Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf


Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
Location Map for Morning Field Day Stops
Turf Tidbit
Georgia's top ten turfgrass producing counties are
Macon, Cook, Tift, Floyd, Treutlen, Lanier, Bullouch,
Sumter, Bibb and Peach Counties. (Source: UGA
Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development,
2005 Georgia Farm Gate Value Report.)
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
2006 University of Georgia Turfgrass Field Day Program
8:00 a.m. to 8:50 a.m. – Registration
Coffee, juice, and doughnuts sponsored by Friends of the Gardens
9:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. – Welcome
9:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. - (Presentations repeat every 15 minutes)
Research Tour 1* - (Guided Tours)
Yellow Nutsedge Management in Turfgrasses – Dr. Tim Murphy
Non-traditional Means of Site Assessment for Water Use-Efficiency / Conservation –
Dr. Bob Carrow & Mr. Joe Krum
Tall Fescue Disease Management – Drs. Lee Burpee and Alfredo Martinez
Regeneration of Native Warm-season Grasses – Dr. Melanie Harrison-Dunn
Using Turfgrass for Erosion Control – Dr. Rose Mary Seymour
Insect Management – Drs. Kris Braman & Will Hudson
Long-term Effects of High Mowing and Over Fertilization on Centipedegrass – Dr. Wayne Hanna
Introduction of Heat Tolerant Kentucky Bluegrass into Established Tall Fescue – Dr. Clint Waltz
Recent Advancements in Disease Resistance and Applications of Seashore Paspalum in Georgia –
Dr. Paul Raymer
11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – Turfgrass Equipment and Product Exhibits
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. – Bar-B-Q Lunch (ribs and chicken)
Turfgrass Equipment and Product Exhibits
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Research Tour 2 - (Nonguided Tours)
Components of Conducting an Irrigation Audit –Mr. Kerry Harrison
Use of Rain Gardens on Georgia Golf Courses and Landscapes** – Dr. Rose Mary Seymour
& Mr. Tony Johnson
Principles of Turfgrass Management for Hispanic Professionals (Principios del Manejo de Céspedes
Para Profesionales Hispanos del Paisajismo) – Dr. Alfredo Martinez and Mr. Marco Fonseca
(This session will be held in the Redding Building Conference Room.)
Georgia Certified Landscape Professional (GCLP) Training** – Mr. Todd Hurt & Dr. Wayne Gardener
Pre-emergence Weed control in Ornamentals – Dr. Mark Czarnota
Bentgrass Disease Management – Dr. Lee Burpee
Evaluation of Basamid as a Methyl-bromide replacement for Bermudagrass Control – Dr. Clint Waltz
Crabgrass Control in Turfgrasses – Dr. Tim Murphy
Turfgrass Educational Opportunities from The University of Georgia *** – Dr. Keith Karnok
A special Spanish translation will be made available for the entire Research Tour 1
Located at the Research and Education Garden
Located in the Stuckey Auditorium
Pesticide Credits will be available after 3:00 p.m. in the Stuckey Auditorium.
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
University of Georgia Turfgrass Team
Athens Campus
3111 Miller Plant Sciences Bld., Athens, GA 30602-7272
Keith Karnok, Professor
Crop & Soil Sciences
Turf Physiology
(706) 542-0931
[email protected]
Steve Knapp, Professor
Crop & Soil Sciences
Genetics & Biotechnology
(706) 542-4021
[email protected]
Andrew H. Paterson, Professor
Crop & Soil Sciences
Plant Genetics
(706) 583-0162
[email protected]
Griffin Campus
1109 Experiment Street, Griffin, GA 30223-1797
Kris Braman, Professor
(770) 228-7236
[email protected]
Lee Burpee, Professor
Plant Pathology
(770) 412-4010
[email protected]
R. N. Carrow, Professor
Crop & Soil Sciences
Environmental & Soil Stress
(770) 228-7277,
[email protected]
Zhenbang Chen, Research Scientist
Crop & Soil Sciences
Turf & Small Grains
(770) 228-7331
[email protected]
Gil Landry, Professor
Crop & Soil Sciences &
Coordinator-Center for Urban Ag,
(770) 233-6108
[email protected]
Paul Raymer, Professor
Crop & Soil Sciences
Turfgrass Breeder
(770) 228-7234
[email protected]
Alfredo Martinez, Asst. Professor
Plant Pathology
Turf-Wheat-Non-legume Forages
(770) 228-7375
[email protected]
Wojciech Florkowski, Professor
Ag & App. Economics
(770) 228-7231
[email protected]
Tim Murphy, Professor
Crop & Soil Sciences
Weed Science
(770) 228-7300
[email protected]
Joel Paz, PS Asst.
Bio & Ag Engineering
(770) 228-7399
[email protected]
Rose Mary Seymour, PS Asst.
Bio. & Ag Engineering
(770) 229-3214
[email protected]
Clint Waltz, Asst. Professor
Crop & Soil Sciences
Turf Management
(770) 228-7300
[email protected]
Melanie Harrison-Dunn, Curator
(770) 412-4097
[email protected]
Tifton Campus
P.O. Box 748, Tifton, GA 31794
Wayne Hanna, Professor
Crop & Soil Sciences
Turfgrass Breeder
(229) 386-3177
[email protected]
Kerry Harrison, Senior PS Assoc.
Bio & Ag Engineering
Irrigation Specialist
(229) 386-3442
[email protected]
Will Hudson, Professor
(229) 386-3424
[email protected]
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
The University of Georgia Turfgrass Field Day
2006 Research and Education Contributors
The turfgrass research and education program at the University of Georgia is supported by two means: (a)
state and federal support, and (b) the various entities of the turfgrass industry. Without the active direct and indirect
support of the turfgrass industry, our research and education efforts would be severely curtailed. Thus, we wish to
thank the various contributors who in recent years have helped the turfgrass industry by supporting our research and
education programs:
Akzo Nobel
Arvesta Products
Bamboo Farm & Coastal Gardens
Becker Underwood
Cabin Creek Golf Club
Center for Urban Agriculture
Cleary Chemical
Corbin Turf & Ornamental Supply
Crop Solution
Dow AgroSciences
East Lake Golf Club
Foundation for Agronomic Research (PPI)
Georgia Crop Improvement Association
Georgia Golf Course Superintendents Assn.
Georgia Golf Environmental Foundation
Georgia Pacific
Georgia PGA
Georgia Seed Development Commission
Georgia Sod Producers Association
Georgia Turfgrass Association
Georgia Turfgrass Foundation Trust
Georgia Turf and Tractor
Griffin Country Club
Golf Course Superintendents Assn. of America
Hendrix & Dail
Heron Bay Golf Club
ISK BioSciences
Jerry Pate Turf & Irrigation
Links Golf Club
Mark Mender
MB&B Sod Farms
Metro-Atlanta Landscape & Turf Assn.
National Turfgrass Evaluation Program
NG Turf
Olsen Seed
Patten Seed
PBI Gordon
Pennington Seed
Phillip Jennings Turf Farms
Pike Creek
Pike Family Nurseries
Pro Phyta
Sentek Australia
Simpson Sod
Sod Atlanta
Sod Solutions
Southern States Turf
Super Sod
Taylor Turf
Turfgrass Producers International
Turf Seed
U.S. Golf Association
Valent U.S.A.
Thank you! If we have inadvertently omitted a contributor, we apologize.
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
Nutsedge Management in Turfgrasses
Dr. Tim R. Murphy
Extension Weed Scientist, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension
You can call a weed any name you wish. And, as long as the management strategy controls the weed then
there is no problem. However, sometimes an improper common name can lead to a control failure. Consider this the Cyperaceae, the sedge family, has about 4,000 species found across the world (Correll and Johnston 1979).
Numerous members of this family are found in turfgrasses, and many of these species look like a grass. But after
repeated attempts to control these grass look-alikes with the postemergence graminicides used for turfgrass weed
control such as sethoxydim (Vantage), fenoxaprop (Acclaim Extra) and fenoxaprop (Fusilade II) some of us may
begin to realize maybe this ain’t a grass after all.
Sedges are not grasses and respond differently to most herbicides. In general, sedges are yellow-green to
dark-green, with triangular stems and three-ranked leaves, unlike the two-ranked leaves of the grass family (Table
1.1). The leaf sheath of sedges is closed and encircles the stem.
Several sedges (Cyperus spp.) are major problem weeds in turfgrasses. Of these species, only two, purple
(C. rotundus) and yellow nutsedge (C. esculentus), form tubers. Other problem species of the Cyperaceae family
include annual or water sedge (C. compressus), green (Kyllinga brevifolia) and fragrant kyllinga (Kyllinga
sesquiflorus), globe sedge (C. croceus), Texas sedge (C. polystachyos) and cylindric sedge (C. retrorsus).
Yellow and purple nutsedge are low-growing perennials which at first glance resemble a grass. In fact, some
people call these species nut-grass. Seedhead color is often used to distinguish between the two major nutsedges.
Yellow nutsedge has a yellowish- to straw-colored inflorescence, while purple nutsedge has a reddish- to purplishcolored inflorescence. Leaf tip shape is another distinguishing characteristic, but is difficult to see in turfgrasses that
are regularly mowed. Leaf tips of purple nutsedge are generally wider and gradually taper to a sharp point. Conversely, yellow nutsedge leaves become constricted near the narrow, needle-like tip. Yellow and purple nutsedge are
not believed to produce viable seed but due to their underground tubers and rhizomes, these species have tremendous
reproductive capacity. Excellent color photographs and descriptions of these and other sedges may be found in
Weeds of Southern Turfgrasses (Murphy et al. 1992), Color Atlas of Turfgrass Weeds (McCarty et al. 2001), and
at the UGA Turfgrass website (www.georgiaturf.com).
