St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
ST. JOAN OF ARC CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL As a diverse Catholic community, we joyfully worship God, celebrate fellowship and care for our neighbor with steadfast faith, confident hope and passionate love. ALIVE IN THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST! 370 SW 3rd St. • Boca Raton • FL 33432 561.392.0007 • 561.392.0074 Fax Msgr. Michael D. McGraw • Pastor Fr. Jimmy B. Hababag • Parochial Vicar Fr. Tomasz Bochnak • Parochial Vicar Fr. Vincent Byaruhanga • In Residence Fr. Carlo DiNatale-Tarasi • Assisting Deacon Bill Watzek Deacon Michael Zatarga Deacon Sam J. Barbaro Deacon Matthew Busch • Transitional Deacon Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8:30am to 7:30pm Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:30am to 2:30pm School Office Hours 561.392.7974 • 561.368.6671 Fax Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm Mass Schedules Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm, 6:30pm(Spanish) Sunday: 7:00am, 8:00am, 9:15am, 10:45am, 12:15pm & 5:00pm Monday-Friday: 6:45am & 8:15am Saturday mornings: 8:15am Eve of Holy Days: 6:00pm Holy Days: 6:45am, 8:15am, 9:15am, & 12:15pm Holidays: Only one Mass at 9:00am Baptisms “You are the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World” Matthew 5:13-14 This is part of the famous teaching of Jesus called “The Sermon on the Mount” when Jesus said to his disciples, “You are the salt of the earth.” Every one knows the importance of salt as a preservative, as a medication in the olden days, and as a flavoring element. Yet our Lord is reminding us that if the salt loses its taste, it is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. No doubt, being ‘salt’ refers to our good deeds that should glorify the heavenly Father. Then Jesus continued saying: “You are the light of the world!” In Genesis 1:3, God created light first, saying: “Let there be light, and there was light.” In the New Testament, the metaphor of light is significant. In the prologue of John’s gospel, he mentions Jesus as the Light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. This being ‘light’ refers to our good deeds that should also glorify the heavenly Father. Salt has to be dissolved to be tasted and light has to be exposed to illuminate. This is the mission of every single baptized Christian: To ‘proclaim the Good News’ in season or out of season by the witness of our lives, to help ‘keep the faith’ of those in doubts, to ‘heal pain’ where there is division and sufferings, to ‘light up’ the wayward and guide them back to God’s loving embrace. Remember the beautiful song: “It is better to light just one little candle than to stumble in the dark?” Well, one tiny lighted candle is enough to brighten a dark world. Let our light shine before others, so that they too may see God through us and give glory to God the Father. Amen! Fr. Jimmy B. Hababag Sunday (English): 1:30pm 1st Saturday (Bilingual): 12 noon 3rd Saturday (Spanish): 12 noon Confessions Saturday: 3:15-4pm & 5:30-6:15pm Like us on FEBRUARY 9, 2014 YOUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY IN DOWNTOWN BOCA RATON February 9, 2014 APOLOGY FOR CHURCH THEFT To: All at St. Joan of Arc Church. This is Mike Quick who robbed the Church. I want to humbly ask for your forgiveness for the crime I committed against this Church and God, and its members. I am very, very sorry and if you can find it in your hearts to forgive me, and please pray for me! In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Mr. Michael S. Quick God Bless you All. The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven”. MATTHEW 18-21, 22 INDEX PG. 3 - Pastor´s Message PG. 4 - Wish List - Weekly Treasure - Parish Directory PG. 5 - Interfaith Dialogue Weekend PG. 6 - Diocesan Services Appeal PG. 7 - "Mary's FIAT to God and our Response!" - Catholic Schools Week PG 8-9 - Annual Volunteer Appreciation Party MONDAY – February 10 6:45am Mary Cheryl & John Hargrove by TheNicolli Family Carol Sager by J. B. Brown 8:15am Janet Rose Ferreri by Jean Ferreri Marzolini byThe Picinich Family TUESDAY – February 11 6:45am Curtiss William Harter, Jr. by Miriam Harter Martha Nicolli & Family by Janet Skelly 8:15am Cynthia & Kirk Sowers by The Picinich Family Chloe Rose by Rosemary WEDNESDAY – February 12 - From The Director of Liturgical Music Ministry PG. 10 - From the Director of Parish Social Outreach Ministries PG. 11 - Healing Mass - SJA Respect Life Ministry - Becoming a Beatitude Woman PG. 12 - Family, Faith, and Fun Day PG 13 St. Joan Alumni Association PG 14 - Religious Education PG 15 - Annual 2014 Parish Retreat for Men and Women - Fr. Randall’S Book Club 2014 - Youth Mission Trip 2014 PG 16 - Pray for the Sick - Deceased - Overseas in the US Armed Forces PG. 17 - S.J.A. Ministries & Support PG. 18 - Around our Diocese PG. 19-20 - Ministerio Hispano Dear Parishioners & Friends, When coming to Mass, please note that additional Parking is available across the street at Temple Beth El. Thank you very much. BULLETIN EDITOR: PATTY DELANEY MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 10, 2014 *Please email Bulletin materials to: [email protected] *We reserve the right to edit and publish such materials at our discretion 2 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 9 6:45am Curtiss William Harter, Jr. by Miriam Harter 8:15am Lynn Trinka by Rona & Loraine Russo Deborah & Roberto by The Picinich Family THURSDAY – February 13 6:45am John Delaney by Martha & Tony Nicolli The Riccio Family by Luisa Riccio 8:15am Robert Rondinelli by Concetta Elsie Aquino by Jorge & Ily Aquino FRIDAY – February 14 6:45am Normand Guilbault by The Ministry of the Good Shepherd Maria Carlsen by The Sullivan Family 8:15am George & Catherine Mathews by Anna Dantuano Steve Schnellenberger by Mom & Dad SATURDAY –February 15 8:15am Scott Mangone by Parents Jo Kent by Kathleen 4:30pm David Bertrand by Patricia Bertrand Rita Hewett by Joanne Snow 6:30pm Elsa Santacroce by The Family Roberto Chica by Paula Patino SUNDAY – February 16 7:00am Theresa Porpora by The Family Richard R. Kitten by Orphe, Rick & Leila 8:00am David Salerno, Sr. by Diane & Dave Salerno The Valenti Family by Mary & Anthony Varrone 9:15am Gerrie Kemmett by The Grace Catale Family Rocco Viglietti by The Beardsley Family 10:45am Agustin de Rojas by The Family Ida Beraglia by Mr. & Mrs. Nick Defilippis 12:15pm John Valeriay by Katie & Ray Stack Brandon Day by Hanna Kelleher 5:00pm The Donnelly Family by The Mulhall Family Girolama Pollicino by Mr. & Mrs. Nick Defilippis Please note that in observance of President's Day on Monday, February 17, there will only be one Mass at 9:00am in the church. After the Mass SJA Campus will be closed. Thank you PRESIDENT’S DAY PASTOR´S MESSAGE DECISION MAKING AT SAINT JOAN OF ARC Q uite often I am stopped after Masses on weekdays or weekends and asked to make a decision, give permission or make an on the spot observation. I try to use the opportunity to explain how we make decisions at Saint Joan of Arc. As your Pastor, I have chosen to operate in as collegial a manner as possible in decision making especially decisions that affect the entire parish. I also believe strongly in the principle of subsidiarity which teaches that decisions should be made by those closest and most knowledgeable concerning the issue. I try to live this way of leadership because I believe that one of my most important responsibilities is to support each parish employee and each parishioner in the development and exercise of his/her gifts and talents. I want to help all to find the right ministry and role in our parish. A true "servant leadership" is all about the spiritual growth and personal development of all parishioners. That is