Chorus - Western Heights Iglesia De Cristo
Chorus - Western Heights Iglesia De Cristo
Bilingual Praises Western Heights Table of Contents A JEHOVA INVOCARE/ I WILL CALL UPON THE LORD 1 BE STILL AND KNOW/ DETENGANSE Y CREAN 2 EN MOMENTOS ASI/ IN MOMENTS LIKE THESE 3 EL LUGAR SANTISIMO/ THE HOLY OF HOLIES 4 SANCTUARY/ SANTUARIO 5 SENDAS DIOS HARA/ GOD WILL MAKE A WAY 6 HISTORIA DE AMOR/ STORY OF LOVE 7 HEAR OH ISRAEL/ OYE, ISREAL 8 HERE I AM TO WORSHIP/ VENGO A ADORARTE 9 LORD, WE COME BEFORE THEE NOW/ ANTE TI, SENOR, ESTOY 10 KEEP ME NEAR THE CROSS/ MANTENME JUNTO A LA CRUZ 11 IN MY LIFE/ EN MI VIDA 12 OH GOD, YOU ARE MY GOD/ O DIOS, TU ERES MI DIOS 13 WE BOW DOWN/ TE ADORAMOS 14 WE SHALL ASSEMBLE/ NOS REUNIREMOS 15 CANTEN AMEN/ SING AMEN 16 SWEET, SWEET SPIRIT/ DULCE ESPIRITU 17 LIGHT THE FIRE/ HAZ MI ALMA ARDER 18 ROCA FUERTE/ FIRM FOUNDATION 19 TE AMO DIOS/ I LOVE YOU LORD 20 IN ALL THY WAYS/ EN TODO 21 HE LEADETH ME/ ME GUIA EL 22 MAJESTY/ MAJESTAD 23 YOU ARE THE SONG THAT I SING/ HIMNOS TE HE DE CANTAR 24 YOU ARE MY ALL IN ALL/ TODO ERES PARA MI 25 DEMOS GRACIAS AL SENOR/ LETS BE THANKFUL 26 FOR ALL THAT YOU’VE DONE/ POR CUANTO TU HAS HECHO 27 FAITHFUL LOVE/ AMOR FIEL 28 LAMB OF GOD/ CORDERO DE DIOS 29 JESUS IS LORD/ JESUCRISTO ME REDIMES 30 TO GOD BE THE GLORY/ A DIOS DEMOS GLORIA 31 THANK YOU LORD/ GRACIAS DIOS 32 WONDERFUL/ MARAVILLA 33 TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS/ PON TUS OJOS EN CRISTO 34 JESUS, NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES/ CRISTO, NOMBRE GLORIOSO 35 THE ARMY OF GOD/ EL EJERCITO DE DIOS 36 OPEN OUR EYES, LORD/ ABRE MIS OJOS 37 LORD MY DESIRE/ SENOR MI DESEO 38 CREATE IN ME/ CREA EN MI 39 LET THE PEOPLE SING HALLELUJAH/ CANTAREMOSLE ALELUYA 40 PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS/ GLORIA SEA A CRISTO 41 EL SHADDAI 42 HOLY LORD/ SANTO DIOS 43 BE THOU MY VISION/ SE TU MI VISION 44 NO LO HAY/ NO NOT ONE 45 HALLE UN BUEN AMIGO/ IVE FOUND A FRIEND IN JESUS 46 WHAT A FRIEND/ OH QUE AMIGO 47 I COME TO THE GARDEN ALONE/ A SOLAS AL HUERTO YO VOY 48 HALLELUJAH MY FATHER/ ALELUYA MI PADRE 49 AS THE DEER/ COMO EL CIERVO 50 GODS FAMILY/ FAMILIA DE DIOS 51 IVE GOT A MANSION/ BELLAS MANSIONES 52 I STAND AMAZED/ CUAN GRANDE AMOR 53 FOR THE BEAUTY OF THE EARTH/ POR LA EXCELSA MAJESTAD 54 TO BE A SERVANT/ SER UN SIERVO 55 IF ANY MAN/ SI ALGUIEN SIGUE 56 ON BENDED KNEE/ DE RODILLAS 57 RING OUT THE MESSAGE/ PROCLAMAD EL MENSAJE 58 HIDE ME AWAY OH LORD/ ESCONDEME SENOR 59 SING THE WONDROUS LOVE OF JESUS/ CANTEN DEL AMOR DE CRISTO 60 JESUS DE LOS CIELOS/ WHEN HE COMETH 61 FAITH IS THE VICTORY/ FE LA VICTORIA ES 62 CHRIST WE DO ALL ADORE THEE/ CRISTO TE ADORAMOS 63 LORD I LIFT YOUR NAME ON HIGH/ SENOR TU NOMBRE EXALTARE 64 CUAN BUENO ES DIOS/ GOD IS SO GOOD 65 WONDERFUL MERCIFUL SAVIOR/ SALVADOR MARAVILLOSO 66 COME, LET US SING/ VEN A CANTAR 67 QUE IMPORTANTE ES TU NOMBRE/ HOW MAJESTIC IS YOUR NAME 68 CUANDO LA TROMPETA SUENE/ WHEN THE ROLL IS CALLED UP YONDER 69 JESUS IS THE ANSWER/ CRISTO ES LA RESPUESTA 70 1 "A Jehova Invocare / I will call upon thO Lord" Jehova invocare, El es digno de loor Pues me salvara de los malos (Coro) //1Mi Dios wive! Bendito sea mi Roca Que el Dios clue salva sea engrandecidoll I will call upon the Lord Who is worthy to be praised So •shall I be saved from my enemies (Chorus) //The Lord liveth! And blessed be my Rock And let the God of my salvation be exalted/I `Be Still and Know / Dotengaris0 y Crean" ///Be still and know that 1 am God/// lliDetenganse y crean que soy Diosill ..• /1/1 am the Way, the Truth, the Life/II ///Camino soy, Verdad, Vidal!/ ///in Thee, 0 Lord, we put our trust/// ///En Ti, O Senor, yo pongo mi fell/ 3 "En %mentos Asi / In Moments Like These" En momehto-s as!, levanto mi voz Levanto ms •manor a Cristo En momentos asi, levanto mi ser Levanto mi canto a El (Coro) ///Cuanto to amo Dios/II Te amo Dios In moments like these, I lift up my voice I lift up my hands to. Christ= Jesus In moments like these, I sing out a song I sing out .a song to the Lord (Chorus) /I/Singing I love you Lord/// 1 love you Litgat Santi.s.jito I -The HO:Iyof H011et" . SetiprileVarbe-a.tps lugasanto r ,Altarde' brbAce, SeficirIp. rcisteo'quierci Vet " • Pasarpe en la muchedum.bre • Por donde al Sacetcate. tanta Ten go harithre.y ted. de jus:ticia • Y solo enctentro n u Lugar (Coro) . Llevame al Lugar Santisimo Pot la $angre del Cordero Redentor Llevame al _Lugar Santisimo fiTocame, limpiame, heme aquIll • Take me to the Sanctuary, To the place that's holy To the holy altar, oh Lord your face I want to see Walk me through the thronging Tmasses To where the singing priest is I hunger and thirst for. righteousness I only find a place in thee . (Chorus) Lord take me to the Holy of Holies By the Precious Blood of the Redeeming Lamb Lord take me to the Holy of Holies //Touch me Lord, cleanse me Lord, here I amll t . 5 "Sanctuary / aldrtuatio7.-. Oh Lord prepare me to be a Sanctuary Pure and holy, tried and true With thanksgiving, be a living Sanctuary for You Lord teach your children to stop the fighting start uniting, all as one Let's get together, loving forever Sanctuary for You Senor preparame para ser un Santuario Puro y sant°, aprobaclo Dando gracias, sere un Santuario Un Santuario para Ti Senior enselianos a no pelearnos A unirnos, comp uno. Nos uniremos, y nos amaremos Un Santuario para Ti 6 Dios -1-lar4 /God will make a yya Sendas Dios = hall Donde piensas que no hay El okra en maneras que No podemos entender El me gulara, a Mini lado estara Amor y fuerza me dara, Un camino hard Donde no lo hay God will make a way Where there seems, to be no way, He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me He will be my guide, Hold me closely to His side With love and strength for each new day, He will make a way He will make a way Historic .dOs Amor /,$tory. Utica historia de amor, cuentamela otra vez Mistica historia de amor, que cautiv6 mi ser Angeles hoy la proclaman, y los pastores la aceptan Oh pecador ven a Cristo, El de la historia de amor . (Coro) Eternal, sin igual, admirable, Es la historia de amor Wonderful story of love, tell it to me again Wonderful story of love, wake the immortal strain Angels with rapture announce it, Shepherds with wonder receive it, Sinner, oh won't you believe it? Wonderful story of love (Chorus) Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful story of love! "Hear Oh Israel •/ Oye, Israel" Hear oh, Israel, the Lord thy God is one God (Chorus Girls :Echo} And... - Thou Shalt love the. Lord thy Qoct with all -of thy Heart .. And ThoU Shalt love tl7se -Lord,thy God with all of thy Soul And.Thou-ShOlt-love. the *Lord thy God with all of ihysMind And Thou Shalt love the Lord thy God with all of thy Strength Hear Oh Israel, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself (chorus) Oye, Israel, el Senor tu Dios es un Dios (Coro Damas Echo) Y... . De-todo-corazon to amaras al Senor Y con tocla el alma to auroras a tu Dios Y con toda la mente to amaras al Senor Y con Codas las fuerzas to amaras a tu Dios Qye, Israel, a tu projimo to amaras (corn} 9 P/ "Here 1 am to Worship / Vengo a Adorarte" Light_of the world you stepped down into darkness _ Opened my .eyes, let me. see' -- -Beauty