Most sedges thrive in soils that remain wet for extended periods of time. The first control step is to correct
the cause of continuously wet soils. Do not over-irrigate an area, and if necessary, provide surface and subsurface
The overwhelming majority of turfgrass preemergence herbicides do not control sedges. Triazine herbicides
(e.g., atrazine, simazine) provide fair preemergence control of some annual sedges, but generally are ineffective on
perennial species. Metolachlor (Pennant) provides preemergence control of most annual sedges and yellow nutsedge. Preemergence control of purple nutsedge is currently unavailable. Historically, postemergence chemical
control of most sedges was attempted with repeat applications of 2,4-D, the organic arsenicals (MSMA, DSMA), or
a combination of the two. Although the organic arsenicals were effective, numerous applications over a period of
years generally were necessary. Also, extensive damage resulted with certain turf species, such as centipedegrass
and St. Augustinegrass.
In the past 10 to 15 years several postemergence herbicides have been registered for sedge control in turfgrasses
(Table 1.2). Bentazon (Basagran T/O) will control yellow nutsedges and several annual sedges in all species of
turfgrass. Two applications, at an interval of 10 to 14 days, are necessary for control with bentazon. Purple and
yellow nutsedge, annual sedges and kyllinga species can be controlled with imazaquin (Image). Tank-mixing recommended rates of MSMA with imazaquin in MSMA-tolerant turfgrasses generally increases sedge control. For
optimum results with imazaquin, apply two treatments during the late spring and summer months. The first application
should be made after full spring green-up of warm-season turfgrasses and when sedges are visible in the turfgrass
canopy. Apply the second treatment 6 to 8 weeks later when sedges re-emerge. Image is not labeled for use in coolseason turfgrasses.
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
Another excellent herbicide for sedge control is halosulfuron (SedgeHammer, formerly sold as Manage).
This herbicide provides good to excellent control of both purple and yellow nutsedge, annual sedges and fair control of
the kyllinga species. Similar to imazaquin, a repeat application 6 to 8 weeks after the initial application will be
necessary for season-long sedge control. The various turfgrass species have excellent tolerance to halosulfuron.
Monument (trifloxysulfuron-sodium) is a relatively new sulfonylurea herbicide that can be used for postemergence
control sedge and kyllinga spp. in bermudagrass and zoysiagrass. Similar to the other sedge herbicides a repeat
application will be necessary at about 4 weeks after the first treatment. Another new sedge herbicide for use in
warm-season turfgrasses only is Certainty (sulfosulfuron). This herbicide has showed excellent control of purple and
yellow nutsedge and kyllinga spp. in trials conducted across the southern United States. A repeat application will need
to be applied 4 to 10 weeks after the first application for season-long control. Both Monument and Certainty are
highly phytotoxic to tall fescue and should not be applied to this turfgrass unless it is a considered a weed. Dismiss
(sulfentrazone) was labeled for use in turfgrasses in 2006. This postemergence herbicide, which also has preemergence activity, is labeled for the control of numerous sedge species in tall fescue and warm-season turfgrasses with
the exception of St. Augustinegrass. This herbicide has provided excellent control of yellow nutsedge in numerous
trials conducted in the southeast U. S.
The key factor to sedge control is persistence. We do not have a herbicide that can be applied one time
and eradicate nutsedge. Repeat applications at prescribed intervals shown on the herbicide label will be required for
acceptable control within a given year. And, it will be necessary to think of nutsedge control as a multi-year project.
Research conducted in Georgia showed that imazaquin + MSMA applied for three consecutive years totally eliminated purple nutsedge from a turfgrass site (Johnson and Murphy 1992). A South Carolina study investigated the
effect of multi-year herbicide applications on yellow nutsedge control and tuber populations (Lowe et al. 2000).
Control was > 90% and tuber populations were reduced 92% for the best herbicide combination at the end of this 4year study. However, 200,000 tubers per acre were present after 4 years of > 90% yellow nutsedge control.
Nutsedge is indeed a formidable weed in turfgrasses. While new chemistry has been registered to control nutsedge,
control programs will still need to be an annual event. Another factor is getting good control with nutsedge herbicides
is to treat when nutsedge is actively-growing and there is good soil moisture. Nutsedge, annual sedges and kyllinga
species are aggravating turfgrass weeds. But we have made progress, and we can effectively manage nutsedge and
related sedge species if we properly maintain turfgrasses and stay on a dedicated control program for several years.
Correll, D. S. and M. C. Johnston. 1979. Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas. The University of Texas at
Dallas, Richardson, TX.
Johnson, B. J. and T. R. Murphy. 1992. Purple nutsedge control with imazaquin in bermudagrass turf. UGACAES Res. Bull. 408, Athens, GA.
Lowe, D. B., T. Whitwell, S. B. Martin and L. B. McCarty. 2000. Yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus)
management and tuber reduction in bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon X C. transvaalensis) turf with
selected herbicide programs. Weed Tech.14:72-76.
McCarty, L.B., J.W. Everest, D. W. Hall, T. R. Murphy, and F. H. Yelverton. 2001. Color Atlas of Turfgrass
Weeds. Ann Arbor Press, Chelsea, MI.
Murphy, T. R., D. L. Colvin, R. Dickens, J. Everest, D. Hall and L. B. McCarty. 1992. Weeds of Southern
Turfgrasses. The Univ. of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service, Athens, GA.
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
Stop 2:
Non-Traditional Means of Site-Assessment for Water-Use
Dr. Robert N. Carrow and Mr. Joseph Krum, MS Candidate
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Large turfgrass areas (golf courses, parks, general grounds, athletic complexes) normally exhibit a high degree of
spatial variability which creates a number of microclimate sites that differ with respect to irrigation requirements.
Key principals of precision turfgrass management with respect to irrigation are: a) to apply water only when it
is needed, b) apply water only where it is needed, and c) make the application at the rate required for the specific site.
Only by this means will we be able to maximize water-use efficiency for water conservation on complex irrigated
Table 1. Sources of site or spatial variability that influences irrigation design, irrigation scheduling, and
sensor placement.
Above-Ground Landscape Variability across the landscape due to: *Climate variation *Solar radiation - includes
exposure (direction slope faces), shade, low light. *Wind speed *Humidity *Air temperatures,grass/plant type and
drought characteristics (shoot density, vigor, color) *Tree or shrub root competition.
Soil VariabilityBoth horizontally and vertically due to: Soil texture,OM content, Soil depth, Slope (runoff, effective
rainfall and irrigation) Soil water holding capacity,Infiltration ratePercolation rate (saturated hydraulic
conductivity),Salinity, (across the landscape, within the soil profile, and over time) pH,Soil fertility aspects.
Irrigation System. Good design, zoning, and hardware will compensate for landscape and soil variability; but when
the system is not designed properly it becomes another source of variability—i.e. it adds to site variability, especially
in soil moisture variability.
The Irrigation Association defines an irrigation audit or water audit as: “Information about each area’s technical
characteristics and controller capabilities should be obtained. An irrigation audit involves collecting data, such as site
maps, irrigation plans and water use records. Tuning of the irrigation system is accomplished during the inspection.
Field test are then conducted to determine the system’s uniformity and to calculate various zone precipitation
Turf Tidbit
Follow these 10 steps for a healthier lawn:
1. Prepare soil properly.
2. Plant locally adapted, disease-resistant
3. Purchase certified disease-free seed,
sod or sprigs from a reputable
4. Mow at the recommended height.
5. Follow proper irrigation practices.
6. Apply fertilizer and lime according to
soil analysis recommendations.
7. Remove excess thatch.
8. Allow for adequate light and air
movement in shaded areas.
9. Follow recommended disease,
insect and weed control
10. Contact your UGA Cooperative
Extension agent when you
need assistance or visit
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
When conducting an irrigation audit or water audit:
Detailed information is determined on the irrigation system design and performance. The main focus is on
the irrigation system with uniformity determined by catchment cans.
Water source availability and needs are determined.
Some soil information is determined as related to irrigation system design, zoning, and water application.
Grass type and location are often noted.
Climatic conditions may be available from a local or on-site weather station to assist in scheduling irrigation.
When the soil moisture content is at or near field capacity, soil moisture is not limiting and water use (i.e turfgrass ET
or ETc) is primarily affected by climatic conditions and plant conditions. Under these well-irrigated conditions, a high
percentage of ETc comes from the surface zone—usually a 4 inch zone is a good size to use based on numerous soil
moisture monitoring in various studies. As this zone dries over time, surface soil moisture becomes limiting and water
extraction to meet ETc needs then shifts to the next deeper zone in the soil profile.
Our approach is to spatially map on a 10 ft grid using a mobile sensor unit (Toro Company):
· Soil water content (% vol basis). This data can be used directly to determine whether a site requires water and
estimate how much to recharge to field capacity. Also, spatial ETc maps can be used to determine landscape
coefficients for adjusting weather station ETo for the specific microclimate.
· Plant stress indices (NDVI, IR/R) using reflected spectral data. This data is used to identify sites where stress
is occurring. Field inspection and the soil moisture data determine whether irrigation distribution is the problem or
some other aspect.
· Soil compaction which influence water relations and this information can determine when and where to do sitespecific cultivation operations.
· Soil salinity by soil depth will be added this year.
Advantages of this approach are:
The complete area can be mapped in a timely fashion. Current time is about 6 acres per hour.
Information can be used to make irrigation system design changes for better uniformity, which can then be
checked by follow-up mapping.
Information will be packaged to give rapid availability in a useable form.
Information can also be used for improved irrigation scheduling: a) by use of raw data on soil water content
to determine irrigation needs; c) using data to determine landscape crop coefficients for adjusting weather
based ETo for microclimates on the site; and c) spatial information can assist in where to place soil moisture
sensors if they are to be used.
