domingo de pascua
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The liturgical year provides us with two seasons of reconciliation with God and others—Advent and Lent. Due to our strong religious traditions, we undergo certain penances so that we can internally...
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LITURGIA Y CANCIÓN Volume 27 Number 3 USPS 015-938 ISSN 1096-5025 | Published quarterly by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213–3638. Periodical postage paid at Portland, OR | Director of Hisp...
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LITURGIA Y CANCIÓN Volume 26 Number 3 USPS 015-938 ISSN 1096-5025 | Published quarterly by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213–3638. Periodical postage paid at Portland, OR | Director of Hisp...
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propósito de llevar una ofrenda, cumplir una promesa o simplemente para crecer espiritualmente. En cierto sentido, para la persona de fe, la vida misma es una peregrinación en la que vamos caminand...
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