Annual parade, fireworks set for July 4 - South Belt


Annual parade, fireworks set for July 4 - South Belt
Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976
June 30, 2011
Library events set
The following events are set for the week of
June 30 through July 6 at Parker Williams
Library, 10851 Scarsdale Blvd.:
The Traveling Naturalist will be at the
library Thursday, June 30, at 2:30 p.m. with
the program, Dig These Diggers. Learn all
about animals that dig. This program is for
ages 5 and up. Free tickets are required and
can be picked up at the reference desk on the
day of the program.
On Saturday, July 2, Vietnamese storytime
will include Reading Club at 9 a.m., followed
by intermediate storytime at 11 a.m. and
beginner storytime at 1 p.m.
Teen Craft Time is at 3 p.m. on Wednesday,
July 6. The group will make Sharpie tie-dye
T-shirts. This program is for ages 12 and up.
Register online or in the library. All materials
will be provided.
Preschool storytime is at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, and toddler storytime is at 10:30 a.m.
Holiday observances
South Belt-Ellington Leader
The Leader office will be closed Monday,
July 4. Deadline for paid ads will be July 5.
Deadline for free items will be July 1.
Clear Brook City MUD
The offices of Clear Brook City MUD will
be closed Monday, July 4. They will open for
regular business on Tuesday, July 5, at 8 a.m.
To avoid late penalties, payments may be left
in the drop box located on the drive-through
window side of the building.
CBC MUD Trash Service
Residents living in the Clear Brook City
MUD District will have regular trash service
pick-up on Monday, July 4, 2011.
Parker Williams Library
The library will be closed Monday, July 4,
in observance of Independence Day.
Bracewell Library
The Bracewell Library will be closed Monday, July 4.
E-mail: [email protected]
The annual South Belt Independence Day
parade and fireworks show are set to take place
Monday, July 4.
Now in its 24th year, the parade will begin at
10 a.m. and wind from Beverly Hills Intermediate to San Jacinto College South. Participants
are encouraged to arrive early, as the lineup will
commence at 9 a.m.
The theme for this year’s event is Honoring
Community Builders and will be a tribute to all
individuals, organizations and businesses that
have contributed to the South Belt community
over the years.
For the first time in the event’s history the
Rev. Dr. John Morgan, senior pastor at Sagemont Church, will take part in the parade. Morgan will be driven by the Rev. Emory Gadd, associate pastor at Sagemont, in a convertible Ford
Thunderbird on loan from Jack Niday of Niday
Funeral Home. The pair will be followed by a
trailer with members of Buddy Griffin’s All-Star
Youth Banjo Band performing traditional Ameri-
can music.
Sen. Mike Jackson is tentatively scheduled to
participate in the event. The senator’s schedule,
however, is dependent on whether the special
legislative session is taking place that day. Other
elected officials taking part include Houston City
Councilmember Wanda Adams and Judges Ruben Guerrero and Jo Ann Delgado.
Several members of the U.S. Coast Guard will
also be participating, pulling multiple military
boats on trailers.
Former Dobie swim coach and recent inductee
to the Texas Senior Games Hall of Fame Dennis
Shippey will take part in the parade, riding in a
Corvette Indianapolis 500 pace car.
Also participating will be the H-Town Vaqueros Trailriders.
Numerous youth groups are scheduled to participate, including the Sagemont Cowboys and
Cowgirls, the Dobie Lariaettes, the Dobie varsity and junior varsity cheerleaders, the Dobie
swim team, the South Belt Girls’ Softball Asso-
Monday night
9:30 p.m.
The parade route follow the arrows, beginning at Beverly Hills Intermediate and ending at
San Jacinto College.
The U.S. Coast Guard’s Air Station Houston had a change-of-command ceremony Friday,
June 17, at Ellington Field. Air Station Houston’s 20 officers, 68 enlisted personnel and
two civilians support the operation of three MH-65C Dolphin helicopters. Shown above
are left to right, Cmdr. Eric Gleason, new commanding officer of Air Station Houston;
Adm. Roy Nash, commander of the Eighth Coast Guard District; and Cmdr. Christopher
Moss, outgoing commanding officer of Air Station Houston.
Milby 30-year reunion set
The Guadalupana Association of St. Luke
the Evangelist Catholic Church will hold a
scholarship fundraiser via a bowl-a-thon on
Saturday, Aug. 6, from 3 to 6 p.m. at Armadilla
Lanes, 10055 Fuqua.
The community is invited to join in the fun
and help raise funds by soliciting sponsors to
bowl. Each bowler is to raise a minimum of
$25 and will play three games. Prizes will be
given to the first, second, third, and highest
games. All funds collected should be turned in
on Saturday, July 23.
For more information, contact the Ruth
Garay, Guadalupana president, at 281-6351678.
VBS at St. Luke’s
St. Luke the Evangelist, 11011 Hall Road,
will hold Vacation Bible School Week, Back to
the Future, July 18-22 from 9 a.m. to noon.
VBS is for chilldren age 4 years by Sept. 1,
2011, through fifth grade. Open house will be
Thursday, July 21, from 7 to 9 a.m. for friends
and family of participants. For registration
information, call the Faith Formation office at
Horns 10U sell barbecue
South belt Horns 10U will have a barbecue
fundraiser Saturday, July 2, from noon to 3
p.m. Barbecue plates will be sold at Fat Pats,
10330 Blackhawk Blvd. Plates will include
chicken and sausage and two sides.
Proceeds will help raise money for the
team’s World Series trip to Gulfport, Miss., in
July. To preorder, contact Coach Jesus Arenas
at 832-338-9680.
METRO workshop June 30
METRO Vision Long Range Plan Workshop will be held Thursday, June 30, from 6 to
8 p.m. at the Harris County Freeman Library,
16616 Diana Lane in Clear Lake.
The New METRO will conduct the workshop to encourage public input on transit.
Information from the workshops will help
with plans for a long-range, comprehensive
METRO Vision for regional transit.
The forms are to be filled out and returned
by July 2 to the Leader office at 11555 Beamer,
faxed to 281-481-5730 or e-mailed. For convenience, entry forms may be dropped through the
mail slots on each side of the front office doors.
Fireworks display
Later that evening, residents may view the annual fireworks show at El Franco Lee Park, 9400
Hall Road. Funded by the annual South Belt
Spectacular Cookoff, the display is scheduled to
begin at 9:30 p.m.
Sagemont Church
Sagemont Church will hold its Freedom
Celebration Sunday, July 3, at the cross on its
grounds along Beltway 8. Baptism service will
begin at 7 p.m., to be followed by the Sagemont
choir and orchestra presentation of I Believe in
America and fireworks display.
The entire community is invited to attend.
Residents may bring lawn chairs, blankets and
picnic baskets (no alcoholic beverages).
See ad on Page 6A.
Monday, July 4
10 a.m.
Dobie 10-year reunion set
Bowl-a-thon fundraiser set
ciation, Galaxy Cheer, the Dobie band, the South
Belt Stars soccer team, multiple Little League
teams, the South Belt Sharks swim team, Boy
Scout troops and students from Fly Wellness and
Movement Arts.
Organizers are currently seeking musical
acts to perform in the parade. Musicians from
all community organizations, as well as groups
of individuals, are encouraged to participate. A
prize of 10 Schlitterbahn tickets will be awarded
to the best musical performance.
All residents, organizations and businesses are
welcome to enter. Participants are encouraged to
decorate their vehicles and floats, as prizes will
be awarded in various categories.
Community and nonprofit groups may sign up
for the parade at no charge, unless they wish to
be eligible for a prize. A $50 fee is charged for
commercial entries. Noncommercial entries may
enter the contest for $25.
Entry forms are available on Page 3A or by
e-mailing [email protected].
USCG change of command
The South Belt Area Swim Team will celebrate its 40th anniversary season this summer. E-mail any team pictures to reffinej@ so the team can incorporate them
into its 4th of July parade float.
Milby Class of 1981 will hold its 30-year
reunion Saturday, July 30, at the DoubleTree
Hotel, downtown Houston. Register at www. Online registration is
$50. At the door, it will be $60 per person.
Vol. 36, No. 21
Annual parade, fireworks set for July 4
Swim team seeks pictures
Dobie Class of 2001 will hold its 10-year
reunion Saturday, July 9, from 7:30 p.m. to
midnight at Golfcrest Country Club in
Pearland. The last day to pre-order tickets for
$60 is July 2. On July 9, tickets will be $75
cash at the door only. For more information,
Clear Horizons to remain open
Clear Creek Independent School District officials have announced that the Clear Horizons
Early College High School will remain open for
the 2011-2012 school year.
The announcement came after the district’s
June 27 general meeting, at which board members discussed money-saving recommendations
proposed by the Citizen’s Finance Advisory
The committee was created last December
by the CCISD Board of Trustees to generate
community-driven ideas of how to cope with the
school district’s projected cuts of between $21
million and $41 million.
The committee cited a high cost per student
as the basis of its recommendation and argued
that students could still receive college credit by
taking existing dual credit or advanced placement courses at the district’s comprehensive high
Located at San Jacinto College South campus,
the school allows eligible CCISD students to take
high school and college courses simultaneously.
Many students in the program earn their associate degree, while also earning their high school
College credits earned through the program
can be transferred to most major Texas universities, including the University of Texas, Texas
A&M University and the University of Houston.
The program is offered at no cost to students,
allowing them to save a significant amount of
money on college tuition.
The campus opened the fall term of the 20072008 school year and currently has roughly 400
While the school will remain open for now, it
will undergo a program evaluation next year to
measure its performance.
Continued on Page 2A
Man arrested after driving
with dead pedestrian’s body
A South Belt man
is facing multiple
charges after driving
for more than two
miles with a partially dismembered
hit-and-run victim
in his passenger seat
early Tuesday.
police, James John
Onak, 49, was traveling south on the
Gulf Freeway near
James John Onak
Fuqua about 12:30
a.m. in a Mazda 626 when he struck a pedestrian,
whose Ford Explorer had broken down in the
emergency lane and who was trying to cross the
The collision forced the victim’s body through
the windshield, and he landed in the front passenger seat of the vehicle.
One of the man’s legs was reportedly severed
at the knee during the impact.
Onak, a South Belt resident who lives in the
Clear Brook Meadows subdivision, allegedly
continued driving and was stopped on Beamer at
Kirkvalley by a Harris County Precinct 8 Constable deputy for having damaged headlights and
driving erratically.
According to the deputy, the Mazda had extensive front-end damage, and he observed the
deceased victim in the front passenger seat. Onak
reportedly told the deputy that he knew he had hit
something on the freeway but was not aware the
victim was lying in the passenger seat.
Investigators said Onak appeared to be highly
intoxicated, and a mandatory blood draw was
Onak is charged with felony accident involving injury and a misdemeanor count of DWI.
The 32-year-old victim’s identity is pending
verification by the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences.
At press time, the police investigation was ongoing with additional charges possible.
Three arrested following crash
Bracewell to reopen Saturdays
Houston City Council voted Wednesday, June
22, to approve a $1.8 billion budget, which will
restore Saturday hours at the Bracewell Library
branch, according to Councilmember Mike Sullivan.
While library spokeswoman Sandra Fernandez would not confirm this, as an official
announcement had not yet been made, she did
acknowledge that Bracewell was one of a handful of branches on a proposed list to reopen on
The new city budget will reduce library hours
overall, cutting back on other days of the week.
The initial move to close library branches on
Saturdays out of budget concerns proved quite
controversial last year, as it is the only day many
residents can visit.
Several members of the South Belt community, as well as the Leader staff, actively campaigned to have the Saturday hours restored.
Pending final approval from city officials, the
new hours would take effect later this summer,
Fernandez said.
Sullivan is happy with Mayor Annise Parker’s
decision to restore the Saturday hours.
“The mayor told me it will be open, and I’m
excited that she’s supporting the community and
the hard-fought-for hours.”
Blackhawk turn lane work begins
Construction of a right-turn lane on Blackhawk south of Beltway 8 for drivers turning east
toward the Gulf Freeway is scheduled to begin
Tuesday, July 5.
The new lane is intended to alleviate the heavy
traffic that accumulates on the area street.
Harris County Pct. 1 engineer, Larry Allen,
said construction was scheduled for the summer,
as to not further hinder school-related traffic on
Work is expected to be complete within 60
days, and Allen is hopeful the project will be fin-
ished before school resumes.
The estimated construction cost is $58,700.
The county originally studied the intersection at the request of the Leader, the South BeltEllington Chamber of Commerce and the Harris
County Precinct 2 Constable’s office to see if the
turn lane would improve traffic.
After studying the intersection, however,
county officials deemed that a left-hand turn lane
would be more beneficial at reducing congestion
and subsequently constructed it first last summer.
Three people were arrested Sunday, June 26, following a crash on Hughes Road near the
Beamer Road intersection. According to a witness, the above Honda Civic was traveling
west on Hughes at a high rate of speed around 10:30 p.m. when it struck a pickup truck,
a light pole and then a building. The car’s two occupants fled the scene on foot, only to be
apprehended a short time later by Houston police. The car’s female driver was charged
with DWI. No one was injured.
Photo submitted by Joe Constance
Page 2 Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, June 30, 2011
Publisher’s Opinion
Some July 4th South Belt history
This year marks the 24th anniversary
of our South Belt area 4th of July parade
and fireworks display.
When I first suggested the chamber
sponsor these events in 1988, it was
because every year the Leader would list
the nearby cities’ activities for the 4th. But
nothing was available in the community.
South Belt residents had to leave the
community to take part in these patriotic
events. In most cities the events are
sponsored by taxpayers through the city
budget. We, as most of you know, are
unique. We get no funding from the city
or any other group.
The chamber sponsored the event
from 1988 till 1997. The Leader staff, with
the help of South Belter Neil West, took
Thompson American Legion
Award recipients named
Williamses honored by PISD
over the parade. Three different groups
have sponsored the cookoff which has
funded the fireworks since 1998. Beginning this year, the Southeast Volunteer
Fire Department took over that responsibility. The minimal show is $20,000. In
1988 it was $5,000.
Be sure to thank SVFD members
when you see them in Monday’s parade.
This year, Brother John Morgan, pastor of Sagemont Chuch will be riding in
the parade. Sagemont is also sponsoring
a July 4th music and fireworks event on
Sunday, July 3rd. So the community that
used to have no big fireworks display,
this year has two.
See you at the parade. Happy July
–Marie Flickinger
Reader’s Opinion
Volper: Leader open
political forum
“I am concerned that Mr. Gorman
does not comprehend the definition of
“opinion.” Anyone is entitled to formulate
and offer an opinion. The SBL editorial
page is, for the most part, an open political forum where all are able to contribute
their opinions. It’s my opinion that Gorman
has skin that is as thin as ice on a pond
in Houston during one of our freeze
Why? Because I called him a socialist? Am I now sorry to suggest that
Gorman has a spine as strong as jello
being nailed to a wall? No. I made it very
clear in my last post, that I meant no
harm nor malice in my critizim of him and
or his opinion at any time. That also inculdes others who commented on the ongoing debate or difference of one’s opinion.
Gorman took exception of my commentary. Isn’t that what expressing one’s
opinion is about? Now I take issue with
his whining regarding my commentary.
In closing, it’s my opinion Mr. Gorman
believes that the only valid opinion is his
own and when others don’t agree with
his, attack the messenger. This is typical
of a liberal socialist’s thinking. “Liberals
claim they want to give a hearing to other
views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.”
May I also remind Mr. Gorman that the
expression of honest belief or opinion is
absolutely protected by the First
Amendment, with no exceptions at all.”
A.C. Volper
Thompson Intermediate eighth-grade students Emily Wolfe and Ty Lozano
were the recipients of the American Legion Award presented by the American Legion Department of Texas, South Houston Post 490, at the school’s
annual Achievement Awards Program. The six finalists up for the award,
the highest offered at Thompson Intermediate, exhibited excellence in courage, honor, leadership, patriotism, scholarship and service throughout their
years at Thompson. Pictured are, left to right, Wolfe, Thompson Principal
Toni Lopez and Lozano.