that made this heart adore you, hope of a- life spent with you (chorus) . So here I am to worship, here I am to bow down Here I am to say that you're my God, you're altogether lovely Altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me Rey de los siglos, eres exaltado, glorloso y celestial Te humillaste y al mundo bajaste, to hiciste pobre por ml (coro) Y vengo a adorarte, vengo a humillarme Vengo a deck que eres ml Dios TO eres tan hermoso, eres todo digno Eres maravilla para mi (bridge) And I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross (coro) Y vengo a adorarte, vengo a humillarme Vengo a deck que eres mi Dios TO eres tan hermoso, eres todo digno Eres maraVilla para mi (chorus) So here I am to worship, here I am to bow down Here I am to say that you're my God, you're altogether lovely Altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me TO hermosura me hizo adorarte, mi esperanza eres Tip Lord We Come Before Thee Now / Ante Ti Senor, Estoy" 4. Lord we come before the now At thy feet we huml3ly bow Oh, do not our suit disdain //Shall we seek th. ee, Lord, in vain?// Grant that all may seek and find Thee a God supremely kind Heal the sick, the captives free //Let us all rejoice in theell Ante Ti, Senor, estoy A tus pies me humillo hoy Oyenos como nuestro hermano llzklernos de buscarte en vano?/I Encontrarte quiero Senor Eres Dios digno de loor Sanaras y libertaras MY al fin nos salvarasli/ "Keep me near the Cross I Mantenmejunto a la Cruz" Jesus, Jesus, keep me near to the precious cross That's where the fountain is flowing so freely . It's free to everyone who looks to the Lord I can see that it's flowing from Mt.'CalVary (men sing 3 times, ladies only first time) 4es:us keep me near the cross, there a precious fountain Free to all, a healing stream flows from: Calv'ry's mountain In the cross, in the cross be my glory ever Till my raptured soul stiall find rest beyond the river (all) In the cross, in the cross be my glory ever (ladies) (men) Till my raptured soul shall find It's free to everyone who looks to the Lord .Rest beyond the river I can see that it's flowing from Mt. Calvary Cristo, Cristo mantenme junto a Tu cruz De donde brota la fuente tan libre Es don de gra-cia al que busca al Senor Puedo ver el Calvario- de donde fluye hombres cantan 3 Veces, damas solo primera vez) Lejos de nil Padre Dios, por Jestls fui hallado zPor su gracia y por su amor solo fui salvado En JesCis, ml Senor, es ..mi Gloria eterna. El rne ámó y me salvo en su gracia tierna (todos) En Jesits, mi Senor, es. mi Gloria e.terna (damas) me am6 y me salvo En su gracia tierna (hombres) Es don de gracia al que busca al Senor Puedo ver el Calvario de donde fluye "In my. Lifoi En Mi Vida" • In my life, Lard, be glorified, be glorified In my life, Lord, be glorified today In my song, Lord, be glorified, be glorified In my song, Lord, be glorified today En mi vida gloria te doy, gloria te doy En nil Ada gloria te doy, Senor En mi canto gloria te doy, gloria to doy En mi canto gloria te cloy, Senor Used hy pennission All rights reserved. CCU #1325 362 13 q)11 Gad; you are my God . Dios; TCuerpsjiiiPiQs" //Oh God, you are my God And I will ever praise youll I will seek you in the morning And I will learn to walk in your ways And step .by step you'll lead me And I will follovv you all of my days 110 Dios, -16 errs. mi Dios Y to alabarell Yo te busco en la matiana Aprendere a anAar eti tus models Y .te sigo en tus pasos Te seguire con todo mi ser 14 "We Bow Down / TO Adorams*" = You are Lord of the Heavens And Lord of my Life Lord of the land and the sea You were Lord of Creation Before there was time, And Lord of all lords you will be IlliNe bow down and we worship you Lord/// And Lord of all Lords you will be • eres Dios de mi vida Y nuestro Creador . Dios de la tieera y el mar Eres Dios de los sigios Por Ia eterhidad • Y Dios sobre todo seras ii/Te adoramos a Ti, o Seliorill Y Dios sobre todo seras gg e Shall Assemble / Nos Reuniremos" We shall assemble on the mountain We shall assemble at the throne With humble hearts unto His presence We bring an offering of song Glory and honor and dominion Unto the Lamb, unto the King Oh hallelujah, •hallelujah We sing the song of the. Redeemed Nos reuniremos en el monte Nos acercamos a Su faz Humildernente ante Su trona Cantamos Gloria por Su paz Gloria, Honor, y Alabanza Hacia el Cordero, nuestro Rey 0 aleluya, aleluya Salvos por gracia, no por ley "Canten Amen I Sing Amen" //Canten amen, amen Alegrense amen Gloria sea a Dios Amen, amenll //Cuando venga el Senor Que la gente cante con loor// //Canten amen, amen Alegrense, amen Que la gente cante con loorll //Sing amen, amen Rejoice, amen, amen Glory be to God Amen, amenll //When the Lord shall come again Let the people sing amen, amenll • //Sing amen, amen Sing, amen, amen Let the people sing _ amen, amenll "Sweet, Sweet Spirit / DuIce Espiritu" There's a sweet, sweet spirit in this place And 1 know that it's .the Spirit of the Lord There are sweet expressions on each face And I know that it's the presence of the Lord Sweet, Holy Spirit, Sweet, Heavenly Dove Stay right here with us, filling us with your love And for these blessings we lift our hearts in praise Without a doubt we'll know that we have been revived When we shall leave this place Hay un dulce espiritu aqui Y yo se que es el Espiritu de Dios Dulces expresiones en la faz De todo el que siente el anima- de Dios Espiritu Santo, Consolador, cercano= siempre Ungiendonos con Tu amor Dandote gracias, alzamos nuestra voz. Yo se que sin duda, renovado sere Al irme de aqui. 18 "Light the Fire I Haz mi alma Arder" I 1 stand to praise you, but _I fall -on my knees My spirit-is willing, .but my flesh is- so-Weak Chorus (MEN / WOMEN) Light the fire I Light the fire In my soul / In: my weary soul Fan the flame / Fan the flame Make me. whole / Make my spirit whole Lord you know / Lord you know Where I've been / Where I've been So light the fire in my heart again I feel your arms around me - As the power of your healing begins You breathe new life right through me Like a mighty rushing wind (Chorus) Me paro afilabarte, vuelvo a riostrar Mi alma esta dispuesta, mi cuerpo quiere fracasar (Coro - HOMBRES / MUJERES) Haz nil alma / Haz mi alArder / Haz mi alma arder Otra vez / Otra vez Quiero ofrecer 1 Quiero ofrecer Senor Tu sabes / Senor Tu saDonde estoy I bes donde estoy V. haz mi alnia arder to pido .hoy Tus brazos dan refuglo con el poder de Tu santidad Respiras nuevo aliento al compartlr de Tu bondad (Coro) 19 "Roca Fuerte /Firm Foundation" //Cristo eresmi,Roca Fuerte Yo se en Ti seguro estoy Cristo eres mi Roca Fuerte Confia siempre en Tu santo amor Contio siernpre en Tu santo amorl/ Tengo esperanza, tengo un futuro, Tiene algo para ml, seguro estoy, seguro • estoy //Jesus you're my Firm Foundation I know i can stand secure Jesus you're my Firm Foundation I put my trust in your Holy Word I put my trust in your Holy Wordii I have a living hope, I havie a future, God has a plan for me, Of this I'm sure, of this I'm sure 20 "Te Amo Dios I love you Lor Te amo Dios Y alto mi voz Para adorar, ml alma levantar Agradate RegocIjate true mi canto sea un duice son para Ti I love you