Hydrogeology of the Chaco Tarijeño (Bolivia)
Hydrogeology of the Chaco Tarijeño (Bolivia)
Hydrogeology of the Chaco Tarijeño (Bolivia) RONALD PASIG, HERNAN VILLENA & CHRISTIAN NEUMANN-REDLIN ABSTRACT RESUMEN Between 1992 and 1998 the Chaco of the Province Tarija in Bolivia was investigated to evaluate the possibility to explore groundwater in this area. Hydrogeological and geophysical studies as well as deep borehole drilling revealed in the alluvial plain and the Tertiary hills of the Chaco the existence of aquifers beneath 150 m depth. The yield of the boreholes varies between 0.5 and 2 l/s and the water quality serves for all kinds of use. Within the alluvial fan of the Rio Pilcomayo shallow aquifers occur with fresh water in the paleochanels and saline water in the paleoterraces. Yields amount to 1 to 3 l/s but the use often is limited through the existence of saline water. Entre 1992 y 1998 en el Chaco de la Provincia de Tarija en Bolivia fueron realizadas investigaciones para evaluar la posibilidad de explotación de aguas subterráneas. Estudios hidrogeológicos y geofísicos como también la perforación de pozos profundos han revelado en el paisaje de llanura aluvial deposicional y de las colinas bajas terciarias la existencia de acuíferos en profundidades mayores a 150 m. Los caudales de los pozos varían entre 0.5 – 2.0 l/seg y la calidad de esta agua subterránea sirve para todo tipo de uso. En el cono aluvial del Rio Pilcomayo existen acuíferos someros con agua fresca en los paleocanales y agua salina en las paleoterrazas. Los caudales suman a 1 a 3 l/seg, pero el uso es limitado por la existencia de aguas salinas. During 1992 – 1998 within a Technical Cooperation Project named Convenio AlemánBoliviano de Aguas Subterráneas (CABAS), the Depar tment of Hydrogeology of the Ser vicio Nacional de Geología y Minería de Bolivia (SERGEOMIN), the Prefecture of the Bolivian Tarija Department and the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) carried out studies with the purpose to evaluate the possibilities of exploitation and use of groundwater in the Chaco Tarijeño. In 1998 the project finalised with the publication of a Hydrogeological Map of the Chaco Tarijeño at scale 1 : 250,000 together with a comprehensive explanatory note (PASIG 1998). The geographical location of the Chaco Tarijeño is shown in Figure 1. The extension of the project area is approximately 120 120 km and limited in the north by the province of Chuquisaca, in the east and south by the state borders of Paraguay and Argentina. About 30,000 people are living in this region settling mostly in the western part along the railway line and road which pass the places of Villamontes and Yacuiba. The neighboring Chaco in SH 1 (2000) | Sonderheft ZAG 201 Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology Fig. 2: Fig. 1: Location of the Chaco Tarijeño. the east is only sparsely populated with scattered cattle farms, military posts (Ibibobo) and Indian settlements (Crevaux). The Chaco Tarijeño is crossed by a river called Rio Pilcomayo. It has its source in the high Andes at Potosí at a height of about 4,000 m and flows into the Rio Paraguay near Asunción. It has a permanent water flow, the rate of which varies considerably between max. 200 m3/sec from Januar y to April and 30 – 60 m3/sec from July to October. Towards the west the Chaco is limited by the Subandine Ranges, situated easterly in front of the proper Andes, and steeply rising from the plain in the east. They reach a height of 1,500 m and consist of Mesozoic and Tertiary sedimentary rocks. The Chaco consists of unconsolidated sediments transported into this plain by rivers and brooks. The Chaco Tarijeño is divided into three units (Fig 2): slightly undulating Ter tiar y hills with heights between 300 and 500 m above sea level, the socalled Chaco plain at about 300 m above sea level and an alluvial fan, in a way an inland delta, of the Rio Pilcomayo (NEUMANN-REDLIN et al. 1992). 