborne MRSA) strains (Rodríguez et al., 2004, Peton and Le Loir, 2014). S. aureus in contaminated food tend to be frequent in underdeveloped countries causing food intoxications and community and epidemic acquired infections related to animal and food origin strains (Morales and Ruiz 2005, López et al, 2011). Treatment of diseases caused by S. aureus represent important expenses to the countries’ healthcare services (Hernández et al., 2007). Prevention of foodborne diseases related with S. aureus involve microbiological count evaluation of the carcass, process and products, to decrease food contamination and increase food safety (Directive 64/433/EEC; SENASICA, 2010; MAP-SOIC-04, 2004). The objective of this study was to evaluate surface and total immersion sampling in rabbit carcasses from small holder rabbitries’ slaughterhouses, to determine the microbial contamination by S. aureus. Material and Methods Rabbit carcasses were randomly chosen from the sacrifice line in a small holder rabbitry slaughterhouse in the Toluca Valley. Fifteen rabbits per group were tested in 3 repetitions of five rabbits each per method. In method 1, samples were taken from regions proposed for big food animal carcasses by European Communities (Directive 64/433/EEC 2001), in which the surface sampling template was modified to 2.5 x 2.5 cm. A sterile swab moistured in 10 mL 2% peptone water for 5 seconds was rubbed ten times vertically and horizontally. Samples were refrigerated at 4°C until studied in the laboratory (NOM-109-SSA1-1994). In method 2, the carcass was totally immersed in 400 mL of peptone water, from which 30 mL were taken, according to the MAP-SOIC04 (2004), in which it is stated that the carcass is introduced in a sterile 30 X 45 cm plastic bag with 400 mL. 2% peptone water. The closed bag was swayed and inverted at least 30 times per minute to wash the carcass. Thirty mL of this washing solution were placed in a sterile container and the sample was refrigerated under the same conditions as the other one. For CFU S. aureus counting in plates, the method described in NOM115-SSA1-1994 was used. 1 mL was taken from A transport solution after homogenization. Serial tenfold dilutions were prepared (NOM-109-SSA1-1994), from which 0.1 mL of dilutions 10-1 to 10-6 were cultured in Baird Parker agar and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. Characteristic S. aureus CFU were counted. Total count was estimated using the following formulae: UFC/cm2 = (N*F/A) * D and UFC/mL = Number of counted colonies x Dilution factor / mL of the cultured simple (MAP-SOIC-04, 2004). Results were evaluated using analysis of variance in a random design with two treatments and three repetitions per treatment (p < 0.05). Results and Discussion Results for the sampling methods used for microbiological carcass counts were: method 1, 4.8X10-4 UFC/cm2 and in method 2 5.0X10-4/mL y (P > 0.05). When comparing both methods, CFU numbers were similar. There was no difference between both methods for evaluating contamination in rabbit carcasses. Nevertheless, this study suggests that surface sampling may represent an accesible way for estimating microbial counts in rabbit carcasses for sanitary screening of small holder rabbitry slaughterhouses. Method 2, which is used for sampling poultry, might result inconvenient when bigger sacrifice volumes are handled (MAP-SOIC-04, 2004). S. aureus is an important pathogen that 434 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS should be evaluated in rabbit carcasses due to potential risk of animal origin strains that could contaminate foods when processing meat, and derivate in foodborne intoxication and infections by MRSA strains in human population (López et al., 2011). This agent is sanitarily important in public health due to strain diversity that may carry risk factors for human health. Conclusion It is concluded that the superficial sampling method may be used for screening microbiological contamination by S. aureus in rabbit carcasses from small holder rabbitry slaughterhouses. References Díaz J. A, Rios D, Gaona M. A, Matheus L. M. 2006. Apoptosis de células endoteliales inducida por aislamientos colombianos de Staphylococcus aureus. BISTUA. 4(1): 2128. Hernández S.S., Zúñiga E.A., Sánchez O.I., Castro R.J., Román G.A., Santos L.E., 2007. Condiciones microbiológicas en el proceso de sacrificio en un rastro municipal del estado de Hidalgo, México. Vet. Méx., 38 (2): 187-195. Jordá B.G., Marucci S.R., Guida M.A., Pires S.P, Manfredi A.E. 2012. Portación y caracterización de Staphylococcusaureus en manipuladores de alimentos. Revista Argentina de Microbiología (2012) 44: 101-104 López V.M., Velázquez O.V., Alonso F.M.U., Díaz Z.S., Pulido G.G. 2011. Identificación de cepas de Staphylococcus aureus resistentes a la meticilina (ORSA/MRSA) y con resistencia borderline (BORSA) aisladas de vacas lecheras en el valle de Toluca. XXXV Congreso Nacional de Buiatría. Manjarrez L.A.M., Díaz Z.S., Salazar G.F., Valladares C.B., Gutiérrez C.A.C., Barbabosa P.A., Talavera R.M., Alonso F.M.U., Velázquez O.V. 2012. Identificación de biotipos de Staphyloccocus aureus en vacas lecheras de producción familiar con mastitis subclínica en la región centro-este del Estado de México. Rev.Mex. 3: 265-274. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación de Guatemala. MANUAL DE PROCEDIMIENTOS PARA MUESTREO MICROBIOLOGICO EN ESTABLECIMIENTOS CERTIFICADOS MAP-SOIC-04. Sistema Oficial de Inspección de Carnes – SOIC. Dirección de Inocuidad de los Alimentos, Viceministerio de Sanidad Agropecuaria y Regulaciones. 2ª. Edición, Guatemala, Guatemala. 2004 Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-092-SSA1-1994, Bines y Servicios. Método para la Cuenta de Bacterias Aerobias en Placa y la norma Nom-109-SSA1-1994. Norma Oficial Mexicana Nom-109-SSA1-1994, Bienes y servicios, Procedimientos para la Toma, manejo y transporte de Muestras de Alimentos para su Análisis Microbiológico. Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-115-SSA1-1994, Bienesy Servicios. Método para la Determinacion de Staphylococcus aureus en Alimentos. Morales M.M., Ruiz de Chávez R.C. 2006. Diferencias en la resistencia a los antimicrobianos de cepas de staphylococcusaureus obtenidas de diversas fuentes de aislamiento Rev. Centro de Investigación.7: 45-64, México Official Journal of the European Communities 2001. Directive 64/433/EEC on health conditions for the production and marketing of fresh meat. L 165/48. Official Journal of the European Communities. 2001. Directive 71/118/EEC on health problems affecting the production and placing on the market of fresh poultry meat. L 165/48. Ortega C., Simón M.C., Alonso J.L., Mateo A., 2009. Caracterización y riesgos para la salud pública de la antibiorresistencia de Staphylococcusaureusen la cunicultura intensiva. Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 2009, 28 (3), 1119-1128 Peton V, Le Loir Y. 2014. Staphylococcus aureus in veterinary medicine. Infect Genet Evol. 21:602-615. Rodriguez C.J.M., Santos J.A., Otero A., Garcia L.M.L. 2004. Microbiological Quality of Rabbit Meat. Journal of Food Protection 64(5): 966-971. Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria. Dirección General de Agroalimentación, Acuícola y Pesquera. Programa nacional de Reducción de Patógenos. México, SENASICA 2010. Viana D., Selva L., Callanan J.J., Guerrero I., Ferrian S., Corp J.M. 2011. Strains of Staphylococcus aureus and pathology associated with chronic suppurative mastitis in rabbits. The Veterinary Journal. 190(3): 403-407. Velázquez M.M. 2005. Surgimiento y diseminación de Staphylococcus aureus meticilinorresistente. Salud Pública de México, 47: 381-387. Yasser H., Al-Tarazi A., Mohamad A., Albetar b, Akram R. Alaboudi 2009. Biotyping and enterotoxigenicity of Staphylococci isolated from fresh and frozen meat marketed in Jordan. Food Research International. 42(3): 374-379. 436 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS PREVALENCE STUDY OF EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL PARASITES IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF RABBITS IN LIBRES, PUEBLA, MEXICO GARCÍA SEGURA F*, ARANDA ABURTO MS, ESPINO BARROS OSCAR AGUSTÍN, HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ J, CAMACHO RONQUILLO JC, PORTILLO MONROY A. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract There are many parasites affecting rabbits, which also affect the income of rabbit producers, however, no information is available in local rabbit farms, therefore the objective of this research was to sample all of scats rabbit farms located in the Municipality of Libres, Puebla, Mexico, to identify the parasites; 250 samples were obtained and analyzed in the laboratory method used was saturated saline flotation, results obtained were analysed by ANOVA. Some of the parasites that wered identified were: Coccidia (Eimeria magna), Toxocara canis and Fasciola hepatica. Keywords: Parasites, rabbits, flotation technique. 438 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS ESTUDIO DE PREVALENCIA DE EXTERNA E INTERNA PARÁSITOS EN EL MUNICIPIO DE CONEJOS EN LIBRES, PUEBLA, MEXICO GARCÍA SEGURA F*, ARANDA ABURTO MS, ESPINO BARROS OSCAR AGUSTÍN, HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ J, CAMACHO RONQUILLO JC, PORTILLO MONROY A. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla. *Author correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen Hay muchos parásitos que afectan a los conejos, que también afectan a los ingresos de los productores de conejo, sin embargo, no hay información disponible en granjas de conejos locales, por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar excrementos de conejo en todas las granjas, ubicadas en el Municipio de Libres, Puebla, México, para identificar los parásitos; Se obtuvieron y analizaron 250 muestras, el método de laboratorio utilizado fue la técnica de flotación con solución salina saturada, los resultados obtenidos fueron analizados por ANOVA. Algunos de los parásitos identificados fueron: Coccidia (Eimeria magna), Toxocara canis y Fasciola hepatica. Palabras clave: Parásitos, conejos, técnica de flotación. Introduction A parasite is any organism that lives on or in another living organism, of which obtains part or all of their nutrients, without further compensation to the host. In many cases, parasites or disease-causing agent cause damage to the host organism. Two components involved in host-parasite system; they are organisms that tend to maintain an equilibrium, with continuous exchange between the two so that the basic relationships having a host-parasite interface which is called the surface through which the physiological and immunological exchange of importance takes place, Having passage of substances, the host parasite antigens in the form of secretions, excretions. Otherwise the absorption of nutrients, osmotic, ion-exchange and production of antibodies in the host (Quiroz, 2009). Metabolic Parasites are opportunists, if a molecule is available can be used, if available oxygen is used for respiration or other metabolic function as amino acid oxidation (Quiroz, 2009). The Socio-economic parasites importance lies in the fact that a country has to suffer parasitic diseases with important indexes frequently, not only signal underdevelopment, but also those parasitosis you are producing great economic people losses that supports Parasites are classified into two groups: the parasites that live inside their host and parasites that live outside. Parasites that live inside their host are called endoparasites. Endoparasites are divided into two groups: protozoa (unicellular microscopic animals) and worms (roundworm, tapeworm, tapeworms and acanthocephalans). Parasites that live outside their host are called ectoparasites. Ectoparasites are divided into several groups: mites, ticks, mosquitoes and flies. In Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus parasites that exist are: Nematodes: Trichostrongylus retortaeformis (Zeder, 1800), Passalurus ambiguus (Rudolphi, 1819). Platyhelminthes: Cysticercus pisiformis, Taenia pisiformis larvae (Bloch, 1780) Multiceps serialis, larva of Taenia serialis (Gervais, 1847) Fasciola hepatica Linnaeus, 175 Arthropods: Haemodipsus sp. Penny, 1842 Sarcoptes scabiei var. cuniculi (Linnaeus, 1758 Notoedres var cuniculi cati (Hering, 1858 Psoroptes equi var cuniculi (Delafond, 1859) Cheyletiella parasitivorax (Megnin, 1848) Listrophorus sp Pagenstecher, 1861 Linguatula serrata (larvae and nymphs) (Froelich, 1779 Protozoa: Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas, 1909Toxoplasma gondii Nicolle and Manceaux, only 440 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Eimeria stiedae 1908 (Lindemann, 1865) Eimeria perforans (Leuckart, 1879) Eimeria magna Perard, 1925 Encephalitozoon cuniculi Levaditi, Nicolau and Schoen, 1923 (HECTOR ALCAINO and TEXIA Gorma) antibody Among the different protozoa that affect Rabbit, the most prominent are the various forms of Coccidiosis in rabbits very often cause problems of varying severity. Coccidiosis are protozoa which generally live in the intestine and have a life cycle that includes an asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. There are many species of coccidiosis. Everyone has a preference for a particular host species and within host for this particular cell type (usually parts of the digestive tract). In economic terms will lose $ 55.41 in 100 rabbits, regardless mortality losses that greatly increases costs by not using de-wormers which is a low investment to eliminate this condition and a cost of 6.6 in 100 animals was determined dollars Background UAP in the dimension that is covered with this project - the study area, no similar research to making the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry are recorded. Justification For animal welfare in the rabbit you need to have a schedule of deworming by season and by region, with the need to identify the parasites found on rabbits and deworm with specific medication, avoiding unnecessary costs to combat these agents etiologic in household production. General objective Sample 100% of rabbit farms in Libres, Puebla Mexico, to identify parasites using sedimentation and flotation tests. Specific objectives: Identify parasites in rabbits on farms in each locality of RF Municiío Puebla, to map based on the results obtained. Hypothesis Parasites present in rabbit farms in Libres, Puebla, are protozoa of the genera Eimeria and Isospora. Material and methods The project was conducted in the Municipality of Libres, Puebla, Mexico. Georeferencing Google INEGI, 2010. Its name originates from the 'East Station', meaning the 'eastern' given to it in the eastern state of Puebla. Its native name is Xalaco, meaning 'in the sand' because East was built on an arid area, which is why so named. Its coordinates are North Latitude 19 ° 24 '06 "west longitude and 97 ° 24' 12" The surface of the town of Oriental is 298.52 km ². Therefore, the city ranks 30 among 217 districts Puebla for its size. To the north and Tepeyahualco Free; east to San Nicolas Buenos Aires; San Salvador to the southeast Seco, and west San José Chiapa and the state of Tlaxcala. Its average altitude is 2360 m. It has a semi-temperate climate with summer rains. It is reached by the federal highway 129 and is located 80 km from the city of Puebla. Collection and storage of samples. In the first stage a total of 250 samples were collected in understanding the March to June period this year 2014 A total of 24 rabbit farmers in six communities. Barrio San Carlos, Tétela neighborhood, Colonia la Libertad, Barrio Coatzolco, Fort Union, Tepeyahualco Puebla (Center) Tepeyahualco Puebla (San Roque). The sampled rabbit 442 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS breeds were: California, New Zealand, Rex, Chinchilla, Mariposa, Azteca, Belier. English, Creole. Material Plastic bags (polypropylene material for anal sample), latex gloves, bata or filipino masks, plastic bags (polypropylene material for protection of shoe), biotrol (liquid for disinfection), ice (transportation to the laboratory samples), logs record, tapes (sample identification), goggles. Sampling method: The technique used to analyze the samples was flotation method with saturated salt solution is used to qualitatively detect oocysts, eggs of nematodes, tapeworms, and occasionally acantocephalos nematode larvae. The principle of this method is to float elements in feces. Saturated sodium chloride solution is used (360 grams of salt in one liter of distilled water), which is then homogenized. They visited each of the farms, with the support of producers, a sample directly from the rabbit anus was obtained, then one ml was added. physiological saline, each sample number, owner name, email, city and municipality, address, phone, date, rabbit breed, age, sex, then the samples were placed in the cooler for transport to the laboratory identified. To be analyzed in the Laboratory of Parasitology of the Multidisciplinary Laboratory, the Posta Zootecnica, Colony El Salado, once admitted to the laboratory were added to each sample, one ml TAF (Fixer conservative sample). 444 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The material that was used in the art, mortar with pestle, 15 ml falcon tubes, rack, funnel Strainer, plastic spoons, saturated saline solution, and slide covers, Centrifuge Tubes, Falcon, Na Cl solution, iodine (staining) , bunsen burner, metal handles, Microscope. 250 samples were collected on 5 samples on the following dates: 18/03/2014 46 samples; 01/04/2014- 47 samples; 04/29/2014- 53 samples; 05/21/2014,-47 samples; 06/26/2014- 57 samples. All samples were analyzed with the flotation method with saturated saline. 3 grams of feces were collected, macerated in mortar and was added 15 ml of saturated saline. Subsequently slipped and the liquid was poured into a tube, labeled and placed in a rack; were centrifuged for 3 minutes at a speed of 2000 RPMI (revolutions per minute) for feces residues were skirt to the bottom of the tube; a drop was placed on the slide more than a drop of Lugol's solution and were observed under a microscope with 10X objective. Results The results obtained are 57 samples were positive for Coccidea; 18 samples positive for Fasciola hepatica: 13 Toxacara canis and 162 had no parasites were identified. In graph 1 the results do not occur. End result 23% Coccidia Fasciola 7% 65% 5% Toxicara no se encontro Graphic 1. Parasites identified in rabbits. Of the 250 samples collected 23% were positive for Coccidea, Fasciona and 7% to 3% to Toxocara canis. Conclusion In the land of Libres, Puebla, Mexico, 28 producers of rabbit, a total of 250 samples were collected, and according to the flotation method with saturated saline 65% of rabbits showed no evidence to indicate the presence of parasites which indicates that the sanitary conditions in which they have rabbits in this region are optimal, and consequently the carcasses have optimal conditions for consumption. 446 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS References Alcano H., T. Gorma 1999. PARASITES OF ANIMALS IN CHILE. Parasitol. Day 2 Santiago v.23 n.1-Jan. 1999. Blood, D. 2002. Manual de Medicina Veterinaria. 9.ª ed. Editorial McGraw Hill. Interamericana. España. CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION 2010. (CDC): Parasites and parasitic diseases. Constable, Peter (2013). The Merck Veterinary Manual. Entamoeba histolitica: URL: Gallego, Jaime (2007); Manual de parasitología: morfología y biología de los parásitos de interés sanitario pp. 29-32, 101-122; Ediciones de la Universidad de Barcelona: Barcelona. Libros google; (consulta: 5 de junio 2010 Giardia lamblia: URL: González, R. De Mar, A. Rabbit Treaty. Real official and Graduate School. Barcelona. Volume III. PARASITIC DISEASES OF RABBITS. P 7-36 INEGI 2009. Prontuario municipal geographic information of the Mexican United States. Tepeyahualco, Puebla INEGI, 2010 Syllabus municipal geographic information of the United Mexican States. NOM-032-SSA2-2002, PARA LA VIGILANCIA EPIDEMIOLOGICA, PREVENCION Y CONTROL DE ENFERMEDADES TRANSMITIDAS POR VECTOR Pumarola, Agustín y cols. . Microbiología y parasitología médica (1995) pp 808-812 Editorial Salvat. Quiroz romero, Arturo (2005) Parasitología y enfermedades parasitarias de animales domésticos. Ed. Limusa. Mexico. Quiroz R. 2009. Parasitology and parasitic diseases of domestic animals. p 23-25, 158162. Ruiz, P. Rabbit: Management, Food, Pathology. Lido Ruiz P. Oxford University Press, Madrid 1976. Vázquez, L. Dacal, V. Baker, R. 2006. Principal internal parasitosis rabbits. Prevention and control. Bulletin of rabbits. July-August, not 46. P 25-30. 448 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS DISEASES DIAGNOSED IN RABBITS SENT TO CIESA COMING FROM THE VALLEY OF TOLUCA DURING 2004 TO 2013 ZAMORA E JL*, VALLADARES C B, FAJARDO M RC Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. El Cerrillo Piedras Blancas, CP 50200, Toluca, México, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Disease monitoring in rabbit populations is scarcely done and epidemiological surveillance is passive in type; reports are incomplete and isolated making it imperative that strategies be established to strengthen this production sector, due to its relevance as an alternative food producing species. The purpose of this study is to report the diseases that affect rabbits found in the Valley of Toluca, State of Mexico, Mexico and that were sent for diagnosis to CIESA. Studies that were carried out included necropsy, histopathology and bacteriology of live and dead rabbits of different genders, ages, races and types of production, that were received between 2004 and 2013. From a total of 75 cases the most frequent diseases were: coccidiosis 14,6%; pneumonia associated to Pasteurella multocida and Bordetella bronchiseptica 13.7%; mucoid enteropathy 10%; malnutrition 7.3%; salmonellosis 6.4%; hydatidosis 6.4%; interstitial pneumonia 6.4%; hepatic coccidiosis 4.5%; colibacilosis 4.5% and muscle and skeletal disorders 4.5%. The other 21.7% is represented by diseases such as: mycoplamosis, necrotic hepatitis, otitis by ticks, pyometra, subcutaneous abscesses, psoroptic mange and stress. Key words: rabbits, diagnosis, diseases. 450 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS ENFERMEDADES DIAGNOSTICADAS EN CONEJOS DEL VALLE DE TOLUCA REMITIDOS AL CIESA EN EL PERIODO 2004 – 2013. ZAMORA E JL*, VALLADARES C B, FAJARDO M RC. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. El Cerrillo Piedras Blancas, CP 50200, Toluca, México, México. *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen El monitoreo de las enfermedades en la población cunícola es escasa y se da bajo vigilancia epidemiológica de tipo pasivo, los reportes son parciales y aislados por lo que se hace impostergable el establecer estrategias que apoyen al sector productivo, por la magnitud que representa como especie alternativa. El objetivo del presente trabajo es dar a conocer las enfermedades que afectan a los conejos en el Valle de Toluca, México, México y que fueron remitidos para diagnostico al CIESA, se utilizaron los resultados de anatomopatología, histopatología y bacteriología, de conejos vivos y muertos de diferentes sexos, edades, razas y tipos de producción recibidos de 2004 a 2013, de un total de 75 casos las enfermedades más frecuentes fueron: coccidiosis 14,6%; neumonía asociada a Pasteurella multocida y Bordetella bronchiseptica 13.7%; enteropatía mucoide 10%; desnutrición 7.3%; salmonelosis 6.4%; hidatidosis 6.4%; neumonía intersticial 6.4%; coccidiosis hepática 4.5%; colibacilosis 4.5% y trastornos músculo esqueléticos 4.5%. El 21.7% restante ésta representado por enfermedades como: micoplamosis, hepatitis necrótica, otitis por ácaros, piometra, abscesos subcutáneos, sarna psoróptica y estrés. Palabras clave: conejos, diagnóstico, enfermedades. Introduction Epidemiological surveillance in domestic animal species considered as conventional is scarce and at its best it is carried out as passive epidemiological surveillance or as a part of a project of status diagnosis of a certain animal species, and specific disease, as well as within a specific geographical space and time frame. Rabbit breeding is not an exception in this type of disease monitoring in Mexico. Likewise, there is the inconvenience that there is no updated rabbit-breeding census, and there is a lack of knowledge on their geographical distribution, breeding systems and population densities. Another factor is that rabbit breeders do not have enough sanitary training to be able to handle diseased and dead rabbits and are not used to sending them to specialized diagnostic laboratories for their necropsy and complementary studies in order to obtain an integral diagnosis and thus establish appropriate preventive medicine programs to reduce economic losses and make the rabbit farm more income-yielding. Due to the above, there is no sanitary profile objective in most of the rabbit breeding farms, and therefore if there is a preventive medicine program in the best of cases it only includes general and non-specific actions, according to community customs and the criteria of the breeder and sometimes that of a veterinary doctor that may be responsible for the farm. Even though there are rabbit disease reports in specific geographical areas and within limited time frames, these are not sufficient to have a true image of the zoosanitary profile correlated to a census in order to establish morbidity, mortality and how lethal the etiological agents are to the rabbit population. Therefore, our objective is to cite the diseases that have been diagnosed more frequently in the cases sent to the laboratory to identify the cause of death. Materials Results reports of necropsy, histopathology and bacteriology of live and dead rabbits of different genders, ages, races and types of production, that were received between 2004 and 2013 at the laboratory were used for this analysis. 