February 10, 2013 - St. Clement Catholic Church
February 10, 2013 - St. Clement Catholic Church
PÝãÊÙ: Fr. Thomas J. Anastasia PÙÊ«®½ V®Ù: Fr. Rafael Martos Msgr. Cesar Pe lla St. Clement Catholic Church www.stclementpc.org [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE/ HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday Vigil Mass/Misa Vigilia: 4:00pm in English Sunday Masses/Misas del Domingo: 7:00am and 10:30am in English 8:15am, 1:00pm y 6:00pm en Español Morning Prayer/ Oración por la mañana: Monday - Friday 7:30am (Chapel) Lunes - Viernes a las 7:30am (Capilla) Daily Masses/Misa diaria: 8:00am (Mon.- Fri. / lunes-viernes) 6:30pm - Todos los Miércoles en Español First Saturday Mass/ Primer Sábado del mes: 9:00am followed by Adora on 9:30am-2:00pm/ Misa a las 9:00am seguida por Adoración de 9:30am-2:00pm Holy Day Masses/Misas de Día Santo: Please call parish office for schedule/ Favor de llamar a la oficina para el horario Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon/ Sacramento de Reconciliación: 2:45pm - 3:30pm Saturday/Sábado Rosary/Rosario: 5:30pm Wednesday evening/ Miércoles por la tarde Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena/ Novena a Nuestra Madre de Perpetuo: Every Wednesday at 6:00pm/ Cada miércoles a las 6:00pm Novena of Sacred Heart of Jesus/ Novena al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Following 8:00am Mass every Friday/ Después de la Misa de 8am cada viernes 1104 North Alexander Street Plant City, Florida 33563 Phone: (813) 752-8251 Fi h Sunday in Ordinary Time (Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario) February 10, 2013 Scripture and 2013 Annual Pastoral Appeal Reading . . . Week of February 11, 2013 Monday Our Lady of Lourdes Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35c; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday ...BECAUSE WE ARE CATHOLICS Thank you to everyone who has already answered the request to par cipate in the 2013 Annual Pastoral Appeal for our parish. Your gi is received with great humility, thanks and gra tude. The Annual Pastoral Appeal is an opportunity for our parish to educate many of you who may not be aware of the many ministries, programs and services available throughout our Diocese. If you have any ques ons about APA, or how it benefits our parish, please call our parish office, or visit our diocesan website at www.dosp.org and discover the awesome disci- Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Ps 8:4-9; Mk 7:113 pleship …because WE are Catholic. If you have not yet responded we want Wednesday and need your par cipa on! Don’t forget, if we go over our fair share goal of Ash Wednesday Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 $126,588.00 100% of the funds over the goal come back to our parish! Thursday “Make Your Own” Ss. Cyril & Methodius Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 16:13 -19 Strawberry Shortcake News Friday Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Lk 9:22-25 • Saturday openings. Your help is of great importance to this project. Please see Jo Ann & Joyce a er Mass to volunteer. Must be 16 yrs. or older. Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32 Sunday First Sunday of Lent Dt 26:4-10; Ps 91:1-2, 10-15; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13 New Parishioners.. We welcome new parishioners and winter visitors. St. Clement Parish believes in Stewardship the giving to God, a share of our Time, Talent and Treasure. Please register at the office when you first come to the Parish. You may also register online by going to : www.stclementpc.org Welcome Home! Page 2 ST. CLEMENT BOOTH WORKERS ARE NEEDED AT THE FESTIVAL. Please volunteer to fill these Day schedules - Jo Ann Parolini 813.986.2059 Night schedules - Joyce Cowan 813.659.0929 • START-UP DINNER AND ORIENTATION for the volunteers working in our “Make Your Own” Strawberry Shortcake project will be this Tuesday, February 12th at 6:30pm (Cash bar at 6:00pm) • ADVANCE SHORTCAKE TICKETS are available in the parish office. Tickets are $3.25 and will be available through March 10, 2013. HALL WORK STARTS Wednesday, February 27th thru Sunday, March 10th 8:30am - un l finish! SãÙóÙÙù FÝã®ò½: FÙçÙù 28ã« - MÙ« 10ã« MÙ» ùÊçÙ ½ÄÙÝ! BUCKET WASHING every night during the Fes val from 7:00pm - 9:00pm www.facebook.com/pages/St-Clement-MakeYour-Own-Strawberry-Shortcake MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS Mon., February 11 8:00am †Evangeline Kerner by Dianna Kehres Tues., February 12 8:00am St. Anthony by Jean Parr Wed., February 13 6:00am 8:00am 12:00pm 3:30pm 6:00pm 7:30pm Members of the Parish Voca ons Mary Ann Guice by Joan Carter Miembros de la Parroquia †Bern Fullenkamp by Mary Kay Fullenkamp Miembros de la Parroquia Thu., February 14 8:00am †David Layman by Romina Layman Fri., February 15 8:00am †M/M John Cortese by Mrs. Bragg Sat., February 16 4:00pm Sun., February 17 7:00am Stan Lamb & Family by Neil Lamb Fr. Tom Members of the Parish Fr. Tom †Marcelino Alvarado Fr. Rafael (Misa en Español) †Bridgete Smith by M/M Robert Smith Fr. Cesar Miembros de la Parroquia Fr. Rafael (Misa en Español) Miembros de la Parroquia Fr. Rafael (Misa en Español) 8:15am 10:30am 1:00pm 6:00pm STEWARDSHIP REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 3, 2013 Total offertory (Loose & Envelopes) 12,797.19 Children’s Offertory / Ofrenda de los niños 437.96 Candles/Velas 41.00 My Brother’s Keeper/El Guardián de mi Hermano 39.00 Special Collec on(s)/ Colectas Especiales: Debt Reduc on 418.50 TOTAL 13,733.65 Expenses for week ending February 1, 2013 13,503.00 BINGO FOR January 30, 2013 693.00 Your Help is Greatly Appreciated! / ¡Su ayuda es muy agradecida! CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS If you would like a statement of your contribu ons for the year 2012, please call Erin at the parish office at 752-8251 and one will be mailed to you. All contribuon statements will be mailed at the end of the week. Pray For . . . Pray the Rosary daily, for Voca ons to the Priesthood, and for the Sick of our Parish, especially for: Ted, Be y, Howard Townsend Joan Johnson, Indy Laverne Flach Yvonne Gibbons Keith Hazzard Carmen Dickman Deanna & Gail Laracuente Jean Jacques, Hazel Hetrick Joyce Wilson Loe Strickland Dale Hernandez Mary Ann Grady Nan Whitney Sam & Jessie Acculto Kathy Hicks, Patsy Stanton Jim Perkins, Alby Wiesner Marco Salazar, Rose Summers Jaxson Schoonover Frank Romano, Dot Kenzie Frank Velez & Albert Gomez Special Inten on Montse Azorin, Jan Jones Ma hew Devera, Lauren D. Maria Espinoza Stan Lamb & Family Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Warren Hook Lloyd Jarboe John O Please pray for the safe return of all the brave men and women serving our country, especially the parishioners of St. Clement, for those who have died for their country in me of war. If you would like to add a name to the Prayer list, please call the parish office at 752-8251 or email to: [email protected] Page 3 LENT Regulations on Fasting and February 13 - March 30 , 2013 Abstinence Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule - February 13th Fast & AbsƟnence ♦ Fas ng is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics between the ages of 18 to 