February 2015 - Northfield Public Schools
February 2015 - Northfield Public Schools
Greetings Families! February 2015 Gazette David Craft, Principal 507.645.3500 Attendance Line 507.645.3506 Dance-a-thon: The 5th annual Dance-a-thon Fundraiser at GVP was a great success! We didn’t quite make our goal of $15,000 but we raised just under $8,000! This is the PTO’s major fundraiser. Children have the most fun of the year on Dance-a-thon day. This year was no exception. The Family Dance on Friday night, as always, was also a great success. There is nothing better than watching an entire gym full of children dancing joyfully! A special thank you also goes out to all staff who volunteered to help in so many ways before, during and after the Dance! I was very encouraged by the level of participation and support. As parents we can often find ourselves in rocky economic times given the job market etc. On behalf of our children, faculty, and staff—we greatly appreciate the support given during the Dance-a-thon in the form of contributions to our school. PTO Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the PTO monthly meetings. Your help and cooperation create a partnership that enhances a strong educational program. Parents are invited to join any of the committees, volunteer in the classrooms or help with special events. Click the link below and it will take you to our current PTO web page. There you will find a variety of information including dates and meeting times of the Greenvale Park PTO. Our next PTO meeting is March 3rd at 6:00 p.m. in the front office. h p://nfld.k12.mn.us/greenvale/support/pto/ Target Target has a program that is designed to financially contribute to Greenvale Park. It is called the, Taking Charge of Education Program. Target will donate 1% of your purchases to Greenvale Park. If you go online to: https://www-secure.target.com/redcard/tcoe/home you can designate Greenvale Park as the recipient of a percentage of your purchases. I just checked out the web site. It doesn’t take more than 2 minutes to designate Greenvale Park if you already have a Target Red Card with Target. A Target Red Card works like a check by drawing from your existing checking account. There are no annual fees. Secured PIN access. You'll automatically get 5% off your purchases at the counter when you use your card in Target stores in the United States and on Target.com. This program raised $3,044.35 for Greenvale Park last year. Please give it some thought. Americorp Tutors Needed If you know: (Mr. Craft’s letter continued on page 2) (Mr. Craft’s letter continued from page 1) 1. a graduating senior from high school wondering if education would be a good fit as a career for themselves; 2. a graduating senior from college searching for a career in education before entering the job market or a Masters program; 3. a grandparent looking to support a grandchild through college; and/or 4. a retired teacher looking to support a child or grandchild through college. Please encourage him or her to consider becoming a Literacy or Math Tutor at Greenvale Park next year. During an eleven-month AmeriCorps service, they’ll receive extensive training, support and general professional development opportunities. In addition, they’ll receive a living stipend of about $500 biweekly, an education award of $5,550 (full-time) and other benefits if eligible. All tutors serve 11 months as AmeriCorps members, beginning in August, and will be trained by Minnesota Reading and Math Corps to provide proven, data-driven literacy strategies to at-risk children. If you know of someone interested in this opportunity have him or her call 507.645.3501 to set up a phone call conversation with me at Greenvale Park. I will provide them with the information they need to pursue this mutually beneficial opportunity. Are you looking for a part-time job? Child Nutrition Services: The Northfield Public Schools Child Nutrition department is looking for subs. Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. If interested please view job ID posting 1154 on Northfield Public Schools website or contact Child Nutrition Services at 507.645.3432. Saludos familias: Dance-a-thon (maratón de baile): ¡El 5o evento anual para recaudar fondos para Greenvale Park fue un gran éxito! ¡No alcanzamos la meta de los $15,000 pero logramos recaudar un poco menos de $8,000! Esta es la mayor actividad para recaudar fondos del PTO. Los niños se divierten mucho en el día más divertido del año para ellos en el día del maratón de baile (Dance-a-thon). Este año no fue diferente a los anteriores. El baile el viernes por la noche, como siempre, fue un gran éxito. ¡No hay nada mejor que ver el gimnasio lleno de niños y niñas bailando felices! Un agradecimiento especial se merecen todo esas maestras y maestros que se ofrecieron como voluntarios para servir pizza antes del baile. Fue realmente estupendo para mí ver el alto nivel de participación y apoyo. Como padres y madres muy a menudo nos enfrentamos a una mala economía con un mal mercado de trabajo, etc. De parte de nuestros estudiantes, maestros y empleados —realmente apreciamos el apoyo que nos dieron la semana pasada con sus contribuciones para nuestra escuela. Muchos de nuestros maestros están utilizando un programa de comunicación con el iPad. Este programa ayuda a los maestros a enviar información individual y/o de toda la clase a los padres y madres. El nombre de este programa es PreciouStatus. Si recibieron un email del maestro o maestra de su hijo/a a través de PreciouStatus, encontrarán un enlace con “Account Settings” al final en la esquina de la derecha del email. Si van al enlace encontrarán instrucciones de cómo hacer el download del un app gratis para su Smart Phone o iPad. He hecho un download del app en todos mis aparatos. Es fácil de hacer y un buen modo para recibir comunicaciones con información sobre el progreso de su hijo/a y sus necesidades. ¿Están buscando un trabajo a tiempo parcial? (Mr. Craft’s letter continued on page 3) 2 PTO Los padres y madres están siempre bienvenidos y les animamos a que asistan a las reuniones mensuales del PTO. Su ayuda y cooperación crean una relación que mejora nuestro fuerte programa educativo. Los padres y madres están invitados a participar en cualquiera de los comités, venir de voluntarios a los salones de clases o ayudar en eventos especiales. Pueden visitar el enlace de Internet más abajo para visitar la página del PTO. En la página pueden encontrar información sobre fechas y horas de las reuniones del PTO de Greenvale Park ☺ Nuestra próxima reunión del PTO es el 12 de febrero de 2015 a las 6:00 p.m. en la oficina principal. h p://nfld.k12.mn.us/greenvale/support/pto/ Target Target tiene un programa sobre educación diseñado para ayudar económicamente a Greenvale Park. El programa se llama Take Charge of Education Program. Target dona un 1% de las compras que ustedes hacen a Greenvale Park. Si van a Internet: h ps://www-secure.target.com/redcard/tcoe/home pueden poner a Greenvale Park como la escuela a la que quieren que envíe Target un porcentaje de sus compras. Acabo de visitar esa página. Sólo demora 2 minutos en elegir a Greenvale Park si ya tienen una Tarjeta roja de Target. La Tarjeta roja de Target funciona como un cheque que saca dinero de su cuenta corriente del banco. No hay pagos anuales. Tiene un acceso seguro con un PIN. Le da un 5% de descuento automático en todas sus compras cuando compra en Target y usa la tarjeta en las tiendas de Target en Estados Unidos y en Target.com. Este programa consiguió recaudar $3,044.35 el año pasado para Greenvale Park. Por favor, piensen si les conviene☺ Se necesitan tutores de Americorp Si conocen a: 1. Un/a estudiante que es senior en el high school y que ya se va a graduar y piensa que trabajar en educación sería una posible carrera para él o ella; 2. Un senior de una universidad que se va a graduar y está pensando en una carrera en educación antes de entrar en el mercado de trabajo o en un programa de máster. 3. Un abuelo o abuela que quieren ayudar a sus nietos a pagar por la universidad. 4. Un maestro o una maestra retirados que estén buscando apoyar a un/a hijo/a o un nieto o nieta para que puedan ir a la universidad. Por favor, anímenlos a que se conviertan en tutores de alfabetización o matemáticas en Greenvale Park el próximo año. Durante los once meses de servicio como AmeriCorps, recibirán mucha instrucción, apoyo y oportunidades en general para el desarrollo profesional. Además, recibirán un salario de unos $500 cada dos semanas, una ayuda educativa de $5,550 (a tiempo completo) y otros beneficios si cumplen los requisitos. Todos los tutores trabajan 11 meses como miembros de AmeriCorps, empezando en agosto, y recibirán instrucción del Corps de Minnesota para lectura y matemáticas para poder ofrecer estrategias basadas en diversas investigaciones para niños y niñas que están retrasados. Si conocen a alguien que pueda estar interesado/a