452 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Method Of all the cases that were received, the cases that corresponded to the study species were selected, thus during the ten study years, a total of 75 cases were selected. These were analyzed by results, listing all diagnosis and grouping them by disorder or disease and reporting them in percentage. Results and discussion The most frequent diagnosis were ten diseases that represent 78.3% of the total: coccidiosis 14,6%; coccidiosis 14,6%; pneumonia associated to Pasteurella multocida and Bordetella bronchiseptica 13.7%; mucoid enteropathy 10%; malnutrition 7.3%; salmonellosis 6.4%; hydatidosis 6.4%; interstitial pneumonia 6.4%; hepatic coccidiosis 4.5%; colibacilosis 4.5% and muscle and skeletal disorders 4.5%. The other 21.7% is represented by diseases such as: mycoplamosis, necrotic hepatitis, otitis by ticks, pyometra, subcutaneous abscesses, psoroptic mange and stress, amongst others. In 1984, the viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits became known in China and it was quickly disseminated throughout the world; in 1988 it infected European rabbits Orictulagus cuniculi and rabbits in the American Continent. Mexico was the first country affected by the illegal importation of rabbit carcasses from China and coming from the United States of America. Zamora et al., ( 2003), made a report of disease diagnosis in rabbits during nine years underlining the importance that mucoid enteropathy has above other diseases; in our current study this disease occupies the third place in frequency. Our results are similar to the ones by Respaldiza (1990), in that coccidiosis is the most frequent disease that affects rabbits, even though we must recognize that in difference with our results, Respaldiza (1990), went further in the detection of the coccidian species that were involved. As a second cause he identified passalurosis, the rabbit pinworm; while in our study pasteurellosis is in second place. The disease type is determined according to the geographical location and host, as is shown in our results that are totally different with the ones reported by Insuasty et al., (2008), where they identified through histopathology, microbiology and parasitology tests that the wild rabbit populations Sylvilagus brasiliensis found in a buffer zone of the park known as Parque Natural el Nevado, in Toluca, State of Mexico, Mexico act as intermediate hosts for Taenias sp and Echinococcus sp., as well as suppurative dermatitis caused by ectoparasites and bacteria such as Sthaphylococcus aureus. Likewise, Valladares et al., (2009), reported the presence of hydatidosis in a wild rabbit from an area close to the Nevado de Toluca, and in our study this parasitosis is amongst the ten most frequent diagnoses. We coincide with Valladares et al., (2011), in that the pneumonic problems are associated mainly with Pasteurella multocida and Bordetella bronchiseptica, and in our results the first one was isolated most frequently in the bacteriological studies. In the report of rabbit diseases by Zamora et al., (2003), there is a coincidence in that the most frequent pathological processes are: hepatic coccidiosis, pneumonia by Pasteurella, salmonellosis, colibacilosis, mucoid enteropathy and malnutrition. In that report, there is a difference with our current study in that they also cite as important the following: suppurative hepatitis, enterotoxaemia, aflatoxicosis and mycoplamosis and to a lesser degree: interstitial nephritis, suppurative dermatitis and myositis; and suppurative endocarditis and pericarditis. Conclusions The production of a rabbit population census can no longer be delayed as well as the promotion of the laboratory diagnostic services use in order to establish the zoosanitary profile and establish the respective preventive medicine programs. Likewise this study shows that the most frequently diagnosed diseases were: coccidiosis; pasteurellosis; enteropathy; malnutrition; salmonellosis; hydatidosis; interstitial pneumonia; hepatic coccidiosis; colibacilosis and muscle and skeletal disorders. 454 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Bibliography Insuasty O. J.A., Ramírez B. G.F., Mejia M. L.M. 2008. Estudio epidemiológico del conejo silvestre Sylvilagus brasiliensis en el parque nacional natural los nevados. Boletín científico, centro de museos, museo de historia natural. 12, 90-110. Respaldiza C.E., Respaldiza F.E. 1990. Aportación al estudio de las enteritis y gastroenteritis de los conejos domésticos ocasionados por parásitos. XV SYMPOSIUM. Boletín de cunicultura num 50. Murcia. 22-26. Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria, Dirección Nacional de Sanidad Animal, Dirección de Luchas Sanitarias. 2005. Enfermedad hemorrágica viral de los conejos. 2-18. Valladares C. B., Mendoza V.R., Castro M.J., Zamora E. J.L., Velázquez O.V., Ortega S. C. 2009. Reporte de un caso de coenurosis en un conejo silvestre. XVII Congreso Nacional de Patología Veterinaria. Sociedad Mexicana de Patólogos Veterinarios. 300304. Valladares C. B., Ortega S. C., Velázquez O.V, Zamora E. J.L. 2011. Bordetella bronchiseptica como un riesgo importante de salud pública. Estudio clínico patológico en conejos. Revista Electrónica en Veterinaria. 12, 1-12. Zamora E. J.L., Castro M.J., Valladares C. B., Mendoza B. J. 2003. I Taller sobre enteropatía mucoide del conejo. Algunas experiencias en el diagnóstico de conejos durante el periodo enero 1995 a noviembre de 2003 en el Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias USE OF RECORDS TO DETERMINE THE CAUSE OF MORTALITY IN RABBITS AT DIFFERENT TIMES OF THE YEAR IN UNIT EXPERIMENTAL COLLEGE AUTONOMOUS CHAPINGO *1HERNANDEZ R. M., 2CAMPOS H. M., 1RIVERA M. J., 3HERRERA B. J., 1 NICOLAS G. A. AND 3GONZALEZ S. J. 1. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa. Rafael Atlixco No. 186, Col. Vicentina, Delegación Iztapalapa, C.P. 09340, D.F. México. Departamento de Biología de la Reproducción. 2. Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo. Carretera México-Texcoco, Kilometro 38.5, Texcoco, C.P. 56250, Estado de México. 3. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco. Calzada del Hueso 1100, Col. Villa Quietud, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04960, D.F. México. Departamento de Producción Agrícola y Animal. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract The municipality of Texcoco has an average altitude of 2250 meters above sea level, its climate is considered temperate semi-dry, with an average annual temperature of 15.9 ° C and an average annual rainfall of 686 mm. Any system of meat production has as reason for the transformation of plants to animal protein of high nutritional value for human consumption. The production of rabbit meat is valuable, especially when it comes to providing high protein at low cost, since it is found that the rabbit can transform 20 % of dietary protein absorbed in the flesh. In the Autonomous University of Chapingo in Mexico, the records were studied and the percentage share of various causes of death (9 categories) of rabbits in different climatic seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter) and three production stages (infant described, fattening and breeding) for a consecutive year (May 210 -May 2011). During this period the total rabbit population were 31,046. The highest mortality occurred during the summer. Pneumonia was the leading cause of death cause with 53.80 %. Pneumonia deaths occurred in a higher percentage during the autumn time, where most mortality was detected in suckling and fattening stages with 37.19 % and 77.33 % respectively. Digestive diseases were shown to be the leading cause of death in each of the production stages during the summer with 22.40 %. 456 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS We conclude that environmental facilities-effect relationship is an important risk factor for the occurrence of diseases that results in death of the rabbits in all production stages. Therefore animal welfare and economic losses by reducing mortality are factors when root causes are considered as correct and the negative effects of risk factors through changes in the management of the ship are identified. Knowledge of the causes of mortality can be achieved through the inclusion of this variable in the records maintained in production. The more information concerning this variable is achieved to obtain the records, better improvement strategies in handling animals. Keywords: records, meat production, mortality, animal welfare. USO DE REGISTROS PARA DETERMINAR LAS CAUSAS DE MORTALIDAD EN CONEJOS EN DIFERENTES ÉPOCAS DEL AÑO EN LA UNIDAD EXPERIMENTAL DE LA UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE CHAPINGO *1HERNANDEZ R. M., 2CAMPOS H. M., 1RIVERA M. J., 3HERRERA B. J., 1 NICOLAS G. A. AND 3GONZALEZ S. J. 1. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa. Rafael Atlixco No. 186, Col. Vicentina, Delegación Iztapalapa, C.P. 09340, D.F. México. Departamento de Biología de la Reproducción. 2. Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo. 3. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco. Calzada del Hueso 1100, Col. Villa Quietud, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04960, D.F. México. Departamento de Producción Agrícola y Animal. *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen El municipio de Texcoco tiene una altitud media de 2.250 metros sobre el nivel del mar, su clima es considerado templado semi-seco, con una temperatura media anual de 15,9 ° C y un promedio anual precipitaciones de 686 mm. Cualquier sistema de producción de carne tiene como motivo la transformación de plantas a proteínas animales de alto valor nutritivo para el consumo humano. La producción de carne de conejo es valiosa, especialmente cuando se trata de proporcionar proteína de alta calidad a bajo costo; se ha encontrado que el conejo puede transformar el 20% de la proteína consumida en la dieta en carne. En la Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo en México, se estudiaron los registros y se analizó la participación porcentual de las diversas causas de muerte (9 categorías) de conejos en diferentes estaciones climáticas (primavera, verano, otoño e invierno) y tres etapas productivas (lactante, engorda y hembras reproductoras) de un año consecutivo (mayo 2011-mayo 210). Durante este período la población total de conejo eran 31.046. La mayor mortalidad se produjo durante el verano. La neumonía fue la principal causa de la causa de muerte, con 53,80%. Las muertes por neumonía se produjeron en un mayor porcentaje durante el tiempo de otoño, donde se detectó la mayor mortalidad en etapas lactante y de engorda con 37.19% y 77.33% respectivamente. Enfermedades digestivas, mostró ser la principal causa de muerte en cada una de las etapas de producción durante el verano con 22.40%. 458 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Concluimos que el efecto de la relación medioambiental-instalaciones es un factor de riesgo importante para la aparición de enfermedades que resulta en la muerte de los conejos en todas las etapas de producción. Por lo tanto el bienestar animal y las pérdidas económicas por mortalidad son factores de reducir cuando se identifican las causas que la originan y cuando se consideran y corrigen los efectos negativos de los factores de riesgo a través de cambios en el manejo de la nave. El conocimiento de las causas de mortalidad puede lograrse a través de la inclusión de esta variable en los registros que se llevan en la producción. Entre más información relativa a esta variable se logre obtener de los registros, mejores serán las estrategias de mejoramiento en el manejo de los animales. Palabras clave: registros, la producción de carne, de mortalidad, de bienestar animal. Introduction In 2001, Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA), officially recognized the rabbits as livestock and the National Information System startup statistical recording of this production. In 2007, the national inventory of rabbits was 500.349 heads, the State of Mexico started off first as producer with 151,054 heads, which accounted for 30.2% of the national population (2) . For its production does not require large areas, they should not be of excellent quality, and depending on the type of system, whether backyard, semi-industrial or industrial work can it be fully or partially absorbed by the household. (5) The rabbit production is a relevant livestock industry in Mexico, despite its limited distribution and little technological development. There are management issues that prevent relevant information from the production units have. It is important that a record contain information about disease incidence, housing conditions, quality of diet, genetics, proper reproductive management, etc is kept. For other domestic species this activity is some complexity in their zootechnical use (4). The objective of the study is to determine the causes of mortality in rabbits at different reproductive stages and in different climatic periods by analyzing records. Methodology The study was conducted in the experimental farm of the Autonomous University of Chapingo during the period of May 2010 to May 2011 the study breed were: New Zealand White, California, Chinchilla and Black Azteca. By using records were evaluated, lactation fatting, doe, birth and mortality as well as recurrent respiratory and digestive diseases were analysed. The results are presented in the program processed in excel percentages. 460 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Results Rabbit mortality related by the season The total rabbit population during this study was 31, 046 animals. The main cause of death of a total of 5882 occurred in the total study period was pneumonia 53.8% and in summer which had the highest frequency of 29.6%. The digestive diseases accounted for 21.10% with a total of 1244 deaths, noting in summer the highest number of cases (515) accounting for 41.4%. In winter time had the lowest percentage of deaths (22.2%), corresponding to 1301 cases; in contrast to the summer, where 1836 casualties out of a total of 5882 total deaths were submitted, which represents 31.2%. Rabbit mortality by productive stage and season It can be seen that the highest frequency of deaths occurred during the lactation and fatting stages (Table 1). Table 1. Mortality percentage in rabbits at different stages of production during the four seasons. SEASON PRODUCTIVE STAGE LACTATION DOES FATTING TOTAL SPRING SUMMER AUTUM WINTER (707/5438) (632/4157) (527/3446) (409/3272) 13.00% 15.20% 15.30% 12.50% (18/360) (63/360) (17/360) (21/360) 5.00% 17.50% 4.70% 5.80% (651/4847) (1141/3653) (825/2951) (871/2922) 13.40% 31.20% 28.00% 29.80% (1376/10645) (1836/8179) (1369/6757) (1301/6554) 12.90% 22.40% 20.30% 19.90% During the lactating stage the mortality (Table 2) shows that the category of undetermined causes was the major cause of death with 31.78%. The pneumonia was the second leading cause of infant mortality in rabbits in relation to the number of cases filed, representing a loss of 26.73% (608 cases); followed by the presentation of 197 cases (8.66%) caused by digestive disorders. Table 2. . Mortality percentage diseases in lactating rabbits during the four seasons SEASON PNEUMONIA DIGESTIVE UNDETERMINED CAUSES SPRING SUMMER AUTUM WINTER (143/707) (150/632) (196/527) (119/409) 20.23% 23.73% 37.19% 29.10% (23/707) (100/632) (46/527) (28/409) 3.25% 15.82% 8.73% 6.85% (233/707) (194/632) (179/527) (117/409) 32.96% 30.70% 33.97% 28.61% Of the total annual deaths (3488) presented in fattening rabbits stage, the 71.10% of the mortality corresponds to those caused by pneumonia (2488), compared with 1008 cases filed by digestive, corresponding to a 28.90% pathologies. Where most recurrent pneumonia occurred in the spring and winter seasons with a 74.04% and 77.33% respectively (Table 3). With respect to mortality caused by digestive pathologies, it can be seen that the majority of cases (383) equivalent to 33.57%, 30.88% followed by the cases corresponding to 269 occurs in winter time. Compared with autumn (187 cases) was the period with the lowest number of cases presented 22.67%. Mortality with the highest number of cases was en does (78) was caused by pneumonia (65.55%), where in the winter time with 90.48% of the cases, compared with 47.62% in summer time (Table 4) cases. 462 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Table 3. Mortality percentage in the fatting stage during the four seasons SEASON PNEUMONIA DIGESTIVE SPRING SUMMER AUTUM WINTER (482/651) (758/1141) (638/825) (602/871) 74.04% 64.43% 77.33% 69.12% (169/651) (383/1141) (187/825) (269/871) 25.96% 33.57% 22.67% 30.88% Table N° 4. Mortality percentage for does during the four seasons SEASON SPRING PNEUMONIA DIGESTIVE PYOMETRA PROLAPSE SUMMER AUTUM WINTER (15/18) (30/63) (14/17) (19/21) 83.33% 47.62% 82.35% 90.48% (2/18) (32/63) (3/17) (2/21) 11.11% 50.79% 17.65% 9.52% (0/18) (1/63) (0/17) (0/21) 0.0% 1.59% 0.0% 0.0% (1/18) (0/63) (0/17) (0/21) 5.56% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% The category of digestive diseases occupied the second cause of mortality in breeding females with 32.77% per annum, of which 50.79% is the 32 cases presented in the summer and winter time with 9.52%. Conclusion The main cause of mortality in this study was pneumonia (53.80%); where the stages of fattening and does exhibited the greatest number of cases in autumn-winter where most recorded occurrence of these. Lactanting stage was the second cause of mortality, followed by deaths due to undetermined causes, which had the highest number of cases. The second cause of mortality was caused by digestive diseases (21.10%), being the stage of young does occurred in the summer period (50.79%). This clearly shows that climatic factors, mainle the environment temperature and relative humidity are both direct and indirect influence on rabbit health. However, not only the environmental factors have bearing on the health of animals, as by observation and analysis of farm management, other elements such as installation, housing and sanity, show a strong influence on the health status of animals. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thanks the authorities of the Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo and Autonomous Metropolitan University for facilities given to the research for facilitating the collection of information. References Alianza para el Campo, Fundación Produce Tlaxcala y Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas Campus Puebla. 2003. 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México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract The osteosynthesis is a surgical procedure that allows stabilizing bone fragments by metal implants in contact with bone (internal fixation), such as plaques, nails, screws, wire, among others. This surgical procedure not only consider reducing and fixing the fracture, one must also take into account variables and biomedical importance of soft tissue, that is bone not those relating to the skeleton. The main was to evaluate the rabbit as an animal model surgical procedure osteosynthesis of the tibia and fibula, with reference to the findings reported in human and veterinary medicine in order to properly address the fractures caused by trauma. Material and methods: a lagomorph (Oryctolagus cuniculus) male 9 months with a history of falls from 1 meter high and grade IV claudication came to Small Animal Veterinary Hospital of the University of the State of Mexico, fracture was confirmed by radiography, was performed surgery where intramedullary nails placed tied in with an external fixator configuration type 1 candle 1-2 and acrylic rod, the post-surgical advances were recorded for 4 months. Results: With previous work, it has managed to establish osteosynthesis as a surgical procedure for reduction and fixation of the fracture, therefore it is necessary to take this research in an animal model such as the rabbit meets physiological characteristics similar to the human, may be considered not only the fixation of the fracture, also Medical variables and physiology of the soft tissues, as well as less invasive techniques. Conclusion: The similarities between animal models and humans are not limited to the bone structure in its basic mechanical properties if not in many cases gross anatomy has many parallels. 468 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The rabbit is an excellent animal model for studies that help evaluate techniques and implants in fractures caused by high energy trauma in the tibial region, as in the field of medical surgical procedures that can reach complicated microsurgical techniques are required. Key words: Osteosynthesis, Fractures, Rabbit, Microsurgical Techniques. EL CONEJO (Oryctolagus cuniculus) COMO MODELO ANIMAL PARA EL PROCEDIMIENTO QUIRÚRGICO DE OSTEOSÍNTESIS 1 VICTORIA MJM, 1IBANCOVICHI CJA, 2SÁNCHEZ AP 1. Hospital Veterinario para Pequeñas Especies, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. México. 2. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. México. * Author correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen La osteosíntesis es un procedimiento quirúrgico que permite la estabilización de los fragmentos de hueso por los implantes de metal en contacto con el hueso (fijación interna), tales como placas, clavos, tornillos, alambre, entre otros. Este procedimiento quirúrgico no sólo considere la posibilidad de la reducción y la fijación de la fractura, también hay que tener en cuenta variables e importancia biomédica de tejido blando, que es el hueso no las relacionadas con el esqueleto. La principal era evaluar el conejo como modelo animal procedimiento quirúrgico de osteosíntesis de la tibia y el peroné, con referencia a los resultados reportados en la medicina humana y veterinaria, a fin de abordar adecuadamente las fracturas causadas por trauma. Material y métodos: un lagomorfo (Oryctolagus cuniculus) macho de 9 meses con antecedentes de caídas desde 1 metro de altura y grado IV claudicación llegó al Hospital de Veterinaria de Pequeños Animales de la Universidad del Estado de México, la fractura fue confirmada por radiografía, se realizó la cirugía donde los clavos intramedulares colocado en atados con un tipo de configuración de fijador externo 1 vela 1-2 y la varilla de acrílico, los avances post-quirúrgicas se registraron durante 4 meses. Resultados: Con el trabajo anterior, se ha logrado establecer osteosíntesis como un procedimiento quirúrgico para la reducción y fijación de la fractura, por lo tanto es necesario tomar esta investigación en un modelo animal tal como el conejo se reúne características fisiológicas similares a la humana, puede ser considerado no sólo la fijación de la fractura, también variables de médicos y la fisiología de los tejidos blandos, así como técnicas menos invasivas. Conclusión: Las similitudes entre modelos animales y los seres humanos no se limitan a la estructura ósea en sus propiedades mecánicas básicas si no en muchos casos anatomía macroscópica tiene muchos paralelos. 