Rev. Chauncey Winkler - Our Lady of the Lake Roman Catholic
Rev. Chauncey Winkler - Our Lady of the Lake Roman Catholic Rev. Chauncey Winkler PASTOR Rev. Lawrence Bakut ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. Anthony Okolo VISITING PRIEST Deacon Thomas Coe, Deacon Jeffrey Arner, Deacon Andrew Kresha, Deacon Gilbert Lopez, Deacon John Navaretta, Deacon Patrick Toilolo SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday Morning 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) DAILY MASS Monday-Saturday 8:30 a.m. Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Anointing of the Sick Mass First Friday at 8:30 a.m. CONFESSION Tuesday Wednesday Saturday First Friday First Saturday 5:00 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m.- 9:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m.- 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.- 7:30 a.m. HOLY HOUR WITH BENEDICTION Tuesday 9:00 a.m. Friday 3:00 p.m. MORNING PRAYER Monday - Friday EVENING PRAYER Tuesday ROSARY Monday - Saturday 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:50 a.m. BIBLE STUDY (Holy Family Parish Center) Women’s Bible Study Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Share the Word Friday 9:30 a.m. PARISH OFFICE Patti Miller, Parish Secretary Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday: 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION Elaine Guitar, Parish Manager LITURGY AND MUSIC Deacon Patrick Toilolo RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Deacon Jeff Arner, Director Francisco Santana, Youth Ministry PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN Deacon Jeff Arner, Director Susan Flury, Teacher Maria Warner, Teacher OUR LADY’S GIFT SHOP Renee Brindis, Manager 855-6644 Saturday 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday—Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. MARRIAGES Please contact a deacon or priest that you would like to perform your marriage ceremony. Please anticipate 9 months for preparation. BAPTISMS Baptism classes are offered the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. (Pre-register by the preceding Tuesday by calling 855-2685 ) Clases de Bautismo en Español será el segundo Jueves del mes a las 7:00 p.m. (Registrarse el martes antes llamando al numero 855-2685 ) BEREAVEMENT GROUP Deacon Gilbert Lopez 855-2685 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Lorraine Palfy 854-2116 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Ken Roberg 855-2685 HOSPITAL MINISTRY Deacon Patrick Toilolo 855-2685 SICK & HOMEBOUND Deacon Patrick Toilolo 855-2685 SCRIP/GIFT CARDS Sonia Travelstead 486-0423 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Pick up Food Bank 453-3125 453-1776 680-2874 VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Renee Brindis 855-2685 SOUP KITCHEN Roberta Watkins, Supervisor Tuesday & Thursday Saturday . 855-2685 4:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 1975 Daytona Dr. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 Phone: (928) 855-2685 Fax: (928) 855-7172 Español: (928) 855-0187 Email: [email protected] Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 16, 2015 Wisdom has prepared a banquet of food and wine, an image expressive of God’s communion with us. For those who desire life, Jesus gives his own flesh and blood. Thus we shall be filled with the Spirit. Saint of the Week: St. John Eudes Feast Day: August 19th How little we know where God’s grace will lead. Born on a farm in northern France in 1601, John died at age 79. In that time he was a religious, a parish missionary, founder of two religious communities and a great promoter of the devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and was the author of the Proper of the Mass which includes the scriptural texts that change daily with the liturgical calendar and Divine Office of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Eudes joined the religious community of the Oratorians and was ordained a priest on December 20, 1625 at the age of 24. Immediately after his ordination, he came down with an illness that kept him bedridden for a year. During severe plagues in 1627 and 1631, he volunteered to care for the stricken in his own diocese. Lest he infect his fellow religious, he lived in a huge cask in the middle of a field during the plague. At age 32, John became a parish missionary. His gifts as preacher and confessor won him great popularity. He preached over 100 parish missions, some lasting from several weeks to several months. In his concern with the spiritual improvement of the clergy, he realized that the greatest need was for seminaries. He had permission from his general superior, the bishop and even Cardinal Richelieu to begin this work, but the succeeding general superior disapproved. After prayer and counsel, John decided it was best to leave the religious community. The same year he founded a new one, ultimately called the Eudists (Congregation of Jesus and Mary), devoted to the formation of the clergy by conducting diocesan seminaries. The new venture, while approved by individual bishops, met with immediate opposition, especially from Jansenists and some of his former associates. John founded several seminaries in Normandy, but was unable to get approval from Rome (partly, it was said, because he did not use the most tactful approach). In his parish mission work, John was disturbed by the sad condition of prostitutes who sought to escape their miserable life. Temporary shelters were found but arrangements were not satisfactory. A certain Madeleine Lamy, who had cared for several of the women, one day said to him, “Where are you off to now? To some church, I suppose, where you’ll gaze at the