Who Is Who in the Brazilian Offshore Contractor and
Who Is Who in the Brazilian Offshore Contractor and
Who is Who in the Brazilian Offshore Contractor and Engineering Industry FPSO Drilling SURF November 2012 CONTENT INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 1: THE BRAZILIAN FLOATER MARKET ................................................................................................................................................. 6 FPSOS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 SEMISUBMERSIBLES .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 DRILLSHIPS .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 MISCELLANEOUS (JACK UP, TLWP AND WHP, FPU/FPS)............................................................................................................................... 16 SPECIALIZED SURF VESSELS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 18 2: FPSO AND DRILLING .................................................................................................................................................................... 19 AKER SOLUTIONS DO BRASIL LTDA. .............................................................................................................................................................. 22 ALUSA ENGENHARIA S.A. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 23 ANDRADE GUTIERREZ S.A. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24 CHEMTECH.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 25 DM CONSTRUTORA DE OBRAS LTDA. ........................................................................................................................................................... 26 DORIS ENGENHARIA LTDA. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 27 EBE (EMPRESA BRASILEIRA DE ENGENHARIA S.A.) ......................................................................................................................................... 28 ECOVIX ( ENGEVIX CONSTRUCOES OCEANICAS S.A.) ....................................................................................................................................... 29 ESTALEIRO ATLÂNTICO SUL S.A. .................................................................................................................................................................. 30 ESTALEIRO ENSEADA DO PARAGUAÇU – EEP ................................................................................................................................................. 31 ESTALEIRO JURONG ARACRUZ (EJA) ............................................................................................................................................................ 32 ESTALEIRO MAUÁ LTDA. ............................................................................................................................................................................ 33 ESTALEIRO RIO GRANDE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 34 FERROSTAAL DO BRASIL COMÉRCIO E INDÚSTRIA LTDA. ................................................................................................................................... 35 GDK S.A. ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 HUISMAN DO BRASIL LTDA. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 37 IESA ÓLEO & GÁS S.A ............................................................................................................................................................................. 38 IMETAME METALMECÂNICA LTDA. .............................................................................................................................................................. 39 IOAL ENGENHARIA LTDA. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 40 JARAGUÁ EQUIPAMENTOS INDUSTRIAIS LTDA................................................................................................................................................. 41 KEPPEL FELS BRASL S.A. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 42 KROMAV ENGENHARIA LTDA. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 43 MAC LAREN OIL ESTALEIRO LTDA. ............................................................................................................................................................... 44 MCDERMOTT SERVIÇOS OFFSHORE DO BRASIL LTDA....................................................................................................................................... 45 MENDES JÚNIOR ENGENHARIA S.A. ............................................................................................................................................................. 46 MODEC SERVIÇOS DE PETRÓLEO DO BRASIL LTDA. ........................................................................................................................................ 47 MPE - MONTAGENS E PROJETOS ESPECIAIS S.A. ........................................................................................................................................... 48 NIPLAN ENGENHARIA S.A. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 49 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO DO BRASIL LTDA. ................................................................................................................................................ 50 ODEBRECHT OLEO E GÁS S.A. .................................................................................................................................................................... 51 OSX BRASIL S.A. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 52 PROJEMAR S.A. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 53 PROMON ENGENHARIA S.A........................................................................................................................................................................ 54 QUEIROZ GALVÃO ÓLEO E GÁS S.A. ............................................................................................................................................................ 55 QUIP S.A. ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 56 SANTOS CMI ENGENHARIA E CONSTRUÇÕES LTDA.......................................................................................................................................... 57 SBM DO BRASIL LTDA. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 58 SCHAHIN................................................................................................................................................................................................. 59 SEAWELL DO BRASIL SERVIÇOS DE PETRÓLEO LTDA. ........................................................................................................................................ 60 SETAL SOG ÓLEO E GÁS S.A. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 61 STX OSV NITERÓI LTDA. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 62 TECHINT ENGENHARIA E CONSTRUÇÃO S.A. .................................................................................................................................................. 63 TECHNIP MARITIME DO BRASIL LTDA. .......................................................................................................................................................... 64 TKK ENGENHARIA LTDA. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 65 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 2 TOMÉ ENGENHARIA S.A. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 66 TOYO SETAL ENGENHARIA LTDA. ................................................................................................................................................................. 67 UNIÃO ENGENHARIA LTDA. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 68 USIMINAS MECÂNICA S.A.......................................................................................................................................................................... 69 UTC ENGENHARIA S.A. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 70 VME PROCESS DO BRASIL SISTEMAS DE PROCESSOS PETROLIFEROS LTDA ........................................................................................................... 71 3: SURF ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 72 AKER SOLUTIONS DO BRASIL LTDA. .............................................................................................................................................................. 75 CAMERON DO BRASIL LTDA. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 76 DOF SUBSEA BRASIL SERVIÇOS LTDA. .......................................................................................................................................................... 77 DRIL-QUIP DO BRASIL LTDA. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 78 EXPRO DO BRASIL SERVIÇOS LTDA. .............................................................................................................................................................. 79 FLEXIBRAS TUBOS FLEXIVEIS LTDA. (TECHNIP) ................................................................................................................................................ 80 FMC TECHNOLOGIES DO BRASIL LTDA.......................................................................................................................................................... 81 FUGRO BRASIL SERVIÇOS SUBMARINOS E LEVANTAMENTOS LTDA. ..................................................................................................................... 82 GE ENERGY ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 83 HALLIBURTON SERVICOS LTDA. ................................................................................................................................................................... 84 IESA TECNOLOGIA DE SISTEMAS LTDA.......................................................................................................................................................... 85 INTECSEA DO BRASIL LTDA. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 86 INTERMOOR DO BRASIL LTDA...................................................................................................................................................................... 87 MAXEN ENGENHARIA LTDA. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 88 MCDERMOTT SERVIÇOS OFFSHORE DO BRASIL LTDA....................................................................................................................................... 89 MCS KENNY ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 90 MFX DO BRASIL EQUIPAMENTOS DE PETROLEO LTDA. .................................................................................................................................... 91 MCS ENGENHARIA LTDA. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 92 NATEC EQUIPAMENTOS LTDA. .................................................................................................................................................................... 93 NEXANS BRASIL S.A. ................................................................................................................................................................................. 94 NKT FLEXIBLES INDÚSTRIA E SERVIÇOS DE TUBOS FLEXÍVEIS LTDA. ..................................................................................................................... 95 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO DO BRASIL LTDA. ................................................................................................................................................ 96 MARINE PRODUCTION SYSTEMS DO BRASIL LTDA. (OCEANEERING).................................................................................................................... 97 OCEÂNICA ENGENHARIA E CONSULTORIA LTDA. ............................................................................................................................................. 98 OCEÂNICA OFFSHORE – OCEÂNICA ENGENHARIA, CONSULTORIA E PROJETOS LTDA. ............................................................................................. 99 ODEBRECHT ÓLEO E GÁS S.A. .................................................................................................................................................................. 100 OIL STATES INDUSTRIES DO BRASIL LTDA..................................................................................................................................................... 101 PETRUSTECH OIL AND GAS LTDA. .............................................................................................................................................................. 102 PRYSMIAN ENERGIA CABOS E SISTEMAS DO BRASIL S.A. ................................................................................................................................ 103 RRC ROBÓTICA SUBMARINA LTDA............................................................................................................................................................. 104 SAIPEM DO BRASIL SERVIÇOS DE PETRÓLEO LTDA. ........................................................................................................................................ 105 SCHLUMBERGER SERVICOS DE PETROLEO LTDA............................................................................................................................................. 106 SERIMAX DO BRASIL SERVIÇOS DE SOLDAGEM E FABRICAÇÃO LTDA. ................................................................................................................. 107 SISTAC SISTEMAS DE ACESSO S.A. ........................................................................................................................................................... 108 SUBSEA7 BRASIL LTDA. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 109 SUBSIN - SUBSEA INTEGRITY ENGENHARIA E PROJETOS LTDA. ......................................................................................................................... 110 SUPORTE CONSULTORIA E PROJETOS LTDA. ................................................................................................................................................. 111 TECHINT ENGENHARIA E CONSTRUÇÃO S.A. ................................................................................................................................................ 112 TECHNIP BRAZIL - ENGENHARIA, INSTALAÇÕES E APOIO MARITIMO S.A............................................................................................................ 113 UNIÃO FABRICAÇÃO E MONTAGEM LTDA.................................................................................................................................................... 114 4: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 115 CEENO (CENTER OF EXCELLENCE IN NAVAL AND OCEANIC ENGINEERING) ........................................................................................................ 117 CENPES (PETROBRAS R&D CENTER) ........................................................................................................................................................ 118 CEPETRO-UNICAMP (CENTER OF PETROLEUM STUDIES/UNIVERSITY OF CAMPINAS) ....................................................................................... 119 CINTEQ (CENTER FOR INTEGRITY OF STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT) .............................................................................................................. 120 CNAVAL (NAVAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING CENTER) ................................................................................................................................. 121 COPPE-UFRJ (INSTITUTE FOR GRADUATE STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING)........................................................................................ 122 CPTI (TECHNOLOGICAL RESOURCE CENTER IN INSPECTION)............................................................................................................................ 123 CTDUT (DUCTS TECHNOLOGY CENTER) ..................................................................................................................................................... 124 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 3 IME (ENGINEERING MILITARY INSTITUTE) ................................................................................................................................................... 125 INT (NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE) ................................................................................................................................................... 126 POLI-USP ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 127 PUC-RIO (PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO DE JANEIRO) ............................................................................................................. 128 REDE CONSTRUÇÃO NAVAL (NAVAL CONSTRUCTION NETWORK) ..................................................................................................................... 129 REDE GALILEU (GALILEU NETWORK) .......................................................................................................................................................... 130 RICINO NETWORK OF INNOVATION .......................................................................................................................................................... 131 SUBMARINE STRUCTURES NETWORK .......................................................................................................................................................... 132 TMEC (MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY AND CORROSION CONTROL NETWORK) ........................................................................................................ 133 UFAL/LCCV (FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF ALAGOAS/LABORATORY OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING AND VISUALIZATION) ................................................... 134 UFRGS (FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL) -LAMEF (LABORATORY OF PHYSICAL METALLURGY) .................................................... 135 WELL ENGINEERING NETWORK ................................................................................................................................................................. 136 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 4 INTRODUCTION This report is written for INTSOK by Inventure Management in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and gives an overview of main players within the Brazilian offshore contractor and engineering industry. Structure The report contains company profiles of about 100 Brazilian suppliers, service companies and research centers within the FPSO, Drilling and SURF segments, and also gives an overview of the current and predicted Brazilian floater market (FPSO's, semi-submersibles, drillships, other floating installations and specialized SURF vessels) Chapters: 1: The Brazilian Floater Market 2: FPSO/Drilling 3: Subsea, Umbilicals, Risers and Flowlines (SURF) 4: Research Institutions page 6 page 19 page 73 page 116 Categorization Many companies have activities within both FPSO and drilling. Therefore, FPSO and drilling companies are listed in the same chapter. In a few instances, companies operate both within FPSO/Drilling and SURF. In these cases, the companies are profiled both in the FPSO/Drilling chapter, and also in the SURF chapter. The two profiles are different, each describing the activities relevant for the specific chapter. The Research Institutions chapter profiles specialized research centers and institutions not housed within a specific company, such as public entities and universities. In general, Brazilian shipyards have not been included in this report, as they are listed in INTSOK's separate "Brazil Shipyard Report", also available for INTSOK members at INTSOK's website. However, a small number of shipyards are also Engineering, Procurement and Engineering (EPC) companies. This is relevant to the FPSO/Drilling and SURF markets, and these few shipyards are therefore also profiled in this report. Revision of Information The information in this report has been obtained through public sources and from industry professionals/company employees. The presented information is believed to be accurate at the time of publishing. However, the Oil and Gas world is a rapidly changing one, and information can quickly become inaccurate or outdated. This report will be revised and updated once a year. Rio de Janeiro, September 2012. Updated November 2012. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 5 1: THE BRAZILIAN FLOATER MARKET INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 6 Overview of the offshore production, drilling and Specialized SURF units in Brazil This chapter provides an overview of the offshore production and drilling units in Brazil, including a construction forecast for the next four to five years. Due to pre-salt oil discoveries and strict local content requirements the already high level of offshore installation and construction activity will increase significantly in the upcoming five years. This does not come, however, without associated challenges and risks: a very tight market and the lack of specialized personnel risks affecting the deliveries and timeframe of the upcoming projects. Shipyards are working at full capacity and delays might have a domino effect and create further delays throughout the supply chain. Brazilian companies alone will not be able to meet the forecasted demand without foreign expertise and technology: this creates opportunities for Norwegian suppliers. FPSOs Semisubs Drill ship Miscellaneous INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY Specialized SURF vessels 7 FPSOs 1 th 2 In Brazilian waters there are currently 32 FPSOs , which correspond to about 1/5 of the global FPSO fleet . The existing fleet is mainly comprised of converted VLCCs and with an average age of 6.8 years (after conversion). Petrobras and OGX’s production goals are boosting the demand for FPSOs; over the next five years the compounded annual growth rate is expected to be 15 percent and the current fleet will therefore double by 2017. In the following four to five years, SBM Offshore and MODEC will deliver three and 3 two FPSOs to be contracted by Petrobras, respectively. 70 Estimated No. of FPSOs in Brazil 64 58 60 49 # Units 50 40 37 41 32 30 20 10 2012 2013E 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E Graph 1: FPSO fleet forecast, Inventure Management Analysis 4 Petrobras is currently converting three VLCCs to FPSOs with expected delivery in Q3 2013. Besides the conversion project, 5 Petrobras is also constructing eight equal FPSOs , referred to as the “replicantes”, to operate in the Santos basin. The hulls are being 6 built by Engevix at the shipyard Rio Grande and the total value of the eight hull EPC contracts is approximately $3.5 billion . The EPC 7 companies which have been invited to bid for the construction and integration of the modules consist of six consortia: 1) DM Construtora de Obras/TKK Engenharia; 2) IESA O&G; 3) Tome Engenharia S.A/Ferrostaal Industrieanlagen GmbH; 4) Keppel Fels do Brasil S.A; 5) Jurong do Brasil Prestação de Serviços Ltda; and 6) Mendes Junior Trading Engenharia S.A/OSX Construção Naval S.A. The value of the construction and integration contracts accumulates to $4.5 billion. The first two units are expected to be delivered in 2015, the next three in 2016 and the last three in 2017. Petrobras is not the only Brazilian company with ambitious production goals. OGX is planning to construct 19 FPSOs in the next six years, whereas 18 are expected to be delivered by 2017. OSX-1, OGX’s first FPSO was delivered in 2011 and is already producing oil. The next two FPSOs are VLCC conversions and are expected to be delivered by the end of 2012. OGX is currently building their own shipyard, Porto do Açu, to support their future needs for offshore units. In four to five years from now the Brazilian FPSO fleet will be 8 mainly owned by Petrobras and OGX. There are also big international players, such as SMB Offshore and MODEC . Petrobras, SBM Offshore, MODEC, and BW offshore are today the largest FPSO managers with 11, 10, 7, and 4 FPSOs under management, respectively. However, going forward, new FPSOs will be delivered and these market shares will change dynamically. 1 2 2011 WORLDWIDE SURVEY OF FLOATING PRODUCTION, STORAGE AND OFFLOADING (FPSO) UNITS www.fpso.com : 186 FPSOs worldwide 3 See Table FPSOs in Brazil for details 4 FPSO name (VLCC name) = P-58 (MT Welsh Venture), P-62 (MT Suva), P-63 (BW Nisa) 5 P-66, P-67, P-68, P-69, P-70, P-71, P-72, P-73 – Replicates because they have the same specs. 6 http://www.bg-group.com 7 http://www.offshore.no/international/article/Eight_Brazil_FPSOs_for_US_$4.5_billion_ 8 Keep in mind that the figures do not take into account FPSO that may come from other seas to operate in Brazil. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 8 FPSOs in Brazilian Waters FPSO Name (VLCC Hull/Old FPSO Name) BRASIL BW PEACE BW CIDADE SAO VICENTE CAPIXABA (STENA CONGRESS) CIDADE DE ANGRA dos REIS MV22 CIDADE DE NITEROI MV 18 (TOKYO MARU) CIDADE DE RIO DE JANIERO (APOLLO SHOJU) CIDADE DE SANTOS MV 20 CIDADE DE SAO MATEUS CIDADE DE VITORIA (MARGAUX) CIDADE RIO DAS OSTRAS DYNAMIC PRODUCER | FDPSO ESPIRITO SANTO (BC-10) (KAZUKO) FLUMINENSE FPSO FRADE (LU SAN) MARLIM SUL (LYRIA) OSX-1 P-31 (VIDAL DE NEGREIOS) P-33 (HENRIQUE DIAS) P-34 (PRESIDENTE JUSCELINO) P-35 (JOSE BONIFACIO) P-37 (FRIENDSHIP) P-43 (STENA CONTINENT) P-48 (STENA CONCORDIA) P-50 (FELIPE CAMARÃO) P-53 (SETEBELLO) P-54 (BARÃO DE MAUÁ) P-57 (MT ACCORD) PEREGRINO POLVO (NISSHO MARU) SEILLEAN YEAR CONVERTED OWNER MANAGER CHARTERER 1974 1976 1976 1974 1991 1986 1986 1973 1989 1976 1981 1987 1975 1974 1976 1977 2012 1974 1978 1959 1974 2001 2008 2007 2005 2009 2007 2006 2010 2001 2006 2010 2010 2007 2003 2007 2003 1998 2000 1996 1999 1999 2003 2004 2005 2007 2006 2010 2008 2007 1998 SBM Offshore / MISC BW Offshore BW Offshore SBM Offshore/Queiroz G. MODEC MODEC MODEC MODEC BW Offshore Saipem Teekay Petroserv SBM Offshore / MISC Shell Chevron SBM Offshore OSX Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras CDC Petrobras Petrobras Statoil Devon Frontier Drilling SBM Offshore BW Offshore BW Offshore SBM Offshore MODEC MODEC MODEC MODEC BW Offshore Saipem Teekay Ventura Petrolio SBM Offshore MODEC SBM Offshore SBM Offshore OSX Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras SBM Offshore BW Offshore BP Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Shell Shell Chevron Petrobras OSX Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Statoil BP Petrobras 1975 1973 1980 1986 1979 1988 2008 1981 1990 Table 1: List of FPSOs currently in Brazil, Inventure Management Analysis INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 9 The next FPSOs to be delivered in Brazil FPSO NAME (VLCC HULL/OLD FPSO NAME) CIDADE DE ANCHIETA (ESPADARTE) CIDADE DE ILHABELA CIDADE DE MANGARATIBA MV24 CIDADE DE PARATY (MT THESEUS) CIDADE DE SAO PAULO OSX-2 (M/T Concorde Spirit) OSX-3 (MV STAR 2 ) (STAR 2) OSX-4 OSX-5 OSX-6 OSX-7 OSX-8 OSX-9 OSX-10 OSX-11 OSX-12 OSX-13 OSX-14 OSX-16 OSX-17 OSX-18 OSX-19 P-58 (MT WELSH VENTURE) P-62 (MT SUVA) P-63 (BW NISA) P-66 (Replicante) P-67 (Replicante) P-68 (Replicante) P-69 (Replicante) P-70 (Replicante) P-71 (Replicante) P-72 (Replicante) P-73 (Replicante) YEAR CONVERTED OWNER MANAGER CHARTERER 1999 2014 2014 1988 1992 1989 2012 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 - SBM Offshore SBM Offshore MODEC SBM Offshore MODEC OSX OGX OGX OGX OGX OGX OGX OGX OGX OGX OGX OGX OGX OGX OGX OGX OGX Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras/Chevron Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras SBM Offshore SBM Offshore MODEC SBM Offshore MODEC SBM Offshore OSX Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras OSX OSX OSX OSX OSX OSX OSX OSX OSX OSX OSX OSX OSX OSX OSX OSX OSX Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2018 1991 1993 1983 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 Table 2: List of FPSOs in Brazil to be delivered, Inventure Management Analysis INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 10 Semisubmersibles 9 There are 58 semisubmersibles in Brazil and the fleet is not expected to increase much over the next four years. Only three semisubmersibles are expected to be delivered in Brazil by 2017. Sete Brasil has plans to build six semisubmersibles with delivery between 2015 and 2024. These six semisubmersibles are a part of the 28 drilling units to be chartered by Petrobras. The majority 10 owner will be Sete Brasil . In 2013, Noble will deliver a semisubmersible contracted by Shell. The next two semisubmersibles will be completed in 2015 and 2016 and will be the first two of the six from Sete Brasil. 63 Estimated No. of Semisubmersibles in Brazil 62 61 61 2016E 2017E 60 60 # Units 61 59 59 59 2013E 2014E 58 58 57 56 55 2012 2015E Graph 2: Semisubmersibles fleet forecast, Inventure Management Analysis OGX has contracted six semisubmersibles; Shell two; Chevron one; and Sonangol/Anadarko/Karoon one, while Petrobras has contracted the rest of the fleet. Diamond Offshore, Petrobras, Transocean and NOBLE have an old fleet where the units have been rebuilt several times. ENSCO, Seadrill, Sevan Drilling, Queiroz and Odebrecht have a new fleet where most of the units were built around 2009. Compared to the FPSO segment where Petrobras, MODEC, SBM Offshore and OSX are the major players, the picture is slightly different in the semisubmersible segment. The biggest operators and owners in Brazil are Diamond Offshore, ENSCO, Transocean, 11 and Queiroz Galvao . The age of the fleet is mixed; there are circa 50-50 old and new vessels, whereas the old vessels from the 70s and 80s have been rebuilt recently. The six semisubmersibles to be chartered by Petrobras SHIPYARD BrasFELS # RIG OPERATOR/ EQUITY PARTNERS DELIVERY DATE DESIGN OWNERSHIP 1 Queiroz Galão O&G 2016 DSS 38E Semisub Est. 85% Sete Brasil 2 Queiroz Galão O&G 2017 DSS 38E Semisub Est. 85% Sete Brasil 3 Petroserv 2017 DSS 38E Semisub Est. 85% Sete Brasil 4 Petroserv 2018 DSS 38E Semisub Est. 85% Sete Brasil 5 Petroserv 2019 DSS 38E Semisub Est. 85% Sete Brasil 6 Odebrecht O&G 2019 DSS 38E Semisub Est. 85% Sete Brasil Table 3: The six semisubmersibles to be chartered by Petrobras 9 www.rigzone.com See exhibit XX for further details 11 See Exhibit “SS Owners” for full list 10 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 11 List of Semi-submersibles currently in Brazil NAME OWNER MANAGER/OPERATOR CHARTERER BUILT OCEAN ALLIANCE OCEAN AMBASSADOR OCEAN BARONESS OCEAN CONCORD OCEAN COURAGE OCEAN LEXINGTON OCEAN QUEST OCEAN STAR OCEAN VALOR OCEAN WINNER OCEAN WORKER OCEAN YATZY BLACKFORD DOLPHIN BORGNY DOLPHIN ENSCO 5000 ENSCO 5002 ENSCO 5004 ENSCO 5005 ENSCO 6000 ENSCO 6001 ENSCO 6002 ENSCO 6003 ENSCO 6004 ENSCO 7500 NOBLE CLYDE BOUDREAUX NOBLE DAVE BEARD NOBLE PAUL WOLFF NOBLE MAX SMITH* NOBLE THERALD MARTIN NORBE VI ODN DELBA 3 ODN TAY IV PETROBRAS X PETROBRAS XVI PETROBRAS XVII PETROBRAS XXIII ALASKAN STAR ALPHA STAR ATLANTIC STAR GOLD STAR LONE STAR OLINDA STAR AMAZONIA PANTANAL WEST EMINENCE WEST ORION WEST TAURUS CAJUN EXPRESS FALCON 100 GSF ARCTIC 1 SEDCO 706 SEDCO 707 SEDCO 710 TRANSOCEAN DRILLER LOUISIANA SSV VICTORIA PETROBRAS 52 SEVAN BRASIL SEVAN DRILLER Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Fred Olsen ASA Fred Olsen ASA ENSCO ENSCO ENSCO ENSCO ENSCO ENSCO ENSCO ENSCO ENSCO ENSCO Noble Noble Noble Noble Noble Odebrecht Odebrecht Odebrecht Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Queiroz Galvao O&G Queiroz Galvao O&G Queiroz Galvao O&G Queiroz Galvao O&G Queiroz Galvao O&G Queiroz Galvao O&G Baerfield Drilling LLC Soratura LLC Seadrill Deepwalter Rigs Ltd Seadrill Deepwalter Rigs Ltd Seadrill Deepwalter Rigs Ltd Transocean Drilling Offshore Transocean Drilling Offshore Transocean Drilling Offshore Transocean Drilling Offshore Transocean Drilling Offshore Transocean Drilling Offshore Transocean Drilling Offshore Petroserv AS Petroserv AS Petrobras Sevan Drilling Sevan Drilling Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Diamond Offshore Dolphin Drilling Ltd Dolphin Drilling Ltd Ensco Ensco Ensco Ensco Ensco Ensco Ensco Ensco Ensco Ensco Noble Noble Noble Noble Noble Odebrecht Odebrecht Odebrecht Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Queiroz Galvão Queiroz Galvão Queiroz Galvão Queiroz Galvão Queiroz Galvão Queiroz Galvão Schahin Schahin Seadrill Seadrill Seadrill Transocean Brasil Ltda Transocean Brasil Ltda Transocean Brasil Ltda Transocean Brasil Ltda Transocean Brasil Ltda Transocean Brasil Ltda Transocean Brasil Ltda Ventura Petróleo S/A Ventura Petróleo S/A Petrobras Sevan Marine Sevan Marine Petrobras OGX Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras OGX OGX OGX Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Sonangol et.al Petrobras Petrobras OGX OGX Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Shell Petrobras Petrobras Shell Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Chevron Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras 1988 1975 2002 1975 2009 1976 1973 1997 2009 1976 1982 1989 1974 1977 1973 1975 1982 1982 1986 2000 2001 2004 2004 2000 1987 1986 1981 1980 1977 2010 2011 1999 1982 1984 1984 1985 1976 2009 2006 2008 2008 1983 2011 2010 2009 2008 2010 1974 1983 1976 1976 1983 1998 ? 