also one of the reasons why a year after I arrived here, our parish engaged in a year long planning process “Journey Forward” that actively involved over 800 parishioners and resulted in a four year plan with goals and strategies for achieving them. The final result was truly a "work of the people". We are implementing the different goals gradually and are making discernible progress. One simple example is how we are trying to make our weekend Masses as friendly, welcoming and participative as possible with quality greeting, preaching, music and church ambiance. We want our main parish worship to truly express the faith and identity of our parish family. The results are obvious and are consistently affirmed by our out of town visitor's positive comments after Mass. “I wish that we could have Masses at home like yours are celebrated here”. Behind the scenes, our parish decision making process involves several consultative and planning committees. Every week the clergy pastoral team meets to discuss upcoming sacramental and pastoral concerns: schedules, events, specific priestly responsibilities, etc. The Administrative Cabinet: Msgr., Fr. Jimmy, Deacon Bill (Director of Parish Social Ministries), Patricia Suau (Director of Finance and Administration), Paul Miceli (Director of Physical Plant), Sr. Ellen Murphy (School Principal), also meets weekly in order to insure an orderly and efficient flow of parish operations and activities. Our parish Mission and Finance Committee meets six times per year and is made up of 13 parishioners. This committee has responsibility for developing, approving and monitoring our parish and school budgets. They also serve as an excellent group of "consulters" with whom I can discuss important issues of parish mission and resources. Our parish Liturgy Committee members are: Bill Watzek, Doug Byers, Laura Watzek, Constanza Preble, Katherine Leach, Rosario Gonzales, Tessie O’Dea and the Director of religious education. They work under the leadership of Father Jimmy Hababag and they meet regularly to plan our parish liturgical and sacramental activities and events. Their thoughtful leadership is evidenced by the beauty and transforming quality of our liturgies, for example, during Lent. Our Ministry Leaders meet twice monthly to plan, vision and coordinate the affairs and programs of our ministries. This involves the recruitment, education, support and retaining of all of our parish ministry volunteers. This is a formidable responsibility and shared by: Tessie O'Dea, Deacon Bill, Katherine Leach, Constanza Preble, Doug Byers, Victoria Farrington, Rosario Gonzales, Patty Delaney (Communications) and Wendy Horton (Development). I hope that this little view of parish ministry life behind the scenes gives a clear picture of some of the hard work by many people that results in a cohesive and collaborative team effort. Please take the opportunity to say "Thank You" when you greet your parish team members. They all deserve our support and cooperation and prayers. - Msgr. Michael D. McGraw FEBRUARY 9 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 3 WEEKLY TREASURE ANNULMENTS Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 by appt. only. MUSIC MINISTRY Douglas Byers, 561-952-2856 Director of Liturgical Music BAPTISMAL ARRANGEMENTS 561-392-0007 Deacon Bill Watzek (English) Baptism class for parents 1st Thurs. each month, 7 pm. 561-392-0007 Constanza Preble (Spanish) Baptism class for parents 3rd Tues. each month, 7 pm. 561-392-0007 PARISH MANAGER Patricia Suau, 561-392-0007, ext. 2806 CARE MINISTRY 561-962-6000 COUNSELING CENTER (Catholic Charities Satellite Office at SJA) Maria T. Isava MA, LCSW - 561-215-0208 Conseling Director Fanny B. Ramos, IMH - 561-777-6407 COUNSELING CENTER (Private Practice) Pamela Diane Sigda, Ph. D. - 561-706-2277 COMMUNICATIONS MINISTRY Patty Delaney, 561-952-2868 The Weekly Offertory Collection for February 1/2, 2014 totaled $27,484.00. 768 envelope users contributed $22,696.00 and non envelope users contributed $4,788.00. WishList PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE Laura Watzek, 561-393-0006. Hours: Mon - Fri, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. Sat, 9:00am to 5:30pm Sun. 9 am to 1:30 pm. SACRAMENTS Anointing of the Sick and Elderly: First Saturday of the month following the 8:15am Mass. Please call the Parish Office to request a priest if you are a patient at Boca Regional Hospital. S T. J O A N O F A R C C H U R C H & S C H O O L 1. Tuition (full or partial) for a needy child for 2014-2015 school year. 2. Underwrite Religious Education Classes for a Needy Child. Partial or complete donations may be made for any item To donate an item call Wendy Horton, 561-952-2838 SACRISTAN Laura Watzek 561-952-2808 LIFE LONG FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Constanza Preble, 561-620-6280 Bill Watzek, 561-952-2828 Religious Education Bill Watzek, 561-952-2828 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL/SISTERS OF MERCY Sr. Ellen Murphy R.S.M., 561-392-7974 Sr. Josephine Sullivan R.S.M. Sr. Kathleen Sweeney R.S.M. Sr. DeLourdes O’Mahony R.S.M. SJA DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY Wendy Horton, 561-952-2838 Diane Salerno, 561-952-2848 (Special Projects) Office, 561-391-4345 Fax: 561-962-6002. FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY Tessie O’Dea, 561-952-2852 USHERS MINISTRY Ken Meldonian 561-620-4884 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Katherine Leach, 561-952-2858 WEDDING PREPARATION Rosario Gonzales, 561-952-2854 6 Months notice required for marriages HISPANIC MINISTRY Constanza Preble, 561-859-4666 HOMEBOUND/PASTORAL VISITATION Fr. Tomasz Bochnak, 561-392-0007 ext. 2824 If you would like to be included in SJA's School Quarterly Newsletter mailings, please email us your name and address at [email protected] or call the School Office with your contact information (561) 392-7974. Thank you 4 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 9 As you all know, implementation of Our Journey Forward Strategic Plan has gradually started. This implementation of our Plan will require the collaboration of many parishioners with the Seven Goal Champion Teams. In this bulletin you will notice a Journey Forward Goal number next to every event, task or program that points-out a pertinence to one of St. Joan of Arc’s Goals: GROW IN LOVE SPREAD THE GOSPEL GROW IN SERVICE GROW OUR RESOURCES GROW IN FAITH GROW OUR SCHOOL GROW THE CHURCH Please consider your role in working with Ministry Leaders, parish staff and many of your fellow parishioners to create a future that will be energized by the Holy Spirit and responsive to God's will. Emails indicating interest in volunteering should be sent to: [email protected] WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE BY CREDIT CARD? Forms are available at the back of the church or in the Parish Office. You can earn frequent flyer miles on your contributions to St. Joan of Arc. We now accept most mayor credit cards: 28th Annual Interfaith Dialogue Weekend THIS YEAR'S THEME: "REPAIRING THE WORLD" February 20,21 & 23, 2014 Thursday, February 20 Teacher Night at St. Joan of Arc School Join us for the annual sharing of faith and knowledge of one anothers' traditions and ideas Guest Speaker this year is: Friday, February 21 All are invited to a Shabbat Service at Temple Beth El at 6:00 pm Sunday, February 23 All are invited to attend the 12:15pm Mass at St. Joan of Arc Church followed by a reception in Mercy Center. Clergy and choirs from both congregations will participate in the service and Liturgy. Rabbi Mark L. Winer Founding Director of the Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Studies at St. Thomas University in Miami. Alongside his 43 years as a congregational rabbi, he has devoted his