Terragen 2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler
Terragen 2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler
TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) Terragen 2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler 15 models ( 5 species x 3 ages ) greenworks organic software TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) XfrogPlants Desarrollo Orio Menoni Modelado Jan Walter Schliep Modelado Jan Heuschele Modelado Tany Heider Rendering Karin Rudokas Rendering Peter Fantke Investigación y Desarrollo Bernd Lintermann Investigación y Desarrollo Oliver Deussen Investigación y Desarrollo Stewart McSherry Dirección de Producción Terragen 2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) Información para el uso 5 Species x 3 Ages ( 15 Terragen 2 Models in TGO format) To open the TGOs inside Terragen 2 simply click on the buttons “Object” then “Add Object”, choose “Object” in the drop-down menu and select “TGO Reader”. Terragen 2 XfrogPlants Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) models are 5 Species selected from 22 XfrogPlants Libraries, available at www.xfrog.com and in the most important 3D online stores. Each XfrogPlants Library comes with all 9 different popular 3d formats: Bryce, Vue d’Esprit, OBJ, 3DS, Maya, 3ds max, Lightwave, CINEMA4D, and Xfr ( Xfrog ). Additionally, XSI 4.2 is supported thru an import plugin. You may wish to visit these sites: Xfrog Software, Plugins, Demos: Xfrog User Group: Xfrog User Gallery: http://www.xfrog.com http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Xfrog/ http://www.xfrog.com/4images/ Legal XfrogPlants y materiales relacionados, incluída esta documentación están protegidos © 2006, Lintermann und Deussen GbR, greenworks organic software, Greifenhagener Str. 9, 10437 Berlin Germany. +49 30 46 79 63 31 fon, +49 30 46 79 63 32 fax. Terragen 2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) is created for Terragen 2, © Planetside Software http://www.planetside.co.uk/terragen/ All rights reserved. Este documento se puede copiar y distribuir libremente en su totalidad. BASIC TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 ABEDÚL DULCE ( Betula lenta ) Árbol, perecedero de hoja plana Modelo: ancho robusto Origen: Noroeste de norte América (Ontario y región de grandes lagos) Ambiente: Bosques húmedos Clima: fresco, frío Notes : Como los otros abedules, también tiene una corta vida. Es un árbol importante para la economía. Su madera se utiliza para construir casas y barcos. La corteza y las ramas son aromáticas, y se utilizan para destilar aceite. FLOWERS 2 TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 LIATRIS ( Liatris spicata ) Planta Origen: Este de Norte América (desde Canadá a Florida) Ambiente: praderas, plena luz solar, en tierras bien drenadas Clima: templado, fresco Notes : Planta perenne, también conocida como “ Blazing Star”. Las ramas del SG, se levantan desde la raíz. Es de crecimiento lento, pero es muy duro una vez establecido. EUROPEAN GROUNDCOVER v. 2.0 TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) AMOR DE HORTELANO ( Galium aparine ) Hierbas, anual Floración: Mayo - Septiembre Orígen: Europa, Asia, Noroeste de África, Norte de América Modelos Xfrog: 30 – 120 cm Hábitat: Maleza, suelos frescos, margosos, ricos en nutrientes, desde el llano a colinas, en zonas baldías, en setos. Clima: moderado Notes : El Amor de Hortelano conocido también como lapa, posee hojas surtidas de pequeños aguijoncillos mediante los que se pega a otras plantas, a las pieles de animales y a la ropa.Tiempo atrás se les decía a las niñas en Inglaterra, que llevaban pegado a la espalda un pedacito de la hierba sin caer en la cuenta, que escondían un amante. La letra que formaba al caer al suelo determinaría la inicial del nombre de éste. USA CONIFERS v. 2.0 TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) ABETO GIGANTE ( Abies grandis ) Árbol, perenne conífera Modelo: ancho conical Origen: Oeste de Norte América Medio ambiente: fondos de riachuelos, valles, laderas de montaña Clima: fresco Notes : El Abeto Gigante crece muy rápido y es, por lo tanto, usado para la reforestación. Es resistente al frío pero pide muchas consideraciones al suelo, creciendo sólo en suelos bien drenados y calcáreos. Es tolerante a la sombra y a menudo se encuentra en bosques en asociación con otras coníferas. La madera se usa como madera de pulpa. USA EAST TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 PALMA SABAL ( Sabal palmetto ) Palma Origen: costa Este de Norteamérica (desde Carolina del Norte a Florida) Medio ambiente: áreas costeras Clima: caliente, templado Notes : La Palma Sabal (árbol del estado de Carolina del Sur) es una marca típica de las costas de Carolina del Sur y del Norte, Georgia y Florida. El capullo