August 7 - Holy Trinity


August 7 - Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity
Catholic Church
101 Walt Banks Road / Peachtree City, GA 30269
Parish Office
(770) 487-7672
Faith Formation
(770) 487-0175
Hispanic Ministry
(770) 487-5352
(770) 631-4380
[email protected]
August 7, 2016
Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday 4:00 pm Vigil
5:30 pm Vigil
7:15 am
8:45 am
10:30 am
12:15 pm
1:45 pm Español
4:30 pm LifeTeen
Daily Mass Schedule
Mon. - Thurs. 9am & 6:30 pm
Noon & 6:30 pm
9 am
Holy Hours of Adoration
Fri: 12:45pm - Sat 9am in Sanctuary
Mon.-Thurs. & Sat. after 9am Mass
Mondays after the 6:30pm Mass
“Rosary for Life” Fridays at 11 am
in the Adoration Chapel
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Fridays at 3pm
Fridays, 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm
Saturdays, 9:45 am - 10:30 am
or by appointment with a priest.
Healing Mass Schedule
2nd week of each month
Tuesday @ 6:30pm & Friday @ 12 noon
August 9 & 12
Memorial of Saint Clare of Assisi
Thursday, August 11
Pastor: Father J ohn Mur phy
Parochial Vicars: Father Dair o Rico, Father Pavol Br enkus
Deacons: Ter r y Blind, Tony Cuomo, Gene Dicker son, Mar k Fr iedlein, Mar k Sholander
Deacons Emeritus: Ben Gr oss, Mike Landaiche
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Mass Intentions
9:00 am
4:00 pm
5:30 pm
7:15 am
8:45 am
10:30 am
August 6
Armando Lahoz 
Fr. Michael McWhorter 
Hector Chicas (SI)
August 7
Chuck Madero 
Robert Georganakis 
Deceased members of Hannan &
Warren families
12:15 pm Marie Lytjen McKenzie 
1:45 pm Parish Family
4:30 pm Mike DiBenedetto 
August 8
9:00 am
Sharon Brown (SI)
6:30 pm Mark Sturgill 
August 9
9:00 am
Brett Thomas 
6:30 pm Bob Bundy 
August 10
9:00 am
Don Ventura 
6:30 pm Kathleen S. Cheney 
August 11
9:00 am
Patrick Fox 
6:30 pm Joseph Murphy 
August 12
12:00 pm Don Ventura 
6:30 pm Andres Ricards 
August 13
9:00 am
Richard Senger 
4:00 pm Joseph Cera 
5:30 pm Arwlando Luna 
August 14
7:15 am
Michael DiBenedetto 
8:45 am
Russell Nixon 
10:30 am Kelly Riney 
12:15 pm Mary Catherine Turner 
1:45 pm Jairo Carrasco 
4:30 pm Parish Family
 = Deceased
(SI) = Special Intentions
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33:1, 12, 18-19, 20-22;
Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12;
Lk 12:32-48 or 12:35-40
Mon Saint Dominic
Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14;
Mt 17:22-27
Tues Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Saint Lawrence
Thurs Saint Clare
Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-62; Mt 18:21-19:1
Saint Jane Frances de Chantal
Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63; Is 12:2-6;
Mt 19:3-12
Saints Pontian and Hippolytus
Mt 19:13-15
Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Ps 40:2-4, 18;
Heb 12:1-4; Lk 12:49-53
The author of Wisdom speaks of “that Night”
of exodus from bondage in Egypt when the Lord
delivered his chosen people from death. The Lord
will come again, perhaps in the midst of night.
Let us be prepared for his return.
As we walk in darkness, our journey to our heavenly
homeland is illumined by faith.
Peachtree City, Georgia
August 7, 2016
Yasmile Aguirre, Noha Baressi, Dave Barrett, Shirley Boats,
Sarah Bowman, Elsie Cline, Dcn. Gene Dicker son, J ohn Feenaghty,
Fannie Ferrara, Herb Goeden, Baby Kel Goorsky, Jerry Greenwell,
in Prayer
Dcn. Ben Gross, Jean Hohl, Alan Huther, Betty Jorgensen,
Diane, Richard & Susan Juliano, Kyla Karzynow, Dcn. Don Kelsey,
Dcn. Mike Landaiche, Jerry McGraph, Horacio Pajoy Mera, Josh Moan,
Maximus Newton, Walter Page, Ken & Aldine Palmer, Neisa Pamfil,
Mark Pellegrini, Louise Peters, Marjorie Pyle, Erica Reineck, Susan Richard,
Maria Judith Serrano, Fr. Jim Sexstone, Michael Sextone, Natalie Smith, Rose Smith,
Jenna Suggs, Ruthann Threlkeld, Taylor Toland, Bruce Tonn, Janet Valentin, Kathy
Walker, Katie Tramonte Willenborg, Elias York, Helen & Tom Zaworski
Please pray for those who have died
Betty Lou Clark, aunt of Mar y Ann Miller
Beverly Ann McGuire
and all the wonderful caregivers
If you would like to add someone to the Sick List in the Bulletin, contact the Parish office
at (770) 487-7672. The name will be published in the bulletin for 6 weeks. You may call at
anytime and have the name removed. Ongoing illnesses and special intentions may be placed
in the Prayer Intention book located in the back of the church.
