Adelante Forward, 2513 Dunbar Dr., Lansing, MI 48906 or Call (517)
Adelante Forward, 2513 Dunbar Dr., Lansing, MI 48906 or Call (517)
ank you for picking up this issue of Adelante Forward magazine! Your support and sharing of this edition means that we here at Adelante can continue providing the Latino and multicultural community of mid-Michigan with this publication. is is very important to us here at Adelante, especially because this issue focuses on the values and missions of our partners and advertisers. Our mission is to provide our neighbors with information that could potentially improve their lives. We value a diverse community here in the Lansing area, and we also value our partners/advertisers and supporters. ey make our mission possible! In this issue, you’ll find the story of Kellie Dean, owner of Dean Transportation. Dean’s been a partner of the magazine for years, since our start. In fact, many years ago, Mr. Dean was one of my very first interviews (how nervous was I!!??) is time, I very much enjoyed our conversation and hope you’ll appreciate this Lansing-based company. Also in this issue, you’ll find info for Cristo Rey’s Fiesta - hope to see you there. We’re also again featuring the recent graduates from Lansing schools congrats to them, and we hope they spend some time thinking about their “mission” for life and that they make Lansing proud. Allena R. Tapia ¡Agradecemos su atención a este ejemplar de Adelante Forward! Su apoyo y la distribución de esta edición significan que Adelante puede continuar brindando esta publicación a la comunidad latina y multicultural del centro de Michigan. Esto es muy importante para nosotros aquí en Adelante, especialmente porque este ejemplar se enfoca en los valores y misiones de nuestros asociados y anunciantes. Nuestra misión es brindar a nuestros vecinos información que pueda mejorar sus vidas potencialmente. Valoramos a una comunidad diversa aquí en Lansing y también valoramos a nuestros asociados/anunciantes y seguidores. ¡Hacen posible nuestra misión! En este ejemplar, encontrará la historia de Kellie Dean, propietario de ‘Dean Transportation’. Dean ha sido un asociado de la revista por años, desde su inicio. De hecho, hace muchos años, el Sr. Dean fue mi primera entrevista (¡¿qué nerviosa estaba?!) Esta vez, disfruté mucho nuestra conversación y espero que aprecie esta compañía con sede en Lansing. Asimismo en este ejemplar, encontrará información sobre la Fiesta de Cristo Rey, espero verlos ahí. También estamos presentando otra vez a los estudiantes graduados de las escuelas de Lansing, felicitaciones a ellos y esperamos que pasen un tiempo pensando acerca de su “misión” para la vida y que hagan que Lansing esté orgullosa de ellos. Allena R. Tapia ADELANTE Forward magazine is a private, cross-cultural magazine published bi-monthly and devoted to the health, education, and well-being of Lansing area residents. To widely disseminate information, most material is produced in both English and Spanish. The publisher reserves the right to accept, reject, or alter any materials or advertising submitted for inclusion. Advertisements are accepted and published with the understanding that the advertisers are authorized to publish the contents and that the advertisers are not acting in any way unlawfully. The publisher implies no endorsement of any advertisement and strives to include those businesses, individuals, and partners whose mission reflects that of this magazine. Letters to the Editor, questions or comments, and requests for advertising information may directed to: Adelante Forward, 2513 Dunbar Dr., Lansing, MI 48906 or Call (517) 505-4772 Editorial, Administrative, and Advertising Support Staff and Advisors For Information, contact Saturnino Rodriguez, Editor Patricia Collado Briones • Beth Jorea • Serigo Keck • Danny Layne • Leopold López • David Martinez • Nelia Mendez • Margarita Rodríguez • Vivian Decaret Rodriguez • Allena Tapia Enjoying Adelante Forward? <[email protected]> ¿Disfruta Adelante Forward? Adelante Forward is now online! Visit our bilingual website at <> for exclusive content and links to our partners. ¡Adelante Forward tiene sitio electrónico! Visite nuestro sitio bilingüe en <> para contenido exclusivo y enlace con nuestros socios. Visit us on Twitter <> and on Facebook <> ABOUT THE COVER -- Successful missions are dependant upon supporters, mentors, collaborators, and partners -- each bringing strengths and skillsets that effectively contribute toward the goal. We recognize those individuals and organizations, who provide immeasurable support on a daily basis to their communities, in our magazine each month. Adelante Forward cover art by Danny Layne Stay active and explore new interests with many RSVP volunteer opportunities. River walk volunteers help preserve this local landmark. Other volunteers work in their homes making mittens and scarfs for needy children and elderly. Foster Grandparents spend time every week giving special help to children throughout Lansing and the surrounding communities. • • • • Elementary schools Head Start programs Childhood development centers Paid stipends to volunteers • Provide attention and assistance to seniors • Benefits to low-income senior companions • Service to caregivers • Allows seniors to stay in their home longer South Lansing Hill Toppers Provides a location where the elderly receive adult day care services, giving respite to their