Lord And I lift my voice To worship you, oh my soul rejoice Take joy my King In what you hear May it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear 21 "In All Thy Ways / En Todo" //In ail thy ways acknowledge HMI and He will lift you up/I Hew!II lead you, He will guide. yOu, He will take yoU by the hand He will lead you, He will guide you, He will help you understand In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He Will lift you up • //Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto_ my path// When I feel afraid, feel I've lost my way You are there right beside me He will be. my guide; be with me by my side Please be with me til the end //Thyword is a lamp unto my feet and alight unto my path_ 1/ Yes you're a light -Unto my path //En todo agradecele,ry El te exaltarall El te guia, El te cuida, El tu mano tomara El te guia, El te cuida, siempre te comprendera En todo agradecele, y El te exaltara Mampara a mis pies siempre seras, una luz al caminarll Cuando yo temi, y perdido me senti Tug siempre me acompatiaste - El me guiara, a ml lad° estara Se conmigo hasta el fin //Lampara a mis pies siempre sera's, una Iuz al carninarll Tu eres !LIZ al caminar 22 $i e Leadeth Me / Me Guia (c.E. #56) He leadeth me, o blessed thoUght Okwords with heav'nbucomfdrt'ffought WhaVer I do, wher'er I be Still 'tis God's hand that.leadoth me (chorus) He leadeth me, He leadeth me By His own hand He leadeth me His faithful follower I would be For by His hand He leadeth me And when my task on Earth is done When by Thy Grace the vict'ry's won E'en death's cold wave I will not flee Since God thru Jordan leadeth me (chorus) Me guia El, con cuanto amor Me guia siempre mi Senor Al ver mi esfuerzo en. serle fiel Con cuanto amor me guia El (C, oro) Me Guia El, Me guia El Con cuanto amor me guia El No abrigo dudas ni terror Pues me conduce el buen Pastor Y mi carrera al terminar Y 'aqui ml triunfo al realizar No habitat) ni dudas ni terror Pues me guiara mi buen Pastor (coro) "Majesty I Majestad Majesty, worship His majesty Unto Jesus be all glory, honor, and praise Majesty, kingdom authority Flow from His throne, unto His own His anthem raise So exalt, lift up on high, the name of Jesus Magnify, come glorify, Christ Jesus the King Majesty, worship His majesty Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all kings Majestad, loor a su majestad Ante Cristo sea Coda honra y poder Majestad, reino de autoridad Cantemosle al Sabio Juez, maxim° Rey Ensaizad, magnificad, el nombre de Cristo Exaltad, glorificad, Jesus maestro Rey Majestad, loor a Su majestad Cristo Jesils, resucitO, Rey de reyes Cristo Jesus, resucito, Rey de reyes Used by permission All rights reserved. CCLI #1325362 "You Are the Song that :l Sing / Himnos Te He De Cantar" You are the words and the music You are the song that I sing You are the melody You are the harmony Praise to your name I will bring You are the Lord of Lords You are the mighty God You are the King of all kings So now I give back to you The song that you gave to me You are the song that I sing Eres palabra de canto Himnos Te he de cantar Eres melodia Eres harmonia A Ti Te quiero alabar Eres sant° Senor Eres Dios de loor Rey, yo to quiero adorar Y hoy Te devuelvo el Canto que to elevo Himnos Te he de cantar 5 "You are my All in All I Todo Eres Para Mi" You are my strength when I am weak You are the treasure, that I seek You are my all in-all Seeking you- as= asa Preoious jtwel Lord to give up I'd be a fool You are my all in all (Chorus — Ladies sing while men repeat verse) //Jesus, precious Lamb of God Worthy is your name!! Taking my cross, my sin, my shame Rising again I bless your name Yob are my all in all When I fall down you pick me up When I am dry you fill my cup You are my all in all (Chorus — Men sing while ladies repeat verse) Eres mi fuerza al desmayar Eres tesoro que buscar Todo eres para mi Joya preciosa, te busco Nunca me rindo, persisto Todo eres para mi (Coro — Damas cantan mientras hombres repiten eI verso) //Cristo, Cordero de Dios Digno eres Tull ` Tomo ml cruz, mi Recado Al levantarrne te adoro Todo eres para mi Cuand.o me caigo, me al=as Al tener sed, TCs me sadists Todo eres para mi (Coro — Hombres cantan mientras damas repiten el verso) . = "Demos Gracias al Senor / • Let's be Thankful" .‘ //Demos gracias al Senor, demos gracias, Demos gracias por Su amor/1 Por la matiana las ayes cantan Las alabanzas de Cristo El Salvador Y tu, hermano, por que no cantas Las alabanzas de Cristo el Salvador? //Let's be thankful to the Lord, let's be thankful, Let's be thankful for His love!! For in the morning the birds are singing The hOly praises- tci Jesus Christ our Lord And you, my brother, why aren't you singing The holy praises to Jesus Christ our Lord? 27 "For all that You've Done / Por cuanto ICI Has Hecho" - For all that You've done I will thank you For ail that You're going to do For all that You've promised And all that You are Is all that has carried me through Jesus I thank You //And I thank You, thank You LordIi (ladies echo) Thank You for loving and setting me free Thank You for giving your life just for me How I thank You, Jesus I thank You Gratefully thank You Thank You Por cuanto TO has hecho Te alabo Por todo lo que has de hacer Pues lo prometido y lo que eres Tu Es lo que me ha hecho veneer Cristo Te alabo 1/Te doy gracias, gracias Setiorll (d.amas hacen eco) Gratias.por darme en Twarnoy redencion' Gracias por dar Tu la vida por Te doy gracias, Gracias Te ofrezco Te doy MIS gracias - Gracias a 28 "Faithful Love / Amor Fie!" Faithful love flowing down:from the thorn-covered crown Makes me whole, saves my soul, washes whiter than snow Faithful Iove calms each fear, reaches down dries each tear. Holds my hand when I can't stand on my own (chorus) Faithful love from above Came to earth to show the Father's love And I'll never be the same For I've seen faithful love face to face And Jesus is His name Faithful lovels a friend just when hope seems to end Welcome face, sweet embrace, tender touch filled with grace Faithful love, endless pow'r, living flame, Spirit's fire Burning bright in the night, guiding my way (chorus) .........