470 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS El conejo es un modelo animal excelente para los estudios que ayuden a evaluar las técnicas y los implantes en las fracturas provocadas por traumatismos de alta energía en la región tibial, como en el ámbito de los procedimientos quirúrgicos médicos que pueden alcanzar complicadas técnicas de microcirugía son obligatorios. Palabras clave: osteosíntesis, Fracturas, Conejo, técnicas de microcirugía. Introduction In recent years, the rabbit has great popularity as a pet. Such that, they run the risk of accidents from falls, crushing furniture, vehicles and even damage being bitten by dogs or cats. Which may cause injury endless and in the worst fractures occur. Since the early 90s and until now, has been considered a fracture is the loss of normal continuity of bone or cartilage substance whose result is derived from a blow, or pulling force whose intensity exceeds the elasticity of the bone (Murray , 1996; Currey, 2002). Most unstable tibial fractures, that is, the oblique, spiral and comminuted fractures, have poor rotation of the distal fragment relative to the proximal at the time that the initial injury occurs (Tie Chen et al., 2012). Such fractures tend to move at a greater than 45 º oblique stroke and obviously requires the use of an external fixator for remodeling. Osteosynthesis is the surgical procedure that stabilize bone fragments by metal implants in direct contact with the bone, which is called internal fixation respecting biological and biomechanical rules (Ching-Jen et al., 2010). A fastening technique that stabilize fractures from outside the body are called osteotaxis and is performed by an external fixator. External fixators are intended, stabilize the bone to repair and allows natural movement the animal (Owen, 2000). The surgeon should try to reproduce the shape of the broken limb when not treat the fractured limb, this implies not only wrong but also the rotation angle. He must choose whether the general or local trauma is to infer the risk of shock, pain may be triggering this process so should be prevented and controlled. The objective of this research was to perform the implementation of surgical treatment, ostesentesis of tibia and fibula in the left hind limb in a rabbit. Materials and methods It was presented to the Small Animal Veterinary Hospital of the University of the State of Mexico, a lagomorph (Oryctolagus cuniculus) male 9 months with history of fall from 1 meter high and lameness grade IV. 472 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS A clinical evaluation physiologic parameters were within the reference ranges, with 3.2 kg of body weight, the orthopedic examination increased volume static soft tissue at the level of distal third tibia through the left hind limb was observed in the cranial face of the tibia in the same member the presence of a hematoma was observed. On palpation this a loss of bone continuity was perceived at the level of the distal third of shaft with medial displacement of a bone fragment. Raphic studies where fracture was observed in the distal metaphysis of the tibia and fibula with presence of two laterally displaced free chips was performed. Surgical procedure After radiographic study, owners proposed performing the surgery because the fracture. Considering the type of operation, it was decided to anesthetize the animal. The overall health of the rabbit was assessed before the anesthetic or surgical event. Clinicians ensured that had no clinical signs of respiratory disease (sneezing, lacrimation or nose) in addition to the absence of diarrhea, since patients with these abnormalities should not be considered candidates for surgical procedures. During surgery, an intramedullary nail tied in with an external fixator configuration type 1 candle 1-2 and acrylic rod was placed. Postoperative management It was decided to send the patient home because it showed stress immediately after anesthetic recovery. Enrofloxacin was prescribed a 5 mg / kg / PO / BID for 10 days and Meloxicam 0.3 mg / kg PO SID for 3 days. Results Postoperative follow-up First review Seven days after surgery, the patient was brought to review. The owners commented that the rabbit ate less and had decreased water consumption, defecated and urinated normally. They said that a day before the review had jumped from a height of 10 cm and after that I do not support the operated limb as he had done before. We proceeded to the physical and orthopedic examination. Lameness grade III, manipulation extension angle decreased level tarso-tibial joint was identified. In distal tibia midshaft volume increase of palpable bone tissue. When inspecting the surgical wound erythema and was attached by 3 points with simple suture separate devitalization of tissue in the central portion. Washing the wound and inserts nails external fixator applied aloe (aloe vera) in the surgical wound was performed. Was administered via SC meloxicam 0.2 mg / kg and was sent home with enrofloxacin 5 mg / kg PO BID. Second review 17 days after surgery, anamnesis was performed identifying that the patient had diarrhea after eating certain foods (toast, bread, chocolate and biscuits). Clinical examination identified during exploration of Left member and the femorotibial region slight erythema in the presence of an eroded in the proximal part of the tibia on the inside area. The surgical wound was characterized by a process of healing with increased volume of tissue adjacent to the hematoma decreased. Wound cleansing and pin insertion of the external fixator was performed, all coupled with the application of aloe. Meloxicam administration was suspended and sent home with enrofloxacin at 5 mg / kg PO BID for 5 days, cleaning the wound, the external fixator once a day and you put an Elizabethan collar to prevent licking the rabbit underwent surgery area. Third review 30 days after surgery, the results indicate no history of diarrhea and absence placement Elizabethan collar was take out. At physical examination, light skin lesions are observed. Static orthopedic examination, enlargement of bone level distal palpable, dynamically presents lameness grade III and slight decrease in the extent of tarsotibial joint. It refers to relative rest house, usual diet and 0.05% chlorhexidine SID. 474 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Fourth review At 47 days post surgery, the owner says the patient and supports over the operated extremity orthopedic examination shows lameness grade II, muscle atrophy and increased bone level distal third of tibia. Study radiograph is performed and refers home with cleaning the wound and insertion points of nails. Fifth review In 56 days this review was conducted, the clinical examination, the patient was observed scratching ears and scabs were found in these. On inspection of ear canals hyperemia active scabs and itching was observed. In left hind limb was confirmed that the external fixator was clean and functional. In the medial surgical scar. Al orthopedic examination grade 1 left hind limb claudication, although the patient continued decrease in muscle mass. The patient is sent home with 0.5 ml of benzoyl peroxide in each ear once a week until the next revision, it was recommended to continue cleaning the pin insertion. Radiograph in which the fracture line and minimal tissue formation was observed bone repair was performed. Sixth review At 61 days, the patient no presented itching ears but a small crust was observed circular 1 mm in diameter at the entrance of the ear canal of the right ear. In left member in the proximal nail hyperemia was observed in medial level without secretions and the external fixator is kept clean and functional. Hair growth was observed in surgical site, general decrease in muscle tissue throughout the member. The patient was sent home with clean nails at its insertion into skin and benzoyl peroxide in each ear. Seventh review At 63 days, it was observed that the external fixator was functional and clean, it refers to the area of sedation and anesthesia for removal of implants, enrofloxacin was administered 8 mg / kg / sc single dose. Radiographic control study where persistence of the fracture line was performed appreciated and scar tissue. Eighth revision At 129 days, the review of which patient was clinically healthy was performed radiograph was observed callus formation and stability of the fracture. The patient was discharged. Discussion In this clinical case, the surgeon identified a number of factors that allowed him to know what type of injury he was facing and based on that, determine orthopedic surgical technique that was recommended in these cases. Tasuyama et al. (2000) reported that in cases of compound fracture, the veterinary surgeon must carefully consider the type of injury you face, considering clinical, biological and mechanical individual patient factors. The basic principles for the treatment of fractures in small size mammals are similar to those established in mammals large size for both rigid stabilization and anatomic alignment with minimal disruption in the formation of callus tissue dissection and included soft (Tista, 1993, Friedenberg et al., 2011). Whatever mentioned in literature, working with rabbits patients, the orthopedic surgeon is faced with the problems inherent in working with rabbit bones, highlighting the small size and fragility. Although this difficulty, we must find a way to keep the forces exerted on the fracture. Here, Avery (2013) reported that the compression, rotation and bending forces are exerted on the fracture and be neutralized to promote fracture healing. A study by Fornells et al. (2005) showed clearly that the fibula does not have enough to stabilize a proximal tibia fracture rabbit capacity. Therefore, although a fractured tibia which is not accompanied by a broken fibula can not be stabilized without the help of an external fixator to occur. Any fixative used should be well tolerated by the patient and in turn, should enable them to develop the extent possible, the natural behavior of the species. The main factors for bone remodeling are the periosteum and neurovascular factors (Hiertonn, 1956; Ring, 1957; Kellerova et al, 1970;. Weber, 1977; Houghton and Dekel, 1979; Pauwels, 1980, Auer and Martens, 1982; Eckardt et al. 2003). 476 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Ching-Jen et al. (2010) mentioned that the angle in the fracture affects the orientation of the joint surfaces and the alignment of all the member and therefore does not cause deformity only in the bone but also in the rest of the limb. The misalignment of the surfaces of the joint will have a much stronger effect on the mechanics of the misalignment extremity in the fracture (Bottinelli et al. 1996). Furthermore, the owner cooperation is very important for patient controlling. It is preferable to hospitalize the animal that is not going to be controlled (Hulse and Johnson, 1999). It is considered that the success of this case was related to proper cooperation of the owner, the appropriate surgical procedure and postoperative management. During the postoperative period, the rabbit remained content in their habitat and relative rest given the severity of your fracture, it was suggested to stimulate the rabbit will support slightly weight (not too much) on the operated to accelerate ossification member. Chidgy, 1986 and Uri et al. 2008, indicate that the severity of the fracture makes it necessary to take a number of precautions postoperatively. Ruiz (2001) indicated the importance of the animal bear weight as soon as possible to stimulate the creation of fracture callus, suggesting that it is a controlled movement without much weight bearing, which can not be done if the patient is loose or without control. With these considerations, the veterinary surgeon should be able to choose the containment system used. Orthopedic surgery currently has among its main challenges the treatment of complicated fractures. The use and combination of various surgical and fixing methods different techniques are, in most cases, the only way to carry out an effective treatment. The results obtained with this type of case in the Small Animal Hospital of the University of the State of Mexico have had a high success rate. However, we can not standardize these treatments since variability and mechanical requirements make it impractical fractures. The results in the treatment of these fractures are significantly improved thanks to the emergence of new materials. This, coupled with the gradual trend towards specialization of the clinician, is reflected in a greater number of treatment options and a marked improvement in the prognosis of these diseases. Conclusion Surgical treatment combined with the medical treatment the patient's condition improved, avoiding the loss of function of the left member. This includes an integrated management, taking into account the needs and abilities of the patient, physical therapy is a complementary part and is one of the most important resources that are generally not given the importance it deserves, both in orthopedic diseases, such as joint, neurological and muscle. References Fornells P., Gómez M.J., García J.M,. Bea J.A, Seral B., Albareda J., Doblaré M. 2005. Estudio de la capacidad estabilizadora del peroné en fracturas de tibia de conejo. Biomecánica. 13(1):7-15. Currey J.D. 2002. 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VEGF Modulates Angiogenesis and Osteogenesis in Shockwave-Promoted Fracture Healing in Rabbits. Journal of Surgical Research. 1-6. Tasuyama K., Maezawa Y., Baba H. 2000. Expression of various growth factors for cell population and cytodifferentiation during fracture repair of bone. Eur J Histochem. 44:269. Eckardt H., Bundgaard K.G., Christensen K.S. 2003. Effect of locally applied vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and VEGF inhibitor to the rabbit tibia during distraction osteogenesis. J Orthop Res. 21:335. 480 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS PHYSIOPATHOLOGY IN RABBITS DUE TO DIETS WITH INCREASED COPPER CONCENTRATION ALONSO-FRESÁN MU1*, VALLADARES-CARRANZA B1, VELÁZQUEZORDOÑEZ V1, BARBABOSA-PLIEGO A1, CASTRO-GANDARILLA J 1, REYES-ÁNGELES JF1, LEE-MORENO JL2, TREMARI-TRUEBA RM2, ORTEGA-SANTANA C1 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. UAEM. Km 15.5 Carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco, Toluca, Estado de México, C.P. 50200, México. 2. Servicio Geológico Mexicano, Centro Experimental de Oaxaca, Desviación a San Lorenzo Cacaotepec S/N, San Pablo Etla, Oaxaca. C.P. 68258. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Copper is an essential enzymatic cofactor involved in connective tissue formation, pigmentation and energy production. Due to its importance, the objective of this study was to analyse the physiopathology of renal and hepatic damage in rabbits fed alfalfa with high copper concentration in a rabbit farm in the State of Mexico. Twelve rabbits were sampled, taking 4 mL of blood from the auricular vein with and without anticoagulant in different periods to evaluate physiological parameters: ALT (alanine aminotransferase), AST (aspartate transferase), GGT (gamma glutamyl transferase), urea, creatinine, hematocrit and total proteins. The first samples were taken when the rabbits aged 8 weeks, and then 15, 30, 45 and 60 days afterwards. 482 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Each sample was centrifuged for serum separation, and biochemical analysis performed. Initial ALT levels were 48 ± 13.89 UL increasing to a final level of 64 ± 4.16 UL in day 60; AST levels on day 45 were 33 ± 4.73 increasing to 51 ± 23.12 UL on day 60; average GGT levels were 10 ± 2 UL; initial hematocrit found was 43 ± 2.50% and 37 ± 14.57 % at 60 days; total protein concentration started in 7.2 ± 0.49 and decreased to 5.83 ± 0.15g/dL 45 days after; urea increased from 0.3 ± 0.10 mmol/L up to 27 ± 1.65 mmol/L on day 60; initial creatinine levels were 90.18 ± 6.47 µmol/L increasing up to 121 ± 6.53 µmol/L in the last period. The parameters obtained showed altered erythrocyte, renal and hepatic physiology, due to rabbit exposure to high copper levels in feed. Key words: Copper, rabbit, hematocrit, total proteins, clinical enzymology, liver, kidney. FISIOPATOLOGÍA EN CONEJOS OCASIONADA POR EL INCREMENTO EN LA CONCENTRACIÓN DE COBRE EN EL ALIMENTO ALONSO-FRESÁN MU1*, VALLADARES-CARRANZA B1, VELÁZQUEZORDOÑEZ V1, BARBABOSA-PLIEGO A1, CASTRO-GANDARILLA J 1, REYES-ÁNGELES JF1, LEE-MORENO JL2, TREMARI-TRUEBA RM2, ORTEGA-SANTANA C1 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. UAEM. Km 15.5 Carretera Toluca-Atlacomulco, Toluca, Estado de México, C.P. 50200, México. 2. Servicio Geológico Mexicano, Centro Experimental de Oaxaca, Desviación a San Lorenzo Cacaotepec S/N, San Pablo Etla, Oaxaca. C.P. 68258. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen El cobre actúa como cofactor enzimático, es esencial para la utilización del hierro, la formación de tejido conectivo, la pigmentación y la producción energética. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la fisiopatología del daño renal y hepático en conejos alimentados con alfalfa con alto contenido en cobre, se trabajó en una explotación cunícola del Estado de México en donde se muestrearon 6 conejos en diferentes periodos de muestreo, colectando 4 mL de sangre en tubos de vidrio con y sin anticoagulante, de la vena marginal auricular para evaluar los parámetros fisiológicos de hematocrito, proteínas totales, ALT, AST, GGT, urea, creatinina, el primer muestreo se realizó a partir de las 8 semanas de edad y a los 15, 30, 45 y 60 días posteriores, cada una de las muestras se centrifugaron y se dividieron en alícuotas para su posterior análisis en el laboratorio, y los resultados de los parámetros obtenidos se compararon con los de referencia. 484 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS El valor del hematocrito al día 1 fue de 43 ± 2.50% y de 37 ± 14.57 % a los 60 días; la concentración de proteínas totales de 7.2 ± 0.49 a 5.83 ± 0.15g/dL a los 45 días; los valores de ALT fueron de 48 ± 13.89 UL al muestreo 1 y al final de 64 ± 4.16 UL; para el caso de GGT los valores promedio fueron de 10 ± 2 UL; para la AST al día 45 con 33 ± 4.73 a 51 ± 23.12 UL al día 60; en urea de 0.3 ± 0.10 mmol/L en el muestreo basal, y de 27 ± 1.65 mmol/L al día 60; en los valores de creatinina el valor inicial fue de 90.18 ± 6.47 µmol/L hasta 121 ± 6.53 µmol/L en el último periodo. Los parámetros obtenidos muestran que los conejos expuestos a cobre sufren cambios fisiológicos que alteran la fisiología eritrocitaria, renal y hepática. Palabras clave: Cobre, conejo, hematocrito, proteínas totales, enzimología clínica, hígado, riñón. Introduction Copper is an essential body mineral, which is part of the enzymes ferro-oxidase, cytochrome oxidase, superoxide dismutase, amine oxidase, uricase and dopamine-hydroxylase and some others. Therefore, it should be present in low quantities as a micronutrient, needing it for growth, energy production, pigmentation, connective tissue formation, blood cell production and for functional and structural maintainance of nervous cells. Copper from feed reaches the intestine where it is absorbed in small quantities, and the rest (more than 90-95%) is eliminated through feces. It passes to blood and transported to the liver, where it accumulates. Copper as the rest of the essential minerals may become toxic when concentrations exceed the limits. Copper intoxication phases include: copper accumulation first, lasting days to months depending on the quantity in the diet, the absorption percentage and factors regarding deposition and mobilization, with no effect on the animal’s behavior. During the second phase, known as hemolytic crisis, the apoptosis of hepatic cells and copper liberation to circulation occurs. This circulating copper destroys red blood cells (up to 60%) liberating hemoglobin. The toxic effect of this element provokes hemolysis, hepatic necrosis and gastrointestinal hemorrages. When chronic intoxications occur, respiratory irritation, gastrointestinal alterations and contact dermititis may be present. Systemically, hemolytic anemia, hepatic degeneration, renal, cerebral and visual alterations are originated. The objective of this research was to evaluate the hepatic and renal function in rabbits with exposure to copper in the diet and to document the effect of high levels of this micronutrient. Material and Methods A New Zealand rabbit farm with 100 fattening animals was chosen, due to spontaneous diarrheic cases, weakness and mortality of 2-3%. Feeding was undertaken ad libitum with commercial Purina® (16 % protein, 3% fat, 17 % fiber, 10 % ashes, 12% de humidity, 42.5 % nitrogen free extract, 1 % calcium and 0.55 % phosphorus) and drinking water. Green alfalfa was added, which was cultivated and fertilized with poultry manure and well water, in which an atomic absorption spectrophotometric analysis for copper was measured (19,2 mg/kg). 486 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Twelve rabbits for human consumption were sampled in different periods, starting at age 8 weeks, and then 15, 30, 45 and 60 days afterwards, collecting 4 mL of blood in Vacutainer tubes with and without anticoagulant (Vacutainer, SST: Becton-Dickinson, U.S.A.), taken from the auricular vein, to evaluate the following physiologic parameters: ALT, AST, GGT, urea and creatinine, hematocrit and total proteins. Samples were centrifuged to obtain serum and analysed in the laboratory, and the results were compared with reference values for rabbits. Analite parameters were obtained through spectrophotometry, ALT and AST activities through a modified method without pyridoxal phosphate, measuring absorbance at 340 nm; for GGT the Szazs/Persijn method was used; measuring absorbance at 405 nm; urea was measured through urease/GLDH enzymatic method at 340 nm; and creatinine through colorimetric method based on the creatinine reaction with picric acid in alcaline medium at 510 nm (Clinical chemistry: Instrumentation laboratory®). Hematocrit was measured using heparinized capilar tubes by centrifugation at 5000 rpm, for 5 minutes and total protein through refractometry (Veterinary Refractometer 10436, Reichert® g/%). Results and Discussion Regarding serum enzymes, ALT initial value was 48 ± 13.89 U/L, in period 1, 49 ± 15.25 U/L, in period 2, 60 ± 22.50 U/L, stabilizing in period 3 to 46 ± 19.08 U/L, with 64 ± 4.16 U/L in the last period; GGT values were reported as normal; AST values decreased in period 3 to 33± 4.73 U/L, maintaining normal values in the rest; urea progressively increased up to 27 ±1.65 mmol/L, with an initial value of 0.3 ± 0.10 mmol/L; creatinine initial values were 90.18 ± 6.47 µmol/L and increased up to 121 ± 6.53 µmol/L in the last period (Table 1). Table 2. Hepatic and renal physiological parameters in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) from a farm in the State of Mexico PARAMETER Day 0 Day 15 Day 30 Day 45 Day 60 Reference values ALT (U/L) 48±13.89 49±15.25 60±22.50 46±19.08 64±4.16 79 U/L AST (U/L) 45±15.03 41±4.51 40±7.29 33±4.73 51±23.12 47 U/L GGT (U/L) 10±2.56 10±2.23 13±2.07 8±3.21 13±3.21 9 U/L UREA (mmol/L) 0.3±0.10 8±1.40 8±1.60 19±1.82 27±1.65 3.45 ± 0.85 CREATININE ( μmol /L) 90±6.47 98±14.34 118±28.50 94±7.70 121±6.53 70.7-227.2 HEMATOCRIT (%) 43±2.50 36±5.47 46±1.00 38±2.08 37±14.57 40.5 ± 2.11 TOTAL PLASMA PROTEINS (g/dL) 7±0.49 6±0.26 6±0.33 5±0.15 6±0.46 5.7 ± 0.6 Hematocrit significantly decreased from 43 ± 2.50% to 37 ± 14.57 % in the fourth period, and total proteins just showed a slight decrease from 7.2 ± 0.49 to 5.83 ± 0.15g/dL in the third one. Due to the high affinity of copper to sulphur or nitrogen, it forms very stable coordination complexes. It joins to thyolic groups in hemoglobin and in the cellular membrane, provoking cellular lysis. By glutathione reductase inhibition and hyperstimulation of the hexose monophosphate via, it depletes the glutathione content, and also inhibits cellular respiration. The reported signology in rabbits is probably associated to the alteration of the parameters which were evaluated. The alteration of blood cell production and viability, with the cell pack observed can be associated with anemia, and an adequate protein utilization in the metabolic processes of the rabbits (Thrall et al., 2006). The report on the copper content in the alfalfa may be considered high, therefore assuming that the absorption for this species is also high. Moreover, the parameters evaluated in this study corroborate that some of them fluctuate and tend to progressively increase, and may be related to structural and functional damage of liver and kidney (Thrall et al., 2006). Copper has been referred as highly toxic to inferior organisms and low toxic for superior ones. 488 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Two genetic alterations have been documented for copper metabolism: Wilson disease (caused by ceruloplasmin deficit) in which hepatic and brain degeneration are produced and Menke’s syndrome, where brain degeneration caused by copper deficiency occurs. Copper accumulates in the liver with no apparent intoxication signs, up to a point where the accumulation capacity of the organ is overflowed. When this happens, necrosis of the hepatocytes occur, with sudden high copper concentration in blood, unchaining clinical intoxication, followed by an hemolytic crisis in ruminants (destruction of red blood cells). Conclusion The parameters found show that the organisms with copper exposure suffer physiologic changes which may permanently alter renal and hepatic functionality, interfering with the animal’s normal development, by limiting nutrient absorption and growth. References SCHALM'S Veterinary Hematology. 2010. Weiss D.J. and Wardrop K.J. editors. 