full-time care givers. Capital Area Interfaith Respite (CAIR) provides weekly, consistent respite and friendly visiting to chronically ill elderly and disabled adults. Volunteers go into the home and offer round the clock family caregivers a well-deserved break, and offers the care receiver socialization, stimulation, and community involvement. Entrar a preescolar es un momento emocionante para las familias, Queremos quitarle la molestia de la solicitud de programas. Empezando est año, las familias solo nesesitan llenar una solicitud para todos los programas ‘Head Start’ y ‘Great Start Readiness’ (GSRP, por sus siglas en inglés) en todo el condado de Ingham. Hay muchos salones de ‘Head Start’ y “GSPR’ con maestros altamente calificados para ayudar a los alumnos a prepararse para kindergarten. Se ofrecen programas de días completos y medio día y las inscripciones comienzan el 1o de Julio, 2013. Vaya a y llene la solicitud de admisión para ‘Head Start’ y ‘GSRP’. 9 Since 1965, Telamon Corporation has provided a variety of services to farmworkers and their families. “We are committed advocates for people in need. Our mission is to promote the development of human potential by providing resources and opportunities in the communities we serve.” Early Childhood Programs: Head Start is a federal preschool program that promotes the school readiness of children ages birth to 5 from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social and emotional development. Telamon operates two types of Head Start programs for disadvantaged families in Michigan, Early Head Start (childcare for children 0 to 3 years old and programming for pregnant women) and Migrant and Seasonal Head Start (childcare and preschool for children of eligible farmworkers ages 0 to 5 years old). National Jobs Farmworkers Program NFJP: e National Farmworker Jobs Program offers an array of services to migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their families that more broadly addresses the needs that exist for those who perform agriculture work. Available services include job search assistance, work experience, classroom training, English as a second language, onthe-job training and supportive services. Housing Services: Telamon is committed to helping individuals achieve their financial goals and alleviate budget problems through financial education, debt management and credit counseling. Available services include one-on-one counseling sessions and workshops on homebuyer education and financial counseling services; all services are provided in both English and Spanish. Desde 1965, ‘Telamon Corporation’ ha proporcionado una variedad de servicios a trabajadores agrícolas y sus familias. Nuestra misión indica que “Somos defensores comprometidos para las personas necesitadas. Nuestra misión es fomentar el desarrollo del potencial humano al proporcionar los recursos y las oportunidades en las comunidades que servimos”. Programas infantiles: ‘Head Start’es un programa preescolar federal que fomenta la preparación escolar de los niños desde el nacimiento hasta los 5 años, de familias de bajo ingreso, al intensificar su desarrollo cognitivo, social y emocional. Telamon dirige dos tipos de programas de ‘Head Start’ para familias necesitadas en Michigan, ‘Early Head Start’ (guardería para niños de 0 a 3 años y programación para mujeres embarazadas y ‘Head Start’ para migrantes y temporales (guardería y preescolar para niños de 0 a 5 años de trabajadores agrícolas elegibles). Programa Nacional de Empleos Agrícolas (NFJP, siglas en inglés): El Programa Nacional de Empleos Agrícolas ofrece una variedad de servicios a trabajadores agrícolas migrantes y temporales, y sus familias que atiende más ampliamente las necesidades que tienen las personas que desempeñan trabajo agrícola. Los servicios incluyen asistencia con la búsqueda de empleos, experiencia laboral, capacitación en el aula, inglés como segundo idioma, capacitación en el trabajo y servicios de apoyo. Servicios de vivienda: Telamon está comprometida a ayudar a los individuos a lograr sus metas económicas y aliviar problemas con el presupuesto mediante educación financiera, manejo de deudas y asesoría crediticia. Los servicios incluyen sesiones de asesoría individual y talleres sobre educación para comprar vivienda y servicios de asesoría financiera; se proporcionan todos los servicios en inglés y español. Following architectural styles of the ancient Greeks, early Roman builders adapted the use of human figures, some called Telamons, that were symbolically cast as columnar roof supports. To our stylized logogram, we add a heart that beats with commitment to those we serve, and a soul that is the collective effort of thousands of employees and volunteers who have given of themselves. Edward W. Sparrow gave the people of Lansing a donation of land and monies that laid the foundation for the Sparrow Hospital of today. is gesture, more than 100 years ago, demonstrates Sparrow’s mission from the very beginning has been to improve the health of the people in our communities by providing quality, compassionate care to everyone, every time. As mid Michigan’s leading health care system, we have a responsibility to address the challenges of increasing chronic disease and an aging population, to improve the quality of care and the patient experience while also ensuring greater affordability of healthcare. Sparrow sponsors dozens of health screening programs for