••••••••,..,,•••••,••••**.r...,3r.a.w.4....m.......... • ••••••• ----- Amor fie! quefluye que me cubre..mi ser Me da paz, me salva, lava toda. maldad Amor fuel, calmame,,Ilevame hada El ToMame cuando yo quiera oaer(coro) • Amor fiel.,.es .de E.I - Vino aqui a dar SU gran amor Y por siempre le amare Pies he -visto..sq cara y.saluz Su._nombre es Jesus Amor_fiel es ague! gue confias en: El Me salva, me ama, El me da santidad Amor fiel, con Oder, tengp vida en •el Alumbra :Mi. alma, me gulara (coro) 29 "Lamb of God / Cordero de Dios" Your only Son, no sin to hide But you have sent Him from Your side To walk upon this guilty sod and to become the Lamb of God (Chorus) 0 lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God I love the holy Lamb of God 0 wash me in His precious blood My Jesus Christ, the Lamb of Go-d Your gift of love they crucified They laughed and scorned Him as He died The humble King they named a fraud and sacrificed the Lamb of God (chorus), (faster) I was so lost I should have died But- you have brought me to Your side To be lead by Your staff and rod and to become a lamb of God (chorus) Santo Hijo, sin pecado, Lo has mandado de Tu lado Para sufrir crucificado, y para ser Corder° de Dios (coro) Cordero de Dios, Cordero de Dios • Te amo santo Corder° de Dios 0 Warne en Su sangre Cristo JOSIIS, Cordero de Dios Tu galardOn sacrificaron Se burlaron, y rechazaron Al humilde Rey,-lo defraudaron, y al Cordero de Dios mataron (coro) (mas rapido) Yo me perdf, casi mori, Pero me has trafdo hasta aqui Para seguir en pos de Tf, y ser tambien cordero de Dios (coro) 30 "Jesus Is Lord I Jesucristo Me Redimes" Jesus is Lord, my Redeemer How He loves me, how I love Him He is risdn, He is coming Lord come quickly, Hallelujah What a friend we have In Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer (Chorus -.Men) Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Lord come quickly, Hallelujah (Chorus - Girls) He was born to die on calvary Born to save all lost humanity Conqiring death He rose triumphantly Now He reigns for all eternity Jesucristo me redimes Como me areas, como to amo Resucitas, pronto vienes Ven muy prorito, aleluya que amigo nos es Cristo Nos perdona y justifica Nos permiteiinvocarie Dile todo en oracion (Coro - Hombres) Aleluya, aleluya Aleluya, aleluya' Aleluya, aleluya Ven muy pronto, aleluya (Coro - Damas) El nacio para morir por ml . Y sufrir lo que debt sufrir Levantose de la tumba, iSil Prepara morada para ml "To God be the Glory A Dios Demos Gloria" To God be the glory, great things He hath done So loved He the world that He gave us His son Who yielded. His-life an atonement for sin And opened the life-gate that all may go in -• (Chorus) Praise the Lord, praise the Lord Let the earth hear His voice (ladies) Praise the Lord (men echo) Let the people rejoice Oh come to the Father through Jesus the Son And give Him the glory, great things He hath done . Great things He hath taught us Great things He hath done And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son But purer and higher and greater will be Our wonder, our transport, when Jesus we see (chorus) A Dios demos Gloria, pues grande es El Su amor es inmenso, nos guarda doquier Su hijo sufrio en la cruz muerte cruel Y asi de los cielos amparo es. El (cora) Dad loor al Senor, Olga el mundo su voz (damas) Dad loor (hombres eco) Nos gozamos en Dios Venid pues al Padre .y a su Hijo Jesus Y demosle Gloria pues El es la Luz Mucho me ensetia Del viaje a la cruz Y me regocijo con Su hijo Jesils Mas puro y mas alto y mas grande sera Cuando Cristo venga y el mundo podra (coro) 32 "Thank you Lord / Gracias Dios" z Thank you Lord_ for.loVirig me and thank you Lord for blessing me • _Thank you Lord for:making me whole and ,saving my soul , 4 s r (Chorus) _ I want to Thank you Lord for loving me, thank you Lord for saving my soul • Please reveal your will to me so I can serve you for eternity Use my life in every way take hold of it today . (Chorus) Let us all with one accord sing praises to Christ the Lord Let us all unite in song to praise Him all day long (Chorus) Gracias Dios por tu bondad, te alabo por tu majestad Gracias por tu gran amor que envio al Salvador (Coro) Quiero darte Gracias Dios por tu bondad, Gracias por tu gran fidelidad MuOstrarne tu voluntad, te sirvo por la eternidad . Usame para seniir, cOntigo al cielo it (Coro) Quiero darte gran loor, Quiero alabarte mi Sailor Unenos para cantar, tu nornbre alabar (Coro) Wonderful I Maravilla" (Chorus) • Wonderful, wonderful Jesus:is to me, Counselor, Prince of Peace; _ • • . - mighty God is He Saving me, keeping me from my sin and shame, Wonderful is my Redeemer, : Praise His nettle • ' - " ///His name is wondettiN t• = Jesus my Lord, He is the mighty Kingi IVI'aster of everything His:name is wonderful, Jesus my Lord, He's the Good. Shepherd, The Rock of all ages Almighty God is He; Bow down befOre Him LoVe and adore Him, His name is wonderful Jesus my Lord (Chorus) //Precious name, oh how sweet, Hope of-Earth.and joy of heaien// Heaven is a wonderful 'Olace, filled with glory and grace I want to see my Savior's face Heaven is a wonderful, heaven is a glorious, Heaven is a wonderful place (sing this verse 3 times raising pitch each time) God is my Father, and Jesus is my brother And the blessed Holy-Spirit is my Guide The Devil's ho relation, for .I'm a new creation I'm a member of that Family in the sky //We are one in the Spirit, we are *one in the. Lord/1 And we, pray that our unity'rnay one day be restored And,they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love. Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love (last three verses to be echoed by ladies) Love, love, love, The Gospel in one word is love • Love thy neighbor as thy brother Love; love, love; love Love, love, love, love, Paul the Apostle speaks of love Hopeth, endureth, beareth, believeth Love, love, love;-love Love, love,; love, love, NOW there abideth three great things . Faith, Hope, and Charity But the greatest of these is love (33 cont.) (Coro) . MaraVilla, maravilla, Cristo •es para ml, consejero, PrinOlpe, Dips poderoso si, Me salva, .me ama'a mi un pecador, Me redime y sieMpre adorO al Salvador ///MaravillosO es/// Cristo el SOtior, Es Rey de reyes,'Dador de !eyes ,Maravilloso es, Cristo el Senor EI es el Buen Pastor,-Roca de eternidad Dios todopoderoso, Nos hurnillamos Y adoramos, Maravilloso ei,.-Cristo el Sefior (coro) //Nombre real, celestial, de esperanza, fe,.y amor// 'Es maravillosa morada, Ilena de gloria y gracia ()trier° ver la cara de Jestle Es maravillosa, es toda gloriosa La morada Ilena de luz (Cantese 3 veces subiendo de nota cads vez) Dios es mi Padre, y. Cristo es mi Hermano Y el Espiritu de. Dios es mi Guiador De SatanOs me aparto, pues Cristo me ha salvado Hoy. estoy en la Familia del Senor //Somos uno en la-Iglesia, Somos.urio en el Sefiorll Y rogamos que la unidad restaures Or favor.. Y sabran que sornos tuyos por amor, pot...armor - Y- sabran que somos tuyds por amor tres versos se cantan.como eco por las damas) Amor, amor, amor, el Evangelio es amor. Ama a to projimo como a tu.hermano Amor, amor, amor, amor Amor, amor, aimor, amor, =Pablo el ApOstol habla de amor Espera, perdura, soporta, y cree Amor, amor, amor, amor Amor, amor, amor, amor, hoy permanecen tres cosas mas Fe, esperanza, y caridad Pero nada es mas grande que amor urn Your Eyes - Upon Jesus-L.-Pon Tus:Olo..