"You shall not oppress a stranger, since you yourselves know the
"You shall not oppress a stranger, since you yourselves know the
555 South Slocan Street Vancouver, B.C. V5K 3X5 STAFF Father Richard Zanotti, cs, Pastor Father Eduardo Quintero, cs Teresian Carmelite Missionaries, cmt Secretary: Deborah Corrado DIRECTORY Office: 604-254-0691 Fax: 604-254-0228 E-mail: [email protected] Web Page: http:/www.olos.ca School/PREP: 604-253-2434 Bingo: 604-254-0111 Vanspec: 604-253-2233 MASSES "You shall not oppress a stranger, since you yourselves know the feelings of a stranger, for you also were strangers” Ex. 22,20 Monday to Friday 8:00 am Italian Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 6:30 pm English Tuesday, Friday 6:30 pm Spanish Saturday 8:30 am English 5:00 pm English 5:30 pm Spanish at Our Lady of Good Counsel, 10460—139th St., Surrey, V3T 4L5 - ph: 604-581-4141 Sunday 8:30 am English 10:00 am Italian 1 1:30 am English 1:00 pm Spanish 6:30 pm Spanish at St. Clare of Assisi, 1320 Johnson St, Coquitlam, V3B 4T5 ph: 604-941-4800 7:00 pm English/Spanish OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday: 9:00 - 12:00 noon 1:00 - 5:00 pm BAPTISMS Appointment with a priest must be made one month in advance. At 2:30 pm 2nd Sunday of the month in English & 3rd Sunday in Spanish. PREP (Catechism for Children) Every Monday 6:30 - 7:45 pm at School. RCIA & INQUIRY for Adults interested in becoming Catholics. Call the Pastor. CONFESSION Saturday: 3:00 - 4:30 pm SICK CALLS Anytime, call the Rectory. MARRIAGES Arrangements must be made six months in Advance. Preparation course is mandatory. NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome to Our Lady of Sorrows Parish. Please take the time to meet our priests and sisters. Registration forms can be found in the lobby of the Church, or contact the office. Bienvenidos a la Parroquia Nuestra Señora de los Dolores. Por favor, póngase en contacto con alguno de los sacerdotes o las hermanas. BINGO Every Tuesday at 6:45 pm at the Church Hall, 2676 E. Pender Street. TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – SEPTEMBER 6, 2015 Announcements Annunci Saturday, September 5 B.V.M. 5:00 pm Umber to Palaia; Letizia Cr escenzo; Romolo Castaño; Emma Marrello 5:30 pm (Surrey) Sunday,September 6, TWENTY THIRD SUNDAY, OT 8:30 am Pasquale Puleo; Tar cisio Lovison; Gino Bosa; Gerarda Ciamarra; Giovanni Tedesco & Ivano Zardo; Sacilotto Family; Gabriele Bortolazzo; All Souls & All Saints in Thanksgiving Mr. & Mrs. Acena; 10:00 am Pr o Populo 11:30 am In thanksgiving for health of Matteo Ialungo; Giuseppe Cammarano; Stefano Sponza; Gennaro Matino; Maria Gentile; Anna Odoc Suralta; Gelyerma Odoc Bersabal; Tacing, Ciriaco, Jessie, Rolando, Edgardo, Jerlyn Hernández; In Thanksgiving to Santa Trenita; Salvador Micua; Emma & Michele Lazazzera 1:00 pm Cor nelia Collazos; Vicky Silva (1 anniv.) Roque Ergueta; 60th Wedding Anniv. of Paola Molina y José Santamaría; Health of Arnoldo Ahumada 6:30 pm (Coquitlam) 7:00 pm Monday, September 7, Labour Day 8:30 am Antonio Iaquinta; Special Intentions; Emma & Michelle Lazazzera 6:30 pm NO EVENING MASS Tuesday, September 8, The Nativity of the B. V. María 8:00 am Agostino & Rosina Pietr amala; In onor e alla Madona delle Grazia 6:30 pm Ir isbel Ar ias (2 Anniv.) Wednesday, September 9, St. Peter Claver, Priest 8:00 am Antonio Gallo 6:30 pm Byr ne, Mathews, Cook & Clacey Families Thursday, September 10, 8:00 am Nick Gr aziano 6:30 pm Astr id Her r er a Friday, September 11 8:00 am Agnes Han 6:30 pm J ack Fidalgo Saturday, September 12 The Most Holy Name of BVM 8:30 am 5:00 pm Deceased Family member s of Aur or a & Dopaco Families; Steven Trasolini 5:30 pm (Surrey) J osé Buyan Dovao Sunday, September 13, TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY 8:30 am Antonio Colasur do; Mar ia, Angelo, Pasquale Iorio; Giuseppina Cocco; Armando Paban; Alberto Parolim; Joseph Markovitch (1 