images and think yourself pious. And all the time what is really wanted of you is a decent house for these poor creatures.” The words, and the laughter of those present, struck deeply within him. In 1641 he founded the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge, to provide a refuge for prostitutes who wished to do penance. The congregation was approved by Pope Alexander VII on January 2, 1666. It later also included a convent from which, in 1829, Sister Mary Euphrasia Pelletier established the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, better known as the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. Eudes taught the mystical unity of the hearts of Jesus and Mary and wrote: “You must never separate what God has so perfectly united. So closely are Jesus and Mary bound up with each other that whoever beholds Jesus sees Mary; whoever loves Jesus, loves Mary; whoever has devotion to Jesus, has devotion to Mary.” The most striking characteristic of the teaching of St. John Eudes on Devotion to the Sacred Heart—as indeed of his whole teaching on the spiritual life—is that Christ is always its centre. John's devotion to the Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary led Pius XI to ordain him on May 31, 1925 and to declare him the father of the liturgical cult of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. WEDDINGS/BODAS Upon your engagement, please contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with Father Chauncey. You will then be able to select the priest or deacon who you would like to witness your ceremony. Each couple must begin the preparation before a date can be set for your wedding. Please anticipate 9 months for preparation. For more information on Marriage Preparation you may visit the diocesan website at Al comprometerse, por favor póngase en contacto con el sacerdote o a diácono que usted quisiera que fuera el testigo de su ceremonia. Cada pareja debe comenzar la preparación antes de que usted elija una fecha para su boda. Por favor anticipe 9 meses para la preparación. OUR LADY’S GIFT SHOP Renee Brindis, Manager PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN Deacon Jeff Arner, Director Susan Flury, Teacher Maria Warner, Teacher Roberta Watkins, Supervisor Tuesday & Thursday: 4:30 pm Saturday: 10:30 am 855-2685 BELL CHOIR Michael Erlenbaugh 855-2685 BEREAVEMENT GROUP Deacon Gilbert Lopez CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Baptism preparation for parents and godparents is offered on the first Thursday of every month, at 7:00 pm in Holy Family Parish Center. The dates and times available for your child’s baptism will be presented at the class. Pre-registration is required by the preceding Tuesday, please call Gaby at 855-2685 to register. Lorraine Palfy 855-2685 854-2116 FORTY DAYS FOR LIFE Josefina Diaz 855-2685 FUNERAL RECEPTION 855-2685 GIFT CARDS (SCRIP) Sonia Travelstead 486-0423 HOSPITAL MINISTRY Deacon Patrick Toilolo 855-2685 JOVENES PARA CRISTO bautismo de su niño serán presentadas en la clase. Por favor llame a Gaby al 855-2685 para registrarse. Es necesario registrarse por adelantado a más tardar el Martes previo a la clase. Israel Amaro RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Deacon John & Jo Navaretta Elementary, Junior & Senior High Youth Ministry, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Adult Education, Returning Catholics Deacon Jeff Arner, Director Francisco Santana, Youth Ministry Coordinator 855-2685 716-2685 SOUP KITCHEN BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS La preparación para el bautismo, sera para los padres y los padrino (en español) el segundo jueves de cada mes, a las 7:00 pm en el centro parroquial de la sagrada familia. La fecha y la hora disponibles para el 855-6644 Open Saturday: 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am to 12:30 pm Tuesday – Friday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm 208-9206 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Ken Roberg 855-2685 MARRIAGE PREP CLASS 855-2685 OREMUS ROSARY MAKERS Kay Ochsner 680-1903 PASTORAL COUNCIL Barbara Palmieri LITURGY AND MUSIC PERPETUAL ADORATION Choirs, Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors, Hospitality Ushers and Altar Servers Deacon Patrick Toilolo, Director Ron Janacek, Ushers Kalala Toilolo 855-8986 855-2685 PRAYER GARDEN BRICK SALES Rosalie Smith 854-8657 SICK & HOMEBOUND FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION Elaine Guitar, Parish Manager PARISH OFFICE Patti Miller, Parish Secretary Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm Tuesday: 10:30 am to 5:30 pm Friday: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Deacon Patrick Toilolo 855-2685 ST.VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Pick-up Food Pantry 453-3125 453-1776 680-2874 VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Renee Brindis 855-2685 St. John Bosco Night 7:30 pm (HFPC) Youth Bell Choir 7:00 pm (Church) Jóvenes Para Cristo 7:00 pm (HFPC) Jóvenes Para Cristo Bible Study 6:00 pm (Church) Parish Council Sub-committee Meeting 5:00 pm (Church) Soup Kitchen 4:30 pm (HFPC) Bereavement Group 9:00 am (HFPC) Rosary 7:50 am Mass 8:30 am Confession 9:00 am Mass 5:30 pm Wednesday 26 RCIA/Confirmation Class 6:30 pm (HFPC) Soup Kitchen 4:30 pm (HFPC) Rosary 7:50 am Mass 8:30 am Thursday 27 Jóvenes Para Cristo 7:00 pm (HFPC) Bible Study 9:30 am (HFPC) Rosary 7:50 am Mass 8:30 am Benediction 3:00 pm Friday 28 Gift Card Sales after Vigil Mass (Narthex) Soup Kitchen 10:30 am (HFPC) Quinceñera Retreat 9:00 am (HFPC) Rosary 7:50 am Confession 9:00 am Mass 8:30 am & 12:15 pm Rosary 20 Minutes before Vigil Mass 4:00 pm Saturday 29 Vocational Prayer of Saint Pope John Paul II: Lord