de hoja es muy apreciado para ensaladas, pero el uso de este alimento puede ser peligroso para la seguridad de una palma con un crecimiento muy lento. Es una palma resistente al frío. BASIC TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Basic DVD plants 60 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Horsechestnut Sweet Birch Grey Birch Pecan Shagbark Hickory Lawson’s Falsecypress European Beech Southern Magnolia Norway Spruce Colorado Spruce Mugo Pine Austrian Black Pine London Planetree Lombardy Poplar Weeping Willow Sassafras European Mountain Ash English Yew Western Red Cedar Littleleaf Linden AFRICA TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Africa DVD plants 64 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Umbrella Acacia Arrow Poison Baobab Tree Aloe Egyptian Carissa River Wild Pear Kei Apple Dragon Tree Bushman’s River Cycad Forest Sandpaper Fig African Doum Palm African Mahogany Wild Peach African Boxwood Triangle Palm Large Bottle Tree Senegal Date Palm Yellowwood White Bird of Paradise Tamarind AUTUMN TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Autumn DVD plants 60 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Japanese Maple Norway Maple Sycamore Maple Silver Maple Horsechestnut Serviceberry European Beech Ginkgo Honeylocust European Walnut Crape Myrtle European Larch Tuliptree London Planetree Lombardy Poplar English Oak Red Oak Bald Cypress Littleleaf Linden Smooth-leaved Elm BLOSSOMING TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Blossoming DVD plants 60 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Judas Tree Kousa Dogwood Golden Chain Crape Myrtle Southern Magnolia Saucer Magnolia Apple Japanese Crab Apple Oleander Apricot Sweet Cherry Pissardii Cherry Plum Sour Cherry Plum Almond Peach Kanzan Cherry Weeping Higan Cherry Yoshino Cherry Pear BONSAI TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Bonsai DVD plants 60 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Field Maple Japanese Maple Hornbeam Hinoki Falsecypress Japanese Cedar European Beech Fig Ginkgo Western Juniper Temple Juniper Japanese White Larch Apple Olive White Spruce Japanese White Pine Scotch Pine Apricot Satsuki Azalea Smooth-leaved Elm Japanese Zelkova EUROPE 1 TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Europe 1 DVD plants 60 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Field Maple Montpellier Maple Italian Maple Black Alder Hornbeam European Hackberry Common Ash Austrian Black Pine White Poplar Black Poplar Lombardy Poplar Cherry Laurel Sessile Oak English Oak White Willow Crack Willow Elderberry English Yew Broad-leaved Linden Silver Linden EUROPE 2 TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Europe 2 DVD plants 60 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Silver Fir Caucasian Fir Silver Birch Sweet Chestnut Hazel European Beech Holly Common Juniper Alpine Laburnum European Larch Medlar Norway Spruce Serbian Spruce Oriental Spruce Swiss Stone Pine Mugo Pine Scotch Pine Oriental Planetree Pyrenean Oak European Mountain Ash FLOWERS 1 TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Flowers 1 DVD plants 62 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Flamingo Lily Zebra Plant Cornflower Oxeye Daisy Cyclamen Carnation Meadows Cranebill Guzmania Sunflower Firebird Dutch Iris Lily Geranium Moth Orchid Creeping Cinquefoil Satsuki Azalea Rose Bird of Paradise Pansy Flaming Sword FLOWERS 2 TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Flowers 2 DVD plants 69 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Bell Agapanthus Poppy Anemone Delphinium Pompon Chrysanthemum Florist’s Chrysanthemum Sea Holly Scarlet Plume Crown-of-Thorns Poinsettia Lisianthus Freesia Gerbera Gladiolus Amaryllis Hyacinth Nodding Pincushion Blazing Star Pink Tiger Lily Gooseneck Loosestrife King Protea FRUIT TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Fruit DVD plants 60 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Papaya Mexican Lime Lemon Grapefruit Sweet Orange Chinese Persimmon Japanese Medlar Fig Apple Mango Banana Date Palm Apricot Sweet Cherry Plum Peach Blackthorn Guava Pomegranate Pear EUROPEAN GROUNDCOVER v. 2.0 TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) Additional XfrogPlants European Groundcover DVD plants 60 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Common Yarrow Garlic Mustard Mugwort Daisy Cornflower Greater Celandine Oxeye Daisy Couch Grass Cleavers Herb Robert German Chamomile Field Poppy Common Plantain Annual Blue Grass Creeping Buttercup Garden Sorrel Dandelion White Clover Stinging Nettle Pansy HOUSEPLANTS v. 2.0 TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) Additional XfrogPlants Houseplants DVD plants 62 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Mona Lisa