6th ed. Reference Erythrocyte Parameters of the New Zealand White (NZW) Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Wiley-Blackwell. USA. Equipo de toxicología de INIA (1986). La intoxicación por cobre en los animales domésticos, %2FREA_1986_05_111_115.pdf SAGARPA, NORMA Oficial Mexicana NOM-004-ZOO-1994. Control de residuos tóxicos en carne, grasa, hígado y riñón de bovinos, equinos, porcinos y ovinos. Thrall M.A., Baker D.C., Campbell T.W., DeNicola D., Fettman M.J. 2006. Veterinary hematology and Clinical Chemistry. Blackwell, USA. REPRODUCCIÓN REPRODUCTION 490 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS EFFECT OF DIFFERENT GNRH ANALOGUE TREATMENTS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF LACTATING RABBITS 1 EIBEN CS*, 2SÁNDOR M, 2SÁNDOR F, 2TOKAI A, 3KUSTOS K 1; Centre for Farm Animal Gene Conservation (HáGK), Isaszegi út 200, Gödöllő, H-2100, Hungary 2; S&K-Lap Ltd., Császár u. 135., Kartal, H-2173, Hungary 3; Szent István University, Páter K. u. 1., Gödöllő, H-2100, Hungary *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Reproductive traits of 210 rabbits inseminated on postpartum day 11 and induced to ovulate by i.m. 0.84 µg or 1.26 µg buserelin acetate (Receptal ® or Suprefact®) or 20 µg gonadorelin (Fertagyl®) or by i.vag. 25 µg GnRH analogue [des-Gly10, D-Ala6]-LHRH ethylamide in 0.5 mL semen extender (MRAbit®) were studied according to reproductive status under farm practice (only light stimulation). The data were evaluated by the chi-squared test or by ANOVA using the Statgraphics 6.0 (1992) statistical software. Pregnancy and kindling rates and the number of live born kits per litter were not affected by the GnRH treatments but differed (P<0.05) with parity and receptivity (94%, 89%, 11.7 in multiparous receptive vs. 77%, 69%, 9.42 in primiparous nonreceptive, or 10.2 kits in multiparous non-receptive does, respectively). Global productivity (number of live born kits per 100 AI) with Receptal ® in primiparous receptive or non-receptive or in multiparous receptive or non-receptive does were 930, 450, 1020, 787, with Suprefact® 1064, 670, 1209, 895, with Fertagyl® 489, 763, 1003, 832 and with MRAbit® 715, 600, 1010, 850, respectively. With the studied i.m. and i.vag. GnRH analogue treatments, the lactating does had good and similar performance under the farm practice of light stimulation with no eCG use before insemination. Reproduction was influenced by doe physiological status. Multiparous receptive does had superior productivity. Key words: intravaginal ovulation induction, buserelin, gonadorelin, LHRH ethylamide, prolificacy EFECTO DE DIFERENTES TRATAMIENTOS CON ANÁLOGOS DE GNRH EN EL RENDIMIENTO DE CONEJOS LACTANTES 1 EIBEN CS*, 2SÁNDOR M, 2SÁNDOR F, 2TOKAI A, 3KUSTOS K 1; Centre for Farm Animal Gene Conservation (HáGK), Isaszegi út 200, Gödöllő, H-2100, Hungary 2; S&K-Lap Ltd., Császár u. 135., Kartal, H-2173, Hungary 3; Szent István University, Páter K. u. 1., Gödöllő, H-2100, Hungary *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen El rendimiento reproductivo de 210 conejas inseminadas el día después del parto y 11 inducidas a ovular por inyección im con 0,84 mg o 1,26 mg de acetato de buserelina (Receptal® o Suprefact®) o 20 mg gonadorelina (Fertagyl®) o por vía i.vag. 25 g del análogo de GnRH [des-Gly10, D-Ala6] -LHRH etilamida en 0,5 ml del diluyente de semen (MRAbit®) fueron estudiados de acuerdo con el estado reproductivo, bajo prácticas de granja (sólo estimulación de luz). Los datos fueron evaluados mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrada o por ANOVA utilizando el 6.0 (1992) software estadístico Statgraphics. Los índices de gestación, nacimientos, y número de gazapos nacidos vivos por camada no fueron afectados por los tratamientos de GnRH pero difirieron (P <0,05) con la paridad y la receptividad (94%, 89%, 11,7 en multíparas vs. receptivas 77%, 69%, 9,42 en primíparas no receptivas, o 10,2 gazapos en multíparas no receptivas, respectivamente). La productividad global (número de gazapos nacidos vivos por cada 100 IA) con Receptal® en primíparas receptivas o no receptivas o en multíparas receptivas o no receptivas fueron 930, 450, 1020, 787, con Suprefact® 1064, 670, 1209, 895 , con Fertagyl® 489, 763, 1003, 832 y 715 con MRAbit®, 600, 1010, 850, respectivamente. Con los tratamientos análogos de la GnRH estudiados i.m. e i.vag., las conejas lactantes tuvieron un rendimiento bueno y similar en virtud de la práctica de estimulación de luz sin el uso de eCG antes de la inseminación. La reproducción se vio influenciado por el estado fisiológico de la coneja. Las conejas receptivas multíparas tuvieron una productividad superior. Palabras clave: induction intravaginal, ovulation, buserelina, gonadorelina, LHRH ethylamida, prolificidad. 492 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Introduction With appearance of GnRH synthetic analogue products of various agents and efficacies a novel way of ovulation induction in rabbits is possible (Dal Bosco et al., 2011). Intramuscular (i.m.) or subcutaneous (s.c.) injection of GnRH analogue at insemination (AI) can be substituted by intravaginal (i.vag.) absorption by supplementing the semen extender with GnRH analogue. The method improves the welfare at AI (no injection) and, faster or more rabbits can be inseminated (Viudes-de-Castro et al., 2007). The disadvantage is that a higher i.vag. dose is needed to get efficacy similar to that of the i.m. usage (Viudes-de-Castro et al., 2014). The success of i.vag. GnRH analogue treatment for ovulation induction can be affected by several factors. Besides agent and its concentration, the composition of semen extender and doe physiological status are important. The i.vag. application was studied only with receptive does (Viudes-de-Castro et al., 2007; Vicente et al., 2008, 2011) or rabbits pre-injected with eCG hormone (Quintela et al., 2008, 2012; Zhang and Qin, 2012). To our knowledge, in Hungary the i.vag. ovulation induction by GnRH analogue of rabbits has not yet been tried and its reproductive results reported. Our aim was to compare different, intramuscular or intravaginal GnRH analogue treatments and to investigate their effects on reproduction under the nursing and lighting programs of farm practice. Materials and Methods The experiment was conducted at the rabbit farm of S&K-Lap Ltd. in Galgamácsa between 21 February and 24 March, 2014. In the heated (18-20°C) building with windows, the rabbits were housed in wire-net breeding cages (80 x 53 cm with 90 cm height) equipped with a plastic mat, an elevated platform (40 x 53 cm) at 25 cm height, a gnawing stick and an outer nest (23 x 53 cm) with metal sheet walls. Lactating Hycole PS rabbit does (n=210) were distributed into four groups with respect to parity and number of reared kits (primiparous (n=91): 8.02±0.08 kits per litter or twoto three times kindled (n=119): 9.77±0.07 kits per litter). Heterospermic pooled semen from Hycole bucks and four different GnRH analogue treatments were used (Table 1). The control (i.m. 0.84 µg buserelin acetate) corresponded with today’s routine practice (Zapletal et al., 2008). Table 1. Different GnRH analogue treatments in lactating rabbits at AI on postpartum day 11 Group: Treatment*: Dose: GnRH analogue: 1. (Control) i.m. 0.2 mL=0.84 µg buserelin acetate Receptal A.U.V.® 2. i.m. 1.0 mL=1.26 µg buserelin acetate Suprefact® 3. i.m. 0.2 mL=20 µg gonadorelin Fertagyl A.U.V® Semen extender: Semen dose: Sperm per doe Merck III® Merck III® Merck III® 4. i.vag. 0.5 mL=25 µg LHRH ethylamide in semen extender MRAbit® 0.5 mL/doe 30 million 0.5 mL/doe 30 million 0.5 mL/doe 30 million 0.5 mL/doe 30 million * Injected into muscle (i.m.: intramuscular) or with semen extender in the vagina (i.vag.: intravaginal) We also planned an i.vag. treatment with Suprefact® but when adding it to Merck III semen extender we observed the destruction of sperm, so this intravaginal GnRH treatment failed. Quintela et al. (2004) reported a successful i.vag. use of Suprefact but they used MA 24 semen extender. Controlled nursing was applied by opening the metal-sheet nest door between 9:00 to 10:00 h from postpartum day 1 to 14 and free nursing thereafter. AI was done on postpartum day 11 three hours after nursing. At AI does with red / violet and turgid vulvas were judged to be receptive. There was no hormonal pre-injection to synchronize estrus but on day 8 before AI, the daily lighting of 9 h (light) L/15 h (dark) D (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) was abruptly increased by 7 hours, to 16L/8D (6 a.m. to 10 p.m.). The lighting was reduced by 2 hours on days 3 and 4 after AI (14L/10D, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. and 12L/12D, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.) and by 3 hours on day 5 after AI (9L/15D, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) returning to the 9 h daily lighting. 494 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Rabbit does were fed ad libitum, with a single diet (10.0 MJ/kg DE, 17.5% CP, 3.80% EE, 14.9% CF, 7.70% ash). The effects of different GnRH analogue treatments and reproductive status on pregnancy and kindling rates were evaluated by the chi-squared test and on number of kits born by ANOVA using the Statgraphics 6.0 (1992) statistical software. Results and Discussion At AI, 61% of the lactating does had red or violet, and 73% turgid vulva. The receptivity rate was 57%. However, the pregnancy rate was very good, 89% and, 81% of the rabbits kindled (Table 2). The check of receptivity is more precise with the male (lordosis position of the doe) but this cannot be used in big farms. In ovulation the neural and genital-someto-sensory stimuli associated with AI (catching, catheter intromission, etc.) can also be important (Rebollar, 2011; Rebollar et al., 2012), explaining the contradiction between the lower receptivity and good pregnancy. The ovulation induction method did not significantly affect the pregnancy (84-93%) and kindling rates (76-87%) or the number of live and total born kits (10.1-11.0 and 10.511.1; Table 2). Table 2. Reproductive traits of rabbits inseminated and induced to ovulate by i.m. buserelin acetate or i.m. gonadorelin or i.vag. GnRH analogue [des-Gly10, D-Ala6]-LHRH ethylamide semen extender Group No. of does Pregnancy rate, % (no.) Kindling rate, % (no.) 50 88 (44/50) 82 (41/50) 10.8±0.5 11.0±0.5 55 93 (51/55) 87 (48/55) 11.0±0.4 11.1±0.4 50 92 (46/50) 76 (38/50) 10.8±0.5 11.0±0.5 55 84 (46/55) 80 (44/55) 10.1±0.4 10.5±0.4 56 35 91 (51/56) 77a (27/35) 79 (44/56) 69a (24/35) 10.6±0.4 9.42±0.6a ab 10.7±0.4 9.62±0.6a 64 55 94b (60/64) 89ab (49/55) 89b (57/64) 84ab (46/55) 11.7±0.4b 10.2±0.4a 12.0±0.4b 10.5±0.4a 89 81 10.5±0.2 (187/210) (171/210) Values in the same column with unlike superscripts (a, b) differ (P<0.05) 10.7±0.2 Ovulation induction i.m. 0.84 µg buserelin acetate (Receptal A.U.V.®) i.m. 1.26 µg buserelin acetate (Suprefact®) i.m. 20 µg gonadorelin (Fertagyl A.U.V®) i.vag. 25 µg LHRH ethylamide in semen extender (MRAbit®) Reproductive status Primiparous lactating receptive Primiparous lactating nonreceptive Multiparous lactating receptive Multiparous lactating nonreceptive Total 210 ab ab Litter size Live born Total born a The performance of lactating does was influenced by reproductive status (Table 2, Figure 1). The multiparous receptive rabbits had 17% better pregnancy rate (94 vs 77%; P<0.05) and among them 20% more kindled (89 vs 69%; P<0.05) than from the primiparous non-receptive does. They also spawned 2.3 or 1.5-kit larger litters than the primiparous non-receptive or the multiparous non-receptive rabbits (11.7 vs 9.42 or 10.2; P<0.05). For the farmers global productivity (number of live born kits per 100 AI) is a very important trait that is determined by kindling rate and born alive. The productivity of multiparous receptive rabbits was by 64% better than the primiparous non-receptive does’ (1051 vs 643 rabbits; Figure 1). 496 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS 1200 Global productivity (Number of live born kits /100 AI) Primiparous receptive 1000 Primiparous non-receptive 800 Multiparous receptive 600 Multiparous non-receptive Total 400 Reproductive status Figure 1. Global productivity according to the reproductive status of lactating does At AI, there are does in different physiological status. It raises the question whether there are differences in the effects of various GnRH analogue treatments if the abovementioned influence of physiological status is considered (Figures 2-4). Kindling rate, % 100 bc bc abc bc abc 80 60 abc c bc bc abc abc abcabc abc ab abc abc abc a abc Primiparous receptive Primiparous non-receptive Multiparous receptive 40 Multiparous non-receptive 20 Total 0 Receptal Suprefact Fertagyl MRAbit Values within treatments with unlike superscripts (a, b, c) differ (P<0.05) Figure 2. Kindling rate (%) depending on GnRH analogue used and lactating does’ reproductive status The kindling rate of multiparous receptive i.vag. LHRH ethylamide (MRAbit) treated does was higher than the primiparous non-receptive i.m. 0.84 µg buserelin acetate (Receptal) treated or primiparous receptive i.m. 20 µg gonadorelin (Fertagyl) treated rabbits (100 vs 50 or 44%; P<0.05; Figure 2). Of note, the latter had a good, 89% pregnancy rate based on abdominal palpation but only half of them delivered. Because of the small number of does these findings should be taken with caution. However, our results verify the producer’s recommendation that with the GnRH analogue containing MRAbit semen extender, only receptive rabbits should be inseminated. The number of live born kits within the groups was not significantly affected by the physiological status. That is explained by the different result found with the i.vag. (MRAbit) compared with the i.m. treatments (Figure 3). In the i.m. GnRH analogue treatments (Receptal, Suprefact, Fertagyl) the number of live born kits per litter of primiparous rabbits was lower than that of the multiparous does and, the receptive does produced more live kits. Contrary to this, with the i.vag. treatment (MRAbit) good litter size was found independent of doe physiological status (Figure 3). The advantage of this can be that fewer rabbits need to be fostered to alien does. 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Number of live born kits per litter Primiparous receptive Primiparous non-receptive Multiparous receptive Multiparous non-receptive Total Receptal Suprefact Fertagyl MRAbit Figure 3. Number of live born kits per litter depending on GnRH analogue used and doe reproductive status Within the groups we calculated the global productivity according to the physiological status (Figure 4). Based on this the i.m. 1.26 µg buserelin acetate (Suprefact) treatment was the most effective, mainly in the receptive does (primiparous: 1064 rabbits, multiparous: 1209 rabbits). Global productivity was similar by lower dose of i.m. 0.84 µg buserelin acetate (Receptal) or by i.m. 20 µg gonadorelin (Fertagyl) or by i.vag. 25 µg LHRH ethylamide (MRAbit). In productivity the superiority of receptive rabbits versus non-receptive does is evident. 498 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Global productivity (Number of live born kits /100 AI) 1400 Primiparous receptive 1200 Primiparous non-receptive 1000 Multiparous receptive 800 Multiparous non-receptive 600 Total 400 Receptal Suprefact Fertagyl MRAbit Figure 4. Global productivity according to GnRH analogue used and reproductive status Perrier et al. (2000) applied i.m. 0.4 or 0.8 µg buserelin (Receptal). Reproduction did not differ with the GnRH concentration but varied significantly with the physiological status. Theau-Clément et al. (1990) used i.m. 0.8 µg buserelin (Receptal) or 20 µg gonadorelin (Fertagyl) and reported similar numbers of live born kits per litter but the litter size was higher in receptive than in non-receptive does. Quintela et al. (2001) treated multiparous lactating does with i.m. 20 µg gonadorelin (Fertagyl) and noted 7880% kindling rate and 10.6-10.9 kits per litter depending on the lighting regime. In their other studies (Quintela et al., 2008, 2009) the i.m. 20 µg gonadorelin (Inducel) treatment or the i.vag. 25 µg LHRH ethylamide used via semen extender resulted in similar 86 or 91% kindling rates, 10.3 or 10.8 live born kits per litter and productivity (949 or 1029 rabbits) in pre-injected rabbits. Quintela et al. (2012) using 0.5 mL/doe MRAbit semen extender or i.m. lecirelin (0.2 mL Dalmarelin) obtained identical productivity. Our results are in agreement with those reports. Conclusions Under the farm practice with the studied i.m. and i.vag. GnRH analogue treatments and without pre-injection the reproductive performance of lactating does was similar and good. The reproductive traits were affected by doe physiological status. The productivity of multiparous receptive rabbits is over average. For the producers, the use of the i.vag. GnRH analogue treatment can be recommended in receptive rabbits. Acknowledgements: This research was supported by KMR_12-1-2012-0195 grant. References Dal Bosco A., Rebollar P.G., Boiti C., Zerani M., Castellini C., 2011. Ovulation induction in rabbit does: Current knowledge and perspectives. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 129, 106-117. Perrier G., Theau-Clément M., Jouanno M., Drouet J.P., 2000. Reduction of the GnRH dose and inseminated rabbit doe reproductive performance. In: Proc. 7th World Rabbit Congr, Valencia, Spain, pp. 225-230. Rebollar P.G., 2011. Factors affecting efficacy of intravaginal administration of GnRH analogues for ovulation induction in rabbit does. In: Proc. 4th Italian Rabbit Days, Forlì, Italy, pp. 35-45. Rebollar P.G., Dal Bosco A., Millán P., Cardinali R., Brecchia G., Sylla L., Lorenzo P.L., Castellini C., 2012. Ovulating induction methods in rabbit does: The pituitary and ovarian responses. Theriogenology, 77, 292-298. Quintela L.A., Barrio M., Prieto C., Gullón J., Vega M.D., Sánchez M., García N., Becerra J.J., Peña A.I., Herradón P.G., Hernandez-Gil. R., 2012. Field test of the effectiveness of rabbit semen extender MRA-bit® incorporating GnRH analogue. In: Proc. 10th World Rabbit Congr, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, pp. 431-433. Quintela L., Peña A., Barrio M., Vega M.D., Diaz R., Maseda F., Garcia P., 2001. Reproductive performance of multiparous rabbit lactating does: effect of lighting programs and PMSG use. Reprod. Nutr. Dev., 41, 247-257. 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Reference Manual, Version 6.0, Manugistics Inc., Rockville, MD, USA Theau-Clément M., Bolet G., Roustan A., Mercier P., 1990. Comparaison de differents modes d’induction de l’ovulation chez les lapines multipares en relation avec leur stade physiologique et la receptivite au moment de la mise a la reproduction. Mem. In: Proc. 5emes J. Rech. Cunic Paris, France 1 (Communication 6). Vicente J.S., Lavara R., Lavara F., Marco-Jiménez F., Viudes-de-Castro M.P., 2008. Rabbit reproductive performance after insemination with buserelin acetate extender. Livest. Sci., 115, 153-157. Vicente J.S., Lavara R., Marco-Jiménez F., Viudes-de-Castro M.P., 2011. Detrimental effect on availability of buserelin acetate administered in seminal doses in rabbits. Theriogenology, 76, 1120-1125. 500 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Viudes-de-Castro M.P., Lavara R., Marco-Jiménez F., Cortell C., Vicente J.S., 2007. Ovulation induced by mucosa vaginal absorption of buserelin and triptorelin in rabbit. Theriogenology, 68, 1031-1036. Viudes-de-Castro M.P., Mocé E., Lavara R., Marco-Jiménez F., Vicente J.S., 2014. Aminopeptidase activity in seminal plasma and effect of dilution rate on rabbit reproductive performance after insemination with an extender supplemented with buserelin acetate. Theriogenology, 81, 1223-1228. Zapletal D., Pavlik A., 2008. The effect of lecirelin (GnRH) dosage on the reproductive performance of nulliparous and lactating rabbit does. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 104, 306-315. Zhang Y.Q., Qin Y., 2012. Reproductive performance of rabbit does by adding leuprorelin in semen to induce ovulation. In: Proc. 10th World Rabbit Congr, Sharm ElSheikh, Egypt, pp. 419-423. WEIGHT GAIN IN REPRODUCTIVE RABBITS THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF A SELECTION SYSTEM AND BREEDER IN A CLOSED POPULATION MELÉNDEZ TC Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto “Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa”. Avenida José María Vargas con Avenida Las Palmas, Barquisimeto, Lara state. Venezuela. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Rabbits are the domestic mammals with the greatest reproductive capacity, which makes this specie very suitable for breeding in Latin America by many members of the family, since it does not require great physical effort for attending a rabbit farm. The objective of the present study was to determine if there are differences in the weights of the reproductive male rabbits after ninety (90) days of age, after the application of a Selection System in a closed population. For reaching this objective, 81 crossbred male rabbits and 160 female rabbits were used. Weight was calculated on the 90th day of birth of the reproductive males. The obtained results for weight gain of the animals in this study were 246 gr. In conclusion, the selection system applied was successful. Key words: reproductive rabbits, controlled mating, genetic selection, weight gain. 502 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS INCREMENTO DEL PESO EN CONEJOS REPRODUCTORES MEDIANTE LA APLICACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE SELECCIÓN Y CRUZAMIENTOS EN UNA POBLACIÓN CERRADA MELÉNDEZ TC Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico Barquisimeto. “Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa”. Avenida José María Vargas con Avenida Las Palmas, Barquisimeto, Estado Lara, Venezuela. *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen Los conejos son los mamíferos con la mayor capacidad reproductiva, lo cual hace que esta especie sea muy apropiada para su cría en América Latina, ya que varios miembros de la familia pueden contribuirr a su cuidado, dado que no se requiere aplicar gran esfuerzo físico para realizar el manejo de una granja cunícola. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar si existen diferencias en los pesos de los conejos machos reproductores a los 90 días de edad, luego de la aplicación de un Sistema de Selección en una población cerrada. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se emplearon 81 conejos machos reproductores mestizos y 160 hembras. Se realizó el cálculo del peso a los 90 días de edad de los reproductores. En los resultados obtenidos se observó un incrementó de 246 gr el peso de los animales estudiados. Se concluye que fue exitoso el sistema de selección aplicado. Palabras clave: conejos reproductores, apareamiento controlado, selección genética, incremento de peso. 504 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Introduction A domestic rabbit, Oryctalagus Cuniculus, is the “domestic mammal with the greatest reproductive capacity”; a doe is capable of producing up to 1.200% of its live weight in a one-year exploitation, in relation to the number and weight of its young breeds during that time; what makes of this sector, a definite alternative for human food all over the world, especially in Latin America, in which the agricultural activities are related to the family’s everyday activities. There are no limitations about gender and age for the assistance of the rabbit breeding, so they could be assisted by young people and elderly as well because it does not require any strong physical efforts. The absence of technical specialized knowledge, in the rural production area, represents a real challenge to obtain the best results in getting the meat weight considering time, physical space and animal population. The rabbit farm Madre Tierra, which is located near the city of Barquisimeto, Lara state (Venezuela), and it has a tradition of over 20 years of rabbit breeding experience. Its beginnings were with crossbreed animals from California and New Zealand mainly, with no previous records of production, like in the majority of the farms in Venezuela in which rabbit breeding is undertaken in an empirical manner, in part, because of the lack of existing tradition of the consumption of rabbit meat in the population. Although lately, there has been an sustained increase in the demand of rabbit meat, mainly in local restaurants, which has obliged to incorporate management techniques and strategies in order to increase the efficiency of the farm’s production. For over 15 years, the farm had been selecting breeding in a traditional manner; including the incorporation of selected animals of other national farms in order to reach a level in which the farm’s productive parameters were satisfactory. However, as time passed by, a type of stagnation or difficulty to improve them was observed different from that initial success. This was basically because of the lack of national stallions from other farms which could provide the genetic benefits taking into account the increase of the productive and reproductive averages. Breeding between rabbits were done, taking care of the direct origins of the sons, so they were not mated with their immediate families. However, there was no control over the consanguinity that might arise in the herd. At this point, it was decided to incorporate some advisory in the area of genetics and apply new strategies in the management of crossbreeding of animals with a new mating model, grounded on the registry of information as the base of a strict selection program, in a closed population; avoiding the maximum consanguinity and their possible adverse effects. As an immediate consequence, an increase of the productive averages was observed, measured as Daily Weight Gain, and Slaughterhouse Weight, as well as the reproductive averages measured as the number of young rabbits born, weaned rabbits per litter, accumulated young rabbits during the reproductive useful life of each female. Nowadays, the farm is formed by 160 reproductive females and 24 reproductive males which produce an average of 150 young rabbits a week weighing from 2.5 kg on the 90th day of birth, and a return of 70 % (including head and guts), and that after three years of the application of this method, a series of productive and reproductive improvements have been obtained that will be exhibited in the content of this paper. The selection of the breeders of the farm is based on the following criteria: Females: The number of born young rabbits is considered, the number of weaned rabbits is also considered, and the number of Reproductive Life Days (DVR). The relationship between the number of young rabbits produced with time is very important; because in this way, various characters are assessed simultaneously, such as the prolificacy of each animal (multiple ovulation and fertility), through the size of the litter birth, the maternal ability (milk production and breeding care), through