diabetes, prostate and breast exams and blood pressure checks, which are free to the public. As individual volunteers, and as an organization, Sparrow supports more than 200 community groups with sponsorships, in-kind services, and/or volunteer service. Sparrow’s footprint extends far beyond the acute care setting of the hospital. Because of Sparrow's commitment, the people of mid Michigan have access, regardless of their ability to pay, to a full range of comprehensive acute care services and the latest medical advances right here close to home. Sparrow provides first-aid services at many special events including Michigan State University football games, Lansing Lugnuts baseball games and the city of Lansing’s annual Common Ground music festival. Sparrow also sponsors dozens of health-related activities, including the annual Lansing Women’s Expo, Hike for Hospice, the Feelin’ Good Mileage Club for elementary schools and FITKids. In 2012 Sparrow was selected to become a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, solidifying our dedication to meeting our Patients’ healthcare needs right here in mid-Michigan. Sparrow also holds affiliations with Sparrow Clinton Memorial Hospital, Sparrow Ionia Hospital, Carson City Hospital, and Hayes Green Beach Memorial Hospital in Charlotte, extending our reach throughout the region. As a teaching hospital, Sparrow has continued to strengthen its affiliation with Michigan State University through a joint initiative, the Center for Innovation, supporting fellowships and recruiting established researchers to develop, test, implement and evaluate innovative approaches in healthcare. We work with MSU to facilitate the recruitment, training and retention of current and future generations of Physicians and nurses to our community. In 2012, Sparrow was selected to become a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network... Edward W. Sparrow donó terreno y dinero a la gente de Lansing que colocaron los cimientos para el Hospital Sparrow de hoy. Esta acción, hace más de 100 años, demuestra la misión de Sparrow desde el comienzo que ha sido mejorar la salud de la gente en nuestras comunidades al brindar cuidado compasivo, de calidad a todos, todo el tiempo. Al ser el principal sistema de cuidado de salud del centro de Michigan, tenemos una responsabilidad de abordar los retos del aumento de enfermedades crónicas y el envejecimiento de la población, mejorar la calidad del cuidado y la experiencia del paciente, así como también asegurar una gran asequibilidad del cuidado de salud. Sparrow patrocina docenas de programas de salud para detección de diabetes, exámenes de próstata y seno y revisión de presión arterial, gratis para el público. Como voluntarios y como una organización, Sparrow apoya a más de 200 grupos comunitarios con patrocinio, servicios compasivos, y/o servicio voluntario. Las huellas de Sparrow se extienden más allá del entorno de cuidado crítico del hospital. Por el compromiso de Sparrow, la gente del centro de Michigan tiene acceso, sin importar su habilidad para pagar, a una amplia gama de servicios de cuidado crítico completo y los últimos avances médicos aquí cerca de la casa. En 2012 Sparrow fue seleccionado para ser miembro de la cadena de la Clínica Mayo Sparrow brinda servicios de primeros auxilios en muchos eventos especiales incluyendo los juegos de futbol de la Universidad Estatal de Michigan, juegos de béisbol de los ‘Lugnuts’ en Lansing y el festival anual de música en Lansing ‘Common Ground’. Sparrow también patrocina docenas de actividades relacionadas con la salud, incluyendo la exposición anual para mujeres en Lansing, ‘Hike for Hospice’, ‘Feelin’ Good Mileage Club’ para escuelas primarias y ‘FITKids’. En 2012 Sparrow fue seleccionado para ser miembro de la cadena de la Clínica Mayo, afianzando nuestra dedicación para satisfacer las necesidades del cuidado de salud de nuestros pacientes aquí en el centro de Michigan. Sparrow también mantiene afiliaciones con los hospitales ‘Sparrow Clinton Memorial Hospital’, ‘Sparrow Ionia Hospital’, ‘Carson City Hospital’, y ‘Hayes Green Beach Memorial Hospital’ en Charlotte, extendiendo nuestro alcance a toda la región. Como hospital para la enseñanza, Sparrow ha continuado reafianzando su afiliación con la Universidad Estatal de Michigan mediante una iniciativa colectiva, el Centro para Innovación, apoyando confraternidades y contratando investigadores establecidos para desarrollar, examinar, implementar y evaluar planes innovadores en el cuidado de salud. Trabajamos con MSU (por sus siglas en inglés) para facilitar la contratación, capacitación y retención de las generaciones actuales y futuras de médicos y enfermeros en nuestra comunidad. 