Photo submitted
Lamar L.
Lamar L. Guerrero, 60,
died Thursday, June 23, 2011,
with her family by her side at
Memorial Hermann - Texas
Medical Center.
She was born July 21,
1950, in Freer, Texas, to Reymundo and Rosaura Lichtenberger. She moved to Houston with her husband in 1968
and was a member of the
South Belt community for
more than 30 years.
Guerrero’s interests included family, gardening,
sewing and reading. She devoted much of her time and
energy as a caregiver to family members, including her
Guerrero is survived by
her husband, Rene Guerrero;
three sons, Rene Guerrero Jr.,
Daniel Guerrero and David
Guerrero; three daughters,
Laura Batarse, Michelle Carpenter and Diana Plata; and
nine grandchildren.
The funeral service was
held, Monday, June 27, 2011,
at Niday Funeral Home. Interment followed at SouthPark Cemetery.
Glen A.
Glen A. Hausinger, 56,
former South Belt resident,
died Thursday, June 9, 2011.
He was preceded in death
by his son, Chance Cody
Hausinger is survived
by his parents, Ann and Bill
Hausinger; sister Sheryl
Hausinger and husband John
Mulvahill; brother Billy and
wife Sharon; sister Susan
Tinnin and husband Bobby;
and seven nieces and nephews.
A celebration of Hausinger’s life was held Saturday,
June 25, 2011, at the Green
Event Center in Friendswood.
Memorials may be made
to the American Heart Association, The Boy Scouts of
America or Big Bend Ranch
State Park.
Comments can be made
at Houston area. She graduated
from Reagan High School, as
well as St. Joseph’s Nursing
School, and worked as a registered nurse in several area
On Dec. 18, 1943, she
Mary Frances Georg, 87, married Alton E. Georg from
of Seguin, Texas, died Sat- Bulverde, Texas, whom she
urday, June 18, 2011, in San met while he was serving in
Marcos. She was born on the U.S. Army in the HousJune 24, 1923, in New Wa- ton/Galveston area. After the
verly, Texas, to Stash and war, they made their home
Stella Vetuski.
on Radio Road in Houston
Georg was the oldest of where she raised two sons,
four girls and grew up in the Alton Geoffrey and Timothy
Mary Frances
New members assume trustee roles
Brad Hance, Dr. Ruede
Wheeler and Keith Sinor
were sworn in as members of
the San Jacinto College Board
of Trustees at the regularly
scheduled meeting of the
board on Monday, June 6,
Positions 1, 2 and 7 were
to be filled in a May election.
However, due to each position being unopposed, the
election was canceled in
“With the great challenges
the college is facing due to
decreased funding from the
state, it is great to keep Ruede
on the board as well as adding two community-minded
members,” said Marie Flickinger, chair of the San Jacinto
College Board of Trustees.
“The combination of keeping
Ruede’s vast experience, and
the new fresh ideas of Brad
and Keith, is a real plus for
San Jacinto College.”
Hance, a resident of Deer
Park and Pasadena, will fill
Position 1 for a six-year
Ben Meador, who opted
not to seek re-election, previously served as Position 1
trustee for seven years.
Hance, a graduate of Deer
Park High School, attended
San Jacinto College and went
to the University of Houston, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics.
He then worked for Maintenance Engineering Corporation in 1971, and in 2003,
bought the chemical division
and named it MECO Inc.,
Newly elected San Jacinto College Board of Trustees members are, left to right,
Keith Sinor, Dr. Ruede Wheeler and Brad Hance.
Photo by Rob Vanya
Maintenance Engineering
Water Treatment.
Hance currently serves as
the company’s president and
CEO. He and his wife,
Evelyn, have four children
and nine grandchildren. He
has served on the board of
directors for the San Jacinto
College Foundation for the
past four years, including the
last year as that organization’s board chairman; and is
also treasurer of Second
Century Corporation of Pasadena, a nonprofit organization for community development.
Wheeler was first elected
to the San Jacinto College
Board of Trustees in 1986
after serving nine years on
the La Porte Independent
School District Board of
Wheeler practiced dentistry in La Porte for more
than 40 years, and is a member of the American Dental
Association, the Texas Dental
Association, and the Houston
District Dental Society. He is
past president of the La Porte
Rotary Club, and serves on
the advisory committee for
La Porte’s municipal golf
course. His term in Position 2
will be for another six years.
Sinor will fill Position 7.
The Pasadena native and
Deer Park resident attended
Sam Rayburh High School.
He is a former San Jacinto
College student who attended
Texas A&M University,
where he earned a bachelor’s
degree in accounting and
finance, as well as an MBA.
He is also a certified public
After a two-year stint in
public accounting with Arthur
Andersen, Sinor joined Sinor
Engine Company, Inc., where
he is currently a co-owner
and chief financial officer. He
is actively involved in the
community, previously serving on boards of the Deer
Park Rotary Club and Deer
Park Chamber of Commerce.
Sinor is married to Rae
Sinor, and he has twin boys,
John and Michael. He fills
the remaining four years of
Position 7, previously held
by Wayne Slovacek, who
retired from the board in
December 2010 after 38
years of service.
The length of term for SJC
trustees is six years. The college’s board of trustees meets
the first Monday of each
month, unless otherwise
noted, at the San Jacinto
College district administration building.
Other board members
include Dan Mims, Larry
Wilson and John Moon Jr.
South Belt
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Support Leader
In 2003, at the age of 80,
she relocated to Seguin to be
near family. There, she volunteered for several years at
Nesbit Living and Recovery
Center as a member of the
RSVP Program.
Georg is preceded in death
by her husband of 20 years,
Alton Georg, her firstborn
son, Geoff, and her two sisters, Louise and Rosalie.
She is survived by her son,
Tim Georg and wife Cynthia
of San Marcos; as well as five
grandchildren: Alton Georg
and wife Kimberley of Beaver
Creek, Ohio; Trisha Birdsong
and husband Gregg of Cypress; Sarah Beaird and husband Steven of New Braunfels, and Derek Georg and
Alyson Georg, both of Austin; six great-grandchildren:
Cassidy, Jami, Brayden, Ava,
Adyson and Blakely; her sister, Helen Smith, of Houston;
and numerous nieces and
A memorial service was
held on Wednesday, June 22,
2011, at Pennington Funeral
Home in San Marcos.
Central Ace Hardware was honored by the Pasadena Independent School
District Tuesday, June 21, by being named its Small Business Volunteer of
the Year. Owned by Ron Williams and family, the local hardware store generously donates paintbrushes each year to students involved in the Seniors
Helping Seniors program. The store also routinely offers discounts for other
PISD project needs. Ron Williams was unable to attend the award ceremony. Shown accepted the award in his absence are his sister, Sandra Williams
(left), and his mother, Beth Williams. Shown presenting the award are PISD
Superintendent Kirk Lewis (left) and PISD Board of Trustees President Jack
Photo by Marie Flickinger
Lariaettes host dance clinic
The Dobie Lariaettes will host their annual Summer
Dance Explosion Dance Clinic on Thursday and Friday, July
28 and July 29. The clinic includes dancing, games, crafts
and lunch. The clinic will be held at Dobie High School from
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. for children in pre-K through eighth grade.
Pre-registration is $40, at the door is $50, cash or money
order only. A show-off of what was learned at the clinic will
be held Friday, July 29, at 3 p.m. in the Dobie auditorium –
participants will receive a clinic souvenir at this time.
For more information, call Pam Burns at 281-412-7123 or
e-mail [email protected].
Clear Horizons . . .
Continued from Page 1A
Other budget recommendations offered by the committee include eliminating the 5 percent homestead
exemption, allowing out-of-district students to attend
CCISD schools for a tuition, reducing teacher and nonteacher contract pay by up to five days, eliminating or
charging a fee for all nonmandatory transportation,
charging fees for extracurricular activities and charging a transportation fee of $20 per student, per year for
athletics and fine arts.
The recommendations would cut $16.2 million from
the district’s deficit.
No official action was taken on any of the costcutting measures at the meeting. Some of the recommendations, however, will be approved by the board of
trustees in August as part of the budget, according to
CCISD spokeswoman Janice Scott.
School bus schedule
The 2011 Dobie at Memorial High (initial credit) and Rayburn High
(credit recovery) extended year bus stops are as follows:
Bus #
Bus stop
AM time PM time
Buena Park & Hoffer
Blackhawk & Lettie
Dove Way & Heathertrail
Blackhawk Ridge & Great Hawk
Dobie High-Southbluff turnaround
7:44 a.m.
7:47 a.m.
7:50 a.m.
7:53 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
3:55 p.m.
3:59 p.m.
4:02 p.m.
4:05 p.m.
4:10 p.m.
FM 1959 & Gulfbreeze
725 FM 1959-Summer Cove Apts
Grosvenor & FM 1959
950 FM 1959-Windjammer Apts
7:50 a.m.
7:53 a.m.
7:55 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
4:03 p.m.
4:05 p.m.
4:10 p.m.
Morris Middle-Seaford turnaround
Dobie High-Southbluff turnaround
Wolcott Park & Clearwood Crossing
Lambright & Radio
Easthaven & Lampbright
7:48 a.m.
7:54 a.m.
7:59 a.m.
8:02 a.m.
8:05 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
3:55 p.m.
4:05 p.m.
4:08 p.m.
4:10 p.m.
Frazier Elem-Sagemeadow turnaround
Villarreal Sagecreek & Sagedowne
Flushing Meadows & White Plains
Fairbury & Astoria
Astoria & Teaneck
7:55 a.m.
7:58 a.m.
7:38 a.m.
7:40 a.m.
7:42 a.m.
3:55 p.m.
3:58 p.m.
4:01 p.m.
4:03 p.m.
4:05 p.m.
Sabo & Sagetree
Groves, C Sageaspen & Sageblossom
Sugarbush Ridge & Riverstone Ranch
Blackhawk & Kirkfair
Dobie High-Southbluff turnaround
7:44 a.m.
7:48 a.m.
7:51 a.m.
7:55 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
3:50 p.m.
3:54 p.m.
3:56 p.m.
3:59 p.m.
4:06 p.m.
Buses will drop off at Memorial High at 8:15 a.m. and then drop off
at Rayburn at 8:25 a.m. Buses will pick up at Rayburn High (credit
recovery) at 3:30 p.m. and then pick up at Memorial (initial credit) at
3:40 p.m. Students should begin waiting for the buses 3-5 minutes prior
to the scheduled morning times listed. Transportation will not be provided at midday.
Police investigating animal cruelty
identified as around two
By Matt Griesmyer
Kathy McArthur, contacted animals.
Two as-of-yet uniden- a local animal rehabilitation
The two opossum babies, months old, and very skinny.
tified teenagers were organization to care for the named Sam and Fred, were Michelle Johnson from Bay
caught on camera causing
trouble on the South Belt
Elementary School campus.
The two troublemakers
were seen on camera performing acts of cruelty to
rabbits, an opossum and
an armadillo.
Pasadena Independent
School District police
have not been able to
identify the vehicle that
the teens drove; however,
the crime is still under
investigation by the Pasadena Independent School
District and the City of
Pearland police departments.
One of the animals that
was killed also was carrying others with her. The
opossum that was one of
the victims was carrying
five babies at the time.
Three of the babies
died, but two were found
alive by a parent who was
at the school the morning of June 27. The parent in turn notified staff
members who were at the
School nurse Kristi
Vinzant and secretary
Judy Britt recovered the
two miniscule mammals
- both no more than two
inches in body length and immediately investigated how to care for
The opossum babies
were transferred to a
small plastic container,
wrapped in a cloth towel
and put under a heat lamp
to provide warmth. The
animals were fed pedialyte to sustain them until
a proper home could be
Judy Britt, secretary at South Belt Elementary, holds two opossums, Sam and
The secretary for the Fred, that survived an animal cruelty incident near the Riverstone Ranch
summer school program, school.
Photo by Matt Griesmyer
Area Wildlife Rehabilitation, a Clear Lake group,
has taken possession of
the animals so they can be
nursed until they are large
enough to be released.
“These two will be intubated for about two weeks
until they can actually lap
up fluid, at which time we
will begin feeding them
that way,” Johnson said.
“After they reach a length
of nine inches from the tip
of their snout to the base
of their tail, we will find a
place to release them.”
The animals are required, by law, to be released into the wild in the
county in which they were
found, to prevent disruptions to the environment.
Johnson went on to
mention that the opossums
are referred to as “dead
end hosts” for rabies,
meaning that the viral infection cannot survive in
the body of the animal and
dies off.
She still stresses, however, that anyone who
comes into contact with
the animals should wash
their hands to prevent
contracting any other contaminants.
Despite the ordeal
they went through, Sam
and Fred were doing well
when they were turned
over to Johnson. Johnson
said she will be keeping
in touch with the adults
who were watching over
the animals and giving updates as to their well-being
as they are rehabilitated.
For more information
regarding the rehabilitation center, visit www.
Anyone who has information regarding the incident, is asked to call the
PISD police department at
Thursday, June 30, 2011, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section A, Page 3
Rare feathered visitor draws birders from near and far
Story contributed
by South Belt resident
Stephan Lorenz
El Franco Lee County
Park off Hall Road has long
been known among local
birdwatchers as a great place
to spot a large variety of
feathered creatures.
I have been visiting the
park for nearly seven years
and have seen more than 170
different species of birds
within its 361 acres. The wetland beyond the playing
fields harbors herons, egrets,
and ducks year-round.
Especially during winter and
migration many birds are
attracted to the abundance of
food and shelter. Even bald
eagles hunt there during the
colder months.
Over the years, a few
unusual birds from distant
places in Texas have appeared,
but not even the wildest
flights of imagination could
have prepared me for what I
found on Friday, June 17.
Taking a late afternoon
walk around the reservoir, I
heard a strange call that I was
not familiar with and soon
spotted a medium-sized raptor. Being lazy, I had left my
binoculars at home, but fortunately carried my camera.
After looking through the
telephoto lens, I realized
pretty quickly that this was a
rare bird. In fact, so rare it
had only been seen in Texas
on three previous occasions,
and always further south.
The pictures and video I
took revealed a beautiful
snail kite, a bird usually at
home in the Everglades of
southern Florida and much of
Central and South America.
Its normal range does not
extend north of Veracruz in
What was it doing here,
perched on a snag, with
Dobie High School in the
background, apparently content for the moment?
Dependent on wetlands
and, well you guessed it,
large snails for food, snail
kites have been known to
wander when habitats become
Beltway 8.
News travels fast in the
birding community. After
posting pictures of the bird,
plus information about the
sighting on the Internet, birdwatchers started pulling into
the parking lot by 6 a.m.
People had traveled from
Austin and Fort Worth, hoping to catch a glimpse of this
rare visitor. Unfortunately,
even though introduced snails
are present in the wetland,
the snail kite did not find El
Franco Lee Park to its liking
and had apparently moved
Even with dozens of
skilled eyes looking the entire
day, the bird could not be
spotted. It could still be in the
greater area, taking advantage of another lake or wetland, but for now it seems to
be gone.
I will continue taking
afternoon walks at El Franco
Lee Park, keeping my eyes
A snail kite, recently spotted at El Franco Lee Park, and ears open for whatever
perches on a branch.
Photo by Stephan Lorenz else may drop in.
unsuitable, but just never as
far as the Texas Central
Coast. Possibly, the recent
widespread droughts played
a role.
The bird called a few more
times before flying off toward
the middle of the lake, where
the resident black-necked
stilts and eastern kingbirds
took offense to its presence
and collectively chased it off.
