Aerobic Consumption and Energy Expenditure During Body Pump


Aerobic Consumption and Energy Expenditure During Body Pump
EISSN 1676-5133
Aerobic Consumption and Energy
Expenditure During Body Pump
Original Article
National Strength and Conditioning Association (USA) – Reg # 20012591UniSports –
Center for Sports Performance
J. Lythe
National Strength and Conditioning Association (USA)
PFITZINGER, P.; LYTHE, J. Aerobic Consumption and Energy Expenditure During Body Pump. Fitness & Performance Journal, v.2,
n.2, p. 113-120, 2003.
ABSTRACT: Objective: This study aims to determine aerobic intensity and quantify body composition and caloric expenditure
during Body Pump sessions. Methodology: 10 adults (5 male and 5 female individuals), regular users of Body Pump sessions
were evaluated. Each individual performed it while it was done the collection and analysis of expired gases. The obtained data was
referenced against VO2max and heart rate obtained during a maximal test on a cycle ergometer and was also compared to the
aerobic intensity and caloric expenditure during a 60-minute cycle at constant workload. Results: The mean oxygen consumption
during the sessions was 20.2, which is equivalent to 40.7% of VO2max. The average heart rate was 135.4 heartbeats
per minute. The individuals burned an average of 411.0 calories (16.7% fat, 83.3% carbohydrates). The maximum number of
calories burned was 424 for women and 603 for men. The individuals burned an average of 623.3 calories (27.3% fat, 72.7%
carbohydrates). Conclusion: Body pump provides a low stimulus to improve aerobic capacity and should not be used as the only
method of cardiovascular exercise. It also produces a significant caloric expenditure and may also provide other fitness benefits such
as muscular body mass increase and maintenance of body composition.
Keywords: Body pump; aerobic intensity; calorie expenditure, gas analysis, endurance.
Correspondence to:
71 Merton Road – Glen Innes – The University of Auckland – Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand
Submitted: January / 2003
Accepted: February / 2003
Copyright© 2003 por Colégio Brasileiro de Atividade Física, Saúde e Esporte
Fit Perf J
Rio de Janeiro
Mar/Apr 2003
O consumo aeróbico e o gasto energético durante o Bodypump
La demanda aeróbica y el gasto energético durante la clase de
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é determinar a intensidade do trabalho aeróbico e qualificar a composição corporal e o gasto calórico durante o Bodypump.
Metodologia: Foram avaliados 10 adultos (5 mulheres e 5 homens), assíduos
participantes de aulas de Bodypump. Cada indivíduo participou de uma aula de
Bodypump onde foi feita a coleta e a análise dos gases expirados. Os resultados
obtidos de VO2max e frequência cardíaca foram comparados com um teste
máximo em bicicleta ergométrica, assim como também se comparou a intensidade aeróbica e o gasto calórico com uma atividade de 60 minutos em bicicleta
de trabalho constante. Resultados: O consumo médio de oxigênio durante a
aula de Bodypump foi de 20,2 ml/kg/min o que equivale a 40,7% de VO2max.
A média de frequência cardíaca durante o Bodypump foi de 135,4 batimentos
por minuto. Os indivíduos consumiram 411,0 calorias (16,7% de gordura 83,3%
de carboidratos). A quantidade máxima de calorias queimadas foi de 424 para
mulheres e 603 para homens. Os indivíduos consumiram uma media de 623,3
calorias (27,3% gordura e 72,7% de carboidratos). Conclusão: Bodypump
proporciona um baixo estímulo para promover a capacidade aeróbica e não
deve ser usado como método exclusivo de exercício cardiovascular. Bodypump
produz uma significativa queima calórica e pode promover outros benefícios
como o aumento de massa muscular e manutenção da composição corporal.
Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la intensidad del trabajo
aeróbico y la cantidad y composición de las calorias consumidas durante el
Bodypump. Metodología: Fueron evaluados 10 adultos (5 mujeres y 5 hombres), asíduos participantes de clases de Bodypump. Cada individuo hizo una
clase de Bodypump mientras se recolectaba y analizaba el aire. Los resultados
obtenidos de VO2max, pulsaciones cardíacas, intensidad de trabajo aeróbico
e calorias consumidas, fueron comparados con los de una hora de bicicleta
ergométrica. Resultados: El consumo medio de oxigeno durante la clase de
Bodypump fue de 20.2 ml/kg/min lo que equivale a 40.7% de VO2max. Las pulsaciones cardíacas medias fueron 135,4 por minuto. Los individuos consumieron
411.0 calorias (16,7% de grasa, 83,3% de carbohidratos). Las calorías máximas
consumidas fueron de 424 para las mujeres y 603 para lo hombres, mientras que
en el trabajo en bicicleta ergométrica los individuos consumieron 623,3 calorías
(27,3% grasa y 72,7% de carbohidratos). Conclusión: Bodypump proporciona
un bajo estímulo para promover la capacidad aeróbica y no debe ser usado
como método de ejercicio cardiovascular. Bodypump produce una significativa
quema calórica y puede promover otros beneficios como el aumento de masa
muscular y manutención de la composición corporal.
Palavras-chave: Bodypump; intensidade aeróbica; gasto calórico, análise
de gases, resistência.
Palabras-clave: Bodypump; intensidad aeróbica; gasto calórico, análisis de
gaseoso, resistencia.
Many variables help for the efficiency of a program of training/
exercise on reducing the corporeal fat and on the improvement
on many components of physical conditioning, including the frequency, intensity, duration and type of exercise. “Body Pump” is a
training program with an overcharge with exercises choreographic, from a high repetition. Although the potential benefits from
the Body Pump wouldn’t have been elucidated to the muscular
resistance, the improved aerobic conditioning, loss of fat weight
(fat), and the maintenance of, or the enlargement of the thin
corporeal mass. The aim of this present study was to measure
the aerobic demand and the caloric waist from a standard class
The main goal from any program of losing weight should be on
losing weight, more than the total corporeal weight. To lose weight,
the energetic waist from an individual must exceed his energetic
consumption. The variable which influences the energetic waist
includes the Metabolic Rate of Resting (TRM), Thermic Meal Effects
(ETA), the Thermic Effect of Physical Activity (ETAF) (MELBY, 1999).
The exercise enlarges the energetic waist total daily, taking to lose
the fat weight (fat).
The body may be considered as a consistent from two compartments; thin mass (MM) and the fat mass (MG). One minimum
amount of fat is necessary to maintain the hormonal levels, the
metabolic processes, and protecting the vital organs. The excess
of fat, however, is linked to a variety of diseases related to the life
style and there are connotations social negatives about it. The
individuals must incite to lose corporeal weight, while maintaining
or enlarging the MM.
It is necessary 7.700 Kcal (32.200 kJ) to burn 1 kg. of fat. Enlarging the total daily waist, the exercise may take to one caloric
negative balance. Exercises of low intensity, in opposite to the high
intensity is prescribed by many doctors as an efficient way on losing
mass fat weight, because the fat is the main source of fuel for the
exercises of low intensity. Many studies have shown, however, that
in spite of the exercises of low intensity uses predominantly the fat
as a source of fuel, the total amount of energy which comes from
the fat can be higher during the exercises of moderated to a high
intensity (PUHL, 1992). Besides that, “it is the balance among the
total of calories used and consumed, and not to the font of used
calories, which determines if a person really loses weight” (PUHL,
1992, p. 16). For instance, as we see on the Chart 1, one hour
of running using both, more total calories and more derivate fat
calories, than one hour of walking.
Excess of Consumption of Oxygen after the
The two components which contain the thermic effects of the physical activity (ETAF) are the waist energy during the exercise and
the excess of consumption of oxygen after the exercise (ECOPE).
ECOPE was defined by Sedlock et al., (1989) as “the energetic
waist during the period after the exercise while the metabolic
rate stayed elevated above the pre-exercised level”. The waist
energy during the activity itself counts for a major waist of energy
related to the exercise. ECOPE, however, may have an important
implication on the weight’s control, once that it helps for the total
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 2, 2, 114, Mar/Apr 2003
energetic waist daily. As an example, if one individual have one
ECOPE liquid of 40 kcal per section of exercise, and if he exercises 4 times per week during a year, the energetic waist related
to the ECOPE would totalize 8320 kcal, representing more than
1 kg of fat loss. ECOPE occurs due to the necessary time to correct the disturbance on the homeostasis caused by the exercise
(QUINN, 1994). Many factors, such as the enlargement of the
concentration of catecholamine (CHAD, 1985), and the elevated
corporeal temperature (HAGBERG, 1980), requires time to return
to the pre-exercised levels.