a number of weaned rabbits and the capability or reproductive efficiency maintained through time (interval between births and number of births) destined to the reproduction. For this, the farm applied an efficiency formula, called REPRODUCTIVE INDEX (IR), which is the amount of weaned young rabbits accumulated in every birth, between the days of interval between the first and the last birth to be assessed of its reproductive useful life, multiplied by 30 days, to make the monthly correction. So we have: 506 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Accumulated young rabbits Reproductive Index = ----------------------------------------- x 30 Accumulated days If the IR of a doe is deemed, which in a year has presented 8 births, and has 48 weaned young rabbits accumulated; we will have: 48 weaned young rabbits Reproductive Index = ------------------------------------------ x 30 365 days Reproductive Index (IR) = 3.95 weaned rabbits per month. Parting from this parameter, the does with greater IR are chosen, to select their daughters as the next breeding of the herd, the less breeder are then put aside, what is considered as the cause which has permitted to observe significant improvements considering the number of born and weaned young rabbits. Another achievement is that the does have an increase in the weight, greater to 3 Kg after 120 days, which indicates that they could be in an optimal condition for the service at that age. However, the service is done on the 135th day of age in order to guarantee greater physiological maturity. The does mustn’t have physical defects or pathologies at the moment of being taken into account for the selection. The heritage with the genetically mother component are about 10%. The heritage of the weight gain is in between 20 and 25%. Male: The candidates to be postulated as the next breeders must have a series of requirements: They must be sons of “good mothers”, that is, only the sons of the Doe with a Reproductive Index (IR) greater than the average of each group of comparison, which guarantees the transmission to their daughters, the benefits of prolificacy and the measured motherhood ability. They must come from a large litter, over the average, so as to assess their individual behavior in the same conditions with other individuals of the same litter and from other contemporary litters, from birth, irrespective of the IR of the mother, as an extra requirement, due to that other small litters, have a tendency to greater individual body development because there is minor competence for the breast milk during nursing. They must have a Weight Gain on the 90th day, greater to the average of their group of comparison, which makes of these future stallions, individuals capable of transmitting to their offspring, the genetic capacity of being better meat producers, measured as body mass in the less time possible. When selecting males, taking into account the characters of the mother (high IR and large litters) we would have the probability that those proper female characteristics would be transmitted to their daughters. They must not have any physical defects or diseases at the moment of being assessed. The weight for the selection of the male players is determined on the 90th day after birth. Although at the beginning, when we did not have the current genetic material, the farm produced animals of 2 Kg when they were 120 days old, and as the crossing system was applied, improvements were observed in the production level. Nowadays, the average weight has been increased to 2.5 Kg. At the same time, the time of achieving this weight was diminished to 90 days. Also, we do a follow-up on the weight until they are 120 days old, to have a reference of that age. What is aimed at is to obtain male players without diminishing the growing rate, close to the 90 days, but to keep that weight long enough after the date of sacrifice. In this way, the probability of gaining weight increases up to the 120th day, and will not diminish close to the date of sacrifice (90 days). Materials For the assessment of the application of SC6G, the data of the weights was taken from the male players on the 90th day from birth, since the previous year to the application of the system (2010) until 2013. Table 1. In total, 81 male players were assessed in 4 consecutive years. 508 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Table 1. Relation of weight of the male players in the time of study. The numbers in BLACK are the ones with greater weight each year. Method In an initial population of 160 female players, 6 groups were added identified with their respective numbers from 1 to 6; each group according to their identifiable ancestry to try to keep the most genetic likeness possible within each group, and to obtain in this way, the greatest genetic distance possible among the groups, to later proceed to the cross breeding among the groups. Six (6) female genetic groups were then obtained, formed by approximately 26 females each; the same procedure with the males grouped also in six (6) groups according to their origins. So, the result was 6 groups of males formed by 4 males each, for a total of 24 males. The male players belonging to each group were assigned a number of 3 digits, of which the first digit corresponds to the Mating Group and the other 2 digits are the identification of each individual. For example: the male 103 corresponds to Group 1, and it is the individual 03. The male 602 would be from Group 6 and the individual 02. And like this with all the other players. The female players were identified with three digits, assigning the corresponding number of cage. Also, a number is assigned in every registry with the relative number to the corresponding mating group to which it belongs to. Like this, and in an illustrative manner the groups are crossed in a pre-established sequence and the mating is done in this way: The males from Group 1 would be crossed with the females from Group 3, and the result would turn into Group 2. While the females from Group 1 mate with the males from Group 5, generating Group 6. The males of Group 2, would be crossed with females of Group 4 and the result would be Group 3, while the females from Group 2 mate with the males from Group 6, generating Group 1. The males from Group 3 would be crossed with the females from Group 5 and the results would be Group 4, and finally the females from Group 6 mate with the males from Group 4, generating Group 5. In this way, the males are the ones that determine to which group its progeny is destined. Each group of males creates the immediate higher number. The crossings among each one of the females with the male of the corresponding group, are totally at random. A female could be crossed with any male of the corresponding group. 510 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Table 2. Mating scheme of 6 groups of breeding rabbits. Results The results of the compilation of the data of the obtained weights during the study are reflected in Table 3. It shows that the increase in weight in the year 2011 is less than the following years. For that moment, the players were still the product of the breeding without the application of the SC6G. From the year 2012, the players are the product of breeding of the SC6G which is where the greater increase in the weight gain can be observed. Table 3. Summary of the averages of the male players during the time of study. Discussion Based on the obtained results, it can be observed that the increase in weight gain of the male was of 246 gr. After three years of having applied the SC6G. If this weight gain is considered in the players to have the same incidence in the total of young rabbits destined to the slaughterhouse, irrespective of the final weight, all of the herd must gain weight in approximately 246 gr. at the same age of sacrifice. In this case, there would be 150 young rabbits by 52 weeks/ year = 7.800 rabbits per year. 7.800 rabbits by 0, 246 Kg = 1.918 Kg of rabbit in live weight /year. 1.918 Kg per 70% of revenue = 1.342 Kg of rabbit meat of increase from the application of the SC6G. Moreover, the increase in the gross income, it can be affirmed that the application of the SC6G does not imply any type of dispensing of significant money for the structure of costs of the farm. However, the SC6G would not be of greater use if there were no clear objectives and parameters that every commercial exploitation rabbit farm must have. The phenotypic ranges that are desired the most to consolidate in the herd must be well defined, in order to advance faster and more firmly. In this case, it would be the weight gain on the 90th day after birth, as one of the parameters for the selection of the future players. 512 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS This system of breeding destined for closed populations is flexible in the sense that other male players could be incorporated to the herd which might improve some desirable features in any or in several of the 6 groups, introducing those genes to the herd. In Table 1, it is observed that every year, the male players increase. This is because every time, there is more and more availability of animals of better weight to select from. In the broodstock from the year 2012 a greater weight gain is observed in relation to the previous year, because these are the first product sons of the SC6G, being a consequence of the greatest heterosis between the breeding of groups the most distant possible. Conclusions Definitely, the application of the SC6G brought as a consequence, an increase in the weights of the male players, after its application, if it is considered that during the time of study, there were no feeding changes or different management practices that could have affected in the weights, trying to keep the environmental conditions the same during all that time. Although it is not the objective of this paper, treating the reproductive characteristics of the female, one can refer to an increase on: number of born rabbits, number of weaned young rabbits, weaning weight, and interval diminishing between births, and also the increase of the size and weight of the females in the age for service; understanding that the SC6G keeps the level of consanguinity to the minimum in the herd, hence the negative consequences over the production and reproduction. As any other closed herd, the universe of genes is always the same. What is searched is the genetic combination which is more beneficial taking into account the productive and reproductive performance. That is why the Selection System is so important; it is necessary to choose the desired characteristics of the herd. The only fact of applying the SC6G does not guarantee the increase in the production. We have to be capable of selecting the “elite” animals for them to be the next players and so have the probabilities to improve the index of productivity. References Blasco A, Baselga M., Estany J., Cátedra de Fisiogénetica. ETSIA. Universidad politécnica Camino de Vera, 14. 46002-Valencia. Petersen J., Vásquez R., 2007. Influencia del rendimiento maternal antes y después del parto sobre el desarrollo de conejos de engorde. Universidad ISA Rep. Dominicana. Zamora M., MANEJO EN CUNICULTURA Responsable del área de Cunicultura de la FESC-UNAM Presidenta de la Asociación Nacional de Cunicultores de México A.C. Deháquiz J., SISTEMA DE PRODUCCION CUNICOLA 2013. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS AGRICOLAS, PECUARIAS Y DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE. 514 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS INCREMENTO DEL PESO EN CONEJOS REPRODUCTORES MEDIANTE LA APLICACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE SELECCIÓN Y CRUZAMIENTOS EN UNA POBLACIÓN CERRADA MELÉNDEZ TC Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico Barquisimeto. “Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa”. Avenida José María Vargas con Avenida Las Palmas, Barquisimeto, Estado Lara, Venezuela. *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Introducción El conejo domestico, Oryctolagus cuniculus, es el “mamífero doméstico de mayor eficiencia productiva”, siendo una coneja , capaz de producir hasta 1.200 % de su peso vivo en un año de explotación, con relación al número y peso de sus crías durante ese tiempo, lo que hace de éste rubro, una definitiva alternativa para la alimentación humana, en todas partes del mundo y especialmente en Latinoamérica, donde las actividades agropecuarias están ligadas a las labores del grupo familiar, por la no existencia de limitantes de género y edad para la asistencia de la cría de conejos, pudiendo ser atendidos por personas de temprana edad, hasta adultos mayores, ya que no requiere de un esfuerzo físico notable. La ausencia de conocimiento técnico especializado, a nivel del productor rural, nos presenta, un verdadero desafío para la obtención de mejores resultados en cuanto a la obtención de Kg. de carne en función del tiempo, del espacio físico, y de la población animal. La Granja Cunícola Madre Tierra, está ubicada cerca de la ciudad de Barquisimeto, estado Lara, y cuenta con una tradición de más de 20 años en la cría de conejos; sus inicios fueron con animales mestizos de las razas California y Nueva Zelanda principalmente, que no tenían ningún tipo de antecedentes de registros de producción, como en la mayoría de las granjas en Venezuela, donde la cunicultura es llevada de manera empírica, en parte, debido a la poca tradición que existe hacia el consumo de la carne de conejo por la población, aunque últimamente se observa un mantenido incremento de la demanda de carne de conejo, mayoritariamente a nivel de restaurantes locales, lo que ha inducido a incorporar técnicas y estrategias de manejo con el objeto de incrementar la eficiencia de la producción . Por más de 15 años, la granja estuvo seleccionado reproductores de manera tradicional, incluyendo la incorporación de animales selectos de otras granja nacionales, hasta alcanzar un nivel en el que los parámetros productivos de la granja fueron satisfactorios. Sin embargo, al pasar de los años se observó a partir de ese logro inicial, una especie de estancamiento o de dificultad de mejorarlos, debido básicamente a la inexistencia de sementales nacionales de otras granjas que pudieran aportar beneficios genéticos en cuanto a incremento de los índices productivos y reproductivos. Los cruces entre los conejos se realizaban, cuidando el origen directo de los hijos, para no aparearlos con sus familiares inmediatos, sin embargo, no se tenía un control sobre la consanguinidad que pudiera presentarse en el rebaño. En éste punto se decidió incorporar asesoría en el área genética y aplicar nuevas estrategias de manejo en cuanto al sistema de cruzamiento de los animales, con un nuevo modelo de apareamiento, fundamentado en el sistema de registro de datos, como base para un estricto programa de selección, en una población cerrada, evitando al máximo la consanguinidad y sus posibles efectos adversos. Como consecuencia inmediata, se observó incremento de los índices productivos medidos como Ganancia de Peso Diario, y Peso a Edad de Matadero, y de los índices reproductivos medidos como número de gazapos nacidos, gazapos destetados por camada, gazapos acumulados durante la vida útil reproductiva de cada hembra. Actualmente la granja cuenta con un plantel de 160 hembras reproductoras y 24 machos reproductores, que producen un promedio de 150 gazapos semanales con un peso de 2,5 Kg a los 90 días con un rendimiento en canal de 70 % (incluye cabeza y vísceras rojas), y que luego de tres años de la aplicación de este método, se ha obtenido una serie de mejoras productivas y reproductivas que serán expuestos en el contenido de este trabajo. 516 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS La selección de los reproductores de la granja se hace en base a los siguientes criterios: Hembras: se toma en cuenta el número de gazapos nacidos, el número de gazapos destetados, y el número de Días de Vida Reproductiva (DVR). Es muy importarte la relación que existe entre el numero de gazapos producidos en función del tiempo, puesto que de ésta manera se evalúan simultáneamente varios caracteres, como la prolificidad de cada animal (ovulación múltiple y fecundidad), a través del tamaño de la camada al nacer, la habilidad materna ( producción de leche y atención de las crías ) a través del número de gazapos destetados, y la capacidad o eficiencia reproductiva mantenida en el tiempo ( intervalo entre partos y número de partos ) destinado a la reproducción . Para esto, la granja aplica una formula de eficiencia, denominada INDICE REPRODUCTICO (IR), que es la cantidad de gazapos destetados acumulados por cada parto, entre los días del intervalo entre el primero y el último parto a ser evaluado de su vida útil reproductiva, multiplicado por 30 días, para hacer la corrección mensual. Así tenemos: Gazapos acumulados Índice Reproductivo = ----------------------------- x 30 Días acumulados Si se estima el IR de una coneja que en un año ha presentado 8 partos, y cuenta con 48 gazapos destetados acumulados, tendremos: 48 gazapos destetados Índice Reproductivo (IR) = ------------------------------------ x 30 365 días Índice Reproductivo (IR) = 3,95 gazapos destetados por mes. Partiendo de esta parámetro, se escogen las conejas con mayor IR , para seleccionar a sus hijas como las próximas reproductoras del rebaño, y se van descartando la reproductoras de menor índice, lo que se considera como la causa que ha permitido observar mejoras significativas en cuanto al número de gazapos nacidos y gazapos destetados . Así como también se ha conseguido que las hembras tengan un peso mayor de 3 Kg a los 120 días, lo que indica que pudieran estar óptimas para el servicio a esa edad. Sin embargo, se realiza el servicio a los 135 días de edad, para garantizar mayor madurez fisiológica. Las hembras no deben presentas defectos físicos, ni patologías al momento de ser tomadas en cuenta para la selección. Las heredabilidades con la componente genética materna oscilan en torno a 10 %. La heredabilidad de la ganancia de peso está entre un 20 y 25 % Machos: Los candidatos a ser postulados como los próximos reproductores deben cumplir una serie de requisitos, como lo son: 1.- Deben ser hijos de “buenas madres”, es decir, solamente los hijos de conejas con Índice Reproductivo (IR) superior al promedio de cada grupo de comparación, lo cual nos garantiza que puedan transmitir a sus hijas las bondades de prolificidad y de habilidad materna medidos. 2.- Deben provenir de una camada numerosa, superiores al promedio, para evaluar su comportamiento individual en las mismas condiciones con otros individuos de la misma camada, y de otras camadas contemporáneas, desde el nacimiento, independientemente del IR de la madre, como requisito adicional, debido a que conejos de camadas pequeñas, tienen tendencia a mayor desarrollo corporal individual porque hay menor competencia por la leche materna durante la lactancia. 3.- Deben tener una Ganancia de Peso a 90 días, superiores al promedio de su grupo de comparación, lo cual hace de estos futuros sementales, unos individuos capaces de transmitir a su descendencia, la capacidad genética de ser mejores en producción de carne, medida como masa corporal en el menor tiempo posible. 518 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Al seleccionar machos con respecto a características propias de sus madres, (alto IR y camadas numerosas) tendríamos la probabilidad de que esas características propias femeninas, se transmitan a sus hijas. 4.- No debe presentar defectos físicos ni enfermedades, en el momento en que es evaluado. El peso para la selección de machos reproductores se determina a los 90 días de edad. Aunque en principio, cuando no se tenía el material genético de la actualidad, la granja producía animales de 2 Kg de peso con 120 días de edad, y a medida que se aplico el sistema de cruzamiento, se observaron mejoras en los niveles de producción. En estos momentos se ha incrementado el peso promedio a 2,5 Kg, a la vez que se ha disminuido el tiempo en que se consigue, a 90 días. Igualmente, se les hace un seguimiento del peso, hasta los 120 días, para tener una referencia a esta edad. Lo que se busca es obtener machos reproductores que no tengan una disminución de la taza del crecimiento, próxima a los 90 días, sino que la mantengan hasta por días más allá del peso de sacrificio. De esta forma aumenta la probabilidad de que la ganancia de peso se proyecte hasta los 120 días, y no decaiga, próxima a la fecha de sacrificio (90 días). Materiales Para la evaluación de la aplicación del SC6G, se tomaron los datos de los pesos de los machos reproductores a los 90 días de edad, desde el año previo a la aplicación del sistema (2010) hasta el año 2013. Tabla 1. En total se evaluaron 81 machos reproductores en 4 años consecutivos. Cuadro 1. Relación del peso de los machos reproductores en el tiempo de estudio. Los números en negritas son los de mayor peso de cada año. Método En una población inicial de 160 hembras reproductoras, se segregaron 6 grupos identificados con sus respectivos números del 1 al 6; cada grupo según su ascendencia identificable para tratar de mantener el mayor parecido genético dentro de cada grupo, y lograr de ésta manera, la mayor distancia genética entre los distintos grupos, para luego proceder a los apareamientos cruzados entre grupos. Se obtuvieron así las 6 grupos genéticos femeninos , compuestos por 26 hembras aproximadamente cada uno, procediendo igualmente con los machos quienes se segregaron también en 6 grupos, de acuerdo a su origen y procedencia, quedando así, 6 grupos masculinos conformados por 4 machos cada uno, para un total de 24 machos. 520 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS A los machos reproductores pertenecientes de cada grupo, se les asigna una numeración de 3 dígitos, donde el primer dígito corresponde al Grupo de Apareamiento y los otros 2 al número de identificación cada individuo. Por ejemplo el macho numero 103 corresponde al grupo 1, individuo 03. El macho 602, sería del grupo 6, individuo 02. Y así sucesivamente con todos los demás reproductores. Las hembras reproductoras se identifican con 3 dígitos asignándose el número de la jaula que corresponda. Además se la asigna una numeración en cada registro con el número relativo al grupo correspondiente de apareamiento al cual pertenecen. Así, y a manera ilustrativa, los grupos se cruzan siguiendo una secuencia pre-establecida y los apareamientos se realizan de éste modo: Los machos del grupo 1 se cruzarían con hembras del grupo 3, y el resultado pasaría a ser el grupo 2. Mientras que las hembras del grupo 1 se aparean con machos del grupo 5, generando el grupo 6. Los machos del grupo 2, se cruzarían con hembras del grupo 4 y el resultado pasaría a formar el grupo 3, mientras que las hembras del grupo 2 se aparean con machos del grupo 6, generando el grupo 1. Los machos del grupo 3, se cruzarían con hembras del grupo 5 y el resultado pasaría a formar el grupo 4, y finalmente las hembras del grupo 6 se aparean con machos del grupo 4, generando el grupo 5. De esta manera los machos son los que determinan a qué grupo van destinada su progenie. Cada grupo de machos, da origen al número inmediato superior. Los cruces entre cada una de la hembras con el macho del grupo correspondiente, son totalmente al azar. Una hembra se puede cruzar con cualquiera de los machos del grupo que le corresponda. Cuadro 2. Esquema de apareamiento de 6 grupos de cruzamiento de conejos reproductores. Resultados Los resultados de la recopilación de los datos de los pesos obtenidos durante el estudio están reflejados en la tabla 3. Allí se observa que el aumento de peso en el año 2011 es menor que en los años siguientes. Para ese momento, los reproductores todavía eran el producto de los cruces sin la aplicación del SC6G. A partir del año 2012, los reproductores son el producto del cruce del SC6G, que es donde se observa mayor incremento en la ganancia de peso. Tabla 3. Resumen de los pesos promedios de los machos reproductores durante el tiempo en estudio. 