
Zona de Actividad Logística
Multimodal de Montevideo
25 de Mayo 604, Of. 104
Montevideo, CP. 11.000
[email protected]
Design, Funding, Construction, Operation and
Maintenance of Montevideo Multimodal Logistics
Activity Zone (hereinafter ‘ZAL Montevideo’)
Country: Uruguay / Date of the call: 24 September 2014 /
Deadline for the submission of expression of interest and
background information: 17 October 2014
The project is framed in the policy agreed between the IM and
the logistics community and promoted by the Uruguayan Government with the participation of all the political and social
stakeholders, and it aims at consolidating Uruguay as a Regional
Logistics Center by the year 2030
Description of the project
The IM is planning the creation of a Multimodal Logistics Activity
Zone in two locations:
50 hectares on National Route No 102 (Circle Road) and Camino
Manuel Fortet
7 hectares on National Route No 1 and Camino Tomkinson, with
the following purposes
Zona de Actividad Logística
Multimodal de Montevideo
25 de Mayo 604, Of. 104
Montevideo, CP. 11.000
[email protected]
Infrastructure to be Built
Customs Monitoring Center
Same day cargo deconsolidation terminal as a promotion
Port Access Management Facilities for scheduling access
to the Port of Montevideo
Railway terminal
Area for the promotion of SMEs with an export profile
Area for private logistics activities
Truck Rest Area (Integrated truck and business
services terminal)
Office building
Shopping and service area
Multi-purpose areas
Entry/exit control area; fenced and monitored perimeter
Centralized telecommunication services
Basic electricity (UTE) and water (OSE) infrastructures, as well
as sewage, rainwater, road and lighting infrastructure
General insurance program
Main Objectives of the Intendencia de Montevideo:
Splitting cargoes so that heavy trucks do not get into the city
Decongesting the city from heavy traffic
Reducing the interference with other modes of transport and
other activities of the city
Improving road safety
Zona de Actividad Logística
Multimodal de Montevideo
25 de Mayo 604, Of. 104
Montevideo, CP. 11.000
[email protected]
Facilitating, together with the DNA , the installation of the
National Center for Customs Verification
Creating, together with the ANP , logistics bases associated to
the Port of Montevideo to help organize the circulation in the
accesses to the Port
Providing, together with AFE , a railway logistics base to offer
a multimodal option for cargo transportation
Offering a logistics service option for private depots installed
in Montevideo
Offering an area for same day cargo breakdown for companies
Consolidating cargoes departing from Montevideo to national
or international destinations
Promoting value added activities in a logistics chain for
merchandise entering and leaving Montevideo
Promoting small and medium companies with a strategic
export profile
Within the framework of the agreement subscribed on 24 September 2014, the Intendencia de Montevideo, the Dirección
Nacional de Aduanas (DNA), and the Administración Nacional de
Puertos (ANP) [hereinafter ‘the Conveners’] hereby issue a call
for expressions of interest for the position of Developer of Montevideo Multimodal Logistics Activity Zone.
Zona de Actividad Logística
Multimodal de Montevideo
25 de Mayo 604, Of. 104
Montevideo, CP. 11.000
[email protected]
Purpose of the call
Call for expressions of interest concerning the Design, Funding,
Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of a Multimodal
Logistics Activity Zone in Montevideo (ZAL Montevideo) for a
minimum term of 20 years.
Interested parties must prove their experience in operational,
commercial and technological management of logistics parks or
operations, and associated services.
This call for potential interested parties has been conceived as a
stage based on which the following is possible:
Explaining to the interested parties the type of project to be
promoted by the public bodies involved
Determining the universe of parties interested in taking part in
the competitive process to be organized in the future
Facilitating a preliminary discussion stage aimed at defining
more clearly the structure of the project which will be the
object of a competitive bid
Receiving suggestions, recommendations and proposals from
the interested parties
It is worth noting that the contributions which might be fully or
partially accepted by the Conveners and/or the Task Force to be
appointed by them will in no case generate any intellectual property rights whatsoever in favor of the interested parties issuing
Also, said contributions shall not be binding for the Conveners,
which may, at their sole discretion, accept them or not.
Zona de Actividad Logística
Multimodal de Montevideo
25 de Mayo 604, Of. 104
Montevideo, CP. 11.000
[email protected]
Persons qualified to answer this call
Both national and foreign natural and legal persons may submit
expressions of interest.
