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Terapia endovascular: primera linea de manejo en CLI? Dr Luis Morelli intervencionista periférico Costa rica CLI: persiste el reto ! • Tipo de paciente! • Compromiso Vascular! • Altas tasas de reestenosis! • Severidad del daño tisular bypass, la mejor estrategia de tratamiento? • Morbilidad usualmente subvalorada ! • Eligibilidad! • Comorbilidades prohibitivas! • Inadecuado conducto! • Ausencia de vasos distales meta ESTUDIO BASIL • Único estudio randomizado que busca comparar ambos métodos. ! • Resultados de 1999 a 2004 (más de una década)! • Pacientes candidatos a ambos en solo un 30%! • 70% terapia endovascular en un solo segmento, y la enfermedad multisegmentaria...? CUAL MÉTODO DE REVASCULARIZACIÓN? • Condición general del paciente?! • Distribución anatómica y características de la lesión arterial?! • Grado de calcificación?! • Inflow, Outflow?! • Localización de la lesión arterial y tisular! • Grado de lesión tisular y sepsis?! • Compromiso de arterias del pie?! comorbilidades? the three territories (27). Figure A7 Typical overlap in vascular disease affecting different territories (26) Based on REACH data Norgren L, Circulation 2006; 113:463-654 Legend to figure A7: PAD – peripheral arterial disease Caracteristicas y distribución anatomicas de las lesiones Figure F1 TASC classification of aorto-iliac lesions Figure F2 TASC classification of femoral popliteal lesions Legend to figure F1: CIA – common iliac artery; EIA – external iliac artery; CFA – Legend to figure F2: CFA – common femoral artery; SFA – superficial femoral Arterial Progressive Involvement 74% all cases ! 1% 8% 14% 36% Graziani l. et al. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2007;33,453-460 11% 27% 1% Limitaciones en Clasificaciones actuales TASC... Graziani L, Piaggesi A. Catheter and Cardiovasc Interv 2010;75: 433-443 Limitaciones en Clasificaciones actuales TASC... 1. No considerar la enfermedad multisegmentaria 2. Exclusión del territorio BK en sus recomendaciones 3. Además recomendar cx convencional en casos complejos se basa en experiencia desactualizada. Graziani L, Piaggesi A. Catheter and Cardiovasc Interv 2010;75: 433-443 Grado de calcificación VIA ARTERIA PLANTAR Compromiso inflow-outflow Ilio-femoro-popliteo-tibial, Bypass? stent iliac o Enf tibial difusa Oclusiones ! fem-pop Endovascular? PTA+Stenting Iliaca externa, femoro-popliteo y tibial posterior Localización del Daño tisular y arterial?? angiosome guide Peroneal Artery Ang Tibial Anterior Tibial Angiosome Posterior Tibial Angiosomes Peronea Anterior Tibial PosteriorPeroneal Artery Angiosome Posterior Tibial Angiosomes QUE DEBERIAMOS REVASCULARIZAR? • El mejor vaso meta: bypass! • Revascularización directa: compartimentalización por angiosomas! • Lide et al : direct vs indirect revascularization:! ✴ Amputation free survival 49% vs 29% (P=0.0002)! ✴ Freedom from MAE limbs 51% vs 28% (P=0.008)! ✴ Freedom Major Amputation 82% vs 68%% J Vasc Surg 2011; 18:753-61 (P=0.01) INVOLUCRO DE LAS ARTERIAS DEL PIE REVASCULARIZACIÒN DEL ARCO DEL PIE REVASCULARIZACIÒN DEL ARCO DEL PIE REVASCULARIZACIÒN DEL ARCO DEL PIE AUSENCIA DE CONDUCTO VENOSO ADECUADO Protesis de PTFEe Heparin Bonded Muñon Bypass PTA previa DEB +BMS RESULTADOS soporte en la literatura • Lo primero ha declarar es que no existe estudios que comparen adecuadamente ambos procedimiento! • Debido a la heterogenicidad de población, tratamientos, características de las lesiones, objetivos buscados. angioplastia con balón • Meta-analysis 30 estudios con un total de 2653 extremidades con lesiones BTK! • Ofreció un “endovascular first approach” en comparación con bypass popliteo-distal Romiti et al. J Vasc Surg 2011; 53:1007-13 data PTA Author Romiti et al! J Vasc 2008;47:975-81 Arvela et al! Br J Surg 2011;98:518-26 Haider et al ! J Vasc Surg 2006;43:504-12 # patients 2653 Technical Success 89% Primary Patency 48.6% (36m) 584 lesions in >80 years old 180 (ATK/BTK vs Bypass) 75% vs 69%ATK ! 