With the growing concern for people's privacy it becomes increasingly
more and more difficult to know if our parishioners are sick, in the
hospital or even in Hospice care. If you know of someone or if
you would like for us to visit someone, please contact Deacon Mark
Sholander at (678) 466-1708 or [email protected].
CRHP Alumni, have you been missing your CRHP e-mail bulletins? We are trying to update the CRHP email roster. If you have not
received the latest messages regarding the upcoming retreats, please
email your name, current email address, CRHP number and men's or
women's team to: [email protected]. Hope to see you
August Healing Masses
Tuesday, August 9, 6:30pm and Friday, August 12, 12pm.
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be available during this
Mass for every baptized Catholic over the age of reason. Prayer teams
will also be available immediately after Mass to pray with people for
healing and other needs.
Anointing of the sick primarily is for spiritual healing. Physical healing might occur,
but it is not the main purpose of the sacrament. Certainly the sacrament should not be
expected to automatically cure the sick person. Such an expectation tends toward superstition (cf. CC2111). Baptized children below the age of reason cannot commit personal
sin and so do not need anointing of the sick if they are in danger of death.
when in danger of death, such children can be given confirmation, for spiritual strengthening and more fully to initiate them into the Christian religion.
Thanks for your generosity!
¡Gracias por su generosidad!
Offertory / Ofrenda
FY2015/2016 Offertory Weekly and Actual to Date
Ofertorio: Semanal y Cifra Real
Offertory / Ofertorio July 10, 2016
To Date Actual / Cifra Real
Prior Year Comparison 7/12/2015
2nd Collection: Mortgage Payment/Debt Reduction - $4,445
Upcoming Second Collection:
September 4 - Catholic University of America
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Holy Trinity welcomes our newest parishioner!
Blanca Arteaga
Anton & Stephanie Blevins
David & Jill Donovan
John & Margaret McNair
Matthew & Elizabeth Rodriguez
A Baptismal Preparation Class will be held on Sunday,
August 7, at 10am in the Library. Classes are held on the
1st Sunday of each month, unless the first Sunday falls on
a holiday weekend. Babes in arms are welcome. Contact
Kathy Boats at (678) 466-1701.
The Holy Trinity Gift Shop will be closing its
Thoughts From this Sunday’s Readings by Fr. John
Previous reflections can be found on his blog at
When Robert Baden-Powell founded the Scout Movement in
1907, he selected "Be Prepared" as the Scout motto. He said,
"BE PREPARED ... means you are always in a state of readiness
in mind and body to do your DUTY." In today's gospel, Luke
12:32-48, Jesus advises the disciples and us that we are to prepare
ourselves for life in the kingdom. Like Baden-Powell's ideal
scout, Jesus expects us to be in a "state of readiness in mind and
body" so we can enter the kingdom whenever the call comes.
doors forever. Stop in this Sunday, August 7,
CHANCE! 8:15am - 1:45pm for your last chance to get super Preparing ourselves for the kingdom does not include building
fine homes, amassing wealth for financial security or gathering
material possessions. In fact, Jesus expects the opposite. He tells
us to give it all away. By detaching ourselves from our earthly
Loaves & Fishes Weekend, August 13 & 14
possessions, we are free to seek the kingdom. Then we can work
on building "an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry is in need of the followreach nor moth destroy" (Luke 12:33).
ing items:
Cooking Oil
Canned Fish
Pancake Mix
Pancake Syrup
Baked Beans
Paper Towels
Dishwashing Soap
Reminder: We cannot distribute out-of-date food or packages that
have been opened. Again we thank you for your generosity and
may God continue to bless you!
MACS August Meeting. MACS (Mature Adult Catholic Singles) is a service and fellowship ministry for singles of the parish ages 40 years and older. Our next
meeting will be for dinner at Lepoma's Restaurant, 3500
Georgia Highway 34, Sharpsburg, at 6:30pm on Saturday, August 13. They have a pr ivate r oom r eser ved for our
group and their menu is more extensive than is outlined
online. Please RSVP to Eileen Lavoie at [email protected]
by Friday, August 12, for mor e info and so that we can r eser ve
the right number of seats. Looking forward to seeing you there!
The Seniors Ministry will host a movie, The Young
Messiah, on Tuesday, August 16, 12pm, in the
St. Faustina Room. Pizza and drinks will be provided. If you have any questions, contact Sandy
Marvin at (678) 860-2334.
After all this, we watch and we wait. However, we do not wait in
idleness. We all have jobs to do and God expects us to do our
jobs to the best of our abilities. We must be vigilant, obedient
and faithful. Finally we must be ready to give an account of ourselves to God at all times because "at an hour you do not expect,
the Son of Man will come” (Luke 12:40).
Lord God, unseen and yet the ground
of all reality, of all that counts,
we seek security and certainty,
something we can see and hold on to.
Truly be our God in whom we trust:
Help us to serve you faithfully in the present
and to be ready to follow you in the future.