Information can be used to determine where to sample for soil texture, OM, and other sources of spatial
Allows data to be put into GIS maps since all data are by GPS.
Other sensors can be added as they are developed.
Turf Tidbit
2005 farm gate reports value Georgia turfgrass at $150,965,177. Some 49,395
acres of Georgia agricultural land is devoted to turfgrass production. (Source: UGA
Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, 2005 Georgia Farm Gate Value
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
Stop 3:
Tall Fescue Disease Management
Drs. Lee Burpee and Alfredo Martinez,
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Management of Pythium blight in fescue lawns will be discussed at this site. In addition, turfgrass pathologists will be
available to answer questions pertaining to disease management in Georgia lawns.
The following report provides information on control of Rhizoctonia large patch - a serious disease of warm season
grasses throughout the state.
Control of Rhizoctonia Large Patch in Zoysiagrass – Fall 2005
Lee Burpee and Sam Stephens, University of Georgia
A fungicide trial was conducted on a 2-year-old sward of zoysiagrass cv. Zenith grown on a clay loam soil
(pH 5.8) at the Georgia Experiment Station, Griffin, GA. Fertilizer treatments consisted on 1.0 lb nitrogen (Lesco 244-10) per 1000 sq.ft. applied on 7 June and 23 Sept 2005. The turfgrass was maintained at a height of 0.75 in. by
mowing once a week. Turfgrass cultural practices were similar to those prescribed for maintenance of zoysiagrass
lawns in Georgia. Fungicides were applied to plots (3.3 x 5 ft) arranged in a randomized complete block design with
four replications. Initial applications were applied on 7 Oct in 2.5 gal water per 1000 sq ft with a wheel-mounted,
CO2-pressured boom sprayer at 30 psi. A subsequent application was made at a 28-day interval on 4 Nov. Turf was
inoculated four hours after the initial fungicide applications by hand-dispersal of grain infested with Rhizoctonia
solani into the foliar canopy. The plots received approximately 0.24 in of irrigation water daily at 2000 hr to ensure
nightly wetness of leaf sheaths for infection.
Visual estimates of disease severity were made using the Horsfall-Barratt rating scale. Turfgrass quality was
assessed using a 0-9 scale where 0 = a necrotic, thin foliar canopy and 9 = a dark green, dense foliar canopy. Postdormancy spring green-up was assessed visually from 15 March to 23 June 06. Disease and quality values, and the
number of weeks required for complete spring green-up were subjected to analysis of variance and means were
statistically separated using the Scott-Knott cluster analysis procedure.
The large patch epidemic was moderate, reaching of peak of 21% disease during the last week of November
(Table 3.1). Most fungicide treatments, except Insignia 20WG (0.9 oz. rate, single application) and Banner MAXX
14.3EC (4.0 fl.oz. rate, 28-day interval), significantly suppressed large patch on the majority of rating dates. Insignia
20WG (0.9 oz. at 28-days), Bayleton 50WP (2.0 oz. at 28-days), Eagle 40WSP (1.2 oz. at 28-days), Heritiage
50WDG (0.4 oz. at 28-days), and Prostar 70WP (2.2 oz. at 28-days) limited disease to <10% severity for the duration
of the study.
Turfgrass quality was limited by the severity of large patch and by the onset of winter dormancy (Table 3.2).
Early in the epidemic (8 Nov) quality ratings were significantly higher than the non-treated check in plots treated with
all fungicides, except Banner Maxx 14.3EC (4.0 fl.oz. at 28-days). Later in the epidemic (22 Nov) plots treated with
either Eagle 40WSP (1.2 oz. at 28-days), Heritage 50WDG (0.4 oz. at 28-days) or Prostar 70WP (2.2 oz. at 28-days)
exhibited significantly higher quality ratings when compared to the check and to plots treated with other fungicides.
No significant disease development was observed in any plots during the spring of 2006. Compared to nontreated plots or plots treated with Insignia 20WG or Banner MAXX 14.3EC, post-dormancy spring green-up occurred over a significantly shorter period of time (5 to 9 weeks) in plots treated with Bayleton 50WP, Eagle 40WSP,
Heritage 50WDG or Prostar 70WP (Table 3.3). The most rapid green-up occurred in plots that had been treated with
either Heritage 50 WDG or Prostar 70WP.
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
Regeneration of Native Warm-season Grasses
Dr. Melanie Harrison-Dunn
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Plant Genetic Resources Conservation Unit
The USDA National Plant Germplasm System warm-season grass collection, which is maintained in Griffin,
Georgia by the Plant Genetic Resources Conservation Unit, currently has over 6,000 warm season grass accessions
including approximately 600 that can be classified as native grass material. This native material has been collected
from different areas of the United States by various cooperators dating back to the 1950s. Species maintained
include Andropogon gerardii (big bluestem), A. hallii (sand bluestem), Bouteloua gracilis (blue grama), B. eriopoda
(black grama), B. curtipendula (side-oats grama), Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem), Panicum virgatum (switchgrass) and Sorghastrum nutans (indiangrass). Although traditionally developed for forage, many native grasses have
excellent ornamental value and provide opportunities for landscapers and golf course superintendents to diversify
their environments.
A few of the benefits of utilizing native grasses in the landscape are listed below:
Perennial plants that do not require annual plantings
Drought tolerant
Require low fertilizer input and maintenance
Promote wildlife by providing shelter and a food source to small animals and birds
Offer great variability in height, width, and foliage color\texture.
Provide winter interest in the landscape
Can be used as specimen plants or in mass plantings
There are many cultivars of native warm-season grasses currently available commercially for ornamental
use. These cultivars are typically available as vegetative material from local or mail order sources. Below is a listing
of a few cultivars. Although there are no cultivars specifically developed for some species (eg. Big Bluestem), there
is still material available for these species.
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
Evaluating Vegetation Establishment Methods for Turfgrass
for Erosion and Sediment Control
Dr. Rosemary Seymour
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Erosion and sediment control for construction sites is a critical issue. In Georgia, where urban/suburban
development is occurring rapidly in many places around the state, sediment is the number one non-point source
pollutant on the 303(d) list of non-supportable streams. While there is extensive guidance and rules in Georgia on
erosion and sediment control practices, the problem of stream degradation and loss of aquatic habitat due to sedimentation has not been solved.
Research is needed to examine various vegetation establishment methods and products to better understand
mechanisms of various methods and products that prevent erosion. These methods and products need to be compared under controlled conditions to evaluate their efficacy for given site conditions. The evidence of Georgia’s
stream water quality in developing, suburban and urban areas would suggest that the present erosion and sediment
control methods are not effective. More scientific data examining the different vegetation establishment methods and
products would improve erosion and sediment control by applying appropriate products for given site conditions.
At UGA, Dr. Rosemary Seymour is conducting a study to measure and compare different vegetation establishment methods and products for erosion control. The plant establishment, and erosion and sedimentation characteristics that will be measured are:
1- Volume of sediment as a measure of actual erosion that occurs;
2- Runoff volumes as a measure of the erosive energy developed on the slope;
3- Vegetation cover over the test period to measure the effectiveness of cover from the different materials
methods; and
4- Biomass of turfgrass versus other vegetative species that colonize sample area over the test period as a
measure of the competitiveness of the turfgrass being established to other invading plant species over the test
This study has been set up in small lysimeters to be tested under the control of a rainfall simulator. Rainfall
simulator testing has been and will be carried out 30, 60 and 90 days after the grass was planted. At the time of this
write-up, no data has been collected.
Insect Management
Drs. Kris Braman and Will Hudson
Entomology Department
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Current control methods for major turfgrass pests will be discussed at this site.
Turf Tidbit
The latest research-based turfgrass recommendations from the University of Georgia are as close as
your personal computer. When you need turfgrass
advice, surf the Web at www.georgiaturf.com. There
you'll find
information on pest management, cultural practices,
variety selection and much, much more.
(Graphic courtesy UGA EITS)
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
Long-term Effects of High Mowing and Over Fertilization on Centipedegrass
Drs. Wayne Hanna and Clint Waltz
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) is sometimes referred to as “poor man's” or “lazy man's” grass
because it requires less fertility and management to produce an acceptable turf than most warm-season grasses. At
the same time, it could be referred to as the “sleeping giant” of turfgrasses, since it is underused. The concerns for
water conservation and water quality, and needs for lower maintenance turfgrass make this species an attractive
choice to use in lawns, on roadsides, and in landscaping.
This species is mainly used as a turfgrass in the southern and southeastern USA. It is well adapted to sandy
acid soils with low fertility. However, it grows well on heavy soils and it can be found growing as far north as northern
TN and around Stillwater and Oklahoma City, OK. The most limiting factor for use further north is its cold tolerance.
Interestingly, in the early part of the 20th century centipedegrass was planted into pastures for cattle grazing.
Centipedegrass grew better than other forage grasses without added fertility on the poor droughty soils of the southeastern USA coastal plain.
Centipedegrass has a naturally light green color; although not recommended, deep green color can be achieved
with added nitrogen. However, too much nitrogen can cause decline in centipedegrass stands. It is generally
recommended that no more than 1 to 2 pounds N / 1000 ft2 / year be used. Previous research has demonstrated that
2 pounds N / 1000 ft2 applied as a single application in April caused stand decline after 3 years. However, no stand
decline was observed if the same amount of N was split over 3 or 4 equal applications. Centipedegrass does not
perform well with high soil phosphorous levels and has shown iron chlorosis on soils with the pH above 7.5.
