Researcher curriculum
Researcher curriculum
CURRICULUM VITAE NOMBRE: Rosa M. Angulo-Barroso, Ph.D. (Angulo-Kinzler desde 1992-2002) LUGAR DE NACIMIENTO: NACIONALIDAD: Barcelona, España Española, Norte Americana TITULOS ACADEMICOS Y ACREDITACIONES: 1980-1985 Universidad de Barcelona, INEFC (Instituto Nacional de Educación Física), Barcelona, España Licenciada en Educación Física (B.S. Physical Education) 1987-1990 Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA Master en Ciencias: Biomecanica, Departamento de Kinesiologia Comparison of film and video techniques for estimating three-dimensional coordinates within a large field Director de tesina: Jesus Dapena, Ph.D. 1992-1997 Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana DOBLE doctorado: Ph.D. in Human Performance, and Ph.D. in Neural Sciences, Departamentos de Kinesiología y Psicología respectivamente Exploration and control of leg movements in infants Co-directores de tesis: Esther Thelen, Ph.D. and Beverly Ulrich, Ph.D 2007 2009 2009 Homologación del título de Doctor por la Univertat de Lleida Acreditación de Investigación – AQU – U1445/8175408-78 6/Feb/2009 Acreditación de Investigación Avanzada – AQU – U1446/7674294-71 19/Feb/2009 Tres sexenios de investigación reconocidos por la AQU: 2 Tramos (19911996 y 1997-2002; U1448 1-Convocatoria AAI Contractat (2001): INEFC/10 2/Nov/2011) y 1 Tramo (2003-2008, U1448 1-Convocatoria AAI Contractat (2001): INEFC/11 22/Nov/2001) Cinco tramos docentes reconocidos por la Comisión de Evaluación del INEFC-BCN 2011 2012 EMPLEO PROFESIONAL: 1982-1987 1983 Profesora de Educación física en Bachillerato (El gobierno permitió a alumnos de 3rd año dar clases durante su carrera). Profesora de biomecánica a estudiantes rehabilitadores, INEF (Instituto Nacional de Educación Física) Barcelona, España Practicas en CRIN (Centro de Rehabilitación), Barcelona, España 1 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1990 1990 1991-1992 1992 1992-96 1996-97 1992-97 1997-2003 2001-2003 2003-2005 1999-2008 2003-2008 2004-2008 2006-2008 2009-presente 2010-2013 2012-presente 2014-presente Preparadora física del equipo de baloncesto femenino C.B. Tortosa clasificado primero en la primera división nacional. Profesora de educación física en "Gimbernat" Universidad de fisioterapia, Barcelona, España Profesora de prácticas de Biomecánica (laboratorio), Departamento de Kinesiology, Indiana University Profesor invitado al XI curso sobre el sistema locomotor, St. Raphael Hospital, Barcelona, España (Abril 8-13) Directora del laboratorio de biomecánica en el CAR (Centro de Alto Rendimiento deportivo de Sant Cugat) in Barcelona, España Coordinadora técnica internacional de los proyectos de biomecánica realizados durante los Juegos Olímpicos de 1992 en Barcelona Asistente de investigación en el laboratorio de comportamiento motor, Kinesiology Department, Indiana University Predoctoral Trainee Fellowship, Multidisciplinary Program in Developmental processes, Indiana University Profesora de clases y prácticas de Desarrollo motor, Departamento de Kinesiology, Indiana University Profesor asistente, Division of Kinesiology, University of Michigan Investigador científico asistente, Center for Human Growth and Development, University of Michigan Jefe del Departamento de Ciencias del Movimiento, Division of Kinesiology, University of Michigan Director de Investigación, Center for Motor Behavior and Pediatric Disabilities, University of Michigan Profesor asociado con “tenure” (titular), School of Kinesiology, University of Michigan Investigador científico, Center for Human Growth and Development, University of Michigan Director del programa de investigación: Relaciones entre cerebro y comportamiento en el niño en desarrollo, Center for Human Growth and Development, University of Michigan Profesora titular, INEFC-Universidad de Barcelona Jefe de Departamento – Salud y Ciencias Aplicadas, INEFC – Universidad de Barcelona Adjunct professor (Asociado), Center for Human Growth and Development, University of Michigan, USA Associate Professor, School of Health and Human Development, Department of Kinesiology, California State University at Northridge, USA IDIOMAS (R = regular, B = bien, C = muy bien) 2 Idioma 1. Castellano 2. Ingles 3. Catalan Hablado 1. C 2. C 3. C Leido 1. C 2. C 3. C Escrito 1. C 2. C 3. R HONORES, PREMIOS AND BECAS: 1988 CIRIT (Centro de Investigación e Innovaciones Tecnológicas, España) Beca de Investigación – para estudiar y realizar investigación en USA 1989 DGE –Beca de Investigación – para realizar investigación en USA, Direccio General d’Esports (Barcelona, Espan~a) 1994 Premio a la major presentación de investigación por un estudiante en el campo de comportamiento motor. Annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Education 1994-1995 Beca de estudios – basada en los logros académicos como estudiante e investigadora, Indiana University 1995 Beca de Investigación – para estudiar la modulación de los reflejos en personas de la tercera edad, Indiana University 1992-1996 Beca de Estudios e investigación - para trabajar en estudios de desarrollo motor en infantes – proyecto con subvención federal, Indiana University 1996-1997 Beca Pre-doctoral en el programa multidisciplinario de procesos de desarrollo. Indiana University 1996-1997 Premio de tesis doctoral - The University Graduate School, Indiana University. 1998 Premio al profesorado de investigación internacional - CHGD (Center for Human Growth and Development), University of Michigan 1999-2000 Lolas E. Halverson Young Investigator Award. Motor Development Academy of NASPE (National Academy of Sport and Physical Education). 2000-2001 Rotating Scholar. Center for Human Growth and Development. University of Michigan. 2002 Premio: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation Award. Excelencia en Investigación Clinical. En colaboración con Dale Ulrich, Beverly Ulrich, y JoonKoo Yun. 3 2003 Premio por excelencia en la enseñanza, Division of Kinesiology, University of Michigan 2004 Lección inaugural en el INEFC – Lleida, España. 2009 Lección inaugural (Honorary Address at the Commencement ceremony), Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Fisioterapia, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, España. MIEMBRO DE ORGANIZACIONES PROFESIONALES: 1991-presente 1994-presente 1994-2014 1995-2008 1997-2008 1998-2000 2006-2013 2012 International Society of Biomechanics North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Education Society for Neuroscience Society for Research in Child Development International Society for Infant Studies American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine International Society of Posture and Gait Research European College of Sport Science TABLE PULICATIONS IN REFEREED JOURNALS: # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Journal JANO Medicina y Humanidades ISSN: 0210220X Apunts Educacio Fisica i Sport International Journal of Sport Biomechanics Journal of Applied Biomechanics Brazilian International Journal of Adapted Physical Education Research Brazilian International Journal of Adapted Physical Education Research Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport SUMMARY 1st SEXENIUM (1992-1997) (Pre-doctoral) Journal of Gerontology – Series A Biolog Revista Medica Internacional sobre Sindrome de Down Human Movement Science Motriz (ISSN: 1980-6574) Pediatrics 4 Year 1992 Impact Factor 1992 1992 1994 1995 IN-RECS 0.14 1.20 1.20 1996 1997 7 articles 1998 1998 1998 2001 2001 1.21 4 indexed 4.03 1.97 5.39 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Journal of Motor Behavior Infant Behavior and Development Motor Control Early Human Development Human Movement Sciences Early Human Development SUMMARY 2nd SEXENIUM (1998-2003) Postdoctoral Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science Infant Behavior and Development Journal of Motor Behavior Human Movement Sciences Journal of Nutrition Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology Infant Behavior and Development Physical Therapy Journal of Motor Behavior Gait & Posture Experimental Brain Research Early Human Development Experimental Brain Research Infant Behavior and Development SUMMARY 3rd SEXENIUM (2004-2009) Post-tenure Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly Pediatric Physical Therapy Apunts Educacio Fisica i Sport Physical Therapy Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport Apunts Educacio Fisica i Sport Developmental Psychobiology J. of Electromyography and Kinesiology Physiol. Measurement Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering J. of Electromyography and Kinesiology Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport PlosOne Research in developmental disabilities Early Human Development European Journal of Physical and Rehab medicine 5 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 11 articles 2004 1.04 1.53 1.58 2.12 1.97 2.12 9 indexed 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 1.53 1.04 1.97 4.29 3.29 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 14 articles 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 1.53 2.64 1.04 2.74 2.29 2.12 2.29 1.70 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 13 indexed 1.19 1.30 IN-RECS: 0.14 2.64 1.21 IN-RECS: 0.14 2.06 2.37 1.57 6.18 1.39 1.72 1.26 4.09 2.73 1.93 1.95 50 51 52 53 54 55 Gait and Posture Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports Journal of Aging and Physical Activity Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehab. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehab. SUMMARY 4th SEXENIUM (2010-2015) Post-tenure TOTAL 2014 2014 2.75 2.89 2015 2015 In press In press 23 articles 55 1.41 1.04 1.41 1.04 23 indexed RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS (refereed journals): 1. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Balius, X., Kinzler, S.B., Turro, C. and Caubet, J.M. (1992). Biomecanica deportiva y su papel en los Juegos Olimpicos. JANO Medicina y Humanidades, 43, 43-46. 2. Escoda, J., Angulo, R.M. and Prat, J.A. (1992). Nuevas tecnologias: La visualizacion biomecanica. Apunts Educacio Fisica i Sport, 28, 31-34. 3. Angulo, R.M. and Dapena, J. (1992). Comparison of film and video techniques for estimating three-dimensional coordinates within a large field. International Journal of Sport Biomechanics, 8, 145-151. 4. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Kinzler, S.B., Balius, X., Turro, C., Caubet, J.M., Escoda, J., and Prat, J. A. (1994). Biomechanical analysis of the pole vault event. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 10(2), 147-165. 5. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. (1995). Motor control and coordination in infancy: A theoretical framework. Brazilian International Journal of Adapted Physical Education Research, 2(1), 33-59. 6. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. & Romack, J.L. (1996). Changes in leg quasi-stiffness as a result of load perturbations in infants with and without Down syndrome. Brazilian International Journal of Adapted Physical Education Research, 3(1), 25-47. 7. Ulrich, B.D., Ulrich, D.A., Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Chapman, D.D. (1997). Sensitivity of infants with and without Down syndrome to intrinsic dynamics. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 68(1), 10-19. 8. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Mynark, R.G. & Koceja, D.M. (1998). Soleus H-reflex gain in elderly and young adults: Modulation due to body position. Journals of Gerontology, Series A-Biolog.53A(2), 120-125. 6 9. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. & Romack, J.L. (1998). Cambios en la casi-rigidez de la pierna a consecuencia de perturbaciones de carga en bebes con y sin sindrome de Down. Revista Medica Internacional sobre Sindrome de Down, 3, 1-8. (Translation to Spanish of 1996 article). 10. Ulrich, B.D., Ulrich, D.A. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. (1998). The impact of context manipulations on movement patterns during a transitional period. Human Movement Science, 17, 327-346. 11. Angulo-Kinzler, R. M. (2001). Motor development: From spontaneous to functional action. Motriz, 7(1), 39-48. 12. Ulrich, D.A., Ulrich, B.D., Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. & Yun, J. (2001). Treadmill training of infants with Down syndrome: Evidence-based developmental outcomes. Pediatrics, 108(5), 84-90. 13. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. (2001). Exploration and selection of intralimb coordination patterns in three-month-old infants. Journal of Motor Behavior, 33(4), 363-376. 14. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. & Horn, C.L. (2001). Selection and memory of a lower limb motorperceptual task in 3-month-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 24, 239-257. 15. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Ulrich, B.D. & Thelen, E. (2002). Three-month-old infants can select specific leg motor solutions. Motor Control, 6(1), 52-68. 16. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Peirano, P., Lin, E., Garrido, M. & Lozoff, B. (2002). Spontaneous motor activity in human infants with iron-deficiency anemia. Early Human Development, 66(2), 67-79. 17. Streepy, J. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. (2002). The role of task difficulty in the control of dynamic balance in children and adults. Human Movement Science, 21, 423-438. 18. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Peirano, P., Lin, E., Algarin, C., Garrido, M. & Lozoff, B. (2002) Twenty-four-hour motor activity in human infants with and without iron-deficiency anemia. Early Human Development, 70, 85-101. 19. Garcia, A.W., Langenthal, C.R., Angulo-Barroso, R.M. & Gross, M.M. (2004). A comparison of accelerometers for predicting energy expenditure and vertical ground reaction force in school-age children. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 8(3), 119-144. 20. McKay, S & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. (2006) Longitudinal assessment of leg motor activity and sleep patterns in infants with and without Down syndrome, Infant Behavior and Development, 29(2), 153-169. Corresponding Author 7 21. Looper, J., Wu J., Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Ulrich, D.A. & Ulrich B.D. (2006). Changes in step variability of new walkers with typical development and Down syndrome. Journal of Motor Behavior, 38(5), 367-372. 