en esta oportunidad díganle/la que llame al teléfono (507) 645-3501 para que puedan hablar conmigo en Greenvale Park. Les puedo dar la información que necesitan para ser parte de esta oportunidad que es beneficiosa para ambas partes. ¿Están buscando un trabajo a tiempo parcial? Los servicios de nutrición para los niños: El departamento de servicios de nutrición de las escuelas públicas de Northfield está buscando sustitutos en la cocina. Las horas son de: 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. Si están interesados por favor visiten la información sobre el trabajo, con el número 1154 (job ID posting 1154) en la página de Internet de las escuelas públicas de Northfield o pónganse en contacto con los servicios de nutrición en el teléfono 507-645-3432. 3 The ABCs of I Love to Read Month at Greenvale Park...Diane Torbenson, RtI Literacy Coach Greenvale Park will be busy during February with our celebration of I Love to Read month. We will explore "The ABCs of I Love to Read" by featuring a letter (or two) a day. Please check out the calendar attached near the end of this newsletter to see the "letter of the day" and suggested activities for classrooms to participate in throughout the month. Hopefully, you can participate in this theme at home as well. The activities in gray are suggested for ALL SCHOOL participation. The other activities are optional. Highlights for the month are Craft Read Aloud, Read a Shirt Day, Unplugged from Technology, Visitor Day and Your Favorite Book Character Day. Mr. Craft will be traveling around the building during Craft Read Aloud Day on February 4 reading his favorite picture books with the students. During Read a Shirt Day, students are encouraged to wear shirts with a lot of writing on them. Unplugged from Technology means we need to read without the help of extra technology such as computers, iPads, e-readers, etc. We will have an ALL SCHOOL reading time on both DEAR Day and Unplugged from Technology Day. A local author, Packy Mader, will be at Greenvale Park on Visitor Day. Packy will be bringing in his four books and speaking to all classes about his experience as a writer. Packy will also be selling his books. Look for a paper coming home on this in the near future. On February 27th, Your Favorite Book Character Day, Greenvale Park will be filled with book characters. Students and staff are encouraged to dress up as a favorite character from a book. We will be able to see all of these characters during our Building Wide Meeting this day as well. We hope to spark even more excitement for reading during this month-long literacy focus. Look for more information coming home with your child about I Love to Read Month. If you have questions, concerns or ideas to share, please contact Diane Torbenson at [email protected] or call 507.645.3503. Thank you, and keep up the great work encouraging your child to read, write and talk about books! CHOIR NEWS...Angela Eliason We are looking forward to many exciting choir performances this spring! Parents please put the following dates on your calendar. The choir is also in need of some parent volunteers. Please read the details below for information. UPCOMING EVENTS: April 7 – Evening of the Arts (5th grade choir only) May 14 – GVP Spring Choir Concert May 22 – Choir field trip to the Northfield Middle School The 5th grade choir would like to perform at Evening of the Arts again this year. We are hoping to get enough students to attend. It is a fun evening with many wonderful activities to enjoy! Please consider making this event a part of your plans. We are looking for parents who are available to help at some of our performances. The choir is in need of an accompanist for our May 14th concert. The accompanist would play at both the 2:00 and 7:00 concerts. We also are looking for chaperones for our field trip to the middle school. We need volunteers from 11:00-3:00 on May 22. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Mrs. Eliason at [email protected] Thank you to our choir parents for all your support this year! 4 News from Physical Education...Mary Wojick & Ryan Driscoll We have had a busy beginning to 2015! Jump rope unit…Jump Rope for Heart (voluntary fundraiser) We have participated in this since 1995 and raised over $80,000 for the American Heart Association! Stations Hockey games — Dancing — Pacer We have jump rope on Tuesday mornings in the gym before school at 7:45 to 8:15. Students need to have shoes etc. with them as they are not allowed to visit their cubbies. If you come, you must jump! PTO Spring Photo Day Thursday, Feb. 18th our PTO will sponsor their annual LifeTouch spring photo day. Photos will not be sent home with students. Families will have an opportunity to see their children’s photos during spring conferences. PTO will have a table set up at that time so you can look at the photos and decide whether or not you would like to purchase the package. Our PTO does not receive any money for packages purchased, only for the number of photos taken on photo day. Scholastic Book Fair is coming The Scholastic Book Fair will be at our school during March conferences! Our new Book Fair theme for spring 2015 is Book Fair Under the Sea: Explore an Ocean of Books. As always, this season’s Book Fair will be an exciting celebration full of fun activities and hundreds of books kids want to read. If you have some time to help us staff our next Book Fair, please contact Deanne Weber at [email protected] Student Council Happenings...Carrie Rice & Ryan Driscoll Greenvale Park students made Valentine cards for the “Hugs for Soldiers” program. The cards were distributed to a center in Georgia to be passed onto soldiers overseas in time for Valentine’s Day. The school store will continue to be open on Wednesday afternoons from 2:35-2:55. Items for purchase include pencils, mechanical pencils and refill leads, erasers, glue, notebooks and pencil grips. Our upcoming Student Council meeting dates are: February 27th. Greetings from the band room...Stefanie Bothun All 5th grade band students are in full swing preparing for our February band concert. The music is a bit more challenging this time around, so the night should be filled with some impressive music making. The concert will be on Thursday, February 26 at 7 pm. The concert will take place in the Greenvale Park Elementary gym and last between 30 – 40 minutes. All students must arrive to Greenvale by 6:30 pm with their instruments, music and wire music stand (if you have one). All students should dress nicely, please no jeans or sweatpants. This concert will feature all the 5th grade band students from the district playing as one big band, so put it on your calendars now! Our final morning rehearsal for the month of February is: Monday February 23. 5 Volunteers Needed Evening of the Arts Many volunteers are needed to prepare materials before the Evening of the Arts event in the spring. Evening of the Arts will be held this year on April 7 Great way to volunteer at home on you own schedule. Scholastic Book Fair March 5-12 School day or evening volunteer hours available Any amount of time is appreciated — Many volunteers will be needed Contact Deanne Weber at 664-9275 or Email: [email protected] If you are able to help with any of these volunteer opportunities, please contact Laura Berdahl at [email protected] Greenvale Park Community Garden...Dennett Muessig Are you Ready for Spring yet?? The Greenvale Park Community Garden is once again ready to have you join us! Garden plots are now available- either a 10' x 10' ( half plot) or 10' x 20' (full plot. ). You can plant food, flowers, or both in your plot. Water is available on site and fellow gardeners are ready to share ideas. Financial assistance is available for those who need it. Cost: half plot: $15.00; full plot: $25.00. Applications are now being accepted and are due March 31. They may be found at Greenvale Park School, the Northfield Public Library, Community Services, Senior Center, and other locations around town. Call if you have questions: 612.804.5628. Emergency Closing Procedures The following provides information that families need to be aware of regarding school closings. 1. In the event that school is closed for the day, or a two-hour late start is warranted, the following radio/television stations will broadcast this information: KYMN-1080 AM WCCO-830 AM KARE-TV 11 KDHL-Power 96 KMSP-TV 9 KSTP-TV 5 WCCO-TV 4 2. If a two-hour late start is implemented (school begins two hours later than usual), bus pick-up will be approximately two hours later than the normal time. 3. All elementary school activities will be postponed or cancelled if no school occurs or if school is dismissed early. 