entire life to interfaith reconciliation. Don't miss sharing this St. Joan of Arc/Temple Beth El tradition FEBRUARY 9 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 5 ŝŽĐĞƐĞŽĨWĂůŵĞĂĐŚͮϮϬϭϰŝŽĐĞƐĂŶ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐƉƉĞĂů h<RXU*LIW7UDQVIRUPV/LYHVh )$4'LRFHVDQ6HUYLFHV$SSHDO What is the Diocesan Services Appeal? The Diocesan Services Appeal (DSA) is the annual fundraising campaign for the fivecounty Diocese of Palm Beach in which the faithful are asked by our Bishop to give generously. With those contributions, the diocese can continue to support the many aspects of our larger Church, including the 53 parishes and missions, and 17 schools throughout Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River and Okeechobee counties. The DSA is the primary source of funding for the Diocese, providing more than 70 percent of the annual operating income. Without this appeal, the Diocese simply could not carry out its pastoral ministry and programs. Who benefits from my contribution to the DSA? There are many beneficiaries of your DSA contributions. The funds remain within the boundaries of the Diocese and help our Church help others. From our youngest to the elderly, our Diocese is there to ensure that all life is held precious, respected and nourished: physically, emotionally and spiritually. This may mean direct financial assistance to a struggling parish, support of a mission school, or funding an outreach program for the poor and needy. Why should I support the DSA when I already give weekly to my parish? We know that your weekly parish offertory contributions support the administration of the parish together with all of its good works. It is much the same for the DSA, but on a much larger scale. As Catholics, we are called upon to share our blessings not only with members of our own parish community, but also with our needy brothers and sisters throughout our five-county Diocese. Unlike most Dioceses where parishes are taxed for a portion of offertory donations to run the Diocese, the Diocese of Palm Beach relies solely on the DSA campaign to fund its operations, for the most part, leaving your offertory donations totally for parish budgets. How many programs, ministries and services are funded by the Diocesan Services Appeal? Some of the ministries, programs and services supported by the 2014 DSA include: Catholic schools; youth and young adult ministries the Office of Vocations; education of seminarians; ongoing formation of priests; multicultural offices; religious education and spiritual development; marriage and family life; communications; senior housing; Catholic Charities and its 12 programs and ministries including Respect Life, and Prison Ministry. In addition, the DSA supports the central administrative offices of the Diocese of Palm Beach. How can I support the Diocesan Services Appeal? There are numerous ways to give to the 2014 DSA. You may make a onetime gift, or better yet, give generously through a pledge that could be paid monthly. You will receive a letter from Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito, which will contain all the necessary information and forms. Similar information will also be available at your parish. You can also make online donations by visiting us at . For questions , please call the Office of Develop- ment at 561-775-9590 Is there a minimum I need to donate? There is no minimum and all gifts are gratefully received. The goal is for all Catholics to prayerfully consider a donation in accordance with the gifts God has Given them. ,KtzKhE,>W Making a gift is easy and all funds raised through the DSA are used to support the shared ministries of the Diocese. Your gift enables us to continue to offer many ministries and services that benefit thousands and are vital to our community. HOW TO MAKE YOUR GIFT: You can make your gift in the following ways: Pledge One-Time Gift Stock Transfer Matching Gift Via Credit or Debit Card Online at: Diocese of Palm Beach P.O. Box 109650 6 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 9 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-9650 Phone: 561-775-9590 Fax: 561-799-9527 "MARY'S FIAT TO GOD AND OUR RESPONSE!" Calling the attention of all our lady parishioners. As in previous years, the Columbiettes are once again sponsoring a day long Annual Retreat this coming FEBRUARY 22, AT 9:00AM at Mercy Center with this year's theme: "Mary's FIAT To God And Our Response!" This is indeed a timely call to self-evaluate our response to God as we try to live our lives 24/7 in accordance with His Divine Will. We can learn so much from our Blessed Mother at The Annunciation.Her “YES” to God changed the course of history. But as Jesus himself stated, "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak," hence the need to reinvigorate our commitment as His agents of change in our homes, in our workplaces, and in our society. Come, rest, learn and experience how to make our response to God's call aligned with Mary's FIAT. Please pass on the invitation to others. Our Blessed Mother is waiting for you. See you then. God bless you! - Father Jimmy B. Hababag, SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR DATE: February 22, 2014 TIME: 9:00am – 4:00pm with Mass at 4:30pm WHERE: St. Joan of Arc Mercy Center COST: $25.00 (Continental Breakfast and Lunch will be provided) Reservation needed by February 18, 2014. Reservations with payment can be turned in to the St. Joan of Arc Office (561) 392-0007. I will be attending the Retreat. NAME: .............................................................................................................. FIELD DAY: Our students are hard-working and love their school, so on Thursday of Catholic Schools Week, we organize one of the most popular events all year, Field Day. Each homeroom has an assigned team color, and the students show their school spirit by dressing in these colors and by giving their all in various athletic competitions. Even our graduates still look forward to this day, as alumni who attend Pope John Paul II High School return to St. Joan of Arc and help the PE teachers with running the many events for our students. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK is celebrated every year, and it is an opportune time to recognize the important work that Catholic schools do for our families, our communities, and our nation. At St. Joan of Arc, we always sponsor a full week of fun activities, designed to make everyone feel appreciated for the parts they play in the success of our school. GRANDPARENTS DAY: We know that without our grandparents passing on their Catholic faith, our school would not be thriving the way it is today. We honor our grandparents on Monday of Catholic Schools Week as they participate in a special church prayer service, enjoy a reception, and even visit the classrooms where they see firsthand the valuable teaching and learning that goes on at St. Joan of Arc. PARENTS: Service hours are required from all parents at St. Joan of Arc, but we have many moms and dads who seem to be able to say “yes” whenever we need assistance with a school project. On Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week, at our all-school liturgy, we always honor our Volunteer of the Year. This year, we recognized Mrs. Irene Mack for her many years of service to our school and parish, for she is an excellent role model for how a parent can get involved and really make a difference in the lives of all those in our community. FEBRUARY 9 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 7 ST. JOAN OF ARC CELEBRATED THEIR ANNUAL VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION PARTY On Saturday, February 1, St. Joan of Arc celebrated their Annual Volunteer Appreciation Party, a wonderful way to thank the many parishioners and school parents who during the year helped SJA's more than 60 ministries. The evening began with words of praise by Msgr. Michael McGraw who thanked everyone for the contribution they make to the the SJA community and the needy. The rest of the evening was a joyful party, entertained by SJA's own Music Ministry who invited their talented youth who sang contemporary songs and kept the attendees off their seats dancing around the sports arena. A great way to thank all those who so generously give their time, their talent, their warmth, their humor and their caring. 