Both, the intensity and the duration of the exercise determine the
extension from the ECOPE. The Chart 2 shows the result of a
variety of studies which investigate the extension from the ECOPE
with many different types, intensities, and duration of the exercise.
However the extension of the ECOPE have been varied widely
among these studies, they provide one distinguish on the extension
matter hoped followed after one hour of exercise.
Measurement of the Caloric Waist used on
Analyzes of Gases
The caloric waist during the exercise may be measured by the
volume measuring of the air inhaled and exhaled and the con-
centrations of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air
breathed. The coefficient of the breathe exchange (CTR) is the
volume rate of CO2 produced to the O2 consumed by the body
per minute (FOX, 1993). The coefficient of breath exchange varies
among 0.70 if the fat provides 100% of energy used and 1.00 if
the carbohydrate (CHO) provides 100% of energy for the exercise
(Peronnet & Masicotte, 1991). During the exercises of low intensity,
on the most of oxidations of the fat is occurring; so, the CTR is
at the last final of the variation. It is generally assumed that the
protein provides with less than 10% of energy used during the
exercise. Due to the modest contribution of protein to the waist of
energy and the difficulty technique on measuring the fuel of the
acid amine, one rate of breath exchange non protein is used to
determine the energetic equivalency.
The studies show that the rate of oxidation of the fat is higher during
the moderated activity (approximately 65% VO2 max) (HAWLEY,
1998). There are many reasons why there is a change of oxidation
of the fat to the oxidation of CHO in order that the intensity of
exercises increases, including the presence of triglycerides intra
muscular, circular catecholamine, less production of Triphosphate
of adenosine (ATP) deriving from the fat per unit of time, and the
gradient of grax acid among the blood and the muscle. As the
Chart 1 - Caloric and subtract use during sessions of exercises
Total of calories
Calories deriving from fat
(Puhl & Clark, 1992)
Chart 2 - Summary of studies of ECOPE
Sedlock et
al, 1989
Quinn et al,
Walk at 70% maximum V02
For 20, 40 and 60 minutes
Chad &
Wenger, 1985
Cycling for 15 and 30 minutes at
50% and 70% of VO2max
Cycling HI = 30 minitues at 65%
MI = energetic cost equal to HI at
LI = energetic cost equal to HI at
45% VO2max
Dawson et
al., 1996
Olds &
Abernethy, 1993
Elliot et al.,
Project of the study
Cycling HS+ 300 kcal at 74%
LS = 300 kcal at 51% VO2max
LL = 600 kcal at 50% VO2max
No. kcal of ECOPE, % total
HS = 29.4, 9.7%
LS = 14.3, 4.7%
LL = 12.1, 1.1%
20 min. ECOPE 46.3, 24.5%
40 min. ECOPE = 59.6, 16.5%
60 min. ECOPE = 89.2, 16.2%
15 min. ECOPE(50%) = 95, 50%
15 min. ECOPE(70%) = 190, 46%
30 min. ECOPE(50%) = 190, 51%
30 min. ECOPE(70%) = 95, 24%
Exercise intensity (>50%) affects the
magnitude and duration of ECOPE.
The exercise duration only affects
the duration of ECOPE .
The exercise duration affects the
ECOPE significantly
The exercise duration affects the
ECOPE significantly
HS = 32.6, 6.3%
LS = 27.8, 4.8%
LL = 25.6, 4.6%
The magnitude of ECOPE was
greater after the exercise of high
intensity compared to isocaloric
moderate intensity or exercise of
low intensity.
60 minutes of training with overload
75% 1 RM and 60% 1 RM
ECOPE varied from 4.1 135kcal
Great interindividual variation,
no significant difference between
the two protocols of training with
40 minutes of cycling, circuit training, intensive weightlifting
ECOPE Circuit = 49 (+/-20),
13.2% cycling
ECOPE = 32 (+/-16), 7.4% heavy
weightlifting = 51 (+/-31), 20.5%
Training with intense overload and
circuit training result in an ECOPE
comparable to aerobic exercise.
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 2, 2, 115, Mar/Apr 2003
intensity of exercise enlarges from low to moderate, it is probable
that the total of oxidation of the fat enlarges due to triglycerides
intra muscular provides additional grax acid (MARTIN, 1997).