In the event that the call is answered by more than one person
acting together, this fact must be duly recorded at the time of
the submission. In said case, all the persons appearing jointly
must meet the requirements established.
As regards legal persons, only the representatives appointed by
the interested parties and other persons contractually linked
to them whose data have been communicated in writing to the
Conveners and who have been accepted by them may appear at
the call.
Restrictions to answer the call
The following persons cannot take part in this process:
Persons who have been declared bankrupt, or who are under a
judicial liquidation process, who have filed bankruptcy proceedings, or have held a similar status within five (5) calendar years
preceding the date of this call.
Persons regarding whom, within the last 5 (five) years, a unilateral termination of public contract has been ordered due to
failure on their part to meet their obligations towards the State,
or, who have been condemned in legal processes with public
entities as a result of a breach of a public contract.
Legal and natural persons who do not personally attend the interviews must appoint a legal representative or a special attorney to act before the Conveners of this call. In the event that either of said capacities is exercised by salaried employees of the
interested party, or granted by it to a professional firm, it may
be exercised by more than one person. This fact must be duly
recorded in the power of attorney delivered to the Conveners.
In the event that the person who appears at this call uses a
power of attorney, they must prove his/her capacity by submitting a certified copy of the corresponding instrument, granted by
the interested party before a notary public.
Zona de Actividad Logística
Multimodal de Montevideo
25 de Mayo 604, Of. 104
Montevideo, CP. 11.000
[email protected]
Persons acting in the capacity as legal representatives of the
interested party must prove their capacity by submitting a valid
notarial certificate or special power of attorney, issued by a notary public, clearly establishing the powers granted
Special information and conditions
As well as meeting the requirements established above, at the
time of submitting their expressions of interest the interested
parties must attach the following information:
Background data of natural or legal persons. Brief presentation
concerning the firm or consortium, including number of personnel, sales volume, years in the market, and experience to carry
out the activities required by the ZAL Montevideo project.
Professional references proving that the firm or consortium is
qualified to appear at a future competitive process.
Experience. Submit a history file of fulfilled and ongoing works similar to the ZAL Montevideo project, including proof of
amounts involved, execution dates, and a brief description of
the projects carried out during the last 5 years.
Contact data. Applicant’s name, country, incorporation date,
actual address, and address in Uruguay; authorized representatives’ data (including name, address, phone and fax numbers,
and e-mail address).
Affidavit. Sworn statement issued by the interested party indicating that they are not included in any restrictions which may
prevent it from participating in the process.
Failures or omissions in the documentation submitted by the
interested parties may be solved –at the sole discretion of ZAL
Montevideo’s work team- as long as they do not entail the modification of data and refer to non-essential aspects of the requirements established or the information required.
Zona de Actividad Logística
Multimodal de Montevideo
25 de Mayo 604, Of. 104
Montevideo, CP. 11.000
[email protected]
The interested parties which meet the requirements established
in these specifications must attend one or more interviews with
the ZAL Montevideo project Task Force. At the time of the call,
they will be supplied with basic information on the project, including definitions and strategic guidelines. By way of example:
conceptual design of the business model, draft project of the
basic layout associated to the model, and other data which may
be relevant before the beginning of the competitive process.
The purpose of said interviews is that the interested parties –as
potential offerors in a future competitive process- may make
suggestions and/or remarks, based on their experience, and
exchange additional information referred to the project.
Companies interested in this call must submit their background
data, and state their interest in the project in a digital file to be
sent by e-mail to: [email protected], or personally
submitted at 25 de Mayo # 604, Office 104, in the hours from
9 to 17.
Deadline for the submission of expression of interest and background information: 17 October 2014.
All the information and/or applications sent to an e-mail
address and/or postal address other than the addresses of the
office of ZAL Montevideo Project will be rejected.
In the event that the background data and experience herein
requested are deemed to be insufficient and/or do not bear relation with the logistics zone planned, the Conveners reserve the
right to reject and not accept the application to take part in this
process. In said case, the corresponding person will not be summoned to hold the interview with ZAL Montevideo’s Task Force;
this decision will be notified by e-mail. This shall not entail any
responsibility whatsoever for the Conveners or the Task Force.