60% vs 53%BTK! 2y! Secondary! Patency 82.3% (36 m) Limb salvage Comments 82.4% (36m) Bypass PP 72% (36m) same LS results 85.4% vs 78.7% (2y) Angioplasty: better 2y survival rates 57.7vs52.3% No significant 90% vs 87%! better outcomes 76%vs 57% (2y) for surgery Tab. 4. Results of endovascular treatment of combined BK and femoropopliteal lesions in subjects with CLI Author Technical Lesions success % Faglia [14] 993 (1,191) 83 Dorros [17] 270 Lofberg [18] Soder [19] Brillu [20] Limb salvage Primary % Patency 0.1 88 (5yrs) - 91 0.4 91 (5yrs) - 94 88 2.4 72 (3yrs) - 72 74 - 80 (18mo) 48%, (18mo) 37 94.5 - 87 (2yrs) - Fo Patients/ Mortality % ev rR 37/57 - 2.0 98 (6mo) 61-83%, (6mo) Staffa [22] 18 - - - 78%, (6mo) Matsagas [23] 67 88 4.0 98 (3yrs) 52%, (2yrs) Balmer [24] 66 - - 94 (12mo) 44%, (1yr) Ferraresi [25] 107 98 - 93 (3yrs) 42%, (1yr) iew Rand [21] Graziani L, Piaggesi A. (2010). Indications and clinical outcomes for below knee endovascular therapy: review article. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 75(3):433-43 Tab. 4. Results of endovascular treatment of combined BK and femoropopliteal lesions in subjects with CLI Author Faglia [14] Patients/ Technical Lesions success % 993 (1,191) 83 Mortality % 0.1 Limb salvage Primary % Patency 88 (5yrs) - Technical Success % Limb Salvage Dorros [17] 270% Mortality 91 0.4 91 (5yrs) Primary Patency 94 88 2.4 72 (3yrs) - Soder [19] 72 74 - 80 (18mo) 48%, (18mo) 37 94.5 - 87 (2yrs) - Brillu [20] Fo Lofberg [18] ev rR Rand [21] 37/57 - 2.0 98 (6mo) 61-83%, (6mo) Staffa [22] 18 - - - 78%, (6mo) <2% 88 4.0 98 (3yrs) 55,6% - - 94 (12mo) 44%, (1yr) 98 - 93 (3yrs) 42%, (1yr) 88% 67 Balmer [24] 66 Ferraresi [25] 107 89% iew Matsagas [23] 52%, (2yrs) Graziani L, Piaggesi A. (2010). Indications and clinical outcomes for below knee endovascular therapy: review article. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 75(3):433-43 data BMS IN BTK Author Abularrage et al! J Vasc Surg 2011;53:1007-13 Bosiers et al! J Cardiovasc Surg2007;48:455-61 # patients Technical Success Primary Patency Secondary! Patency Limb salvage Comments 920 (1075 procedures) 89% 30% tibial (5y) 81% (5y) 75% (5y) 5y survival tibial group 47% 95.9% (1y) Differences proximal and distal BTK proc for limb salvage 100% vs 81.8% 90.8% (2y) No differences between proximal and distal 96% (1y) Heterogeneity affected the outcome 51 (58 BTK procedures) Xpert stent Bosiers et al! Update 102 (134 Xpert stens) Biondi-Zoccai et al ! 640 tibial secondary stenting J Endovasc Ther2009;16:251-60 76.3% (1y) angiographic 54.4% (2y US) 79% (1y)! data BMS IN BTK Author # patients Technical Success PRIMARY PATENCY Abularrage et al! J Vasc Surg 2011;53:1007-13 920 (1075 procedures) 51 (58 BTK procedures) Xpert stent 77% Bosiers et al! J Cardiovasc Surg2007;48:455-61 Bosiers et al! Update 102 (134 Xpert stens) 89% Primary Patency Secondary! Patency Limb salvage Comments SECONDARY PATENCY LIMB SALVAGE 30% tibial (5y) 81% (5y) 81% 76.3% (1y) angiographic 54.4% (2y US) 75% (5y) 5y survival tibial group 47% 95.9% (1y) Differences proximal and distal BTK proc for limb salvage 100% vs 81.8% 90.8% (2y) No differences between proximal and distal 95% MEAN 1 YEAR RESULTS Biondi-Zoccai et al ! J Endovasc Ther2009;16:251-60 640 tibial secondary stenting 79% (1y)! 