During the exercise of high intensity, the rate used of the fat fall
due to one enlargement of circular catecholamine which incites
the rupture of glycogen and the rate of glycols, and furnishing
the metabolism of the fat (HAWLEY, 1998). The change of fat to
CHO in order that the intensity grows is necessary for that happens
the exercises of high intensity because the ATP is produced to a
rate much faster than the CHO is metabolized compared to the
fat (HAWLEY, 1998).
Ten adult individuals that practiced regularly conditioning activities
in the gym participated on this study. Details from the individuals
are displayed on the Chart 3. On the moment of the research,
the individuals have completed one average of five sections of
conditioning per week. All of them knew the BODYPUMP program,
as having participated at least once per week, in an average of
four years. With the consentient from the individuals, one historical
of exercises was obtained before the first section of tests.
The individuals have completed three sections in a lab separated
without specific order, one class of BODYPUMP, one section of 60
minutes of cycling and one VO2 max test. The section of cycling
was included to provide one comparison among the BODYPUMP
and the way of traditional exercise in a gym, known as being efficient on burning calories. The corporeal mass was measured with
a break of 0.1 kg and the height, on breaks of 0.5 centimeters.
The metabolic informations were collected using an indirect
calorimetric. The individuals breathed throughout the equipment
called Hans Rudolph, valve of double-via (Kansas City) and used
one clip on the nose. The inhaled air was measured using one
K520 Flow Transducer (KL Engineering, Sylmar, CA). The exhaled
gases were collected each 60 seconds from a mixture room of five
liters and analyzed using one analyzer of oxygen Ametek S-3 A1,
and one of carbon dioxide were calibrated using one mixture of
known gases of concentration. The analyzers and the K520 Flow
Transducer were linked through one conversor A/D of 8 bits to one
computer IBM compatible. Ventilation, consumption of oxygen,
production of carbon dioxide and rate of breath exchange (TTR)
were measured and displayed using the Ametek OCM-2 Oxygen
Uptake System Software. The heart frequency was monitored using
the system of telemetry (Vantage XL, Polar Electro, and Finland).
On the BODYPUMP sections and the cycling, the caloric waist
per minute and the percentage of usage of fat and carbohydrates
were measured and calculated though the amounts obtained on
the tests of oxygen consumption and the rate of breath exchange
(TTR), using the Chart of breath quotient non-protein indicated
by Peronnet and Massicotte (1991).
Each individual have performed one class of BODYPUMP under
the individual instruction from a tutor from Les Mills. The same
tutor and the program of class were used for all the individuals.
The individuals have selected the overweight used on each segment of the class. The sections have lasted an average of 57
minutes, including the periods of heating up and cooling down.
The air exhaled was collected along of the duration of the classes
(including the heating up and cooling down).
The individuals have performed 60 minutes of continuous cycling
in an ergometric bike Monark 824E. The first and the last 5 minutes
of the section were performed to one weight of 1.5 Watts per kg
of corporeal weight for men and 1.2 Watts per kg on women.
From the 6th to the 55th minute, the individuals were exercising to
2.0 and 1.6 Watts per kg for men and women, respectively. The
cadency was maintained from 85-90 rpm.
VO2 Maximum Test
The VO2max test was also performed in an ergometric bike Monark
824E using one protocol of phases of increasing the overweight.
The initial overweight was at 85W with a phase of increment of
25W (Men) and 17 W (Women) and the duration of each phase
was up to a minute. The individuals have continued up to the
voluntary exhaustion. All of the individuals have reached one peak
frequency into 10 beats per minute of the maximum preview for
the age and one rate of exchange of breathing of 1.10 or more
(ISSEKUTZ, 1962).
Metabolic Measuring
Indirect calorimetrical was used for measure the energetic waist
from the class of BODYPUMP and the sections of cycling of 60
minutes. The total of calories consumed per minute and the percentage contribution provided from the fat and the carbohydrates
Chart 3 - Characteristics from the Individuals
Mean (Standard deviation)
All the individuals
Men only
Women only
32.7 (4.2)
31.1 (3.5)
34.3 (4.5)
71.1 (13.3)
79.5 (12.0)
62.6 (8.6)
171.4 (6.5)
175.0 (6.0)
167.8 (5.3)
Max. VO2 (
50.1 (8.9)
52.6 (11.6)
47.6 (5.1)
Max. Heart Freq.