Keep us alert for the coming of the Son of Man
on a day we cannot know
and at an hour we do not expect.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Mary, Joseph and 7-year-old Jesus embark on a
journey from Egypt to Nazareth after the young
boy miraculously brings someone back to life.
When King Herod orders the death of the child, Roman centurion
Severus starts to pursue the family across the desert. As Mary and
Joseph worry about his safety, Jesus' natural curiosity allows him to
understand more about the world and his remarkable powers.
The Red Cross r epor ted that Holy Tr inity
exceeded our blood drive goal in June. We had
121 donors; 13 over our quota of 108! Thank you
to those who participated by donating and to our
volunteers! Our next blood drive will be held on Monday,
August 22. We look for war d seeing you for another successful
At an hour you do not expect,
the Son of Man will come
Luke 12:40
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Peachtree City, Georgia
Nuestro Ministerio Hispano
770-487-5352, 770-487-7672 Exts. 303
(Horario: 8:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. - lunes a jueves;
11:00 am a 1:00 pm - domingos)
en español: domingos 1:45 pm
Confesiones: todos los viernes a las 5:30 pm, sábados 9:45am,
o por cita llamando al 678-466-1711.
La próxima plática se ofrecerá el viernes, 12 de agosto, a las 7pm, en el Salón 204 del Edificio de Formación de Fe.
Favor de llamar o pasar por la Oficina parroquial para anotarse para
la plática o para información sobre los bautizos.
Rito de iniciación cristiana de adultos “RICA”
¿Le gustaría poder recibir la Comunión?
¿Es usted adulto y desea recibir la Primera Comunión o la Confirmación?
¿Desea convertirse en Católico?
Únase a nosotros para aprender a vivir plenamente nuestra vida católica.
En nuestras clases encontrará respuesta a las preguntas que pueda tener.
Incluímos el aprendizaje de la Fe Católica, lectura de la Biblia y el fortalecimiento de nuestra comunidad.
Más información: Oficina parroquial y Oficina Formación de Fe.
¿Te gustaría participar como Monaguillo(a)
en la Misa en español?
¿Ya participas como Monaguillo (a) en la Misa?
Te invitamos a que asistas al Taller / Reunión de Adiestramiento, en la Iglesia, para todos los monaguillos (los
que ya participan y los nuevos) que están interesados en
participar en la Misa.
sábado, 20 de agosto
10:30am- 12pm
Después del adiestramiento tendremos un pequeño convivio en el Loreto
Hall. Para más información y confirmar su asistencia, llamar antes del 16
de agosto, a Elsie Ramos en la Oficina Parroquial. 770-487-5352
Retiro de Parejas – en Holy Trinity:
“Llena tu matrimonio del vino bueno”
viernes, 26 de agosto; 7-9pm
sábado, 27 de agosto; 8am – 3pm
Presentación de temas por Luis Guzmán y Mar ía Gor etti; y Alex
e Iraida Camacho; acompañados por Wilfredo Ortíz, del Ministerio de
música “Por Amor a Jesús”
Donativo: $30 por par eja (incluye desayuno, almuer zo y mer ienda)
$5 adicionales por servicio de la Guardería
Información e inscripciones: Oficina par r oquial 770-487-5352
Pláticas quinceañeras: Si su hija cumple 15 años en este año o en
el 2017 y le gustaría que se celebre una Misa por este motivo, es requisito
que su hija asista a las pláticas de preparación. Las pláticas se ofrecerán el 18 y 25 de agosto, y el 1ro. de septiembre, de 5-6pm, en el salón
204 del Edificio de Formación de Fe. Más información y para inscribirse,
favor de pasar o llamar a la Oficina Parroquial.
San Vicente de Paúl:
Línea de ayuda:
678-466-1750 ó 770-487-7672 Ext.450
August 7, 2016
Reflexiones sobre las lecturas de este domingo del Padre Rico.
7 de Agosto del 2016
Decimonoveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
La Noche es Tiempo de Salvación. La primera lectura de hoy y el
evangelio tienen en común la hora: ambas se refieren a la noche.
Y en ambas casos la noche es ambivalente, por decirlo así. En la
lectura de la sabiduría, porque se habla de la noche de la Pascua de
los hebreos en Egipto, que fue victoria y gozo para el pueblo de
Dios, pero luto y derrota para la nación opresora. En el texto de
Lucas, en cambio, la ambivalencia de la noche viene de lo que
puede suceder en esas horas: el que duerme puede ser robado
y desposeído, pero el que está atento y obediente no se quedará
sin su buena recompensa. "la noche es tiempo de salvación." A lo
largo de las estrofas se recordaban distintos acontecimientos bíblicos maravillosos que han sucedido todos de noche, incluyendo por
supuesto la liberación de Egipto, pero llevando el acento finalmente a la gran noche, la noche de la Pascua nuestra, cuando Cristo
venció a la muerte.