4. All Community Services events, classes, and open gym activities are cancelled if no school occurs or if school is dismissed early. If school begins two hours late, all morning Community Education classes are cancelled. Note to parents: Web sites containing “up to the minute” emergency school closing information: WCCO.com, KARE11.com, WCCORadio.com. Think…… 6 News from our Nurse...Julie Ochs Thank you for the donations and gifts to the health office. It is very much appreciated as we all work together for the students. This winter we’ve had influenza, strep and head lice at Greenvale Park. These have decreased in intensity but there are still some cases. Strep is the most prevalent. To let you know that on the District Web site under health services there is information regarding calling in your child absent, when to contact the nurse with information that is important to given to the nurse. There are several sections to click on for information you may need such as common concerns, this section will give you information on diseases such as chicken pox impetigo,common cold, cold sores hand foot and mouth disease, influenza, mononucleosis, there is approximate 12 information on common concerns. The other sections are on immunizations, medication, screenings and absences. The community school has hosted several big events, if you have not checked it out it is worth coming to see what is being offered. Mark Your Calendars Spring Conferences are Coming!! Thursday, March 5th – 4:00-7:00 p.m. Thursday, March 12th – 4:00-7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 17th – 4:00-7:00 p.m. Conference reminder forms will be sent home with students on Friday, February 20th. School will be in session on conference days. We are pleased that we are again able to offer FREE child care during all three evenings of conferences, from 3:45-7:00 p.m. All you need to do to take advantage of this free service is to sign your child(ren) in at the table with the supervising staff member in the front hall when you arrive and sign them out after your conferences are done. Grade 5 Parents/Families—SAVE THE DATE! Grade 5 Celebration in June! When: Thursday, June 4th Time: 1:30 p.m. Where: Greenvale Park Elementary Invitations with response forms will be mailed home to families in early May. Grade 5 families will be asked to R.S.V.P. at that time. PTO News...Megan Seidl, Co-Chair Our officers for this year’s PTO are: Megan Seidl, Co-Chair Kristen Craft, Co-Chair Rob Nutt, Treasurer Arleene Gallardo, Secretary Travis Grant, Treasurer-in-training Please join us at our next meeting on Tuesday, March 3rd at 6pm in the Greenvale Park main office, and see what’s going on at Greenvale Park this year! 7 The Land Ethic Why is it good for people to get back to Nature? Aldo Leopold, a naturalist, wrote about many of our present day ideas about nature. He wrote that “wilderness” is not just about animals that we hunt, but all plant and animal life, whether we have an economic reason for them or not. For example, bluebirds, Monarch butterflies, and eagles may not have many economic reasons to exist but are an important part of our wilderness. He coined the phrase, “The Land Ethic.” He said that we need to develop an ecological conscience which means individuals have a responsibility for the health of the land. Health of the land is its capacity for self-renewal. Leopold stated, “Land, then, is not merely soil; it is a fountain of energy flowing through a circuit of soils, plants, and animals. Aldo Leopold lived from 1887-1948, and was born in Iowa, but spent most of his life in Wisconsin. He was an author, scientist, ecologist, forester, and environmentalist. He purchased an eighty acre farm in central Wisconsin and during that time was a professor at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. During this time of his life, he wrote about his observations of wildlife on his land. After his death in 1949, A Sand County Almanac was published. This book contains his ideas and observations about nature. In a part of the book, he gives reasons why plant diseases have value in nature. A diseased tree that falls, in this case an oak, has value. The dried leaves of the oak remain on the tree for a long time and provide a windfall for birds and animals to take refuge. Grouse are safe from wind, owl, fox, and hunter. They even eat the leaves and galls of the oak tree. Wild bees make their hives in the trees that have heart rot. Northfield Prairie Partners will be providing a program on the ideas of Aldo Leopold and his book, A Sand County Almanac. Fred Stanley, naturalist, and Sarah Middleton, Environmental Scientist, will lead the discussion. They ask that you bring the book