A study to investigate the long-term interactions of various nitrogen rates and mowing heights was initiated at
two locations, Griffin and Tifton, in spring 2003. The studies were established in existing stands of ‘TifBlair’
centipedegrass and plots were treated the same for each location during the three subsequent years. Mowing heights
of 1.5 and 3.0 inches were maintained and fertilized with seven rates of nitrogen (see Table 7.1 for a list of nitrogen
rates and application timings). A nontreated control was also included where no nitrogen was applied for four years.
The nitrogen source was ammoniacal and applied as a commercially available 15-0-15 product. During the growing
season, plots were rated for percent green-up, overall turfgrass quality and color. Also, each spring thatch samples
were collected and organic matter was measured by loss on ignition (data not presented).
Although the two studies are on different soils, the Griffin study is on a more clayey soil and the Tifton site is
predominately sandy, results are similar after 3½ years. Data presented in Table 7.1 are
for this field day and the Griffin location only. In the first spring after the trial was
initiated (spring 2004), centipedegrass decline was observed in the 1.5 inch grass.
Compared to two 0.5 lbs N / 1000 ft2 applications (67%), spring green-up was
reduced in plots treated with one and two, 2.0 lbs N / 1000 ft2 at the March
30, 2004 rating, 57% and 58% respectively. Green-up of the 3.0 inch
centipedegrass lagged behind the low mowed plots. Similarly, the
turfgrass quality was better in the 1.5 inch grass compared to
the 3.0 inch cutting height.
Spring green-up was 58% following three consecutive years of 4.0 lbs N / 1000 ft2 applied annually
and mowed at 3.0 inches at the April 26, 2006 rating.
Plots treated with two 0.5 lbs N / 1000 ft2 each year
and maintained at 1.5 inches was 73%. Although
these treatments were not statistically different, plots
with an annual nitrogen application rate of 1.0 lb N
/ 1000 ft2 and mowed at 1.5 inches were superior
in green-up and turfgrass quality. The turfgrass color
was greatest for the high nitrogen rate (6.8 and 7.0 for the 1.5
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
and 3.0 mowing heights, respectively). This could have been due to nitrogen carry-over or from organic matter
mineralization where nitrogen was being released from organic matter associated with the thatch buildup.
It is common for lawns with centipedegrass decline to have weed problems when there are open voids in the
canopy. Typical weed species include bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.), nutsedge (Cyperus spp.), and spurge
(Chamaesyce spp). Although not rated, more bermudagrass has been observed in the higher nitrogen maintained
Centipedegrass decline is typically the result of multiple years of over-management. Centipedegrass is a
species that requires minimal fertility and prefers a low to moderate height of cut. From trials and previous research
reports, the proper nitrogen rate for centipedegrass is 1.0 to 2.0 pounds of nitrogen / 1000 ft2 per year and should be
mowed between 1.5 and 2.0 inches. For homeowners that like to intensively maintain their lawns and are not
accepting of a grass that has a genetic light-green color, centipedegrass may not be the best adapted lawngrass.
Proper grass selection to its site and intended use is the most important Best Management Practice for maintaining a
healthy lawn and reducing inputs. For additional information on the maintenance of centipedegrass, please visit our
UGA Turfgrass webpage, www.GeorgiaTurf.com.
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
Stop 8:
Introduction of Heat Tolerant Kentucky Bluegrass
into Established Tall Fescue
Dr. Clint Waltz
UGA Cooperative Extension
Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is a cool-season turfgrass that is widely used for lawns, golf turf
(except putting greens), athletic fields, and general purpose areas in the upper transition zone, East Coast, Midwest,
and Western Pacific. It is a highly variable species that can differ by cultivars in color, leaf texture, stand density, low
mowing tolerance, and disease resistance. Many cultivars are desired for their rich green color and medium to fine
leaf texture. For home lawn purposes, it can be seeded but is often mixed with other turfgrass species, like ryegrass
and tall fescue, because KBG is slow to germinate and establish. Once established, KBG’s has an advantage
because it spreads by belowground rhizomes. An established stand of KBG has excellent recuperative capacity and
ability to recover from wear stress.
It is reported to have a comparatively shallow root system and relatively high demand for water. However,
KBG has been shown to have good drought tolerance. Under periods of low rainfall, it can enter into a drought
induced dormancy where the KBG plant may sacrifice some leaf and root tissue for long-term survival. When water
is available and environmental conditions are favorable, regrowth will occur with new plants generated from rhizomes
and surviving crown tissue.
Even less known and used is a native Poa species, Texas bluegrass (Poa arachnifera). TBG is indigenous
to the prairie regions of the Southwest and is more drought and heat tolerant than its Kentucky cousin. Turfgrass
breeders around the country have been working on combining the positive attributes of KBG and TBG to create a
hybrid bluegrass better adapted to warm humid climates. Since 2003 several heat tolerant (HT) hybrid cultivars, such
as ‘Thermal Blue’, ‘Dura Blue’, ‘Solar Green’, and ‘Thermal Blue Blaze’, have been released for commercial sale.
At the retail level these grasses are often marketed as “Heat Tolerant Kentucky Bluegrass” but are a seed mixture
of HT-KBG and tall fescue. In areas where KBG is better adapted, mixing it with tall fescue is common as the two
can have similar color and texture, and together they make a more competitive stand.
Kentucky bluegrass has not been thought of as a species well adapted to Georgia, or the Southeast, because
of its poor heat tolerance and disease susceptibility. Historically, there have been few research efforts on KBG from
UGA turfgrass scientists, acres in production are negligible for Georgia, and, therefore, it has only been used in
landscapes by curious gardeners or as a novelty by homesick northern transplants. With the new HT-KBG cultivars
being incorporated into retail seed mixtures, an understanding of establishment and general management for Georgia’s
climate is needed.
A multiyear trial to evaluate the success of introducing HT-KBG seed into an existing stand of turf-type tall
fescue was initiated in fall 2005. Cultivation techniques of single and double core-aerification, vertical mowing, and
scalping (mowing height was lowered from 3 inches to 5/8 inches for the first three months of the study) were used
to open the tall fescue canopy such that seed could contact the soil surface. For experimental purposes, a low rate of
glyphosate (0.19 lbs ai / A) was applied to the tall fescue four days prior to seeding. The hypothesis for this treatment
was that the glyphosate would slow tall fescue growth, without completely killing the grass, for 4 to 6 weeks and allow
the HT-KBG to time to germinate and establish. A nontreated control was included where HT-KBG seed was
applied directly into the 3 inch stand of tall fescue. There were a total of six seed introduction techniques. Following
cultivation or herbicide treatment, two HT-KBG cultivars, a blend of the cultivars, and a tall fescue cultivar were
stripped across the plots. The grass cultivars were ‘Solar Green’, ‘Thermal Blue Blaze’, a blend of 70% ‘Thermal
Blue Blaze’ and 30% ‘Solar Green’, and ‘Rebel Sentry’ tall fescue.
Since this trial is less than a year old, results are preliminary and there is still much to learn. At the first rating
(12-1-05) there were no differences in turfgrass quality for any of the seed introduction techniques (Table 8.1). But
plots seeded with ‘Rebel Sentry’ had higher turfgrass quality ratings than any of the HT-KBG treatments (Table 8.2).
By early summer (5-30-06) ‘Thermal Blue Blaze’ had improved turfgrass quality and color rating compared to ‘Solar
Green’, regardless of pre-seeding practices. Although the data do not clearly demonstrate a difference in seed
introduction techniques, the general observation was that more seedlings were apparent within the first one to two
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
months of establishment in the scalped plots compared to the other practices. To understand sustainability and
turfgrass species shifts, plots will be maintained for two years. Species shifts will be monitored by making plant
counts. As this research continues and we learn more about the HT-KBGs it will be posted to our website. Please
visit the UGA Turfgrass webpage, www.GeorgiaTurf.com, for more management related information.
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
Recent Advances in Disease Resistance and
Applications of Seashore Paspalum
Dr. Paul Raymer
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Seashore paspalum appears to be the latest rage in golf grasses and is considered by most in the industry as
the new turfgrass. Of course the species, Paspalum vaginatum, has been around for centuries, but it is only recently
that this new turfgrass has become popular for use on golf courses and other recreational sites, especially where salt
is an issue.
Seashore paspalum is a warm-season, prostrate, perennial turfgrass that is best adapted to coastal environments between 30o and 35o N and S latitudes. This grass spreads by stolons and rhizomes and ranges in leaf texture
from fine to coarse. Seashore paspalum is the most salt tolerant warm-season turfgrass currently available and
tolerates many stresses common to coastal environments including irrigation with brackish and non-potable water,
saline soils, drought, a wide range of soil pH, infertile soils, and water logging. This grass could also be used for forage
and for reclamation and stabilization of sandy and salt affected soils.
The first seashore paspalum breeding program was initiated in 1993 at the University of Georgia Griffin
Campus with core funding from the U.S. Golf Association. This program is now recognized as a major contributor to
the recent success of seashore paspalum as a turfgrass species. Thus far, the UGA program has focused on
development of cultivars suitable for use by the golf course industry and has released three cultivars. UGA professor
Dr. Ronny Duncan released two cultivars before his retirement in 2003. ‘SeaIsle 1’ and ‘SeaIsle 2000’ were developed as companion grasses with SeaIsle 1 for use on fairways and tees, and SeaIsle 2000 for use on greens. The
most recent UGA release, ‘SeaIsle Supreme,’ was released to licensed sod producers in 2005 and is touted as a
cultivar suitable for course-wide use. Turf-Seeds of Oregon in collaboration with UGA has developed the first seeded
seashore paspalum, ‘SeaSpray.’ It became commercially available in 2005.
As these and other cultivars have become increasing accepted and used by the turf industry, reports of
disease problems have begun to cause concern. Currently, little is known about the diseases of this new turfgrass or
what levels of disease resistance exist within the released cultivars. Dollar spot is a common turf pathogen that can
attack seashore paspalum especially when fertility is low. Dr. Lee Burpee, UGA turf pathologist, has been working
closely with the breeding program to document dollar spot resistance levels in the currently available cultivars and to
identify new sources of resistance. Great progress has been made in the past year in identifying high levels of dollar
spot resistance in several experimental lines under development. These new sources of resistance will be utilized by
the breeding program we continue to focus on developing new vegetative and seeded cultivars of this exciting new
Turf Tidbit
UGA's Turfgrass Team works across the entire state
of Georgia. In addition to their research plots in
Athens, Griffin and Tifton, the team has conducted
research at UGA sites like the GA Mountain R&E
Center in north Georgia and the Attapulgus R&E
Center in south Georgia.
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
Landscape Irrigation Auditing
Dr. Kerry Harrison
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Knowing how to conduct a landscape irrigation auditing is essential for anyone responsible for designing or
managing irrigation systems on urban landscapes such as residential lawns, sports fields, parks, commercial properties and golf courses. The audit procedure will also benefit municipalities and city water utility personnel, particularly
those interested in developing urban water conservation programs. The presentation will introduce the participant to
the basic step-by-step procedure to conduct a landscape irrigation audit.
Use of Rain Gardens on Georgia Golf Courses and Landscapes
Dr. Rosemary Seymour & Mr. Tony Johnson
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
An excellent way to use captured rain water and enhance landscape interest is a rain garden or bioretention
area. Rain gardens and bioretention areas are intentional low areas where runoff water from impervious surfaces is
diverted and contained so that the runoff will infiltrate into the soil.
Rain gardens are most often a feature in a residential or small landscape. The purpose of a rain garden is to
create a more natural flow keeping stormwater on site to infiltrate and reducing the amount of stormwater that runs
into off-site drainage systems or to reduce the needed size of a stormwater detention pond. A rain garden collects
stormwater runoff and filters it through soils and plant roots. The plants in the rain garden are designed to be an
attractive landscape feature. Bioretention areas serve a similar function to rain gardens but tend to be located in
larger commercial landscaped settings. They collect rainwater from roofs of commercial buildings and/or parking
The predominate features of rain gardens are that they are an integral part of the landscape and water
infiltrates into the soil. Water should stand in a rain garden no longer than 48 hours after the rain stops. Rain gardens
should not increase mosquito populations because mosquitoes cannot complete their breeding cycle in this length of
The tour discussion will cover the following topics: an introduction to rain gardens, how to determine whether
a raingarden is suitable for your site, site selection, design and installation, plant selection, rain garden maintanance
and the environmental benefits of rain gardens.
For more information on rain gardens, see the UGA Research and Education Garden's Web site at http://
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
Principlesw of Turfgrass Management for Hispanic Professionals
Dr. Alfredo Martinez and Mr. Marco Fonseca
UGA College of Agricultural and Enviromental Sciences
Stop location: Redding Building Conference Room
Plant species used as turfgrass are a diverse group of Introducción
plants. Therefore they have very different characteris- Los céspedes son un grupo diverso de plantas que agrupan
tics. However general characteristics can be observed. una variedad de especies, por lo tanto estos pueden tener
Crown: Growing point at the base of the plant. Roots. características muy diferentes. A pesar de su diversidad, se
Originates from the crown and absorbs nutrients, water pueden apreciar algunas características generales. Corona: Es
la base de la planta. Raíz. La raíz se origina de la corona y es la
and anchors the plant. The aboveground part of the plant
parte de la planta que absorbe los nutrientes y el agua del suelo
groups the stems and leaf blades and takes in light and y sirve como ancla de la planta. Zacate. Es la parte aérea de la
carbon dioxide and producing nutrients and sugars through planta y agrupa a los tallos y las hojas, todo este conjunto de
photosynthesis. A leaf consists of a blade and a sheath, órganos toma luz y bióxido de carbono produciendo nutrientes
the blade being the broad upper portion and the sheath y oxigeno a través de la fotosíntesis. Hojas. Consisten de la
the lower portion that encircles the stem. The ligule is a lámina de la hoja y el cuello de la hoja; La lámina es la parte
thin membranous band or rings of hairs which ends in superior de la hoja y el cuello se forma en la parte inferior y
ears-like lobes called auricles. Nodes are the bulbous joints envuelve al tallo. Lígula: Esta es una membrana ligera que
on stems. Some turfgrass species produce one plant while envuelve a tallo, usualmente abajo del cuello. Lo nudos son las
other produce stems called rhizomes and stolons which uniones que se encuentran en los tallos. Algunos céspedes
producen solo una planta y una raíz, sin embargo algunos otros
grow horizontally below and above ground. Rhizomes and
producen rizomas y estolones los cuales crecen horizontalmente
stolons produce new plants at their nodes.
dentro y sobre el suelo, de estos crecen otras plantas.
Classes of grasses
Turfgrasses can be classified according to their to their
botanical differences, but on a practical level it is useful
to consider them in terms of the climates they prefer and
the times of the year they grow best. They fall into two
categories cool-season grasses and warm-season grasses.
Cool season. Cool-season grasses grow well in the
Northern United States. They grow actively in the cool
spring weather and slow down or go dormant in the heat
of the summer when temperatures reach 30 C. In areas
with hot summers they usually must be grown with irrigation.
Tall Fescue (Festuca Arundinacea) a dense
clumping grass that is able to grow in the sun or shade,
fast growing and drought tolerant, and requires relatively
low nitrogen regimes. Sow 8-10 pounds of seed per 1000
square feet. Tall Fescue will germinate in 7-10 days and
requires a mowing height of 1 ½ -3 inches. Fertilize with
1-2 pounds of nitrogen per 1000 sq. Feet per year.
Annual Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) is a cool
season- grass that forms a medium to coarse textured
lawn. It is used as a temporary turfgrass or as over-seeding over a dormant warm season turfgrass such as Bermuda. Sow 5-10 pounds per 1000 sq. feet. Mow at 1 ½ 2 inches and fertilize with 2-3 pounds of nitrogen for every 1000 sq feet.
Clases De Céspedes
Los céspedes han sido clasificados de acuerdo a sus diferencias
botánicas, pero a nivel practico, ellos han sido considerados
de acuerdo a el clima y a las estaciones en los que crecen mejor.
De acuerdo a estos parámetros, los céspedes se pueden
clasificar en dos categorías: Céspedes de invierno (temperaturas
templadas-frias) y céspedes de verano (temperatura calientes)
Céspedes de invierno. Estos céspedes crecen en temperaturas
frescas y templadas. La mayoría de estos céspedes se utilizan
en la parte norte de Estados Unidos, ya que crecen activamente
durante la primavera sin embargo entran en dormacia durante
los meses de verano cuando la temperatura sobrepasa los 30
grados Centígrados. En área donde la temperaturas no son tan
extremosas durante el verano, estos céspedes se pueden
mantener verdes a través de una irrigación intensa.
Tall Fescue (Festuca Arundinacea) es un césped
denso, de bajo mantenimiento, tolerante a la sombra, de
crecimiento rápido y tolerante a la sequía, además de que
necesita muy poco nitrógeno. Siembre 4-5 Kg. de semilla por
1000 pies cuadrados. Este césped germina a los 7-10 días y
requiere de una altura de poda 1 ½ -3 pulgadas. Fertilice este
césped utilizando medio a un Kg. de nitrógeno por cada 1000
pies cuadrados.
Centeno anual. (Lolium multiflorum) es un césped
de textura media, usado mayoritariamente como un césped temporal. Este césped se utiliza como sobresiembra de un césped
de verano que esta dormante como lo es el césped Bermuda.
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
Warm-season grasses. These turfgrass species grow
most vigorously during warm summer months. Some undergo dormancy and turn brown or yellow in fall or winter. Other, particularly those grown in mild winter may
stay green all year. Some of the most popular warm season turfgrass species include Zoysiagrass, Bermudagrass,
St. Augustinegrass or Centipede.
Zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp). It is a tough aggressive creeping grass with fine to rough leaf texture. It is
tolerant to heat and drought and is able to endure some
cool shade and cool temperatures. Sow 1-2 pounds of
hulled seed per 1000 sq feet (or plant plugs 6 inches apart).
Keep turfgrass weed free while it becomes established.
Bermudagrass (Cyanodon spp). It is a warmseason grass that grows by sod, sprigs or stolons, newer
varieties included seeded types. It is an attractive dense
grass. It stands up wear and tear and hot summer weather.
It is one of the most popular grasses of the South including North Carolina. There are two types of bermudagrass
in the market; the common bermudagrass and the hybrid
bermudagrass. Sow 1-2 pounds of seed per 1000 sq feet.
Seed germinates in 10-30 days. Mow at ½- 1 inch. On
hybrid Bermuda plant 2-inch sprigs 12 inches apart, mow
at ½ inch and as frequent as every two weeks. Fertilize
with 2-4 pounds of nitrogen per 1000 sq feet/yr.
secundatum). It is a robust fast growing coarse textured
warm-season grass with broad dark grass blades. St.
Augustinegrass is one of the most shade and heat tolerant and is somewhat tolerant to salt. It requires intensive
maintenance and fertility. Plant 3-4 inch sod plugs at 1000
foot intervals any time during the growing season. During slow growth in spring and fall keep grass free of weeds
while it becomes established. Mow regularly at 1-3 inches.
Fertilize frequently with up to 3-6 pounds for every 1000
sq feet. Applications of ferrous sulfate or chelated iron
will enhance the appearance and help to prevent chlorosis or yellowing.
Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides). It
is relatively fine bladed dense growing turfgrass that
thrives in sandy acidic soils and requires low fertility.