The last I saw was the bird
soaring high, circling toward
Laura Bush names rolls for fourth 9-weeks
Laura Bush Elementary
School recently announced
its honor, merit, and perfect/
punctual attendance rolls for
the fourth nine-weeks grading period. Students earning
status are:
Evelyn Aguirre, Siani
Alanis, Caenna Alfonso,
Andrew Arias, David Bocanegra, Emil Caballero,
Clarissa Castillo, Nathanael
Chapa, Brianna Charlton,
Celene Diaz, Hillary Do and
Eubu Edigin.
Tamera Eggins, Leslie
Espinoza, Dagoberto Garza,
Jose Gomez, Jose Guerra,
Alan Guerrero, Tiffany Gutierrez, William Ho, Emily
Hodge, Natalie Kahura,
Ashley Lavergne, Juan Leon,
Julissa Melenciano and
Douglas Melendez.
Felicia Milligan, Max
Munoz, Huyhoang Nguyen,
Julexis Ortega, Torik Ougrah,
Quiroz, Alissa
Ramirez, Marvin Rivas,
Abraham Rodriquez, Jaylene
Rojas, Jessica Saldana, Mia
Sanchez, Matthew Torres and
Janae Tucker.
First grade
Honor roll
Zaid Abdellatif, Naydelin
Almaguer, Emily Alvarez,
Fredis Alvarez, Alejandra
Barcenas, Ashley CruzMoores, Martshaydi Cuevas,
Kevin Dinh, Kate Duenez,
Kenny Duong, Alexis Eaden,
Analaura Elizarraras and
Maureen Garcia.
Ivan Gonzalez, Mariah
Guerrero, Sarrionna Hobbs,
Natalie Jarmillo, Senda
Juarez, Christopher Laygo,
Tracey Le, Paloma Leal, Alex
Elizabeth Mullins, Vincent
Nguyen and Mariana Nunez.
Natalie Parish, Ashley
Pham, Tommy Pham, Marilee Quiroga, Miranda Resendez, Jahir Reyes, John Reyna,
Ahmed Roubi, Mikayla
Saperstein, Jazmine Segovia,
Roselin Serrano, Kaylan Toyloy, Eric Tran, Vanessa Tran,
Hailey Vu and Kathleen Vu.
Merit roll
Emily Amezcua, Joshua
Carranza, Trent Daley, Ashley
Duarte, Alani Forouzan,
Celine Garcia, Abigail
Gonzalez, Ronnie Gonzalez
and Kyra Jackson.
Sandy Llanes, Sofia
Martinez, Johny Nguyen,
Lilly Nguyen, Nicholas
Ochoa, Fernanda Razo, Ian
Recio, Christopher Reyes,
Ilianna Sanchez, Santos
Sanchez, David Tran, Diana
Vallejo and Haley Wright.
Daileen Adame, Naydelin
Almaguer, Fredis Alvarez,
Gabriella Binns, Christian
Bradshaw, Kyle Broussard,
Anyah Butler, Fernando
Carrera, Daniel Cavazos,
Jasmine Cazares, Jonathan
Charles and Donovan Chavis.
Jasmine Chew, Martshaidy
Cuevas, Stephanie De La
Cruz, Jenevie Devora, Kevin
Dinh, Miguel Diosdado, Vy
Doan, Dreshon Downey,
Ashley Duarte, Analaura
Elizarraras, Jacob Estrada and
Alani Forouzan.
Alex Garza, Aleyna Garza,
Natalie Garza, Melanie
Govea, Julian Guerra, Mariah
Guerrero, Miguel Guiterrez,
Zoe Hernandez, Bryson
Hicks, Sarrionna Hobbs,
Andrew Ingram, Kevet Iraheta and Jalyine Jefferey.
LaVaergne, Christopher Laygo, Tracey Le, Paloma Leal,
Sandy Llanes, Alexia Lozano,
Christopher Macias, Vincent
Maldanado, Angela Marler,
Astrid Martinez, Sofia Martinez and Aala Mohamad.
Jahmel Morgan, Elizabeth
Mullins, Ariana Negrete,
Brandon Nguyen, Johny
Nguyen, Lilly Nguyen,
Phuong Nguyen, Vincent
Nguyen, Nicholas Ochoa,
Ashley Pham, Tommy Phan
and Alazia Quintanilla.
Miranda Resendez, John
Reyna, Jesus Rodriguez,
Lillie Rodriguez, Vianel
Rojas-Benavides, Samuel
Ross, Ahmed Roubi, Kevin
Salamanca, Gilbert Salazar,
Santos Sanchez, Mikayla
Saperstein, Jazmine Segovia
and Roselin Serrano.
Brianna Solares, Brianna
Torres, Brissa Torres, Jose
Torres, David Tran, Eric Tran,
Steven Tran, Tracy Tran,
Vanessa Tran, Gisela Trigueros, Kevin Turcios, Diana
Vallejo, Hailey Vu, Brendonn
Williams and Drew Williams.
Second grade
Honor roll
Cynthia Britton, Brianna
Carabajal, Juan Castaneda,
Andre Duenez, Celene
Duong, Alyssa Gomez,
Jessica Lam, Jocelyn Leon,
Gabriela Martinez, Cesar
Mendez and Marcelo Merced.
Elias Montez, Amy Ngo,
Katie Nguyen, Leyna Pham,
Tony Pham, Emmah Rabago,
Lauren Robinson, Yahir
Serna, Kaleighe Sommerfelt
and Emily Tran.
Merit roll
Amy Arias, Austin Bailey,
Juan Castaneda, Victor
Cervantes, Bianca Espinal,
Michael Garcia, Gabriel
Garza, Devanny Ibarra and
Yamila Lara.
Isaac Martinez, Marcelo
Merced, Mia Mora, Emmah
Rabago, Mia Robinson,
Jennifer Serrano, Vincent
Tran and Deeangel Trinh.
Kelly Aguilera, Jason Aleman,
Anaya Antoine, Arly Arias,
Lizabeth Arias, Madeliene
Bui, Tony Bui, Jaedyn Butler,
Victor Cervantes, Danneth
Claros, Karen Corral, Lesley
Cruz, Jennifer Del Rosario
and Nevon Dinh.
Bianco Espinal, Lizbeth
Flores, Gerald Fonseca,
Christian Galvan, Michael
Garcia, Brianna Garza,
Jaivyance Gillard, Alyssa
Gomez, Jeannette Gomez,
Tommy Guerrero, Matthew
Harris, Alexis Hernandez and
Nayeli Hernandez.
Jennifer Ho, Anh Hoang,
Kelly Hoang, Briana Jamaica,
Jessica Lam, Christi Le,
Jocelyn Leon, Abel Limachi,
Allen Lopez, Yoselin Lopez,
Cesar Martinez, Gabriela
Martinez, Cesar Mendez,
Amy Ngo, Victor Nguyen and
Kaylie Olivarez.
Leyna Pham, Tony Pham,
Juan Ramos, DaKarey Ramsay, Katherine Rivas, Lauren
Robinson, Itzel Rodriguez,
Alexis Sanders, Daniel Serrano, Jennifer Serrano, Amari
Singleton, Zavien SolomonSovoie, Emily Tran, Deeangel
Trinh, Hudson Vo and Tony Vo.
Third grade
Honor roll
Melissa Arredondo, Daniela Fraga, Joselin Hernandez,
Kennedy Ho, Gabrielle Hollingsworth, Jacob McKenzie,
Elizabeth Mendoza and
Johnny Nguyen.
Gerardo Perez, Jasalynn
Quintanilla, Eily Reinoso,
Micheala Resendez, Emily
Reyes, Zaria Ross, Johnny
To, Josselyn Vale and Jessica
Merit roll
Alexa Garcia, Jonathan
Herrera, Jessica Ibe, Chloe
King, Isaac Martinez, Raylene
Martinez, Katia Mejia, Danny
Nguyen, Tammy Pham, Jose
Sanchez and Ah’Mir Trainor.
Abigael Aguilar, Tiffany
Aguilera, Yair Almeguer, Jayleen Alvarez, Blasé Anoruo,
Oscar Anoruo, Jorlette Bernardez, Marcos Bocanegra,
Jacqui Bonifaccini, Italy
Bossett, Katherine Coreas,
Osayi Edigin, Azucena
Estrada and Alleecia Evans.
Daniela Fraga, Michael
Galvan, John Garcia, Noe
Garcia, Janie Gonzalez,
Cameron Guy, Kennedy Ho,
Gabrielle Hollingsworth,
Jessica Ibe, Kyune Jeffery,
Taylor Levias, Brandon
Lopez, Brittany Maldonado
and Raylene Martinez.
Abdurrahman Meguader,
Elizabeth Mendoza, Oscar
Montes, Alondra Moya,
Madisyn Munoz, Darla
Murillo, Alvaro Navas, Cindy
Nguyen, Jenny Nguyen,
Johnn Nguyen, Michelle Paz,
Timmy Phan, Zion Pineda
and Kiandra Porter.
Ashley Ramirez, Isai
Requenes, Emily Reyes,
Baldemar Rodriguez, Zaria
Ross, Diana Saavedra, Jose
Sanchez, Kiara Sanchez,
Gabriel Serrano, Moses
Trevino, Kyerra Wallace,
Keaira Wells and Breniesha
Fourth grade
Honor roll
Itzel Arango, Josiah Arenas, Jovaan Cisneros, Daniela
Gonzalez, Adrian Montez,
Jugy Ngo, Emily Reinoso,
Jocelyn Solis, Ty’vid Taulton,
Michaela Taylor, Melissa
Vidal and Johnny White.
Merit roll
Shea Alfonso, Nathan
Bernardez, Kevin Corral,
Kalena Davis, Katelynn
Duong, Thompson Le, Colton
Miller, Rachel Pham and
Kalista Smith.
Reina Aguilar, Noemi
Alba, Shea Alfonso, Cody
Bailey, Guadalupe Benavides,
Alyssa Brown, Jasmine Carpenter, Christopher Carrizales, Kevin Corral, Jeleasa
Crawford, Giselle Cuellar,
Eliud Davila, Terence Davis
and Vanessa Delacruz.
Oliver Delarosa, Yousef
Diab, Dang Dong, Pablo
Duarte, Larry Etienne, Ariel
Evans, Josephy Fernandez,
Alyssa Gallardo, Shayla
Gallegos, Jennifer Garcia,
Jennifer Gomez, Jonathan
Gonzales, Daniela Gonzalez
and Victoria Gonzalez.
Mark Guerrero, Kenteria
Jarrett, Joshua Jones, Vincent
Le, Genie Leija, Ismael Leon,
Erick Lopez, Alessandra
Marroquin, Edwin Martinez,
Jesse Mendoza, Zeontae
Miller, Jason Milligan,
Sergion Munoz, Judy Ngo
and Manuel Olivarez.
Brian Onofre, Angel Perez,
Khoi Pham, Rachel Pham,
Ramirez, Angel
Rodriguez, Alfredo Rojas,
Sanchez, Joanna Serna, Alexis
Shaw, Jocelyn Solis, Ryan
Velazquez and Jahmyiea
2011-12 Lariaette officers named
The Dobie Lariaettes recently held their annual
mother/daughter banquet at Landry’s in Kemah,
where the new 2011-2012 officers were installed.
Fourteen girls were selected as new officers, six
military officers and eight social officers. The
2011-2012 Dobie Lariaette officers are, left to
right, (seated/kneeling) Party Girl Katie Tyer,
Spirit Leader Cassandra Velasquez, Captain
Denise Ma, Co-Party Girl Cecilia Uribe, Historian
Princess Tabarez, (standing) Lt. Col. Rachel
Moore, Vice President Layla Brown, Co-Spirit
Leader Amanda Medrano, Lt. Karena Duran,
Maj. Samantha Green, President Briana Harper,
Lt. Amanda Palacios, Secretary Kameko Bryant
and Col. Alaina Burns.
Photo submitted
TSU hosts teacher summit July 14
In order to meet the needs
of so many teachers who are
now displaced educators,
TSU’s College of Education
will host a summit to help
educators reinvent themselves
in this ever-changing job
The summit will take
place on Thursday, July 14,
starting at 9 a.m. in the
College of Education located
on the campus of Texas
Southern University.
According to Dr. Danita
Bailey-Perry, TSU associate
professor of education, “During times of transition, it is
best to have a plan. This summit is designed to help displaced teachers develop a
plan for a successful transition into an alternative
career.” She goes on to say
that, “[the] workshops will
help these teachers determine
how to translate their teaching skills into corporate/community assets; renew and
build skills that will help
them to make successful tran-
sitions into new fields and
learn what alternative career
options and opportunities
they might have.”
Summit facilitators hope
that participants will leave
with a renewed awareness of
community resources, enhanced resume-writing and
interviewing skills, confidence in public speaking, a
better knowledge of how
teaching skills can be translated into saleable corporate
and community assets and
educational opportunities.
They will also have the opportunity to meet and talk with
individuals who have successfully transitioned from
teaching to other careers.
“We are looking forward
to providing a forum for displaced teachers to share and
gain an awareness of other
career choices outside of the
classroom arena.
“The forum will include
seminars and workshops
designed to enhance their
understanding of career options. The College of Education is pleased to be a partner
in this activity,” said Dr.
Lillian Poats, interim dean of
TSU’s College of Education.
There is no cost to attendees, and parking will be provided. For more information,
contact Bailey-Perry at 713313-4418 or e-mail bailey_
[email protected].
In Loving Memory of
Shirley Tollett
12/21/52 - 7/3/10
Darling Shirley,
the calendar says that it has been a year.
Our hearts still ache like it was yesterday!
We miss you more than words can say.
Love Always, Philip and Christie
Career Day at Moore
Moore Elementary School recently held Career Day for all students, prekindergarten through fourth grade. The students had
the opportunity to learn about 25 different careers from parents and community members. Some of the speakers included
Deputy U.S. Marshall, Federal Aviation Administration inspector, researcher from Baylor University, the Houston Police Department, data analyst; Metro Police Department S.W.A.T., an
architect from Bay Area Architects, executive director of the
South Belt-Ellington Chamber of Commerce, funeral director
from Niday Funeral Home and Web programmer. Pictured at
right: Sgt. Zerick Guinn from the Precinct 2 Constable’s Office
motivates first-graders. Below, left: Brett Bates (right) from
the U.S. Coast Guard demonstrates rescue attire with Taylor
Richardson. Below, right: Left to right, Megan McInnis, Janna
Moody and Dave Matthews from Precint 1 Challenger 7 Program speak to students during Career Day at Moore Elementary.
Photos submitted
Please complete this entry & drop off at the front desk, South Belt-Ellington Leader.
Page 4, Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, June 30, 2011
Over The Back Fence
The following personnel and staff members of the Pasadena Independent School
District celebrate birthdays June 30 through
July 6.
Atkinson Elementary
Wishes for a wonderful birthday are sent
to Gisell Ortega July 3. July 6 is the day for
a party for Olga Soto.
Burnett Elementary
The day for a double-layer cake for Paula
Santibanez and Amy Vasquez is July 2.
Blow out the birthday candles for Eliezer
Torres July 4.
Bush Elementary
On June 30, Ashley Strickland celebrates a birthday. Stacy Anthony is wished
a happy birthday July 2. Derenda Dehoyos
has a birthday July 4.
Frazier Elementary
Blow out the birthday candles for Lindsey
Lesniewski on June 30.
Moore Elementary
Wishes for a happy birthday are sent to
Brenda Hull July 3.
South Belt Elementary
June 30 is the day for a birthday party
for Valerie Valdez. Happy birthday greetings are sent to Karla Camacho and Kasi
Weaver July 3.
Stuchbery Elementary
Blow out the birthday candles for Diane
Bader June 30. Marking a birthday July 4 is
Linda Overton. Birthday wishes are sent to
Cristel Lasater July 6.
Melillo Middle School
The day for a party for Christine Wright
is June 30. Ashley Chapman is sent a
birthday greeting July 5.
Morris Middle School
Lutheran South Academy goes high
tech with ‘One to One’ Laptop Program
by Jan
On July 1, Tawnia Gilbert-Baumann is
wished a happy birthday. Enjoying a birthday July 6 is Ellen Bridge.