„Eo Cristo" . Turn your eyes upon Jesus Look full in His wonderful face And the things of earth Will grow strangely dim In the light of His Glory and Grace am ft am NM In MI MI MN M'MM=MM NI vs in pm Pon tus Ojos en Cristo Tan lien° de gracia y amor Y lo terrenal sin valor sera A la luz del glorioso Senor 35 "Jesus, Name Above all Names Cristo, Nombre Gloriose a Jesus, name above all names Beautiful Savior Glorious Lord Emmanuel, God is with us Blessed Redeemer Living Word IM IMF WI MK 11.11 INN IX MI MO PEI MMMMMMMMMMMM MMM 11111 MN IM Cristo, nornbre glorioso Precioso Salvador Bello Senor Emanuel, Dios con nosotros Palabra- viva Mi JesCis 36 "The Army of God El Ejercito de Dios" There's a light on the _hill I can see it on the horizon it's the Army of God Preparing for war We're always victorious Evil falls before us Nothing can stand (men echo) Before the, Army of God :Una Resplandecpoo . cerro Son las - fuerzas de Dios Que van a Ipchar Gariarati 114,Victoria • Cedera el OnenligO.' Tod() caeca . • Si epta en contra de 1Q10s. 7 37 pen Our Eyes, Lord bre MisOjos" Open our eyes, Lord We want to see Jesus To reach out and touch Him And say that we love Him Open our ears, Lord And help us to listen Open our eyes, Lord We want to see Jesus 11•1 .111.1NIMIPm 1.1 mins femme im imi nom Miami1.11. Abre mis Ojos, quiero ver a Cristo Sentir su presencia, decir que le amo Abre mi oido, ayCidarne a oirle Abre mis °jos, quiero ver a Cristo 38 "Lord My Desire Senor Mi Deseo" women echo throughout) Lord My desire Is to be like You Say the things You say Do the things You do Let me hear Your still voice Through all the other noise So that I can be Just what you want me to be , (mujeres cantan en eco) Senor mi deseo Es ser como Y saber decir La que dices TO Quiero air to clara voz Sobre otros ruidos Y poder yo ser Lo que Ttl en ml quieres ver • 39 "Create In Me / Crea En 11/11" Create in me, a clean heEtrt Oh God Let me be like You in all my whys, Give me Your strength, Teach me Your songs Shelter me in the shadow of Your wings For we are Your righteousness If we die to ourselves And live through Your death We shall be born Again to be blessed in your love M M MMMMMMM NUNN MMMMMMM Crea en mi, limplo corazOn Ser corn° Tu deseo en mi ser Dame poder, para cantar Guardame en la sombra de Tu amor Tu justicia somos Senor Si morimos al mal, viviendo por Ti Renacere, para vivir en Tu amor is 40 "Let the Sing Hallelujah Pantarempple Alotuya" • MLet the people sings Hallelujah/// (Amen!) ///Let us live as one in the Spirit/iv/ (Amen!) ///Let us go as a light to the nations/II (Amen!) /I/Let us walk in the light of the Savior/// (Amen!) /1/Let the people sing amen, amen!/// (Amen!) HICantarembsle-:-a-letuyaill (Amen!}/IN virertios. tbnio unO.eriippiritulli • . • . (iAmen1.) _ • . lily serenios la uz de-e0e •thithdollt. • (lAiii.0 hl) :• • • •illAndatemOs.en la -lUz de Cris:tollt .(iAm:en!) _.. • • illiCantaremOtie.Aleftjyalill •.(tAme-n!) raise The Name of Jesus I Gloria $ea Praise the name of Jesus Praise the name of Jesus He's my rock, He's my fortress He's my deliverer in Him will I trust Praise the name of Jesus Gloria sea a Cristo Gloria sea a Cristo Fuerte es El, mi fcnialeza me !Werth y En El confiare Gloria sea a Cristo 42 "El Shaddai" (chorus) El Shaddaiy, El 8haddai (God Almighty) . . El Elyonna Adonai (God in the highest, Lord) Age to age, You're still the same By the power of the name El Shaddai, El Shaddai Erkamkana Adonai (We will love You, Lord) We will praise and lift You high El Shaddai Through Your love and through the ram You saved the son of Abraham Through the power of Your hand You turned the sea into dry land To the outcast on her knees You were the God who really sees And by Your might YoU set Your children free (chorus) Through the years You made it clear That the time of Christ was near Though the people couldn't see What Messiah ought to be Though Your Word contained the plan they just could not understand Your most awesome work was done Through the frailty of Your Son (chorus) (42 cont.) (coro}- • . EVShaddai, pi Shaddlj Mids. TodopOcietoso) El Elyonna Adonal (Dio$ en- Ms Alturas, Serial') Por los siglos eres fief Por el hombre de Emanuel El Shadclai, El ShOddai Erkamkana.Adonai (Te. amarernos, Seli0r) Mi plabanza sien-ipee tract El Shaddai Por Tu amor en el altar A Isaac no dejate rnatar Con palabra de. poder HitMe al mar 61;lede0er A pecadora humillada Ta fuiste el Dios que'perdonaba Y con Tu fuerza nos libertaras (coro) Aunque evidente siernpre fue Que. Jesus se acerque Aun el pueblo nunca vio Que El Mesias se acerco Tu palabra fue el plan Pero ciegos todos eran Que Tu amor en el altar Fue a Jesus sacrificer • (coro) "Holy Lord /Santa Dios" Holy Lord, most Holy Lord, ou alone are worthy of my praise Oh Holy Lord, most. Holy Lord With all of my heart I sing Great are you Lord, worthy of praise Holy and True, Great are You Lord Most Holy Lord (first time all together) (second time ladies begin, men join after fourth line) (third time men begin, ladies join after fourth line) Santo Dios, mi Santo Dios •Solo Tla mereces el loor Santo Dios Santd Te-alabo de corazon •Grande. eres Tu Digno de honor SantO yfipl, Grande Senor Mi Santo Senor. (primera vez todos juntos) (segunda vez damas inician, hombres entran despues de cuarta linea) (tercera vez hombres inician, damas entran despues de cuarta linea) "Be Thou My Vision" (Irish hymn circa 8m. Century) / "Se TO MiVision" (Himno Irlartdes del Siglo Qcho) Be Thou my vision, Oh Lord of my heart Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art Thou my best thought, by day or by night Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true Word I ever with Thee and Thou with me Lord Thou my great Father; I Thy true son Thou in me dwelling and I with Thee one Be thou my battle shield, sword for the fight Be thou my dignity, thou my delight Thou my soul's shelter, Thou my high tower Raise thou me heavenward, oh power of my power Riches I need not, nor man's empty praise Thou mine inheritance, now and always Thou and Thou only, first in my heart High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art High King of heaven,• my victory won May I reach Heav'n's joys, oh bright heaven's Sun Heart of my own heart, whatever befall Still be my vision, oh Ruler of all modiummumamp•mmaimmonimminennatsitioramminuomm (44 cont.) Oh Dios de ml alma, se TO mi vision Nada to aparte de mi corazeiri Dia y noche pienso en ti Y to presencia es Iuz para mi Sabiduria se TO de mi ser Quiero a tu lado mi sencla comer Como to hijo tenme Senor Siempre morando en un mismo amor Se mi escudo, mi espada en la lid Mi unica Gloria, mi dicha sin fin Del alma amparo, mi torreon A las alturas conduceme Dios Riquezas ranas no anhelo Senor Ni el hueco halago de la adulacion Tu eres mi herencia, TO mi porcion Rey de, los cielos, tesoro mejor Oh Rey de Gloria, del triunfo al final DOjarne el gozo del cielo alcanzar Alma de mi alma, duerio y Senor En vida o muerte, se TO mi vision 45 "No Lo Hay I No Not One" (C.. #130) No hay cual Jesus otro flej amigo -, No-lo hay, no to hay Otro que pueda salvar las alnias No to hay, no lo hay (Coro) Conoce todas nuestras luchas Y solo El nos sostendra No hay cual Jestls otro fiel amigo No to hay, no lo hay ,Hay otra dadiva como Cristo? No la hay, no la hay Ha prometido El estar conmigo Hasta el fin, hasta el fin (coro) There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus No not one, no not one None else could heal all our soul's diseases No not one, no not one (Chorus) . Jesus knows all about our struggles He will guide till the day is done There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus No not one, no not one There's not an hour that He is not near us No not one, no not one No night so dark but His love can cheer us No not one, no not one " (chorus) 46 "Halle Un Buen Amigo I I've Found a Friend in Jesus'' (C E. #102) - Halle un buen amigo, mi amado Salvador Contare lo que El ha hecho para mi Hallandome Perdido, e indigno pecador Me salvo y hoy me guarda para Si Me