Centipedegrass presents light green blades with leafy stolons. Sow seed at 1 pound per 1000 sq feet. Plant sprigs
or sod plugs on 1-foot centers. Water thoroughly when
centipede shows signs of stress wilted and discolored
leaves. Apply iron sulfate if chlorosis appears. Mow at 1-
Siembre 2.5 a 5 Kg. por cada 1000 pies cuadrados (5 a 10 Kg. por
cada 1000 pies cuadrados si se sobresiembra). Requiere de una
alturas de poda de 1 ½ -2 pulgadas. Fertilice con 1 a 1.5 Kg. de
nitrógeno por cada 1000 pies cuadrados
Céspedes de verano: Estos céspedes crecen vigorosamente
durante los meses de verano, algunos de ellos se tornan
dormantes y tienen un color Amarillo o café durante el otoño y
el invierno. Sin embargo algunos pueden sobrevivir el frió o
adaptase y seguir verdes durante todo el año. Algunos de los
céspedes de verano mas populares son: el césped tipo Zoysia,
el césped Bermuda, el San Agustín y el césped Ciempiés.
Tipo Zoysia (Zoysia spp). Es un césped de verano
que crece por medio de estolones y tiene una hoja de textura
fina. Es tolerante al calor y la sequía y que tolera algo de sombra
y temperaturas frescas. Siembra 0.5 a 1 Kg. de semilla por cada
1000 pies cuadrados (o plante estolones cada 6 pulgadas).
Manténgalo libre de malezas hasta que se establezca por
Césped tipo Bermuda (Cyanodon spp). Es un césped
de verano que crece por medio de estolones, tolerante a
veranos y climas calurosos, es también tolerante a un uso fuerte
y a la sequía. El césped Bermuda es muy popular en el área del
sur de Estados Unidos incluyendo Carolina de Norte. Existen
dos tipos principales de zacate Bermuda. El Bermuda común y
el Bermuda híbrido. Siembre 0.5 a 1 Kg. de semilla por 1000 pies
cuadrados por ano (hasta 5 Kg. en el sur/suroeste). La semilla
germina en 10-30 días. Pode hasta una altura de ½ pulgada por
1000 pies cuadrados. En el césped Bermuda híbrido, plante
cuadritos de 2 pulgadas cada 12 pulgadas. Pode una altura de
½ -1 pulgada, y con una frecuencia de 2 semanas durante todo
el estadio de crecimiento. Fertilice con 1o dos kilos por cada
1000 pies cuadrados por año.
Césped tipo San Agustin (Stenotaphrum
secundatum). Es un césped de verano con una complexión
gruesa y robusta con hojas verde oscuro. El césped San Agustín
tolera la sombra, el calor y suelos salinos, requiere de suelos
fértiles y de un buen manejo. Plante pedazos de césped de 3-4
pulgadas con un intervalo de 1 pie entre cada trozo, plante
durante cualquier estadio de crecimiento. Durante la primavera
y el otoño especialmente mantenga libre de malezas hasta que
se establezca. Pode a una altura de 1-3 pulgadas. Fertilice
frecuentemente y use de 1.5 a 3 Kg. de nitrógeno por cada 1000
pies cuadrados. Las aplicaciones de sulfato ferroso o hierro
quelado pueden mejorar la apariencia del césped San Agustín
previniendo clorosis o amarillamiento
Césped Ciempiés (Eremochloa ophiuroides). Es un
césped de color verde claro con hojas de lámina fina y una
textura de dura a medio. Debido a sus bajos requerimientos de
manejo y fertilización este césped se le ha llamado césped del
hombre flojo. Siembre la semilla de ciempiés a una cantidad de
0.5 –1 Kg. por cada 1000 pies cuadrados. Plante estolones o
pedazos de césped a una distancia de 1 pie. Riegue profusamente
cuando el césped Ciempiés muestre signos de estrés como lo
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
2 inches, fertilize with 2 pounds of nitrogen per 1000 sq
feet per year on heavy soils and 2-3 pounds of nitrogen
on sandy soils.
son: marchito o con las hojas decoloradas. Aplique hierro si
aparece clorosis en las hojas. Pode a 1-2 pulgadas, fertilice con
1 Kg. De nitrógeno por cada 1000 pies cuadrados por año en
suelos arcillosos y 1 a 1.5 Kg. en suelos arenosos.
Establishment , Maintenance and Fertilization
Turfgrasses can be established by seeding or vegetative
planting. Buying poor quality plants or seed often results
in less-than-satisfactory performance, pest problems, and
general disappointment. Selection is especially
importantwhen establishing a turf species. Read the information on the seed tag carefully, and make sure you
purchase seed with no noxious weed seed and low levels
of other crop seed. One way to be sure you have seed or
planting material that is true to type, free of noxious weed
seed, and contains low levels of other crop seed is to
purchase certified seed or sod. Control perennial weeds
with a nonselective herbicide. Remove debris and clear
ground for paint, concrete, and other materials. Make
plans for an easy maintenance and pleasing appearance
of turf. Avoid terraces, steep grades, poorly drained areas, and heavily shaded spots. Install tile drain in poorly
drained areas. Get professional advice about the type of
drain and installation. Remove the topsoil (usually 4 to 8
inches) and stockpile it nearby if grading is needed. Build
protective walls to save trees if the final grade is to be
appreciably higher than the present level. Shape the underlying subsoil to the desired contour and redistribute
topsoil uniformly above the subsoil. A 2 to 3 percent slope
is needed for proper drainage away from buildings. Water the area to enhance settling. Fill areas that settle unevenly to avoid standing water. Mix 1 to 2 cubic yards of
peat moss per 1,000 square feet into the top 6 to 8 inches
of subsoil if heavy clay or very sandy soils are present.
Clay soils are prone to compaction and require frequent
aerification. Take soil samples from the front yard and
the backyard, following modification, to determine soil pH
and nutrient requirements. A single soil test may be all
that is necessary provided there are no obvious differences in soil texture, terrain, or troubled areas of the front
yard and backyard. Collect soil samples to a depth of 3 to
4 inches from several locations and mix them together to
produce a composite sample. Send or take approximately
1 cup of the air-dried soil sample to your county Cooperative Extension Center. Incorporate lime and fertilizer
into the top 6 to 8 inches of the soil using a roto-tiller.
Unless the entire potential root zone is uniformly limed
and fertilized, turfgrass roots will never successfully occupy this zone and will die during stress periods.
Establecimiento, Mantenimiento y Fertilización
Hay dos maneras de establecer un césped. El primero es usando
semillas y el segundo es usando material vegetativo como
estolones y rizomas. Casi todos lo céspedes de invierno se
establecen usando semillas. La mayoría de los céspedes de
verano se establecen usando material vegetativo. El primer paso
para tener éxito en el establecimiento de céspedes es la
preparación adecuada del suelo. Sin importar si se usa semilla o
material vegetativo el suelo debe ser cuidadosamente cultivado.
Antes de sembrar la semilla o usar estolones o “sod”. Haga
muestras y análisis de suelo para determinar las necesidades
de fertilizante y cal. Cualquier oficina de extensión agrícola le
puede ayudar a hacer este análisis. Elimine material o residuos
de la construcción como ser rocas, cemento y madera. Al igual
que troncones de árboles que fueron cortados durante la
nivelación y construcción. Si estos materiales no son removidos
terminan causando depresiones y áreas con problemas de
enfermedades y pobre crecimiento en el césped. Una vez arado
y hechas todas las preparaciones el suelo debe ser nivelado
permitiendo un drenaje adecuado. Si durante el nivelado se
elimino la capa superficial o capa organiza del suelo, será
necesario agregar material orgánico. Se debe mezclar
completamente alrededor de 10 yardas cúbicas de material
orgánico por cada 1000 pies cuadrados de césped. Mezcle al
mismo tiempo el fertilizante y cal dolomítica recomendados por
el análisis de suelo. Al finalizar todos estos preparativos se
tendrá un perfil de 8 a 10 pulgadas de suelo con todas las
condiciones adecuadas pare el crecimiento vigoroso de las
raíces de un césped de superior calidad. En general los céspedes
de invierno son establecidos usando semillas. Seleccione
semillas con alto porcentaje de germinación y libres de impurezas
y malezas. Disperse las semillas usando un sembrador. Hay
varios tipos de sembradores; inyección, boleo y aspersión.
Para aseguras una distribución uniforme divida las semillas en
mitad o cuartos y siembra áreas pequeñas. Siembre en ambas
direcciones norte-sur, este-oeste. Una vez sembradas las
semillas deben ser mojadas para agilizar la germinación. La
época más adecuada para la siembra de céspedes de invierno
es en el otoño. Durante el periodo inicial de establecimiento es
importante mantener un buen nivel de fertilidad y de humedad
haciendo los riegos y fertilizaciones siguiendo las
recomendaciones del análisis de suelo. En ausencia de un
análisis la aplicación de formula completa de fertilizante en una
proporción no mayor a dos libras por 1000 pies cuadrados
proveerá los nutrientes necesarios. Si las condiciones de
crecimiento son adecuadas el césped estará firmemente
establecido en uno a dos meses. Un programa de mantenimiento
garantizara un césped vigoroso y de alta calidad. Las siguientes
son algunas de las prácticas agronómicas requeridas para
obtener un césped de primera calidad. Los céspedes pertenecen
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
al grupo de plantas que crecen en cualquier parte del mundo y
son plantas muy eficientes. Son plantas que requieren un balance de los tres elementos principales de toda formula de
fertilizante Nitrógeno (N), fósforo (P) y potasio (k). Nitrógeno
es quizás el nutriente más importante en el cultivo de céspedes.