202 Geomorphological zones of the Chaco Tarijeño (according to satellite interpretation and NEUMANN-REDLIN et al. 1992). Chaco is primarily an ecological expression describing the typical vegetation of a dense thornbush forest in a semiarid climate. The plants adapted to the extreme evaporation by the reduction of the transpiring surface, by succulence, by shedding the leaves in the dry season or the possibility to store water in the trunk. In the area of investigation there are four climatological stations, two with records from 1962 – 1995 and two with data from 1992 – 1995. Additionally, six pluviometrical stations exist with records since 1977 and 17 stations have been installed by the project in 1992. The annual precipitation of the proper Chaco Tarijeño is between 300 and 900 mm p. a. and reaches a level of 1,100 mm in the Subandine Ranges (Fig. 3). This rainfall is limited to the wet season between October and March, six months from April to September are more or less dry. The average annual temperature is about 23°C and at Villamontes the total annual potential evaporation is recorded to be 1.218 mm. SH 1 (2000) | Sonderheft ZAG HYDROGEOLOGY OF THE CHACO TARIJEÑO (BOLIVIA) Fig. 3: Distribution of precipitation. After a profound reconnaissance of the dug wells and boreholes (194 in total) which exist in the Chaco Tarijeño geoelectrical resistivity soundings were carried out to identify subsurface hydraulic parameters and the distribution of fresh and saline water in the underground (FIELITZ et al. 1994). In the following, the project team drilled deep wells to explore the groundwater situation. They indicate that the groundwater level in the Tertiary hill zone and in the Chaco plain is deep and the usable aquifers only can be reached at a depth of more than 150 m (Fig. 4). The deep groundwater is confined and the content of total dissolved solids (TDS) of the water is normally less than 1,500 mg/l. The map of groundwater flow (Fig. 5) indicates that the groundwater beyond the alluvial fan of the Rio Pilcomayo, recharged at the heights and the eastern slopes of the Subandine Ranges, has an easterly flow direction with at first a high and, later on, a diminished hydraulic gradient. In this part of the Chaco the Rio Pilcomayo serves as collector for the groundwater. There is a completely different situation in the alluvial fan of the Rio Pilcomayo which is divided into the so-called paleochannels (cañadas), former river arms of the Rio Pilcomayo, and higher terraces lying between (Fig. 2). The cañadas are formed by argillaceous soils and near-surface sediments. Therefore, vegetation is scarce and after heavy precipitation rain water flows superfically towards small intermittent water bearing grooves. These brooklets cut into the clayey superficial layers until fine sands are deposited below rainwater is able to infiltrate. As a result, indirect groundwater recharge takes place leading to shallow aquifers of fresh groundwater. The cañadas are surrounded by the paleoterraces where the soil and the near surface sediments consist of silt and fine sands. In these Fig. 4: Lithologic profile of a deep well (No. 139 on Fig. 5) drilled in the Tertiary hill zone. SH 1 (2000) | Sonderheft ZAG 203 Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology Fig. 6: Sample points for isotopical studies. Fig. 5: Map of groundwater flow. areas, due to denser vegetation and better infiltration capacity of the top soil layer, rainfall does not lead to surface run-off and thus direct infiltration takes place. But the annual precipitation does not exceed the effective field capacity of the fine grained near surface layers. Hence, the infiltrating rain water is almost completely used by the vegetation, and nearly no recharge towards the saturated zone of the groundwater occurs. Due to this very small amount of recharge the groundwater is brackish to saline. Figure 5 demonstrates the situation of an unconfined shallow aquifer in the alluvial fan which partly is fed by the Rio Pilcomayo. For better understanding of the overall recharge and hydraulic situation in the Chaco Tarijeño, water samples of 15 boreholes were taken to analyse the content of the environmental isotopes. Figure 6 shows the conventional 14C ages of the analysed water in years before present (B.P.) as well as the 18O values in ‰. The latter indicates in which topographical height the groundwater recharge occurred and, furthermore, which climatic conditions were dominating during the time of rainfall and infiltration. 