22. Shafir, T., Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Calatroni, A., Jimenez, E., & Lozoff, B. (2006). Effects of iron deficiency on patterns of motor development over time. Human Movement Science, 25, 821-838. 23. Lozoff, B., Corapci, F., Burden, M., Kaciroti, N., Angulo-Barroso, R., Sazawal, S. & Black, M. (2007). Preschool-aged children with iron deficiency anemia show altered affect and behavior. J. of Nutrition, 137, 683-689. 24. Wu, J., Looper, J., Ulrich, B.C., Ulrich, D.A., & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. (2007). Exploring the effects of different treadmill interventions on walking onset and gait patterns in infants with Down syndrome, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 49(11), 839-845. Corresponding Author 25. Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Burghardt, A., Lloyd, M, Ulrich, D.A. (2008) Physical activity in infants with Down syndrome receiving a treadmill intervention. Infant Behavior and Development, 31(2), 255-269, 26. Ulrich, D.A., Lloyd, M., Tiernan, C.W. & Looper, J & Angulo-Barroso, R.M.. (2008) The Effects of Intensity of Treadmill Training on Developmental Outcomes and Stepping in Infants with Down Syndrome. Physical Therapy, 88(1), 114-122. doi:10.2522/ptj.20070139. 27. Tiernan, C. & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. (2008) A constrained motor-perceptual task in infancy: Effects of sensory modality. Journal of Motor Behavior, 40(2), 133-142. Corresponding Author 28. Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Wu, J. & Ulrich, D. (2008) Long-term effect of different treadmill interventions on gait development in new walkers with Down syndrome. Gait and Posture, 27(2), 231-238. 29. Wu, J., Ulrich, D, Looper, J., Tiernan, C.W. & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. (2008) Strategy adoption and locomotor adjustment in obstacle clearance of newly walking toddlers with Down syndrome after different treadmill interventions. Experimental Brain Research, 186(2), 261-272. Corresponding Author 30. Shafir, T., Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Jing, Y., Angelilli, M.L., Jacobson, S. W., Lozoff, B. (2008) Iron deficiency and Infant motor development. Early Human Development. 84, 479485. 31. Wu, J., McKay S. & Angulo-Barroso, R,M. (2009) Center of Mass Control and Multisegment Coordination in Children during Quiet Stance. Experimental Brain Research, 196(3), 329-339. 8 32. Shafir, T., Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Jing, Y., Angelilli, M.L., Jacobson, S. W., Lozoff, B. (2009) Iron deficiency anemia in infancy and reach and grasp development. Infant Behavior and Development, 32(4), 366-375. 33. Lloyd, M, Burghardt, A., Ulrich, D.A., Angulo-Barroso, R.M. (2010) Physical activity and walking onset in infants with Down syndrome, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 27, 116. Corresponding Author. 34. Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Tiernan, C.W., Chen, L., Ulrich, D, & Neary, H. (2010) Treadmill responses and physical activity levels in infants at risk for neuromotor delay. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 22, 61-68. DOI 10.1097/PEP.0b013e3181ccc8c6. 35. Angulo Barroso, R.M., Busquests, A., Maueberg-de-Castro, E. (2010) El retrato de fase como una herramienta de análisis del comportamiento motor. Apunts Educacio Fisica i Sports, 102, 49-61. 36. Wu, J, Looper, J., Ulrich, D. & Angulo-Barroso, RM. (2010) Effect of various treadmill interventions on the development of joint kinematics in infants with Down syndrome. Physical Therapy, 90(9), 1265-1276. DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20090281 37. Busquests, A., Marina, M., Irurtia, A. Ranz, D. Angulo-Barroso, R. (2011) Swing high bar performance in novice adults: Effects of practice and talent. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 82(1), 9-20. Corresponding Author 38. Angulo Barroso, R.M., Busquests, A., Maueberg-de-Castro, E. (2011) El ángulo de fase y la fase relativa continua para la investigación de la coordinación motora. Apunts Educacio Fisica i Sports, 103, 38-47. 39. Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Schapiro, L., Liang, W., Rodriques, O, Shafir, T., Kaciroti, N, Jacobson, S., Lozoff, B. (2011) Motor development in 9-month-old infants in relation to cultural differences and iron status. Developmental Psychobiology, 53(2), 196-210. DOI: 10.1002/dev.20512 40. Marina, M., Porta, J., Vallejo, L., Angulo-Barroso, R. (2011) Monitoring hand flexor fatigue in a 24-hour motorcycle endurance race. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 21(2), 255-261. 41. MA García-González, M Fernandez-Chimeno, J Ferrer, R M Escorihuela, E Parrado, L Capdevila, A Benıtez, R Angulo, FA Rodrıguez, X Iglesias, R Bescos, M Marina, JM Padulles and J Ramos-Castro. (2011) New indices for quantification of the power spectrum of heart rate variability time series without the need of any frequency band definition. Physiological Measurement. 32(8), 995–1009. DOI: 10.1088/0967-3334/32/8/001 42. Valentin-Gudiol M, Mattern-Baxter K, Girabent-Farrés M, Bagur-Calafat C, Hadders-Algra M, Angulo-Barroso RM. (2011) Treadmill interventions with partial body weight support in children under six years of age at risk of neuromotor delay. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 12 . Art. No.: CD009242. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009242 9 43. Lobo-Prat, J, Font-Llagunes JM, Gomez-Perez, C, Medina-Casanovas, J, Angulo-Barroso, RM. (2012) New Biomechanical Model for Clinical Evaluation of the Upper Extremity Motion in Subjects with Neurological Disorders: An Application Case. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. DOI:10.1080/10255842.2012.738199 44. Marina, M, Torrado, P, Busquets, A, Rios, JG , Angulo-Barroso RM. (2013). Comparison of an intermittent and continuous forearm muscles fatigue protocol with motorcycle riders and control group Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 23, 84-93 DOI information: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2012.08.00810.) 45. Busquets, A., Marina, M., & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Changes in performance and coordination in the swing on high bar. (2013). Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 84, 353-362. Impact factor (JCR-ISI): 1.191; 3rd Quartile, Sports Sciences. 46. Busquets, A., Marina, M., Irurtia, A, & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. (2013) Coordination analysis reveals differences in performance strategies for the swing high bar in novel adults. PlosOne 8(6): e67491. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0067491. Impact factor (JCR-ISI): 4.092; 1st Quartile, Sports Sciences. 47. Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Tiernan, C.W., Chen, L., Valentin-Gudiol M, Ulrich, D. (2013) Treadmill Training in moderate risk preterm infants promotes stepping quality – Results of a small randomized controlled trial. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 3629-3638. (ISI Web Social Science 2012) IF: 2.73, Category: Rehab (4/67) 1st Q 48. Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Peirano, P., Algarin, Kaciroti, N. & Lozoff, B. (2013) Motor Activity and Intra-Individual Variability According to Sleep-wake States in Preschool-aged Children with Iron-Deficiency Anemia in Infancy. Early Human Development, 89, 10251031 DOI: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2013.08.014 (ISI Web Science 2012) IF: 2.02, Category: Pediatrics (35/122) 2nd Q 49. Valentin-Gudiol, M., Bagur-Calafat, C., Girabent-Farres, M., Hadders-Algra, M., MatternBaxter, K. and Angulo-Barroso, R. (2013), Treadmill interventions with partial body weight support in children under six years of age at risk of neuromotor delay: A report of a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 49 (1), 67-91 50. McKay S, Wu J, Angulo-Barroso, RM. (2014). Effect of Achilles tendon vibration on posture in children. Gait and Posture, 40(1), 32-37. 51. Marina, M., Ríos, M.; Torrado, P., Busquets, A., & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. (2014). Time course force parameters and force fatigue model during an intermittent fatigue protocol adapted to motorcycle race riders. Scandinavian J of medicine & science in sports. doi: 10.1111/sms.12220 10 52. Aranda-Garcia, S, Iricibar, A, Planas, T, Prat-Subirana, JA & Angulo-Barroso RM. (2015). Comparative effects of horse exercise vs. traditional exercise programs on gait, muscle strength and body balance in healthy older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 23(1), 78-89. DOI: 53. Jubany, J., Busquets, A., Marina, M., Cos, F., & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. (2015). Validity and reliability of an instrument manufactured from a hand-held dynamometer for measuring strength of trunk muscles. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 28, 317-326. DOI 10.3233/BMR-140522 54. Aranda-Garcia, S., Busquets A., Planas, A., Prat, J. A., & Angulo-Barroso, RM. (in press). Strength, static balance, physical activity and age predict maximal gait speed in healthy older adults from a rural community: a cross sectional study. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, DOI: 55. Jubany, J. & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. (in press) An algorithm for detecting EMG onset/offset in trunk muscles during a reaction-stabilization test. (Accepted in Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation). CAPITULOS: 56. Mauerberg-deCastro, E. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. (1999). Locomotor patterns of individuals with Down syndrome: Effects of environmental and task constraints. In Perceptual-Motor Behavior in Down Syndrome, Weeks, D.L. & Elliot, D. (Eds.). Human Kinetics. p: 71-97. 57. Mauerberg-deCastro, E. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. (2001). Vantagens e limitacoes das ferramentas usadas para investigar padroes de comportamento motor segundo a abordagem dos sistemas dinamicos. In Avancos em Comportamento Motor, Teixeira, L.A. (Ed). Movimento, Sao Paulo, p: 62-87. 58. Angulo-Barroso, R.M. & McKay, S. (2007). Neuroplasticidad, trabajo proprioceptivo y reeducacion postural. In J.R. Revilla & J. Jimenez (Eds.) Alteraciones morfoestaticas, Asociacion Mezierista Internacional de Kinesioterapia Press, Lanester, France. P: 1-15 59. Angulo-Barroso, R.M. & Tiernan, C.W. (2008). Motor systems development. In C. Nelson & M. Luciana (Eds), Handbook of developmental cognitive neuroscience 2nd Edition, MIT Press. ISBN-10: 0262141043 ISBN-13: 978-0262141048 OTRAS PUBLICACIONES (reports) 60. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Kinzler, S.B., Balius, X., Turro, C., Caubet, J.M., Escoda, J., and Prat, J. A. (1992). Biomechanical analysis of the pole vault event in the Barcelona Summer Olympic Games. International Olympic Committee Biomechanical Reports. 11 61. Dapena, J., Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Caubet, J.M., Turro, C., Balius, X., Kinzler, S.B., Escoda, J., and Prat, J.A. (1992). Biomechanical analysis of the high jump event in the Barcelona Summer Olympic Games. International Olympic Committee Biomechanical Reports. 62. Angulo-Barroso, R.M. (2005) Deporte y actividad fisica: De la elite a la discapacidad. Folleto de la leccion imaugural, INEFC, Lleida, Spain. MANUSCRITOS EN REVISION: 63. Angulo-Barroso RM, Peciña S, Xu Lin, Mingyan Li, Sturza J, Shao, J, Lozoff, B. Implicit learning and emotional responses in 9-month-old Chinese infants. (Submitted to Developmental Psychobiology) 64. Angulo-Barroso, RM, Ming Li, Santos, DCC, Yang Bian, Sturza J, Yaping Jiang, Zhixiang Zhang, Kaciroti N, Richards B, Lozoff, B. Effects of iron supplementation in pregnancy and/or infancy on motor development: a linked RCT. (Submitted to Pediatrics) 65. Busquets, A., Marina, M., & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Within subject variability analysis in the longswing across age groups. (Submitted to PlosOne). MANUSCRITOS IN PREPARACION: 66. Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Todd, T. Advances in disability and motor behavior research. In Routledge Handbook of Physical Education (Ed. Ennis C.D.) (Chapter to appear in an edited book) 67. Santos, DCC, Angulo-Barroso, RM, Ming Li, Yang Bian, Sturza J, Richards B, Lozoff, B. Fetal-neonatal and infancy iron status and motor development at 9 months. (in preparation for Early Human Development) 68. Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Hayden, L. & Woolever, M. A mobile reinforcement motor response in infant with and without Down syndrome. (in preparation for Journal of Motor Behavior) 69. Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Shafir, T, Jacobson, S & Lozoff, B. Motor activity and sleep-wake patterns in human infants with iron deficiency. (in preparation for Early Human Development) 70. Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Iricibar, A., Aranda, S., Tico, J., Planas, A., Palmi, J. & Prat, J.A. Effects of alternative exercise on physical performance in elderly. (in preparation for J. of Gerontology) 12 71. Busquets, A., Marina, M, & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Comparing continuous relative phase computed by segmental and joint angles. (in preparation for Apunts d’educació física i esports). Impact factor (CARHUS +, IN-RECS): B, 0.145; 2nd Quartile, Education 72. Ferrer-Uris B., Busquets, A. & Angulo-Barroso, RM. Effects of a single bout of intense endurance exercise on the adaptation and retention of a motor-perceptual task in adults 73. Ripoll-Ramis JV, Rojas-Martinez M, Busquets-Faciabén A, Angulo-Barroso RM, Mañanas MA. A new method to measure and remove sinusoidal-shape artifacts in EMG signals based on an artifact power ratio index. 74. Angulo-Barroso, RM., Ferrer-Uris B., Busquets, A. & Romack, J. Acute exercise and visuomotor adaptation in children: Effects of exercise duration. 75. Ferrer-Uris B., Busquets, A. & Angulo-Barroso, RM. Effects of a single bout of intense endurance exercise on the adaptation and retention of a perceptualmotor task in children. 