182 (9)
186 (10)
179 (6)
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 2, 2, 116, Mar/Apr 2003
was measured by the consumption of oxygen and by the amounts
of the rate on the exchange of breathing (TTR) during the tests. As
that the breathing exchanges from 0.7036 to 0.996 the amount
of energy produced per liter of oxygen consumed increases from
4.851 kcal to 5.189 kcal. The contribution from the fat linearly
decreased from 100% to one TTR of 0.7036, to 0% to one TTR of
0.996 and above. On contrarily, the contribution of carbohydrates
increases from 0% to one TTR of 0.7036 to 100% to one TTR of
0.996 and above. For more details on these amounts analyzes
the chart of quotient breathing non protein provided by Peronnet and Massicotte (1991). The following metabolic variables
were measured from two sections of exercises (BODYPUMP and
cycling): total of calories used per minute, percentage of calories
provided by the carbohydrate, and the percentage of calories
provided by the fat.
Analyze from the Lactate on the Blood
To guarantee that the gas analyze during the sections of BODYPUMPO have captured suitably the total caloric used, examples
of lactate were taken from seven individuals immediately on pre
and after one typical class of BODYPUMP. It served to determine if
Chart 4 - Concentration of the Blood Lactate before and after the
section of BODYPUMP
the individuals had returned near the lactate of resting at the end
of the cooling down. Seven individuals aleatoricly chosen (three
women and four men) gave their samples of blood (from their finger tips) which were analyzed using one Analyzer of Blood Lactate
Accusport (Chart 4). The elevated moderated on the concentration
from the lactate blooding at the end of the exercise, and as well
as the previous studies from ECOPE suggested that the additional
calories are used above and beyond on those measured on the
results from the analyzes from the gases (see Discussion).
The heart frequency and the amounts of the oxygen consumption
during the classes of BODYPUMP and cycling are displayed on
the Chart 5 – 7. As the average from the consumption of oxygen
(expressed relatively to the corporeal weight) during the sections
of BODYPUMP was at 20.2 ml/kg/min. for all the individuals
combined, and at 21.5 ml/kg/min. and 19.0 ml/kg/min. for men
and women, respectively. The averages of consumption of oxygen
for the section of cycling were 28.8, 29.4 and 28.2 ml/kg/min.
for all the individuals, men and women, respectively.
The individuals were practicing to one average intensity of 40.7%
of its VO2max during the section of BODYPUMP. The amounts for
men and women separately were 41.6% and 39.8%. The amounts
of the intensity during the section of cycling were 60. 3%, 58. 7%,
59, and 2% of VO2max for all the individuals, men and women
respectively. The individuals have spent one average of 9, 8 minutes above 50% of VO2max during the section of BODYPUMP
when expressed with the groups, and 11.6 and 8.0 minutes when
separated among men and women. The individuals have spent
one average of 1.9 minutes above the 70% of VO2max during
Chart 5 - Oxygen Consumption and Heart Frequency for all the individuals during the sections of BODYPUMP and the cycling
Oxygen consumption (
Mean percentage of maxr VO2
Number of minutes above 50% of max. VO2
Number of minutes above 70% of max. VO2
Mean heart frequency
Mean percentage of max. heart Frequency
Mean of minutes above 70% of max. heart frequency
Mean (Standard Deviation)
Body Pump
20.24 (3.61)
28.77 (3.24)
40.7 (5.3)
60.3 (12.3)
9.8 (6.1)
45.7 (19.0)
1.9 (3.0)
8.0 (17.1)
135.4 (12.8)
134.1 (19.33)
74.2 (4.7)
73.4 (8.7)
38.8 (9.4)
33.6 (27.7)
γO max. VO2 and max. heart frequency as measured in the bicycle during the maximum test
Chart 6 - Oxygen Consumption and heat frequency for male individuals during the sections of BODYPUMP and cycling
Mean (Standard Deviation)
Oxygen consumption (
Mean percentage of maxr VO2
Number of minutes above 50% of max. VO2
Number of minutes above 70% of max. VO2
Mean heart frequency
Mean percentage of max. heart Frequency
Mean of minutes above 70% of max. heart frequency
Body Pump
21.5 (3.4)
41.6 (5.6)
11.5 (7.6)
3.2 (3.8)
138.2 (13.5)
74.3 (4.7)
37.4 (8.3)
29.4 (2.7)
58.7 (17.6)
38.0 (24.8)
10.8 (24.1)
136.5 (22.6)
73.3 (10.6)
32.4 (29.2)
γO max. VO2 and max. heart frequency as measured in the bicycle during the maximum test
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 2, 2, 117, Mar/Apr 2003
the section of BODYPUMP when expressed as a group, 3.2% and
0. 6% for men and women, respectively.