59 years (inclusive). On days of fas ng, one full meal is allowed. Two smaller meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eas ng between meals is not permi ed, but liquids are allowed. ♦ Abs nence from meat is observed by all Catholics who are 14 years of age and older. Ash Wednesday, all the Fridays of Lent, and Good Friday are days of abs nence. Note: If a person is unable to observe the above regulaons due to ill health or other serious reasons, they are urged to prac ce other forms of self denial that are suitable to their condi on. Fas ng, almsgiving, and prayer are the three tradi onal disciplines of Lent. The faithful and catechumens should undertake these prac ces seriously in a spirit of penance and in prepara on for bap sm or of renewal of bap sm at Easter. Page 4 6:00am - Language TBD 8:00am - English 12:00pm - English 3:30pm - Spanish 6:00pm - English 7:30pm - Spanish Sãã®ÊÄÝ Ê¥ ã« CÙÊÝÝ 6:00pm in English & 7:00pm in Spanish in the Church The Sta ons of the Cross is a devo on in which we meditate upon the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ. In the Sta ons, we focus on the fact that Jesus freely suffered and died out of infinite love for us and for all of mankind. We remember with gra tude that it is through His complete offering of Himself to the Father that it becomes possible for us to enter into the unending joy of heaven. THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU! Thursday, March 7 5:00pm-7:00pm PARISH MISSION April 8-10, 2013 “The Year of FaithLiving the Gospel in Today’s World” Monday - Our God is a loving God, Rich in Mercy and Kindness (Exposi on/Benedic on) Prayer Fasting & Tuesday - Jesus: The Source of Mercy and Forgiveness (Sacrament of Reconcilia on) Almsgiving Wednesday - Jesus: The Healer of our Bodies and Spirits (Anoin ng of the Sick) All parishioners are encouraged to participate! Online Giving is NOW available in our parish! Our parish has been blessed by the Lord in so many ways. It begins with our EucharisƟc celebraƟon and extends to our community of faith. Finances are obviously very important to support our ministry and we appreciate the generous support we receive from our parishioners. As Catholics, we recognize that all we have –our me, our talents, our resources, even our very lives – are gi s from God. We are called to be good stewards of all these gi s, inves ng them wisely and generously for the sake of God’s Kingdom. To help make it more convenient for you to financially support our parish, we have added an electronic payment opon. This offers you the opportunity to make automa c financial contribu ons from your bank account or credit card to our parish. Online Giving costs you nothing and provides many advantages to both you and our parish. Benefits to individual: Benefits for the Parish: • Plan ahead! Align your contribu on • No check processing fees • Increases regular giving with • • • • schedule to your income schedule. It’s paperless. No more checks to write or save. On vaca on? Your contribu ons connue even when you are gone. Total management. Change your amount or make a special gi easily. Rewards program? Use that card to make your contribu on and earn miles or points. recurring contribu ons • More accurate revenue forecas ng • Provides electronic dona on summary for tax purposes • Reaches a wider demographic of givers Convenient. Simple. Secure. To get started simply go to our parish website: www.stclementpc.org and click on the Online Giving logo on the left column WOMEN’S DAY OF REFLECTION Sponsored by St. Clement Catholic Women Saturday, February 23, 2013 star ng in