Latin American Book Exchange (LATAMEX)


Latin American Book Exchange (LATAMEX)
Latin American Book Exchange (LATAMEX)
Servicio de Canje y Donaciones de Libros Iberoamericanos
Indiana University Libraries
Email: [email protected]
Titles offered – August/Agosto 2008
NOTE: Strikethrough titles have been claimed and are not available. Other titles remain
available and may be requested at any time.
Shelf # 4
1. Babatunde, D.Thomas, & Miguel S. Wionczek (Eds.). Integration of Science and
Technology with Development: Caribbean and Latin American Problems in the Context
of the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development. New
York: Pergamon Press, 1979.
2. Handelman, Howard and Thomas G. Sanders, eds. Military Government and the
Movement toward Democracy in South America. Bloomington: Indiana University Press
in association with the American Universities Field Staff, 1981. (2 copies) **Includes
3. Meier, Matt S. and Margo Gutiérrez. The Mexican American Experience: an
encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003. **Includes index.
4. Gonzalez-Gerth, Miguel. Aphorisms: Selected and Translated into English from the
Texts Entitled Greguerias, with a Critical Introduction. Pittsburgh, Pensylvania: Latin
America Literary Review Press, 1989. **Includes bibliography.
5. Congreso Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana (16th: 1973: Michigan State
University). Otros Mundos, Otros Fuegos: Fantasía y Realismo Mágico en Iberoamérica:
Memoria del XVI Congreso Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana. East Lansing:
Michigan State University, Latin American Studies Center, 1975. **Spanish, English, and
6. Méndez G., Juan Carlos (Ed.). Chilean Economic Policy. S.l.: Calderón y Cia, 1979.
7. Laserna Gaitán, Antonio Ignacio. Tierra, Gobierno Local y Actividad Misionera en la
Comunidad Indígena del Oriente Venezolano: la Visita a la Provincia de Cumaná de Don
Luis de Chávez y Mendoza (1783-1784). Caracas: Academia Nacional de la Historia,
1993. **Includes bibliographical references.
8. Hornborg, Alf. Dualism and Hierarchy in Lowland South America: Trajectories of
Indigenous Social Organization. Uppsala: Academiae Upsaliensis, 1988. **Includes
bibliographical references.
9. Iberoamericana. Vol. 1, No. 1 (2001). Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Ibero- Americanos.
(2 copies) **Notes: Quarterly. Also called: Nueva época, volumen 1, No. 1. Chiefly in
Spanish, some English.
10. Iberoamericana. Vol. 2, No. 2(Junio 2001). Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Iberoamericanos. (1 copy) **Notes: Quarterly. Also called: Nueva época, volumen 2, No. 2.
Chiefly in Spanish, some English.
11. Iberoamericana. Vol. 3, no. 3(Septiembre 2001). Madrid: Instituto de Estudios
Iberoamericanos. (1 copy) **Notes: Quarterly. Also called: Nueva época, volumen 3, no.
3. Chiefly in Spanish, some English.
12. Orrego Vicuña, Francisco. Chile: the Balanced View: A Recompilation of Articles About
the Allende Years and After. Santiago: University of Chile, Institute of International
Studies, 1975. **Includes bibliographical references.
13. Blank, David Eugene. Politics in Venezuela; a Country Study. Boston: Little Brown, 1973.
**Includes bibliographical references.
14. Jaramillo, Enrique Levi. When New Flowers Bloomed: Short Stories by Women Writers
from Costa Rica and Panama. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Latin American Literary Review Press,
1991. ** Includes bibliographical references.
15. Revueltas, José. Dormir en Tierra, Cuentos. Xalapa, México: Universidad Veracruzana,
16. Rebolledo, Alvaro. El Canal de Panamá: Reseña Histórico-política de la Comunicación
Inter-oceánica, con Especial Referencia a la Separación de Panamá y a los Arreglos Entre
los Estados Unidos y Colombia. Calí, Colombia: 1957. **Published in 1930 under title
Reseña histórico-política de la Comunicación inter-oceánica. Includes index, and
17. Arias Madrid, Harmodio. The Panama Canal: a Study in International Law and
Diplomacy. London: P.S. King, 1911. **Includes bibliographical references.