22 GRADuATION IS CONTINGENT uPON SuCCESSFuLLY COMPLETING ALL CREDITS EASTERN FILMON FETWI SANTIAGO MENDEZ JACOB STEED JEREMY BATES MOHAMED ABDIKADIR JEREMY FIELDS BANNEL MENDOZA-FIGUEROA SAMUEL STENSKE MICHAEL BATES IBRAHIM ABDULLAHI DYLAN FILICKY NDADAYE MERCHIOR TRAVIS STOUFFER LINDSEY BEAULIEU GERALDINE ABDUR-RAHIM SIERRA FITZPATRICK RICHARD MEREDITH CURTIS STRAUS DAMIRA BEGIC ISAAC ABRAHAM NICHOLAS FOESS BRENNA MILLER SULEYKHA SUFI MICHELLE BELTRAN MUNA ADHIKARI ALEXIS FUENTES DESJARAE MILLER ANDREW SULLIVAN TYRA BONDS ABDIRAHMAN AHMED CHARLES FULCHER PEARL MILLER DAVID SUMMERS DASHAWNA BOWERS BENJAMIN ALVARADO JAHAN GABAYRE MICHAEL MINTER BRENDON SWEATMAN JAIMIE BOZACK DAKOTA ANDERSON-WHITE MOISES GARCIA OSMAN MNONGERWA MEAGAN SWIX OZEMA BRADDOCK KATIE ANKRAPP RAUL GARCIA DESHYLA MOLINA CHRISTOPHER TAYLOR TYAIRE BRAGG HALEY ARBOUR MEGAN GEARHART DIEGO MOLINA JORDAN TAYLOR STEVEN BRISCO GUILLERMO AVILEZ-GUZMAN JESSICA GEPHART ALAINAH MONTEMAYOR JASMINE TELUSCA-FRAZIER SARA BROOKS HEATHER BACON JEREMY GERALD BRIAN MORTON ANTHONY THERRIEN-DELINE AMONI BROWN ASHLEY BALL PUSPA GHIMIREY KONGCHENG MOUA DERRION THREATT EUGENE BROWN OTHA BARKSDALE LAMAREE GOLDEN PATRICK MULLEN DAWT TIAL XAVIER BROWN TRISTAN BELANGER LOLITA GONZALES JACOB MULLINS ASHLEY TREVINO BROOKE BURNS ASPEN BENAVIDES VERONICA GONZALEZ SABRINA MURIDI NICHOLAS TREVINO LENA BYWATER ANN BENGTSSON JADA GRAY YUSUF MUYA ASHLEY TUCK ANA CALDERIN CRUZATA MONIQUE BENNETT YA YING GUO ANDREW MUYLLE KIARA TYLER ALEC CAMBRIC KENNETH BLACKBURN KAMERIN HARTMAN EMMANUEL NDUWAYEZU JOSE VALDEZ ELZIE CANNON KANRWEA BLAMO CORNELIUS HAWKINS ZJACKARY NEWBY VICENTE VASQUEZ JALEEL CANTY CORWIN BLYTHE FRANCES HELDT HAI NGUYEN MELISSA WARNER SANDRA CARPENTER ANTONETTE BRADLEY JORDAN HERNANDEZ KIMBERLY NGUYEN PHOENIX WASHINGTON WILLIAM CASSEL QUINCY BRIGGS JR. OCTAVIUS HERNANDEZ REBECCA NIEDZIELSKI KRISTINA WEBBER ALBERT-CAL CHAMBERLAIN ALEXANDER BRISBOY ALEANA HERRERA HANNAH NOEL BRENDEN WEEKS ERIC CHAMPION ANTONIO BRYANT CHARLEIGH HIBBS ALIYAH OWENS DAR’RELLE WELCH YING CHEN JESSICA BURKE MARGARET HINCKLEY CUNG LIAN PAR RAYMOND WESTPHAL AMBIKA CHHETRI JUAN CABRERA SHANICE HOBBS JAVIER PASCUAL-PADILLA LACOASTIEST WILLIAMS LEAH CHILDERS ADRIAN CARRILLO MEGAN HODGSON SHELBY PAYNE SHAMAR WILLIAMS KERRY CHILDRESS ASHLEY CASON ANGELICA HOLGUIN JARED PENNER SHANTRESE WILLIAMS TIARA COLEY MARANDA CASON OSEAS HUDY-VELASCO TONY PEREZ ARIANNA WILSON CORRYN COLLIER KATHERINE CASTILLA FARDOSO IBRAHIM KAILA PERKINS CIERA WILSON JORDAN COOPER WESLEY CASTILLO ABDIRAHMAN IKAR ROBERT PERRO ERNEST WILSON DANIELLE CORBIN YOUVANA CASTILLO-SOTO CUBWA INNOCENTE ELIZABETH PUNG DAVID WOLDT LARRY COVINGTON DEEPAK CHHETRI SHANELLE JACKSON ANALICIA QUESADA NICHOLS XIONG DANIEL CRUZ TORRES TIKA MAYA CHHETRI BRANDON JAGER KASIDEE RAINGE ELIYAH YAHSHA REINA CRUZ-TORRES MONET COATS TUMAINI JEANETTE ALEXANDRIA RAMIREZ VILLAIN YANG EMILY DAKE GINA COSCARELLI MARIAH JENKS NILES RANGEL NDUWAYO ZABLON HONG-PHUC DANG ANTONETT COUTHEN JANAY JOHNSON BRANDY RAWLS JOSHUA CRIM DESIREE KAISER JOSIE REDDISH EVERETT ANTONIO DELAFUENTE-REYNAGA TREYWICK CULPEPPER CHARLENE KALIS OO REH ROWAID ABDULMASEEH ALEXIS DELGADO ERIKA DANIELS MARJAI KAMARA THOE REH ACHUT ACHARYA BENJAMIN DEYOUNG AARON DAVID ANTHONY KNOX NICHOLAS SAGOLLA SARASWATI ACHARYA GITA DHUNGEL CYPRESS DAVIS KOURTNEY KROGEL NAHISUBIJE SALOME TARA ACHARYA ANGEL DILL KRISTEN DAVIS HALEY LAURAIN JUAQUIN SANCHEZ CHIOMA ACHONU MICOLE DUNCAN MATTHEW DEFOREST HEATHER LAWSON JONATHAN SARMIENTO-ROJANO INDRA ADHIKARI COLLIN DUNN DERRICK DEJAEGHER SAMANTHA LEGG LEXIS SAUCEDA OM ADHIKARI JASMINE EDWARDS ELIJAH DENNIS RICKY LO MURIEL SCOTT STARR ALLEN TA EH ALEXIS DEPUE CRISELDA LOPEZ STEVEN SEELEY ABIKE AMSTERDAM DEJA ELLIS JOSUE DIAZ LUNESA LOREDO SALWA SHAKER ERVIN ANSLEY CINDY ESPINOSA-GONZALEZ COLLIN DILLINGER ADAM LOWE DERRICK SHEPHERD BRANDON APPLING CAMERON ESQUIVEL AWA DJIMBI-BOUMB KRISTYN LYNCH KASAI SHORT SANTIAGO ARCAUTE WENDY ESQUIVEL-ESTRADA AWA DJIMBI-BOUMB ALEXANDRIA MALDONADO MELISSA SIBISKI AALIN ASKEW SIGMOND EVANS DOMANICK DONLEY CARLOS MANCHON RODRIGUEZ CHRISTIE-LYNN SMITH STEVEN ATKIN KAYLA-LYN FELIX JAWON ELLENA SCOTT MARSH MICHAEL SMITH CHELSEA AUSTIN DIEGO FOLTZ MATTHEW ERICKSON IVAN MARTINEZ REBEKAH SMITH NICHOLAS BALCARCEL MALANA FUENTES SAVANNA EVERETT TSHISWAKA MAWEJA ARIANA SNEED KALEB BARKER HALEY FUHRMAN CAMERON FAIR MAISIE MCQUAID VAN SONG QUENTIN BARKER ARIADNA GALLEGOS KAYLEE FASE PLEH MEH SHAWN SPARKS JURELL BARNES ADRIAN GANDOLL ROMERO DES’MANIQU DAY GRADuATION IS CONTINGENT uPON SuCCESSFuLLY COMPLETING ALL CREDITS SADEIA GEBRIL JANELLE LEWIS PATRICK RILEY SOPHIA WILLIAMS COURTNEY LANDON RAYMOND GILBERT SITING LIN DAREESE ROBERTSON THERMAN WILLS DEVONTE LAUDERDALE TYLER GILSON ANJELICA LIRA JALEN ROBINSON CHRISTOPHER WILSON BLONG LEE ISIAH GLAISTER RYAN LOCKE TYLER ROBISON FAIPRUET WONGRUEANG EMILY LEE AMANA GLASS AMBER LOVE ANEYSA ROGERS MAI DER YANG SERENA LEE GUADALUPE GONZALEZ CHA’QUAN LOVE CAMARYN ROPER BRIANNA YOUNG REBECAH LERMA MARCO GONZALEZ EMARI LOVELESS-PLUMME REBECCA ROSALES KHALIL YOUNG DEANDRA LEWIS JESSICA GREENWOOD SHARAYA LUNDY ANTHONY RUE MANUEL GUERRA MADELYN MACCREERY KATIE RUNYON SEXTON SOFIA MAHITULA MON GURUNG DARSHAY MACKLIN-SHERRER LAZARA SABINO-GONZALEZ AMINA AHMED NYJUA MALLETT PURNI GURUNG DEANNA MARTIN BRANDON SALAZAR MICHAEL BARBERBRAUN BRONSON MANDEVILLE ERYCK HALL SAMANTHA MARTINEZ CIERRA SALTER ANTONIO BARRERA LEVI MCCULLOCH SIENNA HARDEN MELANIE MATCHETTE SHAUNQUAL SCOTT ERIQ BENNETT ALAYSHA MINOR-WOOD BRITTANY HARRIS KAMANIA MAXIE ERNESTO SILVA JR. SOPHIA BOZZO DILKHAZ MIZORI BROOKE HARRIS JAMEKA MCABEE KAYLA SMITH JAMONE BROOKS RIZGAR MIZORI XAVIER HARRIS JASMINE MCCULLOUGH NICHOLAS SOBER JASMYNN BROWN AALIYAH NIXON JALEN HAUSER SARAH MCGINNIS LEOUDY SOSA CONCEPCION ANTHONY BUDD LADON NIXON DARQUISE HAWKINS MORGAN MCINTYRE CODI STOCKENAUER HANNAH BURLESON YVETTE NIYITEGEKA ELHAM HEJABIYAN BEH MEH CYNTHIA STREET BRADNEY CANNON HTWAY NYO ELMAHDI HENRY DAMEIKA MERRIWETHER BHAWANA SUBBA DESTINY CARTER ASHLEY PARKER ALEXANDER HERNANDEZ MARIA MICHAELS MANG SUNG VICTORIA CARTER FRANCISCO PEREZ ZAMORA YURITZI HERNANDEZ DAKOTA MILLER HASTA SUTAR KHADA CHAPAGAI