Theory and History of Journalism
Theory and History of Journalism
THEORY AND HISTORY OF JOURNALISM II (SPRING) USP COURSE DUKE-IN-MADRID Objectives The objectives are, basically, three: the encouragement for the study of present journalism; the acquisition of basic knowledge for a better understanding of the history and evolution of press in the Western world and specially, the Spanish case; the learning of techniques and methodologies for research papers in this area of knowledge. Also, it is expected from the students to learn to study other non-common sources for the study of journalism like the direct ones, newspapers, and indirect as literature or cinema. Pre-requisites Previous knowledge of social, political and cultural evolution of Western world from the 17th century to present time. Evaluation and Methodology The course will invite to students’ active participation in class. The student will be in charge of preparing press analysis among other tasks. Also s/he will discover the first journalistic formulas from his/her own experience through the reading of historical-journalistic texts and later to translate the model to any kind of similar text. The student will be asked to submit a research paper about a topic applied to time and space. The evaluation will be continuous. The participation in class, the class assignments, the mandatory readings, the research paper… will count towards the final grade. Course program FIRST PART: JOURNALISTIC REVOLUTIONS Topic 1: The daily journals: The Daily Courant; Nipho and El Diario de Madrid. Le Journal de Paris. Topic 2: The journalistic company: The Times. Press and Technology. The newspaper Empresa and the readers: penny press¸ Dreyfus case; the crime of Fuencarral Street. Topic 3: The Liberal Revolution: Press and Ideology in the French Revolution. The post-revolution State. Napoleon and the new European order in the press. The Cadiz Cortes and the Liberal Triennium. Topic 4: The creation of Liberal State: the Press, the forth estate: the Revolution of 1830s in France; the Sexenio in Spain (1868-1874): basis for an ideological and party press in Spain. The Italian and German process of unification. Topic 5: The arrival of journalistic model of supply and demand: the Press in the United States. The birth of colonial press in America: the human interest as a unifying element among the settlers. North American press and the independence. The business of journalism: Yellow and sensationalist journalism. The press in North America and Spain in 1898. SECOND PART: NEW FACTORS IN THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE WESTERN JOURNALISTIC MODEL Topic 6: News agencies: its new journalism: Havas, Reuter, Wolff, AP, UP, Mencheta and EFE. Topic 7: Latin America: the fight and the merger of European and North American model. The European way adapted to the North American technologies and uses. Topic 8: First World War: first great globalization in the Western press. Topic 9: Second World War: consolidation of the western press. Supranational media companies. Internet: approach to the real model of media globalization. THIRD PART: SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SPANISH PRESS Topic 10: Literature and journalism. Political-party press; Press and Culture. Topic 11: Spain outside of World events. The media companies in Spain. Second Republic and Spanish Civil War. BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY SAIZ (1983): Historia del Periodismo en España 1. Los orígenes, Alianza, Madrid. SEOANE (1983): Historia del Periodismo en España 2. El siglo XIX, Alianza, Madrid. SEOANE Y ZIAZ (2001): Historia del Periodismo en España 3. El siglo XX: 1898-1936, Alianza, Madrid. WEILL G, (1979): El periódico, Utehan, México. REFERENCE BIBLIOGRAPHY ALVAREZ, J. Historia y modelos de comunicación en el siglo XX, Ariel, Barcelona, 1991. ALVAREZ, J.T y MARTINEZ RIAZA, Historia de la prensa hispanoamericana, MAPFRE, Madrid, 1992. BELLANGER, GODECHOT, GUIRAL Y TERROU (eds), Histoire generale de la presse française, 5 t., Presses Universitaraires de France, Paris 1969-1976. BOYCE, CURRAN y WINGATE (eds), Newspaper History: from the 17th century to the Present Day, Constable, Londres, 1979. CHECA GODOY, Historia de la prensa en IberoamericaK, Alfar, Sevilla, 1993. EMERY, Edwin y EMERY, Michael El periodismo en los EE.UU, Trillas, México, 1966. MOTT, Frank Luther, American Journalism. A history 1690-1960, Mac Millan, Nueva York, 1969. PIZARROSO QUINTERO, (ed). Historia de la prensa, Ramón Areces, Madrid, 1994. SAIZ (1983): Historia del Periodismo en España 1. Los orígenes, Alianza, Madrid. SANCHEZ ARANDA y BARRERA DEL BARRIO, Historia del periodismo españo., Eunsa, Pamplona, 1992. SEOANE (1983): Historia del Periodismo en España 2. El siglo XIX, Alianza, Madrid.