year); Deceased Family members of the Palcich Family 10:00 am Gennar o Gasbar r o; Car mine Bevacqua; Carmina & Fernando Ciolfitto; Enza Romano; Ferruccio & Carmela Facchin; Angelina Bicego; Giuseppe Ambrosio; Antonio & Giuseppe Marzitelli; Nicola, Beatrice & Domenico Minichello; Eugenio, Angelica, Antonio Mastromonaco; Marino Piana; Cesare, Vincenzo, Antonio, Ferdinando & Michele Martino; Isidoro Di Giovanni (1month); Umberto Palcich; Mario, Luciano, Claudia, Maria, & Antonio Bassanese; Paolo Zucchi; Vera Zacchigna PAPA FRANCESCO "Fratelli e sorelle, ho deciso di chiamare tutta la Chiesa il 7 settembre, vigilia della festa della Natività di Maria, Regina della Pace, a una giornata di digiuno e preghiera per la pace in Siria, Medio Oriente, e nel mondo " Share your views on doctor-assisted suicide The federal government has launched a consultation process on doctor-assisted suicide. It will conduct public consultations and receive online submissions before proposing legislative options this fall. Archbishop J. Michael Miller invites Catholics to submit their views on this critical subject and sign up for notifications on the consultation process at: ep-ce.ca/en/consultation. Please stand in defence of human life from conception to natural end. La Festa della Madonna Addolorata, Patrona della nostra parrocchia La Messa Solenne Trilingue in onore dell’Addolorata sarà la Domenica 13 Settembre, alle 7:00pm, seguita dalla Processione-Fiaccolata. E’ la Festa della nostra Patrona. Riserviamo quella domenica per partecipare alla Santa Messa e Processione-Fiaccolata. Dopo la processione ci sarà un Rinfresco per tutti nella sala parrocchiale. Per questo chiediamo a tutti di portare dolci, torte e biscotti per condividere insieme. Grazie. Catechismo – Prep 2014-2015 Se i vostri figli vanno alla scuola pubblica e non li avete ancora iscritti alle classi di Catechismo del Lunedí sera, siete pregati di iscriverli oggi 30 Agosto. Le classi cominceranno il Lunedí 14 Settembre. Rito di Iniziazione Cristiana(RCIA) è il cammino di riflessione e istruzione per Adulti e Giovani Adulti non battezzati o battezzati non-cattolici che desiderano farsi cattolici e ricevere i Sacramenti del Battesimo, Cresima e Eucaristia. Una Chiamata alla Santita, vi invitiamo a partecipare a un momento di riflessione sulla nostra chiamata personale nella Chiesa, sarà il sab. 19 settembre 2:00 con la Santa Messa conclusiva 5:00pm, con il P. Antonio Tapparello. Sunday Collection Aug 30, 2015 Loose $ 947 Envelopes $ 4, 408 Total $ 5,355 TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – SEPTEMBER 6, 2015 Announcements Anuncios POPE FRANCIS, “There are so many conflicts in this world which cause me great suffering and worry, but in these days my heart is deeply wounded in particular by what is happening in Syria and anguished by the dramatic developments which are looming……for this reason, brothers and sisters, I have decided to call for a vigil for the whole Church…..It will be “a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, in the Middle East, and throughout world. The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows NOVENA TO OUR LADY Tuesday, Sept 8 —Spanish Wednesday, Sept 9 —English Thursday, Sept 10 —Italian Friday, Sept 11 —Spanish Saturday, Sept 12 5:00 pm —Holy Mass Sunday, Sept 13 7:00 pm —Mass, Procession, Refreshments Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows: Please do not forget to bring some goodies & refreshments to share for Sunday evening. Pro-Life Mass & Prayer Vigil: All are invited to defend & promote life, to show reverence & love for it. Holy Mass is on Sat at 9:00 am & Rosary to follow at nearby hospital. On Sept 5 at Gardens of Gethsemane —15800 32 Ave Surrey; Oct 3 at Corpus Christi Parish —6350 Nanaimo St, Vanc; Nov 7 at St Nicholas Parish —20675 87 Ave Langley Altar Servers Award is a recognition granted to faithful & dedicated altar servers. On this occasion Dean Aclera and Jessica Osorio will be awarded. Congratulations to them! The ceremony will be at Holy Rosary Cathedral on Sat, Sept 12 at 10:00 am. Discovery Studies —English and Spanish– will start in Sept. The study involves 6 weekly, one-hour sessions with a group of 4-6 people. It helps to deepen one’s faith and strengthen our relationship with God. Call the Parish Off for information. 