76. Jubany, J., Marina, M, & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Fatigability and motor pattern of trunk and limb muscles during the Sorensen test: Comparison between low back pain and healthy people and methodological comparison 77. Jubany, J., Marina, M, & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Fatigability and motor pattern of trunk and limb muscles during a fatiguing test in a functional position: Comparison between low back pain and healthy people. 78. Jubany, J. & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Onset/offset muscle differences between low back pain and healthy people in a reaction-stabilization test 79. Puig-Divi, A., Ripoll, J., Meina, J & Angulo-Barroso, RM. Effect of bimanual holding in postural control in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy. RESEARCH GRANTS (CONCEDIDAS): 1996-1997 Down Syndrome Research Fund, $11,250 Exploration and control of leg movements in infants (Principal investigador, Rosa Angulo-Barroso) 1998 Kinesiology Learning & Research Grant (KLRG), $3,640 Center for Human Motor Research (CHMR) proposal Kinesiology Learning & Research Grant (KLRG) $5,542 KINDAY proposal 1999-2000 United Way of Michigan & Del Harder Rehabilitation Fund, $5,000 direct 13 Crouch standing: The importance of comparing system constraints & task requirements to determine task-specific system costs (Co-investigator) 2000-2002 Allergan, $155,660 direct, $37,664 indirect Botulinum toxin and strengthening in cerebral palsy (Co-investigator) (P.I. Edward Hurvitz, MD) 2001 Faculty Summer fellowship, $4,000 – Rackham, University of Michigan 1999-2005 Fogarty International Center, NIH, Minority International Research Training grant, $982,350 direct. (Mentor, P.I Betsy Lozoff, MD) 2001-2005 OSERS (Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Department of Education), $461,958 direct, $212,905 indirect. Longitudinal study of early locomotor training in infants with Down syndrome and infants at risk for cerebral palsy (Co-investigador principal, Rosa Angulo Barroso) (Co-P.I Dale Ulrich, PhD) 2001-2006 NICHD, P01 HD39386-01A1- Program project grant, $5,188,111 direct, $1, 165,940 indirect Brain and behavior in early iron deficiency (Co-investigator) (P.I. Betsy Lozoff, MD) 2001-2006 NIH-NICHD - R01 HD33487- $1,932,552 direct, $ 360,056 indirect Neuromaturation delays in iron deficient anemic infants (Co-investigator) (P.I. Betsy Lozoff, MD) 2001-2006 NIH, T-32 training grant, $1,352,759 The University of Michigan medical rehabilitation research training program (Mentor) (P.I. Denise Tate, MD) 2002-2006 U.S. Department of Education, Application Control Center, $953,380 direct, $1,072 indirect The preparation of leadership personnel to implement the research to practice model in adapted physical education, physical therapy, and occupational therapy (Co-investigator) (P.I. Dale Ulrich, PhD) 2004-2009 NICHD, Functional Significance of early iron deficiency. (Coinvestigator, years 3-5) (P.I. Betsy Lozoff, MD) 2005-2009 OSERS (Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Department of Education), $469,930 direct, $249,063 indirect. 14 Treadmill training and infants with cerebral palsy: Evidence-based developmental outcomes. (Principal investigador, Rosa Angulo-Barroso, Co-P.I Dale Ulrich) 2005-2009 NCMHD, Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training grant, $997,170 direct, $265,501 indirect. (Mentor, P.I David Stern, MD, PhD). 2005-2008 NSF (Human Social Dynamics-Dynamics of Human Behavior), $708,627 direct. Emotion regulation as a complex system (Co-investigator, P.I. Twila Tardif, PhD). 2005 OVRP, University of Michigan - $7,224 Direct Emotion Regulation as a Complex System: Integrating Motor, Neuroendocrine, and Psychological Levels of Analysis. (P.I. Rosa Angulo-Barroso). 2007-2013 NICHD, Program project grant - continuation, Brain and behavior in early iron deficiency (Co-investigator) (P.I. Betsy Lozoff, MD) 2007-2011 AGAUR y Andromeda Fundacion. Método Centauro de revitalización en la tercera edad. (Co-Pis Dra. Rosa Angulo-Barroso y J.A. Prat) 2010-2011 Foundation Roger Torne. Estudio de la respuesta al tapiz rodante y desarrollo psicomotor en niños prematuros y de bajo peso. 30.000 Euros (Co-PIs Albert Balaguer, Universidad Internacional de Catalunya y Rosa Angulo-Barroso INEFC) 2010-2013 PINEF-2010. 00008. AGAUR. El desequilibrio muscular en pacientes con hernia discal lumbar: Valoración y rehabilitación activa. (PI Rosa Angulo-Barroso, Doctorando: Maria Garcia Gil). 2011-2013 Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion: Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2008-2011: Efectos sobre el Rendimiento, la Rigidez, la Cinética y la Cinemática tanto en saltos verticales como en el Sprint al usar diferentes Cargas Resistidas. (Co-investigator, 5 % effort) (PI Pedro Alcaraz Ramón) 2012-2014 Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion: Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2012-2015: Diseño de una ortesis activa innovadora para la marcha de lesionados medulares incompletos mediante métodos de análisis y predicción de movimiento y modelos músculo-esqueléticos complejos (Consultant 2%) (PI Javier Cuadrado Aranda) 15 2007-2014 NICHD, 5P01-HD-039386-10. Timing, duration, and severity of infant iron deficiency: Developmental impacts. $3,341,009 direct, $4,286,248 total. (Co-investigator, 5% effort) (PI: Betsy Lozoff, MD) 2012-2017 NIH-NICHD - HD33487- Neuromaturation delays in iron deficient anemic infants. $3,900,000 direct, $ 1,200,000 indirect (Consultant, 2% effort) (P.I. Betsy Lozoff, MD) 2014-2016 PINEF-2014 INEFC P2014 – DOGC 6521. Aprendizaje de habilidades perceptivo-motrices: efectos de la edad y el ejercicio. 45,000 Euros (PI: Rosa Angulo Barroso, Doctorando: Blai Ferrer Uris) 2014-2015 CSUN – Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Award – Enhancement of perceptual-motor learning via physical exercise in children. $5,000. (PI: Rosa Angulo-Barroso) 2014-2018 US Department of Education Promoting Post-Baccalaureate Opportunities for Hispanic Americans (PPOHA) program: Charting Access for Hispanics Majoring in Needed Careers and Occupations in Healthcare (CAMINO). $2,143,653 (Co-investigator, 50% effort) (PI: Sloane Burke) 2014-2016 AGAUR – Grup de Recerca Activitat Física i Salut (GRAFiS) de l’Institut Nacional d’Educació Física de Catalunya. 2014 SGR 1629. 30,000 Euros (PI: Rosa Angulo-Barroso) OTROS PROYECTOS DE INVESTIGACION NO FINANCIADOS 2014-2015 Análisis biomecánico de la carrera en corredores minimalistas experimentados: Efecto del calzado. Recursos propios del INEFC (PI: Rosa Angulo-Barroso y Albert Busquets) 2013-2016 Análisis complejo de señales electromiografías de superficie aplicado al entrenamiento y la rehabilitación (ACSESER). Ultimo año PINEF 20102013. PI: Rosa Angulo-Barroso 2013-2015 Reweighting processes to adjust balance in children with different sport expertise. Recursos propios del INEFC. 3,250 Euros. PI: Albert Busquets y Rosa Angulo-Barroso. AYUDAS DE INVESTIGACION SOLICITADAS (no concedidas) 2009-2011 NINDS - Treadmill optimization in infants and developing rats with neuromotor dysfunction. $275,000 direct, $143,000 indirect, (Project Director & Principal investigator, Rosa Angulo-Barroso) (Co-.Inv. John Barks, M.D.) 16 2009-2010 MuscleTech 2009. Efectes de la fatiga sobre la funció neuromuscular, la propiocepció i el rendiment motor. (PI Rosa Angulo-Barroso) 2010-2011 RecerCaixa 2010. Num. Exp. 2010ACUP 00390. El desequilibrio muscular en pacientes con lumbalgia: Valoración, rehabilitación activa y divulgación preventiva. (PI Rosa Angulo-Barroso). 2010-2011 CSD 2010. Lumbalgias en gimnastas: Valoración y rehabilitación activa. (PI Rosa Angulo-Barroso). 2011-2012 RecerCaixa 2011. Num. Exp. 2011ACUP 00249. El desequilibrio muscular en pacientes con lumbalgia: Valoración, rehabilitación activa y divulgación preventiva. (PI Rosa Angulo-Barroso). PRESENTACIONES PROFESIONALES (INVITADAS): En USA (~Nacional) 1997 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Leg coordination patterns in infant with and without Down syndrome: Adaptation, practice, and intervention. Presented research paper at the Center for Human Movement Research (CHMR) Seminar, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan. December, 1997 1998 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Motor and perceptual behavior in infants with iron deficiency anemia, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan. October, 1998 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Ulrich, B.D. & Brown, S. Dynamics systems theory: Research and rehabilitation. Presenter of a pediatrics session at the 75th annual meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Seattle, Washington. November, 1998. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Applegate, K. & Lozoff, B. Motor activity in infants with and without iron deficiency anemia. Annual Minority International Research Training (MIRT) meeting. Ann Arbor, Michigan. November, 1998. 1999 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Reinforcement of self-generated motor activity in infants: Implications for intervention. Research seminar. Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, Detroit, Michigan. January, 1999. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Motor and perceptual behavior in infants with irondeficiency anemia. Lecture given at The Health Science Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. March, 1999. 17 2000 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Practical strategies to promote Motor development in infants with Down syndrome. The Down Syndrome: Research and Knowledge for Care in the Future. Tampa, Florida. February, 2000. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Early intervention in motor development and Down syndrome. Paper presented at the Down Syndrome: Research and Knowledge for Care in the Future. Tampa, Florida. February, 2000. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. From kicking to walking: Learning and practice in infants with Down syndrome. Paper presented at the Department of Health, Kinesiology, and Leisure Studies, Purdue University, Indiana. April, 2000. 2001 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Motor Development and Down Syndrome. Concurrent Breakout Sessions: Motor Development and Down Syndrome Workshop. Papers presented at the Down Syndrome: Research and Knowledge for Care in the Future. Clearwater Beach, Florida. February, 2001. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Limb movements in infancy: From spontaneous to functional action. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Orlando, Florida. October 2001. 2002 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Gait in Children: Effects of strength training and Botox treatment. Research seminar presented at Institute of Ergonomics. Ann Arbor, Michigan. November 2002. 2004 Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Treadmill training and infants with disabilities. Paper presented at the Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine research conference. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 2004. 2005 Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Infants’ capacity to learn and adapt movement patterns. Workshop conducted at the Pediatric section. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, New Orleans, February, 2005. FUERA DE USA (~Internacional) 1998 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Women and motor development: From baby to athlete. Keynote address at the International Congress, 10th Anniversary CAR (Olympic High Performance Sport Center). Barcelona, Spain. April, 1998. 1999 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Improving functional behavior in infants with Down syndrome. École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, INSERM. Paris, France. May, 1999. 18 2001 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. New perspectives in motor development. Paper presented at the International Congress in Motor Behavior. Rio Claro, Brazil. May, 2001. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Motor control in infancy. Research seminar. School of Physical Education and Sport at the University of Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo, Brazil. May, 2001. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Advances in motor control in infancy. Paper presented at the International Congress in Motor Behavior. Bello Horizonte, Brazil. May, 2001. 2002 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Fundamentos teóricos de sistemas complejos. Dinámicos. Desarrollo Motor: Teoría y Aplicación en Poblaciones Especiales Conference. INEF de Galicia, Universidade da Coruna. A Coruna, Spain. May, 2002. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Locomoción y desarrollo. Desarrollo Motor: Teoría y Aplicacion en Poblaciones Especiales. Conferencia. INEF de Galicia, Universidade da Coruña. A Coruña, Spain. May, 2002. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Intervención en bebes con syndrome de Down. Desarrollo Motor: Teoría y Aplicacion en Poblaciones Especiales Conference. INEF de Galicia, Universidade da Coruna. A Coruna, Spain. May, 2002. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Intervención en niños con parálisis cerebral. Desarrollo Motor: Teoría y Aplicacion en Poblaciones Especiales Conference. INEF de Galicia, Universidade da Coruna. A Coruna, Spain. May, 2002. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Guías de actividad física de los 0-5 años. Desarrollo Motor: Teoría y Aplicacion en Poblaciones Especiales Conference. INEF de Galicia, Universidade da Coruna. A Coruna, Spain. May, 2002. 2003 Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Bases neurofisiologicas del control motor. School of Physical Therapy. Universidad Internacional de Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain. May 2003. 2004 Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Deporte y Actividad Fisica : Elitismo y discapacidad. Key note address at the Commencement Ceremony INEF Catalunya, Spain. Oct 2004. 