Beverly Hills Intermediate
June 30 is the day for a birthday party
for Vanessa Schultz. Three cheers for a
happy birthday July 5 for Emily Morin, Ben
Portis and Cecillee Williams.
Thompson Intermediate
Lamona Lemarr enjoys a birthday July 2.
On July 5, Nicole Cannon has a birthday.
Dobie High
Blow out the birthday candles for Gayle
Erickson July 2.
E-mail birthday, anniversary, vacation,
congratulations, etc., to mynews@south with OTBF in the subject
line. Items must be submitted by Friday
noon for the next week’s publication.
SJC’s free training program results in job offers
A couple of months of free
workforce training at San
Jacinto College resulted in
immediate job interviews for
a class of 11 participants and
seven job offers from a local
manufacturing company.
Sponsored by the Department of Labor High Growth
and Emerging Industries
grant, the college was able to
provide three types of training courses free of charge to
dislocated or unemployed
workers and veterans for possible employment with manufacturing companies.
Training included the oneweek programmable logic
controller course, four-week
computer numerical control
course, and the eight-week
industrial automation technician course.
One participant, Garrison
Smith of Clear Lake, received
his job offer this week. Smith
recently retired from the U.S.
Navy after spending 24 years
working in military medicine
and gaining experience in advanced trauma care during
the Persian Gulf War. However, because he does not hold
formal degrees or certifications in medicine, he was
unable to obtain a health care
position as a civilian. Smith
said his next step was to find
another trade.
“I wanted to get back to
work,” said Smith. “I really
like the way these training
programs are set up. During
my interview, I could see how
my instructors really prepared
me for these types of jobs.
My training related directly to
my tour of the facility. That’s
when I knew that this training
program is for real.”
Smith’s classmate, Leonardo Fernandez of Houston,
was also offered a job as a
result of the free training program. Recently laid off from
his job in law enforcement, the 30-year-old dad
said he wanted to pick up
additional skills to further
secure job opportunities.
“A local employment
agency suggested I check into
the training programs through
San Jacinto College,” said
Fernandez, who is also a
Navy veteran. “I wanted a
new trade, something other
than military and law enforcement. I found that this program provides awesome
training to anyone looking for
a trade. I received 14 weeks
of training with no out- ofpocket expenses, plus I feel
well prepared to go right to
work for a manufacturing
Eligibility requirements
for the DOL HGEI grant pro-
grams at the college include
such documents as driver's
license; Social Security card;
proof of income; selective
service number for male
applicants; and either a birth
certificate, visa or passport
To qualify, participants
must be classified as either
low income, unemployed,
dislocated worker, or incumbent worker.
For more information
regarding the DOL HGEI
courses, contact Ellen Bay at
[email protected] or Deborah Johnson at deborah.
[email protected].
When school starts in
August, Lutheran South
Academy will bring a whole
new meaning to the old adage,
“The world is at your fingertips,” as the school implements the new 1:1 MacBook
Laptop Program in middle
school and high school.
As the landscape of education continues to change in
the 21st century, technology
in the classroom is necessary
for students to achieve success at the middle school,
high school, and college levels, as well as in the modern
day workplace.
Lutheran South will join
other well-known Houston
area private schools such as,
Episcopal High School,
Duchesne Academy, Second
Baptist School and Houston
Christian High School in
offering students the very best
in modern technology.
Sheila Psencik, newly
appointed head of school at
Lutheran South, said, “The
implementation of the 1:1
laptop program is going to
greatly enhance the educational process at Lutheran
South Academy.
“The immediate access to
technology and information is
going to be a blessing to both
our students and staff.”
The concept of a 1:1 program is not a new idea to the
campus, which has spent the
entire 2010-2011 school year
preparing for the process.
LSA teachers and staff received their own MacBook
Pros, as well as personalized
training, from Apple about
Dobie High School Spanish students recognized
Several Spanish students
from J. Frank Dobie High
School attained national recognition for excellent performance on the 2011 National
Spanish Examinations.
Six students from Dobie,
Jessica Armenta, Gabriela
Romero, Sara Mendoza, Alon-
dra Cahue, Loana Solis and
Tanisha Hernandez, earned
gold medals; six students, Karina Lopez, Michelle Lee, Sofia Guerrero, Erik Flores, Niza
Del Villar and Javier Aguirre,
earned silver medals; and 15,
Hortencia Armenta, Miryam
Alanis, Jocelyn Jimenez,
Katherine Houghton, Amanda Tran, Samantha Paredes,
Eusebio Maldanado, Tiffany
Mercado, Angel Salinas, Melina Ceja, Evelin Garmendez,
Anahi Hernandez-Rodriguez,
Jorge Fuentes, Ivette Alba
and Samantha Gomez, earned
bronze medals.
The students earned medals, along with more than 30
honorable mentions.
“Attaining a medal or honorable mention for any student on the National Spanish
Examinations is very prestigious,” said Kevin CessnaBuscemi, national director
of the exams, “because the
exams are the largest of their
kind in the United States with
140,373 students participating
in 2011.”
Students from Dobie
have a long history of high
achievement on these exams
and were taught by Spanish
teachers Jackie Hardwick, Luz
Ivanus, Beverly Krell and Ana
Margarita Valencia.
The National Spanish Examinations are administered
each year in grades six through
12 and sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of
Spanish and Portuguese.
the integration process.
With the new laptop program, each student in grades
6-12 will receive his or her
own personal 13-inch MacBook. Each student will lease
the MacBook from Lutheran
In addition to offering a
virus-free operating system,
the MacBooks will allow students the ability to become
not only consumers of information but also producers.
Through such programs as
Adobe Creative Suite 5, Apple
iLife, and Apple iWorks, as
well as a wealth of other tools
included in the Mac OSX
software, students can work
to enhance creativity.
Classrooms in the middle
and high schools will be
working to develop projects
that include video editing,
DVD production, podcasting,
and other creative forms of art
and digital media. For everyday productivity, each MacBook will come equipped
with Microsoft Office 2011.
Lutheran South Academy
is located at 12555 Ryewater
Drive in Houston. For more
information, visit http://www.
Lutheran South Academy eighth-grader Carla Della Femina creates yearbook
pages on her MacBook during journalism class. Pictured in the background
are journalism students Alex Walheim, Claire Grable and Austin Dooley.
Photo submitted
UHCL to hold workshop
for teachers of gifted, talented
Course fee is $40 per person, call
University of HoustonClear Lake will present GT for members of the Southeast UHCL Center for Educational
The Power of Creative Co-op and $60 for all others. Programs Registrar Joyce
For more information or Young at 281-283-3530, or
Thinking Friday, July 8, from
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the to register, visit http://soe. e-mail [email protected].
Bayou Building, Room 1438,
2700 Bay Area Blvd.
This workshop prepares
teachers of gifted and talentFINANCIAL SOLUTIONS
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students will learn practical
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hours of credit toward
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plan retreat Best Friends Boutique
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ton-Clear Lake Alumni Association Summer Planning
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Dobie Spanish students, left to right, Erik Flores, Brandon Gonzalez, Ivette Dorthy Tran, Audrey Beyer, Eusebio Maldonado, Paul Kim, Macy Trawick,
Alba, Sofia Guerrero and Anahi Hernandez-Rodriguez.
Ramish Rasool, Kevin Pham and Tiffany Mercado.
Retreat is set for Saturday,
July 16, from 8:30 a.m. to
1:30 p.m. in the Bayou
Building, Garden Room, at
UH-Clear Lake, 2700 Bay
Area Blvd.
Share ideas for upcoming
university programs and
make a difference in the community by attending this
open-to-the-public summer
planning retreat.
For more information,
contact UHCL’s Office of
Alumni and Community Relations at 281-283-2021 or
e-mail [email protected].
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Ahmad Mohamad, Sarah Merrill, Nilla Del Villar, Areli Aviles, Alondra Ca- Samantha Paredes, Britany McLean, Katherine Houghton, Claudia Gonzalez,
hue and Samantha Gomes.
Michelle Campos, Michelle Lee and Kate Inchun.
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11555 Beamer
35 years ago (1976)
City Councilman Frank
Mancuso acknowledged that
an additional exit from the
area was needed after a flood
stranded Sagemont, Sagemeadow, Sagemont Park and
Scarsdale residents in their
Two savings and loan
companies in the Almeda
Mall area were hit by a pair
of robbers who robbed three
S&L establishments in two
30 years ago (1981)
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul protested the proposal to use
Ellington Air Force Base as
a detention center for illegal
Haitian and Cuban aliens
at a meeting at Teague Elementary.
Southeast Volunteer firemen Brian Bennett and
Steve Lombardi rescued a
silver toy poodle from the
Beamer Road ditch.
25 years ago (1986)
Sagemont Baptist Church
held a ceremony celebrating its 20th anniversary.
The church began with 16
people on June 1, 1966. In
1988, the word Baptist was
removed from the church’s
name so that anyone looking for a church would feel
Woodmeadow resident
Charles Wilson was charged
with attempted murder and
aggravated assault after he
allegedly shot his wife then
turned the gun on himself.
20 years ago (1991)
Lightning hit a residence
in the 11100 block of Sagecountry.
South Belt’s local justice
of the peace, Judge Howard Wayland, took up the
responsibility of educating
the state’s justices of the
peace as vice chairman of
the education committee.
15 years ago (1996)
crowned Miss South Belt.
Metro reduced its fare
on the 247 Fuqua and 244
Monroe Park and Rides to
just $1 during July.
10 years ago (2001)
South Belt area community leaders were approached by Houston city
officials to become a Super
Jerry Speer, Jim Hulme
and Steve Jamail attended
the groundbreaking for
the new Dobie campus on
5 years ago (2006)
Five Dobie High School
students were awarded
scholarships from the Austin Jay Childs Memorial
Dobie High School band
director Ken Wright resigned after 19 years to start
a new position as the fine
arts director of Channelview ISD.
1 year ago (2010)
The man charged with
kidnapping and murdering
former South Belt resident
Susana De Jesus was sentenced to life in prison with
no chance of parole.
South Belt resident and
board of trustee member
Stuart J. Stromeyer resigned
from the Clear Creek Independent School District. A
member of the CCISD
board for four years, Stromeyer left his post because
he moved out of CCISD.
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Thursday, June 30, 2011, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section A, Page 5
Hilary Duff matches fundraiser total for SoHo dance team
South Houston High
School’s Jannettes dance
team packed up for a summer
camp excursion recently after
a successful garage sale fundraiser – fueled by the efforts
of neighbors, parents and a
famous Hollywood family –
filled the girls’ trip coffers.
Actress and singer Hilary
Duff announced that she
would pledge a match for the
$2,000 raised that morning
from a giant garage sale supported by her mother, Susan
Cobb Duff, herself a former
A 1971 South Houston
graduate, Susan Duff teamed
with friends in the business
community to provide hundreds of items to the fundraiser. She flew in from Los
Angeles to personally work
the sale alongside members
of the dance team.
The Jannettes left later to
attend the Showmakers Dance
Camp at Blinn College in
“I’m delighted to be able
to help these girls,” Susan
Duff said. “They deserve the
full support of the school, the
community and our alumni.
We’re going to look for other
ways we can help these girls
every year.”
Duff donated several of
her daughter’s personal items,
including an autographed
jacket and two pairs of autographed fashion shoes. Those
items alone fetched about
$300 in a silent auction.
The Jannettes collected
$2,000 from sales and donations during the fundraiser, a
little over half of what the
girls needed to cover their
$3,500 in camp costs.
Afterward, Hilary Duff,
announced that she would
match the sales total from the
“This was a great day for
us,” Jannettes director Saranya
Taylor said. “Susan was an
angel and absolutely amazing. She was so selfless with
her time. She gave us some
great fundraising ideas for the
rest of the year.”
Susan Duff enlisted the
support of her longtime
friend, Anne Rieniets, an
account executive with
Harvey-Daco, Inc., a Houston
marketing firm. Rieniets
arranged for the delivery of
several hundred items, including furniture.
The garage sale, held in
the front parking lot of the
school, began at dawn and
closed at noon.
Of the 54 members of the
Jannettes, 52 were on hand
for the garage sale. Parents
pitched in by unloading, sorting and tagging merchandise.
Several South Houston alumni turned out to lend support
and purchase items, including
Gardens Elementary librarian
Brenda Hughey Putnam, a
1969 South Houston grad
who once performed with the
Trojans’ drill team.
Susan Duff guided the
early careers of both Hilary
Duff and her older sister,
Haylie Duff, also a successful
Susan Duff (left) greets garage sale customer and actress. Hilary Duff shot to
high-school friend Brenda Hughey Putnam, a for- stardom as Lizzie McGuire in
mer Jannette who now serves as the librarian at the Disney Channel series by
the same name. She later
Gardens Elementary.
CDA convention a success
Recently, 17 women from
Catholic Daughters of the
Americas Court Mother of
Unity #2292 attended the 47th
biennial state convention in
The convention, attended
by more than 1,000 members,
clergy and guests, opened on
Thursday evening with Mass
celebrated by Cardinal Daniel
DiNardo at the Sacred Heart
Co-Cathedral in downtown
Houston. Local and state officers processed in, wearing the
robes signifying the office
they held.
The keynote speaker on
Friday was Sister Marie Lewis
Jones, who delivered her
address highlighting the convention motto, Do whatever
He tells you, and admonished
the members to “try not to get
in God’s way.”
Convention business included the election of officers
for the coming two years, voting on bylaw changes, and
handing out awards to the
courts and individuals who
had excelled in service the
previous year. However, there
was always time for fun.
Friday night’s Wild, Wild
West Extravaganza was a hit
with the women who were
decked out in jeans, boots,
hats and bling, and a few who
chose to wear sassy saloon gal
finery. All were treated to a
barbecue buffet and a night
filled with western music,
games including a stick horse
race, a shoot-out at the OK
Corral and a bull to ride.
During the course of the
convention, a memorial Mass
for deceased members was
celebrated by The Rev. Donald Ruppert of East Bernard,
as well as a Junior Catholic
Daughter Mass officiated by
the Rev. John Peters of
Career Exploration
Workshop at UHCL
Explore career options with
an intensive, in-depth summer
career exploration workshop
designed to help those with
questions about their career
path offered by University of
Houston-Clear Lake’s Office of
Career and Counseling Services.
Register now to attend the
workshop scheduled for July
15, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and
July 29, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30
p.m., in the university’s Student
Services Classroom Building,
Room 3101.
Workshops are led by experienced counselors and psychologists on the university’s
Career and Counseling Services
staff. Vocational assessments
include interest and personality
testing, self-assessment exercises, review of educational and
work experience, presentations
by workshop leaders and career
information resources. Space is
limited to eight participants.
Participants must attend
both Friday workshops and
complete intake forms prior to
the first class.
Fee is $200 for the general
public, with discounts available
to area students from any university or college, university
alumni, and faculty and staff.
For information, call 281283-2580 or visit http://www.
Hall Rentals
Weddings, Receptions, Graduation Parties,
Reunions, Business Meetings, Training Purposes
Seating Capacity: 300 • $200 Deposit
$750 per day • $200 police officers
(If alcohol is served, BYOB)
Includes cleaning, bar tenders, tables and chairs
American Legion Post 490
11702 Galveston Road
Houston, TX 77034 (across from Ellington Field)
Hall Coordinator: Wendell F. Denney
Office: 281-481-1179 Fax: 281-648-9795 Cell: 713-515-8267
A guest speaker of the convention was Chris Lewis,
Jerry Lewis’ son, president of
the American Wheelchair
Organization/Mission, whose
goal is to connect those who
cannot walk with a wheelchair
to get them out of bed and into
the mainstream of life.
Lewis showed a heartwrenching video on the difference wheelchairs have made
in the lives of many people,
not just in America, but around
the world.