Cronin Hall at 8:30am for coffee and chat. Topic: Women’s Role in the “Year of Faith” and the “Blessed Sacrament”. Speaker will be Msgr. Cesar Pe lla At 9:30am we will open with the Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament followed by father’s first talk in the Chapel. The day will end at 3:30pm to prepare for those wishing to a end the 4:00pm Mass. Please bring your own “brown bag” lunch. Drinks will be provided. For reservaƟons call: Lorraine Renaud at 707-1004 Joan Carter at 752-0878, Donna Goldbach at 335-4935 IF YOU HAVE NOT SCHEDULED YOUR APPOINMENT - THERE’S STILL TIME NEXT DATES ARE FEBRUARY 11-13 1. Go to: www.ucdir.com, and click on schedule your photography session 2. 2. Enter FL709 in the Church Code 3. Enter saint1 in the Church Password 4. If you have 6 or more in your family please use 2 consecu ve me slots. ParƟcipate and receive a FREE 8X10 & FREE Pictorial Directory Page 5 POSTCARD CAMPAIGN FOR COMPASSIONATE IMMIGRATION REFORM Jus ce for Immigrants has launched a postcard calling on Congress to enact a fair & comprehensive solu on. Send an e-postcard to your U.S. Senators & Representa ves by visi ng: www.jusƟceforimmigrants.org Postcard are also available in the back of the Church! Knights of Columbus LENTEN FISH FRY at St. Clement Cronin Hall Friday, February 15th 4:00pm - 7:00pm Sides will include: WINNER OF MEAT RAFFLE: fried taters baked beans hush puppies slaw ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ YVONNE GIBBONS Sponsored by: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM To have a child bap zed at St. Clement, parents are expected to be registered, ac ve par cipants in their worshipping community of faith by regular a endance at Sunday Mass. Parents who wish to have their child bap zed are asked to pre-register for the Orienta on and preparaon classes. To sign up for the Orienta on class, please call Erin at the parish office at (813) 752-8251. Orienta on and Prepara on class are in the parish office. YOUTH MINISTRY OrientaƟon at 7pm PreparaƟon Classes at 7pm BapƟsm Dates 12pm-Church March 6 March 13 No BapƟsms April 3 April 10 April 28 May 1 May 8 May 26 June 5 June 12 June 23 EDGE TOPICS: A program fo r High School T ee Youth Center FOR MORE INFO., CONTACT: EDGE: Joyce McFaul: [email protected] LIFETEEN: Ryan Scannell: rscannell@ stclementpc.org ns All youth gra des 6th -12th are invited to join us every Wednes day @ 6:30p m A program fo r middle sch ool teens classrooms 11 & 12 YOUTH MASS SUN., FEB. 10TH - 10:30AM Page 6 Feb. 6- Idol ChefA Social Night Feb. 13Ash Wed. Mass Mark your calendars now for bucket washing for Edge March 2, March 6 and March 10 from 6-8 pm in the social hall. Pizza provided. Bring a friend. Great way to earn your service hours for church. Escritura y Lectura . . . Semana del 11 de febrero, 2013 Lunes Gn 1:1-19; Sal 104 (103):1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35c; Mc 6:53-56 Martes Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Sal 8:4-9; Mc 7:113 Miercoles Apelación Pastoral Anual 2013 ...PORQUE SOMOS CATOLICOS ¡Gracias a todos los que han respondido ya a la solicitud de par cipar en la Apelación Pastoral Anual 2013 de la parroquia. Su donación es recibida con gran humildad, agradecimiento y gra tud. La Apelación Pastoral Anual es una oportunidad para que nuestra parroquia para educar a muchos de ustedes que tal vez no están conscientes de los muchos ministerios, programas y servicios disponibles a través de nuestra Diócesis. Si usted ene alguna pregunta acerca de APA, o cómo beneficia nuestra parroquia, por favor llame a nuestra oficina parroquial, o visite