GLADYS PIERRE GABRIELLE HESTER JAMES MILLS JOSEPH SUTTLES CURTIS CHESTER BRADLEY PINCKNEY PHILIP HICKS MANUEL MIRELES BUDDHI TAMANG PETRICE CLARKE NYERAH PORTER AARON HIGDON JAVON MOORE MONTRESE TAYLOR CALLY CORTWOOD CORNELIO RAMIREZ-SANTAMARIA CHARITY HIGLEY SLADE MORONEY JOSEPH TEEGARDIN DASEAN CROOM JESSICA RANGEL NICKOLAS HILTON DESTINEY MORTON REGENE THOMPSON WILLIAM CROSS TUREH REH NICHOLAS HINER JOCELYN MURCHISON JESUS TONCHE DAMONTE’ DAVIS EMILY RIPLEY JACKLYN HO ISHA MUZHIMU MARIA TORRES TORI DAVIS ALEJANDRO SANCHEZ PHU HO JOSEPH NASH NHAN TRAN RABILE DHAGANE CALVIN SANDERS III KYLE HOLDER KRISTIN NELSON SHALEYZA TRIPLETT MALCOLM DOWNS SPENCER SHEPHERD GREIGROE HOLMES-HAYWOOD PETER NEMETH DAMION TUBBS CHARLOTTE EDWARDS DANIELLE SHIREY CHEYENE HOUGHTON HUONG NGUYEN KEMOND TURNER STEPHAN ERICKSON ANGELINA SIERRA MOHAMED HUSEIN MARY NGUYEN DYLAN TWEEDY CRISTINA ETHERIDGE FARIN SMITH SUM HUYNH MY-LOC NGUYEN YAZMIN VALLEJO ANTOINETTE FLANAGAN JAMES STANFIELD WAAD IBRAHIM RAYMOND OAKES BENITO VALLES CHEYENNE FREEMAN DANETTE STEWART CHELSEA INGRAM MEYLIN ODELIN-MARTINEZ MARISSA VALLES REYONNA FREEMAN RAM SUBEDI BRIAN JANETZKE VEDAD OMEROVIC JAMES VANDEGRIFT ELIZABETH ANNE GEITER TIANNA SUTTLES DAKOTA JARRAD MORGAN OSTRANDER PEDRO VIDAL ERIANNA GILLIAM KEITH SWAIN BRANDON JARVIS JULIANA OVIEDO ALEJANDRA VILLALTA DIAZ KISHAWN GILLIAM TYSON THOMAS REBECCA JENKS JOHN PALMER VERONICA VILLARREAL SYDNEY GRANT LIEM TRAN RAQUEL JIMENEZ JESSICA PASCHE TRINH VU VICTORIA GUTIERREZ BRIONNA WADLEY DESANTE JOHNSON ALEXUS PATTERSON NINA VUE DEVON HAMMOND KAYLA WADLEY RUSHAUN JOHNSON JORGE PENA-RAMIREZ CHRISTOPHER WALSH AUTUMN HARRIS KAYLA WALKER SAMMIE JOHNSON TARA PHAN MELINDA WALSH RAQUEL HARRIS CHARLEY WARREN DARYL JONES EMILIO PIDO REBECCA WALZAK TAYLOR HARRIS SHANICE WATKINS TYLER JONES TYLER PINE HANI WARSAME JALEN HAYES TASHAWN WEBB DENZEL JORDAN ARJUN POKHREL SHANNON WASHINGTON JAWAN HAYES ASHLEY WILLIAMS KEITH JORGENSEN VICTOR POSADAS DAQUARIA WATKINS ANTHONY HERSON DEON WILLIAMS LINDSAY JULY IAN POTTER PATRICIA WEGIENKA JONYE’ HINTON JEREMY WILLIAMSON JOHN KELLY JUSTYCE POWELL-FOSTER LEXIS WELLS MONTRAE HOARD JAWON WILSON TERRY KENT DRESHA PRUITT KYLE WESSON LARQUISE HOBBS DEMARCO WOODARD LADAN KHANEHZARIN DEJANA PURANOVIC JAMES WESTBROOK JOHN HORTON-HILLIARD DAO XIONG DHAKA KHATIWADA ESTEPHANIA QUINTANA TANO ANTHONY WHITE DEMARIUS HOYLE MICHELLE XIONG DARREN KIMBROUGH KHADIJAH RADCLIFF MARINA WHITE-VILLANUEVA TRE’SHAWN HURSEY CHEMECHEE YANG JOHN KING MARINA RAHALL MORGAN WHITE-VILLANUEVA JASMINE JAMES COUA YANG NATCHA KLAHAN MIGUEL RAMOS CARNELL WILLIAMS LAWANDA JENNINGS JOSHUA YANG LAKENDRA KNOLLEY CAMERON REED DIAMOND WILLIAMS TARIAH JONES SHUE YANG DIONTAE LEWIS BRANDON RHODES JACQWESE WILLIAMS KEYONEE KEMP TOU YEE LENG YANG TIA LEWIS GRADuATION IS CONTINGENT uPON SuCCESSFuLLY COMPLETING ALL CREDITS EASTERN BENJAMIN ALVARADO GUILLERMO AVILEZ-GUZMAN ASPEN BENAVIDES QUINCY BRIGGS JR. JUAN CABRERA ADRIAN CARRILLO KATHERINE CASTILLA WESLEY CASTILLO YOUVANA CASTILLO-SOTO MONET COATS AARON DAVID CYPRESS DAVIS JOSUE DIAZ ALEXIS FUENTES MOISES GARCIA RAUL GARCIA JEREMY GERALD LOLITA GONZALES VERONICA GONZALEZ JORDAN HERNANDEZ ALEANA HERRERA ANGELICA HOLGUIN OSEAS HUDY-VELASCO CRISELDA LOPEZ LUNESA LOREDO ALEXANDRIA MALDONADO CARLOS MANCHON RODRIGUEZ IVAN MARTINEZ SANTIAGO MENDEZ BANNEL MENDOZA-FIGUEROA RICHARD MEREDITH DESJARAE MILLER PEARL MILLER DIEGO MOLINA ALAINAH MONTEMAYOR PATRICK MULLEN JAVIER PASCUAL-PADILLA TONY PEREZ ANALICIA QUESADA ALEXANDRIA RAMIREZ JUAQUIN SANCHEZ JONATHAN SARMIENTO-ROJANO LEXIS SAUCEDA CHRISTIE-LYNN SMITH REBEKAH SMITH ASHLEY TREVINO NICHOLAS TREVINO JOSE VALDEZ VICENTE VASQUEZ EVERETT SANTIAGO ARCAUTE STEVEN ATKIN NICHOLAS BALCARCEL MICHELLE BELTRAN ANA CALDERIN CRUZATA DANIEL CRUZ TORRES REINA CRUZ-TORRES ANTONIO DELAFUENTE-REYNAGA ALEXIS DELGADO CINDY ESPINOSA-GONZALEZ WENDY ESQUIVEL-ESTRADA DIEGO FOLTZ MALANA FUENTES ARIADNA GALLEGOS ADRIAN GANDOLL ROMERO GUADALUPE GONZALEZ MARCO GONZALEZ ALEXANDER HERNANDEZ YURITZI HERNANDEZ RAQUEL JIMENEZ ANJELICA LIRA SAMANTHA MARTINEZ MANUEL MIRELES PETER NEMETH MEYLIN ODELIN-MARTINEZ JULIANA OVIEDO JORGE PENA-RAMIREZ EMILIO PIDO VICTOR POSADAS ESTEPHANIA QUINTANA TANO MARINA RAHALL MIGUEL RAMOS REBECCA ROSALES LAZARA SABINO-GONZALEZ BRANDON SALAZAR ERNESTO SILVA JR. LEOUDY SOSA CONCEPCION JESUS TONCHE MARIA TORRES YAZMIN VALLEJO BENITO VALLES MARISSA VALLES PEDRO VIDAL ALEJANDRA VILLALTA DIAZ VERONICA VILLARREAL MARINA WHITE-VILLANUEVA MORGAN WHITE-VILLANUEVA SEXTON SOPHIA BOZZO CRISTINA ETHERIDGE ELIZABETH ANNE GEITER VICTORIA GUTIERREZ REBECAH LERMA FRANCISCO PEREZ ZAMORA CORNELIO RAMIREZ-SANTAMARIA ALEJANDRO SANCHEZ ANGELINA SIERRA ASHLEY WILLIAMS By Allena R. Tapia After years of waiting, a proposed immigration reform bill was finally drafted and the Senate has begun work on the proposal. e bill is only a draft at this point, and faces a long fight. Here are just a few of the proposal’s facts: • e proposal includes a potential way for youth, agriculture workers, and other undocumented people to become citizens. e path may be available to some who are already part of ICE cases or who have been deported, but bars people who have felonies or many misdemeanors. • is pathway is long- years and sometimes more than a decade. It also includes between $400-$1000 in fees, and immigrants may need to pay old taxes. • e current proposal requires immigrants to have already been in the US as of December 31, 