The average of heart frequency during the section of BODYPUMP
was at 135.5 beats per minute for the group, and 138.2 and
132.6 for men and women, respectively. During the section of
cycling, these amounts were at 134.4, 136.5 and 131.6 beats
per minutes for the group, men and women. The individuals have
spent one average of 38.8 minutes above the 70% from the F.C.
max during the section of BODYPUMP, when expressed as a group,
and at 37.4 and 40.2 minutes when separated, men and women.
During the cycling section, these amounts were 33.6, 32.4 and
34.8 minutes for the group, men and women, respectively. The
F.C. relatively high regarding to the consumption of oxygen during
the BODYPUMP is explained on the Discussion.
The waist of calories and the usage of the substrate during the
BODYPUMP and the cycling are displayed on the Chart 8 – 10.
The burned individual one average of 411.0 calories during the
section of BODYPUMP when expressed as one group, and 483.1
and 338.9 when separated on men and women. It is equalized
to 7.2, 8.4 and 5.9 calories per minute for the group, men and
women, respectively. The highest amounts for men are related
firstly to their higher corporeal weight. The maximum number of
burned calories was at 424 for women, and 603 for men.
The BODYPUMP section has taken to the consumption of 70.0,
88.6 and 51.5 fat calories and 340.9, 394.4 and 287.4 carbohydrates calories for the group, men and women, respectively. It
is the same as 16.7% of fat and 83.3% of carbohydrates of the
group as a whole, 18.6% of fat and 81.4% of carbohydrate for
men, and 14.9% of fat and 85.1% of carbohydrate for women.
The individual’s burn one average of 623.3 calories during the
cycling section when expressed as a group and 706.3 and 540.2
when separated among men and women. It is the same as 10.5,
12.0 and 9.0 calories per minute for the group, men and women,
respectively. The cycling section has taken the consumption of
169.5, 182.1 and 157.0 calories of fat and 453.7, 524.3 and
383.2 calories of carbohydrates for the group, men and women,
respectively. It is the same as 27.3% of fat and 72.7% of carbohydrates for the groups with a whole one, and 26.4% of fat and
73. 6% of carbohydrate for men and 28, 2% of fat and 71.8% of
carbohydrate for women.
The Chart 11 shows a review from the key results for the consumption of oxygen, the caloric waist, and the usage of substrate
during the BODYPUMP.
The BODYPUMP is a kind of an exercise program, training
with an overweight of a high level of repetitions. The bene-
Chart 7 - Oxygen Consumption and heart frequency for female individuals during the sections of BODYPUMP and cycling
Oxygen consumption (
Mean percentage of maxr VO2
Number of minutes above 50% of max. VO2
Number of minutes above 70% of max. VO2
Mean heart frequency
Mean percentage of max. heart Frequency
Mean of minutes above 70% of max. heart frequency
Mean (Standard Deviation)
Body Pump
19.0 (3.8)
28.2 (4.0)
39.8 (5.4)
59.2 (5.6)
8.0 (4.3)
53.4 (7.2)
0.6 (1.3)
5.2 (10.5)
132.6 (12.9)
131.6 (17.8)
74.1 (5.3)
73.5 (8.3)
40.2 (11.2)
34.8 (29.6)
γO max. VO2 and max. heart frequency as measured in the bicycle during the maximum test
Chart 8 - Usage of Fuel for all the individuals during the sections of BODYPUMP and cycling
Total of burned calories (kcal)
Calories per minute (kcal/min)
Consumed Total of fat calories
Consumed Total of carbohydrate calories
Percentage of the total of fat calories
Percentage of the total of carbohydrate calories
Mean (Standard Deviation)
Body Pump
411.0 (99.3)
623.3 (141.4)
7.2 (1.6)
10.5 (2.5)
70.0 (32.9)
169.5 (74.6)
340.9 (74.4)
453.7 (113.5)
16.7 (5.3)
27.3 (10.6)
83.3 (5.3)
72.7 (10.6)
Chart 9 - Usage of Fuel for male individuals during the sections of BODYPUMP and cycling
Total of burned calories (kcal)
Calories per minute (kcal/min)
Consumed Total of fat calories
Consumed Total of carbohydrate calories
Percentage of the total of fat calories
Percentage of the total of carbohydrate calories
Mean (Standard Deviation)
Body Pump
483.1 (81.9)
706.3 (107.8)
8.4 (1.3)
12.0 (1.96)
88.6 (32.3)
182.1 (62.1)
394.4 (65.0)
524.3 (97.9)
18.6 (5.3)
26.4 (7.8)
81.4 (5.3)
73.6 (7.8)
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 2, 2, 118, Mar/Apr 2003
fits on potential from the BODYPUMP includes: muscular
resistance improvement, a better aerobic conditioning, loss
of weight (fat), and the maintenance of, or increase of thin
corporeal mass. The present study has investigated the aerobic contest and the caloric waist in a standard section of
The frequency, the intensity, the duration and the type of exercise
establishes the efficiency of a program of training/exercise on
reduction of corporeal fat and at the improvement of many
components of physical aptness. The leading which are more
widely followed for the physical condition and health are
launched by ACSM – American College of Sports Medicine.