Asparagus Fern Kaffir Lily Croton Petra Sago Palm Dendrobium Nobile Red-edge Dracaena Ballerina Epidendrum Crown-of-Thorns Electrode Cactus Benjamin Ficus Gemma Guzmania Common Ivy Cherry Pie Kalanchoe Banana Fishbone Fern African Violet Miniature Chusan Palm Aroid Palm JAPAN TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Japan DVD plants 60 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Nikko Fir Nikko Maple Japanese Maple Katsura Hinoki Falsecypress Japanese Cedar Ginkgo Japanese Walnut Temple Juniper Japanese White Larch Saucer Magnolia Japanese Hop Hornbeam Amur Corktree Hachiku Bamboo Koyama Spruce Japanese White Pine Kanzan Cherry Yoshino Cherry Northern Japanese Hemlock Japanese Zelkova MEDITERRANEAN v. 2.0 TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) Additional XfrogPlants Mediterranean DVD plants 61 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Atlas Cedar Lebanon Cedar Judas Tree Mediterranean Fan Palm Italian Cypress Manna Ash Prickly Juniper Laurel Myrtle Oleander Olive Aleppo Pine Sea Pine Italian Stone Pine Lentisk Turkey Oak Holm Oak Cork Oak Spanish Broom French Tamarisk PREHISTORIC TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Prehistoric DVD plants 60 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Alethopteris Araucaria Archaeopteris Asterophyllites Asteroxylon Bjuvia Calamites Cordaites Cycadeoidea Gigantea Dicroidium Glossopteris Lepidodendron Macrotaeniopteris Nipa Onychiopsis Pachypteris Sigillaria Tempskya Williamsonia Wollemi Pine RED SEA TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Red Sea DVD lifeforms 61 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Red Sea Fan Crown-of-Thorns Starfish Low Acropora Giant Sea Fan Naked Basket Star Grape Caulerpa Feather Caulerpa Tube Anemone Carnation Coral Long-spined Sea Urchin Mathaeus Sea Urchin Groved Mosaic Coral Curved Mushroom Coral Honeycomb Coral Halimeda Magnificent Anemone Birds Nest Coral Colony Siphon Sponge Yellow Scroll Coral Pulsing Xenia SHRUBS TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Shrubs DVD plants 62 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Hornbeam Cornelian Cherry Dogwood Bloodtwig Dogwood Hazel Common Hawthorn European Spindletree Fig European Buckthorn Common Privet European Aspen European Bird-Cherry Blackthorn Dog Rose Hundred-leaved Rose Grey Willow Purple Willow Elderberry European Mountain Ash Common Lilac European Cranberry Bush TROPICAL TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants Tropical DVD plants 62 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Cashew King Palm Breadfruit Papaya Mediterranean Fan Palm Sweet Orange Coconut Coffee Bluegum Eucalyptus Rubber Macadamia Mango Banana Avocado Canary Date Palm Strawberry Guava Palmetto Sugar Cane Queen Palm Chinese Windmill Palm USA CONIFERS v. 2.0 TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) Additional XfrogPlants USA Conifers DVD plants 60 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry White Fir Grand Fir California Red Fir Incense Cedar Monterey Cypress Western Juniper Tamarack Engelmann White Spruce Black Spruce Colorado Blue Spruce Lodgepole Pine Coulter Pine Bishop Pine Ponderosa Pine Monterey Pine Eastern White Pine Douglas Fir Western Red Cedar California Nutmeg Eastern Hemlock USA EAST TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants USA East DVD plants 60 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Red Maple Ohio Buckeye Paper Birch Southern Catalpa American Beech Kentucky Coffeetree Red Juniper Sweet Gum Tuliptree Southern Magnolia Umbrella Magnolia Eastern White Pine American Planetree Red Oak Staghorn Sumac Palmetto Bald Cypress Eastern Arborvitae American Linden Eastern Hemlock USA SOUTHWEST v. 2.0 TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) Additional XfrogPlants USA Southwest DVD plants 68 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Century Plant Desert Agave Bishop’s Cap Giant Saguaro Paloverde Staghorn Cholla Barrel Cactus Rainbow Cactus Strawberry Hedgehog Arizona Barrel Cactus Ocotillo Organ Pipe Cactus Miller’s Pincushion Teddy Bear Cholla Prickly Pear Santa Rita Prickly Pear Jumping Cholla Pencil Cholla Joshua Tree Soaptree Yucca USA WEST TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) v. 2.0 Additional XfrogPlants USA West DVD plants 60 professional top-quality models with authentic textures approved by botanists and used by the biggest names in the industry Grand Fir Subalpine Fir Vine Maple Incense Cedar Monterey Cypress Oregon Ash Little Walnut Western Juniper Western Larch Brewer Spruce Engelmann Spruce White Spruce Bristlecone Pine Pinyon Pine Balsam Poplar Douglas Fir Coast Live Oak Giant Sequoia Pacific Yew Western Red Cedar TG2 XfrogPlants Free Sampler (5 species x 3 ages) greenworks organic software