2015-2016 PREP Catechism: If your child is not yet registred, do so this weekend after Masses. Volunteers will help you if needed. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): It’s a journey into the Catholic Faith of non-baptized or baptized non-Catholic Christians. If interested in becoming a Catholic or willing to inquire about the Catholic Faith, please contact Fr. Eduardo at 604254-0691 or [email protected] A call to Holiness Workshop, we invite you to participate in a moment of reflexion guided by Fr. Antonio Tapparello, on Sept. 19th at 2:00 pm finishing with Mass at 5:00 pm. Call Sister Beata for registration. PAPA FRANCISCO “Hermanos y hermanas, he decidido convocar para toda la Iglesia el próximo 7 de septiembre, víspera de la fiesta de la Natividad de María, Reina de la Paz, una jornada de ayuno y de oración por la paz en Siria, en Oriente Medio, y en el mundo entero” Fiesta de Nuestra Sra de los Dolores: En preparación a la fiesta patronal celebraremos de martes a viernes —Sept 8 al 12. El domingo tendremos la Sta. Misa y la procesión. ¡Pedimos su colaboración para el refrigerio! Misa Pro-Vida y Vigilia de Oración: ¡Defendamos la vida! te invitamos a participar en la Sta. Misa el sáb 5 de Sept en Gardens of Gethsemane —15800 32 Ave Surrey; el sáb. 3 de oct en Corpus Christi Parish —6350 Nanaimo St, Vanc y el 7 de nov en St Nicholas Parish —20675 87 Ave Langley, a las 9:00 am, seguida por un rosario en el hospital cercano. Taller de Crianza (Parenting): Sobre la valiosa tarea de grabar valores y principios en el corazón de los hijos . Ofrece Habilidades sociales y emocionales para padres. Será en esta parroquia, en tres sesiones: martes 15 de sept, 6 & 20 de oct de 7:00 a 9:00 pm. Tiene un costo de $55; Inscripciones [email protected] 604-254-0691. Reconocimiento para Monaguillos: es un premio que se otorga a acólitos fieles y comprometidos. En esta ocasión Dean Aclera y Jessica Osorio lo recibirán. ¡Felicitaciones! Lecciones de Discovery (Descubrir): Es un programa que te ayuda a profundizar la Palabra de Dios, fortalecer la fe y tu relación con Dios, comenzarán en sept. Son 6 sesiones semanales de una hora y con la participación de 4 a 6 personas. Informes en la Ofic Parroquial. Dia Nacional de Chile: Festejemos con una Sta Misa y vino de honor el día viernes 18 de sept a las 6:30 pm. Más info [email protected] Inscripciones para Catequesis 2015–2016: La catequesis iniciará en sept; si te interesa, acércate a la Ofic Parroquial e inscribe a tu hijo (a). Este fin de semana también habrá posibilidad de registrarse. ¡Hazlo con prontitud! Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: ¿Deseas recibir algún Sacramento, Bautismo, Confirmación o Eucaristía? Comunícate con las Hnas o los padres. Curso de Teología para Laicos Te invitamos a participar de este curso para profundizar las verdades de nuestra fe, los días 12 de Sept., 24 de Oct. y 28 de Nov., de 10am a 4:30 pm, será impartido por Hna. Karina Farías y el P. Eduardo Quintero y es organizado por la Renovación Carismática. Inscripciones con las hermanas. Llamados a ser santos, los invitamos a participar de un momento de reflexión sobre nuestro llamado personal en la Iglesia, será el Sab. 19 de Sept. de 2:00pm concluyendo con la Misa de 5:00 pm. Noche de enriquecimiento para matrimonios, invita Encuentro Matrimonial, Viernes 25 de Sep. de 7:00 a 9:30 pm, se realizará en la parroquia St. Joseph the Worker, Richmond, 4451 Williams Rd. ¡Los esperamos!
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