18. Steen, Edla van. A Bag of Stories. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Latin American Literary Review Press,
19. Lozano, Wilfredo. Proletarización y Campesinado en el Capitalismo Agroexportador.
Santo Domingo: Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo, 1985. **Includes
bibliographical references.
20. Barry, Tom and Kent Norsworthy. Honduras: a Country Guide. Albuquerque, N.M.: InterHemispheric Education Resource Center, 1990.
21. Barry, Tom. Panama: a Country Guide. Albuquerque. N.M.: Inter-Hemispheric
Education Resource Center, 1990.
22. Barry, Tom. El Salvador, a Country Guide. Albuquerque: Inter-Hemispheric Education
Resource Center, 1990.
23. Barry, Tom. Costa Rica: a Country Guide. Albuquerque, N.M.: Inter-Hemispheric
Education Resource Center, 1989.
24. Carballido, Emilio. El Norte; Novela. Xalapa, México: Universidad Veracruzana, 1958.
25. Boixadós, Alberto. Siembra de Silencio. Buenos Aires: Emecé Editores, 1979.
26. Matos Paoli, Francisco. Song of Madness and Other Poems. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Latin
American Literary Review Press, 1985. **Translation of: Canto de la Locura. English and
Spanish. Includes bibliography.
27. Martínez, Pedro Santos. Documentos Diplomáticos Sobre Historia Argentina. Mendoza:
C.E.I.H.C., 1994. **Contains texts of documents in the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores
(Madrid), Ministère des affaires étrangères (Paris), and Public Record Office, Foreign
Office (London). Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
28. Kramer, Fritz. Literature among the Cuna Indians. Göteborg: Etnografiska museet,
1970. **Translation of the author's thesis: Die Literatur bei den Kuna-Indianern.
29. Urquizo, Francisco L. & Francisco Luis. Tropa vieja. Ilustraciones de Bulmaro Guzman.
México: Talleres gráficos del Departamento de publicidad y propaganda de la Sría. de
educación pública, 1943.
30. Alencar, José Martiniano de. Iracema: a Novel. England: Oxford University Press, 1967.
31. Navas-Toríbio & Luzia Garcia do Nascimento. Perfis Ilhéus: Vozes e Porta-vozes no
Cenáculo Caboverdiano. São Paulo: Centro de Estudos Africanos, Faculdade de Filosofia,
Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo, 1989. **Includes bibliographical
32. Hyett, Barbara Helfgott. The Double Reckoning of Christopher Columbus, 3 August-12
October 1492: Poems. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1992.
33. Lothrop, Samuel Kirkland. Inca Treasure as Depicted by Spanish Historians. Los Angeles:
The Southwest Museum, 1938. **Publications of the Frederick Webb Hodge
Anniversary Publication Fund, Vol. II.
34. Valls, Jorge. Twenty Years and Forty Days: Life in a Cuban Prison. New York, NY:
Americas Watch, 1986.
35. Moran, Emilio F. Agricultural Development in the Trans-Amazon Highway. Bloomington:
Indiana University, 1976. (4 copies). **Latin American studies working papers series.
Includes bibliographical references.
36. Wolff, Laurence. Public or Private Education for Latin America: That is the (false)
Question. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, Sustainable
Development Dept., 2001. (2 copies). **Sustainable Development Department
technical papers series. Includes bibliographical references.
37. Stewart, Watt. Keith y Costa Rica. San José: Editorial Costa Rica.
38. Parra, Marco Antonio de la. Carta Abierta a Pinochet: Monólogo de la Clase Media
Chilena con su Padre. Santiago, Chile: Planeta, 1998.
39. Destéfani, Laurio Hedelvio. Malvinas, Georgias y Sandwich del Sur, Ante el Conflicto con
Gran Bretaña. Buenos Aires, República Argentina: EDIPRESS, 1982.
40. Sales, Herberto. El Fruto de Vuestro Vientre. Buenos Aires: Editorial Plus Ultra, 1984.
**Translation of: O Fruto de Vosso Ventre.
41. Llull, Ramon. Art Abreujada de Predicació. Barcelona: Edicions del Mall, 1982.
42. Lindo, Hugo. The Ways of Rain = Maneras de Ilover; and Other Poems. Pittsburgh, Pa.:
Latin American Literary Review Press, 1986. **Introduction and translation by Elizabeth
Gamble Miller; Text in English and Spanish.