salva del pecado, me guarda de Satan Promete estar conmigo hasta el fin El consuela mi tristeza, me quita todo afan Grandes cosas Cristo ha hecho para Yo se que Jesucristo muy pronto volvera Y entre tanto me prepara un hogar En la casa de mi Padre, mansion de luz y paz Do of creyente fiel con El ha de morar Llegandome a la gloria, ningun pesar tendre Contemplare su rostro siempre alli Con los santos redimidos, gozoso cantare Grandes cosas Cristo ha hecho para mi I have found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me He's.the fairest of ten thousand to my soul The Lily of the Valley, in Him alone I see All I need- to cleanse and make me fully whole In sorrow He's my comfort, in trouble He's- my stay He tells me every care on Him to roll He's the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star He's the fairest of ten thousand to 'my soul He will never, never leave me, nor yet forsake me here While I live by faith and do His blessed will A wall of fire about me, I've nothing now to fear With His manna He my hungry soul shall fill Then sweeping up to" glory, to see His blessed face Where rivers of delight shall ever roll He's the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul 4 •"What a Friend ./0.h -Ope.Amigo What a friend we have in Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer Oh what peace we often forfeit 0 what needless pain we bear All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer Oh Rue amigo nog es Pristo -EI Ilevo nue#62-dolor • Y nop:rriand4 Ileve mos Todp.a . OraciOn Wive el hoinbre.:desprOyistoDe pat.,-,g0;67: Est() es porque no ileyanios. Todp.a Dips. en otadioll • "1 come •tp,thegardpo•alone • A,solas hiptertp_ '#23$).. I come to the garden alone While the dew is still on the roses And the voice I hear falling on my ear The Son of God discloses (chorus) And He walks with me, and He talks with me And He tells me I am His own And the joy we share as we tarry there None other has ever known A solas al huerto yo voy Cuando duerme aCin la floresta Y en quietud y paz Con JesCis estoy Oyendo absorto alli su voz (coro) El conmigo esta puedo oir su voz Y que suyo dice sere Y el encanto que hallo en El alit Con nadie teller •podre . 49 "Hallelujah my Father / Aleluya mi Padre" !r, • Hallelujah my Father For senilinbkis your son iSencling,Flini into the world To,be.given up for man. Knowing we' would - bruise Him And smite. Him from the earth Hallelujah my .Father 11n.your death is my birth Hallelujah my Father In your life is my life . Aleluya mi Padre Por mandarnos a Jesus Enviandolo hasta aqui A morir en una Cruz Sabiendo lo que hariamos Al hacerle morir Aieluya mi Padre En to muerte nacere Aleluya mi Padre En to vida vivire . 50 "As the Deer I Como el Ciervo" As the deer-pants for the water So my soul longs after you You alone ate my heirt'i desire And 1 long to worship you (chorus) You alone are my strength and shield To you alone does my spirit yield You alone are =my heart's desire and I long to worship you I love you more than gold or silver Only you can satisfy You alone are the real joy-giver And the apple of my eye (chorus) Como el ciervo brama por las aguas Toda mi alma clama a ti Fuente de vida eres TO Mi alma tiene sed de ti (coro) Solo Ti eres protector Escudo fuerte y libertador Solo a ti yo deseo Y quiero adorarte mi Senor Te amo mas que al oro y plata Solo Tupuedes saciar Solo en ti yo me. regocijo Es deleite en ti estar (coro) 51 `God's Family / Familia de Dio We're.part of the family that's been- born again • Part of the family whose love knows no end . For Jesus has saved us and made us His own Now we're part of the family that's on its way home (Chorus) And sometimes' we laugh together SOmeiimes we- cry Sometimes we share together -Hpartaches and sighs Sometimes we dream together of how it will be - _When we all get to Heaven, God's familk When a brother meets sorrow we all feel his grief When he's passed through the valley We all feel relief Together in sunshine, together in rain Together in victory through His precious name . (chorus) And though some go before us We'll all meet again Just inside the city as we enter in There'll be no more parting, with Jesus we'll be Together for ever, God's family (chorus) (51 Cont.) Somos de la familia que ha vuelto a nacer De la familia que no deja de ser Pues Cristg nos salva, y nos hace de El Somos de la familia que viaja hacia Et . . (Coro) . Y a veces reimos juntos, .perO hay que ljorarY compartimos juntos, dolores sin par kveces soliamos juntos, de porno sera Al ilegar a los.Cielps, de Dios familia Cuando sufre un hermano, sentimos dolor Cuando siente alivio, todos damos !oar Juntos en gozo, juntos al sufrir Juntos en victoria, nos hace vivir . (coro) Aunque algunos van antes, nos verernos ally En la Sion de los cielos, Jerusalen celestial No= habran mas adioses, en presencia de Dios =Juntas para siempre, la familia de Dios (corn) e Got a Mansion Bellas Mansionee •• , t• I'm satisfied with just a cottage below IA little silver and a little gold But in that city where the ransomed will shine I want a gold one that's silver lined (Chorus) I've got a mansion just over the hilltop In that bright land where we'll never grow old And someday yonder we will never more wander But walk the streets that are purest gold Though often tempted, tormented and tested And like the prophet, my pillow a stone And though l•find here no permanent dwelling • I know:he'll give me a mansion my own - (chorus) Don't think me poor or deserted or lonely I'm not discouraged, I'm heaven-bound I'm just a pilgrim in search of a city. I want a mansion, a robe and a crown (chorus) . (52 Cont.) Mansion gloriosa, tengo yo en el Cieto Do las maldades, nunca entraran Toda tristeza, convertida en consuelo Yen dulce canto, el dolor y afan (Coro) Bellas mansiones hay ally en la Gloria Tendre en la mia el gozo sin par Suenan las notas de la grata 'victoria Voy pues con gozo a mi dulce hogar En este mundo predomiria el panto .Somos. sujetos al dolor fatal .Mas en el Cielo cesara el quebranto Y por los siglos nunca habra m#s mal . (coro) Amigo mio cuanto anhelo yo verte, Libre de penas y tribulaciOn A Jesucristo debes ya entregarte Tendras tambien una bella mansion (coro) 53 -"I Stand Amazed Ctjan.grande Amor" I stand amazed in the presence of jetus the Nazarene And wonder how He could love me A sinner condemned, unclean (Chorus) How marvelous, how wonderful And my song shall ever be How marvelous, how wonderful Is my Savior's love for me When with the ransomed in glory His face I. at last shall see `Twill be my joy through the ages To sing of His love for me (chorus) Que Cristo me haya salvado, tan malo como yo fui Me deja maravillado pues El se entregO por ml (Coro) Cuan grancle amor, o grande amor El de Cristo para rni Cuan grande amor, o grander amor Pues por El salvado ful Cuando al final con los santos su gloria contemplare Con gratitud y con cantos por siempre le alabare (co ro) . "For the Beauty of the Earth / Por la Excelsa Majestad" For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies For the love which from our birth, over and around us lies (Chorus) Lord of all to thee we raise This our sacrifice of praise For the beauty