the water cycle - Canal de Isabel II Gestión
the water cycle - Canal de Isabel II Gestión
THE WATER CYCLE SANITATION Sanitation | Reclaiming | Co-generation THE WATER CYCLE SANITATION SANITATION Sanitation management comprises the transport of wastewater through the urban sewage network to the wastewater treatment stations (EDAR), its purification and its subsequent return to the rivers in optimum condition. For these purposes, Canal de Isabel II Gestión manages a complex system comprising: municipal sanitation and sewage networks (collectors and emissaries), wastewater pumping stations, storm tanks and wastewater treatment stations. URBAN SEWAGE NETWORKS The purpose of the urban sewage networks is to collect domestic and industrial wastewater and rainwater runoff for its subsequent transport to treatment stations. The company is in charge of the maintenance of such municipal networks, comprising 11,148 km, in all municipalities with which Canal de Isabel II Gestión has executed an agreement. It also manages 751 km of collectors and emissaries, involving a grand total of 11,899 km of major conducts distributed throughout the Madrid Region. WASTEWATER PUMPING STATIONS These facilities are necessary to elevate the waters where it is impossible to transpor them by the force of gravity. Pumping stations No. Municipal stations 77 No. Non-Municipal stations 48 Total no. 125 Installed capacity (kW/h) Maximum elevation capacity (m3/h) 7320 30,000 STORM TANKS The company currently manages 64 storm tanks and laminators, whose purpose is to prevent flooding and spillage to the rivers. These facilities allow to retain up to 1.46 million cubic metres of the first rainwater, the most polluting. Storms tanks and laminators 2 Total no. Volume (m3) 63 1.462.000 THE WATER CYCLE SANITATION PURIFICATION Canal de Isabel II Gestión is in charge of wastewater purification for the whole of the Madrid Region. For this purpose, it has 154 wastewater treatment stations, with a nominal treatment capacity exceeding the equivalent of 17 million persons. The construction, exploitation and maintenance of wastewater treatment stations require plentiful technical, human and economic resources. The Madrid Region is currently one of the few regions able to assert that it purifies 100% of its wastewater. Alberche River Basin EDAR Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design Aldea del Fresno 1989 6000 Cadalso de los Vidrios 2003 7000 Cenicientos 2003 10,000 Navas del Rey 1986 5000 Picadas 1987 19,500 Rozas de Puerto Real 2003 4100 San Martín de Valdeiglesias Nordeste 2003 5000 San Martín de Valdeiglesias Norte 2003 2000 Villa del Prado 2001 12,400 Aulencia River Basin EDAR 3 Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design Colmenarejo Oeste 2004 14.000 El Paraíso 1991 1.500 Los Escoriales 1986/2000 75.000 Villanueva de la Cañada 1992/2003 26.666 THE WATER CYCLE SANITATION Cofio River Basin Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design La Estación 1993 2000 La Hoya 2003 136 La Paradilla 2003 151 Las Herreras 2003 206 Robledo de Chavela 1993 20,000 Robledondo 1993 500 Santa María de la Alameda 1993 2000 Valmaqueda 1993 4000 EDAR Guadalix River Basin EDAR Bustarviejo Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design 1993 20,000 1979/1993 17,500 Miraflores 1992 20,000 Navalafuente 1996 6300 1990/2008 30,000 Guadalix de la Sierra San Agustín del Guadalix Guadarrama River Basin EDAR 4 Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design Arroyo del Soto 1987/2000 604.800 Arroyo El Plantío 1988/2000 87.500 Batres 2005 2.000 Boadilla 2002 80.000 Colmenarejo Este 2003 5.000 El Chaparral 1988 60.000 THE WATER CYCLE SANITATION Guadarrama River Basin (continuation) EDAR El Endrinal Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design 1987 165.400 1988/2002 87.500 Guadarrama Medio 1993 70.000 La Reguera 2008 272.210 1993/2001 70.000 Serranillos del Valle 2005 7.000 Villaviciosa de Odón 2002 80.000 Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design Galapagar-Torrelodones Navalcarnero Guatén River Basin EDAR Guatén 2004 49,883 Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design Henares River Basin EDAR 5 Alcalá Este 1987 103,300 Alcalá Oeste 1989/2000 374,090 Los Santos de la Humosa 2003 3000 Meco 2010 58,686 Ribatejada-Fresno 2003 10,000 Valdeavero 2004 4000 THE WATER CYCLE SANITATION Jarama River Basin Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design 1988/2000 43,800 2010 40,000 Arroyo de la Vega 1986/2009 541,667 Arroyo Quiñones 2012 172,500 Cabanillas 1988 1100 Campo Real 2003 6000 EDAR Algete Aranjuez Norte Casaquemada 1987/2000 505,750 Cobeña 2010 10,000 El Espartal 2012 466 El Vellón, El Molar y Pedrezuela 2002 12,000 Fuente El Saz 1992 40,000 La Cabrera 1988/2008 6000 La Poveda 1987/1994 100,000 Las Rejas 1977/2000 685,000 Molar Sur 1993 5000 Patones 1993 700 Pozuelo del Rey 2004 1000 Redueña 1988 106 Soto-Gutiérrez 119,170 Talamanca 1994 6000 Titulcia 2005 1300 Torrejón de Ardoz 2009 450,000 Torrelaguna 1988/2008 6000 Torremocha 1987 1750 Torres de la Alameda 2015 6,000 Tres Cantos 1988/1991 44,000 Valdebebas 1982/2000 259,200 