The dates of the interviews shall be established by the 15th day
following the deadline established for the submission of expressions of interest; the interviews will be held at the office located
at 25 de Mayo St., Office #104, in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay.
Zona de Actividad Logística
Multimodal de Montevideo
25 de Mayo 604, Of. 104
Montevideo, CP. 11.000
[email protected]
As long as the companies meet the requirements established
above, and a representative of the company is present in Uruguay, online discussions by video conference may be allowed.
The conduction, coordination and general organization of the
interviews will be defined by a Task Force appointed by the Conveners.
Queries and clarifications
The interested parties may make queries or request clarifications referred to the content of these specifications by writing to
the e-mail address specified below.
Responses will be sent from the same e-mail address within the
5 business days following the date of reception.
The entities in charge of the ZAL Montevideo project reserve the
right to change the project requirements at their sole discretion
during any of the stages of the call for expressions of interest.
Said modifications will be issued by means of circular letters or
All the communications concerning queries, clarifications, and/
or changes made ex officio by the Conveners will be issued in
writing, by sending an e-mail message to the corresponding
parties, and published in the same web pages as these Specifications.
The responses will include the corresponding queries, as they
are received by the Conveners, without identifying the person
who sent them.
The responses, clarifications, circular letters and amendments
issued will be part of the Specifications, and therefore will be
binding for all the interested parties participating in the project.
Zona de Actividad Logística
Multimodal de Montevideo
25 de Mayo 604, Of. 104
Montevideo, CP. 11.000
[email protected]
Contact data
Queries and clarification requests must be sent to:
25 de Mayo 604 Edificio Barreiro & Ramos - Oficina 104
Montevideo, Uruguay
E-mail address
[email protected]
The official language for this stage of the project is Spanish.
This includes communications and documents to be submitted.
Original documents written in other languages must be accompanied by the corresponding translation into Spanish. Translation costs must be borne by the interested parties.
Likewise, interviews will be held in Spanish and the Conveners
shall not bear the cost of translation in any case.
Interruption and/or cancellation of the call
for expressions of interest
The Conveners may at any time suspend, cancel, annul or
declare void this process, without this entailing any liability
whatsoever for the Conveners, their seniors, officers, employees
in general, or advisors.
Said decisions shall not give grounds to the interested parties to
file claims regarding expenses, fees, reimbursements, remunerations, rights, and/or indemnifications of any kind whatsoever.
All the dates indicated herein are for reference only. Both the
Conveners and/or the Task Force appointed by them reserve the
right to adjust and/or modify any of said dates, which will be
notified by means of the corresponding amendment or circular
Zona de Actividad Logística
Multimodal de Montevideo
25 de Mayo 604, Of. 104
Montevideo, CP. 11.000
[email protected]
Acceptance of the provisions and contents
of these Specifications
La sola participación de los interesados en este proceso,
implicará su total aceptación de todas las reglas, condiciones
y términos establecidos en estas Bases y, por consiguiente,
su renuncia irrevocable e incondicional a ejercer acciones,
reclamos, demandas de ningún tipo contra la Intendencia de
Montevideo, la Administración Nacional de Puertos, la Dirección
Nacional de Aduanas u otras instituciones públicas estatales
o no, vinculadas al desarrollo del Proyecto, sus funcionarios y/o
asesores de las mismas. La información que se proporcione en
el ámbito de este Llamado a interesados, no tendrá efecto vinculante para ninguno de los convocantes en relación al procedimiento posterior que se utilice para la adjudicación al Proyecto.
All the expenses incurred by the interested parties as a result of
their participation in this process and/or any other acts related
to it shall be exclusively borne by the interested parties.
This call for the submission of expressions of interest is not part
of the competitive process to be organized for the award of the
project contract; it is just an interaction stage with the interested parties preceding the potential issuance of a formal call
for bids.
Participation in this stage shall not grant the interested parties
any preferences, rights or benefits whatsoever concerning their
future participation in a call for bids. Also, it is not a pre-requirement for their future participation in a competitive process.
The mere fact of taking part in the call for expressions of interest and in one or more interviews with the ZAL Montevideo
project Task Force shall not entail the automatic inclusion of
the corresponding natural or legal person on a list of vendors
invited to take part in a competitive process, or in any way binds
the Conveners to supply them with the documents of said future