of each hour, of the day and of the night Hill and vale and tree and flow'r, sun and moon and stars of light (chorus) Por la excelsa majestad de los cielos, tierra, y mar Por las alas de to amor que nos cubren sin ces ar . (coro) Te ofrecemos o Senor Alabanzas con fervor Por la calma nocturnal, por la tibia luz del sol Por el amplio manantial, por el arbol, por la flor (coro) Used by permission, all rights reserved. CCLI #1325362 5 "To Be a Servant / Ser un Siery Lord I want to be a sdrvapt Giving all my praise to you diving all.l have to please you Lord My heart make pure and true Lord 1 want to be a servant Bring me closer to your will Father all I want is to serve you more Make me worthy to serve You still Senor quiero ser un siervo Dando todo mi loor Dando todo para agradarte Dios Mas santo hazme Senor - Senor quiero ser un siervo Cerca de to voluntad Pues servirte ma's quiero yo Senor Hazme digno de servir ACrin 56 "If Any Man I Si Alguien Sigue" •• (Mk / Mc. 8:34) (men) If any man come after Me; let-him deny himself Take up his cross and follow me into life eternally Deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Jesus He is the Way, the Truth, the= Life (women) Hallelujah praise the Lord, worship Him in one accord Hallelujah Christ is King, Master, Lord of everything Jesus Christ is Lord of all, Master great and small He is the Way, the Truth, the Life (hombres) Si -alguien viene en pos de iUli, que se niegue par Mi Tome su cruz y sigame, eternamente sfrvame Que se niegue, tome su cruz,= y. siga a Cristo Es Camino, Verdad, Vida (damas) Aleluya gloria a Dios, alabemos a una voz Aleluya Cristo es Rey, es Autor de toda ley Jesucristo es Senor, demosie loor Es Camino, Verdad, Vida Used by permission, all rights reserved. CCLI #1325362 57 "On Bended Knee / De Rodillas" • - (Ps-. / Sal. 95:6) On bended knee I come, with a humble heart I come Bowing down before your holy throne. Lifting holy hands to You, as I pledge my love anew I worship You in spirit, I worship You in truth. Make my life a holy praise unto You De rodillas vengo a Ti, humillado vengo a Ti postro ante el trona del Senor Y Santas rnanos alzo a Ti, y mi amor to rindo a Ti En espiritu te adoro, y to alabo en verdad IIHaz mi vida una, alabanza para Till Used by permission, Eil1 rights reserved. CCLI #1325362 58 ( Ring Out the Message I Proclamad el M9nsaje" (C.p. #237) There's a message true and glad for the sinful and the sad Ring it out, ring it out It will give them courage new, it will help them to be true Ring it out, ring it out (Chorus - Men) Ring out the Word o'er land and sea Still far from Jesus many live in sin and doubt Ring out the news that makes men free `Till all the lost of every nation ring the message out (Chorus - Ladies) Merrily ring, speed it away, message divine, send it today Let -- it - cheer — the — Lost and those in doubt — darkness and doubt Merrily ring, wonderful news, Making men free, happy and free Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring the message out rell the world of saving grace, make it known in every place Ring it out, ring it out Help the needy ones to know Him from whom all blessings flow Ring it out, ring it out r-t (choruses) (58 cont.) Un esc-ochad que el Pecado.tiara quitad • Proclaniad, proclarnad Nos daft" un nuevo:poder p4ra-carninar con El Proclamad, Proclarnad (Coro - Flombres) Decid que El su amor .nos da Lejos de Cristo nadie, vive ma's sin El Cantad de El a todo ser AI ser perdido ya cantad su gran amor (Coro — Mujeres) ;ozosos ya, Ilenos de amor, por siempre ya, sin gran dola• Ved — al — ser que vive ya sin El pues muerto este Unidos ya, que con poder, en dura cruz, al morir El Mi rad — que El ya nos da su amor Cuento al mundo su verdid Muestro al mundo su bondad Proclamad, proclarnad Al perdido da la luz si camina con Jesus Proclamad, proclarnad (coros) Used by permission, all rights reserved. CCL1 #1325362 59 `Hide Me Away oh Lord I EsconderneSelio " . Hide me away oh Lord (men) Hide me away oh Loyd (ladies) Hide rtie- aWay'oh- LOrd (Men) Hide me away (ladies) (Chorus) In the day of trouble `neath the shadow of your wings Hide me away oh Lord (men) :Hide_ me away oh Lord (ladies) Give me your peace -oh Lord (men) Give me your peace oh Lord (ladies) Give me your peace oh Lord. (men) Give me your peace (ladies) (chorus) In the day of trouble 'neath the shadow of your wings Give me your peace oh Lord (men) Give me your peace oh Lord (ladies) Econdenrie Senor (hombres) Escon-deme Senor (damas) Escondeme Senor (hombres) EscOndeme (damas) (Coro) En momentos de prueba, en la sombra de Tu amor Escondeme Senor (hombres) Escondeme Senor (damas) . Dame tu paz Senor (hombres) Dame tu paz Senor (damas) Dame tu paz Senor (hoMbres) Dame tu paz (damas) (corn) En momentos de prueba, en la sombra de Tu amor Dame to paz Senor (hombres) Dame tu paz Senor (damas) . 60 "Sing the Wondrous Love of Jesus I Canten del Amor de Cristo" - (G. E. #67) . Sing the wondrous lovem f Jesus Sing His mercy and His grace In the mansions bright and blessed He'll prepare for us a place (Chorus) When we all get to Heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be When we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory , Let us then be true and faithful Trusting, serving every day Just one glimpse of Him in glory Will the toils of life repay Canten del amor de Cristo Ensalzad al Redentor Tributadle, santos todos Grande gloria y lour (Coro) Cuando estemos en gloria en presencia de nuestro Redentor A una voz la historia diremos del gran Vencedor La victoria es segura A las huestes del Senor 0 pelead con la Mirada Puesta en nuestro Protector (coro) 61 "Jesus de los Cielos I When He Cometh" (C. E. #21) Jesus de los Cielos al mundo banjo En busba de joyas que amante compro (Coro) Los nitios salvados seran como el Sol Brillando en la Gloria del Rey Salvador Su hermosa diadema de eterno esplendor La adornan las joyas que amante compro (coro) Venid pues alegres al buen Redentor El quiere las joyas que amanto compro (coro) When He cometh, when He cometh .04 Hp his jewels All His jewels, precious jewels, His loved and• His-own (Chorus) Like the Stars of the morning, His bright crown adorning They shall shine in their beauty, bright gems for His crown He will gather, He will gather the gems for His Kingdom All the pure ones, all the bright ones, His loved and His own (chorus) Little children, little children who love their redeemer Are the jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own . 