2008 2012 2009 *Under construction Table 4: List of Semi-submersibles currently in Brazil, Inventure Management Analysis INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 12 Drillships 12 In Brazil, there are 26 drillships and the fleet is expected to grow significantly ; Petrobras will hire about 30 drillships, which must be built in Brazilian shipyards. This means that by 2020 there is estimated to be around 60 drillships in Brazil which indicates a compounded annual growth rate of more than 10 percent. However, it is important to notice that the goals are ambitious and delay of the first arrivals will create a domino effect and delay the whole fleet. 45 40 35 # Units 30 41 Estimated No. of drillships in Brazil 32 26 26 26 27 2012 2013 2014 2015 25 20 15 10 5 0 2016 2017 Graph 3: Drillships fleet forecast, Inventure Management Analysis Sete Brasil is the majority owner of 28 of the drillships, with an ownership between 70 – 100 percent. Odfjell and Seadrill have 20 and 30 percent ownership, respectively, on six units (three each) to be built at the Jurong shipyard. Seven of the 28 were given to the shipyard Atlantico Sul, but, because of some early delays, there is confusion around where these units will be constructed. Ocean Rig and Synergy are also engaged in the drill ship race; they are going to construct 5 drillships between 2016 and 2022. The current fleet consists of mainly new units built after 2000, where many of the units where delivered in 2011. If construction goes as planned, Brazil will possess one of the most advanced drill ship fleet in the world. The current owners and managers are listed in tables below, but, because of expected huge growth over the next four to ten years, these market shares will change dramatically. 12 www.rigzone.com INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 13 Drillships in Brazil NAME OWNER MANAGER/OPERATOR CHARTERER BUILT Shell Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Noble Petrobras Queiroz Galvao O&G Ventura Schahin Odfjell Transocean Ltd. Transocean Ltd. Ensco Petrobras Petrobras Delba Perforadora Int. Delba Perforadora Int. Diamond Offshore Ocean Rig Ocean Rig Pacific Drilling Ltd. Transocean Ltd. Schahin Schahin Etesco Schahin Shell Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Enroute Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras BP Petrobras BP Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras 2011 1977 1981 1982 1979 1976 2012 2011 2011 2011 2000 1971 2010 2011 2011 2011 2012 1977 2010 2011 2011 2009 1977 2012 2011 2010 Noble Bully II Noble Noble Roger Eason Noble Noble Leo Segerius Noble Noble Muravlenko Noble Noble Phoenix Noble Aban Abraham Aban Offshore Amaralina Star QGOG/Delba JV Carolina Ventura Cerrado Schahin Deepsea Metro 2 Metrostar / Odfjell JV Deepwater Discovery Transocean Ltd. Deepwater Navigator Transocean Ltd. ENSCO DS-4 Ensco Norbe IX Odebrecht O&G Norbe VIII Odebrecht O&G Norbe X (ODN 1) Odebrecht/Delba JV Norbe XI (ODN 2) Odebrecht/Delba JV Ocean Clipper Diamond Offshore Ocean Rig Corcovado Cardiff Ocean Rig Mykonos Dryships Pacific Mistral Pacific Drilling Limited Petrobras 10000 Transocean Ltd. SC Lancer Schahin Sertao Schahin TAKATSUGU J Etesco Vitoria 10000 Petrobras/Mitsui Table 5: Brazil drillships, Inventure Management Analysis Drillships to be delivered in Brazil OWNER MANAGER/OPERATOR CHARTERER BUILT Ocean Rig Drillship TBN Brazil 8 NAME Ocean Rig Asa Ocean Rig Asa - 2016 Ocean Rig Drillship TBN Brazil 9 Ocean Rig Asa Ocean Rig Asa - 2017 Ocean Rig Drillship TBN Brazil 10 Ocean Rig Asa Ocean Rig Asa - 2019 Ocean Rig Drillship TBN Brazil 11 Ocean Rig Asa Ocean Rig Asa - 2020 Ocean Rig Drillship TBN Brazil 12 Ocean Rig Asa Ocean Rig Asa - 2022 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 1 Sete Brasil S.A. Etesco Petrobras 2016 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 2 Sete Brasil S.A. Etesco Petrobras 2017 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 3 Sete Brasil S.A. Etesco Petrobras 2017 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 4 Sete Brasil S.A. Etesco Petrobras 2019 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 5 Sete Brasil S.A. Etesco Petrobras 2019 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 6 Sete Brasil S.A. Seadrill Petrobras 2018 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 7 Sete Brasil S.A. Seadrill Petrobras 2019 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 8 Sete Brasil S.A. Seadrill Petrobras 2019 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 9 Sete Brasil S.A. Odfjell Petrobras 2016 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 10 Sete Brasil S.A. Odfjell Petrobras 2017 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 11 Sete Brasil S.A. Odfjell Petrobras 2017 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 12 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 13 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 14 Sete Brasil S.A. Sete Brasil S.A. Sete Brasil S.A. Odebrecht Odebrecht Odebrecht Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras 2016 2017 2017 Sete Drillship TBN Brazil 15 Sete Brasil S.A. Odebrecht Petrobras 2018 Arpoador Sete Brasil S.A. Petrobras Petrobras 2015 Copacabana Sete Brasil S.A. Petrobras Petrobras 2016 Grumari Sete Brasil S.A. Schahin Petrobras 2017 Ipanema Sete Brasil S.A. Schahin Petrobras 2017 Leblon Sete Brasil S.A. Schahin Petrobras 2018 Leme Marambaia Drillship 1 Drillship 2 Sete Brasil S.A. Sete Brasil S.A. OSX OSX Schahin Schahin OSX OSX Petrobras Petrobras OSX OSX 2019 2019 - Table 6: Brazil drillships construction, Inventure Management Analysis INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 14 Brazilian drill ship construction details SHIPYARDS/ LEASEHOLDER Estaleiro Enseada do Paraguaçu/ Odebrecht/ UTC/OAS Estaleiro Jurong Aracruz/ Sembcorp Marine Estaleiro Rio Grande/ Ecovix Estaleiro Atlantico Sul OSX EISA/Maua/ Synergy TOTAL # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 29 RIG OPERATOR/ EQUITY PARTNERS DELIVERY DATE DESIGN OWNERSHIP Odebrecht O&G Odebrecht O&G Odebrecht O&G Odebrecht O&G Etesco Etesco Odfjell Odfjell Odfjell Seadrill Seadrill Seadrill Etesco Etesco Etesco Petrobras Petrobras Schahin* Schahin* Schahin* Schahin* Schahin* OSX* OSX* Ocean Rig Ocean Rig Ocean Rig Ocean Rig Ocean Rig 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2016 2017 2017 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 LMG Drillships LMG Drillships LMG Drillships LMG Drillships LMG Drillships LMG Drillships Jurong LMG Drillships Jurong LMG Drillships Jurong LMG Drillships Jurong LMG Drillships Jurong LMG Drillships Jurong LMG Drillships Gusto Drillships Gusto Drillships Gusto Drillships Gusto or LMG Drillships Gusto or LMG Drillships Gusto or LMG Drillships Gusto or LMG Drillships Gusto or LMG Drillships Gusto or LMG Drillships Gusto or LMG Drillships 2016 2017 2019 2020 2022 Huisman Drillships Huisman Drillships Huisman Drillships Huisman Drillships Huisman Drillships Est. 85% Sete Brasil Est. 85% Sete Brasil Est. 85% Sete Brasil Est. 85% Sete Brasil Est. 85% Sete Brasil Est. 85% Sete Brasil 80% Sete Brasil / 20% Odfjell 80% Sete Brasil / 20% Odfjell 80% Sete Brasil / 20% Odfjell 70% Sete Brasil / 30% Seadrill 70% Sete Brasil / 30% Seadrill 70% Sete Brasil / 30% Seadrill Est. 85% Sete Brasil Est. 85% Sete Brasil Est. 85% Sete Brasil Sete Brasil Sete Brasil Est. 85% Sete Brasil Est. 85% Sete Brasil Est. 85% Sete Brasil Est. 85% Sete Brasil Est. 85% Sete Brasil OSX OSX Ocean Rig/ Synergy Ocean Rig/ Synergy Ocean Rig/ Synergy Ocean Rig/ Synergy Ocean Rig/ Synergy Table 7: Brazil drillships construction, Inventure Management Analysis INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 15 Miscellaneous (Jack up, TLWP and WHP, FPU/FPS) South America is about to get its first tension leg platform installation, Papa Terra P-61, with expected delivery in 2013. FloaTEC Singapore Pte Ltd, an equal joint venture between Keppel FELS and J. Ray McDermott, signed a contract worth about US$ 1 billion comprising design, engineering, construction, maintenance and installation work, as well as a three-year contract to operate the TLWP. P-61 is being built at Keppel’s BrasFELS yard in Angra dos Reis. Critical components such as the tendons, temporary buoyancy modules and piles will be fabricated at J. Ray’s Morgan City facility in Louisiana, USA. The unit will be installed on location in Papa Terra field by J. Ray and it will support all the well drilling and workover activities as well as export the production to the P-63 FPSO. OGX is also planning to build five TLWPs with deliveries between 2015 and 2018. The units are expected to be used in the Espirito Santo Basin, the only deep water blocks in OGX’s portfolio. 6 Estimated No. of TLWPs in Brazil 5 5 4 # Units 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 2013 2014 0 0 2012 2015 2016 2017 OGX is also planning to build 24 Wellhead Platforms (WHP) over the next six to eight years. The first two, WHP-1 and WHP-2, have already been ordered and are under construction by Techint with an estimated delivery in 2014. The next two, WHP-3 and WHP-4, will be built by OSX Construção Naval S/A in the Açu shipyard in the north of Rio de Janeiro State. The delivery schedule for the 24 WHP is tentative and delays are highly probable. 25 22 OGX WHP fleet forecast 20 # Units 20 14 15 10 8 5 0 0 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Graph 5: OGXs WHP fleet forecast, Inventure Management Analysis INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 16 13 There are six jackups in Brazil , all of them owned and operated by Petrobras. Four of them are old units, while two, P-59 and P-60, were delivered in 2012. We do not expect construction of jack ups in the next four years. The reason there are not many jack ups in Brazil is because the average depth is 1071m. In comparison, the average depth in Norway is 231m. Estimated No. of Jack Ups in Brazil 8 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 6 # Units 5 4 3 2 1 0 Graph 6: Jack up fleet forecast, Inventure Management Analysis 14 We have identified 21 FPUs in Brazil and assume that this is the approximate number of FPUs that are operative in Brazil , all owned and managed by Petrobras (with one exception – see table below). The majority of the units are found in the Campos basin, while 15 there are also some in Santos basin. The fleet is exclusively old, with a couple of exceptions . FPUs in Brazil UNIT YEAR OWNER MANAGER FIELD OPERATOR WHERE TYPE P-07 P-08 P-09 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15 P-18 P-19 P-20 P-21 P-25 P-26 P-27 P-40 P-51 P-52 SS-11 P-55 P-56 1976 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1997 1975 1979 2008 2007 2011 2011 Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Queiroz Galvao Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras Petrobras campos campos campos campos campos santos campos campos campos campos badejo albacora campos campos campos campos roncador santos Roncador Marlim Sul Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Semi-FPS Table 8: FPU fleet in Brazil, Inventure Management Analysis 13 14 www.rigzone.com 2011 Worldwide Survey of Semi-FPSs and FPUs 15 P-51, P-52, P-55, P-56 were delivered in 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2011, respectively. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 17 Specialized SURF Vessels In 2011, there were 390 offshore supply vessels in Brazilian waters, whereas only a small part of this can be characterized as 16 specialized SURF vessels. Abeam has estimated that there will be around 450 by 2015 and almost 700 by 2020. The table below shows that there are 152 vessels sailing under Brazilian flag and 238 classified as foreign. Many of the international firms, established in Brazil, have however vessels sailing under Brazilian flag. In the future, there will be benefits in terms of contract length for the vessels that float under Brazilian flag. Supply vessels in Brazil CLASS 17 PSV AHTS LH / SV CREW / FSV RSV / ROV MPSV Others Total Table 9: Supply boats in Brazil, ABEAM 2011 BRAZILIAN FOREIGN TOTAL 79 16 40 8 5 3 1 152 106 88 8 12 10 11 3 238 185 104 48 20 15 14 4 390 The Scandinavian companies, such as Subsea 7 and DOF, have a huge share of the specialized subsea vessels in Brazil. The vessels 18 currently operating in Brazil are to be found in the table below . Most vessels are construction vessels. Specialized SURF vessels in Brazil NAME Seven Mar Seven Phoenix Acergy Condor Nomand Seven Kommandor 3000 Lochnagar Seisranger Acergy Harrier Skandi Vitoria Skandi Niteroi Skandi Santos Skandi Salvador Geograph Skandi commander BUILT (CONVERTED) OWNER 2001 Subsea7 2002 Subsea7 1982(2000) Subsea7 2007 Subsea7 1981(1999) Subsea7 1982(1998) Subsea7 1993 Subsea7 1985 Subsea7 2010 DOF/technip 2010 DOF/Skandi 2009 DOF/Skandi 2009 DOF/Skandi 2007 DOF/Skandi 2007 DOF/technip Skandi Chieftain DOF 2005 Skandi Hav DOF 1983 Sunrise 2000 1984 Technip Deep Constructor 1980 (2001) Technip Normand Progress 1999 Solstad Deep Orient 2012 Technip Apache II 2009 Technip Edda Fauna 2008 DeepOcean MSV Volantis 2007 DeepOcean CBO Guanabara 2005 CBO GLOBAL IROQUIOS Global Offshore Int 1973 Polar Queen Polar Queen As 2011 BGL 1 Petrobras 1976 Table 10: Specialized SURF Vessels in Brazil, Inventure Management Analysis TYPE Construction / Vertical Flexlay Vessels Construction / Vertical Flexlay Vessels Construction / Flexlay (Horizontal) Vessels Construction / Flexlay (Horizontal) Vessels Construction / Flexlay (Horizontal) Vessels Construction / Flexlay (Horizontal) Vessels Life-of-Field / Light Construction Vessels Diving Support Vessels PLSV PLSV CSV/MPSV CSV/MPSV CSV/MPSV CSV/MPSV Diving Support Vessels Pipe Carrier / Pipelay Construction Flexlay Vessel MPSV CSV/MPSV Construction Flexlay Vessel PLSV MPSV MPSV MPSV Construction Vessel Diving Support Vessels Construction Vessel 16 Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Apoio Marítimo - Brazilian Association of Maritime Support PSV: Platform Supply Vessel, AHTS: Anchor Handling Tug and Supply Vessel, LH: Line Handling, SV: Mini Supply, CREW: Crew boat, FSV: Suppliers of Fast Loads, RSV: ROV Support Vessel, MPSV: Multipurpose Supply Vessel. 17 18 Please to notice that the list may not be complete and hence there are other vessels currently operating that not included. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 18 2: FPSO AND DRILLING INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 19 Profiles of the main companies in the Brazilian FPSO and drilling market. Categorization The companies' activities are sorted into the following categories, with specific areas of activity marked with red: ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS HULL DRILLING RIG FABRICATION DRILLING PACKAGE NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION TOPSIDES (MODULES) INTEGRATION FPSO FABRICATION Aker Solutions do Brasil Ltda. Companies with Activities in Both FPSO/Drilling and SURF Companies which have activities both within FPSO/Drilling and SURF are listed with a profile in both the FPSO/Drilling chapter and in the SURF chapters. In these cases, the profiles describe the activities relevant for the chapter, meaning that the profile in the FPSO/Drilling chapter does not describe the companies' SURF activities and vice versa. R&D, Innovation, Training Institutions Companies listed under R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING are companies that sell these services as a supplier. Companies using these capabilities only for in-house purposes/own projects are not listed here. Specialized research centers and institutions not housed within a specific company are listed separately in the Research Institutions chapter. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 20 DRILLING PACKAGE NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION TOPSIDES (MODULES) INTEGRATION COMPANY PROFILES, FPSO AND DRILLING HULL DRILLING RIG FABRICATION FPSO FABRICATION ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS Aker Solutions do Brasil Ltda. ALUSA Engenharia S.A. Andrade Gutierrez S.A. Chemtech DM Construtora de Obras Ltda. Doris Engenharia Ltda. EBE (Empresa Brasileira de Engenharia S.A.) Ecovix ( Engevix Construcoes Oceanicas ) Estaleiro Atlântico Sul S.A. Estaleiro Enseada do Paraguaçu - EEP Estaleiro Jurong Aracruz (EJA) Estaleiro Mauá Ltda. Estaleiro Rio Grande Ferrostaal do Brasil Comércio e Indústria GDK S.A. Huisman do Brasil Ltda. IESA Óleo & Gás S.A Imetame Metalmecânica Ltda. IOAL Engenharia Ltda. Jaraguá Equipamentos Industriais Ltda. Keppel FELS Brasl S.A. Kromav Engenharia Ltda. Mac Laren Oil Estaleiro Ltda. McDermott Serviços Offshore do Brasil Mendes Júnior Engenharia S.A. MODEC Serviços de Petróleo do Brasil Ltda MPE - Montagens e Projetos Especiais S.A. Niplan Engenharia S.A. National Oilwell Varco do Brasil ltda Odebrecht Oleo e Gás S.A. OSX Brasil S.A. Projemar S.A. Promon Engenharia S.A. Queiroz Galvão Óleo e Gás S.A. Quip S.A. Santos CMI Engenharia e Construções Ltda. SBM do Brasil Ltda. Schahin Seawell do brasil serviços de petróleo Ltda. Setal SOG Óleo e Gás S.A. STX OSV Niteroi Ltda. Techint Engenharia e Construção S.A. Technip maritime do brasil Ltda. TKK Engenharia Ltda,. Tomé Engenharia S.A. Toyo Setal Engenharia Ltda. União Engenharia Ltda. Usiminas Mecânica S.A. UTC Engenharia S.A. VME Process do Brasil Sistemas de Processos Petroliferos Ltda INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 21 Aker Solutions do Brasil Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 0 0 x 0 x x GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL XL XL 1995 OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL Curitiba (PR) Rua Francisco Sobania, 1300 - CEP: 81460130 Curitiba (PR) Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Rio das Ostras (RJ), Macae (RJ) www.akersolutions.com [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (41) 3227-8400 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Aker Solutions provides oilfield products, systems and services for customers in the oil and gas industry worldwide. The company brings together engineering and technologies for oil and gas drilling, field development and production. PRODUCTS Aker provides specialized systems, such as, subsea trees, manifolds, drilling control systems, plems, plets and pump station. Additionally the company provides drilling risers and drilling rig packages such as hoisting systems, top drives, drillfloor equipment, pipe handling equipment, compensators and tensioners, BOP handling equipment, mud pumps, handling tools, drilling control and monitoring systems and simulators. HISTORY Aker has been been present in Brazil since 1978 through Davy (former business unit). Aker subsidiaries in Brazil timeline are as follows: Aker Solutions 1995, Aker Drilling Equipment 1997, Aker Oilfield Services 2007, Aker Process Systems 2001, Aker Drilling Riser 2008, Aker Marine Contractors 2009, Aker Pusnes 2009, Aker Wirth 2009. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by Aker Solutions ASA CURRENT PROJECTS 1) Aker Solutions is an exclusive supplier of subsea equipment for pre-salt fields in Brazil (Tupi and Guará & TupiNE). Aker Solutions’ Skandi Santos, a subsea construction and installation vessel, is currently (August 2012) installing subsea trees on fields in Brazil on a long-term contract with Petrobras. 2) Aker Solutions is also building a US$ 100M multi-purpose service site for its drilling equipment business in Brazil. The plant is expected to be fully operational in early 2014. 3) In August 2012, Aker Solutions won a contract to supply drilling equipment packages for a series of six deepwater drillships being built by Jurong Shipyard for the Brazilian market. The drilling units will be delivered between 2015 and 2019. REFERENCES Petrobras, EBX, Seadrill, Maersk, Sevan Drilling, Statoil. SERVICES Aker offers services for subsea installation and intervention, mooring & floater installation, local support for deck machinery and mooring systems for marine and offshore applications. Additionally, Aker provides SURF products installation, offshore loading and offloading systems, decommissioning of offshore facilities, floatover and process systems. N/A 8 2 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 22 ALUSA Engenharia S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL 0 x 0 0 0 ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS XL XL 1960 São Paulo (SP) Av. Dr. Cardoso de Melo, 1855 Bl.01 -5º andar - Vila Olímpia CEP: 04548-005, São Paulo (SP) OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL www.alusaengenharia.com.br [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (11) 2161-9900 N/A in Brazil * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Alusa is an electrical engineering company with more than 50 years of experience with projects, works and services related to the electricity sector, telecommunications and O&G. PRODUCTS Alusa provides parts to modules. HISTORY Alusa Engenharia was established in 1960 and has expanded its activities gradually. In 2000, the company started to act as a partner and participant in implementation, operation and maintenance of power transmission systems. In 2005, the company expanded its activities to the power generation segment. Today, Alusa also provides consulting in the O&G and mining industry. In june 2012, Empresa Brasileira de Engenharia (EBE) and ALUSA signed a consortium contract. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Alusa Engenharia is owned by Alusa Holding. Alusa has an international partnership in Chile and Argentina with Cemig and Siemens, respectively. They also have a joint venture with Tabocas Participação e Empreendimentos, called Alta Energia Empreendimentos e Construções. In 2012, this JV won the 5th place in the category Electrical Engineering (Control / Transmission / Distribution / Services Mounts and Transmission Lines). In 2010, VME Process and ALUSA Engenharia formed a strategic partnership to construct offshore process modules in Brazil with specific application for FPSOs and other floating production units. The new partnership combines ALUSA’s local presence and construction experience with VME’s process technology knowledge and modular construction experience to bring turnkey capabilities to Brazil. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In June 2011, Petrobras signed a contract with Empresa Brasileira de Engenharia (EBE) and ALUSA for the construction of Air Emission Abatement Units fitted with SNOx technology at the Abreu e Lima Refinery, in Recife. The Units will treat boiler flue gas, acid gases (hydrogen sulfide - H2S and ammonia) and refinery waste streams. The contract was closed at US$ 397.5M and the deadline for execution of the works is 38 months. 2) Alusa participated in the bidding for the replicant modules of the eight FPSOs, being constructed by Ecovix, Petrobras being the final customer. REFERENCES Petrobras, Refinaria Abreu Lima, Comperj SERVICES 9 ALUSA deliver engineering services and operates as an integrator of projects in sectors such as oil, gas, electric, and telecommunications. 3 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 23 Andrade Gutierrez S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1948 Belo Horizonte (MG) Av. do Contorno, 8123 Cidade Jardim, CEP: 30110-910 – Belo Horizonte (MG) Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Sao Paulo (SP), Belo Horizonte (MG), Brasilia (DF) www.andradegutierrez.com.br [email protected] +55 (31) 3290-6699 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Operating in Brazil and abroad, the Andrade Gutierrez Group stands as one of the largest infrastructure conglomerates in Latin America. Andrade Gutierrez is recognized for its expertise in the heavy construction segment. Sparked by an effort to diversify their activities in the 1990s, Andrade Gutierrez has enjoyed successful investments in concessions and telecommunications. Through the Industrial Business Unit (Unidade de Negócio Industrial - UNI), Construtora Andrade Gutierrez offers a specific structure for the oil and gas sector, considering a strategic market segment and investment opportunities. PRODUCTS The construction and engineering company is building dams and power plants, ports and airports, subways, highways and railways. The company is building and modernizing manufacturing plants. They use they expertise to deliver solutions to offshore modules. HISTORY Andrade Gutierrez is a Brazilian business group, founded in 1948, by the Andrade and Gutierrez families. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by the Andrade Gutierrez group. The Holdings are: AG Engenharia or Construtora Andrade Gutierrez for the Engineering and construction sector, AG Concessões for concessions in public services and utilities and AG Telecom engaged in telecommunications. The group has equity in companies such as Oi and Contax (AG Telecom) and Cemig, CCR, Sanepar, Water Port, Quiport and Aeris (AG Concessões). CURRENT PROJECTS 1) Construction and installation of the coking unit, the Petrochemical Complex of Rio de Janeiro (Comperj), Consortium with Techint Engenharia scheduled to end September 2013. 2) Invited by Petrobras to attend bidding on the P74 and P76 FPSOs. 3) Currently renting the shipyard Maua to construct the parts to the coke plant. REFERENCES Petrobras, Comperj, Refinaria Duque de Caxias (Reduc). SERVICES CONSORTIUM Andrade delivers engineering and construction solutions to the following areas: Hydropower plants, steel mills, sanitation and urbanization, thermal power plants, pipelines dams, nuclear power plants, tunnels airports, transmission lines, shipyards, highways, industrial plants, ports railways, refineries, subways and civil construction. 1) Implementation of an integrated environment for COMPERJ Coke project with Techint. 2) Technical assessment for FPSO P-54 offshore plataform proposal with Camargo Correa and ABB in 2003. 3) Technical assessment for FPSO P-53 offshore platform proposal with Camargo Correa and ABB in 2004. 4) Technical assessment for FPSO P-34 offshore platform proposal with Camargo Correa in 2004. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 24 Chemtech FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1989 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua da Quitanda, 50 - 21º Andar, CEP: 20.011-030 - Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Belo Horizonte (MG), São Paulo (SP), Salvador (BA), Porto Alegre, Vitória (ES) and Natal (RN). www.chemtech.com.br [email protected] +55 (21) 3503-9100 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Chemtech offers advanced technological solutions for process industries. The company is specialized in engineering and automation. PRODUCTS Chemtech is a service company. HISTORY Chemtech has provided engineering, control and automation, IT and software development services in Brazil for more than 20 years. In 2001, the company was acquired by Siemens but does still go by the same name. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by Siemens CURRENT PROJECTS The CKE Consurtium (Chemtech, Kromav and Exactum) was the winner of the competition for elaborating basic and detailed engineering projects, in order to implement the OSX Flex. OSX Flex is an innovative proposal, which aims to standardize the OGX FPSOs. OGX Flex will be used for the construction of the first platforms at the OSX shipyard, located in the Industrial Complex of the Açu Superport. REFERENCES Petrobras, Exxon Mobil, KBR, Braskem and Vale SERVICES CONSORTIUM 11 Chemtech´s services include engineering projects, integration of control and automation for the process industry, works with industrial IT and consulting solutions, delivery of projects and implementation of automation systems, development of MES systems and projects of advanced control. The consortium CKE (Chemtech, as leader, Kromav, Exactum) is going to participate in the preparation of projects for basic and detailed engineering for the implementation of the concept OSX Flex, which deadline is 18 months. 5 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 25 DM Construtora de Obras Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1974 Curitiba (PR) Rua Wiegando Olsen, 2020 - CEP: 81460070, Cidade Industrial de Curitiba (PR) N/A in Brazil www.dmconstrutora.com.br [email protected] +55 (41) 3313-8000 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION DM Construtora is an engineering firm providing services for the energy, transportation, sanitation, mining, commercial and industrial structures sectors. PRODUCTS DM Construtora fabricates electromechanical parts for FPSO modules. HISTORY DM Construtora was created in 1974. The owners saw demand for engineering services within the construction industry. As the company grew, they specialized in procurement, construction, electromechanical assembly, conditioning, start-up and assisted operation. DM Construtora today has a factory area of 158.000m², with 40,000 m² of floor space used for its own production of prefabricated elements. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS Construction of module 2 and 5 for the 8 Replicant FPSOs for Petrobras. REFERENCES Vale, EBX, MMX, Onix, Copel, CNH, Geneis Energetica, Votorantim, Norske Skog, Cravari, Bechtel, Eletrosul, Petrobras, Sanepar, Foz do Chopim SERVICES CONSORTIUM 12 DM Construtora provides management and development of engineering projects, supplies, construction, electro-mechanical assembly, start-up and operational assistance. Consortium with TKK to construct module 2 and 5 for the 8 Replicant FPSOs. 6 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 26 Doris Engenharia Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE L S-M 2006 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua da Assembléia, 10, sala 3212, Centro, CEP: 20011-901 , Rio de Janeiro (RJ) N/A in Brazil www.doris-engineering.com [email protected] +55 (21) 2232-4482 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Doris Engenharia is a market leading offshore engineering company focused on providing high technology services for the oil and gas industry. They are specialized and highly experienced in creating innovative and cost-effective solutions for offshore facilities, coping with the most challenging environments, such as the remote locations and ultra-deep waters typical of the Pre-Salt province of the Brazilian coast. PRODUCTS Doris´s core business is engineering. HISTORY In Brazil, Doris performs engineering in the area of exploration and production. It´s French parent company also participates in other types of engineering, assembly and construction offshore platforms. The focus area in Brazil is to exploit the high technology added niche. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by Doris Engineering CURRENT PROJECTS Engineering services for OSX’s FPSO 4 and FPSO 5. REFERENCES EBX, OSX, Petrobras SERVICES Doris operates in the conceptual and basic engineering in O&G including sealines, storage terminals, LNG terminals, harbors, and platform abandonment. N/A 13 7 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 27 EBE (Empresa Brasileira de Engenharia S.A.) FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE 1945 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua São Francisco Xavier 603 Maracanã CEP: 20550-011 , Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasília (DF), Macaé (RJ), Volta Redonda (RJ), São Paulo (RJ), Curitiba (SC) and Porto Alegre (RS) www.grupompe.com [email protected] +55 (21) 3526-3562 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Part of MPE Participações em Engenharia e Serviços, EBE is an engineering company operating in the following markets: Construction of thermal, nuclear and hydraulic power plants, the nuclear industry, the oil industry, petrochemistry, the steel industry, paper and cellulose, ports, airports and metro-railway. PRODUCTS EBE´s core business is engineering. HISTORY EBE was created in 1945. In September of 1991, MPE Group took over EBE's shareholding. