Spotlight - La Puente


Spotlight - La Puente
The official publication of the City of La Puente
La Puente is a friendly, culturally diverse, family-oriented small town city that provides
quality services in a socially and fiscally responsible manner.
Christmas Tree
Recycling Program
Each holiday season,
the City of La Puente
provides a free Christmas Tree Recycling Program where residents
can either place their
trees curbside or take
their holiday trees to La
Puente Park at 501 N.
Glendora Avenue for
recycling. This year’s
program will begin on
Friday, December 26,
2014 and continue
through Friday, January 9, 2015. For curbside pick-up, simply
place your tree next to
your trash containers on
your regular trash collection day. Trees over
6 feet in height need to
be cut in half.
Christmas trees must
be free of all decorations.
This means removing all
lights, tinsel, garland,
plastic wrap, tree stands,
wire, rope, nails, and all
other items from trees
before recycling them.
Sorry, flocked trees will
not be collected curbside or accepted at the
drop-off bin at La Puente
Recycling your tree
saves valuable landfill space! Trees are
grounded into mulch,
compost, or used as
While the program is
free of charge, individuals dropping off their holiday trees at La Puente
Park must be a City of
La Puente resident to
participate. For further
information, please call
La Puente City Hall at
(626) 855-1500 or call
Valley Vista Services at
(800) 442-6454.
New Businesses at Hacienda
and Fairgrove
Retail construction rapidly
continues in many of the shopping centers throughout the
City. The City is excited to
offer the community new opportunities to shop local.
The shopping center at
Hacienda and Fairgrove is
welcoming a number of new
businesses. Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt (1265 N. Hacienda
Boulevard) held its official
grand opening on Saturday,
September 27, 2014 which
was followed by La Puente’s
first Starbuck’s in October
(1283 N. Hacienda Boulevard)
and finally Harbor Freight
Tools (1291 N. Hacienda
Boulevard) celebrating its
Grand Opening on November 12, 2014. A host of new
neighbors next to Starbuck’s
will be opening in early 2015.
Waba Grill is due to open at
1279 N. Hacienda Boulevard
and Pizza Hut at 1251 N. Hacienda Boulevard.
Residents are encouraged
to visit these new businesses
as well as all businesses in the
City to keep local tax revenues
in the community and help our
local business economy.
Starbuck’s Coffee, Harbor Freight Tools, and Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt
all opened recently at Hacienda and Fairgrove. (City of La Puente)
City Capital Improvement Projects
The City is completing the
Local Street Resurfacing and
Santo Oro Storm Drain Improvements in the street segments
of Sierra Vista Court (from
Hacienda Blvd. to Glendora
Ave.), Santo Oro Avenue (from
Hacienda Blvd. to Temple Ave.),
Gaylawn Court (from Santo Oro
Ave. to Temple Ave.) and Banbridge Avenue (from Bamboo
St. to the north end). The project
enhances the safety condition
of various local streets by repaving of the roadway, signing
and striping, repair of damaged
concrete areas, the installation
of new handicapped ramps,
and new storm drain
improvements and
block wall construction in order to alleviate storm water
drainage and standing water issues within the neighborhood.
The cost of this project is approximately
$827,000 with funding from Measure R
and Sewer Funds.
In March 2012, the City
submitted a competitive grant
application to the State of California for funding consideration
under Cycle 10 of the Safe
Routes to Schools Program
(SR2S). The City was granted
an allocation of $387,000 to
improve pedestrian safety for
The improvements underway consist of traffic signals
and pedestrian improvements
such as curb extensions, rapid
rectangular flashing beacons
and center median fencing
near the intersection of Hacienda Boulevard and Prichard
Street. Other improvements
include upgrades to school
crosswalk signs, installation
of high visibility crosswalks,
speed awareness signs, and
seventy (70) countdown pedestrian head crosswalk signs
at signalized intersections.
The improvements are within
the vicinity of La Puente High
School, Workman Elementary School, and Sierra Vista
Middle School. This project was
funded through the SR2S Grant
and augmented with Local Gas
Tax funds. The project cost is
approximately $461,000.
Santo Oro Avenue and Gaylawn Court are two resurfacing projects being
completed by the City of La Puente. (Google Images)
Industry, CA
Permit# 4220
Spotlight La Puente
City of La Puente
La Puente City Hall
15900 E. Main St., La Puente, CA 91744
(626) 855-1500
City Council Meetings:
2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7 p.m.,
City Hall Council Chambers
City Manager
David Carmany
La Puente
Spotlight La Puente is not responsible nor liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for
availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without
permission is prohibited.
City Hours
City Hall
Monday- Thursday
7:30 A.M.- 5:30 P.M.
7:30 A.M.- 4:30 P.M.
Building & Safety Hours
Monday- Friday
7:30 A.M.- 4:30 P.M.
The Senior Center
Monday- Friday
8:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M.
Boys & Girls Club
Monday- Friday
2:00 P.M.- 6:00 P.M.
Closed Saturday & Sunday
Community Center
Monday- Friday
8:00 A.M.- 9:00 P.M.
8:00 A.M.- 1:00 P.M.
Closed on Sundays
Youth Learning Activity Center
Monday- Friday
8:00 A.M.- 9:00 P.M.
Closed Saturday & Sunday
Our City Council
Winter 2014
City to Conduct Public Hearings
on Zoning Code Update
Since June 2014, the
City has hosted a series of
seven (7) workshops and
public hearings to receive the
public’s input and feedback
on the proposed Zoning
Code Update and revised
Zoning Map. The process
is nearing completion with
the item scheduled for further
review by the City Council.
The City Council is expected
Shop La Puente
The City has launched a
“Shop La Puente” campaign to
help local businesses prosper
during this year’s holiday season. The campaign officially
ends on December 31st. Until
then, it allows local businesses
to hold additional Temporary
Outdoor Events (TOPs). These
events require a permit which
can be obtained at City Hall.
To reinforce the campaign,
the City co-hosted a Business
Resource Fair at the Community Center in October. The
goal was to connect local businesses with organizations that
support their growth efforts.
Participating organizations
included The Small Business
to hold public hearings in
January and February
of 2015. For additional
information, please call the
City’s Planning Division at
(626) 855-1538.
Majority, The California Small
Business Development Center,
Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation and the
San Gabriel Valley Economic
Partnership, among others.
For more information on these
resources or about the Fair,
contact City Hall at (626) 8551500.
Recreation Department Now
Seeking Part-Time Recreation Staff
Are you looking for a part
time job? The City of La Puente is looking to hire parttime seasonal Recreation
Staff to assist with the front
desk, special events and
programs. The Recreation
Department run programs
Monday thru Fridays as well
as weekends.
Qualified applicants must
be available to work approximately 15 to 25 hours during
the week, which may include
evenings and weekends. For
more information, please
visit the City of La Puente’s
website at for openings, filing
deadlines, descriptions and
Spotlight: New Old Town Puente
Business - Golden Vision
Golden Vision is an up
and coming clothing store
that is now open in the Old
Town La Puente. Not only
does this store offer big brand
clothing lines such as Obey,
Diamond, The Hundreds,
and many more, but Golden
Vision also carries their own
clothing brand, All Seeing and
Goldest Era. These brands
were founded in 2013by three
young adults between the
ages of 19 and 20 that started
off with selling their own products from the trunks of their
cars’. Business sky rocketed
which allowed them to open up
a store of their own. The City of
La Puente is looking forward to
filling the streets of Old Town
Puente with new customers to
this youth focused store.
City of La Puente
Passport Service
2014 Holiday Schedule
La Puente
Editorial Consultant.............. Michael Armijo
City Liaison............................ Roxanne Lerma
Staff Writers/Photos............. MD News/Armijo News
Graphic Design...................... MD News/Armijo News &
P.O. Box 1793
Chino, CA 91708
La Puente City Hall
1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 25
Wednesday, December 3
Wednesday, December 10
Wednesday. December 17
Wednesday, December 30
Our Community
Spotlight La Puente
La Puente Community Center
501 N. Glendora Avenue
La Puente, CA 91744
(626) 855-1560
1. Registration will be accepted on a first come, first
served basis. Registrations
accepted at the La Puente
Community Center, 501 N.
Glendora Avenue, Monday
through Friday 8:00 a.m. to
9:00 p.m., and Saturday 8:00
a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Registrations must be made by
parent/legal guardian for
participants who are 17
years old and younger – no
exceptions. City residents
must present proof of residency. Acceptable proof is
a valid California driver’s
license or two current utility
bills with name and address
on them.
2. All fees must be paid
at the time of registration.
Checks must be made payable to the City of La Puente.
Valid California driver’s license or identification is
required. There will be a
$25 charge on all returned
checks, and participants
will not be allowed to attend class(es) until payment
is made. Returned check
charges and registration
fees must be paid in cash at
City Hall.
3. Only registered participants will be allowed to
participate in class/activity.
A minimum of 10 participants
is needed for all classes or
they will be cancelled due
to low participation. It is important for participants to be
in class at their scheduled
time and also to be picked
up on time.
4. A $5.00 service fee is
charged for all refunds
issued. No refunds will be
given after the second class
date unless the class is
cancelled by the Recreation
Services Department. Original receipts are required for
all refunds. Refunds will be
issued by check and mailed
to the participant. Please
allow 4 weeks for checks to
be received.
