May 29, 2016 - St. Juan Diego Parish


May 29, 2016 - St. Juan Diego Parish
Corpus Christi
El Cuerpo y La Sangre De Cristo
St. Juan Diego Parish
Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon
May 29, 2016
29 de Mayo de 2016
Our Mission: At St. Juan Diego Catholic Church, we are a diverse community that strives to welcome
everyone with dignity, respect and belonging by living the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Vacation Bible
School Wish List
The Power of a Single Voice
The feast of Corpus Christi is popular and
moving because it is simple and direct—it’s
all about the Eucharist, one of the greatest
treasures of Catholicism. Yet the feast would
not exist were it not for the efforts of Juliana
of Liège, a Norbertine canoness born in 1191
in Liège, Belgium, a city where there were
groups of women dedicated to Eucharistic
worship. She had a vision of a full moon with
one dark spot signifying the lack of a feast
day solely dedicated to the Eucharist. She
shared her vision and eventually vision
became reality. What gift can you envision
giving to your community?
El Poder de Una Única Voz
La festividad de Corpus Christi es popular y
conmovedora porque es simple y directa—se
trata de la Eucaristía, uno de los grandes
tesoros del catolicismo. No obstante, la fiesta
no existiría si no fuera por el esfuerzo de
Juliana de Lieja, una canonesa Norbertina del
siglo XIII nacida en 1191 en Lieja, Bélgica,
una ciudad donde había grupos de mujeres
dedicadas a la adoración eucarística. Ella
tuvo una visión de una luna llena con una
mancha oscura, que significaba la falta de un
día de fiesta dedicado únicamente a la
Eucaristía. Ella compartió su visión y
eventualmente la visión se hizo realidad.
Donated Supplies
Old newspapers
• Brown, dark blue, purple or gray
spray paint (new or used)
• Styrofoam sheets, cubes, or
rectangles (no peanuts please)
• Brown paper bags (lunch and
grocery sizes)
Please drop off all items the cave box
Father’s Day Choir
The St. Juan Diego Music
program would like to invite
all men to be part of our
First Annual Father’s Day
Choir. You need only
attend one rehearsal on June 16, 2016 at
7:30 pm at the church. The Father’s Day Choir
would then sing at the 8:45 am Mass on
Mass Schedule
Horario de Misas
Saturday / Sábado
5:00 pm
Sunday / Domingo
8:45 am
10:30 am (Español)
12:15 pm
Si necesita ayuda en español,
por favor visite o llame la oficina
Martes a Jueves
9:00am -1:00pm
Daily Mass/Misa Diaria
Tuesday - Friday
Martes - Viernes
6:00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Blessing for All Graduates
After all Masses June 11 & 12
Please stop by the Faith Formation bulletin board in the Narthex
and post a blessing to one or all of our graduates.
Saturday / Sábado 4:00-4:30 pm
Visitations to the
Sick and Homebound
Please call the parish office if you
know of someone who needs
Communion taken to them at
home or in the hospital.
Eucharistic Adoration
First Friday of every month
Friday, June 3
6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Prayer Intentions
For the sick, especially for
Xenia Teran,
mother of Veronica Nuñez
Scripture Readings
Weekly Parish Schedule
To have a Mass offered for anyone, please
call Alejandra in the parish office. Suggested donation $10
Please make your checks payable to St. Juan Diego Parish
Mass Times
May 28, 2016
5:00 pm
May 29, 2016
Mass for the People
12:00 pm
4:00-4:30 pm
8:45 am Mass
10:30 am Misa
en Español
May 29
June 5
First Reading
First Reading
Genesis 14:18-20
Genesis 14, 18-20
1 Kings 17:17-24
Reyes 17:17-24
Second Reading
Second Reading
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
1 Corintios 11:23-26
Galatians 1:11-19
Gálatas 1, 11-19
Luke 9:11b-17
Lucas 9, 11-17
Luke 7:11-17
Lucas 7, 11-17
12:15 am Mass
For Health
Memorial Day
May 30, 2016
No Daily Mass
May 31, 2016
6:00 pm
June 1, 2016
6:00 pm
Daily Mass
For Health
Pastoral Council
7:00 pm
June 2, 2016
6:00 pm
Choir Practice
7:30— 9:30 pm
6:00 pm
Daily Mass
For Health
6:30 pm—10:00 pm
5:00 pm Mass
2:00 pm
June 3, 2016
June 4, 2016
New Parish Directories are in!
If you had your picture taken, please stop by the office and pick up your
copy or contact the office to make arrangements.
Thank you!
Think SCRIP Gift Cards
for Graduation and Father’s Day Gifts!
SCRIP gift cards make great gifts - place your order after Mass
today! We also have an inventory on hand for all your favorites Albertsons, Fred Meyer (QFC), New Seasons, Albertsons, Kaady
Car Wash, Subway, and Starbucks!
Quiet Corner for
Infant and Toddlers
Many thanks to the anonymous
donor of children’s books to be used at Mass by families of infants and toddlers.
The Quiet Corner is open to
all families with young children!
4:00-4:30 pm
Social Justice
Panel Discussion
after Mass
Thank you for supporting our Parish!
May 21/22, 2016 .... 1,031 People
June 5, 2016
8:45 am Mass
10:30 am Misa
en Español
12:15 am Mass
For Health
Collection Basket ... $ 4,384.29
Electronically or by mail ... $ 4,812.30
Philomena Durcan, a member of our St.
