H0602_MS_MC102PlusRx_04012016 Accepted This information is
H0602_MS_MC102PlusRx_04012016 Accepted This information is
Medicare Covered Benefit Rocky Mountain Plus Plan + Rx (Cost) You Pay Monthly Plan Premium Medical Only Prescription Drug (Part D-Optional) $175.00* $109.50 Total Part D Prescription Drug Benefit (Cost for a 30 day supply) Level I: Initial Coverage Limit $284.50* * plus you must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium No deductible $3 copay Tier 1 $20 copay Tier 2 $40 copay Tier 3 $60 copay Tier 4 33% coinsurance Tier 5 Level II: Coverage Gap After $3,310 in total yearly drug costs, Member pays either a $3 copay for Tier 1 and a $20 copay for Tier 2 (for a one month supply) or up to 58% of the price for generic drugs, whichever is lower and 45% of the price for brand name drugs until the Member’s out-of-pocket drug costs reach $4,850. Level III: Catastrophic Benefit After the Member’s out-of-pocket drug costs reach $4,850, they pay $2.95 copay generic; $7.40 copay for all other drugs; OR 5% (whichever is higher) Formulary of Prescription Drugs covered on the Rocky Mountain Plus Plan +Rx English|Spanish Mail Order/Retail Rx Additional RMHP Part D Information and Forms 2.5 copays for 3 month supply This information is not a complete description of benefits. Contact the plan for more information. Limitations, copayments, and restrictions may apply. Benefits, premiums and/or co-payments/co-insurance may change on January 1 of each year. This information is available for free in other languages. Please call Customer Service at 888282-1420 (TTY dial 711). Hours are 8am - 8pm, 7 days/week, Oct. 1–Feb.14, and 8am - 8pm, M-F, Feb.15–Sept.30. Esta información está disponible gratuitamente en otros idiomas. Por favor llame a la línea de Atención a Clientes, al 888-282-1420 (TTY marque 711). Horario de 8am - 8pm, 7 días a la semana, del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero; y 8am - 8pm, de lunes a viernes, del 15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre. RMHP is a Medicare-approved Cost plan. Enrollment in RMHP depends on contract renewal. H0602_MS_MC102PlusRx_04012016 Accepted
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Benefit Highlights
Individual $250 / Family $500 Brand Name / Specialty Prescription Rx (D1) $5 Copay
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