Degradation of ecosystems and techniques for restoration
Degradation of ecosystems and techniques for restoration
Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering UPCT Degradation of ecosystems and techniques for restoration Qualification: Degree in Agri-food Engineering and Biological Systems Course 2015/2016 1. Subject information Name Degradation of ecosystems and techniques for restoration Matter* Degradation of ecosystems and techniques for restoration Module* Code Degree Study plan Centre Type Teaching period Language ECTS 4,5 Materials Specific 518104001 Degree in Agri-food Engineering and Biological Systems 2013 Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering (ETSIA) Compulsory four-month period Four-month period 1st Course 4th Spanish Hours / ECTS 30 Total workload (hours) 135 * All terms marked with an asterisk are defined in References for teaching at the UPCT and Glossary of terms: / bitstream / 10317/3330/1 / isbn8469531360.pdf 2. Teacher information Lecturer in charge Department Knowledge area Location of the office Jose Alvarez Rogel Agricultural Science and Technology ( Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry ETSIA building, office 1.25 Phone 968325543 E-mail [email protected] URL / WEB Fax 968327046 Timetable available / Tutorials Location during the tutorials Morning: 9: 30-11: 00. Afternoons: 16:00-17:00 Any request by email ETSIA building, office 1.25 Teaching and research profile Teaching experience Research Lines Professional experience Other topics of interest He has taught mainly in: Soil Science and Climatology (Technical Agricultural Engineer); Agricultural Land Evaluation (Technical Agricultural Engineer); Soil conservation and management (Agronomist); Ecosystem degradation and restoration techniques (Grade of Agricultural Engineering); Soil degradation and regeneration of arid areas (Doctorate and Master in ETSIA-UPCT) Biogeochemical processes on the ground and their impact on the functioning of ecosystems and distribution of vegetation; soil-vegetation relationships; heavy metal contamination due to anthropic activities; wetlands; eutrophication; carbon sequestration; trials addition of various types of amendments and plant management of degraded ecosystems. Participation in 32 relevant contracts (10 as responsible researcher) with companies related with the management and soil improvement in forest and agricultural areas. 17 writing technical reports. 15 projects (6 as IP) research (1999 and 2013) 41 JCR journal articles. TABLE H (18 / JAN / 2013) = 13 32 book chapters and five books. Professor Juan Jose Martinez Sanchez Department Plant Production Knowledge area Plant Production Location of the office ETSIA Building, first floor Phone 34-968325442 E-mail [email protected] URL / WEB timetable available / Tutorials Location during the tutorials Teaching and research profile Teaching experience Research Lines Professional experience Fax Morning: 9: 30-11: 00. Afternoons: 16: 00-18: 00 Office on the first floor of the ETSIA University Professor of Plant Production Area Delivery of teaching programs related to the area of plant production knowledge. Conservation of endangered plant species Exclusively related to research and university teaching. Other topics of interest Professor Department Knowledge area Location of the office Hector Miguel Conesa Alcaraz Agricultural Science and Technology ( Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry ETSIA building, office 1.30 Phone 968327034 E-mail [email protected] URL / WEB 968327046 Timetable available / Tutorials Location during the tutorials Teaching and research profile Fax Monday: 9: 30-11: 00. Tuesday: 16: 00-17: 00 Any request by email ETSIA building, office 1.30 Ramón y Cajal researcher Teaching experience Research Lines Professional experience Other topics of interest Teaching degree and master since February 2011 in subjects related to the management, conservation and soil pollution Pollution and soil regeneration, phytoremediation, soil-plant in semiarid environments 2001-2003 - Predoctoral Researcher at UPCT, Cartagena. 2003-2005 - Predoctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich (Switzerland) 2005-2007 - postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich (Switzerland) 2007-2008 – Technical in soil management and decontamination in the company Befesa Gestión de Residuos Industriales S.L. (Sevilla) 2009-2010 - Postdoctoral Hired at ETH Zurich (Switzerland) 2010-2011 - Postdoctoral Researcher at CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia. 2011- present - Ramón y Cajal in UPCT, Cartagena - 38 JCR articles - Index H: 13 - Accredited as a Professor Hired Doctor from March 2011. - IP of I+D at regional and national level 3. Contents 3.1 Contents according to the study plan of the subject Causes and consequences of ecosystem degradation. Concept and types of soil degradation and vegetation cover: study methods and design research projects. Methods and techniques for soil regeneration and revegetation of degraded ecosystems. Global change and sustainable use of agro-ecosystems. 3.2 English program theory (Teaching units and topics) Part 1 Introduction Lesson 1- Processes Basic concepts on soil degradation in ecosystems. The tole of soil and vegetation cover Edaphic aspects of soil degradation and reclamation of ecosystems Lesson 2- Soil degradation. Soil quality indicators. Lesson 3- Biological and physical soil degradation. Reclamation strategies. Lesson 4- Factors, forms and Consequences of soil erosion Lesson 5-Prediction and evaluation of soil erosion. Techniques to Prevent erosion Lesson 6- Soil salinization. Management of saline soils Lesson 7-Soil-plant relationships in saline areas. Gradients and use of plants as indicators Lesson 8- Soil contamination. Risk analyzes. Management and reclamation of contaminated soils. Part 2 Degradation and regeneration of soil plant cover Lesson 9- Planning of afforestation and plant species selection Lesson 10- Previous works to afforestation and related machinery Lesson 11- Sowing and planting methods in ecosystems reclamation Lesson 12- Specific afforestations. Riversides. Windbreakers. Afforestation in nonconsolidated soils Lesson 13- Afforestation in post fired areas Lesson 14. Global climate change and sustainable use of agro-ecosystems Legal framework and projects for evaluating soil and plant cover degradation Lesson 15- European, national and regional laws to Evaluate soil Lesson 16- Afforestation projects. Introduction. Structure. 4. Bibliography and resources 4.1 Basic bibliography* • • • • PEMÁN GARCÍA, J. y NAVARRO CERRILLO, R. 1998. Repoblaciones forestales. Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida. Lleida. REY BENAYAS et al. 2007. Restauración de ecosistemas Mediterráneos. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. Jiménez-Díaz, R.M. y Lamo de Espinosa, J. 1998. Agricultura sostenible. MundiPrensa. Porta, J., López-Acevedo, M. y Roquero, C. 2003. Edafología para la agricultura y el medio ambiente. Ed. Mundi-Prensa. • • Morgan, R.P.C. 1997. Erosión y conservación del suelo. Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Pizarro, F. 1985. Drenaje agrícola y recuperación de suelos salinos. Ed. Agrícola Española. • USDA (USA, Department of Agriculture). 1999. Guía para la evaluación de la calidad del suelo. 4.2 Complementary bibliography* • • • • • MAPA, 1994. Manual de Forestación en Tierras Agrícolas. MAPA. Publicaciones del Iryda. Madrid. LÓPEZ JIMENO, C. (ed.). 1999. Manual de estabilización y revegetación de taludes. Martín de Santa Olalla, F. (coordinador). 2000. Agricultura y desertificación. E. Mundi-Prensa. Richardson, J.L. and Vepraskas, M.J. 2001. Wetlands soils. Lewis Publishers. Alloway, B.J. (Editor). 1990. Heavy metals in soils. Blackie Academia & Professional. 4.3 Network resources and other resources - Virtual Classroom Access to agendas , programs , electronic resources , websites , interactive teaching material , etc. , on soils through the website of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the University of Granada :