Valdepiélagos 6 1991/2002 1988 750 THE WATER CYCLE SANITATION Jarama River Basin (continuation) EDAR Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design Valderrey 2003 500 Valdetorres 1994 7350 Velilla de San Antonio 1996/2008 123,000 Venturada 1988/2005 5356 Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design Lozoya River Basin EDAR 7 Aoslos 2004 400 Berzosa de Lozoya 2012 944 Cervera 1991 1000 Cincovillas 2004 200 Conjunta de Gascones 2004 4500 El Atazar 2004 400 El Berrueco 1991 1600 Gandullas 2004 600 Horcajo de la Sierra 2004 800 Horcajuelo de la Sierra 2004 600 La Hiruela 2004 400 Lozoyuela 2004 2640 Madarcos 2004 400 Manjirón 2004 800 Montejo de la Sierra 2004 1200 Navarredonda 2004 600 Navas de Buitrago 2004 205 Paredes de Buitrago 2004 400 Pinilla 1987 7500 Pinilla de Buitrago 2004 400 THE WATER CYCLE SANITATION Lozoya River Basin (continuation) EDAR Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design Piñuécar 2004 600 Prádena del Rincón 2004 800 Puebla de la Sierra 2004 926 Puentes Viejas 1987 6300 Riosequillo 1990 14,083 Robledillo de la Jara 2012 1081 Robregordo 2004 800 San Mamés 2004 600 Serrada de la Fuente 2004 400 Sieteiglesias 2003 550 Somosierra 2004 400 Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design Academia de Ingenieros 1997 1.750 Arroyo Culebro Cuenca Baja 2008 1.353.600 Arroyo Culebro Cuenca Media Alta 2007 1.224.720 Butarque 1983 1.612.800 Hoyo de Manzanares 1986 9.000 La China 1932 1.335.000 La Gavia 2008 1.353.600 La Mina 1997 4.167 Las Matas-Peñascales 1993 10.000 Las Rozas 1992/2008 21.000 Navarrosillos 1987/2008 113.333 Manzanares River Basin EDAR 8 Patentes Talgo 2002 1.000 Santillana 1988 86.390 THE WATER CYCLE SANITATION Manzanares River Basin (continuation) EDAR Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design Sur 1983 2.937.600 Sur Oriental 1983 288.000 1983/2001 700.000 Viveros de la Villa Perales River Basin EDAR Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design Chapinería 2004 4.000 Colmenar del Arroyo 2004 4.000 Fresnedillas de la Oliva 2004 4.000 Navalagamella 2004 4.000 Peralejo 1998 240 Pinosol 2000 1.296 Quijorna 2011 12.548 Sevilla la Nueva 2004 6.000 1993/2004 13.000 Villamanta 2004 4.000 Villamantilla 2002 4.600 Zarzalejo 2003 12.708 Valdemorillo Tajo River Basin EDAR Aranjuez Year of commissioning 1989/2000 Population equivalent -Design 157.500 Brea de Tajo 2003 2.000 Colmenar de Oreja 2004 5.500 Estremera 2003 3.000 Fuentidueña de Tajo 2004 5.000 Villaconejos 2000 4.000 Villamanrique de Tajo 2004 1.000 9 THE WATER CYCLE SANITATION Tajuña River Basin EDAR Year of commissioning Population equivalent -Design Belmonte del Tajo 2004 1600 Carabaña 2003 6200 Chinchón 2004 15,260 Conjunta de Ambite 2004 18,412 Morata de Tajuña 2005 12,000 Orusco de Tajuña 2004 3300 Perales de Tajuña y Tielmes 2004 13,200 Pezuela de las Torres 2004 2000 Valdaracete 2004 700 Valdelaguna 2004 3750 Valdilecha 2003 6500 Villarejo de Salvanés 2004 10,000 QUALITY-CONTROL OF PURIFIED WATER The company has a purified water laboratory, which places us in the vanguard of analysis techniques used to monitor the water sanitation process. The commissioning of the new laboratory has doubled our ability to control the quality of water purified in the Madrid Region, with an average of seven analyses per hour. The new laboratory allows an extension of this practice to control the quality of effluents purified in wastewater treatment stations (EDAR) and to monitor the quality of reclaimed water destined to the watering of green spaces. This laboratory is certified by ENAC to determine pH, conductivity, turbidity, free and total chlorine and suspended solids in reclaimed waters and also pH, conductivity, turbidity, suspended solids, DQO and DBO5 in wastewater. 10 THE WATER CYCLE SANITATION RECLAIMED WATER In order to achieve the objective to reuse purified water set by Madrid’s Dpura scheme, 29 reclaimed water production facilities have been built, together with the city countil of Madrid, and Canal Gestion manages now more than 347 km of specific networks to facilitate its distribution to water public green spaces, hosing down of streets and industrial uses. Further, the company is currently responsible for the water reuse system of the city of Madrid, where it counts with specific areas and distribution infrastructure for the refill of cleaning and watering vehicles with reclaimed water. CO-GENERATION The company owns certain facilities which, synergistically with the sanitation processes, allow generating renewable energy, using the sub products of the different processes for energy and the co-generation of electricity. For these purposes, it owns 11 electricity generation plants fuelled by biogas produced in the wastewater treatment facilities’ processes, a cogeneration plant associated with the thermal drying process applied to mud and with small changes of height in wastewater. As a result, Canal de Isabel II Gestión has the greatest stored capacity for the production of electrical energy of any company within the Madrid Region (a total of 82.05 megawatts). 11 Santa Engracia, 125 28003 Madrid 900 365 365