On Saturday, after the conclusion of official business for
the day, several workshops
were presented for members
and guests to attend including
Attitude is the Chocolate of
Life and Relaxa-tion and
Stress Management, along
with ones regarding the CDA
website, honor guard and ceremonies, and one addressing
the decline in membership.
The theme for the Saturday
night banquet where the newly
elected officers were presented was Red Roses.
During the banquet, “Gen.
Sam Houston” made an
appearance and regaled
attendees with a brief history
of Texas and his roll in the
formation of the new republic.
Following his address,
state regent awards were presented by outgoing Regent
Shelia Martinka of Deer Park,
one of which was to Janis
Wright of Court Mother of
Unity for her service as treasurer of the 2011 State CDA
On Sunday, 94 women
participated in a walk/run
event to raise money for state
charities prior to the opening
of the final session.
The convention closed
with an invitation to the next
state convention to be held in
San Antonio in 2013, retiring
of the colors and Mass of
installation charging the
newly elected officers with
their new duties.
Any Catholic woman in
the area is invited to investigate this group of women and
join with them to “make a difference” in the world, “doing
what He tells you!”
For more information regarding the Catholic Daughters, call 281-484-4170.
branched out into pop music gural inductees named to
and merchandising.
In March, Susan Duff was School’s Hall of Honor.
The Jannettes are planning
included in a group of inau-
Ortiz Quinceñera held
an August car wash where
they will offer hundreds of
unsold items from this garage
Sabrina Adriana Ortiz,
daughter of Julian and
Frances Ortiz of South Belt,
celebrated her 15th birthday
with a Quinceñera celebration on Saturday, June 25, at
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Church and El Palacio Real
reception hall. Ortiz will enter her sophomore year at
Incarnate Word Academy
this fall. She plays varsity
softball and volleyball for
IWA. The Court of Honor
included: Eric Seibert as
her main escort – attends
Luthern South Academy;
Alyssa Uribe-Munoz – attends IWA; Ashley Marie
Ruiz – attends Dobie High
School; Evelyn Leal – attends IWA; Florencia Rangel – attends Yes Academy;
Khuyen Kim Huynh of Sagemont – attends IWA; Lisa
Perez – attends IWA; and
Lydia Mendez – attends
Stevenson Middle School.
Susan Cobb Duff (third from left), a 1971 South Houston graduate and the
mother of Hollywood celebrities Hilary and Haylie Duff, poses with the
Jannettes’ 2011-2012 officers, left to right, Jasmine Badillo, junior lieutenant;
Vlaney Rodriguez, colonel; Evelyne Rodriguez, senior lieutenant; Lori Lavador,
junior lieutenant; and Rebecca Regalado, lieutenant colonel. Photos submitted
Burnett releases 4th 9-weeks honor, merit rolls
Burnett Elementary recently announced its honor and
merit rolls for the fourth nineweeks grading period. Students earning status are:
Honor roll
First grade
Rafael Argueta, Oscar
Carbajal, Saul Carballo, Alani
Chapa, Melena Dongsi,
Gerardo Escamilla, Jessica
Flores and Kaylee Goodrum.
Hassan Gutierrez, Jorge
Jaimes, Alexis Kamal, Lexi
Martinez, Elissa Nandin,
Brian Nguyen, Alejandro
Ramos and Celia Rocha.
Vanessa Rocha, Lisette
Rodriguez, Nikolas Rodriguez,
Kianna Tran, Nayely Faz
Urias and Melanie Velazquez.
Second grade
Gail Aflalo, Sophia
Aguirre, Antonio Aviles, Jasmin Benitez, Bianca Curry,
Vanessa Garza, Erica Hay,
Johana Jasso and Adrian
Valerie Martinez, Desiree
Miller, Lucus Nguyen, Celeste Ortiz, Jocelyn Robles,
Madeline Schwausch, Gilly
Spencer and Alexa Villarreal.
Third grade
Christopher Bowser, Jocelyn Bustos, Courtney Chung,
Enoc Curiel, Quang Do,
Angelina Dong, Nancy Flores
and Andrew Garcia.
Daniel Garza, Eduardo
Gonzalez, Rogelio Guajardo,
Milow Lozano, Christian
Medina, Jesus Montes and
Naomi Rodriguez.
Fourth grade
Arismendy Aristy, Omar
Chapa, Osvaldo Escamilla,
Stephanie Herrera, Katherine
Martinez, Lexee Miller and
Tiffany Nguyen.
Morgan Rankins, Rijja
Rasool, Lauren Schwausch,
Emily Solis, Giovanni Solis,
Ariana Toran, John Velarde
and Marco Velazquez.
Merit roll
First grade
Jaidyn Almaguer, Gabriel
BaIsmael Banda, Joe Chicas,
Moses Estrada, Angel Garza,
Boris Hernandez, Guadalupe
Hernandez, Emily Legaspi,
Laci Leija, Eden Limas and
Larry Lopez.
Alex Mateo, Crystal Mejia,
Nataly Mendez, Leslie Mendoza, Han Nguyen, Tommy
Nguyen, Angel Oliva, Oscar
Pereznegron, Dalal Rammadan and Luke Wittenberg.
Second grade
Isabel Acevedo, Melisa
Bonilla, Kalicia Davis, Aixa
Guerra, Eva Pineda, Melanie
Rios and TayVion Taylor.
Third grade
Seth Gonzalez, Arryanna
Martinez, Ashly Mathew,
Sergio Roman, Alex Rosalez
and Cameron Serenil.
Fourth grade
Briana Cavazos, Alan
Contreras, Leila Leija and
Kiana Williams.
All year honor roll
First grade
Alani Chapa, Melena
Dongsi, Jessica Flores, Kaylee
Goodrum, Alexis Kamal,
Lexi Martinez, Elissa Nandin,
Vanessa Rocha, Nikolas
Rodriguez, Nayely Faz Urias
and Melanie Velazquez.
Second grade
Gail Aflalo, Jasmin Benitez, Johana Jasso, Valerie Martinez and Madeline Schwausch.
Third grade
Jocelyn Bustos, Nancy
Flores, Andrew Garcia,
Eduardo Gonzalez, Milow
Lozano, Christian Medina,
Jesus Montes and Naomi
Fourth grade
Arismendy Aristy, Omar
Chapa, Osvaldo Escamilla,
Tiffany Nguyen, Rijja Rasool,
Emily Solis, Giovani Solis,
Ariana Toran, John Velarde
and Marco Velazquez.
All year merit roll
First grade
Joe Chicas, Hassan Gutierrez, Nataly Mendez, Brian
Nguyen, Han Nguyen, Lisette
Rodriguez and Kianna Tran.
Second grade
Isabel Acevedo, Sophia
Aguirre, Antonio Aviles,
Bianca Curry, Kalicia Davis,
Aixa Guerra and Erica Hay.
Adrian Maldonado, Desiree Miller, Celeste Ortiz,
Melanie Rios, Jocelyn Robles,
Gilly Spencer and TayVion
Third grade
Courtney Chung, Enoc
Curiel, Quang Do, Angelina
Dong, Daniel Garza, Rogelio
Guajardo, Alex Rosalez and
Cameron Serenil.
Fourth grade
Alan Contreras, Leila
Leija, Katherine Martinez,
Schwausch and Alejandro
Perfect attendance
All year
Isabel Acevedo, Denise
Acosta, Laura Acosta, Alfredo
Alvor, Xavier Andrade, Isai
Arenas, Alaric Arriazola,
Cauzette Arriazola, Aracely
Aviles and Enrique Banda.
Nancy Bazaldua, Eduardo
Beltran, Jasmin Benitez,
Briana Cavazos, Courtney
Chung, London Clarke, Kayla
Coleman, Alan Contreras and
Yessica Cruz.
Tailin Curtis, Jessyca
Emiliano, Leslie Mendoza
Emiliano, Carlos Figueroa,
Iveth Flores, Lyzbeth Flores,
Carla Garcia, Cayla Garcia
and Seth Gonzalez.
Arturo Hernandez, Cynthia
Hernandez, Stephanie Herrera, Brauna Hill, Jorge
Jaimes, Johana Jasso, Ariana
Jimenez, Matthew Jordan and
Emily Legaspi.
Nayeli Legaspi, Adrian
Maldonado, Cristian Mateo,
Mendoza, Isaac Mestizo, Joel
Morales, Mario Moreno and
Victor Nguyen.
Celeste Ortiz, Eva Pineda,
Samuel Pineda, Refugio
Pulido, Tariq Rammadan,
Jacob Raines, Hector Rendon,
Jesus Rios, Ivan Rivera and
Christian Rodriguez.
Luzmaria Roman, Jayro
Salamanca, Dimitri Salinas,
Lendi Santos, Naomi Saravia,
Giovani Solis, Amy Tieu and
Zuleyma Zometa.
Kindergarten Achievement
All year
Eduardo Beltran, London
Clarke, Kayla Coleman,
Jonathan Contreras, Aliaya
Doyle, Jonathan Espinoza,
Juan Estrada, Kayla Fields
and Iveth Flores.
Lyzbeth Flores, Kayle
Frank, Sophia Garay, Serenity
Garcia, Lauren Garza, Johana
Godinez, Victoria Gonzalez,
Angel Hernandez, Hector
Lopez and Cindy Medina.
Mario Moreno, Isabela
Nunez, Emily Pereznegron,
Alejandro Rivera, Alyssa
Rodriguez, Fabian Rodriguez,
Marissa Rojas, Amari Sandoval, Seth Serenil and Eric
Good Citizenship
Award recipients
Denise Acosta, Gail Aflalo,
Sherlyn Aguillon, Sophia
Aguirre, Jizelle Alfaro,
Larinna Alvarez, Andres Andrade, Brisa Antunez, Jasmine
Arevalo and Aslyn Argueta.
Maritza Arreola, Antonio
Aviles, Leobardo Aviles,
Ismael Banda, Christopher
Bowser, Keelan Brannon,
Alan Bui, Jocelyn Bustos and
Dominic Caballero.
Dalilah Cantu-Bravo, Oscar Carbajal, Aaron Cepeda,
Omar Chapa, Diocelina
Chavez, Kayla Coleman, Tia
Collins, Manuel Colunga and
Alan Contreras.
Bianca Curry, Melanie
DeLaRosa, Yalat DeLuna,
Dustin Dominguez, Melena
Dongsi, Ostin Elmore, Ivan
Escuadra, Erin Esquivel and
Marissa Estrada.
Moses Estrada, Nancy
Flores, Selena Galicia, Gloria
Galvan, Alexsia Garcia,
Aranzasu Garcia, Elmer
Garcia, Jaydon Garcia, Juliana
Garcia and Victor Garcia.
Lauren Garza, Mikeala
Garza, Malayja Gonzales,
Eduardo Gonzalez, Luis
Gonzalez, Victoria Gonzalez,
Kaylee Goodrum, Aixa
Guerra and Max Guerra.
Sean Guillen, Erica Hay,
Angel Hernandez, Arturo
Hernandez, Jacky Hernandez,
Joel Herrera, Sharon Holifield,
George Juarez, Kristine Lara
and Valerie Lara.
Nayeli Legaspi, Milow
Lozano, Adrian Maldonado,
Maria Manzano, Ivette
Maravilla, Arryanna Martinez,
Joscelin Martinez, Katherine
Martinez and Lluvia Martinez.
Loren Martinez, Valerie
Martinez, Esteven Mata,
Ashly Mathew, Emily Mauro,
Amy Medina, Jessica Medina,
Armando Medrano, Crystal
Aliyah Salas, Rodolfo Salinas,
Steven Sandoval, Lendi Santos and Emerson Sarabia.
Naomi Saravia, Hailee
Schumann, Lauren Schwausch,
Emmanuel Serna, Justin
Silva, Jesse Simmons, Robert
Smallwood, Joshua Soto, Eric
Starks, Gonzalo Suarez and
Karen Tamez.
Hermynie Taylor, Michael
Taylor, TayVion Taylor, Tiarra
Taylor, Alexa Torres, Mary
Tran, Nayely Faz Urias and
John Velarde.
Marco Velazquez, Melanie
Velazquez, Alexa Villarreal,
Melanie Vo, Ava Walker,
Kiana Williams, Luke Wittenberg, William Zometa and
Angie Zuviri.
Hobby Lions Club to meet
Houston Hobby Airport Lions Club will meet
Wednesday, July 6, at 11:30 a.m. at the Golden Corral at
Fuqua and I-45. For more information, call Monica
Montoya at 281-794-5531.
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Child Care & Learning Center
Wedding, engagement policies
Wedding writeups must be run in the newspaper, not submitted, in the time outlined:
From wedding date to six weeks – photo and full article; six
weeks to three months – photo and limited information; after
three months from wedding date – will not be run.
Engagement and wedding announcements are published free
of charge on a first come, first served basis. Information must
be submitted by Friday to be considered for the next issue.
Mejia and Marco Mendoza.
Paula Mendoza, Amir
Miles, Desiree Miller, Adrian
Monita, Eduardo Morales,
Noel Morales, Eliseo Moreno,
Fabian Moreno, Terry Nguyen
and Vivian Nguyen.
Luis Nieves, Kevin Ochoa,
Yulissa Oliva, Celeste Ortiz,
Mariana Pantoja, Jaqueline
Peralta, Alexandra Perez,
Gilberto Perez, Johana Perez
and Xavier Ramirez.
Morgan Rankins, Rijja
Rasool, Joah Reynolds, Albert
Rios, Melanie Rios, Alejandro
Rivera, Destiny Rodriguez,
Fabian Rodriguez, Lisette
Rodriguez and Joshua Rojas.
Marissa Rojas, Sergio Roman, Alex Rosalez, Destiny
Rosalez, Jayro Salamanca,
Ms. Janet’s Children of the Future
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Ms. Janet’s is providing pick-up service from WEBER & PASADENA SCHOOLS
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The Catholic Community of
Rev. James Burkart, Pastor
Rev. Thomas Puthusseril, Parochial Vicar
11011 Hall Rd. Houston, TX 77089
(between Beamer & Blackhawk)
Vigil 5:30 p.m.
7:30, 9:15, 11:15 a.m.
1:00 p.m. Misa en Espanol
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9:00 a.m.
Tuesday & Thursday
7:00 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated
Thursday 6 to 7 p.m
Saturday 4 to 5 p.m.
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Youth Ministry 281-481-4735
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Where God Makes Lives Better
10811 Kirkfair (At Beamer)
New Covenant
Christian Church
10603 Blackhawk
Bill & Cheryl Hines, Pastors
Sunday School - 9 a.m.
Worship for Everyone - 10 a.m.
Listen to our Minister’s messages at
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Mid-Week Service • 7:45 p.m.
Worship Service • 10:45 a.m.
Nursery Available at all Services
Cokesbury United Methodist Church
281-484-9243 • 10030 Scarsdale Blvd.
Page 6, Section A, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, June 30, 2011
South Belters share 2011 vacation photos
Gateses relax in Mexico
Hoth family cruises the Caribbean
During a recent cruise vacation
through the Western Caribbean,
South Belt residents Irene Hoth,
husband Peter “Hot H,” son David
and wife Tammy, and granddaughter Alyssa had a fabulous time.
Left: Irene enjoys a daring ride
on a 2,600-foot-long flight line, the
world’s longest flight line over water in Labadee, Haiti.
Top right: The family poses during
formal night on the cruise. Shown
are, left to right, Peter, Irene, Alyssa, David and Tammy.
Bottom right: Tammy and Alyssa
get wet fun in the pool area.
Below: Peter at the market at Fallmouth, Jamaica.
Delores and Brian Gates spent
time in Cancun-Rivera Maya,
Mexico. The couple was invited to
go on vacation for seven days with
Delores’ niece and her family. Due
to the recent stories of crime in
Mexico, they were apprehensive
about going. For months they
wrestled with whether or not to
go, but in the end, the decision was
the right one.
Top photo: Brian (right) arranged and surprised Delores with
a romantic dinner to celebrate
their fifth wedding anniversary.