Juan Diego Parish, is a retired Master
Quilter and Author of four books of Celtic
Designs. The quilts which are illustrated in
her books will be documented by The
Oregon Quilt Project for inclusion in The
Quilt Index, an international on-line
resource for quilt designs and history.
The volunteers from The Oregon Quilt Project will be holding
a special Documentation Day for 12 of Philomena’s quilts on
June 8th, Wednesday, at Laurel Parc at Bethany Village,
From 10 am to 4 pm. The quilts will be displayed during
the documentation. Limited copies of her books and patterns will be available free at the show.
Philomena, along with quilters Patty Carroll and Kathy Yee,
designed a quilt based on one of her designs, for Fr. John
Kerns’ 25th Ordination Anniversary. The whole parish was
invited to autograph the quilt. It was presented at the
celebration of the Dedication of the Church in 2010.
Philomena introduced Celtic design to the quilt world in
1980 with the publication of her first book of interlace
designs, Celtic Quilt Designs, which introduced her bias
applique technique. Since then she has lectured and given
workshops throughout the world on her Interlace, Spiral, and
Floral designs. Her work has been exhibited internationally
in numerous museums and shows. After the success of her
first book, Philomena published three additional books of
her quilt patterns, Celtic Spirals, A Celtic Garden and Celtic
First 1000 Days
A Catholic Culture of Life Initiative
Sunday May 29, 2016
Where All Are Welcomed and Loved With Mercy - Day 441
“Today, the thought that a great many children do not have food
to eat is not news.” Pope Francis
Los Primeros 1000 Días
Una Cultura Catholic de la Iniciativa de Vida
Domingo 29 de mayo del 2016
Donde Todos Somos Bienvenidos y Amados con Misericordia Día 441
“Hoy en día, la idea de que un gran número de niños no tengan
Faith Formation Corner:
Calling all Preschoolers—5th graders!
VBS at St. Juan Diego - August 8 - 12
registration begins June 4/5
Middle School/High School volunteers : sign-up to help with
VBS - forms are in the Narthex.
For more information, contact Jean Delaney at 503-644-1617.
Clothing Drive for
St. Andre Bessette
The Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a
month long clothing drive in support of the
Homeless Hospitality Mission of Portland’s
downtown St. Andre Bessette Catholic Church. While all adult
clothing is welcome, St. Andre is especially in need of men’s
clothing of all sizes. Pants and shoes are the greatest need.
Underwear and hygiene items (such as tooth brushes,
complimentary soaps and creams) are also welcome. There will
be a St. Andre Bessette barrel in the Narthex during the month of
June. The Knights will deliver your generous donations weekly to
St Andre. You may obtain a tax donation form from St. Andre;
simply leave a request in the Knights of Columbus distribution
Adapted Liturgy
You are invited on June 26 to the St. Pius X Adapted Liturgy, a
shorter Mass that celebrates the lives and gifts of all people,
including those with physical and developmental disabilities and
illnesses, followed by an ice cream social. Every effort is made to
accommodate the inclusion and participation of each person. The
church is accessible for wheelchairs, and listening devices are
available. The Adapted Liturgy is offered the 4th Sunday of
every month at 2:45 pm at St. Pius X, 1280 NW Saltzman Rd,
Portland, OR; call 503-644-5264 for more information. Future
dates are July 24, August 28 and Sept. 25. All are welcome to this
Catholic Women Rejoice 2016
Join us August 19 & 20 at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Tigard,
OR for the 5th Annual Catholic Women Rejoice conference! This
year's event, themed, "Rejoice and Be Free," includes opening
Mass with Archbishop Alexander K. Sample, Confession,
fabulous vendors and door prizes, keynote speakers Hallie Lord
(, Mary Lenaburg
(, MC/Event Founder
Heather Renshaw, and more! Group discounts and Early Bird
pricing are available. For event schedule and registration,
Five (5) one week sessions
from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, beginning June 27 through July 25
Classes offered for incoming Kindergarteners - 8th Grade. Sample
classes offered:
• What If You Give A Mouse A Cookie?
• A Craft a Day
• Math Mania
• The Chemistry of Baking
• Dinosaur Stomp
• Out of this World: Adventure into Space
• Creative Writing
For full list of classes and descriptions, go to the St. Pius X School
website at and click the tab
Valerie Chapman – Catholic Climate Ambassador
Harriet Cooke –Jewish Renewal Congregation, P’nai Or, Lay-leader
Dr. Khalid H Khan – Muslim, Professor at University of Portland
Shin’ei Alison Brown – Buddhist, Artist and Poet
[email protected] by May 30, 2016
Pope Francis states: “All of us can cooperate as instruments of
God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own
culture, experience, involvements and talents.”
Valerie Chapman – Catholic Climate Ambassador
Harriet Cooke –Jewish Renewal Congregation, P’nai Or, Lay-leader
Dr. Khalid H Khan – Muslim, Professor at University of Portland
Shin’ei Alison Brown – Buddhist, Artist and Poet
[email protected] by May 30, 2016
Papa Francisco afirma: "Todos nosotros podemos cooperar
como instrumentos de Dios para el cuidado de la creación,
cada uno según sus propias cultura, experiencia, compromisos
y talentos."