For more information,
please call (626) 8551560.
City Looks Forward to its First McDonald’s
Construction has begun on La
Puente’s FIRST ever McDonald’s.
It will be located near Bassett
High School at 13847 Amar Rd.
in the Sunkist Shopping Center.
The City is very excited and welcomes the world-wide franchise
to town. The 4,404 square-foot
restaurant with a drive-thru will
showcase McDonald’s newest
design brand, including metal
trim along the rooftops with the
signature “golden arches” atop.
The expected open-date is early
Don’t Miss La Puente’s Holiday Festivities
Mark your calendar for the
City of La Puente’s Holiday
Parade and Tree Lighting Celebration on Friday, December
5, 2014, beginning at 5:30pm.
This year promises to be the
most festive year yet. In cooperation with the Old Town
Puente Association the City will
be introducing a new extend
parade route. The new route
will begin at La Puente Park
and will head down Glendora
Avenue and continue onto Main
Street. The Holiday Parade
will highlight the La Puente
community by featuring local
float entries, school marching bands, cheerleaders, Girl
Scouts, Boy Scouts and much,
much more. Immediately following the parade, the Mayor
and City Council members will
ring in the holiday season by
lighting up the tree. The Old
Town Puente Association will
also have activities such as
rides, games, and other holiday
attractions. There will even be
an appearance by Santa Claus
himself! For more information,
please call (626) 855-1560.
L.E.A.D. Project Aims to Empower Kids
This year is off to a great start
as La Puente schools Workman and Sunset Elementary as
well as Sparks Middle School
work to educate, engage, and
empower students and families
with Project Kids L.E.A.D, Life
Experience About Democracy!
Project LEAD’s aim is to build
bridges and access so that all
students can truly have more
meaningful participation in the
La Puente community.
The energy and excitement
are abound as students at
all three schools began the
year with students and parents
packing the school cafeterias
to learn about the operation of
city government and its members. Students were able to ask
questions from city staffers and
elected officials.
Students, parents, and staffs
from all three schools, including
La Puente High School, teamed
up with the city in support of La
Puente’s first Community Clean
Up Day. The community brought
new life into the La Puente Community Center with planting,
painting, and sprucing up.
Sunset and Workman Elementary as well Sparks Middle
schools are atmospheres where
leaders are born and leadership
cultivated. Project LEAD has
been growing in all directions.
Our students were educated
about Healthy Choices regarding diet and exercise by The
Hacienda La Puente Unified
School District’s Director of
Food Services, Ms. Emmalyn
Coles. Students then took their
learning and enthusiasm and
led a booth at the La Puente
Health Fair. Students took
leadership in educating other
students about healthy choices.
Along with information, they
handed out almonds and super
nutritious water. Participants
had their thirst quenched with
a refreshing cup of ice water
with lemon, cucumber, and
chia seeds. Student leaders
continue to attract more community members when they
hula hooped and jump roped to
the DJ’s upbeat music. There
was cardio fun to be had all
LEAD schools share their
activities at The La Puente City
council meetings and report out
their monthly activities. LEAD
has several opportunities for
students and families planned
throughout the year and are
looking forward to a growing
and lasting partnership.
2015 City of La Puente Calendar
Just in time for the New Year! The 2015 City of
La Puente Calendar will feature important dates,
information and history about the City, and
beautiful photographs of the people, places and
events that make the City of La Puente a friendly
place for families to live. The calendar is
scheduled to be delivered to La Puente
businesses and residents in the month of
December. For more information please call
City Hall during the regular business hours at
(626) 855-1500.
City of La Puente
Special Waste
Collection Schedule
The City of La Puente, in conjunction with Valley Vista Services, provides
residents with a FREE opportunity to dispose of “special” waste items on
the designated dates listed below. On the third Saturday of each month, a
dumpster monitored by City personnel will be available from 8:00 a.m. to
1:00 p.m. at the parking lot of La Puente Park at 501 N. Glendora Avenue.
Don’t miss the 2015 Special Waste Collection Events below:
5. All classes/activity are
subject to change.
6. Ages and ability level
information. Ages for which
classes are designed are
indicted, however, proper
placement will be determined
by the instructor according to
ability and/or achievement.
Birth certificates required
for participants 3 to 5 years
Winter 2014
Like Us on Facebook!
Please visit the City of
La Puente’s new Facebook
page at: www.facebook.
com/cityoflapuente. With
the growing technology and
community, the City has
joined the market of social
media! At the City’s Facebook Page, you can find
the latest news and events
happening in your community, including welcoming
reminders and helpful tips.
Help support the City’s
Facebook Page by “Liking”
the page through your personal Facebook account.
Don’t forget to share the
City’s Facebook Page with
your family and friends!
Scrap Metal
Green Waste
Used Tires
Scrap Wood
January 17, 2015
June 20, 2015
November 21, 2015
February 21, 2015
July 18, 2015
December 19, 2015
March 21, 2015
August 15, 2015
April 18, 2015
September 19, 2015
May 16, 2015
October 17, 2015
While the events are FREE of charge, individuals dropping off waste must
be a City of La Puente resident to participate - identification proving City
residency is required. For more information, please contact City Hall at
(626) 855-1500.
Our Community
Spotlight La Puente
Winter 2014
Holiday & Decoration Safety
Carbon Monoxide & Space Heater Safety
L.A. County Fire’s Monthly Public Education Campaign
L.A. County Fire’s Monthly Public Education Campaign
December/Issue 12 of 12
November/Issue 11 of 12
The Holiday season can be a joyous time, filled with trees decorated from top to bottom and
houses adorned with festive lights. The Los Angeles County Fire Department would like to
remind everyone to stay safe this holiday season by practicing holiday and decoration safety.
Each year, dry Christmas trees and holiday lights cause of hundreds of house fires. Your Fire
Department has come up with a few simple tips to help prevent these accidents.
Each year, hundreds of people die from Carbon Monoxide poisoning and Space Heater-related
fires. The Los Angeles County Fire Department reminds residents to always check all fire
alarms and carbon monoxide gas alarms throughout the home and replace all batteries every
six months to maintain them in working condition. Here are some tips to help keep you and
your family safe from the dangers of carbon monoxide and space heaters.
Carbon Monoxide
Dos & Don’ts of Space Heaters
Carbon Monoxide, or CO,
is considered a silent
killer. It is an odorless,
tasteless gas that cannot
be seen. Carbon
monoxide poisoning can
be a result of faulty
furnaces or other heating
appliances, such as
portable generators,
water heaters, clothes dryers, or cars left running in garages.
Some symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include
headaches, nausea, and drowsiness. Being exposed to
undetected high levels of Carbon Monoxide can be fatal. In
California, it is the law that every home and multi-home
dwelling have a working carbon monoxide detector installed.
Below are a few tips on how to avoid Carbon Monoxide
poisoning — and what to do in case your CO alarm sounds.
Space heaters have recently
become a popular and
inexpensive way to keep warm
during the cold winter months.
The Los Angeles County Fire
Department would like to
remind you to properly use
space heaters. Each year
hundreds of fires are started as
a result of improperly used
space heaters. We would like to offer several dos and
don’ts for space heater safety to keep you and your family
safe during the cold winter months.
CO Precautions:
Make sure all fuel-burning, vented equipment is vented
to the outside to avoid CO poisoning.
Keep the venting for exhaust clear and unblocked.
Place the heater on a level, hard, nonflammable
surface, such as a ceramic tile floor.
Make sure any heater is at least three feet away from
any flammable materials, such as bedding, drapes, and
Keep children and pets away from space heaters.
Always turn off the heater when you leave the room.
If you need to warm up a vehicle, remove it from the
Never leave a space heater on when you go to sleep.
garage as soon as you turn it on, regardless if the garage
Do not place a space heater anywhere near a sleeping
doors are open.
person; they may toss and turn in the middle of the
night and burn themselves.
A generator should be used in a well-ventilated outdoor
location, away from windows, doors, and vent openings.  Do not use portable propane space heaters indoors or
in any confined space unless they are specifically
If Your CO Alarm Sounds:
designed for indoor use.
Immediately move to a fresh air location (outdoors or by
an open window). Make sure everyone inside the home Following these simple tips can mean the difference
is accounted for and safe.
between life and death. Please remember that it only takes
Call 9-1-1 or the Fire Department from a fresh air
location. Remain at a fresh air location until emergency
personnel arrive to assist you,
a moment for an
unattended heater to
cause a fire.
For more helpful tips, follow us
on Facebook and Twitter
General Safety Rules for Holiday Safety
The season for decorating is in full swing,
and The Los Angeles County Fire Department
would like to offer some simple tips on how
to protect yourself, your family, and your
home this holiday season.
unless the directions state that it is
safe to do so. Make sure to
periodically check the wires, as they
should not be warm to the touch.
Holiday Lights
Always maintain your holiday lights.
Each year before hanging check for
frayed wires, bare spots, gaps in the
insulation, broken or cracked sockets,
and excessive kinking or wear.
Do not leave holiday lights on
Holiday Decorations
could put you and your family at risk.
Candle Care
Never leave a burning candle unattended; consider using battery operated
candles instead.
If you do use lit candles, never place
them on a tree. Place them in a stable
candle holder.
Use only nonflammable decorations or 
flame retardant ones. Decorations
should always be placed or hung away
from any heat source.