43. Cuesta, Barbara de la. The Gold Mine. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Latin American Literary Review
Press, 1988. **Chapter I was originally published as "Ordóñez" in the California
Quarterly, Winter 1987, No. 30 (pages 68-77)."
44. Valdivieso, Mercedes. La Brecha. Santiago de Chile: Zig-Zag, 1965.
45. Urton, Gary. Inca Myths. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1999. **Published in cooperation with British Museum Press. Includes bibliographical references and index.
46. Sheinin, David. Beyond the Ideal: Pan Americanism in Inter-American Affairs. Westport,
Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2000. **Collection of essays.
47. Blouet, Brian W. Latin America and the Caribbean: A Systematic and Regional Survey.
New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1997.
48. Rebollo Sánchez, Félix. Periodismo y movimientos literarios contemporaneous. Madrid:
Laberinto, 2001.
49. Block de Behar, Lisa. Borges, the passion of an endless quotation. Albany: State
University of New York Press, 2003. **Includes index and notes.
50. Conniff, Michael L. and Frank D. McCann, eds. Modern Brazil: Elites and masses in
historical perspective. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989. **Includes index.
51. Zapata-Barrero, Ricard. Multiculturalidad e inmigración. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis, 2004.
**Includes bibliography.
52. Zamora, Martha. Frida Kahlo: The Brush of Anger. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1990.
53. Chimal, Carlos. Cinco del águila. Mexico, D.F.: Biblioteca Era, 1990.
54. Chimal, Carlos. Lengua de pájaros. Mexico, D.F.: Biblioteca Era, 2000.
Shelf # 5
1. Garzon, Susan. La Vida de Nuestro Idioma: el Mantenimiento, Cambio y Revitalización
del Idioma Maya Kaqchiquel: Qach'ab'äl. Guatemala, Guatemala: Cholsamaj, 2000.
2. Smith, Gustavus Woodson. Company "A" Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., 1846-1848, in the
Mexican War. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 2001.
3. Jones, Sondra. The Trial of Don Pedro León Luján: the Attack against Indian Slavery and
Mexican Traders in Utah. Salt Lake City, Ut.: University of Utah Press, 2000.
4. Iber, Jorge. Hispanics in the Mormon Zion, 1912-1999. College Station: Texas A&M
University Press, 2000.
5. Sego, Eugene B. Aliados y Adversarios: los Colonos Tlaxcaltecas en la Frontera
Septentrional de Nueva España. San Luis Potosí: Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de
San Luis Potosí, 1998.
6. Silva, Patricio. The Soldier and the State in South America: Essays in Civil-military
Relations. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001.
7. Spinden, Herbert Joseph. Ancient Civilizations of Mexico and Central America. New
York: American Museum Press, 1922. **American Museum of Natural History
Handbook series, no. 3 (2nd and rev. ed.).
8. Cortázar, Pedro Felipe. Documental del Peru. Lima: Información, Opinión Pública,
Publicidad y Encuestas, 1966-1971.
9. Campo, Angel de. Pueblo y Canto. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma, 1939.
**Contents include: Ocios y apuntes.--Cosas vistas.--Cartones.--Un capítulo de la novela
La sombra de Medrano, Semanas alegres.
10. Rippy, J. Fred. Latin America, a Modern History. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan
Press, 1968.
11. Betancourt, Rómulo. La Revolución Democrática en Venezuela, 1959-1964. Caracas,
12. Gruening, Ernest. Mexico and its Heritage. New York: The Century Co., 1928.
**Includes bibliographical references.
13. Horowitz, Irving Louis. Latin American Radicalism; a Documentary Report on Left and
Nationalist Movements. New York: Random House, 1969. **Includes bibliographical
14. Betancourt, Rómulo. Venezuela, Dueña de su Petróleo. Caracas: Catalá Centauro
Editores, 1975. **Notes: Discurso del ex presidente Rómulo Betancourt en el Senado de
la República, el 6 de agosto de 1975.--Rómulo Betancourt y una de sus pasiones de
hombre público: la venezolanización del petróleo.--Fuente energética insustituible.-Apéndice documental: Voto salvado del doctor Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo.