19 2006 Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Metodos de rehabilitación: Innovación en pediatria y geriatria. Universidad Internacional de Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain. May 2006. Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Neuroplasticidad, trabajo proprioceptivo y reeducacion postural. Paper presented at the XI Congreso Internacional de la Asociacion Mezierista Internacional de Kinesioterapia, Barcelona, Spain, May 2006. 2009 Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Intervención temprana de la marcha en bebes con riesgo de retraso psicomotor. Ponencia magistral en XIV Jornadas Científicas de la SERI (Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación Infantil), A Coruña, Mar, 2009 PRESENTATIONES PROFESIONALES EN USA (~Nacional) 1994 Chapman, D.D. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Mechanisms for the initiation of infant treadmill steps. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Clearwater, Florida. June, 1994. Ulrich, B.D., Ulrich, D.A., Angulo-Kinzler, R., & Chapman, D. Bilateral sensitivity to unilateral perturbations in infants with and without Down syndrome. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Clearwater, Florida. June, 1994. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Are balance and strength the control parameters in the development of the standing long jump? In B.D. Ulrich (Chair), Biodynamics of pattern changes in jumping, symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Clearwater, Florida. June, 1994. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Stiffness and damping in infants with and without Down syndrome. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Motor Development Research Consortium. Baltimore, Maryland. October, 1994. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Ulrich, B.D. & D.A. Interlimb coordination: Sensitvity to unilateral perturbations in infants with and without Down syndrome. Paper presented at the Motor Control in Down Syndrome, Second International Conference. Chicago, Illinois. November, 1994. 1995 Ulrich, B.D., Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Ulrich, D.A., & Chapman, D.D. Individual differences in the intrinsic dynamics of leg movements in infants with and without Down syndrome. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Indianapolis, Indiana. April, 1995. 20 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Chapman, D.D., Ulrich, B.D., & Thelen, E. Context effects on the muscle activation patterns of newly walking infants. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North Americna Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Asilomar, California. June, 1995. Chapman, D., Angulo-Kinzler, R., Ulrich, B.D. & Thelen, E. The effect of context on the muscle activation patterns of newly walking infants. Poster presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Research Section Meetings. New Hampton, New Hampshire. August, 1995. Mauerberg-deCastro, E. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Advantages and limitations of some data reduction techniques used under dynamics systems theory to study human movement. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Motor Development Research Consortium. Dekalb, Illinois. October, 1995. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. & Koceja, D.M. Soleus h-reflex gain in young and elderly adults: Modulation due to posture. Poster presented at the 25th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, California. November, 1995. 1996 Ulrich, B.D., Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Chapman, D. & Thelen, E. Context effects on neuromuscular control during stepping in newly walking infants. Poster presented at the 10th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. Providence, Rhode Island. April, 1996. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. The effects of practice in the walking patterns of infants with and without Down syndrome. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Motor Development Research Consortium. Bloomington, Indiana. October, 1996. Romack, J. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Modulation of quasi-stiffness in infants with and without Down syndrome. Presented at the National Conference on Physical Activity for the Exceptional Individual. Los Angeles, California. October, 1996. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Chapman, D., Ulrich, B.D. & Thelen, E. Context effects on neuromuscular control of stepping in newly-walking infants. Poster presented at the 26th annual meeting of the Society for Neurosciences. Washington, DC. November, 1996. Hoffman, M. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. The stability of standing perturbations in elderly and young adults. Poster presented at the 26th annual meeting of the Society for Neurosciences. Washington, DC. November, 1996. 1997 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Control of load, timing and load control in the development of walking. In B.D. Ulrich (Chair), Levels of control in the development of skills: Theory and data, symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Denver, Colorado. May, 1997. 21 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Exploring the motor options of three-month-old infants: Do they explore and find solutions? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Denver, Colorado. May, 1997. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Intralimb sensitivity of 3-month-old infants. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Motor Development Research Consortium. East Lansing, Michigan. October, 1997. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Ulrich, B.D. & Thelen, E. Developmental changes in infant muscle patterns as a function of locomotor context. Poster presented at the 27th annual meeting of the Society for Neurosciences. New Orleans, Louisiana. October, 1997. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Leg coordination patterns in infants with and without Down syndrome: Adaptation, practice and intervention. Paper presented at the Center for Human Movement Research Seminar. Ann Arbor, Michigan. December, 1997. 1998 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Three-month-old infants can learn constrained motor solutions elicited by changes in environmental information. Poster presented at the 11th biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. Atlanta, Georgia. April 1998. Horn, C.L., Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. & Thelen, E. Retention of specific motor solutions in three-month-olds using a constrained contingent reinforcement procedure. Poster presented at the 11th biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. Atlanta, Georgia. April 1998. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Selection and memory of task dependent motor solutions in infants. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Motor Development Research Consortium. Greensboro, North Carolina. October, 1998. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Applegate, K. & Lozoff, B. Motor activity in infants with and without iron deficiency anemia. Annual Minority International Research Training (MIRT) meeting. Ann Arbor, Michigan. November, 1998. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Three-Month-Old Infants Can Select Intralimb Coordination Tasks. Paper presented at North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Chicago, Illinois. 1998. 1999 Mauerberg-deCastro, E. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Locomotor patterns of individuals with Down syndrome: Effects of environmental and task constraints. Poster presented at AAHPERD. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. Supplement (A-70). Boston, Massachusetts. March, 1999. 22 Motor and perceptual behavior in Chilean infants with iron deficiency anemia. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Motor Development Research Consortium. Madison, Wisconsin. October, 1999. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Horn, C.L. Learning and memory of a specific motor-perceptual task. Poster presented at 29th annual meeting of the Society for Neurosciences. Miami, Florida. October, 1999. 2000 Deman, D., Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. & Lozoff, B. Fine motor patterns of infants with and without iron-deficiency anemia. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. San Diego, California. June, 2000. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Horn, C.L. & Carroll, J.E. Task-induced changes in preferred movement patterns in young infants. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. San Diego, California. June, 2000. Streepey, J.W. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Dynamic balance in children of different developmental levels during reaching tasks. Poster presented at the American Society of Biomechanics. Chicago, Illinois. July, 2000. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Ulrich, D.A., Whithall, J. & Krebs, D. Dynamics systems theory: Implications for rehabilitation and intervention across the lifespan. Presenter of a neuroscience, pediatrics and gerontology course at the 77th annual meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. October, 2000. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Motor Learning and Attention in Infants With and Without Down Syndrome. Poster presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Society for Neurosciences. New Orleans, Louisiana. November, 2000. 2001 McKay, S. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. A developmental study of infants’ leg motor activity. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Motor Development Research Consortium. Ann Arbor, Michigan. October, 2001. 2002 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Motor control in infancy. Paper presented at the Center for Human Movement Research seminar. Ann Arbor, Michigan. March, 2002. Tiernan, C. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Leg movement differentiation in young infants. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Baltimore, Maryland. June, 2002. 23 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Hurvitz, E.A., Brennan, A., Badejo, A.K., Streepey, J.W., Herman-Hilker, S. Boutlinum Toxin A and muscle strengthening in cerebral palsy: Initial report. Paper presented at American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Development Medicine. New Orleans, Louisiana. September, 2002 Hurvitz, E.A., Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Streepey, J.W., Brennan, P. Muscle activation patterns in spastic children: Effects of Botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) and muscle strengthening. Paper presented at the American Academy for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Orlando, Florida. November 2002. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Modulation of Leg Movements in Infants with Down Syndrome: Developmental Changes. Paper presented at Motor Development Research Consortium. Austin, Texas. November 2002 Angulo, R.M., Streepey, J.W., Tang, J., Brennan, P., Herman-Hilker, S., Hurvitz, E.A. Muscle Activation patterns during gait in children with cerebral palsy: Effects of Botulinum toxin A and muscle strength training. Paper presented at 32nd annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Orlando, Florida. November 2002. (Program No. 664.14, online 2003 Ulrich, B.D., Angulo Barroso, R.M. & Ulrich, D.A. Patterned Behavior in Infants with and without Down syndrome: Same Processes, Unique Subsystems. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Savannah, Georgia. June, 2003 Streepey, J.W. & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Effects of foot mechanoreceptor feedback on balance control in children and adults during reaching tasks. Paper presented at 33rd annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. New Orleans, Louisiana. November, 2003. 2004 Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Ulrich, D.A. & Tiernan, C. Motor activity and Adaptive Treadmill Stepping Patterns in Infants at Risk for Cerebral Palsy, In D. A. Ulrich (Chair), Motor Behavior in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: Theory, Modeling, and Evidence-Based Intervention, symposium conducted at the Gatlinburg conference, Bi-Annual meeting, San Diego, March 2004. McKay, S., Shinska, R., & Angulo-Barroso, R. Spontaneous Motor Activity in Infants with and without Down Syndrome. Gatlinburg Conference, Bi-Annual Meeting, San Diego, March 2004. 24 Shinska, R., McKay, S., & Angulo-Barroso, R. Motor Development and Sleeping Patterns in Infants with and without Down Syndrome. Gatlinburg Conference, Bi-Annual Meeting, San Diego, March 2004. Shafir Liberzon, T, Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Calatroni, A., Angelilli, M.L., Jacobson, S.W. & Lozoff, B. Iron Deficiency Affects Motor Development in 9-Month-Old Infants. American Academy of Pediatrics, Washington, DC, October, 2004. 2005 Wu, J., Angulo-Barroso, R.M. & Ulrich, D. Gait Analysis of NewWalkers with Down Syndrome Post-Treadmill Training. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. St. Pete Beach, Florida. June, 2005. Wu, J., Angulo-Barroso, R.M. & Ulrich, D. Negociation of an obstacle in Toddlers with Down Syndrome Post-Treadmill Training. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. St. Pete Beach, Florida. June, 2005. Wu, J.H., Angulo-Barroso, R.M., & Ulrich, D.A. Anticipatory Locomotor Adjustments for Obstacle Negotiation in Toddlers with Down Syndrome Post Treadmill Training. Poster delivered at the Progress in Motor Control V conference, State College, PA. August, 2005. Looper, J., Ulrich, D.A., & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. The Effect of High & Low Intensity Treadmill Training on Motor Outcomes in Infants with Down Syndrome. Poster delivered at the III STEP conference, Salt Lake city, UT. July 2005. Shafir-Liberzon, T., Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Jacobson, S.W., & Lozoff B. Effects of Iron Deficiency on Reach and Grasp Movements in 9-monthold Infants. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. St. Pete Beach, Florida. June, 2005. Shafir-Liberson, T. Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Calatroni, A., Angelilli, M.L., Jacobson, S.W., & Lozoff, B. Iron deficiency affects motor development in 9-month-old infants. APA Presidential plenary paper presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies meeting, Washington, DC. May 2005 (abstract 1731). 2006 Wu, J., Angulo-Barroso, R.M. & Ulrich, D.A. Joint coordination in new walkers with Down syndrome post-treadmill training. Verbal presentation in the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, June 2006. 25 Looper, J., Wu, J., Ulrich, D. & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Gait in toddlers with typical development compared to toddlers with Down syndrome after treadmill training. Verbal presentation in the 8th North America Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Symposium, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October, 2006. 2007 Tiernan, C., Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Ulrich, D., & Burghardt, A. Treadmill performance and physical activity in infants at risk for cerebral palsy. Verbal presentation in the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, June 2007. Wu J, Looper J, Ulrich D, Angulo-Barroso RM. Strategy adoption and lomocotor adjustment in obstacle negotiation in toddlers with typical development and at risk for cerebral palsy. Verbal presentation in the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, June 2007. Wu J, McKay S, Angulo-Barroso, RM. UCM Analysis of variability in head movement during level walking in healthy children and young adults. Poster presentation in the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, June 2007. Looper J, Wu J, Ulrich D, Angulo-Barroso RM. Spatiotemporal gait parameters in toddlers with typical development and at risk for cerebral palsy. Verbal presentation in the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, June 2007. Lloyd, M., Burghardt, A., Ulrich, D.A. Angulo-Barroso, RM. Relationship between early physical activity and motor milestone achievement in infants with Down syndrome. Verbal presentation in the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. June 2007 McKay, S. & Angulo-Barroso, RM. Investigating the contribution of Ia afferent to the EMG activity of children and young adults during overground walking. International Society for Posture and Gait Research, BiAnnual Meeting, Burlington, VT, July, 2007. 2008 Wu Jianhua (Jerry), McKay Sandra & Angulo-Barroso Rosa. Can Children Control Their Joint Variability in Standing While Confronting a Perturbation of Tendon Vibration? (#255). Verbal presentation at the North American Conference of Biomechanics (NACOB), Ann Arbor, MI, USA, August 2008 26 Tilbury, D. M., Plunkett, M. J., Felt, B. T., Wang, L., Kaciroti, N., Angulo-Barroso, R., Shafir, T. and Tardif, T. Dynamic systems modeling of cortisol response in pre-schoolers using emotion and activity inputs. Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning. Monterrey, California, August 2008 Shafir, T., He, Y., Yi, Y., Angulo-Barroso, R., Miller, A., Olson, S., Kaciroti, N., Tardif, T. Children?s facial and motor emotional expressions in emotion regulation. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning. Monterrey, California, August 2008. Tiernan, C., Angulo-Barroso, R., Lloyd, M., Neary, H., & Ulrich, D. Examining effects of treadmill training in infants at risk for neuromotor deficits. Poster presented at the annual North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Symposium, Indianapolis, IN,USA, September, 2008. 2009 Wu J., McKay, S., Angulo-Barroso, R.. Center of mass control and multisegment coordination in children during quiet stance. Verbal presentation in the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, June 11-13, 2009. 2010 Busquets, A., Marina, M., Irurtia, A., & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Within subject variability analysis reveals a transition point for the longswing across age groups. Poster presented at the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS) Conference, Marquette, Michigan, USA. July 19-23 July, 2010. Aranda-Garcia, S, Iricibar, A, Prat, JA, Angulo-Barroso, RM. Balance, strength and gait performance in a rural community of elderly in Catalonia. Poster presented at the Exercise and Physical Activity in Aging (ExPAAC) Conference, University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. July 29-31, 2010. Wu. J. McKay, S., Angulo-Barroso, R. Do children use a different strategy in adapting to a tendon vibration perturbation during standing? Poster presented at the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, August 18-21, 2010 2011 Wu Jianhua, McKay Sandra, Angulo-Barroso, Rosa M., Motor adaptation to a tendon vibration perturbation in children during standing. Paper presented at 41st annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Washington DC. November 12-16, 2011. 27 Wu, Jianhua, McKay, Sandra & Angulo-Barroso, Rosa M. Effect of tendón vibration perturbation on standing in children. Verbal presentation at the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Meeting. Burlington, June 2011 2014 Busquets-Faciaben A, Ferrer-Uris B, Aranda-Garcia S, Marina M., Angulo-Barroso RM. Age and gymnastics skill level effects in proprioceptive re-integration after vibration while standing. Paper presented at 44th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Washington DC. November 15-19, 2014. Ferrer-Uris B, Busquets-Faciaben A, Lopez-Alonso V, Fernandez-DelOlmo M, Angulo-Barroso RM. Effects of a single bout of intense exercise on the adaptation and retention of a perceptual-motor task. Paper presented at 44th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Washington DC. November 15-19, 2014. Santos, DCC, Angulo-Barroso, RM, Sturza, J, Bian Y, Li M, Lozoff, B. Duration of Iron Deficiency (ID) in Infancy: Effects on Gross Motor Development at 9 Months. Shaping the Developing Brain: Prenatal through Early Childhood Fifth Annual Aspen Brain Forum. New York, November 11-13, 2014. 2015 Angulo-Barroso, RM, Ming Li, Santos, DCC, Yang Bian, Zhixiang Zhang, Tardif T, Sturza J, Lozoff, B. Iron deficiency and infant gross motor development: linked randomized controlled trials of pre- and/or postnatal iron supplementation. Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies, San Diego, April 25-28, 2015. Angulo-Barroso, RM, Ferrer-Uris, B., Busquets, A., & Romack, J. Acute exercise and visuomotor adaptation in children. Verbal presentation in the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Meeting, Portland, USA. June 4-7, 2015. FUERA DE USA (~Internacional) 1990 Escoda, J., Angulo, R. M., & Prat, J. A. Applying computer aided design, analysis and simulation technologies to sport biomechanics. Paper presented at Techniques in Athletics: First International Conference. Cologne, Germany. June, 1990. Angulo, R. M., Prat, J. A., & Escoda, J. Analyse biomécanique en athlétisme. Paper presented at the X Congres Intenational de Medecine et de Traumatologie du Sport. Charleroi-Bruxelles, Belgium. October, 1990. 28 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Recursos tecnologicos en el salto de altura. Paper presented at the XIII Symposium de la Sociedad Iberica de Biomecanica. Madrid, Spain. November, 1990. 1991 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Biomecanica del pie y del tobillo. Paper presented at the X Curso de Tecnica Quirurgica del Pie. Sabadell, Spain. October, 1991. Angulo-Kinzler, R. M., Gutierrez, A. & Alvarez, G. Sport animation, analysis and synthesis based on the design of the human body as a mechanism. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics. Perth, Australia. December, 1991. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Animation and analysis of sport events through 3D computer modeling. Paper presented at the International Congress on Biomechanics. Perth, Australia. December, 1991. 1992 Angulo-Kinzler, R. M. & Balius, X. Biomechanical results of the 1992 Barcelona Olympic games: Kinematics and dynamics of the pole vault and high jump. Paper presented at the XIV International Congress on Biomechanics. Paris, France. November, 1992. 1994 Ulrich, B.D., Ulrich, D.A., & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Interlimb sensitivity to perceptual-motor information. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference of Infant Studies. Paris, France. June, 1994. 1995 Mauerberg-deCastro, E., Ulrich, B.D., & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Environmental constraints upon treadmill stepping patterns of babies with Down syndrome. Paper presented at the Société Canadienne d’Apprentissage Psychomoteur et de Psychologie du Sport (SCAPPS) Conference. Burnbay, British Columbia, Canada. October, 1995. 1996 Ulrich, B.D., Ulrich, D.A. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. The effects of context on transitional behavior patterns. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Muskoka, Canada. June, 1996. 1997 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Ulrich, B.D. & Ulrich, D.A. The impact of practice on the patterns of walking in infants with and without Down syndrome. International Conference on Chromosome 21 and Medical Research on Down Syndrome. Barcelona, Spain. March, 1997. 1999 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Exploration and selection of functional movement patterns: The development of an early intervention paradigm. In D.A. Ulrich (Chair), Principles of dynamics systems theory and application to early intervention for infants with Down syndrome, symposium conducted 29 at the 12th International Symposium for Adapted Physical Activity. Barcelona, Spain. May, 1999. 2000 Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Ulrich, D.A. & Ulrich, B.D. Improving upright locomotion by treadmill practice in infants with Down syndrome. Poster presented at the International Movement Disorders Conference. Barcelona, Spain. June, 2000. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. & Carroll, J. Interaction of arm-leg motor Behavior in a constrained mobile reinforcement response. Poster presented at the 12th biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. Brighton, United Kingdom. July, 2000. Ulrich, B.D, Ulrich, D.A., Yun J. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Onset of walking in Down syndrome: Practice effects. Poster presented at the 12th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies. Brighton, United Kingdom. July, 2000. 2001 Angulo-Kinzler, R. M. & Hainer, J. A constrained motor-perceptual task in infants: Effects of sensory modality. Paper presented at the conference Motor Development and Learning in Infancy: Behavioral, Neurological and Modeling Issues. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. June, 2001. 2002 Deman, D. & Angulo-Kinzler, R.M. Learning measures in infancy using a mobile task. Poster presented at the biannual meetings of the International Society for Infant Studies. Toronto, Canada. April, 2002. Badejo, A., Streepey, J., Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Hurvitz, E., Brennan, P. & Herman-Hilker, S. Effects of botulinum toxin A and muscle strengthening on gait. Poster presented at the IV World Congress of Biomechanics. Calgary, Canada. August, 2002. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Garrido, M., Lozoff, B., Peirano, P. La anemia por deficiencia de hierro en la infancia altera el patron de actividad motora durante el sueño quieto. Presented at the 10th Congreso de la Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Sueño. Santiago, Chile. 2002. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Pierano, P., Algarín , C., Garrido. M., Lozoff, B. Anemia por deficiencia de hierro en la infancia: Organización diurna y noctura del ciclo sueño/vigilia y la actividad motora. Presented at the 10th Congreso de la Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Sueño. Santiago, Chile. 2002 2004 Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Ulrich, D., Tiernan, C., Rosebrough A. & Ehn, L. Clearing an obstacle during gait: A problem to solve in new-walkers with Down syndrome. Paper presented in Anderson, D.I. & Corbetta, D. 30 (Chairs) Learning to walk as an illustration of and catalyst for infant problem solving symposium presented at the 14th International Society of Infant Studies, Annual Meeting, Chicago, May, 2004 McKay, S., Shinska, R., & Angulo-Barroso, R. Spontaneous Motor Activity and Milestone Achievement in Infants with and without Down Syndrome. Poster presented at the 14th International Society of Infant Studies, Annual Meeting, Chicago, May, 2004 Shinska, R., McKay, S., & Angulo-Barroso, R. Sleeping Patterns and Night Activity of Infants with and without Down Syndrome. Poster presented at the 14th International Society of Infant Studies, Annual Meeting, Chicago, May, 2004 Chang C.L. & Angulo Barroso, R.M. The kinematic relationship between kicking and stepping in infancy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. June, 2004 Tiernan, C.W. & Angulo Barroso, R.M. Examining 3-month-old infants’ ability to learn to produce alternate kicking. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. June, 2004 Shafir-Liberson, T., Angulo Barroso, R.M., Calatroni, A., Jimenes, E. & Lozoff, B. Long-term effects of iron deficiency on motor development. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. June, 2004 2005 Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Ulrich, D.A. & Tiernan, C.W. Treadmill Stepping and Motor Activity in Infants at Risk for Cerebral Palsy. Paper presented at the International Congress of Motor Development and Learning in Infancy Conference, II: Fundamental Concepts and Applications. Murcia, Spain. May, 10-13 2005. Wu, J., Angulo-Barroso, R.M. & Ulrich, D. Step Variability in Infants with Down Syndrome Post-Treadmill Training. Poster presented at the International Congress of Motor Development and Learning in Infancy Conference, II: Fundamental Concepts and Applications. Murcia, Spain. May, 10-13 2005. Lloyd, M., Ulrich, D.A., Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Cognitive Development during High and Low Intensity Treadmill Training in Infants with Down Syndrome. International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity. Verona, Italy. July 5-9, 2005. 