8 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 9 FEBRUARY 9 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 9 FROM THE DIRECTOR OF PARISH SOCIAL OUTREACH MINISTRIES THE ROLE OF THE LECTOR IN THE LITURGY What exactly is the role of the lector in the Mass what is the lector responsible for and how should a lector perform their duties? These are some of the questions that I hear when people come to me and want to join this very fulfilling ministry. The duties of the lector are as follows; The lector says the opening announcements and states the intention for the Mass along with the name of the priest presider. In the absence of a deacon and with the permission of the priest celebrant the lector may carry in the Book of the Gospels in the entrance procession. The position of the Book should be about chest high. The lector proclaims their assigned readings and, in the absence of a deacon, will read the General Intercessions during the Prayer of the Faithful. The lector does exercise a genuine liturgical function so they should perform their duties with the sincere piety and the decorum necessary to demonstrate the importance of the ministry. The lector should adhere to the written word and not “ad lib,” change the words that are written or make the reading a type of performance that distracts from the Sacred Text. The lector should prepare to read the Sacred Text with the care and importance that is proper to the ministry since the lector is a true minister rather than just a reader. This concept of ministry is very important for lectors, one should consider themselves a servant of God’s people when ministering and place the prominence on the Word rather than themselves. As one can see at the Masses here at St. Joan’s we have an excellent group of lectors who are very dedicated to their ministry. If you would like to become a lector and become a part of this important ministry, please contact Deacon Bill Watzek at (561) 952-2828 or email me at [email protected]. Deacon Bill Watzek DIRECTOR OF PARISH SOCIAL OUTREACH MINISTRIES 10 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 9 PARISH LITURGY COMMITTEE: HEALING MASS “Son of David, have pity on us!” – MATTHEW 9:27 FEBRUARY 19, 2014 AT 7:00 P.M. ST. JOAN OF ARC PARISH CHURCH CHOIR: ST. JOAN YOUTH CHOIR CELEBRANT:FATHER JIMMY B. HABABAG SJA RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Want to end abortion? If you do, the first thing you must do is pray. The INTERNATIONAL 40 Days for Life Campaign is firmly rooted on a foundation of prayer and fasting, to help maintain focus on the Lord and stay in tune with His guidance. Prayer is at the center of 40 Days for Life. The 40 Days for Life campaign, 2014 will run from March 5 through April 13 (Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday). MORE INFORMATION TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER. Saint Joan of Arc meets every Friday at 9:45 to pray the Rosary at the Planned site of West Boca: Parenthood8177 Glades Road. For more information call Terri 561 901 7312 or Mary Jane 561 961 4900. Other Activities from the SJA RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY • Rosary for Life in the chapel after 8:15 Mass • Life Chain (Fall) . March for Life in Washington DC January 22 every year . Baby Shower to help Birth Line Talks and Conferences If you would like to show this Ministry please call Constanza Preble at 561 952 2860 "Morning of Reflection." BECOMING A BEATITUDE WOMAN led by Sister Frances Madigan HOW CAN I LIVE THE BEATITUDES? "Your light must shine before all so that they may see goodness in your acts and give praise to our heavenly Father." MATTHEW 5:16 Take time to nourish your soul-- Please join the Council of Catholic Women for this special retreat as we gather for prayer, meditation and reflection. Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Continental Breakfast 8:00am Program 8:30am - 10:15am . St. Joan of Arc - Mercy Center Celebration of Mass at 10:30am. St. Joan of Arc - Chapel This program will strengthen your faith and leave you feeling full of joy, peace and love. RSVP to Debra by February 23 [email protected] - 954-907-3309 FEBRUARY 9 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 11 Save the date for St. Joan of Arc Church & School Family, Faith, and Fun Day April 5, 2014. from 10:00am to 2:00pm Sponsors needed! St. Joan of Arc Family, Faith, & Fun Day was started two years ago to offer the families here at St. Joan of Arc an opportunity to gather together in a fun-filled environment recognizing the common element that brings us together, our faith. The cost of having this very successful event has increased each year and in an effort to keep the cost of attendance affordable we are offering these sponsorship opportunities. COST TO SPONSOR ACTIVITY $6,200.00 $1,350.00 $950.00 $800.00 $775.00 $725.00 SOLD $475.00 $425.00 SOLD SPONSORSHIP INCLUDES - a banner with your name or company name placed in front of activity. Your name or company name will also appear in the advertising for Family, Faith, & Fun Day on our web page and in the parish bulletin. The sponsorships pay for the rental of the activity and your banner. Premier Sponsorship for All Rides 4 Station Euro Bungee 33 Foot Dual Titanic Slide Petting Zoo and Pony Rides Wrecking Ball Adrenaline Rush 2 Obstacle Course 16 FT Large 3N 1 Single Lane Combo Toddler Playland Alien Invasion Double Shot Basketball COST TO SPONSOR GAME BOOTH $125.00 $125.00 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD $300.00 $350.00 SOLD SPONSORSHIP INCLUDES - a poster with your name or company name placed in front of booth. Your name or company name will also appear in the advertising for Family, Faith, & Fun Day in the parish bulletin. The sponsorships underwrite the prizes for each game booth. Tic Tac Toe Ring Toss Duck Pond Bean Bag Toss Tin Pan Alley General Store Entertainment Prize Wheel Face Painting Company Name/Name for Poster or Banner: ..................................................................................................................................... Name: ..................................................................... Address: ....................................................................................................... City: ............................................................... State: ................................. Zip: .............................. Phone: .................................. I want to sponsor: ...................................................................................................................................................................... Please make checks payable to: St. Joan of Arc Donations may be charged to your credit card: o Please Charge $ ..................... to my o Amex o Master Card o Visa o Discover Vin #.................Card Number ................................................................................... Exp. Date ................................ Signature ............................................................................................................... For More information call Diane Salerno in the Special Projects Office at 561-952-2848. 