15. Martí, José. Versos Sencillos. University, Miss.: Romance Monographs, 2000.
**Includes bibliographical references.
16. International Institute of Ibero-American Literature. An anthology of Spanish American
Literature. New York: F.S. Crofts & Company, 1946. **Companion volume to The
Outline History of Spanish American Literature.
17. Rivera, José Eustasio. La Vorágine. Santiago de Chile: Zig-zag, 1953.
18. Yáñez, Agustín. La Creación. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1959.
19. Seeger, Anthony. Os índios e Nós: Estudos Sobre Sociedades Tribais Brasileiras. Rio de
Janeiro: Editora Campus, 1980. **Includes bibliographical references.
20. Hesse, W. Everett, and Harry F. Williams (Eds.). La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus
Fortunas y Adversidades. Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1948. **Notes: The
editors have followed Foulché-Delbosc's restoration of the edition princeps, which is
based on the three redactions of 1554"--P. xv.
21. Cesar, Ana Cristina. Correspondência Incompleta. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Moreira
Salles, Aeroplano Editora, 1999.
22. Cesar, Ana Cristina. Crítica e Tradução. São Paulo: Instituto Moreira Salles, Editora
Atica, 1999. **Contents include: Literatura não é documento -- Escritos no Rio -Escritos da Inglaterra -- Alguma poesia traduzida -- Indice de ensaios e traduções -- Ana
Cristina Cruz Cesar.
23. Zorrilla, Mauro. Egrégor de Torremolinos. Granada: Alhulia, 1999. **IV Premio de
Novela 'Ciudad de Majadahonda'.
24. Sánchez Llama, Iñigo. Galería de Escritoras Isabelinas: la Prensa Periódica Entre 1833 y
1895. Madrid: Universtitat de València ,Instituto de la Mujer, 2000. **Includes
bibliographical references.
25. Centre de Recherches Hispaniques de l'Université de Provence. L'Autobiographie dans
le Monde Hispanique: Actes / du Colloque International de La Baume-lès-Aix, 11-12-13
mai 1979. Paris: diffusion H. Champion, 1980. **French and Spanish. Includes
bibliographical references.
26. Cantón, Wilberto L. Nosotros Somos Dios; pieza en dos Actos. New York, Harper &
Row, 1966.
27. Azuela, Mariano. Las Tribulaciones de Una Familia Decente. New York: Macmillan,
1966. **Macmillan Modern Spanish American Literature series. Includes bibliographical
28. Fallaw, Ben. Cárdenas Compromised: the Failure of Reform in Post-revolutionary
Yucatán. Durham: Duke University Press, 2001. **Includes bibliographical references
and index.
29. Lyra, Carmen. The Subversive Voice of Carmen Lyra: Selected Works. Gainesville:
University Press of Florida, 2000. **Edited, translated, and with an introduction by
Elizabeth Rosa Horan. Includes bibliographical references.
30. Lomnitz, Claudio. Vicios Públicos, Virtudes Privadas--la Corrupción en México. México:
CIESAS, M.A. Porrúa, 2000. **Based on a conference held at University of Chicago in
November 1995. Includes bibliographical references.
31. Papi, Luiz F. Os Olhos Potáveis da Noite. Rio de Janeiro: Sette Letras, 1999. **Poems.
32. Carvalho, Bernardo. Medo de Sade. São Paulo, Brazil: Companhia das Letras, 2000.
33. Ribeiro, Edgard Telles. No Coração da Floresta: Contos. Rio de Janeiro; São Paulo:
Editora Record, 2000.
34. Hernández, Alcides, Mario Posas, Julieta Castellanos, & Leticia Salomón (Eds.).
Gobernabilidad Democrática y Seguridad Ciudadana en Centroamérica: el Caso de
Honduras. Tegucigalpa, Honduras: CEDOH, 2000. **Includes bibliographical references.
35. Vázquez, María Esther. Borges, Sus Días y Su Tiempo. Barcelona: Grupo Zeta, 1999.
**Includes bibliographical references.
36. Bravi, Adrián N. Río Sauce. Buenos Aires: Paradiso, 1999.
37. Fernández Utrera, María Soledad. Visiones de Estereoscopio: (Paradigma de Hibridación
en el Arte y la Narrativa de la Vanguardia Española). Chapel Hill, N.C.: Distributed by
University of North Carolina Press, 2001. **Includes bibliographical references.
