Bulletin October 5, 2014
Bulletin October 5, 2014
The Catholic Communities of St. Clare of Assisi/Sta. Clara de Asis & St. Mary’s/Sta. Maria Rectory: 970-926-2821 www.stclareparish.com St. Clare of Assisi St. Mary’s Church 31622 US HWY 6, Edwards, CO 81632 215 Capitol Street, Eagle, CO 81631 October 5, 2014 Beaver Creek Chapel 33 Elk Lane Beaver Creek, CO 81620 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 8:00am Mass (Celebrated only LOCATION Beaver Creek Chapel on the First Saturday of the Month 4:15pm Mass 7:00pm Spanish Mass SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5 8:30am Mass 8:30am Mass 10:30am Bilingual Mass 12:30pm Spanish Mass 5:30pm Mass Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s St. Clare’s St. Mary’s St. Mary’s St. Clare’s Beaver Creek Chapel WEEKDAY MASSES Pastor/Párroco Parochial Vicar PARISH RECTORY www.stclareparish.com Msgr. Robert J. Kinkel Rectory: 970-926-2821 [email protected] Rev. Jude Geilenkirchen 970-376-5260 [email protected] P.O. 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 Phone: 970-926-2821 Fax: 970-926-5350 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE/CENTRO DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA P.O. 792 Eagle, CO 81631 Fax: 970-328-6494 245 Capitol St. Eagle, CO 81631 Office: 970-328-1133 Religious Education 970-328-1133 Mr. Gelasio Velasco 970-328-3003 [email protected] Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano Ms. Carmen Fragozo 970-970-688-1490 [email protected] PARISH & BUSINESS OFFICE/OFICINA P.O. 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 970-926-1070 Fax: 970-926-1089 Parish Business Mrs. Marilyn Brock 970-926-1085 [email protected] Development Director Mrs. Gina Demarest 970-376-3135 [email protected] Parish Office/Wedding Coordinator Ms. Kathy Fagan 970-926-1070 [email protected] SCHOOL OFFICE/OFICINA ESCOLAR P.O. 667, Edwards, CO 81632 Phone 970-926-8980 Fax: 970-926-8973 St. Clare’s Principal/Director de Sta.Clara Sr. Marirose Rudek 970-926-8980 x202 [email protected] School Admin Asst./Escolar Assistente del Adm. Mrs. Sue Huseby 970-926-8980 x201 [email protected] St. Mary’s Preschool/Escolar Sta.Maria MONDAY, OCTOBER 6 7:00am Mass (Mother Mary Quentin) 8:00am Mass St. Clare Chapel Beaver Creek Chapel TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7 7:00am Mass 8:00am Mass 5:30pm Mass St. Clare Chapel Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8 8:00am Mass 8:15am Mass Beaver Creek Chapel St. Clare THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9 7:00am Mass 8:00am Mass 5:30pm Mass 6:30pm Spanish Mass St. Clare Chapel Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s St. Mary’s FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10 7:00am Mass 8:00am Mass St. Clare Chapel Beaver Creek Chapel PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you live here full or part time or are visiting with us this weekend in our parish we welcome you and hope that you enjoy your time here with us. If you would like to receive information about becoming a full or part-time parishioner forms are on our website at www.stclareparish.com. Registration forms are also available at the parish office or email : [email protected]. If you have moved, changed your phone number, email or mailing address please update our office. O ctober 5, 2014 27th Sunday in O rdinary Time PASTOR’S POTPOURRI – IF YOU WANT PEACE, WORK FOR JUSTICE (POPE PAUL VI) Each Sunday this month offers us the opportunity to address issues of justice, which may be very appropriate in the month before elections in the United States. There is a prudent concern about dealing with political issues in church. We should always be careful not to endorse any candidate or political party, even implicitly, in a homily or prayer. But this does not mean that we should avoid all issues that have political implications, since that would leave us virtually speechless. Every aspect of life has a political dimension and thus the potential to upset someone who holds a particular position. But we must address issues of our time and link our worship to the rest of our lives. The Synod of Bishops in Rome faces the challenges to the family in our day. We pray for this synod and look forward to the world meeting of and for families in September of 2015 in Philadelphia. Some areas that may be addressed at the synod include, but are not limited to, these three: (1) The state of marriage for our Catholic people; (2) the ways in which we form and educate both adults and children in faith, and (3) same-sex unions.