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by MPE Participações em Engenharia e Serviços CURRENT PROJECTS In June 2011, Petrobras signed a contract with Empresa Brasileira de Engenharia (EBE) and ALUSA for the construction of Air Emission Abatement Units fitted with SNOx technology at the Abreu e Lima Refinery, in Recife. The Units will treat boiler flue gas, acid gases (hydrogen sulfide - H2S and ammonia) and refinery waste streams. The contract was closed at US$ 397.5M and the deadline for execution of the works is 38 months. REFERENCES Petrobras SERVICES 14 CONSORTIUM EBE is an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) company. They deliver services like electromechanical erection, maintenance engineering, commissioning and tests, pre-operations and operations. In June 2012, Empresa Brasileira de Engenharia (EBE) and ALUSA signes a consortium contract. 8 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 28 Ecovix ( Engevix Construcoes Oceanicas S.A.) FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x x 0 x x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 2010 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av. Rio Branco, 115 – 13º ao 17º andar – Centro - CEP: 20040-004 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rio Grande (RS) www.ecovix.com [email protected] (contract coordinator) +55 (21) 3501-0100 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Ecovix provides engineering, consulting and construction management in the infrastructure, shipbuilding and offshore industries. They also participate in construction of hulls for oil rigs, conversion of vessels, process modules, integration, drillships and support vessels. PRODUCTS Production of hulls, modules for drillships, support vessels and other vessels. HISTORY Ecovix (Engevix Construções Oceânicas S.A.) was established in March 2010 as a subsidiary of Engevix Engenharia S.A. to execute two contracts for Petrobras to build eight hulls of oil exploration platforms (FPSOs) for the pre-salt. The hope to enter the industry with potential to hit US$ 300B in contracts over the next ten years. The goal is to gain market share through a construction of advanced offshore units. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by Engevix CURRENT PROJECTS In November 2010, Ecovix signed two agreements with Petrobras, through its affiliates and Guara Tupi BV BV, for the construction of eight FPSO hulls designed for the first phase of production in pre-salt region of the Santos Basin. The hulls will be built at the Naval Hub of Rio Grande (RS). The first two hulls will be delivered in 2013 while the rest will be delivered throughout 2014 and 2015. It is expected that all units will be in operation by 2017. REFERENCES Petrobras, Eletronorte, Furnas SERVICES Ecovix provides engineering consulting and construction management in the areas of infrastructure, marine and offshore industry and in particular hulls for oil rigs, conversion of vessels, process modules, integration, drillships, supply vessels and vessels any kind or nature, as well as fixed installations for use in these segments. N/A 15 9 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 29 Estaleiro Atlântico Sul S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x x 0 x x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 2005 Ipojuca (PE) Ilha de Tatuoca, Complexo Industrial Portuário Gov. Eraldo Gueiros - Suape Caixa Postal, 56 CEP 55590-970, Ipojuca – PE Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.estaleiroatlanticosul.com.br [email protected]. br +55 (81) 3311-7200 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Estaleiro Atlântico Sul S.A (EAS) was founded in November 2005. With Camargo Corrêa and Queiroz Galvão groups as its partners, EAS aims to be the largest and most modern company in the shipbuilding and offshore sectors within its hemisphere. The company, a landmark in the revitalization of the shipbuilding industry in Brazil, is the result of investments around R$ 1.8B and has an installed processing capacity of approximately 160,000 tons of steel per year. The company produces all types of cargo ships, up to 500,000 DWT, semi-submersible offshore platforms, FPSOs (Floating Production Units and Storage Offshore), TLP (Leg Platforms cable-stayed) and SPARs. PRODUCTS Production of hulls, modules for drillships, support vessels and other vessels. HISTORY In 2005, the Camargo Correa and Queiroz Galvão groups formally launched the company. Two years later, the construction of the industrial plant of the Estaleiro Atlântico Sul was initiated. The unit began operating in August 2008. In May 2010, the Estaleiro Atlântico Sul entered Brazilian shipbuilding industry history by launching its first ship, the Suezmax tanker “João Candido”, after 13 years without any production of large vessels in Brazil. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Queiroz Galvão and Camargo Correa (partners) CURRENT PROJECTS 1) South Atlantic Shipyard has a portfolio of 22 vessels ordered by Transpetro (R$ 5.3B in contracts currently suspended). 2) The hull for the P-55 ordered by Petrobras. 3) Orders for seven drillships, commissioned by Sete Brasil, one scheduled for delivery in 2015, one in 2016, two in 2017 and two in 2019. REFERENCES Petrobas, Transpetro and Noroil Empresa de Navegação Ltda. 16 SERVICES CONSORTIUM Brazil’s most modern shipyard, the Atlântico Sul Shipyard performs all types of repair on ships and offshore platforms. IHI Marine United Inc. (IHIMU) - Tecnology consultant/partner 10 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 30 Estaleiro Enseada do Paraguaçu – EEP FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x x 0 x x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 2010-2014 Maragojipe (BA) Paraguacu N/A in Brazil [email protected] +55 (21) 2546-3306 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION The shipyard is currently under production and it is expected to be finished by 2014. Processing capacity will be 36,000 tons of steel per year. The yard will focus on offshore support vessels and FPSOs. PRODUCTS Production of hulls, modules for drillships, support vessels and other vessels. HISTORY The constructed of the shipyard started in 2010 with an estimated investment of R$ 2B. The shipyard will be located in the municipality of Maragojipe, 42 km from Salvador and will occupy an area of 1.6 million square meters. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Joint Ventures Kawasaki CURRENT PROJECTS Orders from Sete Brasil to construct at least six drillships for Petrobras. Four of these drillships will be built in partnership with Odebrecht O&G and will be delivered in 2016. The remaining two will be built in partnership with Etesco and delivered in 2019. REFERENCES Sete Brasil SERVICES CONSORTIUM 17 Construction and integration of offshore units such as platforms, specialized vessels and drilling units. Odebrecht, OAS e UTC 11 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 31 Estaleiro Jurong Aracruz (EJA) FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x x 0 x x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS XL XL 2011 Aracruz (ES) Av. dos Coqueiros, 80. Sala 16 , CEP: 29190030, Aracruz – ES OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL N/A in Brazil www.jurong.com.br [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (27) 3250-7080 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION The Jurong Aracruz Shipyard, a subsidiary of Sembcorp Marine, operates from an 825,000 m3 site. The shipyard is located in the municipal of Aracruz, ES. PRODUCTS Production of hulls, modules for drillships, support vessels and other vessels. HISTORY At the end of December 2011, the shipyard had its foundation stone presented to the public. It is expected that the shipyard will be operating in 2013, before completion of the works in 2014. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Jurong Shipyard is owned by Sembcorb Marine. Jurong Shipyard, the parent company of Jurong do Brasil. CURRENT PROJECTS EJA has been contracted by Sete Brasil to build a drillship from the Jurong Espadon model worth US$ 792.2M. It is scheduled to be delivered in early 2015. EJA will make the integration of two of the eight Replicant FPSOs for Petrobras, with estimation delivery of the first vessel being in 2015. REFERENCES Sete Brasil, Petrobras 18 SERVICES CONSORTIUM On completion, the EJA will have capabilities to undertake construction of drillships, semisubmersible and jackup rigs, platforms and supply vessels, FPSO integration and topside modules fabrication, in addition to the traditional activities of drilling rig repairs, ship repairs and modification works. Jurong Shipyard 12 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 32 Estaleiro Mauá Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x X 0 x x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS XL XL 1846 Niteroi (RJ) Rua Dr Paulo Frumêncio, 28 - Ponta D´Areia,CEP: 24040-290, Niteroi - RJ OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE N/A in Brazil www.estaleiromaua.ind.br [email protected] +55 (21) 2613-9999 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Naval repairs, docking, construction of vessels/rigs and process modules for platforms and installations, metallic structures. PRODUCTS Production of hulls, modules for drillships, support vessels and other vessels. HISTORY The Shipyard was founded on August 11th, 1846 by Irineu Evangelista de Sousa, the Baron of Mauá. The Mauá Shipyard is today one of the largest shipyards in Brazil and one of the most traditional shipbuilding company still in operation. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by Sinergy CURRENT PROJECTS 1) Orders for four Panamax ships, all for Transpetro. 2) Orders for five drillships for Ocean Rig. REFERENCES Transpetro, Petrobras, Queiroz Galvão Óleo & Gás SERVICES CONSORTIUM 19 Commissioning, assembly of jackets, module installation and major repairs. Estaleiro EISA 13 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 33 Estaleiro Rio Grande FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x x 0 x x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 2010 Rio Grande (RS) Avenida Maximiniano da Fonseca, 4361, CEP: 96204-040, Rio Grande - RS Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.ecovix.com [email protected] +55 (53) 3035-9700 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Dedicated to the construction, integration and modification of vessels and rigs for the oil and gas industry. PRODUCTS Production of hulls, modules for drillships, support vessels and other vessels. HISTORY After the success of P-53, the Rio Grande do Sul government decided to build a shipyard to attract the naval industry into the state. Construction finished in September 2010 by Wtorre (previous bidding owner), then sold to Ecovix. (Currently under expansion) OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by Oceânicas CURRENT PROJECTS 1) Construction of the hulls for the 8 Replicant FPSOs for Petrobras. 2) Orders from Sete Brasil to supply three drillships. Delivery expected late 2016 and 2017, where Petrobras is the final customer. REFERENCES Petrobras, Sete Brasil A Ecovix-Engevix Construções 20 SERVICES CONSORTIUM The shipyard is prepared to provide services and construction in the shipbuilding and offshore industry and, in particular, hulls for oil platforms, conversion of vessels, process modules, integration, Drillships and support vessels, as well as training of welders and assemblers. FUNCEF (Federal Savings Foundation) which constitutes an investment fund where FUNCEF holds 25% of the shares and ECOVIX 75%. 14 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 34 Ferrostaal do Brasil Comércio e Indústria Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL L 1953 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Praia de Botafogo, 440 - 9º andar, CEP: 22250-040 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) São Paulo (SP), Vitória (ES), and Belo Horizonte (MG) www.ferrostaal.com.br [email protected] +55 (21) 2537-8603 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Ferrostaal is a global provider of industrial services in plant construction and engineering. As a technologyindependent system integrator, their business is focused around core business units in the competence areas of projects, trading and assembly solutions. Within oil and gas they deliver services in the upstream sector (exploration and production) as well as the downstream sector (refining and processing into end products). PRODUCTS They construct plants and equipment for the processing of oil and gas, including oil/gas separation plants, sulphur and CO2 filter plants, desalination and dehydration plants. HISTORY Ferrostaal do Brasil has been present in Brasil since 1953. The company is divided into two sister companies, Ferrostaal do Brasil Comèrcio e Indústria Ltda. and Ferrostaal Equipamentos e Solucoes. Ferrostaal do Brasil Comèrcio e Indústria is the company focuses on large scale plant projects. Their focus is industrial plant construction (EPC) petrochemical, energy, and industrial solar, identifying and coordinating its construction. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS Ferrostal and Tomé Engenharia are responsible for the construction of 32 modules for package 4 – the unit for the treatment of produced water, launcher / receiver of pigs and manifolds, along with two modules for the oil processing. It is expected that the first unit will be operational in 2016. Each FPSO has capacity to produce 150,000 barrels per day. REFERENCES Petrobras, CST, ThyssenKrupp CSA Companhia Siderúrgica. SERVICES As a general contractor in the plant construction sector, Ferrostaal offers project development, project management, engineering, procurement and construction services (EPC) and financing concepts for realizing plants in the areas of petrochemicals, power & solar and industrial plants. N/A 21 15 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 35 GDK S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1989 Salvador (BA) Rua. da Grécia 8 6º and Edifício Serra da Raiz CEP: 40010-010 - Salvador (BA)' Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Sao Paulo (SP) www.gdksa.com [email protected] +55 (71) 2106-2900 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION GDK accumulates an experience of nearly 60 years of providing services and projects in the oil and gas industry. The main focus has been on oil pipelines construction and maintenance, onshore and offshore, industrial and O&G production facilities erection, petrochemical plants assembly and construction of offshore production platforms. PRODUCTS GDK S.A. provides construction of jackets, construction of platform decks, and construction of subsea pipelines. HISTORY GDK S.A. was founded in Salvador, Bahia in 1989 under the name Geral Engenharia Ltda. In April 2001, they incorporated as Damulakis. The company name was first changed to Geral-Damulakis. As the company grew and they adopted new brands, the company name was finally changed to GDK S.A. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS Earlier projects: Provided maintenance services for the Petrobras P-34. REFERENCES Petrobras, Braskem SERVICES GDK S.A. provides commissioning, construction and assembly of jackets, construction and assembly of platform decks, construction and assembly of subsea pipelines, engineering design and maintenance. N/A 22 16 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 36 Huisman do Brasil Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION 0 x 0 DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 2002 Rio de Janeiro, RJ Avenida Rio Branco 53 - Sala 2101, Centro, CEP. 20090-004, Rio de Janeiro - RJ N/A in Brazil www.huismanequipment.com [email protected] +55 (21) 3232-1400 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Huisman, founded in The Netherlands in 1929, is a globally operating company with extensive experience in the design and manufacturing of heavy construction equipment for world leading onshore and offshore companies. Huisman is also a specialist in lifting, drilling and subsea solutions. PRODUCTS The product range can be subdivided into six main categories: Heavy Lifting Equipment, Drilling Equipment, Pipelaying Equipment, Mooring Systems, Vessel Designs and Specials and varies from stand-alone components to highly engineered integrated systems. Production facilities are in the Netherlands. HISTORY Huisman entered the Brazilian market in 2002. In 2012, they announced their plans to build a new production facility in Brazil and recently initiated the land fill works. The new facility will be located alongside the river ItajaiAçu in the city of Navegantes in Santa Catarina state. This facility will be used for the manufacturing of construction equipment for the Brazilian offshore market. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS Construction of the facility that will be used for the manufacturing of construction equipment for the Brazilian offshore market. The first investment phase includes over 15,000 square meters of production facilities. The next investment phase will include a 200m long quay side with an artificial bay. The new production facility is planned to be operational in the second half of 2013. REFERENCES Petrobras SERVICES Customer equipment training, advice on repairs, repairs, delivery of spare parts, commissioning, corrective and preventive maintenance, upgrades and modifications. N/A 23 17 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 37 IESA Óleo & Gás S.A FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 2005 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua. Maurynk Veiga, 9 - 14º Andar , CEP: 20090-050 , Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Macaé (RJ), São Paulo (SP), and São Vicente (SP) www.iesa.com.br [email protected] +55 (21) 2206-5103 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION IESA´s main scope is to provide equipment and services to the oil, petrochemical, chemical and gas industries by developing customized EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) and turn key projects, from their initial evaluation and feasibility studies throughout the development and execution stages. PRODUCTS IESA delivers the following product in Brazil: process equipment, power generation, hydromechanical equipment, boiler makers, construction and assembly of jackets, firefighting products, pipelines, steel structures, surface treatment, capacitors, units of gas and oil storage, refineries, petrochemical and processing units. HISTORY IESA Óleo & Gás S.A., created in 2005, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of IESA Projetos Equipamentos e Montagens S.A., a company of the INEPAR Group. IESA Óleo & Gás S.A. manages the Group’s O&G businesses and the mother company has more than 40 years of experience within the market of oil and gas. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Andritz Hydro Inepar (AHI): joint venture with the parent Inepar SA Industry and Construction. TIISA SA (Triunfo IESA Infrastructure S.A.): A joint venture created between IESA and Triumph, combining its technological expertise and management to meet the infrastructure sector segments in rail, subway, sanitation among others. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) 8 FPSO modules for Petrobras, 2) P-63: Topsides Fabrication and Integration in a consortium with Quip, Queiroz Galvão, and UTC Engenharia. 3) U-215 (Petrobras) - construction of 2 process towers. REFERENCES Petrobras and Rolls Royce SERVICES CONSORTIUM IESA Óleo & Gás S.A is an EPC company that can develop big projects and participate in many phases such as feasibility and implementation studies, conceptual design, detailed engineering, procurement, construction, electromechanical assembly, erection supervision, inspection, logistics, project management, commissioning and integration, operation and monitoring, and maintenance, upgrade and revamp. Topsides Fabrication and Integration in a consortium with Quip, Queiroz Galvão, and UTC Engenharia. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 38 Imetame Metalmecânica Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL 0 0 0 0 0 ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1980 Aracruz (ES) Rodovia Demócrito Moreira, 643 – Bairro de Fátima, CEP: 29192-127 - Aracruz (ES) Macaé (RJ) www.imetame.com.br [email protected] +55 (27) 3256-0070 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Imetame Metalmecanica comprises metal fabrication, erection of new plants and modules for offshore application, onshore and offshore mechanical maintenance for the segments of pulp & paper, mining, oil and gas, steel mills and power generation. PRODUCTS Imetame fabricate items like hoppe, pipe rack, feed water tank, converters hood for gas cooler, gas cooler movable skirt, air heater, belt conveyor and cement clinker cooler. HISTORY Imetame Group was established in 1980 and expanded into various companies: Imetame Metalmecanica, Imetame Energia, Imetame Granitos, Imetame Logística, Imetame látex and Imetame Agropecuária. The group started with three founders back in 1980 and now employs more than 4000 people. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by Imetame Group CURRENT PROJECTS Imetame performed engineering service and offshore maintenance on eight fixed platforms for Petrobras. REFERENCES Petrobras, Jaragua, Siemens, OutoTec, Klabin, Promon, MPX etc. SERVICES Imetame provides industrial erection and maintenance services for the oil and gas industry. N/A 25 19 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 39 IOAL Engenharia Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1998 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av. Rio Branco 156/1326, Centro , CEP: 20040-003, Rio de janeiro (RJ) Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Carapicuiba (SP) www.ioal.com.br [email protected] +55 (21) 3553-5653 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION IOAL Engenharia is an experienced Engeneering, Procurement and Construction services (EPC) company that provides services and products to the oil and gas industry. Their focus is on project engineering, industrial assembly, installation and integration of equipment and industrial machinery and manufacturing. PRODUCTS IOAL does mainly engineering. HISTORY IOAL Engenharia was founded in 1998 and has been investing in technology ever since to become a relevant player in the O&G EPC market. In 2006, they became a part of the CELERA Empreendimentos and three years after, they had their first EPC deal abroad in Angola. The company recently expanded its business to other Brazilian cities. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by Celera Empreendimentos SERVICES They provide services such as engineering projects and services for industrial assembly works, installation and integration of industrial machinery and equipment and heavy boiler manufacturing works. N/A CURRENT PROJECTS REFERENCES Alstom, Citrosuco, CPTM, HRT, Johnson Controls, Metrô, Nuclep, Petrobras, Rio Prefeitura, Sabesp, Soplast, Sotreq, Subsea 7, ThyssenKrupp 26 20 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 40 Jaraguá Equipamentos Industriais Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL 0 x 0 0 0 ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1957 São Paulo (SP) Av. Jaraguá, 300 - CEP: 18087-380, Sorocaba - SP Osasco (SP), Itapevi (SP), Alagoas (AL), Pernambuco (PE) and Alphaville (SP) www.jaraguaequipamentos.com [email protected] +55 (15) 2102-9000 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Jaraguá is a capital goods supplier in Brazil, attending to a wide range of industrial sectors and deliver services within the fields of turn-key, O&G, petrochemical, bioenergy, mining, fertilizers, pulp and paper, ship parts and energy. PRODUCTS Heat exchangers, coolers, reactors, oil and water separators, scrubbers, steam generators, heaters, pressure vessels, ovens, columns and spherical gas containers, purifiers, power supply and piping. HISTORY Jaraguá Equipamentos Industriais was established in 1957 by German investors in São Paulo. They offered a wide range of equipment for base industry, supplying to large Brazilian industrial companies, such as Petrobras. In 1973, Jaraguá acquired an area of 234,000 m2 in Sorocaba and later moved their HQ to the same location. In 2000, Jaraguá merged with Garcia, a company that produced specially designed machines and equipment, parts and components for industry, as well as for machining and plate bending. Jaraguá recently invested heavily in a new plant in Alagoas state. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS The Jaraguá produced heat exchangers for the top side of P-51, P-52, P-53, P-54 and P-56 Petrobras platforms. REFERENCES Petrobras, Braskem, Alunorte, Oxiteno, ThyssenKrupp, Bahai Pulp, Vale, Alumar, Votorantim SERVICES Jaraguá offers general engineering, procurement, construction and erection, manufacturing, assembling and erection of equipment, quality assurance, maintenance, technical assistance and operation training and PDMS based electronic modeling. N/A 27 21 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 41 Keppel FELS Brasl S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x 0 x 0 x 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 2000 Angra dos Reis (RJ) Rodovia Rio-Santos (BR-101), Jacuecanga CEP 23905-000 - Angra dos Reis – RJ Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.kfelsbrasil.com.br [email protected] +55 (24) 3361-3403 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION The Keppel FELS Brasil S.A. shipyard, located in Angra dos Reis, operates in the shipbuilding, offshore and oil and gas markets. PRODUCTS Production of hulls, jackups, drillships, support vessels and other vessels. HISTORY Keppel FELS Brasil S.A was established in March 2000 and is a member of the Keppel FELS group, from Singapore. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by Keppel Fels CURRENT PROJECTS 1) Construction of six drilling semi-submersibles (two Queiros Galvão units, delivery in 2016 and 2017; three Petroserve units, delivery in 2017, 2018 and 2019; and one unit for Odebrecht, to be delivered in 2018. 2) Two FPSOs ( Cidade São Paulo (Modec) and Cidade Parati (SBM)) 3) KeppelFels will do the integration of two of the eight Petrobras Replicant FPSOs REFERENCES Petrobras, Transocean, Halliburton SERVICES Keppel FELS Brasil performs shipbuilding and construction of platforms, jackets and decks involving commissioning, start-up, hook-up, integration, mooring and transport, as well as offshore repairs. N/A 28 22 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 42 Kromav Engenharia Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN 0 0 0 0 0 x R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE M M 1996 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua da Quitanda, 70 - Centro, CEP: 20011030, Rio de Janeiro – RJ Macaé (RJ) www.kromav.com.br [email protected] +55 (21) 2507-0844 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Kromav offers engineering services for ships and fixed & floating offshore units using advanced computer systems and software for planning and controlling. PRODUCTS Kromav does mainly engineering HISTORY Kromav was founded in 1996 by engineers with extensive experience in naval and offshore engineering. The staff has worked in major EPC contracts for over 20 years. Throughout these years, Kromav took part in Marine and Offshore FEED and DED design on major offshore facilities, including power generation plants (diesel-electrical, dual system, gas-electrical and steam), ventilation and air conditioning systems, structural analysis, electrical, instrumentation and automation systems and accommodation modules. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS The CKE Consortium (Chemtech, Kromav and Exactum) was the winner of the competition for elaborating basic and detailed engineering projects in order to implement the OSX Flex. OSX Flex is an innovative proposal, which aims to standardize the FPSOs of OGX. OGX Flex will be used for the construction of the first platforms at the OSX shipyard, located in the Industrial Complex of the Açu Superport. REFERENCES Petrobras, Transpetro, Promar SERVICES CONSORTIUM 29 Kromav delivers basic design and planning drawings, production information and manufacturing instructions, general engineering services, consulting, research and development, engineering and other proposals for engineering services. Chemtech, Kromav and Exactum consortium for drafting of basic and detailed engineering to implement the OSX Flex concept. 23 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 43 Mac Laren Oil Estaleiro Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE L L 1938 Niteroi (RJ) Rua Barão do Amazonas, 1-29, CEP: 24030111, Ponta da Areia (RJ) N/A in Brazil www.maclaren.com.br [email protected] +55 (21) 2621-3374 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Mac Laren Oil is an offshore vessels construction shipyard. The shipyard also constructs equipment and performs services for the O&G industry. PRODUCTS The shipyard constructs vessels such as tugs, supply boats, navy ships, river and coast ships and safety boats. They also do mechanical structures like plates receive, cut plates, pipes, etc . HISTORY Mac Laren Oil was created in 1938 and has survived three generations of Maclarens. Back in the 70s, Mac Laren Oil was one of the most important shipyards in Brazil, but during the Brazilian lost decade (80s) in the ship constriction industry, Mac Laren Oil experienced a huge decline in demand for its services. However, the shipyard avoided bankruptcy and is now experiencing a new boom in the Brazilian shipbuilding industry. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A SERVICES Mac Laren Oil performs naval repairs such as mooring, spooling, painting, electrical, and structural work. They also perform offshore maintenance services such as mooring, assembly and erection, painting, spooling and cleaning of tanks. N/A CURRENT PROJECTS REFERENCES Petrobras 30 24 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 44 McDermott Serviços Offshore do Brasil Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x 0 0 x x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL 2009 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua João Batista Quaresma, 44 SL.6, Granja Nova Cavaleiros, Macaé RJ Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Recife (PE) www.mcdermott.com [email protected] +55 (21) 3974-7201 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION McDermott is an engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) company focusing on executing complex offshore oil and gas projects worldwide. Providing fully integrated EPCI services for upstream field developments, the company delivers fixed and floating production facilities, pipelines and subsea systems from concept to commissioning. They are operating in more than 20 countries across the Atlantic, Middle East and Asia Pacific. McDermott has served the energy industry since 1923. PRODUCTS McDermott can deliver fixed platforms, pipelines, floating production systems, subsea, onshore modules, rig repair and upgrades. HISTORY In 2011, McDermott established the company CMO Construção e Montagem Offshore S. A. with Construcap CCPS Engenharia e Comércio S. A. and Orteng Equipamentos e Sistemas Ltda. The objective was to provide engineering, procurement, construction and installation services for the oil industry in Brazil. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE McDermott is participating in a JV with Keppel FELS, FloaTEC and LLC which makes them capable of delivering floating facilities technology and project management. McDermott co-owns Deepwater Marine Technology LLC with Keppel FELS . McDermott also co-owns CMO Construção e Montagem Offshore S. A. with Construcap CCPS Engenharia e Comércio S. A. (40%) and Orteng Equipamentos e Sistemas Ltda. (20%). N/A CURRENT PROJECTS 1) Papa Terra Tension Leg Wellhead Platform (TLWP) - Services: Engineering, design, procurement, construction, installation and transportation. 2) McDermott has also entered a three-year limited operations contract with FloaTEC (Keppel Fels and J. Ray McDermott). 3) Peregrino FPSO Topsides - Services: Engineering, procurement and construction of facilities of FPSO topsides modules. REFERENCES Petrobras 31 SERVICES McDermott offers engineering, procurement, construction, installation, project management and commissioning and startup services. 