la pagina de web diocesana: www.dosp.org y descubrir el discipulado impresionante ... porque somos católicos. Si usted no ha respondido aún, queremos y necesitamos su par cipación! No se olvide, si repasamos nuestra meta de $ 126,588.00, el 100% de los fondos de la meta de volver a nuestra parroquia! Jl 2:12-18; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 1214, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:16, 16-18 PROYECTO “HAS TU PROPIO” PASTEL DE FRESA Jueves San Pedro Damián Dt 30:15-20; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Mt 16:13-19 • Viernes La Catedra de San Pedro Is 58:1-9a; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 18-19; Lc 9:22-25 Turno de día - Jo Ann Parolini 813.986.2059 Turno de noche - Joyce Cowan 813.659.0929 Sabado San Policarpo Is 58:9b-14; Sal 86 (85):1-6; Lc 5:27-32 • Nuevos Feligreses . . . Le damos la bienvenida a los nuevos feligreses y a los visitantes de invierno. La Parroquia de San Clemente cree en el Servicio El darle a Dios parte de nuestro Tiempo, Talento y Tesoro. Invitamos a los nuevos feligreses y visitantes de invierno a que se registren en nuestra parroquia. ¡Bienvenidos a Casa! CENA Y ORIENTACION para todos los voluntarios que trabajaran en el proyecto “Has Tu Propio” es el martes, 2 de febrero a las 6:00pm en el salón social. Domingo Primer Domingo de Cuaresma Dt 26:4-10; Sal 91 (90):1-2, 10-15; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13 NECESITAMOS VOLUNTARIOS PARA TRABAJAR EN EL FESTIVAL: Por favor ayude a llenar estas posiciones. Su ayuda es de grande importancia. Cualquier pregunta favor de comunicarse con: • BOLETOS PARA LOS SHORTCAKE ESTAN DISPONIBLES EN LA OFICINA por $3.25 por boleto. Trabajo en el salón social comienza el miércoles, 27 de febrero al domingo, 10 de marzo de 8:30am - ??? Lavado de cubeta durante el fesƟval de la fresa de 7:00pm - 9:00pm www.facebook.com/pages/St-Clement-MakeYour-Own-Strawberry-Shortcake FÝã®ò½ ½ FÙÝ FÙÙÊ 28 MÙþÊ 10 ¡MÙØç Ýç C½ÄÙ®Ê! Page 7 NORMAS PARA EL AYUNO Y ABSTINENCIA CUARESMA 2013 Misas para Miércoles de Ceniza - Febrero 13 Ayuno y AbsƟnencia ♦ El Ayuno debe ser observado Miércoles de Ceniza y Viernes Santo por todos los Católicos entre las edades de 18 a 59 años de edad. En los días de ayuno, solamente se permite una comida. Se permiten dos comidas pequeñas para mantener su fuerza dependiendo de las necesidades de cada persona, pero las dos comidas no pueden una comida completa. No se permite comer entre comidas, pero líquidos siempre son permi dos. ♦ Abs nencia de carne es observada por todos los Católicos de 14 años en adelante. Miércoles de Ceniza, todos los viernes de Cuaresma y Viernes Santos son días de abs nencia. Nota: Si una persona no puede observar las regulaciones por causa de salud y o otra razón seria, se les urge que prac quen algún otra forma de abnegación que sea apropiado para su condición. El ayuno, actos de caridad y oraciones son tres disciplinas tradicionales durante la Cuaresma. Los fieles y catecúmenos deben tomar en estas prac cas seriamente en espíritu de penitencia y preparación para recibir el bau smo, y renovación del bau smo durante la Pascua. 