(Excerpts from CELEBRATION, October 5, 2014) Note: This coming Saturday is the feast day of St. Pope John XXIII. It’s a good day to give thanks for the gifts of the Second Vatican Council. Msgr. Bob Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time We Catholics have faced a lot of hostility through the years. “No Catholics Need Apply” is not just a sign on a store in a 19th century tenement district, but an unspoken condescension on the part of a great number of people in our postmodern age. Tell the clerk at the bank that you write a weekly scripture column for Catholic churches, for example, and get ready. God didn’t make the world in six twenty-four hour days. It’s ridiculous that Catholics think they are the only ones going to heaven. Everyone knows that Catholics worship idols. And don’t forget that Catholics want to destroy the planet by clogging it up with unwanted children. Sometimes you just want to stare at people and say, “Learn something. Read a book.” Just for the 1. It was the Catholic scripture scholars who led the way in teaching the UNLITERAL way to read the Genesis account of the beginnings of the world. 2. Catholic teaching holds that God’s mercy exceeds our understanding. 3. Catholics worship Christ, and revere the saints whose witness brings us closer to him. 4. The many beautiful documents the Church has written on the environment are blunt and unwavering: it’s the voracious greed of the developed nations (read “us”) that is bringing the planet to the verge of destruction. This overwhelming misinformation and disdain for the Church (not to mention the inestimable sins of the priestly sexual abuses) has worked to make us embarrassed, apologetic, and silent about where we go on Sundays. But the stone which the culture rejects is still the cornerstone of grace and hope for the century tenement district, but an unspoken condescension on the part of a great Are you embarrassed to reveal that you are Catholic? ANNUAL COAT DRIVE The Eagle County Law Enforcement Immigrant Advisory and the Salvation Army are collecting Children’s winter jackets, snow pants, boots, hats, and gloves. Also adult coats and fleece are needed. Please have items in good condition Drop off at Avon, Eagle and Vail Police Departments, Gypsum Rec Center, The Vail Church, Eagle Vail, Kathy McGovern www.thestoryandyou.com Momnipotent - The Not-So-Perfect Woman's Guide to Catholic Motherhood Attention Moms! Do you ever see these headlines on magazines: "Get Back to Your PreBaby Body!" or " Don't Lose Yourself to Motherhood" or the implied message " Keep a Beautiful, Clean Home Even if You Have Small Children Who Are Constantly Making Messes"? The world doesn't want women to have to change to become a mother, and yet that inevitable change can set us on a path to holiness. Momnipotent, a book and study group for women, validates the dignity and importance of motherhood by helping mothers to recognize 8 uniquely feminine strengths. It also explores "...how to use those strengths to find peace, purpose, balance and joy in being the woman God created and called them to be." Please join us on this 8 week study beginning on October 2, 2014. We will meet Thursday mornings from 8am to 10am at Saint Clare of Assisi School. The cost is $30. Please let us know if you might need childcare. Contact Maria Piliero if you are interested in participating - 970-569-3880 or [email protected]. You can also read