38. Mosco, Vincent and Dan Schiller (Eds.). Continental Order?: Integrating North America
for Cybercapitalism. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001. **Includes
bibliographical references and index.
39. Irigoyen, Moira. En el Fondo de la Materia Crece: Una Vegetación Oscura: Comdedia en
Tres Actos y un Epílogo. Buenos Aires: Paradiso, 1999.
40. Navas-Toríbio, Luzia Garcia do Nascimento. Perfis ilhéus: Vozes e Porta-Vozes no
Cenáculo Caboverdiano. São Paulo: Centro de Estudos Africanos, 1989. **Includes
bibliographical references.
41. Navas-Toríbio, Luzia Garcia do Nascimento. O Negro na Literatura Maranhense. São
Luís-Maranhão: Edições AML, 1990. **Includes bibliographical references.
42. Navas-Toríbio, Luzia Garcia do Nascimento. Gullar's Modern Criticism. São LuísMaranhão: Polikron, 1991. **Includes bibliographies of Gullar's works by and about
43. Navas-Toríbio, Luzia Garcia do Nascimento. Gullar's Pre/neo Concretismoo. São LuísMaranhão : Polikron, 1991. (2 copies) **Includes bibliographical references and
bibliography of Navas-Toríbio's works.
44. Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sister. Poesía lírica. Madrid: Catedra, 1992.
45. Gorender, Jacob. Brasil em preto & branco: o passado escravista que não passou. São
Paulo: Editora SENAC São Paulo, 2000.
46. Vega, Carlos B. Conquistadoras: Mujeres Heroicas de la conquista de América. Jefferson,
N.C.: McFarland & Co., Inc., 2003. **Includes index and bibliography.
47. Sánchez-Triana, Ernesto, Kulsum Ahmed and Ywande Awe, eds. Environmental Priorities
and Poverty Reduction: A Country Environmental Analysis for Colombia. Washington,
DC: The World Bank, 2007. **Includes index.
48. Washbourne, Kelly, ed. An Anthology of Spanish American Modernismo, in English
translation, with Spanish text. New York: The Modern Language Association of America,
Shelf #6
1. Navas-Toríbio, Luzia Garcia do Nascimento. Ensaios Africanos e Afro- Maranhenses.
Sao Luis: Edigraf, 1997. (2 copies).
2. Desdunes, Rodolphe Lucien. Our People and Our History; a Tribute to the Creole People
of Color in Memory of the Great Men they Have Given us and of the Good Works they
Have Accomplished. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1973.
3. Cudjoe, Selwyn Reginald. The Role of Resistance in the Caribbean Novel. Ithaca, N.Y.:
Cornell University, 1975. **Dissertation series - Cornell University, Latin American
Studies Program ; no. 63.
4. Herrera-Sobek, María. Santa Barraza, Artist of the Borderlands. College Station: Texas A
& M University Press, 2001. **Includes bibliographical references and index.
5. Kanellos, Nicolás. Mexican American Theatre: Legacy and Reality. Pittsburgh: Latin
American Literary Review Press, 1987. **Includes bibliographical references.
6. Agosín, Marjorie. Women of Smoke. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Latin American Literary Review
Press, 1988. **Translation of: Mujeres de humo.
7. Hahn, Oscar. The art of Dying. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Latin American Literary Review Press,
1987. **Translation of: Arte de morir.
8. Braff, Menalton. A Sombra do Cipreste: Contos. Ribeirão Preto, SP: Palavra Mágica,
2000, 1998.
9. Agosín, Marjorie. Brujas y Algo Más (Witches and Other Things). Pittsburgh, PA: Latin
American Literary Review Press, 1984. **Spanish and English.
10. Alegría, Fernando. The Chilean Spring. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Latin American Literary Review
Press, 1980. **“Limited edition, one hundred copies"--Colophon.
11. Gutiérrez Nájera, Manuel. Cuentos, Crónicas y Ensayos; Prólogo y Selección de Alfredo
Maillefert. México: Universidad Nacional Autonoma, 1940.
12. Ghioldi, Américo. Ejército y política; el golpe del 28 de junio de 1966 [por] Américo
Ghioldi. Buenos Aires, 1967.
