Take I-25 going south, exit at Avenida Cesar Chavez (Bridge). After


Take I-25 going south, exit at Avenida Cesar Chavez (Bridge). After
Directions to BlueSalud Consumer Advisory Board Meeting
Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce
1309 4th Street SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
(505) 842-9003
Take I-25 going south,
exit at Avenida Cesar Chavez
After exiting go right (west)
past Broadway, over the
railroad tracks.
Finally take a right at the
second street light, 4th Street,
where the McDonalds is.
Go north for a block or two
and the chamber will be on
the left hand side. Parking is
in the back.
Valla sur en I-25, hasta que
llege a el exito Avenida Cesar
Chavez (Bridge).
Despues del exito vuelta
derecho, llendo oeste. Pasa la
calle Broadway, hasta que
llega a la segunda luz, la
Calle Cuatro.
Vuelta derecho, llendo norte,
y las oficinas del cámara de
comercio estan en la