Es el elemento que las plantas requieren en mayor cantidad, el
nitrógeno es también muy soluble lo que hace que se pierda
rápidamente. La aplicación de fertilizante debe hacerse de
acuerdo a las demandas de la planta y periodos de rápido
crecimiento. El nitrógeno puede existir en dos formas, sintético
y orgánico. Urea, sulfato de amonio y nitrato de amonio son
ejemplos de fertilizantes inorgánicos o sintéticos. La mayoría
de estas formas de nitrógeno son fáciles de aplicar, económicos
y rápida absorción. Algunos por su alta concentración pueden
causar daños foliares y quemar raíces cuando se aplican en
cantidades inadecuadas. Las fuentes de nitrógeno orgánico
como las compuestas y aboneras. Son buenas fuentes de
nitrógeno orgánico pero se encuentra en forma no disponible
para el uso inmediato de la planta. El nitrógeno está amarrado
en los diferentes tejidos orgánicos y dependen de
microorganismos y temperatura para descomponer y poder ser
usados por los céspedes. Durante la estación de frió la actividad
de los microorganismos es muy limitada y mucho de los
nitrógenos orgánicos no están disponible a los céspedes o
Proper mowing, along with proper watering, can be the
most critical factor in the appearance of an established
turfgrass. Good mowing techniques enhance the appearance of the turf and increase its vigor. Turfgrass stressed
by mowing too low is more prone to disease; weed invasion, drought and traffic stress. Removal of most of the
leaf blade limits food production. Limited food production
decreases root, rhizome, and stolons growth. Plants with
limited food production and a limited root system will not
have vigorous growth. A vigorous, dense turfgrass area
is one of the best defenses against weed invasion. Weak
grass plants with a limited root system are more prone to
drought damage. It is particularly important to mow high
during dry weather. Mowing height varies for different
turfgrass species: The second critical factor is mowing
the lawn on a frequent basis. The grass should be mowed
so that no more than 1/3 of the leaf blade is removed
As a general rule turfgrass species in Georgia will need
one inch of water every week. However there many factors that determine watering amount and frequency. The
best way to irrigate an established turfgrass is on an as
El corte del césped tendrá mucha influencia en la apariencia del
césped. La altura, frecuencia y filo de las podaras son
componentes importantes del corte del césped. Hoy dos tipos
de podadoras o chapeadores de césped. Las de cuchillas
rotatorias o tambor de 5 a 6 cuchillas y las una cuchillas circular. Las cuchillas deben tener buen filo para hacer corte limpio
de las hojas de la grama. Nunca se debe corta más de un tercio
de la altura de la hoja. La altura a que se corta el césped depende
en parte de la especie de grama y las condiciones de crecimiento.
La mayoría de los céspedes se deben podar a una altura de dos
pulgadas. Recuerde recortar gradualmente para lograr
establecer la altura adecuada. Durante periodos de sequía es
preferible corta media o una pulgada más alta de lo normal. Al
final de la primavera se puede cortar el césped al ras del suelo
para estimula un crecimiento rápido y reverdecimiento del
Como regla general los céspedes que crecen en Georgia
necesitan una pulgada de agua por semana. Sin embargo hay
otros factores que determinan la cantidad y frecuencia del riego.
Los más importantes son: el tipo de suelo, el tipo de grama, la
frecuencia de las lluvias, la temperatura y el viento. Durante
periodos de sequía y altas temperaturas el riego en cantidades
adecuadas es importante para mantener la buena apariencia y
calidad del césped. La mejor hora para regar es durante las
primeras horas del día, antes de la salida del sol. Los riegos a
esta hora del día evita que los céspedes permanezcan húmedos
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
needed basis. Grass blades will begin to wilt as the moisture begins to be depleted in the soil. If 30 to 50 percent
of the turf shows signs of slight wilting such as curled
blades and a gray appearance it is then time to water
with 1 inch of water, the turf should fully recover within
24 hours. Then wait until the turf shows signs of wilting
again before watering. Localized dry areas or hotspots
should be watered by hand or by a separate sprinkler to
those spots only and not the whole area. This method of
watering works for any soil type and environmental condition. Proper watering practices will help maintain
turfgrass species that requires less mowing and has little
thatch buildup. Proper watering will also help develop a
deep root system, and plants less susceptible to damage
by pest and environmental stresses.
Diseases and Pests
The most common insect problems that affect turfgrass
species are; Brown Patch, Dollar spot, Pythium Blight,
Fading and Melting out, Fairy ring, Centipede decline, Gray
leaf spot
The most common insect problems that affect turfgrass
species are; white grubs, armyworms, chinch bugs and
Mole crickets.
Turf Tidbit
Turfgrass tips are available on the UGA
turfgrass team's Website in Spanish, too.
To find the Spanish materials, go to the
website at www.georgiaturf.com. Select Popular Articles and then select
Tech Center!
por mas de lo necesario y evitan el crecimiento de enfermedades.
Trate de mojar completamente un perfil de suelo de 6 o más
pulgadas de profundidad. Usando aspersores esta puede tardar
alrededor de 3 horas. Sin embargo, un riego de esta duración
produce escorrentías y pérdidas de agua. La duración del riego
debe ser ajustada a la capacidad de absorción o infiltración del
suelo. La otra práctica que se debe evitar es riegos superficiales
y frecuentes. Esta práctica de riego solo humedece la capa
superficial de suelo y produce el crecimiento de raíces
superficiales que tienden a ser dañados por extremas
temperaturas altas del verano y bajas durante el invierno.
Las renovaciones se hacen cuando más del 50 % del césped ha
perdido la calidad y apariencia. Lo primero que se debe hacer
antes de iniciar cualquier renovación del césped es determinar
la causa del daño. Considere si el daño fue causado por prácticas
agronómicas inadecuadas (riego, fertilización, poda, herbicidas)
por exceso de humedad, heladas del invierno, sombra excesiva,
insectos o enfermedades. O simplemente es una variedad de
césped no adaptado a la región. Una vez determinada la razón
del daño haga las renovaciones durante los periodos de óptimo
crecimiento del tipo de césped dañado. Si es césped de verano
a principios de verano y si es de invierno a finales del otoño.
Revise las épocas de establecimiento para determinar la mejor
época de hacer trabajos de renovación. Una práctica que mejora
las condiciones de crecimiento de césped es la aeración del
suelo. Especialmente en suelos muy compactos, las prácticas
de aeración mejoran la penetración del agua y oxigeno en las
zonas crecimiento de las raíces.
Plagas y Enfermedades de los Céspedes
Las enfermedades más comunes que atacan a los céspedes
son: ancha Parda, Mancha Dólar, Tizón por Pythium, Senescencia
prematura y quemadura, Anillos de hada
Los insectos más comunes que atacan a los céspedes son:
Gallinas Ciegas, el Gusano Soldado, Las Chinches Apestosas
y los Grillos.
Cápsulas Informativas sobre Céspedes
Una serie ce cápsulas informativas en
español se encuentran disponibles en
el sitio de Internet del grupo de trabajo
de céspedes de UGA. Para revisar
esta información en español,
simplemente visite
Seleccione Manuscritos populares
(Popular Articles) y luego seleccione
Central técnica “Tech Center”!
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
Georgia Certified Landscape Professional Training
Dr. Wayne Gardner and Mr. Todd Hurt
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Stop location: West end of Research and Education Garden near maintenance shed
Stop times: Session will be held from 1-2 p.m. and repeated from 2-3 p.m.
Are you considering GCLP certification? GCLP is an acronym for the Georgia Certified Landscape Professional program. The program began in 1993 and there are now over 170 certified Landscape professionals in
The program is a joint project of the Georgia Green Industry Association, the Georgia Turfgrass Association, the
Metro Atlanta Landscape and Turf Association and the University of Georgia. GCLP is a voluntary testing program
that acknowledges those in the landscape profession who have mastered a thorough knowledge and understanding of
job skills required to be successful in the industry.
The test consists of four written components and nine outdoor hands-on components and requires two days
to complete. Students who enroll to take the test are provided a 300+ page study manual, instructions on how to study
and prepare for the exam, and access to a Web Study Site developed by the University of Georgia. The four written
components of the test include: a multiple-choice test, a landscape plan reading skill test, a test on common insect,
disease and environmental problems, and a plant identification test. The nine outdoor hands-on components include: a
landscape plan lay-out, tree planting and staking, grading and drainage, pruning, sod installation, job evaluation of
installation, job evaluation of maintenance, pesticide application, and equipment operation. The written and hands-on
exams are each given at least two times each year. The written components are given at the annual conference of the
Georgia Green Industry Association in January and at the Southern Nurserymen’s Convention in Atlanta in August.
The hands-on components are given spring and fall at various locations across the state.
Join Todd Hurt and Wayne Gardner for hands-on pest identification and a grading and drainage pit demonstration. This session will help you prepare for two of the hardest parts of the certification exam and introduce you to
common problems in turf and ornamentals. For more information on GCLP certification please visit Http://gclp.info.
Efficacy and Safety of New Dimension EW Formulation in Ornamentals
Dr. Mark Czarnota
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Significance to Industry:
Results of this ongoing study has shown that various formulation of Dimension (dithiopyr) resulted in almost no injury
to Loropetalum (Loropetalum chinense ‘Razzleberry’), Eastern Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis ‘Elegantissima’), and
Festive Red Holly (Ilex x ‘Festive’). Moreover, good control of large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis), oxalis (Oxalis
corniculata and O. stricta), bittercress (Cardamine hirsute), and spotted spurge (Euphorbia maculate) was seen with
various Dimension formulations (and combinations) at 6 weeks after treatments. Dimension is an excellent preemergent herbicide that widely used by the turfgrass industry, and should be considered for controlling weeds in certain
landscape ornamentals.