62 "Faith is the Victory I Fe la Victoria es" Encamped along the hills of light Ye Christian soldiers rise And press the battle ere the night Shall veil the glowing skies Against the foe in vales below Let all our strength be hurled Faith is the victory we know That overcomes the world (Chorus) Faith is the victory, Faith is the victory Oh glorious victory that overcomes the world Acampados en montes de luz Cristianos a la lid La noche se acerca ya Vamos a resistir Contra Satan y su poder Luchad sin desmayar Fe es la victoria yo se Que al mundo vencera (Coro) Fe la victoria es, • Fe la victoria es ,Glariosa victoria que al mundo vencera 63 hrist we do all Adore Thee/ Cristo Te Adorarnos" Christ we do all adore thee And we do praise thee forever Christ we do all adore thee And we do praise thee forever For on the Holy Cross hast Thou the world from sin redeemed Christ we do all adore thee And we do praise thee forever Christ we do all adore thee Cristo te adoramos Y te alabamos por siempre Cristo te adoramos Y te alabamos por siempre Pi) es en la Santa Cruz al Mundo entero has redimido Cristo te adoramos Y te alabamos por siempre Cristo te adoramos 66 Wonderful Merciful Savior / Salvador Maravilloso (F#) Words and music I Letra y MOsica: Dawn Rodgers and Eric Wyse © 1999 Word Music (ASCAP) and Dayspring Music (BMI) Arrangement I Arreglo: M. Isaac Graul Translation / Traduccion: Miguel C. Bustillos 2007 Lyrics: Wonderful, merciful Savior Precious redeemer and friend Who would have thought that a Iamb could rescue the souls of men Oh You rescue the souls of men Counselor, comforter, keeper Spirit we long to embrace You offer hope when our hearts have hopelessly lost our way Oh we've hopelessly lost our way (Chorus) You are the One that we praise You are the One we adore You give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for Oh our hearts always hunger for O mighty infinite Father Faithful in loving Your own Here in our weakness You find us falling before Your Throne Oh we're falling before your throne (Chorus 2) You are the One that we praise You are the One we adore You give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for Oh our hearts always hunger for (Repeat Chorus 2) Letra: Salvador maravilloso Mi amigo y redentor Quien pensaria que un Corder° Fuera el Salvador Tu me rescatas mi Salvador Guardame, Espiritu Santo Mi Santo Consolador Das esperanza al perdido En busca del Senor Yo voy buscando a mi Senor (Coro) Solo te alabo a Ti Solo te adoro a Ti Causas hambre de justicia Me hace venir a Ti Oh me hace venir a Ti Fuerte Padre infinito Eres tan fiel al amar Yo que tan debil me encuentro Postrado ante tu altar Si, yo me postro ante tu altar (Coro 2) Solo te alabo a Ti Solo te adoro a Ti Causas hambre de justicia Me hace venir a Ti Oh me hace venir a Ti (Coro 2 se repite) Scriptural Reference / Referencia Escritural: "The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against Him. / El Senor nuestro Dios es misericordioso y perdonador, aunque nos hemos rebelado en contra suya." Daniel 9:9 67 Come, Let Us Sing Ven a Cantar Translation Traduccion: M. Bustillos (2007) Lyrics: Come let us sing with joy to the Lord Let us shout aloud To the Rock of our salvation Let us come before Him with thanksgiving And extol Him with music and song (Chorus) For the Lord is a great God The great King above all gods In His hands are the depths of the earth And the mountain peaks belong to Him The sea is His, He made it And His hands formed the dry land Ven a cantar con gozo al Senor Vamos a clamar A la Roca de esperanza Ante el vengamos y demos gracias Alabemos con canto y loor (Coro) El Senor es el gran Dios , El Dios sobre todo dios El habita en la profundidad Las montatias le obedecen El mar le pertenece La tierra fue formada por El Que imponente es Tu Nombre I How Majestic is Your Name Words and music I Letra y mtisica: Terry MacAlmon (Credited to Michael W. Smith in album notes) ©1990 Terrytunes Music -Translation Traduccien: Mike Bustilios (2007) //Senor mi Dios que imponente es tu nombre en todo el mundo// Senor... (Santificado sea tu nombre) Te alabare Senor... (Santificado sea tu nombre) Te magnificare Senor... (Santificado sea tu nombre) Te alabare Senor._ (Santificado sea tu nombre) Te magnificare Principe de paz, Senor Omnipotente, Senor Omnipotente (Repitase todo) Principe de paz, Senor Omnipotente, Senor Omnipotente Tu nombre magnificare I/Oh Lord, our Lord how majestic is your name in all of the earth!// Oh Lord... (Blessed, rejoice, magnify your name!) We praise your name Oh Lord... (Blessed, rejoice, magnify your name!) We magnify your name Oh Lord... (Blessed, rejoice, magnify your name!) We praise your name Oh Lord... (Blessed, rejoice, magnify your name!) We magnify your name Prince of peace, mighty God, Oh Lord God Almighty! (Repeat All) Prince of peace, mighty God, Oh Lord God Almighty! We magnify your name! Referencia Escritural I Scriptural Reference: "Oh Senor, soberano nuestro, Ique imponente es tu nombre en toda la tierral" Salmo 8:1 y 8:9 "Te exalter& ml Dios y rey; por siempre bendecire tu nombre." Salmo 145:1 "...y se le daran estos nombres: Consejero admirable, Dios fuerte, Padre eterno, Principe de paz." Isaias 9:6 "0 Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" Psalm 8:1 and Psalm 8:9 "I will praise your name forever and ever." Psalm 145:1 "And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" Isaiah 9:6 68 69 Cuando La Trompeta Suene I When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder Cuando la trompeta suene en aquel dia final Y que el alba eterna rompa En claridad Cuando las naciones santas A su patria Ileguen ya Y que sea pasada lista alli he de estar (Coro) Cuando MI6 se pase lista Cuando alla se pase lista Cuando alla se pase lista A mi nombre yo feliz responders Trabajemos por el Maestro Desde el alba vislumbrar Siempre hablemos de su amor y fiel bondad Cuando todo aqui fenezca y nuestra obra cese ya Y que sea pasada lista alli he de estar (Coro) Cuando alla se pase lista Cuando alla se pase lista Cuando alla se pase lista A mi nombre yo feliz responders When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more And the morning breaks eternal bright and fair When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore And the roll is called up yonder be there. (Chorus) When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder I'll be there Let us labor for the Master from the dawn till setting sun Let us talk of all His wondrous love and care Then when all of life is over and our work on earth is done And the roll is called up yonder, be there (Chorus) When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder I'll be there 70 Jesus is the Answer — Cristo es Ia Respuesta (A) Words and music I Letra y Masica: Andrae & Sandra Crouch ©1937 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1973 Bud John Songs, inc. Translation I Traduccion: Mike Bustillos (1988) Chorus: //Jesus is the Answer for the World Today Above Him there's no other, Jesus is the wayl/ If you have some questions in the corners of your mind Traces of discouragement and peace you cannot find The reflections of your past, they seem to face you everyday But this one thing I do know, Jesus is the way Well, hear me now... (Coro) //Cristo es la respuesta Para el mundo hoy La vida el me presta Con el al cielo voy// Parece que hay montanas Que no puedes escalar Se que hay obscuridad El sol no yes brillar Si acaso no sables La Palabra es verdad Y todas sus promesas Tu vas a alcanzar jEsciichamel (Chorus) //Jesus is the answer For the world today Above Him there's no other Jesus is the way// La verdad, la vida No one comes to the Father Si no por el hijo And it's all because Jesus is the way ' Scriptural Reference I Referencia Escritural: "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life' ..." John 14:6 "Jesus respondio, To soy el camino, Ia verdad y la vida'..." Juan 14:6