25 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 45 Mendes Júnior Engenharia S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x X 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL XL XL 1953 OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL Belo Horizonte (MG) Av João Pinheiro 146 6º andar, CEP: 30130927 - MG -Belo Horizonte Brasília (DF), São Paulo (RJ), and Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.mendesjunior.com.br [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (31) 2121-9400 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Mendes Júnior performs design, development, construction, assembly, maintenance and project management of general works and associated services in the civil, electrical and mechanical engineering segments. PRODUCTS Mendes Junior performs construction and assembly of products such as jackets, onshore pipelines, platform decks and platform modules. HISTORY Mendes Junior has been operating since 1953 in the market for heavy construction in Brazil and abroad, developing projects in the segments of pipelines, buildings, electromechanical, energy, hydropower, industries, infrastructure, industrial maintenance, oil and gas, onshore and offshore platforms, transport and road constructions, ports and airports. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS In August 2012, an OSX/Mendes Júnior consortium signed a contract with Petrobras for construction and integration of the modules for the P-67 and P-70 FPSO replicant units that will be used in the pre-salt regions of the Santos Basin. Assessed at US$ 900M, the contract calls for delivery in 49 and 60 months, respectively. REFERENCES Petrobras, TBG, Alunorte SERVICES Mendes Junior provides services such as design, development, assembly, maintenance and management of works and services usually related to the civil, electric and mechanic engineering sectors. N/A 32 26 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 46 MODEC Serviços de Petróleo do Brasil Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS X x x 0 x x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 2000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av. Abelardo Bueno, 199 sl 301 - Barra da Tijuca, CEP: 22775-040 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ Macaé (RJ) www.modec.com [email protected] +55 (21) 3545-8000 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION MODEC is a general contractor specializing in engineering, procurement, construction and installation of floating production systems including Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels, Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) vessels, Tension Leg Platforms (TLPs), Production Semi-Submersibles, Mobile Offshore Production Units (MOPUs) and other new technologies which will meet the challenges of various types of gas production floaters. PRODUCTS MODEC acts mainly as a service company in Brazil. HISTORY Mitsui Ocean Development & Engineering Co., Ltd. (MODEC) was founded in 1968. MODEC's first growth stage involved the design and construction of offshore construction vessels. In the mid-70s, MODEC began constructing jack-up drilling rigs. MODEC established itself in Brazil in 2000, and has expanded rapidly. They have six FPSOs installed and in operation. They also have three units under production that soon will be delivered for production in Brazilian water. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE In December 2006, MODEC (U.S.A.) Inc. acquired SOFEC to allow MODEC to strengthen its competitiveness in the FPSO industry by fully incorporating SOFEC's patented turret and mooring technologies into MODEC's FPSO and FSO construction business. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) MODEC operates six FPSO in in the Campos and Santos basins : FPSO Cidade de Angra dos Reis MV22, FPSO Cidade de Santos MV20, FPSO Cidade de Niteroi MV18, FSO Cidade de Macae MV15, FPSO Cidade do Rio de Janeiro MV14 and FPSO Fluminense. 2) FPSO Cidade de Sao Paulo MV23: MODEC is responsible for the engineering, procurement, construction, mobilization, and operation of the FPSO, including topsides processing equipment as well as hull and marine systems. 3) OSX-3 FPSO: MODEC is responsible for the engineering, procurement, construction, mobilization, installation, and commissioning of the FPSO, including topsides processing equipment, hull and marine systems, and the external turret mooring (designed and constructed by its subsidiary, SOFEC). 4) FPSO Cidade de Mangaratiba MV24: MODEC is responsible for the engineering, procurement, construction, mobilization, and operation of the FPSO, including topsides processing equipment as well as hull and marine systems. SOFEC will design and provide the spread mooring. REFERENCES Petrobras, Shell, OSX, SERVICES CONSORTIUM MODEC provides Floating Production System operation and maintenance services around the world. 1) Schahin Group and MODEC, Inc.: Guara FPSO for Petrobras 2) Schahin Group and MODEC, Inc.: Cernambi South FPSO for Petrobras INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 47 MPE - Montagens e Projetos Especiais S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 ???? 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1988 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua São Francisco Xavier, 603 Maracanã ,CEP: 20550-011, Rio de Janeiro - RJ Volta Redonda (RJ), Macaé (RJ), Brasília (DF), Manaus (AM), Curitiba (PR), and São Paulo (SP) www.grupompe.com [email protected] +55 (21) 3526 3500 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION MPE is a multi-focus engineering group, with capabilities spanning from rig maintenance, onshore and offshore equipment maintenance, refinery construction and electro-mechanical maintenance. PRODUCTS MPE is mainly a service company. HISTORY MPE had its origins as a "management buy-out" from General Electrics in 1988, and has its headquarters in the city of Rio de Janeiro, with offices in the main Brazilian capitals. The group is currently moving its focus to the offshore market, and controls the following companies: EBE, EBSE and Gemon. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A SERVICES MPE offers turn-key EPC solutions for offshore projects. N/A CURRENT PROJECTS REFERENCES Petrobras, CEG, TBG 34 28 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 48 Niplan Engenharia S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS L L 1990 São Paulo (SP) R. Deputado Martinho Rodrigues, 51. Jd. Prudência, CEP: 04646-020, São Paulo - SP OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE Camaçari (BA) and Manaus (AM) www.niplan.com.br [email protected] +55 (11) 5546-1999 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Niplan Group is a multi-purpose EPC group providing turn-key solutions within the oil and gas industry, assembly and industrial maintenance. Although still onshore-focused, Niplan currently obtains about 40% of its revenue from the oil and gas sector and is targeting growth within the offshore market. PRODUCTS Niplan is planning to start fabrication of FPSO modules. HISTORY Since its origin in 1990, Niplan has focused on onshore projects in the oil and gas industry. Now the company is seeking to win contracts to build modules for Petrobras FPSOs. The company is currently planning a shipyard in Aratu, Bahia (to be called Niplan Aratu Offshore) for this purpose with investments in the order of US$ 35M. In June 2012, the Spanish group Essentium bought 50% of the Brazilian company Niplan Engenharia. The two companies plan to enter the mining, steel and oil and gas sectors together. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE The spanish group, Essentium, owns 50% of Niplan. CURRENT PROJECTS Niplan currently has six contracts with Petrobras, mainly within refinery projects. REFERENCES Petrobras 35 SERVICES Niplan is a turn-key EPC solution, including electromechanical, construction and assembly. The company also targets module integration on platforms. N/A 29 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 49 National Oilwell Varco do Brasil Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 0 0 x 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 2008 Macaé (RJ) Rodovia Amaral Peixoto, Imboassica, CEP: 27925-290, Macaé - RJ Serra (ES), Lorena (SP), Macaé (RJ), Mossoro (RN), and Aracaju (SE) www.nov.com [email protected] +55 (22) 2796-9200 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION NOV is a Houston-based global oilfield service company providing drilling equipment and engineering services to the oil and gas industry worldwide. PRODUCTS NOV mainly imports its comprehensive portfolio of products into Brazil. It has one production facility in Espírito Santo, focusing mainly on screen shakers, and a planned plant in Suape, Pernambuco focusing on piping. HISTORY In 2005, National Oilwell and Varco merged to become National Oilwell Varco. In 2008, National Oilwell Varco do Brasil Ltda was established. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE NOV owns NKT Flexibles. CURRENT PROJECTS NOV was selected to provide Estaleiro Atlantico Sul with drilling equipment for seven drillships in a deal worth US$ 1.5B, the largest single order in NOV's history. REFERENCES Petrobras, EAS shipyard SERVICES NOV provides a wide range of engineering and technical services in Brazil mainly related to its core drilling portfolio. Additionally, it provides training to support product line info between employees and customers. N/A 36 30 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 50 Odebrecht Oleo e Gás S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS X 0 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 2006 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Praia de Botafogo 300 10º andar, CEP: 22250-040, Rio de Janeiro - RJ Macaé (RJ) www.oog.com [email protected] +55 (21) 2559-3402 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Odebrecht (OOG) a full-fledged oil service company, providing solutions from design engineering, project management and integrated service delivery to offshore drilling rigs and production platforms. PRODUCTS OOG is a service company. HISTORY Odebrecht (Engineering/Construction company) has provided services to the Brazilian oil industry since the late 1950's, when it began its relationship with Petrobras. In 1979, it was the first private Brazilian company to provide this drilling service in the country. In the 1990s, it took its operations overseas, including the North Sea, and focused on delivering services and operating FPSOs. In 2006, Odebrecht concentrated its investments in oil and gas creating a new company, Odebrecht Óleo e Gás (OOG). OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by Odebrecht (Engineering/ Construction company). In 2011, one of the main fund managers in the Brazilian financial market, Gávea Investimentos, joined with 5% of the total OOG capital. Gávea Investimentos manages private assets of more than US$ 7.2 billion. CURRENT PROJECTS Odebrects latest projects: 1) Maersk - the operation of the North Sea Producer FPSO, with over 110 million BOE produced. 2) Acergy (Subsea7) - the construction and installation of a 150km subsea pipeline in Espírito Santo. 3) Technip - charter and operation of two vessels to launch flexible lines for action in the pre-salt 4) Maintenance of 13 platforms at Campos Basin for Petrobras (PGP-1, NAP-1, NAP-2, PCE-1, PPG-1, SHP-1, SHP-2, PPM-1 PCP-1 / 3, PCP-2, PVM-1, PVM-2 and PVM-3) REFERENCES Petrobras, Shell do Brasil, Statoil, Maersk SERVICES CONSORTIUM OOG offers services to the oil and gas industry, providing integrated solutions ranging from the design of project engineering and management to the operation of drilling, production and support units. In more detail, their integrated services include the maintenance and logistics of offshore rigs, operation of FPSOs and subsea units. Offshore drilling services involve the chartering and operation of these units. Maersk, Acergy (Subsea7), Technip, etc. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 51 OSX Brasil S.A. FPSO FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) DRILLING RIG FABRICATION NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x Eted GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS XL XL 2009 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Praça Mahatma Gandhi, 14 - 11 Andar, Centro, CEP: 20031-204 , Rio de Janeiro (RJ) OTHER OFFICES WEBSITE E-MAIL www.osx.com.br [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2555-6100 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION OSX is a publicly-held company controlled by the EBX group founded by Eike Batista, Brazil’s richest person. The company is subdivided into a Shipyard arm (which will be based at Porto de Açu, the largest port in the southern hemisphere), a Leasing arm (operating FPSOs, drillships and OSVs) and a Service arm. PRODUCTS Offshore vessels HISTORY OSX Brasil S.A. was created in order to cater products and services demanded by its sister company OGX, in the context of the recent offshore boom in Brazil and new demands regarding local content. Three daughter companies were created: OSX Construção Naval S.A., OSX Leasing Group B.V. and OSX Serviços Ltda. OWNERSHIP/ JV Controlled by EBX. Operational partnership with Hyundai Heavy Industries. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) The FPSO OSX-1 was built in South Korea and customized at the Keppel shipyard in Singapore, and completed its final test phase in Rio de Janeiro. In January 2012, the FPSO OSX-1 successfully started the first oil production for its major client, OGX. 2) The FPSO OSX-2 being construction in Singapore will be chartered by OGX for a period of 20 years. EPCI Contract with SBM. Estimated delivery at UCN Açu in 2Q 2013. 3) The FPSO OSX-3 construction in Singapore. EPCI contract with Modec. The unit will be chartered by OGX, for a period of 20 years. Estimated delivery at UCN Açu in 3Q 2013. 4) Eight Replicant FPSOs to be built at the OSX shipyard for OGX. The FPSOs OSX-4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are scheduled to be delivered on a quarterly basis through 3Q 2015. 5) A contract with OGX to construct WHP-1 and WHP-2. The EPC contract was awarded to Techint. The WHPs 1 and 2 are scheduled to be delivered by the first half of 2014. 6) A contract with OGX to construction WHP-3 and WHP-4 at the OSX shipyard. 7) A US$ 263 million contract with Sapura Navegação Marítima S/A to construction a PLSV at the OSX shipyard. 8) A US$ 732 million contract with Kingfish to build 11 medium range tankers, with 45,000 DWT each at the OSX shipyard. REFERENCES OGX, Petrobras SERVICES OSX Construção Naval S.A. is responsible for building and repairing equipment for the Açu Superport shipyard that is under construction. OSX Leasing is responsible for ordering, purchasing and chartering equipment for the offshore oil and gas industry. OSX Leasing also deals with development of new technologies, processes and operational concepts to ensure efficiency and flexibility such as innovative concepts for processing oils of different characteristics (greater coverage of API grade, gas, oil and water ratio etc.). OSX Serviços is responsible for operating, manning and maintaining the E&P units. N/A INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 52 Projemar S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE L L 1969 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av. Almirante Barroso, 63 - 29th Floor, CEP: 25010-010 Rio de Janeiro - RJ N/A in Brazil www.projemar.com [email protected] +55 (21) 2220-6818 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Projemar S.A. is a naval architecture and marine engineering firm specializing in designs for the shipbuilding and offshore industries in Brazil. PRODUCTS Projemar does mainly engineering. HISTORY Projemar was founded in 1969 as a subsidiary of the former Emaq shipyard. The company took its current form with a management buyout in 1995 and started a migration into the offshore design area as the Brazilian shipbuilding industry was declining in the 1990s. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS Projemar has recently been contracted by Petrobras for the hull design for the platform P-55 and the detailed engineering for adaptation of platforms P-59 and P-60. REFERENCES Petrobras, Eisa and Mauá shipyards SERVICES Projemar provides basic engineering and construction design for vessels and offshore units. N/A 39 33 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 53 Promon Engenharia S.A. FPSO FABRICATION INTEGRATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x Ed 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL XL XL 1960 OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL São Paulo (SP) Av. Pres. Juscelino Kubitschek 1830, CEP: 04543-900 - São Paulo - SP Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Manaus (AM), and Nova Lima (MG) www.promonengenharia.com.br [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (11) 5213 4410 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Promon delivers engineering, procurement, construction, assembly, project management and systems integration within the O&G segment. PRODUCTS Under a planned JV with Christiani-Nielsen announced in late 2012, Promon will start a plant in Aracruz, Espírito Santo for the construction of FPSO modules. HISTORY Promon is a Brazilian EPC firm created in 1960. Today, they provide turn-key solutions with increasingly focus on the oil and gas and offshore markets. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS Not available REFERENCES Petrobras SERVICES CONSORTIUM 40 Promon offers a broad range of turn-key EPC solutions to the oil & gas markets. Collaborations with Skanska, Engevix, ChristianiNielsen 34 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 54 Queiroz Galvão Óleo e Gás S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL XL XL 1980 OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av Pres Antônio Carlos, 51 3º CEP:20030010 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ Macaé (RJ), Manaus (AM), Fortaleza (CE), and Salvador (BA) www.qgog.com.br [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (21) 3231-2500 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Queiroz Galvão Óleo e Gás S.A. (QGOG) belongs to the Queiroz Galvão conglomerate. Querioz operates FPSOs and contract drilling rigs. PRODUCTS Queiroz Galvão is an operator of offshore vessels. HISTORY Queiroz Galvão started its activities with conventional onshore oil rigs in 1981, gradually becoming involved in deep water operations and remote areas such as the Amazon. In 2006, they got involved in the operation of FPSOs with foreign partners. Until 2010, they was also involved in E&P activities but decided to spin-off of such activities into Queiroz Galvão E&P. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by Queiroz Galvão; sister company of Queiroz Galvão E&P CURRENT PROJECTS Queiroz currently owns and operates six offshore drilling units. They are expecting delivery of two more units by the end of 2012. They currently have one FPSO in operation with SBM as a partner, and they are expecting delivery of three more by year end 2014, two of which will be jointly operated with SBM and one, P-63, with BW Offshore. REFERENCES Petrobras 41 SERVICES CONSORTIUM Queiroz Galvão is a drilling contractor and FPSO operator. FPSOs to be co-operated by SBM (3) and BW Offshore (1). 35 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 55 Quip S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 2005 Rio Grande (RS) Av. Honório Bicalho, 11 - Getúlio Vargas, CEP: 96.201-020, Rio Grande - RS Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.quip.com.br Online contact form +55 (21) 3211-5000 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Quip is a Brazilian engineering, procurement and construction company with capabilities of module construction and integration. PRODUCTS FPSO modules. HISTORY Quip was created in 2005 as a joint venture between Construtora Queiroz Galvão, UTC Engenharia and IESA Oleo e Gas. It is therefore a 100% owned company. Since the beginning, Quip has performed large EPC projects on Petrobras units such as P-53, P-55 and P-63. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by Queiroz Galvão / UTC / IESA / Camargo Correa and PJMR Ltda. CURRENT PROJECTS Quip has concluded the construction and integration of the modules of the FPU P-53 platform for Petrobras. Currently, Quip was contracted for the topsides and integration stage of the Semi-Sub P–55 platform, which is expected to start production by late 2013. Additionally, Quip has been contract by a Petrobras and Chevron joint venture to build the P-63 platform from the basic project up to its operation. REFERENCES Petrobras, UTC, Queiroz, SERVICES 42 Quip provides EPC services comprising detailed engineering, procurement, construction and assembly, commissioning, performance tests and, when necessary, assisted operation of platforms. N/A 36 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 56 Santos CMI Engenharia e Construções Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE 1990s Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av. Nilo Peçanha 50, room 2413 Edificio Rodolpho De Paoli, CEP 20020-100 Rio de Janeiro, RJ N/A in Brazil www.santoscmi.com [email protected] +55 (21) 2279-8563 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION SANTOS CMI is an international engineering, procurement and construction contractor with the capability to perform design, detail engineering, procurement, management, civil works and electromechanical installations for high quality facilities. PRODUCTS Santos CMI offers products within the fields of power generation, oil production, gas processing and industrial facilities, including the ability to provide topside FPSO modules. HISTORY SANTOS CMI has been building and designing infrastructure for over 30 years in Latin America and the Caribbean. As the company grew in the 1990s, they expanding to six countries in Central and South America included Brazil. Since then they have built several power plants. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS Santos CMI is executing several packages such as detailed civil and architectural engineering, construction of site offices and temporary power system, site camp for 400 people, civil works and foundations. The location is in Pecem and the owner of the steel plant where the project is performed is Companhia Siderurgica de Pecem. The contract duration is for 2012-2014. REFERENCES General Eletric, El Paso, Genesys, Vautid, Posco E&C, and Andrade Gutierrez SERVICES CONSORTIUM 43 Santos CMI offers full EPC services within the fields of power generation, oil production, gas processing and industrial facilities. Santos CMI and GDK 37 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 57 SBM do Brasil Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x x 0 x x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL XL XL 1968 OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rio Branco Avenue, 108, 15 andar,CEP: 20040-001 - Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Vitoria (ES), and Macae (RJ) www.sbmoffshore.com [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (21) 3506-5600 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION SBM Offshore is a leader in floating production and mooring systems, in production operations and in terminals and services. PRODUCTS SBM do Brasil offers in-house FPSO design from hull and mooring to topside modules. They also construct TLP, SS, turret mooring systems, terminals, renewables and FLNG. HISTORY SMB has more than 50 years of experience in Brazil. They began with the supply of a CALM buoy in 1968, and then, 30 years later, they started operated vessels from their base in Macaé. In addition to operations expertise, SBM has developed the capability to execute Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation (EPCI) activities in Brazil with a commitment to further developing as a Brazilian company with a long term strategy of investment and development in the country. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS Through a joint venture with Naval Ventures Corp (part of the Synergy Group), SBM Offshore is actively involved in the development of a new fabrication yard, the Brasa Shipyard, capable of delivering complex FPSOs. From the Brasa yard, SBM will be capable of constructing FPSOs in the following years. REFERENCES Petrobras SERVICES CONSORTIUM 44 SBM provides services such as EPC and FPSO operations. They also do after-sale services on offshore production and drilling units. Consortium signed in July 2011 between SBM/Queiroz Galvão in order to build a FPSO (Guará Norte) for Petrobras for the next 3 years. 38 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 58 Schahin FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1966 São Paulo (SP) Rua Vergueiro, 2009 Vila Mariana, CEP: 04101-905, São Paulo (SP) Macaé (RJ), Parnamirim (RN), Salvador (BA), Natal (RN), and Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.schahin.com.br [email protected] +55 (11) 5576-8080 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Schahin is a diversified group, active in the Engineering, Oil and Gas, Real Estate Development, Telecommunications and Energy development sectors of Brazil. PRODUCTS Schahin´s core business is engineering and drillship operation. HISTORY 1966 - Schahin Cury is established and starts operating in the fields of Real Estate Development and Engineering & Construction. 1982 - Schahin starts operating in the petroleum sector. 1986 - The company starts operating in the power sector. 1990 - Start-up of the operations with the SC Lancer Drill Ship, one of the few vessels in the world that can drill in deep waters. 1993 - Inauguration of its own headquarters building in São Paulo. 1995 - Agreement to implement the Brazilian Submarine Information Highway signed, with 3,100 km (1,926 miles) of optical cable Brazilian coast. Schahin starts operating in the area of satellite fleet monitoring, with Controlsat. 1998 - Change in name and logo from Schahin Cury to SCHAHIN. 2006 - Schahin obtains certification for the ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001 standards and renews its ISO 9002 certification. 2008 - Schahin is recertified for the standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001 and certification is extended to its Oil and Gas area. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS 1) The Schahin Group, in conjunction with MODEC, Inc., was contracted for the engineering, procurement, construction, mobilization and operation of the Cernambi South FPSO, including topsides processing equipment as well as hull and marine systems. 2) Operation of the following vessels: Amazonia - Semisub, Cerrado - Drillship, Pantanal - Semisub, SC Lancer - Drillship, Sertao - Drillship and Vitoria 1000 - Drillship. REFERENCES Petrobras SERVICES CONSORTIUM 45 Schahin provides engineering, procurement, and construction services the real estate, telecommunications, energy and oil & gas sectors, as well as operating offshore drilling rigs. Schahin Group and MODEC, Inc. - Cernambi South FPSO for Petrobras and the companies of Consortium BM-S-11 39 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 59 Seawell do Brasil Serviços de Petróleo Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 0 0 x 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL L 2009 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av. Presidente Wilson 231, 27º andar -Sala 2702 - CEP: 20030-905 Centro Rio de Janeiro - RJ N/A in Brazil www.seawellcorp.com [email protected] +55 (21) 2126-2100 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Seawell Limited is a global oilfield service company providing drilling services and well services, including platform drilling, drilling facility engineering, modular rigs, well intervention and oilfield technology. PRODUCTS Seawell do Brazil provides drilling packages. HISTORY Seawell do Brasil Serviços de Petróleo was established in 2009 and signed a letter of intent for the provision of platform drilling services to Statoil's Peregrino development that same year. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Seawell Ltd. is partially owned by Seadrill, and is part of Archer. CURRENT PROJECTS Seawell do Brasil was contracted for the provision of platform drilling services to Statoil's Peregrino development in Brazil. The drilling contract started in 2009 and has a firm duration of four years with options for an additional two times three years each. The contract value for the firm period is estimated to be US$ 90M. REFERENCES Statoil 46 SERVICES Seawell do Brasil provides engineering services. drilling-related CONSORTIUM 40 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 60 Setal SOG Óleo e Gás S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE L L 2005 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua da Assembleia, 10, Sala 4104 CEP 20011-000 Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ São Bernardo do Campo (SP) www.setal.com.br [email protected] +55 (21) 2221-4911 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Setal SOG Óleo e Gás S.A. provides engineering, procurement and construction services in Brazil. They offer solutions for onshore and offshore sectors and act in industries such as petrochemical, chemical, mining, infrastructure, energy and process. PRODUCTS Setal SOG Óleo e Gás provides and produces components for the petrochemical industry, gas treatment stations, tanks and spheres, cooling towers, pumping stations and compression, offshore production platforms, hooves (FPSOs, FSOs, Semi-submersibles), fixed structures (Jackets, TLPs), decks, modules, support Vessels, gas and oil pipelines and thermoelectric. HISTORY SOG Oleo e Gas was established in 2005 and thereafter acquired the brand name SETAL, for oil and gas activities. Founded in 1961, SETAL was a Brazilian company with a long, prestigious history of operating in many markets – mining, chemical, and petrochemical, as well as oil and gas. Over the years, SETAL racked up a reputation for its technical expertise – one that SOG was determined to build upon as an EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) supplier to Brazil’s burgeoning oil and gas industry. From the outset, Rio de Janeiro-based SOG has worked almost exclusively with Petrobras in the expansion and modernization of its petroleum refineries and gas terminals. In the beginning of 2012, Toyo Engineering bought 50% of Setal SOG Oleó e Gás. The new venture, ST Participações S.A, will control the companies: Estaleiros do Brasil Ltda and Toyo Setal Engenharia Ltda. OWNERSHIP/ JV /A CURRENT PROJECTS Setal projects include: 1) PLANGÁS - Expansion of the Gas Complex & Refinery in Cabiúnas (Macaé - RJ). Participation: 40% EPC; 2) REVAP - Refinery Modernization of Henrique Lage Refinery in São José dos Campos - SP. Participation: 17% EPC; 3) REPLAN -New HDS unit at the Planalto Paulista Refinery in Paulínia - SP. Participation: 33% EPC; 4) REPAR - Work on the Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery in Araucária - PR. Participation: 33% EPC REFERENCES Petrobras SERVICES Setal SOG Óleo e Gás performs engineering, procurement and construction of process units and all necessary infrastructure for new developments in exploration, production, transportation and refining of oil and gas, petrochemical and chemical products. N/A 47 41 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 61 STX OSV Niterói Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) DRILLING RIG FABRICATION NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL (CITY) HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 2001 Niteroi (RJ) Praça Alcides Pereira, 1 – Ilha da Conceição CEP 24050-350 - Niteroi - RJ STX OSV Promar, Suape/Recife (under construction) STX OSV Electro Niterói, Niteroi www.stxosv.com [email protected] +55 (21) 7218 9090 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION STX OSV is a major global designer and shipbuilder, constructing offshore and specialized vessels used in the offshore oil and gas exploration & production and oil services industries. The Brazilian shipyard STX OSV Niterói is capable of manufacturing and outfitting the most advanced offshore support vessels. STX OSV is also building the new, advanced shipyard STX OSV Promar in Suape/Recife in the Northeast of Brazil, with operations expected to start in mid 2013. In addition, STX OSV Electro AS, Norway, has the subsidiary STX OSV Electro Niterói, which provides advanced marine electronics and turnkey electrical systems for the global maritime industry. Worldwide, STX OSV has nine operational shipbuilding facilities: Five in Norway, two in Romania, one in Brazil and one in Vietnam - with the tenth facility, STX OSV Promar, under construction in Brazil. PRODUCTS Offshore service vessels, tankers. HISTORY STX OSV Niterói has operated in Brazil since 2001. STX OSV Electro Niterói was started up in 2004, and the new STX OSV Promar yard is under construction with expected start of operations in mid 2013. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURES STX OSV Niterói is a wholly owned subsidiary of STX OSV AS (Norway). STX OSV Promar is a joint venture between STX OSV AS and PJMR Empreendimentos Ltd (Brazil). CURRENT PROJECTS Newbuilding of offshore vessels; 2 Platform Supply Vessels (PSV) and 3 Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessels (AHTS). 8 LPG tankers for Transpetro. REFERENCES Transpetro, Augusta, Tidewater, Gulf, DOF (Norskan), Deep Sea Supply, Siem Offshore, Technip, Solstad Offshore. SERVICES 16 Design, engineering, docking, repair CONSORTIUM 1 0 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 62 Techint Engenharia e Construção S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1947 São Paulo (SP) Rua Tabapuã 41 - 14° andar - Itaim Bibi, CEP: 04533-010 , São Paulo - SP Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.engineering.techint.com [email protected] +55 (11) 2137-6000 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Techint Engenharia e Construção provides engineering, procurement and construction services on a global basis. They work in areas such as civil and industrial engineering including mechanical and electrical engineering, consultancy work, construction services to the oil and gas industries, procurement and installation of equipment and construction of offshore structures. PRODUCTS Jackets, production modules and more. HISTORY Established in 1947, Techint S.A. has contributed to Brazil's development in more than 60 years by undertaking over 700 projects, such as the construction of oil and gas refining, treatment and transportation facilities, chemical and petrochemical complexes, iron, steel and non-ferrous metal plants and basic sanitation and educational structures. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by the Techint Group. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) Techint Engenharia is currently (August 2012) providing service engineering, procurement, construction and assembly of two wellhead platforms (WHP-1 and WHP-2) for OSX. The WHPs 1 and 2 are scheduled to be delivered by the first half of 2014. 2) In August 2012, Petrobras awarded Technip a five-year frame agreement to supply 1,400 km (870 mi) flexible pipes. The estimated value of the contract is US$ 2.1B. Deliveries should start in 2013. Flexible pipes will be produced at the company’s existing plant in Vitoria and at its new facility under construction in Açu, Brazil. REFERENCES Petrobras, OSX Brasil S.A. SERVICES Within the O&G industry, Techint Engenharia is a huge "pipeline-layer" in Brazil. They have installed more than 8,000 Km of pipelines (80% of the existing oil and gas pipeline system) in Brazil. Techint also supply "hook-ups" and maintenance services to major Brazilian clients. N/A 48 42 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 63 Technip Maritime do Brasil Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1976 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua da Gloria 178, Glória - CEP: 20241-180, Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Vitória (ES), Angra dos Reis (RJ), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Macaé (RJ), and Porto do Açu (ES) www.technip.com [email protected] +55 (21) 2139-7000 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Technip Brazil performs project management, engineering and construction for the energy industry. PRODUCTS Technip offers products related to subsea pipelines, umbilicals, robotics, patented spar platforms, self-installing jack-up TPG 500, extendable draft platforms, progressive crude distillation, hydrogen and sulphur production, cryogenics (Cryomax®), ethylene production and related furnaces. HISTORY Technip Brazil was established in 1976 to offer services and solutions in the offshore, onshore and subsea sectors. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In February 2012, Technip was awarded by Petrobras a contract to manufacture 24 kilometers of 6’’ gas injection flexible line the Guara & Lula Nordeste pre-salt field development located in the Santos Basin, offshore Brazil, at a water depth of 2,250 meters. The pipelines will be manufactured at Technip’s flexible pipe plants and delivered in two batches, the first one in 2012 and the second in the first quarter of 2013. 2) In February 2012, Technip was awarded a 5-year frame agreement contract from Petrobras for the supply of around 1,400 kilometers of flexible pipes. The contract is effective today with supply starting in 2013 and orders are guaranteed for at least 50% of the total value, which is estimated to be worth around US$ 2.1B. REFERENCES Petrobras SERVICES Technip performs engineering, procurement, construction, installation, commissioning and the refurbishment/upgrading of offshore facilities for the oil and gas industry, as well as services in the chemicals, metals, cement and agro-industry domains. N/A 49 43 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 64 TKK Engenharia Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x x 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE L L 1982 São Paulo (SP) Rua Armando Salles de Oliveira, 356, CEP: 11500-010, Sao Paulo (SP) Sao josè dos campos (SP) www.tkk.com.br N/A +55 (21) 3506-5600 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION TKK Engineering is a company in the industrial engineering and throughout its existence has accumulated significant experience in the execution of engineering projects specifically for the oil and gas industry. TKK Engineering provides services such as Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation (EPCI) and maintenance. PRODUCTS In the gas and oil pipeline segment, they perform construction and assembly of terrestrial lines, subaqueous and aerial and tubing (prefabricated and/or assembly). They also do conversion of platforms, construction and electromechanical installation, assembly of structures of support and modules of production. HISTORY The company was founded in 1982 to deliver products and engineering services for the oil and gas industry. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS Construction of module 2 and 5 for the 8 Replicant FPSOs for Petrobras. REFERENCES Petrobras, Transpetro, TBG and White Martins, UTC Engenharia S.A / TBG S.A SERVICES CONSORTIUM TKK Engenharia delivers services in the field of the construction, assembly and maintenance executing services in diverse contract modalities as EPC and "Turn key". TKK Engenharia provides services within following segments: oil refineries, pipeline and terminals, gas and oil pipelines, offshore platforms and petrochemical. For the refineries, they do specialized jobs of engineering, supplements, construction and assembly and assistance. In the area of pipelines and terminals of oil, TKK executes services of basic engineering, civil construction, assembly and industrial maintenance, supplements and assistance. In the gas and oil pipeline segment, they perform construction and assembly of terrestrial lines, subaqueous and aerial, tubing (prefabricated and/or assembly), draining and canalization. Consortium with TKK to construct module 2 and 5 for the 8 Replicant FPSOs. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 65 Tomé Engenharia S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1973 São Bernardo do Campo (SP) Av. José Odorizzi, 900, São Bernardo do Campo, CEP: 09810-000, Sao Paulo Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.tome.com.br [email protected] +55 (21) 3257-5700 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Tomé Engenharia S.A. is a part of the Tomé Group and consists of various daughter companies in Brazil. They have become a leading engineering company in the mechanical, electrical and construction sector. PRODUCTS Tomé Engenharia Oleó e Gás performs manufacturing and construction of production skids, modules, power generation, compression modules and processes. HISTORY Tomé Engenharia S.A. has been in Brazil since 1973. The company organized itself into six divisions: 1.Tomé Participações, 2.Tomé Equipamentos e Transportes, 3.Tomé Engenharia Óleo e Gás, 4.Tecer Terminais Portuários Ceará and 5.Santaluz Logística and Transporte Intermodal. Tomé Engenharia Óleo e Gás was first created in 2001. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS Tomé Engenharia S.A. and Ferrostal will jointly be responsible for the construction of 32 modules of packages of four of Petrobras' 8 FPSOs. The modules consist of a unit for treatment of water, a launcher/receiver of pigs and manifolds and two modules for processing oil. It is expected that the first FPSO will be operational in 2016. REFERENCES Petrobras, GE, CSN SERVICES CONSORTIUM 51 Tomé Engenharia S.A. provides engineering and design services for civil construction, maintenance, process plants, and steel structures. Tomé Engenharia Oleó e Gás also does integration of modules on large offshore platforms. Tomé Engenharia S.A. and Ferrostaal Industrieanlagen GmbH was the winning consortium for building modules for eight FPSOs that Petrobrás ordered to the production of presalt. 45 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 66 Toyo Setal Engenharia Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL M 1965 São Paulo (SP) Rua Paul Valery 255, Chácara Santo Antônio, CEP: 04719-050 - São Paulo - SP Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and São José do Norte (RS) www.toyosetal.com [email protected] +55 (22) 2772-5219 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Toyo Setal Engenharia Ltda is a JV between Toyo Engineering and Setal SOG Óleo a Gás. Toyo Engineering is a leading global EPC company. They have experience in over 50 countries and 11 worldwide EPC subsidiaries. They focus on sectors such as energy, petroleum refining, chemical and petrochemical, O&G exploration, infrastructure, environment and other industrial facilities. To read about Setal Oleó e Gás see their profile. Toyo Setal Engenharia Ltda will provide services to the oil sector, such as refining, petrochemical and marine construction activities. PRODUCTS Toyo Setal offers module fabrication and integration yard for the offshore business. HISTORY Toyo Engineering made its first step into Brazil in 1965 and since then participated in a wide range of large projects in the country. Due to the government’s policy about increasing the local content and promote technology transfer, Toyo decided to create a JV with a Brazilian company. In the beginning of 2012, Toyo Engineering bought 50% of Setal SOG Oleó e Gás. The new venture, ST Participações S.A, will control the companies Estaleiros do Brasil Ltda and Toyo Setal Engenharia Ltda. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Toyo Engineering bought 50% of Setal oleó e Gás in April 2012. The two companies decided to join forces and create a new company, ST Participações S.A. The company has joint management and the control is shared between the two parts. The company will control the companies Estaleiros do Brasil Ltda and Toyo Setal Engenharia Ltda. N/A CURRENT PROJECTS Not available REFERENCES Petrobras 52 SERVICES Toyo Setal Engenharia provides EPC and delivers refining, petrochemical and marine construction services. 46 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 67 União Engenharia Ltda. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE L L 1978 Vila Velha (ES) Rua Joaquim Lyra, 72 - Barra do Jucu, CEP: 29.125-050, Vila Velha - ES Boa Vista Branch (ES) www.uniaoengenharia.ind.br [email protected] +55 (27) 3089-1299 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION União Engenharia is a Brazilian supplier of engineering, manufacturing and industrial assembly services utilizing state-of-the-art fabrication and design facilities. PRODUCTS União supplies various components for offshore market, including PIG launchers receivers, mechanical supports, tools supporting the installation of subsea lines subsea equipment such as PLEMs and PLETs. HISTORY União began its activities as Metalurgica União in 1978, executing production services and industrial assembly. Since the beginning, UNIÃO has grown progressively in the capital goods market, in the engineering production and industrial assembly areas. To meet market growth the company has two industrial facilities, its Headquarters in Vila Velha, with a 45 thousand m² area and its Branch located in the north of Espírito Santo State, with a 63 thousand m² area. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Formed joint venture in 2009 with Oil States (51%) and União do Brasil (49%), creating Oil States-União do Brasil S.A, to provide deepwater production and subsea pipeline solutions. n/a CURRENT PROJECTS For the development of the production field of TUPI / Mexilhão, a set of subsea pipelines with equipment to enable the export of gas from the FPSO are required. To accomplish this project, União Engenharia in partnership with OSI (Oil States Industries), is providing a range of equipment fitted with subsea connectors and auxiliary equipment. the and for and SERVICES União offers engineering services related to its product offerings. The scope of União Engenharia in this project is the fabrication, assembly, factory acceptance test (FAT) and delivery of equipment to provide the complete system to Petrobras. REFERENCES Baker Hughes, Technip/Flexibras, Petrobras, Subsea 7, Wellstream 53 47 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 68 Usiminas Mecânica S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x 0 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1970 Belo Horizonte (MG) Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3011 2º andar - Eng Nogueira, CEP: 31310-260 Belo Horizonte – MG São Paulo (SP) www.usiminasmecanica.com.br [email protected] +55 (31) 3829-3648 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Usiminas Mecânia provides engineering, procurement and construction of heavy equipment. They also supply industrial equipment and structural components. PRODUCTS Usiminas Mecânica offers products within the field of petrochemicals such as petrochemical furnaces, spheres and vessels for pressure gas storage, vertical cylindrical tanks for liquid storage, process reactors, process columns, separators, desalinization plants and structural components for offshore platforms. HISTORY Usiminas Mechanical was founded by Usiminas in 1970 to promote the use of steel in the construction and mechanical industry in Brazil. In 2001, the company was restructured and created independent business units (equipment, steel structures, structural elements for construction, industrial assembly, metal bridges and viaducts). OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by Usiminas. CURRENT PROJECTS Usiminas Mecânica participated in the competition for Package 2 and the integration of the 8 Petrobras FPSOs. REFERENCES Petrobras, Odebrecht, and Camargo Correa. SERVICES Usiminas Mecânica provides services including maintenance and machining on equipment such as boiler makers, process plants, steel structures. They also perform engineering on steel structures. N/A 54 48 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 69 UTC Engenharia S.A. FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION DRILLING PACKAGE HULL ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x x 0 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1974 Santo Amaro (SP) Av. Alfredo Egídio de Souza Aranha, 384, CEP: 04726-170 - Santo Amaro - São Paulo SP Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Bahia (BA), Belo Horizonte (MG), Mossoró (RN), Niteroi (RJ), and Macaé (RJ) www.utc.com.br [email protected] +55 (11) 3124-1200 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION UTC Engenharia´s main areas in Brazil are pipelines, terminals, refineries and O&G services. UTC Engenharia has been acting for more than 20 years in the area of pipelines for Petrobras. They are also one of the main companies in the area of engineering services for petroleum terminals. They offer a wide range of services to the offshore industry. The company constructs components for rigs, such as jackets, production modules, manifolds and others. They also supply and install O&G production plants and converts drilling rigs into vessels. PRODUCTS UTC Engenharia engages in the construction, assembly, conditioning, commissioning, and installation of refineries and jackets, industrial, petrochemical, and fertilizer plants and offshore and onshore petroleum and gas production platform components. HISTORY UTC Engenharia S.A. was founded in 1974 and is today a leading Brazilian IMS (Integrated Management System) company within the field of industrial engineering services, petroleum and gas production and processing, petrochemical, energy generation, ironworks, paper and cellulose, metallurgy, construction and industrial maintenance segments. In Brazil, UTC Engenharia is one of the main players in the EPC sector, having two bases of offshore operations, one in Niteroi and one in Macaé. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by UTC PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) A Petrobras contract completed in August 2012 to provide modifications and maintenance in the P-34, P-53, PRA1 and 2 Monobuoys for PRA-1 units in the Campos Basin. 2) A Petrobras Netherlands BV contract performed at UTC´s Niteroi base for the construction of the topside deck box of P-55, which was completed in February 2012. REFERENCES Petrobras, Transpetro, Chevron, Shell, Statoil, CBV, AESA, FMC, GE Energy, Halliburton etc. SERVICES UTC Engenharia provides services such as project management, coordination and provision of basic and detailed engineering, procurement and supply of equipment and materials, construction and assembly, conditioning and commissioning, pre-operation and assisted operation and specialized maintenance within the different segments. N/A INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 70 VME Process do Brasil Sistemas de Processos Petroliferos Ltda FPSO FABRICATION DRILLING RIG FABRICATION INTEGRATION TOPSIDES (MODULES) NEWBUILDS (HULLS)/ CONVERSION x x 0 DRILLING PACKAGE HULL 0 0 ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL SERVICES, DESIGN R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS M 2010 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Luis Carlos Prestes 350 Sl 104-105 cep: 22775-055 , Barra da Tijuca - RJ OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL www.vmeprocess.com [email protected] TELEPHONE +1 281 477 2100 (Houston, U.S.) Salvador (BA) * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION VME Process is an EPC/Turnkey supplier of process systems to the O&G industry. The company offers internals to complete process plants and topsides, customized separation solutions, both large and small, for onshore and offshore projects. PRODUCTS Outside of Brazil, VME provides various process systems including oil systems, gas systems/VME compression, produced water treatment systems, seawater treatment and injection systems and auxiliary systems. They also deliver internals, equipment, skids, complete topsides, and complete plants. However, if needed, VME has the capacity to provide these products in Brazil as well. HISTORY VME Process has been in business since 1985. In 2010, the company celebrated its 25th year by delivering the largest single module in its history, a 1700 ton CO2 pretreatment module for an FPSO producing offshore Brazil. That same year VME Process established a joint venture with ALUSA Engenharia to serve the Brazilian offshore market. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE JV with ALUSA Engenharia: In 2010, VME Process and ALUSA Engenharia formed a strategic partnership to construct offshore process modules in Brazil with specific application for FPSOs and other floating production units. The new partnership combines ALUSA’s local presence and construction experience with VME’s process technology knowledge and modular construction experience to bring turnkey capabilities to Brazil. N/A CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In 2011, VME Process was awarded a contract from Siemens for the fabrication of three 500-ton E-houses to be built at VME’s 300,000 ft2 waterfront yard in Batam, Indonesia. The E-houses will be used for Petrobras/Chevron's Papa-Terra P-61 TLWP project in Brazil. 2) VME and Belov Offshore are operating as a consortium for the fabrication portion of the Chemical Injection package for MODEC and TOYO Offshore Production Systems Pte. The 400 metric ton Chemical Injection package is designed for production aboard an FPSO in the giant pre-salt region of the Santos Basin. Delivery is expected in May 2013. REFERENCES Petrobras, ALUSA SERVICES VME provides feasibility studies, CFD analysis, construction & installation, commissioning & startup, after sales service & training, troubleshooting, and retrofitting services to the oil and gas sector. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 71 3: SURF INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 72 Profiles of the main companies in the Brazilian SURF market. Categorization WELL INTERVENTION IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS PIPELAYING SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION TECHNICAL SERVICES TOOLING UMBILICALS RISERS/ FLOWLINES SUBSEA SYSTEMS ENGI-NEERING, DESIGN ENGINEERING, DESIGN, TECHNICAL SERVICES FABRICATION R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING The companies' activities are sorted into the following categories, with specific areas of activity marked with red: Aker Solutions do Brasil Ltda. Companies with Activities in Both FPSO/Drilling and SURF Companies which have activities both within FPSO/Drilling and SURF are listed with a profile in both the FPSO/Drilling chapter and in the SURF chapters. In these cases, the profiles describe the activities relevant for the chapter, meaning that the profile in the FPSO/Drilling chapter does not describe the companies' SURF activities and vice versa. R&D, Innovation, Training Institutions Companies listed under R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING are companies that sell these services as a supplier. Companies using these capabilities only for in-house purposes/own projects are not listed here. Specialized research centers and institutions not housed within a specific company are listed separately in the Research Institutions chapter. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 73 WELL INTERVENTION IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS PIPELAYING SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION R&D, INNO-VATION, TRAINING TECHNICAL SERVICES ENGINEERING, DESIGN TOOLING UMBILICALS RISERS/ FLOWLINES FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS COMPANY PROFILES, SURF ENGINEERING, DESIGN, TECHNICAL SERVICES Aker Solutions do Brasil Ltda. Cameron do Brasil Ltda. DOF Subsea Brasil Serviços Ltda. Dril-Quip do Brasil Ltda. Expro do Brasil Serviços ltda. Flexibras Tubos Flexiveis Ltda. (Technip) FMC Technologies do Brasil Ltda. Fugro Brasil Serviços Submarinos e Levantamentos Ltda. GE Energy Halliburton Servicos Ltda. IESA Tecnologia de Sistemas Ltda Intecsea do Brasil Ltda. Intermoor do Brasil Ltda. Maxen Engenharia Ltda. McDermott Serviços Offshore do Brasil Ltda. MCS Kenny MFX do Brasil Equipamentos de Petroleo Ltda. MCS Engenharia Ltda Natec Equipamentos Ltda Nexans Brasil S.A.. NKT flexibles indústria e serviços de tubos flexíveis ltda National Oilwell Varco do Brasil ltda Marine Production Systems do Brasil Ltda (Oceaneering) Oceânica Engenharia e Consultoria Ltda. Oceânica Offshore – Oceânica Engenharia, Consultoria e Projetos Ltda. Odebrecht Óleo e Gás S.A. Oil States Industries do Brasil Ltda. Petrustech Oil and Gas Ltda. Prysmian Energia Cabos e Sistemas do Brasil S.A. RRC Robótica Submarina Ltda. Saipem do Brasil Serviços de Petróleo Ltda. Schlumberger Servicos de Petroleo Ltda. Serimax do Brasil Serviços de Soldagem e Fabricação Ltda. SISTAC sistemas de acesso S.A. Subsea7 Brasil Ltda. Subsin - Subsea Integrity Engenharia e Projetos Ltda. Suporte Consultoria e Projetos ltda. Techint Engenharia e Construção S.A. Technip Brazil - Engenharia, instalacoes e apoio maritimo S.A. União Fabricação e Montagem Ltda. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 74 Aker Solutions do Brasil Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION x (just) x x GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1995 Curitiba (PR) Rua Francisco Sobania 1300 , CEP: 81460-130, Curitiba - PR Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Macaé (RJ), Rio das Ostras (RJ) www.akersolutions.com [email protected] +55 (41) 3227-8400 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Aker Solutions provides oilfield products, systems and services for customers in the oil and gas industry worldwide. The company brings together engineering and technologies for oil and gas drilling, field development and production. PRODUCTS Aker provides specialized systems such as subsea trees, manifolds, drilling control systems, plems, plets and pump stations. Additionally, the company provides drilling risers and drilling rig packages such as hoisting systems, top drives, drill floor equipment, pipe handling equipment, compensators and tensioners, BOP handling equipment, mud pumps, handling tools, drilling control and monitoring systems and simulators. HISTORY Aker has been present in Brazil since 1978 through Davy (former business unit). Aker subsidiaries timeline in Brazil is as follows: Aker Solutions 1995, Aker Drilling Equipment 1997, Aker Oilfield Services 2007, Aker Process Systems 2001, Aker Drilling Riser 2008, Aker Marine Contractors 2009, Aker Pusnes 2009, Aker Wirth 2009. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Owned by Aker Solutions ASA. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) Aker Solutions is an exclusive supplier of subsea equipment for pre-salt fields in Brazil (Tupi and Guará & TupiNE). Aker Solutions’ Skandi Santos, a subsea construction and installation vessel, is currently (August 2012) installing subsea trees in fields in Brazil on a long-term contract with Petrobras. 2) Aker Solutions is also building a US$ 100M multi-purpose service site for its drilling equipment business in Brazil. The plant is expected to be fully operational in early 2014. 3) In August 2012, Aker Solutions won a contract to supply drilling equipment packages for a series of six deep-water drillships being built by Jurong Shipyard for the Brazilian market. The drilling units will be delivered between 2015 and 2019. REFERENCES Petrobras, EBX, Seadrill, Maersk, Sevan Drilling, Statoil. SERVICES Aker offers services for subsea installation and intervention, mooring & floater installation, local support for deck machinery and mooring systems for marine and offshore applications. Additionally, Aker provides SURF products installation, offshore loading and offloading systems, decommissioning of offshore facilities, float-over and process systems. N/A INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 75 Cameron do Brasil Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x 0 x x x x SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1996 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua da Assembléia, 98 , 21° andar Centro , CEP: 20011-000, Rio de Janeiro RJ Taubaté (SP), Macaé (RJ), Jacareí (SP), São Paulo (SP) www.camerondobrasil.com [email protected] +55 (21) 2172-9650 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Cameron is a provider of flow equipment products, systems and services to worldwide oil, gas and process industries. The company´s 11 operating divisions work with drilling contractors, oil and gas producers, pipeline operators, refineries and other process owners to control, direct, adjust, process, measure and compress pressures and flows. PRODUCTS Cameron offers drilling and production systems including surface systems, subsea systems, flow control, process systems. Cameron also supplies reciprocating compression and centrifugal compression. Valves and measurement products offerings include distribution valves, engineered and process valves, flow management solutions, and measurement systems. HISTORY Cameron do Brasil Ltda. was established in 1996 operating as a subsidiary of Cameron Lux I SARL. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Owned by Cameron International Corp. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In 2011, Cameron renewed an agreement with Petrobras for the supply of aftermarket services and support for their subsea developments in offshore Brazil. They will support Petrobras operations with inspection, maintenance, repair and remanufacturing, storage and offshore installation services. 2) In 2009, Cameron received an order from Petrobras to provide 138 subsea Christmas trees, with the installation to be supported by 18 sets of running tools that are also part of the scope of supply. Initial delivery began in 2011, with deliveries to continue for four years. REFERENCES Petrobras SERVICES Cameron provides 24/7 support services through their after-sales division, CAMSERV, for their line of products. N/A 9 3 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 76 DOF Subsea Brasil Serviços Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN 0 0 0 0 X TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION 0 PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION x 0 x GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL L 2006 Macaé (RJ) Rua A1 35, Vale Encantado, CEP: 27910000, Macaé - Rio de Janeiro Rio das Ostras (RJ) www.dofsubsea.com [email protected] +55 (22) 2123-0101 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION DOF Subsea Brasil provides the market with a wide range of subsea services. Its core business is the execution of complex subsea operations down to depths of 4000 meters using owned and operated purpose-built vessels, ROV´s and subsea equipment. Through the DOF Subsea Group, DOF Subsea Brasil has access to 25 offshore vessels, 1 near shore vessel, 46 ROV systems, 1 AUV/IIV system and 11 diving spreads. PRODUCTS DOF provides supply vessels. HISTORY DOF Subsea Brasil was established in Macaé in 2006 as part of DOF Subsea's strategy to expand its presence to all major offshore regions. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Owned by DOF Brazil, who also owns Norskan Offshore. Operates 2 PLSV´s in JV with Technip. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In 2010, DOF Subsea and Norskan Offshore were awarded three 5-years contracts with Petrobras for RSV vessels (ROV Support Vessel). Geograph and two other vessels will be utilized for these contracts. Commencement for the contracts was 1st half 2011 for two vessels and 2nd half 2011 for the last vessel. The three contracts represent a gross value of approximately NOK 2B. 2) In June 2012, DOF Subsea signed an extension worth US$ 41M on the charter for the construction ship Skandi Salvador with Chevron Brazil. Since its delivery in 2009, the ship has been deployed at Chevron Brazil's Frade field off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. The charter has now been extended by one year starting in September 2012. 3) DOF Subsea/Norskan also have four AHTS (Anchor Handling Tug Supply) vessels in construction for Petrobras at STX OSV Niteroi that will be delivered in 2012-2013. REFERENCES Petrobras, Chevron, Statoil and OGX, Aker Solutions, Subsea 7, Technip. SERVICES DOF offers services of project management, subsea engineering, vessel operations, ROV intervention, diving intervention, survey and positioning and deep-water high resolution seabed mapping with the Hugin 3000 AUV system. CONSORTIU M 10 Carries out contracts with Norskan Offshore. 4 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 77 Dril-Quip do Brasil Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x 0 0 x x 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION x 0 0 x GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL L 2000 Macaé (RJ) Estrada de Imboassica, 853, CEP 2792034, Macaé - Rio de Janeiro N/A in Brazil www.dril-quip.com [email protected] +55 (22) 2791-8950 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Dril-Quip is a manufacturer of highly engineered offshore drilling and production equipment, which are well suited for use in deep-water, harsh environment and severe service applications. PRODUCTS Dril-Quip supplies products such as specialty connectors, subsea equipment, surface equipment, riser systems, gate valves, mud line equipment, liner hanger systems and production control systems. HISTORY Dril-Quip was founded in 1981 and its Brazilian entity was established in 2000. The company is a public company and listed on the New York Stock Exchange. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Owned by Dril-Quip Inc. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In August 2012, Dril-Quip do Brasil was awarded a four-year contract by Petrobras for the supply of subsea wellhead systems and associated tools to be used in the drilling of deep-water wells offshore Brazil. The contract is valued at US$ 650M if all of the equipment under the contract is ordered. Dril-Quip expects to begin delivering products under the contract in the second half of 2013. REFERENCES Petrobras SERVICES Dril-Quip provides engineering, field services, manufacturing, project management, quality systems, training and sales. Dril-Quip also provides installation and reconditioning services. N/A 11 5 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 78 Expro do Brasil Serviços Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING 0 0 0 0 ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 x x GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL M 1995 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av Rio Branco 138, 15th floor Centro , CEP: 20040-909, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Macae (RJ, Mossoró (RN), Niteroi (RJ), São Mateus (ES) www.exprogroup.com [email protected] +55 (21) 3266-4000 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Expro is an international oil field service company supplying specialized well flow technologies and services. The company is now the largest supplier of slickline services in Brazil. PRODUCTS Expro offers wireline intervention tools, such as slickline and e-line, cameras and calipers, connectors, measurements, sensors and clampon meters. HISTORY Expro was established in 1995 in Brazil and has been investing heavily in people, infrastructure and expanding its product portfolio to provide their customers with the highest level of service since that time. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Owned by Expro International Group Ltd. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) Expo was in 2010 awarded by Petrobras a US$ 2.5M master service agreement covering subsea electrical systems with the contract running until June 2013. 2) In 2011 Expro won a wireline contract from Petrobras. Expro will provide 20 packages of slickline equipment and personnel to operate them over a four year period for the contract. REFERENCES Petrobras SERVICES Expro provides services of well testing and commissioning, wireline intervention, deep-water intervention and production systems. N/A 12 6 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 79 Flexibras Tubos Flexiveis Ltda. (Technip) FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 X x 0 0 x x SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1985 Vitória (ES) Av. Jurema Barroso 35, Ilha do Principe, CEP: 29020-430, Vitória - ES Macaé RJ) , Angra dos Reis (RJ), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.technip.com [email protected] +55 (27) 2123-9444 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Flexibrás Tubos Flexíveis Ltda. manufactures and sells flexible pipes. The company is based in Vitoria, Brazil, and operates as a subsidiary of Technip. PRODUCTS Flexibras offers flexible pipes, umbilicals, Integrated Service Umbilicals - ISU and Coflexip lines. HISTORY Flexibras, the flexible pipe manufacturing plant located in Vitória, was established in 1985 to supply the local market with pipes, umbilicals, ISU (Integrated Service Umbilicals), static applications (flexible lines) and dynamic (risers) as well as DRAPS (Drilling, Refining and Onshore Applications). They started manufacturing in 1986. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Subsidiary of Technip. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) Contracted by Petrobras to perform FEED on flexible lines; in Whales’ Park North, Papa Terra to (P-58) REFERENCES Petrobras SERVICES Services related to Flexibras´ product offerings are provided by the Flexibras´ parent company, Technip. N/A 13 7 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 80 FMC Technologies do Brasil Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS x RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS X x x x SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION x 0 x x GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1956 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rod. Presidente Dutra 2660, CEP: 21538900, Rio de Janeiro - RJ Macaé (RJ) www.fmctechnologies.com [email protected] +55 (21) 2472-7770 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION FMC Technologies designs, manufactures and services technologically sophisticated systems and products such as subsea production and processing systems, surface wellhead systems, high pressure fluid control equipment, measurement solutions, and marine loading systems for the oil and gas industry. PRODUCTS FMC´s product line offerings include drilling systems, subsea trees, controls and data acquisition, drilling completions and workover risers, manifold pipeline systems, tie-in and flowlines, chokes and flow modules, electric technology, gas compression, subsea processing systems, subsea thermal insulation and subsea measurement. HISTORY FMC Technologies' presence in Brazil dates back to 1956, and currently includes two manufacturing facilities in Rio de Janeiro and one service base in Macaé. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Owned by FMC Technologies, Inc. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In March 2012 FMC won a contract of supplying 130 wet Xmas trees to Petrobras until 2014. The contract value can reach up to US$ 1.5B. Initial purchase of US$ 900M has already been confirmed. REFERENCES Petrobras, Chevron, Shell, Statoil SERVICES FMC provides field development, flow management, condition and performance monitoring and well intervention services. N/A 14 8 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 81 Fugro Brasil Serviços Submarinos e Levantamentos Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 0 0 SUBSEA SERVICES TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 x 0 X 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL L 2008 Rio das Ostras (RJ) Rua do Geólogo, 76 - Zona Especial de Negócios / ZEN, CEP: 28.890-000 , Rio das Ostras - RJ Rio das Ostras (RJ) www.fugro-br.com [email protected] +55 (22) 3321-7700 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Fugro Brasil Ltda. provides solutions in subsea activities and survey services. PRODUCTS SERVICES Fugro offers geophysical surveys, positioning, meteo-oceanography and environmental analysis and services with its Diving, Remote Operation Vehicles (ROV). HISTORY Fugro Brasil originated from a joint venture between the companies Fugro Marsat, Fugro Geosolutions and Oceansatpeg, forming the Fugro Oceansatpeg. In July 2008, Fugro NV acquired 100% of the Fugro Oceansatpeg shares, changing the name to Fugro Brasil Serviços Submarinos e Levantamentos Ltda. Fugro has been working in Brazil for more than 20 years, offering a variety of subsea services, mainly for the oil and gas industry. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Owned by Fugro Group. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In 2010 Fugro received a contract from Petrobras for six ROVs. The contract length is five years with an additional 5-year option. The work started in 2011. REFERENCES Petrobras CONSORTIU M 15 ROV Support Vessel partnership with Greatship and Farstad for Petrobras. Diving contract with Otto Candies for Petrobras. 9 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 82 GE Energy FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x x x x x x SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION x 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1919 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Avenida República do Chile, 500, 19th floor Centro, CEP: 20031-170, Rio de Janeiro – RJ Jandira (SP), Macaé (RJ) www.ge-energy.com [email protected] +55 (21) 3824-0643 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION GE Oil & Gas provides advanced technology equipment and services for all segments of the oil and gas industry, from drilling and production, LNG, pipelines and storage to industrial power generation, refining and petrochemicals. GE Oil & Gas also provides pipeline integrity solutions, including inspection and data management, designs and manufactures wireline and drilling measurement solutions for the oilfield services segment. PRODUCTS GE Energy provides subsea components, such as controls and informatics, power and processing systems, trees, manifolds, wellheads, umbilicals and connection systems. HISTORY GE has kept a strong relationship throughout Brazil with many partners. The company is investing approximately US$ 500M to expand facilities thoughout Brazil. Since 2007, when GE acquired Vetco Gray, the GE drilling and production business has provided more than 300 subsea wellhead systems to 11 different operators for projects offshore Brazil. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE GE O&G acquired Wellstream in 2011. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In 2011, OGX signed a major contract with GE Oil & Gas to supply drilling and production equipment for three offshore fixed production platforms to be deployed in the Waimea and Waikiki oil and gas fields of the Campos Basin, offshore Brazil, where OGX plans to drill a significant number of production wells over the next four years. Estimated contract value of US$ 230M of which US$ 32M worth of orders have already been confirmed. 2) In 2011, GE O&G signed a three-year frame agreement valued at approximately US$ 30M to supply 26 subsea wellhead systems and associated services to Shell Brasil Ltda. for exploration and production projects offshore Brazil. REFERENCES OGX, Petrobras, Shell SERVICES GE Energy offers services related to its line of subsea products. N/A 16 10 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 83 Halliburton Servicos Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S x 0 0 SUBSEA SERVICES TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION x x x x 0 0 0 x GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1961 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua da Assembléia, 66 Centro, CEP: 20011-000, Rio de Janeiro - RJ Macaé (RJ) www.halliburton.com [email protected] +55 (21) 3974-0000 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Halliburton provides engineering and construction, drilling, evaluation, completion and production services for oil extraction and development. PRODUCTS Halliburton fabricates drill bits, pressure control, sand control, service tools, wireline and perforating products. HISTORY Halliburton has been present in Brazil for over 50 years and has grown to employ over 1800 people in the country. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In 2009, Petrobras and Halliburton signed a technological cooperation agreement where the two companies agreed on three projects: studies on contamination of fluids in oil wells, laboratory simulation of well production, and research on solidification of salt and carbon dioxide formations. The agreement will last three years, and can be renewed for another three years. REFERENCES Petrobras SERVICES Halliburton offers a wide range of services including artificial lift, cementing, consulting, coring, drilling, fiber optic monitoring, fluid services, formation evaluation, hole enlargement, microseismic monitoring, pipeline & process services, pressure control, project management, real time services, reservoir testing / analysis, sand control, software & services, stimulation, well completions, well intervention, wireline and perforating. N/A 17 11 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 84 IESA Tecnologia de Sistemas Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 0 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 X x 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL XL XL 1953 Araraquara (SP) Rodovia Manoel de Abreu, ona Rural, CEP: 14806-500, Araraquara (SP) São Paulo (SP), Florianópolis (SC), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), São Paulo (SP) ww.iesa.com.br [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (16) 3303-1000 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION IESA is an EPC company that provides complete solution for the power generation, transportation, metro-rail, cement, mining, steel, oil and petrochemicals segments. PRODUCTS IESA provides process equipment, pipelines, hydromechanical equipment, construction and assembly of jackets and modules. HISTORY IESA consolidated tradition and experience of several companies through major acquisitions and associations offering complete solution and providing specialized products and services under complex EPC contracts. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE IESA is an Inepar S.A. company. TIISA SA (Triunfo SA Infrastructure IESA) is a joint venture created between IESA and Triumph, combining its technological expertise and management to meet the infrastructure sector segments in rail, subway, sanitation, among others. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) IESA is a part of the Quip (Queiroz Galvão, UTC Engenharia and IESA) consortium where they are jointly fabricating and integrating topside modules on P-63. REFERENCES Petrobras, Rolls Royce , UTC SERVICES IESA offers maintenance projects, renovation and modernization of offshore platforms, inspection services, and logistics. CONSORTIU M 18 IESA is a part of the Quip consortium (Queiroz Galvao, UTC Engenharia, Iesa, Camargo Correa and PJMR) where they jointly will be responsible for supplying topside modules and integrating of the P-63 FPSO at Rio Grande. 12 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 85 Intecsea do Brasil Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 0 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x x 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE L M 2001 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av. Rio Branco 110 – 30º andar, CEP: 20040-001, Rio de Janeiro - RJ N/A in Brazil www.intecsea.com [email protected] +55 (21) 2179-3700 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION INTECSEA do Brasil is a global company within the WorleyParsons Group and offers engineering and construction management solutions for floating systems, riser systems, offshore pipelines and subsea production systems. PRODUCTS Intecsea´s core business lines in providing engineering. HISTORY In 2001, INTECSEA opened an office in Brazil, where activities actually started in January 2003 when a strategic plan was put forth to increase operations in the country. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE INTESCEA do Brasil is part of the WorleyParsons Group. SERVICES Intecsea offers riser system engineering, construction management, project management, interface management, and materials engineering. N/A CURRENT PROJECTS REFERENCES Petrobras; Chevron 19 13 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 86 Intermoor do Brasil Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 0 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x x 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION x 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL L M 2006 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av. das Americas 3500, Barra da Tijuca, CEP: 22640-102, Rio de Janeiro - RJ Macaé (RJ), Vila Velha (ES) www.intermoor.com [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (21) 3282-5730 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION InterMoor do Brasil offers specialized mooring and rig relocation and back-of-the-boat services, including subsea installations, manifold installation work and presetting of drilling conductors. PRODUCTS InterMoor provides equipment for permanent and temporary mooring systems. HISTORY In 2006, InterMoor created the subsidiary InterMoor do Brasil and opened an office in Brazil. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE InterMoor do Brasil is affiliated with Houstonbased InterMoor. InterMoor is an Acteon company. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) InterMoor was recently part of a one-year project to provide mooring and positioning support operations for Shell do Brasil on the UDW semisub Noble Clyde Boudreaux. Intermoor beat the depth record for conventional mooring offshore Brazil with a water depth of 2,027 meters. The project ended mid-2012. 2) In September 2012, InterMoor also concluded the conductor fabrication and installation for Papa Terra field. InterMoor was responsible for the design, procurement, fabrication and installation of 15 conductors for the project. REFERENCES OGX, LLX, Shell, AGR, Petrobras SERVICES InterMoor offers mooring, subsea services, foundations, engineering, fabrication, survey & positioning, and subsea installation. N/A 20 14 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 87 Maxen Engenharia Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S X 0 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x x 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE L L 2001 Atibaia (SP) Rodovia Dom Pedro 73, CEP: 12954-260, Atibaia - SP São Paulo (SP), Escada (PE) www.maxen.com.br [email protected] +55 (11) 4418-9000 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION By integrating the company’s divisions (Services, Equipment and Distribution), Maxen offers turn-key services in engineering, project management, procurement, financial and fiscal solutions and equipment/metal fabrication. PRODUCTS Maxen provides construction of subsea structures, top side modules, steel pipes, fittings and spools. HISTORY Maxen (Former Mercotubos) has forged several partnerships that have enabled it to expand operations and its product/service portfolio offering in order to meet the growing demand of the Brazilian market with top-notch quality. In 2010, thanks to the investment of Green Capital (its new parent company), Maxen fully integrated its processes, concentrating its operational strength on offering unique possibilities to the market OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Created by the private equity fund, Green Capital. SERVICES Maxen offers detail engineering for tubes (Spoolgen), specialized welding techniques and project management. N/A CURRENT PROJECTS REFERENCES Subsea7, Cameron, Petrobras, Queiroz Galvão, Engevix, FMC, Odebrecht, Usiminas, Cameron. 21 15 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 88 McDermott Serviços Offshore do Brasil Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 0 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x 0 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION x x 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL 2009 Macaé (RJ) Rua João Batista Quaresma, 44 SL.6, Granja Nova Cavaleiros, Macaé RJ Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Recife (PE) www.mcdermott.com [email protected] +55 (21) 3974-7201 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION McDermott Serviços Offshore do Brasil is an engineering, procurement, construction (outside of Brazil) and installation (“EPCI”) company focused on executing complex offshore oil and gas projects. PRODUCTS Through McDermott´s foreign fabrication plants, McDermott is able provide fixed platforms, pipeline and subsea products. HISTORY McDermott, with headquarters in Houston, recently expanded to Brazil. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE McDermott Serviços Offshore do Brasil Ltda is owned by McDermott International, Inc, formerly J. Ray McDermott. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In 2010, McDermott was awarded a contract for the design, engineering, construction, transportation, installation, and a three-year limited operations contract of Petrobras/Chevron P-61 - Papa Terra Tension Leg Wellhead Platform. The TLWP will be constructed by Keppel FEL's BrasFELS yard in Angra dos Reis, Brazil. McDermott will fabricate the tendons, temporary buoyancy modules and piles at their Morgan City facility in Louisiana. The project is targeted for completion by mid-2013. 2) In 2011, McDermott was awarded a 5-year contract by Petrobras to install subsea flexible pipelines and umbilicals in up to 2,000 meters of water offshore Brazil. REFERENCES Petrobras & Chevron, AP Moller-Maersk SERVICES McDermott offers engineering, procurement, construction, installation, project management, commissioning and startup. N/A 22 16 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 89 MCS Kenny FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 0 0 0 x x 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL L S 2004 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua 7 de Setembro,54 - 4º andar Centro, CEP: 20050-009, Rio de Janeiro - RJ N/A in Brazil www.mcskenny.com [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (21) 3553-1210 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION MCS Kenny is a world leader in compliant riser design with an extensive track record across all riser types and water depths. The company also provides advanced structural analysis and technology development capabilities for subsea and pipeline facilities. PRODUCTS Service provider. HISTORY Due to Brazil's offshore drilling in ultra-deep waters, MCS Kenny envisioned a great possibility to expand and enter the market to service oil and gas players with its renowned expertise in riser design and engineering OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Part of the Wood Group. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) MCS Kenny was contracted to perform the detailed design of 48 SCR’s (steel catenary riser) for Petrobras P-36. REFERENCES Petrobras SERVICES MCS Kenny supplies design and engineering solutions in all kinds of risers utilizing a wide variety of subsea software products. N/A 23 17 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 90 MFX do Brasil Equipamentos de Petroleo Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 0 x TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x 0 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE M M 1982 Salvador (BA) Rodovia BA - 528 Paripe, CEP: 40800-310, Salvador, BA Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.mfx.com.br [email protected] +55 (71) 2109-7100 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION MFX do Brasil manufactures subsea umbilical cables used in the offshore oil production process and thermoplastic high pressure hoses. PRODUCTS MFX supplies subsea production umbilicals, intervention and workover umbilicals, customized umbilicals, high pressure thermoplastic hoses, high collapse resistance special injection hoses, and reinforced pipes, as well as accessories, including bend stiffeners, armor pots, splice boxes, and electrical connectors for umbilicals and hoses. HISTORY Founded in 1982, MFX do Brasil was a pioneer in Brazilian manufacturing of umbilicals used in the extraction process of offshore oil. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In July 2011, MFX do Brasil was awarded a contract to supply umbilicals to P-55 in Roncador Field. MFX will be in charge of supplying around 80 km of umbilicals for this project with delivery scheduled for the period of 2012-2014. The P-55 which is a semi-submersible (SS) platform will start its production in 2013. REFERENCES Asker Subsea, Cameron, Expro, Flexibras/Coflexip/Technip, FMC, JDR (Inglaterra/EUA), Jurong Shipyard, Lupatech GasOil, Petrobras, Queiroz Galvão Oil & Gas, Schlumberger, Weatherford SERVICES MFX offers umbilical laying, installation, maintenance, repair, and customer technical assistance and upgrade services. N/A 24 18 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 91 MCS Engenharia Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES 0 UMBILICAL S 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x 0 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION x 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL M M 1988 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av. Nilo Peçanha, 26 salas 904 / 908, Centro, CEP: 20020-100 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ Mangaratiba (RJ) www.mcsengenharia.com [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2524-0296 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION MCS is an engineering, commercial and representative company in Rio de Janeiro, which engages in offshore and industrial activities. PRODUCTS MCS Engenharia has capabilities to construct lifeboats and service boats. HISTORY MSC Engenharia has been delivering offshore services since it´s foundation in 1988. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS MCS was contracted by Modec International for the FPSO Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, FSO Cidade de Macaé, FPSO Cidade de Niteroi and FPSO Cidade de Santos projects to provide mooring and risers installations procedures, logistics and materials specifications and anchors installation surveyor services. Prosafe contracted MCS for Mooring Masters for towing and positioning of FPSO Polvo. Petrobras purchased four Pelikelos (350 ton) to perform torpedo launching. REFERENCES Modec International LLC, Prosafe, Petrobras SERVICES MCS Engenharia offers services of mooring and offshore terminals design, installation and operation (calm buoys, multibuoy system and FPSO vessels, mooring design, installation, operation and maintenance), riser procedures and installation, boat design, construction and refurbishment in fiberglass for special purposes (lifeboats, services boats). N/A 25 19 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 92 Natec Equipamentos Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 0 0 x x x x SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL 1979 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av. Armando Lombardi, 205 sl. 202/203 Barra da Tijuca, CEP: 22640-020 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.natec.com.br [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2494-9000 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Natec is a company that specializes in developing equipment and engineering solutions. PRODUCTS Natec provides 5 to 230 ton electric or hydraulic winches, pneumatic reels for umbilical storage, extended risers for sustaining completion columns using terminal heads during workover operations and installation of Wet Christmas Trees (WCT) in probes and ships, special equipment such as special overhead cranes, derricks, remotely controlled hydraulic manipulators, support clamps and flexible line maneuvers, and sophisticated hydraulic systems applying electronic controls. HISTORY As of 1996, Natec decided to focus on the oil and gas industry. Besides the manufacture of winches, the company has produced manipulation clamps for flexible lines. In 2002, Natec won two international tenders, both to develop the engineering project and to manufacture highly sophisticated winches for the French company, Stolt Offshore. These were the first offshore winches ever manufactured in Brazil. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE NT Industrial is a sister company of Natec specializing in assembly, repair, maintenance and upgrading of equipment and mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electric components. Natec has a strategic partnership with SAS, located in the Netherlands to offer a complete range of deck equipment, based on joint design and local fabrication. N/A SERVICES Natec offers services of conception of technical solutions to solve operational or production problems, structural (mechanical) resistance studies in existing structures to assess fitness or to study possible increases in capacity, structural analysis of equipment parts or assemblies, technical and economic feasibility studies of new or existing mechanical assemblies with modifications, development of equipment designs or mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electro-electronic systems, and calculating investment costs for increases in capacity or in new facilities. CURRENT PROJECTS REFERENCES Petrobras, Subsea7, Weatherford, DOF Subsea, Scana 26 20 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 93 Nexans Brasil S.A. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 0 x TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x 0 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL XL L 2003 São Paulo (SP) Alameda Jaú 1754, 11° andar, CEP: 01420002, São Paulo - SP Lorena(SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.nexans.com.br [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (11) 3081-5988 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Nexans specializes in cables and cable laying systems. PRODUCTS Nexans supplies comprehensive cable solutions for subsea projects, including power cables, multifunctional umbilicals for power, dynamic umbilical (ROVs), submarine high-voltage cables and ultra-deep-water hybrid cables. HISTORY Nexans entered the Brazilian market through the acquisition of Furukawa Cabos de Energia S.A. (Brazil) OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Nexans Brasil S.A. is part of Nexans (Paris headquarters). CURRENT PROJECTS 1) Nexans has taken part in two different umbilical designs to connect the fixed platform to the subsea manifold and the manifold to the individual well heads. Manufacturing was contracted through Nexans plant in Halden, Norway. 2) In 2011, Nexans won a multi-million Euros turnkey contract at the new COMPERJ petrochemical complex in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nexans is to supply and install high voltage (HV) XLPE cables and accessories that will be used to interconnect the two main electrical substations at the COMPERJ complex. Installation of the cables is expected to be complete by 2012. The Petrobras facility is expected to come on line in 2013. REFERENCES Petrobras, Statoil SERVICES Nexans offers services related to its product offerings, including cable laying and related subsea engineering solutions. N/A 27 21 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 94 NKT Flexibles Indústria e Serviços de Tubos Flexíveis Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING 0 X 0 0 ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL L 2011 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av. Presidente Wilson 231, salao 902, Centro , CEP: 20030-021, Rio de Janeiro RJ N/A in Brazil www.nktflexibles.com [email protected] +45 4348-3000 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION NKT Flexibles I/S deliver flexible pipe systems to the offshore oil and gas industry as well as the chemical and water industry worldwide. PRODUCTS NKT Flexibles manufactures dynamic and static risers, static flowlines, subsea jumpers, topside jumpers and expansion joints. SERVICES NKT performs total riser and flowline system design, engineering, procurement, manufacture, testing, documentation and delivery. HISTORY OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE National Oilwell Varco (NOV) purchased NKT Flexibles in 2012. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) NKT Flexibles received an order from Petrobras in May 2011 potentially worth US$ 1.86B for up to 694 km of flexible pipes. REFERENCES Petrobras N/A 28 22 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 95 National Oilwell Varco do Brasil Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS 0 RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL XL XL 2008 Macaé (RJ) Rodovia Amaral Peixoto, Imboassica , CEP: 27925-290, Macaé - RJ Macaé (RJ) www.nov.com [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (22) 2773-0600 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION NOV is a Houston-based global oilfield service company providing drilling equipment and engineering services to the oil & gas industry worldwide. PRODUCTS NOV mainly imports its comprehensive portfolio of products into Brazil. It has one production facility in Espírito Santo, focusing mainly on screen shakers, and a planned plant in Suape, Pernambuco focusing on piping. HISTORY In 2005, National Oilwell and Varco merged to become National Oilwell Varco. In 2008, National Oilwell Varco do Brasil Ltda was established. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE NOV do Brasil is part of the National Oilwell Varco group headquartered in Houston, TX. In 2009, NOV IntelliServ created an agreement with Schlumberger Drilling and Measurements to form a Joint Venture where Schlumberger will acquire a non-controlling (45%) minority interest in the Drill String Telemetry business. NOV owns NKT Flexibles. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) NOV was selected to provide Estaleiro Atlantico Sul with drilling equipment for seven drillships in a deal worth US$ 1.5B, the largest single order in NOV's history. REFERENCES Petrobras, EAS Shipyard SERVICES NOV provides a wide range of engineering and technical services in Brazil mainly related to its core drilling portfolio. Additional, it offers training to support product line information between employees and customers. 29 23 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 96 Marine Production Systems do Brasil Ltda. (Oceaneering) FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x 0 x x x x 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION x 0 0 x GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL XL L 1998 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Praca Alcides Pereira 3, Ilha da Conceicão/Niteroi, CEP: 24050-350, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Macaé RJ) , Niteroi (RJ), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.oceaneering.com [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2729-8900 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Marine Production Systems do Brasil Ltda., part of Oceaneering, is an oilfield provider of engineered services and products, primarily to the offshore oil and gas industry, with a focus on deep-water applications. PRODUCTS Oceaneering supplies Umbilical Solutions (OUS), subsea hardware, Grayloc products, Oceaneering Rotator, BOP control systems; pipeline connection and repair systems and High Performance Cables (HPC). HISTORY Marine Production Systems do Brasil Ltda. was created in 1998 as a subsidiary of Oceaneering International Inc. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Marine Production Systems do Brasil Ltda. operates as a subsidiary of Oceaneering International Inc. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In 2012, Oceaneering secured a contract from Petrobras to supply approximately 200 kilometers of thermoplastic production control umbilicals for pre-salt development in the Lula and Sapinhoá fields. This contract is Oceaneering largest and has added over US$ 120M to its subsea products backlog. Delivery should be completed late in 2014. REFERENCES Petrobras SERVICES Oceaneering offers deep-water technical solutions related to its product portfolio, including Installation Workover and Control Systems (IWOCS). N/A 30 24 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 97 Oceânica Engenharia e Consultoria Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN 0 0 0 0 X TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION x 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL M M 1978 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua Victor Civita 66, Bl. 01, Ed. 05, salas 623/626, Rio Office Park, Jacarepaguá, CEP: 22775-044, Rio de Janeiro - RJ Macaé (RJ), Rio das ostras (RJ) www.oceanicasub.com.br [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2139-4250 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION OCEÂNICA provides installation services of underwater structures. PRODUCTS Oceânica´s core business lies in offering subsea structures installation. HISTORY Since 1987, OCEÂNICA has concentrated its activities within the oil industry. Since 2000, OCEÂNICA passed to attend underwater engineering works, construction and assembly, commissioning services and special works developed in accordance with customer requests. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Oceânica has a partnership with Geo Cartografia. CURRENT PROJECTS In 2010, Oceânica announced an international partnership with ULO SYSTEMS, which specializes in Offshore Fabric Formwork, to support, protect and stabilize subsea pipelines and cables and all types of subsea grouting services provided (normal and structural). Oceânica acts as ULO SYSTEMS´ representative in Brazil. REFERENCES Petrobras, Ipiranga, Exxon, Queiroz Galvão, Odebrecht, Braspetro, Shell SERVICES Oceânica provides subsea engineering, including services installation of various structures, commissioning of marine structures, decommissioning of marine structures, hydrostatic testing, installation of risers and manifolds, repair of submarine pipelines, launch of undersea cables, launch and burial of submarine pipelines, and operations in different areas classified offshore installations. Diving services include, evaluation of anti-corrosive protection of marine structures, underwater sandblasting, measurement of thickness of metal structures by ultra-sound and operations of pullin and pull-out in FPSO vessels. CONSORTIU M 31 Oceânica represents Ulo Systems in Brazil. 25 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 98 Oceânica Offshore – Oceânica Engenharia, Consultoria e Projetos Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 0 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x x x SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 x 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE S S 2003 São Paulo (SP) R. Robert Bosch, 130 – Barra Funda CEP: 01141-010, São Paulo- SP Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.oceanicabr.com [email protected] +55 (11) 3611-6022 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Oceânica Offshore is an independent consultancy company specializing in naval and offshore projects and traditional calculations to high technology services. PRODUCTS SERVICES Oceânica Offshore provides services of riser and pipeline design, coupled riser analysis, pipeline analysis (finite element method), subsea equipment installation, configuration layout, equipment and material specification, installation analysis and procedure definition and model testing. HISTORY Oceânica started in the academic environment and developed into a service provider for the offshore industry. In 2010, the company was awarded the “Year 2010 Inventor” prize, granted by Petrobras, and in 2011, Oceânica became enabled as a supplier of Petrobras, through the CRCC. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Part of HBR Group CURRENT PROJECTS Simulation services for offloading operations. Partnership with DNV Software. REFERENCES Petrobras, FMC Technologies, Sevan Marine, GE Oil & Gas, Technip N/A 32 26 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 99 Odebrecht Óleo e Gás S.A. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN 0 0 0 0 x TECHNICAL SERVICES SUBSEA SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 x 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 2006 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Praia de Botafogo, 300 10º andar, CEP: 22250-040 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ Macaé (RJ) www.oog.com [email protected] +55 (21) 2559-3402 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION OOG is a full-fledged oil service company, providing solutions from design engineering, project management, and integrated service delivery to offshore drilling rigs and production platforms. PRODUCTS SERVICES Odebrecht provides a comprehensive range of services of installation, maintenance, drilling, and subsea engineering. HISTORY Odebrecht has provided services to the Brazilian oil industry since the late 1950's, when it began its relationship with Petrobras. In 1979, it was the first private Brazilian company to provide drilling services in the country. In the 1990s, it took its operations overseas, including the North Sea, and focused on delivering services and operating FPSOs. In 2006, Odebrecht concentrated its investments in oil and gas in a new company, Odebrecht Óleo e Gás (OOG). OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Owned by Odebrecht CURRENT PROJECTS 1) Maersk, the operation of the North Sea Producer FPSO, with over 110 million BOE produced. 2) Acergy (Subsea7), the construction and installation of a 150km subsea pipeline in Espírito Santo. 3) Technip, charter and operation of two vessels to launch flexible lines for action in the pre-salt. 4) Maintenance of 13 platforms at Campos Basin for Petrobras. REFERENCES Petrobras, Shell do Brasil, Statoil, Maersk CONSORTIU M 33 Maersk, Acergy (Subsea7), Technip. 27 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 100 Oil States Industries do Brasil Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN x x 0 x x TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 2000 Macaé (RJ) Rua J1 205, Novo Cavaleiros, CEP: 27930490 Macae, RJ Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.oilstates.com [email protected] +55 (22) 2763-4300 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Oil States Industries do Brasil Ltda. has repair, service and manufacturing facilities strategically located in Rio de Janeiro and Macaé, to serve offshore operators, drilling contractors and other service companies involved in the challenging Brazilian deep water developments. PRODUCTS Oil States offers marine riser systems, marine riser buoyancy modules, FlexJoints, wellhead connectors, telescoping joints, choke manifold systems, ram and annular blowout preventers, fairlead whelps and manual and hydraulic valves. HISTORY Oil States Industries do Brasil Ltda. was established in 2000 with a business office in Rio de Janeiro and operational office in Macaé. Construction was started in 2012 on a new Rio de Janeiro manufacturing facility. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Oil States Industries, Inc. is a subsidiary of Oil States International. Oil States Industries do Brasil Ltda is a subsidiary of Oil States Industries. CURRENT PROJECTS An Oil States Industries, Inc. contract from Subsea 7 to supply 27 FlexJoint(R) Steel Catenary Riser (SCR) terminations and 40 receptacle assemblies for the Guara and Lula NE oilfields in the Santos Basin, representing part of one of the largest EPIC SURF contract awarded to date in Brazil and is one of the world's largest contracts for SCR end terminations ever awarded. Manufacturing of the FlexJoint equipment will be performed by Oil States at its Texas, Louisiana, Singapore, UK and Macaé Brazil locations, with weld qualification and execution to be managed by Oil States ATS-Cybersolda in Brazil. REFERENCES Petrobras, Subsea 7 SERVICES CONSORTIU M Oil State provides services of repair, maintenance and refurbishment of oil industry tools and equipment, as well as well testing services, in affiliation with its Oil States International sister companies. For the development of the production field of TUPI / Mexilhão, a set of subsea pipelines with equipment to enable the export of gas from the FPSO were required. To accomplish this project, União Engenharia in partnership with Oil States Industries, is providing a range of equipment fitted with subsea connectors and auxiliary equipment. OSI is responsible for the engineering and delivery components of connectors and installation tools. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 101 Petrustech Oil and Gas Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SERVICES SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE M M 2011 Niteroi (RJ) Rua Visconde de Itaborai, 128-130 Centro, CEP: 24030-092 Niteroi, RJ Macaé (RJ) www.petrustech.com.br [email protected] +55 (21) 3069-5110 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Petrustech Oil & Gas offers specialized services to a broad range of industries, from oil, gas & petrochemical to wind, and in locations onshore, offshore or subsea. PRODUCTS SERVICES Pertustech provides services of inspection, maintenance and repair, exploration, production and training. HISTORY Petrustech established in 2011 in Brazil to expand from their UK headquarters. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Owned by Petrustech Group N/A CURRENT PROJECTS REFERENCES Noble, Pride / Ensco, Mac Laren, Azevedo e Travassos, Maestra Petroserv SA, Consórcio Novo CENPES, Exxon Mobil, Prosafe Production 35 29 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 102 Prysmian energia Cabos e Sistemas do Brasil S.A. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 0 x SUBSEA SERVICES TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 x x 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL XL XL 1929 Santo André (SP) Av. Alexandre de Gusmão 145, CEP: 09110-900. Santo André - SP N/A in Brazil www.prysmian.com.br [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (11) 4998-4000 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Prysmian is a design, production, manufacture, supply and installation company of power cables, telecom cables, fiber optic cables and accessories for applications in energy and telecommunications. The company also produces components and accessories network and offers bundled services, such as projects, management, cabling, performance of turn-key projects, installation services and maintenance on electrical systems and telecommunications. PRODUCTS Prysmian supplies power cables, telecom cables, fiber optic cables, umbilicals, components and accessories for applications in energy and telecommunications. HISTORY Prysmian has been providing solutions for cables and systems since being established in 1929. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Owned by Prysmian Group. In 2011, Prysmian Group bought Draka, creating the world´s largest supplier of cables. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In 2011, Prysmian was awarded a US$ 42M contract for umbilical systems by Petrobras, with delivery over the following 3 years. REFERENCES Petrobras, Siemens SERVICES Prysmian offers project management, cabling, performance of turn-key projects, installation services and maintenance on electrical systems and telecommunications. N/A 36 30 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 103 RRC Robótica Submarina Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 0 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x x x SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL S S 2003 Macaé (RJ) Rua Lady Esteves da Conceição nº 560 Novo Cavaleiros, CEP: 27933-420, Macaé – RJ – Rio de Janeiro N/A in Brazil www.rrc-robotica.com.br [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (22) 2757-8600 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION RRC Robótica Submarina Ltda. specializes in ROV systems training, ROV systems consulting, auditing of ROV systems, subsea operations modeling, subsea engineering, rent, sale and maintenance of PSS ROV´s and tools. PRODUCTS RRC supplies PSS ROV´s and related tools. HISTORY RRC was established in 2003 to provide technical consulting and engineering services. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE In 2011, Brasbunker bought 70% of RRC Robótica. CURRENT PROJECTS In the second quarter of 2012, RRC Robótica aquired 2 new HD ROV systems from Schilling Robotics to operate on two ships in Brazilian waters. REFERENCES Subsea 7, DMS, Acergy, Chevron, Petrobras, Fugro, DOF Subsea, Estaleiro Mauá, Sonangol, Sistac, OGX, Eni, Saipem, Schilling Robotics, LLC, FMC Tech. SERVICES RRC provides consulting and auditing of ROV systems, 3D modeling of subsea operations, subsea engineering, ROV operations and rental and maintenance of ROVs and tools. N/A 37 31 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 104 Saipem do Brasil Serviços de Petróleo Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S x 0 0 SUBSEA SERVICES TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 x 0 0 x x 0 x GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL XL L 2002 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av. Rio Branco, 01 - 1401 B Centro, CEP: 20090-003 Rio de Janeiro, RJ N/A in Brazil www.saipem.com [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (21) 3232-5300 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Saipem performs engineering, management, fabrication, transportation, installation, assembly and EPCIs of pipelines, fixed and floating structures and leased FPSOs. The company also acts in onshore and offshore drilling activities. PRODUCTS Subsea and floating structures HISTORY Saipem was established in Brazil in December 2002. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Owned by Saipem S.p.A. CURRENT PROJECTS Saipem is currently (August 2012) building a US$ 300M logistics, construction and engineering center on the coast of São Paulo state to help supply offshore projects. The company expects to compete for contracts with Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA), BP Plc (BP/) and BG Group Plc (BG/), which are expanding production in Brazil. REFERENCES Petrobras, OGX SERVICES Saipem provides deep water pipe laying, onshore and offshore Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation (EPCI) and drilling services. N/A 38 32 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 105 Schlumberger Servicos de Petroleo Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S x 0 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x 0 x X SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 x GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1945 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Av. Presidente Wilson 231 - 20 andar, CEP: 20030-021 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ Macaé (RJ) & 11 additional Brazil locations www.slb.com [email protected] +55 (21) 3824-6923 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Schlumberger is a leading oilfield services company supplying technology, information solutions and integrated project management for optimizing reservoir performance. Schlumberger subsea provides instrumental and measurement for structural integrity, flow assurance and process optimization of subsea assets, including risers, flowlines and other critical elements of the subsea infrastructure. PRODUCTS Schlumberger utilizes proprietary equipment and tools to offer a vast range of services. HISTORY Schlumberger has maintained operations in Brazil since performing the first electric log in Bahia in 1945. Since then, Schlumberger has grown significantly and now manages its Brazilian operations from twelve locations. In 2001, Schlumberger deployed Macaé remote connectivity teleport in Brazil and in 2004 they performed the largest 4D seismic project ever, shooting over the Marlin field offshore Brazil for Petrobras. In 2010, Schlumberger opened a research and geo-engineering center in Rio de Janeiro. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Schlumberger owns WesternGeco, M-I SWACO, Smith Bits, Geoservices, SERVCO, Framo Engineering, and NExT. CURRENT PROJECTS In 2011, Petra Energia selected Schlumberger dynamic pressure measurement technologies to provide managed pressure drilling services for their São Francisco basin exploration campaign. REFERENCES Petrobras, OGX, Petra Energia SERVICES Schlumberger provides an extensive range of seismic, drilling, well testing, completion, subsea, production, well intervention services and engineering. CONSORTIU M 39 Technip and Schlumberger - global cooperation agreement to jointly develop subsea integrity and surveillance solutions for flexible pipes used in deep offshore oil and gas production. 33 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 106 Serimax do Brasil Serviços de Soldagem e Fabricação Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 x 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 0 0 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL L S 2009 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Edificio Castelo Branco Avenida Republica do Chile 230, 14° andar - Centro 20.031 919 , Rio de Janeiro - RJ N/A in Brazil www.serimax.com [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2275-6033 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Serimax is an international full service welding company operating worldwide to perform planning, management and execution of complex and technically demanding welding contracts. PRODUCTS Serimax fabricates high quality pipeline components for oil and gas operators. HISTORY Serimax do Brasil was created in July 2009 to become part of the Serimax Group. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Owned by Vallourec Group. CURRENT PROJECTS In November 2011, Serimax secured a contract to provide 62 subsea spools for Technip. The project is expected to last up to nine months. REFERENCES Technip, Subsea 7, BP, Shell, BP, TLO, Horizon, Sheehan Pipelines, Michels and Spie Capag SERVICES Serimax´s core business is providing onshore and offshore welding services. N/A 40 34 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 107 SISTAC Sistemas de Acesso S.A. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 0 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 0 x 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE FILL IN 1995 Macaé (RJ) Av. Prefeito Aristeu ferreira da Silva 279, Granja dos Cavaleiros, CEP: 27930-070, Macae - Rj Itaboraí (RJ), Barra dos Coqueiros (SE) www.sistac.com.br [email protected] +55 (22) 2762-8792 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION PRODUCTS HISTORY OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Sistac provides engineering solutions, diving support vessels and specialized technical services and repairs in diving, ROV and industrial rope access. SERVICES SISTAC provides Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), ultrasonic, liquid penetrant and magnetic particle, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Inspection ACFM, inspection and reclassification of bonds, inspection of equipment in operation, shallow diving (up to 30 meters), monitoring diving support / operations (up to 50m or in hazardous conditions), shallow diving (up to 50 meters) installation, assembly, repair, maintenance and inspection underwater, connect / disconnect, tensioning and maintenance of mooring systems, chartering of maritime support vessels, operation of marine support vessel. SISTAC was founded in 1995. In 1997, SISTAC introduced a new weld inspection technique named ACFM (Alternate Current Field Measurement) to the Brazilian offshore diving market. In 2005, SISTAC started executing U/W diving repairs with no interruption in field production and in 2007 they started to operate a U/W access and intervention method using ROVs, with vehicles operating down to 3,000m depth. N/A CURRENT PROJECTS REFERENCES Petrobras, Brasdrill, Halliburton, SLB, Noble, Transocean, Pride, Petroserv, Maersk, Techint, Ensco, Queiroz Galvão, Noble, Modec, SBM Offshore, Saipem INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 108 Subsea7 Brasil Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S x 0 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x X 0 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION x x 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE XL XL 1972 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua México 3 - 10º andar, Centro CEP: 20031-144, Rio de Janeiro - RJ Niteroi (RJ), Rio das Ostras (RJ), Macae (RJ), Ubu (ES) and Parana (PE) www.subsea7.com [email protected] +55 (21) 3094-6060 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Subsea 7 do Brasil offers a diverse range of SURF, Life-of-Field and conventional field development projects in the Santos, Campos & Espírito Santo basins. Disciplines represented in the region are offered through Subsea 7´s team, which vary from engineers, naval architects, SURF specialists, ROV operators, tooling technicians, software developers, project managers and more. PRODUCTS Construction for subsea field developments, pipeline, riser systems, Pipe-Laying vessels (PLVs) and associated services. HISTORY Subsea 7 was established in 1972 and offered a diverse range of SURF, Life-of-Field and conventional field development projects in the Santos, Campos & Espírito Santo basins. Subsea 7 has expanded rapidly to now have several offices in Brazil. The company has been involved in various large Brazilian projects, including the SURF Project for Chevron to develop the Frade field in the Campos Basin completed in 2009. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Subsea do Brasil is owned by Subsea 7 S.A. CURRENT PROJECTS Subsea 7 currently has eight vessels deployed in Brazil. They are also involved in several projects including 1) an award for a US$ 1B SURF contract by Petrobras in the Guará and Lula fields, in the Santos basin. The project scope includes the engineering, procurement, installation and pre-commissioning of four decoupled riser systems. Offshore installation is scheduled to commence Q3 2012, using Seven Oceans. 2) P-55 Export Lines for Petrobras or GSNC. 3) Subsea 7 is also a part of the construction of six Pipe-Laying vessels (PLVs) that will be operated by Petrobras in Brazil. The contracts to build the six PLVs were established between Petrobras and Sapura Crest, Subsea 7 and a joint venture involving Technip and Odebrecht Oil&Gas. REFERENCES Petrobras, Chevron, Statoil, etc. SERVICES Subsea 7 provides design, fabrication, installation and commissioning services for the SURF sector. N/A 42 36 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 109 Subsin - Subsea Integrity Engenharia e Projetos Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 0 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x x 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION x 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL S S 2008 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua Miraluz, 261 – CEP: 21061-040, Higienópolis Rio de Janeiro – RJ Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.subsin.com.br [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2275-8001 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Subsin provides consultancy, management, engineering, and operational support services to oil and gas, process, utilities, and marine industry sectors. PRODUCTS - HISTORY Subsin started its Brazilian engineering activities in 2008. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE Military Institute of Engineering (IME, Brazil) partnership to develop one U.S. patent. ZYTECH - partnership to develop two U.S. patents. CURRENT PROJECTS - SERVICES Subsin offers subsea engineering, riser and umbilical analysis, top tensioned riser analysis, pipeline analysis, subsea equipment installation, engineering critical assessment and project management services. Subsin also provides integrity assurance services such as structural integrity, integrated, ship hull, and inspection services. N/A REFERENCES 43 37 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 110 Suporte Consultoria e Projetos Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 0 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS 0 x x 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL TELEPHONE S S 1986 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua Visconde de Inhaúma, 134, Centro, CEP: 20091-901, Rio de Janeiro - RJ N/A in Brazil www.suporte-cp.com.br [email protected] +55 (21) 2113-1717 * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Suporte Consultoria e Projetos Ltda. is a 100% Brazilian company that performs engineering and consulting projects. They are specialized in submarine pipelines, as well as fixed and floating platforms and jack-ups. PRODUCTS Service provider. HISTORY Suporte started as a consulting firm focused on the Brazilian market, but it quickly expanded to engineering projects and international markets like Angola, the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Mexico. SERVICES Suporte Consultoria provides installation and construction assistance, advanced engineering and project consulting, analysis and specialized engineering solutions in engineering projects. OWNERSHIP / JOINT VENTURE N/A CURRENT PROJECTS As of August 2012, Suporte has the following ongoing projects: 1) Consulting services, structural engineering and technical support on two offshore platforms for Petrobras: P-SAE and P-SERVUS. They are doing structural design on the P-63 for Quip. 2) On Petrobras´ P-55 platform they are performing structural analysis and verification of Pull-in and flare for Quip. REFERENCES Petrobras, Quip, Saipem. Brasfels, Vale, Technip, Subsea7, Odebrecht etc. 44 38 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 111 Techint Engenharia e Construção S.A. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 X 0 SUBSEA SERVICES TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS SEABED INSTALLATION 0 X x 0 0 PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTIO N 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL XL XL 1947 São Paulo (SP) Rua Tabapuã 41 - 14° andar - Itaim Bibi, CEP: 04533-010 , São Paulo - SP Rio de Janeiro (RJ) www.engineering.techint.com [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (11) 2137-6000 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Techint Engenharia e Construção provides engineering, procurement, construction services on a global level. They work in areas such as civil and industrial engineering including mechanical and electrical engineering, consultancy work, construction services to the oil and gas industries, procurement and installation of equipment and construction of offshore structures. PRODUCTS Jackets, production modules and more. HISTORY Established in 1947, Techint S.A. has contributed to Brazil's development in more than 60 years by undertaking over 700 projects, such as the construction of oil and gas refining, treatment and transportation facilities, chemical and petrochemical complexes, iron, steel and non-ferrous metal plants and basic sanitation and educational structures. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Owned by the Techint group. CURRENT PROJECTS 1) Techint Engenharia is currently (August 2012) providing service engineering, procurement, construction and assembly of two wellhead platforms (WHP-1 and WHP-2) for OSX. The WHPs 1 and 2 are scheduled to be delivered by the first half of 2014. 2) In August 2012, Petrobras awarded Technip a five-year frame agreement to supply 1,400 km (870 mi) flexible pipes. The estimated value of the contract is US$ 2.1B. Deliveries should start in 2013. Flexible pipes will be produced at the company’s existing plant in Vitoria and at its new facility under construction in Açu, Brazil. REFERENCES Petrobras, OSX Brasil S.A. SERVICES Within the O&G industry Techint Engenharia is a huge "pipeline-layer" in Brazil. They have installed more than 8,000 Km of pipelines (80% of the existing oil and gas pipeline system) in Brazil. Techint also supplys "hook-ups" and maintenance services to major Brazilian clients. N/A 45 39 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 112 Technip Brazil - Engenharia, Instalações e Apoio Maritimo S.A. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN x x 0 x TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x x SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTIO N x x 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL XL XL 1976 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Rua da Gloria 178, CEP: 20241-180, Glória. Rio de Janeiro, RJ Vitória (ES), Angra dos Reis (RJ), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Macaé (RJ), Porto do Açu (ES) www.technip.com [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2139-7000 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION Technip Brazil performs project management, engineering and construction for the energy industry. PRODUCTS Technip offers products related to subsea pipelines, umbilicals, robotics, patented spar platforms, self-installing jack-up TPG 500, extendable draft platforms, progressive crude distillation, hydrogen and sulphur production, cryogenics (Cryomax), ethylene production and related furnaces. HISTORY Technip Brazil was established in 1976 to offer services and solutions in the offshore, onshore and subsea sectors. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE Technip Brazil is owned by Technip (Paris). CURRENT PROJECTS 1) In February 2012, Technip was awarded a Petrobras contract to manufacture 24 kilometers of 6’’ gas injection flexible line for the Guara & Lula Nordeste pre-salt field development located in the Santos Basin, offshore Brazil, at a water depth of 2,250 meters. The pipelines will be manufactured at Technip’s flexible pipe plants and delivered in two batches, the first one in 2012 and the second in the first quarter of 2013. 