Make sure that your tree or any of your
decorations do not block an exit way.
If a fire occurs, a blocked exit way
Do not link more than three light strands
Never put wrapping paper in the fireplace; it could cause a very large fire,
throwing off dangerous embers and
sparks that could result in a chimney fire.
Keep candles at least 12 inches away
from all flammable materials,
decorations and wrapping paper.
Make sure to keep lit candles away from
children and in an area where they
cannot be blown or knocked over.
Christmas Tree Safety
There are many alternatives to fresh trees. Many of the
artificial trees are fire-resistant. If you buy one, look for a
statement specifying this protection.
If you decide to go with a fresh tree, use these tips to
determine how fresh your tree is. A fresh tree will stay green
longer and be less of a fire hazard than a dry tree. In order to
check a tree for freshness, remember:
A fresh tree is green.
Fresh needles are hard to pull from branches.
When bent between your fingers, fresh needles do not
The trunk of a fresh tree is sticky with resin.
When the trunk of a tree is bounced on the ground, a
shower of falling needles shows that the tree is too dry.
When setting up a tree, place it away from any fireplaces,
radiators and other heat sources. Heated rooms dry out trees
quickly producing a fire hazard. Use thin guy-wires to secure a
large tree to walls or ceiling.
Make sure to keep fresh trees in a
sturdy, water-holding base. To
prevent the tree from drying out,
keep the stand filled with water as
long as it is indoors.
For more helpful tips, follow us
on Facebook and Twitter
Our Community
Spotlight La Puente
City of La Puente
Recreation Services Department
Winter 2014
December 1 - 19, 2014
Our Tiny Tot program is an activity-oriented class where children are introduced to colors, shapes, numbers, and the alphabet. Your child will learn
while having fun with story time, music, arts & crafts, and outdoor play.
After-School Recreation
Ask about
our sibling
until 6:00 p.m.
Recreacion despues de escuela
hasta las 6:00 p.m.
Fairgrove Academy
One Time $25 Annual Registration Fee Per Family
Registración $25 por familia
$30 per week / $7 per day
*Child must attend M-F for weekly discounted rate
$30 por semana o $7 por día
Register at the La Puente Community Center,
501 N. Glendora Avenue, or at the school site .
For more information, call (626) 855-1560.
P.M.Session12:30Ͳ3:00pm MondayͲFriday
Classes are held at:
La Puente Community Center
501 N. Glendora Avenue, La Puente, CA 91744
Registration Dates:
November 18th (residents) /
November 19th (non-residents)
Resident: $50.00
Non - Resident: $55.00
Para mas información, favor de llamar al (626) 855-1560.
Will Too!
enROLLing nOW
visit us @
enrichment program
(626) 967-9337
Break Camp
December 15, 2014 - January 2, 2015
8:00am - 6:00pm
Fee: Camp Session - $70 per member
Seeking Winter break? Well look no further!!!
Please sign up and enroll today youth ages 6 - 18.
Breakfast, Lunch and Snack - NOT provided.
state preschool
½daypreschools ServingAgesBetween3Ͳ5yearolds
(626) 854-3449
surround Care
ServingGradesKinderͲ6th (626) 284-9935
Holiday Closures: 12/24-25 & 12/31 - Jan 1
early Head start
Full day program
(626) 858-0527
Head start
(626) 732-0130
Child Care services
(626) 459-4299
La Puente, 91744
(626) 856-5900
Se Habla ESPAÑOL ~
503 N Glendora Avenue
Our Community
Spotlight La Puente
City of La Puente & Old Town Puente Association
Mark Your Calendar!
Holiday Parade
gÜxx _|z{à|Çz
Tree Lighting Ceremony
begins after conclusion
of parade at La Puente
City Hall
15900 E. Main St.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Parade steps off at 5:30 p.m.
Holiday Street Fair after the Parade and Tree Lighting Ceremony.
*Free rides & entertainment! Ends at 10:00 p.m.
Food,Vendors & Fun!
For more information or to participate in the parade
please call (626) 855-1560 or visit
San Gabriel Valley Energy Wise Partnership
2014 Holiday LED Light Exchange
Celebrate the holidays while saving energy!
Southern California Edison residential customers can
exchange incandescent holiday lights for energy efficient LED
lights at holiday events throughout the San Gabriel Valley.
To Participate:
(Please Note: Rules have changed from previous years)
♦ Available to current Southern California Edison (SCE)
residential customers only.
♦ Must bring a copy of SCE monthly bill (or proof of
electronic bill payment) and valid identification that
matches customer name on bill.
♦ May exchange up to two strands of working,
incandescent holiday lights (with bulb) per household.
♦ Must be a 50 light strand or more.
♦ While supplies last.
For additional information, please contact the San Gabriel Valley
Council of Governments at (626)457-1800 or visit
Winter 2014
By Lois Maben
Winter 2014
Plant annuals in early January. Lawn care—always water your lawn in
the morning. Watering in the evening encourages fungus diseases. In
January, feed lawn and apply crabgrass killer but do not water for 2 days
after application. Use weed and feed for other weeds.
Bare root Planting: Deciduous fruit and shade trees, berries and roses.
If you are unable to plant immediately, place bare roots into damp soil,
sawdust, wood shavings or sand and keep moist. Soak roots in water before
Soil preparation: Prepare for bare root planting by digging holes and adding
Grapes: Start more grapes from cuttings. Cut 12 inch stems with at least
one bud node near the top. Bury all but the top 2 inches in good garden
soil and keep moist.
Prune: Now is the time for the heaviest pruning. All deciduous fruit trees,
berries and grapes. Cut impatiens back, removing all lanky stems. Don’t
prune spring flowering shrubs and vines until they are through flowering.
Prune rose bushes now, but do not prune climbing roses until after spring
Plant: Amaryllis bulbs in a sunny or semi-shaded area, in loose soil with
good drainage. Plant with the tip of the bulb just showing.
Buy: Summer bulbs such as tuberous begonias, cannas, dahlias, lilies and
Feed: Citrus trees need slow release ammonium sulfate then deeply water.
Feed staghorn ferns with bone meal or a high nitrogen liquid fertilizer.
Water: For fruit trees, roses and lawns, reduce the amount of water because
too much water can damage roots.
Pest Control: Spray deciduous plants with horticultural oil now to smother
mites, scale and other insects. To prevent fungal disease in deciduous fruit
trees, add lime sulfur or fixed copper to the oil following package directions.
For apricot trees, use only fixed copper. For peach trees, add lime sulfur to
the oil.
Prune: Wisteria should be pruned before spring growth. Prune deciduous
fruit and ornamental trees, grapes, vines, and roses. If you have a plumeria
tree, now is the time to shape or thin the branches. You can start new plumeria
plants from the cuttings for yourself or to give to friends.
Fertilize: Wait until the leaves on the roses turn from red to green, and
then give them the first feeding of the year. Feed established roses using a
balanced plant food high in phosphorus. Feed camellias and other flowering
plants with a plant food which contains nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.
Apply a complete fertilizer to deciduous fruit trees two to three weeks before
trees begin to bloom. Feed ground cover and other permanent plants with
a slow release fertilizer such as bone meal.
Lawn Weed Control: Apply a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent crabgrass
and other annual weed seeds from germinating.
Plant: Set out seedlings of peas, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, celery, lettuce,
carrots, cabbage, onions, turnips and parsley. Tomatoes and peppers can
be planted after the middle of the month. Gladioli corms can be planted now.
Finish planting bare root roses, fruit trees, grapes and berries.
Divide Perennials: If perennials are crowded and last year’s blooms were
sparse, it is time to divide them. Dig each clump so root ball comes up,
shake off excess dirt, and divide. Each plant should have some leaves and
plenty of roots, then plant immediately.
Pruning: Prune camellias and azaleas after blooming. If part of your plants
have frozen areas, do not prune until mid-spring and then cut off only the
damaged area. If you prune damaged plants now, there might be further
frost damage. Also prune hibiscus and other evergreen plants.
Pest Control: Spray for aphids and start crab grass control and watch for
snails. Protect fruit trees from brown rot fungus by spraying chlorotlhalonil
fungicide and remove any “mummies” or remains of fruit that can harbor
spores. Prevent wormy apples and codling moth larvae by spraying with
carbaryl or malathion every ten days for the next six weeks.
Fertilize: Feed roses, avocados, citrus trees and lawns. Before feeding roses,
wait until their leaves turn from red to green. Avocados require two feedings
of nitrogen fertilizer per year. First feeding should be in March. Citrus trees
require nitrogen fertilizer in mid March. Apply a quarter cup of Epsom salts
to mature roses, citrus, avocado and other fruit trees to increase their yield
of flowers and fruit.
Plant: Cilantro, corn, squash, melons, tomatoes, peppers and green beans,
impatiens, sunflowers, petunias, verbena zinnias bearded iris, lamb’s ears,
daisy, geraniums, agapanthus, citrus and avocado.
Watering: All plants, but especially container plants, are vulnerable to dry
March winds and can dehydrate. For container plants, add more potting
soil around the inside edges of containers and water more frequently so that
plants will not dry out and die.
Our Community
Spotlight La Puente
Winter 2014
City of La Puente RecreaƟon Services Department
It’s your time
to shine!