Jesus, as you once called the first disciples to make them fishers of men, let your sweet invitation continue to resound: Come follow me! Give young men and women the grace of responding quickly to your voice. Support our bishops, priests, and consecrated people in their apostolic labor. Grant perseverance to our seminarians and to all those who are carrying out the ideal of a life totally consecrated to your service. Awaken in our community a missionary eagerness. Lord, send workers to your harvest and do not allow humanity to be lost for the lack of pastors, missionaries, and people dedicated to the cause of the Gospel. Mary, Mother of the Church, the model of every vocation, help us to say “yes” to the Lord who calls us to cooperate in the divine plan of salvation. Amen. Parish Council Meet & Greet before & after all Masses (Narthex) Gift Card Sales before and after all Masses (Narthex) JPC Overnight Retreat (HFPC) No Coffee & Donuts Rosary 7:50 am Mass 8:30 am Tuesdays with Mary Holy Hour 9:00 am Confession 5:00 pm Rosary 7:50 am Mass 8:30 am Rosary 20 Minutes before Mass Mass Times 7:00, 8:30, & 10:30 am 12:30 pm Mass in Spanish Bell Choir 5:00 pm (Church) Tuesday 25 Monday 24 Parish Council Meet & Greet before & after Vigil Mass (Narthex) Gift Card Sales after Vigil Mass (Narthex) Catechist Meeting 6:00 pm (HFPC) RCIA/Confirmation Class 6:30 pm (HFPC) Soup Kitchen 10:30 am (HFPC) JPC Overnight Retreat (HFPC) Rosary 7:50 am Confession 9:00 am Mass 8:30 am & 12:15 pm Rosary 20 Minutes before Vigil Mass 4:00 pm Saturday 22 Jóvenes Para Cristo Bible Study 6:00 pm (Church) Jóvenes Para Cristo Overnight Retreat 7:00 pm (HFPC) Bible Study 9:30 am (HFPC) Rosary 7:50 am Mass 8:30 am Benediction 3:00 pm Friday 21 St. John Bosco Night 7:30 pm (HFPC) Soup Kitchen 4:30 pm (HFPC) Rosary 7:50 am Mass 8:30 am PARISH OFFICE CLOSES AT NOON Thursday 20 Soup Kitchen 4:30 pm (HFPC) Bereavement Group 9:00 am (HFPC) Rosary 7:50 am Mass 8:30 am Confession 9:00 am Mass 5:30 pm Wednesday 19 Youth Bell Choir 7:00 pm (Church) Sunday 23 KC & CDA Corporate Communion Sunday 8:30 am Mass (Church) Gift Card Sales before and after all Masses (Narthex) Coffee & Donuts (JPC) Breakfast Burritos after all Masses (HFPC) Rosary 7:50 am Mass 8:30 am Tuesdays with Mary Holy Hour 9:00 am Confession 5:00 pm Rosary 7:50 am Mass 8:30 am Rosary 20 Minutes before Mass Mass Times 7:00, 8:30, & 10:30 am 12:30 pm Mass in Spanish Jóvenes Para Cristo 7:00 pm (HFPC) Tuesday 18 Monday 17 Sunday 16 OUR LADY OF THE LAKE CALENDAR OF EVENTS August 16, 2015 to August 29, 2015 Jóvenes Para Cristo is hosting Coffee & Donuts and Breakfast Burritos Our Gift of Love, May it bring us Blessings August 9, 2015 Regular Funds $14,314.12 BTCOT $ 687.00 Zaria Mission $ 5.00 Breakfast Burritos—$4.00 Following morning Masses in Holy Family Parish Center All proceeds from the breakfast go to benefit the Building Fund. Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Friday, September 11th (Hawaiian Theme) Holy Mass with Evening Prayer readings at 5:30 pm in the Church and then dinner will be served in Holy Family Parish Center. Father Chauncey Father Lawrence and the Staff invite you to attend this dinner in your honor. Please RSVP by Tuesday, September 8th 855-2685 RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) This is a program designed to help those who are inquiring or have made the decision to become Roman Catholic. We will meet weekly beginning on Thursday, August 20th at 6:30 pm in Holy Family Parish Center, Classroom #2. Please contact Deacon Jeff Arner with any questions or concerns at 855-2685. CATHOLICS WELCOME HOME Faith should touch every corner of our lives. We know it can be intimidating to walk through those doors, but we've been expecting you. Welcome home. Gift Cards/Scrip Jóvenes Para Cristo This is a gentle reminder to purchase your gift cards for Bashas’, Smith’s (groceries and gas), Safeway, K-Mart, Wal-mart, Sam’s Club, and JC Penney's with cash, check or credit card. This is a dollar for dollar exchange to benefit the church. Restaurants gift cards available are Red Robin, Barley Brothers, or Chili’s . Stop by after weekend Masses at the Information Booth of the Church or during the week at the Parish Office during business hours. ¿Te gustaría tener un encuentro personal con Jesús? Los días 21,22 y 23 de agosto se llevara a cabo un retiro de iniciación cristiana en el salón de la sagrada familia. Iniciara el viernes 21 de agosto a las 6:30 pm con registraciones y terminara el domingo con las misa de las 12:30 pm. Jesús nos dice en su palabra “Vengan a mí los que van cansados, llevando pesadas cargas, y yo los aliviaré” Mt 11:28. Jesús es la solución para tus problemas, no dejes pasar esta oportunidad, el te esta llamando por tu nombre. Para más información comunícate con Israel Amaro (928)208-9206 o Gerardo Herrera (928)208-2715. MASS INTENTIONS & READINGS Liturgy of the Hours—IV Sun Aug 16 Prv 9:1-6 Eph 5:15-20 Jn 6:51-58 7:00 am Bernie Bangasser (Ted & Judy Hardy) 8:30 am Stan & Troy Kole (John & Karolyn Kole) 10:30 am Joan M. O’Connor & Richard O’Connor (James L. & Linda K. O’Connor) 12:30 pm Felis Ramirez (Sharon Bartlett) Mon Aug 17 Jgs 2:11-19 Mt 19:16-22 8:30 am The Unborn Tues Aug 18 Jgs 6:11-24a Mt 19:23-30 8:30 am Joe Cistaro (Mom & Dad) Wed Aug 19 Jgs 9:6-15 Mt 20:1-16 8:30 am Carol Ketner (Bob & Sherry Ketner) 5:30 pm Sara & George Zitzman (Jean Boyer) Thur Aug 20 Jgs 11:29-39a Mt 22:1-14 8:30 am Michael Washburn (John Carter, Karolyn Kole) Fri Aug 21 Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22 Mt 22:34-40 8:30 am The Martinez Family (Avila-Stowers Family) Sat Aug 22 Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17 Mt 23:1-12 8:30 am Donald De Nunno Sr (Wife & Family) Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Eph 5:21-32 4:00 pm Mary Sutton (HB) Pat & Patti Bucchino Eph 5:21-32 7:00 am Ruth Foss (Friend, Viola) 8:30 am Deacon Eamon Parsons Jn 6:60-69 Sun Aug 23 Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Jn 6:60-69 10:30 am Ronald Boyer (Jean Boyer) 12:30 pm Parishioners “To everything there is a season and time for every purpose under heaven.” “A Time to be Born unto God” Leonardo Quintana “A time to Die” Frank DeBellis Please pray… for the ill of our parish, and the petitions written in our Book of Intentions. Welcome! You enter this Church not as a stranger, but as a guest of God. As a baptized person, you enter it as a son or daughter of the Father in Christ. This House of God, therefore, is your family home. Come in then with humility of mind, joy of heart and thanks on your lips. Come in and pause in prayer in the midst of your busy life and its many worries. Traveling Catholics For nationwide Mass times and locations, visit Altar Flowers In Memory of Joseph Cistaro By Joe & Evie Cistaro Our Lady’s Gift Shop The Gift Shop Summer Hours: Wednesday through Friday 9:00 am until 10:00 am for July and August Weekend hours remain the same. Happiness keeps you sweet, Trials keep you strong, Sorrows keep you human, Failures keep you humble, Success keeps you glowing, But only God keeps you going! Parish Pastoral Council Meet & Greet Friendship Dinner Friday, August 28th Everyone is Welcome! Polish Sausage Dinner Prepared by Mike & Wendy Kissel Doors open: 5:00 pm Meeting 5:30 pm Dinner: 6:00 pm $8.00 per person 186 London Bridge Road Make reservations by August 25th Call: Mike Erlenbaugh at 486-3870 On August 22nd from 7:00-9:00 pm the Youth Ministry will be playing volleyball and soccer at Rotary Park, by the Smoketree Avenue entrance. Jr. and Sr. High School students are invited to attend. Parents must complete a permission slip available in the RE office in order to participate. Bring your cleats, shin guards, 2 shirts (white and other for teams), and plenty of water. We will provide water for refills only. We look forward to seeing you there! Saturday, August 22nd before and after the 4:00 pm Mass, and Sunday, August 23rd before and after all the Masses in the narthex. Here is your chance to meet your Parish Council members: Kathy Ernst, Angelica Herrera, Caitlin Krause, Miriam Nordella, Barbara Palmieri, Sisto Sandoval, Steve Stancati, Charlotte Van Nierop and Chuck Watkins. Please take time to introduce yourself and share any ideas about the future of our church. Youth Ministry Announcements August 26th is Game Night at Youth Ministry! Jr. and Sr. High school students are invited to join us for an evening of games, laughter, and friendly competition. Please wear athletic clothing (Christian modesty is expected), and a good pair of running shoes. We’ll see you there in Holy Family Parish Center. Our Lady of the Desert Mission Pastor: Rev. Chauncey Winkler 15385 N. Pierce Ferry Road Dolan Springs, AZ 86441 Confession: One Half Hour before Mass Mass Times: Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 pm Sunday Mass: 10:00 am—Spanish Contact Information: Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Parish 1975 Daytona Dr. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 928-855-2685 August 15th & 16st Celebrant: Father Chauncey Winkler Our Gift of Love, May it bring us Blessings Due to the printing schedule, the August 9th collections will be published in the bulletin of August 23rd. Preschool News Sneak Peek of the Week This week we will learn about the sun and discuss how night & day happens. We will talk about pollution and how important it is to take care of the earth. Also, we will experiment with magnets and the fun things they can do. Virtue: God’s love has no Limits. Family Faith Formation This program is designed to help the whole family journey in the gift of our faith together. When your children were baptized, you promised to raise and nurture your children in the Faith. This is not an easy task, and we want to support and assist you. Now is the time to register your family for the Family Faith Formation. Families who have children in 1st through 5th grade, this is for you. The classes will start on Sunday, August 30th and Tuesday, September 1st. The following is taken from the General Directory of Catechesis, Articles 255 & 227: “Parents are the primary educators in the faith. It is for this reason that the Christian community must give very special attention to parents. By means of personal contact, meetings, courses and also adult catechesis directed toward parents, the Christian community must help them assume their responsibility, which is particularly delicate today, of educating their children in the faith.” We will be keeping you updated through the summer in the bulletin. If you would like more information please contact the RE office. I call to you all day long, have mercy on me, O Lord. You are good and forgiving, full of love for all who call to you. Psalm 86:3, 5 Kindergarten News!!! We are excited to be at school! We are making new friends and learning our classroom routine. ADOPT-A-FAMILY We are accepting donations for this year’s Family Faith Formation Program. Your $35 contributions are a blessing. They help to offset the costs for families. We never turn a family away when it comes to their Faith Formation. Just place your donation in the collection basket marked Adopt-A-Family. Thank you for your support! Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program We would like to start a program for the children who are ages 3 to 5 years old during the 10:30 am Mass on Sundays. This program is focused on helping your children experience the life of Christ through structured activities and develop a deeper and more appreciation for our faith. For more information and to register for this program contact the Religious Education Office during the week. Family Faith Formation Catechist Meeting We will have our first catechist meeting for all the catechists and helpers on this Tuesday, August 18th beginning at 6:00 pm in the Holy Family Parish Center. At this meeting we will go over the curriculum and calendar for the new year. Thank you in advance for wanting to help out this year and share the Catholic Faith to our families. If you are interested in becoming a catechist and haven’t expressed your desire to be one please contact Deacon Jeff Arner in the Religious Education office. Entrance Song —————————————–————— Gather Your People Communion Songs ————————————————–—— Behold the Lamb Martin Willett Bob Hurd Refrain Gather your people, O Lord. Gather your people, O Lord. One bread, one body, one spirit of love. Gather your people O Lord. Draw us forth to the table of life: brothers and sisters, each of us called to walk in your light. We are parts of the body of Christ, needing each other, each of the gifts the spirit provides. No more harm on the mountain of God; swords into plowshares. Free us, O Lord, from hardness of heart. Wash us, Lord, in the waters of life; waters of mercy, waters of hope that flow from your side. Those who were in the dark are thankful for the sunlight; we who live, we who die are grateful for this gift, thankful for God’s love. Refrain: Behold, behold the Lamb of God. All who eat, all who drink shall live; and all, all who dwell in God, shall come to know God’s glory! Peaceful now, those whose hearts are blessed with understanding of the wheat, of the wine united with God’s word and the love we share. Gentle one, child of God, join with us at this table. Bless our lives; nourish all who hunger for this feast; shelter them with peace. Taste and See James E. Moore Psalm 34 Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. Offertory Song —————————————————— How Great Thou Art Stuart K. Hine O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder consider all the worlds thy hands have made, I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, thy pow’r thru out the universe displayed! Refrain: Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee; how great thou art, how great thou art! Then sings my soul, my savior God, to thee; how great thou art, how great thou art! When thru the woods and forest glades I wander and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees, when I look down from lofty mountain grandeur and hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze. When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration and there proclaim, my God, how great Thou art! Prayer to Saint Michael, the Archangel St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Refrain: Taste and see, taste and see the goodness of the Lord. O, taste and see, taste and see the goodness of the Lord, of the Lord. I will bless the Lord at all times. Praise shall always be on my lips; my soul shall glory in the Lord for God has been so good to me. Glorify the Lord with me. Together let us all praise God’s name. I called the Lord who answered me; from all my troubles I was set free. Worship the Lord, all you people. You’ll want for nothing if you ask. Taste and see that the Lord is good; in God we need put all our trust. Closing Song ——————————————————— Glory and Praise to Our God Dan Schutte Refrain: Glory and praise to our God, who alone gives light to our days. Many are the blessings he bears to those who trust in his ways. We, the daughters and sons of him who built the valleys and plains, praise the wonders our God has done in ev’ry heart that sings. SPIRITUAL COMMUNION PRAYER (For those who are not able to receive Communion at this time) My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen. Words and music used with permission. CCLI License #Portland, OR. 97213/GIA Publications, Inc., 7404 S. 1680760 is printed with copyright permission from OCP Publications, 5536 N.E. Hassalo, Mason Avenue, Chicago, Il. 60638 Canto de Entrada ————–———————–— Canto de Comunión ————————————— Ven, Ven Al Banquete Ya No Eres Pan y Vino Bob Hurd D. A. R. Ven, ven al banquete, ven a la fiesta de Dios. Los que tienen hambre y sed serán saciados, ven a la cena de Cristo, ven a la cena de Dios. ¿Quién le puede dar de comer a la multitud? Con Jesús al compartir lo poco que hay recibimos plenitud. Hay que darse a morir para cosechar, las semillas de libertad y resurrección, la promesa de vivir. Ya no eres pan y vino, ahora que eres cuerpo y sangre, vives en mí de rodillas yo caigo al contemplar tu bondad, como no te voy a adorar. Mientras te pierdes en mis labios, Tu gracia va inundando todo mi corazón por esa paz que me llena de alegría mi ser ¿como no te voy a adorar? Señor Jesús, mi salvador, amor eterno, amor divino. Ya no falta nada, lo tengo todo, te tengo a ti. (2X) Dueño y Rey del universo como puede ser posible que busques mi amor. Tú tan grande y yo pequeño y te fijas en mi ¿como no te voy a adorar? Gloria a Nuestro Dios Tradicional Gloria a nuestro Dios en los alto de los cielos y en la tierra paz a los por el amados. Señor, te alabamos. Señor, te bendecimos, todos te adoramos, gracias por tu inmensa gloria. Tu eres el Cordero que quitas el pecado, ten piedad de nosotros y escucha nuestra oración. Tu solo eres Santo, tu solo Altísimo con el Espíritu Santo en la gloria de Dios Padre. Salmo 33 Haz la prueba y veras que bueno es el Señor. Canto de Ofertorio —————————————— Te Presentamos Juan A. Espinoza Estribillo: Te presentamos el vino y el pan. Bendito seas por siempre, Señor. Te