2) In February 2012, Technip was awarded a 5-year frame agreement contract by Petrobras for the supply of around 1,400 kilometers of flexible pipes. The contract is effective today with supply starting in 2013 and orders are guaranteed for at least 50% of the total value, which is estimated to be worth around US$ 2.1B. REFERENCES Petrobras, BP, Shell, Samsung SERVICES Technip performs engineering, procurement, construction, installation, commissioning and the refurbishment/upgrading of offshore facilities for the oil and gas industry, as well as services in the chemicals, metals, cement and agro-industry domains. N/A 46 40 INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 113 União Fabricação e Montagem Ltda. FABRICATION SUBSEA SYSTEMS RISERS/ FLOWLINES UMBILICAL S 0 x 0 TOOLING ENGINEERING , DESIGN TECHNICAL SERVICES R&D, INNOVATION, TRAINING INSTITUTIONS x 0 0 SUBSEA SERVICES SEABED INSTALLATION PIPELAYING IMR, LIGHT INTERVENTIONS WELL INTERVENTION 0 0 0 0 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY SIZE GLOBAL* COMPANY SIZE BRAZIL* YEAR ESTABLISHED BRAZIL HEAD OFFICE BRAZIL OTHER OFFICES IN BRAZIL WEBSITE E-MAIL L L 1978 Vila Velha (ES) Rua Joaquim Lyra, 72 - Barra do Jucu, CEP: 29.125-050, Vila Velha - ES Boa Vista Branch (ES) www.uniaoengenharia.ind.br [email protected] TELEPHONE +55 (27) 3089-1299 HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS * S = 1-50, M = 51-200, L = 201-1000, XL = >1000 DESCRIPTION União Engenharia is a Brazilian supplier of engineering, manufacturing and industrial assembly services. PRODUCTS União supplies various components for the offshore market including PIG launchers and receivers, mechanical supports, tools for supporting the installation of subsea lines and subsea equipment, such as PLEMs and PLETs. HISTORY Founded in 1978, União began its activities as Metalurgica União, executing production services and industrial assembly. OWNERSHIP/ JOINT VENTURE A joint venture was created in 2009 between Oil States (51%) and União do Brasil (49%), creating Oil States-União do Brasil S.A, to provide deep-water production and subsea pipeline solutions. N/A CURRENT PROJECTS For the development of the production field of TUPI / Mexilhão, a set of subsea pipelines with equipment to enable the export of gas from the FPSO were required. To accomplish this project, União Engenharia in partnership with Oil States Industries, is providing a range of equipment fitted with subsea connectors and auxiliary equipment. REFERENCES Baker Hughes, Technip/Flexibras, Petrobras, Subsea 7, Wellstream, Engevix, Suzano, Acergy, etc. SERVICES União offers engineering services related to its product offerings. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 114 4: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTIONS INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 115 Profiles of Specialized R&D Institutions Categorization The listed institutions are specialized R&D institutions conducting research activities related to the offshore sector. The research activities are in many cases related to both FPSO/Drilling and SURF activities, and the institutions have therefore been listed in this separate chapter instead of being included in the FPSO/Drilling and SURF chapters. Profiles, Research Institutions CEENO (CENTER OF EXCELLENCE IN NAVAL AND OCEANIC ENGINEERING) CENPES (PETROBRAS R&D CENTER) CEPETRO-UNICAMP (CENTER OF PETROLEUM STUDIES/UNIVERSITY OF CAMPINAS) CINTEQ (CENTER FOR INTEGRITY OF STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT) CNAVAL (NAVAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING CENTER) COPPE-UFRJ (INSTITUTE FOR GRADUATE STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING) CPTI (TECHNOLOGICAL RESOURCE CENTER IN INSPECTION) CTDUT (DUCTS TECHNOLOGY CENTER) IME (ENGINEERING MILITARY INSTITUTE) INT (NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE) POLI-USP PUC-RIO (PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO DE JANEIRO) REDE CONSTRUÇÃO NAVAL (NAVAL CONSTRUCTION NETWORK) REDE GALILEU (GALILEU NETWORK) RICINO SUBMARINE STRUCTURES NETWORK TMEC (MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY AND CORROSION CONTROL NETWORK) UFAL/LCCV UFRGS - LAMEF (LABORATORY OF PHYSICAL METALLURGY) WELL ENGINEERING NETWORK INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 116 7 1 CEENO (Center of Excellence in Naval and Oceanic Engineering) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED ADDRESS 2000 Av. Horácio Macedo, 950, Cidade Universitária Rio de Janeiro - RJ CEP: 21.941-598 WEBSITE www.petrobras.com.br TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2162-6090 DESCRIPTION CEENO develops new concepts/projects/research studies with a focus on technology innovation to optimize Brazilian naval engineering. FUNDING Petrobras HISTORY In 1990’s, most of the platform components in Brazil were from foreign manufacturers. Thus, to change this scenario and taking advantage of the amount of universities and institutes, the Center for Excellence in Naval and Oceanic Engineering was founded in 2000. PARTNERS Coppe/UFRJ, IPT, USP, Transpetro RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR Petrobras RESEARCH New concepts for offshore rigs/vessels, including MonoBR (mono-columned platform based in security and flexibility) and FPSOBR (improving the weakness of the FPSOs motion). INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 117 8 2 CENPES (Petrobras R&D Center) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 1963 ADDRESS Av. Horácio Macedo, 950, Cidade Universitária Rio de Janeiro - RJ CEP: 21.941-598 WEBSITE www.petrobras.com.br TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2162-6090 DESCRIPTION CENPES is Petrobras' R&D division, partnering with various institutions across Brazil, created for R&D implementation of technologic solutions to optimize E&P, engineering and sustainable energy activities. The division has created more than 40 national networks. All technology to be adapted by Petrobras must be tested and approved by CENPES, making this a key institution for suppliers of advanced technological products/services. FUNDING Petrobras HISTORY Petrobras needed to learn the refining technologies available in the world to improve and adapt them to national demands. In a scenario of great emphasis of qualification of human resources for this industry, the R&D center (CENPES) was created in 1963, and has since then grown into one of Latin America's largest R&D institutions. OWNERSHIP N/A RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR Petrobras, as well as major councils and organizations RESEARCH PARTNERS CENPES provides coordination of research, development and basic engineering activities for Petrobras along with technological development. More than 120 Brazilian institutions and over 70 international institutions INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 118 9 3 CEPETRO-UNICAMP (Center of Petroleum Studies/University of Campinas) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 1987 ADDRESS Centro de Estudos de Petróleo Rua Cora Coralina, 350 – Campinas/SP Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz" s/n Campinas - São Paulo - Brazil Caixa Postal 6052 CEP: 13083-970 WEBSITE www.cepetro.unicamp.br TELEPHONE +55 (19) 3521-4664 DESCRIPTION Funded by UNICAMP and Petrobras in 1987, CEPETRO is now it is responsible for 15% of the Brazilian research done within its field. The main objective of CEPETRO-UNICAMP is to promote a link between the university and society, providing support with courses, research projects and scientific and technological services in the field of Petroleum Science and Engineering. FUNDING FINEP (Studies and Projects Funder), FAPESP (Sao Paulo Research Foundation), CNPq (National Counsel of Technology and Scientific Development), Petrobras, ANP (National Petroleum Agency), IBP (Brazilian Petroleum Institute), Onip (National Organization of the Oil Industries), ANP (Petroleum National Agency) HISTORY Funded in 1987. PARTNERS Laser Tao Serviçoes de Prototipagem Rápida LTDA, Petrobras, IPT, Mecânica Pesada, Plásticos Metalma, Usiminas, ABB, HESS, Shell, Eni, Anadarko, Cameron, Baker Hughes, Halliburton, and Baker Hughes. RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR Laser Tao Serviçoes de Prototipagem Rápida LTDA, Petrobras, IPT, Mecânica Pesada, Plásticos Metalma, Usiminas, ABB, HESS, Shell, Eni, Anadarko, Cameron, Baker Hughes, Halliburton, Baker Hughes, FINEP (Studies and Projects Funder), FAPESP (Sao Paulo Research Foundation), CNPq (National Counsel of Technology and Scientific Development), Petrobras, ANP (National Petroleum Agency), IBP (Brazilian Petroleum Institute), Onip (National Organization of the Oil Industries), ANP (Petroleum National Agency) RESEARCH Studies in well stability and its completion, development of submarine equipment, risers and ducts related to the maritime currents avoiding corrosion and improving the security, analysis of the mechanical performance of drilling columns and development of the drilling techniques, researches in perforation fluids, development of new technologies to flow the oil produced, simulation of the dynamics of rigid and flexible subsea pipelines, and development of valves through laser techniques. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 119 10 4 CINTEQ (Center for Integrity of Structures and Equipment) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 2005 ADDRESS Av. Prof. Almeida Prado 532, Cidade Universitária, CEP: 05508-901, São Paulo - SP WEBSITE www.ipt.br TELEPHONE +55 (11) 3767-4480 DESCRIPTION The institute is part of the Technological Resource Institute (IPT) which was restructured in 2005 enabling the creation of CINTEQ. Activities: Technological solutions for the development and evaluation of performance and safety equipment (mechanical, electrical and optical). FUNDING IPT HISTORY Funded in 2005 by the Technological Resource Institute (IPT). PARTNERS N/A RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR Brazilian companies in need of technological resource development. RESEARCH Development of static and dynamic tests of fatigue in umbilicals, risers, KS hooks, chains, pipes, cables, springs, hydraulic actuators, floating and submarine hoses and development of structures resistant to corrosion. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 120 11 5 CNAVAL (Naval and Ocean Engineering Center) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 1940 ADDRESS Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, 532 - Cidade Universitária São Paulo - SP CEP: 05508-901 WEBSITE www.ipt.br TELEPHONE +55 (11) 3767-4729 DESCRIPTION Develops and analyzes naval engineering technologic solutions for the E&P, maritime and national naval market. FUNDING FINEP (Studies and Projects Funding), Petrobras, IPT HISTORY CNAVAL is part of the IPT (Technological Resources Institution). It was founded in order to develop the naval engineering segment within the oil & gas market. PARTNERS COPPE-UFRJ ( Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), USP (University of São Paulo) , CENPES (Petrobras Resources Center), IPT (Technological Resources Center) RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR RESEARCH Research and projects in oceanic and naval engineering along with naval technology construction. IPT (Technological Resource Center), Petrobras, Transpetro INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 121 12 6 COPPE-UFRJ (Institute For Graduate Studies And Research In Engineering) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 1963 ADDRESS Cidade Universitária, Centro de Tecnologia, G Block, room 101 Ilha do Fundão Rio de Janeiro - RJ CEP: 21945-970 WEBSITE www.coppe.ufrj.br TELEPHONE +55 (21) 3622-3477 DESCRIPTION The institute Is a part of UFRJ, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and develops research and studies concerning technology development and optimizing of E&P activities in Brazil. FUNDING FINEP (Studies and Projects Funding), Petrobras, ANP (Petroleum National Agency), CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development), FAPERJ (Research Support Foundation of Rio de Janeiro), CAPES (Coordination of Improvement of Personal With Master Degree). HISTORY Founded in 1963 PARTNERS Petrobras, Simex, Acergy Brasil S/A RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR Petrobras, Simex, Acergy Brasil S/A, others RESEARCH Development of a process to separate the drilling mud in three phases, analysis of fatigue in drilling tubes and emergency disconnection in drilling units. Analysis of fatigue, corrosion and qualification in pre-salt components. Development of risers (float immersed in large dimensions and rigidity in catenary), mooring systems (with ultra-short ray). Studies in installations and movement of ducts, platforms, christmas trees, manifolds, risers, and mooring systems. Tests with floating structures such as FPSO, platforms, submitting them to real conditions (LabOceano). INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 122 7 13 CPTI (Technological Resource Center in Inspection) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 2006 ADDRESS PUC-Rio Marquês de São Vicente Street, 225 Gávea Rio de Janeiro - RJ CEP: 22451-041 WEBSITE www.cpti.cetuc.puc-rio.br TELEPHONE +55 (21) 3527-1001 DESCRIPTION The resource center invests in the improvement of subsea inspection techniques and equipment. FUNDING Petrobras, FINEP HISTORY CPTI was created in 2006 as a result of a technological cooperation between the Petrobras Resource Center (CENPES) and the Telecommunication Studies Center (CETUC) of PUC-Rio to develop projects of offshore instrumentation for the national market. PARTNERS CENPES, Puc-Rio (Pontificie Catholic University), Petrobras RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR CENPES, Pipeway Engenharia LTDA, Trascontrol, Orteng AC Service, HYTEC Hydro-Technologie (France) RESEARCH Development of technologies for inspection and monitoring on risers. Development of PIGs for detection of small duct leaks. Development of Special Pigs toothpicks and operational support. System solutions of inspection through ultrasound. Automation of recognition of PIG data, electromagnetical inspection of hulls through ecco techniques, optical inspection, inspection through digital signals, and development of ultrasound (corrosion measurement, location of cracks, etc.) for PIGS and FPSOs. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 123 14 8 CTDUT (Ducts Technology Center) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 2006 ADDRESS Rua Ingá 997 Campos Eliseos, Duque de Caxias, CEP: 25225-763, Rio de Janeiro RJ WEBSITE www.ctdut.org.br TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2777-8500 DESCRIPTION Non-profit organization with the objective of accelerating production of new knowledge applied to the oil production chain, the Center works with companies, universities and research centers to identify technological demands and possible bottlenecks in the pipeline segment. FUNDING Petrobras, FINEP (Studies and Projects Funding) HISTORY The non-profit organization was established in 2006 to enhance and innovate construction/maintenance/repair lifecycle service techniques applied to the pipeline segment, supporting oil and gas suppliers in the new age of challenges set by the pre-salt. PARTNERS Puc-Rio, Petrobras, Transpetro RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR Other Brazilian universities and research centers, Brazilian companies RESEARCH CTDUT offers development of pig tests, as well as analysis and evaluation of ducts integrity, flow meters, leak detectors, coatings, pumps and valves. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 124 15 9 IME (Engineering Military Institute) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 1959 ADDRESS Praça General Tibúrcio, 80, Praia Vermelha, Urca CEP 22290-270 WEBSITE www.ime.eb.br TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2546-7080 DESCRIPTION The Military Institute of Engineering (Instituto Militar de Engenharia - IME) is an engineering university maintained by the Brazilian Army with federal support. IME develops techniques for PIGs and also works in the development of methods to inspect and verify the integrity of ship hulls. FUNDING FINEP (Studies and Projects Funding), Petrobras HISTORY Through the merger of the Technical School of the Army with the Military Institute of Technology in 1959, Military Engineering Institute (IME) was born. PARTNERS CENPES, IME RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR Petrobras RESEARCH IME provides services for develop and construction of unmanned devices using ultrasound techniques to inspect and verify the integrity of ship hulls, and PIG dynamics modeling, development of solutions for problems with battery employment as source energy for the on board electronics (PIGs) INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 125 16 10 INT (National Technology Institute) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 1921 ADDRESS Av. Venezuela, 82, CEP: 20081-312, Rio de Janeiro - RJ WEBSITE www.int.gov.br TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2123-1018 DESCRIPTION The National Institute of Technology (Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia - INT) is a public organ under the Ministry of Science and Technology. It offers technological consultation, specialized technical assistance, products certification as well as professional qualification and formation through educational and training programs. FUNDING FINEP (Studies and Projects Funding), Petrobras, FAPERJ, CNPq HISTORY Created in 1921 by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation as the Experimental Fuel and Mineral Station (EECM). PARTNERS Petrobras RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR Petrobras RESEARCH INT provides evaluation of metallic components, quantifying of ductility parameters, development of studies on behavior of anodes and determination of safe limits of parameters of cathodic protection systems on buried pipelines in the presence of bacteria, catalysis and chemical processes, corrosion and degradation studies, industrial design, engineering evaluations, testing materials, production management, innovation and technological forecasting, processing and characterization of materials and analytical chemistry. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 126 17 11 POLI-USP GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 1893 ADDRESS Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, travessa 3, #380, São Paulo - SP CEP: 05508-010 WEBSITE www3.poli.usp.br TELEPHONE +55 (11) 3091-5221 DESCRIPTION POLI-USP is the Polytechnic School of The University of São Paulo with a large engineering research center with an increasing focus on offshore-related projects. FUNDING Petrobras, FINEP (Studies and Projects Funding), CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development), FAPESP (Research Support Foundation of São Paulo) HISTORY Founded in 1893. Research activity within mining and energy from the sixties, with a stronger offshore focus over the last decade. PARTNERS Petrobras, FINEP (Studies and Projects Funding), CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development), FAPESP (Research Support Foundation of São Paulo) N/A RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR Petrobras, Brazilian companies incl. Universal Ind.Com. Ltda. labs, Prysmian Energia Cabos e Sistemas do Brasil LTDA, Thermoval Indústria de Válvulas LTDA, Flexomarines S/A, SMV Válvulas Industriais, Fox Metals do Brasil LTDA, Labmat Análise e Ensaios de Materiais RESEARCH Offshore related research including multifunctional additives for good performance of drilling fluid in layers of presalt, development of umbilicals, security valves and short hoses, development of mechanical components resistant to corrosion and FPSO stability testing coupled to risers through mooring systems in a simulation tank (Tank of Numerical Tests). INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 127 18 12 PUC-RIO (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED ADDRESS 1948 R. Marquês de São Vicente, 225 Gávea Rio de Janeiro - RJ CEP: 22451-900 WEBSITE http://www.mec.puc-rio.br TELEPHONE +55 (21) 3527-1162 DESCRIPTION PUC-Rio (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio) focuses its offshore-related research on risers, FPSOs hulls and drilling. FUNDING Petrobras, FINEP (Studies and Project Funding) HISTORY The Mechanical Department was created as part of the Science and Technology Center, and has increasingly focused its research on oil and offshore activities since the early 2000’s. PARTNERS Laboratórios Universal Ind.Com. Ltda, Petrobras, WSN Sistemas de Monitoramento LTDA,Transpetro, Aneel, Epe, Ativa Desenvolvimento e Tecnologia LTDA, Pipeway Engenharia. RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR RESEARCH The main fields of research undertaken by PUCRIO include fiber optic sensors, drilling laser systems, analysis, simulation and inspection of flow in pipelines, development of software for the design of risers, mooring systems for floating units applied to deep waters, geometric modeling and simulation of the static and dynamic behavior of complex floating systems and ultra-sound systems for FPSOs hulls. FINEP (Studies and Projects Funding), FAPERJ (Support Funding to the State of Rio de Janeiro), CNPq (National Council of Technology and Scientific Development), ANP (Petroleum National Agency) INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 128 19 13 Rede Construção Naval (Naval Construction Network) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED ADDRESS 2006 Av. Horácio Macedo, 950, Cidade Universitária Rio de Janeiro - RJ CEP: 21.941-915 WEBSITE www.petrobras.com.br TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2162-6090 DESCRIPTION This thematic network within CENPES focuses on structural issues within naval construction and marine technology, and partners up with both academic institutions and Petrobras. FUNDING Petrobras HISTORY CENPES's Naval Construction Network is one of the 40 networks created by Petrobras in the past decade in order to drive innovation and test new technologies. PARTNERS PETROBRAS, FURG (Federal University of Rio Grande), IPT (Technological Resource Institute) , UFF (Fluminense Federal University), UFPE (Federal University of Pernambuco), UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), USP (University of São Paulo), CENPES (Petrobras Resource Center) RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR RESEARCH Innovation services for Petrobras, including: propeller studies and the development of techniques to improve the construction of offshore structures. Petrobras INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 129 20 14 Rede Galileu (Galileu Network) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 2006 ADDRESS Av. Horácio Macedo, 950, Cidade Universitária Rio de Janeiro - RJ CEP: 21.941-915 WEBSITE www.petrobras.com.br TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2162-6090 DESCRIPTION Galileu Network is a research consortium comprising five of Brazil´s leading universities connected by a network with computational power of 180 trillion operations per second (Teraflops), which allows tackling large challenges, for instance, those stemming from the pre-salt exploration, which results in adding technology to FPSOs, risers and drilling processes. FUNDING Petrobras HISTORY Coordinated by the Petrobras Resource Center (CENPES), Galileu Network was founded in 2006 by Petrobras but only started its operation in 2009 when some of the laboratories where set up for the research of the development of the pre-salt processes. PARTNERS Petrobras, USP (University of São Paulo), ITA (Technological Institute of Aeronautics), PUC-Rio (Pontifical Catholic University), UFAL (University of Alagoas) and UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), CENPES (Petrobras Resource Center) RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR RESEARCH Galileu Network provides development of programs, focusing on dynamic information, to quickly supply the status of corrosion and fatigue for drilling components, risers, and FPSOs hulls. Petrobras INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 130 21 15 RICINO Network of Innovation GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 2010 ADDRESS Av. Presidente Vargas, 542, Room 713, CEP: 25070-330, Centro - RJ WEBSITE www.ricino.org.br TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2283-2482 DESCRIPTION RICINO (Network of Innovation for the Competitiveness of the Maritime Industry and Offshore) is a multistakeholder network created as a part of a national strategy to articulate different industrial and research players involved in the construction and repair of offshore units. FUNDING MDIC (Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade), BNDES (National Bank of Development), FINEP (Studies and Projects Funding) HISTORY The network was kick-started by the government in 2010 to support the increasing local maritime & offshore demand. PARTNERS Petrobras, CEENO (Center for Excellence in Naval and Oceanic Engineering), UFPE (University of Pernambuco), FURG (Federal University of Rio Grande), IFRS (Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul), UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) ,UCPel (Catholic University of Pelotas), UFPel (Federal University of Pelotas). RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR SOBENA (Brazilian Society of Naval Engineering), SYNDARMA (Association of Maritime Navigation Companies), SINAVAL (National Union of Construction Industry and Ship Repair & Offshore), USIMINAS, BRASFELS, DNV, EAS, TRANSPETRO, PETROBRAS, KROMAV, RBNA, ABS, WILSON SONS, ENGEVIX, FIERGS, QUIP, PORT OR RIO GRANDE and others. RESEARCH RICINO offers development of welding and cutting technologies, ship construction, robotics, and 4d tools for simulation. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 131 22 16 Submarine Structures Network GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 2006 ADDRESS Av. Horácio Macedo, 950, Cidade Universitária, CEP: 21.941-915, Rio de Janeiro, RJ WEBSITE N/A TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2162-6090 DESCRIPTION Submarine Structures Network develops structures resistant to waves, pressure, currents and fatigue such as risers, ducts, pipelines. FUNDING Petrobras HISTORY Submarine Structures Network was established to ensure that submerged structures, such as pipelines and risers, withstand waves, currents and pressure without presenting mechanical stress. Petrobras invested in the relationship with five institutions which will work to develop and enable the improvement of the performance of subsea system projects. PARTNERS CEFET-Campos (Unidade Macaé), UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul), UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), UNICAMP (Univesity of Campinas), USP (University of São Paulo), CENPES (Petrobras Resource Center) RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR CEFET-Campos (Unidade Macaé), UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul), UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), UNICAMP (Univesity of Campinas), USP (University of São Paulo), CENPES (Petrobras Resource Center) RESEARCH Submarine Structures Network provides development, evaluation and qualification of risers, flexible pipes, flowlines and other submarine equipment. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 132 23 17 TMEC (Materials Technology and Corrosion Control Network) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED ADDRESS 2006 Av. Horácio Macedo, 950, Cidade Universitária Rio de Janeiro - RJ CEP: 21.941-915 WEBSITE www.petrobras.com.br TELEPHONE +55 (21) 2162-6090 DESCRIPTION TMEC is a network operating in partnership with over 100 universities and research institutions throughout Brazil created by Petrobras to develop technology related to materials and control of corrosion in risers, hulls, and pipes. It is coordinated by the Petrobras Research Center (CENPES). FUNDING Petrobras HISTORY Founded in 2006, the Materials Technology and Corrosion Control Network is one of the 50 networks created by Petrobras to develop the production in ultra-deep waters. PARTNERS CENPES (Petrobras Research Center), INT (National Institute of Technology), IPT (Institute for Technological Research), UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul), UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina), UFU (Federal University of Uberlândia), USP (University of São Paulo). RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR RESEARCH Research and dynamic tests of corrosion related issues to mechanical properties, analysis of alloys and development of coverings. Petrobras INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 133 24 18 UFAL/LCCV (Federal University of Alagoas/Laboratory of Scientific Computing and Visualization) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 1961 ADDRESS Campus A. C. Simões Av. Lourival Melo Mota, S/N. Tabuleiro do Martins Maceió - AL CEP: 57072-970 WEBSITE en.lccv.ufal.br TELEPHONE +55 (82) 3214-1303 DESCRIPTION In its Laboratory of Scientific Simulation and Visualisation (LCVV), UFAL/LCCV performs simulation and analysis in ducts, risers and drilling performance. FUNDING Petrobras HISTORY Through a strong partnership with Petrobras through Cenpes, UFAL/LCVV works with development of numerical simulations of physical problems to supply Petrobras in pre-salt challenges. PARTNERS CENPES (Petrobras Resource Center) RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR Petrobras RESEARCH UFAL/LCCV provides simulation and analysis of the discrete media, buried ducts, dynamic mooring lines and risers, extreme load and fatigue, composite materials, sources of error, dynamic crack propagation, geomechanics (drilling performance) and geometric modeling. INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 134 25 19 UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) -LAMEF (laboratory of physical metallurgy) GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED 2000 ADDRESS Av. Bento Gonçalves 9500 , CEP: 90540000, Porto Alegre, RG WEBSITE www.lamef.demet.ufrgs.br TELEPHONE +55 (51) 3308-4245 DESCRIPTION Research and development within the field of subsea engineering. FUNDING FINEP (Studies and Projects Funding), Petrobras HISTORY The laboratory has a strong partnership with Petrobras and, since 2000, it has been developing projects with the private and public sector in order to fulfill the demand for the pre-salts new high tech products. PARTNERS Lupatech S/A, Metalurgia Golden Arts, Plastiprene Elást. Ind. LTDA, Arbra Engenharia Industrial LTDA, Instor Projetos e Robótica LTDA, Coester Automação, Dambroz, Taurus,Petrobras, Koch RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR RESEARCH The UFRGS - Laboratório de Metalurgia Física (LAMEF), in partnership with Petrobras, conducts testing of fatigue in flexible pipes and their accessories and corrosion in aggressive media, but the lab is also able to perform tests on rigid pipelines and moorings for floating production units. The laboratory also support the areas of welding, fracture mechanics, integrity assurance equipment, inspection techniques and experimentation in small and large scale. Additionally, the laboratory performs testing research, development and qualification of pipeline connectors and stiffeners (equipment that smooth the movement caused by waves and ocean currents) that will be used in the pre-salt. Petrobras, Lupatech S/A, Metalurgia Golden Arts, Plastiprene Elást. Ind. LTDA, Arbra Engenharia Industrial LTDA, Instor Projetos e Robótica LTDA, Coester Automação, Dambroz, Koch, Taurus, others INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 135 26 20 Well Engineering Network GENERAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHED ADDRESS 2006 Av. Horácio Macedo, 950, Cidade Universitária CEP: 21.941-915 WEBSITE N/A TELEPHONE (+5521)2162-6090 DESCRIPTION Well Engineering Network develops studies related to well engineering in order to improve the drilling performance, well security and increase the production. FUNDING Petrobras HISTORY Well Engineering Network is coordinated by Petrobras Resource Center (CENPES). Well Engineering Network was created by Petrobras in order to solve the problems related to the well engineering in the pre-salt fields. PARTNERS IME (Militar Engineering Institute), PUC-Rio (Pontificie Catholic University), UCL (East Center Faculty), UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), UFRRJ (Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro), UFSC (University of Santa Catarina), UFTPR (Federal Technology University, UNICAMP (University of Campinas), Cenpes (Petrobras Resource Center) RESEARCH CARRIED OUT FOR RESEARCH Well Engineering Network services provided in terms of improving the performance of drilling deep wells include sand containment techniques, safety of wells, hydraulic drilling fluid systems, modeling, and geomechanics. Petrobras INTSOK MARKET REPORT - WHO IS WHO IN THE BRAZILIAN OFFSHORE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRY 136