Esa lista nutrida de hechos salvadores acontecidos en la noche es
como la base para otra lista más abundante de imágenes y comparaciones que los autores espirituales han utilizado tomando siempre como base a la noche. Es sobre todo San Juan de la Cruz quien
nos ilustra en esta materia con sus profundas enseñanzas sobre las
"noches" del alma y del espíritu. La idea fundamental es que la fe
no es todavía la luz completa, que sólo contemplaremos más allá
del umbral de la muerte. Y sin embargo, la fe sí es nuestra guía y
para aprender a vivir de fe hay que superar más de una "noche."
Vigilancia y Diligencia. El tema de la noche va unido muy naturalmente con el de la "vigilia," de donde obviamente viene el
"vigilar." En su sentido original, este "tener cuidado" significaba
simplemente estar en "vigilia," es decir, permanecer despierto
aunque todos duerman. Es una buena imagen de lo que es un cristiano: alguien que está despierto. "Dormir" equivale a dejarse
llevar, por ejemplo, por los valores y solicitaciones del mundo;
"estar despierto" significa entonces ver y hacer ver los engaños
propios de las tinieblas. Lo mismo que en su dimensión corporal,
esto de "estar despiertos" cuesta trabajo, porque lo más fácil es
dejarse arrastrar por la corriente.
Vigilamos cuando sabemos que un mal puede venirnos pero
también cuando aguardamos con amor a alguien. Las dos cosas son
necesarias y son recomendados por Cristo, Nuestro Señor. Tenemos que vigilar para que ningún ladrón nos robe pero también vigilamos porque sabemos que nuestro Amo y Señor viene. Su retorno
nos invita a utilizar el tiempo con sobriedad y con esperanza.
La sobriedad es la actitud de quien sabe que hay un "después."
Quien va a conducir el automóvil después de una fiesta se esfuerza
y controla porque sabe que su sobriedad es requerida para guiar sin
riesgos en la noche. La esperanza mira también al futuro, no sólo
por evitar sus males sino por gozar de sus bienes. Sobrios y llenos
de esperanza, una esperanza activa: así nos quiere Dios, así quiere
que vivamos en esta tierra como preludio de su Cielo. Amén.
Protegiendo a los niños de Dios –
Programa VIRTUS:
Todos los catequistas y voluntarios deben tomar el curso de VIRTUS. La
primera sesión en español en Holy Trinity será el martes, 9 de agosto,
de 6-9pm, en el Adult Faith Room. Para poder asistir se deben inscribir
voluntarios/ Más información- Sachiko Doreste 678-466-1704.
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Knights of Columbus August Activity Update
Aug. 14. 1st Degree, 1:30pm for Candidates,
2pm exemplification starts.
Aug.18. Six Points meeting, 7:30pm in the Knights Hall.
Aug. 21. Knights Round Table meeting, 3pm in the Knights Hall.
Aug. 21. Knights Donut Sales after Mass in Loreto Hall.
Aug. 22. Holy Trinity Blood Drive in Loreto Hall
Aug. 27. Parkway pickup (earn credit towards your storm water bill).
Holy Trinity Preschool has openings for three year olds for the
2016-2017 school year. Stop by anytime for a tour and information
regarding our outstanding preschool program, or contact Beth
Cunningham at (770) 631-4380, or BCunningham
Mother’s Morning Out. We still have openings
for children ages 18+ months (as of September 1)
¡Aprende a hablar Inglés! Las clases de ESL
toddlers for a Tuesday only class. All other classes are full with
comenzarán el 15 de agosto. Clases en la mañana:
a waiting list. Contact Tina Terrell at TTerrell@HolyTrinity
Martes y Jueves de 9:45am-12pm. Clases nocturnas: or call the MMO office at (678) 466-1723.
Lunes y Jueves de 6pm-8pm. Todos los niveles
son bienvenidos. La inscripción está disponible en la Oficina de
Leaders and Volunteers. Is your Safe Envir onFormación de Fe. ¿Preguntas? Llame a Liz al (770) 632-7451.
ment training up-to-date? If you are not sure or
if you have questions, contact Deacon Mark at
GriefShare, a 13-week Christian video/
MSholander @ or Michelle at
discussion and support group for those
[email protected]
who are grieving the death of a loved
Learn to speak English. ESL Classes begin
one will be resuming soon. Sessions will be offered beginning on
August 15. Day Classes: Tuesday and Thursday,
Wednesday, August 17, 7pm - 9pm and repeated on Fridays,
9:45am-12pm. Evening Classes: Monday and
beginning August 19, 9:30am - 11:30am. Meetings are held in
Thursday, 6pm-8pm All levels welcome. Registration
Room #102 in the Faith Formation Building. Contact Tom
McBrayer at (404) 797-2488, or at [email protected] for forms are available in the Faith Formation office. Call Liz at
(770) 632-7451.
more information.
On Wednesdays after the 9am Mass everyone is
invited to our Morning Social in Loreto Hall.
Come join us for breakfast and fellowship! Also
if you would like to help setup, serve and/or cleanup, Karen Niederhausen would love the company! Please contact
her at [email protected] or (678) 489-6731.
Nursery News
Wednesday 9am childcare
will be switching to Thursday starting August 25. The
switch is permanent. The
Nursery will not be open for childcare on Wednesday mornings
anymore. Our church MMO program has a class in the Nursery
every Monday & Wednesday morning. Please accept our apology
for any inconvenience this causes.