6:00am - Ingles/Español 8:00am - Ingles 12:00pm - Ingles 3:30pm - Español 6:00pm - Ingles 7:30pm - Español CALENDARIO DEL LOS MINISTERIOS QUE DIRIGIRAN EL VIA CRUCIS La luz esta encendida por TI - FECHA MINISTERIO Confesiones Febrero 15 - 7pm Cursillistas Jueves, 7 de marzo de 5:00pm-7:00pm Febrero 22 - 7pm Grupo de Oracion “Cristo Vive” Marzo 1 - 7pm MDS Marzo 8 - 7pm Marzo 15 - 7pm Juan XXIII Marzo 22 - 7pm Bajo el Manto de la Peregrina El Vía Crucis es una devoción en el cual meditamos sobre la Pasión y Muerte de Jesucristo. En las estaciones, nos concentramos en el hecho que Jesús sufrió y murió libremente por amor infinito a nosotros y al de la humanidad. Recordamos con gra tud que fue a través de su ofrecimiento completo de sí mismo al Padre, que es posible para nosotros entrar en el gozo sin fin del cielo. V° CÙç®Ý 6:00pm en Ingles y 7:00pm en Español en la Iglesia MISION PARROQUIAL Abril 8-10, 2013 “El Año de la Fe Viviendo el Evangelio en el mundo de hoy” Lunes - Exposición y Bendición Martes - Confesiones Miércoles - Unción de los enfermos CAMPAÑA DE TARJETA POSTAL PARA UNA REFORMA IMIGRATORIA COMPASIVA La oficina de Jus cia para el Emigrante ha lanzado una campaña donde pide al Congreso una solución justa y comprensiva. Mande una tarjeta postal por correo electrónico a sus Senadores y Representantes visitando la pagina de web: www.jusƟceforimmigrants.org También tenemos las tarjetas postales disponibles en la entrada de la Iglesia Patrocinado por: Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos AUN ESTA A TIEMPO PARA HACER SU CITA PARA TOMARSE UN FOTO PARA EL DIRECTORIO PARROQUIAL Próximas fechas disponibles febrero 11-13 Para hacer su cita, simplemente entre a la pagina de web, www.ucdir.com, haga clic “Schedule your photography session” a mano derecha, ponga FL709 en el espacio para el código de la Iglesia y saint1 en el espacio de la contraseña. Sigas las instrucciones para hacer la cita para su familia. Si ene 6 miembros en su familia o mas, use 2 horarios consecu vos. ¡Haga su cita pronto! YOUTH MINISTRY Todos los Jóvenes de 8 grado a High School están invitados a convivir con nosotros todos los Viernes a las 7pm en el Centro de Jovenes FOR MORE INFO., CONTACT: Myriam Reyna at [email protected] 813.752.8251 ext. 323 CALENDARIO DE BAUTIZOS Registraciones para los bau zos se aceptan SOLAMENTE LOS LUNES Y MIÉRCOLES DE 9AM-3PM EN LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL Favor de presentar los siguientes documentos: • Acta de Nacimiento del niño Acta de Matrimonio de la Iglesia de los Padrinos **Personas casadas solo por lo civil o viviendo en unión libre NO CUALIFICAN para ser padrinos. • CLASES DE BAUTIZO A LAS 7PM EN LOS SALONES 11/12 FECHAS DE BAUTIZO A LAS 10AM EN LA IGLESIA Abril 5 Abril 13 Abril 19 Abril 27 Mayo 3 Mayo 11 Mayo 17 Mayo 25 ESTADO DE CUENTA DE SUS DONACIONES Si desea recibir un estado de cuenta de sus donaciones a la Iglesia para el año 2012, favor de comunicarse con Erin a la oficina parroquial (813) 752-8251. Las cartas serán enviadas por correo al final de la semana. APLICACIONES PARA LAS BECAS ESCOLASRE 2013 La aplicación y todos los documentos requeridos deben ser some dos para el viernes, 22 de marzo a las 4pm en la oficina parroquia. Aplicaciones están disponibles en la oficina parroquial. Para mas información favor de llamar a: Carol Rodriguez: 813.727.5214 Mary Ann Fontaine: 813.717.3294 2/15/13 VacaƟon B ible School 2/22/13 Divine Mus ic BUCKET WASHINGth Sunday, February 24 and every Wednesday evening th th Feb. 28 - Mar. 11 JÓVENES ADULTOS: te invitan todos los Viernes al las 7:00pm en los salones 11 y 12 del Centro Educativo. Para mas información llama a Roberto Espitia al (813) 323-8581. Parish Staff . . . Fr. Tom Anastasia, Pastor Fr. Rafael Martos, Parochial Vicar Msgr. Cesar PeƟlla, Parochial Vicar Deacons: Deacon Neil Legner Deacon Manuel SanƟago Deacon Kevin Orth Janet Maze , Parish Nurse [email protected] - ext. 311 Piedad Mendoza , Music Director [email protected] - ext. 315 Bill Muench, Pastoral Care Coordinator [email protected] - ext. 304 Janice