Online Error Messages Delaware System of Student
Online Error Messages Delaware System of Student
Online Error Messages Delaware System of Student Assessments (DeSSA) 2015–2016 Delaware Department of Education Office of Assessment 35 Commerce Way John W. Collette Education Resource Center Dover, DE 19904 American Institutes for Research 1000 Thomas Jefferson St., NW Washington, DC 20007 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 10153 English The testing session is closed. Please check with your Test Administrator. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 10368 English Scores are not displayed for Practice Tests. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10371 Spanish De acuerdo con la Ley de derechos educativos y de privacidad de la familia (FERPA), está legalmente prohibida la divulgación de información de identificación personal. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10494 English This screen contains new alerts and alerts that have not yet expired. Proctor 10495 English Delaware Department of Education | 401 Federal Street, Suite #2 Dover, DE 19901-3639 Proctor 10495 English American Institutes for Research | 1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW, Washington, DC 20007 Proctor 10496 English Delaware Comprehensive Assessment System Proctor 10497 English Delaware Comprehensive Assessment System Proctor 10497 English AIR Test Delivery System Proctor English You are now leaving the TA Interface Practice and Training Site. By clicking [Exit], your test session and all in-progress tests will be paused. You may click [Return] to stay on the TA Interface Practice and Training Site to continue without any test disruption. Proctor 10499 English You are now leaving the TA Interface Practice and Training Site. By clicking [Exit], your test session and all in-progress tests will be paused. You may click [Return] to stay on the TA Interface Practice and Training Site to continue without any test disruption. Proctor 10507 English You are about to log out of all systems. Your test session will be stopped and all in-progress tests will be paused. Click [Cancel] to remain logged in to this system or click [Log Out] to exit all systems. Proctor 10508 English You must select at least one test before you can start the test session. Proctor 10509 English This will stop the testing session and pause tests for all students who are currently taking tests in the session. The students will also be logged out. Are you sure? Proctor 10510 English If you pause this test, the student will be logged out. If the student does not log back in within 30 minutes, he or she may be unable to see the questions that were already answered. Are you sure you want to pause this test? Proctor 10522 English Click on the [Tests] button to view or add tests to your session. Proctor 10523 English No students awaiting approval. Proctor English Starting the Session: Select the assessment(s) that need to be included in the session, then click the [Start Session] button. Provide the Session ID to your students so that they can log in. Approving Students: Click the [Approvals (#)] button. The Approvals and Student Test Settings window will appear. Click [See/Edit Details] for a student to view his or her accommodations and test settings and make any necessary changes (e. g. , color background choice). Click the [Approve] button for each student to allow entry into the session. Click [Approve All Students] if all their settings are accurate and they can all enter the session. To deny a student, click [Deny] and enter a brief reason (e. g. , student selected the wrong assessment). Note: Once students are approved, their settings for the current opportunity cannot be changed. Student Lookup: You can use this feature to look up student information if a student is having difficulty logging in. Click the [Student Lookup] button in the top row. Use the [Quick Search] tab to find a student using his or her SSID number. Partial SSIDs are not allowed. Use the [Advanced Search] tab to find a student by district, school, and first or last name. Partial names are allowed. (e. g. , entering "Fi" into the last name field will start a search for all students in the school whose last name begins with Fi). Monitoring Student Progress: Students that appear in the table Proctor 10498 10524 July 2015 Page | 2 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System below have entered this session. The page automatically refreshes every minute. When the page refreshes, the students’ statuses in the table below will update. The current status plus (#/#) will indicate how many test items the student has answered out of the total number of test items in the assessment. Stopping the Test Session When all students have completed testing or it is time for the session to end, click [Stop Session]. This will end the session, pause all your students' assessments and then log them out of the online testing system. 10525 English You must select [Set] or [Set & Approve] to confirm these test settings. Use [Set] to confirm the settings and return to the main Approvals screen to approve this student. Proctor 10526 English Navigate to Another DCAS Application Proctor 10526 English Navigate to Another AIR System Proctor 10528 English Select the test(s) to be included in your test session. Proctor 10529 English Click [Approvals] to review test settings for students waiting to be approved. Proctor 10530 English Approvals and Student Test Settings Proctor 10531 English Students in Your Test Session Proctor 10532 English Do you want to add the selected test(s) to your test session? Proctor 10533 English Are you sure you want to approve all students displayed on this page? Note: Some test settings cannot be changed once the student has been approved. Proctor 10535 English This site is for authorized TAs only and cannot be used with the operational tests. It may be used for the following: 1) As a training tool to familiarize Test Administrators with the online testing system; 2) Administering training tests. Proctor 10536 English The TA Interface provides Test Administrators with the tools needed to proctor online tests. Proctor 10537 English The pop-up blocker is turned on for this browser. In order to enter this site, the pop-up blocker must be disabled. Disable it and click your browser's refresh button. Proctor 10538 English Enter the student’s full Student ID (SSID) and click [Submit SSID] to search for that student’s record. A record displays the student’s name, birth date, grade, and school/district information. Searches by partial SSID are not permitted. Note: This Student Lookup feature allows you to verify student information for login purposes only. It does not indicate whether a student is eligible to test. To verify student eligibility for a specific online assessment, please check TIDE. Proctor 10539 English Use the drop-down menus to select the District, School, and Grade for your search. A First or Last Name is required. Proctor 10540 English Click on the binoculars to view details for that student. Proctor 10541 English Select a District/School Proctor 10542 English Select a School Proctor 10543 English You must enter a valid SSID. Proctor 10544 English No students match the SSID you entered. Proctor 10545 English Select a District Proctor 10546 English Select a School Proctor 10547 English Select a District/School Proctor 10548 English Select a School Proctor 10549 English Select a Grade Proctor 10550 English You must enter one or more of the following: Grade, First Name, or Last Name. Proctor 10555 English Select a District Proctor July 2015 Page | 3 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 10556 English Select a School Proctor 10557 English To print the requested content, click the [Print] button below. This will print the following pages: 1) cover sheet at the beginning and end of the printout that includes the student name and policies on security and privacy, 2) pages containing the requested test content. In addition, clicking the button closes this window. It is important to adhere to the security and privacy policies for this procedure. Proctor 10558 English Delaware Secure Test Material This printout contains secure test content and must be immediately and securely recycled on-site by authorized school staff. Do not photocopy, enlarge, digitize, or retain printouts of test Proctor English AIR Secure Test Material This printout contains secure test content and must be immediately and securely recycled on-site by authorized school staff. Do not photocopy, enlarge, digitize, or retain printouts of test content. Such actions constitute a severe test security violation and must be reported to state department of education. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), disclosure of personally identifiable information protected by privacy laws is prohibited. Please securely destroy all printed test content immediately after the end of this testing session. Proctor English Delaware Secure Test Material This printout contains secure test content and must be immediately and securely recycled on-site by authorized school staff. Do not photocopy, enlarge, digitize, or retain printouts of test content. Such actions constitute a severe test security violation and must be reported to DDOE. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), disclosure of personally identifiable information protected by privacy laws is prohibited. Please securely destroy all printed test content immediately after the end of this testing session. Proctor English AIR Secure Test Material This printout contains secure test content and must be immediately and securely recycled on-site by authorized school staff. Do not photocopy, enlarge, digitize, or retain printouts of test content. Such actions constitute a severe test security violation and must be reported to the state department of education. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), disclosure of personally identifiable information protected by privacy laws is prohibited. Please securely destroy all printed test content immediately after the end of this testing session. Proctor 10560 English This page displays a request for each passage or item that a student would like printed. Click [Approve] if you approve the print request, or [Deny] if you do not. Note: Clicking [Approve] brings up a Print Preview page based on the browser you are using. Click [Print] from that page to send this request to your print station. Proctor 10562 English There was an error processing your request. Please try again. Proctor 10565 English All set accommodations for waiting students will be lost. Would you like to continue? Proctor 10670 English Test Settings for: Proctor 10867 English The pop-up blocker is turned on for this browser. In order to enter this site, the pop-up blocker needs to be disabled. Disable it and click your browser's refresh button. Proctor 10868 Spanish . . /tools/formulas/2010/de_g2_hundreds_esn. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10869 Spanish . . /tools/formulas/2010/de_6_8_esn. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10870 Spanish . . /tools/formulas/2010/de_9_10_eoc_esn. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10871 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/hi_4_math. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10558 10559 10559 July 2015 Page | 4 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 10872 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/hi_5_math. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10873 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/hi_6_math. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10874 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/hi_7_math. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10875 Spanish . . /tools/formulas/2010/or_3_5_math_esn. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10876 Spanish . . /tools/formulas/2010/or_CIM_math_esn. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10877 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/hi_10_math. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10878 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/hi_11_science. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10879 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/hi_8_math. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10880 Spanish . . /tools/formulas/2010/or_6_8_math_esn. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10881 English . . /tools/periodic/2010/hi_7_science. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10882 English . . /tools/periodic/2010/hi_11_science. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10883 English . . /tools/periodic/2010/htmlSimple. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10884 English . . /Projects/DelawareDataEntry/Help/help_dei. html ResponseEntry 10884 English . . /Projects/DelawareAlt/Help/help_dei. html ScoreEntry 10884 English . . /Projects/AIR/Help/help. Html Student 10884 English . . /Projects/Delaware/Help/help. Html Student 10884 Spanish . . /Projects/Delaware/Help/help_esn. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10885 Spanish Calculadora ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10886 Spanish Calculadora ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10887 Spanish Cerrar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10889 Spanish Ingrese su nombre. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10890 Spanish Ingrese la ID de estudiante. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10891 Spanish Ingrese la ID de sesión que el administrador le asignó. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10892 Spanish O su nombre o su ID de estudiante no se ingresó correctamente. Inténtelo nuevamente o consulte con el administrador de la prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10893 English You cannot access this site using your current browser. Please use the secure browser or a supported Web browser (Google Chrome 18+, Internet Explorer 10, Mozilla Firefox 3. 6+, or Safari 4. 13+). Student 10893 Spanish No puede iniciar sesión con este navegador. Use el navegador seguro para ResponseEntry, July 2015 Page | 5 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System realizar esta prueba. ScoreEntry, Student 10894 Spanish No puede ingresar con este navegador. Por favor utilice la última versión del navegador seguro o un explorador web compatible. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10895 Spanish Utilice sólo los botones de navegación en la parte superior de la pantalla. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10896 Spanish No se pudo iniciar sesión. Inténtelo nuevamente o consulte con el administrador de la prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10897 Spanish No puede iniciar sesión hasta no salir de los siguientes programas: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10898 Spanish Se ha iniciado otro programa, y se cerrará la sesión. Consulte con el administrador de la prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10899 English Are you sure you want to log out? ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 10899 Spanish ¿Está seguro de que desea detener la prueba? Si se detiene la prueba por más de {0} minutos, usted quizás no pueda hacer cambios a las preguntas que usted ya ha contestado. Consulte a su administrador de prueba antes de pausar la prueba. Student 10900 English You have entered data for all questions on this test. Click [Yes] to continue to the next page. Click [No] to keep working on this test. ResponseEntry 10900 English <!-- Fall Message --> <!--If you started entering scores at Task 1, did you enter scores through at least Task 5? If you started entering scores at Task 3, did you enter scores through at least Task 9? If you started entering scores at Task 6, did you enter scores through Task 12? If so, click [Yes] to continue to the next page. If not, click [No] to keep working on this test. --> <!-- Spring Message --> If you started entering scores at Task 1, did you enter scores through at least Task 5, plus Tasks 13, 14, and 15, if your test included them? If you started entering scores at Task 3, did you enter scores through at least Task 9, plus Tasks 13, 14, and 15, if your test included them? If you started entering scores at Task 6, did you enter scores through Task 12, plus Tasks 13, 14, and 15, if your test included them? If so, click [Yes] to continue to the next page. If not, click [No] to keep working on this test. For students exiting the assessment at Task 1, did you enter NR for tasks 13, 14, and 15, if your test included them? ScoreEntry 10900 Spanish Ha llegado al final de la prueba. Haga clic en [Sí] para pasar a la página siguiente. Haga clic en [No] para continuar con la prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10901 Spanish Su solicitud de impresión se ha enviado al administrador de la prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10902 Spanish La pregunta no se cargó. Haga clic en [Sí] para intentarlo nuevamente o en [No] para salir de la prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10903 Spanish La página no se cargó. Consulte con el administrador de la prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10904 Spanish La respuesta no se ha guardado. Haga clic en [Sí] para intentarlo nuevamente o en [No] para salir de la prueba sin guardar su respuesta. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10905 Spanish No se pudo enviar información por la red. Haga clic en [Sí] para intentarlo nuevamente o en [No] para salir de la prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10906 Spanish ¿Aún se encuentra allí? Haga clic en Aceptar para continuar o se cerrará la sesión en {1} segundos. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10907 Spanish Debe seleccionar un tema antes de pasar a la página siguiente. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10908 Spanish Debe escriba algo antes de guardar su respuesta. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10909 Spanish ¿Está seguro de que desea pausar la prueba? Consulte al administrador de la ResponseEntry, July 2015 Page | 6 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System prueba antes de hacerlo. ScoreEntry, Student 10914 Spanish Debe contestar todas las preguntas antes de seguir a la próxima página. (Es posible que deba desplazarse hacia abajo para ver todas las preguntas) ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10915 English There are no more items to view on this test. Please click the [Finished] button. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 10915 English Click the red [End Test] button to review your answers. Student 10916 Spanish Debe responder todas las preguntas de esta página antes de terminar la prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10917 Spanish ¿Desea guardar la respuesta antes de salir de esta página? <Guardar respuesta> <Eliminar respuesta> ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10918 Spanish Presione [Detener] en el reproductor de sonido antes de salir de esta página. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10919 Spanish La grabación se escucha demasiado baja. Haga clic en [Intentar nuevamente] para hacer una nueva grabación o [Guardar] para guardarla y pasar a la pregunta siguiente. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10920 Spanish Inicie sesión. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10921 Spanish Usuario invitado ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10922 Spanish Nombre: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10923 English Student ID: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10923 Spanish ID de estudiante: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10924 Spanish Sesión de invitado ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10925 Spanish ID de sesión: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10926 Spanish Iniciar session ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10927 Spanish Se instaló el navegador seguro incorrecto en esta computadora. Consulte con el administrador de la prueba. Por ahora, debe usar otra computadora. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10928 Spanish Se instaló el navegador seguro incorrecto en esta computadora. Consulte con el administrador de la prueba. Por ahora, debe usar otra computadora. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10929 Spanish Navegador: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10930 English Choose a Test Grade ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 10930 Spanish ¿Es éste usted? Student 10931 Spanish Nombre: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10932 Spanish Nivel de grado del estudiante: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10933 Spanish Grado suscripto: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10934 Spanish Cumpleaños: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student July 2015 Page | 7 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 10935 Spanish Escuela: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10936 English SSID: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10936 Spanish SSID: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10937 Spanish No Student 10938 Spanish Sí Student 10939 Spanish Seleccionar grado ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10940 Spanish <-- Debe seleccionar un grado. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10941 English Available Tests ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 10942 Spanish Configuración de la prueba (opcional): ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10943 Spanish Idioma: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10944 Spanish Tamaño de impresión: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10945 Spanish Normal ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10946 Spanish Más grande ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10947 Spanish El más grande ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10948 Spanish Nombre de la prueba ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10949 Spanish Oportunidades* ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10950 Spanish Acción ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10951 Spanish Volver al inicio de session ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10952 Spanish Esperando aprobación del AP… ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10953 Spanish Haga clic aquí para cancelar y volver al inicio. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10954 Spanish ¿Es ésta su prueba? ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10955 Spanish ID de sesión: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10956 Spanish Nombre de la prueba: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10957 Spanish No ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10958 English Yes, Start Entering Data ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry July 2015 Page | 8 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 10958 Spanish Sí, comenzar la prueba Student 10959 Spanish Espere ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10960 Spanish El administrador de pruebas ha rechazado su solicitud. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10961 Spanish Mensaje del administrador de pruebas: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10962 Spanish Haga clic aquí para volver a la pantalla de inicio de sesión. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10963 Spanish Se necesita Flash {0} o una versión superior para realizar esta prueba. Consulte a su administrador de pruebas. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10964 Spanish Se necesita Java {0} o una versión superior para realizar esta prueba. Consulte a su administrador de pruebas. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10965 Spanish Java se detectó correctamente. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10966 Spanish Espere mientras se detecta si Java está instalado. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10967 Spanish Verificación de sonido: ¿Escucha la voz? ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10968 Spanish Haga clic en el icono de sonido para escuchar el sonido. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10969 Spanish Si escucha el sonido, haga clic en [Sí], de lo contrario, haga clic en [No]. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10970 Spanish Sí ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10971 Spanish No ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10972 Spanish Verificación de sonido: Grabe su voz. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10973 Spanish Comenzar/detener grabación ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10974 Spanish Comenzar al principio ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10975 Spanish Reproducir/Pausa ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10976 Spanish Presione el botón Micrófono para iniciar la grabación. Diga su nombre por el micrófono. Cuando haya terminado, pulse el botón Stop. Luego presione el botón de reproducción para escuchar la grabacion. Si escucha su voz, haga clic en [Sí]. De lo contrario, haga clic en [Problema]. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10977 Spanish Sí ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10978 Spanish Problema (No) ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10979 Spanish Verificación de sonido: Problema de audio ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10980 Spanish Avísele al administrador de la prueba que tiene un problema de audio. Debe reproducir y grabar para esta prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10981 Spanish Cerrar sesión ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student July 2015 Page | 9 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 10982 Spanish Intentar nuevamente ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10983 Spanish Se necesita Java 1. 4 o una versión superior para realizar esta prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10984 Spanish Cerrar sesión ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10985 Spanish Se necesita Flash 10 o una versión superior para realizar esta prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10986 Spanish Cerrar sesión ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10987 Spanish Esperando aprobación del AP… ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10988 Spanish Haga clic aquí para cancelar y regresar al inicio. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10989 English Choose a Test Form ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 10989 Spanish ¿Es ésta su prueba? Student 10990 Spanish ID de sesión: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10991 Spanish Nombre de la prueba: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10992 Spanish Idioma: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10993 Spanish Tamaño de impresión: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10994 Spanish No ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10995 English Next ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 10995 Spanish Sí, comenzar la prueba Student 10996 Spanish Espere ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10997 Spanish El administrador de pruebas ha rechazado su solicitud. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10998 Spanish Mensaje del administrador de pruebas: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 10999 Spanish Haga clic aquí para volver a la pantalla de inicio de sesión. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11000 Spanish Instrucciones y ayuda para la prueba ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11001 English Click the question mark button ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 11001 Spanish Haga clic [?] Student 11002 Spanish para acceder a la Guía de ayuda en cualquier momento durante la prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11003 Spanish Volver al ingreso ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11004 Spanish Comenzar la prueba ahora ResponseEntry, July 2015 Page | 10 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System ScoreEntry, Student 11005 Spanish Cerrar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11006 Spanish Ayuda ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11007 Spanish Interfaz del estudiante ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11008 Spanish Guía de ayuda ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11009 Spanish Cerrar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11010 Spanish Opción de audio ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11011 Spanish Pregunta de audio ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11012 Spanish Recurso de audio ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11013 Spanish Detener grabación ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11014 Spanish Detener reproducción de grabación ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11015 Spanish Comenzar grabación ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11016 Spanish Reproducir grabación ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11017 Spanish Diga el texto seleccionado ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11018 Spanish Diga {title} ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11019 Spanish Deje de hablar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11020 Spanish Resaltar selección ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11021 Spanish Restablecer resaltado ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11022 Spanish Ir al editor de texto ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11023 Spanish Se produjo un problema al conectarse con Internet. Ponga la prueba en pausa e inténtelo nuevamente. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11024 Spanish Deshacer tachado ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11025 Spanish Tachado ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11026 Spanish ¿Está seguro de que desea cambiar el tema que seleccionó anteriormente? <Sí> <No> ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11027 Spanish ¿Está seguro de que desea cambiar el tema que seleccionó anteriormente? <Sí> <No> ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student July 2015 Page | 11 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System English Welcome to the Training Test site. You can use this site to take sample tests online to become familiar with DeSSA tests. Some questions require you to select one answer; may require you to type a short answer, draw a picture, or complete another type of open-ended task. href="http://de. portal. airast. org/resources/?section=5" target="_blank" class="linkbox". Click here to view Answer Keys and Scoring Rubrics for the practice tests. To access this site, use Mozilla Firefox 10+, Safari 5+, Chrome 31+, Internet Explorer 10 or 11, or the Secure Browser. Student Spanish Bienvenido al sitio de la prueba de muestra. Puede usar este sitio para realizar pruebas de muestra en línea y familiarizarse con el DCAS. Algunas de las preguntas requerirán que seleccione una respuesta; otras pueden requerir que escriba una respuesta breve, haga un dibujo o complete otro tipo de tarea sin plazo definido. Tutorial interactivo: "https://dept. tds. airast. org/grid/default. aspx". Haga clic aquí para aprender cómo responder preguntas con respuestas gráficas. Debe usar Mozilla Firefox como su navegador de Internet para acceder a la prueba de muestra. Internet Explorer y Safari no funcionarán en este sitio. href="http://www. mozilla. com/en-US/firefox/all-older. html". Haga clic aquí para descargar Firefox para Windows, Mac OS X y Linux. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Spanish Bienvenido al sitio de la prueba de muestra. Puede usar este sitio para realizar pruebas de muestra en línea y familiarizarse con el DeSSA. Algunas de las preguntas requerirán que seleccione una respuesta; otras pueden requerir que escriba una respuesta breve, haga un dibujo o complete otro tipo de tarea sin plazo definido. Para acceder a este sitio, utilice Mozilla Firefox 10+, Safari 5+, Chrome 31+, Internet Explorer 10 o 11, o el navegador seguro. Student 11029 English Welcome to DCAS Online!. Please enter your first name, SSID and the Session ID in the fields above. Your Test Administrator will give you the Session ID. Click [Sign In] to continue. <!-- This test contains items from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which are reproduced with the permission of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). --> ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11029 Spanish Bienvenido a AIR en línea!. Introducir su nombre, SSID e ID de la sesión en los campos anteriores. El administrador de la prueba te entregará el ID de la sesión. Haz clic en Iniciar sesión [Sign In] para continuar. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student English To log in with your student account (using Name / SSID): Uncheck the "Guest User" checkbox (both fields will become blank) Enter your First Name and SSID in the fields above. To log in as a Guest (anonymous user): Mark the "Guest User" checkbox (both fields will automatically display Guest) Click [Sign In] to login to the Training Test as a guest user. Guest Session? In a Guest Session, you do not need Test Administrator approval and can take a Training Test using your own settings. To take a Training Test in a session with a Test Administrator, uncheck the “Guest Session” checkbox and enter the Session ID in the field before clicking [Sign In]. Student 11030 Spanish Para iniciar sesión con una cuenta de estudiante (con Nombre / SSID): desactive la selección de la casilla de verificación “Usuario invitado” (ambos campos aparecerán vacíos) Ingrese su nombre y SSID en esos campos. Para iniciar sesión como invitado (usuario anónimo): Marque la casilla de verificación "Usuario invitado" (ambos campos mostrarán automáticamente Invitado) Haga clic en [Iniciar sesión] para iniciar sesión en la prueba de muestra como usuario invitado. ¿Sesión de invitado? En una sesión de invitado, no necesita la aprobación del administrador de la prueba, por lo que puede realizar la prueba con su propia configuración. Para realizar la prueba de muestra en una sesión con el administrador de la prueba, desactive la selección de la casilla de verificación “Sesión de invitado” e ingrese el id. de sesión en el campo antes de hacer clic en [Iniciar sesión]. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11031 English href="https://dept. tds. airast. org/student" class="goPractice". Go to the Practice and Training Site Student 11031 Spanish href="https://dept. tds. airast. org/student/" class="goPractice". En cambio, visite ResponseEntry, 11028 11028 11028 11030 July 2015 Page | 12 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System el sitio Prueba de muestra. ScoreEntry, Student 11032 Spanish Revise la siguiente información. Si la información es correcta, haga clic en [Sí], de lo contrario, haga clic en [No]. Student 11033 Spanish Espere mientras el administrador de pruebs revisa la configuración para su prueba. Esto puede tardar algunos minutos. . . ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11034 English If there are multiple test forms available for this test they will appear here for selection. If you do not see a drop-down menu above then there is only one test form. Click the [Next] button below when finished. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11035 Spanish Espere mientras el administrador de pruebs revisa la configuración para su prueba. Esto puede tardar algunos minutos. . . ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11036 English Click on a test below to review it. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 11036 Spanish Seleccione la prueba que desea realizar. Student 11037 Spanish "select Test". ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11038 Spanish Desplácese hacia abajo para obtener información adicional. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11039 English You are done reviewing this assessment online. To review another please log back in again. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 11039 English Congratulations on finishing your test! After reviewing your responses click the [Log Out] button to exit. Student 11039 English Congratulations! You have finished your test. Answer keys, scoring guides, and rubrics for all DeSSA practice tests are located on the DeSSA portal (de. portal. airast. org). Student 11039 Spanish Usted ha terminado la prueba. Puede cerrar la sesión. Student 11039 Spanish Felicitaciones. Ha finalizado la prueba. Las respuestas para las pruebas de práctica del DCAS se encuentran en el portal del DCAS (de. portal. airast. org). Desde el portal, seleccione alumnos y familias y después, recursos para las familias. Student 11040 English There are currently no results for your test. Please ask your Test Administrator. Student 11040 Spanish Actualmente no hay resultados para esta prueba. Consulte con el administrador de la prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11041 English Want to see an item again? ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 11041 Spanish Felicitaciones, ha finalizado la prueba. Student 11042 English If you would like to see any of the items on this test again click on the item position number below. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 11042 Spanish Llego al fin del examen. Se pueden repasar las respuestas. Cuando termine de repasar sus respuestas, haga clic en [Finalizar prueba]. No puede cambiar sus respuestas después de entregar su prueba. Student 11043 English You have marked questions. Review these questions before submitting your test. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11044 Spanish Algunas preguntas avanzadas basadas en java requieren que los estudiantes realicen un dibujo o completen otro tipo de tarea sin plazo definido. href="https://airpt. tds. airast. org/grid/default. aspx". Haga clic aquí para obtener ejemplos de estas preguntas sin plazo definido. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11045 English There was problem with the system. Please log in again to continue data entry. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 11045 Spanish Se produjo un problema con el sistema. Proporcione este número al Student July 2015 Page | 13 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System administrador de pruebas. 11046 Spanish Volver a la pantalla de inicio de sesión. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11047 Spanish Resultados Student 11047 Spanish Sus resultados Student 11048 Spanish Nombre del estudiante: Student 11049 Spanish ID de estudiante: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11050 Spanish Nombre de la prueba: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11051 English Today's Date: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 11051 Spanish Prueba realizada el: Student 11052 Spanish Éste es su puntaje: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11052 Spanish Su calificación es ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11053 Spanish Cerrar sesión ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11054 Spanish Revisar respuestas ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11055 Spanish Finalizar prueba ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11055 Spanish Enviar prueba para puntaje ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11056 English Please wait while your test is being submitted. Student 11056 Spanish Actualmente se está asignando un puntaje a su prueba. Espere. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11057 Spanish Haga clic aquí para enviar información útil. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11058 Spanish Ayuda ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11059 Spanish Preguntas pasadas/marcadas: ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11060 Spanish Acercar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11061 Spanish Alejar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11062 Spanish Fórmula ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11063 Spanish Tabla Periódica ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11064 Spanish Imprimir ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11066 Spanish Resaltar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11067 Spanish Restablecer resaltado ResponseEntry, July 2015 Page | 14 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System ScoreEntry, Student 11068 Spanish Guardar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11069 Spanish Pausa ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11070 Spanish Volver ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11071 Spanish Siguiente ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11072 English Finished ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 11072 Spanish Terminar prueba Student 11073 Spanish Sí ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11074 Spanish No ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11075 Spanish Cerrar sesión ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11076 Spanish Aceptar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11077 Spanish Espere. . . ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11078 Spanish La prueba de muestra se está imprimiendo… ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11079 Spanish Haga clic en el botón [Imprimir pasaje] para imprimir el pasaje. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11080 Spanish Haga clic aquí para imprimir el pasaje. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11081 Spanish Haga clic aquí para continuar con la prueba. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11082 Spanish Tutoriales ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11083 Spanish Cerrar tutorial ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11084 Spanish Sí ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11085 Spanish No ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11086 Spanish Fórmulas ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11087 Spanish Cerrar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11088 Spanish Tabla Periódica ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11089 Spanish Cerrar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11090 Spanish Guía de ayuda ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student July 2015 Page | 15 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 11091 Spanish Cerrar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11120 Spanish Verificando prueba, espere. . . ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11121 Spanish La prueba está comenzando, espere… ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11122 Spanish Cargando, espere. . . ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11123 Spanish Marcar para revisión ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11124 Spanish Comentario ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11125 Spanish Diga el texto seleccionado ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11126 Spanish Deje de hablar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11127 Spanish Resaltar selección ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11128 Spanish Restablecer resaltado ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11129 Spanish Are you sure you want to pause? ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 11129 Spanish ¿Está seguro de que desea poner la prueba en pausa? Student 11130 Spanish Are you sure you want to pause? ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 11130 Spanish ¿Está seguro de que desea detener la prueba? Si se detiene la prueba por más de {0} minutos, usted quizás no pueda hacer cambios a las preguntas que usted ya ha contestado. Consulte a su administrador de prueba antes de pausar la prueba. Student 11131 Spanish Tutorial ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11132 Spanish Problema ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11133 Spanish Atención ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11134 Spanish Guarde el trabajo antes de enviar una solicitud de impresión. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11135 Spanish Atención ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11136 Spanish Cargando, espere. . . ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11137 Spanish Atención ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11138 Spanish Problema ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11139 Spanish Se produjo un problema con la solicitud de impresión. Inténtelo nuevamente o consulte con el administrador de pruebas. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11140 Spanish Haga clic aquí para enviar información útil. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student July 2015 Page | 16 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 11141 Spanish Para enviar información útil, describa el problema y haga clic en [Sí]. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11142 Spanish Problema ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11143 Spanish Diga la selección ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11144 Spanish Sección oral (en inglés) ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11145 Spanish Diga las preguntas y las opciones ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11146 Spanish Preguntas y opciones orales (en inglés) ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11147 Spanish Deje de hablar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11148 Spanish Diga la pregunta ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11149 Spanish Pregunta oral (en inglés) ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11150 Spanish Diga la opción A ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11151 Spanish Opción oral A (en inglés) ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11152 Spanish Diga la opción B ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11153 Spanish Opción oral B (en inglés) ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11154 Spanish Diga la opción C ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11155 Spanish Opción oral C (en inglés) ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11156 Spanish Diga la opción D ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11157 Spanish Opción oral D (en inglés) ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11158 Spanish Diga la opción E ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11159 Spanish Opción oral E (en inglés) ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11160 Spanish Diga la opción F ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11161 Spanish Opción oral F (en inglés) ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11162 Spanish Diga el pasaje ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11163 Spanish Texto oral (en inglés) ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11164 Spanish Diga la imagen ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student July 2015 Page | 17 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 11165 Spanish Ilustración oral (en inglés) ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11166 Spanish Opción de audio ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11167 Spanish Pregunta de audio ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11168 Spanish Recurso de audio ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11169 Spanish Detener ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11170 Spanish Reproducir ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11171 Spanish Pregunta ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11172 Spanish Opción ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11173 Spanish Detener grabación ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11174 Spanish Detener reproducción de grabación ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11175 Spanish Reproducir grabación ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11176 Spanish Problema ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11177 Spanish Se produjo un problema al conectarse con Internet. Ponga la prueba en pausa e inténtelo nuevamente. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11178 Spanish Escritura ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11179 Spanish ¿Está seguro de que desea cambiar el tema que seleccionó anteriormente? <Sí> <No> ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11180 Spanish Tiempo de espera inactivo ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11181 Spanish Seleccione las ubicaciones de los puntos. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11182 Spanish Seleccione 2 puntos para conectar o presione y arrastre para crear y conectar puntos. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11183 Spanish Seleccione 2 puntos para conectar con una flecha. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11184 Spanish Seleccione 2 puntos para conectar con una flecha doble. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11185 Spanish Seleccione el objeto que desee eliminar. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11186 Spanish Seleccione un punto o borde para agregar valor. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11187 Spanish Seleccione la ubicación de la etiqueta. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11188 Spanish Mueva el objeto a una nueva ubicación y haga clic donde desee colocarlo. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student July 2015 Page | 18 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 11189 Spanish Libere el botón del mouse para soltarlo donde desee colocarlo. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11190 Spanish Libere el botón del mouse para soltarlo donde desee colocarlo. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11191 Spanish Haga clic para soltar el objeto donde desee colocarlo. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11193 English Invalid First and/or Last Name Proctor 11195 English ET Proctor 11197 Spanish Verificar el audio en inglés. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11198 Spanish ¿Escuchaste el audio en inglés? Haz clic en [Sí] o [No]. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11199 Spanish Escuchar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11200 English This text is being read aloud. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11201 Spanish Seleccione el botón verde para probar la configuración de texto a voz. Usted debe escuchar la siguiente frase: "Este texto está leído en voz alta. " Haga clic en [Sí, escuché la voz] si funciona. Si no funciona, haga clic en [No, no escuché la voz]. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11202 Spanish Sí, lo escuché. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11203 Spanish No, no escuché la voz ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11204 Spanish Omitir la verificación de audio en inglés. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11205 Spanish Diagnósticos del texto para decir en español ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11206 Spanish ¿Escuchaste el audio en español? Haz clic en [Sí] o [No]. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11207 Spanish Haga clic para escuchar en español ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11208 Spanish El texto en español se está leyendo en voz alta. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11209 English Click the green button to test your Text-to-Speech settings. You should hear the following phrase read out aloud: “El texto en español se está leyendo en voz alta ”. Click [Yes] below if you heard the voice. Click [No] if you did not. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11210 Spanish Omitir la verificación de audio en español. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11211 Spanish Problema de audio ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11212 Spanish Haga clic en [Reintentar]. Asegúrese de que el sonido de su ordenador no esté en silencio y tratar de ajustar el volumen y el tono. Si usted ha hecho esto, y aún así no escucha el audio, por favor consulte a su administrador de pruebas. No cerrar la sesión a menos que su administrador le indica que lo haga. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11213 Spanish Cerrar session ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11214 Spanish Intentar de nuevo ResponseEntry, July 2015 Page | 19 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System ScoreEntry, Student 11215 Spanish Continuar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11216 Spanish No hay audio en este equipo. Consulta al asistente técnico. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11217 Spanish Texto a voz no está disponible en el navegador y / o la plataforma que está utilizando. Por favor, asegúrese de que está utilizando un navegador seguro apoyado, o un inicio de sesión seguro de Chromebooks. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11218 Spanish Borrar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11219 Spanish Agregar punto ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11220 Spanish Conectar línea ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11221 Spanish Agregar flecha ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11222 Spanish Comenzar prueba ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11223 Spanish Reanudar prueba ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11224 English href="http://demo. tds. airast. org/systemdiagnostic/pages/default. aspx?c=Delaware_P T&url=https://dept. tds. airast. org/student". Run Diagnostics Student 11224 Spanish Realizar diagnóstico ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11225 Spanish Imprimir item ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11226 Spanish Tutorial ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11227 English Data Entry Interface ResponseEntry 11227 English Score Entry Interface ScoreEntry 11227 English Student Training Test Student 11227 English Practice Test Site Student 11227 Spanish Data Entry Interface ResponseEntry 11227 Spanish Score Entry Interface ScoreEntry 11228 English American Institutes for Research, Making Research Relevant ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11228 English Delaware System of Student Assessments ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11229 English Delaware Department of Education 401 Federal Street, Suite #2 Dover, DE 19901-3639 ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11231 Spanish El audio se está reproduciendo o está pausado. Detén el audio antes de navegar hacia otra página. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11232 English You have reached the end of this test. ResponseEntry, ResponseEntry, ResponseEntry 11232 English Please follow the DCAS-Alt1 policy for administering the correct tasks to this student. ScoreEntry July 2015 Page | 20 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 11232 Spanish La prueba se ha finalizado y está lista para entregarse. ScoreEntry, Student 11233 Spanish Aviso ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11234 Spanish ¿Está seguro de que desea finalizar la prueba? ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11235 Spanish Imprimir el artículo ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student English Some advanced java-based test questions require a student to draw a picture, or complete another type of open-ended task. href="https://dept. tds. airast. org/grid/default. aspx?showLangSelect=true" target="_self". Click here for examples of these open-ended questions. The student testing website and the secure browser together have security measures to prevent forbidden applications from being active during a test. href="ProcessList Test3. html". Click here to try the Forbidden Applications Demonstration. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11236 Spanish Algunas preguntas avanzadas basadas en java requieren que los estudiantes realicen un dibujo o completen otro tipo de tarea sin plazo definido. href="https://airpt. tds. airast. org/grid/default. aspx". Haga clic aquí para obtener ejemplos de estas preguntas sin plazo definido. El sitio web de pruebas de estudiantes y el explorador seguro disponen de medidas de seguridad para evitar que se activen aplicaciones prohibidas durante una prueba. href="ProcessList Test3. html". Haga clic aquí para probar la Demostración de aplicaciones prohibidas. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11238 Spanish Leer el texto seleccionado ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11239 Spanish Imprimir ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11240 Spanish Imprimir ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11241 Spanish Se está imprimiendo la prueba de práctica… ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11242 Spanish Haga clic aquí para imprimir el pasaje. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11243 Spanish Texto a voz ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11244 Spanish Sin texto a voz ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11245 Spanish Desmarcar el artículo de revisión ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11246 Spanish Aceptar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11247 Spanish No ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11248 Spanish Sí ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11249 Spanish Espere… ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11250 Spanish Inicializando… ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11251 Spanish Validando prueba ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11252 Spanish fuera de ResponseEntry, 11236 July 2015 Page | 21 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System ScoreEntry, Student 11253 Spanish Braille ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11254 Spanish Calculadora ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11255 Spanish Opciones de colores ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11256 Spanish Tamaño de fuente ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11257 Spanish Tipo de fuente ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11258 Spanish Fórmula ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11259 Spanish Pautas para la revisión ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11260 Spanish Resaltar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11261 Spanish Exclusión de tipos de items ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11262 Spanish Idioma ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11263 Spanish Marcar para la revisión ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11264 Spanish Padres exentos ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11265 Spanish Tabla Periódica ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11266 Spanish Imprimir según solicitud ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11267 English Zoom ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11268 Spanish Tachar ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11269 English Student Comments ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11270 Spanish Tutorial ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11271 Spanish Inglés ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11272 Spanish Español ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11273 English Hawaiian ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11274 Spanish FALSO ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11275 Spanish VERDADERO ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11276 Spanish Ninguno ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student July 2015 Page | 22 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message 11277 Spanish Básico 11278 Spanish Gráfico 11279 Spanish Científico 11280 Spanish Estándar 11281 Spanish Negro sobre blanco 11282 Spanish Azul 11283 Spanish Celeste 11284 Spanish Gris 11285 Spanish Gris claro 11286 Spanish Verde 11287 Spanish Verde claro 11288 Spanish Color invertido 11289 English Black on Rose 11290 Spanish Magenta claro 11291 Spanish Blanco sobre azul marino 11292 Spanish Amarillo 11293 Spanish Amarillo claro 11294 Spanish Amarillo sobre azul 11295 English DE 2 Math 11296 English DE 6-8 Math 11297 English DE 9-10 Math July 2015 System ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Page | 23 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message 11304 English 12pt 11305 English 14pt 11306 Spanish Ninguno 11311 Spanish Sans-Serif (Arial) 11312 Spanish Serif ( Times) 11313 Spanish FALSO 11314 Spanish VERDADERO 11315 Spanish FALSO 11316 Spanish VERDADERO 11317 Spanish Ejercicios de la grilla 11318 Spanish Ejercicios de NL 11319 Spanish Ninguno 11320 Spanish FALSO 11321 Spanish VERDADERO 11322 Spanish FALSO 11323 Spanish VERDADERO 11325 Spanish Artículo 11326 Spanish Pasajes y ejercicios 11327 Spanish Estímulos 11328 Spanish Ninguno 11329 Spanish Más grande 11330 Spanish El mayor 11331 Spanish Normal 11332 Spanish Básico 11333 Spanish Expandido 11334 Spanish H TML 11335 Spanish Ninguno July 2015 System ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Page | 24 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message 11336 Spanish FALSO 11337 Spanish VERDADERO 11338 Spanish FALSO 11339 Spanish VERDADERO 11340 Spanish FALSO 11341 Spanish VERDADERO 11342 English Instructions, Stimuli and Items 11343 Spanish Instrucciones 11344 Spanish Instrucciones y ejercicios 11345 Spanish ítems y estímulos 11346 Spanish Artículos 11347 Spanish Ejercicio y pasaje 11348 Spanish Estímulo 11349 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11350 Spanish Imprimir item 11351 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11352 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11353 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11354 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11355 Spanish Imprimir item 11356 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11357 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11358 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11359 Spanish Expandir todos los ejercicios 11360 Spanish Contraer todos los ejercisios 11361 Spanish Empezar a escribir sobre el ejercicio seleccionado 11362 Spanish Cambiar ejercicio July 2015 System ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 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para Revisar 11377 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11378 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11379 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11380 Spanish Imprimir item 11381 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11382 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11383 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11384 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11385 Spanish Imprimir item 11386 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11387 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11388 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11389 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar July 2015 System ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Page | 26 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message 11390 Spanish Imprimir item 11391 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11392 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11393 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11394 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11395 Spanish Imprimir item 11396 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11397 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11398 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11399 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11400 Spanish Imprimir item 11401 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11402 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11403 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11404 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11405 Spanish Imprimir item 11406 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11407 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11408 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11409 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11410 Spanish Imprimir item 11411 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11412 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11413 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11414 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11415 Spanish Imprimir item 11416 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. July 2015 System ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Page | 27 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message 11417 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11418 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11419 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11420 Spanish Imprimir item 11421 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11422 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11423 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11424 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11425 Spanish Imprimir item 11426 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11427 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11428 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11429 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11430 Spanish Imprimir item 11431 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11432 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11433 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11434 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11435 Spanish Imprimir item 11436 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11437 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11438 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11439 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11440 Spanish Imprimir item 11441 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11442 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11443 Spanish Cerrar Comentario July 2015 System ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Page | 28 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message 11444 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11445 Spanish Imprimir item 11446 Spanish Someter un comentario para este ítem. 11447 Spanish Marcar Item para Revisar 11448 Spanish Cerrar Comentario 11449 Spanish Tutorial 11456 Spanish Si, he oido la voz 11457 Spanish Permitir la selección de texto 11458 Spanish No permitir la selección de texto 11459 Spanish marcado 11460 Spanish Elegir adaptaciones: 11461 Spanish No, no escuché 11462 Spanish Cerrar 11463 Spanish ID de sesión: 11464 Spanish Agregar un comentario a este item 11465 Spanish Hacer clic para expandir 11466 Spanish Hacer clic para cerrar 11467 Spanish Expandir todos los avisos 11468 Spanish Contraer todos los ejercisios. 11469 Spanish Comenzar a escribir en el aviso seleccionado 11470 Spanish Cambiar aviso 11471 Spanish ¿Está seguro que desea cambiar el ejercisio previamente seleccionado? 11472 Spanish 11473 Spanish 11474 Spanish Leer oralmente las instrucciones por escrito 11475 Spanish Comenzar la grabación 11476 Spanish Instrucciones orales (en inglés) July 2015 Error al cargar la calculadora. Entregue este código a su administrador de pruebas. Error al cargar la calculadora. Entregue este código a su administrador de pruebas. System ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Page | 29 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message 11479 Spanish Intentar nuevamente 11480 Spanish Conservar 11481 Spanish Pautas orales de escritura (en inglés) 11482 Spanish Instrucciones orales (en inglés) 11487 Spanish 11488 Spanish 11489 Spanish Buscando la próxima página. 11490 Spanish Cargando el contenido de la página. 11519 Spanish Espere. Recuperando los resultados de la prueba. 11521 Spanish 11522 Spanish 11523 Spanish 11524 Spanish 11525 Spanish Enviar 11526 Spanish Cancelar 11560 Spanish class="no T TS". La función texto a voz no está disponible. 11561 Spanish class="no T TS". La función texto a voz no está disponible. 11562 Spanish La función texto a voz no está disponible. 11563 Spanish Se produjo un error de comunicación con el servidor. Inténtelo de nuevo. 11564 Spanish style="font-weight:bold; ". Es posible que el examen no reciba calificación si: es tan breve que una calificación sería irrelevante, está en blanco, está escrito en otro idioma que no sea inglés, está escrito en forma de poesía o drama, es un plagio de otras fuentes, no corresponde a uno de los temas dados, o contiene blasfemias o violencia gráfica que exceden los estándares habituales de la comunidad respecto a la escritura escolar. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11565 Spanish Cerrar sesión ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11567 English Your browser's cookie for this site is damaged or missing. Please log out and then sign in to create a new test session. Proctor 11570 Spanish No hay más oportunidades para realizar esta prueba. 11571 Spanish No puede realizar esta prueba hasta {0}. 11572 Spanish La oportunidad actual está activa 11573 Spanish Volver a Inicio de Sesión del Estudiante July 2015 System ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student No se encontró un paquete de voz apropiado para el idioma español en este equipo. No se encontró un paquete de voz apropiado para el idioma inglés en este equipo. La solicitud de contenido requiere la autenticación del usuario. Vuelva a conectarse e intente nuevamente. class="has T TS". Seleccione el texto que desea escuchar y haga clic en el botón verde para reproducirlo. class="has T TS". Seleccione el texto que desea escuchar y haga clic en el botón verde para reproducirlo. Seleccione el texto que desea escuchar y haga clic en el botón verde para reproducirlo. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, Page | 30 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System ScoreEntry, Student 11580 English Text-to-Speech Proctor 11581 English Braille Proctor 11582 English Calculator Proctor 11583 English Color Contrast Proctor 11584 English Passage Font Size Proctor 11585 English Font Type Proctor 11586 English Formula Proctor 11587 English Guide for Revision Proctor 11588 English Highlighter Proctor 11589 English Item Types Exclusion Proctor 11590 English Language Proctor 11591 English Mark for Review Proctor 11592 English Parent Exempt Proctor 11593 English Periodic Table Proctor 11594 English Print on Demand Proctor 11595 English Zoom Proctor 11595 English Zoom Proctor 11596 English Strikethrough Proctor 11597 English Student Comments Proctor 11598 English Item Tutorials Proctor 11599 English Segment approval required Proctor 11600 English Exit segment approval required Proctor 11605 English Segment settings for Proctor 11606 English Approve this student to continue to the next segment? Proctor 11607 English Confirm that you approve all {0} of these students to begin or resume their tests. Proctor 11608 English Note: Some test settings cannot be changed once the student has been approved. Proctor 11609 English At least one accommodation must be selected. Proctor 11610 English Selecting this test setting will override another test setting already identified for this student. To continue, click [Select]. To undo your selection, click [Cancel]. Proctor 11611 Spanish Tipo de Braille 11612 Spanish Grabar en relieve 11613 Spanish Tipo de solicitud de relieve 11614 Spanish Probador desconectado 11615 Spanish Suprimir puntuación 11616 Spanish Reglas de Negocio T TX 11617 Spanish Braille sin contracciones 11618 Spanish Braille contratado July 2015 ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, Page | 31 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System ScoreEntry, Student 11619 Spanish Nemeth 11620 Spanish No aplicable 11621 Spanish Item 11622 Spanish Estímulo 11623 Spanish Ninguno 11624 Spanish Auto-solicitud 11625 Spanish Por demanda 11626 Spanish No aplicable 11627 Spanish Verdana 11628 Spanish No 11629 Spanish Sí 11630 Spanish No se aplicó ningún zoom predeterminado 11631 Spanish Nivel 1 11632 Spanish Nivel 2 11633 Spanish Nivel 3 11634 Spanish Nivel 4 11635 Spanish Menú desplegable 11636 Spanish Bloc de notas 11637 Spanish Área de texto 11638 Spanish Mostrarle la puntuación al estudiante 11639 Spanish No mostrarle la puntuación al estudiante 11640 Spanish Leer tal cual 11641 English A202 11642 English A203 11643 English A204 11644 English A205 11645 English Braille Type July 2015 ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor Page | 32 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 11646 English Emboss Proctor 11647 English Emboss Request Type Proctor 11648 English Offline Tester Proctor 11649 English Suppress Score Proctor 11650 English T TX Business Rules Proctor You are now leaving the TA Interface Practice and Training Site. By clicking [Exit], your test session and all in-progress tests will be paused. You may click [Return] to remain on the TA Interface and Training Site to continue without any test disruption. You are now leaving the TA Interface Training Site. By clicking [Exit], your test session and all in-progress tests will be paused. You may click [Return] to remain on the TA Interface Training Site to continue without any test disruption. 11651 English 11651 English 11652 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/mn_5_math. html 11653 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/mn_6_math. html 11654 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/mn_7_math. html 11655 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/mn_8_math. html 11656 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/mn_11_math. html 11657 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/mn_GRAD_math. html 11658 Spanish Seleccionar una opción de la lista para revisar. 11660 Spanish ¿Estás seguro de que quieres enviar la prueba? Student 11661 English Are you sure you're done reviewing this test? ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 11662 Spanish Cerrar Sesión Student 11663 Spanish Cerrar sesión ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 11664 Spanish Cerrar Sesión Student 11665 Spanish Cerrar sesión 11666 English Sign In 11667 English Please enter your user name and password to use this Score / Response Entry interface. You need to be authorized to use this. 11668 English Username 11669 English Password 11670 English Sign In 11671 English Task 11672 English 11672 Spanish 11673 Spanish July 2015 Proctor ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student style="display:none". href="https://air. tds. airast. org/test_student/default. aspx". Go to student site instead. style="display:none". href="https://air. tds. airast. org/test_scoreentry/repLogin. aspx?CSS=AIRDataEntry". en vez ir al sitio de puntuación. Acceso denegado Proctor ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Student ResponseEntry, Page | 33 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Proctor 11674 Spanish {silence}Opción A. {silence} 11675 Spanish {silence}Opción B. {silence} 11676 Spanish {silence}Opción C. {silence} 11677 Spanish {silence}Opción D. {silence} 11678 Spanish {silence}Opción E. {silence} 11679 Spanish {silence}Opción F. {silence} 11680 Spanish {silence}Option A. {silence} 11681 Spanish {silence}Option B. {silence} 11682 Spanish {silence}Option C. {silence} 11683 Spanish {silence}Option D. {silence} 11684 Spanish {silence}Option E. {silence} 11685 Spanish {silence}Option F. {silence} 11686 Spanish Se produjo un problema con el sistema se cerrará la sesión. 11687 Spanish Esperando la siguiente página. 11688 Spanish Cargando el contenido de la página. 11689 English Waiting on TA approval for segment two. 11689 Spanish Esperando la aprobación del segmento. 11689 Spanish Se espera la aprobación del administrador de la prueba para seguir con el segmento dos. 11690 Spanish Seleccionar [Sí] para volver a intentarlo o [No] para cerrar la sesión. 11691 Spanish Se detectó un problema al procesar la solicitud. Se cerrará tu sesión. 11692 Spanish Reproducir instrucciones 11693 Spanish página 11694 English Logging you out and closing the browser. 11695 English SSID Proctor 11697 English TA Interface Proctor 11697 English TA Interface Practice and Training Site Proctor 11697 English TA Interface Training Site Proctor 11698 English Student ID ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student July 2015 Page | 34 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message 11698 Spanish SSID 11699 English Student ID 11699 Spanish SSID 11700 English Student ID 11700 Spanish SSID 11701 English https://tds. airws. org/tdscore_test_student 11702 Spanish Comenzar a hablar 11703 Spanish Pruebas: 11705 Spanish Someter y cerrar 11706 Spanish Seleccione una prueba de la lista desplegable. 11707 Spanish Ha seleccionado la prueba incorrecta. 11708 Spanish El navegador seguro equivocado está instalado en este equipo. Informe a su administrador de pruebas. Por ahora, tiene que utilizar otro ordenador. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11709 English Accommodation Codes Proctor 11713 Spanish Tabla Periódica 11714 Spanish Volver 11715 Spanish Enviar 11724 Spanish Enviar 11725 Spanish El navegador que está utilizando fue lanzado recientemente, y AIR no ha terminado de probar su compatibilidad con este sistema. Puede seguir utilizando este navegador si decide hacerlo, sin embargo, existe la posibilidad de que algunas características no funcionen correctamente. 11727 Spanish Seleccionar 11731 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/de_eoc2. html 11732 English DE EOC2 Math 11734 English You have reached the END of segment one: 11734 Spanish Usted ha llegado al final de este segmento: 11734 Spanish Ha llegado al FINAL del segmento uno: English You have reached the end of segment one. You may pause your test or continue testing. Two test sessions: If you are taking this test in two or more sessions, click the [Pause] button or ask your Test Administrator to pause the test. One test session: If you are completing this test now, click the [Next] button. Your TA will approve you to begin the next segment. Please review your answers before you continue testing by clicking on the question number to the left. You will not 11735 July 2015 System ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Page | 35 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System be able to come back to these questions later. Please review your answers before you continue testing. You style="fontweight:bold;". will not be able to come back to these questions later. Click on a question number below to review it. Ha llegado al FINAL del segmento uno. Puede pausar la prueba o continuar. Dos sesiones de la prueba: si usted presenta esta prueba en dos o más sesiones, haga clic en el botón [Pausa] o pida al administrador de la prueba que pause la prueba. Una sesión de la prueba: si usted va a terminar la prueba ahora, haga clic en el botón [Siguiente]. El administrador de la prueba le permitirá continuar con el siguiente segmento. Revise sus respuestas antes de continuar con la prueba haciendo clic en el número de la pregunta a la izquierda. No podrá regresar a estas preguntas después. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11735 English 11735 Spanish 11736 Spanish 11737 Spanish 11738 Spanish 11739 Spanish 11740 Spanish 11741 Spanish 11742 Spanish 11743 Spanish 11744 Spanish 11745 English Help Proctor 11746 English Please Log In Proctor 11747 English Username: Proctor 11748 English Password: Proctor 11749 English Refresh Proctor 11750 English Sign In Proctor 11751 English User Name Required Proctor 11752 English Password Required Proctor 11753 English Problem authenticating user. Proctor 11754 English Alerts Proctor 11755 English Log Out Proctor 11756 English Logged in as: Proctor 11757 English Session ID Proctor 11758 English Start Session Proctor July 2015 ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Preguntas: (Nota: Las estimaciones de rendimiento incluyen la sobrecarga de cifrado/descifrado para la transferencia de datos. Las estimaciones de rendimiento cambian a medida que las condiciones de la red cambian y pueden variar de una ejecución a otra. ) No se puede completar el análisis. Por favor, contactar el puesto de informaciones. Dada la carga actual en el sistema, no puede probar con éxito el número requerido de estudiantes en este sitio. Por favor, intente un número cercano a {0}. Dada la carga actual en el sistema, es poco probable que se pruebe con éxito el número requerido de estudiantes en este sitio. Algunos estudiantes pueden sufrir interrupciones o demoras. Por favor, intente un número cercano a {0}. Dada la carga actual en su sistema, usted debe ser capaz de probar el número solicitado de estudiantes en este sitio. Usted está cerca de su capacidad para esta localidad. Dada la carga actual en su sistema, usted debe ser capaz de probar el número solicitado de estudiantes en este sitio. Usted no ha registrado una respuesta a uno o más elementos en esta página. Sí esto es correcto, haga clic en [Sí] para pasar a la página siguiente. Si no es correcto, haga clic en [No] para permanecer en esta página. Su equipo tiene "Espacios" habilitados. Esta función debe ser desactivada antes de iniciar la sesión Por favor, consulte con su administrador de pruebas para obtener ayuda. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Page | 36 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 11759 English Stop Session Proctor 11760 English Tests Proctor 11761 English Student Lookup Proctor 11762 English Print Proctor 11763 English Refresh Now Proctor 11764 English Approvals Proctor 11765 English Sort By: Proctor 11766 English Grade Proctor 11767 English Subject Proctor 11768 English Select All Proctor 11769 English Practice Tests Proctor 11770 English Student Name Proctor 11771 English Test Proctor 11772 English Instructions class="notButton". - Click to expand/collapse Proctor 11773 English Students in Session Proctor 11774 English Approved Requests Proctor 11775 English Approve All Students Proctor 11776 English Refresh Proctor 11777 English Done Proctor 11778 English Return Proctor 11779 English Exit Proctor 11780 English Submit SSID Proctor 11781 English Search Results Proctor 11782 English Alerts Proctor 11783 English Close Proctor 11785 English Approved Requests Proctor 11786 English Done Proctor 11788 English Test Proctor 11789 English Request Proctor 11790 English Question # Proctor 11791 English Approved On Proctor 11792 English TDS Login Proctor 11794 English Requests Proctor 11795 English #NAME? Proctor 11796 English #NAME? Proctor 11797 English Hide/Show Columns Proctor 11799 English Opp # Proctor 11800 English Test Settings Proctor 11801 English Student Status Proctor 11802 English Pause Test Proctor 11803 English Details Proctor 11804 English Set & Approve Proctor July 2015 Page | 37 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 11805 English Set Proctor 11806 English Deny Proctor 11807 English Cancel Proctor 11808 English Important! Proctor 11809 English Click [OK] to acknowledge and close this box. To see this and any previous messages again, click on the icon next to the log out button. Proctor 11810 English OK Proctor 11811 English Please Enter Session ID: Proctor 11812 English Activate Proctor 11814 English Please Wait Proctor 11815 English Close Proctor 11816 English Details for: Proctor 11817 English This application works best in portrait orientation. Please rotate your device so that it is vertical. Proctor 11818 English Close Proctor 11819 English Search: Proctor 11820 English 1. Enter Search Parameters Proctor 11821 English All Grades Proctor 11822 English First Name Proctor 11823 English Last Name Proctor 11824 English Enter a First Name Proctor 11825 English Enter a Last Name Proctor 11826 English Search Proctor 11827 English 2. Search Results Proctor 11828 English More Info Proctor 11829 English Grade Proctor 11830 English 3. Student Details Proctor 11831 English Requests Proctor 11832 English Close Proctor 11833 English Student Print Request(s) For: Proctor 11834 English Name Proctor 11835 English New Requests Proctor 11836 English Date & Time of Request Proctor 11837 English Reason for Denial (optional): Proctor 11838 English Action Proctor 11839 English See Details Proctor 11841 English Custom Settings Proctor 11842 English Standard Settings Proctor 11843 English See/Edit Details Proctor 11844 English Approve Proctor 11845 English Important! Proctor 11846 English Pause Proctor 11847 English Select Proctor July 2015 Page | 38 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 11848 English Yes Proctor 11849 English No Proctor 11850 English Exit Proctor 11851 English Return Proctor 11852 English Log Back In? Proctor 11853 English Enter Proctor 11854 English Quick Search Proctor 11855 English Advanced Search Proctor 11859 English Item for Proctor 11860 English Passage for Proctor 11862 Spanish Volumen 11863 Spanish Tono 11864 English Graphic-Response 11864 English Graphic-Response 11865 Spanish ¿Está seguro de que desea cerrar la sesión? 