31 2006 Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Burghardt, A.R., Lloyd, M & Ulrich, D. Physical activity in infants with Down syndrome receiving a treadmill intervention. Poster presented at the 15th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Kyoto (Japan), June, 2006. Taga, G & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Creation of constraints in motor learning and memory in young infants. Symposium co-organized with Dr. Taga at the 15th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Kyoto (Japan), June, 2006 McKay, S. & Angulo-Barroso, R. Age Related Differences in the Ability to Maintain Postural Stability Following Altered Visual and Proprioceptive Inputs. Canadian Conference for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology, Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS, Canada, November, 2006. 2008 Chen, L., Looper, J., Neary, H., Ulrich, D.A. Angulo-Barroso, RM. Walking Patterns in Infants at Moderate Risk for Neuromotor Disability with or without Treadmill Training. Verbal presentation in the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Meeting. Niagara Falls, ON, Canada. June 2008 2009 Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Pautas de Actividad que recomienda la NASPE para niños de 0 a 5 años. Ponencia en XIV Jornadas Científicas de la SERI (Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación Infantil), A Coruña, Mar, 2009 Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Chen, L., Tiernan, C, Lloyd, M. & Ulrich, D. Effects of Treadmill Training in infants at risk for neuromotor delay. Poster presented at the 4th International State-of-the-art Congress of Rehabilitation: Mobility, Exercise, and Sport, Amsterdam, Apr 7-9 2009. Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Chen, L., Tiernan, C.W. Looper, J., & Ulrich, D.A. Treadmill training and gait patterns in infants at moderate risk for neuromotor disabilities. Verbal presentation in the XIX Conference of the Society for Posture and Gait Research, Bologna, Italy, June 21-25, 2009. Angulo-Barroso, R.M., Chen, L., Tiernan, C.W. Looper, J., & Ulrich, D.A. Gait adaptation in infants at mild risk for neuromotor disability receiving a treadmill intervention. Poster presentation at 18th annual meeting of the European Society of Movement Analysis in Adult and Children (ESMAC). London, 14-18 Sept. 2009. Busquets, A., Marina, M., Irurtia, A., & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Practice and talent effects in swing high bar inter-joint coordination of novice 32 adults. Poster presented in the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports Conference Limerick, Ireland. Agosto, 2009. 2010 Busquets, A., Marina, M., Irurtia, A., & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Changes in motor strategies performing longswing across age. V Congrés Internacional d’Educació Física. Barcelona, España. Febrero, 2010. Busquets, A., Marina, M., Irurtia, A., & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Changes in motor strategies performing longswing across age. 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics. Edinburgh (UK). 4-8 July, 2010. Aranda-Garcia, S., Iricibar, A., Prat, J. A., Planas, A., & Angulo-Barroso, R. Effects of exercise with a horse in balance, strength and gait performande of elderly. VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Ciencias del Deporte, Elche. 5-8 october 2010 2011 Marina, M., Porta J., Valllejo, L. & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Monitoring hand flexor fatigue in a 24-hour motorcycle endurance race. International Society of Biomechanics. Brussels. June 2011. 2012 Lobo-Prat J, Font-Llagunes, J.M., Medina-Casanovas, J. & AnguloBarroso, RM. Clinical Evaluation of Upper Extremity Motion in Subjects with Neurological Disorders. 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics. Lisboa, Portugal. July 1-4th 2012. Marina M., Torrado, P, Busquets, A. & Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Comparison of two forearm fatigue protocols in motorcycle riders. 17th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences. Bruxelles Belgium, 4-7th July 2012 Aranda-Garcia, S, Iricibar, A, Planas A, Prat J.A., Angulo-Barroso R.M. Effects of exercise with a horse on gait and balance in elderly. Joint World Congress of the International Society of Posture and Gait Research and Gait and Mental Function. Trondheim 24-28 June 2012 2013 Jubany, J., Busquets, A., Marina, M., Cos, F., Angulo-Barroso, R. Validity and reliability of an instrument manufactured from a hand-held dynamometer for measuring strength of trunk muscles. Poster presented at the 18th annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences. June. Barcelona, Spain. Garcia-Gil, M., Busquets, A., Angulo-Barroso, R. M. Effects of stability demand on the postural control of chronic low back pain patients. Poster presented at the 18th annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences. June. Barcelona, Spain. 33 Marina, M., Torrado, P., Busquets, A., Angulo-Barroso, R. M. Resting periods of 1-min are too long to induce a decrement of the median frequency during an intermittent fatigue protocol. Poster presented at the 18th annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences. June. Barcelona, Spain. Marina, M., Rios, M., Torrado, P., Busquets, A., Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Approach of a new non-lineal model of strength decrement due to fatigue during intermittent handgrip contractions. Oral presentation at the 18th annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences. June. Barcelona, Spain. Aranda-Garcia, S., Planas, A., Prat, J. A., & Angulo-Barroso, RM. Body balance in healthy elderly: differences between younger old and oldest old. Oral presentation at the18th annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences. June. Barcelona, Spain Puig-Diví, A, Medina-Casanovas, J, Ripoll-Ramis, J, Angulo-Barroso, R.M. Neuromotor control in children with and without cerebral palsy while holding a load. Oral presentation at the18th annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences. June. Barcelona, Spain Alcaraz, PE, Jiménez-García, A, Elvira, JLL, García-Roca, JA, Cánovas, JF, Angulo-Barroso, RM. Effects of resisted sled towing on acceleration sprint kinematics in sprinters. Oral presentation at the18th annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences. June. Barcelona, Spain Jubany, J & Angulo-Barroso, RM. EMG pattern of trunk and limb muscles during the Sorensen test: Comparison between low back pain and healthy people. Poster presented at the 8th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain. Dubai, UAE. October, 27-31 Jubany, J & Angulo-Barroso, RM. Fatigability of trunk and limb muscles during the Sorensen test in low back pain: A methodological comparison Poster presented at the 8th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain. Dubai, UAE. October, 27-31 2014 Angulo-Barroso, R., Xu L., Li, M., Erdem, A., Sturza, J., Richards, B., Shao, J., Lozoff, B. Differential effects of pre- vs. postnatal iron deficiency (ID) on learning and neurocognitive functions in 9-month-old infants. Oral presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, May 3-6. 34 Valentin-Gudiol, M & Angulo-Barroso, RM. Individualized treadmill training and gross motor development in late premature twins. Poster presented at the 26th meeting of EACD, Vienna, Austria. July 3-5. 2015 Busquets, A., Aranda-Garcia, S., Ferrer, B., Marina, M., & AnguloBarroso, R. Gymnastics skill level affects sensory reweighting processes during quiet stand in children. Presented at the Joint World Congress of ISPGR, Sevilla, Spain. 29June-2 July. Aranda-Garcia, S., Planas, A., Prat, J. A., & Angulo-Barroso, R. Gait, muscle strength, and body balance in healthy older adults: differences between younger old and oldest old. Poster presented at the Joint World Congress of ISPGR, Sevilla, España. 29 June-2 July. EXPERIENCIA CLINICA RELEVANTE: 1998 Coordinator of a pediatrics session at the 75th annual meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Title: Dynamics systems theory: Research in rehabilitation. Seattle, Washington. 1998-presente Participation in high-risk neonatal clinic with Dr. Gahagan, Dr. Solomon, Dr. Carlson. Research on the effects of iron deficiency on infants’ motor behavior. Santiago, Chile. 1999 Lecturer at research seminar, Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, Detroit, Michigan. Title: Reinforcement of self-generated motor activity in infants: Implications for intervention. 2000 Coordinator of a neuroscience, pediatrics, and gerontology course at the 77th annual meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. 2002 Design and implementation Neuropediatrics course – Physical Therapy Department, Universidad Internacional de Catalunya, Spain. Coordinator and Lecturer. Desarrollo Motor: Teoría y aplicación en poblaciones especiales. Ciencias da actividade física e do deporte. Avances e investigación. Physical Education Doctoral ProgramDepartment of Medicine, Universidade da Coruna. A Coruna, Spain. 2003 Neuropediatrics course – Physical Therapy Department, Universidad Internacional de Catalunya, Spain. 35 2004 Pediatric Physical Therapy workshop: Infants’ capacity to learn and adapt movement patterns. Workshop conducted at the Pediatric section. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Nashville, February, 2004. 2006 Neurology course: Principios de neurologia aplicados al control motor: Metodologia de rehabilitacion - Physical Therapy Department, Universidad Internacional de Catalunya, Spain. 2007 Technical certificate – Transcraneal Magnetic Stimulation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA 2007-2010 Formador en técnicas de evaluación INFANIB, Peabody y valoraciones motriz-cognitivas a pediatras en el First Hospital en Beijing, y en el Childrens Hospital en Hangzhou, China 2012 Formador en técnicas de evaluación Bayley Scale of Infant Development and INFANIB testing en Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, in Barcelona (Infants at risk). CURSOS 1991 1991 2000 2004 2007 2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Curso: Biomecanica del Aparato Locomotor - Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona - 1991 Curso: Tecnica quirurgica del pie - Hospital de Sabadell - 1991 Curso: 21st Century Technology and Innovation - Indiana Univ. - 2000 Curso de Fisioterapia Pediatrica - APTA - 2004 Formación como tecnico en estimulacion transcraneal magnetica - Univ. Southern California - 2007 Curso Cochrane: Revisiones sistemáticas, curso introductorio, 7 Oct Barcelona, Hospital Sant Pau. Curso Cochrane: Revisiones sistemáticas, curso avanzado, 8 Oct Barcelona, Hospital Sant Pau. Curso sobre análisis biomecánico con el uso de Kwon3D, 14,15, & 16 Marzo 2011, INEFC, Barcelona. Acreditación PEERRS por la universidad de Michigan (Curso on-line sobre Ética en investigación Humana) Acreditacion Moodle Avanzado (30 horas - 28/06/2013 - 14/07/2013) Moodle Mastery Program. CSUN (4 full days; Feb-May 2014) Culturally competent mentoring training – CSUN (20 hours – Build PODER) SERVICIOS RELACIONADOS CON LA INVESTIGACION: 1990-1993 Miembro del comité editorial del Journal of Applied Biomechanics 36 2002-present 2002-present 2009-present Member of the editorial board of Revista de Entrenamiento Deportivo Member of the editorial board of Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia del Deporte Member of the editorial board of Revista Apunts Educacio Fissica i Sports 1997-present Manuscript reviewer for: Journal of Applied Biomechanics Journal of Gerontology Infant Behavior and Development British Journal of Developmental Psychology Revista de Entrenamiento Deportivo Motor Control Human Movement Science Journal of Motor Behavior (2006-2012) Acta Psychologica Behavioral Brain Research Experimental Brain Research Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology ASME Journal of Medical Devices Apunts Educacio Fisica i Sports Infancy Developmental Science Physical Therapy Journal Pediatric Physical Therapy Journal Developmental Psychobiology Journal of Sport Biomechanics Pediatrics Scandinavian J. of Medicine and Science in Sports Journal of Sport Health Science Research in Developmental Disabilities Revista Ingeneria Biomedica 1997-2000 Co-organizer Center for Human Motor Research Seminar Series (CHMR), Division of Kinesiology, University of Michigan 1998 Coordinator of a pediatrics session at the 75th annual meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Seattle, Washington. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Ulrich, B.D. & Brown, S. Dynamic systems theory: Research in rehabilitation. 2000-03-05 Abstract submission reviewer of NASPSPA (North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity) conference – Motor development (3 years) 37 2000 Coordinator of a neuroscience, pediatrics, and gerontology course at the 77th annual meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Angulo-Kinzler, R.M., Ulrich, D.A., Whithall, J. & Krebs, D. Dynamic systems theory: Implications for rehabilitation and intervention across the lifespan. 2001 Organize-sponsor Motor Development Research Consortium Division of Kinesiology, University of Michigan 2003 Grant reviewer: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. 2004 Reviewer book: Motor Learning: Theory and Practice. Upper Division Biology and Health. Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning. 2004 Grant reviewer National Institutes of Health: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: Biobehavioral and Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee (B&BS) Motor Function, Speech, and Rehabilitation Study Section (MFSR) 2004 Grant reviewer National Athletic Training Association: Research and Education Foundation. 2005 Scientific committee: Abstract submission reviewer of Motor Development and Learning Meeting II (Murcia, Spain). 2005 OVRP – University of Michigan grant reviewer. 2005-2008 Grant reviewer, National Institutes of Health: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: Motor Function, Speech and Rehabilitation Study Section (MFSR) 2006 Scientific committee: Abstract submission reviewer on Panel 15: Perceptual, Motor and Psychobiological Processes, Society for Research in Child Development, 2007 Biennial Meeting Review. 