204 As mentioned above, the groundwater at the Tertiary hill zone and the Chaco plain is recharged on and at the heights of the Subandine Ranges, flowing in eastern direction (Fig. 5). Concerning the conventional age values there can be observed an increase in ages from west to east, for example between sample of borehole 4 with 10,090 B.P. and the water of borehole 11 with 25,730 B.P. At wells 1 and 13 locally direct recharge occurs with values less than 8,000 B.P. and the water of well 2 revealed a very old water age of 38,660 B.P. The analyses of 18O values in the Chaco Tarijeño outside the alluvial fan of the Rio Pilcomayo yielded values between – 7.20 ‰ and – 8.09 ‰ which indicates recharge areas at approximately 1,500 m above sea level (GEYH et al. 1996) corresponding to the above-mentioned high sectors of the Subandine Ranges. SH 1 (2000) | Sonderheft ZAG HYDROGEOLOGY OF THE CHACO TARIJEÑO (BOLIVIA) Fig. 7: Recommended yields of production wells. In the alluvial fan of the Rio Pilcomayo exists another situation. The fresh shallow groundwater in the cañadas is relatively young and vary in ages between 700 in borehole sample Nr. 12 and 3870 years B.P. in the water of well 15. The mineralized water in the terraces, however, show ages between 14,465 (sample 10) and 19,940 years B.P. (No. 14). 18O values of the groundwater in the alluvial fan are low and with one exception at borehole 12 (– 7.57 ‰) less than – 8.22 ‰. This indicates that a certain part of the groundwater within the inland delta originates from the Rio Pilcomayo of which the head water are descending from areas with heights of more than 3,000 m (see above). What is the practical use of these investigations for the farmer living in the Chaco, the new settlers or the planning authorities, respectively? Figure 7 shows the recommended yields of boreholes. They amount to 3 – 5 l/sec in a valley filled with coarse sediments situated in the north of Yacuiba, diminish in the Chaco plains and reach only 0,5 – 1 l/sec in the sediments of the Tertiary hill zone where silt and clay sediments prevail. Figure 8 gives a general view of the quality of the water and its aptitude for various kinds of use. The map shows that in the Chaco Tarijeño beyond the alluvial fan, the groundwater can generally be used for all kinds of purposes as the total salt content exceeds only exceptionally 1,500 mg/l. In the paleochannels (cañadas) of the inland, delta groundwater is classified good to bad depending on the purpose of use, whereas in the terraces of the alluvial fan and in an area in the south of Crevaux saline groundwater has been identified. Fig. 8: Aptitude of the groundwater quality for various purposes. SH 1 (2000) | Sonderheft ZAG 205 Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology References FIELITZ, K., SORUCO, W. & INSINGER, J. (1994): Sondeos eléctricos y electromagnéticos para la exploración de aguas subterráneas en el Chaco Tarijeño. – Informe Técnico CABAS N° 24; Cochabamba, Bolivia. GEYH, M., PASIG, R., FELDHAUS, L. & ZAEPKE, M. (1996): Estudio isotópico para la determinación del origen y edad del agua subterránea en el Chaco Tarijeño de Bolivia. – XII Congreso Geológico Boliviano, 3, P. 713-724; Tarija, Bolivia. NEUMANN-REDLIN, CHR. & VILLENA, H. (1992): Primeros aspectos sobre la Hidrogeología del Chaco Tarijeño. – Informe Técnico CABAS N° 1; Cochabamba, Bolivia. Ing. RONALD PASIG, Proyecto SARO, Calle Ciencias Veterinarias 215, San Lorenzo (Paraguay) Ing. HERNAN VILLENA, Proyecto PRONAR, Calle Badilla, Esc. La Madrid, Tarija (Bolivia) Dr. CHRISTIAN NEUMANN-REDLIN, Diplom-Geologe, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover (Germany) PASIG, R. (1998): Estudio Hidrogeológico del Chaco Tarijeño de Bolivia. – Boletín del Ser vicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, 15; La Paz, Bolivia. 206 SH 1 (2000) | Sonderheft ZAG