Putvin, Migrant Ministry Coor. [email protected] - ext. 305 Myriam Reyna, Sp. Youth Group Coor. [email protected] - ext. 323 Maureen Ringley, ECC Director [email protected] (813) 754-1237 Carol Rodriguez Volunteer Coordinator/Hall rental [email protected] Ray Rosado, Maintenance Cathy Rosales, Faith FormaƟon Coor. [email protected] - ext. 306 Gary Runkles, Business Manager [email protected] - ext. 318 Ryan Scannell, Youth Group Coor. [email protected] Judy Smith, Housekeeper Erin Stone, Parish Secretary [email protected] - ext. 301 Page 10 St. Clement Ministry Directory D PASTORAL CARE/ CUIDADO PASTORAL Hospital/Homebound/Nursing Home Bill Muench...................... 752-8251 Parish Nurse Janet Maze, RN ............. 752-8251 Respite Care Mary Kay Fullenkamp . 707-6449 LITURGICAL LIFE/ VIDA LITURGICA Altar Linen Care Fran Aton ........................ 759-0848 Altar Servers Deacon Neil Legner ...... 412-2250 Edel Stephens-Eng. ....... 754-8528 Blanca Caudillo-Sp. ...... 967-6497 Choirs Piedad Mendoza .......... 335-1908 Extraordinary Ministers of Comm. Bill Parolini ..................... 986-2059 Greeters Claire Schoonover ....... 759-8740 Readers Nicole Villa ..................... 763-3840 Teresa Hernandez-Sp .. 567-3111 Sacristans ......................... 752-8251 Ushers SPIRITUAL LIFE/ VIDA ESPIRITUAL Apostles of the Blessed Sacrament Sandra Flake ................. 752-7652 Cursillistas Josefina Patiño .............. 478-0558 Heart of Jesus Prayer Group Bill Muench...................... 752-8251 Juan XXIII Efren Salmeron .............. 486-7620 Marian Movement of Priests Prayer Chain Jean Smith ...................... 752-8251 Grupo de Oración “Cristo Vive” Hortencia Sanchez ........ 759-9436 St. Elizabeth Prayer Group Lorraine Renaud ............ 707-1004 St. Patrick Bible Study Wendy Hetrick .............. 757-6398 (20 member small community) St. Michael Bible Study Bill Muench...................... 752-8251 M FORMATION/FORMACION Adult Formation Ministry/ RCIA Judy Zink ........................ 659-0956 RICA en Español Cathy Rosales ................ 752-8251 Coming Home Ministry Judy Zink ........................ 659-0956 PARISH LIFE/ VIDA PARROQUIAL Auction & Gala Carol Rodriguez….……727-5214 Mary Ann Fontaine…….717-3294 Bingo Joan Labinski ................. 759-8606 Dialogo Matrimonial (Spanish) Ruben/Maria Godinez .802-8037 Elix y Lucy Castro ......... 468-0144 Finance Council……Richard Fulmer email: [email protected] Golf Classic Carol Rodriguez ........... 727-5214 Gardening Mary Ann Fontaine...... 717-3294 Grupo de Jóvenes Mario y Miriam Reyna. 752-8251 Knights of Columbus Ron Curci ........................ 759-1766 Migrant Ministry Janice Putvin .................. 752-8251 Multicultural Ministry Carmen Sierra ............... 458-1181 My Brother’s Keeper (Food Pantry) Fr. Rafael Martos.......... 752-8251 Our Lady of Guadalupe Committee Jose Fernandez ............. 752-8251 Religious Article Store Judy Zaring.................... 754-3777 Respect Life Mary Ann/Pat Powers-248.224.5686 Sew & Sew’s Marsha Szymanski ........ 754-1089 Scholarship Committee Mary Ann Fontaine ....... 717-3294 Carol Rodriguez ........... 727-5214 St. Clement Catholic Women Donna Goldbach .......... 335-4935 Strawberry Shortcake Project Paul Hetrick .................... 757-6398 Quinceañera Preparation (Spanish) Teresa Cienfuegos…863-370-7014 Welcome Carol Rodriguez ........... 727-5214 Page 10 Bulletin # 514027 St. Clement Church 1104 N. Alexander St. Plant City, Fl. 33563 Contact: Erin Stone 813-752-8251 Dell Computer XP Professional Publisher 2003 KM 5530—Kyocera all in one COMMENTS: