Nun 6005
Nun 6005
Nunhems Tech Sheet Tomato Processing NUN 6005 Concepto de variedad: Tipo blocky con alto potencial de rendimiento. Tamaño de fruto intermedio. Muy firme y con sobresaliente color para procesamiento. Beneficios: -Alta producción - tswv, nematodos y resistente a Bacterials Speck resitant. - excelente color de fruta. CARACTERISTICAS tipo de fruto madurez tamaño de baya destino area de adaptación resistencias altas bajas resitencias comentarios 6005 blockie Intermedia 60-70 g pasta y cubeteado va,vd,fol:0,1,pst ma,mi,mj,tswv deseable para cosecha mecánica y para plantar en áreas con problemas de peste negra Para confirmar que esta variedad sea apropiada a su región de siembra, favor de contactar a su especialista de ventas. Advices for cultural practice Information provided by Nunhems in any form whatsoever is without commitment. Descriptions, recommendations and illustrations in brochures, leaflets and on the website are based as closely as possible on experiences in tests and in practice. Nunhems in no event accepts any liability, however, on the basis of such information for different results in the cultivated product. The buyer itself must determine whether the goods and information are suitable for the intended growth and/or can be used in the local conditions. Product illustrations All varieties shown were grown under favourable conditions. Identical results are not guaranteed nor implied for all growing conditions. RC 280812