13. Daniel, R. McMichael, and John D. Paulus (Eds.). Western Hemisphere Stability--the
Latin American Connection: The Findings of a 19-Month Study Project by 18 Recognized
Experts. Pittsburgh, Pa.: World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh, 19th World Affairs Forum,
1983. **Papers prepared and developed at the 19th World Affairs Forum in Pittsburgh
on May 27, 1982. Includes bibliographies.
14. Archivo General de la Nación (Argentina). Departamento Documentos Escritos. Archivo
y Coleccion Dardo Rocha (1855-1921). Inventario Analitico. Buenos Aires: Archivo
General de la Nación, Departamento Documentos Escritos, 1996.
15. Fiet, Lowell (Ed.). Performance and Text in Caribbean Literature and Art. Río Piedras,
P.R., 1999. **Special issue (1999) of Sargasso.
16. Ruth, S. Jeffrey. Lisbon in the Renaissance: A New Translation of the Urbis Olisiponis
Descriptio. New York: Italica Press, 1996. **Includes bibliographical references and
17. Hurst, James W. The Villista prisoners of 1916-1917. Las Cruces, NM: Yucca Tree Press,
2000. **Includes bibliographical references and index.
18. Torres, Antônio. Meu Querido Canibal. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Record, 2000.
19. Cervantes, Lorna Dee. Emplumada. Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press,
20. Galindo, Sergio. Mexican Masquerade = La Comaparsa. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Latin American
Literary Review Press, 1984. **Translation of: La comparsa.
21. Ponce, Manuel. Algunos de Mis Poemas = Some of my Poems. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Latin
American Literary Review Press, 1987. **English and Spanish.
22. Stoetzer, O. Carlos. Two Studies on Contemporary Argentine History: On the Eve of the
1976 Crisis and A Review of Current U.S.-Argentine Relations. New York: Argentina
Society, 1980.
23. Valdivieso, Mercedes. Breakthrough. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Latin American Literary Review
Press, 1987. **Translation of: La brecha. Translated by Graciela Daichman.
24. Guerra-Cunningham, Lucía. Más Allá de las Máscaras. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Latin American
Literary Review Press, 1986.
25. Claudio de la Torre, Josefina. Mi Sinfonía Rosa; Poemas. México: B. Costa-Amic, 1969.
26. Pereira, Teresinka. La Extranjera y Primeros Poemas. Acapulco, Guerrero: Ediciones
Talisman, 1975. **La revisión de los poemas en español estuvo a cargo del Profesor
Evelio Echevarría; portada y deseño de Sandra Belinelli.
27. Sadlier, Darlene J. (Ed.). New Perspectives in Brazilian Literary Studies: Symbolism
Today. Bloomington, Ind.: Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, Indiana University, 1984.
**Essays presented at the symposium “New Perspectives in Brazilian Literary Studies:
Symbolism Today” at Indiana University-Bloomington on November 14, 1983. Includes
28. Trade Liberalization in the Western Hemisphere: Project Executive Summary / InterAmerican Development Bank (ICB), Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean (ECLAC). Washington, DC: The Bank: The Commission, 1994.
29. Stoetzer, O. Carlos. Two Studies on Contemporary Argentine History: On the Eve of the
1976 Crisis and A Review of Current U.S.-Argentine Relations. New York: Argentina
Society, 1980. **Includes bibliographic references.
30. Ruhl, J. Mark. Colombia: Armed Forces and Society. Syracuse, N.Y.: Maxwell School of
Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, 1980.
31. Chile. Ministerio de Educación Pública. La Educación en Chile, 1979-1980: Informe de
Chile a la 38.a Reunión de la Conferencia Internacional de Educación, Ginebra, 10-19 de
Noviembre de 1981. Santiago de Chile: Oficina Relaciones Internacionales, 1981.
32. Los CODEM y el Desarrollo. Tegucigalpa, Honduras: CIPRODEH, 1997.
33. Lecuna, Vicente. Catálogo de errores y calumnias en la historia de Bolívar. 3 vols. New
York: Colonial Press, 1956-58.
34. Carvajal, Manuel J. La Microempresa en México: Problemas, Necesidades y
Perspectivas. México, D.F.: Instituto de Proposiciones Estratégicas, 1990. **Includes
bibliographical references.
35. Pérez Galdós, Benito. The Golden Fountain Cafe: a Historic Novel of the XIX th Century =
La Fontana de Oro. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Latin American Literary Review Press, 1989.
**Translation of: La Fontana de Oro.
36. Castillo, Homero. Antología de Poetas Modernistas Hispanoamericanos. Waltham,
Mass.: Blaisdell Pub. Co., 1966. **Includes bibliographies & glossary.
37. Pechincha, R. Domingos. Alma Patri-Patria Alma. Vol I. 3.a Edicao. Lisboa: Livraria
Anado, Lda. **Includes index.
38. Pechincha, R. Domingos. Alma Patri-Patria Alma. Vol II. 3.a Edicao. Lisboa: Livraria
Anado , Lda. **Includes index.
39. Femenías, María Luisa. Perfiles del feminism Iberoamericano. Buenos Aires: Catalogo,
2002. **Includes bibliography.
40. Méndez, Pablo, ed. Poemas contra la Guerra (1892-1973). Madrid: Ediciones Vitruvio,
41. Medina Reyes, Efraim. Cinema Árbol y otros cuentos. Santafé de Bogotá: Tercer Mundo
Editores, 1996. **Premio Nacional de Cultura 1995 (Colombia).
42. Poppino, Rollie E. Brazil, The Land and People. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1973. **Includes index.
43. International Congress of Americanists. Five Hundred Years After Columbus:
Proceedings of the 47th (1991) International Congress of Americanists. New Orleans:
Middle American Research Institute, 1994. **Includes index and list of congress
44. Monteiro, Miguel Corrêa. Saint Francis Xavier: a man for all others. Lisbon: CTT Correios
de Portugal, 2006. **Transalted from the Portuguese and includes philatelic souvenir
sheet commemorating the 5th centenary of the birth of Saint Francis Xavier.
45. Lauderdale Graham, Sandra. House and street: The domestic world of servants and
master in nineteenth-century Rio de Janeiro. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1992.
**Includes index and bibliography.
46. Méndez, Cecilia. The Plebeian Republic: The Huanta rebellion and the making of the
Peruvian state, 1820-1850. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005. **Includes index
and bibliography.
47. Allende, Isabel. La ciudad de las bestias. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Sudamericana,
48. Kortazar, Jon and Juan José Lanz. Unamuno, Otero, Aresti. Bilbao: Área de Cultura y
Turismo Ayuntamiento de Bilbao, 2003. **Includes bibliographies.
49. Berdan, Frances F. and Patricia Rieff Anawalt, eds. The Essential Codex Mendoza.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997. **Consists of Vols. 2 & 4 of the editors’
four-volume work, “The Codex Mendoza,” published in 1992.
50. Hufbauer, Gary Clyde and Jeffrey J. Schott. NAFTA revisited: achievements and
challenges. Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 2005. **Includes
51. Overmyer-Velázquez, Mark. Visions of the Emerald City: Modernity, Tradition, and the
Formation of Porfirian Oaxaca, Mexico. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2006.
**Includes index, bibliography, and notes.
52. Boruchoff, David A, ed. Isabel la Católica, Queen of Castile: Critical Essays. New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. **Includes index and notes.
53. Asselbergs, Florine G.L. Conquered Conquistadors: The Lienzo de Quauhquechollan: A
Nahua vision of the conquest of Guatemala. Leiden: CNWS Publications, 2004.
**Includes index and bibliography.
54. Osorio Lizarazo, J.A. Birth and growth of anti-Trujillism in America. Madrid: Gráficas Rey,
55. Osorio Lizarazo, J.A. Portrait of Trujillo. [n.p.], 1958.
56. Ochiai, Kazuyasu, coord. El mundo maya: mirada japonesas. Mérida: Univ. Nacional
Autónoma de México, 2006.
57. Manguel, Alberto and Gianni Guadalupi. The Dictionary of Imaginary Places. New York:
Macmillan, 1980. **Includes index of authors and titles.
58. Arizpe, Lourdes, coord. Los retos culturales de México. Mexico, D.F.: Centro Regional de
Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias (CRIM), Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, 2004.
59. Morley, Jefferson. Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA.
Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2008. **Includes index and bibliography.
60. Clymer, Adam. Drawing the Line at the Big Ditch: The Panama Canal Treaties and the
Rise of the Right. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2008. **Includes index.