Nature of Work:
Landscape maintenance professional are often faced with using different preemergent herbicides to control
weeds from seed in both turfgrass and landscape ornamentals. Dimension preemergent herbicide is one of a few
preemergent herbicides that can be applied to turfgrass and over many landscape ornamentals. Dow AgroSciences
is in the process of testing a new EW (Emulsifiable in Water) dithiopyr formulation for the turf and landscape industry.
The new EW formulation is being considered for the landscape and turf market in hopes of increasing safety and
weed control. A study was designed at the University of Georgia, Griffin in conjunction with Dow AgroSciences.
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
Study information is presented below.
On June 9, 2006 at the University of Georgia, Griffin Campus one three gallon pots each of Loropetalum
(Loropetalum chinense ‘Razzleberry’), Eastern Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis ‘Elegantissima’), and Festive Red
Holly (Ilex x ‘Festive’) were assembled. Eight, one gallon pots of each species were placed in a 6 ft. x 6 ft. area. All
pot received 1/8 teaspoon of a weed seed mix. This seed mix contained the following, woodsorrel (seed from both
Oxalis stricta (yellow woodsorrel) and O. corniculata (creeping woodsorrel)), hairy bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta),
large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis), and spotted spurge (Euphorbia maculate). This seed mix was then spread
over the surface of the container. Herbicide treatments were then applied, and pots were moved to assigned test area
where they were arranged in a randomized complete block (RCB) design. Each treatment contained 4 replications,
and each replication contained 2 subsamples. The process was continued for each herbicide treatment. All herbicides were applied as a spray and were applied with a CO2 backpack sprayer calibrated to deliver 20 gallons per acre
(GPA). Watering occurred on an as needed basis, and this represented approximately 2 to 1 inch of water per day.
The treatment list is presented in Table 5.1.
Injury and control ratings were taken at 2, 4, and 6 weeks after treatment (WAT). Plant injury ratings were
taken on a 0-100 scale (0, no injury – 100, plant dead). Weed control ratings were taken on a 0 to 100 scale (0, no
weed control – 100 complete weed control). Data was analyzed using analysis of variance and means were exposed
to Fisher's least significant difference (LSD) test with a significance level of p0.05.
Results and Discussion:
During the first 6 weeks of the experiment, all herbicides tested were providing greater than 70% control of all weeds
in the experiment (Table 5.2 and 5.3). No weed germination was evident until the 4 week ratings. No significant
injury was noted during 2 or 6 WAT. At 4 WAT, significant injury was noted on Loropetalum with treatments 1–3 and
6, but did not exceed 13 %.
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
Bentgrass Disease Management
Dr. Lee Burpee
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Effects of fungicides on brown patch and summer quality of creeping bentgrass will be discussed. Demonstration plots will be available for observation.
Evaluation of Basamid as a Methyl-bromide Replacement for
Bermudagrass Control
Dr. Clint Waltz
UGA Cooperative Extension
Effective alternatives to the soil fumigant methyl-bromide (MBr) continue to be a needed area of research
for sod producers and managers of golf courses and sports fields. Established bermudagrass is difficult to kill and
eliminate from sites where renovation or grass conversion is desired. A multi-year study was initiated in the summer
of 2005 to investigate possible renovation programs using Basamid (dazomet) as an alternative to MBr. Plots were
established onto an existing stand of well established common bermudagrass. Treatments included single and multiple
applications of glyphosate, tank mix combinations of glyphosate and Fusilade (fluazifop), and programs with various
application techniques of Basamid, including coverage with a plastic tarp and stratifying the application rate within the
soil profile. For comparative purposes, MBr and a nontreated check were also included. To more easily differentiate
between regrowth of the common bermudagrass and any newly plant species ‘SeaIsle Supreme’ seashore paspalum
(Paspalum vaginatum) was planted back into the treated plots. Because of the competitive nature of seashore
paspalum, it may take three to four years before the true effectiveness of these treatments is realized. Therefore,
data is too preliminary to draw any conclusions.
As this research continues and we learn more about the MBr alternatives, research findings will be posted to
our website, www.GeorgiaTurf.com.
Crabgrass Control in Turfgrass
Dr. Tim Murphy
UGA Cooperative Extension
The two most common species of crabgrass in Georgia turfgrasses are smooth crabgrass (Digitaria
ischaemum) and southern crabgrass (Digitaria ciliaris). Southern crabgrass has a hairy leaf and leaf sheath. Smooth
crabgrass leaves and leaf sheaths are not hairy. Of these two species, smooth crabgrass is probably the most prevalent in home lawns.
Crabgrass initiates spring germination when soil temperatures at a 4-inch depth reach 53 to 58°F. The old rule
of thumb is to apply the preemergence herbicide two weeks before crabgrass seed germination; however, this is not
practical for most lawn care companies. Preemergence herbicides primarily degrade by microbial decomposition.
Degradation is higher under warm, moist soil conditions and lower under cool, dry soil conditions.
Crabgrass is more difficult to control in tall fescue than in bermudagrass in the southern transition zone.
Research conducted by B. J. Johnson at the UGA – Griffin Campus (HortScience 28:1015-1016, 1993) showed that
at equal rates pendimethalin controlled a higher percentage of crabgrass in common bermudagrass than in tall fescue
(‘Ky-31’). Tall fescue is a poor competitor with crabgrass and other summer annual grass weeds. Reasons for this
include: a) slowing down of tall fescue growth at high summer air temperatures, b) droughts and/or irrigation restrictions, and c) susceptibility to brown patch and associated loss of tall fescue density.
Recommended cultural practices that promote normal tall fescue and bermudagrass growth and development is necessary in order for these turfgrasses to compete with summer annual grasses. The first line of defense
against weed infestations has been, and probably always will be, a healthy, properly maintained turfgrass. Adherence
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
to recommended soil fertility and pH levels, proper irrigation, controlling other pests, and mowing at the correct height
and frequency will improve the effectiveness of most chemical weed control programs. The use of herbicides in the
absence of proper turfgrass maintenance practices may provide some level of weed control but the eventual goal of
high quality, aesthetically-appealing turfgrass will not be achieved.
Of the presently available preemergence herbicides, prodiamine (Barricade) has historically provided the
highest level of crabgrass control in tall fescue in experiments conducted at the Georgia Experiment Station (Table
8.1). But note that in bermudagrass, numerous preemergence herbicides will provide high levels of crabgrass control
(Table 8.2). This is partly due to the competitive ability of bermudagrass with summer annual grass weeds, as well as
differences in the lengths of time that various preemergence herbicides persist in the soil at herbicidally-active concentrations.
2006 crabgrass control experiments were in the early stages of project completion when this field day report
was written (June 28, 2006). However, data from experiments conducted from 2001 through 2005 on crabgrass
control in ‘Ky 31’ tall fescue and bermudagrass is shown in Tables 8.1 and 8.2.
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
Turfgrass Management Education at the University of Georgia
Dr. Keith Karnok
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
The University of Georgia is considered the leader in turfgrass management education. From our excellent
on-campus program which leads to a Bachelor of Science Degree, to our distance education certificate programs, we
have a program or course that will fit the needs of aspiring turfgrass professionals or even the established turfgrass
manager wanting to refresh his or her memory. Below is a short description of the programs currently available.
Bachelor of Science. This is a four-year on-campus program. In addition to courses in entomology, plant
pathology, soils, etc., we offer specific courses in turfgrass management. From introductory to advanced levels. All
our turfgrass management courses are also available via distance education. Currently, there are approximately 3 job
opportunities for every graduate of our program. Call 706-542-2461 or [email protected] or visit http://www.cropsoil.uga.edu/
(click on “Undergraduate Programs,” then turf)
Certificate in Turfgrass
This program is administered by the Independent Distance Management
Learning Department at UGA. Courses can be applied toward (distance education)
a B.S. degree or a certificate which is recognized by GCSAA as a one year certificate program. 800-877-3243, e-mail [email protected], or
visit www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/IDL/turf
Principles of Turfgrass - This a non-college credit certification program. The program management
consists of 14 chapters covering all aspects of turfgrass (distance education). GCSAA recognizes it for 12 education
points. The program is also available in Spanish. Call 800-325-2090, e-mail [email protected], or visit
Sports Turf Management - This is our newest certificate program. All aspects of sports turf (distance
education) management are covered. The course is endorsed by the Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) and
earns 14 CEUs (continuing education units. Call 800-325-2090,e-mail [email protected], or visit
If you have any questions, never hesitate to contact Dr. Keith Karnok at [email protected] or 706-542-0931.
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
The UGA Turfgrass Team and the field day's
sponsors thank you for attending this year's event.
Mark your calendars now for 2008!
And, as we say in The South,
"Ya'll come back now, ya hear!"
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide
Commercial Maintenance
Golf Course
Highway ROW
Parks & Recreation
Public Works
Residential Lawns
Sports Turf
Available with Corporate Membership
STUDENT - $20.00
Georgia Turfgrass Association
P.O. Box 817 Š Commerce, GA 30529
800/687-6949 Š Fax: 706/336-6898
Thank you for your membership investment!
UGA 2006 Turfgrass Field Day Program Guide
Editor, Dr. Clint Waltz, UGA CAES Crop & Soil Sciences Dept.
Layout & Design, Sharon Omahen, UGA CAES Office of Communications
Cover Design, Jay Bauer, UGA CAES Office of Communications
Learn more about Georgia turf at www.georgiaturf.com
Turfgrass Field Day 2006 Sponsored by:
UGA Cooperative Extension
UGA Center for Urban Agriculture
Georgia Golf Course Superintendents Association
Georgia Sod Producers Association
Georgia Turfgrass Association
Metro Atlanta Landscape and Turf Association
2006 UGA Turfgrass Field Day Guide