if you have it. The program is on March 12, 7:00 pm at Emmaus Church, 712 Linden Street N, in Northfield. It is free and open to the public. Arlene Kjar, Past President of the Northfield Prairie Partners Chapter and Membership Chair. Community Services Northfield Public Schools Community Services winter/spring 2015 brochure is out and below are some exciting class offerings taking place in February and early March. For more information or to register for these great programs visit us online at www.nfld.k12.mn.us (follow the Community Services link), call 507-664-3649, or visit our office on the first floor of the Northfield Community Resource Center at 1651 Jefferson Parkway, Northfield. Scholarships are available for all programs. Enrichment Classes 4-H Uncovers the Science of Candy! $25, grades 3-6; Middle School 162, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.—Sa, Feb. 21, Class#:4344-W15A American Red Cross Babysitters Certification Course $89, ages 11-17; Middle School FACS Lab 221, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.—Sa, Feb. 21, Class #:4355-W15A Home Alone: Kids Personal Safety Course $34, ages 8-10; Middle School FACS Lab 221, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.—Sa, March 14, Class #:4355-W15A Recreation Classes Open Gym Basketball $2 payable at the door, ages K-8; Bridgewater Gym, 2:30-4:30 p.m.—Su, Jan. 4 – March 15 Lightsaber Dueling $14, ages 8 and older; Longfellow Gym, 6:30 – 8 p.m.—F, March 6, Class #:1281-W15A or Sa, March 7 , Class #:1281-W15B 8 9 Upcoming Presentation on Master Facilities Planning February 2015 Newsletter Main Office 507.663.0600 Chris Richardson, Superintendent of Schools 507.663.0629 Donita Delzer, Admin. Assistant to the Superintendent & School Board 507.663.0629 Buildings & Grounds 507.663.0610 Business Office 507.663.0626 Community Services Division & Community Relations 507.664.3650 Curriculum Office 507.663.0622 Child Nutrition Services 507.663.0618 Health Services 507.645.1205 Human Resources 507.663.0627 Payroll Office 507.663.0628 Student Services 507.645.3410 Technology Services 507.645.1260 In pursuing the development of a long-range Master Facilities Plan, Northfield Public Schools held 18 stakeholder meetings this fall with students, staff, parents and community members. The October discussions provided feedback regarding current facility strengths and challenges, as well as potential opportunities. The Master Facilities Plan will provide a guide for the district in the next 20 years of maintenance, modernization and use of school facilities. A preliminary plan will be presented at a public meeting of the Northfield Board of Education on Monday, Feb. 23. Please watch for more information and updates about the plan's development to be shared with district families. Richardson Receives Polaris Leadership Award The Minnesota Association of School Administrators (MASA) has named Dr. Chris Richardson, Superintendent of Northfield Public Schools, the recipient of the MASA Polaris Leadership Award. Richardson will be honored for exemplary school leadership and a lifetime of balanced achievement inside and outside of education, at a recognition ceremony during the 2015 MASA Fall Conference. Richardson was recognized for qualities such as professional courage, creation of a legacy of excellent leadership, fostering innovation, contribution through example and mentoring, exemplary conduct reflecting integrity and bearing emulation, and significant tenure in each position to support district vision and affect positive change. In a letter of support for Richardson’s nomination, Northfield School Board member Noel Stratmoen wrote, “Dr. Richardson is an educational leader with many great strengths including vision, hard work, thoroughness, frugality, and common sense. He is a beacon of light for education at the state level.” Julie Nielsen, Assistant Superintendent for Academic Excellence and Accountability with South Washington County Schools wrote, “The passion and integrity with which Dr. Richardson approaches his job is to be commended. He is one of the hardest working people I know.” Richardson has more than 38 years of education administration experience, ranging from principal to curriculum director to superintendent, and has been leading Northfield Public Schools since 2004. He is currently serving as Treasurer on the MASA Board of Directors and is also an active member of the Minnesota Alliance for Student Achievement, Minnesota