more about Altar Server Training Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 Seeking parishioners 4th grade to adults wishing to serve at St. Clare Sunday Mass Training is after St. Clare 8:30am Mass Generally the length of training is 45min to 1 hour Contact Stasi at [email protected] Please Pray for all of those who are in need of and have requested our prayers especially: Those in our prayers: Amanda Painter, Susan Ginac, Pat Gooch, Caleb Lindhorst, Andrea Kolaczkowski, Louis Atencio, Ron Nolte, Karen Smith, Jodi Pals, Jack Sheridan, Tom Verderber, Julia Boggs, Dick Meyer, Alison Gibbs, Kai Kelly, The Dodrill Family, Jack Nolte, Sheila Smith, Laura Castro Annette Provensano, Kelly Jo Swansen, Tom Hyatt, Herbert Zahner, Ethan Schwartz, The Burgaretta Family , Juana Chavez Marquez, Robert Savage Please pray for the repose of the souls of our faithful departed: Jonathan Hyatt , Roberto Loera, Joe Kelly, Msgr. Thomas Dentici To include names, for Mass Intentions or Mass Cards please call the Sunday 8:00 am 8:30 am PARISH ACTIVITIES Rosary St. Mary's Coffee & Donuts St. Mary’s (second Sunday of the month after Mass) Coffee Social after Mass St. Clare’s 9:15am Monday 5:30-6:30pm Blessed Sacrament Adoration St. Mary’s Tuesday 10am Adult Bible Study St. Mary’s 6:00 pm Choir Practice for 8:30am Mass St. Mary’s 7:00pm St. Mary’s Parish Council St. Mary’s (meets second Tuesday of the Month) Wednesday 6:15am Men’s Prayer Group St. Mary’s 6:00pm Choir Practice for 10:30am Mass St. Mary’s 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus St. Mary’s (First Wed. of every Month Thursday 7pm Adult Bible Study St. Mary’s MONTHLY 1st Thursday 7pm Mother’s Group St. Mary’s 2nd Tuesday 7pm Parish Council St. Mary’s JOIN THE ST. CLARE CHILDREN'S CHOIR to sing at the 8:30 Mass on the 2nd Sunday of every month. Practices will be after the 8:30 am Mass on the 1st Sunday of the month. All songs will be sung in English and attendance at practice is mandatory to sing at the Mass. The first practice is Sun., November 2 at 9:45 am, the first Mass to sing at will be on Sun., November 9! Any young parishioner in grades 4th - 8th of St. Clare Parish are invited to join! You do not need to be a student at St. Clare School to be a member of this choir! Any and all voices are welcome! Please contact Carleen Sweet St. Clare Music Director, at or 970.331.4211 or [email protected] if your son or daughter is interested in joining! Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held in Saint Clare's school chapel from Noon-3pm on Wednesdays throughout the school year, beginning October 1st. Please contact Sister Marirose at [email protected] or call 970-926-8980 ext 202 if you would like to commit to a time of adoration. WEEKLY READINGS Monday: Gal 1:6-12/Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday: Gal 1:13-24/Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Gal 2:1-2, 7-14/Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Gal 3:1-5/Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Gal 3:7-14/Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Gal 3:22-29/Lk 11:27-28 Next Sunday: Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20 Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in the Scriptures: The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone...? Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit." - Mt 21:42ab, 43 Is your child over 6 but never Baptized? Did your son or daughter never receive First Holy Communion? Is your teenager over 15 but not Confirmed? We offer a program to prepare youth of all ages for a sacrament they may have missed. Weekly meetings will be held from October to April. Thinking about becoming a Catholic or know someone who is? We are offering a religious education course for adults who are trying to decide if they want to join our church. Class runs from October to April. Times to be determined. Those in the class who choose to join the church will do so at Easter. Interested? Contact: Gelasio Velasco, 970-328-3003 [email protected] for information on both programs. Msgr. Dentici Annual Volunteer Award Dinner Monday, November 3rd Hotel Colorado, Glenwood Springs For a nomination form or for more information contact: Marian McDonough, [email protected] GROUNDBREAKING FOR GROTTO FOR THE HOLY FAMILY ON ST. CLARE GROUNDS Wednesday, October 8th directly following the school Mass (which begins at 8:15am). To design and construct this grotto, we are looking for anyone who has construction, masonry, landscape design, engineering or electrical experience to help create this prayerful place. If you can help in any way, whether it be: intellectual know-how, manual labor, prayerful petitions, or financial contributions, please contact Pete Nowicki at 312-543-5006 or [email protected] Thanks for your prayers and support. PARISH SUPPORT WEEKEND OF 9/28/14 Beaver Creek Sat. 4:15pm 1479.00 St. Mary’s Sat. 7:00pm 1460.00 St. Clare’s Sun. 8:30am 1919.00 St. Mary’s Sun. 8:30am 2276.00 St. Mary’s Sun. 10:30am 1423.00 Beaver Creek Sun. 5:30pm 1078.00 St. Clare’s Sun. 12:30pm 1184.00 TOTAL $10,819.00 TOTAL FROM MONTHLY ELECTRONIC WITHDRAWALS $11,805.00 If you would like to arrange to make convenient monthly electronic withdrawals please contact the parish office at 970-926-1070. M inisterio H ispano PARROQUI AS Santa Clara y Santa M aria Octubre 5, 2014 I NFORM ACI ON I M PORTANTE CURSO DE INTRODUCCIÓN A LA MARIOLOGÍA AVI SO I M PORTANTE PARA PAREJAS: Este curso será impartido en Centro San Juan Diego por el Rev. Jorge Rodriguez, Párroco de Holy Cross “Lo que la fe católica cree acerca de María se funda en lo que cree Los interesados en contraer matrimonio, por favor comunicarse con el Padre Tadeo; es necesario llamar para una cita minimo ocho (8) meses de anticipacion al # (970) (970) 688-1490 acerca de Cristo, pero lo que enseña sobre María ilumina a su vez la fe M I SAS PARA QUI NCEAÑERAS en Cristo” CCE 487 Para apartar una Misa Este curso es para todos los laicos que quieren conocer y profundizar llamar minimo Ocho meses en la figura de María, sus dogmas y su presencia en la Iglesia a través de anticipacion de los siglos. Carmen Fragozo al (970) 688-1490 Tiene una duración de 8 horas distribuidas en 2 sesiones de 4 horas cada una. Este curso es parte de la Certificación de Agentes de Pastoral y se asignará el crédito a los alumnos del mismo. PROGRAM A TELEVI SI VO FE CATOLI CA VI VA Todos los Domingos a las 10:00 a.m. Se presenta por Telemundo Sábados 11 y 18 de septiembre, 2014 a las 8:30AM ¡Inscríbete Pronto, Cupo Limitado! Donación Sugerida $30.00 Para información llamar a: Alfonso Lara Director of Formation & Catechesis Phone: 303-295-9470 ext.111 E-mail: [email protected] “Arquidiocesis de Denver” www.youtube.com/fecatolicaviva GRUPOS EN LA PARROQUI A ADORACI ON NOCTURNA ORACI ON CARI SM ATI CA Hombres y mujeres se reúnen en adoración al Santísimo Sacramento en el Altar, el segundo Sábado de cada mes después de la Misa de 7:00 p.m. Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards Los Miércoles a las 7:00 p.m. Santa Maria, Eagle Para Información comunicarse con José Avilés: (970) 390-3583. Los Viernes a las 7:30 p.m. PROGRAM A DE EDUCACI ON RELI GI OSA C O N F E SI O N E S H AN I NI CI ADO LAS CLASES PARA LOS SANTA M ARI A, EAGLE: NI ÑOS Y ADULTOS DEL CATECI SM O DE Todos los Sábados de 6:00 a 7:00 p.m. SANTA CLARA, EDWARDS Y SANTA M ARI A, EAGLE: SANTA CLARA DE ASI S, EDWARDS: Todos los Viernes de 5:30 a 6:30 p.m. S ean todos bienvenidos. I NFORM ACI ON SOBRE LOS BAUTI ZOS SAN CARLOS BORROM EO, un santo que tomó muy en serio las palabras de Jesús; " Quien ahorra su vida, la pierde, pero el que gasta su vida por Mí, la ganará" . Llegó a ser Arzobispo de Milán y Cardenal, su fiesta se celebra el 4 de noviembre, y es el patrón de los catequistas y de los seminaristas. Su nombre, Carlos, significa " hombre prudente" . TEL. OFICINA: (970) 328-3003 Gelasio Velasco (970) 688/ 1490 Carmen Fragozo REFLEXI ON DE LAS LECTURAS DE H OY I