The position from ACSM for the amount and the quality of the
training to development and the maintenance of the aerobic
conditioning, from the corporeal composition, and the strength
and muscular resistance on healthy adults includes the following
Frequency of training: 3-5 days per week
Intensity of training: 60-90% of F.C. max or 50-85% of the
maximum consumption of oxygen
Duration of the training: 20-60 minutes of continued aerobic
Type of activity: any activity which uses great muscular group
can be maintained continually, as being rhythmic and aerobic
by nature.
Training with overweight: the training of strength from an
intensive moderate, enough to develop and maintain the
thin weight (without fat), must be integral part from the
program of conditioning from an adult. One series of 8-12
repetitions of eight to ten exercises which stipulates the main
muscular groups at least two times per week is the minimum
BODYPUMP is an efficient way of training which fulfills the most
from the criteria from ACSM in a class of an hour. This section
discusses the implications from the results from this present study
for the physiological benefits from the BODYPUMP.
Aerobic Intensity
The individuals were exercising at an average of 74.2% from
the F.C. max and 40, 7% from the maximum aerobic capacity
during the classes of BODYPUMP. These amounts were similar as to men and women were considered as a group, and
separately. Although the average of heart frequency during
the BODYPUMP would be enough to reach the recommendations by ACSM on developing and maintaining the aerobic
conditioning, the oxygen consumption, as it wasn’t provided.
The heart frequency during the BODYPUMP is elevated disproportionately to the oxygen consumption due to the effects of
pressure which occurs during the exercise of training of weight.
For any level of oxygen consumption, the heart frequency is
typically 20% much higher for the exercises from the superior
members than from the inferior ones, such as the cycling
The reached average intensity during the section of cycling
(60, 3% from the VO2max and 73. 4% from the F.C. max) was
higher than that reached during the section of BODYPUMP. The
wasted time above from the 50% of VO2max and 70& from the
VO2 max was also higher during the cycling. During the section
of BODYPUMP the individuals have wasted 10 minutes above
from the 50% of VO2max and 2 minutes above from 70% of
VO2max, as compared at 46 minutes above from the 50% of
VO2max and 8 minutes above the 70% of VO2max for the section
of cycling. These results show that the section of BODYPUMP
provides one low stimulus to the moderate to enlarge the aerobic conditioning. The implication from these results is that the
BODYPUMP is useful to maintain the aerobic conditioning, but it
will not give enough stimuli to improve the aerobic conditioning
on individuals already trained, such as those which participated
from this study. For these individuals, two or three days per week
of aerobic exercise of a higher intensity would be necessary to
improve the aerobic conditioning. For the sedentary populations,
such as individuals of half age without any historical of aerobic
training, the BODYPUMP would probably provide one aerobic
demand relatively higher, which it would be enough to become
the aerobic conditioned.