presentamos el vino y el pan. Bendito seas por siempre Señor. Bendito seas, Señor, por este pan que nos diste, fruto de la tierra y del trabajo de los hombres. Bendito seas, Señor, el vino Tú nos lo diste, fruto de la tierra y del trabajo de los hombres. ORACIÓN PARA HACER UNA COMUNIÓN ESPIRITUAL (Para aquellos que no pueden recibir la comunión en este momento) Creo Señor mío que éstas realmente presente en el Santísimo Sacramento del altar. Te amo sobre todas las cosas y deseo ardientemente recibirte dentro de mi alma; pero, no pudiendo hacerlo ahora sacramentalmente, ven al menos espiritualmente a mi corazón. Y como si te hubiese recibido, me abrazo y me uno todo a Ti; Oh Señor, no permitas que me separe de Ti. Amen. Canto de Salida ———————————–— Demos Gracias al Señor Cesareo Gabarain Demos gracias al Señor, demos gracias, demos gracias al Señor. Demos gracias al Señor, demos gracias, demos gracias al Señor. En la mañana que se levanta el día, canta y yo canto al creador. En la mañana que se levanta el día, canta y yo canto al creador. Cuando la noche se despereza con sueño, reza y yo rezo al creador. Cuando la noche se despereza con sueño, reza y yo rezo al creador. Oración a San Miguel Arcángel San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la lucha; séa nuestro amparo contra la maldad y asechanzas del demonio. Pedimos suplicantes que Dios lo mantenga bajo su imperio; y tu, Príncipe de la milicia celestial, arroja al infierno, con el poder divino, a Satanás y a los otros spíritus malvdos que andan por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén. Oración por las vocaciones Señor de la cosecha, ayúdanos a crear una cultura verdadera de discernimiento y vocaciones en nuestra parroquia, para que todos nosotros en esta parroquia familiar podamos ofrecer fielmente nuestras vidas como respuesta amorosa a tu primer don de la vida y el amor. Ilumina nuestras familias para ser luz, trabajando juntos para tener un reino de paz y justicia, no solo en esta comunidad, sino en el mundo entero. Que por tu Espíritu Santo, puedan nuestros corazones conocer más y más a tu hijo Jesucristo y darlo a conocer por siempre. Amen. OUR LADY OF THE LAKE CHURCH WOULD LIKE TO THANK THESE BUSINESSES FOR MAKING OUR BULLETIN POSSIBLE Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 9, 2015 To strengthen him for the journey, God provides Elijah with cake and water, reminiscent of his ancestors’ Pasch. Thus he experiences the goodness of the Lord. Jesus, the bread of life, strengthens us for our journey, following his way of love. Palo Verde Internal Medicine 62 & 67 CAPRI LANE 855-TIRE (8473) COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS & SERVICE TIRES, BRAKES, LUBE & OIL CHANGE, ALIGNMENTS, AIR CONDITIONING EXHAUST & MORE... PROFESSIONAL • CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS 680-6353 Harrison Mark McDonald, D.O Alterations • Shirts Laundered 854-7161 in Smith's Plaza 2231 McCulloch Blvd., Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 S ame D ay S ervices W eek D ays by 10 am P ick -U p and D elivery A vailable Residential Brokerage Parishioner • AZ ROC #183697 #1 Coldwell Banker Agents in Lake Havasu FOAM KEEPS IT COOL EVEN AT 120˚ Father Paul has served Our Lady of the Lake Parish for two years. I am grateful for his kindness, his prayerful spirit, his hard work and his friendship. The priest who currently leads the Society of Saint Thomas the Apostle (the priestly society from southern India to which Father Paul belongs) has called Father Paul to return to him right away. Since the call came while I was away, I was unable to say goodbye to him in person (as were many of you). However, I am grateful to God for Father Paul’s ministry here with us. Let us all remember Father Paul in a prayer of thanksgiving, and ask God to bless him as he continues to respond to his call. Thank you. URETHANE FOAM ROOFING URETHANE FOAM INSULATION WE LIGHT WEIGHT STEEL TILE Walk-ins Welcome • 1761 McCulloch, Ste. A 1-800-421-2420 MOVING SERVICE AL'S Yours in Christ, Father Chauncey 1911 Industrial Blvd. #A• Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 LOCAL • LONG DISTANCE Larry & Donna Lambert Saint of the Week: St. Clare of Assisi Feast Day: August 11th 100's of Satisfied Customers! Licensed, Bonded & Insured 453-6715 124 N. Lake Havasu Ave., Ste. 104 of Lake Havasu City, Bullhead City, Kingman Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration 24 Hour Emergency Service (928) 855-9111 1520 Acoma Ln., St. D Independently Owned and Operated –– Escorted Tours –– Begin & End in Lake Havasu Convenient, Safe, & Fun! Call 928-680-4142 "LET OUR FRIENDLY STAFF ASSIST YOU WITH ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS" Serving Lake Havasu RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL LARGE SELECTION OF SUPPLIES FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Since 1983 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE A+ Pool & Spa Service (928) 846-POOL HUMMINGBIRD HEAVEN APARTMENTS Two Bedroom, One Bath Apartments Available. Handicapped Friendly. Clean, Safe Environment. Contact Jack or Lori Connelly Parishioner Since 1967 (928) 486-9985 or 7530 LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED SER S A L PALACRIOA N E Angilberto and Isabel Serrano invite you to Authentic MEXICAN RESTAURANTS AND CANTINA CASA SERRANO of LAKE HAVASU CITY 150 Swanson Ave. 928-854-5500 Auto • Home • Life • Health Commercial • SR22 • Bond Amailly Mendoza - Owner [email protected] 928-855-2742 1979 McCulloch Blvd. N. Ste. 105, LHC A Long Term Care Facility 2781 Osborn Dr. 10% Discount In 1215, Clare moved into a house adjoining the church of St. Damiano, becoming superior of the growing community and remaining so for