Also … The Nur ser y is looking for donations of slightly used
toys, games, puzzles, books and DVDs. All donations need to
pass our toy safety rules. If any donation cannot be used, we’ll
donate the item to another ministry or Clothes Less Traveled.
Everyone has problems that they can handle better
with a trained, confidential, Christ-centered minister to
listen and pray with until the crisis passes. Let us help
you. For more information about Stephen Ministry,
please contact Teri Sauer at (770) 630-7805 or Frank Killoran at
(678) 489-8502.
Thanks Be To God!
Every time I think "I just don't have the time to go to the abortion
clinic this week", I remember this one young woman I spoke with
last fall. She was leaving the clinic shortly after we arrived one
Thursday, she was alone, and she stopped her car as she was about
to pull out of the driveway. She rolled down her window and with
tears running down her face she said, " If you were here when I
came last week, I never would have done it." I always seem to be
able to find that extra time I didn't think I had. Thanks Be To God!
Pro-Life Rosary. F or more than 20 years, Holy Trinity
has been praying for the unborn, their parents and families and for our nation. You are invited to join this
Pro-life apostolate. The Pro-life rosary begins at 11am
every Friday in the Adoration Chapel. Please come when
you can to lift up those children in danger of abortion, for families
that wish desperately for a child, for pro-life legislators and judges
throughout our country, for sacramental marriage and religious
freedom. All are welcome.
Divorce Survival is a pr ogram of suppor t for adults
dealing with the emotional upset and many life changes
caused by Separation and Divorce. In this Year of
Mercy, let us help you with this 13-week series of videos
and discussion aimed to help in your healing from the trauma
of divorce. We will meet weekly on Tuesdays at 7:30pm for an
hour and a half to two hours and plan to begin the program on
August 23. Please contact Eileen Lavoie at lavoiem1@bell or (770) 631-9214, for more information.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Peachtree City, Georgia
August 7, 2016
Catholic Charities Atlanta is in need of new backWeekly Mass at Atlanta VA
packs and school supplies for our clients for the
Medical Center. All Catholics
upcoming school year. Please help these children in need
are invited to attend the weekly
start the new school year off right. For more information,
Monday Mass at the Atlanta VA
contact Sandy Thompson at (404) 920-7748 or by email at sthomp- Medical Center, 1670 Clairmont Rd., Decatur 30033. Mass begins
[email protected].
at 11:30am. Many of our Catholic veterans do not have family or
visitors and look to the church for pastoral care. This weekly Mass
St. Gabriel Catholic Church is cur r ently is celebrated for the wellbeing and spiritual support of veterans
accepting applications from vendors wishing from all branches. By attending Mass and through prayer, we show
to participate in their annual Craft Fair on our appreciation for the dedicated service of our veterans, lifting
October 15 and 16. Application forms are their spirits in prayerful solidarity. For more information, please
available at the St. Gabriel parish office or on contact Fr. John Kieran at [email protected] or (770) 312-6074.
their website,
All women are invited to the Magnificat Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, August 13, 9:30am-12pm at Holy
Plan Your Will Online. The Catholic Foundation has
Cross Church, 3773 Chamblee Tucker Road, Atlanta.
your will simple. Please go to
The guest speaker will be Linda Gillespie Delgross.
and click on “Plan Your Will.” The
are $15 and must be made in advance.
site is free, confidential, and will give you and your spouse
to Magnificat Joyful Visitation,
a chance to plan in the privacy of your home. When done, simply
1260 Mountain Ivey Court,
print out the document to take to your attorney. This will save you
at the door for those
time and money. For more information contact: Juliet Greco at The
with reservations only. For information call Jo Ann Rademacher at
Catholic Foundation: [email protected] or (404) 497-9440.
(770) 831-0693.
Finding Peace Amid Stress Retreat,
August 26-28. Unchecked, daily str ess Sacred Heart Homeschool co-op is a community for homeschoolleads to anxiety that blocks the peace ing families offering weekly mass, academic instruction and social
and love God longs to infuse into our hearts, time. We are a group of Catholic families devoted to fostering our
leaving us feeling empty and burned children’s education in a safe and nurturing environment. New
out. Anxiety-ridden life can seem like an families welcome! To learn more, please contact: Claudine Phillips
endless stream of demands with no real meaning or purpose. This (281) 667-7720 / [email protected] or Michelle Heekin at
retreat provides tools for finding our lives in God and discovering (678) 416-7804 / [email protected].
the love, peace, meaning, and purpose that only God can provide.
Saint Vincent de Paul
Contact Patti at the Monastery in Conyers for a reservation at
(678) 466-1750
(770) 760-0959 or [email protected].
