México, DF, August 24th, 2015 ISSUE RELEVANT EVENT
México, DF, August 24th, 2015 ISSUE RELEVANT EVENT
RELEVANT EVENT México, D. F., August 24th, 2015 ISSUE UNUSUAL MOVEMENTS IN THE TRADING OF SECURITIES OF PROMOTORA Y OPERADORA DE INFRAESTRUCTURA, S.A.B. DE CV ("PINFRA") SERIES L. RELEVANT EVENT Pinfra reports that has no knowledge of the causes that lead to the unusual movements presented today in the operation of the securities identified as Pinfra L and that these movements correspond to specific conditions of the market. With the information that Pinfra has at this time and once carried out the procedure to find information in accordance with the article 53 of the “Disposiciones de carácter general aplicables a las Emisoras de valores y otros participantes del Mercado de valores” is not of its knowledge that members of its board of directors, executive officers or its Stock buyback program, have been involved in these movements. If after doing a thorough review, additional information is identified, it will be revealed today or no later than the next business day. o-o-o-o-o-o This clarification is made at the request of the Mexican Stock Exchange, based on the provisions of article 106 of the “Ley de Mercado de Valores” and article 50 last paragraph, of the “Disposiciones de carácter general aplicables a las Emisoras de valores y otros participantes del Mercado de valores”.
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