Chart 10 - Usage of Fuel for female individuals during the sections of BODYPUMP and cycling
Mean (Standard Deviation)
Body Pump
338.9 (49.9)
540.2 (126.9)
5.9 (0.6)
9.0 (2.1)
51.5 (23.2)
157.0 (91.2)
287.4 (32.7)
383.2 (83.4)
14.9 (5.0)
28.2 (13.7)
85.1 (5.0)
71.8 (13.7)
Total of burned calories (kcal)
Calories per minute (kcal/min)
Consumed Total of fat calories
Consumed Total of carbohydrate calories
Percentage of the total of fat calories
Percentage of the total of carbohydrate calories
Chart 11 - Resume from the key results: BODYPUMP
All individuals
VO2 (
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 2, 2, 119, Mar/Apr 2003
% Max. VO2
Total kcal
% Fat
Energetic Waist
One section of BODYPUMP has used one average of 411 calories
for the individuals from this study. Men and women used one average from 483 and 339 calories, respectively. The highest number
of calories used by a man during the BODYPUMP was 603, while
the highest energetic waist for women was 424 calories. However
the sum of calories used was higher during the section of cycling
than on the section of BODYPUMP, the results showed that both
types of exercises are enough to provide the loss of weight.
The cycling section has consumed a higher consume of fat than
the BODYPUMP section (27.3% compared to 16.7%) and there
weren’t any significant differences among men and women for
this amount. The contribution that the fat and the carbohydrates
give to the mixture of fuel depends of the intensity of exercise: the
more the intensity the less will be the fat contribution. The classes
of BODYPUMP required unfinished blasts of strength from a high
intensity, which used exclusively the carbohydrate as a fuel. In
contrast, the section of cycling corresponded to one period of
exercises of intensity moderate consistence, which allowed one
higher contribution of fat. However, is the number of burned calories and not the source of these which determines the energetic
balance and the lost of weight.
The wideness of the contribution from ECOPE to the caloric waist
during the BODYPUMP was not measured. The results from the
study are displayed at the Chart 2, so, suggest that for an hour
of similar exercise to the BODYPUMP, the hoped caloric waist
was related to the ECOPE would be approximately 62 calories
at an average of 411 calories used by the individuals from this
research, enlarging the total caloric waist, due to one section of
BODYPUMP, to one average of 556 calories for men, and 390
for women. The number of sections from the BODYPUMP needed
to lose 1kg of corporeal fat (7700 calories), so, it is 16.3 for the
standard individual, 13.8 for the standard men, and 19.7 for the
standard women on this research. One individual which didn’t
modify his food consumption (diet), and that added three sections
of BODYPUMP per week, he would hope to lose 1kg of corporeal
fat in 4-6 weeks.
Additional Benefits from the BODYPUMP
The additional benefits from the BODYPUMP include probable
improvements on the muscular resistance, on the maintenance
of the thin corporeal mass, and the social interation. Muscular
resistance is defined as ability from a muscle to produce repeated
strength for one period and resist the fatigue (ZATSIORSKY, 1995),
as it might be increased to a higher and efficiently through exercises of high number of repetitions and low overweight. Although
the effects from the section of BODYPUMP among the muscular
resistance wouldn’t have been measured on this research, the
moderate weight and the nature of high number of repetitions
from the BODYPUMP would fit on the requirements to improve the
muscular resistance. The usage of the challenging weights by a few
individuals during the sections of BODYPUMP may result on gains
absolute of strength and muscular hypertrophy. It is probable that
the gains of strength and hypertrophy would occur for individuals
already trained, such as those who participated from the present
research; however, for individuals without one historical of training
with overweight, the BODYPUMP may provide enough stimuli to
evoke the strength gains.
To maintain and/or to enlarge the thin corporeal mass is necessary one stimuli of muscular mass. However the present research
wouldn’t track the corporeal mass along the time, the exercises
of strength during the BODYPUMP certainly would appear to be
enough to maintain the thin corporeal mass. The training with
overweight for the whole body, BODYPUMP, suggests that this
program would be more efficient on the maintenance or on the
increase of thin corporeal mass than on the cycling. This is just
one more area for a further investigation.
Finally, the social interation provided by one class of BODYPUMP
gives fun and one motivated environment, which encourage the
constant to the program of exercises. The most challenging for
the health and the physical conditioning to the common individual is to maintain one regular routine of exercise. The positive
social atmosphere from one section of BODYPUMP is probably
the leadership from one way of fun and to the enlargement of
approval, which will provide, in a long term, a better benefit to
the health and the physical aptness.
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