Council on Economic Education, and Schools for Equity in Education. In 2012, he was named the Minnesota Superintendent of the Year. Richardson received his Ph.D. in Education Administration from the University of Iowa and his masters and bachelor of science degrees from Iowa State University. The theme of the award refers to Polaris, the “North Star.” Just as exemplary administrators serve as definitive leaders, Polaris is constant and unmoving in the sky. A navigator’s benchmark, the star marks “true north,” the fundamental direction that defines east, west and south. Each year, MASA recognizes members for their contribution to public education. MASA is a professional organization of Minnesota’s school leaders whose members include more than 900 public education and non-public superintendents, directors of special education, curriculum and technology leaders, other central office administrators, service providers, business partners and retirees. District News Northfield Youth Organizations To update contact information, please call 507.645.3406 or email [email protected] with changes. 5th Bridge Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowling Boy Scouts Cannon Valley Youth Orchestra Canterbury Pony Club Carleton College Center for Community and Civic Engagement Check it Out Singers Community Resource Bank Junior Board Dakota County Extension - 4-H Division Street Dance Girl Scouts Healthy Community Initiative Jr. Curator Program Just for Kix Leo Club Advisor Library Teen Advisory Board Making Waves Swim School Northfield Area Family YMCA Northfield Arts Guild Northfield Basketball Association Northfield Community Chinese School Northfield Dance Academy Northfield Fastpitch Softball Assoc. Northfield Gymnastics Club Northfield Hockey Association Northfield Karate Dojo Northfield Lacrosse Association Northfield Library Northfield Mentoring Northfield Police Dept Explorers Northfield Skating School Northfield Soccer Association Northfield Swim Club Northfield Tennis Association Northfield Union of Youth Northfield Volleyball Club Northfield Youth Baseball Assoc Northfield Youth Choir Northfield Youth Wrestling Pinnacle Performing Arts Project Friendship Rainbow Saddle Club Reaching Our Goals - St. Olaf College Rice County Extension - 4-H Candy Taylor Robyn Goldy Terry Heilman Adam Hough Deonne Gray Christine Sullivan Kelley Laura Riehle-Merrill 507.663.1505 507.414.0308 507.645.8322 651.254.9120 507.645.7189 507.664.9512 507.222.7020 Todd Thompson Christina Jerome Amber Shanahan Emily Boyd Carolyn Gates Zach Pruitt Nfld Historical Society Liz Rohach Alice Nasby Kathy Ness Cindy Varley Virginia Kaczmarek Laura Schenck Scott Sannes Gao Hong Daphne McCoy Mark Pritchard Zach Wareham Dean Kruger Bob Dobrow Natalie Marfleet Kathy Ness Zach Pruitt Sgt. Mark Murphy Carey Tinkelenberg Holly Scheuble Devon Barnes Andy Ringlien Rachel Woldum Beth Pascua Roger/Kim Thompson Liz Shepley Shaun Murphy Jana Hirsch Kathy Lansing Nancy Becker Education Dept. Kelly Chadwick 507.645.5397 507.645.3125 651.480.7755 507.202.9256 507.645.6603 507.664.3524 507.645.9268 507.271.3316 507.645.7398 507.645.1804 507.645.4623 507.645.0088 507.645.8877 507.581.2197 612.385.3893 507.645.4068 507.645.1365 507.663.7772 651.270.9702 507.301.3544 507.645.4035 507.645.1804 507.664.3524 507.645.4475 508.887.2551 303.378.4797 507.403.3468 507.301.3581 507.663.0715 651-334-9241 507.301.9746 507.645.4194 507.645.2326 507.301.3337 507.645.6762 507.645.4336 507.786.3245 507.332.6163 www.5thbridge.org www.bbbsofsouthernmn.org www.adventureiscalling.org www.cvyomn.org https://sites.google.com/site/canterburypc http://apps.carleton.edu/campus/ccce www.extension.umn.edu www.divisionstreetdance.com www.girlscoutsrv.org www.northfieldhci.org www.justforkix.com http://npl-info.blogspot.com www.makingwavesswimschool.com www.northfieldymca.org www.northfieldartsguild.org www.northfieldsports.com www.northfielddance.com www.northfieldfastpitch.leag1.com www.northfieldgymnastics.com www.northfieldhockey.net http://northfieldkarate.wordpress.com www.northfieldmn.info www.northfieldhci.org www.northfieldskating.com www.northfieldsoccer.org www.northfieldswimclub.org www.northfield.usta.com www.unionofyouth.com www.northfieldvolleyball.com www.northfieldsports.com www.northfieldyouthchoirs.org www.northfieldwrestling.com www.pinnacleperformingartscenter.com www.rainbowsaddleclub.org www.extension.umn.edu
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