The Puente Pride Committee of
the City of La Puente is proud to
announce the upcoming Holiday
Lights selection. If you are that
homeowner who goes all out
here's your time to shine. By
lighting up the neighborhood
with Holiday Cheer!
All visible decorations
will be considered by
the Selection Committee; homeowners need
not apply to be
Please keep in mind the
Participants must be located
in the City of La Puente
 Decorations must be in place
by 12/12/14 and remain
displayed until 12/29/14
 Lights must be left on
until 9 PM
The Recreation Services Department is
offering a 10 week Coed Volleyball League.
Games played on Fridays:
6:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m.
Team applications are now being accepted for
the Fall. Please stop by the Youth Learning Activity Center 503 N. Glendora Ave.
3 winners will
receive a lawn sign,
photo recognition,
and recognition from
the City Council in
January 2015
Regist gistration F
am Re posit Fee
eit De icial’s fee)
ude of
(does n
For more information
please contact the La
Puente Community
Center at 626-8551560.
*Space is Limited*
Season starts March, 2015.
Applications will be taken on a first come first serve basis.
For more information, please contact the YLAC at 626-855-1550.
City of La Puente RecreaƟon Services Department
Cats: 6:00 pm-6:30 pm  Dogs: 6:30 pm-8:00 pm
15900 E. Main St., La Puente, CA
For clinic and other pet health care information, visit WWW.SCVVC.ORG.
DE-WORMINGS & FLEA CONTROL PRODUCTS AVAILABLE (prices depend on pet’s weight) ! Pet
owners must be at least 18 years of age to participate ! All pets must be on leashes or in carriers ! Only
healthy & non-pregnant animals will be vaccinated ! Vaccines listed below may change based upon
availability ! License Renewal Notice or Prior Rabies Certificate required in order to receive a 3-year
Rabies vaccine; otherwise the vaccine will be good for 1 year ! Bring vaccine records if possible ! CASH
or CREDIT CARD ONLY for all veterinary services ! ($3 processing fee on all credit card transactions)
The Recreation Services Department is offering a 10 week Men’s
League. Team applications are currently being accepted. Please stop
by the Youth Learning Activity Center 503 N. Glendora Avenue.
(Includes AVID PetTrac Registration & 24/7 Pet Lost & Found Hot-Line)
RABIES (Thimerosal Free) (Minimum Age: 3 mos) $10
All dogs 4 mos old & older must be vaccinated for Rabies and licensed. Vaccines are good for 3 years if dog is over 1 yr old and has proof of prior licensing or a valid
Certificate of Rabies Vaccination from a licensed veterinarian in the U.S. Otherwise, vaccine is good for 1 year, regardless of dog’s age.
(Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo Parainfluenza) - OR -
(Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo) (Minimum Age: 6 wks)
$19 *
Extremely contagious & potentially fatal diseases. Age 6 to 16 weeks: Initial series of 3 vaccines administered 4 weeks apart. Older than 16 weeks: Initial series
of 2 vaccines administered 4 weeks apart. The first booster is recommended in one year. Thereafter, boosters are recommended every 12 to 36 months.
Registration Fee:
$300.00 Registration Fee
$60.00 Forfeit Deposit Fee
(Does not include referee Fee’s)
BORDETELLA (Injectable Bronchiseptica Bacterin - Killed Virus) (Minimum Age: 8 wks)
- OR -
BORDETELLA w/PARAINFLUENZA (Intranasal Bronchiseptica & Parainfluenza - Modified Live Virus) (Age: 6 wks & older) $14 *
Upper respiratory bacterial infection. Injectable: Age 8 to 16 weeks: Initial series of 3 vaccines administered 2 to 4 weeks apart. Older than 16 weeks: Initial series
of 2 vaccines administered 2 to 4 weeks apart. Intranasal: Age 6 to16 weeks: Initial series of 2 vaccines administered 2 to 4 weeks apart. Older than 16 weeks:
Only 1 initial vaccine needed. Thereafter, annual boosters are recommended for both injectable and intranasal vaccines.
LYME (Borrelia Burgdorferi) (Minimum Age: 9 wks) $22
A tick-borne disease. Only recommended for dogs in areas where tick infestation is a problem. All ages: Initial series of 2 vaccines administered 2 to 4 weeks apart.
Thereafter, annual boosters are recommended.
La Puente Community
Center Gym
501 Glendora Avenue
La Puente, Ca 91744
RABIES (Thimerosal Free) $10 - OR - PUREVAX RABIES (Non-Adjuvant) $20 (Minimum Age: 3 mos)
Even indoor cats are at risk of contracting this fatal disease. Some cities require licensing for cats. Vaccine is good for 3 years if cat is over 1yr old and has proof
of prior licensing or a valid Certificate of Rabies Vaccine by a licensed U.S. veterinarian. Otherwise, vaccine is good for 1 year, regardless of cat’s age. Non-Adjuvant
vaccines can help reduce the risk of cats developing sarcomas (cancer) sometimes associated with vaccinations. Purevax Rabies is always an annual vaccine.
FVRCP (Non-Adjuvant)
(Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calici, and Panleukopenia) (Minimum Age: 6 wks)
Serious upper respiratory infections. Age 6 to 16 weeks: Initial series of 3 vaccines administered 4 weeks apart. Older than 16 weeks: Initial series of 2 vaccines
administered 4 weeks apart. Thereafter, the first booster is recommended in one year, then annual boosters are recommended.
FELV (Non-Adjuvant) Feline Leukemia $21 (Age: 10 weeks & older)
A highly contagious and potentially fatal disease. Initial series of 2 vaccines administered 3 - 4 weeks apart. Preferably, the second vaccine should be administered
between 14 to 16 weeks of age. Thereafter, annual boosters are recommended.
*Space is Limited*
Applications will be taken on a first come first serve basis.
For more information, please contact the YLAC at 626-855-1550..
Our Community
Spotlight La Puente
Winter 2014
Winter Sports/
Classes held from Jan. 12th to March 20th (10 weeks)Classes
Parents, legal guardians or participants over the age of 18 may register in person at the La Puente Community Center or Youth Learning Activity
Center. Fee’s are based on resident and non resident status. Proof of residency (current drivers license or mail) is required at the time of registration.
Resident registration begins Tuesday, January 6th and Non-Resident registration begins Wednesday, January 7th. Refund Information: A
$5.00 service fee is charged for each class refund issued. Refunds must be requested by the second class date. No refunds are given after the second
class date. Cash, money orders, credit cards, or personal checks payable to “City of La Puente” are accepted.
Martial Arts
P. Gomez
Men’s Basketball League
Tae Kwon Do
The City of La Puente Recreation Services Department
offers men’s basketball league on Sunday nights.
Games are played at the Community Center Gym. The
fees include scorekeepers, gym usage, and awards.
There is a $30.00 referee fee per team/game.
Fee: Resident: $45 x Non-resident: $50
Location: Cable Studio Room 20
Team Fee: $300.00
Sunday League
Forfeit Deposit: $60.00
4:00-8:00 p.m.
*Space is limited!
(Ages 18+)
Start Date:
xUniform fees not included.
Ages 5-11
Ages 11+
6:00-6:45 p.m.
7:00-7:45 p.m.
CO-ED Volleyball League
(Ages 18+)
Games are played Friday nights at the Community Center Gym. The fees include scorekeepers, gym usage,
and awards. There is a $15.00 referee fee per team
per game.
Team Fee: $200.00
Friday League
Forfeit Deposit: $30.00
F. Sanchez
6:30-8:30 p.m.
La Puente Youth Learning
Activity Center • (626) 855-1550
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-9:00
Fee: Resident: $30 xNon-resident: $35 (Monthly)
Location: Gymnasium
Start Date:
xUniform fees not included.
6:30-8:30 p.m.
7:00-8:50 p.m.
La Puente Community Center
(626) 855-1560
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-9:00
Sat. 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Sun.
Our Community
Spotlight La Puente
Winter 2014
in the
Reach Over
Homes and
What customers are saying: “Great place and great value!”
“After a very late night we totally needed a good
rest. The hotel was excellent, our
room was awesome, and we had
a great stay! We will be doing
more travelling this summer and
will definitely look to Comfort
Suites in La Puente first!”
(909) 464-1200
Montessori Academy
of La Puente
The City of La Puente thanks the
2014 Haunted Halloween Maze
for 4 year olds
* Birth eligibility date: 10/2/2009 - 10/1/2010
• Onsite Field Trips
• Music
• Dance
• Science
2 year olds to 6 year olds
Summer Camp &
Fall Enrollment
Call us for different
age programs
846 N.
Orange Ave.
• Transitional Kindergarten
program available
• Kindergarten Program
Dance, Music &
Kid-Fit Gymnastics
Snack &
Hot Lunch
Montessori Academy
of La Puente
City of La Puente Senior Center
(626) 917-3638
(La Puente)
(626) 917-0767
(West Covina)
The boutique will feature unique holiday
crafts, gifts, cosmetics and more. All in
one place to make your holiday shopping
quick and less stressful!
Thursday, December 4, 2014
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
La Puente Senior Center
16001 E. Main St.
La Puente, 91744
Featuring: Variety of vendors
Our Seniors
Spotlight La Puente
Winter 2014
December, January, February Special Events
16001 EAST MAIN STREET, LA PUENTE, CA 91744 (626) 855-1585
The La Puente Senior Center is open Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. We provide a variety of
services for patrons 55 years and over. For more information on any of our programs, trips, or special
events, please contact the Senior Center.