522 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Discusión En base a los resultados obtenidos, podemos observar que el incremento de peso de los machos reproductores fue de 246 gr luego de tres años de haber aplicado el SC6G. Si consideramos que este incremento de peso de los reproductores, pueda tener la misma incidencia en el total de los gazapos destinados a matadero, independientemente del peso final. Todo el rebaño debería incrementar se peso en aproximadamente 246 gr. A la misma edad de sacrificio. En este caso serian 150 gazapos por 52 semana / año = 7.800 gazapos / año 7.800 gazapos por 0,246 Kg = 1.918 Kg de conejo en peso vivo / año. 1.918 Kg por 70 % de rendimiento en canal = 1.342 Kg de carne de conejo de incremento desde la aplicación del SC6G. Además del incremento en los ingresos brutos, también podemos afirmar que la aplicación del SC6G, no implica ningún tipo de erogación de dinero significativo para la estructura de costos de la granja. Sin embargo el SC6G no sería de mayor utilidad, si no se tienen bien claros los objetivos y parámetros que deben tener cualquier explotación Cunícola comercial. Debemos definir muy bien los rangos fenotípicos que queramos consolidar en el rebaño, para que el avance sea más rápido y firme. En este caso sería ganancia de peso a los 90 días de edad, como uno de los parámetros para la selección de los futuros reproductores. Este sistema de cruzamiento destinado para poblaciones cerradas es flexible en el sentido que pudieran incorporarse al rebaño, machos reproductores que vayan a mejorar alguna característica deseable en cualquiera, o varios de los 6 grupos, introduciendo esos genes al rebaño. Se observa en el cuadro 1, que cada año, se incrementa el número de machos reproductores, esto debido a que cada vez, se dispone de mayor cantidad de animales de mejor peso a seleccionar. En los padrotes del año 2012 se observa una mayor ganancia de peso que el año anterior, debido a que estos son los primeros hijos producto del SC6G, siendo consecuencia de la mayor heterosis entre el cruce de grupos lo más alejado posible. Conclusiones Definitivamente, la aplicación del SC6G trajo como consecuencia, un incremento en los pesos de los machos reproductores, luego de su aplicación, si se considera que durante el tiempo de estudio, no se hicieron cambios alimenticios ni prácticas de manejo diferentes que pudieran haber incidido en los pesos tratando de mantener las condiciones ambientales iguales durante todo ese tiempo. Aunque no es el objetivo de este trabajo, tratar las características reproductivas de la hembra, podemos referir que también se observó un incremento en: numero de gazapos nacidos, número de gazapos destetados, peso al destete, disminución del intervalo entre partos, además del aumento de la talla y peso de las hembras a la edad de servicio. Entendiendo que el SC6G, mantiene en un mínimo el nivel de consanguinidad en el rebaño, y por ende sus consecuencias negativas sobre la producción y reproducción. Como cualquier población cerrada, el universo de genes siempre va a ser el mismo. Lo que se busca es la combinación genética que más nos beneficie en cuanto a rendimiento productivo y reproductivo. De allí la importancia de un claro entendimiento del Sistema de Selección que se escoja y las características que queramos acentuar en el rebaño. El solo hecho de aplicar el SC6G no garantiza el incremento en la producción, debemos ser capaces de seleccionar los animales “élites” para que sean los próximos reproductores y así tener más probabilidades de mejorar los índices de productividad. 524 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Referencias Bibliográficas Blasco A, Baselga M., Estany J., Cátedra de Fisiogénetica. ETSIA. Universidad Politécnica Camino de Vera, 14. 46002-Valencia. Petersen J., Vásquez R., 2007. Influencia del rendimiento maternal antes y después del parto sobre el desarrollo de conejos de engorde. Universidad ISA Rep. Dominicana. Zamora M., MANEJO EN CUNICULTURA Responsable del área de Cunicultura de la FESC-UNAM Presidenta de la Asociación Nacional de Cunicultores de México A.C. Deháquiz J., SISTEMA DE PRODUCCION CUNICOLA 2013. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS AGRICOLAS, PECUARIAS Y DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE. REPRODUCTIVE MANAGEMENT OF RABBIT BACKYARD PRODUCTION IN THE AREA OF VOLCANOES IN THE STATE OF MEXICO RIVERA MJ*1, NICOLAS GA1, HERRERA BJ2, HERNANDEZ RM1, ALMARAZ AR1 AND GONZALEZ SJ1 1. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa. Rafael Atlixco No. 186, Col. Vicentina, Delegación Iztapalapa, C.P. 09340, D.F. México. Departamento de Biología de la Reproducción. 2. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco. Calzada del Hueso 1100, Col. Villa Quietud, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04960, D.F. México. Departamento de Producción Agrícola y Animal. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract The backyard rabbit production is an activity in which, for easy keeping and relative small space can provide protein for all the family members. To ensure that here is a production it must be taken into account the technical aspect such as food, health and specially the reproduction issues. Objective. The following management study shows that small-scale breeders performed on their farms in the productive and reproductive aspects. Methodology. The study was conducted in 10 municipalities in the volcanoes area of at the Southeast of the Mexican Valley. 55 interviews were carried out to small producers, using a structured survey. Results. A total of 2910 doe rabbits were located in the area. The rabbit’s breeds were New Zealand, Hybrid, California and Creole; 28.5%, 27%, 22.6% and 21.8% were reported, respectively. Al most all runs an external stallion and most uses 4 times per month (41.8%). The annual number of births varies according to the intensity with which the doe but this data is handled accentuated between 4 and 6 (66.1%), as reported 7 and 8 births (41.5%). The doe reproductive life varies from 12 to 24 months; 38.8% cases reported that they use from 12 to 18 months in 25.6% cases, and 39.6% cases for 24 months. 90% cases reported to give one services per doe and 4% give two and 6% cases 3 services. None reported deformities in their kits. Discussion and conclusion. Reproductive management for productions backyard area of volcanoes in the state of Mexico courage positive data at weaning as the number of weaned rabbits for the majority of backyard rabbit producers is high. 526 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS With these data rabbit production for auto-consumption is considered good enough, and may cover part of the nutritional needs of farm families. Besides the local restaurants consume most of the rabbit production, which made be consider as an important touristic corridor at the volcanoes area. Keywords: volcanoes area, reproduction, backyard production MANEJO REPRODUCTIVO EN GRANJAS DE TRASPATIO EN EL ÁREA DE LOS VOLCANES, ESTADO DE MÉXICO *1RIVERA MJ, 1NICOLAS GA, 2HERRERA BJ, 1 HERNANDEZ RM, 1ALMARAZ AR, 1GONZALEZ SJ 1. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa. Rafael Atlixco No. 186, Col. Vicentina, Delegación Iztapalapa, C.P. 09340, D.F. México. Departamento de Biología de la Reproducción. 2. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco. Calzada del Hueso 1100, Col. Villa Quietud, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04960, D.F. México. Departamento de Producción Agrícola y Animal. * Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen La producción de conejos traspatio es una actividad en la que, para el mantenimiento fácil y el espacio pequeño en relación puede proporcionar proteína para todos los miembros de la familia. Para asegurarse de que aquí es una producción debe tenerse en cuenta el aspecto técnico como especialmente los problemas de reproducción de alimentación, salud y. Objetivo. El siguiente estudio de gestión muestra que los criadores a pequeña escala realizadas en sus fincas en los aspectos productivos y reproductivos. Metodología. El estudio se realizó en 10 municipios de la zona de los volcanes de al sudeste del Valle de México. 55 entrevistas se realizaron a los pequeños productores, mediante una encuesta estructurada. Resultados. Un total de 2.910 conejas se encuentra en la zona. Razas del conejo fueron Nueva Zelanda, híbrido, California y criolla; Se reportaron 28.5%, 27%, 22,6% y 21,8%, respectivamente. Al más todas ejecuta un semental externa y la mayoría utiliza 4 veces al mes (41,8%). El número anual de nacimientos varía en función de la intensidad con que la hembra, pero esos datos son procesados acentuadas entre 4 y 6 (66,1%), según ha informado 7 y 8 nacimientos (41,5%). La vida reproductiva gama varía de 12 a 24 meses; 38,8% de los casos informaron que utilizan de 12 a 18 meses en 25,6% de los casos y el 39,6% de los casos durante 24 meses. 90% de los casos reportados de dar uno de servicios por parto y 4% dan dos y 6% de los casos 3 servicios. Ninguno informó deformidades en sus kits. Discusión y conclusiones. 528 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS El manejo reproductivo para producciones zona de los volcanes de corral en el estado de los datos positivos Mexico coraje al destete como el número de gazapos destetados para la mayoría de los productores de conejo de traspatio es alta. Con estos datos la producción de conejos para autoconsumo se considera lo suficientemente bueno, y puede cubrir parte de las necesidades nutricionales de las familias campesinas. Además de los restaurantes locales consumen la mayor parte de la producción de conejos, lo que hizo se considera como un importante corredor turístico de la zona de los Palabras clave: Área de los volcanes, reproducción y producción de traspatio volcanes. Introduction From the pre-Hispanic times the local rabbit known as teporingo or volcano rabbit (Romerolagus diazi) has been an important part of the diet of local people. Since then the rabbit activity has been significant as part of their agricultural and forest resources management. The rabbit activity persists as familiar backyard in rural areas and is orientated for home consumption; some animals are traded at the local market and among neighbors. During the last years the rabbit activity has been increasing in technology adapting new and modern systems intensifying the meat production. In spite of this new technology the large production does not come from the modern systems. A considerable meat and sub-products come from the backyard systems (Lopez, 1999) were in most of the cases is carried out in rustic equipments. The domestic rabbit has great potential of meat producing animal. Rabbits can produce more meat from foragebased diets than can any other type of livestock. Feed conversion ratios‘ of 3-4: 1 can be obtained with high roughage diets. Rabbits are adaptable to both small and large-scale production, and may be especially useful in tropical developing countries. Profitability of commercial rabbit production is currently limited by labour intensive management techniques, severe disease problems, and inadequate knowledge of nutritional requirements and nutritional effects on the development of reproductive management. The rabbit systems must have an adequate supply of both feeding and the reproductive management. These are two elements that must be very close to having efficient and productive farms. The paper presents the reproductive management of farms in 10 municipalities of the volcanoes located in the State of Mexico. Methodology The study was conducted in 10 municipalities in the volcanoes area of at the Southeast of the Mexican Valley. 55 interviews were carried out to small producers, using a structured survey. The survey included open and close questions and social, technological and economic aspects. Before to run the whole previous exhaustive fieldwork test was developed. The producers were located visually, recommendation among producers and by local authorities. The questionnaires were analysed using frequencies and percentages the information was processed in excel software. 530 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Results The rabbit production reported include traditional backyard and more technical systems, which satisfied the basic necessities of the family and is oriented for meat production. 97.6 reported private house and 2.3% rent. Rabbit production is mixed with other domestic species like pigs, sheep, horses and bovine and agricultural and forest activities. 66.4% of the producers reported combine with agricultural activities, 21.9% as employer, 9.4% tradesman and 2.3% other occupations. The reported number of births per year concentrated mostly between 4 and 6 births per year (66.1%) and to a lesser extent with two to three births (4.2%), however some producers reported 7 and 8 births year (41.5) (Figure 1). The table 1 present that the New Zeland breed is the more representative with 30.5%, following the hybrid and California with 23.55% and 21.25% but creole rabbits are representative with 16.6%. Table 1. Number and average of rabbit breed located in the area of Volcanoes N. Zeland 30.50% California 23.55% Hybrid 21.25% Rex 4.25% Ornamental 3.85% Creole Total 16.60% 100.00% 35 % of producers 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Number of birds per year Figure 1. Percentage of producers and number of births per doe The figure 2 present the number of birds per doe, most of rabbit producers 79.3% weaning between 4 and 5 weeks, and 13.2% weaning at 5 weeks. 50 % of producers 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of weeks after weaning Figure 2. Percentage of producers and number of weaning per doe per weeks According with the local rabbit producers 56.4% believe that has good quality of rabbit breed and 43.6 do not consider that have good quality of rabbit breed. 532 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS % de productores 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 Number of services per doe 3 Figure 3. Percentage of producer Discussion and conclusion. As shown the rabbit production reproductive management of rabbit backyard production in the area of volcanoes is a productive system, which is clearly adapted to the social and environment conditions. Rabbit production is an important option among the folder opportunities of the local people. Apparently the incomes from rabbit activity are not significant however the agricultural and forest activities which are linked with the natural resources which are inserting into their life style. In this way producers build a steady familiar income round the year. As well as producers combine the rabbit activity with other occupations like employer, taxi driver, peasant, tradesman and retired. However there is a profitable business for local people because of their location as part of the ecotourism Popocatepetl and Iztaccíhuatl Park. A good government program could include advice on areas such as the production of reproduction, genetic food, facilities, sanitation, primarily but equally is marketing its products and byproducts. This could be achieved with the diffusion and relevant information about the rabbit and the existence of these small rabbit producers. In technology, the production system could be considered as one of serious low-input near a proposed sustainability. Rabbits generates direct and indirect jobs and is an activity that generate other needs such as manure compost. As well as Important also should consider the training courses for the elaboration of sub-products like handcraft, ham and sausages and compost elaboration. Acknowledgements Este trabajo fue llevado a cabo por la “Universidad Autónoma MetropolitanaIztapalapa” y financiada con recursos del Instituto de “Ciencia y Tecnología del Distrito Federal" 2013. References López, M., Losada, H., Sandoval, S., Bennett, R., Arias, L., Rangel, J., Soriano, R., and Cortés, J. 1999 The influence of urban tourism on backyard agriculture: the rabbit as a new guest in the southeast of the Metropolitan area of Mexico City. Livestock Research for Rural Development. 11: 126.132 Rivera J., López M., Losada H., Soriano R., L. Arias, and Cortés J. 2004. Backyard rabbit production as a sustainability system in the urban and peri-urban area of Mexico city. 8th world rabbit congress, Puebla Mexico. 534 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Chenopodium ambrosioides ADDED TO RABBIT SEMEN DILUENTS FOR CRYOPRESERVATION GUADARRAMA VALDES II, VELÁZQUEZ CASTAÑEDA S, GUTIÉRREZ DEHONOR A, PESCADOR SN, CANO TORRES R, FELIPE-PÉREZ YE* Departamento de Reproducción Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Campus El Cerrillo, Toluca Estado de México. C.P. 50200 *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract There is a great diversity of cryopreservation diluents for semen of different animal species. The most common include different agents that act as cryoprotectors, antibiotics, and nutrients, which may be used as fuel for sperm energy. The latest researches have been trying to avoid sperm damage by adding different anti-oxidants. Many studies have included vegetable extracts from spices, with good results. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of 5% aqueous solution of Chenopodium ambrosioides to the rabbit sperm diluents, on the sperm viability and plasma membrane response, before and after undergoing cryopreservation. Semen samples were obtained from 3 sexually active New Zealand males, with an artificial vagina, semen samples were pooled and routine evaluation was performed in fresh samples as well as after freezing-thawing. Viability was evaluated by using eosinnigrosin staining; plasma membrane response was evaluated by HOST, from time 0, 30 and 60 min in fresh and frozen-thawed samples. T-test and Paired T-student test were applied to analyze results. Although, no statistical differences were observed between diluents with or without the addition of Chenopodium ambrosioides extract (P>0.05), there was a slight tendency to obtained higher viability (87.16 vs 89.83 fresh and 31.33 vs 32.00 frozen-thawed) and HOST positive response (73.83 vs 78.5 fresh and 18.00 vs 24.66 frozen-thawed) on the samples enriched with the vegetable extracts before and after cryopreservation of rabbit sperm. 536 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS In conclusion, the addition of Chenopodium ambrosioides extract should be further studied, in order to find the best concentration to induce a positive antioxidant effect on semen rabbit diluents for cryopreservation. Keywords: rabbit semen cryopreservation, antioxidants, Chenopodium ambrosioides, viability, sperm plasma membrane response. Chenopodium ambrosioides ADICIONADO A LOS DILUYENTES PARA CRIOPRESERVACIÓN DE SEMEN DE CONEJO GUADARRAMA VALDEZ II, VELÁZQUEZ CASTAÑEDA S, PESCADOR SN, CANO TORRES R, FELIPE-PÉREZ YE* Departamento de Reproducción Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Campus El Cerrillo, Toluca Estado de México. C.P. 50200 *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen Existe una gran diversidad de diluyentes para la criopreservación de semen de las diferentes especies animales. Los más comunes incluyen diferentes agentes que actúan como crioprotectores, antibióticos y nutrientes, los cuales pueden ser utilizados como combustible para dar energía al espermatozoide, siendo el objetivo de las investigaciones más recientes el evitar los daños celulares mediante la inclusión de diferentes antioxidantes. En varios experimentos se han incluido extractos vegetales de especias, con buenos resultados. Por lo que el objetivo del presente fue evaluar el efecto de la adición de epazote (Chenopodium ambrosioides) al 5% en solución acuosa al diluyente de congelación de semen de conejo, sobre la viabilidad espermática y la respuesta de la membrana plasmática, antes y después del proceso de criopreservación. Se obtuvieron muestras de semen de 3 sementales raza Nueva Zelanda, con el uso de una vagina artificial, las muestras fueron mezcladas en pool y se realizó la evaluación de rutina en las muestras obtenidas en fresco, y después de la congelación-descongelación. La viabilidad se evaluó con la tinción eosina-nigrosina, la respuesta membranal mediante la prueba hiposmotica HOST, al tiempo 0, 30 y 60 minutos en muestras frescas y descongeladas. Los resultados se analizaron mediante la prueba T de Student y la Tpareada. A pesar de no haber encontrado diferencias estadísticas significativas entre los diluyentes con o sin la adición del extracto de epazote (P>0.05), hubo un ligero incremento en los porcentajes de viabilidad (87.16 vs 89.83 fresco y 31.33 vs 32.00 descongelado) y respuesta positiva a la prueba HOST (73.83 vs 78.5 fresco y 18.00 vs 24.66 descongelado) en las muestras enriquecidas con epazote. 538 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS En conclusión, el efecto de la adición del extracto de epazote (Chenopodium ambrosioides) requiere un mayor estudio, para encontrar la mejor concentración, capaz de inducir un efecto antioxidante positivo en los diluyentes para criopreservación de semen de conejo. Palabras clave: criopreservación de semen de conejo, antioxidantes, epazote (Chenopodium ambrosioides), viabilidad, respuesta membranal espermática. Introduction Cryopreservation of rabbit semen has become an important challenge for application in artificial insemination, since sperm survival and functionality must be maintained in order to ensure good fertility rates in does that are artificially inseminated. There is a great diversity of cryopreservation diluents for semen of different animal species, and the most common diluents include different agents that act in different ways, either as internal or external cryoprotectants, antibiotics, buffers and nutrients, which may be used to protect the sperm from the different changes that they undergo through all the cryopreservation process or could serve as a fuel to provide sperm of an energy source. During the freezing process, when water temperature decreases, many ice crystals are formed, excluding the solutes in the media, therefore, sperm cells are exposed either to the direct contact with the ice crystals or to the hyperosmolarity induced by the solutes, which in both cases, this exposure will end up by damaging the sperm structures, mainly the plasma membrane (Holt, 2000). It has been reported that there is a negative effect of ROS (reactive oxygen species), which are liberated during freezing and thawing, and the latest researches have been trying to avoid sperm damage by adding different anti-oxidants to the cryopreservation diluents. Many studies have included vegetable extracts from spices, with good results in semen of species as swine and sheep (Malo et al, 2011). Chenopodium ambrosioides is an aromatic plant of approximately 40 cm high, their leaves appear to be lancets and have about 4 cm long by 1 cm wide. It has small green flowers and the seeds are black of about 0.8 mm long, it is commonly named “epazote” or “paico”. This plant is widely used in the Mexican kitchen for food preparation as a spice and aromatic plant, as well as in different countries of Latin America (Kumar et al., 2007; Gómez, 2008). The use of Chenopodium ambrosioides is well known for the wide variety of medical and anti-oxydant properties (Aksoy et al., 2010, Adejumo et al., 2011; Tapondjou et al., 2002; Kumar et al., 2007; Jaramillo et al., 2012). 540 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS The rabbit semen cryoprotectors, which have been used in various studies, have not been good enough, since they have given low fertility and prolificity rates. Many protocols have been developed for rabbit semen cryopreservation, and among some of the factors that could be affecting on the success rate for semen survival are the following: the composition of the diluents, the type of cryoprotectors used, the concentration at which these are been added to the media, the cooling, freezing and thawing rates, as well as the individual effect among bucks (Iaffaldano, 2012). The mechanism that causes the sperm damage during cryopreservation is not still well understood; however, in different species it has been reported that the oxidative stress that sperm suffers is related to temperature changes, ice crystal formation, the oxidative damage, plasma membrane alterations and the toxicity of cryoprotectors, plus the osmotic stress to which sperm are exposed before and after freezing (Aksoy, 2010; Malo et al., 2011). Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of 5% aqueous solution of Chenopodium ambrosioides to the rabbit sperm diluents, on the sperm viability and plasma membrane response, before and after undergoing cryopreservation. Materials and methods Semen samples were obtained from 3 sexually active New Zealand males which fertility had been previously proven. Three semen samples of each buck were obtained with an artificial vagina, and after doing the routine semen evaluation, the semen samples were pooled. Viability was performed in fresh samples as well as after freezing-thawing, it was evaluated by using eosin-nigrosin staining by taking a drop of 60 µl of the stain and adding a drop of 20 µl of semen sample, after mixing, two smears on glass slides were prepared for each sample; which were later evaluated under an optic microscope (Velab). Plasma membrane response was evaluated by HOST, from time 0, 30 and 60 min in fresh and frozen-thawed samples. Briefly, each sample after mixed with the corresponding diluent, was placed in as hypoosmotic solution (100mmOsm) prepared with 25mM Sodium citrate and 75mM Fructose in distilled water and incubated at 37°C in a water bath for 30 min, then a drop of 20 µl of each sample was placed on a slide, mixed with 4% formaldehyde and smeared for later evaluation under a phase constrast microscope (Olympus i70X). After motility and viability evaluation of the fresh samples, 4 aliquotes were made in order to expose the sperm sample to the control diluent, prepared with Tris-glucosecitric acid and DMSO diluent (Control) plus 0.1M glucose, all ingredients were solved with bi-distilled water, the rest of the aliquotes were prepared with the same ingredients, but water was replaced by aqueous solution of Chenopodium ambrosioides at 5% concentration (weight-volume) (Chenopodium enriched), this diluent was prepared by chopping the plant leaves and soaking them in distilled water at 50ºC for 3 h. After cooling at room temperature, the solutions were filtered and added to the control diluent instead of water. Statistical analysis Media comparisons between control and enriched samples were made by T- student test, while response to cryoresistance of rabbit semen was analyzed before and after cryopreservation with a Paired T-student test with SigmaPlot 12.5 (Systat Software, Inc.); graphs were done with Excel for windows. Results and Discussion Viability evaluation was performed in fresh and frozen-thawed samples, which were incubated at different times: 0, 30 to 60 min at 37°C in a water bath, these results can be observed in graph 1. 