2008 Research Grant Reviewer for the Medical Research Scotland – Grant: Developing Unobstrusive Early Diagnosis for Infant Developmental Pathology, August 2008 Research Grant Reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation – Grant: Virtual reality-based sensorimotor hand rehabilitation and PeLoGRASP: A Whole-body Rehabilitation Approach, Oct 2008 2009 Research Grant Reviewer for the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Spain – 38 Grant: Análisis Cualitativo de la Participación y Calidad de Vida en los Niños y Adolescentes Con Parálisis Cerebral: El Impacto de Ambiente Físico, Social y Actitudinal en la Promoción de la Autonomía, June 2009 Grant: Estudio del desarrollo cerebral en un modelo animal de síndrome de Down. Octubre 2009 2011 Research Grant Reviewer for the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Spain – Spain – Grant: Interval training de alta intensidad y bajo volumen en ayunas y sin ayunas: efectos sobre la capacidad mitocondrial del músculo esquelético y la sensibilidad a la insulina. Nov 2011 2013 Abstract submission reviewer for the European College of Sport Sciences: Biomechanics section. 2013 Grant reviewer for Research Foundation Flanders – Belgium Grant: Specific versus general exercises for low back pain: unraveling the puzzle of peripheral muscle and central brain changes. May 2013 2014 Grant reviewer National Institutes of Health: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: Motor Function, Speech and Rehabilitation Study Section (MFSR). May session. 2015 Grant Reviewer for ANR - National Research Agency (France) CE372015. BBMOVED, Organisation des modules neuro-moteurs au cours du développement. May 2015 Grant reviewer for ANEP – Agencia Nacional (Spain). BMEDFIS-1-3-1017. La Fragmentación de Sueño Como Riesgo de Deterioro Cognitivo y Enfermedad de Alzheimer en El Síndrome de Down. June 2015 Grant reviewer for the Leoni Endowment Fund (University of Michigan). Cortical activation patterns in infants with Down syndrome during performance of functional motor skills. April, 2015 SERVICIOS PRESTADOS EN COMITES DE UNIVERSIDAD – UNIVERSIDAD DE MICHIGAN: 1997-1998 1997-2009 1998-2009 2001 Campus committee for the Institute of International Education (IIE) Fulbright awards evaluation (member) Faculty member of the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Marshall at the Honors Fall and Winter Commencements Community Learning for a Diverse Democracy, the Provost Seminar on Teaching 39 2002 2002 2004-2008 2004-2008 Summer Research Opportunities Program Conference (SROP) Integrating U-M Resources into Your Teaching- Provost Seminar on Teaching Kinesiology representative for the Detroit Health Services Research Initiative University Diversity Council (member) Planning Council for University Diversity (member) SERVICIOS PRESTADOS EN KINESIOLOGIA – UNIVERSIDAD DE MICHIGAN: 1997-1998 1997-1999 1997-2008 1998-1999 1999-2008 1999-2008 2001-2002 2000 2001 2002 2002-2008 2003-2005 2006-2007 KINDAY committee (member) KINWEB (member) CHMR (member) (Hosted Daniela Corbetta, John Spencer, Edward Taub, & Joseph Campos) KINDAY committee, (chair) MoveSci faculty committee (member) Graduate faculty committee (member) Computer faculty committee (member) Biomechanics search committee (member) Kinesiology Curriculum (member) Pedagogy search committee (member) Sub-committee computer resources (member) MoveSci faculty committee (chair) Biomechanics Search committee (member) SERVICIOS PRESTADOS EN EL Center for Human Growth and Development – CHGD – Universidad de Michigan 1999-2008 2000-2008 2001-2008 2003-2008 2006-2008 Iron deficiency research group (member) Brain and behavior program (member) Faculty advisor in the Minority International Research Training (MIRT) program Faculty research mentor in the MHIRT program (formerly MIRT) Research Program Director – Brain and Behavior relationships in the developing child SERVICIOS PRESTADOS EN INEFC, Universidad de Barcelona: 2010-2013 2010-2013 2010-2013 2009-present Cap Dept. Salut i Ciencies Aplicades (Chair, Health and Applied Sciences Department) Coordinador y diseñador del Master de Actividad Fisica y Salud (Coordinator and developer of Master Degree: Health and Physical Activity) Miembro de la Comisión de Evaluación de los Tramos Docentes Miembro de la Comisión del Programa de Doctorado 40 2010-2013 2010-2013 2010-2013 Miembro de la Junta de Recerca Miembro de la Junta Coordinadora Jefe del Laboratorio de Biomecánica SERVICIOS PRESTADOS EN KINESIOLOGIA CSUN, California State University, Northridge 2014-present Coordinator of the student components of the Department of Education Grant, CAMINO, designed to facilitate and retain Spanish students in health related master programs in the College of Health and Human Development 2014-present 2015-present Member of the Kinesiology Web committee, CSUN Miembro de la comisión curricular SERVICIOS PRESTADOS EN LA COMUNIDAD: 1998-2000 1999 2002 Member of the Membership Committee of American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Talks provided to the Early-On programs in the state of Michigan with the theme of early development of independent gait in infants with Down syndrome Presenter at the Betsey Barbour program at the University of Michigan: Physical activity and Nutrition: A life span approach. CURSOS ENSEÑADOS A PARTIR DE 1997: Nota: Cursos MOVESCI que tienen una numeración de 400 o superior son a nivel de postgrado. 1997-1998 Movement Science MOVESCI 320 (4 cr) – Motor Control (W98)(49 students) MOVESCI 305 (3 cr) – Topical Seminar (W98) (21 students) Kinesiology KIN 500 (3 cr) –Topical Seminar (W98) (14 students) 1998-1999 MOVESCI 320 (4 cr) – Motor Control (W99) (36 students) MOVESCI 423 (3 cr) – Sensorimotor Development (W99) (15 students) MOVESCI 488 (2 cr) – Independent Study (W99) (4 students) MOVESCI 429 (3 cr) – Laboratory Rotation in Motor Control & Development (W99) (1 student) MOVESCI 402 (2 cr) – Teaching Experience for Kinesiology Students (W99) (1 student) MOVESCI 380 (1 cr) – Problems in Movement Science (W99) (1 student) Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) (3 cr) –(W99) (3 students) KIN 684 (2 cr) – Independent Research in Kinesiology (Sp99) (1 student) 41 KIN 684 (2 cr) – Independent Research in Kinesiology (Su99) (1 student) 1999-2000 MOVESCI 423 (3 cr) – Sensoriomotor Development (F99) (12 students) MOVESCI 488 (2 cr) – Independent Study (F99) (1 student) KIN 684 (4 cr) – Independent Research in Kinesiology (F99) (1 student) UROP (3 cr) – (F99) (10 students) UROP (3 cr) – (W00) (10 students) KIN 684 (3 cr) – Independent Research in Kinesiology (W00) (1 student) KIN 682 (2 cr) – Independent Reading in Kinesiology (W00) (1 student) 2000-2001 MOVESCI 423 (3 cr) – Sensorimotor Development (F00) (13 students) UROP (3 cr) – (F00) (7 students) MOVESCI 490 (4 cr) – Senior Honors Thesis (F00) (1 student) UROP (2-3 cr) – (W01) (9 students) MOVESCI 280 (2-3 cr) - UROP (W01) (5 students) MOVESCI 320 (3 cr) – Motor Control (W01) (30 students) 2001-2002 MOVESCI 423 (3 cr) – Sensorimotor Development (F01) (21 students) UROP (3 cr) – (F01) (9 students) MOVESCI 280 (2-3 cr) – UROP (F01) (5 students) MOVESCI 429 (2 cr) – Laboratory Rotation in Motor Control & Development (F01) (1 student) KIN 682 (2 cr) – Independent Reading in Kinesiology (F01) (1 student) KIN 684 (2-6 cr) – Independent Research in Kinesiology (F01) (4 students) UROP (2-3 cr) – (W02) (11 students) MOVESCI 280 (2-3 cr) – UROP (W02) (3 students) KIN 619 (3 cr) – Master Thesis Research (W02) (2 students) MOVESCI 429 (3 cr) – Laboratory Rotation in Motor Control & Development (W02) (2 students) KIN 684 (3 cr) – Independent Research in Kinesiology (W02) (1 student) 2002-2003 KIN 520 (3 cr) – Graduate Seminar in Motor Control: Changes in Motor Skill: An adaptive and complex systems perspective (F02) (11 students) UROP (3 cr) – (F02) (11 students) MOVESCI 280 (2-3 cr) – UROP (F02) (1 students) MOVESCI 619 (4 cr) – Senior Honors Thesis (F02) (1 student) MOVESCI 429 (3 cr) – Laboratory Rotation in Motor Control & Development (F02) (2 students) KIN 682 (2 cr) – Independent Reading in Kinesiology (F02) (1 student) KIN 684 (2 cr) – Independent Research in Kinesiology (F02) (1 student) KIN 619 (3 cr) – Master Thesis Research (W03) (1 students) KIN 488 (3 cr) – Independent Study (W03) (1 students) MOVESCI 320 (3 cr) – Motor Control (W03) (31 students) MOVESCI 280 (3 cr) – UROP (W03) (1 students) UROP (3 cr) – (W03) (11 students) 42 MOVESCI 280 (2 cr) – UROP (SpSu03) (2 students) 2003-2004 MOVESCI 423 (3cr) – Sensorimotor development (F03) (13 students) UROP (2-3 cr) – (F03) (12 students) MOVESCI 280 (3 cr) – UROP (F03) (2 students) KIN 682 (2 cr) – Independent Reading in Kinesiology (F03) (1 student) MOVESCI 320 (3 cr) – Motor Control (W04) (13 students) MOVESCI 305 (3 cr) – Culture, Nutrition and motor development (W04) (6 students) MOVESCI 380 (1 cr) – Problems in Movement Science (W04) (1 student) MOVESCI 402 (3 cr) – Teaching Experience in MoveSci (W04) (1 student) MOVESCI 429 (2 cr) – Laboratory rotation on Motor Control (W04) (2 student) MOVESCI 488 (3 cr) – Independent Study (W04) (2 student) 2004-2005 KIN 520 (3cr) – Neural & Physical Rehabilitation (F04) (7 students) UROP (2-3 cr) – (F04) (11 students) MOVESCI 280 (3 cr) – UROP (F04) (2 students) MOVESCI 380 (1 cr) – Problems in Movement Science (F04) (1 student) MOVESCI 488 (1-3 cr) – Independent Study (F04) (3 students) MOVESCI 320 (3 cr) – Motor Control (W05) (25 students) MOVESCI 305 (3 cr) – Culture, Nutrition and motor development (W05) (4 students) UROP (2-3 cr) – (W05) (11 students) MOVESCI 280 (3 cr) – UROP (W05) (2 students) MOVESCI 381 (3 cr) – Community Service Learning (W05) (1 student) MOVESCI 429 (2 cr) – Laboratory rotation on Motor Control (W05) (2 students) MOVESCI 488 (3 cr) – Independent Study (W05) (2 students) KIN 684 (3 cr) – Independent Research in Kinesiology (W05) (1 student) 2006 MMBi6 (4 cr): Class taught in Spain: INEFC. Biomecánica de la Actividad Física y el Deporte: Ergonomía y biomecánica lesional (W06) (36 students) 2006-2007 UROP (3cr) – F06 & W07 (3 students) MOVESCI 380 (2-3cr) - Problems in Movement Science (F06) (2 student) MOVESCI 489 (2cr) - Senior Thesis (F06) (3 students) MOVESCI 423 (3cr) – Sensorimotor Development (W07) (17 students) MOVESCI 488 (2-3cr) - Independent Study (W07) (2 students) MOVESCI 489 (3cr) - Senior Thesis (W07) (3 students) MOVESCI 490/1 (5 cr) – Honor Thesis (W07) (2 students) 2007-2008 UROP (3cr) – F07 & W08 (6 students) 43 MOVESCI 380 (2-3cr) - Problems in Movement Science (F07) (2 student) MOVESCI 489 (2cr) - Senior Thesis (F07) (3 students) MOVESCI 423 (3cr) – Sensorimotor Development (W08) (17 students) MOVESCI 488 (2-3cr) - Independent Study (W08) (2 students) 2008-2009 Doctorado del Aparato Locomotor: Principios de Neurociencia aplicados a la rehabilitación UIC (3 cr) (W09) (11 students) Doctorado del Aparato Locomotor: Comunicación cientifica UIC (3 cr) (W09) (13 students) 2009-2010 Master en Evidencia Cientifica – Comunicación cientifica UIC (3cr) Biomecanica de la Actividad Fisica y deporte– INEFC (6cr) Biomecanica de las técnicas deportivas – INEFC (6cr) 2010-2011 Master en Evidencia Científica – Comunicación científica UIC (3cr) Master RETAN – Bioestadística y metodología científica – INEFC (2cr) Biomecánica de la Actividad Física y deporte – INEFC (6cr) 2011-2012 Biomecánica de la Actividad Física y deporte – INEFC (16cr) Biomecánica de las técnicas deportivas – INEFC (6cr) Biomecánica articular – INEFC Actividad física y salud en niños y adolescentes - INEFC 2012-2013 Biomecánica de la Actividad Física y deporte – INEFC (16cr) Master RETAN – Bioestadistica y metodología científica – INEFC (3cr) Practicum Salut (6 alumnos) - INEFC Trabajos Fin de Grado (4 alumnos) - INEFC Master en Evidencia Científica – Comunicación científica UIC (3cr) 2014 Motor Learning and Control – KIN 377 CSUN Spring 2014 (3 units x 3 sections) Motor Learning and Control – KIN 377 CSUN Fall 2014 (3 units x 2 sections) Seminar in Motor Behavior – KIN 679 CSUN Fall 2014 (3 units) 2015 Motor Learning and Control – KIN 377 CSUN Fall 2015 (3 units x 1 section) Advanced Studies in MB _ Applied EMG – KIN 679 CSUN Fall 2015 (3 units) RESUMEN DOCENCIA DE POST GRADO Tipus d’activitat (doctorat, màster, postgrau, etc.): Master in Exercise Science Nom de l’activitat o curs: Kin 500 - Seminar in Kinesiology Curs acadèmic: 1997 - 2008 Nombre d’hores lectives: 3 horas/semana/15 semanas/1 vez por curso academico 44 Institució: University of Michigan Tipus d’activitat (doctorat, màster, postgrau, etc.): Doctoral Degree in Movement Sciences - Kinesiology Nom de l’activitat o curs: Kin 648 Independent Research in Kinesiology Curs acadèmic: 1999-2006 Nombre d’hores lectives: 3 horas/semana/15 semanas/1 vez por curso academico Institució: Univeristy of Michigan Tipus d’activitat (doctorat, màster, postgrau, etc.): Doctoral Degree in Movement Sciences - Kinesiology Nom de l’activitat o curs: Kin 682 Independent Readings in Kinesiology Curs acadèmic: 1999-2006 Nombre d’hores lectives: 3 horas/semana/15 semanas/1 vez por curso academico Institució: University of Michigan Tipus d’activitat (doctorat, màster, postgrau, etc.): Doctorado del Aparato Locomotor Nom de l’activitat o curs: Principios de Neurociencia aplicados a la rehabilitación Curs acadèmic: 2008-2009 Nombre d’hores lectives: 3 unidades (3 horas semanales/15 semanas Institució: Universidad Internacional de Catalunya Tipus d’activitat (doctorat, màster, postgrau, etc.): Doctorado del Aparato Locomotor Nom de l’activitat o curs: Comunicacion Cientifica Curs acadèmic: 2008-2009 Nombre d’hores lectives: 3 unidades (3 horas semanales/15 semanas Institució: Universidad Internacional de Catalunya Tipus d’activitat (doctorat, màster, postgrau, etc.): Master en Evidencia Cientifica Fisioterapia Nom de l’activitat o curs: Comunicacion Cientifica Curs acadèmic: 2009-2013 (3 years) Nombre d’hores lectives: 3 unidades (3 horas semanales/15 semanas Institució: Universidad Internacional de Catalunya Tipus d’activitat (doctorat, màster, postgrau, etc.): Master RETAN - INEFC Nom de l’activitat o curs: Bioestadistica y metodologia cientifica Curs acadèmic: 2010-2011 45 Nombre d’hores lectives: 3 unidades (3 horas semanales/15 semanas Institució: Instituto Nacional de EFl de Catalunya Tipus d’activitat (doctorat, màster, postgrau, etc.): Master RETAN - INEFC Nom de l’activitat o curs: Bioestadistica y metodologia cientifica Curs acadèmic: 2012-2013 Nombre d’hores lectives: 3 unidades (3 horas semanales/15 semanas Institució: Instituto Nacional de EFl de Catalunya Tipus d’activitat (doctorat, màster, postgrau, etc.): Master Actividad Fisica y Salud INEFC Nom de l’activitat o curs: Comunicacion cientifica Curs acadèmic: 2013-2014 Nombre d’hores lectives: 3 unidades (3 horas semanales/15 semanas Institució: Instituto Nacional de EFl de Catalunya Tipus d’activitat (doctorat, màster, postgrau, etc.): Master Movement Science Kinesiology Nom de l’activitat o curs: Kin 679 - Seminar in Motor behavior Curs acadèmic: 2014-2015 Nombre d’hores lectives: 3 unidades (3 horas semanales/15 semanas Institució: California State University Tipus d’activitat (doctorat, màster, postgrau, etc.): Master Movement Science Kinesiology Nom de l’activitat o curs: Kin 579 - Advanced Studies in MB _Applied EMG Curs acadèmic: 2015-2016 Nombre d’hores lectives: 3 unidades (3 horas semanales/15 semanas Institució: California State University DIRECTORA DE TESIS ESTUDIANTES DE GRADO: Tesis de licenciatura: Jennifer Carroll (2001) Ayo Badejo (2003) James Batey (2006) Lauren Schapiro (2007) Brian Venglar (2007) Heather Neary (2007) Jessica Cox (2008) 46 Andrew Lewandoski (2008) GRADUATE STUDENT TRAINING: Tesis de Masters 2001-2002 C. Tiernan, Kinesiology, UM (chair) Examining the ability of 3-month-old infants to learn alternate kicking C. -L. Chang, Kinesiology, UM (chair) The relationship between kicking and stepping in infancy 2009-2011 Marta Valentin Gudiol, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Universidad Internacional de Catalunya (Co-chair) Treadmill response and psychomotor development in premature infants Julio Guerra Monasterio, INEFC, Universidad de Barcelona (Chair) Análisis y comparación de las fuerzas de reacción del suelo en la carrera con el pie descalzo y con diferentes zapatillas de carrera 2010-2011 Alejandro Jimenez Garcia, INEFC, Universidad de Barcelona (Co-chair) Efectos sobre el rendimiento y la cinemática en la fase de aceleración del sprint al usar diferentes cargas resistidas 2010-2011 Joan Lobo Prat, Biomedical Engineering, Universidad Politecnica de Barcelona (Co-chair). A new kinematic and dynamic model for clinical evaluation of the upper extremity motion during an Activity of Daily Living in subjects with neurological disorder. Tesis Doctorales 1998-2003 K. Hinderer, Kinesiology, UM (chair) Comparing system constraints and task requirements to determine system costs and consequences of simulated crouch standing 1998-2006 D. Deman, Kinesiology, UM (chair) Arm movement analysis before and after birth: A comparison of nondiabetic and type 1 diabetic pregnancies 2000-2003 J. Streepy, Kinesiology, UM (chair) The roles of extent, dynamics, and mechanoreceptor input during reaching tasks on balance control in children and adults 2002-2006 S. McKay, Kinesiology, UM (chair) Effects of vibration and vision in the postural and gait patterns of children 47 2003-2012 Chad Tiernan, School of Kinesiology, University of Michigan (co-chair) Examining factors related to motor performance and physical activity in school-aged children with and without Down syndrome 2006-2010 Albert Busquest, INEFC-Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain) (Co-chair). Changes in swing hihg bar performance and coordination: Skill acquisition and fine tuning skill. 2007-present Albert Iricibar, INEFC-Lleida, Universidad de Lleida (Spain) (co-chair). Estudi de l’Activitat Física per a la gent gran, respecte la quantitat de moviment i l’eficiència cardíaca. Doctorand/a: 39903646 2009-2012 Silvia Aranda Garcia, INEFC-Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain) (chair). Valoración e intervención de ejercicio físico en personas mayores: funcionalidad, equilibrio y fuerza. 2010-2013 Albert Puig Divi, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos-Madrid-Guttmann-INEFC. (co-chair). Análisis Biomecánico de la Bipedestación y la Marcha en la Diplejía Espástica. Estudio de la influencia de las Extremidades Superiores. 2011-2014 Julia Jubany Güell, INEFC-Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain) (co-chair). Disfunciones musculares en lumbalgia crónica inespecífica mediante valoración con EMG: Fatiga y Patrones de activación muscular. Defense June 13 2011-2014 Marta Valentín Gudiol, INEFC-Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain) (Co-chair). Estudio de la respuesta al tapiz rodante y desarrollo psicomotor en niños con riesgo de retraso del desarrollo . Defense June 19 2011-present Alfons Mascaro Vilella, INEFC-Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain) (chair). Efectividad de las técnicas inhibición muscular por presión y manipulación vertebral, en la normalización del tono miofascial en personas con dolor lumbar crónico inespecífico. 2011-2013 Maria Garcia Gil, INEFC-Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain) (co-chair). El desequilibrio muscular en pacientes con dolor lumbar inespecífico: Valoración funcional y rehabilitación activa. INEFC P2011 2013-present Josep Ripoll Ramis, INEFC- Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain) (Chair). Análisis complejo de señales electromiográficas (SEMG) aplicadas al entrenamiento deportivo y la rehabilitación física INEFC P2013 48 2014-present Post-Doctoral 2002-2006 2003-2007 2007-2009 2014-2015 Blai Ferrer Uris, INEFC-Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain) (Co-chair). Aprendizaje de habilidades perceptivo-motrices: efectos de la edad y el ejercicio. INEFC P2014 DOGC6521 T. Shafir Liberzon Effects of Iron deficiency in the motor development of human infants Jianhua Wu Gait and balance control in new-walkers and adults Li-Chiou Chen Treadmill training in infants at risk Denise CC Santos Gross motor development and infant iron deficiency Guidance & Preliminary examination committee member: 2001-2002 S. McKay 2001-2003 M.-H. Huang 2002-2003 D. Adamo Dissertation committee member: 1997-1999 H.-M. Chai (Kinesiology, UM) Dynamic balance control during maximum reach movement in young and elderly adults 1999-2002 V. Haehl (Kinesiology, UM) Modeling a motor skill in children with and without cerebral palsy 2001-2003 M.-H. Huang (Kinesiology, UM) Balance Control during Reaching Tasks in Young and Older adults: Effects of Postural Laterality and Stance Stability 2002-2005 C. Torrents Martin (INEFC, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain) La teoria de los sistemas dinamicos y el entrenamiento deportivo. 2003-2008 Meghann Lloyd (Kinesiology, UM) Correlates to physical activity in young children with and without Down syndrome 2010 Olalla Bello Rodriguez (Universidad de A Coruña, España) El tapiz rodante en la rehabilitación de la marcha en pacientes con la enfermedad de Parkinson: Efectos terapéuticos y mecanismos implicados. 49 2012 Angel Lago Rodriguez (Universidad de A Coruña, España) Funcionalidad del Sistema de Neuronas Espejo y su implicación en los procesos de Aprendizaje Motor por Observación HOST/MENTOR – VISITING RESEARCH SCHOLARS: 1998 F. Ferreiro PT, (Physical Therapy, Bello Horizonte, Brazil) 2002 Miguel Angel Fenandez del Olmo, PhD (Instituto National de Educacion Fisica- INEF) – Galicia- Spain) 2003 Alonso Agüera Garcia, MS & PT (School of Physical Therapy, Universidad Internacional de Catalunya – Barcelona - Spain) CONFERENCIAS/WORKSHOPS ASISTIDAS: EN USA (~Nacional) 1994 North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Clearwater, Florida. Development Research Consortium, Baltimore, Maryland. Motor Control in Down Syndrome, Second International Conference, Chicago, Illinois. 1995 Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, Indiana. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Asilomar, California. American Physical Therapy Association Research Section Meeting, New Hampton, New Hampshire. Motor Development Research Consortium, Dekalb, Illinois. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, California. 1996 International Conference in Infant Studies, Providence, Rhode Island. Motor Development Research Consortium, Bloomington, Indiana. National Conference on Physical Activity for the Exceptional Individual, Los Angeles, California. Society for Neurosciences, Washington, D.C. 1997 North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Denver, Colorado. Motor Development Research Consortium, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Society for Neurosciences, New Orleans, Louisiana. Center for Human Movement Research Seminar, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 50 1998 11th Biennial International Conference in Infant Studies, Atlanta, Georgia. Motor Development Research Consortium, Greensboro, North Carolina 75th American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Meeting, Seattle, Washington. Annual Minority International Research Training (MIRT) Meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1999 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neurosciences, Miami, Florida. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Boston, Massachusetts. Annual Meetings of the Motor Development Research Consortium, Madison, Wisconsin. Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, Detroit Michigan. 2000 Annual Meetings of the Motor Development Research Consortium. Bowling Green, Ohio. Down Syndrome: Research and Knowledge for Care in the Future, Tampa, Florida. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, San Diego, California. American Society of Biomechanics, Chicago, Illinois. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Society for Neurosciences, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2001 Annual Meetings of the Motor Development Research Consortium, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2002 Center for Human Movement Research seminar, Ann Arbor, Michigan. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Baltimore, Maryland. Motor Development Research Consortium, Austin, Texas. Society for Neurosciences, Orlando, Florida. 2003 2004 2005 Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, Louisiana Gatlinburg Conference, San Diego, USA Combined sessions – Physical Therapy Association, New Orleans, USA North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical, Florida NACOB – North American Conference of Biomechanics, USA International Society of Biomechanics in Sports Conference Marquette, Michigan, USA. Exercise and Physical Activity in Aging (EXPAAC) Conference, University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Society for Neurosciences, Washington DC, USA Pediatric Academic Societies, San Diego, USA North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), Portland, USA 2008 2010 2014 2015 51 FUERA DE USA (~Internacional) 1990 Techniques in Athletics: First International Conference, Cologne, Germany. X Congres International de Medecine et de Traumtologie du Sport, Charleroi-Bruxelles, Belgium. X111 Symposium de la Sociedad Iberica de Biomecanica, Madrid Spain. 1991 X Curso de Tecnica Quirurgica del Pie, Sabadell, Spain. International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics, Perth, Australia. Internationa Congress on Biomechanics, Perth, Australia. 1992 XIV International Congress on Biomechanics, Paris, France. 1994 9th International Conference of Infant Studies, Paris, France. 1995 Société Canadienne d’Apprentissage Psychomoteur et de Psychologie du Sport (SCAPPS) Conference, Burnbay, British Columbia, Canada. 1996 Annual Meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Muskoka, Canada. 1997 International Conference on Chromosome 21 and Medical Research on Down Syndrome, Barcelona, Spain. 1998 International Congress X Anniversary, CAR (Olympic High Performance Sport Center), Barcelona, Spain. 1999 12th International Symposium for Adapted Physical Activity, Barcelona, Spain. École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, INSERM, Paris, France. 2000 International Movement Disorders Conference, Barcelona, Spain. 12th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Brighton, United Kingdom. 2001 International Congress in Motor Behavior, Rio Claro, Sau Paulo, & Bello Horizonte, Brazil. Motor Development and Learning in Infancy: Behavioral, Neurological and Modeling Issues, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2002 Bi-annual Meetings of the International Society for Infant Studies, Toronto, Canada. Desarrollo Motor: Teoría y Aplicacion en Poblaciones Especiales Conference, INEF de Galicia, Universidade da Coruna, A Coruna, Spain. 52 2004 13th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Chicago, United States. 2005 The International Congress in Motor Development and Learning in Infancy II, Murcia, Spain 2006 14th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Kyoto, Japan. XI Congreso Internacional: AMIK, Barcelona, Spain. 15th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Kyoto, Japan. 2008 American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Niagara Falls, Canada 2009 XIV Jornadas Científicas de la SERI (Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación Infantil), A Coruña, Spain 4th International State-of-the-art Congress of Rehabilitation: Mobility, Exercise, and Sport, Amsterdam, The Netherlands XIX Conference of the International Society for Posture and Gait Research, Bologna, Italy 18th Annual conference of the European Society of Movement Analysis in Adult and Children (ESMAC), London, UK 2012 World Joint Congress of the International Society for Posture and Gait Research and Gait and Mental Function, Trondheim, Norway Federation of European Neurosciences Symposium on New strategies to optimize the acquisition and consolidation of motor skills. Barcelona, Spain 2013 18th annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences. June. Barcelona, Spain World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain. October, Dubai, UAE 2014 Pediatric Academic Societies, Vancouver, Canada, May 3-6 53