Senior Trips
Senior Special Events
Huntington Harbour Cruise of Lights
Date: Thursday, December 18
Time: 2:45-9:45 p.m.
Harrahs Casino
Date: Thursday, January, 22
Time: 7:45 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Cost: $11
San Manuel Casino
Date: Thursday February 26
Time: 8:45 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Cost: $11
For updated information please call the Center.
Date: Thursday February 12
Time: 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Cost: $7
(Price of events include lunch cost and is served at 12:00 p.m.)
Senior Classes
Senior Programs & Services
♦ December, January, February ♦
Blood Pressure Screening
Independent Living Center
Mondays, December 8, January
will be giving FREE
12, February 9
screenings. No
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Senior Center Classes
Oil Painting Group:
8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Walking Group:
9:00-10:00 a.m.
Nintendo Wii:
Mondays and Wednesdays
9:30-10:30 a.m.
Spanish Club:
9:00-11:00 a.m.
Jolly Dolly’s Doll Circle:
Tuesdays and Wednesdays
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Exercise Dancing:
Thursdays & Fridays
10:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.
Knitting and Crochet:
12:30-3:30 p.m.
9:15-10:15 a.m.
Hacienda La Puente
Adult Education
Exercise and Fitness:
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Computer Class:
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Water Color Painting:
12:30-2:30 p.m.
Chinese Brush Painting:
2:30-4:00 p.m.
Please Note:
Classes are subject
to change.
Around the Center
Lunch Program
Monday-Friday • 12:00-1:00 p.m. • Donation: $2
Wednesdays • 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Fridays • 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Center allows bingo to be played for prizes only, never money.
Doll Making • Tuesdays & Wednesdays • 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Spanish Club • Tuesdays • 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Oil Painting Club • Mondays and Fridays
8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Walking Club • Monday-Thursday
9:00-10:00 a.m.
Billiards Tournament
Date: Thursday, January 22 ● 1:00 p.m.
Cost: $2
Holiday Dance
Date: Thursday, December 11
Time: 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Cost: $7
Senior Club-Winter Dance
Date: Monday, January 19
Time: 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Cost: $7
Red & White Dance
Information is given to those with appointment is necessary and all
disabilities to help increase their inde- seniors are welcomed.
pendence and enhance the quality of Beauty Salon at the Center
their lives.
9:00 -11:30 a.m.
Caregiver Support Group
Wednesdays, December 10
January 7 & 21, and
February 11 & 25
10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Hair stylist Rachel Camacho will
provide FREE hair styling for
seniors every Thursday. Appointments can be made by calling the
Senior Center.
Pacific IPA
Fridays, December 19,
January 16, February 13
9:45-11:45 a.m.
Weight Loss Support Group
9:00-11:00 a.m.
The Santa Anita Family Services
Notary Public Services
Caregiver Support Group is a FREE
caregivers of seniors 60 years or older.
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
The group will focus on helping the Steve Barba offers FREE limited
caregiver obtain resources such as Notary Services.
Please call the
referrals and educational information. Center for an appointment.
Pacific Independent Physician Association will be available at the Senior
Center to provide seniors with a free
body fat screening.
AARP Mature Driving
Tuesdays & Thursdays of
January 13 & 15
12:30-4:30 p.m.
Members: $15
Non-Members: $20
If you are having trouble getting
those last 10 pounds off or even
the first 10, T.O.P.S. is here to
information, contact Lenore at
(626) 917-7168.
Social Worker Referral
A social worker assesses senior
needs , matches them to the proper
resources or services, and provides follow-up every 1st & 3rd
This program is designed to help Monday of the month. To schedsenior drivers recognize their physical ule an appointment, please contact
limitations and learn how to compen- the Center.
sate to reduce accidents.. Students
Holiday Boutique
completing the eight hour course will
Thursday, December 4
receive a certificate of completion,
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
which may qualify them for discounts
December 13
on their auto insurance.
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
City Transit
Services Meeting
Tuesday, January 13
A representative of Southland Transit
will answer questions, concerns, or
complaints regarding the City’s Link
Shuttle and Dial-a-Ride Transit
Center Closure Dates:
Wed., December 24: Half Day
Thurs.,December 25: Closed
Wed., December 31: Half Day
Thurs., January 1: Closed
Mon., January 19: Closed
Monday, February 16: Closed
Seniors En Español
Spotlight La Puente
Winter 2014
Eventos para los meses de Diciembre, Enero, y Febrero
16001 EAST MAIN STREET, LA PUENTE, CA 91744 (626) 855-1585
El Centro para mayores en la Ciudad de La Puente esta abierto Lunes a Viernes de
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Servicios proporcionados son para personas mayores de 55 aňos. Para
información sobre los programas, viajes o eventos por favor póngase en contacto con el Centro.
Huntington Harbour Crucero de las Luces
Fecha: Jueves, 18 de Diciembre
Hora: 2:45-9:00 p.m.
Precio: $22
Baile Festivo
Fecha: Jueves, 11 de Diciembre
Hora: 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Precio: $7
Senior Club-Baile de Invierno
Fecha: Lunes, 19 de Enero
Hora: 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Precio: $7
Harrahs Casino
Fecha: Jueves, 22 de Enero
Hora: 7:45 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Precio: $11
San Manuel Casino
Fecha: Jueves, 26 de Febrero
Hora: 8:45 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Precio: $ 11
Para mas informacion favor de llamar al Centro.
Clases para personas Mayores
♦ Diciembre, Enero y Febrero ♦
Hacienda La Puente
Educación para
Clase de Ejercicio:
Lunes a Jueves
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Clase de Computadora:
Lunes a Jueves
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Pintura de Agua y Color:
12:30-2:30 p.m.
Pintura China:
2:30-4:00 p.m.
Classes Del Centro
Grupo de Pintura de Aceite:
Lunes y Viernes
8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m
Caminar en Grupo:
Lunes a Jueves
9:00-10:00 a.m.
Club de Español:
9:00-11:00 a.m.
Nintendo Wii:
Lunes y Miercoles
9:30-10:30 a.m.
Jolly Dolly’s Clase de Muñecas:
Martes y Jueves
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Baile de Ejercicio:
Jueves & Viernes
10:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.
Tejido de Punto y Ganchillo
12:30-3:30 p.m.
Nota: Las clases serán
sujeto a cambio.
Programa de Nutrición
Lunes-Viernes ● 12:00-1:00 p.m. ● Precio: $2
Miércoles ● 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Viernes ● 1:00-2:00 p.m.
El Centro permite jugar solamente con premios, nunca con dinero.
Clase de Muñecas • Martes y Miercoles ● 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Spanish Club • Martes ● 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Oil Painting Club • Lunes y Miércoles ● 8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Walking Club • Lunes a Jueves ● 9:00-10:00 a.m.
Torneo de billar
Fecha: Jueves, 23 de Enero ● 1:00 p.m.
Precio: $2
Red & White
Fecha: Jueves,12 de Febrero
Hora: 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Precio: $7
(Precio incluye lonche a cual se sirve a alas 12:00 p.m.)
Servicios Gratis
Centro Independiente
Lunes, 8 de Diciembre,
12 de Enero y 9 de Febrero
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Servicios Publico
del Notario
Martes y Jueves
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Información se dará a gente con Steve Barba ofrece servicios
ayudar Notarios gratis. Por favor
aumentar su independencia y llamar la recepción para una
calidad de vida.
Pacific IPA
Viernes, 19 de Diciembre,
16 de Enero y 27 de Febrero
10:45-11:45 a.m.
Grupo de ayuda de la
pérdida del peso
Se proporcionara a personas de
tercera edad con control de grasa
9:00-11:00 a.m.
Si quiere perder peso este grupo le ayudara. Para mas
AARP Clase de Conducción
Martes y Jueves,
comuníquese con Lenore al
13 y 15 de Enero
(626) 917-7168
12:30-4:30 p.m.
Miembro de AARP: $15
Sin Membresía : $20
El programa ayuda a los
limitaciones y aprender a reducir
accidentes. Al final del curso de 8
horas los estudiantes recibirán un
Reuniones de servicio
Transito de la Ciudad
Martes, 13 de Enero
11:00 a.m.
Transit contestaran preguntas del
servicio trancito de la ciudad.
Trabajadora Social
El Centra dara referencia para
ayuda con preguntas sociales y
servicios para las personas de
tercera edad.
Holiday Botique
Jueves, 4 de Diciembre
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Sabado, 13 de Diciembre
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Chequeo de la Presion
El Centro estara CERRADO
los dias siguientes:
10:00-11:00 a.m.
Miercoles, 24 de Diciembre:
Vera Allen estara dando chequeos
Medio dia
para la pression alta GRATIS. No
Diciembre: Cerrase requiere tener cita y todos de
tercera edad estan bien benidos.
Salón de Belleza
9:00-11:00 a.m.
Estilista Rachel Camacho vendra
cada Jueves para dar estilos de
cabello GRATIS. Para hacer cita
por favor llame al centro.