11866 Spanish Simulación 11867 Spanish Constructor de palabras 11868 Spanish Lenguaje natural 11869 Spanish Entrada de resultados 11870 Spanish Texto ampliable 11871 Spanish Ecuación 11872 Spanish Haga una pausa 11873 Spanish Continúe hablando 11874 Spanish No aplicable 11875 English 11875 Spanish 11875 Spanish 11876 Spanish 11876 Spanish 11877 Spanish July 2015 Congratulations on finishing your test! After reviewing your responses click the [Log Out] button to exit. Felicidades por terminar su prueba! Después de revisar sus respuestas, haga clic en el botón de finalizar la prueba para cerrar la sesión. ¡Felicidades por terminar la prueba! Después de revisar sus respuestas haga clic en el botón [Resultados de la prueba] para cerrar la sesión. Usted no puede pausar la prueba hasta que se contesten todas las preguntas en esta página. Pausar está temporalmente desactivado. Algunas preguntas de esta página todavía requieren una respuesta. Por favor espere a que la simulación se termine antes de guardar su respuesta. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, Student, ResponseEntry ScoreEntry, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Page | 39 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 11879 Spanish Por favor espere a que la simulación se termine antes de continuar. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11881 Spanish 11882 Spanish 11883 Spanish 11883 Spanish 11884 Spanish No hay pruebas disponibles en este momento. 11885 Spanish Utilice los controles deslizantes para ajustar el tono y el volumen. Usted no será capaz de cambiar esta configuración una vez que comience la prueba. 11885 Spanish Oportunidad {0} de {1} 11886 English You intend to enter more data for student {0},{1} with SSID {2} 11886 Spanish Proporción Student 11887 English Enter More Data for This Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 11887 Spanish Utilizar los valores predeterminados del sistema Student 11888 Spanish Configuración de sonido Student 11889 Spanish Seleccione un paquete de voz Student 11890 Spanish Paquete de voz actual Student 11891 Spanish Pantalla diagnóstica Student 11892 English 11892 Spanish 11893 Spanish Agente de Usuario: Student 11894 Spanish Plataforma: Student 11895 Spanish Navegador: Student 11896 Spanish Tipo: Student 11897 English Version: Student 11898 Spanish Versión mayor: Student 11899 Spanish Versión menor: Student 11900 Spanish Preferencias de navegador: Student 11901 Spanish Dirección IP: Student 11902 Spanish Su sistema operativo: Student 11903 English Your Browser Version: Student 11904 Spanish Navegador seguro: Student 11905 Spanish Diagnósticos de la red: Student 11906 Spanish Seleccione una prueba Student 11907 Spanish Por favor seleccione una prueba Student July 2015 Esta acción borrará todos los datos para este artículo. ¿Está seguro que desea continuar? Haga clic en [Sí] para borrar los datos para este artículo. Haga clic en [No] para cancelar esta acción. Usted no puede dejar este segmento hasta que todas las preguntas requeridas han sido contestadas. No se puede regresar a esta parte de la prueba. ¿Está seguro que desea continuar? No puede regresar a esta parte del examen. ¿Está seguro de que quiere continuar? This page allows you to check thecurrent bandwidth of your network. Click [Run Network Diagnostics Tests] to begin. Esta página le permite comprobar el ancho de bandaactual de su red. Seleccione una prueba de la lista desplegable e ingrese el número máximo de alumnos que puedan participar a la vez, entonces haga clic en [Ejecutar diagnósticos de red]. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry Student Student Page | 40 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 11908 Spanish Ingrese el número total de estudiantes que le gustaría ensayar a la vez: Student 11909 Spanish Ingrese el número total de estudiantes que le gustaría ensayar a la vez: Student 11910 Spanish Resultados de descarga: Student 11911 Spanish Resultados de cargue: Student 11912 Spanish Resumen del ancho de banda: Student 11913 Spanish Versión de Flash: Student 11914 Spanish Cargando … Student 11915 Spanish (versión 10 o superior requerida) Student 11916 Spanish Versión JRE: Student 11917 Spanish (versión 1. 4 o superior requerida) Student 11918 Spanish Ejecutar diagnósticos de red Student 11919 Spanish Volver a inicio Student 11921 Spanish Compruebe de texto a voz Student 11922 Spanish Gris mediano sobre gris claro Proctor, ScoreEntry, Student 11923 Spanish Su solicitud de continuar con el siguiente segmento ha sido rechazada. Ahora se cerrará la sesión. Student 11924 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/air_HS_math. html ScoreEntry, Student 11925 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/air_6_8_math. html ScoreEntry, Student 11926 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/air_3_5_math. html ScoreEntry, Student 11927 Spanish Resultados de la prueba Student 11928 Spanish Debe continuar la prueba en el mismo tipo de sesión en cual usted comenzo. 11930 Spanish Preguntas: 11945 Spanish Bloc de notas Student 11946 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/hi_Alg_EOC. html Student 11947 Spanish Glosario español Student 11948 English {silence}Option A. {silence} Student 11949 English {silence}Option B. {silence} Student 11950 English {silence}Option C. {silence} Student 11951 English {silence}Option D. {silence} Student 11952 English {silence}Option E. {silence} Student 11953 English {silence}Option F. {silence} Student 11954 Spanish {silence}Opción A. {silence} Student 11955 Spanish {silence}Opción B. {silence} Student 11956 Spanish {silence}Opción C. {silence} Student 11957 Spanish {silence}Opción D. {silence} Student 11958 Spanish {silence}Opción E. {silence} Student 11959 Spanish {silence}Opción F. {silence} Student 11960 Spanish El sonido no se ha inicializado correctamente. ¿Quieres intentarlo de nuevo? Student 11961 Spanish Ocurrió un error al iniciar la sesión. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo o consulte con su Administrador de Pruebas. Student 11962 Spanish Glosario ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student July 2015 ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Page | 41 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language 11963 Spanish 11964 Spanish 11965 Spanish lector de línea Student 11965 Spanish Plug-in de grabadaora no instalado Student 11966 Spanish Notas Student 11966 Spanish La grabadora requiere un plug-in cuando se utiliza el navegador Firefox. Usted puede utilizar el navegador seguro en lugar de Firefox para acceder al comprobar de sonido y el comprobador de la grabadora. Student 11967 English American Sign Language ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11968 English Thesaurus Student 11970 English You cannot take this test with this browser. Student 11971 English There is no match for the SSID you entered. Proctor 11974 English . . /tools/periodic/2010/periodic_standard. html ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 11979 English Arabic Glossary Student 11980 English Vietnamese Glossary Student 11981 English Cantonese Glossary Student 11982 English Mandarin Glossary Student 11983 English Tagal Glossary Student 11984 English Russian Glossary Student 11985 English Korean Glossary Student 11986 English Punjabi Glossary Student 11987 English Ukrainian Glossary Student 11988 English 11989 English 11990 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/ut_hs_science. html 11992 English Please enter the password to exit fullscreen mode: 11993 English M102 11994 English M101 11995 English {silence} {silence} Student 11996 English {silence} {silence} Student 11997 English {silence} {silence} Student 11998 English {silence} {silence} Student 11999 English {silence} {silence} Student 12000 English {silence} {silence} Student July 2015 Message System Acceso Guiado no está activado. Por favor notifique a su administrador. (Antes de activar Acceso Guiado, compruebe el volumen de su iPad para asegurarse de que se puede escuchar el audio. ) Advertencia: No se puede ajustar el volumen de su iPad durante la prueba. Si necesita ajustar el volumen, por favor apague Acceso Guiado. Ajuste el volumen con los botones de control de volumen en el iPad y, entonces, activar Acceso Guiado. Si usted necesita ayuda, por favor, consulte a su administrador. Your browser cannot support printing of items or passages. Please switch to a different browser to approve print requests. Your browser may not display items or passages correctly. Please switch to a different browser if they do not print correctly. Student Student Proctor Proctor Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Page | 42 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 12001 English {silence} {silence} Student 12002 English {silence} {silence} Student 12003 English {silence} {silence} Student 12004 English {silence} {silence} Student 12005 English {silence} {silence} Student 12006 English {silence} {silence} Student 12007 English {silence} {silence} Student 12008 English {silence} {silence} Student 12009 English {silence} {silence} Student 12010 English {silence} {silence} Student 12011 English {silence} {silence} Student 12012 English {silence} {silence} Student 12013 English {silence} {silence} Student 12014 English {silence} {silence} Student 12015 English English Proctor 12016 English Speak Part A Option A Student 12017 English Speak Part A Option B Student 12018 English Speak Part A Option C Student 12019 English Speak Part A Option D Student 12020 English Speak Part A Option E Student 12021 English Speak Part A Option F Student 12022 English Speak Part A Option A Student 12023 English Speak Part A Option B Student 12024 English Speak Part A Option C Student 12025 English Speak Part A Option D Student 12026 English Speak Part A Option E Student 12027 English Speak Part A Option F Student 12028 English Speak Part B Option A Student 12029 English Speak Part B Option B Student 12030 English Speak Part B Option C Student 12031 English Speak Part B Option D Student 12032 English Speak Part B Option E Student 12033 English Speak Part B Option F Student 12034 English Speak Part B Option A Student 12035 English Speak Part B Option B Student 12036 English Speak Part B Option C Student 12037 English Speak Part B Option D Student 12038 English Speak Part B Option E Student 12039 English Speak Part B Option F Student 12040 English U101 Student 12041 English U101 Proctor 12042 English U102 Student July 2015 Page | 43 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 12043 English U102 Proctor 12043 English American Sign Language Proctor 12044 English American Sign Language Student 12045 English Off Student 12046 English Off Proctor 12047 English Part A 12048 English Part B 12049 English Part C 12051 English Off 12052 English On 12053 English Voice Guidance 12054 Spanish {silence}Parte A. {silence} 12055 Spanish {silence}Parte B. {silence} 12056 English {silence}Part C. {silence} 12057 English {silence}Part D. {silence} 12058 English {silence}Part E. {silence} 12059 English {silence}Part F. {silence} 12060 English This cell only accepts alpha characters A through Z. Student 12061 English This cell only accepts valid numerical data. Student 12062 English This cell only accepts alphanumerical data. Student 12063 English This cell accepts any type of input. Student 12064 English Speak Selection Student 12065 English Speak Option A Student 12066 English Speak Option B Student 12068 English Speak Option C Student 12069 English Speak Option D Student 12070 English Speak Option E Student 12071 English Speak Option F Student 12072 English Speak Passage Student 12073 English Speak Image Student 12074 English Speak Instructions Student 12075 English Speak Writing Prompt Student 12076 English Speak Option A Student July 2015 ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry Proctor, ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Page | 44 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 12077 English Speak Option B Student 12078 English Speak Option C Student 12079 English Speak Option D Student 12080 English Speak Option E Student 12081 English Speak Option F Student 12082 English Speak Part A Option A Student 12083 English Speak Part A Option B Student 12084 English Speak Part A Option C Student 12085 English Speak Part A Option D Student 12086 English Speak Part A Option E Student 12087 English Speak Part A Option F Student 12088 English Speak Part B Option A Student 12089 English Speak Part B Option B Student 12090 English Speak Part B Option C Student 12091 English Speak Part B Option D Student 12092 English Speak Part B Option E Student 12093 English Speak Part B Option F Student 12094 Spanish {silence}Opción A. {silence} Student 12095 Spanish {silence}Opción B. {silence} Student 12096 Spanish {silence}Opción C. {silence} Student 12097 Spanish {silence}Opción D. {silence} Student 12098 Spanish {silence}Opción E. {silence} Student 12099 Spanish {silence}Opción F. {silence} Student 12100 Spanish {silence} {silence} Student 12101 Spanish {silence} {silence} Student 12102 Spanish {silence} {silence} Student 12103 Spanish {silence} {silence} Student 12104 Spanish {silence} {silence} Student 12105 Spanish {silence} {silence} Student 12106 Spanish {silence} {silence} Student 12107 Spanish {silence} {silence} Student 12108 Spanish {silence} {silence} Student 12109 Spanish {silence} {silence} Student 12110 Spanish Hable la Selection Student 12111 Spanish Hable la Opción A Student 12112 Spanish Hable la Opción B Student 12113 Spanish Hable la Opción C Student 12114 Spanish Hable la Opción D Student 12115 Spanish Hable la Opción E Student 12116 Spanish Hable la Opción F Student 12117 Spanish Hable la Passage Student 12118 Spanish Hable la Image Student July 2015 Page | 45 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 12119 Spanish Hable la Instructions Student 12120 Spanish Hable la Writing Prompt Student 12121 Spanish Hable la Opción A Student 12122 Spanish Hable la Opción B Student 12123 Spanish Hable la Opción C Student 12124 Spanish Hable la Opción D Student 12125 Spanish Hable la Opción E Student 12126 Spanish Hable la Opción F Student 12127 Spanish Hable la Part A Opción A Student 12128 Spanish Hable la Part A Opción B Student 12129 Spanish Hable la Part A Opción C Student 12130 Spanish Hable la Part A Opción D Student 12131 Spanish Hable la Part A Opción E Student 12132 Spanish Hable la Part A Opción F Student 12133 Spanish Hable la Part B Opción A Student 12134 Spanish Hable la Part B Opción B Student 12135 Spanish Hable la Part B Opción C Student 12136 Spanish Hable la Part B Opción D Student 12137 Spanish Hable la Part B Opción E Student 12138 Spanish Hable la Part A Opción F Student 