Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Reiner Schulze
Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Reiner Schulze
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reiner Schulze Professor of Law at the University of Münster Chair in German and European Civil Law Speaker of the Centre for European Private Law Director of the Institute for International Business Law Director of the Institute for Legal History Curriculum Vitae 1948 Born in Berlin 1968 Abitur at the Lilienthal Gymnasium, Berlin 1973 Legal studies and First State Examination in Law 1976 Doctorate in law (Dr. iur.) at the University of Frankfurt a.M. 1978 Second State Examination in Law 1979 – 1980 Research assistant at the University of Frankfurt a.M. 1980 – 1982 Post-doctoral qualification Forschungsgemeinschaft 1983 Habilitation and qualification as Privatdozent at the University of Frankfurt a.M. 1984 – 1988 Deputised as professor at the universities of Constance, Frankfurt, Regensburg and Trier 1989 – 1994 Professor for Civil Law, German and Modern European Legal History, University of Trier 1994 – Present Professor for German and European Civil Law and Director of the Institute for Legal History, University of Münster 1996 – 2005 Judge at the Higher Regional Court, Hamm (Oberlandesgericht Hamm) 1997 – Present Director of the Institute for International Business Law 1997 – 2012 Executive Director of the Centre for European Private Law, University of Münster 2012 – 2013 President of the European Law Faculties Association (ELFA) sponsored by the 1 Deutsche Further Activities Member of the Spanish “Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación”; member and chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law (ECTIL); council member of the European Law Institute (ELI); joint president of the Dutch-German Jurists Association; President of the German group of the Association Henri Capitant; member of the Research Group on the Existing EC Private Law (Acquis Group); member of Trans Europe Experts (TEE). Co-editor of the “Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht” (ZEuP); “Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte” (ZNR); “Schriften zum Europäischen Privatrecht”; “Schriften zur Europäischen Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte”; member of the international advisory board of the Revista de Derecho Privado. Honorary professorship at the University of Miskolc; guest professor i.a. at the University of Antwerp; China University of Politics and Law, Beijing; Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, University of Lancaster; University of Łódź; Université Jean-Moulin, Lyon III; Nanjing University; Université Paris-Sud; Université de Perpignan; University of Virginia; University Carlos III Madrid. Specialist Areas of Research European business and consumer law; European and international contract law; law of obligations (in particular, contract law, tort law and unjust enrichment); law of cooperative enterprises and franchising; history of European private law (in particular the 19th century); history of European Community law. Selected Publications (since 2005) Articles Non-contractual liability arising out of damage caused to another in the DCFR, in: Vincent Sagaert et al (eds), The Draft Common Frame of Reference: national and comparative perspectives, Antwerp 2012, p. 221–230. Legal Cultures and Legal Transplants in Germany, co-written with André Janssen, (2011) European Review of Private Law (ERPL) 225–256. Europäisches Vertragsrecht – die Zeit ist reif für die Gesetzgebung, (2011) Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EuZW) 569–570. Vom Entwurf für einen Gemeinsamen Referenzrahmen zum optionalen Europäischen Vertragsrecht, in: Werner Ebke et al (eds), Das deutsche Wirtschaftsrecht unter dem Einfluss des US-amerikanischen Rechts, Frankfurt 2010, p. 117–130. Protecting rational choice: information and the right of withdrawal, co-written with Christian Twigg-Flesner, in: Geraint Howells et al (eds), Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law, Cheltenham 2010, p. 130–157. 2 From the Draft Common Frame of Reference to European Contract Law Rules, cowritten with Thomas Wilhelmsson, (2008) European Review of Contract Law 154–168. Estado actual de los debates sobre el Marco Común de Referencia, in: María del Rosario Díaz Romero et al (eds), Derecho Privado Europeo: Estado actual y perspectivas de futuro, Cizur Menor (Navarra) 2008, p. 407–428. Consumer Law and European Contract Law, in: Geraint Howells et al (eds), The Yearbook of Consumer Law 2007, Aldershot 2007, p. 153–166. Konturen des künftigen europäischen Vertragsrechts, (2007) EuZW 449. Die „Acquis-Grundregeln“ und Gemeinsamer Referenzrahmen, (2007) Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht (ZEuP) 731–734. Grundzüge eines kohärenten europäischen Vertragsrechts, (2006) Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik (ZRP) 155–158. Pre-contractual Duties and Conclusion of Contract in European Law, (2005) ERPL 841– 866; revised version (in Spanish) Deberes precontractuales y conclusión del contrato en el Derecho Contractual Europeo, (2006) Anuario de Derecho Civil 29–58. Thesen zur Zukunft des Verbraucherrechts, co-written with Hans Schulte-Nölke, in: Hans-Werner Micklitz (ed.), Verbraucherrecht in Deutschland – Stand und Perspektiven, Baden-Baden 2005, p. 427–439. European Private Law and Existing EC Law, (2005) ERPL 3–19. Commentaries and Manuals Commentary on the Common European Sales Law (editor), Munich 2012. Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, Handkommentar co-edited with Heinrich Dörner, Ina Ebert, Jörn Eckert, Thomas Hoeren, Rainer Kemper, Reiner Schulze and Ansgar Staudinger, 8th edition, Baden-Baden 2014. Europarecht: Handbuch für die deutsche Rechtspraxis, co-edited with Manfred Zuleeg and Stefan Kadelbach, 2nd edition, Tübingen 2010 (3rd edition, forthcoming 2015). BGB: Kommentiertes Vertrags- und Prozessformularbuch, co-edited with Herbert Grziwotz and Rudolf Lauda, 2nd edition, Baden-Baden 2014. Edited Works The Law of Obligations in Europe – A New Wave of Codifications, co-edited with Fryderyk Zoll, Munich 2013. Der Entwurf für ein optionales europäisches Kaufrecht, co-edited with Hans SchulteNölke et al, Munich 2012. Towards a European Contract Law, co-edited with Jules Stuyck, Munich 2011. European Private Law – Current Status and Perspectives, co-edited with Hans SchulteNölke, Munich 2011. 3 Compensation of Private Losses – The Evolution of Torts in European Business Law (editor), Munich 2011. Non-Discrimination in European Private Law (editor), Baden-Baden 2011. L’amorce d’un droit européen du contrat: La proposition de directive relative aux droits des consommateurs, co-edited with Denis Mazeaud and Guillaume Wicker, Paris 2010. Modernising and Harmonising Consumer Contract Law, co-edited with Geraint Howells, Munich 2009. Common Frame of Reference and Existing EC Contract Law (editor), 2nd edition, Munich 2009. Tort Law of the European Community, co-edited with Helmut Koziol, Vienna 2008. New Features in Contract Law (editor), Munich 2007. 4