Bottom photo: Delores relaxes on
a hammock by the beach.
Kidz World Pre-School Academy
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Grace Community Church
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Houston, TX 77034
In May, the Daley family
got the chance to enjoy a
trip to Stone Mountain,
Ga., and hike the 1.3 mile
trek to the top of Stone
Mountain. Pictured, the
Daley’s youngest son, Micah, 2, second from left,
dons a big, proud smile
after reaching the top.
He enjoyed going up the
mountain with, left to
right, his brother, Trent, 7,
brother Adam, 4, dad Ben
and sister Ella, 6. Mom
Heather (not pictured)
also made the trek.
July 4th Show!
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Thursday, June 30, 2011, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section B, Page 1
$26.99 oil change + free full service wash
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All-star baseball pace quickens
The Texas District 15
Little League baseball allstar season is heating up
just in time for the July 4th
holiday with the start of four
age group tournaments.
Teams in the 9-10, 10-
11 and 11-12-year-old age
divisions will begin competition in their respective
double elimination tourmaments starting July 1.
The junior division (1314) tournament, which will
be hosted by the SagemontBeverly Hills Little League
at El Franco Lee Park, will
get under way July 5.
In the 9-10-year-old division, SBHLL will open
against OFA on July 1, at 8
p.m., at El Franco Lee Park.
The East End Little League
facility is also a co-host of
the event, which is slated to
continue through July 9.
Other teams in the division include Pearland
F + J Cigars
364-C FM 1959
Fine Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco
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Maroon, Dixie, Pearland
White, Friendswood, East
End and South Houston.
Sagemont-Beverly Hills
will open the 10-11-yearold tournament at the
Friendswood Little League
facility. In the first game for
the locals, the opponent will
be Pearland White July 1, at
6 p.m.
The other teams in the
division include South
Houston, Pearland Maroon,
Friendswood and OFA.
As for the 11-12-yearold AS division, SBHLL
Continued on Page 2B
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External Check
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The memorable 2010 varsity football season at Dobie High School was just the beginning for the Longhorns’ athletic program that delivered one of the finest
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Above, Dobie running back Andrew Robinson (22) ran
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By John Bechtle
Sports Editor
The results speak for
themselves, the Dobie High
School athletic department
delivered one of the finest
years in school history during the 2010-2011 academic
It all begam during the
fall semester when the
Longhorns’ varsity football
team won a district title for
the first time since 1999 en
route to an 8-3 overall record, Yet, that was just the
As the year progressed,
Dobie went on to place two
different team sports, boys’
varsity soccer and varsity
softball, in the regional fi-
It’s been a hot spring
and summer season in more
ways than one for the Rising
Stars Track Club as several
members are among the nation’s best heading into the
regional and national competitions.
The Amateur Athletic
Union’s regional meet began June 29 and will continue through July 2 at
Atascocita High School.
If expectations pan out,
the Rising Stars will be taking a large contingent of
athletes to the AAU Junior
Olympic Games, to be held
July 30 through Aug. 6 at
Tad Gormley Stadium in
New Orleans.
Rising Stars head coach
Ivory Kimble, who has been
coaching track and field athletes for roughly 25 years
now, says the 2011 season
has been special in that the
athletes have remained fo-
tainly enjoyed its share of
success during the school
year, particularly in cross
country, track and field,
baseball and softball, but
Dobie grabbed more than
its share of the spotlight.
There are those who will
point to the fact that Dobie
merely had to squeeze past
two other schools to reach
the postseason in many of
the team sports.
With just Deer Park,
Dobie, Memorial, South
Houston, Sam Rayburn and
Pasadena in the mix for four
available playoff berths in
the team sports, the jouney
was certainly easier to navigate. But, it must also be
said that the Longhorns’ re-
cord shows few incidences
of taking the easy route.
Football back on track
Having missed out on
the playoff party in each of
the previous six seasons, the
Longhorns weren’t considered the frontrunners in the
22-5A football ranks entering the season.
But that all changed
very quickly. Dobie simply
pounded each of its five 225A opponents, scoring 198
points over the five games
while surrendering just 44.
The team’s most impressive win might have come
against Memorial in the second week of district play.
Surrendering the momenContinued on Page 6B
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At right, D’Vaughn Pennamon was the Pasadena Independent School
District champion in
three different track
and field events this
spring, including the triple jump as he went 38
feet for the gold medal.
Having spent a summer
as a member of the Rising Stars Track Club,
Pennamon, an incoming
eighth-grade student at
Beverly Hills, has taken his skills to a higher
H appy
4th o
f Ju l y
“FULL SERVICE Makes Your Investment EASIER”
cused on the track, allowing
the workouts to run smoothly. Along the way, many of
the athletes have taken big
steps in their respective
“If you talk to the parents, there are high expectations for a lot of these kids
Continued on Page 3B
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nals. It marked just the second time in school history
that two teams advanced
that far in the same school
In 1995, varsity boys’
basketball coach Scott Talton took his team to the Region III title game. Ditto for
the varsity baseball team,
which advanced to the Region III title series, led by
Jim Mavroulis.
As for 2010-2011, Dobie
was the best in the Pasadena
Independent School District, winning the athletic
department’s PISD Cup
championship for the second year in a row.
Fellow District 22-5A
competitor Deer Park cer-
Rising Stars tracksters
excel as nation’s elite
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through and around the Sam Rayburn Texans and all
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the year.
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Page 2, Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, June 30, 2011
Four TD15 all-star events set to go
Continued from Page 1B
has drawn Friendswood in
its tournament opener. That
game is July 1 at the Pearland Little League facility,
at 8 p.m.
Other teams in the
include Pearland Maroon,
Magnolia, East End, Pearland White, OFA, South
Houston and Dixie. The
event is scheduled to run
through July 9, with a break
included for July 4th.
In the junior division, the
locals are hoping to benefit from playing the role of
tournament hosts.
SBHLL’s junior all-star
team will take on Dixie in
the first game of the Texas
District 15 tournament July
5, at 8 p.m.
Cardinals; DeJuan Dixson,
Braves; Joey Espinosa,
Rangers; Michael Fuqua,
Astros; Hunter Garcia,
Braves; Kevin Gartner,
Phillies; Andres Padilla,
Marlins; Jacob Sims, Diamondbacks; Jacob Sulak,
Cubs; Torrey Tapper, Rangers; A.J. Martinez, AAA
Orioles; David Zermeno,
Orioles; and Triston Gibson, Orioles.
The Sagemont-Beverly
Hills Little League’s 11-12year old stars that will compete in the major division
are Alex Barosh, Astros;
Kristopher Cormier, Braves;
Nathaniel Dominguez, Diamondbacks; Jeremy Green,
Cubs; Darius Hypolite,
Braves; Darian Henry, Astros; James Jackson, Rang-
Other teams included in
the junior mix are Pearland,
OFA and South Houston.
The event will be held July
5 through July 10.
The Sagemont-Beverly Hills Little League’s
9-10-year-old all-stars include Matthew Benitez,
Phillies; Camryn Davis,
Astros; Dustin Dominguez,
Astros; Matthew Escalera,
Rangers; Max Garcia, Orioles; Quirino Guajardo,
Orioles; Mateo Guzman,
Orioles; Ramiro Moreno,
Orioles; Ramon Ortega,
Orioles; Fernando Perez
III, Astros; Aaron Ramirez,
Orioles; and Seth Gutierrez,
Major Diamondbacks.
In the 10-11-year-old
division, the SBHLL allstars are Jonathan Acosta,
ers; Wayne Lominac Jr.,
Astros; Jesus Paredes, Diamondbacks; David Riojas
Jr., Rangers; Jesus Tijerina,
Diamondbacks; and Robby
Zavaleta, Astros.
In the junior division,
Hills Little League will
be represented by DeAndre Jackson, Astros; Garrett Hunt, Marlins; Marcos
Martinez, Marlins; Damian
Molina, Marlins; Michael
Munoz, Phillies; Adrian Rivera, Marlins; Nathan David, Mets; Jimmy Trevino,
Mets; Anthony Cantu, Padres; Mason Miller, Phillies; John Rico Jr., Phillies;
Rogelio Rodriguez, Padres;
Jacob Alford, Phillies; and
Nathaniel Martinez, Phillies.
Texas District 15 All-Stars tournament opening games
Age 9-10 at SBHLL facility
Age 11-12 at Pearland facility
Friday, July 1, 8 p.m.
SBHLL vs. Friendswood
Friday, July 1, 8 p.m.
Age 10-11 at Friendswood facility
Juniors at SBHLL facility
SBHLL vs. Pearland White
Friday, July 1, 6 p.m.
SBHLL vs. Dixie
Friday, July 5, 8 p.m.
7-1-11, 8p
SBH (1
SBH (7
7-1-11, 6p
SBH (2
7-1-11, 6p
EE (3
EE (8
7-1-11, 8p
EE (4
SBH 5)
Hosts: Sagemont L.L.
East End L.L.
EE 6)
Tournament Director- Randall Smith ADA
Little League Baseball
Texas East District 15
10-11 Year Old
2011 Baseball Tournament
JFD baseball
booster club
meets July 6
Little League Baseball
Texas East District 15
11-12 Year Old (Majors)
2011 Baseball Tournament
7-1-11, 6
PL (2
Host Site: Pearland LL
South Houston LL
7-1-11, 8
PL (3
Three members of the
Southwest Athletic Trainers’ Association, including Cathy Supak of Clear
Brook High School, will receive the SATA’s Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer
Award at the 57th annual
meeting and clinical symposium July 15 at the Westin Galleria.
SATA, a not-for-profit
organization representing
and supporting members
of the athletic training profession, will honor trainers
from Texas and Arkansas.
The honorees are to be
recognized for their significant contributions and dedicated service to the athletic
training profession at the
Supak, Britney Webb
of Texas State University
and George Young of Texas
Health Presbyterian Hospital will be among the honorees in their category for this
The Most Distinguished
Athletic Trainer award was
developed for the purpose
of recognizing a member of
District VI whose dedicated
service, past achievements
and professional contributions have furthered the advancement of the SATA and
the athletic training profession.
Host Sites: Friendswood LL
7-1-11, 8
SH (4
7-3-11, 5pm
SH (8
SH (5
7-1-11, 6
SH (1
7-3-11, 7
SH 9)
7-3-11, 5
7-2-11, 7
SH 6)
Little League Baseball
Texas East District 15
2011 Baseball Tournament
7-5-11, 5:30
Host Site: Sagemont LL
Host: Sagemont L.L.
-11, 6p
Field 4 (1
7-7-11, 5:30pm
7-9-11, 7p
7-2-11, 4p
Field 1 (4
7-8-11, 7pm
Field 1(10
-11, 7p
Field 1 (2
7-6-11, 5:30
(if necessary)(9
7-9-11, 7pm
7-7-11, 7
Field 1 9)
7-5-11, 8pm
7-6-11, 7p
Field 1 8)
7-8-11, 7pm
Host: Friendswood L.L.
7-2-11, 5
7-5-11, 7pm
Field 1 (7
7-2-11, 7p
Field 1 (3
Hosts: Pearland L.L.
South Houston L.L.
7-2-11, 7pm
PL (7
Clear Brook
trainer Supak
gets honor
Hosts: Sagemont LL
East End LL
At right, the Sagemont-Beverly
Hills Little League
11-12-year-old majors
all-star team captured
second place at the
Firecracker all-star tuneup tournament at the
Friendswood Little
League facility. The
event was designed to
help area teams prepare for the upcoming
Texas District 15 allstar tournament. The
local team included,
left to right, (front
row) Alec Barosh,
Jeremy Green, Jesus
Tijerina, Kristopher
Cormier, Darius Hypolite, (back row)
manager Wayne Lominac, Robby Zavaleta, Darrian Henry, Nate Dominguez,
Jesse Paredes, Wayne
Lominac Jr, coach
Jesse Tijerina, David
Rojas Jr, James Jackson and coach Jeff
The Dobie Diamond
Club, the Longhorns’ baseball booster organization,
will host a parent meeting
Wednesday, July 6, at 7
p.m. in the athletics media
For more information,
call Gloria Sanchez at 713303-9157 or Lisa Manriquez
at 713-516-7539.
Little League Baseball
Texas East District 15
9-10 Year Old
2011 Baseball Tournament
Sagemont-Beverly Hills 11-12s second at tune-up tourney
7-7-11, 8pm
7-5-11, 7p
Field 4 6)
7-2-11, 5p
Field 4 5)
7-6-11, 8pm
Thursday, June 30, 2011, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Section B, Page 3
Rising Stars Track Club takes aim at regional, national meets
At left, Rising Stars
track and field athlete
Daniel Lewis is part of
the younger generation of athletes on the
team but he has already
stood out in his respective events. At 12 years
old, Lewis has cleared
14 feet, 5 inches in the
long jump, which places
him among the top 45
in the nation. Lewis will
be one of more than a
dozen athletes from the
Rising Stars who will be
competing at regionals
in hopes of reaching the
national level late next
Photo by John Bechtle
Thompson Intermediate Football Camp
Aug. 1 to Aug. 5 at the school
Applicant’s Name:
Grade entering 2011-2012:
Positions: Offense:
I wish to enroll my child in the 2011 football camp. I understand that neither
the coaches nor anyone connected with the football camp will assume any
responsibility for accidents, medical, dental or other expenses incurred as a
result of injuries sustained during the camp. I further acknowledge that my
child is physically fit to participate.
Parent / Guardian signature:
Home phone:
Work phone:
Emergency contact/phone:
Camp to be held at Thompson Intermediate School
Continued from Page 1B
to go to nationals. It’s been
a great summer so far. The
kids have come out and
done everything we have
asked, and the parental support has been great.”
As for the athletes’ performance, there have been
plenty of shining moments.
The national rankings
change often during this
time of year, but the Rising
Stars have a dozen or more
athletes who have posted
times in the running events
or distances in the field
events that rank among the
top 45 nationally.
With that in mind, the
Stars will try not to look
past the regional competition with nationals on the
horizon later this summer.
D’Vaughn Pennamon,
one of the stars of the Pasadena Independent School
District track and field season last spring as a seventhgrade student at Beverly
Hills Intermediate, has continued to improve.
Pennamon, who turned
13 just days ago, is ranked
second nationally in the triple jump at 38 feet, 2 inches, He won the PISD district
title in April at 38 feet.
At 18-9, Pennamon
is ranked sixth in the nation, and his time of 55.48
seconds in the 400-meter
dash is sixth. At 23.8, his
200-meter time is 20th in
the country.
Chelsea Williams, a
2011 Dobie graduate, ranks
19th in the nation at 12 minutes in the 3,000 meters and
23rd in the 1,500 meters at
Constance Jacobs, 16,
who attends Clear Brook, is
also a talented middle distance and distance runner.
Jacobs is 29th at 5:20.00
in the 1,500-meter run
and 31st at 2:28.00 in the
800-meter run.
Zion Walker has also
enjoyed a terrific summer
in the distance events. He
ranks fourth in the nation
with a time of 10:37.00 in
the 3,000 meters, and his
time of 2:22.00 is seventh in
the country at the 800-meter
distance. Walker’s time of
4:54.11 is ninth nationally
in the 1,500-meter run.
Walker’s brother, 8-yearold Zaire Walker, ranks
18th in the country in the
800-meter run with a time
of 2:50.00.
Cameron Devereaux, a
10-year-old, ranks third in
the nation at 5:08.00 in the
1,500-meter run and 12th
at 2:32.00 in the 800-meter
Desmond Burnett, who
throws the weights, ranks
13th at 41-2 in the shot put
JFD 7/7 plans
state journey
to Texas A&M
H-Town Jokers 10-U tryout
Those representing the
Dobie team in the summer 7-on-7 football
program are finalizing
plans to make the team’s
first-ever trip to the state
tournament. The Division I Texas State 7-on-7
tournament will be held
July 15-16 at Texas A&M
University in College
Station. Dobie advanced
by winning a state qualifying tournament at Texas City High School earlier this month. At state,
Dobie will be joined by
dozens of other teams
representing their high
schools. The team is still
seeking donations to
help cover expenses associated with the out-oftown trip. Those wishing
to assist the team may
call Tracy Washington
at 832-396-7839. At right
is Dobie quarterback
Blake Jackson.