2011. • e proposal requires significant changes on the US border before the pathway can be put into place, and will include hiring 3,500 more Border Patrol agents. It also makes employers check work eligibility of every single new hire worker. ere is NO NEW LAW yet, nor is there anything to apply for. Be cautious of “notarios” or other unscrupulous people who may try to take advantage of this process. e proposal is very new and we are very early in this process. Many changes could still be made in both the senate and the House of Representatives. e bill could lose support all together. ose who are citizens should express their opinions to their elected officials about the bill. ose who might benefit from a path to citizenship may want to begin gathering identity or saving for fees. e next few months will be a long and difficult process. Be sure to visit for more information in both English and Spanish. Por: Allena R. Tapia Después de años de espera, un proyecto de reforma migratoria ha sido finalmente presentado y redactado. El Senado ha comenzado a trabajar en la propuesta. El proyecto de ley es sólo un proyecto hasta este momento y se enfrenta a una larga lucha. • La propuesta incluye un camino potencial para la juventud, Éstos son sólo algunos de los hechos de la propuesta: los trabajadores agrícolas y otros indocumentados podrán convertirse en ciudadanos. El camino puede estar disponible para algunos de los que ya forman parte de los casos del ICE o que han sido deportados, pero no estará disponible para aquellos que tienen infracciones o muchos delitos graves. • Este es un largo camino que puede tardar años y a veces puede tardar más de una década. También incluyen cuotas de entre $ 400 - $ 1000 y los inmigrantes tendrán que pagar impuestos atrasados. continúa en la página 33 Photo by Luis Delgado By Allena Tapia When I come upon a person whose life is truly oriented toward serving others, it intrigues me. What is it that motivates a person who is an authentic servant to others? How does one extricate themselves from the everyday to-do of life in order to give to others? So, when I was given the opportunity to interview Kellie Dean, President and CEO of Lansing’s Dean Transportation, this was my driving question. Dean, and Dean Transportation are integral to our community in more than one way. Dean provides special needs transportation services for Michigan school districts, manages special needs transportation, and also provides luxury transport services through Dean Trailways. But, in addition, Dean himself is a son of Lansing, having graduated from MSU. He also serves on numerous boards, committees and projects in our area, and throughout the state, such as Special Olympics, Ronald McDonald House Foundation, Capital Area United Way, Ebersole Foundation, and the Mid-Michigan Chapter of the American Red Cross. But, his latest service project animated him most during our conversation. “What I’ve really been spending a lot of time on lately is the Lansing Promise. This has the potential to reach a lot of people here in Lansing, but also to have greater repercussions throughout the area.” Lansing Promise is a scholarship program that provides college funding to Lansing students who complete high school in the city. Dean was enthusiastic about the potential expected growth of the program, and looked forward to checking in with the program’s first set of students, who just finished their first year of college study. Continued on Next Page (Continued from previous page) With such an involved, busy philanthropic life, I wondered about the balance that Dean had to employ. “The thing is that the mission of the company is service-oriented, too. So, it fits well that we serve. There’s a balance there, but we’re able to achieve it. We’re not selling a product or a widget. The company is made to serve, and that generalizes well to my life and the lives of the others who serve here.” The leadership that Dean provides to the transport company reflects well in the company’s values and mission. The company’s website enumerates multiple service-oriented projects, and Dean plainly encourages his staff to be as involved as possible. In addition to supporting the greater Lansing community, the company is environmentally responsible and committed to reducing their carbon footprint in the area. Dean’s motivation as to all these undertakings is where my curiosity directed me, though, and his answer did not disappoint. He described a childhood in which his school and family consistently pushed the value of service to others, and demonstrated a commitment to that value at all times. This kind of example- walking the walk- obviously impressed itself well on Dean’s young mind, and Lansing is the prime beneficiary of such a service-minded attitude. continúa de la página 29 • La propuesta requiere que los inmigrantes hayan estado en los EE.UU. desde el 31 de diciembre de 2011. • La propuesta requiere cambios significativos en la frontera con EE.UU. antes de que el camino se pueda poner en práctica, e incluirá la contratación de más de 3.500 agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza. También hace que los empleadores verifiquen la elegibilidad de cada nuevo trabajador contratado. No hay una nueva ley aún, ni tampoco hay nada para aplicar. Tenga cuidado con los "notarios" u otras personas sin escrúpulos que pueden tratar de tomar ventaja de este proceso. La propuesta es muy nueva y es muy prematuro en este proceso. Muchos de los cambios podrían ser realizados tanto en el Senado como en la Cámara de Representantes. El proyecto de ley podría perder todo el apoyo. Los que son ciudadanos deben expresar sus opiniones a sus funcionarios electos sobre el proyecto de ley. Aquellos que podrían beneficiarse de un camino a la ciudadanía, pueden empezar a reunir documentos de identidad o guardar dinero para los honorarios. Los próximos meses serán un largo y difícil proceso. No deje de visitar para obtener más información en inglés y español. 