12139 English Speak Question Student 12140 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/ut_hs_pt. html Student 12147 English Scoring Guide Student 12148 English Scoring Guide Student 12149 English Speak Option A Student 12150 English Speak Option B Student 12151 English Speak Option C Student 12152 English Speak Option D Student 12153 English Speak Option E Student 12154 English Speak Option F Student 12155 English Speak Passage Student 12156 English Speak Image Student 12157 English Speak Instructions Student 12158 English Speak Writing Prompt Student 12159 English Speak Option A Student 12160 English Speak Option B Student 12161 English Speak Option C Student 12162 English Speak Option D Student 12163 English Speak Option E Student 12164 English Speak Option F Student 12165 English Speak Part A Option A Student 12166 English Speak Part A Option B Student July 2015 Page | 46 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 12167 English Speak Part A Option C Student 12168 English Speak Part A Option D Student 12169 English Speak Part A Option E Student 12170 English Speak Part A Option F Student 12171 English Speak Part B Option A Student 12172 English Speak Part B Option B Student 12173 English Speak Part B Option C Student 12174 English Speak Part B Option D Student 12175 English Speak Part B Option E Student 12176 English Speak Part B Option F Student 12177 English Speak This Option Student 12178 English Speak This Option Student 12179 English Speak This Option Student 12180 English Speak This Option Student 12181 English Speak This Option Student 12182 English Speak This Option Student 12183 English Speak This Option Student 12184 English Speak This Option Student 12185 English Speak This Option Student 12186 English Speak This Option Student 12187 English Speak This Option Student 12188 English Speak This Option Student 12189 English Speak This Option for Part A Student 12190 English Speak This Option for Part A Student 12191 English Speak This Option for Part A Student 12192 English Speak This Option for Part A Student 12193 English Speak This Option for Part A Student 12194 English Speak This Option for Part A Student 12195 English Speak This Option for Part B Student 12196 English Speak This Option for Part B Student 12197 English Speak This Option for Part B Student 12198 English Speak This Option for Part B Student 12199 English Speak This Option for Part B Student 12200 English Speak This Option for Part B Student 12201 English Enter a number between 1 and 100 to define the number of rows. Student 12202 English Enter a number between 1 and 10 to define the number of columns. Student 12203 Spanish Ajuste sistema Student 12204 English Search Results Student 12205 English The password you entered is incorrect. To open the navigation bar, enter the correct password. Student 12206 English Speak Option A Student 12207 English Speak Option B Student July 2015 Page | 47 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 12208 English Speak Option C Student 12209 English Speak Option D Student 12210 English Speak Option E Student 12211 English Speak Option F Student 12212 Spanish Hable la Pregunta Student 12213 English Dictionary Student 12214 English Dictionary Student 12215 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/mo_alg1. html Student 12216 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/mo_alg2. html Student 12217 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/mo_geo. html Student 12218 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/mo_eoc_math. html Student The table height you have entered is invalid. You may enter a number in pixels (e. g. , 300) or a percentage (e. g. , 100%). You may also choose to leave the height value blank. If you leave the value blank, the browser will automatically adjust the table size. The table width you have entered is invalid. You may enter a number in pixels (e. g. , 300) or a percentage (e. g. , 100%). You may also choose to leave the width value blank. If you leave the value blank, the browser will automatically adjust the table size. 12219 English 12220 English 12221 English Speak Question - In Spanish Student 12222 English Print Page Student 12223 Spanish No opciones disponibles Student 12224 English Item Response Reset ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 12225 English Print Page Student 12226 English Open Guide for Revision Student 12227 English Recording Input Device Selection Student 12228 English Finding recording input devices, please wait. Student 12229 English Please speak and select the recording input device which best detects your voice, and then click [Yes]. If there are no devices, or if none of the devices detects your voice, click [Problem (No)]. Student 12230 Spanish Agregar círculo Student 12231 Spanish Conectar guión Student 12232 English Problem Recording Audio Student 12233 English There appears to be a problem with recording audio on this device. You try a different recording device by clicking [Select New Recording Device] below. If you’d like to try again with the current device click [Try Again]. Student 12234 English Select New Recording Device Student 12235 English Select question(s) to review: Student 12236 English Please review your unanswered questions before submitting the test. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 12236 English Translations (Glossaries) Student 12237 English Translations (Glossaries) Proctor 12237 English This browser is running on virtualization software that is not approved for secure testing. Student 12238 English Speak Option Student 12240 English Volume Student July 2015 Student Student Page | 48 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 12240 English Record your response. Student 12241 English Type your response. Student 12242 English Reorder text. Student 12243 English Multiple select - choose one or more response. Student 12244 English Rich text editor - type your response. Student 12245 English Grid Item. Student 12246 English Grid Item. Student 12247 English Select text. Student 12248 English Reorder text. Student 12249 English Select text. Student 12250 English Drag and drop. Student 12251 English Drag and drop. Student 12252 English Table of check boxes. Student 12253 English Simulator item. Student 12254 English Math response. Student 12255 English Math response. Student 12256 English Edit text. Student 12257 English Scratchpad. Student 12258 English Choose a response. Student 12259 English Fill in the table. Student 12260 English Multiple choice. Student 12261 English Two part multiple choice and/or multiple select. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 12262 English Fill in the blank. Student 12263 English Type your response. Student 12264 English Masking Student 12264 Spanish Encubrir Student 12265 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_math_4. html Student 12266 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_math_5. html Student 12267 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_math_6. html Student 12268 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_math_7. html Student 12269 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_math_8. html Student 12270 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_math_eoc_algebra1. html Student 12271 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_math_eoc_algebra2. html Student 12272 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_math_eoc_geometry. html Student 12273 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_math_5-6. html Student 12274 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_math_7-8. html Student 12275 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_math_eoc_all. html Student 12276 English Item Response Reset Student 12277 English Item Response Reset Student 12278 English You are leaving the current segment. Are you sure that you want to do this? Student 12279 English Animation alt text not found. Student July 2015 Page | 49 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language 12280 English 12281 English 12282 English Enter Data for a Different Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 12283 English This test environment is not secure. If you're using an iPad please make sure it is in Guided Access or ASAM. If you're using a desktop this means that some other application has taken focus away from the secure browser. Student 12284 English Please choose the appropriate test grade. 12286 English Next 12287 English Log Out 12289 English I'm done here 12289 English Submit Test 12290 English Done Reviewing Assessment 12290 English Test Successfully Submitted 12290 Spanish Sus resultados 12290 Spanish Entregó el examen satisfactoriamente. 12291 English Test Reviewed As: 12292 English href="http://de. portal. airast. org/resources/?section=3" target="_blank" class="downloadguide". Access the TA User Guide Proctor 12300 English Log Out ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 12301 English Required: Question Number Student 12302 English Question Number Student 12303 English Log Out ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry 12304 English SSID: Student 12305 English One or more sessions are already open with this account. You may do one of three things: 1. ) To administer an already active session on this device enter your session ID in the box below and click [Enter]. The device which is already hosting the session will be locked out and this will be the only device which can oversee the session. This action will be invisible to all the students who may be in your session and will not interrupt any ongoing testing. 2. ) If you are unsure of your sessionID or you believe this may be an error click [Start a Different Session]. This will create a new test session. Any students testing under the old sessionID will not be interrupted, but they will need to re-login under this session if you are overseeing their session on this device. 3. ) Click the [Logout] button to log out of this device. Ongoing test sessions will not be interrupted. Proctor 12306 English Please choose the institution for which you will be administering this test session. Proctor 12307 English Click here to choose Proctor 12309 English You must answer all questions on this page before moving to the next page. (You may have to scroll down to see all questions. ) Question(s) that still require an answer: {0}. Student July 2015 Message System This image is a placeholder for the animation. Start a new trial to view the animation. To add a special character to your response, select the appropriate character below Student Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry Page | 50 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 12310 English You are deleting a lot of text from your answer. Are you sure you want to do this? ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 12311 English American Sign Language Proctor 12312 English Streamline Student 12313 English Survey Question(s) 12314 English This is a survey. Opt-in: <Yes> <No> 12315 English A response to the survey question(s) is required. 12317 English Expandable Passages Off Student 12318 English Expandable Passages On Student 12319 English {silence}Option G. {silence} Student 12320 English {silence}Option H. {silence} Student 12321 English {silence}Option I. {silence} Student 12322 English {silence}Option J. {silence} Student 12323 English {silence}Option K. {silence} Student 12324 English {silence}Option L. {silence} Student 12325 Spanish {silence}Opción G. {silence} Student 12326 Spanish {silence}Opción H. {silence} Student 12327 Spanish {silence}Opción I. {silence} Student 12328 Spanish {silence}Opción J. {silence} Student 12329 Spanish {silence}Opción K. {silence} Student 12330 Spanish {silence}Opción L. {silence} Student 12331 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_4. html Student 12332 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_5. html Student 12333 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_6. html Student 12334 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_7. html Student 12335 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_8. html Student 12336 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_eoc_algebra1. html Student 12337 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_eoc_algebra2. html Student 12338 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_eoc_geometry. html Student 12339 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_4. html ResponseEntry 12340 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_5. html ResponseEntry 12341 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_6. html ResponseEntry 12342 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_7. html ResponseEntry 12343 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_8. html ResponseEntry 12344 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_eoc_algebra1. html ResponseEntry 12345 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_eoc_algebra2. html ResponseEntry 12346 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/fl_op_math_eoc_geometry. html ResponseEntry 12347 English . . /tools/formulas/2010/wv_7-9_science. html Student 12348 English Glossary Student 12349 English Spanish Glossary Student July 2015 ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student Page | 51 DeSSA Online Error Messages 2015-2016 Message ID Language Message System 12350 English This site requires popups to work properly. Please disable your popup blocker for this site, then click [Try again]. ResponseEntry, ScoreEntry, Student 12352 English Pause Test Student 12353 English Pause Test ResponseEntry Are you sure you want to pause the test? If you pause your test for more than {0} minutes, you may be unable to make changes to questions that you have already answered. Ask your Test Administrator before pausing your test. Are you sure you want to pause this test? To resume entering data for this student, you will have to log in again. 12354 English 12355 English 12356 English Submit Student 12357 English Cancel Student 12358 English Saved Drafts Student 12359 English Sitting {index} ({label}) Student 12360 English Version {sequence} - {count} characters Student 12361 English {month}/{day}/{year} Student 12362 English Now Student 12363 English Response Recovery Student 12364 English Saving response Student July 2015 Student ScoreEntry Page | 52