More information on job openings
below and others can be found at: Find a Job tab at top
Catholic Charities of Atlanta - Bi-lingual Counselor/Therapist F/P
Christ the King School, Buckhead, Middle School Science Teacher
Holy Spirit Church, Assistant Youth Minister, PT
St. Anna Church, Youth Minister PT
St. Benedict Church, Facilities Manager, FT
St. Lawrence Church, Lawrenceville, Director, Music & Liturgy F
St. Peter Claver School, Music Teacher PT
St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Church, Douglasville, Maintenance
St. Thomas Aquinas, Business Manager, FT
Diocese of Birmingham, Finance Department, Internal Auditor, FT
Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School is
seeking a part-time bus driver to drive our
14-passenger bus from Holy Trinity Catholic Church
to Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School. No
special license required. If interested, please contact Mark Beno
at [email protected] or (678) 833-2203.
August at Ignatius House! Don’t let your
desire slip away: Come for a Day or Come and
Stay! Explore the love of God and experience
silence on a retreat at this sacred place of quiet
& peace. Wednesday, August 17 - Day of Reflection “Saint
Bernard of Clairvaux” directed by Lay Cistercian Carl McColman;
Thursday-Sunday, August 11-14 - 3-night Ignatian Silent Retreat
with spiritual director Bob Fitzgerald. To register and reserve your
space, visit or call (404) 255-0503.
Loved the Wedding; Invite Me To The Marriage, Love, God. A Wor ldwide Mar r iage Encounter
(WWME) Weekend can help you do that! The Weekend
is 44 hours where married couples can get away from jobs,
kids, chores and phones…and focus on each other. Take this message as a sign and decide to experience a WWME Weekend where
you will experience greater depth, growth and enrichment in your
relationship. Enjoy this opportunity to talk and listen to that special
person who loves you! Decide now to enrich your relationship by
attending the next Weekend, which is scheduled for August 12-14
at the Atlanta Marriott Peachtree Corners. You can get more information or register online at or by calling (678)
Part-time Custodian needed. St. Mar y Magdalene, Newnan is
looking for a part-time custodial person, 15 hours per week. Some
weekends as needed. General cleaning and room set-up/break- Promise to protect, pledge to heal. To r eport abuse by chur ch
down. Lifting required. Please fax resume to (770) 253-1290 or personnel, call the Archdiocese of Atlanta 24-Hour Reporting
Hotline at (888) 437-0764. We are here to listen and take action!
call Vince Antonich at (678) 854-9985.
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Adult Faith Formation: Building on the Rock - Luke 6:47-49
Every one who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: he is like a man building a
house, who dug deep, and laid the foundation upon rock; and when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house,
and could not shake it, because it had been well built. But he who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a
house on the ground without a foundation; against which the stream broke,
and immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great.”
To register for any of theses classes or for
more information contact Terri Thomas:
678-466-1739 or [email protected]
Bible Study - 8 Weeks
Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John
Sundays 4:00-6:00 PM or
Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 PM
Begins September 11 & 14
Experience the Joy of Following Christ
Following Christ takes more than simply believing in him or
doing what he asks of us. Jesus wants you to be more than
just a believer — He wants you to be his disciple and
friend. Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John is your
guide to a personal encounter with Christ. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus seeks after us. He comes to meet us and beckons
us to follow him. He calls us to be his disciples, to trust him,
to open ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as
he has loved us. Follow Me invites you to experience the joy
of a renewed friendship with Christ. You will:
 Learn what it takes to follow Christ.
 Discover the joy of divine friendship.
 See how God, and only God, can satisfy the deepest
desires of your heart.
11 Weeks
6:00-8:30 PM
September 1
English & Spanish Speaking Sessions will
meet at the same time but in different rooms
10 Weeks
Symbolon: The
Catholic Faith
6:30-8:00 PM
Join us for dinner
from 6:00-6:30 in
Too often we try to live a faith we
don't know or understand. Some
of us stumble along with it, going
through the motions. Others
simply walk away. That's why the
time is right for Symbolon: Knowing the Faith. Presented by the
most trusted and compelling
teachers and filmed around the
world with stunning cinematography, Symbolon: Knowing the
Faith explains the essentials of the
Catholic Faith in a way that will
inform our minds and inspire our
Meets weekly in Fall & Spring
Monday 7:00-9:00 PM
Thursday 9:45-11:45 AM
Adult Faith Room
Begins September 12 & 15
Walking with Purpose aims to bring women to a
deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ
by offering personal study and small group
discussion that link our everyday challenges
and struggles with the solutions given to us
through the teachings of Christ and the Roman
Catholic Church.
Year 1, 2, 3 & 4 Groups
meet at the same time
Year 1 Study
Year 2 Study
Food at 6:00 PM
Dinner + Talk + Discussion
What is Alpha? It is an opportunity to explore life and
the Christian Faith in a friendly, open and informal
environment. No pressure. No follow up. No cost.
Everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share their point of view.
¿Qué es Alpha? Alpha es una oportunidad para dialogar y explorar el significado de la vida. Durante diez
semanas, descubrirás algunos principios básicos de la
fe Cristiana. Cada sesión incluye una charla y un tiempo para expresar tu opinión. Hay diversión y libertad
en un ambiente agradable. Puedes preguntar
cualquier cosa (éste es el motivo por el cual más de 24
millones de personas en todo el mundo ya han tratado
Years 3 & 4 Study
A study of the women
of the Bible
Would you like
more information?
