department of hispanic, portuguese and latin american
department of hispanic, portuguese and latin american
DEPARTMENT OF HISPANIC, PORTUGUESE AND LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES SPANISH LANGUAGE READING LIST FOR INCOMING FIRST YEAR STUDENTS 2014 HISP10001 SPANISH LANGUAGE (POST A-LEVEL) Strongly recommended book: Ronald Batchelor (2006) A student Grammar of Spanish. Cambridge. ISBN: 9780521670777 There are copies of this book in the library. Other resources: Real Academia española Diccionario monolingüe (con la posibilidad de ver la conjugación completa de los verbos) Diccionario panhispánico de dudas Diccionarios del periódico El Mundo Diccionarios bilingües inglés-español español-inglés HISP 10116 SPANISH LANGUAGE (AB INITIO) The unit consists of three core elements: 1. Writing and Reading Skills 2. Grammar/Translation Skills 3. Oral and Aural Skills Strongly recommended book: • Vía rápida: curso intensivo de español, María Cecilia Ainciburu, Libro del alumno, (Editorial Difusión, 2011). There are copies in the library for you to start with, although you may find it useful to buy them at some point during term 1. • Prisma Nivel inicial: A1+A2 Fusión, Libro del alumno ISBN 978-84-9848-055-9 and Libro de ejercicios ISBN 978-84-9848-056-6, (Editorial Edinumen). •A grammar book, such as: A Student Grammar of Spanish, Ronald Batchelor, (Cambridge University Press, 2006) • A Spanish/English bilingual dictionary, either: Oxford Spanish-English/English-Spanish Dictionary or: Collins Spanish-English/English-Spanish Dictionary • A book of Spanish verbs, such as: 501 Spanish Verbs, Christopher Kendris and Theodore Kendris, 5th edition (Hauppage, NY: Barron’s Educational Series, last edition • A monolingual Spanish dictionary, such as: Diccionario Santillana de la Lengua Española