Miercoles, 31 de Diciembre:
Medio Dia
Juves, 1 de Enero:
Lunes, 19 de Enero:
Lunes 16 de Febrero
Spotlight La Puente
Our Community
Winter 2014
Classes held December 1 - December 19
Registration for Holiday Classes begins Tuesday, November 18th for residents and Wednesday, November 19th for non-residents at the La Puente Community
Center. Parents, legal guardians, or participants over the age of 18 may register in person or online. Fees are based on resident or non-resident status.
Proof of residency (current driver license or mail) is required at the time of registration. All classes begin the week of December 1stand continue for 3 weeks.
Registration is first come, first served until class is full.
REFUND INFORMATION: You may transfer or receive a credit up until the first class date. Transfers or credits will not be given after the first class has been
attended. A $5.00 service fee is charged for all refunds issued. If paid by check or cash, a check will be issued in the mail in approximately 4 to 6 weeks.
Payments made with credit cards will be refunded back to that card used.
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.
Sat. 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Sun. Closed
La Puente Community Center (626) 855-1560
501 N. Glendora Avenue
[email protected]
Santa’s Boot Camp · Ages 14 and up
Aztec Dance · Ages 5+
Location: Multipurpose Room 22, 23 & 24
Fee: Resident: $20.00 · Non-resident: $25.00
This class incorporates aerobics, cardio kickboxing, and boot camp style drills.
Be prepared for a rigorous workout. Please bring a towel and water bottle.
6:30-7:30 pm
Camacho, Rachel
Tae Kwon Do  Ages 5 and up
Fee: Resident: $30  Non-resident: $35
***Monthly Fee***
Location: Cable Studio Room 20
Start Date: Ongoing
Uniform fees not included.
6:00-6:45 p.m.
P. Gomez
7:00-7:45 p.m.
Monday/ Wednesday
P. Gomez
Judo Ages · Ages 4 and up
Fee: Resident: $30 · Non-resident: $35 ***Monthly Fee***
Location: Gym
Start Date: Ongoing
· Uniform fees not included.
6:30-8:30 pm
Sanchez Jr., Frank
7:00-8:50 pm
Sanchez Jr., Frank
Location: Multipurpose Room 22, 23 & 24
Fee: Resident: $10
7:45-9:00 pm
Acuna / Ugalde
Classical Ballet · Ages 3-9
Fee: Resident: $20.00 · Non-resident: $25.00 · Additional costume fees
5:00-5:45 p.m.
Flores, Esperanza
6:00-6:45 p.m.
Flores, Esperanza
Beginning Ballet Folklorico  Ages 3 and up
Location: Multipurpose Room 22, 23 & 24
Fee: Resident: $20.00 · Non-resident: $25.00 · Additional costume fees
I 7:00-7:45 p.m.
Flores, Esperanza
Intermediate Ballet Folklorico  Ages 3 and up
Location: Multipurpose Room 22, 23 & 24
Fee: Resident: $45.00  Non-resident: $50.00
Students must have at least two years of experience with the instructor.
6:00-7:30 p.m.
Flores, Esperanza
Special Interest
Advanced Ballet Folklorico  Ages 3 and up
Location: Multipurpose Room 22, 23 & 24
Fee: Resident: $45.00  Non-resident: $50.00
Knitting and Crochet Ages 18 and up
Location: Community Center
Monthly Session  Fee: $15.00
6:00-9:00 pm
Beginning /Intermediate Ballet Folklorico  Ages 40+
Location: Multipurpose Room 22, 23 & 24
Fee: $45
Students must have at least two years of experience with the instructor.
7:30-9:00 p.m.
Flores, Esperanza
Odegaard, Linda
7:45-9:15 p.m.
Flores, Esperanza
* All information is subject to change. Please confirm
dates, times, and locations at time of registration.
No refunds will be given after the
second class date.
En Español
Spotlight La Puente
Invierno 2014
Nuevos Negocios en Hacienda y
Construcción comerciante
continúa rápidamente en
muchos de los centros comerciales en toda la ciudad. La
Ciudad se complace en ofrecer
a la comunidad nuevas oportunidades locales para ir de
El centro comercial en Hacienda y Fairgrove da la bien-
venida a una serie de nuevos
negocios. Menchie’s Frozen
Yogurt (1265 N. Hacienda
Boulevard) celebró su gran
oficial inauguración el Sábado,
27 de septiembre 2014 que
fue seguido por el primer Starbucks en La Puente en octubre
(1283 N. Hacienda Boulevard)
y, finalmente, Harbor Freight
Tools (1291 N. Hacienda Boulevard) celebra su gran apertura
el 12 de noviembre de 2014.
Una gran cantidad de nuevos
vecinos al lado de Starbucks
se abrirán a principios de 2015.
Waba Grill se inaugurará en
1279 N. Hacienda Boulevard y
pizza Hut en 1251 N. Hacienda
La Ciudad Conducirá Audiencias Públicas Sobre
la Actualización del Código de Zonificación
Desde junio de 2014, la
Ciudad ha organizado una serie de siete (7) talleres y llevo
acabo audiencias públicas
para obtener información del
público y comentarios sobre
el proyecto de la Actualización
del Código de Zonificación
y revisión del Mapa de Zonificación. El proceso está a
punto de concluir con una
revisión del artículo que está
programado con el Concejo
de la Ciudad. Se espera que
el Consejo de la Ciudad llevara
a cabo audiencias públicas en
enero y febrero de 2015. Para
obtener información adicional,
por favor llame a la División
de Planificación de la Ciudad
al (626) 855-1538.
No se Pierda La Celebración del
Día de Fiestas
Marque su calendario para el
Desfile de Fiestas de La Ciudad
de La Puente y la ceremonia
de la iluminación del árbol el
viernes, 5 de diciembre 2014,
que comenzará a las 5:30 de la
tarde. Este año aun promete ser
el año más festivo. En cooperación con la Asociación de Old
Town de la Puente la Ciudad va
introducir una nueva ruta extendida del desfile. La nueva ruta
comenzará en el Parque de la
Puente y se dirigirá hacia abajo
por Glendora Avenue y continuara en Main Street. El desfile festivo reconocerá la comunidad de
la Puente con entradas locales
de carros alegóricos, las bandas
de música escolares, porristas,
Girls y Boys Scouts y mucho,
Starbucks Coffee, Harbor Freight Tools y Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt se
abrieron recientemente en Hacienda y Fairgrove. (City of La Puente)
mucho más. Inmediatamente
después del desfile, el alcalde
y los miembros del Concejo
de la Ciudad van a prender las
luces del árbol para comenzar la
estación del día de fiestas. La
Asociación de Old Town de La
Proyectos de Mejora Capitales por La Cuidad
Santo Oro Avenue y Gaylawn Court son dos proyectos de repavimentación
se van a completar por la ciudad de La Puente. (Google Images)
La Ciudad va completar las
Mejoras de Repavimentación
Local de la Calles y Mejoras
de Drenaje Santo Oro en los
Segmentos de las Calles de
Sierra Vista Court (de Hacienda
Blvd. a Glendora Ave.), Santo
Oro Avenue (de Hacienda Blvd.
Horas de la
Ciudad de La Puente
La Municipal
Lunes a Jueves
7:30 A.M. – 5:30 P.M.
7:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
Horas de Seguridad y
Lunes a Viernes
7:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
Centro para Gente Mayor
Lunes a Viernes
8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Club de Niños y Niñas
Lunes a Viernes
2:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. Cerrado
Sábados y Domingos
Centre de la Comunidad
Lunes a Viernes
8:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M.
8:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Cerrado los Domingos
Centro de Actividades del
Aprendizaje Juvenil
Lunes a Viernes
8:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M.
Cerrado Sábados y Domingos
a Temple Ave.), Gaylawn Court
(de Santo Oro Ave. a Templo
Ave.) y Banbridge Avenue (de
Bamboo St. hasta el extremo
del norte). El proyecto mejora
la condición de seguridad de
varias calles locales por la repavimentación de la calzada,
señales y rayas, la reparación
de las áreas concretas dañadas, la instalación de nuevas
rampas para los discapacitados, y nuevas mejoras tormentas de drenaje y la construcción
de paredes de obstrucción con
el fin de aliviar el drenaje de
aguas de lluvia y problemas
de agua que no fluye en el
En marzo de 2012, el Concilio de la Ciudad presentó
una solicitud de subvención
competitiva al Estado de California para financiación en
virtud del Ciclo 10 de las Rutas Seguras al Programa de
Escuelas (SR2S). La ciudad
se le concedió una asignación
de $387,000 para mejorar la
seguridad peatonal para los
Las mejoras consisten en
señales de tráfico y mejoras
peatonales tales como extensiones de las aceras, unas
señales de advertencia intermitentes rectangulares rápidas
y centro de cercos medianos
cercanos en la intersección de
Puente también tendrá juegos
de paseo, juegos para jugar,
y otras atracciones del día de
fiestas. ¡Hasta se va aparecer el
mismo Santa Claus! Para más
información, por favor llame al
(626) 855-1560.