The H-Town Jokers select baseball program is
seeking players for its 10-under baseball team. The
Jokers will host tryouts, including an intrasquad
game, July 16-17. Serious players may call coach
Rudy Mendez at 713-478-1495 or direct e-mail to
Josie Mendez at [email protected]. Those interested may also visit the team website at www.
SJC youth hoops camp
San Jacinto College invites boys and girls, ages
7-18, to register for the 2011 basketball camp at the
Central campus. The first session is scheduled for
July 18-22. The second is from July 25-29. Both
sessions are held from 2 to 5 p.m., inside Anders
Gymnasium, located at 8060 Spencer Highway in
Brook volleyball camp
Clear Brook High School varsity volleyball
coach Meredith Thompson and her staff will host
the 2011 Lady Wolverines’ youth camp July 25-29
at the school. Students entering the fourth through
ninth grades as of the 2011-2012 school year are
eligible to attend. To register, visit the volleyball
website at
Dobie girls’ hoops camp
Dobie varsity girls’ basketball head coach Shane
Brown and his staff will host the 2011 Lady Longhorns’ Youth Basketball Camp July 11-13 at the
school. Students entering the fourth through ninth
grades as of the 2011-2012 school year are eligible
to attend. The cost per student is $55 cash or money
order, which includes a camp T-shirt. No checks
will be accepted. The sessions will run from 9 a.m.
to noon. For more information, direct e-mail to
Brown at [email protected].
Please no checks or money orders. Cash only.
Camp hours are 4 to 6 p.m. each day.
Report 15 minutes early Aug. 1. Bring tennis shoes. Cleats optional.
For more information, call coach John Fowler at 281-991-4209
Aug. 2-6 and Aug. 9 at the school
South Belt’s Argo leads Panthers’ run
Grade entering 2011-2012:
Positions: Offense:
Dobie ninth-grade VB camp
I wish to enroll my child in the 2011 football camp. I understand that neither
Dobie High School varsity volleyball coach Joe
Sabatell and his staff will host the Lady Longhorns’
camp for incoming ninth-grade students July 27-29,
from 8 to 11 a.m. at the school. Participants will
take part in a variety of drills, including those for
passing, setting, hitting, blocking, serving and digging. There will also be strength and agility drills.
Cost of the camp is $55 per student via cash, money
order or cashier’s check. Participants must have
their own medical insurance as the Pasadena Independent School District does not provide coverage
for summer fitness/recreation programs. Those in
attendance should dress in athletic shoes, shorts, a
proper T-shirt, knee pads (if wanted) and bring a
good attitude. For more information, call Sabatell
at 281-468-1066.
the coaches nor anyone connected with the football camp will assume any
responsibility for accidents, medical, dental or other expenses incurred as a
result of injuries sustained during the camp. I further acknowledge that my
child is physically fit to participate.
Parent / Guardian signature:
Home phone:
Work phone:
Dobie youth football camp
Longhorns’ varsity head football coach Jim Phillips and his staff will host the 2011 Dobie Youth
Football Camp July 11-14 at the school, from 6 to
8 p.m. Students ages 6 through 12 are eligible to attend. The cost is $40 prior to the camp and $50 the
day of the camp. For more information, call Longhorns’ assistant coach Kenneth Foster at 713-8992054.
Applicant’s Name:
is third in the 3,000 meters.
Her time of 4.57.00 is fifth
in the 1,500 meters, and
she is seventh at 800 meters
with a time of 2:24.00.
With a time of 9:11.41 in
the 1,500-meter racewalk,
9-year-old Amari Singleton
is sixth nationally.
Dominique Lewis, at age
14, is 24th nationally in the
400-meter run at 59 seconds.
Charra Elliott, a 16-yearold junior-to-be, has excelled as a multi-event
competitor. Despite having
thrown the javelin for just
two months, Elliott is eighth
in the nation at 80 feet.
In the high jump, Elliott
has cleared 5-3, which is
sixth nationally.
Sports news, notes
Cost is $25 per student.
Beverly Hills Intermediate Football Camp
and 23rd in the discus at
113 feet.
Justus Ross, 15, is 24th
in the country at 2:05.00 in
the 800 meters and 38th at
5:05.00 in the 1,500-meter
11-year-old racewalker, is
currently 55th nationally
at the 1,500-meter distance
with his time of 12:30.00.
Daniel Lewis has stood
out in the long jump as a
12-year-old. At 14-5, he is
in the top 45 nationwide.
13-year-old athlete, ranks in
the top seven in the country
in three different events, including the 800, 1,500 and
3,000-meter races.
At 10:42.00, Heymach
Emergency contact/phone:
Brook youth football camp
Camp to be held at Beverly Hills Intermediate School
Cost is $20 per student. Please no checks or money orders. Cash only.
Camp hours are 4 to 5:30 p.m. each day for incoming seventh-grade students;
5:30 to 7 p.m. for incoming eighth-grade students.
Report 15 minutes early Aug. 2. Bring tennis shoes. Cleats optional.
For more information, call coach Ben Portis at 713-299-0251
Led by South Belt resident Amanda Argo, the 12-under Panthers’ fastpitch softball team captured the
Amateur Softball Association’s state title, posting
a 9-1 record in Waxahachie. The win qualified the
team for the ASA national tournament in Montgomery, Ala., beginning July 31. Members of the team
are, left to right, (front row) Amber Langston, McKenna Fryar, (middle row) Callie Grove, Caylei Allen, Megan Hiers, Amanda Argo, (back row) coach
Chris Allen, coach Shane Langston, Rylee Rodriguez, Alyssa Denham, coach Dwayne Hoffpauir and
Dara Hoffpauir.
Clear Brook varsity football coach Paul Lanier
and his staff will host the 2011 Wolverine Youth
Camp Aug. 1-3 at the school. Students entering the
second through ninth grades as of the 2011-2012
school year are eligible to attend. Cost of the camp
is $75 per participant, which includes a camp Tshirt. The sessions will run from 8:30 to 11 a.m.
each day. Registration will be held Aug. 1, beginning at 8 a.m.
7 a.m.
AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Monday through Friday.
from 7 to 8 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena,
1062 Fairmont Parkway, Room 114. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in.
Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free water exercise from
noon to 1 p.m. at Clear Lake Rehabilitation Hospital, 655 E.
Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Visit for a
complete list of services offered.
Al-Anon - Meets every Thursday from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the
First United Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway,
Room 111. For information, call 281-487-8787.
6:30 p.m.
St. Luke’s Catholic Church – St. Luke the Evangelist Church,
11011 Hall Road, offers free tutoring on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m.
and Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tutoring is held in Room 2 of
the Education Building. Contact Joe Pavlicek at 281-484-1397 or
by e-mail at [email protected].
7 p.m.
Pasadena Gulf Coast Art Society – Monthly meetings held the
last Thursday of each month in the Community Room at Pasadena
Town Square Mall.
8 p.m.
Pasadena Little Theatre – Special two-for-one performance of To
Kill a Mockingbird by Christopher Sergel, based on the novel by
Harper Lee, starts at 8 p.m. at Pasadena Little Theatre, 4318 AllenGenoa Road. Grace Galloway is the director. Buy one ticket for $14
and get another person in free. For reservations, call 713-941-1758
or online at
8:30 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcohol problems? AA meetings are
held Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., and Sundays and Tuesdays
from 8 to 9 p.m. at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta
Street. For information, call 713-204-2481.
7 a.m.
AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Monday through Friday.
from 7 to 8 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena,
1062 Fairmont Parkway, Room 114. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in.
Moving Forward Women’s Adult Children Anonymous – The
ACA group meets Fridays at noon at the Up The Street Club in
Webster, 508 Nasa Parkway, in room 4. ACA is a 12-step program
of hope, healing and recovery for people who grew up in alcoholic
or dysfunctional homes. For more information, call 281-286-1431.
6 p.m.
Frontier Squares – Meets to square dance at the Westminster
Academy at 670 E. Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Refreshments
provided. For more information, contact Gina Sherman at 281-5545675 or visit
2 p.m.
Grief Support Group – For any adult who has lost a loved one.
Meets every Sunday, except Mother’s Day, Easter and Christmas
from 2 to 3:15 p.m. at First United Methodist Church Pasadena,
1062 Fairmont Parkway. For more information, call 281-487-8787.
3 p.m.
Pasadena Little Theatre – Closing performance for To Kill a
Mockingbird by Christopher Sergel, based on the novel by Harper
Lee, starts at 3 p.m. at Pasadena Little Theatre, 4318 Allen-Genoa
Road. Grace Galloway is the director. For reservations, call 713941-1758 or online at
8 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcohol problems? AA meetings are
held Sundays and Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. and Thursdays from
8:30 to 9:30 p.m. at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta
Street. For information, call 713-204-2481.
7 a.m.
AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Monday through Friday.
from 7 to 8 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena,
1062 Fairmont Parkway, Room 114. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in.
9 a.m.
Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free exercise and speech
therapy from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at Clear Lake Rehabilitation Hospital,
655 E. Medical Center Blvd., Webster. Visit for
a complete list of services offered.
6 p.m.
Scrabble Club #511 – Meets every Monday at the IHOP on Fuqua
from 6 to 9 p.m. All who enjoy the game or want to learn to play are
invited to join. For more information, call 281-488-2923.
6:30 p.m.
New Directions Singles Club – New Directions Singles support
meetings are held each Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Webster
Presbyterian Church, 201 W. NASA Parkway. For further information, call Susan at 832-494-5098 or Carolynn at 281-340-2354.
Civil Air Patrol Meeting – Weekly at Ellington Field in the Civil Air
Patrol Building. Call 281-484-1352 and leave a message for more
7 p.m.
Grief Support Group – “Friends Helping Friends” meets every
Monday from 7 to 8:15 p.m. at Clear Lake Rehab Hospital, 655 E.
Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Those who have lost a spouse or
other loved one are invited to participate. For information, call Betty
Flynn at 281-474-3430 or Diana Kawalec at 281-334-1033.
7 a.m.
AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Monday through Friday.
from 7 to 8 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church Pasadena,
1062 Fairmont Parkway, Room 114. Call 281-487-8787 for information, or just drop in.
11:30 a.m.
Local NARFE Meeting – The National Association of Retired
Federal Employees, Chapter 1321, meets the first Tuesday of each
month in the Clear Lake Community Center, 5001 NASA Parkway.
A meal will be available for $6. For more information, call Bob
Mitchell at 281-333-2881.
1 p.m.
Trailmixers – Meets the first Tuesday of the month at the Luby’s
Cafeteria on Fuqua. Former and current employees of J. Frank
Dobie High School are welcome for lunch and conversation.
Pasadena Heritage Park and Museum – Exhibits include dioramas, an old-time kitchen and a turn-of-the-century doctor’s office.
Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 5 p.m. 204 S. Main. For information, call 713-472-0565.
1:30 p.m.
Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free exercise and speech
therapy from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Bayshore Sports Medicine and
Rehabilitation Center, 4021 Brookhaven, Pasadena. Visit www. for a complete list of services offered.
2 p.m.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) – TOPS #1530 meets at the
Beverly Hills Community Center, 10201 Kingspoint, from 2 to 4
p.m. For information, call Jeanette Sumrall at 713-946-3713.
6:30 p.m.
Clear Lake Toastmasters Club – Meets at the Clear Lake Church
of Christ, 938 El Dorado Blvd. Call Jerry Tate at 281-481-5417 for
7 p.m.
St. Luke’s Catholic Church – St. Luke the Evangelist Church,
11011 Hall Road, offers free tutoring on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m.
and Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tutoring is held in Room 2 of
the Education Building. Contact Joe Pavlicek at 281-484-1397 or
by e-mail at [email protected].
Continued on Page 4B
you’ll save
Call Today
Page 4, Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, June 30, 2011
Leader Reader Ads
25 Words - $8 • 3 Weeks $22
Business - 25 Words - $10 • 3 Weeks $27
Need Help
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Dream Home?
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NOTICE TO PROPOSERS: Request for sub-contractor
proposals for the following project at
The San Jacinto College District - Central Campus:
Technical Education Building II
KIRKWOOD SOUTH - 3-2-2, Over 1,900 Sq. Ft., Private Courtyard, Large Den W/Rock Corner Fireplace. A Real Steal at $99,900!
Call Judy, 281-703-6309.
GREAT DEAL! KIRKWOOD - 3-2-2 W/Enclosed Hot Tub, Workshop or Third Garage in
Backyard, Huge Den With Fireplace, Ceramic Tile & Vinyl Siding. Hurry! Only $99,900.
REDUCED! $84,500 - Updated 3 Bedroom-1.5 Bath-2 Car, Beverly Hills, New Counter
Tops, Carpet, Hardwood Floors in Bedrooms, New AC. Call Tami, 713-628-4157.
CLEAR LAKE - 4-2-2 WITH POOL - REDUCED! $179,900- Beautiful One-Story, Approx. 2,475 Sq. Ft., Open Floor Plan. Updated Wood Floors, Bathrooms, Roof,
AC Unit, Appliances. Huge Living With Built-Ins & Fireplace. Must See! Won’t
Last! Call Troy.
GREEN TEE - CUSTOM BUILT HOME - Fantastic Pool & Spa W/Waterfall. Huge Island Kitchen, Spacious Living, 20 Ft. FP, Wood Floors, Lg. Gameroom, Bath W/Separate Shower/Whirlpool Tub, Double Driveway & Extra Covered Parking. $234,900.
FUQUA - Cute 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath, 1 Car Garage Under $75,000! Great Backyard & Large Add-on Bedroom. Call Tami, 713-628-4157.
2005 MUSTANG GT, garage kept,
only 10k miles, white, black int.,
manual 5 speed. $19,500. Call
FOR SALE: ‘84 BLAZER 4X4, not
running, & ‘93 GMC Safari van,
needs transmission work. Fix or
use for parts. Both vehicles for
$1,500 as is OBO. Please call
832-526-7269 or email jnr520@ for photos.
• Concrete floors
• Electricity • Water
“Durotech, Inc. as Construction Manager at Risk on behalf of San Jacinto College District, Houston, Texas will receive sub-contractor/vendor proposals for
the Technical Education Building II project as designed by Dansby & Miller
Proposals and qualifications statements will be received by Durotech, Inc. from
interested proposers, sub-proposers and suppliers until 2:00 PM on Wednesday, July 20, 2011, in the presence of the Owner and Architect at the offices of
Durotech LP at 11931 Wickchester Lane #205, Houston, Texas 77043-4501,
Phone: 281-558-6892 and Fax: 281-496-5637. Construction Manager Contact: Sidhesh Kakodkar
25’ stall - $65
30’ stall - $80
11502 Dumas
Monday-Friday, 6 a.m.-6 p.m. 18
yrs. same location. Large playroom, activities, hot meals, references! Charlene, 281-481-8277.
All plan and specifications will be distributed by:
Ridgway’s, Inc., 2900 Smith Street, Houston, TX 77006
Phone 713-782-8580
through the “Plan Well” System, ATTN: Joe Woolley
Drawings and Specifications will also be available for review at the offices of
Durotech, Inc., and at the plan rooms of ABC-Houston, AGC and FW Dodge
Plan Room. Prevailing wage rates in conformance with Texas law will be paid
on this project. All proposals shall remain valid for thirty (30) days.