33 1st S.T.E.P. (School to Training and Employment Program) was created as a partnership between the Lansing Board of Water & Light, several Lansing area organizations and high schools. e partners include Lansing and Waverly School Districts, Lansing Community College (LCC), Capital Area Michigan Works! (CAMW!) and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 352. Ashley Cason, Eastern, Stock Distribution Specialist Our mission is to partner with local schools and offer high school seniors a “paid, work-based learning experience” and opportunities to enter into a skilled workforce. Upon successfully meeting their graduation requirements, and completion of 1st S.T.E.P., students are awarded a $1,500 scholarship to attend Lansing Community College. 57 students have completed 1st S.T.E.P. and the BWL has awarded $85,500 in scholarship funds Since its inception in 2008, 57 students have completed 1st S.T.E.P. and the BWL has awarded $85,500 in scholarship funds. Also, the BWL has selected 18 of these students to continue in employment in both full-time and temporary positions. e selection process includes: attendance at a mandatory orientation program, the creation of a resume and essay, a tour of BWL facilities, as well as the completion of two interviews for final selection to the program. e students that make the final selection have the opportunity to work in one of nine positions ranging from Coal Cleaner to Water Production Helper in the second half of their senior year. For more information or questions, please call (517) 702-6252 or visit our web site or like us on Facebook at LBWL 1st S.T.E.P. 36 1st S.T.E.P. (por sus siglas en inglés: Programa de Escuela a Capacitación y Empleo) fue creado en conjunto entre la Junta de Agua y Luz de Lansing (BWL por sus siglas en inglés) y varias organizaciones y escuelas medio superiores de Lansing. Los colaboradores incluyen los distritos escolares de Lansing y Waverly, Lansing Community College (colegio universitario LCC, por sus siglas en inglés), Capital Area Michigan Works! (Empleos en la capital de Michigan) (CAMW!, por sus siglas en inglés) e International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (Fraternidad internacional de trabajadores electricistas, IBEW por sus siglas en inglés) Local 352. Nuestra misión es asociarnos con escuelas locales y ofrecer a estudiantes del grado 12, una “experiencia de aprendizaje basado en trabajo remunerado” y oportunidades para entrar a una fuerza laboral especializada. Los estudiantes son seleccionados de escuelas locales para esta oportunidad remunerada de aprendizaje basado en trabajo. Una vez completado el 1er S.T.E.P. y sus requerimientos de graduación, los estudiantes obtendrán una beca de $1,500.00 para Lansing Community College. Desde su inicio en 2008, cincuenta y siete estudiantes han completado el 1er S.T.E.P. y la BWL ha otorgado $85,500 en becas. También, la BWL ha seleccionado 18 de estos estudiantes para continuar empleados en puestos de tiempo completo y temporales. Christiano Ramos Waverly Fleet Mechanic Assistant El proceso de selección incluye: asistir a un programa de orientación obligatorio, elaborar un currículum y una composición, visitar las instalaciones de la BWL, así como la terminación de dos entrevistas para la selección final al programa. Los estudiantes que logren llegar a la selección final, tienen la oportunidad de trabajar en uno de nueve puestos como limpiador de carbón hasta ayudante en la producción de agua durante la segunda mitad del grado 12. Para más información o preguntas, favor de llamar al (517) 702-6252 o visite nuestro sitio web o en Facebook en LBWL 1st S.T.E.P. 37 Artist Beena Guatem Looks of awe and amazement, and even a few tears were shed after the Art@Work project was revealed to audiences at its February unveiling event. A sneak peek event for students, client artists and donors was held on Feb. 20, where they had the first opportunity to see the result of the three-year collaborative project between Michigan State University’s Residential College in the Arts and Humanities (RCAH), College of Engineering and Peckham’s Art from the Heart program. On Saturday, Feb. 23, nearly 300 community members came to the public unveiling on the manufacturing floor of Peckham’s main facility, to celebrate the result of a successful partnership in education, technology, culture and the arts. Art@Work is a mosaic of individual pieces created collaboratively by Peckham client artists, community artists and university students. More than 100 individual pieces are in the first installation, resulting in a display of art measuring nearly 60 feet wide and 25 feet tall. e final display will include enough art pieces to cover a 200 by 40 foot wall. e idea for the Art@Work project was developed... after an “off the wall” discussion... “e Art@Work project is a direct reflection