12 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 9 About 70 St. Joan Alumni from the classes of 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 attended a fun evening reunion on January 31st in OLOM. The students were able to reunite with classmates, enjoy a BBQ cooked up fresh from some our Dad's Club members, and have fun in a photo booth, and in the Sports Arena. The feedback from attendees was a big thumbs up, and a request for more events in the future. Thanks to all who participated and helped make the event a success! FEBRUARY 9 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 13 2013-2014 ST. JOAN OF ARC CATHOLIC CHURCH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CALENDAR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SCHOOL YEAR FEBRUARY 2014 SUN 9 (9:15am – 10:30am) PK 4-8th grade MON 10 First Reconciliation Parents Session (O-Z) Grade 2 only 6:30pm – 8:00pm WED 12 Classes (4:45pm – 6:00pm) PK4-8th grade SUN 16 NO CLASSES WED 19 NO CLASSES SUN 23 (9:15am – 10:30am) PK 4-8th grade WED 26 Classes (4:45pm – 6:00pm) PK4-8th grade Gr. 3 to 8 Lent Penance Service RCIA--FOR ADULTS The RCIA program is a journey of Faith, designed for those adults who wish to become members of the Catholic Faith Community. The journey includes: CATECHUMENS Those of you who wish to celebrate the sacrament of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. CANDIDATES Those of you who wish to celebrate one or more sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and/or Confirmation. St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church prides itself in quality Faith Formation for our children. We will not turn any child away. Registration for the new school year is now under way for Religious Education. Please feel free to stop by the Religious Education Office Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm. The program runs from September 15, 2013 until May 11, 2014. A complete calendar for the school year will be available after August 1, 2013. It will be important to follow our calendar for dates of classes, parent sessions, rehearsals, special events and reception of Sacraments. Classes meet from PreKindergarten-4 years old to Grade 8 on Sundays from 9:15am to 10:30am and on Wednesdays from 4:45pm to 6:00pm. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION 2013-2014 Our Sacramental Preparation Sessions are held on Sunday mornings, 9:15am – 10:30am starting in September through May. We ask that participants and their families be active, registered parishioners, and attend Mass on a weekly basis. PREPARATION TIME: First Reconciliation/First Communion is 2 years, (Grades 1 and 2) Confirmation Class is also 2 years, (Grades 7 and 8). If your child is less than 7 years old, parents are required and godparents are encouraged to attend Baptism Preparation Classes the first Thursday of the month from 7:00pm to 8:15pm in the Rose & Pat Procacci Bldg. in We offer classes for children in first and second grades and seventh and eight grades, both in English and Spanish. A copy of the Baptismal Certificate is required when registering your child. The Religious Education Office is open from 9am to 5pm, Mon. – Fri. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Bill Watzek at 561-952-2828. Conference Room A. Baptisms are celebrated Sundays at 1:30pm. For further information or to register please contact the Parish Office at 561-392-0007 or Bill Watzek at 561-952-2828. 2014 PRE-BAPTISM CLASSES 1st Thursday of Every Month in English Conference Room A at 6:00am - 9:00pm March 6, 2014 April 3, 2014 May 1, 2014 June 5, 2014 July 3, 2014 RCIA--FOR CHILDREN Catechetical classes are done individually for children 7 and up to be prepared for the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil. August 7, 2014 September 4, 2014 October 2, 2014 November 6, 2014 December 4, 2014 This schedule is adapted to meet everyone's needs. NO ONE SHOULD BE WITHOUT RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. WE WILL NOT TURN ANY CHILD OR FAMILY AWAY. OFFICE HOURS FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR (September 15, 2013 to May 11, 2014) Monday , Tuesday, Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm. Wednesday 10:00am to 6:00pm (When there is no class on Wednesday the office hours are 9am to 5pm) Friday’s 9:00am to 2:00pm. Sunday’s 9:00am to 12:00 noon (when there is no class on Sunday the office will be closed. The office will then be open on Fridays from 9:00am to 5:00pm.) For more information call: Bill Watzek directly by calling at 561-952-2828 or email: [email protected]. 14 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 9 FR. RANDALL’S BOOK CLUB We shall meet on Tuesdays beginning January 7 at 3:00p.m. in our usual meeting room. Our first five meetings will cover the life and poetry of Robert Frost. To make it easy for everyone, I will follow the selections from Tim Kendall’s The Art of Robert Frost, a book published by Yale University in 2012. Feb. 4: Mountain Interval, 1916, Robert Frost Feb. 18:New Hampshire, 1923, Robert Frost Mar. 4: Later Poems of Robert Frost, 1924-1963 Mar. 18:Life of William Golding and his novel Free Fall, 1959 April 1: Free Fall, William Golding (conclusions) April 15: The Spire, 1964, William Golding April 29: The Spire (conclusions) The Life of Robert Frost and his third volume of poetry: New Hampshire, 1923. ASSIGNMENT FOR FEBRUARY 18: POEMS: 1. New Hampshire 2. The Ax-Helve 3. The Grindstone 4. Two Witches 5. Fire and ice 6. The Runaway 7. Stopping by Woods 8. To Earthward 9. Two Look at Two 10. The Hillside Thaw 11. The Need of Being Versed in Country Things YOUTH MISSION TRIP Scheduled for July 16-30, 2014 APPLICATION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, FEB. 28 2014 High School Youth Immersion Trip to Lima, Trujillo, and Mache, Peru All High School Youth interested in joining the Mission Trip to work with Sister Immaculata must fill-in the Application that can be found online at (follow the link in the Home Page under Parish Announcements). Complete the application and agree to attend the pre-immersion trip meetings. Immersion trip pre-meetings will be announced at a later time. There are spots available for 10 students and 4 adult chaperones (14 total) so please turn the application in as soon as possible. For more information please call Katherine at 561-952-2868 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY ANNUAL 2014 PARISH RETREAT FOR MEN AND WOMEN March 28th, 29th, & 30th The Koinonia Parish 3 day retreat held at St Joan of Arc spiritual journey of encountering Jesus in each one of us. It will be your personal Lenten walk with Jesus. This year Koinonia will be on March 28th, 29th, and 30th. Retreat Fee is $85.00 includes all meals. SPACE IS LIMITED. (No one will be denied this awesome experience for lack of funds) For more information, please call John /Coralie Stoltz 561-270-3228. To Register, please call Tessie O'dea 561-952-2852 Harvesting our Tears A process of grieving our loved Ones We will meet during 8 weeks on Tuesdays starting October 7. O God, when all is in darkness And we feel our weakness and helplessness, Give us the sense of your presence, Your love and your strength. Living close to You, we shall see Your hand, Your purpose , Your will through all things. Saint Ignatius of Loyola More information please call to: Shirley Hennessey and her phone number: 561-391-8375 FEBRUARY 9 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 15 PRAY FOR THE SICK Amantia, Bill Ayala, Angelina Calkin,Tristin (6 Yrs. Old) Cacace, Vincent Carey, Susan Cassani, Angela Conaghan, Patrick Colon, Myrna Cuccolo, Anthony Chiaway, Guillermo Desmarais, Clovis Cherry, Dorre Teresa Marrou Freundt Feerguson-Byrne, Ashley Ferguson, John Fiorito, Josephine Gonzales, Christine Horn, Amy