SAÍ AS 5:1-7. Piensa en tu canción favorita. ¿Cuenta alguna historia? ¿Te ayuda en alguna forma a ser mejor persona? Eso hace la canción que Isaías ofrece al pueblo de Dios en la lectura de hoy. Isaías describe a Dios como el dueño de un hermoso viñedo que ha sido cuidadosamente cultivado. El dueño hace todo lo posible para producir uvas sanas. Pero él las combina con agrias uvas silvestres. La canción de Isaías es una parábola que compara al pueblo de Dios con un viñedo que produce uvas agrias. Eso sucede porque han fallado en hacer buen trabajo. Ignoran a los pobres y tratan a los demás injustamente. FI LI PENSES 4:6-9. Si algunos de nosotros pasáramos tanto tiempo rezando como preocupándonos, tendríamos la paz de Dios en nuestros corazones. Pablo nos anima a dar gracias a Dios y pedirle por todas nuestras necesidades. En vez de pensar en nuestros problemas y fallas, debemos pensar más en las cosas buenas en nuestras vidas. Más importante aún, debemos seguir haciendo acciones victoriosas. M ATEO 21:33-43. Jesús compara a Dios con el dueño de un viñedo que envía sus mensajeros a buscar su parte en la cosecha. Los inquilinos golpean, apedrean y dan muerte a los mensajeros del dueño. Cuando el dueño envía a su hijo, los inquilinos lo tratan de la misma forma. Matan al hijo con la esperanza de quedarse con la viña. El hijo en la parábola es Jesús y los mensajeros los profetas, quienes hablan en nombre de Dios. Jesús nos recuerda que el reino será tomado por los que no dan a Dios una buena cosecha de buenas obras. PLA TICA S PRE- BA UTISMA LES Sábado 4 de Octubre a las6:00 pm. En Santa Clara de A sís, Edwards. PROXIMOS BA UTIZOS: Sábado 11de Octubre a las4:00 p.m. en Santa Maria Domingo 26 de Octubre a las 2:00 p. m. Sta. Clara. CONTA CTO PA RA HA CER UNA CITA PA RA ENTREVISTA : DE BA UTIZO: Carmen Edith Fragozo (970) 688- 1490 E- mail: [email protected] REQUISITOSPA RA PODER BA UTIZA R: 1. Llevar a la entrevista fotocopia del A cta de Nacimiento del niño (a). 3 . Fotocopia del A cta de Matrimonio Católico de los padrinos si son casados. 4. Si los padrinos son solteros, presentar fotocopia del Certificado de Confirmación. 4. Dirección y teléfono de los padres y padrinos. NOTA : Para poder bautizar, tanto los padres como padrinos deben participar de cuatro Misas dominicales antes de la fecha del Bautizo; (El Sacerdote les entregara una asistencia despuésde cada Misa. tarjetita de ST. CLARE OF ASSISI CATHOLIC SCHOOL October 5, 2014 “Celebrating 15 years of Catholic Education in the Vail Valley” Accredited by North Central Association through 2015 Non-Discrimination Statement St. Clare of Assisi School is under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Denver and the direction of the Secretariat of Schools for the Archdiocese of Denver. St. Clare does not discriminate on the basis of gender in its admission policy, treatment of students, or employment practices. St. Clare does not discriminate against students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin and admits everyone to the rights, privileges, programs and activities made available to all students. St. Clare does not discriminate in its education policies, its admission policies, its scholarship and loan programs or its athletic and other administered programs. www.stclarecatholicschool.com In pursuit of educational excellence, St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School continues to develop programs such as music, art, and technology. Our teachers continue to pursue their education and are enrolled in professional development courses, masters programs, and certification programs. Our families create a nurturing environment where the St. Clare community supports the development of our students in their faith, academically, in their athletics, and personal pursuits. We need the support of our parish community to continue to nurture the blessing of our school for our children and the future of our Catholic faith. If you would like to help support Catholic