spanish version - Wise Owl Factory


spanish version - Wise Owl Factory
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
e le
Fr ab
de los Animales
Teacher Poster Signs
Student Coloring Pages
Spanish Translation by
La Profesora Frida
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Text by Tonya Dirksen of the Strings, Keys, and Melodies Blog
Clip Art
Kinder Alphabet
Clip Art by Lidia
Teachers Clip Art
She made custom art
just for this project!
Spanish Translation by
La Profesora Frida
Text by Tonya
Dirksen, Strings
Keys & Melodies
Scrapping Doodles Licenses
#50089, #54476, #60204, #52613,
#63188, #63188_C, #63543C
Clip Art by
Page Design by
Wise Owl Factory LLC,
Carolyn Wilhelm
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Table of Contents
by Tonya
Page 4
Poster Signs
Pages 5-18
Pages 19-33
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
This semester, I have been taking my students on an adventure with
classical music! Each week I have introduced them to a new animal from the Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens. This is a wonderful way to introduce children to classical music. Plus we have a
fun time because we make up movements and dances to go with
each animal. This has been very successful at the special needs
school that I teach at each week as well as during my private
classes in my home studio.
Saint-Saens wrote Carnival of the Animals as a joke for his pupils at
a music school. Everyone has enjoyed it so much that it has become one of his most famous pieces of music!
I have really enjoyed using the book, Carnival of the Animals by
Saint-Saens, Commentary by Barrie Carson Turner and Illustrations
by Sue Williams. The first part of the book explains the orchestra and
which instruments Saint-Saens used in each movement. Children
are fascinated by the different instruments that make up the sounds
of the animals.
In order to get the children involved I have them dance or move to
each movement. We have used rhythm sticks and dancing ribbons. Dancing ribbons are super easy and inexpensive to
make. Go to my blog for directions.
Tonya Dirksen, Strings, Keys, and Melodies
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
La Marcha Real de Los Leones
El primer movimiento es “La Marcha Real de Los Leones.” Los instrumentos de cuerda y
el piano tocan en esta marcha. El piano es como el rugido del león. Usa los palitos de
ritmo para marchar y escucha cuidadosamente para el rugido de los leones.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Los Gallos y Las Gallinas
El movimiento de Los Gallos y Gallinas es creado usando el violín y la viola que suenen
como las gallinas graznando. El piano y el clarinete suenan como los gallos cloqueando.
Usa listones de baila y haz los movimientos de las gallinas picoteando la tierra.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Los Burros
Los Burros son creados usando el piano. La música va arriba y abajo como Los Burros corriendo por la montaña. Este movimiento es muy rápido y a los niños les disfruta mucho
bailar arriba y abajo con listones de baila como los burros en la montaña.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Las Tortugas
Las Tortugas andan muy lentamente. Ahora es el momento perfecto para enseñar a los
niños a calmar y hacer movimientos lentos igual con la música. Escucha los instrumentos
de cuerda y el piano. Baila como una tortuga con listones de baila.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Los Elefantes
Los Elefantes bailan el vals ahora. Escucha el doble bajo, el sonido de los pasos de los
elefantes haciendo un esfuerzo. Los niños usan listones de baila como las trompas de los
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Los Canguros
Ahora viene la música animada como Los Canguros. A los niños les encanta saltar como
un canguro durante este movimiento. Para los que prefieren – sus listones de baila
pueden “saltar.”
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
El Acuario
El Acuario suena como música al fondo del mar. La flauta y los instrumentos de cuerda
tocan para los peces y el piano toca las olas suaves del mar. Escucha y puedes escuchar el
sonido del carillón. Este es un movimiento divertido. Los niños pueden nadar como peces
o sirenas, usando los listones de baila como colas.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Animales con Orejas
El violín toca el sonido de Animales con Orejas Largas. Los rebuznos son rápidos y ruidosos. Muy ruidoso –¡como divertido! A los niños les gusta escuchar y rebuznar como los
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Cuco en el Bosque
Cuco en el Bosque es muy suave. Puedes escuchar el sonido del cuco como clarinete.