Holmes, Mary Imbrigiotta, Marlene Jorgensen, Bob Kassing, Robert Kartheiser, Karen Kenny, Pauline M. Kolcun, Laverne Krasne, Mary Rose BAPTISMS We welcome the newest members of St Joan of Arc Parish and offer our congratulations to the parents of the newly baptized. ALTAR BREAD Do you want a special remembrance for a loved one, living or deceased? You can donate Altar Bread for a week of Masses by calling Karen Tringali, 561-752-0014. February 9: In loving memory of Charles “Fran” Giblin by his family February Lang, Elaine Leighton, Wilson Lippy, Jim Lyn, Adele Mahoney, Suzanne Manno, Jean Mazak, Catherine Miller, Betty Muriel McCarthy, Mary McCormick, John Nickerson, Susan Nguyen, Christopher Perrone, Concetta Perez, Rosa Pike, Stephen Pinto, Kevin Pfistner, Paul Rellick, Mary Ridge, Teresa Rishoff, Gertrude Roberts, Tyler Rodriguez, Mary Ann Roesslein, Mike Roy, Dolores & George Sagaria, Joyce Sangster, Matt Soihet, Samoel Soihet,Fanny Schley, Megan Syler, Jr. Bob Tousignant, Helen Trzeciak, Max WOULD YOU LIKE TO DONATE FLOWERS TO DECORATE THE ALTAR ON THE WEEKEND MASSES? You can do this to celebrate special dates, (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.). You can also donate them in memory of someone or to celebrate your family, or your business or simply to decorate the Lord's table. Your name would be printed here on the week you choose to donate the flower arrangement/s. If interested, please call Patty Delaney at (561)952-2868 or email [email protected] 16 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 9 DECEASED Theresa Meyers Carol Lesinski Dorothy Gereke SUNDAY READINGS FEB 9 Isaiah 58:7-10 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Matthew 5:13-16 Overseas in The US Armed Forces: Afghanistan: Staff. Sgt. Douglas Stott, PVT 1st Class Brendan Nestor. Iraq: Sgt. Maj. John Hermeling, Capt. Christopher Allen & PFC Lee E. Palmer; David Schuler, Lance Corp., Marines. Germany: Benjamin Creed, PVT. Okinowa: SA William Fix Jr. Djibouti, Africa: Rev. John Gayton, member of the Navy Chaplain Corps Spain: Lance Corporal Brett R. Bryant When you consider your estate plans, remember your spiritual Family Truly your parish has been a part of your faith development, a member of your family. Consider becoming a member of The Arc Angel Society as a way of guaranteeing the health of your spiritual family long into the future. Please consider a bequest as part of your plans to benefit your parish. Through your estate, your membership in our extended community of faith will continue in perpetuity. Your attorney, or financial advisor can advise you on the tax benefits and other considerations you will want to think about as you consider your estate plans. A number of valuable and attractive benefits will accompany your membership. These include special masses and mailings designed especially for Society members. For more information, please contact Wendy Horton at 561.952-2838. S.J.A. MINISTRIES & SUPPORT SERVICES PRAY THE ROSARY Join us every morning, 6:15am in the Chapel, to pray for our Pope, Bishop, Priests, Deacons, and Religious, and for vocations. Join us every morning after the 8:15am Mass in the Chapel to pray to end abortion. AA (ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS) Meets at St. Joan of Arc Saturdays, 10am in Immaculata Center, Mondays, 7:00pm, Art Room, and Wednesdays 7:00pm in Immaculata Center. AL - ANON ALA - TEEN Meets at St. Joan of Arc Saturdays, 10am in Immaculata Center ST. JOAN OF ARC KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS! We are a part of this great dynamic Catholic International Organization. Call Joe Kabbas, G.K.: 561-299-8921. ST. JOAN OF ARC COLUMBIETTES are the Knights of Columbus Auxiliary of dedicated Catholic women. Please join us as United We Stand to embark on this fresh new year in building a strong bond in our parish. For details call Terri Picinich, 561-901-7312. MOMMY & ME Weekly get together Every Tuesday between 10:00am and 1:00pm. Come and go as you please. We bring snacks/lunch for the little ones and ourselves. At The Ark - every other week. Please contact Amanda Roccapriore - Herrera at 561-859-8684 or [email protected] for information. JOIN THE SJA COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN (CCW) St. Joan of Arc Council of Catholic Women (CCW) is a dynamic group of women who support, empower and educate its members in spirituality, leadership and service. We are an affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women. Our Circle Meetings are smaller groups that meet once a month. St. Ana Circle 4th Wednesday at 8am. St. Clare Circle 3rd Wednesday at 1pm. St. Elizabeth Circle 2nd Friday at 12.00pm. Sts Martha & Mary Circle 3rd Thursday at 7pm. St. Monica Circle 4th Monday at 2pm. St. Therese of Lisieux 3rd Tuesday at 8am. We have an interesting calendar of events. Please join us, make new friends, as we are Women Making a difference. For more information call Miriam Gaynor, 561-395-5615 SJA RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Join us to pray the rosary at the Planned Parenthood site at 8177 Glades Rd., West Boca. We meet in front of the shopping center at 9:45am on Fridays. For information call Terri at 561-901-7312 or Mary Jane at 561-961-4900. PREGNANT? KNOW YOUR OPTIONS, CALL 800-395-HELP ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Join us every Tuesday, 5-9pm and Friday, 9am to 9pm in the Chapel. Divine Mercy Chaplet prayed on Fridays at 3:00pm, and the Rosary on Fridays at 8:30pm. KNIT/CROCHET SOCIAL All are invited to join us on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30am in the at the Casa Hispana (corner of 3rd Ave and 4 th St.). Beginners to experts are needed to make prayer shawls and projects for preemies, kids and our troops. Call Claire at 445-4802 or Dottie at 395-2681 for more information. SJA DAD’S CLUB Every Monday in Mercy Center at Drop off - 7:45am All dads in the Parish welcome. P.O.P.S. Parents of Prayer & Service meet every Thursday during the school year, 7:45am to 8:15am in the Convent Chapel. Please join us. ALLELUIA CLUB Is a meeting of Parishioners 50 + More information please call Tessie O’Dea at 561-952-2852 SJA SCHOOL ALUMNI: We invite you to register on our St. Joan of Arc website as an alumnus if you haven't already done so at [email protected] SHARED CARE Each Wednesday at Temple Beth El, 9:30am to 2:30pm. Bring your loved one so you may have some respite care, or come and volunteer and have fun with us! This is a combined effort between Temple Beth El, St. Joan of Arc and The First Presbyterian Church. For more info call Tessie O’Dea at 561-952-2852. THE SJA PUBLIC ADVOCACY COMMITTEE is requesting the current members and any other parishioners who wish to join, to send their email/phone number (whichever you wish) to Joseph Kabbas, Chairman of Public Advocacy. Joined with Public Advocacy is Respect Life. If you are a member or wish to be part of these two ministries, please forward your e-mail / phone number to Joseph Kabbas Chairman e-mail [email protected] phone 561-299-8921 fax 561-362-7134 KOINONIA GATHERING 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am Immaculata Center. For info call Tessie O’Dea at 561-952-2852 JOYFUL AGAIN For more information please call Marjorie O’Sullivan 561-395-6029. SUNDAY TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND Each week at 9:30am on WPXP TV, Channel 8, Mass for the Homebound can be seen. For a copy of the Sunday Missal, call the Diocesan Office of Communications at 561-775-9529. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Call us if you or someone you know is no longer able to attend Mass. Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion visit the elderly & infirmed Parishioners. Call 561-952-2828 UPGRADE YOUR CLOSET! THE ST. JOAN OF ARC USHERS WANT YOU!!! Are you tired of your wardrobe and deciding what to wear to Mass each week? Let us dress you! We are a ministry of over 60 men and women that provide each mass with the hospitality & services to make all parishioners and guests feel welcome. We would like to tell you about this great ministry and how getting involved provides a service to St. Joan and a blessing for you. And you’ll be one of the best dressed people at Mass! Call Ken Meldonian 561-620-4884 or Dennis Jordan 561-395-8329. SCRIPTURE STUDY Sunday Morning from 9:15am to 10:30 am. in Conf. Room B. Thursday Morning Scripture Study 9:00am at the Casa Hispana (corner of 3rd Ave and 4 th St.) NA (NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS) Meets at St. Joan of Arc Fridays at 7 pm, in Immaculata Center. More information call: 276-4581 Find your purpose... feed your soul. Embark upon a 10-week Journey of Discovery and Transformation that is life-changing! For details contact. Tessie O'Dea 561-952-2852 or Martha Nicolli at [email protected] FEBRUARY 9 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 17 ROSARY SERVICE HELD EVERY MONTH Catholic Charities Office of Respect Life conducts a Rosary Service the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. outside the Presidential Women's Center in West Palm Beach. The center is located at 100 Northpoint Parkway, just off 45th St and Village Blvd. Please join us across the street from the abortion center as we peacefully pray. For information, call the Respect Life Office at 561-775-9565. WORKSHOP FOR EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Sessions offered simultaneously in English and Spanish Presented simultaneously in English and in Spanish. Saturday, March 8, 2014 in Ascension Church, Boca Raton. More information at 561-997-5486. (Last day for registration: Tuesday, March 4) These workshops will assist you in the training of both new and experienced Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Topics include: background theology, spiritual preparation, principles of good liturgy, ministry to the sick and procedures for Extraordinary Ministers. New ministers will get hands-on practice with unconsecrated altar breads and wine. The registration fee for all workshops is $11.00 per person, which includes books and materials. Parishes will be billed after the workshop for the actual number of attendees from the parish. DOMINICAN TRADITION OF THE SISTERS OF ADRIAN Come join us for conversation and prayer in the unfolding Dominican tradition of the Sisters of Adrian. Come be encircled in prayer and conversation and discover the ministries in which we are engaged. Meet some of the wisdom figures in the Congregation and share your vision of the Gospel for our world today. Gather Friday, February 21, at 3:00 p.m. and depart after supper on Saturday, February 22. There is no cost to the weekend. Call Sister Durstyne at 517-266-3537 or email [email protected]. Adrian Dominican Sisters (1257 East Siena Heights Drive · Adrian, Michigan 49221-1793) CALLING ALL DIOCESAN CATHOLIC WOMEN Registration Forms are now available for the 5th Annual Catholic Women of Faith, Women of Action Conference to be held Saturday, March 1, 2014 at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius in Palm Beach Gardens. Hosted by the Palm Beach Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, all women of faith and of all ages throughout the Diocese of Palm Beach are invited to attend this conference. This inspiring day of worship will provide you with many opportunities to grow in your prayer life, faith and service. Our motivational guest speaker will be Father Richard Champigny, O. Carm., and Parochial Vicar at St. Jude Catholic Church in Boca Raton. Other conference highlights include: • 18 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 9 Spirit-filled music by St. Jude's H.O.P.E. (He Opened Paradise for Everyone) Music Ministry • Mass with celebrant Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach • Confession, the Rosary, religious articles, prayer and contemplation • Registration/check-in will be held from 8 a.m. - 9 a.m.; Conference doors will open at 9 a.m. For more information or to view or download a registration form, please call Patti Amann at 561-662-4780 or visit or PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS By popular request, we continue to maintain and update the monthly calendar which originally appeared on the diocesan website during the Year for Priests (June 2009 – June 2010.) The prayers of all the faithful in support of the dedicated priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach are much appreciated by our priests. Please continue to pray daily, using the monthly calendar as a guide. The guide can be found on the Events Calendar of the website. Go to and click on the “Pray Daily for Priests” wording in the left column. ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY MASS FOR MARRIED COUPLES Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach, will preside at the celebration of our 30th Annual Anniversary Mass for Married Couples on Saturday, February 22, 2014, 10:30AM, at St. Mark in Boynton Beach. Cake, coffee and punch will be served in the parish hall after the Mass. All couples who will be celebrating 25, 40, or 50 or more years of marriage in the calendar year 2014 are invited to participate. To attend, please contact your own parish office and register your names as soon as possible – but no later than Monday, February 3, 2014. We ask that all participating couples arrive at St. Mark Church by 10:00AM -- thirty minutes prior to the start of the Mass. CURSO DE PLANIFICACIÓN NATURAL DE LA FAMILIA La Diócesis de Palm Beach les invita al próximo Curso de Planificación Natural dela Familia, Lunes 10 y 17 de Febrero, 7:00pm en el Salón de Conferencias de St. Juliana (4500 S. Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, FL 33405).El Método Billings es 100% natural, está científicamente comprobado y es útil tanto para evitar como para lograr un embarazo, sigue la enseñanza de la Iglesia y permite a la pareja compartir la responsabilidad de planificar su familia. Costo de materiales $10.00 Para registrarse: Rosario Solís al (772) 344-3969. PATRIOTIC ROSARY Friday, February 28th, 2013 at 1:30pm. At St. Joan of Arc Chapel believe in the power of prayer!! –please join us. For more information please call Terri Picinich at 561-901-7312. Ministerio Hispano MISA EN ESPAÑOL TODOS LOS SABADOS A LAS 6:30pm. (Confesiones todos los Sábados a las 5:45pm (antes de la Santa Misa) en la capilla) “Nuestro principal apostolado como cristianos consiste en crear en el mundo un ambiente de auténtica caridad” NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LOURDES SU FIESTA EL 11 DE FEBRERO SAN JOSE La Iglesia, siguiendo una antigua costumbre, prepara la fiesta de San José, el día 19 de marzo, dedicando al Santo Patriarca los siete domingos anteriores a esa fiesta en recuerdo de los principales gozos y dolores de la vida de San José.En estapagina lo recordaremoscadadomingo: Primer dolor: Estando desposada su madre María con José, antes de vivir juntos se halló que había concebido en su seno por obra del Espíritu Santo (Mt 1,18). Primer gozo: El ángel del Señor se le apareció en sueños y le dijo: José, hijo de David, no temas recibir a María, tu esposa, pues lo concebido en ella es del Espíritu Santo. Dará a luz un hijo y le pondrás por nombre Jesús (Mt 1, 20-21). La advocación católica de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes hace referencia a las dieciocho apariciones de la Virgen María queBernadetteSoubirous (1844-1879) afirmó haber presenciado en la gruta de Massabielle, a orillas del río Gave de Pau, en las afueras de la población de Lourdes, Francia, en las estribaciones