Join us for
Wine & Cheese
August 29
7:15-8:15 PM
Information Coffee
September 1
9:45-10:45 AM
Adult Faith Room
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Peachtree City, Georgia
August 7, 2016
Women’s Prayer Breakfast Registration Form
Suggested Donation: $15/lady or $120/table of 8
(contribute what you can. Financial aid is always available)
Fill out information below and place in a sealed envelope with your payment.
Drop in locked white box designated “Women’s Prayer Breakfast Registration
Forms.” Locked boxes can be found in the vestibule or outside the faith formation office. You can also register in the Faith Formation Office during regular
business hours (Payment due upon registration). If registering more than one
person include the following information for each person on a separate sheet
of paper and attach it to this form. Payment due upon registration:
Men’s Breakfast Registration Form
Suggested Donation: $10/person or $80/table of 8
(contribute what you can. Financial aid is always available)
Fill out information below and place in a sealed envelope with your payment. Drop
in locked white box designated “Men’s Breakfast Registration Forms.” Locked boxes
can be found in the vestibule or outside the faith formation office. You can also
register in the Faith Formation Office during regular business hours (Payment due
upon registration). If registering more than one person include the following information for each person on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to this form.
Payment due upon registration:
Name: ______________________________________________
Phone # ______________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________
Phone # ______________________________________________
Childcare is available for this event but there are a limited number of spaces
available. Preregistration is necessary. To register for childcare contact Tina
Terrell at 678-466-1724 or [email protected]
Email: _______________________________________________
Childcare is available for this event but there are a limited number of spaces available. Preregistration is necessary. To register for childcare contact Tina Terrell at
678-466-1724 or [email protected]
A Journey of Conversion
For those wanting to be Catholic .
Those needing to complete their Sacraments.
Anyone wanting to learn more about the Catholic Faith.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Helping you to live a Gospel inspired life in an increasingly secular world
Have you been coming to Mass for awhile and think, “what does it mean to be Catholic?”
Are you interested in finding out what Catholics really believe? Join us for Inquiry.
Now might be the perfect time to join us. Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm.
All sessions are informal and completely commitment free.
Special Sacraments: Are you considering registering your children for Faith Formation classes but are concerned
they are already “behind” in their sacraments? We have programs designed with them in mind.
Contact Joanne in the Faith Formation Office for details.
RCIA: For those of you fairly certain you want
to become Catholic, our “new year” of RCIA
classes begins on Wednesday, August 24.
Upcoming topics include:
Aug 24 We are Called
Aug 31 The Trinity
Sep 7 God, Father & Creator
Sep 14 Jesus, Son & Savior
RCIA Summer Hours:
Please consult the bulletin or contact Joanne at 678-466-1738
or [email protected] for summer dates and times.
Are you a Catholic who would like to learn more about
their Faith? Our RCIA is open to anyone. Please see
our schedule of classes in the bulletin and feel
free to join us anytime!
Need information on Annulments or Convalidations? Contact Joanne @ 678-466-1738 or
[email protected] for confidential counseling.
Thinking about becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic Faith?
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Holy Trinity Elementary News
Formación de Fe Hispana
Sharon Brown at: [email protected]
Sachiko Doreste at: [email protected]
Attention Parents, the last day for registration for Faith Formation classes is Monday, August 8. If you haven’t registered
your child by tomorrow, they will have to wait to August 20 to attend classes. This gives the staff and catechist time to order
books and balance the class size. Thank you for your patience as we start the new year.
Elementary Faith Formation Important Dates:
Fechas Importantes
August 14 & 17
Faith Formation classes begin
14 agosto
Inicio de Clases de Formación de Fe
September 4 & 7
No classes for Labor Day
4 y 7 sep
No hay clases - Labor Day
11 y 14 sep
Puerta abierta para papás
18 y 21 sep
Junta para papás sobre
la Primera Comunión.
September 11 & 14 Parent Open House
during class time
September 18 & 21 Sacramental Meeting for First
Reconciliation and
Attention Catechist!!
There will be a training meeting in
preparation for the new school year.
Please mark your calendars for:
Policies & Procedures Training
Thursday, August 11
10 am-12pm or 7pm-9pm
If you have any questions, please contact Sharon
Brown at [email protected] or (678)466-1726.
Jueves 11 de agosto de 10am a 12pm ó de 7pm a 9pm. Su
generosidad al compartir su tiempo y su talento con nuestros
niños hace de Holy Trinity un gran lugar para aprender y crecer en
nuestra fe. Si tiene alguna duda, puede comunicarse con Sachiko
Doreste a [email protected] o al (678) 466-1704.
¡Aprende a hablar Inglés!
Las clases de ESL comenzarán el
15 de agosto
Clases en la mañana:
Martes y Jueves de
9:45am - 12pm
Clases nocturnas:
Lunes y Jueves de
6pm - 8pm
Todos los niveles son
La inscripción está disponible en
la oficina de Formación de Fe.