Puedes escuchar el sonido de pasitos en el bosque por el piano. Anda de puntillas por el
bosque, escucha el sonido del Cuco.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Los Pájaros
Baila como Los Pájaros con listones de baila. Pueden usar dos listones como las alas de
los pájaros. Ten los pies ligeros y vuela por el aula como un pajarito. La flauta y el violín
hacen el sonido de los pájaros y el piano hace los “pío píos” de pajaritos.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Los Pianistas
Los Pianistas es un parte muy divertido. ¡Ellos practican el mismo ejercicio muchas veces! Los instrumentos de cuerda vienen para decir, “¡Tengan prisa!” a los pianistas. Usa
los listones de baila o tus manos para representar los pianistas tocando los pianos.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Los Fósiles
El xilófono y el piano tocan la música de Los Fósiles. La música es rápido como los huesos bailando.
Después la orquesta entera viene para tocar un cancioncita muy conocida. Usa los palitos de ritmo
para hacer el sonido de los huesos bailando.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
El Cisne
El Cisne es lento y bonito. El violonchelo toca la música principal y el violín toca
en el fondo. Usando los listones de baila para bailar un baile elegante es perfecto.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
El Fin
Todos los animales vienen para El Fin. La orquesta toca un desfile especial. Puedes escuchar Los Burros, Los Gallos y Las Gallinas y Los Canguros saltando. Es la hora para los palitos de ritmo. Haz un desfile por el aula. ¡Es un desfile feliz!
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
El Carnaval
De los
Nombre _______________________
Fecha ________________________
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
La Marcha
Real de Los Leones
Los instrumentos de cuerda y el piano tocan La Marcha Real de Los Leones.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Los Gallos y Las Gallinas
El movimiento de Los Gallos y Gallinas es creado usando el violín y la viola que suenen
como las gallinas graznando. El piano y el clarinete suenan como los gallos cloqueando.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Los Burros
La música va arriba y abajo como Los Burros corriendo por la montaña.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Las Tortugas
Las Tortugas andan lentamente. Los instrumentos de cuerda y
el piano suenan lentamente.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Los elefantes
Escucha el doble bajo, el sonido de los pasos de los elefantes haciendo un esfuerzo.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Los Canguros
La música es animada como Los Canguros saltando por un piano.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
El Acuario
El Acuario suena como música al fondo del mar. La flauta y los instrumentos de
cuerda tocan para los peces y el piano toca las olas suaves del mar. Escucha y
puedes escuchar el sonido del carillón.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Animales con Orejas
El violín toca el sonido de Animales con Orejas Largas. Los rebuznos son
rápidos y ruidosos.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Cuco en el Bosque
Cuco en el Bosque es muy suave. Puedes escuchar el sonido del cuco como
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Los Pájaros
La flauta y el violín hacen el sonido de los pájaros y el piano hace los “pío píos”
de pajaritos.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Los Pianistas
Los Pianistas practican el mismo ejercicio muchas veces. Los instrumentos de
cuerda vienen para decir, “¡Tengan prisa!” a los pianistas.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
Los Fósiles
El xilófono y el piano tocan la música de Los Fósiles. La música es rápido como
los huesos bailando.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
El Cisne
El Cisne es lento y bonito. El violonchelo toca la música principal y el violín toca
en el fondo.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida
Carnival of the Animals Music Appreciation Study
El Fin
Todos los animales vienen para El Fin. Es la hora para los palitos de ritmo y otro
desfile en el aula.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Scrapping Doodles Licenses #50089, #54476, #60204, #52613, #63188, #63188_C, #63543C, Clip art by Carrie, Teacher’s Clip art and custom art for this project, too,, Kinder Alphabet, Creative Clips, Musical Clip Art, Graphics Factory, Text @ by Tonya Dirksen, Spanish Translation by La Profesora Frida