de los Pirineos, en 1858. Ya en vida de Bernadette, multitud de católicos creyeron en las apariciones de la Virgen María como vehículo de la gracia de Dios, y el papa Pío IX autorizó al obispo local para que permitiera la veneración de la Virgen María en Lourdes en 1862, unos diecisiete años antes de la muerte de Bernadette.BernadetteSoubirous fue proclamada santa por Pío XI el 8 de diciembre de 1933. Desde entonces, la advocación de la Virgen María como Nuestra Señora de Lourdes ha sido motivo de gran veneración, y su santuario es uno de los más visitados del mundo: unos 8 000 000 de personas peregrinan allí cada año. La Iglesia católica siempre consideró a la Virgen María como una figura íntimamente próxima a todo sufrimiento humano, desde aquel momento descrito por el Evangelio según san Juan:"Junto a la cruz de Jesús, estaban su madre y la hermana de su madre, María, mujer de Cleofás y María Magdalena. Jesús, viendo a su madre y junto a ella al discípulo a quien amaba, dice a su madre: «Mujer, ahí tienes a tu hijo.» Luego dice al discípulo: «Ahí tienes a tu madre». Y desde aquella hora el discípulo la acogió en su casa"Juan 19, 25-27. A partir de los hechos testimoniados por BernadetteSoubirous, la Iglesia católica consideró a la Virgen María, en su advocación de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, la patrona de losenfermos.Al meditar en la fiesta de hoy, vemos cómo el Señor ha querido poner en manos de su Madre todas las verdaderas riquezas que los hombres debemos implorar, y nos ha dejado en Ella el consuelo del que andamos tan necesitados. Aquellas dieciocho apariciones a la pequeña Bernadette son una llamada que nos recuerda la misericordia de Dios, que se ejerce a través de Santa María.La Virgen se muestra siempre como Salud de los enfermos y Consoladora de los afligidos. Nosotros, al hacer hoy nuestra oración, acudimos a Ella, pues son muchas las necesidades que tenemos a nuestro alrededor. Ella las conoce bien, nos escucha allí donde nos encontramos y quiere que acudamos a su protección. Y esto nos llena de alegría y de consuelo, especialmente en la fiesta que hoy celebramos. A Nuestra Señora acudimos como hijos que no se quieren alejar de Ella: «Madre, Madre mía...», le decimos en la intimidad de nuestra oración, pidiéndole ayuda en tantas necesidades como nos apremian: en el apostolado, en la propia vida interior, en aquellos que tenemos a nuestro cargo, y de los que nos pedirá cuentas el Señor. Para Información sobre los sacramentos, clases de preparación para bautismo, etc. Entrar en nuestra página web: o pedir información en la parroquia con María, Rosario o Alba 561-392-0007. Para pedir una intención en las misas para difuntos o enfermos dirigirse a la oficina parroquial en las horas de oficina. Nuestra contribución semanal a la Iglesia. Como miembros de Santa Juana de Arco la comunidad hispana contribuimos semanalmente con el ofertorio, continuemos siendo generosos con nuestra aportación. La participación de todos los feligreses es esencial para el éxito de nuestros ministerios apostólicos. FEBRUARY 9 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 19 MINISTERIO HISPANO AVISOS PARROQUIALES LAS INTENCIONES DEL PAPA FRANCISCO PARA EL MES DE FEBRERO estarán dedicadas al reconocimiento de los ancianos en la Iglesia y en la sociedad, y a la misión evangelizadora. La intención universal del apostolado de la oración del Santo Padre para el mes de febrero de 2014 es: “para que la sabiduría y la experiencia de las personas mayores sean reconocidas en la Iglesia y en la sociedad” Mientras que su intención evangelizadora es: “para que sacerdotes, religiosos y laicos colaboren generosamente en la misión de evangelización”. Proximamente: TALLER DEL PADRE LARRAÑAGA para matrimonios si quieres participar llama al 561-859-4666 para más información o envía un e mail a [email protected] PASTORAL POS-MATRIMONIAL. Para personas que han sufrido una separación o un divorcio o la muerte del cónyuge. Comuníquese con María Teresa Isaza 561-502-5770 CURSILLOS DE CRISTIANDAD. Si buscas: Paz Interior, Mejora tu relación Familiar, Una sociedad mejor, Seguridad, Felicidad, Como acercarte a Dios. Envia tu información a la Diocesis de Palm Beach POBox 18338, WPB FL 33406 PRÓXIMO BAUTISMO EN ESPAÑOL para menores de 6 años: Sábado 15 de Febrero regístrese en la oficina de la parroquia 561-392-0007. Próxima clase pre bautismal en español para padres y padrinos: Martes 18 de Febrero a las 7:00pm “Estamos llamados a vivir cada día nuestro Bautismo, como realidad actual en nuestra existencia. Si logramos seguir a Jesús y permanecer en la Iglesia, incluso con nuestros límites, con nuestras fragilidades y nuestros pecados, es precisamente por el Sacramento en el cual hemos sido convertidos en nuevas criaturas y hemos sido revestidos de Cristo. Papa Francisco, Audiencia 8 de enero de 2014”. TALLER BÍBLICO CON EL PADRE OSCAR ALONSO. Proximaclase , jueves 27 de febrero en la sala de conferencia “B” del edificio de la Escuela. Horario: 6:30 pm – 8:30pm CLASES DE PRIMERA COMUNIÓN: Domingos a las 9:15 y Miércoles a las 4:45 Llame a Rosa o Constanza 561-952-2872 para más información. “A la Eucaristía también se le conoce como Santa Misa, pues la liturgia en la que se realiza el misterio de salvación se termina con el envío de los fieles o "missio", a fin de que cumplan la voluntad de Dios en su vida. CONFIRMACIONES y CLASES DE INICIACIÓN SACREMENTAL. “El sacramento de la Confirmación perfecciona la gracia bautismal, y nos da la fortaleza de Dios para ser firmes en la fe y en el amor a Dios y al prójimo.Nos da también audacia para cumplir el derecho y el deber, que tenemos por el bautismo, de ser apóstoles de Jesús, para difundir la fe y el Evangelio, personalmente o asociados, mediante la palabra y el buen ejemplo.” CATÓLICOS QUE DESEAN RENOVAR SU VIDA SACRAMENTAL, o que desean recibir los sacramentos, también adultos no Católicos que quieren abrazar la Fe Católica están invitados a unirse al CATECUMENADO o Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (R.I.C.A.) Llamar a Rosa o Constanza en el departamento de Educación religiosa 561-952-2872 NECESITAMOS MONAGUILLOS! Para participar como monaguillo por favor envíe su información completa a: [email protected] ó comuníquese con Rita Carrillo 561 543 6049 para más información. Durante las Misas en español, los niños de 4 a 11 años se reúnen en la capilla para vivir la LITURGIA DE LA PALABRA dirigida por nuestros queridos catequistas. Gracias , José y Cinthia por su generosa colaboración para presentar la Palabra a los niños durante la Misa. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN SANTA JUANA DE ARCO: Únase a nuestro grupo de oración, Nos reunimostodos los jueves a las 7:00pm en la Casa Hispana. En la Casa Hispana: en la esquina de SW 4thStreet y SW 3rd Ave. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN PADRE PIO: Todos los jueves a las 8:15 la Santa Misa en la capilla, a seguir a partir de las 9:00am nos reunimos en la casa de oración THE ARK para rezar juntos el Santo Rosario. SERVICIOS OFRECIDOS PARA LA COMUNIDAD: Las CLASES DE INGLÉS se reúnen todos los miércoles por la mañana y por la tardeLlame al 561-212 - 9868 para registrarse y recibir más información. Próximas CLASES DE ASISTENCIA EN PREPARACIÓN PARA LA CIUDADANÍA (no se dan clases de inglés o de preparación para el examen): Lunes 17 de Febrero y Lunes 3 de Marzo. Por favor llame a Adriana para confirmar: 954-818-5032. Directorio Director: Constanza Preble 561-859-4666 - 561-620-6280 - Ministerio Extraordinario de la Eucaristía: Sr. y Sra. Córdova 561-573-0194 Monaguillos: Rita Carrillo 561-543-6049 - Liturgia de los niños: Nanci Mesa 561-208-6380 Clases de Inglés: 561- 212-9868 - Computación: 561-929-9005 20 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l FEBRUARY 9