96% (1y) Heterogeneity affected the outcome data DES in BTK Author Siablis et al! J Vasc Interv Radiol2007; 18:1351-61 Scheinert et al! Eurointervention 2006;2:169-74! Feiring et al! PaRADISE! J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;55:1580 ACHILLES study! # patients Primary Patency 29 (sirolimus stents) vs 29 BMS in BTK 86.4% vs 40.5%(1y) 60 with BTK maximal lenght 30mm 76.3% (1y) angiographic Limb salvage Comments 36.7% vs 78.6% (1y) 75% (5y) Mean Length 14 mm! P<0.001 0% vs 56.6% 6m angiographic 95.9% (1y) P<0.001 94% (3y) Survival rate and amputation free survival 71% and 68% respectively Binary Restenosis 118 200 ( maximal lenght 120mm)! 113 Cypher vs 115 PTA 80.6% vs YUKON-BTK 82 Sirulimus polymer free 55.6% (1y) P= trial vs 79 BMS 0.004 DESTINY! J Vasc Surg Secondary Patency 140 Compared Xcience V 85.2% vs to Multilink Vision 54.4% Maximal lenght 40mm P=0.0001 12 m 18.7 mm vs 45.5 mm (P<0.001) 1y 71.4% vs 91.9% (1y) P=0.005 CLI and Claudicants data DES in BTK Author Siablis et al! J Vasc Interv Radiol2007; 18:1351-61 Scheinert et al! Eurointervention 2006;2:169-74! # patients Primary Patency 29 (sirolimus stents) vs 29 BMS in BTK 86.4% vs 40.5%(1y) 60 with BTK maximal lenght 30mm 76.3% (1y) angiographic Secondary Patency Limb salvage Comments 36.7% vs 78.6% (1y) 75% (5y) Mean Length 14 mm! P<0.001 0% vs 56.6% 6m angiographic 95.9% (1y) P<0.001 Binary Restenosis Mean Primary Patency 82,2% vs 50,1% for BMS Feiring et al! PaRADISE! J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;55:1580 ACHILLES study! 118 200 ( maximal lenght 120mm)! 113 Cypher vs 115 PTA 80.6% vs YUKON-BTK 82 Sirulimus polymer free 55.6% (1y) P= trial vs 79 BMS 0.004 DESTINY! J Vasc Surg 94% (3y) 140 Compared Xcience V 85.2% vs to Multilink Vision 54.4% Maximal lenght 40mm P=0.0001 12 m Survival rate and amputation free survival 71% and 68% respectively 18.7 mm vs 45.5 mm (P<0.001) 1y 71.4% vs 91.9% (1y) P=0.005 CLI and Claudicants FINISHED CLINICAL STUDIES ON DEB STUDY Thunder DEVICE LESIONS TREATED Paccocath (A1), PTA De novo contrast(A2), femoropoplitea PTA(A3) PATIENTS RESULTS 154 LLL a 6 m: A1 0.4mm, A2 2.2mm n’ A3 1.7mm! TLR a 6 m:A1 4%, A2 29% n’ A3 37% Fempac Pilot Paccocath (A1), PTA(A2) De novo femoropoplitea 87 LLL a 6 m: A1 0.3mm, A2 0.8mm BR a 18m: A1 7% y A2 17%! TLR a 18 m:A1 17%, A2 40% In.Pact Admiral Italian Registry In.Pact Admiral De novo femoropoplitea 105 Patencia Primaria a 12 meses 84% n TLR 9% PACIFIER In.Pact Pacific (A1) vs PTA (A2) De novo femoropoplitea 91 LLL a 6 m: A1 0.01mm, A2 0.65mm ! BR a 6 m: A1 9% y A2 32%! TLR a 6 m:A1 7%, A2 26% Levanti I Moxy DEB (A1) vs PTA (A2) De novo femoropoplitea 75 LLL a 6 m: A1 0.46mm, A2 1.09mm! TLR a 6 m:A1 49%, A2 72% Schmidt et al In.Pact Amphirion BTK 104 BR a 3 m: 27%! TLR a 12 m: 17%! Limb Salvaje a 12 m: 96% DEBATEBTK In.Pact Amphirion(A1)/ Amphirion (A2) BTK 120 BR a 12 m: A1 29%, A2 72% FINISHED CLINICAL STUDIES ON DEB STUDY Thunder Fempac Pilot DEVICE LESIONS TREATED Paccocath (A1), PTA De novo contrast(A2), femoropoplitea PTA(A3) Paccocath (A1), PTA(A2) De novo femoropoplitea PATIENTS RESULTS 154 LLL a 6 m: A1 0.4mm, A2 2.2mm n’ A3 1.7mm! TLR a 6 m:A1 4%, A2 29% n’ A3 37% 87 LLL a 6 m: A1 0.3mm, A2 0.8mm BR a 18m: A1 7% y A2 17%! TLR a 18 m:A1 17%, A2 40% Statistical Improvement on LLL, TLR and BR at 12 month FU In.Pact Admiral Italian Registry In.Pact Admiral De novo femoropoplitea PACIFIER In.Pact Pacific (A1) vs PTA (A2) Levanti I Moxy DEB (A1) vs PTA (A2) 105 Patencia Primaria a 12 meses 84% n TLR 9% De novo femoropoplitea 91 LLL a 6 m: A1 0.01mm, A2 0.65mm ! BR a 6 m: A1 9% y A2 32%! TLR a 6 m:A1 7%, A2 26% De novo femoropoplitea 75 LLL a 6 m: A1 0.46mm, A2 1.09mm! TLR a 6 m:A1 49%, A2 72% Schmidt et al In.Pact Amphirion BTK 104 BR a 3 m: 27%! TLR a 12 m: 17%! Limb Salvaje a 12 m: 96% DEBATEBTK In.Pact Amphirion(A1)/ Amphirion (A2) BTK 120 BR a 12 m: A1 29%, A2 72% more distal vessels. Anatomic factors that affect the patency include severity of disease in run off arteries, length of the stenosis/occlusion and the number of lesions treated. Clinical variables impacting the outcome also include diabetes, renal failure, smoking and the severity of ischemia. Recommendation 35: Choosing between techniques with equivalent short- and long-term clinical outcomes • In a situation where endovascular revascularization and open repair/bypass of a specific lesion causing symptoms of peripheral arterial disease give equivalent short-term and long-term symptomatic improvement, endovascular techniques should be used first [B] Norgren L, Circulation 2006; 113:463-654 F1.1 Classification of lesions While the specific lesions stratified in the following TASC classification schemes more distal vessels. Anatomic factors that affect the patency include severity of disease in run off arteries, length of the stenosis/occlusion and the number of lesions treated. Clinical variables impacting the outcome also include diabetes, renal failure, smoking and the severity of ischemia. Recommendation 35: Choosing between techniques with equivalent short- and long-term clinical outcomes • In a situation where endovascular revascularization and open repair/bypass of a specific lesion causing symptoms of peripheral arterial disease give equivalent short-term and long-term symptomatic improvement, endovascular techniques should be used first [B] Norgren L, Circulation 2006; 113:463-654 F1.1 Classification of lesions While the specific lesions stratified in the following TASC classification schemes Conclusiones Conclusiones • Terapia endovascular ha probado ser:! • Fácil reproductibilidad de resultados en centros de alto volumen de pacientes! • Amplia indicación en pacientes de alto riesgo quirúrgico! • Cumple desempeño clínico y funcional, parcialmente con desempeño técnico! Conclusiones • Terapia endovascular ha probado ser:! • Fácil reproductibilidad de resultados en centros de alto volumen de pacientes! • Amplia indicación en pacientes de alto riesgo quirúrgico! • Cumple desempeño clínico y funcional, parcialmente con desempeño técnico! Durabilidad Conclusiones • Nuevos avances tecnológicos y farmacológicos han permitido ofrecer la terapia endovascular como el tratamiento de elección en pts con CLI.! • Diseñado para una población muy enferma y añosa! • Desde el punto de vista técnico ha sobrepasado la cirugía convencional con la excepción en la durabilidad. Conclusiones Conclusiones • Del punto de vista clínico con resultados similares o superiores, incluso desde el punto de vista durabilidad: “Clinical Patency”! • Desde el punto de vista del paciente la aceptabilidad ha sido mucho mejor. Contact: [email protected] • Muchas Gracias Contact: [email protected]