of our commitment to partnership, collaboration and innovation. e culmination of this project speaks to the amazing potential and dynamic ideas achieved when people and organizations join together to positively contribute to our community,” said Mitchell Tomlinson, Peckham President and CEO. e idea for the Art@Work project was developed in 2010, after an “off the wall” discussion between Vincent Delgado, RCAH Academic Specialist for Civic Engagement, and Sue McGuire, Art Program Developer for Peckham’s Art from the Heart program. e two realized this collaboration would be an excellent opportunity to create a visual representation using the arts to reflect innovation, diversity and inclusiveness. ey quickly brought on Guillermo Delgado, community artist and RCAH faculty, to develop what is now called Art@Work. 40 “ese are individuals who are sharing their unique experiences - diversity of culture and diversity of ability - and integrating it into the fabric of Lansing culture and the arts. It is a project that emphasizes community and connection, and promotes the idea of inclusion,” said McGuire. Over the last three years, this team, along with RCAH students has been engaging in art making dialogues with Peckham clients - some with disabilities and from a wide range of cultural backgrounds, to create individual 22” x 30” pieces of artwork. Students from the College of Engineering worked specifically to develop a proposed solution to install the art display, and most recently, collaborated with RCAH students to develop viewing technology for the installation. “Many people who are not engaged in engineering have an image of engineers – as analytics, scientists engaged in mathematics, physics or chemistry – some would even call us nerds,” said Satish Udpa, Dean of the College of Engineering. “But engineers have much in common with artists. Like artists we must be creative thinkers and be innovative. is unique art installation has allowed our students to be involved in a project that not only helps them use their skills to succeed in the field of engineering, but also gain skills to succeed as citizens, participate fully in life, and give back to the community.” is activity is supported in part by an award from the MICHIGAN COUNCIL FOR ARTS AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS and the NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS. Other funders include Ford Community Fund, Integrated Architecture, and Pioneer Construction. Art@Work is available for public viewing. Please call 517.316.4000 to set up a tour. All Photos courtesy of Ian Siporin “It is a project that emphasizes community and connection, and promotes the idea of inclusion...” 41 El estudiante de Eastern High School, Marco Solís, ha tenido asistencia perfecta desde el jardín de niños. Marco Solis, estudiante de Eastern High School, mostró una leve sonrisa en el rostro mientras tímidamente recibía felicitaciones y un certificado de asistencia perfecta durante una reciente junta del Consejo de Educación de Lansing. Él no ha faltado a un día de escuela desde el jardín de niños hasta actualmente en el grado 11. ¿Qué motiva a un estudiante a venir a la escuela y hacer las cosas bien en clase en una época donde abunda el ausentismo escolar? “Realmente me gusta la historia y las ciencias sociales”, dijo Marco. “Mis padres siempre me han alentado a ir a la escuela y dar lo mejor de mí. Me hace sentir orgulloso ver los reconocimientos colgados en la pared de nuestra casa”. El ausentismo escolar es un problema grave en la mayoría de las escuelas de bachillerato de los Estados Unidos. Los distritos de las escuelas están lidiando con esto de muchas maneras, incluyendo el contratar oficiales de ausentismo escolar, enviar a los alumnos a una corte de ausentismo escolar, suspensiones de la escuela, etc. Una de las más nuevas y controvertidas regulaciones gubernamentales referente al ausentismo es la cancelación de los beneficios de la ayuda social si los estudiantes de la familia faltan diez o más días a la escuela. Las familias pueden reanudar la ayuda social después de que el estudiante haya asistido a la escuela 21 días consecutivos. De acuerdo con expertos de la asistencia escolar, el ausentismo escolar es un síntoma de otros problemas, tales como la baja autoestima, salud física y mental, problemas familiares, relaciones con maestros o estudiantes y el miedo a ser molestados. Este año, Eastern High School ha implementado un nuevo plan para guiar a los estudiantes que están teniendo problemas con la asistencia. El Plan de Intervención para Asistencia (AIP por sus siglas en inglés) incorpora tutorías para los estudiantes, desarrollo de la personalidad para los estudiantes y para los padres, y defensa para los estudiantes. El personal, los estudiantes, los padres y la comunidad trabajan juntos en un plan proactivo y sin sanción para mejorar la asistencia y los logros. Los servicios son diseñados para cimentar la motivación exclusiva en los alumnos para asistir a la escuela y dar lo mejor de ellos. “En Eastern estamos brindando el apoyo y las herramientas que los estudiantes necesitan para convertirse en discípulos para toda la vida. Los estudiantes aquí toman en serio el aprendizaje y nosotros en Eastern estamos comprometidos a perfeccionar la asistencia”. -Donna Pohl, Directora, Eastern high School Aunque AIP comenzó tarde en el año escolar, los estudiantes ya han mejorado la asistencia.