The Owner, Architect/Engineer and Construction Manager reserve the right
to reject any and all proposals, to waive any informalities and irregularities in
the proposal process, and to make the awards in the best interest of the school
district. By submitting a proposal, each proposer agrees to waive any claim
it has or may have against the Owner, the Architect/Engineer, Construction
Manager and their respective employees arising out of or in connection with
the administration, evaluation, or recommendation of any proposal; waiver of
any requirements under the Proposal Documents, or the Contract Documents;
acceptance or rejection of any proposals; and award of a Contract.”
YOUR FRIENDLY Neighborhood
computer guy. New hard drive,
upgrades, increase memory, wireless setup & home networking.
Complete scan for viruses &
cleanup, $35. Hablamos Español.
Southbelt-Data-Systems - Hard
Drive Data Recovery - Linux
Installation. 10909 Sabo, Suite
120, 281-922-4160. E-mail: sds@
10219 KIRKDALE DR. Sat., July
2, 7 a.m.-1 p.m. Estate sale!
Entire contents of home: furniture,
kitchenware, doll & bell collections, computers, lift chair &
(Sycamore subd., before Ellington
Field). Fri., July 1, 7 a.m.-4 p.m..
If rain, it will be held the following
2110 FIVE IRON DR. (off
Scarsdale). Fri. & Sat., July 1 & 2.
Multi-family garage sale! Lots of
Machinist, Lathe & Mill, All Manual,
No Production, Must have own tools,
Experience a +, So. Houston Area
Need Help Around The Office?
Let the Leader advertise your job openings! Just bring your ads
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My loss is YOUR gain!
clothes: boy’s, girl’s, men’s, women’s. Household items, too much
to list!
9826 SAGEROYAL. Sat., July 2, 8
a.m.-1 p.m. Clothes, handbags,
furniture and more!
the job or in an automobile accident? The company doctor or
insurance company doctor is not
your doctor. He works for the
company. In Texas you get to
choose your doctor. Call me, Dr.
Michael Stokes for your free consultation. 281-481-1623. I will work
for you. I have been relieving back
and neck pain for South Belt families for over 30 years. I want to be
your chiropractor.
based out of Baytown, TX. Great
pay & benefits! CDL-A w/X-end. 2
yrs. exp. 866-339-0072.
DRIVERS: 11 dedicated runs
avail. now! Great pay & great benefits! CDL-A w/X End, TWIC card
& 1 yr. exp. req. Martin Transport,
local work, end dump pneumatic
tanker, home daily, paid weekly,
sign-on bonus. Call for details,
Tolerance, CNC lathe/mill, TracMill,
EDM, manual mill & lathe. Fulltime 1st & 2nd shifts, MASTERCAM
a plus. Min. 8-10 years exp. req.
Benefits plus retirement and O/T.
Clean A/C shop located near
Beltway 8/Telephone Rd. area.
Fax resume to BHI Corporation @
713-644-8463, or email to susan@
Technician needed at busy animal
hospital. Contact Alfreda at 281484-4733
on Sat., June 25 in the Target
parking lot at Beltway 8 & Pearland
Pkwy./Monroe. Call to identify.
FOUND: PUG near Frazer Elem. &
Hughes Rd. Please call to identify,
281-481-4499, and leave a message.
maybe Retriever or Lab. 281-4813392
LOST: GREAT DANE, family pet,
Kirkville area. Call if found or seen,
832-566-3119 or 713-991-0384.
table/accessories/light fixture.
Disassembled, ready to move.
Photos of assembled table available. 281-635-2793.
Fitness elliptical, $100. 8’ Slate
pool table w/accessories, $1,500
OBO. Call 281-484-7075.
mixed media VHS, DVD, computer
games, audiobooks and more.
Cheap prices! $1-$2 for media.
ADORABLE BLACK KITTEN Ninja - for adoption. Appx. one
month old, playful, potty trained,
affectionate. Free to good home.
Pick up at Kirkvale. Call Patty,
Meadow. Marble floors, high ceilings, walk-in closets, fully-fenced.
Only $850 per month! Other rentals available. Call today! Patty, 281948-3836 (UTR Agent)
Service. Apartment for $625 per
month: full-sized washers and dryers, Pasadena I.S.D. Only $150
deposit! Call Patty today! 281-9483836 (UTR Agent)
area (11939 Flushing Meadows),
$1,000/mo., $500 deposit. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1 car garage. Open
concept, hardwood & laminate
floors. Washer, dryer and stove
included. Crown molding and new
blinds. Nice sized backyard with
covered patio; yard maintenance
provided. Available July 1, 2011.
Sandra & Laura Yandell, LLC
“The Sold Team”
Re/Max Top Realty
281-464-SOLD (7653)
★SAGEMONT - 4 Bedroom, Large Kitchen and Entertainment Areas,
Huge Cul-de-sac Lot, Updated, Eager Seller! Reduced! $104,900! #HUR
★PEARLAND - Lakes of Highland Glen - Extraordinary Estate Home!
Lavish 4 Bedroom W/Pool, Gameroom, Media Room, Located on Lake!
★SAGEMONT - Beautiful 4-2-2 Det. on Fabulous Oversized Lot W/
Pool! Completely Updated! Hardwood Floors, Ceramic Tile, Custom
Cabinets and More! #HILL
★BELLA VITA - REDUCED! Stunning 4-3-2 in Gated Over 55
Community. Formal Dining, Study W/French Doors, Fabulous Den W/ FP,
Looks Like a Model Home! #LAGO
★PEARLAND - Reduced! Stunning Custom Estate Home. 3-3-3 W/
Fabulous Pool, Two Master Bedrooms, Oversized Lot, Gorgeous! #PINE
★SAGEMEADOW - Lovely 4-2-2, Formal Dining, New Carpet, Decorator
Paint, Den W/FP, Covered Patio! #MOS
★SAGEMEADOW - Lovely 4-2-2, Huge Den With Fireplace, Ceramic
Tile, Kitchen Opens to Den, No Back Neighbors! #COUNT
★SAGEGLEN - Phenomenal 5-3.5-3 Det. W/Sparkling Pool! Both
Formals, Study, Ceramic Tile, Custom Window Treatments, Hardie Siding
Lease terms: one year. Please contact 713-305-0146.
SPACIOUS 5-3.5-2 WITH swimming pool, master down, and study
for $1,650 per month, includes pool
service. Good rental history a must!
FOR LEASE: SABO Townhouse Nice 2-story, 3-2.5-2D, new appliances, $975/mo. plus equal deposit. No pets/smoking. Good credit
only, please.
Dennis Forster,
Bridgecrest Properties, 713-4178063.
WOODMEADOW: 3-2-2, den, fireplace, wet bar, high ceilings, huge
dining room, island kitchen, washer/dryer, stainless front refrigerator.
Dennis Forster,
Bridgecrest Properties, 713-4178063.
QUALITY - SIMPLE - Affordable
clothing alterations; Tutorial
Services: Health Care -most grade
level students; Cert. Reflexology &
Chair Massage; cleaning services
Nurse Diane, 832-450-6413. 6-30
Remodeling. For fast, reliable,
complete residential or commercial remodeling service, call Ali,
713-498-8841 or 281-464-7336.
PATENTED ANTI-AGING & energy complex. Immune system
booster. Guaranteed weight loss
program. Patent-pending energy
mix without caffeine. Tim 310-3039656.
Saturday, July 16 at 10 a.m.
at Access Self-Storage
15800 Space Center Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77062
#353 Steven Choate
#14 & #831 Ada Jemison
#468-B Casey Hawkins
#78 Katrina Starling
#488 Sheila Wilson
#575 Matthew McKinney
#666 Rebecca Wicklund
#324 Joseph Morquecho
Continued from Page 3B
8 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcohol problems? AA meetings are held Tuesdays and Sundays from 8 to
9 p.m. and Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 2217 Theta Street.
For information, call 713-204-2481.
7 a.m.
AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Monday through Friday. from 7 to 8 a.m. at the First United
Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Room 114. Call 281-487-8787 for information,
or just drop in.
11:30 a.m.
Houston Hobby Airport Lions Club – meets at 11:30 a.m. on the first and third Wednesday of the
month. Meetings are held at the Golden Corral, 12500 Gulf Freeway (Fuqua and I-45). For information,
call Monica Montoya at 281-794-5531.
4 p.m.
Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free exercise held from 4 to 5 p.m. at First Baptist Church of
Pearland, 3005 Pearland Parkway, Pearland. Visit for a complete list of services
6 p.m.
Alzheimer’s Support Group – The free group meets the first Wednesday of each month in the third
floor classrooms 3 and 4 of Bayshore Medical Center, 4000 Spencer Hwy. in Pasadena. For more
information, call 713-944-4782 or 713-266-6400.
6:30 p.m.
Bay Area Turning Point Crisis Intervention Center – Domestic violence support group for male
survivors meets each Wednesday at 210 S. Walnut off NASA Parkway. Call 281-338-7600 for information. Participants may join at any time as this is an open group.
7 p.m.
Survivors of Suicide Support Group – The Southeast Houston group meets the first and third
Wednesday of each month. The group offers support and coping skills in a non-threatening environment to adult individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide. For information on registration or to
obtain a physical address for a location, call 713-533-4500 or visit
Bay Area Turning Point Crisis Intervention Center – Confidential domestic violence support group
for women meets every week. For information, call 281-338-7600 or visit www.bayareaturningpoint.
com. BATP is located at 210 S. Walnut off NASA Parkway between Interstate 45 South and Highway
3. The 24-hour crisis hotline is 281-286-2525.
7 a.m.
AA Meeting – “Breakfast With Bill” each Monday through Friday. from 7 to 8 a.m. at the First United
Methodist Church Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Room 114. Call 281-487-8787 for information,
or just drop in.
Houston Area Parkinson Society – Free water exercise from noon to 1 p.m. at Clear Lake
Rehabilitation Hospital, 655 E. Medical Center Blvd. in Webster. Visit for a complete list of services offered.
Al-Anon - Meets every Thursday from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church
Pasadena, 1062 Fairmont Parkway, Room 111. For information, call 281-487-8787.
6:30 p.m.
St. Luke's Catholic Church – St. Luke the Evangelist Church, 11011 Hall Road, offers free tutoring
on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. and Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tutoring is held in Room 2 of the
Education Building. Contact Joe Pavlicek at 281-484-1397 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Diabetes Support Group – A support group for young adults with diabetes. All subjects are open
for discussion: new technologies, research advances, fears, phobias, dating and other personal matters. Meets the first Thursday of each month at 1315 St. Joseph Parkway #1705, Medical Place One.
Contact Dan Steiner, CDE, at 713-756-8536 for more information.
7 p.m.
The Bay Area Writers League – Meets the first Thursday of each month at Barnes and Noble at Bay
Area Boulevard and the Gulf Freeway. Newcomers are welcome.
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Page 6, Section B, South Belt-Ellington Leader, Thursday, June 30, 2011
Dobie High School athletics provide memorable 2010-2011 successes
Continued from Page 1B
tum as the Mavs scored on
the game’s opening drive,
the Longhorns went on to
score 31 unanswered points
in a 31-7 victory.
But there was also the
team’s big 34-13 victory at
Deer Park to close out the
regular season and deliver
the school’s first district
crown since 1999. It was a
game the Longhorns controlled from start to finish.
Dobie got a glimpse of
what it will take to reach
the elite level after being
crushed by Beaumont West
Brook in the bidistrict playoffs, but the team, led by
first-year head coach Jim
Phillips, set the pace for
some of the school’s other
Fast forward to the beginning of 2011, when the
varsity boys’ soccer team
took to the field.
Dobie advanced to the
regional semifinals in 2009
but then fell to Clements in
the area round as a late-season injury to forward Jose
Gonzalez was too costly to
As for 2011, there were
few teams that could stand
in Dobie’s way as the group
put together the finest season in school history.
Ticket sales at games will
certainly bear out that soccer is not the most popular
sport for high school fans,
but even the most casual
onlookers could have seen
something special brewing
Despite not playing well,
the Longhorns tied stateranked Tomball 1-1 early in
the season at the Pearland/
Friendswood tournament.
A week later at another
tournament, the Longhorns
defeated eventual state
champion Southlake Carroll in a shootout.
Although Southlake Carroll did not register its loss
to Dobie as part of the ESPN
Rise national rankings that
at one point included both
Carroll and Dobie, it was
the lone loss of the season
for the state champions.
As for Dobie, the team
hit a couple of bumps in
district play but still easily
won the 22-5A crown.
In the playoffs, the team’s
biggest hurdle proved to be
Aldine MacArthur in the regional semifinals.
MacArthur’s Generals
built a quick 3-0 lead before Dobie responded with
a goal just before halftime
for a 3-1 score at the break.
After that, the game
belonged to Dobie as the
Longhorns advanced to the
regional final for the first
time ever.
In that final, the Longhorns were quicker and
more aggressive against
Strake Jesuit, which was
trying to defend its Region
III title.
But, the Longhorns could
not find the net through 80
minutes of regulation play
and a pair of 10-minute
overtime sessions.
In the shootout, Dobie
simply did not get the job
done as Strake advanced
with a pair of scores, leaving the Longhorns a step
short of the state tournament.
About the time the Dobie
soccer season was coming
to a close, the Lady Longhorn varsity softball team
was getting on a roll.
Whatever the reason, the
Dobie squad was able to fly
under the radar for much of
the season despite playing
as steadily as any team going.
Dobie ran off nine victories in a row to start District
22-5A action before the
warning flares were fired.
Deer Park defeated Dobie in the regular-season
finale to grab a share of the
22-5A crown at 9-1 and
then defeated Dobie again
in a play-in game to determine playoff seeding.
After that, Dobie beat
four straight opponents,
including North Shore and
Katy Taylor in one-game
playoffs to reach the Region
III finals.
Going against defending
state champion Pearland in
the Region III finals, Dobie
went 12 hard-fought innings
in the series opener before
Pearland closed out the
series the next evening to
end the Lady Longhorns’
run, but what a special season it was.
There were many other
special moments for the
Dobie athletic department
during the school year.
The varsity tennis team
saw three of its players advance to the Region III tournament during the spring
Jonathan Taylor, a senior
boys’ singles player, was
the District 22-5A titlist, as
was the girls’ doubles duo
of Eun Lee and Hongnhung
Although both Taylor
and the doubles pairing
were defeated in the first
round of regionals, the three
players, all seniors, were
able to wrap up their high
school careers in fine style.
The Dobie varsity boys’
track and field team captured the 22-5A championship with veteran coach
David Chollett leading the
Then, there is varsity
boys’ golfer Ben Arnett,
who qualified for the Region III tournament, the first
Dobie boys’ player to do so
in nearly two decades.
Dobie advanced to the
playoffs in all of the team
sports. The varsity boys’
and girls’ basketball teams
both finished second in district, and the Lady Longhorns moved on to the area
On the baseball diamond, the Longhorns won
a playoff series for the first
time since the 1990s, beating Channelview in the first
What a year 2010-2011
was, and 2011-2012 is nearly here already.
At left, Dobie senior
midfielder Omar Arreguin and his teammates put together
the best season in the
history of the varsity
boys’ soccer program,
advancing to the Region III title game before falling in a shootout against Strake Jesuit. Arreguin, the top
overall scorer in the
District 22-5A ranks,
was later selected
as a member of the
All-Greater Houston
squad. Below, the Lady
softball team had plenty to celebrate this season while making a run
to the Region III championship series for the
first time this decade.
Teammates, from left,
Kellen Gomez, Amie
Gallant and Shelby
O’Brien tossed smiles
around throughout the
season as Dobie eventually made its way to the
regional final against
Pearland. Gallant was
later named an AllGreater Houston first
team pick.
Photos by John Bechtle
Dobie’s Hongnhung
Ho (left) and Eun
Lee won the District
22-5A girls’ doubles
title this spring en
route to the Region
III tournament. The
Longhorns’ Jonathan Taylor (notpictured) was the
22-5A boys’ singles
Shortstop Jose Reyes (left)
and second baseman Marcelo Martinez played big
roles as the Dobie varsity
baseball team advanced to
the area round of the playoffs for the first time since
the 1990s.
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