542 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Graph 1. Viability percentage of rabbit semen before and after freezing-thawing at different incubation times. The Control diluent was made with distilled water. The Chenopodium ambrosioides enriched diluent contained the previous diluent but distilled water was substituted by 5% of Chenopodium ambrosioides in aqueous solution. The viability results of rabbit sperm before and after freezing-thawing indicate that there is a time dependent viability decline. Rabbit sperm viability was drastically affected after the cryopreservation process. No statistical differences were observed between treatments (with or without the addition of Chenopodium ambrosioides, however, there is a slight tendency to obtain better results with the enriched diluents, either in viability or in plasma membrane response, evaluated by HOST, as can be observed in graph 2. Graph 2. Positive HOST, time response of rabbit sperm before and after freezing. The Control diluent was done with distilled water. The Chenopodium ambrosioides enriched diluent contained the previous diluent but distilled water was susbstituded by 5% of Chenopodium ambrosioides aqueous solution. When observing the HOST positive response of rabbit sperm, there is a decline in the plasma membrane response with the incubation time in the fresh samples, in both treatments, in contrast, when rabbit sperm has undergone cryopreservation, the plasma membrane response differs, obtaining better results after 30 min of incubation at 37°C, and after this time a decline of plasma membrane response was also obtained. Statistical analysis of results of viability and host positive response of rabbit sperm before and after cryopreservation is shown on table 1. 544 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Table 1. Viability and HOST (+) results of rabbit sperm in two different freezing media, before and after cryopreservation. Diluents Control HOST (+) Viability Fresh Frozen-Thawed Fresh Frozen-Thawed 87,16 ± 2,75 a* 31,33 ± 2,3 b** 73,83 ± 9,75 a* 18 ± 3,6 b** 89,83 ± 2,51 a* 32 ± 4,58 b** 78,5 ± 6,87 a* 24,66 ± 7,23 b** Chenopodium ambrosioides enriched *P > 0.05; ** P < 0.001. Results show the media ± SD. Different letters indicate statisyical differences within rows and columns. Although, no statistical differences were observed between diluents with or without the addition of Chenopodium ambrosioides extract (P>0.05), neither on viability nor on sperm plasma membrane response, there was a slight tendency to obtain higher viability and HOST positive response on samples enriched with the vegetable extract. Conclusion In conclusion, the addition of Chenopodium ambrosioides extract should be further studied, in order to find the best concentration to induce a positive antioxidant effect on rabbit semen diluents for cryopreservation. Acknowledgements: This research was supported by PROMEP 103.5/13/6535, Project 653511, FEPYPTC2013, Clave FE09/2013. References Adejumo O.E., Owa-Agbanah I.S., Kolapo A.L., Ayoola M.D. (2011): Phytochemical and antisickling activities of Entandrophragma utile, Chenopodium ambrosioides and Petiveria alliacea. Journal of Medical Plants Research. Sagamu, Nigeria. 5(9): 1531-1535. Aksoy M., Akman O., Lehimcio N., Erdem H. (2010): Cholesterol-loaded cyclodextrin enhances osmotic tolerance and inhibits the acrosome reaction in rabbit spermatozoa. Animal Reproduction Science. 120: 166-172. Ávila-Portillo, Mabel, L., Madero, J.I., López, C., León, M.F., Acosta, L., Gómez, C., Delgado, L.G., Gómez, C., Lozano, J.M., Reguero, M.T. (2006). Fundamentos de Criopreservacion. Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología, vol 57, núm. 4, diciembre, 2006, pp. 291-300. Castellini C., Lattaioli P. (1999): Effect of number of motile sperms inseminated on reproductive performance of rabbit does. Animal Reproduction Science. Italy. 57: 111-120. Ferrian S. (2007): Influencia de las características seminales del eyaculado de conejo sobre la calidad espermática post-descongelación. Trabajo final de master. Departamento de ciencia animal. UPV. Valencia, España. p.p 75. Gómez J.R. (2008): Epazote (Chenopodium ambrosioides) revisión a sus características morfológicas, actividad farmacológica, y biogénesis de su principal principio activo, ascaridol. Boletín latinoamericano y del caribe de plantas medicinales y aromáticas. México DF, México. 7: 3-9. Iaffaldano N., Di Iorio M., Rosato P. (2012): The cryoprotectant used, its concentration, and the time are critical for the successful cryopreservation of rabbit. Theriogenology. Campobasso, Italia. 78:1381-1389. Jaramillo, B.E., Duarte R,E., Delgado, W. (2012). Bioactivity of essential oil from Colombian Chenopodium ambrosioides. Rev Cubana Plant Med vol17 no.1 Ciudad de la Habana ene.-mar. 2012 546 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Kumar, R., Kumar M. A., Dubey, N.K., Tripathi, Y.B. (2007). Evaluation of Chenopodium ambrosioides oil as a potential source of antifungal, antiaflatoxigenic and antioxidant activity. International Journal of Food Microbiology 115; 159–164. Malo, C., Gil, L., Cano, R., Martínez, F. y Galé, I. 2011. Antioxidant effect of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) on boar epididymal spermatozoa during cryopreservation. Theriogenology 75: 1735-17 Tapondjou, L.A., Adler, C., Bouda, H., Fontem, D.A. (2002). Efficacy of powder and essential oil from Chenopodium ambrosioides leaves as post-harvest grain protectants against six-stored product beetles. Journal of Stored Products Research. 38: 395–402 HISTOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE RABBIT (Oryctolagus cuniculus) EPIDIDYMIS AND TESTICLES ZAMORA E JL1*, FELIPE-PÉREZ YE2, VELÁZQUEZ CASTAÑEDA S2, VALLADARES CB1, FAJARDO M RC1, QUEZADA-BARRERA KCH1, CANO TR2, PEREZ S L1, DIAZ GBA1 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal 2. Departamento de Reproducción Animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. El Cerrillo Piedras Blancas, CP 50200, Toluca, México, México. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Rabbit is an attractive species for making gonad studies, due to the early development, compared to bigger mammals, as well as the fact that it is the only mammal species that has the ability of descending or maintaining testicles within the abdominal cavity or in the scrotum. The aim of the present study was to provide a histological description of the rabbit testes and epididymis, which can be useful for the male gonadal studies in order to compare healthy tissues from damaged ones. A total of thirty testicles from slaughtered rabbits which ranged from 12 to 18 months of age were obtained and processed for histopathological studies. Tissue sections of testes, including the epididymis underwent fixation, dehydration and paraffin blocking, then they were finely sliced and stained by hematoxylin and eosin. Testicle evaluation of the stained slides was performed in a light microscope. Pictures of the testicle regions were taken under a Nikon microscope (iX70) adapted to a photo-camera, images were taken using the NisElements software. Micro-photographs of various sections of the testicles and epididymis are shown and described within the text. Key words: rabbit testicles, epididymis, histology 548 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS DESCRIPCIÓN HISTOLOGICA DE TESTÍCULO Y EPIDÍDIMO DE CONEJO (Oryctolagus cuniculus). ZAMORA E JL1*, FELIPE-PÉREZ YE2, VELÁZQUEZ CASTAÑEDA S2, VALLADARES CB1, FAJARDO M RC1, QUEZADA-BARRERA KCH1, CANO TR2, PEREZ S L1, DIAZ GBA1 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México 2. Departamento de Reproducción Animal. Laboratorio de Biología de la Reproducción. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Campus “El Cerrillo”. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. El Cerrillo Piedras Blancas, CP 50200, Toluca, México, México. *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue describir la morfología histológica de testículo y epidídimo de conejo para lo cual utilizamos 5 conejos (Oryctolagus cuniculus), machos y sexualmente maduros, obtenidos de la unidad de producción cunícola de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad Autónoma de Estado de México. A los cortes histológicos se les realizó la tinción de Hematoxilina y Eosina. Los testículos se hallan envueltos en el escroto, rodeados por una capsula de tejido conectivo denso irregular, la túnica albugínea. Cubriendo la albugínea se encuentra la capa visceral de la túnica vaginal, que consta de un mesotorio que se apoya en una capa conectiva que se fusiona con la túnica albugínea. Desde la albugínea parten tabiques de tejido conectivo que profundizan en el parénquima testicular dividiéndolo en forma parcial o completa en lobulillos, cada lobulillo está formado por cuatro a seis túbulos seminíferos los cuales están delimitados por tejido conectivo laxo poco manifiesto. En el centro del testículo los tabiques se fusionan con el tejido conectivo laxo del mediastino testicular. Los lobulillos testiculares están ocupados por los túbulos seminíferos, revestidos por un epitelio estratificado de células espermatogénicas y células de Sertoli. El tejido conectivo que separa los túbulos seminíferos contiene células poliédricas productoras de testosterona, las células intersticiales o de Leydig y se reconocen por su núcleo esférico y su citoplasma acidofilo, a menudo espumoso. El epidídimo, es un cuerpo tubular superpuesto al testículo sobre su borde extremo (Fig. 11), es el lugar en donde los espermatozoides adquieren su capacidad fecundante, en el conejo revela tres zonas continuas correspondientes a cabeza, cuerpo y cola. El epitelio es pseudoestratificado cilíndrico simple, disminuyendo en altura hacia la cola midiendo aproximadamente la mitad que en la cabeza. Palabras clave: histología, testículo, epidídimo. 550 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Introduction The gonadal elements of male rabbits are the testes, which are the organs responsible for sperm production as well as the male hormones or androgens secretion. The testes are enveloped within the scrotum surrounded by a dense irregular connective tissue, the albugineous tunic. Covering such a tunic is a fold of the peritoneum, the visceral fold of the vaginal tunic, which has a mesothelium which is supported in a connective tissue layer that fuses with the albugineous tunic. Objective The present study aimed to show a description of the normal rabbit testes architecture, so that it could be used as an aid to distinguish altered from damaged testicle tissue on rabbits that must be discharged from the rabbit farm due to reproductive problems, involving sperm production. Methodology A total of thirty testicles from slaughtered rabbits which ranged from 12 to 18 months of age were extracted and obtained at slaughter house, testicles were debridated from adipose tissue and kept in saline solution (9%NaCl), testicles were taken to the laboratory and were inmmediately processed for histopathological studies. Various tissue sections of the testes were performed, including the epididymis, and later underwent fixation, dehydration and paraffin blocking, then they were finely sliced and stained by using hematoxylin and eosin routine staining technique. Testicle evaluation of the stained slides was performed in a light microscope. Pictures of the testicle regions were taken under a Nikon microscope (iX70) adapted to a photo-camera, images were taken using the NisElements software. Histological description of the rabbit testicles The connective tissue septum originates in the albugineous tunic and enters the testicular parenchyma, with the effect of partially or fully dividing it into lobules (Fig. 1). Figure 1. Rabbit testicle connective tissue and parenchyma. Each lobule is formed by four to six seminiferous tubules that are delimited by slightly manifest areolar connective tissue (Fig. 2). 552 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Figure 2. Rabbit seminiferous tubules. At the center of the testicle is the septum fused with the areolar connective tissue of the testicular mediastinum (Fig. 3). Figure 3. Center of the rabbit testicle. Testicular lobules contain the seminiferous tubules covered by stratified epithelium of spermatogenic cells and Sertoli cells (Fig. 4). Figure 4. Rabbit testicular lobules. Spermatogenic cells form spermatozoids. Spermatogonia are the most immature cells of the germ line and can be found in the basal membrane. These are small, oval or spherical cells that have the chromatin of their nuclei with varying degrees of condensation. Spermatogonia divide by mitosis to produce primary spermatocytes which are larger cells that carry out the first meiotic division. As a result of the latter, small secondary spermatocytes are produced and these are rarely visible in tissue preparations as they carry out the second mitotic division very quickly producing spermatids (Fig. 5). Figure 5. Secondary spermatocytes formed in the rabbit testicles. Late-stage spermatids have small nuclei that are oval or elongated and dark, and have long tails which project into the lumen (Fig. 6). 554 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Fig. 6. Rabbit spermatids in late stage. When spermatids are released in this stage into the tubule lumen they are known as spermatozoids (Fig. 7). Figure 7. Lumen of the Sertoli cells of Rabbit testicles. It can be seen the sperm being released in the spermiation process. Cells of the spermatic line are not necessarily identical within all seminiferous tubules or among different segments of the same tubule. There are various combinations of cells at certain stages of spermatogenesis that are always associated among themselves. Each cell association occupies a specific segment within the seminiferous tubule. In this manner, a transverse cut of a tubule reveals only one of such cell associations, while proximal or distal segments of the same tubule have totally different associations. Sertoli cells are found in lesser numbers than germinal cells. These have prominent pale nuclei that are oval or triangular with frequent cleavages. The ample cytoplasm extends from the basal membrane up to the luminal edge but the lateral limits become poorly visible in conventional preparations. The plasmatic membrane of the lateral and vaginal edges invaginate to form cavities where differentiating germinal cells are located. Outside the basal membrane of the seminiferous tubule there are flat cells known as myoid cells (Fig. 8 and 9). Figure 8. Rabbit seminiferous tubules. 556 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Figure 9. Myoid cells outside the basal membrane of rabbit testicles. The connective tissue that separates the seminiferous tubules contains polyhedral cells that produce testosterone, the interstitial or Leydig cells (Fig. 10 and 11), which are recognized by their spherical nuclei and acidophilic cytoplasm that is commonly seen as foamy. Figure 10. Connective tissue and seminiferous tubules of rabbit testicles. Figure 11. Instersticial or Leydig cell of rabbit testicles The quantity of germinal cells decreases towards the end segment of the seminiferous tubules, while the Sertoli cells increase. There is a transition region or segment that is lined exclusively by Sertoli cells, which joins the seminiferous tubule to the straight tubule. Straight tubules can be lined by simple flat, cubic or columnar epithelium and they end at a network of anatomical canals known as rete testis. The rete is lined by a simple flat or cubic epithelium. The canals are embedded within the areolar connective tissue of the testicular mediastinum. The efferent ducts originate from the rete testis, go through the albuginous tunic and enter the head of the epididymis to form the epididymis duct. The efferent ducts have a simple or pseudostratified columnar epithelium with some ciliated cells. Histological description of the rabbit epididymis The epididymis is a tubular body on top of the testicle at its outer edge (Fig 12), it is the place where spermatozoids acquire their fertilizing capacity. In the rabbit there are three continuous areas that correspond to the head, body and tail. 558 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Figure 12. Outer edge of the rabbit epididymis. A capsule of moderately vascularized regular dense connective tissue was observed, which corresponds to the albugineous tunic of the organ (Fig 13). Figure 13. Albugineous tunic of the rabbit testicle. The albuginous tunic projects as septa consisting of collagen and elastic fibers among histologically separate areas: the head, body and tail (Fig. 14). . Figure 14. Albugineous tunic separating the different regions of the rabbit epididymis. The epididymis duct follows a highly tortuous path and its structure varies along the various levels of the epididymis. The epithelium that lines the duct is pseudostratified columnar with stereocillia that reaches its highest height at the level of the epididymis head (Fig. 15) decreasing towards the tail (Fig. 16). The duct is surrounded by a layer of smooth muscle cells that is thin at the level of the head and body of the epididymis and becomes thick at the level of the tail (Fig. 15 y 16). 560 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Figure 15. Rabbit epididymis head. Figure 16. Rabbit epididymis body. Conclussion Histology studies of the testis of normal rabbits is a useful tool for determining different tissue affections in damaged testicles, which can be found in reproductive males that star to decrease their reproductive parameters, and various agents could be altering the normal testicle function, which can be reflected by the alteration of the normal cell architecture. References Arrayago M.J., Bea A. 1986: Atlas de citología e histología del aparato reproductor masculino de los anfibios y reptiles del país vasco. 20-61. Bacha W.J., Wood L.M. 1991: Atlas color de histología veterinaria. Ed. Intermédica. 189-198. Parra R., Del Sol M. 2002: Estudios histológicos e histoquímicos del epidídimo del conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus), Rev. Chil. Anat., 20 (3): 269-274. Sánchez M.B., 1994: Evolución testicular felina, estudio histológico, inmunohistoquímico y ultraestructural. Departamento de patología animal, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 106-165. Sociedad Mexicana de Histología AC. Memorias del XXVIII Congreso nacional de histología. Memorias 2004. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa. 41-50. 562 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS PIOMETRA INFECTION: FINDINGS IN RABBITS QUEZADA BARRERA KC1, ZAMORA E JL1*, VELÁZQUEZ CASTAÑEDA S2, CANO-TORRES R2, FELIPE-PÉREZ YE2* 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Campus “El Cerrillo”. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. 2. Departamento de Reproducción Animal. Laboratorio de Biología de la Reproducción. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia.Campus “El Cerrillo”. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. El Cerrillo Piedras Blancas, CP 50200, Toluca, Estado de México, México. *Corresponding authors: [email protected] [email protected] Abstract Rabbit production in our country has been growing during the last years, as well as the health risks of rabbits that greatly affect the profits, since it causes important loses. Among some of the most important health problems in the rabbit farm, are the cases of infertility in does. Various situations such as having a high charge of parasites, subclinical infections transmitted by the male during copulation, likewise the high and low drastic temperature changes, among others, can be the cause of reproductive problems. Therefore, many does must be discarded from the reproductive programs. In the present study, we report a case of one doe of 18 months of age, with a good reproductive record; however, it was discarded from the reproductive program, since it received many services in the last two months, in addition it presented problems of mastitis, and therefore it could not become pregnant. In the present case, pyometra was detected after sacrificing the doe. A histopathological study was conducted on the different regions of the reproductive organ. Evaluation of the reproductive tissue damages was performed by using the Eosin-Hematoxylin staining. Among some of the findings observed were inflammation in all the uteral tissue, and the presence of various embryos in different phases of destruction by the micro-organisms found in the abundant uterine exudate. Key words: infertility, pyometra, doe, embryo 564 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS INFECCIÓN POR PIOMETRA: HALLAZGOS EN LA CONEJA 1 QUEZADA BARRERA KC, ZAMORA E JL1 2*, VELÁZQUEZ CASTAÑEDA S, 2 CANO TORRES R, 2FELIPE-PÉREZ YE* 1. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. 2. Departamento de Reproducción Animal. Laboratorio de Biología de la Reproducción. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. El Cerrillo Piedras Blancas, CP 50200, Toluca, Estado de México, México. *Corresponding authors: [email protected] [email protected] Resumen La producción cunícola en nuestro país ha ido creciendo en los últimos años, así como los riesgos para la salud de los conejos que afectan en gran medida las ganancias de la cunicultura, ya que ocasionan importantes pérdidas económicas. Entre algunos de los problemas de salud más importantes en la granja de conejos, se encuentran los casos de infertilidad. Varias situaciones tales como tener una alta carga de parásitos, infecciones subclínicas de transmisión sexual por el macho durante la cópula, del mismo modo los cambios altas y bajas temperaturas drásticas, entre otros, pueden ser la causa de problemas reproductivos. Por lo tanto, muchos animales deben ser desechados de los programas reproductivos. En el presente estudio, se presenta un caso de una hembra de 18 meses de edad, con un buen historial reproductivo; sin embargo, se descartó del programa reproductivo, ya que recibió varios servicios en los últimos dos meses, además de que presenta problemas de mastitis, y por lo tanto no podía quedar gestante. La piometra abierta se detectó después de sacrificar a la coneja. Un estudio histopatológico se llevó a cabo en las diferentes regiones del órgano reproductor. La evaluación de los daños de tejidos reproductivos se realizó mediante el uso de la tinción de eosina-hematoxilina. Entre algunos de los resultados encontrados se observó inflamación en todas las regiones del útero y la presencia de varios embriones en diferentes fases de destrucción por los microorganismos que se encontraron en el abundante exudado uterino. Palabras clave: infertilidad, piometra, coneja, embrión ABDOMINAL ULTRASOUND FOR PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS IN RABBITS: IS IT AN INTERESTING ALTERNATIVE? KASSY GS*, UBIRAJARA IT, SAULO HW, LUIZ FCG Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR), Rodovia BR 376 - Km 14 Bairro Costeira, São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brazil *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Introduction: An early pregnancy diagnosis is one of the important factors to improve productivity in a rabbit production. The most common method is abdominal palpation, but some experience is required to achieve a good success rate. Ultrasonography is used as a tool for pregnancy diagnosis in many animals, including rabbits. But there is not a study of success rate of pregnancy diagnosis in this species. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of success in diagnosis of pregnancy in rabbit does using real time ultrasound scanner. Methodology: Twenty sexually mature female rabbits of New Zeland White, California and Chinchila breeds were randomly allotted to two groups (10 rabbits/group, one rabbit/ cage). Rabbits in the group I were the control group (nonpregnant), and the Group II was composed of pregnant does. All females of group II were mated with sexually active bucks and the day of mating was considered as the Day 0 of pregnancy. This study was performed at 7-days intervals, from Day 7 after mating until Day 28 of pregnancy. All animals were scanned using a linear probe of 5.0 MHz attached to a Piemedical Medley DP 3200 real time scanner. The abdominal ventral region of each rabbit was shaved and ultrasound gel was used to perform the exam. The ultrasound scans were performed randomly by the same operator, who did not know the group of origin of each female, with the animals maintained in lateral recumbent position. We standardized the identification of two structural embryos per doe to consider it pregnant. 566 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Results: At 7 days of pregnancy the failure rate was 35% because some difficulties to discern embryonic vesicles from other abdominal structures were found. On 14th, 21st and 28th days the success rates were 100%, being possible to visualize the pregnancy existence easily. Conclusion: Abdominal ultrasonography is an efficient alternative for pregnancy diagnosis in does after the 14th day of pregnancy. Key words: ultrasonography, female rabbit, success rate. ULTRASONIDO ABDOMINAL PARA DIAGNÓSICO DE GESTACIÓN EN CONEJOS: ¿ES UNA ALTERNATIVA INTERESANTE? KASSY GS*, UBIRAJARA IT, SAULO HW, LUIZ FCG Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR), Rodovia BR 376 - Km 14 Bairro Costeira, São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brazil *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen Introducción: El diagnóstico de gestación precoz es uno de los factores importantes para mejorar la productividad en una producción de conejos. El método más común es la palpación abdominal, pero se requiere experiencia para lograr una buena tasa de éxito. La ecografía se utiliza como una herramienta para el diagnóstico de gestación en muchos animales, incluyendo conejos. Pero no hay un estudio de la tasa de éxito del diagnóstico de gestación en esta especie. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la tasa de éxito del diagnóstico de la gestación en conejas, utilizando escáner de ultrasonido en tiempo real. Metodología: Veinte conejas sexualmente maduras de razas Nueva Zelanda Blanco, California y Chinchila fueron asignadas al azar a dos grupos (10 conejos/grupo, 1 conejo/ jaula). Conejas en el grupo I fueron el grupo control (no gestantes), y el Grupo II se componía de hembras gestantes. Todas las hembras del grupo II se aparearon con machos sexualmente activos y el día de apareamiento se consideró como el día 0 de gestación. Este estudio se realizó a intervalos de 7 días, a partir del día 7 después del apareamiento hasta el día 28 de la gestación. Todos los animales fueron escaneados utilizando una sonda lineal de 5,0 MHz conectados a un escáner en tiempo real Piemedical Medley DP 3200. La región ventral abdominal de cada coneja se afeitó y se utilizó gel de ultrasonido para realizar el examen. Las ecografías se realizaron al azar por el mismo operador, que no conocía el grupo de origen de cada hembra, con los animales mantenidos en posición de decúbito lateral. Se estandarizó la identificación de dos embriones estructurales por hembra para considerarla gestante. 568 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Resultados: A los 7 días de gestación la tasa de fracaso fue del 35% debido a algunas dificultades para discernir vesículas embrionarias de otras estructuras abdominales. A los días 14, 21 y 28 las tasas de éxito fueron de 100%, siendo posible visualizar la existencia de embarazo fácilmente. Conclusión: La ecografía abdominal es una alternativa eficiente para el diagnóstico de gestación en conejas después del día 14 de la gestación. Palabras clave: ecografía, coneja, tasa de éxito. REPRODUCTIVE PARAMETERS OF RABBITS UNDER TROPICAL CONDITIONS: CASE TUXTEPEC, OAXACA 1 TREJO A*, 2RAMIREZ S, 2ANTONIO CM, 3 MEZA VM 1. Universidad del Papaloapan, Laboratorio de Reproducción Animal Asistida, Av. Ferrocarril s/n, sin colonia, CP 68400, Loma Bonita, Oaxaca. México. 2. Universidad del Papaloapan, Laboratorio de Nutrición Animal, Av. Ferrocarril s/n, sin colonia, CP 68400, Loma Bonita, Oaxaca. México. 3. Universidad del Papaloapan, Laboratorio de Biotecnología, Circuito Central No. 200, Col. Parque Industrial, CP 68301. Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. México. *Corresponding Author: [email protected] Abstract In Mexico, rabbit production is located mainly in the states with an average annual temperature of 20°C. The optimum temperature for the normal development of the rabbits is between 18 and 20°C. Rabbits are very sensitive to high temperatures seeing decreased production and reproduction. Rabbit production under tropical conditions emerges as an alternative due to the ability of this species to consume forages. In Mexico, the knowledge about the reproduction of rabbits under tropical conditions is scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reproductive parameters of two farms of rabbit producers located in the region of Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. Data of 40 (farm A) and 35 females (farm B) was analyzed. Data of 183 births (farm A) and 158 (farm B) recorded during two years was analyzed. Data was analyzed by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the SAS program. Means were compared for significant difference (p<0.05). Non-significant difference on fertility rate between both farms was found (71.3 vs 68.5%), births during autumn and winter were different (p<0.05) between both farms (38.7 vs 41.9%), there was no-significant difference in litter size between both farms (7.35 vs 6.6) and significant differences were found (p<0.05) on kits sex ratio (56.14 and 54.94% females, respectively). In comparison, results obtained under non-tropical conditions from fertility rate, litter size, births and females kits (sex ratio) are 87%, 7.60 and 41.7, respectively. We conclude that under tropical conditions the reproductive parameters of rabbits are altered, such as fertility and female kit ratio. Keywords: rabbit reproductive parameters, tropical conditions, litter size, fertility, sex ratio 570 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS PARAMETROS REPRODUCTIVOS DE CONEJOS BAJO CONDICIONES TROPICALES: CASO DE TUXTEPEC, OAXACA 1 TREJO A*, 2RAMIREZ S, 2ANTONIO CM, 3 MEZA VM 1. Universidad del Papaloapan, Laboratorio de Reproducción Animal Asistida, Av. Ferrocarril s/n, sin colonia, CP 68400, Loma Bonita, Oaxaca. México. 2. Universidad del Papaloapan, Laboratorio de Nutrición Animal, Av. Ferrocarril s/n, sin colonia, CP 68400, Loma Bonita, Oaxaca. México. 3. Universidad del Papaloapan, Laboratorio de Biotecnología, Circuito Central No. 200, Col. Parque Industrial, CP 68301. Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. México. * Author correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen En México, la producción de conejos está localizada principalmente en los Estados con una temperatura anual promedio de 20 °C. La temperatura óptima para el desarrollo normal de los conejos es entre 18 y 20 °C. Los conejos son muy sensibles a altas temperaturas viéndose disminuida su reproducción y producción. La producción de conejos bajo condiciones tropicales surge como una alternativa debido a la habilidad de esta especie para consumir forrajes. En México, el conocimiento acerca de la reproducción de conejos bajo condiciones tropicales es escaso. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar los parámetros reproductivos de dos granjas productoras de conejos localizadas en la región de Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. Datos de 40 (granja A) y 35 hembras (granja B) fueron analizados. Datos registrados de 183 nacimientos (granja A) y 158 (granja B) durante dos años fueron analizados. Los datos fueron analizados a través de un análisis de varianza de dos vías (ANOVA) usando el programa SAS. Promedios fueron comparados por diferencia significativa (p<0.05). Diferencias no significativas en la tasa de fertilidad entre ambas granjas fueron encontradas (71.3 vs 68.5%), nacimientos durante otoño e invierno fueron diferentes (p<0.05) entre ambas granjas (38.7 vs 41.9%), hay diferencias no significativas en el tamaño de la camada entre ambas granjas (7.35 vs 6.6) y diferencias significativas (p<0.05) fueron encontradas en la proporción de sexos de las crías (56.14 y 54.94% hembras, respectivamente). En comparación, resultados obtenidos bajo condiciones no tropicales de la tasa de fertilidad, tamaño de la camada, nacimientos y crías hembras (proporción de sexos) son 87%, 7.6 y 41.7, respectivamente. Concluimos que bajo condiciones tropicales los parámetros reproductivos de los conejos son alterados, tales como fertilidad y proporción de crías hembras. Palabras clave: parámetros reproductivos conejos, condiciones tropicales, tamaño de la camada, proporción de sexos. 572 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS COMPARISON OF RABBIT SPERM VIABILITY EVALUATION USING EOSIN- NIGROSIN AND TRIPLE- STAINING FELIPE PEREZ YE*, SOTO MARQUEZ V, CASTAÑEDA VELASQUEZ S, GUADARRAMA VALDES II, CANO TORRES R, PESCADOR-SALAS N Departamento de Reproducción Animal, Laboratorio de Biología de la Reproducción. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Campus “El Cerrillo” Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. El Cerrillo Piedras Blancas, Toluca Edo de México. CP. 50200. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Semen evaluation is a very important duty in any reproduction program. Different viability techniques are available for many species; however, not all can be applied to some species, since the phospholipid and protein composition of the sperm plasma membranes differ, allowing to obtained different patterns to evaluate and distinguish live from dead sperm, as well as the acrosome integrity. Viability is mostly important to evaluate when sperm is preserved for artificial insemination. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare rabbit sperm viability using two different staining techniques. Semen from 3 reproductive active New Zealand rabbits was obtained and pooled. Right after obtaining the fresh semen samples, evaluation of viability was performed before and after dilution in a freezing diluent, right after the cooling period of one hour at 4°C, by staining the samples with eosin-nigrosin, as well as triplestaining. After the eosin-nigrosin, slides were evaluated under an optic microscope (VELAB, VE-V1), incubation with 20%-giemsa was performed, and a new evaluation of the slide was done under a phase constrast microscope (Olympus, IX70). Countings of 100 sperm-cells was performed twice by each slide. Our results differed between techniques, while evaluating with eosin-nigrosin, viability was higher for all samples (P<0.05), when evaluation was done with the triple staining, viability results decreased drastically (80 to 40%, P<0.05). 574 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Therefore, no concordance on the viability results was found between both staining techniques. In the present study, evaluation of viability and acrosomal status using triple staining for rabbit sperm was very difficult, since patterns were not clear to differentiate live from dead sperm, neither the presence of the acrosomal vesicle. In conclusion, the triple staining technique used in the present study was not appropriate for evaluation of rabbit semen; therefore, it is necessary to continue research in formulation of stainings that give better patterns to distinguish live sperm and acrosomal status of the sperm. Keywords: rabbit sperm viability, eosin-nigrosin, triple-staining, semen preservation. Acknowledgements: This research was supported by PROMEP 103.5/13/6535, Project 653511, FEPYPTC2013, Clave FE09/2013. COMPARACIÓN DE LA EVALUACIÓN DE LA VIABILIDAD ESPERMATICA DEL CONEJO USANDO EOSINA-NIGROSINA Y LA TRIPLE TINCIÓN FELIPE PEREZ YE*, SOTO MARQUEZ V, CASTAÑEDA VELASQUEZ S, GUADARRAMA VALDES II, CANO TORRES R, PESCADOR-SALAS N Departamento de Reproducción Animal, Laboratorio de Biología de la Reproducción. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Campus “El Cerrillo” Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. El Cerrillo Piedras Blancas, Toluca Edo de México. CP. 50200. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen La evaluación del semen es una tarea muy importante en cualquier programa de reproducción. Diferentes técnicas de viabilidad están disponibles para muchas especies; sin embargo, no todos se pueden aplicar a algunas especies, ya que la composición de fosfolípidos y proteínas de las membranas plasmáticas de los espermatozoides difieren, lo que permite obtener diferentes patrones para evaluar y distinguir desde espermatozoides vivos y muertos, hasta la integridad del acrosoma. Es importante evaluar la viabilidad, especialmente cuando el esperma se conserva para la inseminación artificial. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar la viabilidad de los espermatozoides de conejo utilizando dos técnicas de tinción diferentes. El semen se obtuvo a partir de 3 conejos reproductivamente activos de la raza Nueva Zelanda y se mezclaron en pool. Justo después de la obtención de las muestras de semen fresco, se realizó la evaluación de la viabilidad antes y después de la dilución en un diluyente de congelación, después del período de enfriamiento por una hora a 4 ° C, mediante la tinción de las muestras con eosina-nigrosina, así como de triple tinción. Después de realizar los frotis con eosina-nigrosina fueron evaluados bajo un microscopio óptico (VELAB, VE-V1), se realizó la incubación con giemsa al 20%, y una nueva evaluación del frotis se realizó bajo un microscopio de contraste de fase (Olympus, IX70). Se contaron 100 células espermáticas por duplicado en cada laminilla. Nuestros resultados difieren entre las técnicas, mientras que en la evaluación con eosina-nigrosina, la viabilidad fue mayor para todas las muestras (P <0,05), cuando la evaluación se llevó a cabo con la triple tinción, los resultados de viabilidad disminuyeron drásticamente ( del 80 al 40%; P <0,05). 576 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS Por lo tanto, no hay concordancia entre los resultados de viabilidad encontrados en las dos técnicas de tinción. En el presente estudio, la evaluación de la viabilidad y el estado acrosomal utilizando triple tinción para los espermatozoides de conejo fue muy difícil, ya que los patrones no estaban claros para diferenciar entre los espermatozoides vivos de los muertos, tampoco pudo distinguirse la presencia de la vesícula acrosomal. En conclusión, la técnica de triple tinción utilizada en el presente estudio no fue apropiada para la evaluación del semen de conejo, por lo tanto, es necesario seguir investigando acerca de la formulación de las tinciones que permitan visualizar mejor los patrones de viabilidad y estado acrosomal del espermatozoide. Palabras clave: viabilidad espermática de conejo, eosina-nigrosina, triple tinción, congelación espermática. Agradecimientos: El presente estudio fue financiado por PROMEP 103.5/13/6535, Proyecto 653511, FEPYPTC2013, Clave FE09/2013. RABBIT TESTICULAR AND INGUINAL CHANNEL SAC MORPHOMETRIC FINDINGS FELIPE-PÉREZ YE*, CASTAÑEDA VELÁZQUEZ S, CANO TORRES R, PESCADOR SN Departamento de Reproduccción Animal, Laboratorio de Biología de la Reproducción. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Campus “El Cerrillo”. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. El Cerrillo Piedras Blancas. Toluca, Estado de México. C.P. 50200. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Male rabbits must be selected for reproduction replacements in the rabbit farm, however, sometimes testicles do not descend into the scrotum at 2 months of age, due to various genetic factors. The aim of this study was to observe the inguinal channel structures in young rabbits to see how they were arranged in the normal descended testes of rabbits. A total of 30 New Zealand male rabbits of 70 days of age were weighted before slathered and both test testicles were obtained. Using a Bernier scale both testicles were measured, identifying left and right, as well as the different regions of the epididymis and inguinal channel was explored. Results obtained were as follows: the living body weight media: 2,184±5.5 gm, total size of both testicles: 5.5±0.79 cm. We found a low correlation (0.38, P<0.05) between body weight and testicular development of rabbits at 70 days of age. About the inguinal channel sac, a soft connective tissue that maintains the testicles together inside abdominal cavity was observed in all samples, testicles are enveloped by their various tunics, however, the outermost muscular sheet has the ability to surround the testicles and unfold like a sock when they descend into the scrotum and it is three times longer than the testicle length. 578 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS In conclusion, in young rabbits, previous to reaching puberty, there is not a marked correlation between testicular development and living body weight; however, this parameter could be useful in order to select males as buck replacements. Furthermost, inguinal channel sac must be well developed in order to function actively to allow the testicles to descend into the scrotum and to get back into the abdominal cavity. Key words: New Zealand rabbits, testicular morphometry, inguinal channel, male replacements. Acknowledgements: This research was supported by PROMEP 103.5/13/6535, Project 653511, FEPYPTC2013, Clave FE09/2013. HALLAZGOS MORFOMÉTRICOS TESTICULARES Y DEL SACO DEL CANAL INGUINAL DEL CONEJO FELIPE-PÉREZ YE*, CASTAÑEDA VELÁZQUEZ S, CANO TORRES R, PESCADOR SN Departamento de Reproduccción Animal, Laboratorio de Biología de la Reproducción. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Campus “El Cerrillo”. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. El Cerrillo Piedras Blancas. Toluca, Estado de México. C.P. 50200. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Resumen Los conejos machos deben ser seleccionados sustituir a los reemplazos en la granja de conejos, sin embargo, a veces los testículos no descienden al escroto a los 2 meses de edad, debido a diversos factores genéticos. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron obtener las mediciones morfológicas de los testículos normales descendidos y de las estructuras del canal inguinal en conejos jóvenes. Un total de 30 conejos machos Nueva Zelanda de 70 días de edad se pesaron antes del sacrificio y se obtuvieron los dos testículos. Utilizando una escala de Bernier se midieron ambos testículos, identificando el testículo izquierdo y derecho, así como las diferentes regiones del epidídimo y el canal inguinal fue explorado. Los resultados obtenidos fueron los siguientes: el peso corporal: 2.184 ± 5.5 g, el tamaño total de ambos testículos: 5,5 ± 0,79 cm. Se encontró una correlación baja (0,38, P <0,05) entre el peso corporal y el desarrollo de testículos de conejos a los 70 días de edad. Referente al saco canal inguinal, en todas las muestras se observó un tejido conectivo blando que mantiene a los testículos juntos dentro de la cavidad abdominal, los testículos están envueltos por sus diversas túnicas, sin embargo, la capa muscular más externa, tiene la capacidad de rodear los testículos y desplegarse como un calcetín cuando éstos descienden en el escroto, y tiene una longitud tres veces mayor que la longitud del propio testículo. 580 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS En conclusión, en conejos jóvenes, antes de llegar a la pubertad, no se encontró una marcada correlación entre el desarrollo testicular y el peso corporal; sin embargo, este parámetro podría ser útil para seleccionar a los machos como reemplazos. Además el saco del canal inguinal debe estar bien desarrollado para funcionar activamente y permitir que los testículos desciendan al escroto y les permita volver a la cavidad abdominal. Palabras clave: Conejos Nueva Zelanda, morfometría testicular, canal inguinal, reemplazos, machos. Agradecimientos: El presente recibió apoyo por PROMEP 103.5/13/6535, Proyecto 653511, FEPYPTC2013, Clave FE09/2013. CRYOPRESERVATION OF ORNAMENTAL RABBIT (LION HEAD) SPERM GONZÁLEZ SJA2, JIMÉNEZ SE3, GONZÀLEZ GAN4, HERRERA BJA2, ÁVALOS RA2, RIVERA MJG1 1. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Iztapalapa. Department of Biology of Reproduction. Mexico, D.F. 2. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Xochimilco. Department of Agricultural and Animal Production. Mexico, D. F. 3. Student of the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, UAM-X. 4. Student of Bachelor of Animal Production, UAM-I. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract The ornamental rabbit production has increased in the last 10 years, this production is given by the demand for companion pets for their different aspects and phenotypic characteristics, however, in this type of production have been no studies on its reproductive management, particularly in the quality of semen of stallions used much less in the cryopreservation of genetic material. Therefore the objective of this study was to determine the seminal indicators in fresh and thawed sperm lion head rabbit. 10 ejaculates were collected by artificial vagina three stallions lion's head, the sample obtained was evaluated gross motility, progressive motility and live sperm then cryopreserved using DMSO 6% to defrost gross motility and live spermatozoa was evaluated. The results obtained in fresh for gross motility were 4, progressive motility 91.15 ± 6.18 and live spermatozoa 94.55 ± 5.10. When thawing was obtained a progressive mobility of 44.23 ± 6.41 and live sperm 49.38 ± 6.64. We conclude that sperm lion head rabbit can be cryopreserved, obtaining acceptable results to defrost. Keywords: ornamental rabbits, lion head, sperm, cryopreservation. 582 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS CARACTERIZACIÓN MORFOMÉTRICA DE ESPERMA EN TRES LÍNEAS DE CONEJOS ORNAMENTALES RIVERA MJG1, LÓPEZ RO3, RAZO CV3, MARTÍNEZ PES3, GONZÀLEZ GAN4, HERRERA BJA2, ÁVALOS RA2, GONZÁLEZ SJA2 1. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Iztapalapa. Departamento de Biología de la Reproducción. 2. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Xochimilco. Departamento de Producción Agrícola y Animal.México, D. F. 3. Estudiante de Medicina Veterinaria, UAM-X. 4. Estudiante de Maestría, UAM-I. *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen Producción de conejos ornamentales encontró un auge en los últimos diez años debido a la demanda de estos animales por sus características fenotípicas que los hacen atractivos, sin embargo, no existen estudios en los que se evaluaron las características morfométricas de su esperma. Por lo tanto el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la morfometría de espermatozoides mediante la evaluación de tres líneas de conejos ornamentales (Enano Holandés, Mini Rex y Lop cabeza de león). Cinco eyaculados se obtuvieron de cada poste, utilizando una vagina artificial, para la evaluación de la morfometría, se utilizó un microscopio digital; OPTISUM MIC990FT DC-M900, software Scop-Photo y observadas con un objetivo de 100X. Los resultados en términos de longitud total fueron: Enano Holandés 30,56 ± 0,025 m, Mini rex 30,50 ± 0,22 micras y Lop Lion Head 30,22 ± 0,39 micras. Llegamos a la conclusión de que hay morfométricos diferencia entre el esperma de las tres líneas estudiadas conejos ornamentales. Palabras clave: morfometría, esperma, conejos ornamentales. MORPHOMETRIC CHARACTERIZATION OF SPERM IN THREE LINES OF ORNAMENTAL RABBITS RIVERA MJG1*, LÓPEZ RO3, RAZO CV3, MARTÍNEZ PES3, GONZÀLEZ GAN4, HERRERA BJA2, ÁVALOS RA2, GONZÁLEZ SJA2 1. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Iztapalapa. Department of Biology of Reproduction. Mexico, D. F. 2. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Xochimilco. Department of Agricultural and Animal Production. Mexico, D. F. 3. Student of the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, UAM-X. 4. Student of Bachelor of Animal Production, UAM-I. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Production of ornamental rabbits found a boom in the last ten years due to the demand for these pets by their phenotypic characteristics that make them attractive, however, do not have any studies where the morphometric characteristics of their sperm are evaluated. Therefore the objective of this study was to evaluate the sperm morphometry by evaluating three lines of ornamental rabbits (Dutch Dwarf, Mini Rex and Lop Lion Head). Five ejaculates were obtained from each stud, using one artificial vagina, for morphometry evaluation, a digital microscope was used; OPTISUM MIC990FT DCM900, software Scop-Photo and observed with a 100X objective. The results in terms of total length were: Dwarf Dutch 30.56 ± 0.025 µm, Mini rex 30.50 ± 0.22 µm and Lop Lion Head 30.22 ± 0.39 µm. We conclude that there is difference morphometric between sperm of the three lines studied ornamental rabbits. Keywords: morphometry, sperm, ornamental rabbits. 584 INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA CUNICULTURA DE LAS AMÉRICAS RABBITRY RESEARCH IN THE AMERICAS CARACTERIZACIÓN MORFOMÉTRICA DE ESPERMA EN TRES LÍNEAS DE CONEJOS ORNAMENTALES RIVERA MJG1*, LÓPEZ RO3, RAZO CV3, MARTÍNEZ PES3, GONZÀLEZ GAN4, HERRERA BJA2, ÁVALOS RA2, GONZÁLEZ SJA2 1. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Iztapalapa. Departamento de Biología de la Reproducción. 2. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Xochimilco. Departamento de Producción Agrícola y Animal. México, D. F. 3. Estudiante de Medicina Veterinaria, UAM-X. 4. Estudiante de Maestría, UAM-I. *Autor correspondiente: [email protected] Resumen Producción de conejos ornamentales encontró un auge en los últimos diez años debido a la demanda de estos animales por sus características fenotípicas que los hacen atractivos, sin embargo, no existen estudios en los que se evaluaron las características morfométricas de su esperma. Por lo tanto el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la morfometría de espermatozoides mediante la evaluación de tres líneas de conejos ornamentales (Enano Holandés, Mini Rex y Lop cabeza de león). Cinco eyaculados se obtuvieron de cada macho, utilizando una vagina artificial, para la evaluación de la morfometría, se utilizó un microscopio digital; OPTISUM MIC990FT DC-M900, software Scop-Photo y observadas con un objetivo de 100X. Los resultados en términos de longitud total fueron: Enano Holandés 30,56 ± 0,025 m, Mini rex 30,50 ± 0,22 micras y Lop Lion Head 30,22 ± 0,39 micras. Llegamos a la conclusión de que hay diferencia morfométrica entre el esperma de las tres líneas estudiadas de conejos ornamentales. Palabras clave: morfometría, esperma, conejos ornamentales.