Hacienda Boulevard y Prichard
Street. Otras mejoras incluyen
mejoras a los signos cruceros
peatonales de la escuela, la
instalación de cruces peatonales de alta visibilidad,
concienciación de señales
de velocidad, y setenta (70)
cruceros peatonales en las intersecciones principales señalizadas. Las mejoras están en
las proximidades de La Puente
High School, la Escuela Primaria Workman, y Sierra Vista
Middle School. Este proyecto
fue financiado a través de la
subvención SR2S y aumentado
con fondos de los impuestos
locales del gas. El costo del
proyecto es aproximadamente
La Ciudad Espera Con Interés Su
Primer McDonald’s
La construcción ha comenzado con el PRIMER
McDonald’s en La Puente
que nunca a tenido. Estará
situado cerca de Bassett
High School localizado en
13847 Amar Road, en el
Centro Comercial de Sunkist. La Ciudad está muy emocionada y da la bienvenida
a la franquicia que está
todo el mundo al pueblo. El
restaurante que mide 4,404
pies cuadrados con un drivethru que mostrara el diseño
de la marca más reciente
de McDonald’s, incluyendo
adornos de metal a lo largo
de los tejados conocida por
los altos “arcos dorados”. La
fecha de la prevista apertura
es a principios de 2015.
En Español
Spotlight La Puente
Invierno 2014
Programa de Reciclaje de Árboles de Navidad
Cada estación del día de
fiestas, la Ciudad de La Puente
proporciona un programa de
Reciclaje gratis de Disponer
del Árbol de Navidad donde
los residentes pueden colocar
sus árboles en la acera o bien
llevar sus árboles del día de
fiesta al parque de La Puente
al 501 N. Glendora Avenue
para reciclar. El programa este
año comenzará el jueves 26
de diciembre 2013 y continuara el viernes, 10 de enero
2014. Si usted quiere que
su árbol sea recogido de su
acera, simplemente colóquelo
al lado de sus contenedores
de basura durante su día de
colección regular. Árboles más
de 6 pies de altura tienen que
ser cortados a la mitad.
Los árboles de Navidad
deben estar libres de todas las
decoraciones. Esto significa la
eliminación de todas las luces,
oropel, guirnaldas, bolsa de
plástico, soportes de árboles,
alambre, cuerda, clavos, y
todos los otros artículos que
tengan en los árboles antes de
reciclarlos. Lo sentimos, pero
árboles que tengan nieve artificial no serán coleccionados
en la acera o aceptados en el
parque de La Puente.
¡Al reciclar su árbol ahorra el
espacio valioso del terraplén!
Los árboles están molidos ha
estiércol vegetal, abono, o
utilizados como bio-combustible.
Mientras que el programa
es gratuito, las personas que
disponen de sus árboles del
día de fiestas deben ser residentes de la Ciudad de La
Puente para poder participar.
Para más información, llame
por favor a la Municipal de La
Ciudad de La Puente al (626)
855-1500 o llame a los Servicios de Valley Vista al (800)
Proyecto LEAD se Dirige en Empoderar a los Niños
¡Este año ha tenido un gran
comienzo ya que las escuelas
de La Puente Workman y
Sunset Elementary, así como
Sparks Middle School trabajan para educar, participar, y
empoderar a los estudiantes y
las familias con el Proyecto de
Niños L.E.A.D, !Experiencia
de Vida Sobre la Democracia!
El objetivo del Proyecto LEAD
es construir puentes y acceso
para que todos los estudiantes
puedan realmente tener una
participación más significativa en la comunidad de La
La energía y el entusiasmo
fueron abundantes ya que
los estudiantes de las tres
escuelas comenzaron el año
llenando las cafeterías de las
escuelas con estudiantes y
padres para aprender sobre
el funcionamiento del gobierno
de la ciudad y de sus miembros. Los estudiantes pudieron
hacer preguntas a los miembros del personal de la ciudad
y oficiales electos.
Los estudiantes, padres y
personal de las tres escuelas,
incluyendo La Puente High
School, se asociaron con la
ciudad en apoyo del primer Día
de Limpieza en la Comunidad
Compra en La Puente
La Ciudad ha puesto en
marcha una campaña de
“Shop La Puente” o “Compra
en La Puente” para ayudar a
los negocios locales a prosperar durante la temporada
de festiva de este año. La
campaña termina oficial-
mente el 31 de diciembre.
Hasta entonces, se permite
a los negocios locales para
realizar eventos temporales al aire libre adicional (o
Temporary Outdoor Events
-TOPS). Estos eventos requieren un permiso que se
Miercoles, 14 de Enero, 2015
6:00pm - 8:00pm
LA PUENTE CITY HALL (Estacionamiento) 15900 E. Main St., La Puente
Gatos: 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Perros: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Para los requisitos de participación importante, ir a
! Productos de control de pulgas también disponible en la mayoría de las clínicas ! Primera persona
en línea se sirve primero, excepto los gatos y las personas mayores o con discapacidad siempre se
sirven primero ! los dueños de mascotas deben tener 18 años o más para participar ! Todas las
mascotas deberán ir sujetos con correa o en portadores ! Por favor de traer datos de vacunas contra
la rabia y licencia previa ! Sólo animales sanos serán vacunados,animales gestantes no pueden ser
vacunados ! Sólo efectivo para todos los servicios
Por favor, informar a un miembro del personal SCVVC si su mascota ha experimentado alguna vez una reacción
a una vacuna, o su mascota puede estar embarazada, o usted tiene un gato con usted para esta clinica.
RABIA (libre de timerosal) $10
DHPP (DAPP) (Moquillo Canino, Adenovirus tip 2, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza) -o- DAP (Moquillo, Adenovirus y Parvo) $19
BORDETELLA (Bronchiseptica Bactgerina)(Inyectable) -o- BORDETELLA y PARAINFLUENZA (en la nariz) $14
LYME (Borreliosis de Lyme) $22
RABIA (libre de timerosal) $7 ($10 en eventos privados y en algunos lugares del Condado de Los Angeles)
PUREVAX RABIA (sin adyuvante) $20
de La Puente. La comunidad
trajo nueva vida al Centro de
La Comunidad de La Puente
ya que sembraron, pintaron y
todo quedo en orden.
Las escuelas Sunset y Workman Elementary así como
Sparks Middle School son
ambientes donde los líderes
nacen y cultivan el liderazgo.
El Proyecto LEAD ha estado
creciendo en todas las direcciones. Nuestros estudiantes
fueron educados acerca de
opciones saludables en relación con la dieta y el ejercicio
por la Directora Sra. Emmalyn
Coles de los Servicios de
Alimentación del Distrito Unificado Escolar de Hacienda
La Puente. Luego, los estudiantes tomaron su aprendizaje
y entusiasmo y realizaron un
puesto en la Feria de la Salud
de La Puente. Los estudiantes
tomaron el liderazgo en educar
a otros estudiantes sobre las
opciones saludables. Junto
con la información, repartieron almendras y agua súper
nutritiva. Los participantes
satisficieron su sed con una refrescante taza de agua helada
con limón, pepino y semillas de
chía. Los líderes estudiantiles
siguieron atrayendo a más
miembros de la comunidad
cuando saltaron con la cuerda
y usaron sus aros de hula al
ritmo de la música alegre del
Hubo diversión de cardiovascular por todos lados.
Escuelas LEAD comparten
sus actividades en las juntas
del Concilio de la Ciudad de La
Puente y reportan sus actividades mensuales. LEAD tiene
varias oportunidades para
los estudiantes y las familias
planean durante todo el año y
piensan con mucha ilusión el
crecimiento y asociación por
lago tiempo.
puede obtener en la Municipal
de la Ciudad.
Para reforzar la campaña,
la Ciudad co-organizó una Feria de Recursos de Negocios
en el Centro de la Comunidad
en octubre. El objetivo era conectar a los negocios locales
con las organizaciones que
apoyan sus esfuerzos de crecimiento. Las organizaciones
participantes incluyen entre
otros, The Small Business
Majority, The California Small
Business Development Center, Los Angeles Economic
Development Corporation
and The San Gabriel Valley
Economic Partnership. Para
obtener más información sobre estos recursos o sobre de
la Feria, póngase en contacto
con La Municipal de la Ciudad
al (626) 855-1500.
!Gústala Pagina de Facebook!
Por favor, visite la nueva página Facebook de la Ciudad de La
Puente a en:
/cityoflapuente! Con la creciente tecnología y la comunidad, la Ciudad ha
incorporado al mercadotecnia de los
medios de comunicación social! En
la página de Facebook de la Ciudad,
usted puede encontrar las últimas
noticias y acontecimientos que suceden en su comunidad, incluidos
los recordatorios de bienvenida
y consejos útiles. Para ayudar a
apoyar la página Facebook de la
Ciudad “Gústala” página a través de
su cuenta personal de Facebook! No
te olvides de compartir de la página
de Facebook de la Ciudad con su
familia y amigos!
-o- elección de:
FVRCP (sin adyuvante) (Rinotraqueitis Felina (virus Herpes), Calicivirus, Panleucopenia) $18
(Leucemias Felina) $21 Enfermedad altamente contagiosa y fatal. Inicio de dos vacunas administradas 3 - 4 semanas
aparte. Preferible, la segunda vacuna deberia ser administrada las 14 - 16 semanas de edad. Despues, administre anualmente.
AVID MICROCHIP de indentificatión (Incluye PETtrac Registro y Monitoreo de por vida). Nosotros, personalmente,
envíe el formulario de inscripción en su nombre para garantizar la entrega segura y posterior tramitación de cada
solicitud de registro. $25. Microchips para mascotas son obligatorios en muchas ciudades; sin importar, el microchip
se recomienda siempre fuertemente, ya que proporciona los dueños de mascotas con la mejor oportunidad de reunirse
con sus mascotas si alguna vez se pierden!
