Ahorros de Energia en la cadena de Alimentos


Ahorros de Energia en la cadena de Alimentos
Ahorros de Energía en la
cadena de alimentos
Convención MIDA
Alex Casasnovas
Alianza Energética de PR
€ Controles
administrativos e iniciativas básicas
para el ahorro. Programa Conservación Energía
€ Monitoreo y métricas de Consumo a suplidores
Por que mirar cadena suministros
€ Case Story en un supermercado en EU
€ Análisis
de retorno de Inversión para equipos mas
“Low hanging fruits” y otros “hints”
€ Análisis
de ahorro de energía en supermercados
Uso de lista de Cotejo (provista aquí)
€ Conclusiones
Elementos de un programa de Conservación de
€ Todo
comienza con
Establecer el objetivo
Reducir 10% energía al 08
Mides tu consumo y haces
tu Plan de acción. Es aquí
que necesitas posiblemente
ayuda para determinar en
esfuerzos en reducción de
Busque esta información en la EPA
Como ahorro en costos de
€ Reduzco
Energía de
otras fuentes
Cadenas de suministros / alimentos
€ Suministros
en General – ¿Cuanto consumo de
energía eléctrica y combustible hay en todos
los pasos del mismo?
A sus suplidores solicite:
Plan de Conservación de Energía
Para sus facilidades /almacenes; Monitoreo
En transportación: Diesel/ Mantenimiento
Futuros planes de proyectos para reducir
consumo de energía
Comparta con cada uno de ellos sus logros
individuales. Wal-Mart es un buen
ejemplo de esto: Proyectos up grade de
equipos/ sustitución de AHU/ Tragaluces/
Proyectos de Placas fotovoltaicas etc.
¿Por que mirar la cadena de
Sumatoria de ahorros me llevara a obtener
productos mas baratos.
Mejorará imagen del negocio al lograr
resultados en reducción de consumo.
Ejemplo de esto
Contact Information:
Food Lion, LLC
2110 Executive Drive
Salisbury, NC 28145
Partner Profile
Food Lion, one of the largest supermarket chains in the United States, has more than 1,220 stores in 11 Southeastern and
Mid-Atlantic states.
More than 400 Food Lion stores have achieved the ENERGY STAR label designation and the chain has a portfolio-wide
energy performance
rating above 75. Food Lion became a partner in the US Environmental Protection Agency's ENERGY STAR® program in 1998
and has received ENERGY STAR partner awards in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007.
Retail Partner Since 1998
Establishing a multi-faceted approach
Energy-use data must be collected and analyzed to help managers spot trends in building and portfolio performance.
Food Lion uses a multi-faceted approach, which includes tracking and analyzing data at both the facility and system levels,
benchmarking energy performance and obtaining appropriate technical assistance.
Food Lions benchmarking program is two tiered. At the macro level, Food Lion uses the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager,
which evaluates property and portfolio performance through analysis of Food Lions electric and gas bills.
The Portfolio Manager rates each store and automatically generates scorecards that allow Food Lion to compare stores to
themselves over time, to the rest of the Food Lion portfolio, and to the rest of the grocery industry.
Clave del Éxito
On a more micro level, Food Lion uses a special sub-metering system to
monitor and analyze 17 different loads for each of its stores that have submetering in place. The sub-metering tracks energy consumption in such areas as
HVAC, lighting, Deli, refrigeration, etc. Without sub-metering, a quick look at
Food Lion's utility bill could flag a problem store. However, with sub-metering,
Food Lion can quickly tell, for example, if an energy spike was caused by
refrigeration, HVAC, lighting or any other area. The company's maintenance crews
can then immediately correct the problems and, using the sub-metering system,
know within 15 minutes if the entire problem has been corrected.
Uso de tecnología
Contact Information:
Food Lion, LLC
2110 Executive Drive
Salisbury, NC 28145
Technical Assessment and Audits
Auditing and testing new technologies uncovers savings
To maximize energy performance, Food Lion continually explores opportunities for improvement. Energy
audits and technical assessments help Food Lion identify these operational opportunities. At the heart of
Food Lion's cutting-edge energy program is a commitment to innovation achieved through hands-on
application and testing of existing and new technologies. Food Lion uses benchmarking to identify
high-energy-use stores and sends in-house Energy Field Specialists to perform a High Utility
Checklist. This checklist is used to verify that all set points in regards to HVAC, lighting, deli
equipment and refrigeration are correct at the store. Stores that underwent energy audits experienced
reductions in energy consumption as great as 12 percent after the checklist was completed.
Food Lion also tests technologies to identify those stores that offer the greatest potential for energy
savings. For example, in 2004, Food Lion tested technologies including skylights coupled with
dimming sensors to practically eliminate daytime electric lighting of the back room; anti-fog film to
replace anti-moisture heaters in glass cases; and high-efficiency case motor fans.