¿Preguntas? Llame a Liz al
(770) 632-7451
Learn to speak English
ESL Classes begin
August 15
Day Classes:
Tuesday & Thursday
from 9:45 - 12pm
Evening Classes:
Monday & Thursday
from 6pm – 8pm
All levels welcome.
Registration forms are
available in the Faith
Formation office. Call Liz
at (770) 632-7451
¡ Atención¡ Comunidad Hispana
Las clases para Certificación de Catequistas se ofrecerán
los Miércoles de 7pm a 9pm. Del 10 de agosto al 14 de
Septiembre. Nivel Básico es Aug 10—Ministry of Catechesis
(2 horas). Nivel Intermedio es Aug 31 - Scripture (2 horas).
Elementary Faith Formation Important Dates:
14 &really
We could
help in classes
this school
4 &Formation
No classes
for Labor
As of now, we need 16+ catechist on Sunday morning,
September 11 & 14 Parent Open House during
The following classes have no teachers: 3rd, 4th & 5th
grade. These classes onlyclass
one class available:
Pre-K, 1st & 2nd.
September 18 & 21 Sacramental Meeting for
Students wanting to attend these classes will be put on a
waiting list until we can find First
a teacher.
Or sadly weand
may be
forced to close the classes. Communion
Please prayerfully consider
donating your time to help on Sunday mornings from
Holy Trinity Preschool has a few
openings in their 3 year old program.
If your child is 3 by September 1,
have them come learn, play, and
pray with us !!
Contact: Beth
Cunningham at
770-631-4380 or
[email protected]
La Escuela de Pre-escolar de Holy Trinity tiene espacios
disponibles para para niños de 3 años en su salón en inglés y
para niños de 3 y 4 años en el salón bilingüe. Si su hijo tiene
más de 3 años para el 1º de Septiembre, ¡Inscríbalo para
que pueda aprender, jugar y rezar con nosotros!
Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios - VIRTUS
Todos nuestros catequistas y voluntarios deben tomar el
curso de VIRTUS. La primera sesión en Español en Holy
Trinity será el martes 9 de agosto, 6pm a 9pm. Para poder
asistir se deben inscribir en
Más información con Sachiko Doreste (678) 466-1704
¡Los esperamos!
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Holy Trinity YOUTH MINISTRY News
Formación de Fe Hispana: Ministerio de Los Jóvenes
Middle School
High School
ATTENTION! For more details about Youth Ministry news, go to
Youth Ministers: Heather Garger: [email protected]
Attention Parents, the last day of registration is Monday, August 8. If your
child has not registered by then, they will have to wait until Sunday, August
20 to begin classes. This gives the office staff time to order books and
balance the classes. Also, the 4:30pm Edge program is full and a waiting
list has been started.
¡Atención! El último día para inscribir a sus hijos a las clases de Formación de Fe es
MANAÑA, lunes 8 de agosto. Si no lo(s) registran a tiempo, empezará(n) a ir a clases
hasta el 20 de agosto, ya que hay que asignarles su salón y ordenar sus libros.
The catechist, then, is a Christian who is
mindful of God, who is guided by the memory of
God in his or her entire life an who is able to
awaken that memory in the hearts of others.
Please consider joining our Youth Ministry
Core Team. We will train and support you
every step of the way.
Please contact Heather Garger for more
Considera unirte a nuestro gran equipo de Ministros de Jóvenes.
Te entrenaremos y apoyaremos todo el tiempo.
Por favor comunícate con Heather Garger para más información.
Parent and Teen Meeting
Sunday, August 7
& Wednesday
If your child is enrolled in
these classes or planning on
enrolling, this is the time for
your meeting.
Junta para Padres y Estudiantes
Si su(s) hijo(s) va(n) a asistir a
estas clases deben venir a esta
Middle School Students
Sunday, August 7
Hispanic Edge: 12pm-12:30pm
Wednesday, August 10
4:30 Edge class: 4:30pm-5:30pm
6:30 Edge Class: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Estudiantes de Middle School
Domingo 7 de agosto
Edge para Hispanos
12pm a 12:30pm
Miércoles 10 de Agosto
Clase de 4:30 Edge 4:30pm a 5:30pm
Clase de 6:30 Edge 6:30pm a 7:30pm
Come join over 400 teens in the Atlanta area for a night of Praise and
worship, a talk and Adoration as we kick off the season with Matt Maher on
August 20.
These events are located at and brought to you by All Saints Catholic Church
in collaboration with Life Teen, Inc. Sponsored by the Atlanta Vocations
office. More information is available in the Faith Formation office.
Acompáñenos el 20 de agosto para el lanzamiento de XLT con
Stay Connected—
Where are you going this Fall??
We would love to hear from you and keep in touch.
Parents and students please fill out the information card in
vestibule and drop in the box provided.
High School Students
Sunday, August 7
Hispanic Life Teen: 12:45pm-1:30pm
2nd Year: 2:30pm-3:30pm
1st Year: 6pm-7pm
Estudiantes de High School
Domingo 7 de agosto
1er Año de Confirmación
6pm a 7pm
2do Año de Confirmación
2:30pm a 3:30pm
LifeTeen para Hispanos
12:45pm a 1:30pm