education here in Eagle County there are many ways to consider such as our Teacher Wish List, Tuition Assistance Fund, or contributing to our General Fund which helps to maintain our school building, provide materials for our teachers, and supports general operations of St. Clare. For more information, please contact Gina Demarest, Director of Development (970)376-3135 or at [email protected] Please mail donations to : St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School c/o Development * P.O. Box 667 * Edwards, CO 81632 * * * * * St. Clare’s Teacher Wish List PE Wish List * Create-a Beam Balance Set $119. * Ultra Pro Weighted Hurdles $99.95 * Rainbow Intro Fil Agility Ladders $119. * Rainbow Coated Foam Ball Pack $395.00 * Rainbow Pathway Tunnels $105.00 * Rainbow Ultrlite Kickballs $59.95 * Gopher Ultrachute $89.95 Art Wish List * Pottery Studio, purchase cost of shed and electricity $6,000.00 ***** M usic Wish List * Music Curriculum, Teacher Resources/Books to support the K-4 Music Program $9,800.00 ($10,000.00 total $200.00 raised) Sc ie nc e Wish List Re de e m ing Box T ops he lps our sc hools e a rn CASH t o purc ha se supplie s. Ple a se le a ve your Box T ops in t he offe rt ory ba sk e t . Y ou c a n dona t e t o e it he r St . Mary’s Preschool or St. Clare! T ha nk you for your support ! * Scholastic News & Science Spin Magazines $410.00 Scholastic News is a kid-focused, curriculumconnected current events news weekly! Each issue presents high-interest, late-breaking news in a variety of engaging formats and encourages students to understand and interpret the world around them. Thank you to the parishioners who have been dropping their Box Tops in the offertory. St . Cla re Eve nt s Ca le nda r October 6th - 10th Scholastic Book Fair Each book purchased helps St. Clare earn points toward the purchase of books for our new Reading Resource Room! St. Clare 8am-3pm M,T,W 8am –7pm Thrs. 8am-12noon Fri. October 24th Fall Wine Tasting Join us for an evening of wine, food, and fellowship. Sponsored by Avon Liquor, proceeds from each bottle of wine purchased supports St. Clare’s Technology Program and the purchase of a computer cart and 25 Mac Book Airs. Please help us raise $29,000.00 ! We at St. Clare would like to say a great “Thank You” to Patrick Wilhelm, Wind Rose Properties, and the amazing staff at The Club at Cordillera for your generosity and hospitality! Opening the Summit Course to our St. Clare community was such a blessing. Everyone who was able to join us for a Day On the Greens had a wonderful time! ($ 3 0 ,0 0 0 ne e de d w e ha ve ra ise d $ 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0 ) If you would like to make a donation to our Technology Program but can not attend the event, please contact Gina Demarest, (970) 376-3135 or [email protected] November 6 Veteran’s Day Program Join us in honoring the veterans of our country and community. St. Clare’s band will be performing! St. Clare gymnasium . Time TBA Find it hard to make the time to pray, exercise, and pick your kids up from school on time? Join us as we flow through a series of yoga poses paired with the mysteries of the Rosary. . . As Warriors for Christ! Tuesdays at 2:30 on the St. Clare field…then hop in the carpool line and get your kids with a renewed sense of peace! St. Clare’s Annual Wine Tasting Fundraiser Sponsored by Avon Liquor You are cordially invited to St. Clare’s Luxury Suite (aka Guadalupe Center) For the playoff game White vs. Red Which will dominate your palate? Enjoy wines from around the globe while helping to raise funds for St. Clare’s Technology Program. This is a wonderful opportunity to purchase wine and spirits for the upcoming holidays. Use as gifts or for holiday dinners! Friday October 24, 2014 5:30pm –8pm St. Clare Gymnasium Questions? Contact Laura Nowici at 970-926-8746 [email protected] BOY S BASK ET BALL COACH N EEDED T he se a son be gins Oc t obe r 1 3 ! Sarah Bluhm (970) 926-8980 [email protected] You can do it!