Ponga Su
Anuncio aqui!
Es necesario administrar una segunda dosis de la medicina dos semanas depués de la primera dosis. Los precios
se indican a continuación son para cada desparasitación.
GUSANOS REDONDOS (Pamoato de Pirantel) “Nemex” (en la boca): $13 (todos los perros y gatos)
TENIAS (Proaziquantel) “Droncit” (inyectable): 0-10.4# $15 10.5-25.4# $23 25.5-50.5# $25 50.5# y hasta $35
(909) 464- 1200
En Español
Spotlight La Puente
Invierno 2014
City of La Puente Senior Center
16001 E. Main Street
Boutique Navideña
La Boutique contara con
Trabajos Manuales Navideños,
Regalos, Cosmeticos, Joyas
y mucho mas. Todo en el mismo lugar.
Su visita sera menos estres
Jueves, Deceimbre 4, 2014
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Seguridad de Monóxido de Carbono y Calentador
Seguridad Para Fiestas Navideñas Y Decoraciónes
Campaña Mensual de Educación Pública de Los Bomberos del Condado de Los Angeles
Campaña Mensual de Educación Pública de Los Bomberos del Condado de Los Angeles
Noviembre/Edición 11 de 12
Diciembre/Edición 12 de 12
Cada año cientos de personas mueren de intoxicación por monóxide de carbono y incendios
debidos a los calentadores. Los Bomberos del Condado de Los Angeles les quiere recorder a
los residentes a siempre revisar todas las alarmas de incendio y las alarmas de gas de
monóxido de carbono en toda la casa y reemplazar todas las baterias cada seis meses para
mantenerlos en condiciones de trabajo. Les ofresemos algunos consejos sobre cómo
mantenera usted y a su familia a salvo de los peligros del monóxido de carbono y los
Monóxido de Carbono
Monóxido de carbono, o CO,
es considerado un asesino
silencioso. Es un gas
insipido e inodoro que no
puede ser visto.
Intoxicación por monóxido
de carbono puede ser el
resultado de los hornos
defectuosos o otros
aparatos de calefacción tal
como generadores
portatiles, calentadores de agua, secadoras de ropa, o autos que
han dejados andando en el garaje. Algunos de los simptomes de
intoxicación de monoxide de carbono incluyen dolores de cabeza,
nausea, y somnolencia. Estar expuesto a altos niveles de
monóxido de carbono que no estan detectados, puede ser mortal.
En California, es la ley que cada casa debe tener un detector de
monóxido de carbono instalado. A continuación se presentan
algunos consejos sobre cómo evitar la intoxicación por monóxide
de carbono y qué hacer en caso de que suene la alarma de CO.
Precauciones de CO:
Asegúrese de que todos los equipos de ventilación que
quemen combustible se ventile hacia el exterior para evitar la
intoxicación por CO.
Mantenga la ventilación de escape limpias y destapadas.
Si necesita calentar un vehículo, sacarlo del garaje en cuanto
encienda el motor, aunque esten abiertas las puertas del
Un generador debe utilizarse en un lugar al aire libre y bien
ventilado, lejos de ventanas, puertas, y aberturas de
Si Suena la Alarma de CO:
Pasar inmediatamente a un lugar al aire libre (afuera o cerca
de una venta abierta). Asegurése de que todos la personas
dentro de la casa se tienen en cuenta.
Llame al 9-1-1 o al Departamento de Bomberos desde un
lugar al aire libre. Permaneser en este lugar hasta que
personal de emergencia llegan a ayudarle.
La temporada Navideña puede ser un tiempo muy feliz, llena de árboles decorados de arriba a
abajo con luces festivas. El Departamento de Bomberos del Condado de Los Angeles quiere
recordarles a todos a mantenerse a salvo por poner en practica la seguridad de decoraciones
y luces festivas. Cada año, árboles de Pascuas y luces festivas son la causa de cientos de
incendios de casa. Su Departamento de Bomberos ha creado unos simples consejos para
prevenir accidentes.
El Qué Hacer y Qué no Hacer
de los Calentadores
Los calentadores de ambiente se
han convertido recientemente en
una forma popular y económica
para mantener el calor durante los
meses friós del Invierno. Los Bomberos del Condado de Los Angeles
les quisiera recordar que debe
utilizar correctamente los calentadores. Cada año cientos de incendios se inician como consecuencia de los calentadores
utilizados incorrectamente. Nos gustaría ofrecer algunos hacer y
no hacer para la seguridad de los calentadores para mentener a su
y a su familia seguros durante los meses de invierno.
Coloque el calentador en una superficie dura, nivelada, y inflammable, tal como un piso de baldosa cerámica.
Asegurese que el calentador este al menos tres pies de distancia de cualquier material inflamable , tal como cubre camas, cortinas, y muebles.
Mantengan a los niños y mascotas alejados de los calentadores.
Siempre apague el calfactor cuando salga de un cuarto.
Nunca deje un calentador prendido cuando se duerma.
No coloque un calentador cerca de alguien que este durmiendo, pueden dar vuelta en la noche y quemarse.
No utilice calentadores portatiles de gas propano adentro de
una casa o en cualquier espacio cerrado a menos que esten
diseñados especificamente para su uso en interiors.
Siguiendo estos consejos sencillos puede significar la differencia
entre la vida y la muerte. Por favor, recuerde que solo toma un
momento para un calentador desatendido para causar un incendio.
Para obtener más consejos
útiles, sigános en Facebook y
Normas Generales para la Seguridad de sus Fiestas Navideñas
La época de decoraciones esta en plena
marcha y los bomberos del Condado de Los
No deje luces navideñas prendidas sin
Angeles les quisiera ofrecer algunos simple
consejos en como protejerse, su familia, y su
casa este temporada navideña.
Decoraciones Navideñas
Luces Festivas
Siempre tenga sus luces navideñas en
mantenimiento. Cada año, antes de
colgar las luces revice si hay cables
pelados, áreas descubiertas, vacíos en
el aislamiento, enchufles rotos o
agrietados, y retorcimientos o desgaste
No enlace más de tres hebras de luz, al
menos que las instrucciones indiquen
que es seguro hacerlo. Asegurese de
revisar los cables, no deberian estar
Nunca coloque papel de regalo en la
chimenea, puede resultar en un incendio
muy grande, que echa brasas peligrosas
y que puede resultar en un incendio de
Solamente use decoraciones inflama- Precaución con Velas
bles o retardantes a llamas. Decoraciones siempre deben estar colocadas  Nunca deje un vela encendida sin vigilancia, considere usar velas con pilas.
o colgadas lejos de cualquier fuente de
Si usa velas encendidas, nunca coloque
las velas en un arbol. Colóquelas en un
candelabro estable.
Asegurese de que su arbol o sus deco
raciones no obstruye una salida. Si
incendio ocurre, una salida obstruyida
puede poner a usted y a su famila en
Mantenga las velas a un mínimo de 12
pulgadas de distancia de cualquier material inflamable, decoraciones, y papel de
Asegúrese de mantener las velas encendidas lejos de los niños y en una area
adonde no puedan ser derribados.
Hay muchas alternativas a árboles frescos. Muchos de los
árboles artificiales son resistente al fuego. Si usted compra
uno, busque una declaración que indique esta protección.
Si decide comprar un árbol fresco, use estos consejos para
determinar que tan fresco esta su árbol. Un árbol fresco se
mantiene verde por mas tiempo y es meno susceptible a ser
peligro de incendio que un árbol seco. Para determinar la
frescura de un árbol , recuerde lo siguiente:
Un árbol fresco es verde.
Es difícil halar las agujas (hojas) de los ramos del árbol.
Cuando joroba las agujas (hojas) entre sus dedos, agujas
(hojas) frescas no se quiebran.
El tronco de un árbol fresco esta pegajoso con resina.
Si observa caer una lluvia de agujas (hojas) cuando
rebota el tronco del árbol contra el piso, entonces el arbol
esta muy seco.
Cuando vaya a montar el árbol, colóquelo lejos de chimeneas,
calefacción eléctrica o cualquier recurso o aparato que emita
Asegúrese de mantener árboles
frescos en una base fuerte con
agua. Para evitar secadura, mantenga la base llena de agua mientras que este adentro de su casa.
For more helpful tips, follow us
on Facebook and Twitter
Our Community
Spotlight La Puente
Winter 2014
The City of La Puente Annual Holiday Parade and Tree Lighting Ceremony
Friday, December 5, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.
The parade begins at the La Puente Community Center and ends
at the intersection of Central and Stimson.
Street closures will begin at 1:00 pm and will remain closed until 11:30 pm
Vehicles will not be allowed to drive through the route once the parade has begun. If there is an emergency and you must
exit, please request assistance from City personnel located at the intersections. Please note that vehicles not removed from
the route by 1:00 p.m. will be towed. The City is asking for your assistance to park all cars off the streets mentioned above.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
For additional information, please call City of La Puente at (626) 855-1560.

Documentos relacionados

Spotlight - La Puente

Spotlight - La Puente first served basis. Registrations accepted at the La Puente Community Center, 501 N. Glendora Avenue, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., and Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Registrations...

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