Objetivos y Metas;
Motivación a empleados
Set Goals
Food Lion uses several levels of goals to continuously improve its energy
performance. Food Lion has set a long term goal to "Become one of the most
efficient grocery stores in the world on a Btu per square foot basis." To achieve
this, Food Lion set an organization-wide annual goal of reducing energy
consumption by 300 billion Btus for 2003
Motivate - Rewarding Maintenance Staff
Food Lion's Energy Awareness Plan rewards maintenance staff by awarding
quarterly bonuses for improving energy performance. Keeping maintenance staff
motivated to save energy has helped Food Lion reduce its utility cost per store
per week by 5.5 percent.
Ejemplos de ROI
En muchos casos el Retorno de la Inversión
toma varios años. Si por Ej. ‘Supermercados
Grande’ gasta $130,000 en iluminación de alta
eficiencia en 2008, esto le ahorraría al
supermercado $22,000 al año en electricidad
y gastos de mantenimiento
El “payback” o retorno de inversión seria de 6
años. Como el costo de electricidad aumenta, los
ahorros aumentarán y eso puede llevar a reducir
el retorno de la inversión.
También se puede hablar de un ROI de 17%
Los “low hanging fruits” en Ahorro de
energía en supermercado
Sobre el 50% de la energía útil en los motores se
puede ahorrar cambiando motores con mas alta
Iluminación debe de ser de Ballast T-5 y T-8 en vez
de T-12. Ahora mismo el T-5 ahorra mas.
Humedad en exceso
Reduciendo la humedad en los
supermercados reducirá las
cargas de calor latente en los
sistemas de refrigeración y
equipos de aire acondicionado.
Sistemas actuales han
demostrado tener 13% de
ahorro de la energía usada.
Alta humedad causa
congelación excesiva en los
coils de los evaporadores
reduciendo la transferencia de
calor y así la eficiencia. Los
“heaters” mantienen la
superficie de los sistemas de
refrigeración sobre el punto de
Dew Point para que el
condensado no se forme.
Otras sugerencias
Walk-in fan controller optimizes by reducing
fan speed to a minimum when the
compressor is not producing cold air.
Otra tecnología disponible para calculo de ROI
Otra tecnología disponible
Para las neveras se puede apagar los “door de-foggers” hasta que se necesite
según indicado por la humedad en la puerta.
Uncontrolled, anti-sweat heaters found in glass display doors
and refrigerated cases run 24 hours, 7 days a week to prevent
condensation on the glass and frames, allowing a clear view of
the displayed products.
The Door Miser significantly reduces the runtime of the antisweat heaters, SAVING the retailer money!
Door Miser Technology Door Miser uses a patented digital
moisture sensor technology that detects moisture at the
microscopic level, and then sends a signal to its controller that
activates the anti-sweat heaters. Once the threat of condensation
is eliminated, Door Miser automatically shuts off the anti-sweat
Análisis de Energía en los Supermercados
Energy Audit Checklist
Refrigeration - Operation
Keep cold air supply and return registers clean and clear of product.
Maintain minimum recommended refrigeration temperature for produce.
Optimal refrigeration efficiency is achieved with ambient air relative humidity levels between
Identify feasibility of venting or recovering the rejected heat off the refrigeration units
Refrigeration - Maintenance
Check for unusual noise, vibration and decrease in performance of compressors/motors.
Clean refrigeration coils regularly.
Replace worn and/or leaky door seals.
Verify operation and efficiency of defrost timers and
moisture sensors to ensure optimal performance.
Clean and disinfect condensate drain pans.
Monthly/bi-monthly maintenance contract.
Análisis de Energía en los Supermercados
Refrigeration - Procedures
Follow manufacturer's recommendations for shelf position and size.
Keep upright display case doors shut.
Rotate stock regularly.
Do not let refrigerated items sit and warm-up during delivery and/or restocking.
Turn off refrigeration unit when not in use.
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) - Operation
Winter recommended temperature, 60°F.
Winter recommended setback temperature, 50°F.
Summer recommended temperature setting, 78°F with 55% relative humidity.
Monitor make up air ventilation (15 cfm/person required).
Avoid heating and cooling at the same time.
Use timers for start/stop cycles.
Utilize programmable thermostats to maximize comfort and efficiency.
Análisis de Energía en los Supermercados
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) - Maintenance
Replace furnace filters on a montly or bi-monthly schedule.
Allow free airflow to and from registers.
Install vinyl curtains in loading areas.
Insulate doors, hot water heater(s) and pipes, and ductwork located in unconditioned areas.
Cover and lock thermostats and ventilation controls to prevent unauthorized adjustments.
Check for unusual noise, vibration and decrease in performance or compressors/motors.
Seal ductwork leaks.
Inspect/clean condenser coils.
Clean and disinfect condensate drain pans.
Set up monthly/bi-monthly maintenance contract.
Word Documen
Sin Plan de Conservación de Energía no podemos esperar
reducir los costos energéticos. El Plan hay que seguirlo
Si llevamos el Plan con nuestros suplidores, podremos
lograr influenciar mas en los costos de mis productos,
anuncie lo que hace… eso le gusta a los clientes.
Reducir energía conlleva muchas veces en invertir dinero,
hagámoslo juiciosamente
Hágase socio de la Alianza
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gratuita sobre cambios regulatorios, seminarios
y el networking de consultores en energía