forty years. She was joined by her mother, by another sister, Beatrice and by three members of the noble family of Florence. They were known as the "Poor Ladies of San Damiano". They lived a simple life of poverty, austerity and seclusion from the world, according to a Rule which Francis gave them as a Second Order (Poor Clares). San Damiano became the center of Clare's new religious order, which was known in her lifetime as the "Order of Poor Ladies of San Damiano". San Damiano was long thought to be the first house of this order and San Damiano emerged as the most important house in the order, and Clare became its undisputed leader. "I come, O Lord, unto thy sanctuary to see the life and food of my soul. As I hope in thee, O Lord, inspire me with that confidence which brings me to thy holy mountain. Permit me, divine Jesus, to come closer to thee, that my whole soul may do homage to the greatness of thy majesty; that my heart, with its tenderest affections, may acknowledge thine infinite love; that my memory may dwell on the admirable mysteries here renewed every day, and that the sacrifice of my whole being may accompany thine." St. Clare Mike Collins LAKE HILLS INN 231 Swanson 928-680-5885 505-5552 with ad Before she died, there were Poor Clare's throughout Italy, France and Germany. Clare performed many miracles, including saving the city of Assisi from the army of Emperor Frederick II. She also defended her convent by carrying the ciborium against an attack by Saracen raiders. She died on August 11th and two years later was canonized in 1255. By 1263, just ten years after Clare's death, the order had become known as the Order of Saint Clare. 854-6142 1546 Countryshire Ave. Dump Truck Service • Excavation Services Decorative & Colored Landscape Stone 928-453-1811 2120 W. Acoma Blvd., LHC Like it never even happened.® Spruce Goose Cleaning Company, L.L.C Serving Lake Havasu for 20 Years! Dr. Terry McGuire O Saint Clare of Assisi born Chiara Offreduccio, is an Italian saint and one of the first followers of Saint Francis of Assisi. Early in her childhood, Clare was gifted with innumerable virtues and although her family environment asked of something else from her, she was always assiduous in prayer and mortification. She always showed a great disdain for the things of the world, and a great love and desire to grow every day in her spiritual life. However, at the age of 18 she heard Francis preach during a Lenten service in the church San Giorgio at Assisi, and asked him to help her to live after the manner of the Gospel. On the evening of Palm Sunday, March 20, 1212, she received a habit from him. Francis placed Clare in the convent of the Benedictine nuns of San Paulo, near Bastia with her sister Agnes. 928-505-8755 3181 Maricopa Ave., Suite 102 (928) 453-7001 Mon.-Sat. Call for Appointment Hair • Nails • Pedicures • Skin Care • Cosmetics Massage and Other Pampering Body Treatments (928) 855-4848 of Lake Havasu 180 Swanson Ave. Dave & Eileen Devett Check Your Bucket List Men • Women • Kids In the are there to help Caring for Small Animals Largest Radiator Inventory on the Colorado River FLAT ROOFS 855-2212 928.208.4611 McGuire Veterinary Services CALL US We DO Show Up! We WILL Call Back! We DO Follow-up! CA Dear Parish Family, In-home service Bobby & Julie for SENIORS by Seniors Our loving, caring Lewis Team compassionate seniors 928-855-8880 We recoat & repair existing foam roofs Board Certified ABIM 1851 Mesquite Ave. Ste. 106 Lake Havsu City, AZ Paula Mitchell, Administrator Concrete, Plastering & Masonry Specializing in Residential & Commercial • Licensed • Bonded • Insured (928) 505-5373 • Fax (928) 505-4450 QUICK'S ADULT FOSTER CARE The Ultimate... In-Home Care With a Family Atmosphere (928) 854-7154 1501 Sandy Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Dodie Gildea, AAMS® Italian Restaurant and Lounge 350 London Bridge Road 928-854-3223 Dinner served Monday- Saturday 4:00-10:00pm Closed on Sunday O.L. LAKE / 034 A For advertising information, please call (951) 776-0601 OUR LADY OF THE LAKE CHURCH WOULD LIKE TO THANK THESE BUSINESSES FOR MAKING OUR BULLETIN POSSIBLE EDGARDO • Concrete • Masonry • Complete Landscaping Since 1965 EJ JEWELERS, INC. Tony Leoni Parishioner INTEGRITY • KNOWLEDGE • EXPERIENCE Quality Jewelry at Affordable Prices Cell (928) 855-2103 2121 McCulloch Kenneth Roberg, D.P.M. INC. Commercial • Residential • Re-Roofs Office: (928) 855-2883 1960 Holly Ave. Ste. C • Lake Havasu City RAMON MONTES • (928) 208-6910 • Church Member HEIDI A. BERDIN MD. F.C.C.P. 928-855-6966 1731 Mesquite Ave. #4 1830 Mesquite Ave. Ste. C Rev. Lawrence Bakut ASSOCIATE PASTOR VIC S. OYAS, M.D., FAAP Board Certified American Board of Pediatrics Lic. #ROC212943 • Bonded • Insured • SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Board Certified & Specializes in Pulmonary Medicine, Sleep Medicine, Critical Care Trained In Mayo Clinic 854-4307 PASTOR Montes Roofing, Inc. Breathe Easier, Sleep Better FOOT/ANKLE SPECIALIST Rev. Chauncey Winkler Lake Havasu Memorial Gardens 1698 Deer Run Dr. • (928) 855-4085 • Havasu's only Cemetery (Parishioner) KEVIN J. O'BRIEN Cremation & Traditional Burials Parishioners receive special pricing & veterans a free space Taxes, Bookkeeping & Consulting Havasu Lung and Sleep Disorders Center Off. (928) 453-9422 Lic #ROC246439 & ROC246438 Our Lady of the Lake Sunset Garden CPA, CMA, CIA 928-208-5912 208-7677 Lic., Bonded & Insured Frank E. Freeman XEROX Authorized Sales Agent • Copiers • Supplies • Computers • Service and Parts 2587 N. Kiowa Blvd. Lake Havasu, AZ 86403 (928) 680-0770 FAX (928) 680-1342 Rev. Anthony Okolo Colleen M. Savage FNP-BC Provides Care for Infants, Children & Adolescents VISITING PRIEST For Appointments, Call Deacon Thomas Coe, Deacon Jeffrey Arner, Deacon Andrew Kresha, Deacon Gilbert Lopez, Deacon John Navaretta, Deacon Patrick Toilolo (928) 680-1919 Lake Havasu City, AZ The Name You’ve Trusted For 43 Years LHC AIR CONDITIONING ROC 277821 BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE, small ENOUGH TO CARE! ANGELINA'S 21 Riviera Blvd. Lake Havasu City 928.855.4949 1701 N. Stockton Hill Rd. Kingman 928.753.2555 Italian Restaurant NEW LOCATION 1530 El Camino Dr. 212 W. Riverside Dr. Ste. H Parker (928) 575-1501 (928) 680-3868 A Trusted Family for over 45 years. OPEN 4 P.M. - CLOSE TUES-SUN POOL & SPA SERVICE, INC. MONTHLY MAINTENANCE SALES & SERVICE OUR MONTHLY POOL CUSTOMERS RECEIVE $59 PER HOUR PLUMBING RATE 24/7 Courtesy of J. D’uva Service Plumbing, Inc. • Filters • Pumps • Leaks on Pool Plumbing • Heater Repairs & Replacements • Pool Draining & Acid Washes • Licensed • Insured J. D'UVA SERVICE PLUMBING, INC. FREE ESTIMATES FARLEY CRISP 928.680.5892 Lake Havasu City, AZ Licensed • Bonded • Insured Primary & Consultative Internal Medicine "Working for you and your family" DBA: Arizona D.C. Plumbing • Water Heaters • Garbage Disposals • Drain Cleaning • Faucets & Fixtures • Kitchen & Bath Remodels • Gas Piping • Leak Repairs • Re-Pipes • Commercial/Residential • And More! Huffman Chiropractic Serving Lake Havasu City for 20 Years Board Certification ABIM Dr. Thomas Wrona 1840 Mesquite Ave. Suite B Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (928) 453-8500 Accepting New Patients 855-0001 (928) 855-5307 (928) 505-1751 Joe D'Uva • Barry Carles #ROC217913 • ROC #229499 Effective Treatment for Neck Pain, Back Pain & Headaches Medicare and most Insurance Accepted 1695 Mesquite Ave Ste 114. • 453-6808 CONESTOGA CONSTRUCTION Since 1983 928-505-0330 Over 25 years experience Licensed • Bonded • Insured New Construction • Remodeling Additions • RV Garages Free Estimates "Distinctive Designs Make Lasting Impressions" Roc 058419 453-9295 1632 McCulloch Blvd. Shirley Noronha, M.D. Internal Medicine & Geriatrics (928) 680-4233 Fax (928) 680-6522 2082 Mesquite Ave. Ste. A106 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 O.L. LAKE / 034 B A r i z o n a C o a s t E a r , N o s e , T h r o at , A l l e r g y , & S l ee p M e d i c i n e • H ea r i n g A i d C e n t e r Devin M. Cunning, M.D. - Michael E. Prater, M.D. Julie M. McGuire, PA-C HEARING AIDS • SKIN CANCER OFFICE BALLOON SINUPLASTY 1760 McCulloch Blvd. N. 854-5368 (5 ENT) (Safeway Plaza) 2nd Location Lins Little China Buffet 1881 Kiowa Ave. 10% Off With Ad For advertising information, please call (951) 776-0601 SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday Morning 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) DAILY MASS Monday-Saturday 8:30 a.m. Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Anointing of the Sick Mass First Friday at 8:30 a.m. CONFESSION Tuesday Wednesday Saturday First Friday First Saturday 5:00 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m.- 9:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m.- 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.- 7:30 a.m. HOLY HOUR WITH BENEDICTION Tuesday 9:00 a.m. Friday 3:00 p.m. MORNING PRAYER Monday - Friday EVENING PRAYER Tuesday ROSARY Monday - Saturday 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:50 a.m. BIBLE STUDY (Holy Family Parish Center) Women’s Bible Study Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Share the Word Friday 9:30 a.m. PARISH OFFICE Patti Miller, Parish Secretary Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday: 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION Elaine Guitar, Parish Manager LITURGY AND MUSIC Deacon Patrick Toilolo RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Deacon Jeff Arner, Director Francisco Santana, Youth Ministry PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN Deacon Jeff Arner, Director Susan Flury, Teacher Maria Warner, Teacher OUR LADY’S GIFT SHOP Renee Brindis, Manager 855-6644 Saturday 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday—Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. MARRIAGES Please contact a deacon or priest that you would like to perform your marriage ceremony. Please anticipate 9 months for preparation. BAPTISMS Baptism classes are offered the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. (Pre-register by the preceding Tuesday by calling 855-2685 ) Clases de Bautismo en Español será el segundo Jueves del mes a las 7:00 p.m. (Registrarse el martes antes llamando al numero 855-2685 ) BEREAVEMENT GROUP Deacon Gilbert Lopez 855-2685 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Lorraine Palfy 854-2116 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Ken Roberg 855-2685 HOSPITAL MINISTRY Deacon Patrick Toilolo 855-2685 SICK & HOMEBOUND Deacon Patrick Toilolo 855-2685 SCRIP/GIFT CARDS Sonia Travelstead 486-0423 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Pick up Food Bank 453-3125 453-1776 680-2874 VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Renee Brindis 855-2685 SOUP KITCHEN Roberta Watkins, Supervisor Tuesday & Thursday Saturday . 855-2685 4:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 1975 Daytona Dr. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 Phone: (928) 855-2685 Fax: (928) 855-7172 Español: (928) 855-0187 Email: [email protected]
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October 4, 2015 - Our Lady of the Lake Roman Catholic Church
Please contact a deacon or priest that you would like to perform your marriage ceremony. Please anticipate 9 months for preparation. BAPTISMS Baptism classes are offered the first Thursday of the m...
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